This is my first topic. I found hilarious a lot of comments.
And tks, because your post help me to find a lot of usefull information. ( like escrow)
1) Buy bitcoins, since the marketing is very wild, you can earn some money ( you can loose) but some people argue that the real value of bitcoin is more than 300 dollars
2) Use the guy that is offering 25%
I think with these two strategys you are good to go.
If don´t ...
3) Start mining
4)If you want your laptop to last 3 or 4 years, buy two laptops, one now and one after two years. But I suspect that your laptop even a cheap one can last a lot, since intel is slowing the new processors ( broadwell take a lot of time to apear in the market)
5) Spare some money and buy with less hd or/and memory, since you can buy these later, because the price will fall
6) Refurbished or cleareance or used
7) Are you going to use this laptop to earn money?
Buy a budget laptop and a desktop computer. (work in one and gaming in another one)
9) good luck
My questions
1) What laptop do you want?
2) Why?