I am sorry to say but after purchasing this. They charged me for more! ($20+ to so called make sure its encrypted! (NOT ENCODED)).
Anywho I spent over $50 bucks on this so called secure php project. Later I found out I was able to get the pure source by decrypting all of the files. I found out where the person is using to manage licences. So secure?
I removed it to do a demo and bamn. I didn't need them to send me a license as I was able to null it. All in all I am upset with this product. I wish to get a refund since your product did not end up to doing what it says it does. Also the features are not so good as well.
If I do get a refund I will publicly post all the data for free and the clean source without the licensing needed.
I am really upset.
You do not have any rights to make it null! If you consider to make it null is your option but is not fair!
Before to buy it you have asked us to give for free, after 2-3 days you have purchased, now after 12 days you want the refund because you broke the code, is it fair? If is happening this with your software what you will feel?
This mean no one can do nothing because anything can be hacked!