That there has been a potential to uproot the families that have owned and controlled the gold. This is the first time in thousands of years there is a chance that someone else could take control of the worlds wealth. Those that have control of the gold control gov fiat.
Remeber this. What BTC's value is is a lot less significant than the fact it is controlled by nerds. IMO to remove the control of the worlds wealth from sociopaths and psychopaths offers potential non of us can even fathom.
I don't think gold is the only or the main thing that has ever maintained power. Nor do I believe sociopaths do not control most of btc just because they are "nerds".
There is even certain amount of freedom in democracy, it could be much worse. Communists or socialists could have actually taken over the world. It's just that democracy, like any government, exists on the basis of theft (taxes and inflation are theft) and forced monopoly.
I don't mind if someone has any amount of money beyond what I have, but I do mind if someone takes my money and interferes with my property.