Hey! Hey! Put the hatchets down a second, lets chat.
So, I had been working on "woodcoin-b", which was just another woodcoin wallet / full node, but built on a fork of the current bitcoind / bitcoin-qt version as pushed by "the power rangers", a.k.a. what you get at github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin.git.
The idea was, why not have another client? It can't hurt and could strengthen the network. Currently, the reference client for woodcoin is, at least is afaik what most you folks run, a fork of litecoin with the woodcoin algos and genesis block dropped in, as advertised at github.com/funkshelper/woodcoin.git. Woodcoind and woodcoin-qt : solid, reliable, and fast wallets.
So then last week, the litecoin team (that is, the folks who update github.com/litecoinproject/litecoin.git), comes out and "moves to the 0.10 branch". I'm not going to get into what that means for litecoin, but basically it means I have to make some decisions on which codebases to maintain here. Simply saying "git merge" won't work here.
I'm not going to pretend that any of this controls the coin. Github could drop off the face of the earth, and me as well (and by the way, we both will), and woodcoin won't really care. However, I am going to do what I can to help the codesbases that I see as important while I can. In this regard, I am going to maintain our current reference client as is (forked from litecoin 0.
as long as possible. A source tarball, with checksum and signature, sits at woodcoin.org/woodcoin.tgz at the moment (see download page for details). I encourage you to grab a copy just in case.
I'm also going to try to continue with a full whatever-we-find-at-bitcoin-github client, to be merged with any changes to that project.
-And- I am going to make a 0.5.3 woodcoin reference ciient (no gui), to be merged with any changes to that project (see thebitcoin.foundation for more info on that project).
However I don't at the moment see any need to try to duplicate the direction github/litecoinproject is going, that is we don't need to merge changes into our reference client in that way, not if the above two project are being maintained. Of course if you want to do that, you are welcome to it.
Please let me know if you have any concerns over the state any of this software is in, or have better ideas. Other related projects on the table for bounty:
LOGd (fork of BTCd written in GO)
LOG Android Wallet
OK, thanks for listening. This has been a forest-wide public service announcement brought to you by:
funkenstein the dwarf