A site I to help a new user with the
basics of GPG. Should be windows focused. Take a non-techy user from "PGP huh?" to sending secure messages. This isn't a ultra paranoid cipher geek website.
Nothing too complex but handles the following topics using simple language, screenshots, and diagrams:
- Installing GPG (prefer gpg4win but willing to consider another package)
- Creating a keypair
- Security (making backup of keypair, keep passphrase secret, etc)
- Importing a public key
- General (non "crypto nerd") explanation of encrypting, decrypting, signing, verifying
- Sending a secure message (signed, encrypted, encrypted & signed)
- Receiving a secure message (decrypting, verifying)
- Encrypting a file and emailing as an attachment
If interested you should have the following skills:
- Basic understanding GPG/PGP. You don't need to be an expert but I don't have time to explain the above basic concepts.
- Web development skill. HTML, CSS, maybe some jquery or javascript to visual flair (no programming requirements)
- Image manipulation. Nothing fancy. primarily screenshots of various functions and some diagrams to explain concepts.
- Ability to tech/educate/explain complex topics without getting bogged down into details that aren't important to a new user.
Wow me. Got an idea or concept to make the website more engaging I am interested.
We will retain ownership of all work. Provide references, prior work, portfolio, etc.
If you lack a portfolio we are going to need to see a mockup or rough design for some portion of the site (not the entire site just one concept) to show competency. No need for domain or hosting. Delivery can be a simple as zip file of files.
Send us a quote. Public or private.