Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Mining (Altcoins) => Topic started by: jstefanop on November 13, 2015, 10:13:27 PM

Title: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: jstefanop on November 13, 2015, 10:13:27 PM
UPDATE: 3/16/16

Batch 2 sales are now open, instructions are here please direct all ordering questions etc there:

I have added the support/instruction thread info from litecointalk on the post below, since those forums are down.


I have been working on a USB Stick Miner for the scrypt community after being inspired by Sidehack's SHA stick efforts, and am proud to announce the miner is almost ready for production!

You can read the original announcement over at litecointalk here (I will be monitoring/updating both threads though):

I have about 50 units accounted for, and will need about another 50 to officially open up batch one sales (I have enough chips to make a couple hundred of them). If your interested just post below with possible number you would buy (no hard commitments yet just need to gauge interests before opening this up officially!).

Details below


FutureBit MoonLander! (
(note this is the prototype board and not the final design, but it will be very similar)

I have been working on this for the past month after I acquired the remaining stock of the AlcheMist chips for my work with improving the stock 256MH miners and BFGMiner port. My goals for this stick miner was to make the most efficient possible miner with this chip, simplest to use for new people getting into mining, and also offer lots of tinkering/playing with for old time miners. I managed to push efficiency from around 10w/mh that the big miners were producing to just a bit over 5w/mh for this stick miner which was a pretty cool feat!

Specs(these are REAL stats from working prototype board):

- 400kh to 1.2mh performance per miner
- uses about 5w/mh for most of that range
- fully customizable core voltage range from .7 - 1.1v
- Really efficient 5v->core voltage stage with about 95% efficiency
- Heavy duty/over speced parts were used to ensure wide range of operation (this thing can put out 20amps if you wanted to push it that far)
- status LEDs for power, TX and RX transmission
- uses latest bfgminer 5.4 for control
- Will work with all Mac OS, Linux, and Windows based PCs (and I will be offering easy to use pre-compiled binaries)

Speed will obviously depend on how you run this. They can simply be plugged into any USB port and you'll be good to go, but how much power they draw depends on your USB port. USB2(most standard USB ports) are limited to 500ma, so about 400-500kh speed. USB3 can go up to about 1A which can get you near 1mh. Anything beyond that you will need a powered USB hub.

No fan will be needed for anything under 500kh operation (about 100-200mhz)...anything above that as long as you have some sort of airflow over the heatsink it will be enough (I had a 600 rpm fan blowing on it when it was pushing 15 watts and it was fine).


This is all preliminary, but the design is done  and can start producing these whenever, but I would like to create a single batch to offer the lowest price. I have enough chips to make a couple hundred of these. Obviously the more I make the lower the cost it will be, its too early to say exactly how much but I estimate somewhere in the $25-40 range per stick. I can also tweak the final production version based on what you guys want..I can change things like PCB color, backside heatsink color, silk screen color etc. I probably won't be able to do individual customization but I will most likely make a poll and see what most of you prefer.

So here is how things will go for ordering

- if your interested just post here on how many you would want
- once batch size is determined I will figure final price and ask all those who want one to send a small 1-2 LTC deposit (this is just to make sure you will really buy one once batch is produced)
- ill place order for PCB and components and start assembly this should take about two weeks
- once sticks are ready to ship ill collect final amount and ship out!
- LTC will be required for purchase (I'm all about building up LTC and USING it, takes 5 minutes to buy LTC these day and it benefits everyone)
- this should take under a month from start to finish...depending on how quickly the batch is filled up.
- if batch ends up not being produced for whatever reason, or I can't ship out your stick miner the small deposit will be refunded (the only reason it won't be refunded is if you end up saying you want one I produce your stick miner then you end up not paying final price/wanting it. This is not a preorder so I'm the one taking the risk and ordering thousands worth of parts on my dime, the small deposit is to make sure your serious about buying one).

I have a few prototype units I want to send out for review so some people can test them out other than me. Id like to chose one person from this forum and one from bitcointalk so if you have reviewed stuff in the past and are interested let me know and I can send them out next week! (if you know people from any big crypto blog site it would help as well).

Spread the word!

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: jstefanop on November 13, 2015, 10:13:41 PM
Now that Im finally shipping the sticks its time to get your rigs ready software wise for them and have an official support point for the sticks. This post will be split in two main sections, one software to go over bfgminer downloads/running etc, and one for the actual hardware instructions.

Before I get started a big THANKS to all of you for making this possible. Its been a fun ride building the software and hardware from ground up for them, and I hope I've added a bit to the Litecoin community and hopefully get a few new miners interested in what Litecoin is all about with these!


BFGMINER 5.4.0 Install

I have built a native bfgminer driver for these with support for all of bfgminer’s bells and whistles. All three major systems are supported so you can mine these one whatever flavor of Windows, Linux, or Macs you want!

The driver is open sourced and available in the link below if you want to compile it yourself from the source (which you will have to for linux anyway). I have provided pre-built binaries for Windows and Mac that will work with just one click on a startup script for ease of use.

Driver Repo:

You will also need to install the latest version of Silicon Labs VPC drivers for Win/Mac OS links below.

UPDATE: Dropbox links not working for some reason here is alternative download:!NxgyWJhD!5Hhc5ikRYEVQHyeovQa-QQ (!NxgyWJhD!5Hhc5ikRYEVQHyeovQa-QQ)

Windows VPC Driver:

Mac OS VPC Driver:

Windows pre-built binaries: compatible with XP/7/8/10

Mac pre-built binary: compatible with most 64 bit Macs with Mac OS 10.9 or later

Linux: Easiest way to install with linux is to compile the source directly. Detailed instructions below
Install required dependancies (make sure you copy and paste the whole lines since the code is cut off and need to scroll to select all of it)

sudo apt-get install build-essential autoconf automake libtool pkg-config libcurl4-gnutls-dev libjansson-dev uthash-dev libncurses5-dev libudev-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev libevent-dev
(i think thats all of them let me know if i missed one)

clone repo

git clone --branch futurebit_driver

configure and make

cd bfgminer
./configure CFLAGS=-O3 --enable-scrypt --enable-futurebit --disable-other-drivers
sudo make

If it complains about missing libraries you might need to

sudo make install
sudo ldconfig


Once you have installed the drivers and bfgminer just plug in the miner to a USB port and double click on the Start_Moonlander file on your Mac/PC. The driver will auto-detect the board and start hashing at the default frequency.

Just edit that same file with a text editor to change pools, add bfgminer options, and change frequency. You can also use the -c flag and load it with your own config file.

For linux just run the full bfgminer command below to start it up or create your own similar scrypt

./bfgminer --scrypt -o stratum+tcp:// -u jstefanop.1 -p 1,d=8 -S MLD:all --set MLD:clock=144

(you might need to run it as sudo if it complains about permission issues)

Keep in mind that most "ASIC" ports won't work with this miner, since it hashes at the same speed as GPUs from back in the day. So it will take forever to find a share. These can run fine at the lowest difficulty most pools offer which is 16. Just make sure you connecte to a var diff port or one that offers a fixed difficulty of 128 or lower.


The MoonLander can run on a very wide range of speed and efficiency, and leaves a lot of tuning up to you guys. Make sure you read up on the Hardware section below where I go more in-depth on frequency and voltage tuning.

The Moonlander has a default frequency setting of 144mhz, and can range from 104mhz to 400mhz.

To change the frequency just edit the number after —set MLD:clock= in the startup scrypt. You cant just put any number you want in there, otherwise it will default to base 104mhz. Between 104-200 mhz you can set the frequency to any number that is a multiple of 8, so 104, 112, 120 are all valid frequencies.

Between 200-400 mhz you can use any number that is a multiple of 16, so 256, 320 etc are all valid.

I don't recommend going past 352 Mhz on these unless you have really good cooling, as they get really unstable past the frequency and need to turn up voltage past 1v.


The Moonlander consists of a single Scrypt ASIC at its core that operates between 300kh/s to 1MH/s and consumes between 2-10 watts of power.

The ASIC is powered by an adjustable DC-DC buck supply that can output between .7v to 1.1v of core voltage, and is adjustable by turning the onboard potentiometer.

It also features communication LEDs so you can visually see whats going on with the board. The red LED flashes when communication is being sent to the ASIC, and the yellow LED flashes when the ASIC is responding. Lots of yellow flashes is a good thing, it usually means the ASIC has found a share :)

The board is mounted to the heatsink with a strong thermal adhesive, since this ASIC is designed to dissipate heat through its bottom side. The heatsink is “oversized” for the heat output of the ASIC, but its recommended you always have some sort of airflow over the heatsink fins when its running especially for frequencies over 144 Mhz. You could get away with no airflow if your running it under 144 Mhz. Make sure you touch the heatsink after a few minutes of running...the heatsinks should feel warm to the touch, if they feel really hot you need a stronger fan (if you have a IR temp gun check the top of the ASIC it should not be any hotter than 80C).

Below is a visual of the board for reference (note this is a prototype board but the layout is the same as the production boards).

Voltage Adjustment:

You adjust the voltage by turning the Pot clockwise or counterclockwise with a fine flat head or philips screwdriver. This pot is VERY sensitive, the whole .7-1.1v range is within HALF a turn. You must do micro adjustments if you want to do very fine tuning. For example going from .75 - .8 v might take as little as a little torque pressure on the screwdriver even if you don't feel it actually twist.

Make sure you have place the stick horizontal and the USB end is facing LEFT (ie you can read FutureBit Moonlander normally on the board).

To turn the voltage UP turn the pot CLOCKWISE, to turn it DOWN, COUNTERCLOCKWISE.

DONT keep turning the POT, it has no stop and if you go past its lowest or highest setting you could break it.

To check the voltage use a multimeter and contact the ground wire to any of the exposed terminals on the output capacitors (circled and labeled ground in the picture), and the positive wire to the terminals on the other side (circled and labeled VCORE). Be extra careful not to short anything as a single short anywhere on the board while its powered will most likely fry it.

The sticks are shipped to you guys with the voltage setting at around .75v, which is good for USB 2 power draw and can hash up to around 200mhz stable.

I would NOT recommend going past 1v, anything in the 1-1.1v range will most likely reduce the lifetime of the ASIC and you will need a strong fan to keep it properly cooled pushing air over the heatsink.


Now to the fun part. Your goals here can vary from trying to get the absolute maximum hash rate (at the expense of power), to the absolute lowest hasrate/watt, or find a nice sweet spot.

Tuning any switching transistor based processing unit revolves around supplying enough current so the transistors on the chips actually switch on and off correctly within their cycle times.

The higher the frequency or “switching time” the less time a transistor has to “charge” so you need more current (ie turn up the voltage). If these requirements are not met the transistors don't function properly and you have what you know as a “Hardware Error”

So if you lets say leave the stick at its stock .75 volt setting and try to run it at 300mhz, it will either not start, or it will produce almost 100% hardware errors. So you need to gradually dial up the core voltage until these errors are reduce to a good level.

To get started what you need to know is the optimal hash rate the ASIC will operate at for a given frequency. This ASIC has 54 cores and assuming all cores are active (you might have a couple dead cores which is acceptable) the optimal hash rate is:

2.77 KH/s per Mhz

So lets say your running at 208 Mhz, under ideal conditions the stick will operate at 208 * 2.77 = 576 KH/s

This is the target hash rate for a given frequency, and you can adjust the core voltage to meet that.

Keep in mind “zero” hardware errors isn't always the best setting. If your getting a hardware error it does not necessarily mean your missing out on valid shares. A good reference point is to keep HW errors to under 5%, and after running for at least an hour if you see that your hash rate is indeed 5% below target level then you know that your under tuned and need to bring up the voltage a bit.

You can also do voltage adjustment “live” by setting the difficulty really low at your pool so you submit at least a share every second or so. You can then turn the pot up and down and watch the hardware errors as you adjust the voltage in real time.

I think that covers the basic and hope you guys have fun with these!

Ill post up FAQs etc below and edit this post as you guys start playing with them and have questions.


Q:Why does my X hub does not work with my Moonlanders?
Most USB 2.0 and a lot of 3.0 powered USB hubs will NOT work with these sticks. Powered USB hubs need to meet two requirements to reliably support the high current these sticks draw. First they need to have a clean high quality power supply that can output at least 1A PER port. To run the sticks at full speed you need at least 2A per port. Second they need to comply with USB standards which ALOT of cheap HUBs don't...which causes a lot of EMI issues and disconnects. Unfortunately its trial and error to figure this out, but from my testing Anker 3.0 USB hubs seems to work fine under Windows and Mac, and the Superbpag 7 port hubs seems to be the best for this type of application and provides lots of power per port and works under all three OSes.

Q: Bfgminer detects my moonlander but nothing happens when it connects to my pool
Don't forget that even though this is a very powerful scrypt miner for its size, its still "slow" when compared to other ASICS which most pools are optimized for these days. Some pools have a scrypt difficulty default of 256 or higher, in which case it could take several minutes for your moonlander to find a share. So it might seem like its not working. For best results set your diff to 128 or lower, contact your pool operator for what diffs they have set for each port.

Q: Can I run my moonlander without a fan?
You can probably get away with no fan on the lowest voltage setting and below 144mhz frequency. I would still not recommend this and you should have at least a small light fan blowing over the fins to make sure it wont overheat. Higher frequencies will require more airflow, and make sure the airflow is blowing parallel with the heatsink fins. If the heatsink is too hot to touch (above 50C) then its running too hot.

Q: How do I know which stick is which under bfgminer?
Each stick is hardcoded with a unique serial number, which can be displayed by pressing "M" in bfgminer then scrolling through the list of sticks which will show each serial number(the serial number is also visible in Device Manager etc). You can physically write the last 3 digits somewhere on the stick to easily identify it.

Q: What frequencies can I set my moonlander?
The moonlander supports any frequency between 104mhz to 400mhz in multiples of 8. If its not a multiple of 8 the frequency will default to 104. You can change the frequency by editing the Start_Moonlander.bat under windows or .sh file under Mac and editing the number after "--set MLD:clock="

Q: How can I set frequency to a particular stick in a mutistick setup under bfgminer?
If you want to specify frequencies for each individual miners you can point which frequency gets set to which miner by changing the global --set MLD:clock=144
to --set MLD@/dev/ttyUSB0:clock=320  (note I haven't really tested if you can keep the global option and lets say just set one stick to a different frequency...if you do it this way you might have to specify frequencies for each miner port individually even if some of them are the same, since the global option might override individual frequencies).

So if you have two sticks and want two different frequencies your options might look like this:

./bfgminer --scrypt -o stratum+tcp:// -u jstefanop.1 -p 1,d=16 -S MLD:/dev/ttyUSB0 -S MLD:/dev/ttyUSB1 --set MLD@/dev/ttyUSB0:clock=320 --set MLD@/dev/ttyUSB1:clock=304

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: jstefanop on November 13, 2015, 10:14:33 PM
Possible heatsinks just came in! They are 24x65mm probably a bit overkill and final ones will most likely be around 50mm in length. These things keep it under 55c with natural cooling (no fan) up to around 500kh. ( (

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: Eliovp on November 13, 2015, 10:40:32 PM
Hey, this seems very interesting indeed!

I'm an altcoin miner (Only GPU's) but i'm open to try new things and this seems to be ideal for that.

If possible i would like to buy 2-3 to start with.

I'm european. I hope that's not an issue :)


Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: jstefanop on November 13, 2015, 11:06:26 PM
Hey, this seems very interesting indeed!

I'm an altcoin miner (Only GPU's) but i'm open to try new things and this seems to be ideal for that.

If possible i would like to buy 2-3 to start with.

I'm european. I hope that's not an issue :)


Worldwide deliveries will be fine, once official sales open Ill have to coordinate a single shipment to each continent to keep shipping costs down for you guys. Of course ill need trustworthy people to handle this.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: Eliovp on November 13, 2015, 11:12:42 PM
Hey, this seems very interesting indeed!

I'm an altcoin miner (Only GPU's) but i'm open to try new things and this seems to be ideal for that.

If possible i would like to buy 2-3 to start with.

I'm european. I hope that's not an issue :)


Worldwide deliveries will be fine, once official sales open Ill have to coordinate a single shipment to each continent to keep shipping costs down for you guys. Of course ill need trustworthy people to handle this.

Understandable, pm me when you're ready to take order/ship.


Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: Pastafarian on November 13, 2015, 11:29:41 PM
Keeping an eye on this. Might be interested in a couple  ;)

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: abbeytim on November 14, 2015, 08:10:37 AM
me too depending on price

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: psycodad on November 14, 2015, 08:30:04 AM
Nice work!
I am interested in 3 units for a start if the price is reasonable.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: Unblock64 on November 15, 2015, 10:19:11 AM

Excellent work. Finally something for scrypt.
Many coin needs of smaller miners.
Interest is big at such a reasonable price.

I can not wait to see the final version.
I hope that it will not supply problems in the EU.

 ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: Meech on November 15, 2015, 05:00:46 PM
This is what we all like to see... the community customizing their own hardware.  Thanks for doing this, scrypt is very important for continued success of crypto.  Will be very interested when ready.
I'm interested initially in 4 or 5 dependent on price.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: Guruclef on November 16, 2015, 08:45:43 PM
I'm interested in one, depending on the price of the unit and shipping.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: jstefanop on November 17, 2015, 12:44:39 AM
I'm interested in one, depending on the price of the unit and shipping.

Im working on pricing for parts suppliers right now...should have something more concrete in the next few days.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: benjamoyne on November 17, 2015, 01:01:08 AM
I'll go 3.
Just let us know a rough estimate on price.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: mindtrip on November 17, 2015, 03:22:34 AM
id be interested in a few as well once you start taking orders. keep me posted on the progress

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: jstefanop on November 17, 2015, 07:15:39 PM
Very cool, have you taken a look at sfards chips since they have made them available?

Yes but the SFARD chips are 20x20mm BGA package that consume at least 25 watts and just the chip cost is 30 bucks....not very USB stick friendly chip lol.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: jstefanop on November 18, 2015, 06:19:48 AM
Very cool, have you taken a look at sfards chips since they have made them available?

Yes but the SFARD chips are 20x20mm BGA package that consume at least 25 watts and just the chip cost is 30 bucks....not very USB stick friendly chip lol.
That is true, now I know this is these are built off the alcheminer chips but I wonder how much will carry over for Innosilicons A4 chip, 1.2w/mhs but 3.6w  a chip (3mh/s)Sorry about talking about future ideas while you're still working on this but I am very interested in the ideas of these scrypt stick miners!

Yes it will be very easy to adapt this design to a new chip! Unfortunately the A4 is at least 4-6 months out.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: rgm108 on November 18, 2015, 02:02:25 PM
I will gladly order 2-4 depending on the price.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: jstefanop on November 20, 2015, 11:55:04 PM
Hey guys I have officially opened up the batch 1 orders. Details here:

The final price will be between 29-32USD, I'm still hammering out some last components but this is a much tighter range and people should be able to decide how many units they exactly want.

Please direct any new orders/ ordering discussions in that thread. For everyone that has put themselves down the list please send in your 2 LTC deposit by next friday if you want to keep your place in line. There are only 94 units left to grab so this will most likely sell out quickly, and if i don't have your deposit by then I have to open up your slot to someone else.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: wlefever on November 21, 2015, 12:21:55 AM
Good stuff man!  Will send my deposit in first thing next week, and look forward to playing with these.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: Psi on November 21, 2015, 06:54:30 PM
good work, have been looking for something like this, will order a few soon

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: jstefanop on November 24, 2015, 07:49:43 AM
New boards came in! This one is ready for its solder paste job :) Should have review units assembled and shipped out tomorrow, and a vid of some nice hashing blinking leds ;) (

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: Eliovp on November 24, 2015, 08:29:42 PM
New boards came in! This one is ready for its solder paste job :) Should have review units assembled and shipped out tomorrow, and a vid of some nice hashing blinking leds ;)


Even more interested now :-)

Keep it up! Will definitely follow this thread even more now

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: peonminer on November 28, 2015, 03:05:17 AM
watching, need some!

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: hashmaster1 on November 28, 2015, 08:40:37 PM
I would like to  get 3 of those miners look good I been mining for 4 years and I tried lost of miners this one look promising...can you pm me with more detail on your unit....

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: sobe-it on December 01, 2015, 05:17:31 PM
I will take a few

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: peonminer on December 02, 2015, 03:08:10 PM
Can we get a hashing video pleaseeeee? :)

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: jstefanop on December 02, 2015, 11:53:34 PM
Can we get a hashing video pleaseeeee? :)

Here you go! I got a little behind with thanksgiving but here is the video I promised of the pre-production version of the stick hashing. Video does not show off the LEDs that great but the Red led lights up when instructions are sent to the ASIC, and the yellow LED blinks when it returns a nonce response. I also sent out a few beta/review sticks so should see a review or two soon from people other than me ;)

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: jstefanop on December 03, 2015, 12:06:41 AM
Now to the fun guys get to decide what color the PCB should be for the stick. I added a poll so place your votes! The heatsink will be black anodized.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: peonminer on December 03, 2015, 12:34:46 AM
I voted green, but i'd be happy with black too. Man I wish I could have snagged one of the developer sticks for review! I just received my stake box for review, will be in my signature soon. (: Let us know when you can expand production. I'll snag a few at least.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: sobe-it on December 03, 2015, 01:22:06 AM
I voted red but would be cool with black too!

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: notlist3d on December 03, 2015, 03:14:42 AM
I voted red but would be cool with black too!

I went with Blue but any of the color's mentioned would look very nice.  Here is like every stick miner ever from realsteve if you want to see some miners with different colors if it helps anyone -

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: philipma1957 on December 04, 2015, 04:36:16 AM
I voted yellow.  I will review one or buy one .

let me know when you need coin.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: notlist3d on December 05, 2015, 01:59:09 AM
I don't think there is a bad color.  Only one I kinda think is boring is green... just seen to many PCB's in my life with that color.

But others are all great I think it's great. I hope you are able to extend bath in group buys :)

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: peonminer on December 05, 2015, 02:35:06 AM
That's why I changed my mind from green immediately after voting. Yellow is ideal, the moon is made of cheese after all. ;) The black heat sink will represent the 'dark side' of the 'moon'. ;) Perfection?

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: notlist3d on December 06, 2015, 10:08:18 PM
Some shots showing off the prototype, a special thanks to jstefanop for working with me over the weekend.

For slideshow and higher resolution pictures:

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: Eliovp on December 07, 2015, 06:01:39 PM
Don't know if Stefan still reads this thread, i sent you a pm a while ago regarding the purchase of a few sticks. I never got a reply.

Could you please check your messages and reply if possible.

thank you

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: jstefanop on December 07, 2015, 09:27:07 PM
Don't know if Stefan still reads this thread, i sent you a pm a while ago regarding the purchase of a few sticks. I never got a reply.

Could you please check your messages and reply if possible.

thank you

PM sent...

I have also expanded batch size so if people still interested id place deposit soon, there are 130 left and that will be it.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: jstefanop on December 11, 2015, 08:18:20 PM
Final numbers are in for PCB are the totals between both forums

Green  5
Red     6
Blue    10
Black  12
Yellow 7

Total Votes 40

Close one between Blue and Black but black takes it! Should look pretty sick with all black heatsink+pcb. I do have to give props to peon miner for his suggestion though :)

Im finishing up component and PCB orders today and now waiting game begins for everything to come over the next two weeks. Should still be on schedule to ship end of Dec/first week of January.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: jstefanop on December 14, 2015, 06:17:03 PM
Some updates for you guys and more pics!

Finally got windows driver working, so all 3 native bfgminer drivers for Mac, Windows, and Linux are pretty much ready. Below is a screenshot of the window driver testing with the final production version of the PCB. As you can see I got the high end of the stick pretty stable, most of you Alcheminer owns can attest that .33% HW errors on this chip is pretty amazing ;) Im pretty happy where the final version is and hope you guys agree! I was hoping that I could also make it super stable past 1 MH but unfortunately I think I have reach the limit of this much you can push a 40nm chip... (

Below are pics of the board you can see I shaved nearly 10mm off the original board...this does amazing things to voltage drop and efficiency! (

And here is my prototype lunar army ready to take over the moon. Last one is the final production design. (

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: Unblock64 on December 16, 2015, 01:19:31 PM
4 days ago I wrote jstefanop
on the ( for my payment but not VERIFIED.
Why I'm not there VERIFIED?
Signed message from my wallet I sent ...

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: jstefanop on December 17, 2015, 09:47:30 PM
4 days ago I wrote jstefanop
on the ( for my payment but not VERIFIED.
Why I'm not there VERIFIED?
Signed message from my wallet I sent ...

Your set...sorry I skipped over you PM.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: xxSUPERMANxx on December 20, 2015, 12:48:05 AM
Did you get my last message and verified sig?

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: jstefanop on December 20, 2015, 03:18:26 AM
Did you get my last message and verified sig?

sent you a PM

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: edmundduke on December 22, 2015, 10:36:41 PM
This looks like a really interesting project, especially for someone who does mining as a hobby. I need to see what happens once the first people get the miners and if all is good i will most likely buy some also. I might need some "noobie" help tho :P but as i sayd, the price is really good and i love that they are USB

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: jstefanop on December 23, 2015, 04:48:39 PM
Update for you guys...heatsinks came in! They came out great, and thermal properties on them seem even better than the prototype sinks I was using. Here is what hundreds of packaged heatsinks looks like :) (

and some shots of the heatsink on the actual stick (just imagine a black PCB and you get the idea of what the final look will be ;) ( (

PCB producer told me there is going to be a few days delay due to Christmas, but they should be shipped out to me by next week, so ill still be on track for shipping these out to you guys on first week of January.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: jstefanop on December 31, 2015, 07:23:28 PM
Another update for you guys, PCBs were delayed more than I liked because of the Holidays, but manufacture finally started building my order and should be complete next week. I will hopefully finish assembling and start shipping these out by end of next week if all goes well.

Here are some pics manufacture sent me of the production board with black solder mask! ( (

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: notabeliever on January 04, 2016, 12:19:10 AM
Nice! wish I added more to my order

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: Unblock64 on January 08, 2016, 08:59:47 AM

No new info.  :D :D :D ;D

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: jstefanop on January 11, 2016, 11:02:03 PM

No new info.  :D :D :D ;D

Here you go :) ( (

All the PCBs were finally finished today and assembly is underway. These are the first boards straight out of the oven! (sorry for the crappy pictures they are from my SMT shop that is assembling them). The timing sucks for these because I will be out of country from the 16th to the 23rd, and thought that I would have had these finished way before the 16th. I don't want to make any promises but I'm pushing to finish them up so I can ship them out on thurs/friday, but won't know for sure until tomorrow. It might end up that I ship the first orders I got before I leave and ship the rest out when I get back.

Sorry for the delay, but I did get screwed over with the holidays on my timing from manufactures and parts suppliers. Considering the holidays, and the fact that this is my first "mass" produced board with everything done by me from scratch; I have to say a month and a half from prototype to finished final product is a time I'm pretty happy with!

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: Morguk on January 11, 2016, 11:31:36 PM
Looks great! When's batch 2? I missed out on the first.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: jstefanop on January 12, 2016, 02:12:40 AM
Looks great! When's batch 2? I missed out on the first.

Unfortunately I bought the last ASICS in existence from this company so this is the one and only batch. I will definitely make more products if I can get my hands on any new chips. I could *possibly* repurpose the miners I have and salvage the chips if there is crazy demand for a second batch, but removing chips from boards is time consuming and costly in order not to damage them so not sure if its even a viable option.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: Unblock64 on January 12, 2016, 05:25:50 PM
Christmas is coming later  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: jstefanop on January 12, 2016, 10:10:03 PM
First shipments are going out thursday details here :

If your one of the first to put a deposit please send in your final payment ASAP so I can ship your unit.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: jstefanop on January 14, 2016, 02:36:12 AM
Software and instructions are up here:

At the very least please download bfgminer and make sure it runs on your system before you get your stick so I can help with resolving any software issues. It should start up and go to the "add device" screen.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: wlefever on January 21, 2016, 08:59:39 PM
Just received mine today and got 3 up and running on this hub: . I ordered 4 but only 3 fit comfortably.

Getting right at the expected 400kh-600kh for stock setting.

I will play with them now and try to get between 650-800kh out of each.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: Unblock64 on January 26, 2016, 06:17:38 PM
When can I expect my ordered miners?
 ::) ::) ::) ::)

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: jstefanop on January 29, 2016, 02:09:29 AM
When can I expect my ordered miners?
 ::) ::) ::) ::)

Yours were shipped out yesterday. Should be there in a week or so with priority.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: notabeliever on February 09, 2016, 01:33:10 AM
Been trying different pools which mostly worked with my Nvidia 750ti. The thought is the 750ti will be used as a back for extra hash when needed.
Using the Futurebit at my too favorite LTC pools (F2pool and

f2pool Rejected shares with a error message (H-not-zero) What does this mean?

New favorite pool using Futurbit

3-2-2016 update

All pools work including F2pool Ltc. Bought 2 more sticks (3 total) and a pluggable hub which fixes everything.
Get up to 1.5mh stock settings for all 3. Ran straight for a week no problems. F2pool pays me .018 LTC a day.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: aarons6 on February 21, 2016, 06:41:01 AM
i tried posting on the litecoin forums but it says i was blocked.. anyway..

i got 4 of these, and they just slowly all die out after awhile..

here is the logs..

 [2016-02-20 21:14:24] Started bfgminer 5.2.0-147-gff6ef5b
 [2016-02-20 21:14:24] Loaded configuration file /var/www/html/minera/conf/miner_conf.json
 [2016-02-20 21:14:25] Probing for an alive pool
 [2016-02-20 21:14:25] Testing pool
 [2016-02-20 21:14:25] Testing pool
 [2016-02-20 21:14:34] Stratum authorisation success for pool 1
 [2016-02-20 21:14:34] Switching to pool 1 - first alive pool
 [2016-02-20 21:14:34] Pool 1 is hiding block contents from us
 [2016-02-20 21:14:34] Network difficulty changed to 54.5k (390.0G)
 [2016-02-20 21:14:34] New block: ...4a1b8798eb507af5 diff 54.5k (390.0G)
 [2016-02-20 21:14:34] Stratum from pool 1 detected new block
 [2016-02-20 21:14:35] API running in IP access mode on port 4028
 [2016-02-20 21:14:55] New best share: 111m
 [2016-02-20 21:14:55] Accepted 0008fdd5 MLD 3  pool 1 Diff 111m/6m
 [2016-02-20 21:14:55] 20s: 0.00 avg: 0.00 u: 1.33 Mh/s | A:1 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:15:04] New best share: 171m
 [2016-02-20 21:15:04] Accepted 0005d195 MLD 1  pool 1 Diff 171m/6m
 [2016-02-20 21:15:05] Message from pool 0: Authorised, welcome to nicehash lotto Lhesnt9HUtCmTwkSW8u1sYErdKxz1wK8fg!
 [2016-02-20 21:15:05] Stratum authorisation success for pool 0
 [2016-02-20 21:15:05] Pool 0 alive
 [2016-02-20 21:15:05] Switching to pool 0
 [2016-02-20 21:15:05] Pool 0 is hiding block contents from us
 [2016-02-20 21:15:15] 20s: 0.00 avg: 0.00 u: 1.33 Mh/s | A:2 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:15:35] 20s:  1.9 avg:  3.3 u:889.0 kh/s | A:2 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:15:36] Accepted 006fa014 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 8m/3m
 [2016-02-20 21:15:53] Accepted 00566f99 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 11m/3m
 [2016-02-20 21:15:55] 20s: 0.26 avg: 0.17 u: 1.09 Mh/s | A:4 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:16:15] 20s:157.5 avg:134.1 u:868.8 kh/s | A:4 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:16:15] Accepted 003b4f54 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 16m/3m
 [2016-02-20 21:16:18] Accepted 003a8d30 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 17m/3m
 [2016-02-20 21:16:24] Accepted 00de0411 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 4m/3m
 [2016-02-20 21:16:35] 20s: 0.82 avg: 0.42 u: 1.14 Mh/s | A:7 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:16:37] Accepted 00972f12 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 6m/3m
 [2016-02-20 21:16:37] Accepted 00ad0950 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 5m/3m
 [2016-02-20 21:16:45] Accepted 00d875fa MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 4m/3m
 [2016-02-20 21:16:55] 20s: 1.03 avg: 0.56 u: 1.34 Mh/s | A:10 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:16:56] Accepted 00714af9 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 8m/3m
 [2016-02-20 21:16:58] Accepted 005489d0 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 11m/3m
 [2016-02-20 21:17:04] Accepted 0080f6d9 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 7m/3m
 [2016-02-20 21:17:05] Stratum connection to pool 1 interrupted
 [2016-02-20 21:17:05] Stratum authorisation success for pool 1
 [2016-02-20 21:17:05] Closing socket for stratum pool 1
 [2016-02-20 21:17:15] 20s: 0.95 avg: 0.59 u: 1.49 Mh/s | A:13 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:17:21] Accepted 001a4ccc MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 38m/3m
 [2016-02-20 21:17:35] 20s: 1.44 avg: 0.77 u: 1.41 Mh/s | A:14 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:17:36] Accepted 001a411e MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 38m/3m
 [2016-02-20 21:17:38] Accepted 00ee630b MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 4m/3m
 [2016-02-20 21:17:51] Accepted 00ff3869 MLD 0  pool 0 Diff 3m/3m
 [2016-02-20 21:17:53] Accepted 0096416b MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 6m/3m
 [2016-02-20 21:17:55] 20s: 1.73 avg: 0.91 u: 1.61 Mh/s | A:18 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:18:14] Accepted 00c58678 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 5m/3m
 [2016-02-20 21:18:15] 20s: 1.37 avg: 0.90 u: 1.54 Mh/s | A:19 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:18:29] New block: ...fd9c2a439f1824f9 diff 54.5k (390.0G)
 [2016-02-20 21:18:29] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block
 [2016-02-20 21:18:30] Accepted 00d6511d MLD 0  pool 0 Diff 4m/3m
 [2016-02-20 21:18:35] 20s: 1.16 avg: 0.90 u: 1.48 Mh/s | A:20 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:18:52] Accepted 001b834d MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 36m/3m
 [2016-02-20 21:18:55] 20s: 1.20 avg: 0.92 u: 1.43 Mh/s | A:21 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:19:15] 20s: 0.73 avg: 0.86 u: 1.33 Mh/s | A:21 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:19:16] Accepted 005e1a7c MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 10m/3m
 [2016-02-20 21:19:29] New block: ...e7d9e85e38376296 diff 54.5k (390.0G)
 [2016-02-20 21:19:29] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block
 [2016-02-20 21:19:35] 20s: 1.25 avg: 0.94 u: 1.30 Mh/s | A:22 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:19:42] Accepted 00523e2e MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 12m/3m
 [2016-02-20 21:19:45] Accepted 00f3b6f4 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 4m/3m
 [2016-02-20 21:19:55] 20s: 1.71 avg: 1.03 u: 1.32 Mh/s | A:24 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:19:59] New block: ...6171e54563c204bc diff 54.5k (390.0G)
 [2016-02-20 21:19:59] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block
 [2016-02-20 21:20:03] Accepted 0058d141 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 11m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:20:04] Accepted 010439bf MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:20:06] Accepted 01620bef MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:20:12] Accepted 0050212a MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 12m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:20:15] 20s: 2.03 avg: 1.12 u: 1.34 Mh/s | A:28 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:20:20] Accepted 0026d2d1 MLD 0  pool 0 Diff 25m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:20:29] Accepted 010d4aaa MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:20:35] Accepted 003d5968 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 16m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:20:35] 20s: 2.54 avg: 1.24 u: 1.34 Mh/s | A:31 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:20:37] Accepted 009f73be MLD 0  pool 0 Diff 6m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:20:40] Accepted 008ca488 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 7m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:20:43] Accepted 008507dc MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 7m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:20:51] Accepted 005a9b6a MLD 0  pool 0 Diff 11m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:20:52] Accepted 01206b33 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:20:52] Accepted 00831cf6 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 7m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:20:54] Accepted 00963c3a MLD 0  pool 0 Diff 6m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:20:55] 20s: 2.37 avg: 1.29 u: 1.42 Mh/s | A:38 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:20:57] Accepted 01c00a12 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:21:05] Accepted 015c1813 MLD 0  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:21:10] Accepted 00788712 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 8m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:21:15] 20s: 1.69 avg: 1.26 u: 1.41 Mh/s | A:41 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:21:22] Accepted 004e5760 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 12m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:21:28] Accepted 000e5bd9 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 69m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:21:30] Accepted 00fdd7a4 MLD 0  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:21:30] Accepted 01790444 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:21:34] Accepted 00bf7012 MLD 0  pool 0 Diff 5m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:21:35] 20s: 1.75 avg: 1.28 u: 1.44 Mh/s | A:46 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:21:37] Accepted 01ea63bc MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:21:53] Accepted 0091df9e MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 6m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:21:55] 20s: 1.37 avg: 1.26 u: 1.42 Mh/s | A:48 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:21:56] Accepted 012e11b6 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:21:57] Accepted 00fe1bea MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:21:59] New block: ...92cd4e468fad1499 diff 54.5k (390.0G)
 [2016-02-20 21:21:59] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block
 [2016-02-20 21:22:15] Accepted 003674e1 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 18m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:22:15] 20s: 1.81 avg: 1.31 u: 1.41 Mh/s | A:51 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:22:20] Accepted 016ff712 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:22:24] Accepted 01d416d4 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:22:25] Accepted 014fb63f MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:22:27] Accepted 005de94b MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 10m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:22:31] Accepted 00ed9f08 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:22:35] Accepted 0193012a MLD 0  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:22:35] 20s: 2.13 avg: 1.37 u: 1.46 Mh/s | A:57 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:22:37] Accepted 00d2abbf MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:22:42] Accepted 00aca62f MLD 0  pool 0 Diff 5m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:22:45] Accepted 01db55bd MLD 0  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:22:54] Accepted 01446212 MLD 0  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:22:55] 20s: 1.55 avg: 1.34 u: 1.47 Mh/s | A:61 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:22:58] Accepted 01298ce3 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:23:10] Accepted 0161e57f MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:23:11] Accepted 0169662c MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:23:15] Accepted 001dbe6c MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 33m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:23:15] 20s: 1.76 avg: 1.37 u: 1.47 Mh/s | A:65 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:23:17] Accepted 01b3f1fd MLD 0  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:23:24] Accepted 007c6ad9 MLD 0  pool 0 Diff 8m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:23:25] Accepted 012fcf5b MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:23:27] Accepted 01ca796f MLD 0  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:23:31] Accepted 005e3788 MLD 0  pool 0 Diff 10m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:23:35] 20s: 1.46 avg: 1.36 u: 1.50 Mh/s | A:70 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:23:36] Accepted 002eb51e MLD 0  pool 0 Diff 21m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:23:37] Accepted 011765f0 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:23:38] Accepted 01bd98fa MLD 0  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:23:40] Accepted 01c8ede7 MLD 0  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:23:48] Accepted 00ca5b71 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:23:54] Accepted 011d6167 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:23:55] 20s: 2.00 avg: 1.41 u: 1.53 Mh/s | A:76 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:24:03] Accepted 01855a6d MLD 0  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:24:06] Accepted 00dc2a45 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:24:14] Accepted 01b94f15 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:24:15] 20s: 1.73 avg: 1.41 u: 1.52 Mh/s | A:79 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:24:18] Accepted 0087fb80 MLD 0  pool 0 Diff 7m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:24:20] Accepted 0172d58d MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:24:21] Accepted 01d7dcb8 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:24:22] Accepted 0173b827 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:24:23] Accepted 0128451b MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:24:35] 20s: 1.73 avg: 1.42 u: 1.54 Mh/s | A:84 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:24:36] Accepted 006cbc7c MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 9m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:24:49] Accepted 01e496f9 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:24:51] Accepted 0104caec MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:24:52] Accepted 010ba7c0 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:24:53] Accepted 0081fd37 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 7m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:24:55] Accepted 00b75f1b MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 5m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:24:55] 20s: 1.82 avg: 1.43 u: 1.57 Mh/s | A:90 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:25:02] Accepted 0060c0c4 MLD 0  pool 0 Diff 10m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:25:15] 20s: 1.48 avg: 1.42 u: 1.54 Mh/s | A:91 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:25:19] Accepted 0031d706 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 20m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:25:22] Accepted 00b54a80 MLD 0  pool 0 Diff 5m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:25:26] Accepted 01ce1c70 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:25:27] Accepted 00ebff7b MLD 0  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:25:29] Accepted 01be28fd MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:25:31] Accepted 013240a0 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:25:34] Accepted 019b22db MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:25:35] Accepted 007a1b64 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 8m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:25:35] 20s: 2.07 avg: 1.47 u: 1.59 Mh/s | A:99 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:25:36] Accepted 001995d6 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 39m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:25:43] Accepted 00361550 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 18m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:25:49] Accepted 01f1134a MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:25:53] Accepted 00d7a2c9 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:25:55] 20s: 1.66 avg: 1.45 u: 1.60 Mh/s | A:103 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:26:00] Accepted 0060e938 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 10m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:26:02] Accepted 012f6b3a MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:26:04] Accepted 01d335f7 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:26:15] 20s: 1.35 avg: 1.44 u: 1.59 Mh/s | A:106 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:26:18] Accepted 01d329f8 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:26:19] Accepted 001ada5f MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 37m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:26:20] Accepted 012a8aa6 MLD 0  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:26:34] Accepted 00db0425 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:26:35] 20s: 1.63 avg: 1.45 u: 1.59 Mh/s | A:110 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:26:37] Accepted 01c93b1f MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:26:52] Accepted 0022b803 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 28m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:26:55] 20s: 1.69 avg: 1.46 u: 1.57 Mh/s | A:112 R:0+0(none) HW:1/.72%
 [2016-02-20 21:26:56] Accepted 0115804b MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:27:08] Accepted 01629863 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:27:10] Accepted 0026ca62 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 25m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:27:11] Accepted 01524173 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:27:15] 20s: 1.46 avg: 1.45 u: 1.57 Mh/s | A:116 R:0+0(none) HW:1/.70%
 [2016-02-20 21:27:20] Accepted 01c49cab MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:27:21] Accepted 00d5a660 MLD 0  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:27:35] 20s: 1.47 avg: 1.45 u: 1.55 Mh/s | A:118 R:0+0(none) HW:1/.69%
 [2016-02-20 21:27:36] Accepted 01637c1c MLD 0  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:27:48] Accepted 012e22e0 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:27:48] Accepted 00405e80 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 15m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:27:52] Accepted 00d5c6c0 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:27:52] Accepted 008602ae MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 7m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:27:53] Accepted 00654fb3 MLD 0  pool 0 Diff 9m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:27:55] Accepted 017ee7d0 MLD 0  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:27:55] 20s: 1.77 avg: 1.47 u: 1.59 Mh/s | A:125 R:0+0(none) HW:1/.66%
 [2016-02-20 21:28:05] Accepted 00639e32 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 10m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:28:11] Accepted 01aa0751 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:28:12] Accepted 01e1411d MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:28:15] Accepted 011e01b6 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:28:15] 20s: 2.12 avg: 1.50 u: 1.59 Mh/s | A:129 R:0+0(none) HW:1/.64%
 [2016-02-20 21:28:23] Accepted 01db6e06 MLD 0  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:28:32] Accepted 01b231ff MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:28:33] Accepted 008ab55d MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 7m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:28:35] 20s: 1.67 avg: 1.49 u: 1.58 Mh/s | A:132 R:0+0(none) HW:1/.63%
 [2016-02-20 21:28:39] Accepted 00bf6403 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 5m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:28:40] Accepted 0047e772 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 13m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:28:43] Accepted 00da7d9d MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:28:46] Accepted 0011086d MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 58m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:28:48] Accepted 01b28a38 MLD 0  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:28:49] Accepted 009123e6 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 6m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:28:55] Accepted 00ba2613 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 5m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:28:55] 20s: 1.94 avg: 1.51 u: 1.61 Mh/s | A:139 R:0+0(none) HW:1/.60%
 [2016-02-20 21:28:59] New block: ...2d97f0bc7729c2e5 diff 54.5k (390.0G)
 [2016-02-20 21:28:59] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block
 [2016-02-20 21:29:01] Accepted 00678618 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 9m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:29:08] Accepted 01d182c9 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:29:11] Accepted 0137fc48 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:29:15] 20s: 1.55 avg: 1.50 u: 1.60 Mh/s | A:142 R:0+0(none) HW:1/.59%
 [2016-02-20 21:29:30] Accepted 01cb339c MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:29:35] 20s: 1.09 avg: 1.47 u: 1.58 Mh/s | A:143 R:0+0(none) HW:1/.59%
 [2016-02-20 21:29:39] Accepted 00c22ae4 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 5m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:29:43] Accepted 01fa0036 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 1m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:29:47] Accepted 009c38d3 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 6m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:29:53] Accepted 013f81ce MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:29:55] 20s: 1.28 avg: 1.47 u: 1.58 Mh/s | A:147 R:0+0(none) HW:1/.57%
 [2016-02-20 21:29:59] Accepted 0006fa6b MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 143m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:30:02] Accepted 00367a29 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 18m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:30:04] Accepted 00b4eaa3 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 5m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:30:15] Accepted 01f574df MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 1m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:30:15] 20s: 1.46 avg: 1.48 u: 1.58 Mh/s | A:151 R:0+0(none) HW:1/.56%
 [2016-02-20 21:30:22] Accepted 01679b7f MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:30:35] 20s: 1.04 avg: 1.46 u: 1.56 Mh/s | A:152 R:0+0(none) HW:1/.56%
 [2016-02-20 21:30:36] Accepted 005ad6ea MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 11m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:30:50] Accepted 019cf1b4 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:30:55] Accepted 0121383c MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:30:55] 20s: 1.08 avg: 1.45 u: 1.55 Mh/s | A:155 R:0+0(none) HW:1/.55%
 [2016-02-20 21:31:02] Accepted 00790747 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 8m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:31:11] Accepted 00489d2a MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 13m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:31:15] 20s: 1.34 avg: 1.46 u: 1.54 Mh/s | A:157 R:0+0(none) HW:1/.54%
 [2016-02-20 21:31:22] Accepted 01205126 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:31:27] Accepted 0139c338 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:31:35] 20s: 1.17 avg: 1.45 u: 1.52 Mh/s | A:159 R:0+0(none) HW:1/.54%
 [2016-02-20 21:31:38] Accepted 002adeaf MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 23m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:31:48] Accepted 01669d36 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:31:51] Accepted 01aa468d MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:31:55] 20s: 1.54 avg: 1.46 u: 1.52 Mh/s | A:162 R:0+0(none) HW:1/.53%
 [2016-02-20 21:31:56] Accepted 008f8251 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 6m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:31:59] Accepted 01083ae0 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:32:10] Accepted 00bc684c MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 5m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:32:12] Accepted 01fa67c9 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 1m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:32:15] 20s: 1.44 avg: 1.46 u: 1.52 Mh/s | A:166 R:0+0(none) HW:1/.52%
 [2016-02-20 21:32:19] Accepted 007b2bef MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 8m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:32:20] Accepted 00d0c4d9 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:32:21] Accepted 01c37e55 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:32:23] Accepted 01580333 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:32:25] Accepted 00772317 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 8m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:32:30] Accepted 00ea9ea6 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:32:35] 20s: 1.44 avg: 1.45 u: 1.54 Mh/s | A:172 R:0+0(none) HW:1/.50%
 [2016-02-20 21:32:36] Accepted 01a3d6d6 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:32:50] Accepted 0079f89f MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 8m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:32:55] 20s: 1.12 avg: 1.44 u: 1.53 Mh/s | A:174 R:0+0(none) HW:1/.50%
 [2016-02-20 21:32:58] Accepted 0083ae04 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 7m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:32:58] Accepted 01ff1d0b MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 1m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:33:00] Accepted 012ade44 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:33:06] Accepted 008cd4c0 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 7m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:33:15] Accepted 00dd63d1 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:33:15] 20s: 1.19 avg: 1.44 u: 1.54 Mh/s | A:179 R:0+0(none) HW:1/.48%
 [2016-02-20 21:33:17] Accepted 00a56459 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 6m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:33:19] Accepted 01a356ef MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:33:22] Accepted 0023b382 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 28m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:33:30] Accepted 011cd301 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:33:31] Accepted 01a60d7f MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:33:35] 20s: 1.48 avg: 1.45 u: 1.55 Mh/s | A:184 R:0+0(none) HW:1/.47%
 [2016-02-20 21:33:36] Accepted 00dd08b4 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:33:37] Accepted 0044a860 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 14m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:33:39] Accepted 01fef5e5 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 1m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:33:40] Accepted 0146404e MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:33:46] Accepted 0094d4c0 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 6m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:33:46] Accepted 0141e6d1 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:33:48] Accepted 00ec7a1a MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:33:56] 20s: 1.35 avg: 1.44 u: 1.57 Mh/s | A:191 R:0+0(none) HW:1/.46%
 [2016-02-20 21:34:07] Accepted 01c082a3 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:34:13] New best share: 147
 [2016-02-20 21:34:13] Accepted 000001bb MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 147/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:34:16] 20s: 1.04 avg: 1.43 u: 1.56 Mh/s | A:193 R:0+0(none) HW:1/.45%
 [2016-02-20 21:34:20] Accepted 0163a667 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:34:23] Accepted 003346ca MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 19m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:34:25] Accepted 01e834b6 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:34:36] 20s: 1.01 avg: 1.42 u: 1.55 Mh/s | A:196 R:0+0(none) HW:1/.45%
 [2016-02-20 21:34:44] Accepted 00368b8e MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 18m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:34:51] Accepted 00dbe187 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:34:56] 20s: 0.87 avg: 1.41 u: 1.54 Mh/s | A:198 R:0+0(none) HW:1/.44%
 [2016-02-20 21:35:03] Accepted 01bf3cd2 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:35:04] Accepted 01ad7836 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:35:08] Accepted 016e3c33 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:35:16] 20s: 1.68 avg: 1.43 u: 1.54 Mh/s | A:201 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.87%
 [2016-02-20 21:35:17] Accepted 015f98d2 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:35:34] Accepted 0067863c MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 9m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:35:36] 20s: 1.37 avg: 1.42 u: 1.53 Mh/s | A:203 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.86%
 [2016-02-20 21:35:50] Accepted 0140c3bc MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:35:53] Accepted 01b83979 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:35:56] 20s: 1.48 avg: 1.43 u: 1.52 Mh/s | A:205 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.86%
 [2016-02-20 21:35:59] New block: ...d15481ba0988b260 diff 54.5k (390.0G)
 [2016-02-20 21:35:59] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block
 [2016-02-20 21:36:00] Accepted 00779ef5 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 8m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:36:15] Accepted 015966b4 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:36:16] 20s: 1.16 avg: 1.41 u: 1.51 Mh/s | A:207 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.85%
 [2016-02-20 21:36:21] Accepted 00486174 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 13m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:36:33] Accepted 01a7c561 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:36:36] 20s: 1.03 avg: 1.40 u: 1.50 Mh/s | A:209 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.84%
 [2016-02-20 21:36:42] Accepted 00abc102 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 5m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:36:45] Accepted 01873f19 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:36:54] Accepted 00d6944a MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:36:55] Accepted 00039a9f MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 277m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:36:56] 20s: 1.65 avg: 1.42 u: 1.50 Mh/s | A:213 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.83%
 [2016-02-20 21:37:01] Accepted 01b20115 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:37:09] Accepted 002749f4 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 25m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:37:16] 20s: 1.19 avg: 1.41 u: 1.49 Mh/s | A:215 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.82%
 [2016-02-20 21:37:36] 20s: 0.73 avg: 1.39 u: 1.47 Mh/s | A:215 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.82%
 [2016-02-20 21:37:40] Accepted 00dd4442 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:37:41] Accepted 01f5252d MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 1m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:37:42] Accepted 00c740e1 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 5m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:37:45] Accepted 014189d3 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:37:48] Accepted 0140ee11 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:37:52] Accepted 019f0930 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:37:56] 20s: 1.32 avg: 1.40 u: 1.48 Mh/s | A:221 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.80%
 [2016-02-20 21:38:03] Accepted 00fb2c12 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:38:11] Accepted 000fb490 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 63m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:38:11] Accepted 0152e0c2 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:38:16] 20s: 1.56 avg: 1.41 u: 1.48 Mh/s | A:224 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.79%
 [2016-02-20 21:38:32] Accepted 0020ff5f MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 30m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:38:36] 20s: 1.28 avg: 1.40 u: 1.46 Mh/s | A:225 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.79%
 [2016-02-20 21:38:39] Accepted 00af7c98 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 5m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:38:49] Accepted 012885d1 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:38:56] 20s: 1.15 avg: 1.39 u: 1.46 Mh/s | A:227 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.78%
 [2016-02-20 21:39:00] Accepted 007db8ae MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 7m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:39:01] Accepted 01d18270 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:39:05] Accepted 017260ee MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:39:05] Accepted 017bef50 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:39:08] Accepted 00dbf06f MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:39:15] Accepted 00ce2cf7 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:39:15] Accepted 01fd024d MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 1m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:39:16] 20s: 1.57 avg: 1.41 u: 1.48 Mh/s | A:234 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.76%
 [2016-02-20 21:39:18] Accepted 01a4774b MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:39:19] Accepted 01d29802 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:39:36] 20s: 1.10 avg: 1.39 u: 1.47 Mh/s | A:236 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.76%
 [2016-02-20 21:39:39] Accepted 01f83186 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 1m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:39:45] Accepted 004a613a MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 13m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:39:54] Accepted 00975fc9 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 6m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:39:56] 20s: 1.45 avg: 1.40 u: 1.46 Mh/s | A:239 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.75%
 [2016-02-20 21:39:56] Accepted 00276888 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 25m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:40:01] Accepted 011e2248 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:40:01] Accepted 00f166ea MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:40:02] Accepted 011ba1de MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:40:04] Accepted 00633920 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 10m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:40:07] Accepted 010adf5c MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:40:16] 20s: 1.20 avg: 1.39 u: 1.48 Mh/s | A:245 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.73%
 [2016-02-20 21:40:17] Accepted 0090e705 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 6m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:40:27] Accepted 01f3fbc6 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:40:34] Accepted 01399522 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:40:35] Accepted 0067b0ef MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 9m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:40:35] Accepted 01b5d3ad MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:40:36] 20s: 1.60 avg: 1.40 u: 1.49 Mh/s | A:250 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.72%
 [2016-02-20 21:40:46] Accepted 0137fa43 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:40:48] Accepted 01898c55 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:40:52] Accepted 0118ac22 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:40:56] 20s: 1.24 avg: 1.39 u: 1.48 Mh/s | A:253 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.71%
 [2016-02-20 21:40:56] Accepted 00bc5873 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 5m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:41:00] Accepted 00d117e6 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:41:11] Accepted 01cbfd7f MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:41:16] 20s: 1.19 avg: 1.39 u: 1.48 Mh/s | A:256 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.70%
 [2016-02-20 21:41:34] Accepted 01406d73 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:41:36] 20s: 1.00 avg: 1.38 u: 1.47 Mh/s | A:257 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.70%
 [2016-02-20 21:41:44] Accepted 005a4126 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 11m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:41:56] 20s: 1.00 avg: 1.38 u: 1.45 Mh/s | A:258 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.70%
 [2016-02-20 21:42:08] Accepted 01b9d787 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:42:13] Accepted 0003049a MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 331m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:42:14] Accepted 00bbfb06 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 5m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:42:15] Accepted 01e5c224 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:42:16] 20s: 1.20 avg: 1.38 u: 1.46 Mh/s | A:262 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.69%
 [2016-02-20 21:42:25] Accepted 0133677b MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:42:28] Accepted 01574f69 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:42:36] 20s: 1.44 avg: 1.38 u: 1.45 Mh/s | A:264 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.68%
 [2016-02-20 21:42:37] Accepted 007de9af MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 7m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:42:46] Accepted 00b5c29e MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 5m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:42:50] Accepted 01093d47 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:42:56] 20s: 1.42 avg: 1.38 u: 1.45 Mh/s | A:267 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.68%
 [2016-02-20 21:43:01] Accepted 0059116d MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 11m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:43:03] Accepted 018cc037 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:43:16] 20s: 1.17 avg: 1.38 u: 1.44 Mh/s | A:269 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.67%
 [2016-02-20 21:43:18] Accepted 00acdf52 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 5m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:43:36] 20s: 0.98 avg: 1.37 u: 1.43 Mh/s | A:270 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.67%
 [2016-02-20 21:43:40] Accepted 00bbf8f2 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 5m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:43:56] 20s: 0.92 avg: 1.36 u: 1.42 Mh/s | A:271 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.67%
 [2016-02-20 21:44:05] Accepted 019c8626 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:44:16] 20s: 0.77 avg: 1.35 u: 1.41 Mh/s | A:272 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.67%
 [2016-02-20 21:44:18] Accepted 00933d68 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 6m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:44:26] Accepted 012518d4 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:44:27] Accepted 01e7ed24 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:44:28] Accepted 0137f63a MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:44:36] 20s: 1.33 avg: 1.36 u: 1.41 Mh/s | A:276 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.66%
 [2016-02-20 21:44:56] 20s: 0.81 avg: 1.35 u: 1.39 Mh/s | A:276 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.66%
 [2016-02-20 21:45:01] Accepted 005caeaf MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 10m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:45:11] Accepted 000bc9bc MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 84m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:45:16] 20s: 0.84 avg: 1.34 u: 1.39 Mh/s | A:278 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.65%
 [2016-02-20 21:45:18] Accepted 01c91ad1 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:45:20] Accepted 0037a450 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 17m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:45:23] Accepted 01794fdd MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:45:23] Accepted 01b6a1be MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:45:24] Accepted 007b920e MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 8m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:45:36] 20s: 1.09 avg: 1.34 u: 1.39 Mh/s | A:283 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.64%
 [2016-02-20 21:45:37] Accepted 01ad9b9d MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:45:45] Accepted 0091e0f8 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 6m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:45:51] Accepted 011dd7f4 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:45:56] 20s: 1.00 avg: 1.34 u: 1.39 Mh/s | A:286 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.64%
 [2016-02-20 21:46:16] 20s: 0.61 avg: 1.32 u: 1.38 Mh/s | A:286 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.64%
 [2016-02-20 21:46:25] Accepted 004cb72c MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 13m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:46:36] 20s: 0.66 avg: 1.32 u: 1.37 Mh/s | A:287 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.63%
 [2016-02-20 21:46:41] Accepted 01da0b9a MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:46:42] Accepted 0170c22a MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:46:44] Accepted 00c318f7 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 5m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:46:46] Accepted 00710e4d MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 8m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:46:52] Accepted 0012b2f4 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 53m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:46:56] 20s: 1.18 avg: 1.33 u: 1.38 Mh/s | A:292 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.62%
 [2016-02-20 21:47:16] 20s: 0.72 avg: 1.31 u: 1.36 Mh/s | A:292 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.62%
 [2016-02-20 21:47:18] Accepted 016fb6f2 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:47:19] Accepted 00b02751 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 5m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:47:29] New block: ...9f86d467109e0bfd diff 54.5k (390.0G)
 [2016-02-20 21:47:29] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block
 [2016-02-20 21:47:35] Accepted 008f4fc3 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 6m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:47:36] 20s: 1.05 avg: 1.31 u: 1.36 Mh/s | A:295 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.62%
 [2016-02-20 21:47:55] Accepted 019d7cb8 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:47:56] 20s: 0.95 avg: 1.31 u: 1.35 Mh/s | A:296 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.62%
 [2016-02-20 21:47:59] New block: ...7ed520eacefbb485 diff 54.5k (390.0G)
 [2016-02-20 21:47:59] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block
 [2016-02-20 21:48:08] Accepted 011e31fb MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:48:13] Accepted 009b5093 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 6m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:48:14] Accepted 012edb42 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:48:16] 20s: 1.01 avg: 1.31 u: 1.35 Mh/s | A:299 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.61%
 [2016-02-20 21:48:20] Accepted 002e6d21 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 21m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:48:28] Accepted 0027795a MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 25m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:48:29] New block: ...4335d63dbbff10ad diff 54.5k (390.0G)
 [2016-02-20 21:48:29] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block
 [2016-02-20 21:48:35] Accepted 009648be MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 6m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:48:36] 20s: 0.94 avg: 1.30 u: 1.35 Mh/s | A:302 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.61%
 [2016-02-20 21:48:56] 20s: 0.58 avg: 1.29 u: 1.34 Mh/s | A:302 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.61%
 [2016-02-20 21:48:56] Accepted 006d0859 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 9m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:49:07] Accepted 00d5dd8e MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:49:10] Accepted 00fbe499 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:49:16] 20s: 0.88 avg: 1.29 u: 1.34 Mh/s | A:305 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.60%
 [2016-02-20 21:49:34] Accepted 00844dea MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 7m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:49:36] 20s: 0.84 avg: 1.29 u: 1.33 Mh/s | A:306 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.60%
 [2016-02-20 21:49:43] Accepted 00230877 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 28m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:49:49] Accepted 0124553f MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:49:56] 20s: 0.91 avg: 1.28 u: 1.32 Mh/s | A:308 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.59%
 [2016-02-20 21:50:06] Accepted 01535933 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:50:16] 20s: 0.70 avg: 1.27 u: 1.31 Mh/s | A:309 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.59%
 [2016-02-20 21:50:29] New block: ...87d98bca33876a3b diff 54.5k (390.0G)
 [2016-02-20 21:50:29] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block
 [2016-02-20 21:50:36] 20s: 0.43 avg: 1.26 u: 1.30 Mh/s | A:309 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.59%
 [2016-02-20 21:50:47] Accepted 0130087d MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:50:56] 20s: 0.78 avg: 1.26 u: 1.29 Mh/s | A:310 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.59%
 [2016-02-20 21:50:58] Accepted 015557e2 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:51:12] Accepted 01ee77e3 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:51:15] Accepted 00eaa0bb MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:51:16] 20s: 1.25 avg: 1.27 u: 1.29 Mh/s | A:313 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.59%
 [2016-02-20 21:51:20] Accepted 018d2896 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:51:26] Accepted 001548bd MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 46m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:51:36] 20s: 0.92 avg: 1.26 u: 1.29 Mh/s | A:315 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.58%
 [2016-02-20 21:51:43] Accepted 01d974cc MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:51:45] Accepted 01380f57 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:51:46] Accepted 01e2d492 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:51:56] 20s: 0.92 avg: 1.26 u: 1.29 Mh/s | A:318 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.58%
 [2016-02-20 21:51:58] Accepted 00abc13a MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 5m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:52:04] Accepted 00dc166b MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:52:16] 20s: 0.71 avg: 1.25 u: 1.29 Mh/s | A:320 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.57%
 [2016-02-20 21:52:24] Accepted 0015fb30 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 45m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:52:36] 20s: 0.60 avg: 1.24 u: 1.28 Mh/s | A:321 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.57%
 [2016-02-20 21:52:56] 20s: 0.37 avg: 1.23 u: 1.27 Mh/s | A:321 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.57%
 [2016-02-20 21:52:59] New block: ...d102044dceaacc6c diff 54.5k (390.0G)
 [2016-02-20 21:52:59] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block
 [2016-02-20 21:53:01] Accepted 0085d754 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 7m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:53:09] Accepted 01729c47 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:53:09] Accepted 01fade23 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 1m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:53:16] 20s: 1.21 avg: 1.24 u: 1.27 Mh/s | A:324 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.57%
 [2016-02-20 21:53:27] Accepted 016c50df MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:53:36] 20s: 0.96 avg: 1.24 u: 1.26 Mh/s | A:325 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.57%
 [2016-02-20 21:53:42] Accepted 00a207fe MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 6m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:53:49] Accepted 010e14a3 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:53:56] 20s: 1.04 avg: 1.24 u: 1.26 Mh/s | A:327 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.56%
 [2016-02-20 21:54:00] Accepted 01a588e5 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:54:03] Accepted 007baf68 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 8m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:54:16] 20s: 0.74 avg: 1.23 u: 1.25 Mh/s | A:329 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.56%
 [2016-02-20 21:54:33] Accepted 008cf5d0 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 7m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:54:36] 20s: 0.87 avg: 1.23 u: 1.25 Mh/s | A:330 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.56%
 [2016-02-20 21:54:46] Accepted 01a649fc MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:54:56] 20s: 0.64 avg: 1.22 u: 1.24 Mh/s | A:331 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.56%
 [2016-02-20 21:55:05] Accepted 01790b45 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:55:08] Accepted 010fb852 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:55:16] 20s: 1.07 avg: 1.23 u: 1.24 Mh/s | A:333 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.55%
 [2016-02-20 21:55:20] Accepted 01704c73 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:55:21] Accepted 0130106e MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:55:24] Accepted 00009497 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 1/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:55:36] 20s: 0.92 avg: 1.22 u: 1.24 Mh/s | A:336 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.55%
 [2016-02-20 21:55:43] Accepted 01709373 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:55:43] Accepted 016b2ad0 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:55:56] 20s: 0.74 avg: 1.21 u: 1.23 Mh/s | A:338 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.55%
 [2016-02-20 21:55:59] Accepted 01ca0003 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:56:10] Accepted 00c65da4 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 5m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:56:16] Accepted 0077d59e MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 8m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:56:16] 20s: 0.72 avg: 1.21 u: 1.23 Mh/s | A:341 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.54%
 [2016-02-20 21:56:36] 20s: 0.44 avg: 1.20 u: 1.22 Mh/s | A:341 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.54%
 [2016-02-20 21:56:38] Accepted 0113f315 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:56:41] Accepted 00f61958 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:56:47] Accepted 0122e66d MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:56:52] Accepted 01ea118f MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:56:56] 20s: 1.24 avg: 1.21 u: 1.23 Mh/s | A:345 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.54%
 [2016-02-20 21:57:16] 20s: 0.76 avg: 1.20 u: 1.22 Mh/s | A:345 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.54%
 [2016-02-20 21:57:19] Accepted 00c80405 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:57:33] Accepted 00ceb071 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:57:36] 20s: 0.80 avg: 1.20 u: 1.21 Mh/s | A:347 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.53%
 [2016-02-20 21:57:45] Accepted 018d9ee5 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:57:56] 20s: 1.15 avg: 1.20 u: 1.21 Mh/s | A:348 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.53%
 [2016-02-20 21:57:56] Accepted 00f679e2 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:58:16] 20s: 0.70 avg: 1.19 u: 1.20 Mh/s | A:349 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.53%
 [2016-02-20 21:58:17] Accepted 009e55b9 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 6m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:58:28] Accepted 01b043e9 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:58:33] Accepted 0100f507 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:58:36] 20s: 1.09 avg: 1.20 u: 1.20 Mh/s | A:352 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.53%
 [2016-02-20 21:58:43] Accepted 01ae8eba MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:58:56] 20s: 0.74 avg: 1.19 u: 1.20 Mh/s | A:353 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.52%
 [2016-02-20 21:59:05] Accepted 01094d7b MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:59:12] Accepted 00372b81 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 18m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:59:13] Accepted 0126d7fe MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:59:16] 20s: 1.00 avg: 1.19 u: 1.20 Mh/s | A:356 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.52%
 [2016-02-20 21:59:24] Accepted 008b3bb2 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 7m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:59:33] Accepted 016757ce MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:59:36] 20s: 0.85 avg: 1.19 u: 1.19 Mh/s | A:358 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.52%
 [2016-02-20 21:59:37] Accepted 01d23ccc MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:59:45] Accepted 0171a55c MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:59:52] Accepted 01b5ee41 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:59:56] Accepted 014b81f9 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:59:56] 20s: 1.01 avg: 1.19 u: 1.20 Mh/s | A:362 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.51%
 [2016-02-20 21:59:56] Accepted 005e050b MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 10m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:00:16] 20s: 0.66 avg: 1.18 u: 1.19 Mh/s | A:363 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.51%
 [2016-02-20 22:00:16] Accepted 00362491 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 18m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:00:29] New block: ...95a282f1a80b97f8 diff 54.5k (390.0G)
 [2016-02-20 22:00:29] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block
 [2016-02-20 22:00:36] 20s: 0.90 avg: 1.18 u: 1.19 Mh/s | A:364 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.51%
 [2016-02-20 22:00:36] Accepted 0069141d MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 9m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:00:41] Accepted 006ea87c MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 9m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:00:42] Accepted 00ccc28c MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:00:49] Accepted 0078ac95 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 8m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:00:49] Accepted 0033f23d MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 19m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:00:56] 20s: 0.92 avg: 1.18 u: 1.19 Mh/s | A:369 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.50%
 [2016-02-20 22:01:16] 20s: 0.56 avg: 1.17 u: 1.18 Mh/s | A:369 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.50%
 [2016-02-20 22:01:25] Accepted 012a87f5 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:01:36] 20s: 0.64 avg: 1.17 u: 1.18 Mh/s | A:370 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.50%
 [2016-02-20 22:01:43] Accepted 0092308e MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 6m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:01:44] Accepted 0029a25c MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 24m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:01:52] Accepted 0115ded1 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:01:56] 20s: 0.90 avg: 1.17 u: 1.18 Mh/s | A:373 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.50%
 [2016-02-20 22:02:16] 20s: 0.55 avg: 1.16 u: 1.17 Mh/s | A:373 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.50%
 [2016-02-20 22:02:19] Accepted 004f9a3d MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 12m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:02:36] 20s: 0.79 avg: 1.16 u: 1.17 Mh/s | A:374 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.50%
 [2016-02-20 22:02:41] Accepted 01bfee8e MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:02:49] Accepted 018fb655 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:02:53] Accepted 0069d528 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 9m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:02:56] 20s: 1.22 avg: 1.17 u: 1.17 Mh/s | A:377 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.49%
 [2016-02-20 22:02:56] Accepted 009a426a MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 6m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:03:05] Accepted 00faa328 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:03:09] Accepted 0162d283 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:03:16] 20s: 1.01 avg: 1.16 u: 1.17 Mh/s | A:380 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.49%
 [2016-02-20 22:03:36] 20s: 0.62 avg: 1.15 u: 1.16 Mh/s | A:380 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.49%
 [2016-02-20 22:03:56] 20s: 0.38 avg: 1.15 u: 1.15 Mh/s | A:380 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.49%
 [2016-02-20 22:03:59] Accepted 006e05c3 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 9m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:04:12] Accepted 01bc581a MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:04:16] 20s: 0.75 avg: 1.15 u: 1.15 Mh/s | A:382 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.49%
 [2016-02-20 22:04:24] Accepted 0085db32 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 7m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:04:25] Accepted 01afa5b0 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:04:36] 20s: 1.21 avg: 1.15 u: 1.15 Mh/s | A:384 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.49%
 [2016-02-20 22:04:45] Accepted 014333b5 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:04:56] 20s: 0.91 avg: 1.15 u: 1.14 Mh/s | A:385 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.48%
 [2016-02-20 22:04:59] Accepted 01a62ad8 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:05:16] 20s: 0.67 avg: 1.14 u: 1.14 Mh/s | A:386 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.48%
 [2016-02-20 22:05:24] Accepted 00bc7ad7 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 5m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:05:25] Accepted 00de1e9d MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:05:30] Accepted 00e3e573 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:05:36] 20s: 1.15 avg: 1.15 u: 1.14 Mh/s | A:389 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.48%
 [2016-02-20 22:05:46] Accepted 017457e6 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:05:48] Accepted 00b8f90b MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 5m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:05:56] 20s: 0.86 avg: 1.14 u: 1.14 Mh/s | A:391 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.48%
 [2016-02-20 22:05:56] Accepted 01a04428 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:06:01] Accepted 00ce7d56 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:06:16] 20s: 0.89 avg: 1.14 u: 1.13 Mh/s | A:393 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.47%
 [2016-02-20 22:06:17] Accepted 009094a8 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 6m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:06:25] Accepted 00877dc8 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 7m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:06:29] New block: ...a41fddc152abb528 diff 54.5k (390.0G)
 [2016-02-20 22:06:29] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block
 [2016-02-20 22:06:36] 20s: 0.78 avg: 1.14 u: 1.13 Mh/s | A:395 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.47%
 [2016-02-20 22:06:37] Accepted 000aaee2 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 93m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:06:56] 20s: 0.57 avg: 1.13 u: 1.13 Mh/s | A:396 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.47%
 [2016-02-20 22:06:58] Accepted 008878c3 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 7m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:07:04] Accepted 01b69711 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:07:16] 20s: 1.03 avg: 1.14 u: 1.13 Mh/s | A:398 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.47%
 [2016-02-20 22:07:22] Accepted 00290d36 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 24m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:07:27] Accepted 01d5088a MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:07:29] New block: ...187c902a01395ed9 diff 54.5k (390.0G)
 [2016-02-20 22:07:29] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block
 [2016-02-20 22:07:33] Accepted 00a5d498 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 6m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:07:36] 20s: 0.92 avg: 1.13 u: 1.13 Mh/s | A:401 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.47%
 [2016-02-20 22:07:43] Accepted 00369b53 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 18m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:07:48] Accepted 0128f055 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:07:55] Accepted 008aad81 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 7m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:07:56] 20s: 1.10 avg: 1.14 u: 1.13 Mh/s | A:404 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.46%
 [2016-02-20 22:07:59] Accepted 01cf1233 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:08:00] Accepted 00ef2707 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:08:16] 20s: 0.80 avg: 1.13 u: 1.13 Mh/s | A:406 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.46%
 [2016-02-20 22:08:27] Accepted 01f6835d MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 1m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:08:28] Accepted 01f210b3 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:08:35] Accepted 00827eeb MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 7m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:08:36] 20s: 1.01 avg: 1.13 u: 1.13 Mh/s | A:409 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.46%
 [2016-02-20 22:08:56] Accepted 00e1c098 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:08:56] 20s: 0.79 avg: 1.13 u: 1.12 Mh/s | A:410 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.46%
 [2016-02-20 22:08:59] New block: ...b8341b9ca540d30e diff 54.5k (390.0G)
 [2016-02-20 22:08:59] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block
 [2016-02-20 22:09:09] Accepted 004fb5c3 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 12m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:09:09] Accepted 018939d6 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:09:11] Accepted 00e697e1 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:09:16] 20s: 0.95 avg: 1.13 u: 1.12 Mh/s | A:413 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.45%
 [2016-02-20 22:09:24] Accepted 01d2c629 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:09:32] Accepted 01b74c81 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:09:36] 20s: 0.87 avg: 1.13 u: 1.12 Mh/s | A:415 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.45%
 [2016-02-20 22:09:40] Accepted 01100e70 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:09:53] Accepted 0195677c MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:09:56] 20s: 0.77 avg: 1.12 u: 1.12 Mh/s | A:417 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.45%
 [2016-02-20 22:09:59] Accepted 0161d044 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:10:16] Accepted 01fb4070 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 1m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:10:16] 20s: 0.66 avg: 1.12 u: 1.12 Mh/s | A:419 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.45%
 [2016-02-20 22:10:16] Accepted 0018aa1d MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 40m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:10:21] Accepted 00c8815f MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:10:23] Accepted 01e067e1 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:10:36] 20s: 0.46 avg: 1.11 u: 1.12 Mh/s | A:422 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.44%
 [2016-02-20 22:10:38] Accepted 0003855c MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 284m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:10:56] 20s: 0.40 avg: 1.11 u: 1.11 Mh/s | A:423 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.44%
 [2016-02-20 22:11:14] Accepted 00c6cb50 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 5m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:11:16] 20s: 0.54 avg: 1.11 u: 1.11 Mh/s | A:424 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.44%
 [2016-02-20 22:11:24] Accepted 00235c75 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 28m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:11:30] Accepted 01e29446 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:11:36] 20s: 0.45 avg: 1.10 u: 1.11 Mh/s | A:426 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.44%
 [2016-02-20 22:11:37] Accepted 00475d62 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 14m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:11:45] Accepted 008d9173 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 7m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:11:50] Accepted 01737983 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:11:56] 20s: 0.44 avg: 1.10 u: 1.11 Mh/s | A:429 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.44%
 [2016-02-20 22:12:16] 20s: 0.27 avg: 1.09 u: 1.10 Mh/s | A:429 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.44%
 [2016-02-20 22:12:35] Accepted 008b1ffc MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 7m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:12:36] 20s: 0.54 avg: 1.09 u: 1.10 Mh/s | A:430 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.44%
 [2016-02-20 22:12:36] Accepted 013e5b7f MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:12:36] Accepted 00d72454 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:12:43] Accepted 00390f0b MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 17m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:12:56] 20s: 1.89 avg: 1.11 u: 1.10 Mh/s | A:433 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.43%
 [2016-02-20 22:13:07] Accepted 01b3f80a MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:13:08] Accepted 010496b6 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:13:16] Accepted 016c00c2 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:13:16] 20s: 1.69 avg: 1.11 u: 1.10 Mh/s | A:436 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.43%
 [2016-02-20 22:13:35] Accepted 003e742c MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 16m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:13:36] 20s: 1.25 avg: 1.11 u: 1.10 Mh/s | A:437 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.43%
 [2016-02-20 22:13:50] Accepted 018cc4b7 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:13:56] 20s: 0.89 avg: 1.10 u: 1.09 Mh/s | A:438 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.43%
 [2016-02-20 22:14:13] Accepted 002c22d4 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 22m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:14:16] 20s: 1.01 avg: 1.10 u: 1.09 Mh/s | A:439 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.43%
 [2016-02-20 22:14:23] Accepted 0045f1ba MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 14m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:14:24] Accepted 017ef60c MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:14:27] Accepted 01553fe4 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:14:30] New block: ...fe98a99278e7a3ca diff 54.5k (390.0G)
 [2016-02-20 22:14:30] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block
 [2016-02-20 22:14:32] Accepted 01351f85 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:14:36] 20s: 1.08 avg: 1.10 u: 1.09 Mh/s | A:443 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.42%
 [2016-02-20 22:14:43] Accepted 00fe7d22 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:14:52] Accepted 0116ae7c MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:14:56] 20s: 0.86 avg: 1.10 u: 1.09 Mh/s | A:445 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.42%
 [2016-02-20 22:15:07] Accepted 01b9f1c8 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:15:13] Accepted 016c095b MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:15:16] 20s: 0.98 avg: 1.10 u: 1.09 Mh/s | A:447 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.42%
 [2016-02-20 22:15:36] 20s: 0.60 avg: 1.09 u: 1.08 Mh/s | A:447 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.42%
 [2016-02-20 22:15:38] Accepted 0001336d MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 832m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:15:51] Accepted 00c8d499 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:15:51] Accepted 00d67751 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:15:56] 20s: 1.04 avg: 1.10 u: 1.09 Mh/s | A:450 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.42%
 [2016-02-20 22:16:14] Accepted 016fb855 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:16:16] 20s: 0.82 avg: 1.09 u: 1.08 Mh/s | A:451 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.42%
 [2016-02-20 22:16:30] New block: ...b934f5efca10ce67 diff 54.5k (390.0G)
 [2016-02-20 22:16:30] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block
 [2016-02-20 22:16:36] 20s: 0.50 avg: 1.09 u: 1.08 Mh/s | A:451 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.42%
 [2016-02-20 22:16:47] Accepted 01eb1bd1 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:16:56] 20s: 0.77 avg: 1.09 u: 1.07 Mh/s | A:452 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.42%
 [2016-02-20 22:17:11] Accepted 01b6819b MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:17:16] 20s: 0.67 avg: 1.08 u: 1.07 Mh/s | A:453 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.42%
 [2016-02-20 22:17:36] Accepted 014db141 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:17:36] 20s: 0.61 avg: 1.08 u: 1.07 Mh/s | A:454 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.41%
 [2016-02-20 22:17:43] Accepted 013a6139 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:17:56] 20s: 0.43 avg: 1.08 u: 1.06 Mh/s | A:455 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.41%
 [2016-02-20 22:18:16] 20s: 0.26 avg: 1.07 u: 1.06 Mh/s | A:455 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.41%
 [2016-02-20 22:18:36] 20s: 0.16 avg: 1.07 u: 1.05 Mh/s | A:455 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.41%
 [2016-02-20 22:18:56] 20s: 0.10 avg: 1.06 u: 1.05 Mh/s | A:455 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.41%
 [2016-02-20 22:18:57] Accepted 01d36caa MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:19:00] New block: ...16b3dc035bcadb0f diff 54.5k (390.0G)
 [2016-02-20 22:19:00] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block
 [2016-02-20 22:19:15] Accepted 011ceed0 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:19:16] 20s: 0.81 avg: 1.06 u: 1.04 Mh/s | A:457 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.41%
 [2016-02-20 22:19:36] 20s: 0.50 avg: 1.06 u: 1.04 Mh/s | A:457 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.41%
 [2016-02-20 22:19:56] 20s: 0.31 avg: 1.05 u: 1.03 Mh/s | A:457 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.41%

as you can see first all 4 are running.. then in the end only 1 is left accepting shares..

its not always the same ones.. or the same thing.. sometimes they all stop running..

any ideas?

here is my setup.
the fan from the case is blowing air up.. keeping them cool..
im running them on ubutnu 14.10 with bfgminer compiled from your fork.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: mindtrip on February 22, 2016, 12:51:08 AM
So I have tinkered with these all weekend with like 6 different hubs and Mac an a Pi

Here is what I have come to the conclusion of

USB 2.0 Hubs dont work (I Tested 3 non worked) I think they may work with USB Y Cables as these things draw a lot of power. I purchased some Y cables and will re-test
So Far an Anker 7 Port hub is working best I have 2 Moonlanders and a USB Fan running on my mac at 980kh each running stable most of the day today with clock set to 336mhz with almost no HW errors

I have had no luck at all getting these to work on a Pi as the USB 3 hubs wont detect under Linux so right now thats all I have been able to come up with

I have some other USB hubs I ordered coming in for testing and will a do some more documenting over the next week

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: aarons6 on February 22, 2016, 04:49:57 AM
i think it may be the bfgminer

after a short time they just stop getting data and sit idle..

they arent being disconnected or anything.. green light still lit up.. even the yellow light blinks like they are sending shares..

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: ManeBjorn on February 28, 2016, 08:18:50 PM
CrazyGuy was telling me they may not run well on an RPi you should use a Cubie.
I will have one from him this week with an image so I can test on the Cubie.

So I have tinkered with these all weekend with like 6 different hubs and Mac an a Pi

Here is what I have come to the conclusion of

USB 2.0 Hubs dont work (I Tested 3 non worked) I think they may work with USB Y Cables as these things draw a lot of power. I purchased some Y cables and will re-test
So Far an Anker 7 Port hub is working best I have 2 Moonlanders and a USB Fan running on my mac at 980kh each running stable most of the day today with clock set to 336mhz with almost no HW errors

I have had no luck at all getting these to work on a Pi as the USB 3 hubs wont detect under Linux so right now thats all I have been able to come up with

I have some other USB hubs I ordered coming in for testing and will a do some more documenting over the next week

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: notabeliever on March 03, 2016, 05:03:42 AM
i tried posting on the litecoin forums but it says i was blocked.. anyway..

i got 4 of these, and they just slowly all die out after awhile..

here is the logs..

 [2016-02-20 21:14:24] Started bfgminer 5.2.0-147-gff6ef5b
 [2016-02-20 21:14:24] Loaded configuration file /var/www/html/minera/conf/miner_conf.json
 [2016-02-20 21:14:25] Probing for an alive pool
 [2016-02-20 21:14:25] Testing pool
 [2016-02-20 21:14:25] Testing pool
 [2016-02-20 21:14:34] Stratum authorisation success for pool 1
 [2016-02-20 21:14:34] Switching to pool 1 - first alive pool
 [2016-02-20 21:14:34] Pool 1 is hiding block contents from us
 [2016-02-20 21:14:34] Network difficulty changed to 54.5k (390.0G)
 [2016-02-20 21:14:34] New block: ...4a1b8798eb507af5 diff 54.5k (390.0G)
 [2016-02-20 21:14:34] Stratum from pool 1 detected new block
 [2016-02-20 21:14:35] API running in IP access mode on port 4028
 [2016-02-20 21:14:55] New best share: 111m
 [2016-02-20 21:14:55] Accepted 0008fdd5 MLD 3  pool 1 Diff 111m/6m
 [2016-02-20 21:14:55] 20s: 0.00 avg: 0.00 u: 1.33 Mh/s | A:1 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:15:04] New best share: 171m
 [2016-02-20 21:15:04] Accepted 0005d195 MLD 1  pool 1 Diff 171m/6m
 [2016-02-20 21:15:05] Message from pool 0: Authorised, welcome to nicehash lotto Lhesnt9HUtCmTwkSW8u1sYErdKxz1wK8fg!
 [2016-02-20 21:15:05] Stratum authorisation success for pool 0
 [2016-02-20 21:15:05] Pool 0 alive
 [2016-02-20 21:15:05] Switching to pool 0
 [2016-02-20 21:15:05] Pool 0 is hiding block contents from us
 [2016-02-20 21:15:15] 20s: 0.00 avg: 0.00 u: 1.33 Mh/s | A:2 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:15:35] 20s:  1.9 avg:  3.3 u:889.0 kh/s | A:2 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:15:36] Accepted 006fa014 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 8m/3m
 [2016-02-20 21:15:53] Accepted 00566f99 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 11m/3m
 [2016-02-20 21:15:55] 20s: 0.26 avg: 0.17 u: 1.09 Mh/s | A:4 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:16:15] 20s:157.5 avg:134.1 u:868.8 kh/s | A:4 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:16:15] Accepted 003b4f54 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 16m/3m
 [2016-02-20 21:16:18] Accepted 003a8d30 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 17m/3m
 [2016-02-20 21:16:24] Accepted 00de0411 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 4m/3m
 [2016-02-20 21:16:35] 20s: 0.82 avg: 0.42 u: 1.14 Mh/s | A:7 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:16:37] Accepted 00972f12 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 6m/3m
 [2016-02-20 21:16:37] Accepted 00ad0950 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 5m/3m
 [2016-02-20 21:16:45] Accepted 00d875fa MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 4m/3m
 [2016-02-20 21:16:55] 20s: 1.03 avg: 0.56 u: 1.34 Mh/s | A:10 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:16:56] Accepted 00714af9 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 8m/3m
 [2016-02-20 21:16:58] Accepted 005489d0 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 11m/3m
 [2016-02-20 21:17:04] Accepted 0080f6d9 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 7m/3m
 [2016-02-20 21:17:05] Stratum connection to pool 1 interrupted
 [2016-02-20 21:17:05] Stratum authorisation success for pool 1
 [2016-02-20 21:17:05] Closing socket for stratum pool 1
 [2016-02-20 21:17:15] 20s: 0.95 avg: 0.59 u: 1.49 Mh/s | A:13 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:17:21] Accepted 001a4ccc MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 38m/3m
 [2016-02-20 21:17:35] 20s: 1.44 avg: 0.77 u: 1.41 Mh/s | A:14 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:17:36] Accepted 001a411e MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 38m/3m
 [2016-02-20 21:17:38] Accepted 00ee630b MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 4m/3m
 [2016-02-20 21:17:51] Accepted 00ff3869 MLD 0  pool 0 Diff 3m/3m
 [2016-02-20 21:17:53] Accepted 0096416b MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 6m/3m
 [2016-02-20 21:17:55] 20s: 1.73 avg: 0.91 u: 1.61 Mh/s | A:18 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:18:14] Accepted 00c58678 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 5m/3m
 [2016-02-20 21:18:15] 20s: 1.37 avg: 0.90 u: 1.54 Mh/s | A:19 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:18:29] New block: ...fd9c2a439f1824f9 diff 54.5k (390.0G)
 [2016-02-20 21:18:29] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block
 [2016-02-20 21:18:30] Accepted 00d6511d MLD 0  pool 0 Diff 4m/3m
 [2016-02-20 21:18:35] 20s: 1.16 avg: 0.90 u: 1.48 Mh/s | A:20 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:18:52] Accepted 001b834d MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 36m/3m
 [2016-02-20 21:18:55] 20s: 1.20 avg: 0.92 u: 1.43 Mh/s | A:21 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:19:15] 20s: 0.73 avg: 0.86 u: 1.33 Mh/s | A:21 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:19:16] Accepted 005e1a7c MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 10m/3m
 [2016-02-20 21:19:29] New block: ...e7d9e85e38376296 diff 54.5k (390.0G)
 [2016-02-20 21:19:29] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block
 [2016-02-20 21:19:35] 20s: 1.25 avg: 0.94 u: 1.30 Mh/s | A:22 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:19:42] Accepted 00523e2e MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 12m/3m
 [2016-02-20 21:19:45] Accepted 00f3b6f4 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 4m/3m
 [2016-02-20 21:19:55] 20s: 1.71 avg: 1.03 u: 1.32 Mh/s | A:24 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:19:59] New block: ...6171e54563c204bc diff 54.5k (390.0G)
 [2016-02-20 21:19:59] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block
 [2016-02-20 21:20:03] Accepted 0058d141 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 11m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:20:04] Accepted 010439bf MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:20:06] Accepted 01620bef MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:20:12] Accepted 0050212a MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 12m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:20:15] 20s: 2.03 avg: 1.12 u: 1.34 Mh/s | A:28 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:20:20] Accepted 0026d2d1 MLD 0  pool 0 Diff 25m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:20:29] Accepted 010d4aaa MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:20:35] Accepted 003d5968 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 16m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:20:35] 20s: 2.54 avg: 1.24 u: 1.34 Mh/s | A:31 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:20:37] Accepted 009f73be MLD 0  pool 0 Diff 6m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:20:40] Accepted 008ca488 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 7m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:20:43] Accepted 008507dc MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 7m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:20:51] Accepted 005a9b6a MLD 0  pool 0 Diff 11m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:20:52] Accepted 01206b33 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:20:52] Accepted 00831cf6 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 7m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:20:54] Accepted 00963c3a MLD 0  pool 0 Diff 6m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:20:55] 20s: 2.37 avg: 1.29 u: 1.42 Mh/s | A:38 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:20:57] Accepted 01c00a12 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:21:05] Accepted 015c1813 MLD 0  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:21:10] Accepted 00788712 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 8m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:21:15] 20s: 1.69 avg: 1.26 u: 1.41 Mh/s | A:41 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:21:22] Accepted 004e5760 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 12m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:21:28] Accepted 000e5bd9 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 69m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:21:30] Accepted 00fdd7a4 MLD 0  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:21:30] Accepted 01790444 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:21:34] Accepted 00bf7012 MLD 0  pool 0 Diff 5m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:21:35] 20s: 1.75 avg: 1.28 u: 1.44 Mh/s | A:46 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:21:37] Accepted 01ea63bc MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:21:53] Accepted 0091df9e MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 6m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:21:55] 20s: 1.37 avg: 1.26 u: 1.42 Mh/s | A:48 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:21:56] Accepted 012e11b6 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:21:57] Accepted 00fe1bea MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:21:59] New block: ...92cd4e468fad1499 diff 54.5k (390.0G)
 [2016-02-20 21:21:59] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block
 [2016-02-20 21:22:15] Accepted 003674e1 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 18m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:22:15] 20s: 1.81 avg: 1.31 u: 1.41 Mh/s | A:51 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:22:20] Accepted 016ff712 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:22:24] Accepted 01d416d4 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:22:25] Accepted 014fb63f MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:22:27] Accepted 005de94b MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 10m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:22:31] Accepted 00ed9f08 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:22:35] Accepted 0193012a MLD 0  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:22:35] 20s: 2.13 avg: 1.37 u: 1.46 Mh/s | A:57 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:22:37] Accepted 00d2abbf MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:22:42] Accepted 00aca62f MLD 0  pool 0 Diff 5m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:22:45] Accepted 01db55bd MLD 0  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:22:54] Accepted 01446212 MLD 0  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:22:55] 20s: 1.55 avg: 1.34 u: 1.47 Mh/s | A:61 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:22:58] Accepted 01298ce3 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:23:10] Accepted 0161e57f MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:23:11] Accepted 0169662c MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:23:15] Accepted 001dbe6c MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 33m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:23:15] 20s: 1.76 avg: 1.37 u: 1.47 Mh/s | A:65 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:23:17] Accepted 01b3f1fd MLD 0  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:23:24] Accepted 007c6ad9 MLD 0  pool 0 Diff 8m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:23:25] Accepted 012fcf5b MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:23:27] Accepted 01ca796f MLD 0  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:23:31] Accepted 005e3788 MLD 0  pool 0 Diff 10m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:23:35] 20s: 1.46 avg: 1.36 u: 1.50 Mh/s | A:70 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:23:36] Accepted 002eb51e MLD 0  pool 0 Diff 21m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:23:37] Accepted 011765f0 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:23:38] Accepted 01bd98fa MLD 0  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:23:40] Accepted 01c8ede7 MLD 0  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:23:48] Accepted 00ca5b71 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:23:54] Accepted 011d6167 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:23:55] 20s: 2.00 avg: 1.41 u: 1.53 Mh/s | A:76 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:24:03] Accepted 01855a6d MLD 0  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:24:06] Accepted 00dc2a45 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:24:14] Accepted 01b94f15 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:24:15] 20s: 1.73 avg: 1.41 u: 1.52 Mh/s | A:79 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:24:18] Accepted 0087fb80 MLD 0  pool 0 Diff 7m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:24:20] Accepted 0172d58d MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:24:21] Accepted 01d7dcb8 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:24:22] Accepted 0173b827 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:24:23] Accepted 0128451b MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:24:35] 20s: 1.73 avg: 1.42 u: 1.54 Mh/s | A:84 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:24:36] Accepted 006cbc7c MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 9m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:24:49] Accepted 01e496f9 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:24:51] Accepted 0104caec MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:24:52] Accepted 010ba7c0 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:24:53] Accepted 0081fd37 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 7m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:24:55] Accepted 00b75f1b MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 5m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:24:55] 20s: 1.82 avg: 1.43 u: 1.57 Mh/s | A:90 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:25:02] Accepted 0060c0c4 MLD 0  pool 0 Diff 10m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:25:15] 20s: 1.48 avg: 1.42 u: 1.54 Mh/s | A:91 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:25:19] Accepted 0031d706 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 20m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:25:22] Accepted 00b54a80 MLD 0  pool 0 Diff 5m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:25:26] Accepted 01ce1c70 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:25:27] Accepted 00ebff7b MLD 0  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:25:29] Accepted 01be28fd MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:25:31] Accepted 013240a0 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:25:34] Accepted 019b22db MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:25:35] Accepted 007a1b64 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 8m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:25:35] 20s: 2.07 avg: 1.47 u: 1.59 Mh/s | A:99 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:25:36] Accepted 001995d6 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 39m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:25:43] Accepted 00361550 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 18m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:25:49] Accepted 01f1134a MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:25:53] Accepted 00d7a2c9 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:25:55] 20s: 1.66 avg: 1.45 u: 1.60 Mh/s | A:103 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:26:00] Accepted 0060e938 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 10m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:26:02] Accepted 012f6b3a MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:26:04] Accepted 01d335f7 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:26:15] 20s: 1.35 avg: 1.44 u: 1.59 Mh/s | A:106 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:26:18] Accepted 01d329f8 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:26:19] Accepted 001ada5f MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 37m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:26:20] Accepted 012a8aa6 MLD 0  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:26:34] Accepted 00db0425 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:26:35] 20s: 1.63 avg: 1.45 u: 1.59 Mh/s | A:110 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
 [2016-02-20 21:26:37] Accepted 01c93b1f MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:26:52] Accepted 0022b803 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 28m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:26:55] 20s: 1.69 avg: 1.46 u: 1.57 Mh/s | A:112 R:0+0(none) HW:1/.72%
 [2016-02-20 21:26:56] Accepted 0115804b MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:27:08] Accepted 01629863 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:27:10] Accepted 0026ca62 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 25m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:27:11] Accepted 01524173 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:27:15] 20s: 1.46 avg: 1.45 u: 1.57 Mh/s | A:116 R:0+0(none) HW:1/.70%
 [2016-02-20 21:27:20] Accepted 01c49cab MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:27:21] Accepted 00d5a660 MLD 0  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:27:35] 20s: 1.47 avg: 1.45 u: 1.55 Mh/s | A:118 R:0+0(none) HW:1/.69%
 [2016-02-20 21:27:36] Accepted 01637c1c MLD 0  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:27:48] Accepted 012e22e0 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:27:48] Accepted 00405e80 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 15m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:27:52] Accepted 00d5c6c0 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:27:52] Accepted 008602ae MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 7m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:27:53] Accepted 00654fb3 MLD 0  pool 0 Diff 9m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:27:55] Accepted 017ee7d0 MLD 0  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:27:55] 20s: 1.77 avg: 1.47 u: 1.59 Mh/s | A:125 R:0+0(none) HW:1/.66%
 [2016-02-20 21:28:05] Accepted 00639e32 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 10m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:28:11] Accepted 01aa0751 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:28:12] Accepted 01e1411d MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:28:15] Accepted 011e01b6 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:28:15] 20s: 2.12 avg: 1.50 u: 1.59 Mh/s | A:129 R:0+0(none) HW:1/.64%
 [2016-02-20 21:28:23] Accepted 01db6e06 MLD 0  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:28:32] Accepted 01b231ff MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:28:33] Accepted 008ab55d MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 7m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:28:35] 20s: 1.67 avg: 1.49 u: 1.58 Mh/s | A:132 R:0+0(none) HW:1/.63%
 [2016-02-20 21:28:39] Accepted 00bf6403 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 5m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:28:40] Accepted 0047e772 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 13m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:28:43] Accepted 00da7d9d MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:28:46] Accepted 0011086d MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 58m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:28:48] Accepted 01b28a38 MLD 0  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:28:49] Accepted 009123e6 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 6m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:28:55] Accepted 00ba2613 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 5m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:28:55] 20s: 1.94 avg: 1.51 u: 1.61 Mh/s | A:139 R:0+0(none) HW:1/.60%
 [2016-02-20 21:28:59] New block: ...2d97f0bc7729c2e5 diff 54.5k (390.0G)
 [2016-02-20 21:28:59] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block
 [2016-02-20 21:29:01] Accepted 00678618 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 9m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:29:08] Accepted 01d182c9 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:29:11] Accepted 0137fc48 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:29:15] 20s: 1.55 avg: 1.50 u: 1.60 Mh/s | A:142 R:0+0(none) HW:1/.59%
 [2016-02-20 21:29:30] Accepted 01cb339c MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:29:35] 20s: 1.09 avg: 1.47 u: 1.58 Mh/s | A:143 R:0+0(none) HW:1/.59%
 [2016-02-20 21:29:39] Accepted 00c22ae4 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 5m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:29:43] Accepted 01fa0036 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 1m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:29:47] Accepted 009c38d3 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 6m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:29:53] Accepted 013f81ce MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:29:55] 20s: 1.28 avg: 1.47 u: 1.58 Mh/s | A:147 R:0+0(none) HW:1/.57%
 [2016-02-20 21:29:59] Accepted 0006fa6b MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 143m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:30:02] Accepted 00367a29 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 18m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:30:04] Accepted 00b4eaa3 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 5m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:30:15] Accepted 01f574df MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 1m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:30:15] 20s: 1.46 avg: 1.48 u: 1.58 Mh/s | A:151 R:0+0(none) HW:1/.56%
 [2016-02-20 21:30:22] Accepted 01679b7f MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:30:35] 20s: 1.04 avg: 1.46 u: 1.56 Mh/s | A:152 R:0+0(none) HW:1/.56%
 [2016-02-20 21:30:36] Accepted 005ad6ea MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 11m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:30:50] Accepted 019cf1b4 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:30:55] Accepted 0121383c MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:30:55] 20s: 1.08 avg: 1.45 u: 1.55 Mh/s | A:155 R:0+0(none) HW:1/.55%
 [2016-02-20 21:31:02] Accepted 00790747 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 8m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:31:11] Accepted 00489d2a MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 13m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:31:15] 20s: 1.34 avg: 1.46 u: 1.54 Mh/s | A:157 R:0+0(none) HW:1/.54%
 [2016-02-20 21:31:22] Accepted 01205126 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:31:27] Accepted 0139c338 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:31:35] 20s: 1.17 avg: 1.45 u: 1.52 Mh/s | A:159 R:0+0(none) HW:1/.54%
 [2016-02-20 21:31:38] Accepted 002adeaf MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 23m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:31:48] Accepted 01669d36 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:31:51] Accepted 01aa468d MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:31:55] 20s: 1.54 avg: 1.46 u: 1.52 Mh/s | A:162 R:0+0(none) HW:1/.53%
 [2016-02-20 21:31:56] Accepted 008f8251 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 6m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:31:59] Accepted 01083ae0 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:32:10] Accepted 00bc684c MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 5m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:32:12] Accepted 01fa67c9 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 1m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:32:15] 20s: 1.44 avg: 1.46 u: 1.52 Mh/s | A:166 R:0+0(none) HW:1/.52%
 [2016-02-20 21:32:19] Accepted 007b2bef MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 8m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:32:20] Accepted 00d0c4d9 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:32:21] Accepted 01c37e55 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:32:23] Accepted 01580333 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:32:25] Accepted 00772317 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 8m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:32:30] Accepted 00ea9ea6 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:32:35] 20s: 1.44 avg: 1.45 u: 1.54 Mh/s | A:172 R:0+0(none) HW:1/.50%
 [2016-02-20 21:32:36] Accepted 01a3d6d6 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:32:50] Accepted 0079f89f MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 8m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:32:55] 20s: 1.12 avg: 1.44 u: 1.53 Mh/s | A:174 R:0+0(none) HW:1/.50%
 [2016-02-20 21:32:58] Accepted 0083ae04 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 7m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:32:58] Accepted 01ff1d0b MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 1m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:33:00] Accepted 012ade44 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:33:06] Accepted 008cd4c0 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 7m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:33:15] Accepted 00dd63d1 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:33:15] 20s: 1.19 avg: 1.44 u: 1.54 Mh/s | A:179 R:0+0(none) HW:1/.48%
 [2016-02-20 21:33:17] Accepted 00a56459 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 6m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:33:19] Accepted 01a356ef MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:33:22] Accepted 0023b382 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 28m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:33:30] Accepted 011cd301 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:33:31] Accepted 01a60d7f MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:33:35] 20s: 1.48 avg: 1.45 u: 1.55 Mh/s | A:184 R:0+0(none) HW:1/.47%
 [2016-02-20 21:33:36] Accepted 00dd08b4 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:33:37] Accepted 0044a860 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 14m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:33:39] Accepted 01fef5e5 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 1m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:33:40] Accepted 0146404e MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:33:46] Accepted 0094d4c0 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 6m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:33:46] Accepted 0141e6d1 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:33:48] Accepted 00ec7a1a MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:33:56] 20s: 1.35 avg: 1.44 u: 1.57 Mh/s | A:191 R:0+0(none) HW:1/.46%
 [2016-02-20 21:34:07] Accepted 01c082a3 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:34:13] New best share: 147
 [2016-02-20 21:34:13] Accepted 000001bb MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 147/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:34:16] 20s: 1.04 avg: 1.43 u: 1.56 Mh/s | A:193 R:0+0(none) HW:1/.45%
 [2016-02-20 21:34:20] Accepted 0163a667 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:34:23] Accepted 003346ca MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 19m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:34:25] Accepted 01e834b6 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:34:36] 20s: 1.01 avg: 1.42 u: 1.55 Mh/s | A:196 R:0+0(none) HW:1/.45%
 [2016-02-20 21:34:44] Accepted 00368b8e MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 18m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:34:51] Accepted 00dbe187 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:34:56] 20s: 0.87 avg: 1.41 u: 1.54 Mh/s | A:198 R:0+0(none) HW:1/.44%
 [2016-02-20 21:35:03] Accepted 01bf3cd2 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:35:04] Accepted 01ad7836 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:35:08] Accepted 016e3c33 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:35:16] 20s: 1.68 avg: 1.43 u: 1.54 Mh/s | A:201 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.87%
 [2016-02-20 21:35:17] Accepted 015f98d2 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:35:34] Accepted 0067863c MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 9m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:35:36] 20s: 1.37 avg: 1.42 u: 1.53 Mh/s | A:203 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.86%
 [2016-02-20 21:35:50] Accepted 0140c3bc MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:35:53] Accepted 01b83979 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:35:56] 20s: 1.48 avg: 1.43 u: 1.52 Mh/s | A:205 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.86%
 [2016-02-20 21:35:59] New block: ...d15481ba0988b260 diff 54.5k (390.0G)
 [2016-02-20 21:35:59] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block
 [2016-02-20 21:36:00] Accepted 00779ef5 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 8m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:36:15] Accepted 015966b4 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:36:16] 20s: 1.16 avg: 1.41 u: 1.51 Mh/s | A:207 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.85%
 [2016-02-20 21:36:21] Accepted 00486174 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 13m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:36:33] Accepted 01a7c561 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:36:36] 20s: 1.03 avg: 1.40 u: 1.50 Mh/s | A:209 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.84%
 [2016-02-20 21:36:42] Accepted 00abc102 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 5m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:36:45] Accepted 01873f19 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:36:54] Accepted 00d6944a MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:36:55] Accepted 00039a9f MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 277m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:36:56] 20s: 1.65 avg: 1.42 u: 1.50 Mh/s | A:213 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.83%
 [2016-02-20 21:37:01] Accepted 01b20115 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:37:09] Accepted 002749f4 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 25m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:37:16] 20s: 1.19 avg: 1.41 u: 1.49 Mh/s | A:215 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.82%
 [2016-02-20 21:37:36] 20s: 0.73 avg: 1.39 u: 1.47 Mh/s | A:215 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.82%
 [2016-02-20 21:37:40] Accepted 00dd4442 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:37:41] Accepted 01f5252d MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 1m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:37:42] Accepted 00c740e1 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 5m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:37:45] Accepted 014189d3 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:37:48] Accepted 0140ee11 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:37:52] Accepted 019f0930 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:37:56] 20s: 1.32 avg: 1.40 u: 1.48 Mh/s | A:221 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.80%
 [2016-02-20 21:38:03] Accepted 00fb2c12 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:38:11] Accepted 000fb490 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 63m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:38:11] Accepted 0152e0c2 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:38:16] 20s: 1.56 avg: 1.41 u: 1.48 Mh/s | A:224 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.79%
 [2016-02-20 21:38:32] Accepted 0020ff5f MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 30m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:38:36] 20s: 1.28 avg: 1.40 u: 1.46 Mh/s | A:225 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.79%
 [2016-02-20 21:38:39] Accepted 00af7c98 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 5m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:38:49] Accepted 012885d1 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:38:56] 20s: 1.15 avg: 1.39 u: 1.46 Mh/s | A:227 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.78%
 [2016-02-20 21:39:00] Accepted 007db8ae MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 7m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:39:01] Accepted 01d18270 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:39:05] Accepted 017260ee MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:39:05] Accepted 017bef50 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:39:08] Accepted 00dbf06f MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:39:15] Accepted 00ce2cf7 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:39:15] Accepted 01fd024d MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 1m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:39:16] 20s: 1.57 avg: 1.41 u: 1.48 Mh/s | A:234 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.76%
 [2016-02-20 21:39:18] Accepted 01a4774b MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:39:19] Accepted 01d29802 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:39:36] 20s: 1.10 avg: 1.39 u: 1.47 Mh/s | A:236 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.76%
 [2016-02-20 21:39:39] Accepted 01f83186 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 1m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:39:45] Accepted 004a613a MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 13m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:39:54] Accepted 00975fc9 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 6m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:39:56] 20s: 1.45 avg: 1.40 u: 1.46 Mh/s | A:239 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.75%
 [2016-02-20 21:39:56] Accepted 00276888 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 25m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:40:01] Accepted 011e2248 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:40:01] Accepted 00f166ea MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:40:02] Accepted 011ba1de MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:40:04] Accepted 00633920 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 10m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:40:07] Accepted 010adf5c MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:40:16] 20s: 1.20 avg: 1.39 u: 1.48 Mh/s | A:245 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.73%
 [2016-02-20 21:40:17] Accepted 0090e705 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 6m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:40:27] Accepted 01f3fbc6 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:40:34] Accepted 01399522 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:40:35] Accepted 0067b0ef MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 9m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:40:35] Accepted 01b5d3ad MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:40:36] 20s: 1.60 avg: 1.40 u: 1.49 Mh/s | A:250 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.72%
 [2016-02-20 21:40:46] Accepted 0137fa43 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:40:48] Accepted 01898c55 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:40:52] Accepted 0118ac22 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:40:56] 20s: 1.24 avg: 1.39 u: 1.48 Mh/s | A:253 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.71%
 [2016-02-20 21:40:56] Accepted 00bc5873 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 5m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:41:00] Accepted 00d117e6 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:41:11] Accepted 01cbfd7f MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:41:16] 20s: 1.19 avg: 1.39 u: 1.48 Mh/s | A:256 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.70%
 [2016-02-20 21:41:34] Accepted 01406d73 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:41:36] 20s: 1.00 avg: 1.38 u: 1.47 Mh/s | A:257 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.70%
 [2016-02-20 21:41:44] Accepted 005a4126 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 11m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:41:56] 20s: 1.00 avg: 1.38 u: 1.45 Mh/s | A:258 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.70%
 [2016-02-20 21:42:08] Accepted 01b9d787 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:42:13] Accepted 0003049a MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 331m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:42:14] Accepted 00bbfb06 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 5m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:42:15] Accepted 01e5c224 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:42:16] 20s: 1.20 avg: 1.38 u: 1.46 Mh/s | A:262 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.69%
 [2016-02-20 21:42:25] Accepted 0133677b MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:42:28] Accepted 01574f69 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:42:36] 20s: 1.44 avg: 1.38 u: 1.45 Mh/s | A:264 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.68%
 [2016-02-20 21:42:37] Accepted 007de9af MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 7m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:42:46] Accepted 00b5c29e MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 5m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:42:50] Accepted 01093d47 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:42:56] 20s: 1.42 avg: 1.38 u: 1.45 Mh/s | A:267 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.68%
 [2016-02-20 21:43:01] Accepted 0059116d MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 11m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:43:03] Accepted 018cc037 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:43:16] 20s: 1.17 avg: 1.38 u: 1.44 Mh/s | A:269 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.67%
 [2016-02-20 21:43:18] Accepted 00acdf52 MLD 3  pool 0 Diff 5m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:43:36] 20s: 0.98 avg: 1.37 u: 1.43 Mh/s | A:270 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.67%
 [2016-02-20 21:43:40] Accepted 00bbf8f2 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 5m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:43:56] 20s: 0.92 avg: 1.36 u: 1.42 Mh/s | A:271 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.67%
 [2016-02-20 21:44:05] Accepted 019c8626 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:44:16] 20s: 0.77 avg: 1.35 u: 1.41 Mh/s | A:272 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.67%
 [2016-02-20 21:44:18] Accepted 00933d68 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 6m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:44:26] Accepted 012518d4 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:44:27] Accepted 01e7ed24 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:44:28] Accepted 0137f63a MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:44:36] 20s: 1.33 avg: 1.36 u: 1.41 Mh/s | A:276 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.66%
 [2016-02-20 21:44:56] 20s: 0.81 avg: 1.35 u: 1.39 Mh/s | A:276 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.66%
 [2016-02-20 21:45:01] Accepted 005caeaf MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 10m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:45:11] Accepted 000bc9bc MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 84m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:45:16] 20s: 0.84 avg: 1.34 u: 1.39 Mh/s | A:278 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.65%
 [2016-02-20 21:45:18] Accepted 01c91ad1 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:45:20] Accepted 0037a450 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 17m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:45:23] Accepted 01794fdd MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:45:23] Accepted 01b6a1be MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:45:24] Accepted 007b920e MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 8m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:45:36] 20s: 1.09 avg: 1.34 u: 1.39 Mh/s | A:283 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.64%
 [2016-02-20 21:45:37] Accepted 01ad9b9d MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:45:45] Accepted 0091e0f8 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 6m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:45:51] Accepted 011dd7f4 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:45:56] 20s: 1.00 avg: 1.34 u: 1.39 Mh/s | A:286 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.64%
 [2016-02-20 21:46:16] 20s: 0.61 avg: 1.32 u: 1.38 Mh/s | A:286 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.64%
 [2016-02-20 21:46:25] Accepted 004cb72c MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 13m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:46:36] 20s: 0.66 avg: 1.32 u: 1.37 Mh/s | A:287 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.63%
 [2016-02-20 21:46:41] Accepted 01da0b9a MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:46:42] Accepted 0170c22a MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:46:44] Accepted 00c318f7 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 5m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:46:46] Accepted 00710e4d MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 8m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:46:52] Accepted 0012b2f4 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 53m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:46:56] 20s: 1.18 avg: 1.33 u: 1.38 Mh/s | A:292 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.62%
 [2016-02-20 21:47:16] 20s: 0.72 avg: 1.31 u: 1.36 Mh/s | A:292 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.62%
 [2016-02-20 21:47:18] Accepted 016fb6f2 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:47:19] Accepted 00b02751 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 5m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:47:29] New block: ...9f86d467109e0bfd diff 54.5k (390.0G)
 [2016-02-20 21:47:29] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block
 [2016-02-20 21:47:35] Accepted 008f4fc3 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 6m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:47:36] 20s: 1.05 avg: 1.31 u: 1.36 Mh/s | A:295 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.62%
 [2016-02-20 21:47:55] Accepted 019d7cb8 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:47:56] 20s: 0.95 avg: 1.31 u: 1.35 Mh/s | A:296 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.62%
 [2016-02-20 21:47:59] New block: ...7ed520eacefbb485 diff 54.5k (390.0G)
 [2016-02-20 21:47:59] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block
 [2016-02-20 21:48:08] Accepted 011e31fb MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:48:13] Accepted 009b5093 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 6m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:48:14] Accepted 012edb42 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:48:16] 20s: 1.01 avg: 1.31 u: 1.35 Mh/s | A:299 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.61%
 [2016-02-20 21:48:20] Accepted 002e6d21 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 21m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:48:28] Accepted 0027795a MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 25m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:48:29] New block: ...4335d63dbbff10ad diff 54.5k (390.0G)
 [2016-02-20 21:48:29] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block
 [2016-02-20 21:48:35] Accepted 009648be MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 6m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:48:36] 20s: 0.94 avg: 1.30 u: 1.35 Mh/s | A:302 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.61%
 [2016-02-20 21:48:56] 20s: 0.58 avg: 1.29 u: 1.34 Mh/s | A:302 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.61%
 [2016-02-20 21:48:56] Accepted 006d0859 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 9m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:49:07] Accepted 00d5dd8e MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:49:10] Accepted 00fbe499 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:49:16] 20s: 0.88 avg: 1.29 u: 1.34 Mh/s | A:305 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.60%
 [2016-02-20 21:49:34] Accepted 00844dea MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 7m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:49:36] 20s: 0.84 avg: 1.29 u: 1.33 Mh/s | A:306 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.60%
 [2016-02-20 21:49:43] Accepted 00230877 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 28m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:49:49] Accepted 0124553f MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:49:56] 20s: 0.91 avg: 1.28 u: 1.32 Mh/s | A:308 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.59%
 [2016-02-20 21:50:06] Accepted 01535933 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:50:16] 20s: 0.70 avg: 1.27 u: 1.31 Mh/s | A:309 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.59%
 [2016-02-20 21:50:29] New block: ...87d98bca33876a3b diff 54.5k (390.0G)
 [2016-02-20 21:50:29] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block
 [2016-02-20 21:50:36] 20s: 0.43 avg: 1.26 u: 1.30 Mh/s | A:309 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.59%
 [2016-02-20 21:50:47] Accepted 0130087d MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:50:56] 20s: 0.78 avg: 1.26 u: 1.29 Mh/s | A:310 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.59%
 [2016-02-20 21:50:58] Accepted 015557e2 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:51:12] Accepted 01ee77e3 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:51:15] Accepted 00eaa0bb MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:51:16] 20s: 1.25 avg: 1.27 u: 1.29 Mh/s | A:313 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.59%
 [2016-02-20 21:51:20] Accepted 018d2896 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:51:26] Accepted 001548bd MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 46m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:51:36] 20s: 0.92 avg: 1.26 u: 1.29 Mh/s | A:315 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.58%
 [2016-02-20 21:51:43] Accepted 01d974cc MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:51:45] Accepted 01380f57 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:51:46] Accepted 01e2d492 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:51:56] 20s: 0.92 avg: 1.26 u: 1.29 Mh/s | A:318 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.58%
 [2016-02-20 21:51:58] Accepted 00abc13a MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 5m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:52:04] Accepted 00dc166b MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:52:16] 20s: 0.71 avg: 1.25 u: 1.29 Mh/s | A:320 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.57%
 [2016-02-20 21:52:24] Accepted 0015fb30 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 45m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:52:36] 20s: 0.60 avg: 1.24 u: 1.28 Mh/s | A:321 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.57%
 [2016-02-20 21:52:56] 20s: 0.37 avg: 1.23 u: 1.27 Mh/s | A:321 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.57%
 [2016-02-20 21:52:59] New block: ...d102044dceaacc6c diff 54.5k (390.0G)
 [2016-02-20 21:52:59] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block
 [2016-02-20 21:53:01] Accepted 0085d754 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 7m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:53:09] Accepted 01729c47 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:53:09] Accepted 01fade23 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 1m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:53:16] 20s: 1.21 avg: 1.24 u: 1.27 Mh/s | A:324 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.57%
 [2016-02-20 21:53:27] Accepted 016c50df MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:53:36] 20s: 0.96 avg: 1.24 u: 1.26 Mh/s | A:325 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.57%
 [2016-02-20 21:53:42] Accepted 00a207fe MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 6m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:53:49] Accepted 010e14a3 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:53:56] 20s: 1.04 avg: 1.24 u: 1.26 Mh/s | A:327 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.56%
 [2016-02-20 21:54:00] Accepted 01a588e5 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:54:03] Accepted 007baf68 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 8m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:54:16] 20s: 0.74 avg: 1.23 u: 1.25 Mh/s | A:329 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.56%
 [2016-02-20 21:54:33] Accepted 008cf5d0 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 7m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:54:36] 20s: 0.87 avg: 1.23 u: 1.25 Mh/s | A:330 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.56%
 [2016-02-20 21:54:46] Accepted 01a649fc MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:54:56] 20s: 0.64 avg: 1.22 u: 1.24 Mh/s | A:331 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.56%
 [2016-02-20 21:55:05] Accepted 01790b45 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:55:08] Accepted 010fb852 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:55:16] 20s: 1.07 avg: 1.23 u: 1.24 Mh/s | A:333 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.55%
 [2016-02-20 21:55:20] Accepted 01704c73 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:55:21] Accepted 0130106e MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:55:24] Accepted 00009497 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 1/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:55:36] 20s: 0.92 avg: 1.22 u: 1.24 Mh/s | A:336 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.55%
 [2016-02-20 21:55:43] Accepted 01709373 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:55:43] Accepted 016b2ad0 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:55:56] 20s: 0.74 avg: 1.21 u: 1.23 Mh/s | A:338 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.55%
 [2016-02-20 21:55:59] Accepted 01ca0003 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:56:10] Accepted 00c65da4 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 5m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:56:16] Accepted 0077d59e MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 8m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:56:16] 20s: 0.72 avg: 1.21 u: 1.23 Mh/s | A:341 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.54%
 [2016-02-20 21:56:36] 20s: 0.44 avg: 1.20 u: 1.22 Mh/s | A:341 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.54%
 [2016-02-20 21:56:38] Accepted 0113f315 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:56:41] Accepted 00f61958 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:56:47] Accepted 0122e66d MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:56:52] Accepted 01ea118f MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:56:56] 20s: 1.24 avg: 1.21 u: 1.23 Mh/s | A:345 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.54%
 [2016-02-20 21:57:16] 20s: 0.76 avg: 1.20 u: 1.22 Mh/s | A:345 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.54%
 [2016-02-20 21:57:19] Accepted 00c80405 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:57:33] Accepted 00ceb071 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:57:36] 20s: 0.80 avg: 1.20 u: 1.21 Mh/s | A:347 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.53%
 [2016-02-20 21:57:45] Accepted 018d9ee5 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:57:56] 20s: 1.15 avg: 1.20 u: 1.21 Mh/s | A:348 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.53%
 [2016-02-20 21:57:56] Accepted 00f679e2 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:58:16] 20s: 0.70 avg: 1.19 u: 1.20 Mh/s | A:349 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.53%
 [2016-02-20 21:58:17] Accepted 009e55b9 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 6m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:58:28] Accepted 01b043e9 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:58:33] Accepted 0100f507 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:58:36] 20s: 1.09 avg: 1.20 u: 1.20 Mh/s | A:352 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.53%
 [2016-02-20 21:58:43] Accepted 01ae8eba MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:58:56] 20s: 0.74 avg: 1.19 u: 1.20 Mh/s | A:353 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.52%
 [2016-02-20 21:59:05] Accepted 01094d7b MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:59:12] Accepted 00372b81 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 18m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:59:13] Accepted 0126d7fe MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:59:16] 20s: 1.00 avg: 1.19 u: 1.20 Mh/s | A:356 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.52%
 [2016-02-20 21:59:24] Accepted 008b3bb2 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 7m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:59:33] Accepted 016757ce MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:59:36] 20s: 0.85 avg: 1.19 u: 1.19 Mh/s | A:358 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.52%
 [2016-02-20 21:59:37] Accepted 01d23ccc MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:59:45] Accepted 0171a55c MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:59:52] Accepted 01b5ee41 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:59:56] Accepted 014b81f9 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 21:59:56] 20s: 1.01 avg: 1.19 u: 1.20 Mh/s | A:362 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.51%
 [2016-02-20 21:59:56] Accepted 005e050b MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 10m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:00:16] 20s: 0.66 avg: 1.18 u: 1.19 Mh/s | A:363 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.51%
 [2016-02-20 22:00:16] Accepted 00362491 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 18m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:00:29] New block: ...95a282f1a80b97f8 diff 54.5k (390.0G)
 [2016-02-20 22:00:29] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block
 [2016-02-20 22:00:36] 20s: 0.90 avg: 1.18 u: 1.19 Mh/s | A:364 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.51%
 [2016-02-20 22:00:36] Accepted 0069141d MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 9m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:00:41] Accepted 006ea87c MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 9m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:00:42] Accepted 00ccc28c MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:00:49] Accepted 0078ac95 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 8m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:00:49] Accepted 0033f23d MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 19m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:00:56] 20s: 0.92 avg: 1.18 u: 1.19 Mh/s | A:369 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.50%
 [2016-02-20 22:01:16] 20s: 0.56 avg: 1.17 u: 1.18 Mh/s | A:369 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.50%
 [2016-02-20 22:01:25] Accepted 012a87f5 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:01:36] 20s: 0.64 avg: 1.17 u: 1.18 Mh/s | A:370 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.50%
 [2016-02-20 22:01:43] Accepted 0092308e MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 6m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:01:44] Accepted 0029a25c MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 24m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:01:52] Accepted 0115ded1 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:01:56] 20s: 0.90 avg: 1.17 u: 1.18 Mh/s | A:373 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.50%
 [2016-02-20 22:02:16] 20s: 0.55 avg: 1.16 u: 1.17 Mh/s | A:373 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.50%
 [2016-02-20 22:02:19] Accepted 004f9a3d MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 12m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:02:36] 20s: 0.79 avg: 1.16 u: 1.17 Mh/s | A:374 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.50%
 [2016-02-20 22:02:41] Accepted 01bfee8e MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:02:49] Accepted 018fb655 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:02:53] Accepted 0069d528 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 9m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:02:56] 20s: 1.22 avg: 1.17 u: 1.17 Mh/s | A:377 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.49%
 [2016-02-20 22:02:56] Accepted 009a426a MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 6m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:03:05] Accepted 00faa328 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:03:09] Accepted 0162d283 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:03:16] 20s: 1.01 avg: 1.16 u: 1.17 Mh/s | A:380 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.49%
 [2016-02-20 22:03:36] 20s: 0.62 avg: 1.15 u: 1.16 Mh/s | A:380 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.49%
 [2016-02-20 22:03:56] 20s: 0.38 avg: 1.15 u: 1.15 Mh/s | A:380 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.49%
 [2016-02-20 22:03:59] Accepted 006e05c3 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 9m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:04:12] Accepted 01bc581a MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:04:16] 20s: 0.75 avg: 1.15 u: 1.15 Mh/s | A:382 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.49%
 [2016-02-20 22:04:24] Accepted 0085db32 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 7m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:04:25] Accepted 01afa5b0 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:04:36] 20s: 1.21 avg: 1.15 u: 1.15 Mh/s | A:384 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.49%
 [2016-02-20 22:04:45] Accepted 014333b5 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:04:56] 20s: 0.91 avg: 1.15 u: 1.14 Mh/s | A:385 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.48%
 [2016-02-20 22:04:59] Accepted 01a62ad8 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:05:16] 20s: 0.67 avg: 1.14 u: 1.14 Mh/s | A:386 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.48%
 [2016-02-20 22:05:24] Accepted 00bc7ad7 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 5m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:05:25] Accepted 00de1e9d MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:05:30] Accepted 00e3e573 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:05:36] 20s: 1.15 avg: 1.15 u: 1.14 Mh/s | A:389 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.48%
 [2016-02-20 22:05:46] Accepted 017457e6 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:05:48] Accepted 00b8f90b MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 5m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:05:56] 20s: 0.86 avg: 1.14 u: 1.14 Mh/s | A:391 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.48%
 [2016-02-20 22:05:56] Accepted 01a04428 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:06:01] Accepted 00ce7d56 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:06:16] 20s: 0.89 avg: 1.14 u: 1.13 Mh/s | A:393 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.47%
 [2016-02-20 22:06:17] Accepted 009094a8 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 6m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:06:25] Accepted 00877dc8 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 7m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:06:29] New block: ...a41fddc152abb528 diff 54.5k (390.0G)
 [2016-02-20 22:06:29] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block
 [2016-02-20 22:06:36] 20s: 0.78 avg: 1.14 u: 1.13 Mh/s | A:395 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.47%
 [2016-02-20 22:06:37] Accepted 000aaee2 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 93m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:06:56] 20s: 0.57 avg: 1.13 u: 1.13 Mh/s | A:396 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.47%
 [2016-02-20 22:06:58] Accepted 008878c3 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 7m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:07:04] Accepted 01b69711 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:07:16] 20s: 1.03 avg: 1.14 u: 1.13 Mh/s | A:398 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.47%
 [2016-02-20 22:07:22] Accepted 00290d36 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 24m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:07:27] Accepted 01d5088a MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:07:29] New block: ...187c902a01395ed9 diff 54.5k (390.0G)
 [2016-02-20 22:07:29] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block
 [2016-02-20 22:07:33] Accepted 00a5d498 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 6m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:07:36] 20s: 0.92 avg: 1.13 u: 1.13 Mh/s | A:401 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.47%
 [2016-02-20 22:07:43] Accepted 00369b53 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 18m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:07:48] Accepted 0128f055 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:07:55] Accepted 008aad81 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 7m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:07:56] 20s: 1.10 avg: 1.14 u: 1.13 Mh/s | A:404 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.46%
 [2016-02-20 22:07:59] Accepted 01cf1233 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:08:00] Accepted 00ef2707 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:08:16] 20s: 0.80 avg: 1.13 u: 1.13 Mh/s | A:406 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.46%
 [2016-02-20 22:08:27] Accepted 01f6835d MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 1m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:08:28] Accepted 01f210b3 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:08:35] Accepted 00827eeb MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 7m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:08:36] 20s: 1.01 avg: 1.13 u: 1.13 Mh/s | A:409 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.46%
 [2016-02-20 22:08:56] Accepted 00e1c098 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:08:56] 20s: 0.79 avg: 1.13 u: 1.12 Mh/s | A:410 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.46%
 [2016-02-20 22:08:59] New block: ...b8341b9ca540d30e diff 54.5k (390.0G)
 [2016-02-20 22:08:59] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block
 [2016-02-20 22:09:09] Accepted 004fb5c3 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 12m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:09:09] Accepted 018939d6 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:09:11] Accepted 00e697e1 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:09:16] 20s: 0.95 avg: 1.13 u: 1.12 Mh/s | A:413 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.45%
 [2016-02-20 22:09:24] Accepted 01d2c629 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:09:32] Accepted 01b74c81 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:09:36] 20s: 0.87 avg: 1.13 u: 1.12 Mh/s | A:415 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.45%
 [2016-02-20 22:09:40] Accepted 01100e70 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:09:53] Accepted 0195677c MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:09:56] 20s: 0.77 avg: 1.12 u: 1.12 Mh/s | A:417 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.45%
 [2016-02-20 22:09:59] Accepted 0161d044 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:10:16] Accepted 01fb4070 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 1m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:10:16] 20s: 0.66 avg: 1.12 u: 1.12 Mh/s | A:419 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.45%
 [2016-02-20 22:10:16] Accepted 0018aa1d MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 40m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:10:21] Accepted 00c8815f MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:10:23] Accepted 01e067e1 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:10:36] 20s: 0.46 avg: 1.11 u: 1.12 Mh/s | A:422 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.44%
 [2016-02-20 22:10:38] Accepted 0003855c MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 284m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:10:56] 20s: 0.40 avg: 1.11 u: 1.11 Mh/s | A:423 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.44%
 [2016-02-20 22:11:14] Accepted 00c6cb50 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 5m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:11:16] 20s: 0.54 avg: 1.11 u: 1.11 Mh/s | A:424 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.44%
 [2016-02-20 22:11:24] Accepted 00235c75 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 28m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:11:30] Accepted 01e29446 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:11:36] 20s: 0.45 avg: 1.10 u: 1.11 Mh/s | A:426 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.44%
 [2016-02-20 22:11:37] Accepted 00475d62 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 14m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:11:45] Accepted 008d9173 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 7m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:11:50] Accepted 01737983 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:11:56] 20s: 0.44 avg: 1.10 u: 1.11 Mh/s | A:429 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.44%
 [2016-02-20 22:12:16] 20s: 0.27 avg: 1.09 u: 1.10 Mh/s | A:429 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.44%
 [2016-02-20 22:12:35] Accepted 008b1ffc MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 7m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:12:36] 20s: 0.54 avg: 1.09 u: 1.10 Mh/s | A:430 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.44%
 [2016-02-20 22:12:36] Accepted 013e5b7f MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:12:36] Accepted 00d72454 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:12:43] Accepted 00390f0b MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 17m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:12:56] 20s: 1.89 avg: 1.11 u: 1.10 Mh/s | A:433 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.43%
 [2016-02-20 22:13:07] Accepted 01b3f80a MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:13:08] Accepted 010496b6 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:13:16] Accepted 016c00c2 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:13:16] 20s: 1.69 avg: 1.11 u: 1.10 Mh/s | A:436 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.43%
 [2016-02-20 22:13:35] Accepted 003e742c MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 16m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:13:36] 20s: 1.25 avg: 1.11 u: 1.10 Mh/s | A:437 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.43%
 [2016-02-20 22:13:50] Accepted 018cc4b7 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:13:56] 20s: 0.89 avg: 1.10 u: 1.09 Mh/s | A:438 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.43%
 [2016-02-20 22:14:13] Accepted 002c22d4 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 22m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:14:16] 20s: 1.01 avg: 1.10 u: 1.09 Mh/s | A:439 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.43%
 [2016-02-20 22:14:23] Accepted 0045f1ba MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 14m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:14:24] Accepted 017ef60c MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:14:27] Accepted 01553fe4 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:14:30] New block: ...fe98a99278e7a3ca diff 54.5k (390.0G)
 [2016-02-20 22:14:30] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block
 [2016-02-20 22:14:32] Accepted 01351f85 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:14:36] 20s: 1.08 avg: 1.10 u: 1.09 Mh/s | A:443 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.42%
 [2016-02-20 22:14:43] Accepted 00fe7d22 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:14:52] Accepted 0116ae7c MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:14:56] 20s: 0.86 avg: 1.10 u: 1.09 Mh/s | A:445 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.42%
 [2016-02-20 22:15:07] Accepted 01b9f1c8 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:15:13] Accepted 016c095b MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:15:16] 20s: 0.98 avg: 1.10 u: 1.09 Mh/s | A:447 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.42%
 [2016-02-20 22:15:36] 20s: 0.60 avg: 1.09 u: 1.08 Mh/s | A:447 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.42%
 [2016-02-20 22:15:38] Accepted 0001336d MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 832m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:15:51] Accepted 00c8d499 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:15:51] Accepted 00d67751 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 4m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:15:56] 20s: 1.04 avg: 1.10 u: 1.09 Mh/s | A:450 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.42%
 [2016-02-20 22:16:14] Accepted 016fb855 MLD 2  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:16:16] 20s: 0.82 avg: 1.09 u: 1.08 Mh/s | A:451 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.42%
 [2016-02-20 22:16:30] New block: ...b934f5efca10ce67 diff 54.5k (390.0G)
 [2016-02-20 22:16:30] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block
 [2016-02-20 22:16:36] 20s: 0.50 avg: 1.09 u: 1.08 Mh/s | A:451 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.42%
 [2016-02-20 22:16:47] Accepted 01eb1bd1 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:16:56] 20s: 0.77 avg: 1.09 u: 1.07 Mh/s | A:452 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.42%
 [2016-02-20 22:17:11] Accepted 01b6819b MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:17:16] 20s: 0.67 avg: 1.08 u: 1.07 Mh/s | A:453 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.42%
 [2016-02-20 22:17:36] Accepted 014db141 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:17:36] 20s: 0.61 avg: 1.08 u: 1.07 Mh/s | A:454 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.41%
 [2016-02-20 22:17:43] Accepted 013a6139 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:17:56] 20s: 0.43 avg: 1.08 u: 1.06 Mh/s | A:455 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.41%
 [2016-02-20 22:18:16] 20s: 0.26 avg: 1.07 u: 1.06 Mh/s | A:455 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.41%
 [2016-02-20 22:18:36] 20s: 0.16 avg: 1.07 u: 1.05 Mh/s | A:455 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.41%
 [2016-02-20 22:18:56] 20s: 0.10 avg: 1.06 u: 1.05 Mh/s | A:455 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.41%
 [2016-02-20 22:18:57] Accepted 01d36caa MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 2m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:19:00] New block: ...16b3dc035bcadb0f diff 54.5k (390.0G)
 [2016-02-20 22:19:00] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block
 [2016-02-20 22:19:15] Accepted 011ceed0 MLD 1  pool 0 Diff 3m/1m
 [2016-02-20 22:19:16] 20s: 0.81 avg: 1.06 u: 1.04 Mh/s | A:457 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.41%
 [2016-02-20 22:19:36] 20s: 0.50 avg: 1.06 u: 1.04 Mh/s | A:457 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.41%
 [2016-02-20 22:19:56] 20s: 0.31 avg: 1.05 u: 1.03 Mh/s | A:457 R:0+0(none) HW:2/.41%

as you can see first all 4 are running.. then in the end only 1 is left accepting shares..

its not always the same ones.. or the same thing.. sometimes they all stop running..

any ideas?

here is my setup.
the fan from the case is blowing air up.. keeping them cool..
im running them on ubutnu 14.10 with bfgminer compiled from your fork.

Space your miners apart. I run 3 with the same setup on win7

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: aarons6 on March 03, 2016, 05:18:41 AM

Space your miners apart. I run 3 with the same setup on win7

i kinda found what works.

here is 7 of them on 2 superbpags running @ 200M

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: aarons6 on March 05, 2016, 10:58:45 PM
this is after 24 hours..

all of the sticks are at 200M and are around .8v.. #0, #1 and #2 are at .83v

are those HWE acceptable?

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: aarons6 on March 06, 2016, 09:08:09 AM
so i just noticed that most of the HWE comes from pool switching.

i am mining on but i have nicehash solo as backup.. earlier the pool switched and for about 5 seconds or so every stick got hwe.. they stopped at around 10 HWE and started mining again.

might be driver, or bfgminer.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: makuny on March 12, 2016, 08:57:34 PM
can I only mine litecoin with this Stick?

can i also use sgminer or only bfgminer?


Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: stankonia on March 12, 2016, 10:06:31 PM
Hi The official link on  is down please help? I have 5 miners and a new hub and no mining. I have  windows 10 and linux laptops and a raspberry pi.  Any setup info would be good? thanks

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: ManeBjorn on March 12, 2016, 11:59:30 PM
LitecoinTalk is offline for some reason. Might have to find a new place for the info on that thread.

Hi The official link on  is down please help? I have 5 miners and a new hub and no mining. I have  windows 10 and linux laptops and a raspberry pi.  Any setup info would be good? thanks

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: aarons6 on March 13, 2016, 12:08:53 AM
Hi The official link on  is down please help? I have 5 miners and a new hub and no mining. I have  windows 10 and linux laptops and a raspberry pi.  Any setup info would be good? thanks

yes that site kind of sucks.. wish he made a support thread here...

these things are VERY picky on what type of usb they are plugged into.

im running 7 @ 240 off of 2 superbpag usb hubs, plugged into an old usb 2.0 cyberpower hub.. as they would not work directly plugged into the pc usb ports..

its fairly stable.. i get a dropout every couple days.. 1 or 2 just stop sending in shares.. you have to unplug everything and restart bfgminer to get them to work again.

i also got 2 bad sticks, that even at .9v still give me .5% or more hwe @ 240.. and wont run at 256 :/ 100% hwe..

it would help if you listed what hub you have.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: ManeBjorn on March 13, 2016, 01:02:25 AM
Are there any other direct links to the custom BFGMiner for it?

Hi The official link on  is down please help? I have 5 miners and a new hub and no mining. I have  windows 10 and linux laptops and a raspberry pi.  Any setup info would be good? thanks

yes that site kind of sucks.. wish he made a support thread here...

these things are VERY picky on what type of usb they are plugged into.

im running 7 @ 240 off of 2 superbpag usb hubs, plugged into an old usb 2.0 cyberpower hub.. as they would not work directly plugged into the pc usb ports..

its fairly stable.. i get a dropout every couple days.. 1 or 2 just stop sending in shares.. you have to unplug everything and restart bfgminer to get them to work again.

i also got 2 bad sticks, that even at .9v still give me .5% or more hwe @ 240.. and wont run at 256 :/ 100% hwe..

it would help if you listed what hub you have.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: aarons6 on March 13, 2016, 01:10:45 AM
Are there any other direct links to the custom BFGMiner for it?

Hi The official link on  is down please help? I have 5 miners and a new hub and no mining. I have  windows 10 and linux laptops and a raspberry pi.  Any setup info would be good? thanks

yes that site kind of sucks.. wish he made a support thread here...

these things are VERY picky on what type of usb they are plugged into.

im running 7 @ 240 off of 2 superbpag usb hubs, plugged into an old usb 2.0 cyberpower hub.. as they would not work directly plugged into the pc usb ports..

its fairly stable.. i get a dropout every couple days.. 1 or 2 just stop sending in shares.. you have to unplug everything and restart bfgminer to get them to work again.

i also got 2 bad sticks, that even at .9v still give me .5% or more hwe @ 240.. and wont run at 256 :/ 100% hwe..

it would help if you listed what hub you have.

from the original post on litecointalk

Driver Repo:

You will also need to install the latest version of Silicon Labs VPC drivers for Win/Mac OS links below.

Windows VPC Driver:

Mac OS VPC Driver:

Windows pre-built binaries: compatible with XP/7/8/10

Mac pre-built binary: compatible with most 64 bit Macs with Mac OS 10.9 or later

Linux: Easiest way to install with linux is to compile the source directly. Detailed instructions below
Install required dependancies (make sure you copy and paste the whole lines since the code is cut off and need to scroll to select all of it)

sudo apt-get install build-essential autoconf automake libtool pkg-config libcurl4-gnutls-dev libjansson-dev uthash-dev libncurses5-dev libudev-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev libevent-dev
(i think thats all of them let me know if i missed one)

clone repo

git clone --branch futurebit_driver

configure and make

cd bfgminer
./configure CFLAGS=-O3 --enable-scrypt --enable-futurebit --disable-other-drivers
sudo make

If it complains about missing libraries you might need to

sudo make install
sudo ldconfig

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: ManeBjorn on March 13, 2016, 01:32:38 AM
Cool thank you.
I have a custom Minera image for a Cubie from CrazyGuy but it will not see the Lander. We have been messing with it for a couple days.
Works great on a PC though.

Are there any other direct links to the custom BFGMiner for it?

Hi The official link on  is down please help? I have 5 miners and a new hub and no mining. I have  windows 10 and linux laptops and a raspberry pi.  Any setup info would be good? thanks

yes that site kind of sucks.. wish he made a support thread here...

these things are VERY picky on what type of usb they are plugged into.

im running 7 @ 240 off of 2 superbpag usb hubs, plugged into an old usb 2.0 cyberpower hub.. as they would not work directly plugged into the pc usb ports..

its fairly stable.. i get a dropout every couple days.. 1 or 2 just stop sending in shares.. you have to unplug everything and restart bfgminer to get them to work again.

i also got 2 bad sticks, that even at .9v still give me .5% or more hwe @ 240.. and wont run at 256 :/ 100% hwe..

it would help if you listed what hub you have.

from the original post on litecointalk

Driver Repo:

You will also need to install the latest version of Silicon Labs VPC drivers for Win/Mac OS links below.

Windows VPC Driver:

Mac OS VPC Driver:

Windows pre-built binaries: compatible with XP/7/8/10

Mac pre-built binary: compatible with most 64 bit Macs with Mac OS 10.9 or later

Linux: Easiest way to install with linux is to compile the source directly. Detailed instructions below
Install required dependancies (make sure you copy and paste the whole lines since the code is cut off and need to scroll to select all of it)

sudo apt-get install build-essential autoconf automake libtool pkg-config libcurl4-gnutls-dev libjansson-dev uthash-dev libncurses5-dev libudev-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev libevent-dev
(i think thats all of them let me know if i missed one)

clone repo

git clone --branch futurebit_driver

configure and make

cd bfgminer
./configure CFLAGS=-O3 --enable-scrypt --enable-futurebit --disable-other-drivers
sudo make

If it complains about missing libraries you might need to

sudo make install
sudo ldconfig

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: makuny on March 14, 2016, 07:52:46 AM
can I only mine litecoin with this Stick?

can i also use sgminer or only bfgminer?


Can anyone answer this question?
I need the info before I buy this :) ;)

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: aarons6 on March 14, 2016, 07:57:04 AM
can I only mine litecoin with this Stick?

can i also use sgminer or only bfgminer?


Can anyone answer this question?
I need the info before I buy this :) ;)

it mines "scrypt" coins..

there is only a driver for bfgminer.
suppose if you know what you are doing you can port it to sgminer

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: jstefanop on March 14, 2016, 06:22:14 PM
Sorry guys I haven't checked this thread in a while. Litecointalk got hacked and its still down, I'm going to take all the info from the support thread and either post it in the beginning in this thread or make a new support thread here.

BTW I got batch 2 in, so people that did not order from original batch have one last chance to order. I can ship them out immediately! Just check out the order thread here for instructions etc.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: stankonia on March 14, 2016, 10:11:35 PM
Hey you guys
Please help, still not got my moonlanders going yet on windows 10, my devices have drivers installed and are in  devices and printers showing as  FutureBit MoonLander,
 bfgminer is not detecting moonladers I have tried in normal usb,  orico hub and splitter cable. I was wondering if any one knows how to fix my problem?
How have all you guys managed it?     

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: zyzzyva on March 15, 2016, 12:04:12 PM

What software are you using that displays the temperature of each MoonLander? That would be so much easier than breaking out my infrared thermometer a couple times a day.  :P

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: aarons6 on March 15, 2016, 12:52:27 PM

What software are you using that displays the temperature of each MoonLander? That would be so much easier than breaking out my infrared thermometer a couple times a day.  :P

temps are 0. the usb doesnt have a temp sensor.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: zyzzyva on March 15, 2016, 01:17:14 PM

What software are you using that displays the temperature of each MoonLander? That would be so much easier than breaking out my infrared thermometer a couple times a day.  :P

temps are 0. the usb doesnt have a temp sensor.

My bad, thought it was a min/max.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: wolverine5pl on March 16, 2016, 05:33:55 PM
Software and instructions are up here:

At the very least please download bfgminer and make sure it runs on your system before you get your stick so I can help with resolving any software issues. It should start up and go to the "add device" screen.

Any way to find out about software and instructions somewhere else as litecointalk is down :(

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: jstefanop on March 16, 2016, 06:35:55 PM
Software and instructions are up here:

At the very least please download bfgminer and make sure it runs on your system before you get your stick so I can help with resolving any software issues. It should start up and go to the "add device" screen.

Any way to find out about software and instructions somewhere else as litecointalk is down :(

Instructions have been transferred over to the second post of this thread here:

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: makuny on March 16, 2016, 07:46:21 PM
which coins i can mine with this scrypt miner?
more than ltc or doge?

scrypt is also x11 as example - correct?

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: bittick on March 17, 2016, 10:38:51 AM
I am interested, please pm me with ordering procedure

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: jstefanop on March 17, 2016, 06:33:02 PM
which coins i can mine with this scrypt miner?
more than ltc or doge?

scrypt is also x11 as example - correct?

scrypt and x11 are different algorithms..this mines only scrypt coins.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: makuny on March 17, 2016, 07:39:20 PM
which coins i can mine with this scrypt miner?
more than ltc or doge?

scrypt is also x11 as example - correct?

scrypt and x11 are different algorithms..this mines only scrypt coins.

Hmmmh, thanks.
But scrypt is not profitable :(

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: jstefanop on March 18, 2016, 12:25:02 AM
which coins i can mine with this scrypt miner?
more than ltc or doge?

scrypt is also x11 as example - correct?

scrypt and x11 are different algorithms..this mines only scrypt coins.

Hmmmh, thanks.
But scrypt is not profitable :(

People use this mostly as cheap little lottery miners. They cost next to nothing to run, and you have a chance of making about $100 if you get lucky ;)

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: ManeBjorn on March 19, 2016, 06:36:47 AM
Can I ask jstefanop which USB hub you have tested with and where do I get one?

I've tested with the [url][url] and used a bridge I have for two ports power to one stick. I get the weird multiple miners found on the RPi and Cubie while on the PC it fades away after a few mins.
I've run 16 HexFuries on this hub at the same time.
I'm not sure it's a power issue.
I also tested with a powered Orico USB 3.0 hub same results all systems.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: ranlo on March 19, 2016, 06:45:52 AM
which coins i can mine with this scrypt miner?
more than ltc or doge?

scrypt is also x11 as example - correct?

scrypt and x11 are different algorithms..this mines only scrypt coins.

Hmmmh, thanks.
But scrypt is not profitable :(

People use this mostly as cheap little lottery miners. They cost next to nothing to run, and you have a chance of making about $100 if you get lucky ;)

Hmm, I wonder what the chances are of recouping the ~$30 off one though. I guess it's cheap enough that even if you don't, you aren't out a lot.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: ManeBjorn on March 19, 2016, 06:56:48 AM
They are fun to play with and figure out the quirks as well as a lottery ticket.

which coins i can mine with this scrypt miner?
more than ltc or doge?

scrypt is also x11 as example - correct?

scrypt and x11 are different algorithms..this mines only scrypt coins.

Hmmmh, thanks.
But scrypt is not profitable :(

People use this mostly as cheap little lottery miners. They cost next to nothing to run, and you have a chance of making about $100 if you get lucky ;)

Hmm, I wonder what the chances are of recouping the ~$30 off one though. I guess it's cheap enough that even if you don't, you aren't out a lot.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: Obeseskydiver on March 20, 2016, 08:34:55 AM
I believe my HUB isn't performing to what it says. I got the superbpag USB 3.0 Superspeed HUB, (, and when I plug a moonlander in, it wont read on bfgminer. My computer will give the error "usb device not recognized the item has malfunctioned", I thought I received a destroyed miner, but when I connected my other two, it gave me the same error. I connected the miners directly into the computer and they all work.

Yet I'm having an issue of the speeds slowly decreasing and bfgminer 5.4 declaring it "SICK. Does anyone know how I can fix this? Should I increase the intensity?

Also to get multiple miners working at one time, should I run two instances of bfgminer each with its own config or can I put in the config to use two login information?

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: aarons6 on March 20, 2016, 08:48:22 AM
I believe my HUB isn't performing to what it says. I got the superbpag USB 3.0 Superspeed HUB, (, and when I plug a moonlander in, it wont read on bfgminer. My computer will give the error "usb device not recognized the item has malfunctioned", I thought I received a destroyed miner, but when I connected my other two, it gave me the same error. I connected the miners directly into the computer and they all work.

Yet I'm having an issue of the speeds slowly decreasing and bfgminer 5.4 declaring it "SICK. Does anyone know how I can fix this? Should I increase the intensity?

Also to get multiple miners working at one time, should I run two instances of bfgminer each with its own config or can I put in the config to use two login information?

you may have to plug your usb3 hub into a usb2 hub to get it to work.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: Obeseskydiver on March 20, 2016, 06:05:19 PM
I believe my HUB isn't performing to what it says. I got the superbpag USB 3.0 Superspeed HUB, (, and when I plug a moonlander in, it wont read on bfgminer. My computer will give the error "usb device not recognized the item has malfunctioned", I thought I received a destroyed miner, but when I connected my other two, it gave me the same error. I connected the miners directly into the computer and they all work.

Yet I'm having an issue of the speeds slowly decreasing and bfgminer 5.4 declaring it "SICK. Does anyone know how I can fix this? Should I increase the intensity?

Also to get multiple miners working at one time, should I run two instances of bfgminer each with its own config or can I put in the config to use two login information?

you may have to plug your usb3 hub into a usb2 hub to get it to work.

crap, sadly my laptop doesnt have any USB 2.0 ports.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: aarons6 on March 20, 2016, 07:53:28 PM
I believe my HUB isn't performing to what it says. I got the superbpag USB 3.0 Superspeed HUB, (, and when I plug a moonlander in, it wont read on bfgminer. My computer will give the error "usb device not recognized the item has malfunctioned", I thought I received a destroyed miner, but when I connected my other two, it gave me the same error. I connected the miners directly into the computer and they all work.

Yet I'm having an issue of the speeds slowly decreasing and bfgminer 5.4 declaring it "SICK. Does anyone know how I can fix this? Should I increase the intensity?

Also to get multiple miners working at one time, should I run two instances of bfgminer each with its own config or can I put in the config to use two login information?

you may have to plug your usb3 hub into a usb2 hub to get it to work.

crap, sadly my laptop doesnt have any USB 2.0 ports.
i said a hub, not ports.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: jstefanop on March 22, 2016, 08:44:39 PM
I believe my HUB isn't performing to what it says. I got the superbpag USB 3.0 Superspeed HUB, (, and when I plug a moonlander in, it wont read on bfgminer. My computer will give the error "usb device not recognized the item has malfunctioned", I thought I received a destroyed miner, but when I connected my other two, it gave me the same error. I connected the miners directly into the computer and they all work.

Yet I'm having an issue of the speeds slowly decreasing and bfgminer 5.4 declaring it "SICK. Does anyone know how I can fix this? Should I increase the intensity?

Also to get multiple miners working at one time, should I run two instances of bfgminer each with its own config or can I put in the config to use two login information?

This is the hub I recommend.

It has an internal really well constructed Powersupply, and is the only hub I found that can handle all 7 ports running full speed. The on you linked probably has an external crappy brick PSU which is probably not good enough.

For the "Sick" issue it probably means you have the difficulty set too it takes forever for the stick to submit a share, so bfgminer "thinks" its sick. Remember these are low powered devices and most pools think you are connecting high speed ASICs to them and have stock high difficulties. Make sure you are using vardiff with low initial diff, or forcing a diff of under 100.

16 diff per stick is a good starting point. This will give a share every second or so.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: ManeBjorn on March 23, 2016, 05:26:18 AM
I ordered one of these it will be here tomorrow.  I will let you know how it works on the custom images for the RPi2 and A10 Cubieboard with Minera that CrazyGuy setup.

I believe my HUB isn't performing to what it says. I got the superbpag USB 3.0 Superspeed HUB, (, and when I plug a moonlander in, it wont read on bfgminer. My computer will give the error "usb device not recognized the item has malfunctioned", I thought I received a destroyed miner, but when I connected my other two, it gave me the same error. I connected the miners directly into the computer and they all work.

Yet I'm having an issue of the speeds slowly decreasing and bfgminer 5.4 declaring it "SICK. Does anyone know how I can fix this? Should I increase the intensity?

Also to get multiple miners working at one time, should I run two instances of bfgminer each with its own config or can I put in the config to use two login information?

This is the hub I recommend.

It has an internal really well constructed Powersupply, and is the only hub I found that can handle all 7 ports running full speed. The on you linked probably has an external crappy brick PSU which is probably not good enough.

For the "Sick" issue it probably means you have the difficulty set too it takes forever for the stick to submit a share, so bfgminer "thinks" its sick. Remember these are low powered devices and most pools think you are connecting high speed ASICs to them and have stock high difficulties. Make sure you are using vardiff with low initial diff, or forcing a diff of under 100.

16 diff per stick is a good starting point. This will give a share every second or so.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: Obeseskydiver on March 23, 2016, 07:41:44 AM
I believe my HUB isn't performing to what it says. I got the superbpag USB 3.0 Superspeed HUB, (, and when I plug a moonlander in, it wont read on bfgminer. My computer will give the error "usb device not recognized the item has malfunctioned", I thought I received a destroyed miner, but when I connected my other two, it gave me the same error. I connected the miners directly into the computer and they all work.

Yet I'm having an issue of the speeds slowly decreasing and bfgminer 5.4 declaring it "SICK. Does anyone know how I can fix this? Should I increase the intensity?

Also to get multiple miners working at one time, should I run two instances of bfgminer each with its own config or can I put in the config to use two login information?

you may have to plug your usb3 hub into a usb2 hub to get it to work.

crap, sadly my laptop doesnt have any USB 2.0 ports.
i said a hub, not ports.

Got a USB 2.0 hub and it still gives me the same error. The computer will recognize the miner until I start bfgminer and once it happens, the miner will disconnect and attempt to reconnect and my computer will give the same error.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: zyzzyva on March 23, 2016, 11:56:28 AM
I believe my HUB isn't performing to what it says. I got the superbpag USB 3.0 Superspeed HUB, (, and when I plug a moonlander in, it wont read on bfgminer. My computer will give the error "usb device not recognized the item has malfunctioned", I thought I received a destroyed miner, but when I connected my other two, it gave me the same error. I connected the miners directly into the computer and they all work.

Yet I'm having an issue of the speeds slowly decreasing and bfgminer 5.4 declaring it "SICK. Does anyone know how I can fix this? Should I increase the intensity?

Also to get multiple miners working at one time, should I run two instances of bfgminer each with its own config or can I put in the config to use two login information?

This is the hub I recommend.

It has an internal really well constructed Powersupply, and is the only hub I found that can handle all 7 ports running full speed. The on you linked probably has an external crappy brick PSU which is probably not good enough.

For the "Sick" issue it probably means you have the difficulty set too it takes forever for the stick to submit a share, so bfgminer "thinks" its sick. Remember these are low powered devices and most pools think you are connecting high speed ASICs to them and have stock high difficulties. Make sure you are using vardiff with low initial diff, or forcing a diff of under 100.

16 diff per stick is a good starting point. This will give a share every second or so.

Speaking of which...if you know a bit of C, it's easy enough to increase the "SICK" timeout in bfgminer. Is there any downside to doing this? I'd like to increase it to something like 5 minutes for solo mining against a wallet, but I'm not sure what the MoonLanders are actually doing when they're not reporting large shares. I'd hate to burn them out or something!

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: Obeseskydiver on March 23, 2016, 03:25:34 PM
I believe my HUB isn't performing to what it says. I got the superbpag USB 3.0 Superspeed HUB, (, and when I plug a moonlander in, it wont read on bfgminer. My computer will give the error "usb device not recognized the item has malfunctioned", I thought I received a destroyed miner, but when I connected my other two, it gave me the same error. I connected the miners directly into the computer and they all work.

Yet I'm having an issue of the speeds slowly decreasing and bfgminer 5.4 declaring it "SICK. Does anyone know how I can fix this? Should I increase the intensity?

Also to get multiple miners working at one time, should I run two instances of bfgminer each with its own config or can I put in the config to use two login information?

This is the hub I recommend.

It has an internal really well constructed Powersupply, and is the only hub I found that can handle all 7 ports running full speed. The on you linked probably has an external crappy brick PSU which is probably not good enough.

For the "Sick" issue it probably means you have the difficulty set too it takes forever for the stick to submit a share, so bfgminer "thinks" its sick. Remember these are low powered devices and most pools think you are connecting high speed ASICs to them and have stock high difficulties. Make sure you are using vardiff with low initial diff, or forcing a diff of under 100.

16 diff per stick is a good starting point. This will give a share every second or so.

Yes, I was looking into this one before I bought the other HUB, I thought it would push out enough power so I could save a few bucks...guess

I'm going to return this one and get the one you suggested.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: ManeBjorn on March 24, 2016, 10:25:17 PM
Well I got the SuperBpag hub.
First I connected it to the RPi2 and set the freq at 160.  The Moonlander ran for about 3 hrs at roughly 400 kh/s.  Then is started drifting out and finally going dead. I have tried all sorts of freq and adjustments and it will not run very long before slowing down and then going dead. I have adjusted the diff manually, tired several pools, (LiteCoinPool, LTCRabbit and Clevermining) also made sure there was lots of air from two different fans blowing over it. 
Just cannot keep them running solid for more than a couple hours to sometimes even 10 mins before it goes dead.

I then tried on the Cubieboard with the same results. Then I tested on a PC with the same issue.

Very strange.

Any suggestions to keep them live??

I ordered one of these it will be here tomorrow.  I will let you know how it works on the custom images for the RPi2 and A10 Cubieboard with Minera that CrazyGuy setup.

I believe my HUB isn't performing to what it says. I got the superbpag USB 3.0 Superspeed HUB, (, and when I plug a moonlander in, it wont read on bfgminer. My computer will give the error "usb device not recognized the item has malfunctioned", I thought I received a destroyed miner, but when I connected my other two, it gave me the same error. I connected the miners directly into the computer and they all work.

Yet I'm having an issue of the speeds slowly decreasing and bfgminer 5.4 declaring it "SICK. Does anyone know how I can fix this? Should I increase the intensity?

Also to get multiple miners working at one time, should I run two instances of bfgminer each with its own config or can I put in the config to use two login information?

This is the hub I recommend.

It has an internal really well constructed Powersupply, and is the only hub I found that can handle all 7 ports running full speed. The on you linked probably has an external crappy brick PSU which is probably not good enough.

For the "Sick" issue it probably means you have the difficulty set too it takes forever for the stick to submit a share, so bfgminer "thinks" its sick. Remember these are low powered devices and most pools think you are connecting high speed ASICs to them and have stock high difficulties. Make sure you are using vardiff with low initial diff, or forcing a diff of under 100.

16 diff per stick is a good starting point. This will give a share every second or so.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: aarons6 on March 24, 2016, 10:34:18 PM
Well I got the SuperBpag hub.
First I connected it to the RPi2 and set the freq at 160.  The Moonlander ran for about 3 hrs at roughly 400 kh/s.  Then is started drifting out and finally going dead. I have tried all sorts of freq and adjustments and it will not run very long before slowing down and then going dead. I have adjusted the diff manually, tired several pools, (LiteCoinPool, LTCRabbit and Clevermining) also made sure there was lots of air from two different fans blowing over it. 
Just cannot keep them running solid for more than a couple hours to sometimes even 10 mins before it goes dead.

I then tried on the Cubieboard with the same results. Then I tested on a PC with the same issue.

Very strange.

Any suggestions to keep them live??

nope having the same problem.. i had ok results plugging the 3.0 hub into a 2.0 hub but after awhile they eventually go to 0.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: aarons6 on March 29, 2016, 12:51:50 PM
Stop using USB 3.0.....

unless you are running them at stock speed of 104, you pretty much have to use a 3.0 hub.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: aarons6 on March 29, 2016, 01:23:51 PM
Stop using USB 3.0.....
unless you are running them at stock speed of 104, you pretty much have to use a 3.0 hub.

Please elaborate.....

the only 2 hubs best known to work are the anker 10 port updated 60W and the superpbag 7 port 70W both are usb 3.0 hubs.

usb 2.0 is limited to 500mA, usb 3.0 is 900mA, the superpbag 7 port 70W hub can do 2000mA per port.
you would have a hard time running 4 or 5 of these usb sticks off a simple usb 2.0 hub.. im having a hard time running 4 of them off the superpbag they constantly need to be reset.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: jstefanop on March 29, 2016, 04:34:50 PM
The eyeboots, even though they offer plenty of juice, are actually very poorly constructed at the hub/port level. They skipped out on proper USB protocol and EMI shielding, since they have so many USB ports. I would not recommend them for this stick.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: notabeliever on March 30, 2016, 01:52:12 AM
Look everyone I was too cheap on buying a hub and used everything I had all ready. (usb ports 1.1 and 2.0)

However I finally bought the 7 port plugable hub and it just works for everything. No need for drivers plug it in and the futurebit sticks in and start hashing.

My 3 sticks at stock settings from jstefanop's bfgminer get a total of 1.5 mhs on a plugable hub. I can mine anything scrypt including LTC with  F2pool or Goldcoin etc.
Don't be cheap buy this hub from newegg if you have too its worth it also for compacts too.

Plugable 7-Port USB 3.0 SuperSpeed 39.99

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: aarons6 on March 30, 2016, 02:12:13 AM
Look everyone I was too cheap on buying a hub and used everything I had all ready. (usb ports 1.1 and 2.0)

However I finally bought the 7 port plugable hub and it just works for everything. No need for drivers plug it in and the futurebit sticks in and start hashing.

My 3 sticks at stock settings from jstefanop's bfgminer get a total of 1.5 mhs on a plugable hub. I can mine anything scrypt including LTC with  F2pool or Goldcoin etc.
Don't be cheap buy this hub from newegg if you have too its worth it also for compacts too.

Plugable 7-Port USB 3.0 SuperSpeed 39.99

that hub doesnt look too bad, its 1500mA per port and one port is 2400mA.

the 7 port superbpag tho is the same price and i like the AD/DC is built in.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: ManeBjorn on March 30, 2016, 06:47:02 AM
Agreed, I have two of these and even with the bridge adapter to give the power of two ports to one USB they don't work.

The Superbpag works but the miners drift off after about 20 mins now. I set the diff at 8 or below on LitcoinPool and use the low diff port on LTCRabbit.

Just weird. Not sure what to do to keep them going.

The eyeboots, even though they offer plenty of juice, are actually very poorly constructed at the hub/port level. They skipped out on proper USB protocol and EMI shielding, since they have so many USB ports. I would not recommend them for this stick.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: aarons6 on March 30, 2016, 07:23:47 AM
Agreed, I have two of these and even with the bridge adapter to give the power of two ports to one USB they don't work.

The Superbpag works but the miners drift off after about 20 mins now. I set the diff at 8 or below on LitcoinPool and use the low diff port on LTCRabbit.

Just weird. Not sure what to do to keep them going.

The eyeboots, even though they offer plenty of juice, are actually very poorly constructed at the hub/port level. They skipped out on proper USB protocol and EMI shielding, since they have so many USB ports. I would not recommend them for this stick.

i still think it has something to do with the driver, cause the lights still blink like they are accepting shares.. yet bfgminer shows zero speed.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: ManeBjorn on March 30, 2016, 11:26:27 PM
I am starting to think so as well. The poolside hash rate goes to zero as well.
It is definitely something weird. I have tried all sorts of diff settings and pools and the same thing. They run about 15 to 20 mins and drift off. Does not matter settings, freq or anything. I have one on an RPi 2, one on a Cubie, and one on a PC. They all do the same exact thing. I have them on the recommended Superbpag hub on each.

Not sure what to do now.

Agreed, I have two of these and even with the bridge adapter to give the power of two ports to one USB they don't work.

The Superbpag works but the miners drift off after about 20 mins now. I set the diff at 8 or below on LitcoinPool and use the low diff port on LTCRabbit.

Just weird. Not sure what to do to keep them going.

The eyeboots, even though they offer plenty of juice, are actually very poorly constructed at the hub/port level. They skipped out on proper USB protocol and EMI shielding, since they have so many USB ports. I would not recommend them for this stick.

i still think it has something to do with the driver, cause the lights still blink like they are accepting shares.. yet bfgminer shows zero speed.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: zyzzyva on March 31, 2016, 12:29:11 AM
I am starting to think so as well. The poolside hash rate goes to zero as well.
It is definitely something weird. I have tried all sorts of diff settings and pools and the same thing. They run about 15 to 20 mins and drift off. Does not matter settings, freq or anything. I have one on an RPi 2, one on a Cubie, and one on a PC. They all do the same exact thing. I have them on the recommended Superbpag hub on each.

Not sure what to do now.

Agreed, I have two of these and even with the bridge adapter to give the power of two ports to one USB they don't work.

The Superbpag works but the miners drift off after about 20 mins now. I set the diff at 8 or below on LitcoinPool and use the low diff port on LTCRabbit.

Just weird. Not sure what to do to keep them going.

The eyeboots, even though they offer plenty of juice, are actually very poorly constructed at the hub/port level. They skipped out on proper USB protocol and EMI shielding, since they have so many USB ports. I would not recommend them for this stick.

i still think it has something to do with the driver, cause the lights still blink like they are accepting shares.. yet bfgminer shows zero speed.

I've been seeing this behavior too. I have 8 MoonLanders on two Superbpags, and after about 2 days of mining a few of them will slowly go down to 0.00 and not come back, no matter how many times I restart bfgminer, powercycle the RPi that's driving them, etc. So far this has always fixed it:

Power down the RPi.
Unplug all the sticks.
Power up the RPi and start bfgminer.
Plug in one stick at a time, waiting for each one to be recognized before plugging the next one.

Then they run for another couple days before another few sticks drift off.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: ManeBjorn on March 31, 2016, 03:34:34 AM
That is the only way I can get them to run for 2 to 3 hrs before they die.
Not sure what to do.
Hopefully someone can come up with a solution.

I am starting to think so as well. The poolside hash rate goes to zero as well.
It is definitely something weird. I have tried all sorts of diff settings and pools and the same thing. They run about 15 to 20 mins and drift off. Does not matter settings, freq or anything. I have one on an RPi 2, one on a Cubie, and one on a PC. They all do the same exact thing. I have them on the recommended Superbpag hub on each.

Not sure what to do now.

Agreed, I have two of these and even with the bridge adapter to give the power of two ports to one USB they don't work.

The Superbpag works but the miners drift off after about 20 mins now. I set the diff at 8 or below on LitcoinPool and use the low diff port on LTCRabbit.

Just weird. Not sure what to do to keep them going.

The eyeboots, even though they offer plenty of juice, are actually very poorly constructed at the hub/port level. They skipped out on proper USB protocol and EMI shielding, since they have so many USB ports. I would not recommend them for this stick.

i still think it has something to do with the driver, cause the lights still blink like they are accepting shares.. yet bfgminer shows zero speed.

I've been seeing this behavior too. I have 8 MoonLanders on two Superbpags, and after about 2 days of mining a few of them will slowly go down to 0.00 and not come back, no matter how many times I restart bfgminer, powercycle the RPi that's driving them, etc. So far this has always fixed it:

Power down the RPi.
Unplug all the sticks.
Power up the RPi and start bfgminer.
Plug in one stick at a time, waiting for each one to be recognized before plugging the next one.

Then they run for another couple days before another few sticks drift off.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: aarons6 on March 31, 2016, 03:45:54 AM
That is the only way I can get them to run for 2 to 3 hrs before they die.
Not sure what to do.
Hopefully someone can come up with a solution.

I am starting to think so as well. The poolside hash rate goes to zero as well.
It is definitely something weird. I have tried all sorts of diff settings and pools and the same thing. They run about 15 to 20 mins and drift off. Does not matter settings, freq or anything. I have one on an RPi 2, one on a Cubie, and one on a PC. They all do the same exact thing. I have them on the recommended Superbpag hub on each.

Not sure what to do now.

Agreed, I have two of these and even with the bridge adapter to give the power of two ports to one USB they don't work.

The Superbpag works but the miners drift off after about 20 mins now. I set the diff at 8 or below on LitcoinPool and use the low diff port on LTCRabbit.

Just weird. Not sure what to do to keep them going.

The eyeboots, even though they offer plenty of juice, are actually very poorly constructed at the hub/port level. They skipped out on proper USB protocol and EMI shielding, since they have so many USB ports. I would not recommend them for this stick.

i still think it has something to do with the driver, cause the lights still blink like they are accepting shares.. yet bfgminer shows zero speed.

I've been seeing this behavior too. I have 8 MoonLanders on two Superbpags, and after about 2 days of mining a few of them will slowly go down to 0.00 and not come back, no matter how many times I restart bfgminer, powercycle the RPi that's driving them, etc. So far this has always fixed it:

Power down the RPi.
Unplug all the sticks.
Power up the RPi and start bfgminer.
Plug in one stick at a time, waiting for each one to be recognized before plugging the next one.

Then they run for another couple days before another few sticks drift off.

my solution isnt really a solution.. but what i did was use minera and have it set to restart bfgminer if 3 devices go down..

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: ManeBjorn on March 31, 2016, 04:14:04 AM
Same here for the Minera setup only I have it for two devices as I don't have many.

That is the only way I can get them to run for 2 to 3 hrs before they die.
Not sure what to do.
Hopefully someone can come up with a solution.

I am starting to think so as well. The poolside hash rate goes to zero as well.
It is definitely something weird. I have tried all sorts of diff settings and pools and the same thing. They run about 15 to 20 mins and drift off. Does not matter settings, freq or anything. I have one on an RPi 2, one on a Cubie, and one on a PC. They all do the same exact thing. I have them on the recommended Superbpag hub on each.

Not sure what to do now.

Agreed, I have two of these and even with the bridge adapter to give the power of two ports to one USB they don't work.

The Superbpag works but the miners drift off after about 20 mins now. I set the diff at 8 or below on LitcoinPool and use the low diff port on LTCRabbit.

Just weird. Not sure what to do to keep them going.

The eyeboots, even though they offer plenty of juice, are actually very poorly constructed at the hub/port level. They skipped out on proper USB protocol and EMI shielding, since they have so many USB ports. I would not recommend them for this stick.

i still think it has something to do with the driver, cause the lights still blink like they are accepting shares.. yet bfgminer shows zero speed.

I've been seeing this behavior too. I have 8 MoonLanders on two Superbpags, and after about 2 days of mining a few of them will slowly go down to 0.00 and not come back, no matter how many times I restart bfgminer, powercycle the RPi that's driving them, etc. So far this has always fixed it:

Power down the RPi.
Unplug all the sticks.
Power up the RPi and start bfgminer.
Plug in one stick at a time, waiting for each one to be recognized before plugging the next one.

Then they run for another couple days before another few sticks drift off.

my solution isnt really a solution.. but what i did was use minera and have it set to restart bfgminer if 3 devices go down..

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: aarons6 on March 31, 2016, 07:44:17 AM
so what are you guys running these at?

im running them at 304..

2  i had to crank up to .950mv, the rest are at .900mv

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: zyzzyva on March 31, 2016, 11:27:07 AM
so what are you guys running these at?

im running them at 304..

2  i had to crank up to .950mv, the rest are at .900mv

Mine are at .8v or so, 288MHz. Mostly limited by one stick that won't go any higher; another wishlist item I have for bfgminer is to set frequency by serial number. :)

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: wolverine5pl on April 03, 2016, 03:38:02 PM
what usb hub would you recommend for them? Im in UK. i tried looking for anker but I see anker with power supply that can be used to charge mobile phones

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: jstefanop on April 03, 2016, 06:20:39 PM
so what are you guys running these at?

im running them at 304..

2  i had to crank up to .950mv, the rest are at .900mv

Mine are at .8v or so, 288MHz. Mostly limited by one stick that won't go any higher; another wishlist item I have for bfgminer is to set frequency by serial number. :)

Bfgminer already lets you do this...quote from the FAQ section.

Q: How can I set frequency to a particular stick in a mutistick setup under bfgminer?
If you want to specify frequencies for each individual miners you can point which frequency gets set to which miner by changing the global --set MLD:clock=144
to --set MLD@/dev/ttyUSB0:clock=320  (note I haven't really tested if you can keep the global option and lets say just set one stick to a different frequency...if you do it this way you might have to specify frequencies for each miner port individually even if some of them are the same, since the global option might override individual frequencies).

So if you have two sticks and want two different frequencies your options might look like this:

./bfgminer --scrypt -o stratum+tcp:// -u jstefanop.1 -p 1,d=16 -S MLD:/dev/ttyUSB0 -S MLD:/dev/ttyUSB1 --set MLD@/dev/ttyUSB0:clock=320 --set MLD@/dev/ttyUSB1:clock=304

If your running windows just use the proper windows COM port syntax @\\.\COM1 etc.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: zyzzyva on April 03, 2016, 07:02:33 PM
so what are you guys running these at?

im running them at 304..

2  i had to crank up to .950mv, the rest are at .900mv

Mine are at .8v or so, 288MHz. Mostly limited by one stick that won't go any higher; another wishlist item I have for bfgminer is to set frequency by serial number. :)

Bfgminer already lets you do this...quote from the FAQ section.

Q: How can I set frequency to a particular stick in a mutistick setup under bfgminer?
If you want to specify frequencies for each individual miners you can point which frequency gets set to which miner by changing the global --set MLD:clock=144
to --set MLD@/dev/ttyUSB0:clock=320  (note I haven't really tested if you can keep the global option and lets say just set one stick to a different frequency...if you do it this way you might have to specify frequencies for each miner port individually even if some of them are the same, since the global option might override individual frequencies).

So if you have two sticks and want two different frequencies your options might look like this:

./bfgminer --scrypt -o stratum+tcp:// -u jstefanop.1 -p 1,d=16 -S MLD:/dev/ttyUSB0 -S MLD:/dev/ttyUSB1 --set MLD@/dev/ttyUSB0:clock=320 --set MLD@/dev/ttyUSB1:clock=304

If your running windows just use the proper windows COM port syntax @\\.\COM1 etc.

Thanks jstefanop! I'm on a Raspberry Pi and the problem with this is that Linux (or at least Raspbian) assigns different ttys to the sticks on each boot. So if I write a shell script with a line like that, it's invalidated next time I reboot. It would be cool to be able to do something like:

--set MLD@FB3E00111:clock=288 --set MLD@FB3E00222:clock=312

I took a quick look at the bfgminer code but it wasn't clear to me whether those serial numbers were available at init time.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: ManeBjorn on April 03, 2016, 11:48:27 PM
I am at 272.
Cranked up the voltage a bit so far about .890mv
Still cannot keep them running more than 30 mins before they fade away. I do have Minera restarting after two out of three die and do not come back for 10 mins.

so what are you guys running these at?

im running them at 304..

2  i had to crank up to .950mv, the rest are at .900mv

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: wolverine5pl on April 03, 2016, 11:57:16 PM
My stopped hashing.  Is recognised when plugged in but no hash reported :(

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: aarons6 on April 03, 2016, 11:59:58 PM
I am at 272.
Cranked up the voltage a bit so far about .890mv
Still cannot keep them running more than 30 mins before they fade away. I do have Minera restarting after two out of three die and do not come back for 10 mins.

so what are you guys running these at?

im running them at 304..

2  i had to crank up to .950mv, the rest are at .900mv

i cant track down why they stop hashing.. it has NOTHING to do with speed or heat, i have 2 superbpag hubs and sometimes the 4 on one hub go for hours and then one on the other one will stop in seconds from turning on and its completely random, different stick each time. it has nothing to do with hardware errors cause my errors are 1 or 2 per hour. the red and orange light still blinks on them all. so its receiving data. turning on the bfgminer stats it says its sending the stick that isnt hashing data from the queue.. for some reason bfgminer isnt seeing the share.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: jstefanop on April 04, 2016, 03:23:52 AM
I am at 272.
Cranked up the voltage a bit so far about .890mv
Still cannot keep them running more than 30 mins before they fade away. I do have Minera restarting after two out of three die and do not come back for 10 mins.

so what are you guys running these at?

im running them at 304..

2  i had to crank up to .950mv, the rest are at .900mv

i cant track down why they stop hashing.. it has NOTHING to do with speed or heat, i have 2 superbpag hubs and sometimes the 4 on one hub go for hours and then one on the other one will stop in seconds from turning on and its completely random, different stick each time. it has nothing to do with hardware errors cause my errors are 1 or 2 per hour. the red and orange light still blinks on them all. so its receiving data. turning on the bfgminer stats it says its sending the stick that isnt hashing data from the queue.. for some reason bfgminer isnt seeing the share.

Unfortunately its next to impossible to track down what is causing this, but my guess would be the vcom driver, or a bug in bfgminer thats out of the scope of my driver. The driver is fairly simple and low level...if the yellow lite is blinking it means the ASIC is operating fine and correctly returing shares, but for whatever reason those share bits are never making it to my driver thread thats "waiting" to read a response. I know the windows vcom driver had this issue, especially with USB 3 ports. If your on windows make sure you download the latest silicon lab driver that was updated last month.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: ManeBjorn on April 04, 2016, 06:53:04 AM
The yellow light does stop blinking when they fade away on my end. I am not sure if that helps.

I am at 272.
Cranked up the voltage a bit so far about .890mv
Still cannot keep them running more than 30 mins before they fade away. I do have Minera restarting after two out of three die and do not come back for 10 mins.

so what are you guys running these at?

im running them at 304..

2  i had to crank up to .950mv, the rest are at .900mv

i cant track down why they stop hashing.. it has NOTHING to do with speed or heat, i have 2 superbpag hubs and sometimes the 4 on one hub go for hours and then one on the other one will stop in seconds from turning on and its completely random, different stick each time. it has nothing to do with hardware errors cause my errors are 1 or 2 per hour. the red and orange light still blinks on them all. so its receiving data. turning on the bfgminer stats it says its sending the stick that isnt hashing data from the queue.. for some reason bfgminer isnt seeing the share.

Unfortunately its next to impossible to track down what is causing this, but my guess would be the vcom driver, or a bug in bfgminer thats out of the scope of my driver. The driver is fairly simple and low level...if the yellow lite is blinking it means the ASIC is operating fine and correctly returing shares, but for whatever reason those share bits are never making it to my driver thread thats "waiting" to read a response. I know the windows vcom driver had this issue, especially with USB 3 ports. If your on windows make sure you download the latest silicon lab driver that was updated last month.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: aarons6 on April 08, 2016, 01:33:48 AM
I am at 272.
Cranked up the voltage a bit so far about .890mv
Still cannot keep them running more than 30 mins before they fade away. I do have Minera restarting after two out of three die and do not come back for 10 mins.

so what are you guys running these at?

im running them at 304..

2  i had to crank up to .950mv, the rest are at .900mv

i cant track down why they stop hashing.. it has NOTHING to do with speed or heat, i have 2 superbpag hubs and sometimes the 4 on one hub go for hours and then one on the other one will stop in seconds from turning on and its completely random, different stick each time. it has nothing to do with hardware errors cause my errors are 1 or 2 per hour. the red and orange light still blinks on them all. so its receiving data. turning on the bfgminer stats it says its sending the stick that isnt hashing data from the queue.. for some reason bfgminer isnt seeing the share.

Unfortunately its next to impossible to track down what is causing this, but my guess would be the vcom driver, or a bug in bfgminer thats out of the scope of my driver. The driver is fairly simple and low level...if the yellow lite is blinking it means the ASIC is operating fine and correctly returing shares, but for whatever reason those share bits are never making it to my driver thread thats "waiting" to read a response. I know the windows vcom driver had this issue, especially with USB 3 ports. If your on windows make sure you download the latest silicon lab driver that was updated last month.

thats not it.. if i unplug the usb cable from the pc.. the lights still blink.. they will go forever until i turn off the superbpags.

they are locked in some kind of internal loop.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: GoldTiger69 on April 08, 2016, 02:12:08 AM

Some days a go I sent you a PM asking you if do you still have some FutureBit for sale. As I haven't received any answer I'll ask you here: Do you still have any for sale? I would be interested in buying 2 if that's the case.

Thanks in advance.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: jstefanop on April 08, 2016, 07:15:46 AM

Some days a go I sent you a PM asking you if do you still have some FutureBit for sale. As I haven't received any answer I'll ask you here: Do you still have any for sale? I would be interested in buying 2 if that's the case.

Thanks in advance.

Hey sorry I missed your PM. Yea I still have a few left, but this last batch is dwindling fast.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: GoldTiger69 on April 08, 2016, 06:41:38 PM

Some days a go I sent you a PM asking you if do you still have some FutureBit for sale. As I haven't received any answer I'll ask you here: Do you still have any for sale? I would be interested in buying 2 if that's the case.

Thanks in advance.

Hey sorry I missed your PM. Yea I still have a few left, but this last batch is dwindling fast.

Thanks, that's perfect!. Is the price still $32 USD each? If so, how much would be the shipping of 2 FutureBits to Mexico?

Again, thanks in advance for your answer.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: DevilStinger on April 10, 2016, 11:27:14 AM
hi guys, I got mine yesterday and it drives me crazy   ???  ;D

but I have an info: the Moonlander does absolutely NOT work in a 10 Port Digitus USB 2.0 Hub (5V 4A) with only 1 device connected.
I tryed the Moonlander unter serveral circumstances with this USB Hub:
Banana Pi & Raspberry PI, on a Netbook with debian 7.4, and a Win7 PC - no chance.

but - it works fine without the -d 8 or 16 and without the clock=XXX options even directly connected to all theese devices/pc but only ~0.320 KHS and it works 24/7 without going "Sick" in bfgminer

if I adjust the voltage or the clock speed it seems to go randomly sick. I'll buy one of theese HUB's and then t'll try again.
Does "Sick" mean to low power?

I also tryed a voltage of .890V but my bananapi just turned off ;D (so the poti & voltmeter seems ok)
Btw I use the Digitus 10 Port ub for 6 BTC blockerupter and it works fine.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: Guruclef on April 10, 2016, 04:02:31 PM
if I adjust the voltage or the clock speed it seems to go randomly sick. I'll buy one of theese HUB's and then t'll try again.
Does "Sick" mean to low power?

AFAIK "sick" only means that it has spent too much time without bfgminer detecting a share. It can be normal, if the pool is rejecting low difficulty shares (as the miner takes a long time to produce high difficulty shares). It will stop showing "sick" when the miner throws a share over the pool difficulty.

Some pools adjust difficulty and lower it down to your stick miner; others don't. Try just leaving the miner running for a while and the sick might go away when a share is submitted, then declared sick again if much time passes without a share.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: DevilStinger on April 10, 2016, 06:19:21 PM
AFAIK "sick" only means that it has spent too much time without bfgminer detecting a share
okay but then its probably a bfgminer specified problem cause i use to crunch with my intel I5  @ 4x 4,5 khashes with CPUMINER and my GTX720 @ 11khashes witch GUIMINER and thats way slower than the moonlander can do but there's no prob with the shares. I use where 32 is the lowest selectable diff.
but sometimes it says that the moonlander is "sick" after less than 60 secs too. Mostly when I change the voltage over 0.760V. but then the bfgminer not even accept at least 1 share.

Try just leaving the miner running for a while and the sick might go away when a share is submitted
somethimes that happens, but sometimes not :(
i'm afraid it's because of I don't use a proper USB hub. meanwhile the moonlander works fine from 104 to 144 mhz and next week I'll get one of those powerful hubs. but i'm from austria , here are not all of those hubs available. I'll buy 2 of them: Sabrent 60 Watt (12 Ampere) 10-Port- (

atm the red light is constantly on after ~ 1-2 hours of working. Does that mean overheat? the computer with the stick is located in my cellar where I have between 60 and 65° F (~16-18°C). I use a fan and the black cooler metal is very cold when i touch it so i hope/think it's no thermal problem  :-\

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: ManeBjorn on April 10, 2016, 06:44:33 PM
The sick and then fade out happens on whatever OS, hubs and setup I try.
Only solution I found is to have Minera restart the miners after two go offline for more then 10 mins.

AFAIK "sick" only means that it has spent too much time without bfgminer detecting a share
okay but then its probably a bfgminer specified problem cause i use to crunch with my intel I5  @ 4x 4,5 khashes with CPUMINER and my GTX720 @ 11khashes witch GUIMINER and thats way slower than the moonlander can do but there's no prob with the shares. I use where 32 is the lowest selectable diff.
but sometimes it says that the moonlander is "sick" after less than 60 secs too. Mostly when I change the voltage over 0.760V. but then the bfgminer not even accept at least 1 share.

Try just leaving the miner running for a while and the sick might go away when a share is submitted
somethimes that happens, but sometimes not :(
i'm afraid it's because of I don't use a proper USB hub. meanwhile the moonlander works fine from 104 to 144 mhz and next week I'll get one of those powerful hubs. but i'm from austria , here are not all of those hubs available. I'll buy 2 of them: Sabrent 60 Watt (12 Ampere) 10-Port- (

atm the red light is constantly on after ~ 1-2 hours of working. Does that mean overheat? the computer with the stick is located in my cellar where I have between 60 and 65° F (~16-18°C). I use a fan and the black cooler metal is very cold when i touch it so i hope/think it's no thermal problem  :-\

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: DevilStinger on April 11, 2016, 05:24:50 AM
whatever OS, hubs and setup

that's very strange - my newest experience is

the same:
  • Computer
  • Hub
  • Moonlander Stick
  • OS
  • Temperature & fan location
  • mhz & core voltage
  • usb cables
  • mining pool & settings

but: i start bfgminer - sick after seconds, ( i have a *.bat file to start the miner on windows where i actually use it)
->quit and restart immediately - runs since yesterday  for approx 20 hrs

so whats up now? voltage ups and downs in the local electricity grid?  ??? ::) ;D thats absurd, there must be a reason imho  :)
a loose connection in any wire? I didn't even touch one while doubleklicking on the executable batch file ^^ yea except the one of my computermouse. most wires are as new.
the only comprehensible difference is the position of earth in milky way  ;D ;D ;D maybe a solar flare

the point is: I start the bfgminer twice under exact same circumstances, once it went nuts and another time it works  :(

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: aarons6 on April 13, 2016, 09:52:06 PM
The sick and then fade out happens on whatever OS, hubs and setup I try.
Only solution I found is to have Minera restart the miners after two go offline for more then 10 mins.

AFAIK "sick" only means that it has spent too much time without bfgminer detecting a share
okay but then its probably a bfgminer specified problem cause i use to crunch with my intel I5  @ 4x 4,5 khashes with CPUMINER and my GTX720 @ 11khashes witch GUIMINER and thats way slower than the moonlander can do but there's no prob with the shares. I use where 32 is the lowest selectable diff.
but sometimes it says that the moonlander is "sick" after less than 60 secs too. Mostly when I change the voltage over 0.760V. but then the bfgminer not even accept at least 1 share.

Try just leaving the miner running for a while and the sick might go away when a share is submitted
somethimes that happens, but sometimes not :(
i'm afraid it's because of I don't use a proper USB hub. meanwhile the moonlander works fine from 104 to 144 mhz and next week I'll get one of those powerful hubs. but i'm from austria , here are not all of those hubs available. I'll buy 2 of them: Sabrent 60 Watt (12 Ampere) 10-Port- (

atm the red light is constantly on after ~ 1-2 hours of working. Does that mean overheat? the computer with the stick is located in my cellar where I have between 60 and 65° F (~16-18°C). I use a fan and the black cooler metal is very cold when i touch it so i hope/think it's no thermal problem  :-\
I am still having trouble with mine as well, not sure what I will have to do to get these things to not have a forced restart every so often.

unfortunately probably nothing you can do..

its something in bfgminer.

i cant get these to work on the nicehash pool. bfgminer restarts because it thinks the network is timing out. it keeps saying its working on an old block over and over and over, probably because NH isnt mining litecoin.

i cant get these to work on ANY LTC pool that you cant really set the difficulty.. because bfgminer thinks they are "sick" if they dont send a share every 30 seconds or so. works if you want to mine litecoin, so does if you want to try solo mining..

i havent gotten these to work on mining WDC or DGC or any other scrypt coin. they just dont work. times out.

i cant get all 8 to run at the same time.. almost always one drops off as soon as they start up and then one drops off one by one until they are all showing zero hash.. takes about an hour..

they do turn a profit on mining litecoin.. each stick will make about 7$ a year.. you may get lucky and litecoin will go back up in value.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: aarons6 on April 14, 2016, 06:34:13 PM
this is the error message i am getting when my sticks go idle..

the yellow light still blinks and the stick is being detected.

 [2016-04-14 11:32:59] [thread 0: 0 hashes, 0.0 khash/sec]
 [2016-04-14 11:32:59] MLD 0: Popping work from get queue to get work
 [2016-04-14 11:32:59] MLD 0: Got work 461 from get queue to get work for thread
 [2016-04-14 11:32:59] Selecting pool 0 for work
 [2016-04-14 11:32:59] Generated stratum header 00000004c216fb62957dd18ffd5be87b
c33b86ca835d73a9db14f2a7fb78cc7b4f03d57909641a2e49e80050b3c094f1c9195e01df76940 3
 [2016-04-14 11:32:59] Work job_id 9f39 nonce2 0d000000
 [2016-04-14 11:32:59] Generated stratum work
 [2016-04-14 11:32:59] Pushing work 485 from pool 0 to hash queue
 [2016-04-14 11:32:59] Failed to start job

ok i think i figured it out.. on the sticks that go idle, if you restart bfgminer it says it detected 0 cores.

 [2016-04-14 11:42:51] futurebit: Successfully opened \\.\COM1
 [2016-04-14 11:42:51] MLD: cgpu_set_defaults: Matched with set default: MLD:clo
 [2016-04-14 11:42:51] MLD: Applied rule MLD:clock=104
 [2016-04-14 11:42:51] futurebit: Core clock set to 104 mhz
 [2016-04-14 11:42:52] futurebit: Identified 0 cores on \\.\COM1

you have to pull it out and rest the power for it to come back on.

it has to be something with the futurebit driver and bfgminer


Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: VictorGT on April 15, 2016, 12:28:57 PM
Same problem here.

The miner with BFGMiner works well (very well) only with low diffs pools.

This means only pools which allow settting a low diff can be choosen.

I use to mine on multipools (Clevermiming, Prohasing). But Moonlanders with
BFGMiner didn't work with them. Most of them use vardiff, and starts with high
diff and after they drop it... But of course, the miner will get SICK before...

Really interested on how to avoid the SICK problem when the miner not
sendind shares for one minute.

I bought an scrypt miner, not an "only LTC on some pools" miner...

Sure problem is in BFGMiner, not the miner, but as we have not other software option...


Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: zyzzyva on April 15, 2016, 01:05:45 PM
Same problem here.

The miner with BFGMiner works well (very well) only with low diffs pools.

This means only pools which allow settting a low diff can be choosen.

I use to mine on multipools (Clevermiming, Prohasing). But Moonlanders with
BFGMiner didn't work with them. Most of them use vardiff, and starts with high
diff and after they drop it... But of course, the miner will get SICK before...

Really interested on how to avoid the SICK problem when the miner not
sendind shares for one minute.

I bought an scrypt miner, not an "only LTC on some pools" miner...

Sure problem is in BFGMiner, not the miner, but as we have not other software option...


I found a workaround for this, if you're compiling bfgminer from source. Open up miner.c, and find the line that reads:

#define WATCHDOG_SICK_TIME              60

This is the timeout, in seconds, before a device is declared SICK. You can set it to any value less than or equal to 600, though I recommend setting it to a divisor of 600. (300 works well for me.) For example...

#define WATCHDOG_SICK_TIME              300

Once you've done that, rebuild bfgminer. If you've used the value 300, your sticks can now mine for 5 minutes without finding a share above the pool difficulty before they go SICK. They'll also reset every time a new block is found on the network (that behavior is already part of bfgminer), so this works great for coins with < 5 min block time.

Note that this doesn't fix the problem where the MLBs stop submitting shares, just the problem where they go SICK because the pool diff is too high.

DISCLAIMER: I have no idea if this is bad for your MoonLanders. It works okay for me, but I'm not responsible if this workaround causes your MLB to release the magic smoke.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: VictorGT on April 15, 2016, 05:00:41 PM
I found a workaround for this, if you're compiling bfgminer from source. Open up miner.c, and find the line that reads:


#define WATCHDOG_SICK_TIME              60

This is the timeout, in seconds, before a device is declared SICK. You can set it to any value less than or equal to 600, though I recommend setting it to a divisor of 600. (300 works well for me.) For example...

Thanks a lot for the info.  Only problem is I have no idea about how to compile BFGMiner.

Maybe you can share your binaries? I need Windows binary... Maybe only needed the .exe file...

I will try anyway to recompile BFGMiner if no binaries available, but sure I will fail  :-\

About to damage ML, well I have four. I will test it with only one for a few days...
Not worried about this. If ML only works with LTC pools on low diff, they are not very
interesting for me.

Thanks again!

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: zyzzyva on April 15, 2016, 07:21:31 PM
I found a workaround for this, if you're compiling bfgminer from source. Open up miner.c, and find the line that reads:


#define WATCHDOG_SICK_TIME              60

This is the timeout, in seconds, before a device is declared SICK. You can set it to any value less than or equal to 600, though I recommend setting it to a divisor of 600. (300 works well for me.) For example...

Thanks a lot for the info.  Only problem is I have no idea about how to compile BFGMiner.

Maybe you can share your binaries? I need Windows binary... Maybe only needed the .exe file...

I will try anyway to recompile BFGMiner if no binaries available, but sure I will fail  :-\

About to damage ML, well I have four. I will test it with only one for a few days...
Not worried about this. If ML only works with LTC pools on low diff, they are not very
interesting for me.

Thanks again!
Definitely second this, if you happen to have a compiled version of this for windows or linux I would be very grateful if you share.

I don't have any way to build this for Windows, sorry about that...for Linux though, you can follow the excellent compile instructions in the OP and just change that line in miner.c before you run "make".

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: aarons6 on April 16, 2016, 04:03:26 AM
so i was checking these things out on a thermal camera and i think its the heatsink.
the chips are around 150F or so but the heatsinks are like 80F

you can clearly see the heatsinks are not as hot as the board.. and the chip is the hottest.

i might order some tiny heatsinks for the top of the chips and then double space them on the usb hub..

that means only 3 can fit per superbpag :(

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: jstefanop on April 18, 2016, 06:46:13 PM
Yea sorry guys the sick issue is on my to-do list since I knew people would have a problem with it with var diff pools. I just figured most pools have options for really low diff or can be set manually. I guess I was wrong.

The problem with the watchdog logic is that it was originally written for GPU miners, and was designed for locked up GPU mining threads. A lot of that logic has to be rewritten for ASICs, and I was talking with Luke-jr about it but it was a lot of work at the time so never got around to it. At the very least Ill uploaded compiled version with longer timeouts as a "dirty" work around.

BTW adding a low diff port takes a pool operator a couple minutes and a few lines of code to do, so I would email them and tell them if its possible to set a port for low diff.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: jstefanop on April 18, 2016, 06:58:14 PM
so i was checking these things out on a thermal camera and i think its the heatsink.
the chips are around 150F or so but the heatsinks are like 80F

you can clearly see the heatsinks are not as hot as the board.. and the chip is the hottest.

i might order some tiny heatsinks for the top of the chips and then double space them on the usb hub..

that means only 3 can fit per superbpag :(

150F is nice and cool for these...I wouldn't worry unless temps go above 80c/175F on the ASIC itself. Of course it doesn't hurt to have more cooling...cooler ASIC=more efficient.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: VictorGT on April 20, 2016, 08:44:20 AM
Yea sorry guys the sick issue is on my to-do list since I knew people would have a problem with it with var diff pools. I just figured most pools have options for really low diff or can be set manually. I guess I was wrong.

The problem with the watchdog logic is that it was originally written for GPU miners, and was designed for locked up GPU mining threads. A lot of that logic has to be rewritten for ASICs, and I was talking with Luke-jr about it but it was a lot of work at the time so never got around to it. At the very least Ill uploaded compiled version with longer timeouts as a "dirty" work around.

BTW adding a low diff port takes a pool operator a couple minutes and a few lines of code to do, so I would email them and tell them if its possible to set a port for low diff.


I was reading the windows-build.txt at BFGminer folder,  in order to do it by myself...
Not sure if possible for me...

Please let us know when new binaries are available.
I will like a lot to test MLs on more pools...


Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: jstefanop on April 25, 2016, 06:55:12 PM
FYI if you guys want a 100% sure way to test whether its a pool issue or something wrong with your computer/setup just run the script file with the --benchmark flag. This sets bfgminer in benchmark mode and does not rely on pool diff settings to test your setup. It essentially generates local work using a VERY low diff(lower than what a pool can do). This will produce about 30-60 shares a SECOND based on what frequency you set, so its a sure proof way to test everything is working correctly hardware side.

I use a variation of this method to test your moonlanders before I ship them out. It allows me to have the stick return thousands of shares in the order of minutes, which would normally take a pool hours/days to do, and can quickly identify issues with the ASIC/stick.

I haven't posted this before because it completely stresses out your system/stick, so don't try this on a RPi for example and get worried if something freezes up ;)

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: stef942 on April 28, 2016, 09:19:16 AM
Hi, received my 5 sticks and actually testing which multipool with low diff can be used to avoid sick problem :

- Ipominer ( : diff start at 64

- ( : diff start at 32

- Ispace ( : diff start at 32 not tested yet

- Coinking ( : suggested minimum diff 64 not tested yet

too high diff pools : hash-to-coins, clevermining, coinotron, prohashing.


Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: ManeBjorn on April 29, 2016, 05:40:15 AM
Cool I will try a couple of them tomorrow.

Hi, received my 5 sticks and actually testing which multipool with low diff can be used to avoid sick problem :

- Ipominer ( : diff start at 64

- ( : diff start at 32

- Ispace ( : diff start at 32 not tested yet

- Coinking ( : suggested minimum diff 64 not tested yet

too high diff pools : hash-to-coins, clevermining, coinotron, prohashing.


Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: aarons6 on April 30, 2016, 09:22:05 PM
can someone tell me what the rated voltage and speed is for this chip? its the alcheminer scrypt-1?

i decided to try to crank these up, im at 304 speed at around .9v looking at the pot i put the flat spot on the left |O with the usb pointing down.

a few give me hwe but some are at 0..

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: aarons6 on May 01, 2016, 12:58:15 AM
out of the 8 of these i got. one is acting strange..

the red and orange lights stays on all of the time. (looking at the 8 i have 2 do this) it also produces 10x more hwe then the other 7.
ive settled on speed 288 with them all at or around .9v
6 of the 8 give zero hwe.. 1 gives about 10 an hour and this one is 100+
any ideas?

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: aarons6 on May 02, 2016, 06:24:13 PM
it seems 2 of my sticks are holding me back.
i can run 6 of them at 320 @ .9v with only 1 or 2 hwe per 10 minutes or so (i still cant get them to run very long before one drops down to 0) and they are spot on the rated speed.. 320x2.77= 886.4
if i add the other 2 they produce about 10 or so hwe per minute and they only run around 500kh/s

lowering those 2 to around 256 make them happy.

there doesnt seem to be a way to set those 2 at 256 while the others are at 320 on the same hub. :(

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: jstefanop on May 02, 2016, 06:39:32 PM
it seems 2 of my sticks are holding me back.
i can run 6 of them at 320 @ .9v with only 1 or 2 hwe per hour and they are spot on the rated speed.. 320x2.77= 886.4
if i add the other 2 they produce about 10 or so hwe per minute and they only run around 500kh/s

lowering those 2 to around 256 make them happy.

there doesnt seem to be a way to set those 2 at 256 while the others are at 320 on the same hub. :(

Check out the FAQ, instructions are there and about every other question people keep asking over and over :P

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: aarons6 on May 05, 2016, 10:57:41 PM
Anyone have a list of what USB hubs these will run correct speeds on? Really want to get these little frustrating things working.

I am running 8 on 2 superbpag 7 port hubs. They are running at 304 and take amlost 1.6a and are set to about .9v

Most hubs cap out at .9a which is only good for around 240 or so.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: stef942 on May 06, 2016, 03:52:40 AM
running my 5 with this hub : (


Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: aarons6 on May 06, 2016, 06:00:27 AM
running my 5 with this hub : (


i have that hub and it wont even initialize mine..
the blue lights on the hub just blink?

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: aarons6 on May 06, 2016, 06:01:38 AM
Anyone have a list of what USB hubs these will run correct speeds on? Really want to get these little frustrating things working.

I am running 8 on 2 superbpag 7 port hubs. They are running at 304 and take amlost 1.6a and are set to about .9v

Most hubs cap out at .9a which is only good for around 240 or so.
Is this on a linux os? I am going to try some hubs that wouldn't work on my linux os on a windows build I am setting up tonight/ tomorrow.

yes im running them on linux with minera.. but that hub also works in windows 10 with no issues.. besides the regular issues.. i cant get them to run for more then 30 minutes before they start shutting off one by one.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: cloudnthings on May 06, 2016, 08:15:37 PM
Hi guys,
Awesome job jstefanop. Is this still available for purchase?

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: jstefanop on May 06, 2016, 08:20:38 PM
Hi guys,
Awesome job jstefanop. Is this still available for purchase?

Im sold out of the last resellers Asicpuppy and holybitcoin  ( if your in europe) might still have a few left.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: Guruclef on May 10, 2016, 05:24:00 PM
Anyone have a list of what USB hubs these will run correct speeds on? Really want to get these little frustrating things working.
Mine run OK with an Orico 10 port metal hub. I also run a couple of gekkoscience compac on the same hub.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: jstefanop on May 10, 2016, 08:21:43 PM
Hi guys,
Awesome job jstefanop. Is this still available for purchase?

Im sold out of the last resellers Asicpuppy and holybitcoin  ( if your in europe) might still have a few left.
Are you working on new chip units or is that still an issue with getting the chips at a correct price?

Chip is no longer produced and its a bit outdate now. Im developing a new miner based on the A4 chip that will probably be ready in a month or two.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: aarons6 on May 11, 2016, 09:09:48 PM
i think these moonlanders would work a lot better if you modifiy the 5v line and use molex power..

i have a feeling they are overloading the usb.. even the superbpag ones.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: aarons6 on May 11, 2016, 09:39:31 PM
i think these moonlanders would work a lot better if you modifiy the 5v line and use molex power..

i have a feeling they are overloading the usb.. even the superbpag ones.

How would we get these running in a micro pc setup, usb to molex would still share the issue wouldn't they?

yeah you would have to get a 5v line and wire it straight to the board..
richbc is doing it with the compacs.. he has one running at 450..

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: jstefanop on May 18, 2016, 03:04:23 AM
Apparently my drivers are so popular that dropbox banned the download links due to too much traffic lol ???

Anyway here is alternative download!NxgyWJhD!5Hhc5ikRYEVQHyeovQa-QQ (!NxgyWJhD!5Hhc5ikRYEVQHyeovQa-QQ)

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: aarons6 on May 18, 2016, 03:53:49 PM
Apparently my drivers are so popular that dropbox banned the download links due to too much traffic lol ???

Anyway here is alternative download!NxgyWJhD!5Hhc5ikRYEVQHyeovQa-QQ (!NxgyWJhD!5Hhc5ikRYEVQHyeovQa-QQ)

have you figured out why these sticks fade out and eventually just stop hashing?

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: VictorGT on May 27, 2016, 11:54:01 AM

I have an USB volt and amp meter.

It tells me how much volts, amps and watts is draining the USB port at any moment.

Any formula to get ML ASIC core voltage from that data?


Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: jstefanop on May 27, 2016, 05:26:16 PM

I have an USB volt and amp meter.

It tells me how much volts, amps and watts is draining the USB port at any moment.

Any formula to get ML ASIC core voltage from that data?


Not really, since how much power the ASIC is using is not constant and depends on frequency etc. You can just measure the core voltage directly with a simple multimeter. Check out the main posts in the beginning of this thread for instructions.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: VictorGT on May 27, 2016, 09:49:59 PM
Quote from: VictorGT on Today at 11:54:01 AM

I have an USB volt and amp meter.

It tells me how much volts, amps and watts is draining the USB port at any moment.

Any formula to get ML ASIC core voltage from that data?


Not really, since how much power the ASIC is using is not constant and depends on frequency etc. You can just measure the core voltage directly with a simple multimeter. Check out the main posts in the beginning of this thread for instructions.

Sorry, my fingers are fat... I have a good standard multimeter, and I use it sometimes... I know how to do it...

But spots for testing core voltage at PCB board are too small for me. Maybe I will try (afraid to burn something).

I run my MLs over 300 MHz, they are extra cooled... All over 1 AMP at USB meter.

Any formula with this settings?

I really like this small miners...

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: mho on June 02, 2016, 04:21:18 PM
Hi everyone,

sorry if this was already answered, didnt find anything in this thread or elsewhere, there are some people with the same problem but no solution.

My problem is that my MoonLander isnt mining any Litecoin.

I am using Raspberry 1 with an cheap USB 2.0 HUB (external powered). When is type 'lsusb' its showing the MoonLander. I compiled bfgminer like its shown in this first post of this thread. That worked fine. I created an account at After that I tried mining with:

./bfgminer --scrypt -o stratum+tcp:// -u sth -p sth,d=16 -S MLD:all --set MLD:clock=144

But all my Miner is doing is repeating:
Stratum from pool 0 detected new block
Stratum from pool 0 detected new block
Stratum from pool 0 detected new block
Stratum from pool 0 detected new block

0.0 h/s ...

Its consuming 2 Watt/s whats should be fine?

Orange LED is flashing from time to time on the MoonLander. says 31 "Invalid Shares" ?! ..

What I am doing wrong??



The problem was the USB-Hub -> After plugging the stick into Raspberry itself it worked with same parameters...

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: aarons6 on June 02, 2016, 07:51:24 PM
Hi everyone,

sorry if this was already answered, didnt find anything in this thread or elsewhere, there are some people with the same problem but no solution.

My problem is that my MoonLander isnt mining any Litecoin.

I am using Raspberry 1 with an cheap USB 2.0 HUB (external powered). When is type 'lsusb' its showing the MoonLander. I compiled bfgminer like its shown in this first post of this thread. That worked fine. I created an account at After that I tried mining with:

./bfgminer --scrypt -o stratum+tcp:// -u sth -p sth,d=16 -S MLD:all --set MLD:clock=144

But all my Miner is doing is repeating:
Stratum from pool 0 detected new block
Stratum from pool 0 detected new block
Stratum from pool 0 detected new block
Stratum from pool 0 detected new block

0.0 h/s ...

Its consuming 2 Watt/s whats should be fine?

Orange LED is flashing from time to time on the MoonLander. says 31 "Invalid Shares" ?! ..

What I am doing wrong??


your username is probably sth.1

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: mho on June 03, 2016, 04:54:33 AM

your username is probably sth.1

thanks for your reply but thats not the problem. I just modified this line to "sth" (something) for the post. The username is use is correct (and password too).

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: QuintLeo on June 03, 2016, 06:17:38 AM
Apparently my drivers are so popular that dropbox banned the download links due to too much traffic

 Just think how bad it will get if you get a LK-1402 stick miner going.


Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: Ignorante3 on June 15, 2016, 12:02:18 AM
does anyone have for sell? just asking...

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: Reozen on June 29, 2016, 05:41:01 AM
Is anyone selling? or any future development for upcoming USB Scrypt Miner?

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: broopanda on August 03, 2016, 04:54:42 AM
New to cryptocurrency mining. I just purchased my first Moonlander script miners (3 of them) and a Gekkoscience Bitcoin miner.

I'm looking forward to playing around and learning what this is all about. I tried my moonlanders straight off the macbook pro but it looks like I need a powered USB hub to run even one of them. I wasn't able to source a Superbpag USB hub but I managed to get an Orico 10 port powered USB hub. I hope it works.

Question about Scrypt mining, Can the moonlander mine currencies other than Litecoin? I found this site here, and was interested in testing a few out once my USB hub arrives.

Anything else I should know other than what's in the instructions on the first page?

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: aarons6 on August 03, 2016, 08:04:06 AM
New to cryptocurrency mining. I just purchased my first Moonlander script miners (3 of them) and a Gekkoscience Bitcoin miner.

I'm looking forward to playing around and learning what this is all about. I tried my moonlanders straight off the macbook pro but it looks like I need a powered USB hub to run even one of them. I wasn't able to source a Superbpag USB hub but I managed to get an Orico 10 port powered USB hub. I hope it works.

Question about Scrypt mining, Can the moonlander mine currencies other than Litecoin? I found this site here, and was interested in testing a few out once my USB hub arrives.

Anything else I should know other than what's in the instructions on the first page?

yes you can mine scrypt coins..

unfortunately there isnt very many scrypt coins that are worth anything.

i currently have my moonlanders pointed to
they have a lowest difficulty scrypt multipool.. it automatically changes to the lowest diff coin that they mine.. you can set it to auto convert them to btc when you have enough.. which takes a long time.

i think just mining on is the best. i have 8 moonlanders and they make about 2 litecoins per month.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: broopanda on August 03, 2016, 02:44:41 PM
New to cryptocurrency mining. I just purchased my first Moonlander script miners (3 of them) and a Gekkoscience Bitcoin miner.

I'm looking forward to playing around and learning what this is all about. I tried my moonlanders straight off the macbook pro but it looks like I need a powered USB hub to run even one of them. I wasn't able to source a Superbpag USB hub but I managed to get an Orico 10 port powered USB hub. I hope it works.

Question about Scrypt mining, Can the moonlander mine currencies other than Litecoin? I found this site here, and was interested in testing a few out once my USB hub arrives.

Anything else I should know other than what's in the instructions on the first page?

yes you can mine scrypt coins..

unfortunately there isnt very many scrypt coins that are worth anything.

i currently have my moonlanders pointed to
they have a lowest difficulty scrypt multipool.. it automatically changes to the lowest diff coin that they mine.. you can set it to auto convert them to btc when you have enough.. which takes a long time.

i think just mining on is the best. i have 8 moonlanders and they make about 2 litecoins per month.

I started playing around with awesome miner and (pool) on an old PC I have laying around. How can I check the comparison between and

On the bright side, I've ben reading a few articles that litecoin may actually make a comeback. Though, it seems that if litecoin is interested in being the "silver" to the bitcoin currency, it still won't amount to much in comparison.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: aarons6 on August 03, 2016, 08:55:08 PM
New to cryptocurrency mining. I just purchased my first Moonlander script miners (3 of them) and a Gekkoscience Bitcoin miner.

I'm looking forward to playing around and learning what this is all about. I tried my moonlanders straight off the macbook pro but it looks like I need a powered USB hub to run even one of them. I wasn't able to source a Superbpag USB hub but I managed to get an Orico 10 port powered USB hub. I hope it works.

Question about Scrypt mining, Can the moonlander mine currencies other than Litecoin? I found this site here, and was interested in testing a few out once my USB hub arrives.

Anything else I should know other than what's in the instructions on the first page?

yes you can mine scrypt coins..

unfortunately there isnt very many scrypt coins that are worth anything.

i currently have my moonlanders pointed to
they have a lowest difficulty scrypt multipool.. it automatically changes to the lowest diff coin that they mine.. you can set it to auto convert them to btc when you have enough.. which takes a long time.

i think just mining on is the best. i have 8 moonlanders and they make about 2 litecoins per month.

I started playing around with awesome miner and (pool) on an old PC I have laying around. How can I check the comparison between and

On the bright side, I've ben reading a few articles that litecoin may actually make a comeback. Though, it seems that if litecoin is interested in being the "silver" to the bitcoin currency, it still won't amount to much in comparison.

there is no comparison between ispace and litecoinpool.

ispace mines low diff and newer coins in the hope that one day they might be worth something..
litecoinpool mines litecoins.. they have a calculator on the site that will tell you how many you make per month.

a bit of info that should probably go on the first page.. to get these to work on many pools you need to add

#skipcbcheck after the port..
so like


Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: wlefever on August 03, 2016, 09:35:06 PM
Just got these things back mining as they were sitting around doing nothing for too long!  Forgot how fun they were.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: broopanda on August 03, 2016, 11:22:13 PM
New to cryptocurrency mining. I just purchased my first Moonlander script miners (3 of them) and a Gekkoscience Bitcoin miner.

I'm looking forward to playing around and learning what this is all about. I tried my moonlanders straight off the macbook pro but it looks like I need a powered USB hub to run even one of them. I wasn't able to source a Superbpag USB hub but I managed to get an Orico 10 port powered USB hub. I hope it works.

Question about Scrypt mining, Can the moonlander mine currencies other than Litecoin? I found this site here, and was interested in testing a few out once my USB hub arrives.

Anything else I should know other than what's in the instructions on the first page?

yes you can mine scrypt coins..

unfortunately there isnt very many scrypt coins that are worth anything.

i currently have my moonlanders pointed to
they have a lowest difficulty scrypt multipool.. it automatically changes to the lowest diff coin that they mine.. you can set it to auto convert them to btc when you have enough.. which takes a long time.

i think just mining on is the best. i have 8 moonlanders and they make about 2 litecoins per month.

I started playing around with awesome miner and (pool) on an old PC I have laying around. How can I check the comparison between and

On the bright side, I've ben reading a few articles that litecoin may actually make a comeback. Though, it seems that if litecoin is interested in being the "silver" to the bitcoin currency, it still won't amount to much in comparison.

there is no comparison between ispace and litecoinpool.

ispace mines low diff and newer coins in the hope that one day they might be worth something..
litecoinpool mines litecoins.. they have a calculator on the site that will tell you how many you make per month.

a bit of info that should probably go on the first page.. to get these to work on many pools you need to add

#skipcbcheck after the port..
so like


Got it. I was under the impression that you could select which currency to mine with ispace. I'll start with litecoin before I get crazy. So I managed to get a temporary hub going.

Okay so my first question:
I managed to get two devices recognized (The USB hub I got only has room for two) and I reconfigured the mac bfgminer file with the following script on line 4:
./bfgminer --scrypt -o stratum+tcp:// -u up103037409.worker3 -p xxx -S all --set MLD:clock=144

MLD0 and MLD1 both show no activity. Do I need to enable something? Did I configure it wrong?

I'm also getting these messages:

[2016-08-03 17:03:18] Stratum connection to pool 0 interrupted

[2016-08-03 17:13:51] Pool 0 is hiding block contents from us

[2016-08-03 17:27:19] Stratum connection to pool 0 interrupted

Now I'm just running a single Moonlander from the USB Hub. I'll keep running this to see if anything changes. I get an update approximately every 30 seconds or so.

One last thing... this BFG Miner URL doesn't work.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: broopanda on August 04, 2016, 01:29:21 AM
1. I tried two Moonlanders in my PC as it has 2 free USB 3.0 slots. They started mining right away. Then eventually petered out around 30 mins later. They peaked at 700kh/s together.

2. I figured that it was too much to have both so then I tried just one. Same thing about 30 mins later big red LED light was on.

Where do I check the voltage? or do I need a voltmeter? I am using the stock settings other than the modified pool and user script on the "Start_Moonlander.bat" file.

Q: What are my troubleshooting steps?

Q: Or is this a case where the USB ports on my PC can't handle the sustained power draw even though they are USB3.0?

So I tested one of the ML's on a Motherboard USB which is a USB2.0 port. I'm mining from the pool. So far so good. It's been running at approximately 400ish kh/s for about an hour now. It slowed to a crawl once but never went 'sick' (red LED constant) I'm going to leave it overnight and see how it performs.

PS. says their minimum diff is 16 and it's autocontrolled. I can't find where to manually edit this anywhere on their site. Does anyone have experience with this pool?

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: aarons6 on August 04, 2016, 11:48:37 AM
1. I tried two Moonlanders in my PC as it has 2 free USB 3.0 slots. They started mining right away. Then eventually petered out around 30 mins later. They peaked at 700kh/s together.

2. I figured that it was too much to have both so then I tried just one. Same thing about 30 mins later big red LED light was on.

Where do I check the voltage? or do I need a voltmeter? I am using the stock settings other than the modified pool and user script on the "Start_Moonlander.bat" file.

Q: What are my troubleshooting steps?

Q: Or is this a case where the USB ports on my PC can't handle the sustained power draw even though they are USB3.0?

So I tested one of the ML's on a Motherboard USB which is a USB2.0 port. I'm mining from the pool. So far so good. It's been running at approximately 400ish kh/s for about an hour now. It slowed to a crawl once but never went 'sick' (red LED constant) I'm going to leave it overnight and see how it performs.

PS. says their minimum diff is 16 and it's autocontrolled. I can't find where to manually edit this anywhere on their site. Does anyone have experience with this pool?

yes they like to be on usb 2.0.. with the 2 superbpags i have they are connected to a usb2.0 hub then the rpi.
its the only way i can get them to work stable.

as far as pools, i almost always go back to they pay 103% PPS with no fee.. with my 8 sticks i make 2.1 ltc per month.. or about 8$
id love to mine on with these, but they only produce hardware errors and 100% rejects.. i cant figure out why.

you can choose the coin on ispace.. they have ports for most of the coins.. they also have 3 different kinds of multipools.. one is the most profitable by coinwarez, two is lowest diff, and 3,4 and 5 is rotation.
im currently trying the number 1 multipool.. i have 8 moonlanders and 5 compacs on it.

if you are going to try the ispace multipool, port 4453 didnt work for me. i had to use port 4435
the full url would be stratum+tcp://

most of the coins arent worth anything.. but these things arent going to make you rich anyway.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: aarons6 on August 05, 2016, 08:07:55 AM
Q: Is there a way to manually set the difficulty in BFGMiner? I keep trying to manually set the diff in ghash.IO but when I refresh the page it never sticks. Im going to send them a support ticket.

not sure, but you will earn more litecoin mining on

on that pool you can set the diff with a d= in the password.. i recommend d=64

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: broopanda on August 05, 2016, 09:14:16 AM
Q: Is there a way to manually set the difficulty in BFGMiner? I keep trying to manually set the diff in ghash.IO but when I refresh the page it never sticks. Im going to send them a support ticket.

not sure, but you will earn more litecoin mining on

on that pool you can set the diff with a d= in the password.. i recommend d=64

Could you please elaborate on why would earn more than

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: aarons6 on August 05, 2016, 11:01:07 AM
Q: Is there a way to manually set the difficulty in BFGMiner? I keep trying to manually set the diff in ghash.IO but when I refresh the page it never sticks. Im going to send them a support ticket.

not sure, but you will earn more litecoin mining on

on that pool you can set the diff with a d= in the password.. i recommend d=64

Could you please elaborate on why would earn more than

litecoinpool pays 103% pps, and has over 150 GHS.
with zero fee to withdraw your coins.

ghash pays pplns and has only 25 ghs.

it goes hours between blocks.. so you lose shares.. also they charge a fee to withdraw your coins through cex.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: broopanda on August 06, 2016, 02:38:52 AM
Q: Is there a way to manually set the difficulty in BFGMiner? I keep trying to manually set the diff in ghash.IO but when I refresh the page it never sticks. Im going to send them a support ticket.

not sure, but you will earn more litecoin mining on

on that pool you can set the diff with a d= in the password.. i recommend d=64

Could you please elaborate on why would earn more than

litecoinpool pays 103% pps, and has over 150 GHS.
with zero fee to withdraw your coins.

ghash pays pplns and has only 25 ghs.

it goes hours between blocks.. so you lose shares.. also they charge a fee to withdraw your coins through cex.

Okay. Understood. Those numbers sound better. Just to catch everyone up who's a noob like me. PPLNS = Pay Per Last 'n' Shares, and PPS = Pay Per Share.

So I got 3 moonlanders working consistently using ghash. Now I need to figure out how to use I may need some help. Questions to come. Please stand by.

Got it working. No Questions yet.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: mindtrip on August 06, 2016, 11:50:26 AM
Q: Is there a way to manually set the difficulty in BFGMiner? I keep trying to manually set the diff in ghash.IO but when I refresh the page it never sticks. Im going to send them a support ticket.

not sure, but you will earn more litecoin mining on

on that pool you can set the diff with a d= in the password.. i recommend d=64

Could you please elaborate on why would earn more than

litecoinpool pays 103% pps, and has over 150 GHS.
with zero fee to withdraw your coins.

ghash pays pplns and has only 25 ghs.

it goes hours between blocks.. so you lose shares.. also they charge a fee to withdraw your coins through cex.

Okay. Understood. Those numbers sound better. Just to catch everyone up who's a noob like me. PPLNS = Pay Per Last 'n' Shares, and PPS = Pay Per Share.

So I got 3 moonlanders working consistently using ghash. Now I need to figure out how to use I may need some help. Questions to come. Please stand by.

Got it working. No Questions yet.

I have mine working on if you need some help

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: usao on August 07, 2016, 11:59:43 AM
What is the price and where to buy?

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: broopanda on August 10, 2016, 01:20:32 AM
What is the price and where to buy?

There were some listed on Ebay, but I'm not sure that there are any left. Try sending the owner a PM. They are pretty amazing in comparison to many other similar Stick or USB miners. You won't get rich from them but it's pretty fun playing with the settings.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: Ortek on August 17, 2016, 12:11:50 AM
What is the price and where to buy?

There were some listed on Ebay, but I'm not sure that there are any left. Try sending the owner a PM. They are pretty amazing in comparison to many other similar Stick or USB miners. You won't get rich from them but it's pretty fun playing with the settings.

Yes there are a few being sold on ebay, --> sold out  ;)

By the way, any news on the A4 miner?

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: usao on August 17, 2016, 12:20:36 AM
What is the price and where to buy?

There were some listed on Ebay, but I'm not sure that there are any left. Try sending the owner a PM. They are pretty amazing in comparison to many other similar Stick or USB miners. You won't get rich from them but it's pretty fun playing with the settings.

Yes there are a few being sold on ebay, --> sold out  ;)

By the way, any news on the A4 miner?
Most active thread:

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: VictorGT on September 07, 2016, 04:33:58 PM
I have two MLD mining stable at clevermining.

Both runs over 300 MHz, almost 2 MHs/s.

Well, if you set a fixed diff of 512 for miners, with cleverminng parameters,
you can mine without big problems. One month doing this. About 15000 Sat
per day now.

By the way, 512 is the lowest fixed diff you can set at clevermining.

¿Do you know more multipools for Moonlanders?

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: aarons6 on September 07, 2016, 05:48:11 PM
I have two MLD mining stable at clevermining.

Both runs over 300 MHz, almost 2 MHs/s.

Well, if you set a fixed diff of 512 for miners, with cleverminng parameters,
you can mine without big problems. One month doing this. About 15000 Sat
per day now.

By the way, 512 is the lowest fixed diff you can set at clevermining.

¿Do you know more multipools for Moonlanders?

ive tried a few but they just throw out hardware errors and dont mine.. im going to try clevermining..

i been just mining on but id like to maximize my profits.

edit nope, clevermining doesnt work for me.. the diff is too high, the miners go sick and minera reboots bfgminer.. over and over and over..

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: usao on September 07, 2016, 06:14:56 PM
Did you try nicehash?
I have 2 gridseed blade miners, and got better returns on nicehash than clevermining.
Got the best returns on hash-to-coins, but it was way too time consuming to get it correct, so nicehash was a good compromise.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: aarons6 on September 07, 2016, 06:20:49 PM
Did you try nicehash?
I have 2 gridseed blade miners, and got better returns on nicehash than clevermining.
Got the best returns on hash-to-coins, but it was way too time consuming to get it correct, so nicehash was a good compromise.
yeah ive tried nh, no good..

these things are very picky on what pool you connect them to..

so far the best pools ive found are. if yuo want to mine litecoin if you want to solo mine if you want to mine altcoins.. they do have an auto sell but it would take FOREVER to get the minimum amount :(

no other pools ive tried with these has been reliable.

i also found its best to put #skipcbcheck at the end of the url.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: ManeBjorn on September 07, 2016, 08:50:30 PM
Liteguardian works well with these.

Did you try nicehash?
I have 2 gridseed blade miners, and got better returns on nicehash than clevermining.
Got the best returns on hash-to-coins, but it was way too time consuming to get it correct, so nicehash was a good compromise.
yeah ive tried nh, no good..

these things are very picky on what pool you connect them to..

so far the best pools ive found are. if yuo want to mine litecoin if you want to solo mine if you want to mine altcoins.. they do have an auto sell but it would take FOREVER to get the minimum amount :(

no other pools ive tried with these has been reliable.

i also found its best to put #skipcbcheck at the end of the url.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: aarons6 on September 07, 2016, 09:23:50 PM
Liteguardian works well with these.

Did you try nicehash?
I have 2 gridseed blade miners, and got better returns on nicehash than clevermining.
Got the best returns on hash-to-coins, but it was way too time consuming to get it correct, so nicehash was a good compromise.
yeah ive tried nh, no good..

these things are very picky on what pool you connect them to..

so far the best pools ive found are. if yuo want to mine litecoin if you want to solo mine if you want to mine altcoins.. they do have an auto sell but it would take FOREVER to get the minimum amount :(

no other pools ive tried with these has been reliable.

i also found its best to put #skipcbcheck at the end of the url.

whats the pps rate of liteguardian?

litecoinpool is 103%

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: VictorGT on September 07, 2016, 10:34:12 PM
edit nope, clevermining doesnt work for me.. the diff is too high, the miners go sick and minera reboots bfgminer.. over and over and over..

Humm, maybe this help: my command line...

bfgminer.exe --scrypt -o stratum+tcp:// -u XXX -p "d=256" -S MLD@\\.\COM38 -S MLD@\\.\COM39 --set MLD@\\.\COM38:clock=360 --set MLD@\\.\COM39:clock=344 --scan-time=1

PD: Sorry my fault, min fixed diff is 256  :P


Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: jpucela14 on September 08, 2016, 07:12:09 PM
Hello, I'm interested in getting one of those (or probably more than one). Where can i get one for a good price or, can anyone sell me one?
Thank you so much

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: MacEntyre on September 12, 2016, 12:58:15 PM
Still a few available. Will be in stock soon.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: jpucela14 on September 19, 2016, 02:50:28 PM
Still a few available. Will be in stock soon.
ok, thank you for your help

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: VictorGT on September 27, 2016, 11:04:30 AM
Now testing prohashing with fixed diff of 512.

Moonlanders at full speed WORKS on prohashing.

I am very happy. No more "litecoinpool only" miner.


Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: Ignorante3 on September 28, 2016, 12:01:01 PM
I'm interested in getting a couple of these! When will they come out?

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: ultralord on October 03, 2016, 01:44:32 AM
Is it possible to run BFGMiner with a MoonLander mining scrypt and a AntMiner U3 mining SHA256 in the same window? If so how would I compile/configure? If not, I guess I could just run 2 separate instances.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: proce55or on November 03, 2016, 09:33:19 PM

I bought this little device for around $20 second hand. I am completely new and noob in crypto mining. I have some questions, probably stupid, but I have nowhere else to ask.

1. There is a link in the first post about Driver Repo, a link with some files to download. Do I have to download any of this and install. If so, what to install? (I am using Win10)
2. In one of the post here, I think the constructor of this device said "People use this mostly as cheap little lottery miners. They cost next to nothing to run, and you have a chance of making about $100 if you get lucky". What did he mean? Where to sign up for it?
3. From what I understand, the device will run with no problem with no fan under 144MHz, if I would like to overclock it in need a fan. Is something like ARCTIC Breeze Mobile will be OK?
4. Is there a possibility to overheat it do death? Does it have some kind of safe feature like in desktop computers where you can't easily "burn" your processor?
5. I understand frequency setting which I can change in the Start_Moonlander.bat file, bot how is it connected with voltage adjustment? Is there any table or chart, for example if frequency is set to X turn voltage to Y?

I apologize for my ignorance and I hope someone would be so kind to answer my questions.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: jstefanop on November 03, 2016, 09:55:26 PM

I bought this little device for around $20 second hand. I am completely new and noob in crypto mining. I have some questions, probably stupid, but I have nowhere else to ask.

1. There is a link in the first post about Driver Repo, a link with some files to download. Do I have to download any of this and install. If so, what to install? (I am using Win10)
2. In one of the post here, I think the constructor of this device said "People use this mostly as cheap little lottery miners. They cost next to nothing to run, and you have a chance of making about $100 if you get lucky". What did he mean? Where to sign up for it?
3. From what I understand, the device will run with no problem with no fan under 144MHz, if I would like to overclock it in need a fan. Is something like ARCTIC Breeze Mobile will be OK?
4. Is there a possibility to overheat it do death? Does it have some kind of safe feature like in desktop computers where you can't easily "burn" your processor?
5. I understand frequency setting which I can change in the Start_Moonlander.bat file, bot how is it connected with voltage adjustment? Is there any table or chart, for example if frequency is set to X turn voltage to Y?

I apologize for my ignorance and I hope someone would be so kind to answer my questions.

1) Yes you need to download the silicon labs COM drivers for windows 10, as well as the actual bfgminer driver to run these

2)I mean you can run these on a solo pool, where the pool pays you out for the entire block if your miner is the one that actually happens to find the right solution (the current block reward for litecoin is 25 LTC, so that roughly equals about 100 bucks). Nicehash has a nice solo pool

3)Yes, as long as some airflow is blowing over the fan blades even high end clock speeds will be fine

4) Yes...there is no internal temp on this will most likely just crash before it fries itself, but damage is still a possibility especially if it runs at over 90C for any lengthy period of time.

5)You just have to play with can run bfgminer in -benchmark mode which will return many shares/s...which will allow you to see your hardware error rate in real time. You can then manually change the voltage with the pot as you watch the error rate. Just turn the voltage down untill you see lots of errors, then slowly turn it up. Once it reach nearly zero errors you know you have found the sweet spot for that frequency.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: proce55or on November 03, 2016, 10:00:02 PM
Thanks a lot @jstefanop, you rock!

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: proce55or on November 04, 2016, 03:16:41 PM

Sorry, I have one more question.

My device has just arrived and works great on abut I am trying to set it up on but I have some problem with a command line.

There is a code on

stratum+tcp:// -u yourAddress.Worker1 -p x

But when I try to paste it, save it into Start_MoonLander.bat and run it connects but it says there is no device.

So I tried connected it with a code from the original file:

./bfgminer --scrypt -o stratum+tcp:// -u jstefanop.1 -p 1,d=8 -S MLD:all --set MLD:clock=144

like this

./bfgminer --scrypt -o stratum+tcp:// -u yourAddress.Worker1 -p x 1,d=8 -S MLD:all --set MLD:clock=144

But it is too much, something's is wrong as well.

How to set it up properly?


OK< I have manage to fix it, the code should be:

bfgminer.exe --scrypt -o stratum+tcp:// -u ADDRESS.WORKER -p 1,d=8 -S MLD:all --set MLD:clock=144

But now I have different problem. Everything works fine but after 10 maybe 20 minutes I got red light and a screen:

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: aarons6 on November 06, 2016, 11:11:46 AM

Sorry, I have one more question.

My device has just arrived and works great on abut I am trying to set it up on but I have some problem with a command line.

There is a code on

stratum+tcp:// -u yourAddress.Worker1 -p x

But when I try to paste it, save it into Start_MoonLander.bat and run it connects but it says there is no device.

So I tried connected it with a code from the original file:

./bfgminer --scrypt -o stratum+tcp:// -u jstefanop.1 -p 1,d=8 -S MLD:all --set MLD:clock=144

like this

./bfgminer --scrypt -o stratum+tcp:// -u yourAddress.Worker1 -p x 1,d=8 -S MLD:all --set MLD:clock=144

But it is too much, something's is wrong as well.

How to set it up properly?


OK< I have manage to fix it, the code should be:

bfgminer.exe --scrypt -o stratum+tcp:// -u ADDRESS.WORKER -p 1,d=8 -S MLD:all --set MLD:clock=144

But now I have different problem. Everything works fine but after 10 maybe 20 minutes I got red light and a screen:

ive never seen a solid light before.. how do you have it connected to pc? i see you have a usb extension cable?
ive had mine on solo nh but the min for diff is 256 on that site.. try if you want to go solo. make the diff 32.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: uray on November 06, 2016, 12:05:17 PM
why would anyone still mining scrypt based coin, even worst litecoin, it has feature of a stone compared to other altcoin

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: usao on November 06, 2016, 12:41:40 PM
why would anyone still mining scrypt based coin, even worst litecoin, it has feature of a stone compared to other altcoin

Because with the right equipment and electricity costs its still profitable.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: proce55or on November 08, 2016, 09:40:27 PM

ive never seen a solid light before.. how do you have it connected to pc? i see you have a usb extension cable?
ive had mine on solo nh but the min for diff is 256 on that site.. try if you want to go solo. make the diff 32.

I don't know what has happened back then with the red light, but now is perfectly OK and I do not have this warning light anymore. Maybe it was something wrong with my drivers after the installation. My connection is through USB 3.0

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: kattycris on November 21, 2016, 11:45:28 AM
What is the price of futurebit ???

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: VictorGT on November 26, 2016, 05:26:02 PM
No more Moonlanders for sale...  :'(

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: jstefanop on November 27, 2016, 04:23:57 AM

ive never seen a solid light before.. how do you have it connected to pc? i see you have a usb extension cable?
ive had mine on solo nh but the min for diff is 256 on that site.. try if you want to go solo. make the diff 32.

I don't know what has happened back then with the red light, but now is perfectly OK and I do not have this warning light anymore. Maybe it was something wrong with my drivers after the installation. My connection is through USB 3.0

Your issue is with USB 3.0. Unfortunately Silicon Labs drivers for these have a bug with USB 3.0, which locks up the USB controller (hence the red light). Not sure if they every fixed this, but I would try downloading the latest VCOM drivers or using USB 2.0 ports.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: Iwaxus on December 19, 2016, 08:08:45 PM
Hi guys

Can someone explain ne why my futurebit usb miner dont got a voltage adjustment? ???

You can See it on the picture ::  i only can Mine with 144mhz frequency

Please help me how i can get the Best of it or how i can Change the voltage via Software

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: BitcoinHeini on January 11, 2017, 08:08:17 AM
Hi there,
I have a weird problem with my Moonlander.

BFGMiner says this:
 [2017-01-11 09:05:44] Work job_id 493a nonce2 02000000
 [2017-01-11 09:05:44] Generated stratum work
 [2017-01-11 09:05:44] Pushing work 262 from pool 0 to hash queue
 [2017-01-11 09:05:44] Received no-transaction-list response for pool 0 job 493a
 [2017-01-11 09:05:44] Open \\.\COM3 failed, GetLastError:121
 [2017-01-11 09:05:44] futurebit: Failed to open \\.\COM3

It also says things like:
Applying clock speed xxx mHz to MLD
0 cores detected on MLD

Can anyone help me?

Thank you! :)

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: mrgoldy on June 12, 2017, 10:06:08 PM
Hoping some active users of this asic still check on here

I just bought 2 of these 2nd hand ebay.  got them up and running at

I read the 2.77 KH/s per Mhz on page 1
I have the voltage at .95V and .96V  (so touchy BTW)
set the clocks at 304

according to the math above  2.77*304=842.08kh/s   *2 miners = ~1684.16 kh/s

In bfgminer my all time average hash rate for
MLD 0   ~1.02Mh/s
MLD 1  ~660kh/s

so both together is ~1.68Mh/s

Should I be worried/concerned that 1 runs higher?  but the average is close to the calculation?

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: aarons6 on June 17, 2017, 07:03:25 PM
Hoping some active users of this asic still check on here

I just bought 2 of these 2nd hand ebay.  got them up and running at

I read the 2.77 KH/s per Mhz on page 1
I have the voltage at .95V and .96V  (so touchy BTW)
set the clocks at 304

according to the math above  2.77*304=842.08kh/s   *2 miners = ~1684.16 kh/s

In bfgminer my all time average hash rate for
MLD 0   ~1.02Mh/s
MLD 1  ~660kh/s

so both together is ~1.68Mh/s

Should I be worried/concerned that 1 runs higher?  but the average is close to the calculation?

on mine if you go too high on the clocks they slow down.. so maybe try the next couple lower clock speed to see if the one picks up speed.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: armedmilitia on June 23, 2017, 02:15:22 AM
Hey, the windows binaries for bfgminer have been taken down from dropbox... Does anyone have them lying around?

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: mrgoldy on June 23, 2017, 02:55:33 AM
I have the still

Let me know if that works, or if you were looking for the 64bit

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: armedmilitia on June 24, 2017, 04:15:02 AM
I have the still

Let me know if that works, or if you were looking for the 64bit

Hey thanks. Better not be a virus.  ;)

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: jstefanop on July 15, 2017, 05:25:11 AM
Driver is up on my github page btw for anyone that does not trust pre-compiled binaries...guess I should throw up the binary released on there as well.

BTW stay tuned for some cool stuff ;)

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: wlefever on July 15, 2017, 11:22:45 AM
Driver is up on my github page btw for anyone that does not trust pre-compiled binaries...guess I should throw up the binary released on there as well.

BTW stay tuned for some cool stuff ;)
A pod coming???  ;D ???

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: n00bminer on August 09, 2017, 12:12:34 AM
I acquired a v1.1 "prototype/reviewer" board and the heat sink does not appear to be working (cold in thermal camera).  I want to remove it and reapply.

What is the safest way to dislodge the current heatsink?  Is it strickly held on by thermal tape or some other bonding agent?

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: aarons6 on August 09, 2017, 02:35:34 AM
I acquired a v1.1 "prototype/reviewer" board and the heat sink does not appear to be working (cold in thermal camera).  I want to remove it and reapply.

What is the safest way to dislodge the current heatsink?  Is it strickly held on by thermal tape or some other bonding agent?

if the heatsink is shiney or just aluminum it will appear cold in the thermal camera.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: n00bminer on August 09, 2017, 03:57:44 PM
Thank you!  that makes me feel better!

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: aarons6 on August 09, 2017, 06:56:03 PM
Thank you!  that makes me feel better!

you can check the temp of the chip, mine run around 115F.. and you do need a fan on these..

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: jstefanop on August 10, 2017, 02:10:57 PM
here is a tease for all you original moonlanders ;) Announcement incoming soon!

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: mrgoldy on August 10, 2017, 03:03:55 PM

How soon?!   I want to make sure I have my LTC ready

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: jstefanop on August 10, 2017, 08:40:32 PM

How soon?!   I want to make sure I have my LTC ready

pre-orders will open soon, wont have chip order until october though.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: aarons6 on August 11, 2017, 12:22:35 AM

How soon?!   I want to make sure I have my LTC ready

pre-orders will open soon, wont have chip order until october though.

what's the price?

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: n00bminer on August 11, 2017, 01:38:05 AM
I will be in on this preorder!

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: ciderking on August 16, 2017, 02:22:32 PM
I'll take a couple too!  Really excited about these.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: jsand0113 on August 26, 2017, 12:34:37 AM
Me three! Damn that's exciting. I'm interested in a few for sure. Hope the device works with RPi easier than the last batch. Only got it to work on my Windows machine at work :(

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: aarons6 on August 26, 2017, 03:55:20 AM
Me three! Damn that's exciting. I'm interested in a few for sure. Hope the device works with RPi easier than the last batch. Only got it to work on my Windows machine at work :(
my 8 work just fine on my rpi running minera.
i had to plug them in like this
4 on a superbpag > usb 2.0 hub > rpi
4 on a superbpag >

you also have to make sure to turn the hubs on first to power the moonlander usbs before you power on the rpi.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: cripto318 on August 26, 2017, 12:50:09 PM

I am interested in buying about 20, initially.
When will you accept pre-orders?
What's the estimated price?
What payment methods will you accept?

Thank you in advance.

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: jstefanop on August 26, 2017, 07:30:08 PM
Official announcement is out!

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: n00bminer on September 25, 2017, 02:39:19 PM
Is there a method to set clock speed by serial number as with the gridseeds?  Unfortunately, my USB0~USB3 are rotating on me, and I cannot get 1 of the devices on a different clock speed.  Or if anyone knows how to keep the USB0 to stay USB0 on a raspberry using a superbpag=)

--scrypt -S MLD:/dev/ttyUSB0 -S MLD:/dev/ttyUSB1 -S MLD:/dev/ttyUSB2 -S MLD:/dev/ttyUSB3 --set MLD@/dev/ttyUSB0:clock=352 --set MLD@/dev/ttyUSB1:clock=352 --set MLD@/dev/ttyUSB2:clock=336 --set MLD@/dev/ttyUSB3:clock=352  --queue 0

Title: Re: [ANN] FutureBit MoonLander: A Modern and Efficient Scrypt USB Stick Miner!
Post by: aarons6 on September 25, 2017, 09:50:25 PM
Is there a method to set clock speed by serial number as with the gridseeds?  Unfortunately, my USB0~USB3 are rotating on me, and I cannot get 1 of the devices on a different clock speed.  Or if anyone knows how to keep the USB0 to stay USB0 on a raspberry using a superbpag=)

--scrypt -S MLD:/dev/ttyUSB0 -S MLD:/dev/ttyUSB1 -S MLD:/dev/ttyUSB2 -S MLD:/dev/ttyUSB3 --set MLD@/dev/ttyUSB0:clock=352 --set MLD@/dev/ttyUSB1:clock=352 --set MLD@/dev/ttyUSB2:clock=336 --set MLD@/dev/ttyUSB3:clock=352  --queue 0

i dont think you can set these different speeds.. there is no way to know what usb# the device gets and there is no way to set by serial number.