Is this going to be set up similar to your OBSI.1MHS bond? The one where initial investors are screwed over by a lowered "second" IPO price 32% less than the initial IPO? It only took a few weeks for that to go from .25 BTC to .16 BTC a share.
Just wondering.
These bonds will not be offered by OBSI.HRPT for less than 0.1 BTC
Initial investors in OBSI.1MHS were not screwed over. They valued 1 MH/s at the IPO price and above at that point in time. They are still receiving exactly what the contract states (a bit more in fact) and they have the opportunity to purchase more OBSI.1MHS bonds for an even better price. Do I control the price at which the market values 1 MH/s? Should I attempt to prop it up? Or should I continue my expansion (which is the entire reason for the offering) at prices that remain profitable?
Why won't you say who they are? How would we actually know if they defaulted?
I might as well send BTC to some random bitcoin address.
"Well "they" defaulted guys. Sorry about that." lol.
You'd have to take my word for it. Like many of my other offerings, and many things in life, it's based on trust. If you don't trust me to be honest about the situation, then you shouldn't invest in my offerings.
Why do you still keep OBSI.1MHS running, since you can now buy back shares with the money you got minus dividends and still have a profit? Also you seem to have this amazing opportunity here to get interest rates similar to a ponzi scheme but without being one of course, as you - the nice and friendly neighbourhood businessman that you are - never would invest. It might make Baby Jesus cry after all!
Honestly, I don't understand why such stuff is even allowed on GLBSE, this is right against rule #9 imho:
9. The Exchange reserves the right to suspend trading of any asset, or suspend access to an asset creator's account, for failure of an asset creator to provide requested information, or in the event of suspected fraud.
I highly suspect fraud in this venture and I think I'm not the only one, judging from posts so far.
By the way:
* No buyback clause
* No way of knowing that the underlying venture really has defaulted (or exists, or doesn't have much better rates than what's paid here or...)
* Paying 0% interest forever is not even against the contract(!)
* 10 million bonds issued
* Issuer has a history of at least questionable actions with his GLBSE assets
* ...
How stupid (and I don't use that word often!) must people be who buy this stuff?!