You can see the original contest thread here: need to be made to, but feel free to comment and discuss the contest here all you want. I've reposted the contest details from below.
Reward: 1 BTC
Suspense Date: Thursday, February 12th 12 Noon PST
Last Week's Contest:Last week's contest to develop a slogan for Backed went very well with user BitcoinMafia the eventual winner of the 0.25 BTC grand prize. As you can see we now have our new slogan:
Powered By You. Backed By Bitcoin.
Congratulations to BitcoinMafia, the reigning Backed Contest Champion!!!
Explanation (This Week's Contest):So for our next contest we've decided to up the stakes a bit. Write a post about either what you would do if we gave you one bitcoin or what we as a community should do with one bitcoin.
Responses will be judged based off of a number of factors, including viability of the idea, post quality, and creativity.
The Post:Submissions should be created as posts to Backed, then linked to by the submitter in the comments. For example, if the title of my post/submission was 'we should tip a celebrity one bitcoin on twitter', then the comment would look like this:
We Should Tip A Celebrity One Bitcoin On TwitterBut don't choose that as your post, it's silly, and celebrities probably don't need our bitcoin.
Post Titles And SubjectTry not to title the post 'What I Would Do With One Bitcoin', otherwise we'll end up with a home page covered in those posts. Instead, pick a unique name for your entry and tag it with [1BTC] so we know that your post is part of the contest. Following from the earlier example, your title might look like this:
[1BTC] We Should Tip A Celebrity One Bitcoin On TwitterThe Reward:One Bitcoin! The best post gets it.
Registration and EligibilityYou must register an account and post your submission on Backed for it to be considered. At the moment Hotmail users probably won't be able to sign up with their Hotmail address as our registration emails are being rejected by Hotmail (damn you Microsoft!!!). If you are having this problem you can do one of two things:
Use a different email account (recommended)
Register with your Hotmail address, then send us an email at (we'll confirm you manually and send you an email)
For this contest, submissions placed on other sites will not be accepted.