I think my wallet is sick. It has become unresponsive and it is no longer staking. Is there a cure for this?
Attention.Boyzzzz watch out wallet.Something is going wrong.Looks like thieves are around.My wallet is full sync .But since an hour ago is trying reverse sync ...start from 65 blocks and going higher and higher .
65 ,180,390,650 ,860,1200, to sync now is 2700 blocks to sync .Maybe developer trying take revange .Better pull out coins to Exchange and watch what is going on.HMMMMmm you sure you've not downloaded any nasties??
My wallet is working fine and staking perfectly still.
I would be more worried about when the nodes get pulled
such a shame.
Yes I'm sure. My staking was also fine, but today my full sync wallet start reverse sync. As I've said in my previous post, I have never seen before that fully sync wallet start reverse sync. What I did was shut off the wallet and turn on total lock. Guess what happened? My total locked wallet started staking... "What the heck" I said. At the left bottom corner I got a message that my stake is suspended because my wallet is locked (but stake coins coming every few seconds)..wallet start reverse sync again from 65 to 1200 block and from 1200 to 10 and again to 600 and stake was going very good. Well I shut off the wallet again and I sent to exchange 10 coins to test if it will go through. At the time when I was typing the amount of coins to be sent ...My wallet start crazy sync again. Green bar shows 68 blocks ,89,600.) I shut off the wallet again for 10 sec. After 10 sec I turned on the wallet again.Before sync green bar showed again I sent all my coins to Bittrex. Right after that sync start again from 15 blocks behind and after few sec all come back to normal. Now my wallet is working ok, no more( fake ? ) sync. I dowloaded my wallet from Spot Gorilla site a long time ago and loaded around 400,000 coins.I'm feeling not bad at all but I was almost 100% sure that Spot will bring something new .Not only to his 4 coins but to all cryptocurrency.Now I can see that I was wrong...Well ,got to continue lurking around for coin that can be enough strong to pass at list Darkcoin.Good luck
Not sure if this will help, but I also get what you are showing in your screenshot, although it normally occurs whenever I connect to a VPN (or switch servers) whilst the wallet is open and staking. I believe that it is the amount of blocks that the wallet is now behind due to an interrupted internet connection. It also happens to a couple of other wallets as well. The coins in my wallet are fine though, and by closing and opening again, the wallet syncs just fine.