Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: DecentralizeEconomics on December 14, 2015, 06:49:03 AM

Title: The NXT Foundation / Tennessee Marketing Project Is a Joke
Post by: DecentralizeEconomics on December 14, 2015, 06:49:03 AM
I came on here yesterday and I saw this thread ( with the following post from EvilDave (

title. can you guys explain how to mine cryptocurrency?

And: do not invest in anything (except Bitcoin) for a lots of research first.

Don't want to scare you off, but crypto is still the Wild West, and there are some bad guys around. You have to protect yourself. No-one else will. 8)

So get researching:

Now, if you don't know, EvilDave is one of two people that is in charge of the NXT Marketing Committee aka Project Tennessee and here he is telling a new user to crypto to ONLY invest in Bitcoin!  Is this some type of sick joke?  What the heck is going on here?

Seriously, people donated over 10M NXT to these two and this is the type of "marketing" program that they run?  Telling people to ONLY invest in Bitcoin!

I'm certainly glad that I didn't give these buffoons one single NXT.  What a complete and total joke.

I knew this centralized marketing campaign would be a bust.  News flash geniuses.  NXT is never going to be adopted by banks or big corporations.  NXT's only hope and original purpose was to be a grassroots movement composed of individuals working in a decentralized manner.  Ever since people in NXT started centralizing into committees, the price of NXT has nosedived.  Maybe, it is providence since you have shunned the original ideology behind NXT laid out by BCNext.  I don't think BCNext would approve of any of these centralized committees or formalized websites.  All that ever happens with these ridiculous centralized committees is that the people who are elected develop a power complex and fritter away the funds.

Right now, if you go over to the "NXT forum" (I won't give the link because the site is a joke), you'll encounter a bunch of mods who are either raging international communists, too politically correct to utter a sentence, centralizing power-hungry demagogues or too weak and afraid to stand up to the others.  Now the "marketing committee" who is endorsed by the mods is telling people to stay away from altcoins and only invest in Bitcoin.  It absolutely makes me sick that these are the people who claim to be the face of NXT.  The only decent ones involved in NXT are JeanLuc, Riker, the other devs and the individuals not involved in these ridiculous committees.

I feel sorry for all the individuals who donated any NXT to this "marketing" campaign.  All that is going to happen now is that eventually the 10M NXT will be liquidated putting further pressure on the price and you will have nothing to show for it except for warning others to stay away from altcoins and only invest in bitcoin.  NXT would have had a better chance of increasing in value if you all would have kept your 10M NXT or instead given some to your friends or others on this forum.  Maybe, you should have given them out to people who have unfortunately been scammed on here.  Why didn't EvilDave offer this user, Dreamofbtcman, some free NXT out of this 10M NXT instead of telling him to ONLY BUY BITCOIN!?

10 Million NXT...


Title: Re: The NXT Marketing Committee Is a Joke
Post by: EvilDave on December 14, 2015, 12:45:05 PM
Thanks, don't think that you might be over-reacting a bit on this ?

Would you like me to grab every single wet behind the ears newbie kicking and screaming into Nxt, before they even understand properly what crypto-currency is ?
Sure, Nxt is f**king brilliant ( ;D) but ramming that message unsubtly down everyones throat as soon as they turn up on BTT isn't what I'm going to's what you do, and I'm fine with that. Why don't you start a newbie welcoming committee ?

And: it's not 'my' 10 million NXT in any way....that 10 million is paying for the new website, setting up the helpdesk, paying our PR guys, getting conferences organised.....lots of stuff that directly benefits Nxt, as well as paying me and Damelon a (part-time) salary.


Title: Re: The NXT Marketing Committee Is a Joke
Post by: Snail2 on December 14, 2015, 01:36:19 PM

I agree, NXT marketing looks something like a Higgs bozon. Everybody heard about it, theoretically it exists, there are even measurements and interactions what strongly indicates the presence of "NXT marketing", but nobody really seen it.

His assessment is good in these days, and at least he's not trying to persuade noobs to jump into something what isn't really profitable today, so what's your problem with this part. BTW if he would try to convince that noob, probably you would be one of the first to open a topic with lots of color=red, size=100pt about how shamelessly he tried to scam gullible people :).

Title: Re: The NXT Marketing Committee Is a Joke
Post by: criptix on December 14, 2015, 05:10:48 PM

I agree, NXT marketing looks something like a Higgs bozon. Everybody heard about it, theoretically it exists, there are even measurements and interactions what strongly indicates the presence of "NXT marketing", but nobody really seen it.

His assessment is good in these days, and at least he's not trying to persuade noobs to jump into something what isn't really profitable today, so what's your problem with this part. BTW if he would try to convince that noob, probably you would be one of the first to open a topic with lots of color=red, size=100pt about how shamelessly he tried to scam gullible people :).

Hm but they already found the higgs boson ^^

Title: Re: The NXT Marketing Committee Is a Joke
Post by: ironbit on December 14, 2015, 06:17:00 PM
Funny, but it is true in some way. I heard about the big NXT marketing program which should start anytime (probably it already started) but I have nerver seen any campaign action yet.

Title: Re: The NXT Marketing Committee Is a Joke
Post by: gaba on December 14, 2015, 06:38:53 PM

I feel sorry for all the individuals who donated any NXT to this "marketing" campaign.

I feel stupid already but you became familiar with that if you are long in NXT.

Title: Re: The NXT Marketing Committee Is a Joke
Post by: EvilDave on December 14, 2015, 08:35:22 PM
The Tennessee marketing plan is a one year commitment to get some Nxt marketing up and running, among other things.

 We're about 7 weeks in, and we've done a lot of groundwork, and had some good results. However,  the main marketing push is going to be in the New Year, when Nxt has finished with the release of version 1.7:
and the implementation of the Account Control and CoinShuffle features.

We also need to wait for the completely renewed site, which will be going live either just before Christmas, or early in the new year. Here's a teaser:

The new site will be pretty much the most important element in any Nxt marketing, and it needs to be fucking brilliant.....which it will be. ;D

Title: Re: The NXT Marketing Committee Is a Joke
Post by: DecentralizeEconomics on December 14, 2015, 11:22:10 PM
Thanks, don't think that you might be over-reacting a bit on this ?

No. You received 10M NXT.  Do your job.

Would you like me to grab every single wet behind the ears newbie kicking and screaming into Nxt, before they even understand properly what crypto-currency is ?

Yes.  Anybody who truly understands the ideology behind NXT knows that it was BCNext's intention for NXT to replace BTC not become some alternative supplement to it.

Sure, Nxt is f**king brilliant ( ;D) but ramming that message unsubtly down everyones throat as soon as they turn up on BTT isn't what I'm going to's what you do, and I'm fine with that. Why don't you start a newbie welcoming committee ?

I don't ram NXT down everyone's throats.  Actually, very few of my posts even mention NXT.  I do call out blatant scams though that some people perceive as "competitors" to NXT.  Why don't you start a "newbie welcoming committee"?  You have the 10M NXT.

The Tennessee marketing plan is a one year commitment to get some Nxt marketing up and running, among other things.

 We're about 7 weeks in, and we've done a lot of groundwork, and had some good results. However,  the main marketing push is going to be in the New Year, when Nxt has finished with the release of version 1.7:
and the implementation of the Account Control and CoinShuffle features.

We also need to wait for the completely renewed site, which will be going live either just before Christmas, or early in the new year. Here's a teaser:

The new site will be pretty much the most important element in any Nxt marketing, and it needs to be fucking brilliant.....which it will be. ;D

Why don't you just save yourselves some time and redirect to

Title: Re: The NXT Marketing Committee Is a Joke
Post by: tokeweed on December 15, 2015, 12:41:23 AM
NXT is never going to be adopted by banks or big corporations.  NXT's only hope and original purpose was to be a grassroots movement composed of individuals working in a decentralized manner.

I totally agree with this statement...  At least for NXT that is.  And that's what makes NXT beautiful.  Going all 'professional' is making NXT look like a bit of a joke really.  I mean think about it...  It's like Open Bazaar shilling Walmart to use them so it could level itself up and become a legit player in an industry (which isn't going to happen).  Don't do it, don't lose your soul.

Plus a lot more projects with the proper connections and funding are already way ahead of you.  Your 10m NXT isn't enough to compete with them.

Think about the direction of Tennessee hard, and don't put your funds and efforts to waste.  Just a humble suggestion from an outsider.

Edit:  People are gonna cry 'scam' at the end of all this if all the marketing fails.  And the odds are stacked against you.  DE just saw what everyone else hasn't seen yet, or has seen but is in denial about it.

But hey, as long as you're getting paid right?

Title: Re: The NXT Marketing Committee Is a Joke
Post by: barabbas on December 15, 2015, 01:17:08 AM
Wait a minute... so they collected 10 million NXT and gave it to EvilDave and Dandelion to pay themselves a (part time) salary and a "marketing campaign"? Well that is just, simply funny... I mean I have heard of stupid things but this one tops everything else... until I hear of someone making Kim Kardhasian a good will ambassador of Nuns United. Wow, simply wow.

Independent of the more than relevant fact that these two are as qualified for the job as Ms. Kardhasian would be, only less so, what are the expectations of the "nomination commitee"? Number one, 10 million NXT is, roughly, 58.000 UNREALIZED dollars (assume less than half in realized, real money). Number two, these two bozos are unknowns, anonymous individuals that, obviously know absolutely nothing about PR... hence the fact that Evil here considers a fucking website "...pretty much the most important element in any Nxt marketing..." And number three: You guys have been, again, TAKEN. For a ride, that is. Evil and Dandelion will be paid for their website design -something easily obtainable gratis-, a pretty penny. The rest, their (part time) salaries. But who the fuck did ever think that this would be anything else at all? Brilliant minds, indeed.

No wonder the price of NXT continue nosediving. It is, after all, a monument to raw, pure idiocy, first and foremost. A brilliant one at that...

Title: Re: The NXT Marketing Committee Is a Joke
Post by: tokeweed on December 15, 2015, 03:46:00 AM
What NXT should do is open up development and welcome coders build features and services and look for bugs in the system.  The interest should come from the builders first and foremost.  Until this happens, nothing will ever happen to NXT.

Also have the current features (there are a lot created in a short time span!) been used in a massive scale?  How do you know they aren't buggy if they haven't been used in a massive scale?  I'm pretty sure the problems will arise when users count in the millions...  So how are you gonna market a buggy, unproven decentralized financial system to banks and corporations?

Then there's also the NXT stigma of the unfair initial distribution.  I'm pretty sure the banks will be asking 'Why should we allow you to make money out of us, when we're making money out of you right now.'

Think hard about Tennessee before commiting on what direction to take it.  I think the only reason why the NXT community is allowing this is because they're getting desperate. I say don't.  Relax and get back to your roots.  So what if you get a smaller piece of the pie.  At least you get to change the world in your own capacity.  That will always count for something.

Edit:  And all that marketing to banks and corporations for a budget of 10m NXT...  You must be kidding yourselves.

Title: Re: The NXT Marketing Committee Is a Joke
Post by: DecentralizeEconomics on December 15, 2015, 05:48:22 AM
Number one, 10 million NXT is, roughly, 58.000 UNREALIZED dollars (assume less than half in realized, real money). Number two, these two bozos are unknowns, anonymous individuals that, obviously know absolutely nothing about PR... hence the fact that Evil here considers a fucking website "...pretty much the most important element in any Nxt marketing..." And number three: You guys have been, again, TAKEN. For a ride, that is. Evil and Dandelion will be paid for their website design -something easily obtainable gratis-, a pretty penny. The rest, their (part time) salaries.

Well, you know, correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought the sole purpose of marketing was getting new users to use your product / service / platform not sending them to your competition.  If you don't have any new users, who the heck is going to see your website regardless of how "brilliant" it is?  Making the website look "professional / corporate" is the least of your worries.  Not to mention the fact that NXT's strength isn't about catering to corporations or banks; it's about empowering individuals.

Title: Re: The NXT Marketing Committee Is a Joke
Post by: tokeweed on December 15, 2015, 06:03:38 AM
This is getting to shady land.

EvilDave and Damelon to support Nautiluscoin project

At the end of an eventful weekend, we would like to end on a more positive note.

Dave and I have been contracted by Brian Kelly to help bootstrap the Nautiluscoin community after its move to the NXT blockchain.

You can see Brian's official announcement of this here:

We are happy to be able to do more work on a NXT project and are glad that we've gotten a good rapport with Brian Kelly.

Who knows what more can grow out of this? We think there are opportunities for both communities here and will do our best to help it grow into a valuable addition to the NXT ecosystem :)

Again, if any NAUTi people show up here, make them feel welcome!

TNNSE out!

Scam Alert: NautilusCoin

Shaky Origins

NautilusCoin is the creation of Brian Kelly. Actually, that’s giving him a little bit too much credit, because NautilusCoin was created using the now defunct service, which means that his knowledge of cryptocurrency is no stronger than his ability to plug in numbers to a web form. Brief history lesson for those new to the game: was a web-based service that automatically created an altcoin based on various parameters entered into a form (coin per block, block time, etc). These coins are inherently worthless because they lack a developer.

Note that the Greece article on CNBC is written by Mr. Kelly, and that no other news site has a mention of this news. It is a disgusting example of self promotion using a trusted platform, and should throw up major red flags for anyone considering investing in it.

Prior to this, Mr. Kelly has published several cringe-worthy articles demonstrating his lack of knowledge, here is just one of them. One need not read past the very first paragraph to see just how elementary his understanding of cryptocurrency us:

Bitcoin, the elegant elixir for our fractured financial system, is actually flawed. It’s vulnerable to attacks. There is, however, a fix — something I had installed on my own coin experiment. Here’s how it works:

Mr. Kelly seriously believes that his automatically generated cryptoabortion has fixed “problems” that Gavin and the rest of the core bitcoin developers do not see. Even more amusing is that Mr. Kelly is on the record years ago stating that Bitcoin is nothing more than “Tulipmania 2.0”, yet here he is with his inferior clone of Bitcoin and proclaiming its superiority. Incredible.

Just another scam?

Like most scamcoins, there is a premine involved here. Mr. Kelly touts that NautilusCoin is the first digital currency with a stabilization mechanism to reduce volatility. In reality, this “stabilization mechanism” is nothing more a huge chunk of premined coins that Mr. Kelly alone holds the keys to.

Moving on, let’s talk about Agistri, Greece. This is the island that has adopted NautilusCoin for this so-called test. As per wikipedia, Agistri covers a whopping 13.37 km^2 and has a population of just 1142. This is an insignificant number of people, especially compared to the total population of Greece, which is over 11 million. Why is this information not stated in the article? Could it be, possibly, an attempt to overstate the importance and magnitude of this event? You be the judge.

Traditional wisdom suggests that a competitor (altcoin) must be magnitudes better than the incumbent (bitcoin) to steal away market share. Some examples that come to mind are Myspace being replaced by Facebook, Digg being dethroned by Reddit, Blackberry being pushed into obscurity by Apple/Google. All of these companies had significant advantages that let them surpass the incumbent.

Being a spawn of means that NautilusCoin brings absolutely nothing new to the table. It has no advantages. It’s nothing more than an awful clone that lacks everything that makes Bitcoin great – the huge network, the businesses and infrastructure built around it, and most importantly, the thousands of brilliant individuals that work on the codebase. It doesn’t stand a chance.

In the unlikely event of Greece adopting a national cryptocurrency, it would be Bitcoin, certainly not a fringe altcoin. The fact that one insignificant island is sponsoring NautilusCoin does not change that.


NautilusCoin is yet another slimy cryptocurrency that preys on the uninformed. Nonetheless, we can expect events like this to increase the price of the coin. As of the time of writing, it is up 80% over the past 24 hours on Cryptsy. However, the opportunity for non-holders to profit is long gone. You have already missed the train. By buying now, you will be on the receiving end of the dump. Those who currently hold the coin should sell now, before the initial hype dissipates.

Who's Brian Kelly?  And what's his background?

Title: Re: The NXT Marketing Committee Is a Joke
Post by: DecentralizeEconomics on December 15, 2015, 06:39:45 AM
Who's Brian Kelly?  And what's his background? (
A blockchain solution for Greece started out as a educational white paper by Lee Gibson Grant,  of Coinstructors. The question Lee Grant was trying to answer was could Greece launch its national currency backed by state owned assets? This secondary currency could benefit Greece by keeping assets under state control while providing liquidity.  The concept was explored further in an Op-Ed by Brian Kelly founder of Brian Kelly Capital which challenged the blockchain community to present solutions at an online expo on the 20th of May. Information on the expo can be found here The debate will be moderated by Brian Kelly and will feature thought leaders from the economic and blockchain communities.

It seems like he's an accomplice to Lee Gibson Grant a known scammer who already perpetrated the "TXT Coins Now" scam along with many others not related to NXT.  I'm sure this is a scam too.  I can't believe donated money to these jokels is going towards this garbage.  This is outrageous.

Title: Re: The NXT Marketing Committee Is a Joke
Post by: tokeweed on December 15, 2015, 09:53:49 AM
I think it's time for the NXT community to realize that they're being had.  Or are the people at the top of their heirarchy all part of the whole scheme...  I mean how could those known characters allow this?  

I'd be careful with NXT.  I am now not ruling out that this could be one long con job.  

Also a guy from my trading group mentioned there was a 'John' character who showed up at conferences promoting NXT and ended up stealing community funds.  And not only that, he was asking for the community to give him more as payment for his work.  Which the community didn't agree to because they realized they were already swindled in the first place.

Be careful.  So sorry to see this happen to a project with a good following.

Edit:  There's a good reason they banned you DE.  The corruption could be traced all the way to the top.

Title: Re: The NXT Marketing Committee Is a Joke
Post by: tokeweed on December 15, 2015, 10:11:18 AM
And has the software undergone a peer review?  All those features added in such a short time, with no review makes it doubtfully robust and bug free.

Title: Re: The NXT Marketing Committee Is a Joke
Post by: EvilDave on December 15, 2015, 10:23:03 AM
Jeez...where to start ? Let's kick off with barrabas:

Wait a minute... so they collected 10 million NXT and gave it to EvilDave and Dandelion to pay themselves a (part time) salary and a "marketing campaign"? Well that is just, simply funny... I mean I have heard of stupid things but this one tops everything else... until I hear of someone making Kim Kardhasian a good will ambassador of Nuns United. Wow, simply wow.

Independent of the more than relevant fact that these two are as qualified for the job as Ms. Kardhasian would be, only less so, what are the expectations of the "nomination commitee"? Number one, 10 million NXT is, roughly, 58.000 UNREALIZED dollars (assume less than half in realized, real money). Number two, these two bozos are unknowns, anonymous individuals that, obviously know absolutely nothing about PR... hence the fact that Evil here considers a fucking website "...pretty much the most important element in any Nxt marketing..." And number three: You guys have been, again, TAKEN. For a ride, that is. Evil and Dandelion will be paid for their website design -something easily obtainable gratis-, a pretty penny. The rest, their (part time) salaries. But who the fuck did ever think that this would be anything else at all? Brilliant minds, indeed.

No wonder the price of NXT continue nosediving. It is, after all, a monument to raw, pure idiocy, first and foremost. A brilliant one at that...

Here's the full thread for the Tennessee fundraiser:

Next time, before you accuse people of anything , do some research:
We're not even slightly anonymous, and  both myself and Damelon (though mostly Damelon) have worked/work in marketing/PR. We're not getting paid for the website design,  Farla Webmedia  ( got the contract for that, though we will be creating much of the text/content, and that work will be covered by our amazingly generous salaries of €1500 per month (before taxes)  8)

For the rest of your diatribe....meh, no real information there ;D

On to tokeweed:

What NXT should do is open up development and welcome coders build features and services and look for bugs in the system.  The interest should come from the builders first and foremost.  Until this happens, nothing will ever happen to NXT.

Also have the current features (there are a lot created in a short time span!) been used in a massive scale?  How do you know they aren't buggy if they haven't been used in a massive scale?  I'm pretty sure the problems will arise when users count in the millions...  So how are you gonna market a buggy, unproven decentralized financial system to banks and corporations?

Then there's also the NXT stigma of the unfair initial distribution.  I'm pretty sure the banks will be asking 'Why should we allow you to make money out of us, when we're making money out of you right now.'

Think hard about Tennessee before commiting on what direction to take it.  I think the only reason why the NXT community is allowing this is because they're getting desperate. I say don't.  Relax and get back to your roots.  So what if you get a smaller piece of the pie.  At least you get to change the world in your own capacity.  That will always count for something.

Edit:  And all that marketing to banks and corporations for a budget of 10m NXT...  You must be kidding yourselves.

Nxt is a completely open system...anyone who wants to work with Nxt can, providing they stay true to the open source ethos.
Nxt features get used, and get tested. Here's the crowd test of the upcoming CoinShuffle feature on TestNet last Sunday:!-%28testing-nrs-1-7-2e-coinshuffle-13-12-2015-%29/msg203684/#msg203684

On the banks and corporations; again, we're marketing Nxt to everyone with a project, not just to b+c. It's going to be medium to small scale businesses that drive Nxt adoption, big players will just create their own blockchains. They are welcome to license Nxt, of course........

Distribution....after 2 years, Nxt is pretty well shuffled, but you'll always have whales, in any system.

Tennessee direction....TNSSE has a set mandate; to provide marketing/PR for Nxt core stuff, and to improve the user experience for Nxt adopters. We've done a lot in the  7 weeks since we started, including getting the website sorted, a helpdesk set up, PR/media contact guy has been hired...and more, including lots of talking to devs. :o
TNSSE might not change the world, but it will improve Nxt, and whatever we do is probably better than doing nothing.
2 months ago, everyone was bitching about having no Nxt marketing, now people are bitching about having some marketing. Can't win sometimes.....

This is getting to shady land.

EvilDave and Damelon to support Nautiluscoin project

At the end of an eventful weekend, we would like to end on a more positive note.


Who's Brian Kelly?  And what's his background?

Nautiluscoin is now a Nxt-based Monetary System currency, so it's essentially a coloured coin running on the Nxt blockchain.
The original BCNext outline for Nxt development explicitly stated that the main value of the Nxt eco-system would eventually be in the subsidiary currencies/assets running on Nxt.....and Nautilus is the first successful example of a PoW coin migrating to Nxt. So we're supporting/helping to organise the Nautilus project.

Here's all the info on the Nautilus/Agistri project:

Brian Kelly is:

Nautilus thread from BTT:

The Cryptolife article is pretty much completely wrong about most of it's claims. Agistri was a small-scale trial, and it worked  ;D

Lastly, DE;
Thanks, mate. I've done nothing but work my ass off for Nxt, and this is how you act ? Stab me in the back, why don't ya?

Title: Re: The NXT Marketing Committee Is a Joke
Post by: tokeweed on December 15, 2015, 10:44:29 AM
I won't argue with you on this one.  But hopefully all my doubts will be proven wrong.

Title: Re: The NXT Marketing Committee Is a Joke
Post by: EvilDave on December 15, 2015, 11:43:26 AM
I won't argue with you on this one.  But hopefully all my doubts will be proven wrong.

Not sure if all of your doubts will turn out to be wrong, Toke, but myself, Damelon and the Nxt community are acting in good faith and with as much transparency as possible.
We're not here to scam, and I had hoped that we'd proven that over the last 2 years.... :(

Anyway, people are free to not like what we do, but there is no hidden agenda.
We genuinely believe in Nxt and want it to be successful, that's pretty much it.   :)

Title: Re: The NXT Marketing Committee Is a Joke
Post by: Snail2 on December 15, 2015, 12:06:31 PM
Hm but they already found the higgs boson ^^

No, not yet. The CERN guys 99% sure, but according to them they still need to do some more tests to make it 100% sure. These test were scheduled after the LHC upgrade (they finished that upgrade in 2015 July).


Title: Re: The NXT Marketing Committee Is a Joke
Post by: barabbas on December 15, 2015, 03:00:48 PM
Jeez...where to start ? Let's kick off with barrabas:

Wait a minute... so they collected 10 million NXT and gave it to EvilDave and Dandelion to pay themselves a (part time) salary and a "marketing campaign"? Well that is just, simply funny... I mean I have heard of stupid things but this one tops everything else... until I hear of someone making Kim Kardhasian a good will ambassador of Nuns United. Wow, simply wow.

Independent of the more than relevant fact that these two are as qualified for the job as Ms. Kardhasian would be, only less so, what are the expectations of the "nomination commitee"? Number one, 10 million NXT is, roughly, 58.000 UNREALIZED dollars (assume less than half in realized, real money). Number two, these two bozos are unknowns, anonymous individuals that, obviously know absolutely nothing about PR... hence the fact that Evil here considers a fucking website "...pretty much the most important element in any Nxt marketing..." And number three: You guys have been, again, TAKEN. For a ride, that is. Evil and Dandelion will be paid for their website design -something easily obtainable gratis-, a pretty penny. The rest, their (part time) salaries. But who the fuck did ever think that this would be anything else at all? Brilliant minds, indeed.

No wonder the price of NXT continue nosediving. It is, after all, a monument to raw, pure idiocy, first and foremost. A brilliant one at that...

Here's the full thread for the Tennessee fundraiser:

Next time, before you accuse people of anything , do some research:
We're not even slightly anonymous, and  both myself and Damelon (though mostly Damelon) have worked/work in marketing/PR. We're not getting paid for the website design,  Farla Webmedia  ( got the contract for that, though we will be creating much of the text/content, and that work will be covered by our amazingly generous salaries of €1500 per month (before taxes)  8)

For the rest of your diatribe....meh, no real information there ;D

Well Dave, even worse. Because one of the doubtful "advantages" of anonymity is that the subject can pretend to be anything while the non-anonymous ... well, is exposed. Like you and Bass are: Where and when did your "had worked/work in marketing/PR" take place? It isn't in your "bios" and certainly it isn't anywhere else. So  how come you get the gig at NXT? what qualifications do you have to get 1,500 euro each for doing anything you want, when you want or nothing at all or a combination of all of it?

I repeat once more: You have no idea what a marketing/PR campaign is or should be. Not even a remote one. Not even a wikipedia-copy pasted one, ok? That's why your idea is to contribute texts (of no relevance of interest to anyone whatsoever) to a website that any average 15 year old kid can create for nothing or next to nothing. What the fuck good is any information on any website about and Alt Currency that is already probably the best known one outside of Bitcoin? Is that going to "magically" attract new people to invest in NXT? Why would they be looking for the website to begin with when there's more information widely available on the net already than can be read -let alone beginning to understand- by anyone in an entire lifetime? Do you reasonably expect anyone even in passing interested in crypto currencies to not be in NXT or having read all about NXT and choosing not to invest in it to - again, magically-, change his mind and invest because you now are going to have a website -- as opposed to the myriads of other related and non-related websites already in existence? What is the "genius" thinking behind the idea of the new website and which were the talking points of the, again, "genial" idea?
Getting the full feel of just how preposterously idiotic the whole idea is? No? OK, take a bloody look at the price of NXT and the never-ending nosedive into oblivion of the last few months ESPECIALLY the last 2 since your "genial" idea has already been set into motion. Market gyrations, increased price of BTC... any other bullshit you want to throw out there? Get this: The price of NXT is nosediving and will continue nosediving because YOU, and BASS and a few others are UNLOADING your NXT by the millions and there's no one left to buy either your NXT or your bullshit -in equal abundance-. Website or no website.

My "diatribe" is done. Even the most idiotic fans of this project already know all the bullshit they have been suspecting for the better part of the last 12 months. Now they have irrefutable corroboration and they know they have been taken. By you and Bass, among a few others. The marketing and PR "experts". Wow. Simply wow.

Title: Re: The NXT Marketing Committee Is a Joke
Post by: tokeweed on December 15, 2015, 03:21:38 PM
Enough words.  Just follow Brian Kelly and do some research on him and Nautiluscoin.  He could be another 'John' for all we know.

Edit:  But if something bad happens, or it fails, it's on Tennessee too.  It's only fair.  

Title: Re: The NXT Marketing Committee Is a Joke
Post by: Thenoticer on December 15, 2015, 03:53:28 PM
The best idea so far from Tennessee is the help desk.

Great concept!

As far as the other armchair quarterbacks in this thread, opinions are like assholes except these guys got two. De, toke, & bar stop talking out of your mouth hole, its hard to take your opinions seriously.

And de, dude you have gone senile in the past few months. Your complaints add 0 to any crypto conversation.

Let me sum up de , " i dont like this , i dont like that, i didnt invest in that -but have an opinion, im not a doctor but i play one on tv, blah blah blah, my opinions are SO important. Here look at me, look at me, im having original thoughts.

Just start the de two minutes of hate thread so all your bullshit is in one place.

But also don't forget to get your ass checked for pollups, thats what happens when you shit negativity for so long.

Title: Re: The NXT Marketing Committee Is a Joke
Post by: tokeweed on December 15, 2015, 03:55:48 PM
The best idea so far from Tennessee is the help desk.

Great concept!

As far as the other armchair quarterbacks in this thread, opinions are like assholes except these guys got two. De, toke, & bar stop talking out of your mouth hole, its hard to take your opinions seriously.

And de, dude you have gone senile in the past few months. Your complaints add 0 to any crypto conversation.

Let me sum up de , " i dont like this , i dont like that, i didnt invest in that -but have an opinion, im not a doctor but i play one on tv, blah blah blah, my opinions are SO important. Here look at me, look at me, im having original thoughts.

Just start the de two minutes of hate thread so all your bullshit is in one place.

But also don't forget to get your ass checked for pollups, thats what happens when you shit negativity for so long.

Edit:  Whatever Lee.  :D

Title: Re: The NXT Marketing Committee Is a Joke
Post by: Thenoticer on December 15, 2015, 04:08:09 PM

Hardly dave my friend,

I was at the emerald cup all weekend sampling some of the finest in cali. Not 1 person gave two shits about crypto there. Just who had the best dabs.

The best idea so far from Tennessee is the help desk.

Great concept!

As far as the other armchair quarterbacks in this thread, opinions are like assholes except these guys got two. De, toke, & bar stop talking out of your mouth hole, its hard to take your opinions seriously.

And de, dude you have gone senile in the past few months. Your complaints add 0 to any crypto conversation.

Let me sum up de , " i dont like this , i dont like that, i didnt invest in that -but have an opinion, im not a doctor but i play one on tv, blah blah blah, my opinions are SO important. Here look at me, look at me, im having original thoughts.

Just start the de two minutes of hate thread so all your bullshit is in one place.

But also don't forget to get your ass checked for pollups, thats what happens when you shit negativity for so long.

Whatever Dave.  :D

Title: Re: The NXT Marketing Committee Is a Joke
Post by: tokeweed on December 15, 2015, 04:14:35 PM
I was kidding.  And I don't give a shit where you've been.

Hardly dave my friend,

I was at the emerald cup all weekend sampling some of the finest in cali. Not 1 person gave two shits about crypto there. Just who had the best dabs.

The best idea so far from Tennessee is the help desk.

Great concept!

As far as the other armchair quarterbacks in this thread, opinions are like assholes except these guys got two. De, toke, & bar stop talking out of your mouth hole, its hard to take your opinions seriously.

And de, dude you have gone senile in the past few months. Your complaints add 0 to any crypto conversation.

Let me sum up de , " i dont like this , i dont like that, i didnt invest in that -but have an opinion, im not a doctor but i play one on tv, blah blah blah, my opinions are SO important. Here look at me, look at me, im having original thoughts.

Just start the de two minutes of hate thread so all your bullshit is in one place.

But also don't forget to get your ass checked for pollups, thats what happens when you shit negativity for so long.

Whatever Dave.  :D

Title: Re: The NXT Marketing Committee Is a Joke
Post by: Thenoticer on December 15, 2015, 04:31:15 PM

Ahh i see, you are salty about me calling you out for commenting your bullshit on nearly every topic on this forum like you are some type of superuser with a super opinion, who is autocool cause you have weed in your name and a pic of the dude.

Lol. Keep on trucking, some of us dont need to wear our opinion on our arm to feel good about ourselves and sleep well at night.

I was kidding.  And I don't give a shit where you've been.

Hardly dave my friend,

I was at the emerald cup all weekend sampling some of the finest in cali. Not 1 person gave two shits about crypto there. Just who had the best dabs.

The best idea so far from Tennessee is the help desk.

Great concept!

As far as the other armchair quarterbacks in this thread, opinions are like assholes except these guys got two. De, toke, & bar stop talking out of your mouth hole, its hard to take your opinions seriously.

And de, dude you have gone senile in the past few months. Your complaints add 0 to any crypto conversation.

Let me sum up de , " i dont like this , i dont like that, i didnt invest in that -but have an opinion, im not a doctor but i play one on tv, blah blah blah, my opinions are SO important. Here look at me, look at me, im having original thoughts.

Just start the de two minutes of hate thread so all your bullshit is in one place.

But also don't forget to get your ass checked for pollups, thats what happens when you shit negativity for so long.

Whatever Dave.  :D

Title: Re: The NXT Marketing Committee Is a Joke
Post by: EvilDave on December 15, 2015, 09:15:41 PM
Enough words.  Just follow Brian Kelly and do some research on him and Nautiluscoin.  He could be another 'John' for all we know.

Edit:  But if something bad happens, or it fails, it's on Tennessee too.  It's only fair.  

Yeah, BK could be anything, but he's got enough of a rep to be on CNBC, runs a reputable investment  fund, and has access to enough cash to underwrite the Agistri/Nautilus project, so I'm going to take him at face value.
(and, yeah, if something bad and Tennessee-related happens, it's on me. But there is a hell of a lot more to the Nxt/SuperNET ecosystem than just Tennessee)

BTW; sockpuppet, moi ? TheNoticer has precisely sod-all to do with me. I have enough trouble finding time to post here under my own handle, so no socks for me.

@barabass: nice to see showing such concern for the health of Nxt, mate. I get the feeling that nothing I can say will make any difference to you, so.....meh.
Can't please all the people all the time. ;D
Did you like my lazy truck driver in a Lambo routine, at least ?
(thanks, btcsatan)

Title: Re: The NXT Marketing Committee Is a Joke
Post by: tokeweed on December 15, 2015, 11:19:27 PM
Huh...  You mad bro?

Ahh i see, you are salty about me calling you out for commenting your bullshit on nearly every topic on this forum like you are some type of superuser with a super opinion, who is autocool cause you have weed in your name and a pic of the dude.

Lol. Keep on trucking, some of us dont need to wear our opinion on our arm to feel good about ourselves and sleep well at night.

I was kidding.  And I don't give a shit where you've been.

Hardly dave my friend,

I was at the emerald cup all weekend sampling some of the finest in cali. Not 1 person gave two shits about crypto there. Just who had the best dabs.

The best idea so far from Tennessee is the help desk.

Great concept!

As far as the other armchair quarterbacks in this thread, opinions are like assholes except these guys got two. De, toke, & bar stop talking out of your mouth hole, its hard to take your opinions seriously.

And de, dude you have gone senile in the past few months. Your complaints add 0 to any crypto conversation.

Let me sum up de , " i dont like this , i dont like that, i didnt invest in that -but have an opinion, im not a doctor but i play one on tv, blah blah blah, my opinions are SO important. Here look at me, look at me, im having original thoughts.

Just start the de two minutes of hate thread so all your bullshit is in one place.

But also don't forget to get your ass checked for pollups, thats what happens when you shit negativity for so long.

Whatever Dave.  :D

Title: Re: The NXT Marketing Committee Is a Joke
Post by: tokeweed on December 15, 2015, 11:25:17 PM
Enough words.  Just follow Brian Kelly and do some research on him and Nautiluscoin.  He could be another 'John' for all we know.

Edit:  But if something bad happens, or it fails, it's on Tennessee too.  It's only fair.  

Yeah, BK could be anything, but he's got enough of a rep to be on CNBC, runs a reputable investment  fund, and has access to enough cash to underwrite the Agistri/Nautilus project, so I'm going to take him at face value.
(and, yeah, if something bad and Tennessee-related happens, it's on me. But there is a hell of a lot more to the Nxt/SuperNET ecosystem than just Tennessee)

BTW; sockpuppet, moi ? TheNoticer has precisely sod-all to do with me. I have enough trouble finding time to post here under my own handle, so no socks for me.

@barabass: nice to see showing such concern for the health of Nxt, mate. I get the feeling that nothing I can say will make any difference to you, so.....meh.
Can't please all the people all the time. ;D
Did you like my lazy truck driver in a Lambo routine, at least ?
(thanks, btcsatan)

The people appearing on CNBC are the most dangerous kind.  Remember, even that John guy appeared in Payment Expo.  And there's no correlation between appearing on CNBC and success. 

It's a wait and see scenario.  But I wouldn't hate to be proven wrong in this case.

Title: Re: The NXT Marketing Committee Is a Joke
Post by: DecentralizeEconomics on December 16, 2015, 05:43:01 AM
Lastly, DE;
Thanks, mate. I've done nothing but work my ass off for Nxt, and this is how you act ? Stab me in the back, why don't ya?

Let's get one thing straight.  I didn't stab anyone in the back.  You DID.

You made this comment:

And: do not invest in anything (except Bitcoin) for a lots of research first.

Don't want to scare you off, but crypto is still the Wild West, and there are some bad guys around. You have to protect yourself. No-one else will. 8)

I've always been loyal to NXT.  You on the other hand, who is on the MARKETING COMMITTEE and was given FUNDS TO MARKET NXT, is on here, the largest and most visited cryptocurrency forum, telling new, potential users to ONLY INVEST IN BITCOIN not more than two months after you were hired!  What is wrong with you?  You stabbed every single investor in NXT, especially those who are PAYING YOU, in the back.  The worst thing about this is that all the NXTers who assume you will do your best to market NXT are now under this false assumption.  Don't tell us that your best is telling other users to ONLY INVEST IN BITCOIN!  If that's your best, nobody wants it.  If you were working for me and you said that to a potential customer, I'd fire you so fast your head would spin.

Obviously, your real opinion of NXT is that it should be a second-rate, supplement to Bitcoin.  I would wager to say that all the NXTers who gave you money to market NXT would have an objection to this belief.  Now, unfortunately, you have been paid up-front for a year's worth of telling users to ONLY INVEST IN BITCOIN!

I think it's time for the NXT community to realize that they're being had.  Or are the people at the top of their hierarchy all part of the whole scheme...  I mean how could those known characters allow this?  

I'd be careful with NXT.  I am now not ruling out that this could be one long con job.  

Be careful.  So sorry to see this happen to a project with a good following.

Edit:  There's a good reason they banned you DE.  The corruption could be traced all the way to the top.

Well, I can assure you that NXT isn't "one long con job".  NXT is a legitimate project started by BCNext, who was fair and honest in his dealings, and now, has a userbase that, for the most part, has good intentions.  The official NXT Forum / Foundation has done nothing good for NXT.  It is controlled by individuals who abhor freedom of speech, are largely incompetent, hypocritical, and stupid.  It's a fact that the NXT community unanimously concluded, in a fair and free vote, that the mods on NXT Forum were "raging retards".  The reason I was banned on NXT Forum is because the Mods didn't like me telling the truth.  I've never made money being dishonest and I'm going to speak the truth regardless of my exposure.  Quite frankly, being quiet and not saying anything will financially damage all of us more than airing the truth.

I repeat once more: You have no idea what a marketing/PR campaign is or should be. Not even a remote one. Not even a wikipedia-copy pasted one, ok? That's why your idea is to contribute texts (of no relevance of interest to anyone whatsoever) to a website that any average 15 year old kid can create for nothing or next to nothing.

To my knowledge, they didn't take bids on the website redesign project and simply gave the contract to Farl4bit who is a mod on NXT Forum.  I would like to know how much Farl4bit's company, Farla Webmedia (, is getting paid for this project.  My guess is that they could have received a better price from someone else and that they gave him the job because of favoritism.

Enough words.  Just follow Brian Kelly and do some research on him and Nautiluscoin.  He could be another 'John' for all we know.

Edit:  But if something bad happens, or it fails, it's on Tennessee too.  It's only fair.

This is exactly what will occur.  Brian Kelly is either unknowingly associating with a known scammer, Lee Gibson Grant, or a scammer himself.  People are who they associate with and once a scammer, always a scammer.  Either way, the fact that Lee Gibson Grant is associated with this "project" is a big red flag.  Over a year ago, right after Lee's TXT Coins Now scam, there was a post on NXT forum from an anonymous individual regarding the long history of Lee Gibson Grant's known scams.  It had links to complaints filed against him from other companies claiming that they paid him for services which he never provided.  His modus operandi is to create dummy corporations and elicit contracts from others which he never fulfills.  Suspiciously, this post in its entirety was quickly deleted from NXT Forum by the moderators.  I always found that strange, but now maybe it's all starting to make sense.  I don't know what if any relationship the mods have with Lee Gibson Grant, but I find it very odd that negative posts about him are quickly deleted and that they are still associating with this known liar, cheater and thief.  Maybe there is some type of kickbacks from these scams to some NXT moderators.  Instead of allowing Brian Kelly to unknowingly associate with this scammer, why doesn't EvilDave, Damelon and the NXT mods warn him about Lee Gibson Grant?  Mark my words this association with Nautiluscoin will blow up in the NXT Marketing Committee's face and tarnish NXT for no reason.

And de, dude you have gone senile in the past few months. Your complaints add 0 to any crypto conversation.

Let me sum up de , " i dont like this , i dont like that, i didnt invest in that -but have an opinion, im not a doctor but i play one on tv, blah blah blah, my opinions are SO important. Here look at me, look at me, im having original thoughts.

Just start the de two minutes of hate thread so all your bullshit is in one place.

But also don't forget to get your ass checked for pollups, thats what happens when you shit negativity for so long.

This is most likely Lee Gibson Grant.  The comment style is imo similar to his.  It could also just be an idiot.  You decide!

Title: Re: The NXT Marketing Committee Is a Joke
Post by: tokeweed on December 16, 2015, 06:04:55 AM
Murphy's law.

Let's just move on. 

Title: Re: The NXT Marketing Committee Is a Joke
Post by: ShroomsKit_Disgrace on December 16, 2015, 10:44:32 AM
One related question: Is DE the infamous (and banned) NXT forum member "2Kool4Skewl"?

Title: Re: The NXT Marketing Committee Is a Joke
Post by: tokeweed on December 16, 2015, 11:50:13 AM
I saw a guy here with the same name 2 years ago...  So not sure if DE is really 2K4S.

Edit:  It's probably him. 

Title: Re: The NXT Marketing Committee Is a Joke
Post by: EvilDave on December 16, 2015, 02:49:14 PM
@DE: you notice the words 'for a while' in my post ?

And: do not invest in anything (except Bitcoin) for a lots of research first.

Don't want to scare you off, but crypto is still the Wild West, and there are some bad guys around. You have to protect yourself. No-one else will. 8)

'For a while' advice was to wait and do some research, not to only invest in Bitcoin.
Bitcoin is still the gateway into crypto,  and a fairly reliable short term investment. I'm giving unbiased advice there, to take some time to do research before he jumps into any alt-coin, even to NXT. People need to start somewhere, and the more people using any kind of crypto, the better.  Just means more NXT users in the long term.......... ;D

So, you jumped on me for one tiny point, and blew it up into something completely distorted, for no frigging reason.

For the rest:
Yeah, we gave the job for the site to Farla for several reasons, including, but not limited to :
He's a pro, and should give good results.
He'll take payment in NXT for 80%..... ;D
No-one else in the community stepped up to do it, and we need a better site pronto.

Lastly, on Lee: we've worked with him for a long time, as you say. He's not a scammer, imho.
I've searched long and hard far any dirt on him, and all I could find is one person (possibly trolling him) from a long time ago. If you have evidence of Lee's scamminess, let's see it. All I see from Lee is lots of useful business connections, all of whom regard Lee as a mostly trustworthy guy. He did balls up TXTCoinsNow, though.

I think you're just trying to have a go at the Nxt community in general, as a result of your ban from
Don't get why you chose me in particular, but, hey, feel free.

BTW: could you change the title to read something like: 'NXT Foundation/Tennessee is a Joke' or 'EvilDave has a magnificent cock' ?
The Nxt marketing committee hasn't existed for over a year now, and I was never a member (Damelon was, though).

Title: Re: The NXT Marketing Committee Is a Joke
Post by: scam truf bill on December 16, 2015, 03:20:52 PM
all nxt asset are scam for founders and ponzi scemes . 10 milon nextcoin sold for bitcoin look prize

Title: Re: The NXT Marketing Committee Is a Joke
Post by: tokeweed on December 16, 2015, 03:28:12 PM
@DE: you notice the words 'for a while' in my post ?

And: do not invest in anything (except Bitcoin) for a lots of research first.

Don't want to scare you off, but crypto is still the Wild West, and there are some bad guys around. You have to protect yourself. No-one else will. 8)

'For a while' advice was to wait and do some research, not to only invest in Bitcoin.
Bitcoin is still the gateway into crypto,  and a fairly reliable short term investment. I'm giving unbiased advice there, to take some time to do research before he jumps into any alt-coin, even to NXT. People need to start somewhere, and the more people using any kind of crypto, the better.  Just means more NXT users in the long term.......... ;D

So, you jumped on me for one tiny point, and blew it up into something completely distorted, for no frigging reason.

For the rest:
Yeah, we gave the job for the site to Farla for several reasons, including, but not limited to :
He's a pro, and should give good results.
He'll take payment in NXT for 80%..... ;D
No-one else in the community stepped up to do it, and we need a better site pronto.

Lastly, on Lee: we've worked with him for a long time, as you say. He's not a scammer, imho.
I've searched long and hard far any dirt on him, and all I could find is one person (possibly trolling him) from a long time ago. If you have evidence of Lee's scamminess, let's see it. All I see from Lee is lots of useful business connections, all of whom regard Lee as a mostly trustworthy guy. He did balls up TXTCoinsNow, though.

I think you're just trying to have a go at the Nxt community in general, as a result of your ban from
Don't get why you chose me in particular, but, hey, feel free.

BTW: could you change the title to read something like: 'NXT Foundation/Tennessee is a Joke' or 'EvilDave has a magnificent cock' ?
The Nxt marketing committee hasn't existed for over a year now, and I was never a member (Damelon was, though).

I'm curious.  What were the allegations on Lee?  And what's his association with Brian Kelly?

Title: Re: The NXT Marketing Committee Is a Joke
Post by: EvilDave on December 16, 2015, 06:59:48 PM
Explains the whole Agistri/Nautilus project pretty simply.
You can look on Brian Kelly as the creator of Nautiluscoin, and the backer for the Drachmae project on Agistri.
Lee GG (as part of Coinstructors) put much of the project together, with some help from the Nxt Foundation, mostly tech and community support.

These 2 articles are also worth reading:

As for the allegations against Lee: I researched his Scottish arse when he first showed up in Nxt, and couldn't find any proper naughtiness.
Someone did post a list of Lee's supposed evil-doing, but didn't have any solid evidence, apart from one very old (i think 2009) post on a telecoms forum claiming that Lee was a dodgy git, again with no proper evidence. If DE can come up with some real evidence, or even semi-real, I'm happy to listen.

The ironic bit here, btw, is that Lee was pretty much the only guy who got ripped off by whoever used the (hacked?) John M. forum account to scam BTC, year and a half ago.

Title: Re: The NXT Marketing Committee Is a Joke
Post by: barabbas on December 16, 2015, 11:50:55 PM
The same small group of con individuals continue taking the idiots for a ride. Maybe there's some kind of poetic justice there after all.

"Never underestimate the levels of idiocy in large groups of people".

Amazing. Simply amazing.

Title: Re: The NXT Marketing Committee Is a Joke
Post by: tokeweed on December 17, 2015, 12:57:32 AM
The same small group of con individuals continue taking the idiots for a ride. Maybe there's some kind of poetic justice there after all.

"Never underestimate the levels of idiocy in large groups of people".

Amazing. Simply amazing.

I wouldn't be quick to making a judgement.  But we need to research who these individuals really are.  So it would really be a public service if someone out there knows something and kindly make a post here and let's take a look from an objective stand point.

Title: Re: The NXT Marketing Committee Is a Joke
Post by: barabbas on December 17, 2015, 01:09:58 AM
The same small group of con individuals continue taking the idiots for a ride. Maybe there's some kind of poetic justice there after all.

"Never underestimate the levels of idiocy in large groups of people".

Amazing. Simply amazing.

I wouldn't be surprised if they were.  But we need to research who these individuals really are.  So it would really be a public service if someone out there knows something and kindly make a post here.

Not really. Waste of time, not service.
Here's the indisputable reality for you:

1.-The same small group of people has gazillions of NXT that they need to keep unloading, regardless of the price -as slowly as they can, not to kill it completely-, and have been doing so for many, many months. And continue. These too, Dave and Bass are part of the group.

2.- These guys, the group with Dave and Bass leading, decided to give the idiots (those are people like you, who "believe") what they were asking for ("marketing and PR"). Mind you, you (the idiots) were asking for that to keep alive the fable or your own creation rather than admit you have been taken). So they organized the collection for that purpose. 10 million NXT. They were not going to give a cent of it to professionals, of course. So they kept it and assigned to themselves and such professionals, to keep on sucking from the same tit, only now in the open. And, of course, they gave the contract for the website to another of the group. Mind you the cost of the website is absurd since anyone can do it with wordpress for free. So the 10 million will quickly disappear and you will have the same things to show for it that you have now, two months since assigned: ZERO.

3.- All of this doesn't slow down, in the least, the dumping of NXT. They did it at 9000, at 5000, at 2000 and will continue doing it -as much as there's ANY demand at ANY price-.

4.- Do you still have some reservations? let me spell it for you: Y O U  H A V E  B E E N   T A K E N.

About the  business with BK, Nautilus and that other guy... are you kidding me??? Brian Kelly comes out on TV one every blue moon and DOES run an investment fund. Have you taken a close look at who these guys, Dave and Bass are, really are? They would KILL for being mentioned with Kelly on the same sentence. No matter the price.

Taken. You have been taken.

Title: Re: The NXT Marketing Committee Is a Joke
Post by: kennyP on December 17, 2015, 01:11:02 AM
The same small group of con individuals continue taking the idiots for a ride. Maybe there's some kind of poetic justice there after all.

"Never underestimate the levels of idiocy in large groups of people".

Amazing. Simply amazing.

I wouldn't be quick to making a judgement.  But we need to research who these individuals really are.  So it would really be a public service if someone out there knows something and kindly make a post here and let's take a look from an objective stand point.

It's safe to assume those who donated to project Tennessee were satisfied, so why is there any need for identity 'outings' now? If you donated to Tennessee you should have asked BEFORE, if you didn't donate then it's irrelevant information to YOU.

This comment is straight out of the bluemeanie psycho playbook IMO:
But we need to research who these individuals really are.  So it would really be a public service if someone out there knows something and kindly make a post here and let's take a look from an objective stand point.

Title: Re: The NXT Marketing Committee Is a Joke
Post by: tokeweed on December 17, 2015, 01:40:17 AM
Curiousity and a case of knowing what their MO is just in case it's really a scam.  That would help the community in general avoid doing the same mistake over and over.

Edit:  And wasn't Bluemeanie the guy who scammed the NXT community?  How many times have that community been scammed?

Title: Re: The NXT Marketing Committee Is a Joke
Post by: CoinHoarder on December 17, 2015, 01:58:54 AM
Evildave is one of the biggest Nxt supporters I know... it is kind of ridiculous that you are attacking him for one comment written on an internet forum. It was good advice that he gave anyways, people getting involved with cryptocurrencies should start out investing in Bitcoin until they understand the ecosystem better. It is the "safer" bet compared to all other cryptocurrencies. Nxt is awesome, but is risky asf compared to Bitcoin (and that is true about every other alternative cryptocurrency as well.)

Title: Re: The NXT Marketing Committee Is a Joke
Post by: tokeweed on December 17, 2015, 03:36:19 AM
I'm not attacking him, DE did.  Then I got some info on the way about Brian Kelly getting involved and a Lee character who allegedly had a history of scams.  This fed my curiosity and I thought it would be good to know what went on and what's going on at present.

There's no crime in talking about it.

Title: Re: The NXT Marketing Committee Is a Joke
Post by: CoinHoarder on December 17, 2015, 03:55:47 AM
I'm not attacking him, DE did.  Then I got some info on the way about Brian Kelly getting involved and a Lee character who allegedly had a history of scams.  This fed my curiosity and I thought it would be good to know what went on and what's going on at present.

There's no crime in talking about it.

I was talking to the OP, sorry to confuse

Title: Re: The NXT Marketing Committee Is a Joke
Post by: DecentralizeEconomics on December 17, 2015, 07:36:29 AM
I saw a guy here with the same name 2 years ago...  So not sure if DE is really 2K4S.

Edit:  It's probably him.  

You're right.  It's 2Kool4Skewl.

@DE: you notice the words 'for a while' in my post ?

And: do not invest in anything (except Bitcoin) for a lots of research first.

Don't want to scare you off, but crypto is still the Wild West, and there are some bad guys around. You have to protect yourself. No-one else will. 8)

'For a while' advice was to wait and do some research, not to only invest in Bitcoin.
Bitcoin is still the gateway into crypto,  and a fairly reliable short term investment. I'm giving unbiased advice there, to take some time to do research before he jumps into any alt-coin, even to NXT. People need to start somewhere, and the more people using any kind of crypto, the better.  Just means more NXT users in the long term.......... ;D

So, you jumped on me for one tiny point, and blew it up into something completely distorted, for no frigging reason.

That is a pathetic excuse.  What you're saying is the equivalent of a car salesman for Mercedes telling a prospective customer to go buy and drive a Ford for a while because Fords are great learner vehicles.  Then when the customer leaves to buy a Ford, he turns to his boss and says, "Don't worry, the more people driving cars, the better.  This just means more Mercedes drivers in the long term....... ;D"

What don't you get about the fact that YOU ARE BEING PAID TO MARKET NXT!?  The worst part about this whole ordeal is that you actually believe what you said was the right thing to say.  I shudder to think what you have been telling people at these conferences you have attended.  You have absolutely ZERO business / marketing skills and the fact that you are one of the two chief "marketers" is absolutely, completely insane.

For the rest:
Yeah, we gave the job for the site to Farla for several reasons, including, but not limited to :
He's a pro, and should give good results.
He'll take payment in NXT for 80%..... ;D
No-one else in the community stepped up to do it, and we need a better site pronto.

I think in the interest of transparency you should tell everyone just exactly how much Farl4bit is being paid for this.  Let's be honest here, you didn't even take bids.  You could have started a thread on Bitcointalk and attempted to solicit bids.  I'm sure there are a lot of people on here who would be willing to do website redesign for a fraction of what you're paying Farla Webmedia.  Imo, spending any money on this is a waste of funds.  A slightly better website isn't going to draw in any noticeable increase in users.

Lastly, on Lee: we've worked with him for a long time, as you say. He's not a scammer, imho.
I've searched long and hard far any dirt on him, and all I could find is one person (possibly trolling him) from a long time ago. If you have evidence of Lee's scamminess, let's see it. All I see from Lee is lots of useful business connections, all of whom regard Lee as a mostly trustworthy guy. He did balls up TXTCoinsNow, though.

As for the allegations against Lee: I researched his Scottish arse when he first showed up in Nxt, and couldn't find any proper naughtiness.
Someone did post a list of Lee's supposed evil-doing, but didn't have any solid evidence, apart from one very old (i think 2009) post on a telecoms forum claiming that Lee was a dodgy git, again with no proper evidence. If DE can come up with some real evidence, or even semi-real, I'm happy to listen.

The ironic bit here, btw, is that Lee was pretty much the only guy who got ripped off by whoever used the (hacked?) John M. forum account to scam BTC, year and a half ago.

What exactly was the TXT Coins Now "fiasco" if it wasn't a scam?  Seriously, I'd like to know.  People lost a lot of money over it.  You know as well as I do that the post that was on NXT Forum about Lee contained links and quotes from companies complaining about his "business" practices.  I remember he scammed one company for ~$5800.  I'm sure anyone willing to do a google search for "Lee Gibson Grant" will find evidence of his prior behavior.  Do you really think just because Lee supposedly got scammed by John M. of Cointropolis that it clears him of any suspected wrong-doing?  There is no honor among thieves.  I also wouldn't be surprised if John and Lee were working together to mislead everyone.

I think you're just trying to have a go at the Nxt community in general, as a result of your ban from
Don't get why you chose me in particular, but, hey, feel free.

I'm simply calling it like I see it.  I do think the mods over on NXT Forum are either idiots or weenies or both.  I got on you because you're suppose to be one of the two main marketers for NXT, but you're on here telling people to use the competition.  Yet, you don't see this as an issue.  Amazing.

Title: Re: The NXT Marketing Committee Is a Joke
Post by: DecentralizeEconomics on December 17, 2015, 07:43:30 AM
Evildave is one of the biggest Nxt supporters I know... it is kind of ridiculous that you are attacking him for one comment written on an internet forum. It was good advice that he gave anyways, people getting involved with cryptocurrencies should start out investing in Bitcoin until they understand the ecosystem better. It is the "safer" bet compared to all other cryptocurrencies. Nxt is awesome, but is risky asf compared to Bitcoin (and that is true about every other alternative cryptocurrency as well.)

Get out of here you bitcoin maximalist.  This thread is for REAL NXTers.

Title: Re: The NXT Marketing Committee Is a Joke
Post by: EvilDave on December 17, 2015, 10:30:59 AM
The same small group of con individuals continue taking the idiots for a ride. Maybe there's some kind of poetic justice there after all.

"Never underestimate the levels of idiocy in large groups of people".

Amazing. Simply amazing.

I wouldn't be surprised if they were.  But we need to research who these individuals really are.  So it would really be a public service if someone out there knows something and kindly make a post here.

Not really. Waste of time, not service.
Here's the indisputable reality for you:

1.-The same small group of people has gazillions of NXT that they need to keep unloading, regardless of the price -as slowly as they can, not to kill it completely-, and have been doing so for many, many months. And continue. These too, Dave and Bass are part of the group.

Nope. This bit is wrong. I don't have gazillions of NXT, never did. Would be nice, though. This is just conspiracy theory thinking/FUD with no basis in fact.

2.- These guys, the group with Dave and Bass leading, decided to give the idiots (those are people like you, who "believe") what they were asking for ("marketing and PR"). Mind you, you (the idiots) were asking for that to keep alive the fable or your own creation rather than admit you have been taken). So they organized the collection for that purpose. 10 million NXT. They were not going to give a cent of it to professionals, of course. So they kept it and assigned to themselves and such professionals, to keep on sucking from the same tit, only now in the open. And, of course, they gave the contract for the website to another of the group. Mind you the cost of the website is absurd since anyone can do it with wordpress for free. So the 10 million will quickly disappear and you will have the same things to show for it that you have now, two months since assigned: ZERO.

I'm not the leader of anything, B, other than being co-lead on Tennessee for the last 2 months. Nxt is a decentralised organisation, which means that anyone can step up and do stuff. DE is as much a leader as I am, and there are plenty of other guys who are filling distributed leadership roles.
If you'd read anything about the Tennessee project to date, you'd see that we are bringing in professionals for marketing/website construction:
taking care of webdesign, and we have a media consultant on a 3 month trial contract.
So, again, nope. 50% of the 10 million NXT is going to pay me and Bas a part time salary for the next year (206,000 NXT per person/month, $1300 right now.)
The rest is getting spent on people and tools.

3.- All of this doesn't slow down, in the least, the dumping of NXT. They did it at 9000, at 5000, at 2000 and will continue doing it -as much as there's ANY demand at ANY price-.

4.- Do you still have some reservations? let me spell it for you: Y O U  H A V E  B E E N   T A K E N.

About the  business with BK, Nautilus and that other guy... are you kidding me??? Brian Kelly comes out on TV one every blue moon and DOES run an investment fund. Have you taken a close look at who these guys, Dave and Bass are, really are? They would KILL for being mentioned with Kelly on the same sentence. No matter the price.

Taken. You have been taken.

Another great post, B.'re totally welcome to disagree with me, mate. Not a problem.
I do still feel that you are blowing this completely out of proportion,
and by doing so causing a lot more damage to Nxt than my advice to wait and research the alt-coin world before investing in anything.

We obviously have different approaches to promoting Nxt: you seem to want me to relentlessly shill at every opportunity, and I like to be a lot more honest and open.
Right now, Bitcoin is the market leader, and all other crypto-currencies (including NXT) are still highly speculative investments.
I know that Nxt is superior to BTC in a lot of ways, no argument, and I'm pretty certain that we'll be one of the dominant crypto systems over the next decade.
But: I'm not a fanatical maximalist for any side, I think that we will see a crypto market with multiple currencies for a very long time, and that there will probably never be a completely homogenous crypto currency ecosystem. Like it or not, BTC and NXT will exist alongside each other for a while yet, barring disasters for either system.

And on the Ford/Mercedes thing: I used to be a motorcycle riding instructor, and my advice was always to start out on something slow and shitty as a first bike.
Get used to the basics on something basic, then move up to serious motorcycles.  :D

Anyhow: last point coming up, 'cause this is taking time up that I could better spend on Tennessee:

Tennessee is an initiative from the Nxt Foundation, not from the Nxt community as a whole, because decentralisation.
We came up with a plan, presented it to the community, and asked for funding.
We are now implementing this plan (to the letter, check the goals list) under mine and Bas' leadership.
Naturally, we're open to input from the community, but at the end of the day, this is our project.

Nxt is a decentralised organisation, and TNSSE is just one element,
there is plenty of room for others to step up and run marketing (or whatever) initiatives if they don't like any aspect of our approach:

I'm not going to toe a party line imposed on me by anyone who thinks that we should only have one way to promote Nxt,
and I'm also not going to force people to follow my way of doing things. Follow me if you like, but if you don't want to.....not a problem  ;D
Decentralisation is not just a word, it's a principle.

Title: Re: The NXT Foundation / Tennessee Marketing Project Is a Joke
Post by: tokeweed on December 17, 2015, 11:40:44 PM
What exactly was the TXT Coins Now "fiasco" if it wasn't a scam?  Seriously, I'd like to know.  People lost a lot of money over it.  You know as well as I do that the post that was on NXT Forum about Lee contained links and quotes from companies complaining about his "business" practices.  I remember he scammed one company for ~$5800.  I'm sure anyone willing to do a google search for "Lee Gibson Grant" will find evidence of his prior behavior.  Do you really think just because Lee supposedly got scammed by John M. of Cointropolis that it clears him of any suspected wrong-doing?  There is no honor among thieves.  I also wouldn't be surprised if John and Lee were working together to mislead everyone.

Here is where the NXT community is being naive.  Didn't it occur to you guys that they could both be in on it?  Being 'hacked' and losing coins is the lamest excuse people use.

Dave, Tennessee could be a good initiative.  But being associated with an alleged scammer should ring alarm bells.

Title: Re: The NXT Marketing Committee Is a Joke
Post by: barabbas on December 18, 2015, 12:24:19 AM
The same small group of con individuals continue taking the idiots for a ride. Maybe there's some kind of poetic justice there after all.

"Never underestimate the levels of idiocy in large groups of people".

Amazing. Simply amazing.

I wouldn't be surprised if they were.  But we need to research who these individuals really are.  So it would really be a public service if someone out there knows something and kindly make a post here.

Not really. Waste of time, not service.
Here's the indisputable reality for you:

1.-The same small group of people has gazillions of NXT that they need to keep unloading, regardless of the price -as slowly as they can, not to kill it completely-, and have been doing so for many, many months. And continue. These too, Dave and Bass are part of the group.

Nope. This bit is wrong. I don't have gazillions of NXT, never did. Would be nice, though. This is just conspiracy theory thinking/FUD with no basis in fact.

2.- These guys, the group with Dave and Bass leading, decided to give the idiots (those are people like you, who "believe") what they were asking for ("marketing and PR"). Mind you, you (the idiots) were asking for that to keep alive the fable or your own creation rather than admit you have been taken). So they organized the collection for that purpose. 10 million NXT. They were not going to give a cent of it to professionals, of course. So they kept it and assigned to themselves and such professionals, to keep on sucking from the same tit, only now in the open. And, of course, they gave the contract for the website to another of the group. Mind you the cost of the website is absurd since anyone can do it with wordpress for free. So the 10 million will quickly disappear and you will have the same things to show for it that you have now, two months since assigned: ZERO.

I'm not the leader of anything, B, other than being co-lead on Tennessee for the last 2 months. Nxt is a decentralised organisation, which means that anyone can step up and do stuff. DE is as much a leader as I am, and there are plenty of other guys who are filling distributed leadership roles.
If you'd read anything about the Tennessee project to date, you'd see that we are bringing in professionals for marketing/website construction:
taking care of webdesign, and we have a media consultant on a 3 month trial contract.
So, again, nope. 50% of the 10 million NXT is going to pay me and Bas a part time salary for the next year (206,000 NXT per person/month, $1300 right now.)
The rest is getting spent on people and tools.

3.- All of this doesn't slow down, in the least, the dumping of NXT. They did it at 9000, at 5000, at 2000 and will continue doing it -as much as there's ANY demand at ANY price-.

4.- Do you still have some reservations? let me spell it for you: Y O U  H A V E  B E E N   T A K E N.

About the  business with BK, Nautilus and that other guy... are you kidding me??? Brian Kelly comes out on TV one every blue moon and DOES run an investment fund. Have you taken a close look at who these guys, Dave and Bass are, really are? They would KILL for being mentioned with Kelly on the same sentence. No matter the price.

Taken. You have been taken.

Another great post, B.

I guess people should be thankful you and Bass are taking "just" 50% of the 10 mill, rather than the whole shebangs, right? Once again: What have you or Bass ever done to qualify for such payment, such gig? Neither of you have ever done any marketing or any PR. Why are you being paid? To give gift-jobs to friend and fellow NXT accomplices such as FARLA? Or "PROFESSIONALS" -WHO REMAIN NAMELESS- such as the "consultant"? And, again, if you are bringing professionals (no results in 2 full months and counting, none) what the fuck are you two being paid 5 million NXT for?

Oh I don't know or care at this point for how many millions of NXT you have left (after all dumping them relentlessly for a year does take a bite), but you are bleeding dry the community and have been bleeding dry the community, along with Bass and the other half a dozen, since inception. Congrats to you and them for the scam. People will realize, as usual too late, how much of a scam they have subsidized. They have started already. More to come.

Oh and by the way, there's no need for "proof" in the alt world. Transparency is required is even a slice of credibility is to be achieved instead. So stop the bullshit, ok? There's no decentralization in NXT, the Foundation is as centralized as anything can be. Game's up. You and Bass are the same pathetic losers, good for nothing, you always were, whether you now have a fixed $1,300 from the idiots or not, alright? It's the long beginning of the quick to come end.

Mark this as yet another great post, yes. And if you bother to remember, the basis of these are the same that were posted here many months ago in response to your usual bullcrap. Only then NXT was being trade at 4 -7 times its current price.

The proof is in the pudding.

Title: Re: The NXT Marketing Committee Is a Joke
Post by: DecentralizeEconomics on December 18, 2015, 06:49:18 AM
We obviously have different approaches to promoting Nxt: you seem to want me to relentlessly shill at every opportunity, and I like to be a lot more honest and open.
Right now, Bitcoin is the market leader, and all other crypto-currencies (including NXT) are still highly speculative investments.
I know that Nxt is superior to BTC in a lot of ways, no argument, and I'm pretty certain that we'll be one of the dominant crypto systems over the next decade.
But: I'm not a fanatical maximalist for any side, I think that we will see a crypto market with multiple currencies for a very long time, and that there will probably never be a completely homogenous crypto currency ecosystem. Like it or not, BTC and NXT will exist alongside each other for a while yet, barring disasters for either system.

And on the Ford/Mercedes thing: I used to be a motorcycle riding instructor, and my advice was always to start out on something slow and shitty as a first bike.
Get used to the basics on something basic, then move up to serious motorcycles.  :D

Then you are in the wrong job and misled everyone who is paying your salary.  Newsflash, you are not being paid to give your opinion no matter how "honest" you believe it is.  You are being paid to market NXT as the superior crypto solution.  You took the job of a salesman not a trainer.  Your job isn't to provide people with your personal opinion.  Your job is to sell them on the benefits that NXT has over ALL OTHER CRYPTOS.  It's unfortunate that you didn't consider if your personal beliefs matched the requirements of the job.  Obviously, you only considered if the salary matched your financial need.

Now, since I am only an investor and not employed, taking a salary to market NXT, if I want to go around and tell everyone that Doggiecoin is the best crypto on the face of the earth that's my prerogative.  The only person I answer to is myself.  You on the other hand are BEING PAID and are ANSWERABLE to the NXT community.  Nobody cares about your personal opinion.  This is a job.  You are getting a salary.  Do your job!  Sadly, the NXT community was gullible enough to pay you in advance for a WHOLE YEAR.  Now everyone has to live with your conflated opinions for a whole year while you drive down the price of NXT to pay yourself.

You are a traitor to the NXT community and the original ideology of NXT.

I think in the interest of transparency you should tell everyone just exactly how much Farl4bit is being paid for this.  Let's be honest here, you didn't even take bids.  You could have started a thread on Bitcointalk and attempted to solicit bids.  I'm sure there are a lot of people on here who would be willing to do website redesign for a fraction of what you're paying Farla Webmedia.  Imo, spending any money on this is a waste of funds.  A slightly better website isn't going to draw in any noticeable increase in users.

Why don't you answer the question?  Oh wait, that's right, I'm sure it's because if you actually admitted to what you are paying him for this pointless job people would be appalled by the cronyism.

you are bleeding dry the community and have been bleeding dry the community, along with Bass and the other half a dozen, since inception. Congrats to you and them for the scam. People will realize, as usual too late, how much of a scam they have subsidized. They have started already. More to come.

There's no decentralization in NXT, the Foundation is as centralized as anything can be. Game's up.

The NXT Foundation / Tennessee Marketing Project is the worst thing that has ever happened to NXT.  Why does a decentralized currency need a Foundation or a centralized marketing campaign?  It doesn't.  Collecting money under this pretense is the biggest scam going.  Shortly after NXT was launched, NXT was infiltrated by lying, thieving, raging international communist profiteers who don't believe in any of the ideals of NXT who want you to subsidize their lifestyle with your investments to do pointless jobs that nobody really needs.  The only decentralization that remains in NXT is the decentralization that BCNext programmed into the code.  I urge the NXT community to rid themselves of these leeches by cutting off their blood supply of money.

Title: Re: The NXT Marketing Committee Is a Joke
Post by: bf4btc on December 18, 2015, 06:58:13 AM
I think it's time for the NXT community to realize that they're being had.  Or are the people at the top of their heirarchy all part of the whole scheme...  I mean how could those known characters allow this?  

I'd be careful with NXT.  I am now not ruling out that this could be one long con job.  

Also a guy from my trading group mentioned there was a 'John' character who showed up at conferences promoting NXT and ended up stealing community funds.  And not only that, he was asking for the community to give him more as payment for his work.  Which the community didn't agree to because they realized they were already swindled in the first place.

Be careful.  So sorry to see this happen to a project with a good following.

Edit:  There's a good reason they banned you DE.  The corruption could be traced all the way to the top.

I just sold all mine. reading this thread leads me to only one conclusion. NXT is dying and wont ever come back to life.

Title: Re: The NXT Marketing Committee Is a Joke
Post by: DecentralizeEconomics on December 18, 2015, 07:33:03 AM
I think it's time for the NXT community to realize that they're being had.  Or are the people at the top of their heirarchy all part of the whole scheme...  I mean how could those known characters allow this?  

I'd be careful with NXT.  I am now not ruling out that this could be one long con job.  

Also a guy from my trading group mentioned there was a 'John' character who showed up at conferences promoting NXT and ended up stealing community funds.  And not only that, he was asking for the community to give him more as payment for his work.  Which the community didn't agree to because they realized they were already swindled in the first place.

Be careful.  So sorry to see this happen to a project with a good following.

Edit:  There's a good reason they banned you DE.  The corruption could be traced all the way to the top.

I just sold all mine. reading this thread leads me to only one conclusion. NXT is dying and wont ever come back to life.

I'm sorry to see you leave NXT.  NXT is a great decentralized platform that has been sabotaged by a very small group of centralized profiteers.  It's people like you who dislike centralization that NXT needs to retain to fight these individuals.  

Ever since the outbreak of the internal infection in NXT known as the "NXT Foundation", the price of NXT has been dropping like a rock.  Before the foundation, NXT was NUMBER THREE in market capitalization.  Today with all the "advantages" of the NXT Foundation and the Tennessee marketing campaign, NXT can't even stay in the top ten even though the technology in NXT is being consistently improved upon.  Ask yourself, what is wrong with this picture?

If you assess the situation, you will conclude that the root cause of this disease is internal not external.  When NXT was initially launched it traded at ONE MILLION NXT PER BTC.  That's 100 satoshis per NXT.  Without any "help" of a foundation or centralized marketing campaign, NXT quickly, within the period of a few months, had attained the price of 10000 satoshis per NXT.  That's a HUNDRED FOLD INCREASE IN PRICE!  Only after the centralizing profiteers infiltrated the movement and centralized NXT into ONE WEBSITE, ONE FORUM, ONE THREAD, ONE MARKETING CAMPAIGN, ONE ROLE SUBSERVIENT TO BITCOIN did NXT collapse and to the levels we see today of 1400 satoshis per NXT.  Do you really think a non-physical coin with a dog mascot on it is to blame?  Do you really think the wealth redistributing Larimer Gang is to blame?  Do you really think the price of BTC is to blame?  NO!  Those of you who have willingly centralized your destiny and your investments with this "OFFICIAL FOUNDATION" are to blame!  I too am partially to blame.  I closed the biggest NXT thread to ever exist on Bitcointalk.  I made a mistake just like many other NXTers, but today, I say NO MORE!  The "official" NXT website run by them is a joke.  The "official" NXT forum run by them is a joke.  The "official" NXT foundation run by them is a joke.  The "official" NXT marketing campaign TENNESSEE is a joke.  All "official" NXT threads started by them are a joke.  IT IS ALL A JOKE.  IT IS ALL THE ANTITHESIS TO THE ORIGINAL IDEOLOGY OF NXT.  BCNEXT DIDN'T WANT THIS AND YOU DON'T WANT THIS.  PURGE THESE TRAITORS TO DECENTRALIZATION FROM NXT BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!

Title: Re: The NXT Foundation / Tennessee Marketing Project Is a Joke
Post by: EvilDave on December 18, 2015, 08:06:36 AM
NXT is still very much decentralised, DE.
I don´t know why you have to insist that your viewpoint is the only possible legitimate viewpoint, but you´re behaving exactly like....well, a Communist dictator.
The irony, eh ?

Farl4Bit is getting paid €2052 (+sales tax) to do the site, with a years maintenance/updates.
Another reason (apart from the list earlier) to give the job to his company is that we can find him the in the real world if there are any problems.
Sure, we could probably have got cheaper from a random guy on BTT, but we can't completely trust random people we find on BTT, John M proved that.

Anyway: here's an idea. Why don't you ( and/or any likeminded  'White Male Libertarian Bros') get it together and do some stuff based on your vision of Nxt ?
Up until now, I thought we were on the same page and the same side, but apparently we aren't. :o

Here's a last point...the NXT Foundation isn't a control mechanism for NXT.
It's a support/contact/do stuff system for Nxt, and Nxt needs someone to step in and do the dull as shite basic stuff, like buying SSl certs, getting code signed, updating exchanges, dealing with arguing devs....... the reason that I'm doing this is because I was one of very few people who stepped up and actually did this sort of crap for Nxt, instead of talking about doing it.

@btcsatan...mmm, that Lambo is so shiny.
Everyone should get to drive something like it at least once  8)

Title: Re: The NXT Foundation / Tennessee Marketing Project Is a Joke
Post by: DecentralizeEconomics on December 18, 2015, 09:44:59 AM
I don´t know why you have to insist that your viewpoint is the only possible legitimate viewpoint, but you´re behaving exactly like....well, a Communist dictator.
The irony, eh ?

Anyway: here's an idea. Why don't you ( and/or any likeminded  'White Male Libertarian Bros') get it together and do some stuff based on your vision of Nxt ?
Up until now, I thought we were on the same page and the same side, but apparently we aren't. :o

I don't insist that my viewpoint is the only possible legitimate viewpoint.  I want everyone to express their opinion.  It is the NXT moderators who you are in league with who delete opposing viewpoints from your forum.

I thought we were on the same side too, but obviously, I was wrong.  I cannot accept you espousing the "official" belief that NXT is the superior crypto, but new users should first use BTC.  It is either one or the other, but it cannot be both.  If NXT is subservient to BTC, then it is nothing at all.  I am loyal to the original ideology of NXT as laid out by BCNext.  It is the vision that skyrocketed NXT from the unknown to challenging Litecoin and Bitcoin.  It is the belief that giving the economy back to the people re-establishes them as sovereigns over their own destiny.  It is the original ideology of Bitcoin which was lost, but reborn in NXT.  This is the vision of NXT to which I am loyal and as long as I'm an investor in NXT, I will defend it against all enemies, both foreign and domestic.

Farl4Bit is getting paid €2052 (+sales tax) to do the site, with a years maintenance/updates.
Another reason (apart from the list earlier) to give the job to his company is that we can find him the in the real world if there are any problems.
Sure, we could probably have got cheaper from a random guy on BTT, but we can't completely trust random people we find on BTT, John M proved that.

Imo, this is way too much.  2052 Euros is the equivalent of 350,000 NXT.  I'm sure you could've paid much less for this work.  You should have solicited bids for the project, but not paid them until the job was finished.

Here's a last point...the NXT Foundation isn't a control mechanism for NXT.
It's a support/contact/do stuff system for Nxt, and Nxt needs someone to step in and do the dull as shite basic stuff, like buying SSl certs, getting code signed, updating exchanges, dealing with arguing devs....... the reason that I'm doing this is because I was one of very few people who stepped up and actually did this sort of crap for Nxt, instead of talking about doing it.

The NXT Foundation is trying to control the future of NXT.  Why does a decentralized currency need ONE CENTRALIZED WEBSITE with SSL certs?  Devs sign code; you don't.  Exchanges don't need updates.  Either the currency is good enough and has enough volume to support listing it or it doesn't.  Nobody needs to have any communication with CENTRALIZED exchanges.  Let the devs argue and split up.  It will only make NXT stronger having two separate clients run by devs who don't share similar viewpoints.  Nobody needs these bogus "services" that the NXT Foundation tells you that you need.

Title: Re: The NXT Foundation / Tennessee Marketing Project Is a Joke
Post by: tokeweed on December 18, 2015, 11:26:23 AM
you must have been under it obviously

Just in case anyone under a rock missed it:

pawdy like a rock staww

That represents lies, deceit and corruption.  I urge you to stop using this for your marketing initiative.  We all know the guy who owns that is a trust fund baby who's becoming desperate because NXT's price is falling.

Title: Re: The NXT Foundation / Tennessee Marketing Project Is a Joke
Post by: bf4btc on December 18, 2015, 11:33:01 AM
you must have been under it obviously

Just in case anyone under a rock missed it:

pawdy like a rock staww

That represents lies, deceit and corruption.  I urge you to stop using this for your marketing initiative.  We all know the guy who owns that is a trust fund baby who's becoming desperate because NXT's price is falling.

Who's lambo is that?

Title: Re: The NXT Foundation / Tennessee Marketing Project Is a Joke
Post by: tokeweed on December 18, 2015, 11:36:03 AM

@btcsatan...mmm, that Lambo is so shiny.
Everyone should get to drive something like it at least once  8)

Will everyone get the opportunity to drive something like it if they invest in NXT?

Title: Re: The NXT Foundation / Tennessee Marketing Project Is a Joke
Post by: tokeweed on December 18, 2015, 11:41:26 AM
you must have been under it obviously

Just in case anyone under a rock missed it:

pawdy like a rock staww

That represents lies, deceit and corruption.  I urge you to stop using this for your marketing initiative.  We all know the guy who owns that is a trust fund baby who's becoming desperate because NXT's price is falling.

Who's lambo is that?

A trust fund baby who just happened to be a NXT fan.  His name is Michel de Masal or something like that.  He posts here at BTT.

Title: Re: The NXT Foundation / Tennessee Marketing Project Is a Joke
Post by: bf4btc on December 18, 2015, 12:50:42 PM
you must have been under it obviously

Just in case anyone under a rock missed it:

pawdy like a rock staww

That represents lies, deceit and corruption.  I urge you to stop using this for your marketing initiative.  We all know the guy who owns that is a trust fund baby who's becoming desperate because NXT's price is falling.

Who's lambo is that?

A trust fund baby who just happened to be a NXT fan.  His name is Michel de Masal or something like that.  He posts here at BTT.

He must be gay. Only homo's buy a yellow lambo.

Title: Re: The NXT Foundation / Tennessee Marketing Project Is a Joke
Post by: tokeweed on December 18, 2015, 02:55:52 PM
What exactly was the TXT Coins Now "fiasco" if it wasn't a scam?  Seriously, I'd like to know.  People lost a lot of money over it.  You know as well as I do that the post that was on NXT Forum about Lee contained links and quotes from companies complaining about his "business" practices.  I remember he scammed one company for ~$5800.  I'm sure anyone willing to do a google search for "Lee Gibson Grant" will find evidence of his prior behavior.  Do you really think just because Lee supposedly got scammed by John M. of Cointropolis that it clears him of any suspected wrong-doing?  There is no honor among thieves.  I also wouldn't be surprised if John and Lee were working together to mislead everyone.

Here is where the NXT community is being naive.  Didn't it occur to you guys that they could both be in on it?

Title: Re: The NXT Foundation / Tennessee Marketing Project Is a Joke
Post by: Thenoticer on December 18, 2015, 03:42:51 PM

Me thinks the weed you are smoking is making you paranoid.

What have you done for nxt? Do you have ANY initiatives? If you are unhappy then sell and move on, i dare ya!
Only a fool would talk so much shit and keep the investment. And of course,, dont let the door hit you on the way out, you banned knucklehead.

Oh wait, you hear that, that's the worlds smallest violin playing my heart bleeds for you.

Title: Re: The NXT Foundation / Tennessee Marketing Project Is a Joke
Post by: Thenoticer on December 18, 2015, 03:44:27 PM
To the rest of the planet, hmmm isnt it odd that these knuckleheads are on a coordinated troll attack agaisnt nxt as soon as shuffling has been implemented?

Title: Re: The NXT Foundation / Tennessee Marketing Project Is a Joke
Post by: EvilDave on December 18, 2015, 04:46:51 PM
What exactly was the TXT Coins Now "fiasco" if it wasn't a scam?  Seriously, I'd like to know.  People lost a lot of money over it.  You know as well as I do that the post that was on NXT Forum about Lee contained links and quotes from companies complaining about his "business" practices.  I remember he scammed one company for ~$5800.  I'm sure anyone willing to do a google search for "Lee Gibson Grant" will find evidence of his prior behavior.  Do you really think just because Lee supposedly got scammed by John M. of Cointropolis that it clears him of any suspected wrong-doing?  There is no honor among thieves.  I also wouldn't be surprised if John and Lee were working together to mislead everyone.

Here is where the NXT community is being naive.  Didn't it occur to you guys that they could both be in on it?

 ;) Yeah, we're not stupid. I did consider that John and Lee could have been working together, in fact we considered every option, up to alien abduction.

It was a pretty simple bit of scamming; John and Lee were both at the 2014 PayExpo, representing Nxt. During Johns flight back to the US from London someone posted using his forum account to offer ' an incredible investment opportunity'  if people threw BTC at him right now.
Some people did, like Lee, before others got suspicious and shut it down.
When John got off his plane, he claimed that his forum account must have been hacked.....tbh, I still have no f**king idea what the truth is.
Seeing as Nxt had just hired John and Cointropolis as PR consultants, it seems suicidally dumb for John to scam like that, and take the chance on blowing his reputation completely.
But: he never offered any evidence in his defence, and faded away pretty quickly from the Nxt community after that.
If anyone ever figures out what really happened, I'd love to know.

On  Lee, here's the Google search link. I got bored at page 5......

Title: Re: The NXT Foundation / Tennessee Marketing Project Is a Joke
Post by: l8orre on December 18, 2015, 05:28:51 PM
2kool, I didn't know that Lee had been on Max Keiser!

nice2know!  ;D

Title: Re: The NXT Foundation / Tennessee Marketing Project Is a Joke
Post by: DecentralizeEconomics on December 18, 2015, 10:02:33 PM
What exactly was the TXT Coins Now "fiasco" if it wasn't a scam?  Seriously, I'd like to know.  People lost a lot of money over it.  You know as well as I do that the post that was on NXT Forum about Lee contained links and quotes from companies complaining about his "business" practices.  I remember he scammed one company for ~$5800.  I'm sure anyone willing to do a google search for "Lee Gibson Grant" will find evidence of his prior behavior.  Do you really think just because Lee supposedly got scammed by John M. of Cointropolis that it clears him of any suspected wrong-doing?  There is no honor among thieves.  I also wouldn't be surprised if John and Lee were working together to mislead everyone.

Here is where the NXT community is being naive.  Didn't it occur to you guys that they could both be in on it?

 ;) Yeah, we're not stupid. I did consider that John and Lee could have been working together, in fact we considered every option, up to alien abduction.

It was a pretty simple bit of scamming; John and Lee were both at the 2014 PayExpo, representing Nxt. During Johns flight back to the US from London someone posted using his forum account to offer ' an incredible investment opportunity'  if people threw BTC at him right now.
Some people did, like Lee, before others got suspicious and shut it down.
When John got off his plane, he claimed that his forum account must have been hacked.....tbh, I still have no f**king idea what the truth is.
Seeing as Nxt had just hired John and Cointropolis as PR consultants, it seems suicidally dumb for John to scam like that, and take the chance on blowing his reputation completely.
But: he never offered any evidence in his defence, and faded away pretty quickly from the Nxt community after that.
If anyone ever figures out what really happened, I'd love to know.

On  Lee, here's the Google search link. I got bored at page 5......

Here's a thought... Lee stole John M's password while they were both at PayExpo and used it when John wasn't available to login (on the plane home) to post his scam.  Of course, Lee would send himself enough funds to make it look legitimate to others and to entice them to also send funds.  Maybe John didn't want to be associated with a scamming, lying thief like Lee.

If the moron moderators over on NXT forum hadn't deleted the post with links to Lee's scamming past, we wouldn't all be trying to uncover it again.  What do the NXT mods have against open investigations against people who are suspected of defrauding the community?  What is going on over there?  Your continued association with Lee does not look good at all.  It looks like some or all of the NXT moderators / NXT Foundation members are working with Lee to perpetrate these scams.  Why else would they delete a post regarding Lee's questionable history and continue associating with him?  THIS IS BAD NEWS.

What have you done for nxt? Do you have ANY initiatives? If you are unhappy then sell and move on, i dare ya!
Only a fool would talk so much shit and keep the investment. And of course,, dont let the door hit you on the way out, you banned knucklehead.

Only a fool would sit back and not say anything when they suspect misconduct around a group of centralized individuals pretending to be the voice of his investment.

Title: Re: The NXT Foundation / Tennessee Marketing Project Is a Joke
Post by: l8orre on December 19, 2015, 04:50:40 AM

Only a fool would sit back and not say anything when they suspect misconduct around a group of centralized individuals pretending to be the voice of his investment.

Hey! Wait! I am the voice of your investment!

So now you should start badmouthing me too, but since this is Bitcointalk this does not really matter, and neither do your pretentions.

Title: Re: The NXT Foundation / Tennessee Marketing Project Is a Joke
Post by: DecentralizeEconomics on December 19, 2015, 05:46:02 AM

Only a fool would sit back and not say anything when they suspect misconduct around a group of centralized individuals pretending to be the voice of his investment.

Hey! Wait! I am the voice of your investment!

So now you should start badmouthing me too, but since this is Bitcointalk this does not really matter, and neither do your pretentions.

Wrong.  I am the voice of my investment.  If I don't like how others are representing it, then I'm going to say something about it.

Title: Re: The NXT Foundation / Tennessee Marketing Project Is a Joke
Post by: l8orre on December 19, 2015, 08:20:38 AM

Only a fool would sit back and not say anything when they suspect misconduct around a group of centralized individuals pretending to be the voice of his investment.

Hey! Wait! I am the voice of your investment!

So now you should start badmouthing me too, but since this is Bitcointalk this does not really matter, and neither do your pretentions.

Wrong.  I am the voice of my investment.  If I don't like how others are representing it, then I'm going to say something about it.

Throwing tantrums and hissy fits shaped as walls of words on Bitcointalk.

So now, what do you expect? Satoshi or his earthly placeholders to descend into the Lowlands and discipline your allegedly unruly employees?

If you had any answers to that question, you'd not be wasting time with your psychotic rants, but you'd simply be doing it yourself, only better.

Now that would smart them, wouldn't it? Whacking them with a superior achievement?

But you very much seem to be incapable of constructive work.

Wich frustrates you mightily, gets you all into aggressive hysterics, which then keeps getting you banned (even on Bitcointalk), and then having to come back with a new account.

rinse& repeat  :D

Title: Re: The NXT Foundation / Tennessee Marketing Project Is a Joke
Post by: tokeweed on December 19, 2015, 09:50:26 AM
you must have been under it obviously

Just in case anyone under a rock missed it:

pawdy like a rock staww

That represents lies, deceit and corruption.  I urge you to stop using this for your marketing initiative.  We all know the guy who owns that is a trust fund baby who's becoming desperate because NXT's price is falling.

Who's lambo is that?

A trust fund baby who just happened to be a NXT fan.  His name is Michel de Masal or something like that.  He posts here at BTT.

He must be gay. Only homo's buy a yellow lambo.
Come the fuck on, I have never read such jealously in a post before. If you want to discredit the man use proof, logic and speech not slurs and 4th grade school yard skills.

Sure...  I am jealous, I already admitted that in a thread where that was originally posted.  But don't make people think that that car was because of his NXT investment profit.  That's the point.  And that's the reason for the emphasis on him being a trust fund baby.  Read his background.  He inherited wealth from his grandfather and has allegedly made mostly losing investments with it.

Title: Re: The NXT Foundation / Tennessee Marketing Project Is a Joke
Post by: tokeweed on December 19, 2015, 09:55:52 AM
What exactly was the TXT Coins Now "fiasco" if it wasn't a scam?  Seriously, I'd like to know.  People lost a lot of money over it.  You know as well as I do that the post that was on NXT Forum about Lee contained links and quotes from companies complaining about his "business" practices.  I remember he scammed one company for ~$5800.  I'm sure anyone willing to do a google search for "Lee Gibson Grant" will find evidence of his prior behavior.  Do you really think just because Lee supposedly got scammed by John M. of Cointropolis that it clears him of any suspected wrong-doing?  There is no honor among thieves.  I also wouldn't be surprised if John and Lee were working together to mislead everyone.

Here is where the NXT community is being naive.  Didn't it occur to you guys that they could both be in on it?

 ;) Yeah, we're not stupid. I did consider that John and Lee could have been working together, in fact we considered every option, up to alien abduction.

It was a pretty simple bit of scamming; John and Lee were both at the 2014 PayExpo, representing Nxt. During Johns flight back to the US from London someone posted using his forum account to offer ' an incredible investment opportunity'  if people threw BTC at him right now.
Some people did, like Lee, before others got suspicious and shut it down.
When John got off his plane, he claimed that his forum account must have been hacked.....tbh, I still have no f**king idea what the truth is.
Seeing as Nxt had just hired John and Cointropolis as PR consultants, it seems suicidally dumb for John to scam like that, and take the chance on blowing his reputation completely.
But: he never offered any evidence in his defence, and faded away pretty quickly from the Nxt community after that.
If anyone ever figures out what really happened, I'd love to know.

On  Lee, here's the Google search link. I got bored at page 5......

Here's a thought... Lee stole John M's password while they were both at PayExpo and used it when John wasn't available to login (on the plane home) to post his scam.  Of course, Lee would send himself enough funds to make it look legitimate to others and to entice them to also send funds.  Maybe John didn't want to be associated with a scamming, lying thief like Lee.

If the moron moderators over on NXT forum hadn't deleted the post with links to Lee's scamming past, we wouldn't all be trying to uncover it again.  What do the NXT mods have against open investigations against people who are suspected of defrauding the community?  What is going on over there?  Your continued association with Lee does not look good at all.  It looks like some or all of the NXT moderators / NXT Foundation members are working with Lee to perpetrate these scams.  Why else would they delete a post regarding Lee's questionable history and continue associating with him?  THIS IS BAD NEWS.

What have you done for nxt? Do you have ANY initiatives? If you are unhappy then sell and move on, i dare ya!
Only a fool would talk so much shit and keep the investment. And of course,, dont let the door hit you on the way out, you banned knucklehead.

Only a fool would sit back and not say anything when they suspect misconduct around a group of centralized individuals pretending to be the voice of his investment.

People shouldn't keep sweeping this under a rug.  The corruption in NXT could all be traced all the way to the top.  What happened?

Title: Re: The NXT Foundation / Tennessee Marketing Project Is a Joke
Post by: Thenoticer on December 19, 2015, 04:13:03 PM
Here we go

two trailer park bitcointalk girls go 'round the outside, 'round the outside, 'round the outside

Please! De and Toke, save us , save us, save us.

You two are the only hope to save NXT.

Title: Re: The NXT Foundation / Tennessee Marketing Project Is a Joke
Post by: bf4btc on December 19, 2015, 04:27:10 PM
you must have been under it obviously

Just in case anyone under a rock missed it:

pawdy like a rock staww

That represents lies, deceit and corruption.  I urge you to stop using this for your marketing initiative.  We all know the guy who owns that is a trust fund baby who's becoming desperate because NXT's price is falling.

Who's lambo is that?

A trust fund baby who just happened to be a NXT fan.  His name is Michel de Masal or something like that.  He posts here at BTT.

He must be gay. Only homo's buy a yellow lambo.
Come the fuck on, I have never read such jealously in a post before. If you want to discredit the man use proof, logic and speech not slurs and 4th grade school yard skills.

The dude is a fag. Just pointing out facts. Im not jealous at all. My current 4 door would eat up and spit out that $85K Galardo any day (UNLESS OFC ITS HIDING SOME SORT OF TT MOD). Listen dude, I happen to be plugged into the local high end luxury vehicle customization firm in my local city. I see 500K dollar cars all day long. Driven in the best of them, driven some of the best of them. That shitty lambo is like a nissan sentra to me and my everyday life.

Title: Re: The NXT Foundation / Tennessee Marketing Project Is a Joke
Post by: DecentralizeEconomics on December 20, 2015, 12:00:11 AM
Wrong.  I am the voice of my investment.  If I don't like how others are representing it, then I'm going to say something about it.

Throwing tantrums and hissy fits shaped as walls of words on Bitcointalk.

So now, what do you expect? Satoshi or his earthly placeholders to descend into the Lowlands and discipline your allegedly unruly employees?

If you had any answers to that question, you'd not be wasting time with your psychotic rants, but you'd simply be doing it yourself, only better.

Now that would smart them, wouldn't it? Whacking them with a superior achievement?

But you very much seem to be incapable of constructive work.

Wich frustrates you mightily, gets you all into aggressive hysterics, which then keeps getting you banned (even on Bitcointalk), and then having to come back with a new account.

rinse& repeat  :D

I hope my posts enlighten others as to what is really going on with the NXT Foundation / Tennessee marketing campaign and convinces them that these are unneeded and even detrimental projects which centralize NXT, associate NXT with scammers, take funds from generous individuals to be spent on cronyism and are the antithesis to the ideology of NXT as set forth by BCNext.

What exactly was the TXT Coins Now "fiasco" if it wasn't a scam?  Seriously, I'd like to know.  People lost a lot of money over it.  You know as well as I do that the post that was on NXT Forum about Lee contained links and quotes from companies complaining about his "business" practices.  I remember he scammed one company for ~$5800.  I'm sure anyone willing to do a google search for "Lee Gibson Grant" will find evidence of his prior behavior.  Do you really think just because Lee supposedly got scammed by John M. of Cointropolis that it clears him of any suspected wrong-doing?  There is no honor among thieves.  I also wouldn't be surprised if John and Lee were working together to mislead everyone.

Here is where the NXT community is being naive.  Didn't it occur to you guys that they could both be in on it?

 ;) Yeah, we're not stupid. I did consider that John and Lee could have been working together, in fact we considered every option, up to alien abduction.

It was a pretty simple bit of scamming; John and Lee were both at the 2014 PayExpo, representing Nxt. During Johns flight back to the US from London someone posted using his forum account to offer ' an incredible investment opportunity'  if people threw BTC at him right now.
Some people did, like Lee, before others got suspicious and shut it down.
When John got off his plane, he claimed that his forum account must have been hacked.....tbh, I still have no f**king idea what the truth is.
Seeing as Nxt had just hired John and Cointropolis as PR consultants, it seems suicidally dumb for John to scam like that, and take the chance on blowing his reputation completely.
But: he never offered any evidence in his defence, and faded away pretty quickly from the Nxt community after that.
If anyone ever figures out what really happened, I'd love to know.

On  Lee, here's the Google search link. I got bored at page 5......

Here's a thought... Lee stole John M's password while they were both at PayExpo and used it when John wasn't available to login (on the plane home) to post his scam.  Of course, Lee would send himself enough funds to make it look legitimate to others and to entice them to also send funds.  Maybe John didn't want to be associated with a scamming, lying thief like Lee.

If the moron moderators over on NXT forum hadn't deleted the post with links to Lee's scamming past, we wouldn't all be trying to uncover it again.  What do the NXT mods have against open investigations against people who are suspected of defrauding the community?  What is going on over there?  Your continued association with Lee does not look good at all.  It looks like some or all of the NXT moderators / NXT Foundation members are working with Lee to perpetrate these scams.  Why else would they delete a post regarding Lee's questionable history and continue associating with him?  THIS IS BAD NEWS.

What have you done for nxt? Do you have ANY initiatives? If you are unhappy then sell and move on, i dare ya!
Only a fool would talk so much shit and keep the investment. And of course,, dont let the door hit you on the way out, you banned knucklehead.

Only a fool would sit back and not say anything when they suspect misconduct around a group of centralized individuals pretending to be the voice of his investment.

People shouldn't keep sweeping this under a rug.  The corruption in NXT could all be traced all the way to the top.  What happened?

The NXT Foundation and their supporters will keep sweeping this under the rug, ignoring warnings and censoring those who say anything about it until it explodes and severely damages NXT's reputation.  They of course will claim that they didn't know and are innocent victims even though they lit the fuse.  The will be able to disappear into the background and escape judgment from most individuals, but NXT will bear the full burden.  The longer they associate themselves with a known scammer the worse the outcome and the more suspicious their actions look.  One might try to argue that they are just stupid and naive, but at what point does that excuse no longer hold water?  At what point does it become impossible to believe in such naivety and instead be left with the only logical conclusion of malice?  The NXT Foundation needs to be cut out from NXT like the malignant tumor that it is.  The longer it is left to fester more damage it does to the patient.

Title: Re: The NXT Foundation / Tennessee Marketing Project Is a Joke
Post by: bit1 on December 20, 2015, 12:35:27 AM
Unlikely but not impossible that a clone some day with better marketing take the position of Nxt keeping the development, But maybe that sounds crazy now.

Title: Re: The NXT Foundation / Tennessee Marketing Project Is a Joke
Post by: DecentralizeEconomics on December 20, 2015, 06:54:22 AM
Unlikely but not impossible that a clone some day with better marketing take the position of Nxt keeping the development, But maybe that sounds crazy now.

Nobody needs any "official" marketing.  The only thing of any benefit is traditional grassroots growth.  This is true for all decentralized cryptocurrencies.

Title: Re: The NXT Foundation / Tennessee Marketing Project Is a Joke
Post by: DecentralizeEconomics on December 20, 2015, 07:17:00 AM

NXT Foundation / Tennessee Marketing Project Attempts to Join with the Chinese Communists! (
Quote from: EvilDave
Nxt Foundation did apply, but didn't get the grant this time out.
I asked for funding to help with development of a new, fully customisable client for Nxt.
Looking at the guys who did get the grant, it's obvious that Blockchain Labs don't want to underwrite internal development for any crypto-currencies, but are looking for complete projects.

Did any other Nxt-based projects apply ?

Straight from the horse's mouth.  Here is EvilDave of the Tennessee marketing project admitting that he is spending his time attempting to sell out NXT to the Chinese Communists!  Why would a "supposedly" decentralized organization want to align itself with a bunch of wealth redistributing communists.  Free NXTers don't want the Chicom party involved in NXT.  Lucky, the Chinese Communists knowing that they cannot control NXT like they can Bitsnares rejected this proposition.  Obviously, the NXT Foundation / Tennessee marketing project is attempting to destroy NXT from the inside out!  Don't let them win!

Long Live Free NXT!

Title: Re: The NXT Foundation / Tennessee Marketing Project Is a Joke
Post by: tokeweed on December 20, 2015, 08:15:05 AM
I think the scamming in the NXT community should be investigated.  From what my group gathered, besides the Lee and John alleged scams, there was a NXT project dev who had his BTER account hacked and the hacker stole millions of NXT which the dev earned from selling NXT assets (community funds).  The hacker supposedly returned some of the NXT and the rest he kept.  The fact that the dev and the community allowed this to happen, letting the hacker go and swept it under the rug, I find odd.

I don't know if we got the details right, but it would help for anyone to enlighten me and the readers of this thread.

Title: Re: The NXT Foundation / Tennessee Marketing Project Is a Joke
Post by: DecentralizeEconomics on December 20, 2015, 10:09:31 AM
I think the scamming in the NXT community should be investigated.  From what my group gathered, besides the Lee and John alleged scams, there was a NXT project dev who had his BTER account hacked and the hacker stole millions of NXT which the dev earned from selling NXT assets (community funds).  The hacker supposedly returned some of the NXT and the rest he kept.  The fact that the dev and the community allowed this to happen, letting the hacker go and swept it under the rug, I find odd.

I don't know if we got the details right, but it would help for anyone to enlighten me and the readers of this thread.

The BTER hack was one of the biggest scams going.  First of all, everyone knows that an exchange hack is 99.9999% most likely perpetrated by the exchange operator.  After BTER was "hacked", Lin (BTER's operator aka freeworm) and staff supposedly were in negotiations with the hacker "The Sir" to recover the NXT.  Now anyone with an ounce of brain matter knows that a successful hacker isn't going to negotiate with the victim.  What benefit would the hacker have from such actions?  The answer is none.  But none the less, this charade of negotiations with the hacker went on and supposedly BTER sent the hacker some BTC (less than the amount of NXT he stole) and the hacker returned all but eight million NXT.  He original stole over fifty million NXT.  Now of course. Lin was really the thief, but a lot of people on the NXT Foundation claimed that he wasn't.  What a bunch of morons.  After this, an individual known as "Dom P" decided it would be a good idea to collect money to attempt to track down the thief.  Another ridiculous money grab for nothing.  They collected the money and guess what?  They got nowhere.  I'm shocked.

Now this "Dom P" guy is another worthless scammer.  He started "Cryptocoins, the first crypto hedge fund" (  Long story short, he ended up spending everyone's money on himself and then when it was time to pay everyone back, decided that he couldn't take it anymore, cracked up and refused to talk to anyone.

Who is this NXT dev that you are referring to?

Title: Re: The NXT Foundation / Tennessee Marketing Project Is a Joke
Post by: tokeweed on December 20, 2015, 10:54:13 AM
I think we got the BTER hack mixed up with another hack.  The other hack victim was maybe not a dev but was one of the NXT committee leaders where his Mac was hacked and millions of coins were stolen.  I think they also negotiated with the hacker and some of it was returned and they never came after the hacker which we found really odd when we heard about it.

Another case where the NXT community sweeping it under the rug and then pretending everythng is ok.

Title: Re: The NXT Foundation / Tennessee Marketing Project Is a Joke
Post by: bf4btc on December 20, 2015, 11:40:52 AM
NXT is a scam, and its dead. Cant we just leave it alone now and stop bumping the 10's of nxt threads all day long.

Title: Re: The NXT Foundation / Tennessee Marketing Project Is a Joke
Post by: tokeweed on December 21, 2015, 03:15:30 AM
NXT is a scam, and its dead. Cant we just leave it alone now and stop bumping the 10's of nxt threads all day long.

I wouldn't go that far.  But if you're right, then NXT would be one long con.  Which is unlikely.

Title: Re: The NXT Foundation / Tennessee Marketing Project Is a Joke
Post by: DecentralizeEconomics on December 21, 2015, 05:09:16 AM
NXT is a scam, and its dead. Cant we just leave it alone now and stop bumping the 10's of nxt threads all day long.

NXT isn't a scam and it's not dead.  It's just been hijacked by a bunch of centralizing profiteering morons called the NXT Foundation / Tennessee marketing project.  How stupid do you have to be to support these imbeciles who claim they are "marketing" for NXT, but are really telling new, potential users to go use Bitcoin?  Wow, I can't believe the price is dropping.  What could be wrong?  Who could've guessed that would have a negative consequence on the price?  ::)

Title: Re: The NXT Foundation / Tennessee Marketing Project Is a Joke
Post by: barabbas on December 21, 2015, 05:15:46 AM
NXT is a scam, and its dead. Cant we just leave it alone now and stop bumping the 10's of nxt threads all day long.

Typical reaction of someone unable to confront the truth about having been taken for a ride and finding instead excuses to justify the "faith" still hoping to recoup some... quite pathetic, actually. The price has been going down and only down for many, many months as a result of the multimillion systematic dumping by the perpetrators. It will continue to the very and ever nearer end. That's the whole shebang. Paint it any color you want.

NXT isn't a scam and it's not dead.  It's just been hijacked by a bunch of centralizing profiteering morons called the NXT Foundation / Tennessee marketing project.  How stupid do you have to be to support these imbeciles who claim they are "marketing" for NXT, but are really telling new, potential users to go use Bitcoin?  Wow, I can't believe the price is dropping.  What could be wrong?  Who could've guessed that would have a negative consequence on the price?  ::)

Title: Re: The NXT Foundation / Tennessee Marketing Project Is a Joke
Post by: DecentralizeEconomics on December 21, 2015, 05:19:57 AM
I think we got the BTER hack mixed up with another hack.  The other hack victim was maybe not a dev but was one of the NXT committee leaders where his Mac was hacked and millions of coins were stolen.  I think they also negotiated with the hacker and some of it was returned and they never came after the hacker which we found really odd when we heard about it.

Another case where the NXT community sweeping it under the rug and then pretending everythng is ok.

Yeah, I know who you're talking about now.  There was a guy named "Klee" who held over three million NXT in community funds.  Supposedly, if you believe him, he was dumb enough to upload his NXT passphrase unencrypted to Dropbox.  Srsly.  According to him, he was "hacked" and they stole the three million in community funds and some of his own NXT.  (You know they gotta steal some of yours too to make it look legit, right.)  He ended up paying back some of the "lost" NXT from his own holdings.  But, yes, a bunch of morons over on the NXT Forum actually bought this story and anybody accusing him of wrong-doing was silenced.  I remember there was an anonymous person who started a thread with personal details on how Klee was really the perpetrator of this "theft" along with some other woman.  The NXT Forum moderators deleted this post within hours of its posting because it had "personal information".

Title: Re: The NXT Foundation / Tennessee Marketing Project Is a Joke
Post by: tokeweed on December 21, 2015, 08:10:33 AM
I think we got the BTER hack mixed up with another hack.  The other hack victim was maybe not a dev but was one of the NXT committee leaders where his Mac was hacked and millions of coins were stolen.  I think they also negotiated with the hacker and some of it was returned and they never came after the hacker which we found really odd when we heard about it.

Another case where the NXT community sweeping it under the rug and then pretending everythng is ok.

Yeah, I know who you're talking about now.  There was a guy named "Klee" who held over three million NXT in community funds.  Supposedly, if you believe him, he was dumb enough to upload his NXT passphrase unencrypted to Dropbox.  Srsly.  According to him, he was "hacked" and they stole the three million in community funds and some of his own NXT.  (You know they gotta steal some of yours too to make it look legit, right.)  He ended up paying back some of the "lost" NXT from his own holdings.  But, yes, a bunch of morons over on the NXT Forum actually bought this story and anybody accusing him of wrong-doing was silenced.  I remember there was an anonymous person who started a thread with personal details on how Klee was really the perpetrator of this "theft" along with some other woman.  The NXT Forum moderators deleted this post within hours of its posting because it had "personal information".


Title: Re: The NXT Foundation / Tennessee Marketing Project Is a Joke
Post by: ShroomsKit_Disgrace on December 21, 2015, 04:07:46 PM
Man, I hate to say this but after reading carefully the last posts here I am starting to think that DE, aka 2kool4skewl, has a point on this fucking story.

Title: Re: The NXT Foundation / Tennessee Marketing Project Is a Joke
Post by: Thenoticer on December 21, 2015, 04:24:12 PM
Remember to breath guys, don't pass out on us, we still need more entertainment over the holidays.


NXT is a scam, and its dead. Cant we just leave it alone now and stop bumping the 10's of nxt threads all day long.

NXT isn't a scam and it's not dead.  It's just been hijacked by a bunch of centralizing profiteering morons called the NXT Foundation / Tennessee marketing project.  How stupid do you have to be to support these imbeciles who claim they are "marketing" for NXT, but are really telling new, potential users to go use Bitcoin?  Wow, I can't believe the price is dropping.  What could be wrong?  Who could've guessed that would have a negative consequence on the price?  ::)

Title: Re: The NXT Foundation / Tennessee Marketing Project Is a Joke
Post by: bf4btc on December 21, 2015, 04:30:02 PM
Remember to breath guys, don't pass out on us, we still need more entertainment over the holidays.


NXT is a scam, and its dead. Cant we just leave it alone now and stop bumping the 10's of nxt threads all day long.

NXT isn't a scam and it's not dead.  It's just been hijacked by a bunch of centralizing profiteering morons called the NXT Foundation / Tennessee marketing project.  How stupid do you have to be to support these imbeciles who claim they are "marketing" for NXT, but are really telling new, potential users to go use Bitcoin?  Wow, I can't believe the price is dropping.  What could be wrong?  Who could've guessed that would have a negative consequence on the price?  ::)

That made me laugh hard. Nice meme.
Happy holidays dude.

Title: Re: The NXT Foundation / Tennessee Marketing Project Is a Joke
Post by: CryptoSporidium on December 22, 2015, 03:53:44 AM
Nxt has a large number of people volunteering for tasks for little reward. I have been reviewing the history of nxt from Sept 2013 and what i see is a grassroots community motivated by something other than mere $$. I don't see that in many other coins. original stakeholders like klee gave away lots of coins to kick things off, and so many people were enthusiastic, the mega thread is a testament to that.

Things needed to change from that time to streamline things, but i still see the original spirit and idealism today. That's why so many haters still, bitter people hate idealistic grassroots movements, it makes them feel crap, so they spend hours spreading fud rather than doing positive things like making contributions. Critics, not doers! We all know who they are.

Title: Re: The NXT Foundation / Tennessee Marketing Project Is a Joke
Post by: DecentralizeEconomics on December 22, 2015, 04:15:32 AM
Nxt has a large number of people volunteering for tasks for little reward. I have been reviewing the history of nxt from Sept 2013 and what i see is a grassroots community motivated by something other than mere $$. I don't see that in many other coins. original stakeholders like klee gave away lots of coins to kick things off, and so many people were enthusiastic, the mega thread is a testament to that.

Things needed to change from that time to streamline things, but i still see the original spirit and idealism today. That's why so many haters still, bitter people hate idealistic grassroots movements, it makes them feel crap, so they spend hours spreading fud rather than doing positive things like making contributions. Critics, not doers! We all know who they are.

do not invest in anything (except Bitcoin) for a lots of research first.

Bitcoin is still the gateway into crypto,  and a fairly reliable short term investment. I'm giving unbiased advice there

Agreed.  The NXT Foundation / Tennessee "marketers" are traitors to the original movement and need to go.  I don't know how much more of this "marketing" my wallet can handle.

Title: Re: The NXT Foundation / Tennessee Marketing Project Is a Joke
Post by: kennyP on December 22, 2015, 06:09:23 AM
Nxt has a large number of people volunteering for tasks for little reward. I have been reviewing the history of nxt from Sept 2013 and what i see is a grassroots community motivated by something other than mere $$. I don't see that in many other coins. original stakeholders like klee gave away lots of coins to kick things off, and so many people were enthusiastic, the mega thread is a testament to that.

Things needed to change from that time to streamline things, but i still see the original spirit and idealism today. That's why so many haters still, bitter people hate idealistic grassroots movements, it makes them feel crap, so they spend hours spreading fud rather than doing positive things like making contributions. Critics, not doers! We all know who they are.

do not invest in anything (except Bitcoin) for a lots of research first.

Bitcoin is still the gateway into crypto,  and a fairly reliable short term investment. I'm giving unbiased advice there

Agreed.  The NXT Foundation / Tennessee "marketers" are traitors to the original movement and need to go.  I don't know how much more of this "marketing" my wallet can handle.

Forum posts on BTT are NOT marketing!

EvilDave's response to the crypto newbie was spot on - 'buy bitcoin, read/learn as much as you can, then buy alts with potential'

EvilDave has developed a good reputation as an honest straight shooter who isn't a troll, and doesn't push an agenda with every post he makes.

EvilDave's good reputation, together with Damelon's, allowed them to raise 10M NXT from voluntary donations in a unique display of decentralised co-operative effort in the crypto space.

ALL non-trolls are impressed!!

Title: Re: The NXT Foundation / Tennessee Marketing Project Is a Joke
Post by: DecentralizeEconomics on December 22, 2015, 06:25:51 AM
Nxt has a large number of people volunteering for tasks for little reward. I have been reviewing the history of nxt from Sept 2013 and what i see is a grassroots community motivated by something other than mere $$. I don't see that in many other coins. original stakeholders like klee gave away lots of coins to kick things off, and so many people were enthusiastic, the mega thread is a testament to that.

Things needed to change from that time to streamline things, but i still see the original spirit and idealism today. That's why so many haters still, bitter people hate idealistic grassroots movements, it makes them feel crap, so they spend hours spreading fud rather than doing positive things like making contributions. Critics, not doers! We all know who they are.

do not invest in anything (except Bitcoin) for a lots of research first.

Bitcoin is still the gateway into crypto,  and a fairly reliable short term investment. I'm giving unbiased advice there

Agreed.  The NXT Foundation / Tennessee "marketers" are traitors to the original movement and need to go.  I don't know how much more of this "marketing" my wallet can handle.

Forum posts on BTT are NOT marketing!

EvilDave's response to the crypto newbie was spot on - 'buy bitcoin, read/learn as much as you can, then buy alts with potential'

Get out of here you Bitcoin maximalist.  Again, this thread is for NXT supporters ONLY!

EvilDave has developed a good reputation as an honest straight shooter who isn't a troll, and doesn't push an agenda with every post he makes.

EvilDave's good reputation, together with Damelon's, allowed them to raise 10M NXT from voluntary donations in a unique display of decentralised co-operative effort in the crypto space.

ALL non-trolls are impressed!!

He's pushing an agenda alright.  It's just not the agenda he's suppose to be pushing.

Title: Re: The NXT Foundation / Tennessee Marketing Project Is a Joke
Post by: l8orre on December 22, 2015, 07:56:22 AM

Agreed.  The NXT Foundation / Tennessee "marketers" are traitors to the original movement and need to go.  I don't know how much more of this "marketing" my wallet can handle.

 imbecilic Stalinist who thinks he's a libertarian! Keep it up, Joe, I'm sure it will help you attract lots of friends in your future undertakings  ;D

Title: Re: The NXT Foundation / Tennessee Marketing Project Is a Joke
Post by: kennyP on December 22, 2015, 09:38:52 AM

Agreed.  The NXT Foundation / Tennessee "marketers" are traitors to the original movement and need to go.  I don't know how much more of this "marketing" my wallet can handle.

 imbecilic Stalinist who thinks he's a libertarian! Keep it up, Joe, I'm sure it will help you attract lots of friends in your future undertakings  ;D

honest truth is many people in crypto are 'weird' by conventional standards - intelligent, but lots of free time spent alone on their PC, why? because they don't have much of a life outside their own head. Then there's the mentally ill people, like bluemeanie, and *probably* 2kool4skewl (aka DecentralizeEconomics) it's clear to me DE has a diagnosis of some sort, so how to 'deal' with him (and others like him) is not a simple matter. His personality in dec 2015 is very different to how he was on rippleforum & NXT community in 2013, so I suspect he's developed an illness.

mental illness is not something to 'play' with, so I suggest leaving DE alone, and not engaging with him at all.

Title: Re: The NXT Foundation / Tennessee Marketing Project Is a Joke
Post by: Hachoir on December 22, 2015, 09:48:16 AM

Agreed.  The NXT Foundation / Tennessee "marketers" are traitors to the original movement and need to go.  I don't know how much more of this "marketing" my wallet can handle.

 imbecilic Stalinist who thinks he's a libertarian! Keep it up, Joe, I'm sure it will help you attract lots of friends in your future undertakings  ;D

honest truth is many people in crypto are 'weird' by conventional standards - intelligent, but lots of free time spent alone on their PC, why? because they don't have much of a life outside their own head. Then there's the mentally ill people, like bluemeanie, and *probably* 2kool4skewl (aka DecentralizeEconomics) it's clear to me DE has a diagnosis of some sort, so how to 'deal' with him (and others like him) is not a simple matter. His personality in dec 2015 is very different to how he was on rippleforum & NXT community in 2013, so I suspect he's developed an illness.

mental illness is not something to 'play' with, so I suggest leaving DE alone, and not engaging with him at all.

So it's the same for you then. How foolish that is

Title: Re: The NXT Foundation / Tennessee Marketing Project Is a Joke
Post by: kennyP on December 22, 2015, 11:01:36 AM
So it's the same for you then. How foolish that is

I do not engage with DE by calling him names, or attempting to debate him. That's what I meant by leaving him alone. Falsehoods need to be corrected though, but you can do that without patronizing him, or insulting him, or being drawn into his games.

Title: Re: The NXT Foundation / Tennessee Marketing Project Is a Joke
Post by: DecentralizeEconomics on December 22, 2015, 06:07:52 PM
honest truth is many people in crypto are 'weird' by conventional standards - intelligent, but lots of free time spent alone on their PC, why? because they don't have much of a life outside their own head. Then there's the mentally ill people, like bluemeanie, and *probably* 2kool4skewl (aka DecentralizeEconomics) it's clear to me DE has a diagnosis of some sort, so how to 'deal' with him (and others like him) is not a simple matter. His personality in dec 2015 is very different to how he was on rippleforum & NXT community in 2013, so I suspect he's developed an illness.

mental illness is not something to 'play' with, so I suggest leaving DE alone, and not engaging with him at all.

Mmm.... Geez.... Wow, I gotta tell you... Whew... that sounds serious.  I appreciate your professional diagnosis, but don't you have more important things to worry about... like how you're going to keep people from realizing that you're brainless after the elastic in that sock cap wears out?

Title: Re: The NXT Foundation / Tennessee Marketing Project Is a Joke
Post by: DecentralizeEconomics on December 23, 2015, 09:29:34 AM
I'm sick and tired of people making it out that I'm the bad guy and I'm going to say something about it.  I've always liked NXT and I'll always like NXT.  Now, I don't have to like or agree with a centralized group of individuals to make good on that belief.  Some of you will claim that one statement doesn't justify such a display, but when it unveils that the true beliefs of someone are opposite of the required beliefs for a position that they voluntarily took, salary or not, I say that it does.  I've said it before and I'll say it again; NXT is either the NeXT Bitcoin or it is nothing at all.  BCNext didn't create NXT to be just another altcoin.  If that is its fate, then let it die.  Half-measures lead to nowhere.  You either believe in NXT or you don't.  I'm not going to sit around here and make-believe that selling out the ideology of NXT is okay with me, because it's not.  I felt that way back in 2013 and I feel that way today.  If that requires me calling out everybody involved in NXT and being marked as the bad guy, then so be it.

Title: Re: The NXT Foundation / Tennessee Marketing Project Is a Joke
Post by: barabbas on December 24, 2015, 05:56:46 AM
I'm sick and tired of people making it out that I'm the bad guy and I'm going to say something about it.  I've always liked NXT and I'll always like NXT.  Now, I don't have to like or agree with a centralized group of individuals to make good on that belief.  Some of you will claim that one statement doesn't justify such a display, but when it unveils that the true beliefs of someone are opposite of the required beliefs for a position that they voluntarily took, salary or not, I say that it does.  I've said it before and I'll say it again; NXT is either the NeXT Bitcoin or it is nothing at all.  BCNext didn't create NXT to be just another altcoin.  If that is its fate, then let it die.  Half-measures lead to nowhere.  You either believe in NXT or you don't.  I'm not going to sit around here and make-believe that selling out the ideology of NXT is okay with me, because it's not.  I felt that way back in 2013 and I feel that way today.  If that requires me calling out everybody involved in NXT and being marked as the bad guy, then so be it.

It is nothing at all... except a pretty big scam. The tech behind the platform, is interesting... but of no use whatsoever in the real world or, at least, no use than any other altcoin can easily supply, dozens of them. But, even if the platform would have ANY value at all, it would be the platform, not the coin. The only practical purpose of the coin is to be "mined" so it can hold the network healthy and that, as we all know, it's the quickest train to nowhere... including no interest/ no trading. An altcoin either has practical uses (you can buy something with it and what you can buy with it doesn't go up in price every day), or doesn't. If it doesn't, it will die. Simple as that. NXT has no practical use at all and given that it's constant dumping (depreciation) would make everything to go up in price every day, it is actually impossible that it will ever have.

Title: Re: The NXT Foundation / Tennessee Marketing Project Is a Joke
Post by: Blocktree on December 30, 2015, 06:43:03 AM
I'm sick and tired of people making it out that I'm the bad guy and I'm going to say something about it.  I've always liked NXT and I'll always like NXT.  Now, I don't have to like or agree with a centralized group of individuals to make good on that belief.  Some of you will claim that one statement doesn't justify such a display, but when it unveils that the true beliefs of someone are opposite of the required beliefs for a position that they voluntarily took, salary or not, I say that it does.  I've said it before and I'll say it again; NXT is either the NeXT Bitcoin or it is nothing at all.  BCNext didn't create NXT to be just another altcoin.  If that is its fate, then let it die.  Half-measures lead to nowhere.  You either believe in NXT or you don't.  I'm not going to sit around here and make-believe that selling out the ideology of NXT is okay with me, because it's not.  I felt that way back in 2013 and I feel that way today.  If that requires me calling out everybody involved in NXT and being marked as the bad guy, then so be it.

It is nothing at all... except a pretty big scam. The tech behind the platform, is interesting... but of no use whatsoever in the real world or, at least, no use than any other altcoin can easily supply, dozens of them. But, even if the platform would have ANY value at all, it would be the platform, not the coin. The only practical purpose of the coin is to be "mined" so it can hold the network healthy and that, as we all know, it's the quickest train to nowhere... including no interest/ no trading. An altcoin either has practical uses (you can buy something with it and what you can buy with it doesn't go up in price every day), or doesn't. If it doesn't, it will die. Simple as that. NXT has no practical use at all and given that it's constant dumping (depreciation) would make everything to go up in price every day, it is actually impossible that it will ever have.

Title: Re: The NXT Foundation / Tennessee Marketing Project Is a Joke
Post by: DecentralizeEconomics on January 15, 2016, 09:14:26 AM
Farl4Bit is getting paid €2052 (+sales tax) to do the site, with a years maintenance/updates.

I don't think Nxt will be number 2 ever....

I think we are at number 3, like Apple, Microsoft and Linux, Bitcoin, Ethereum and Nxt.  :)