I'm using it for offline wallet. From what i gather so far, only 0.92.3 works for 32bit (Ubuntu 12.04 + , I plan to run 14.04 LTS 32bit)
What features i'm missing if my online wallet is 0.93.1? or is it fully compatible?
Signing transactions between 0.92.x and 0.93.x versions of Armory works. That was a pretty recent change, it's unlikely to change again soon.
Also can i copy my current blockchain database to the new online wallet (i've heard newest Armory dont use the same database structure...)
Won't work, but the new version syncs it up very quickly compared to 0.92. Same (or slightly less?) disk space usage.
Should i get a new pc to run 64bit for next version of offline wallet? or something in the works that can still work with 32bit?
Lol, no. You can even get the libraries that stop 0.93.x working on Ubuntu 12.04, but I don't think you're gaining anything other than a matching version number. And to get those libraries, you're exposing the offline machine to website downloads, or even worse going online with it to get the backported libraries.