January 21, 2015, 02:48:19 PM |
... I'd say we have a long way to go before Bitcoin dies for good. ... Remember to whistle a deceptively cheerful tune as you trudge to the gallows. Bitcoin: Your living will envy the dead.
January 21, 2015, 03:41:31 PM |
"NotLambchop: This Obvious Serial Troll is currently ignored." 
Activity: 3066
Merit: 1188
January 21, 2015, 06:09:27 PM |
No money went into btc directly.
LOL. ! That's probably the most feeble attempt at bitcoin fud I've ever seen. Think you'd better have another go. Maybe try the "$300 million is nothing" angle ? Or "it's just a tax write off" ?
January 21, 2015, 06:22:26 PM |
What is it about "investing in PayPal is not investing in USD" that you find so difficult to grasp?
Activity: 2576
Merit: 1087
January 21, 2015, 06:26:20 PM |
What is it about "investing in PayPal is not investing in USD" that you find so difficult to grasp?
Investing in Paypal is investing in the potential profit to be made in USD remittance Investing in Coinbase is investing in the potential profit to be made in BTC remittance I can see the case for both. I can see the risks in both. Probably I'm not your target audience though.
"A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash would allow online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution" - Satoshi Nakamoto*my posts are not investment advice*
January 21, 2015, 06:37:09 PM |
PayPal works regardless of USD price, so knowing that USD is going to tank should not dissuade me from investing in PayPal. Coinbase works regardless of BTC price, so knowing that BTC is going to tank should not dissuade me from investing in Coinbase. Did this help?
Activity: 2114
Merit: 1040
A Great Time to Start Something!
January 21, 2015, 07:49:18 PM |
This is some of the best Bitcoin news in history, and the market will react eventually. 
January 21, 2015, 07:54:59 PM |
This is some of the best Bitcoin news in history, and the market will react eventually.  The converse (the market won't react instantly) is also equally valid in the wonderful abstracted world of Bitcoin.
January 23, 2015, 01:43:10 PM |
First NYSE has stake in a Bitcoin company, now the Winklevii bringing a fully regulated, compliant exchange for both Institutions and Individual alike: to buckle up gents. It's going to be a very good 2015. Bounce back year from the downward slope that was 2014.
January 23, 2015, 01:53:32 PM |
This is some of the best Bitcoin news in history, and the market will react eventually.  The converse (the market won't react instantly) is also equally valid in the wonderful abstracted world of Bitcoin. Capitulation is still too close for the market to react immediately, but for sure this will eventually play a part in a future rise.
Activity: 3636
Merit: 4848
January 23, 2015, 02:21:00 PM |
Major news, getting very exited about it! But impressive as it is, Wall Street's sudden desire to invest in Bitcoin is only one sign of bigger things to come for Bitcoin in 2015...They must see tremendous potential in Bitcoin to dump millions of dollars into cryptocurrency startups. And now traditional investors are seeing that potential, too.
The number of merchants accepting Bitcoin exploded from 36,000 to 82,000. The number of Bitcoin wallets more than doubled from 3.19 million to 7.95 million. Bitcoin ATMs went from just four to 341.
"In the beginning, you get these wild speculative types, then slowly the numbers get bigger, then the suits move in," Glocer, the former Thomson Reuters CEO, told The Wall Street Journal . "And you wake up one day and it's a billion-dollar business."
Read more:
2015 will be so awsome, buy youre extra (full) coins now before waking up somewhere in this year and its all gone with this uber cheap coins.
January 23, 2015, 07:39:20 PM |
Is it even more exciting when you write it in bold?
Sr. Member
Activity: 350
Merit: 250
Honest 80s business!
January 23, 2015, 09:29:56 PM |
It shows how much Bitcoin has already become 'a thing' where the big money is! They know about it, and a lot of people are very eager and willing to put some money in, at least 'pocket money'. And if you know who those people are, you know 'pocket money' isn't what pocket money is for us people! 
January 23, 2015, 09:46:28 PM |
I hope this thread is right. I've got a few btc that I would sell off if the price goes high again. However, if they prices stays the same or drops, I'll just HODL till the ground.
January 24, 2015, 01:05:01 AM |
I also think it's a very good thing to get a lot of FIAT into the actual backbone and infrastructure of Bitcoin and not only into the currency itself. Sure, it's tempting to see millions of USD flowing into BTC, but the ecosystem needs to sustain and justify the high prices, as well!
I should have gotten into Bitcoin back in 1992...
Activity: 1120
Merit: 1000
January 25, 2015, 06:43:02 AM |
I also think it's a very good thing to get a lot of FIAT into the actual backbone and infrastructure of Bitcoin and not only into the currency itself. Sure, it's tempting to see millions of USD flowing into BTC, but the ecosystem needs to sustain and justify the high prices, as well!
it is good if you know what you are doing and have good capital. Otherwise you might do bad stuff or get scammed and lose all your money. For people that don't understand the technicals buy BTC might be better
January 25, 2015, 06:54:28 AM |
I also think it's a very good thing to get a lot of FIAT into the actual backbone and infrastructure of Bitcoin and not only into the currency itself. Sure, it's tempting to see millions of USD flowing into BTC, but the ecosystem needs to sustain and justify the high prices, as well!
it is good if you know what you are doing and have good capital. Otherwise you might do bad stuff or get scammed and lose all your money. For people that don't understand the technicals buy BTC might be better Exactly it means people have faith in the big companies behind bitcoin (The companies help to give it value imo)
January 25, 2015, 10:02:13 AM |
I also think it's a very good thing to get a lot of FIAT into the actual backbone and infrastructure of Bitcoin and not only into the currency itself. Sure, it's tempting to see millions of USD flowing into BTC, but the ecosystem needs to sustain and justify the high prices, as well!
it is good if you know what you are doing and have good capital. Otherwise you might do bad stuff or get scammed and lose all your money. For people that don't understand the technicals buy BTC might be better Exactly it means people have faith in the big companies behind bitcoin (The companies help to give it value imo) Bitcoin is not a religion (though it seems to be for a lot of folks around here).
January 25, 2015, 05:48:50 PM |
I also think it's a very good thing to get a lot of FIAT into the actual backbone and infrastructure of Bitcoin and not only into the currency itself. Sure, it's tempting to see millions of USD flowing into BTC, but the ecosystem needs to sustain and justify the high prices, as well!
it is good if you know what you are doing and have good capital. Otherwise you might do bad stuff or get scammed and lose all your money. For people that don't understand the technicals buy BTC might be better Exactly it means people have faith in the big companies behind bitcoin (The companies help to give it value imo) Bitcoin is not a religion (though it seems to be for a lot of folks around here). So what, having faith is a valid word outside religious context. We have faith in Bitcoin in the sense of we think thinks will turn out good for it given evidence (aka, all other alternatives are crap and Bitcoin is the original and has all the network power effect).
Activity: 4284
Merit: 5209
You're never too old to think young.
January 25, 2015, 05:53:30 PM |
I also think it's a very good thing to get a lot of FIAT into the actual backbone and infrastructure of Bitcoin and not only into the currency itself. Sure, it's tempting to see millions of USD flowing into BTC, but the ecosystem needs to sustain and justify the high prices, as well!
it is good if you know what you are doing and have good capital. Otherwise you might do bad stuff or get scammed and lose all your money. For people that don't understand the technicals buy BTC might be better Exactly it means people have faith in the big companies behind bitcoin (The companies help to give it value imo) Bitcoin is not a religion (though it seems to be for a lot of folks around here). So what, having faith is a valid word outside religious context. We have faith in Bitcoin in the sense of we think thinks will turn out good for it given evidence (aka, all other alternatives are crap and Bitcoin is the original and has all the network power effect). Some people even have faith in "Technical" Analysis.