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Author Topic: nvidia 480 khash?  (Read 3069 times)
Cablesaurus (OP)
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February 23, 2011, 06:35:34 AM

Anyone have any khash reports on an nvidia 480? I hadn't seen any discussion on it and am wondering if anyone's tried?

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February 23, 2011, 06:39:03 AM

I'm getting around ~ 50000 khash/sec on my GTX 460 at stock speeds. I could bump that up some more but I have it tuned to keep my desktop mostly usable. Smiley

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February 23, 2011, 12:11:39 PM
expected hash rate: roughly 101000 khash/s, that is 101Mhash/s
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February 23, 2011, 05:29:33 PM

I get 108000-109000 and I haven't overclocked it. I use the CUDA rpcminer.  When I use poclbm (opencl), I get around 104000.
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February 23, 2011, 05:33:37 PM

I have a 460 and get ~70 Mhash/s with Diablo's miner.

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February 26, 2011, 11:19:23 AM

105900kH/sec on my 470 OC'd to 775 core (still stable on stock voltage)
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May 17, 2011, 05:40:56 AM

Hi all.. I would love to get my GTX460 going at high khash but right now just 4800k with basic bitcoin running because of all these problems:

Why is installing and running these tools always missing something or assuming something???

Do you need python installed for poclbm??  Do you have to uninstall it if you do have it?  (traceback shows path to my python dir instead of the local library, so where do you really put everything??)

Does your RPC stuff have to use the same name as the user dir on the computer?

Why does GUI MINER say it is connecting but never does?? 

I run bitcoin with server flag but do I start generating coins on that client or do I wait until whatever ever other client is up and running to start generating??

It just seems that everyone's miner program leaves something out of their instructions and since they are all different you can't piece together anything... so i don't know how all you got it going


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May 17, 2011, 02:46:13 PM

11000, stock speeds, poclbm. I run with "-v -f 1". I haven't had much luck with the -w flag. Underclocking the memory cools the card down noticeably but doesn't increase speed.

DPoS, the default bitcoin client uses your CPU to mine for coins. Use something like poclbm or rpcminer-cuda. I recommend GUIMiner but you don't have to use that.
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