Portable Bitcoin Core for WindowsI've written a small utility program for Windows that will allow a user to run Bitcoin-QT from an attached USB Flash Drive or SD memory card. The program basically points the
-datadir to the attached memory device so the blockchain will be downloaded directly to the device.
Right now I'm only releasing a version for Testnet and will wait for feedback before I release either the source code or the Mainnet version.
You can find the program under the downloads section Here:
http://www.phpbitadmin.comIt was written in vb.net and tested on a Windows 8.1 laptop. The zip file contains Bitcoin-QT [ Version v0.10.0rc3 ] along with another program that will safely eject the media once QT is closed. Extract the contents of the zip file directly onto the attached device. I recommend a 4GB USB Flash Drive or SD Card which should be plenty of room for this Testnet version.
Mark Patterson