Sr. Member
Activity: 364
Merit: 250
The 4th industrial revolution!
December 10, 2014, 01:02:31 PM |
Money coming out of BTC into XRP.....slowlyyyyyyy
Activity: 7
Merit: 0
December 10, 2014, 01:08:58 PM |
Because it's the only Bitcoin 2.0 that, together with Codius, will make it in the real world. Bitcoin 1.0 has to many issues, Stellar died last week & Ethereum is to complicated and to slow.
Activity: 22
Merit: 0
December 10, 2014, 02:16:38 PM |
Because it's the only Bitcoin 2.0 that, together with Codius, will make it in the real world. Bitcoin 1.0 has to many issues, Stellar died last week & Ethereum is to complicated and to slow.
Sr. Member
Activity: 692
Merit: 254
December 10, 2014, 02:25:39 PM |
Because it's the only Bitcoin 2.0 that, together with Codius, will make it in the real world. Bitcoin 1.0 has to many issues, Stellar died last week & Ethereum is to complicated and to slow.
How is it Bitcoin 2.0? In what universe?
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December 10, 2014, 02:30:18 PM |
Money coming out of BTC into XRP.....slowlyyyyyyy
The volume is starting to go down now so it's getting slower and slower.
December 10, 2014, 02:31:29 PM |
er....Ripple isn't actually a crypto-currency, guys, and so far has absolutely no 2nd gen features, so callling it Bitcoin 2.0 is , well, wrong. Ripple was designed to do one thing: act as a semi-centralised transfer/exchange system. https://ripple.com/knowledge_center/bridge-currency/
December 10, 2014, 02:32:15 PM |
Because it's the only Bitcoin 2.0 that, together with Codius, will make it in the real world. Bitcoin 1.0 has to many issues, Stellar died last week & Ethereum is to complicated and to slow.
+1 so many newly registered users on this forum that will pump anything but bitcoin I wonder why and fyi Ripple is not "bitcoin 2.0" - If you disagree feel free to explain why. oh, you cant? ok.
Sr. Member
Activity: 364
Merit: 250
The 4th industrial revolution!
December 10, 2014, 02:45:19 PM |
Money coming out of BTC into XRP.....slowlyyyyyyy
The volume is starting to go down now so it's getting slower and slower. Slowly but Surely.....
Activity: 7
Merit: 0
December 10, 2014, 02:57:23 PM |
Because it's the only Bitcoin 2.0 that, together with Codius, will make it in the real world. Bitcoin 1.0 has to many issues, Stellar died last week & Ethereum is to complicated and to slow.
+1 so many newly registered users on this forum that will pump anything but bitcoin I wonder why and fyi Ripple is not "bitcoin 2.0" - If you disagree feel free to explain why. oh, you cant? ok. Won't even try to explain it to the deaf ... will let the market do it for you - in a more visual way....
December 10, 2014, 03:04:41 PM |
Because it's the only Bitcoin 2.0 that, together with Codius, will make it in the real world. Bitcoin 1.0 has to many issues, Stellar died last week & Ethereum is to complicated and to slow.
The only 2.0 that will make it? Really? https://paycoin.com/
Always get cryptonews, free bitcoins, free altcoins and free mining opportunities: follow @Bansheroom on Twitter
December 10, 2014, 03:35:56 PM |
Pity you're forgetting the main players in the 'Bitcoin 2.0' field: NXT and Counterparty. Both have real-world businesses on board right now, NXT was actually designed from the ground up to support a range of 2nd gen crypto features...... Take a look at the crypto-assets market: http://coinmarketcap.com/assets/and I'm conveniently ignoring NEM, Mastercoin and Bitshares, not to mention the legion of NXT clones.
Activity: 22
Merit: 0
December 11, 2014, 07:43:49 AM |
Money coming out of BTC into XRP.....slowlyyyyyyy
The volume is starting to go down now so it's getting slower and slower. Yep.. that's why it went to 505M over night
The Chainmaker

Activity: 112
Merit: 10
December 11, 2014, 09:22:17 AM |
Because it's the only Bitcoin 2.0 that, together with Codius, will make it in the real world. Bitcoin 1.0 has to many issues, Stellar died last week & Ethereum is to complicated and to slow.
Ethereum is going to be the altcoin killer. Vitalik was able to clone CounterParty on Ethereum in 4 hours. After it comes out any kind of innovation by any other platform can immediately be cloned and added to Ethereum. But Ethereum can also be cloned, so that is a bit of a problem. Also, Ripple isn't really a 2.0
If it can be digitized, it should be decentralized
Activity: 1778
Merit: 1043
#Free market
December 11, 2014, 09:24:50 AM |
Because it's the only Bitcoin 2.0 that, together with Codius, will make it in the real world. Bitcoin 1.0 has to many issues, Stellar died last week & Ethereum is to complicated and to slow.
Ripple is all premined , bitcoin is not premined  . You're telling me that ripple is betterh than btc ? I think you're wrong.
Activity: 22
Merit: 0
December 11, 2014, 11:02:35 AM |
Because it's the only Bitcoin 2.0 that, together with Codius, will make it in the real world. Bitcoin 1.0 has to many issues, Stellar died last week & Ethereum is to complicated and to slow.
Ripple is all premined , bitcoin is not premined  . You're telling me that ripple is betterh than btc ? I think you're wrong. Calculate the value of premined BTC (Satoshi) and XRP(RippleLabs) and you'll be very wrong 
Activity: 1008
Merit: 1009
December 11, 2014, 11:55:22 AM |
Ripple is all premined , bitcoin is not premined  . You're telling me that ripple is betterh than btc ? I think you're wrong. Actually it wasn't pre mined at all - it's not POW so how can it have been mined? Premined means a POW client which wasn't released to the public until the creator(s) had personally used the closed client to mine the first bunch of coins for themselves.
Activity: 47
Merit: 0
December 11, 2014, 01:53:32 PM |
Can't understand why Ripple is raising and raising when all other coins are going to fall.
I'm truely wondering about the phenomenon.
Where can I buy some Ripple coins and what is so special about it that is has got such a hugh market cap at the moment?
Sr. Member
Activity: 364
Merit: 250
The 4th industrial revolution!
December 11, 2014, 01:59:48 PM |
Can't understand why Ripple is raising and raising when all other coins are going to fall.
I'm truely wondering about the phenomenon.
Where can I buy some Ripple coins and what is so special about it that is has got such a hugh market cap at the moment?
Do you want to buy with USD, BTC, or what?
December 11, 2014, 02:02:03 PM |
...what is so special about it that is has got such a hugh market cap at the moment?
If you create 100 Billion coins and sell one to yourself for a dollar, you'll be a billionaire.. It is curious it's market cap is increasing.. even if they capture a large fraction of the ~$500 Billion remittance market that was in 2013, I can't see why the XCP needs that amount of value.. it's not holding the value for a long period. $500 Billion/365 days/24 hours.. even if they were holding each transaction for an hour.. the market cap seems excessive. I expect bitAssets the like that BitShares is creating will do the same in a few years and you won't need to put the money up front in anticipation of the demand. Ripple will be left with a few very large bag holders and Ripple Inc perhaps will have made a bundle and moved into real digital currencies. It's not a Ripple, it's a bubble! ™