Hi All,
I have been wanting to get into the loaning business for some time now. I have loaned a few people successfully. The majority of loans were paid back on time with a few defaults here and there.
***PLEASE READ BEFORE APPLYING***Rules for my tiny micro-loans:
1) These are only micro loans. Micro loans in my understanding - 0.001 to 0.01. I can do loans higher than this based on collateral availability. Please PM if you want a loan with collateral. Collateral accepted: Alt Coins with 110% value. No other collateral will be accepted, so please refrain from PM if you don't have this collateral. All Collateral will be held by a trusted third-party. Escrow fees (if any) will be paid by the person requesting the loan.
2) These loans are interest free loans, would appreciate if you cover the transaction fee though, if possible. Alternatively, if this is a gambling loan, i can actually transfer to your account if i play on the same sites (PM for more info).
3) Loans are available for Full Member and above only. I reserve the right to decline your application based on the post history of your account and other factors that i see fit for disqualification. My money, my rules
4) Tips if any, are accepted.
Please fill in this form and i will approve or deny based on my investigation of the account.
Amount Required:
Bitcoin address:
Repayment date:
Collateral (optional):