Crestington and Sudo23 will be managing the fund for this and we believe this is benenficial to everyone in the community.
To start the Development Fund would only be accessible by Sudo23 and Crestington
Thats what the Community has accepted and has decided.
Sudo and Crestington are the only persons who have qualified to hold the premined funds - as long time supporters!! (Sudo23 is the longest colossuscoin supporter and Founder!)
I vote for Sudo (50%) and Crestington (50%) for managing the Funds.
- not "kingscrown".
Sudo23 [08|Feb 09:08 AM]: I will escrow half of the premine/dev fund, CV2 address. I made a separate wallet for the premine CcA5mLworvoLPkseFwLfuUM7HaFN4dqsVz and checkpoint master key (send crest via e-mail)
Heat007 [08|Feb 09:42 AM]: Ok! i agree!! Sudo and Crestington have done so much for Colossuscoin. We have total trust and confidence in Crestington and Sudo. Keep it up!
Th82 [08|Feb 10:22 AM]: NICE!!! and i agree to all of this!! I will run big GIVEAWAYs SOON on our Forums soon
Th82 [08|Feb 10:23 AM]: I can't wait for Launch. I will mine it fresh from the start
Sudo23 [08|Feb 10:26 AM]: Thank you Guys for your commitment and support - let's continue down this road together.
Sudo23 [08|Feb 10:56 AM]: Hopefully all goes well!
Heat007 [08|Feb 11:17 AM]: Ok let's go!!
Bitcoin [08|Feb 12:13 PM]: col1.5.2.0 isnt syncing again!
Heat007 [08|Feb 12:19 PM]: new Client ist on, send me some coins for testing please: CZtzzcHj4T5MpT2yGEaPxeGUbB8ju5qBUm
Heat007 [08|Feb 12:23 PM]: no syncing here too
Th82 [08|Feb 01:16 PM]: NICE Its sync't!!
Th82 [08|Feb 01:20 PM]: CSaDMNDkEVSK3HD7u3YKYWJJ9WWYChECLc pls send me also coins for testing
Th82 [08|Feb 01:20 PM]: GO GO GO!!!
Bitcoin [08|Feb 01:23 PM]: yap col2 is synced!
Bitcoin [08|Feb 01:23 PM]: im trying col 1.5.2 again if it syncs!
Sudo23 [08|Feb 02:08 PM]: Yeah!! Great
Sudo23 [08|Feb 02:10 PM]: i have updated the ANN threads and CV2 has been added to [08|Feb 02:10 PM]: Colossuscoin2.0 synced well
Crestington [08|Feb 02:10 PM]: fantastic launch has begin
Sudo23 [08|Feb 02:11 PM]: yeah! very good job
Crestington [08|Feb 02:11 PM]: make sure you are only using the launch version
Sudo23 [08|Feb 02:13 PM]: i added this souce [08|Feb 02:14 PM]: Price Per COL 0.00000008 (LTC)
Sudo23 [08|Feb 02:15 PM]: we missed you on the launch 21.00 UTC but all works well
Crestington [08|Feb 02:24 PM]: it's hard to launch exactly on time
Sudo23 [08|Feb 02:31 PM]: everything went smoothly
Crestington [08|Feb 02:32 PM]: You can send me a list of a bunch of addresses for you guys which helps with anonyminity
Crestington [08|Feb 02:32 PM]: have to run to work, be back later
lovecol [08|Feb 06:30 PM]: nice
Crestington [09|Feb 12:21 AM]: Hey I'm back
Crestington [09|Feb 12:21 AM]: I need more addresses to send to
Crestington [09|Feb 12:22 AM]: please send me atleast 8 or more addresses per person to send to, You can create addresses and label them in your wallet.
Sudo23 [09|Feb 02:48 AM]: hi crestington, i have sent you 8 addresses for the half of the premine/escrow and Checkpoint Master Key wallet (if it's needed)
Sudo23 [09|Feb 02:54 AM]: if you need only one address, just take one of these addresses
Sudo23 [09|Feb 02:57 AM]: we should create an open ledger for the premine and for the reimbursement of lost Coins and swap-over
Crestington [09|Feb 05:03 AM]: Kingscrown will do escrow for reimbusement
Crestington [09|Feb 05:03 AM]: it will be better if he does it because he is more active on Bitcointalk
Th82 [09|Feb 06:00 AM]: who is kingscrown?i don't know him. sudo an you would be better and lets do it here on colossuscointalk !
Th82 [09|Feb 06:53 AM]: i don't think its good that one person holds 75% of the coins. managing it togehter is more effective! sudo and you are also good escrows
Th82 [09|Feb 06:55 AM]: i''ll send my cv2 adresses later. regards tom
Heat007 [09|Feb 09:20 AM]: Who the is Kingscrown?? I believe Sudo23 is the much better person, cause he was always with COL , who are you to decide this alone?
Heat007 [09|Feb 09:21 AM]: wtf
Heat007 [09|Feb 09:21 AM]:
Heat007 [09|Feb 11:11 AM]: COLV2 is nothing without support of the community, specially with such a huge premine Sudo23 have the major community support as the founder, website and forum owner and it longest supporter. I am not the person to say last words but I think sudo should be the only escow
Bitcoin [09|Feb 11:12 AM]: col 1.5.2 has no conections!
Bitcoin [09|Feb 11:12 AM]: Agreed!
Th82 [09|Feb 12:38 PM]: Agreed!!
Th82 [09|Feb 12:39 PM]: the community is the key to success and we should decide it togehter!! its open source and i agreed that sudo should escrow the premine. from colossuscoin-roots for the community!!!