LOL It shouldn't realistically, but the problem is we won't know, it's one of the problems of an overreaching surveillance state, you can get on a watchlist for literally anything, hell, I wouldn't be surprised if America already has files on the long term members here in all seriousness but that's just my paranoia talking, but that's how paranoid THEY are.
there is a difference between paranoia and fears (one is groundless the other real) as for intend and act (I want, I do), for a SVM I ask myself who are the closest members to my actual categorization... it just get exponential... They still
seems to be able to use the tools, but it flag them as users. I don't know the consequences of such flag.
Edit: it start to get fun with those : no logs mode usage flagging and post action deletion of logs... overarching.
And you want to know when it starts to spin crazy, trying to SVM GOD.
I know we can trust, and there is no serious other hope from the servants of sauron.
edit 2: I personally love the "potential traitor of the agency"... bad category apparently.