If you could, please power the unit off. Open the cover, then reseat each Hashing PCB and the Control PCB to make sure. Then power it back on and see if it fixes the issue. May have to shut it down a few times.
if you are seeing some X's, it could be the firmware bugs but if it is completely gone or all ----- with 0 temperatue, power cycle has a chance of fixing it.
If not, please try to insert this trouble hashing PCB into a different slot and see if the whole -------- travel with the card or remain with the slot. If it travel with the hashing PCB, we may be able to offer you the replacement Hashing PCB. If it remains with the slot, then your backplain may be damaged
Ive been using this S2 for a couple of weeks now. Very happy about it.. Until now. I was casually checking the admin web interface for temperatures, as I do everyday, and saw this:
A few minutes before that (unfortunately i dont have a screenshot for that) i could swear i saw the chain above that one with a status like ------x----x---x-- or something around those lines. inactive chips and 2 or 3 dead ones. Ive been resetting a few times the unit to check if by some miracle it would fix (ex windows user, still have that habit) but nein.
So, any thoughts? Has this happened to any of you before? Is there something that can be done?