i think you have some doubt maybe because payment from 777coin, i have not any link with these accounts, i am new here kindly explain me how is this related with each other?
First point - this forces me to assume that 777coin makes a habit of recycling addresses after withdrawal. I find this suspect.
Second point - the transactions are minutes apart, from the source coin to the user address to my game. There is every reason to believe that these three sends were coordinated.
None of it matters, though, because you know what?
I'm sick of doing it.You're all back in. I don't care if you're cheating or not.
I spend enough time tracking cheating in the signature campaign. If you want to throw this game by loading the bet address,
be my guest. It simply is not worth the effort. I will seek another method for cheat prevention in my future promotions because this simply does not work.
Feel free to invoke the mocking for mismanagement clause.