The music stops when the lenders don't want to lend more (in case of the 200 trillion number which includes future liabilities, you also have to include: When people stop trusting that pensions and welfare will be paid).
Lots of people do not know that they have lent out assets to the government through their pension funds. They believe in the lies and the scams from the state. Lots of people will have to learn really quick when the reset comes. I wonder how it will play out.
I believe this could be one of the mechanisms for diverting a dying debt system. Many companies in the US no longer offer pensions. Most have done away with this system in preference of 401Ks or other limited investment vehicles. Even then, the 401Ks offered have a fraction of the returns they used to and allow no control over funds chosen by the individual employee.
I see the potential in the future for the USG to tax workers on all benefits given (including healthcare costs). Retirement/healthcare and the likes will all become the personal responsibility of the individual. The effect of this will be massive especially with the youth no longer saving for their future.
The USG can then used this increased tax pool to finance its existing obligations and transitory long enough for the die off of generations on the older (broken) system utilized today. Future generations will have no idea what Social Security or Medicare was.