This thread and the
Free Bitcoin Sites thread is for sites that have been verified to give out free Bitcoin.
It is not a place to post your referral links
*, or a link to your, or someone else's, unverified website where there
is a list of the same sites (often with referral links, and/or site redirection, and/or web mining, and who knows
what else going on behind the scenes).
Such posts are spam.
If you know of a free Bitcoin site that is not already on
the list (including in the 'discontinued' section)
then post that link here so we can check it out for inclusion in
the list, if it is worthy.
Be careful about using links on random websites that claim to give out Bitcoin, or have lists of sites that
give out Bitcoin. Use the list in the OP of the
Free Bitcoin Sites thread instead, which is checked everyday by many people
who follow this thread, as well as being watched over by the moderators of this forum.
* What is wrong with referral links?
They are not allowed on this forum in posts. They spam up the place.
Put them in your sig or email them to your friends instead.