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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: dank on January 08, 2013, 07:42:44 AM

Title: The explanation to everything
Post by: dank on January 08, 2013, 07:42:44 AM
We all share a similar story in life.  While we will always have our own unique life experiences as we create them to be, we all share a similar theme of love and death.  Life would not be as it is without death.  Whether it's the food we eat, the planet we destroy or the emotions we channel, we are stuck in a cycle of life and death.

Shortly after starting high school in 2008, I started to lose sight of any sort of meaning in life.  I was stuck in a cycle, I was confused.  I focused on the negative aspects of the world and had a downright negative outlook on life.  I contemplated why things happened rather than accepting what is.  I thought life was just a cruel joke and you ceased to exist upon death.  I really wasn't so bad, looking back, at the time, though.  I thought I couldn't trust anyone, and I noticed the negativity some people subconsciously bring into reality, everywhere, we all do it.

I found my first source of love through cannabis.  After meeting someone freshman year that smoked weed and seemed like a good guy, I became interested yet hesitant.  It wasn't until the next year that I decided to try it after thoroughly researching the plant and concluding most conclusive evidence pointed towards the safety of the plant.  Meditating/medicating on cannabis greatly helped me deal with problems and depression in my life.

Perhaps a year till I became interested in other drugs, bestowed at the mind enhancing power of cannabis and current state of the drug war.  One drug came to my attention: acid, LSD.  The extent it was embedded in culture interested me and my research pointed towards the physiological safety of the chemical.  I figured the psychological safety is relative to the individual, but I now see how any negatively perceived trip could benefit the overall well being of a human.  When you take acid, you dissolve (figuratively) the part of you that makes you human, your ego, your fear and doubt.  You connect to your soul, your heart, to others and to the universe.

My first two trips were alone, my thoughts taught me how the government and society functions, linking all my prior knowledge.  My next trip was spring break in 2012.  Never doing much for spring break before, I didn't know what to expect.  Five of us shared a beach house on Oak Island for five days.  We tried a few drugs, including LSD, MDMA, and a bit of alcohol and MXE.  On MDMA, I saw Spongebob clips, followed by spongebob exploding from all his body parts and then reconnecting.  I saw this clear as day, after seeing something like this with your mind, you get the idea the human mind is stronger than perceived.  We spent the days playing in the sand, creating a myrman with sand, talking about deep feelings that engulf us and enjoying life.  We spent the nights laying on the beach, watching the stars cross the sky, feeling the energy from the crashing waves and emitting our energy through a close feeling of unity and oneness, love.

My beach trip was a childhood paradise, it was perfect, it was peace.  After tripping with the girl I love, I lost my fear and was able to make the conscious choice to fall in love.  We agreed upon many things that grew us, spiritually.  We found understanding in god as the universe and love.  We found understanding in ego as our conceptual self, our source of superiority.  We found true happiness, true freedom, an experience we will have forever, all because we left our doubt behind to take a risk.

Over summer, I lived in a dope little house on 2 acres with my girl.  She was my universe, she was my babe, my sun, she's my kitty kat.  I was forever intrigued by spirituality and love.  I spent the summer exploring my consciousness, looking for answers.  It wasn't until this childhood paradise ended before I could find these answers.  My girl moved almost two hours away, for college.  She had asked me to move there earlier on in the year.  I did everything in my power to move there and I was able too be there.  I could not convince myself to sacrifice my energy and will to a destructive business for pay, so I sought my own source of income.  I made my own way, just in a loving way instead.

Doubt divided our relationship, the love I was sure to have forever was gone.  Looking back, it spiraled downward ever since I had a pretty bad trip on alcohol.  I was back at the bottom.  I knew I had no choice but to be strong.  I continued exploring my mind for answers, learning much along the way.  I eventually taught myself to feel perfectly happy without that external source of love.  I taught myself to love unconditionally, though we're still getting there.  At this point of my life, I had full faith the propper drugs would continue to guide me with love.  I could see the growth it gave me as a person, transforming from a kid to a man in under a year.

After some pretty deep revelations, I found perfect understanding of the universe, from all the other things I have learned before.  Humans are destined to die, logically.  It makes sense that you become god when you die, for your ego is eliminated and you're left with your point of consciousness, as long as you believe you will, we're all given a choice.  The universe is infinite.  When you're dead, you can do anything you believe, you have total control over your reality.

Is there a way we can achieve this state of heaven without dying?  Is there a way to break the cycle of death and live forever?  Suppose humans consciously rid negativity, greed, judgement, and death from their lives.  If we could consciously kill our egos, we could live forever, we'd find heaven without dying normally.

How could we attain world peace, what's the process?  People would have to decrease their sense of division, their ego.  People would have to respect one another's reality and not kill other beings.  This means all humans must simply stop killing eachother, in unison, and we can have peace.  It further means humans must stop killing other living beings, both plants and animals.  We will eventually stop destroying the chemicals we so long used to live, we will one day stop breathing and time will cease.  Humans will find heaven without experiencing a physical death.  I had the realization humans don't have to sleep, we fall out of reality when we lose our source of energy.  If we stop killing, stop eating, stop distorting others' realities by talking and just start observing, start believing, start feeling, we can find the same state of heaven where anything is possible.

I understand this concept far too well to doubt it.  My dreams only support my ideas, I've had dreams of being in a video game, doing 'impossible' things.  Dreams are just other realities we fall into when we lose consciousness in this reality.  I feel that if we all follow our dreams, we can converge on the same answer and manifest it into reality.

Humanity has two options when dealing with a pivaltal point in history such as this, where the entire power structure, along with the negativity it brought, that entangled the earth will be dismantled.  We can have faith that the right thing to do is to love, or we can continue doubting the inevitable future and perpetuate this destructive society to the point humans destroy theirself.  One person that dedicated his life to spreading knowledge of love was crucified on a cross.  The Roman church could not handle the fear of them losing their illusion of power.  History is repeating itself, now that you're aware about it, it's your choice, can we release the past for love now or must we wait until someone's ego can take it no longer and someone else is hurt over fear of losing control, fear of freedom.

I'm encouraging everyone to stop using money after Wednesday, January 9th.  We can make a difference if we consciously end the cycle of greed and death.  We all have the choice to believe, to participate, to change the world.  We all have the chance to begin a new age of equality and love, this is a good start.  It will happen, it's your choice when, for how long must we continue this cycle?

Wouldn't total freedom and a million person music festival be a little better than your day job anyways?

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: repentance on January 08, 2013, 08:30:06 AM
So I'm guessing you cashed out the gift cards you got for Christmas and spent the proceeds on drugs instead of paying squall, judging by the drivel you just posted.

You're not an enlightened being, you're a drug-fucked teenager.  Do something about it before it bites you in the ass.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: greyhawk on January 08, 2013, 08:50:13 AM
dank, your 15 minutes are over. Please do not cling to your long lost fame as so many other former child stars. It will turn you into a drug addict.

Oh, wait, you already are. Carry on then.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: Kluge on January 08, 2013, 10:43:44 AM
tl;dr. Post your address so we can contact the police before you kill someone.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: BadBear on January 08, 2013, 12:34:09 PM
You're such a hypocrite Dank.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: flynn on January 08, 2013, 12:39:22 PM


Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on January 08, 2013, 03:12:22 PM


That's exactly what I was going to post. And the exact wording, to boot. You stole my thunder! I remember when my thunder was first stolen. It was raining outside. The birds...

I thought I heard something. Guess it was nothing. Where was I? Oh yes, the birds. The birds were...

There it is again! Is somebody fuckin' with me?

Why am I now feeling so...

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: dank on January 08, 2013, 03:20:14 PM
So I'm guessing you cashed out the gift cards you got for Christmas and spent the proceeds on drugs instead of paying squall, judging by the drivel you just posted.

You're not an enlightened being, you're a drug-fucked teenager.  Do something about it before it bites you in the ass.
Last weekend I cleared my body of toxins for two days.  This includes drugs and food.  People fail to realize food is one of the most destructive drugs.  When you're body is free from food and drugs, you reach a state of complete awareness.

I'm stopping tripping, smoking weed, I have already found complete peace without any external chemicals to stimulate my mind, something I could not once have without a chemical to numb my ego.

Feel free to judge, at the end of day, I'm in the best shape of my life mentally and physically.  By the way, we're all addicted to drugs here, water is the only pure thing we ingest.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on January 08, 2013, 03:24:29 PM
So I'm guessing you cashed out the gift cards you got for Christmas and spent the proceeds on drugs instead of paying squall, judging by the drivel you just posted.

You're not an enlightened being, you're a drug-fucked teenager.  Do something about it before it bites you in the ass.
Last weekend I cleared my body of toxins for two days.  This includes drugs and food.  People fail to realize food is one of the most destructive drugs.  When you're body is free from food and drugs, you reach a state of complete awareness.

I'm stopping tripping, smoking weed, I have already found complete peace without any external chemicals to stimulate my mind, something I could not once have without a chemical to numb my ego.

Feel free to judge, at the end of day, I'm in the best shape of my life mentally and physically.  By the way, we're all addicted to drugs here, water is the only pure thing we ingest.

I give! Where does one get pure water?

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: KWH on January 08, 2013, 03:33:29 PM
So I'm guessing you cashed out the gift cards you got for Christmas and spent the proceeds on drugs instead of paying squall, judging by the drivel you just posted.

You're not an enlightened being, you're a drug-fucked teenager.  Do something about it before it bites you in the ass.
Last weekend I cleared my body of toxins for two days.  This includes drugs and food.  People fail to realize food is one of the most destructive drugs.  When you're body is free from food and drugs, you reach a state of complete awareness.

I'm stopping tripping, smoking weed, I have already found complete peace without any external chemicals to stimulate my mind, something I could not once have without a chemical to numb my ego.

Feel free to judge, at the end of day, I'm in the best shape of my life mentally and physically.  By the way, we're all addicted to drugs here, water is the only pure thing we ingest.

I give! Where does one get pure water?

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: KWH on January 08, 2013, 03:34:34 PM
So I'm guessing you cashed out the gift cards you got for Christmas and spent the proceeds on drugs instead of paying squall, judging by the drivel you just posted.

You're not an enlightened being, you're a drug-fucked teenager.  Do something about it before it bites you in the ass.
Last weekend I cleared my body of toxins for two days.  This includes drugs and food.  People fail to realize food is one of the most destructive drugs.  When you're body is free from food and drugs, you reach a state of complete awareness.

I'm stopping tripping, smoking weed, I have already found complete peace without any external chemicals to stimulate my mind, something I could not once have without a chemical to numb my ego.

Feel free to judge, at the end of day, I'm in the best shape of my life mentally and physically.  By the way, we're all addicted to drugs here, water is the only pure thing we ingest.

This oddly seems appropriate:

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: wtfvanity on January 08, 2013, 03:41:37 PM
Could you kindly point me to the seller you buy drugs from on silk road. I've got to get some of whatever you're on. Sounds amazing.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: dancupid on January 08, 2013, 04:03:22 PM
Auden, Musée des Beaux Arts

About suffering they were never wrong,
The Old Masters; how well, they understood
Its human position; how it takes place
While someone else is eating or opening a window or just walking dully along;
How, when the aged are reverently, passionately waiting
For the miraculous birth, there always must be
Children who did not specially want it to happen, skating
On a pond at the edge of the wood:
They never forgot
That even the dreadful martyrdom must run its course
Anyhow in a corner, some untidy spot
Where the dogs go on with their doggy life and the torturer's horse
Scratches its innocent behind on a tree.

In Breughel's Icarus, for instance: how everything turns away
Quite leisurely from the disaster; the ploughman may
Have heard the splash, the forsaken cry,
But for him it was not an important failure; the sun shone
As it had to on the white legs disappearing into the green
Water; and the expensive delicate ship that must have seen
Something amazing, a boy falling out of the sky,
had somewhere to get to and sailed calmly on.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: dank on January 08, 2013, 04:33:24 PM
Allow me to add, my life is proof that karma is real.  I gave everything I owned, except my guitar and amp, away.  I have no money, yet I continue to contribute a positive change in society.  I have no money, yet I'm happier than ever.  Perhaps you don't need material possessions to be happy, I found the less I had, the happier I felt.

I now have a warrant for my arrest, for trespassing at 10:30 at a public park, on Halloween, and for speeding like 15 over.  I wasn't able to show to court when I tried and I really don't believe I should change my life because someone wants to punish a kid for committing victimless acts.

On December 27th, my friend and I went to see a music show that a kid we had met invited us to.  Yo momma's big fat booty ban at the Lincoln theater in Raleigh.  The thing turned out to be largey a sting operation.  I noticed that night was out of the ordinary.  Sketchy people continuously approached us talking about drugs, while they clearly weren't taking any.  They were talking from memory, not from their heart.  I could feel the fear in them when they spoke.  I could feel them focusing on me the entire night.  Little did they know, all the energy spent watching and judging me would grow me as a person, I've never grown so much in one day.  While they living in fear and working, I was living in love and dancing.

Despite their brilliant effort to arrest the oh so hostile Sean Martin, I didn't bring my ID.  By the extent of this operation, the number of people involved, it was clear ego was out to kill love, which manifested by a bunch of drunk adults watching two kids enjoy their night on LSD.

After we left, we walked to this kid's appartment where I was nearly murdered.  I can't give you physical proof of these events, but the signs were all there.  These kids are acting maniacal and laughing sinically, dressed as hippies, yet emitting nothing but negative energy.  They hinted towards their knowledge of killing a known fugitive on a dozen hits of acid.  I talked about how money is inevitably worthless, with no avail to shutter out the negative energy they channeled.  It wasn't until I had a thought in the bathroom and voiced it, I told them that they have the freewill to do anything they want, but they'll have to live with their choices forever, for what you manifest into reality changes the world forever.  I could tell by their response, silence, that I had struck a chord.  I could feel the change of heart enact in these kids' minds.

This entre night, I was highly aware people were out to arrest me and apparently out to kill me if the former fails.  If I had drank alcohol and lost awareness, I can easily see how their plans would've worked.

I am simply stating the 'justice' system is fucked.  It only protects those that create the rules, not the population that the rules are enforced against.  I clearly put myself in a position where people will either love or hate me.  It makes sense, that those whom cannot let go of the past and their illusion of possession and power will have a beef with someone attempting to end that phase of humanity.

History nearly repeated itself, I was nearly crucified for monetary gain.  I wasn't because I was highly observant of my surroundings and highly connected to other human beings, qualities I would attribute to LSD use and more importantly, complete conscious awareness.

Now that I voiced the truth, you can either believe it as the truh and see the deeply flawed elements of society that would result in the Raleigh police department and some wealthy individuals targeting an 18 year old that voiced a contrasting opinion on the Internet, or we can continue to doubt dank, until something or someone undeniably changes reality.

The truth will come out with time, it always does.

Let me add, I forgive everyone involved in that night that later realized the mistakes they made by sacrificiing their will for money.  It's up to them to forgive themselves, though.

So greed is out to destroy love, evidently.  Will we allow greed to end the life of a child, only to realize our mistakes thereafter?  Or will we become observant enough, to the point we can understand my perspective and enact the change needed to better the world.  Your choice, greed or love.  Love lasts forever.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: greyhawk on January 08, 2013, 05:17:10 PM
Allow me to add, my life is proof that karma is real.  I gave everything I owned, except my guitar and amp, away.  I have no money, yet I continue to contribute a positive change in society.  

Please contribute a positive change to squall.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: dank on January 08, 2013, 05:22:21 PM
You may not see it now, but living in a state of heaven, where your consciousness controls everything you see and feel, eternally in love, is a bit greater than a temporary possession of greed.

No, I did not intend this for squall, but I have no way to earn that money with the time I have.  There's much more to life for all of us.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: greyhawk on January 08, 2013, 05:25:28 PM
So you're going to pay him back in love?

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: jwzguy on January 08, 2013, 05:30:25 PM
You may not see it now, but living in a state of heaven, where your consciousness controls everything you see and feel, eternally in love, is a bit greater than a temporary possession of greed.

No, I did not intend this for squall, but I have no way to earn that money with the time I have.  There's much more to life for all of us.
Very disappointed in you, dank.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: dank on January 08, 2013, 05:42:04 PM
I will pay everyone back with love, all those that are accepting of it.  Those that understand and believe my words will make a loving transition to the new world rather than a fearful transition to confusion.  If the world that is ends, you have the choice to allow fear direct you to death, or for love to lead you to heaven.

When you understand the universe is infinite, you understand you can explore this plane of reality in any manner you believe, as a point of consciousness, when all doubt in our mind is abandoned.  This happens at death, or when humans learn how to consciously stop killing.  The later is much more peaceful.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: Buffer Overflow on January 08, 2013, 05:56:55 PM
Another Dank troll thread.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: Buffer Overflow on January 08, 2013, 05:59:16 PM
I will pay everyone back with love, all those that are accepting of it.  Those that understand and believe my words will make a loving transition to the new world rather than a fearful transition to confusion.  If the world that is ends, you have the choice to allow fear direct you to death, or for love to lead you to heaven.

When you understand the universe is infinite, you understand you can explore this plane of reality in any manner you believe, as a point of consciousness, when all doubt in our mind is abandoned.  This happens at death, or when humans learn how to consciously stop killing.  The later is much more peaceful.

So you've written off your creditors. Scammer tag on it's way.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: dank on January 08, 2013, 06:08:14 PM
Judge me as you wish, most of the US adult population is forever indebted, until we forgive eachother for our debts and mistakes, and leave our system of greed for a system of sharing.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: fgervais on January 08, 2013, 06:23:21 PM
This week on the dank show:

Dank watches breaking bad, imagines how better and interesting his life would be with fake hippies that want to kill him.
Getting out of debt: the power of not recognising your debtor as real anymore.
"How I gave everyhing away", the story of a man child who accessed the internet through his guitar, las of his possessions.
How to make the fact that you are now a vagrant smelly hobo who can't afford to eat sound like a voluntary life style.
Getting a job to pay for shit: the great terror coming over danktown soon!

No doubt she left you princess, you sound like the most extreme case of USI hippy ever.

Lol, " I wasn't able to show to court when I tried and I really don't believe I should change my life because someone wants to punish a kid for committing victimless acts.". You really think you get to decide, consult or debate the fact you're going to jail.

Aww, someone's going to get molested...

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: Rob E on January 08, 2013, 07:16:13 PM
Dank is special. .

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: fgervais on January 08, 2013, 07:18:30 PM
Dank is special. .

Like super herpes?

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: Third Way on January 08, 2013, 07:27:29 PM
> cleared my body of toxins
> for two days

>Plans to pay Squall back with 'love'.

I wish I could help my ailing mother pay for her meds with 'love'.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: dank on January 08, 2013, 07:31:18 PM
With the power of soul, anything is possible.

- jimi hendix

Don't be so quick to blame someone trying to increase the power of your soul.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: Buffer Overflow on January 08, 2013, 07:48:21 PM
Judge me as you wish, most of the US adult population is forever indebted, until we forgive eachother for our debts and leave our system of greed for a system of sharing.

Your making excuses not to pay your debts.

You could get a job, and arrange a repayment schedule with squall. But you won't.

Your choosing not to pay. What a scammer!

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: fgervais on January 08, 2013, 07:53:12 PM
One can only wonder what the effects of this default will be on dank's karma. What's the problem princess, being  a world renowned musician not treating you right?

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: wormbog on January 08, 2013, 07:59:31 PM
Dank, to truly love your fellow man you must also respect him.

If you respect him, you must honor your debt to him.

Justifying failure to pay a debt because you now consider money to be worthless is egotistical. You believe something is true for you, so it must also be true for everyone. Meditate on this and you will see the truth of it.

If you make no effort to repay your debts you will forever remain a slave to ego. Do not take this dark path.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: Vod on January 08, 2013, 08:02:16 PM
Allow me to add, my life is proof that karma is real.

You agreed that if you had not put on a million man concert by December 21, 2012 it would be proof that Karma does not exist.

Nothing you say (too long, didn't bother to read) can change that fact.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: wormbog on January 08, 2013, 08:14:47 PM
Allow me to add, my life is proof that karma is real.

You agreed that if you had not put on a million man concert by December 21, 2012 it would be proof that Karma does not exist.

Nothing you say (too long, didn't bother to read) can change that fact.

Contrary to popular opinion, karma is only negative. It exists to teach us when we make bad choices. The failure of Dank's festival to materialize may indeed be a lesson of karma. Let's hope he learns from it.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: KWH on January 08, 2013, 08:22:10 PM
Another Dank troll thread.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: Akka on January 08, 2013, 08:31:16 PM

I will pay everyone back with love, all those that are accepting of it.  Those that understand and believe my words will make a loving transition to the new world rather than a fearful transition to confusion.  If the world that is ends, you have the choice to allow fear direct you to death, or for love to lead you to heaven.

When you understand the universe is infinite, you understand you can explore this plane of reality in any manner you believe, as a point of consciousness, when all doubt in our mind is abandoned.  This happens at death, or when humans learn how to consciously stop killing.  The later is much more peaceful.

Year, just print more love as you need it. Inflating the worth of love to nearly nothing by giving it away in the millions.

As long as People like Dank have the power over creating love, it will become more and more worthless. We need something different, something with a limited amount.

I'm thinking about a LoveCoin with a Proof of Care concept.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: dank on January 08, 2013, 08:46:51 PM
Buffer, I have no money to pay, I gave it all away to people who want it more than me.

Worm, I respect squall to the fullest, I'm not justifying my opinion that money is worthless based on my debt to squall.  I'm basing my opinion that money is worthless based on the fact that money holds no intrinsic value.  I only recently discovered the full extent to which our currency and economy is fabricated.

This is beyond money, I know the answer to eternal life, we all do, it's love.  Isn't that what society should be moving towards, not astray?

Karma will always exist because nature always exists.  Everything exists everywhere, the universe is infinite, consciousness is infinite.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: greyhawk on January 08, 2013, 08:47:29 PM

I will pay everyone back with love, all those that are accepting of it.  Those that understand and believe my words will make a loving transition to the new world rather than a fearful transition to confusion.  If the world that is ends, you have the choice to allow fear direct you to death, or for love to lead you to heaven.

When you understand the universe is infinite, you understand you can explore this plane of reality in any manner you believe, as a point of consciousness, when all doubt in our mind is abandoned.  This happens at death, or when humans learn how to consciously stop killing.  The later is much more peaceful.

Year, just print more love as you need it. Inflating the worth of love to nearly nothing by giving it away in the millions.

As long as People like Dank have the power over creating love, it will become more and more worthless. We need something different, something with a limited amount.

I'm thinking about a LoveCoin with a Proof of Care concept.

I propose Serious Hugging Action 24/7 aka SHA-247

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: Vod on January 08, 2013, 08:58:41 PM
Although I don't feel sorry for Squall (supporting a ponzi), I do believe Dank should get a scammer tag now.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: fgervais on January 08, 2013, 09:48:48 PM
Buffer, I have no money to pay, I gave it all away to people who want it more than me.

Worm, I respect squall to the fullest, I'm not justifying my opinion that money is worthless based on my debt to squall.  I'm basing my opinion that money is worthless based on the fact that money holds no intrinsic value.  I only recently discovered the full extent to which our currency and economy is fabricated.

This is beyond money, I know the answer to eternal life, we all do, it's love.  Isn't that what society should be moving towards, not astray?

Karma will always exist because nature always exists.  Everything exists everywhere, the universe is infinite, consciousness is infinite.

I have a funny feeling you're going to be passed around for smokes once you (inevitably) fuck up and get caught, arrest warrant and all. The you will see the intrinsic value of money.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: repentance on January 08, 2013, 10:04:19 PM

I have a funny feeling you're going to be passed around for smokes once you (inevitably) fuck up and get caught, arrest warrant and all. The you will see the intrinsic value of money.

He's probably already pimping his "soul-mate" for food and drugs - by his own admission he has no means of making money himself for essentials, let alone luxuries.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: fgervais on January 08, 2013, 10:12:33 PM

I have a funny feeling you're going to be passed around for smokes once you (inevitably) fuck up and get caught, arrest warrant and all. The you will see the intrinsic value of money.

He's probably already pimping his "soul-mate" for food and drugs - by his own admission he has no means of making money himself for essentials, let alone luxuries.

As long as he has "friends with Rolexes"...

I can't believe how work adverse dank is. Sad, really.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: dank on January 08, 2013, 10:29:53 PM
You follow and judge an 18 year old's life and broadcast negative fantasizations on the Internet.  You should live your own lives, I just can't see how judging children online makes you truly happy.  How could you be happy when you're constantly giving out negative energy?  You get what you put out.

Despite your bewilderingly obvious group attempt to debase the word of dank, my word stays true.  We all know what is true, we all know the government is a corrupt power based system of control, we all know the solution to ridding humanity from such a negative entity is to relinquish fear of punishment and do what we believe is right.  If we stop playing along with the system, it would cease to exist.  All we must do is act as one and humanity will be free.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: jwzguy on January 08, 2013, 10:32:03 PM
Despite your bewilderingly obvious group attempt to debase the word of dank, my word stays true.

You borrowed money from someone and promised to pay it back. Over and over again you said "look at how my history, I've always repaid my debts."
Your word is now completely worthless. Good job.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: fgervais on January 08, 2013, 10:34:13 PM
You follow and judge an 18 year old's life and broadcast negative fantasizations on the Internet.  You should live your own lives, I just can't see how judging children online makes you truly happy.  How could you be happy when you're constantly giving out negative energy?  You get what you put out.

Despite your bewilderingly obvious group attempt to debase the word of dank, my word stays true.  We all know what is true, we all know the government is a corrupt power based system of control, we all know the solution to ridding humanity from such a negative entity is to relinquish fear of punishment and do what we believe is right.  If we stop playing along with the system, it would cease to exist.  All we must do is act as one and humanity will be free.

tl;dr stop using money because I'm too stupid to use it properly, also I'm too stoned to remember I'm actually 19.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: wtfvanity on January 08, 2013, 10:42:40 PM
Could you kindly point me to the seller you buy drugs from on silk road. I've got to get some of whatever you're on. Sounds amazing.

If you've switched drugs after the OP, could you please let me know what you used before you typed it up? What you're on now doesn't sound as fun.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: dank on January 08, 2013, 10:45:53 PM
We all know what is true, we all know the government is a corrupt power based system of control, we all know the solution to ridding humanity from such a negative entity is to relinquish fear of punishment and do what we believe is right.  If we stop playing along with the system, it would cease to exist.  All we must do is act as one and humanity will be free.

"You are confusing a few matters. There is just 1 struggle and it is now, here on this planet and on a personal level....meaning you only.
There is no enemy you can attack except yourself. If you are busy attacking something else, you are wasting precious energy and you
will fail. If you succeed, there will be no struggle anymore." (
Yes, the change must come from within, we all have a past to let go of.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: fgervais on January 08, 2013, 10:49:49 PM
We all know what is true, we all know the government is a corrupt power based system of control, we all know the solution to ridding humanity from such a negative entity is to relinquish fear of punishment and do what we believe is right.  If we stop playing along with the system, it would cease to exist.  All we must do is act as one and humanity will be free.

"You are confusing a few matters. There is just 1 struggle and it is now, here on this planet and on a personal level....meaning you only.
There is no enemy you can attack except yourself. If you are busy attacking something else, you are wasting precious energy and you
will fail. If you succeed, there will be no struggle anymore." (
Yes, the change must come from within, we all have a past to let go of.

Especially if that past includes arrest warrants and debts.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: Akka on January 08, 2013, 10:51:47 PM
Well Dank seems like you Soul is now owned by Squall

Dank Soul Guarantee - Danksurance
The Dank Soul Gurantee is my karma based system of insurance.  I acknowledge and respect that karma would play a negative role on me if I were to steal anybodies deposit, thus, offering an incentive to not perform such an action.  Dank Bank, as with many other investment opportunities, is largely trust based.  I hereby give my word and my soul that I will perform as an honest trader, no exceptions.

That raises the Question, can a Soulless Being still express love?

So we couldn't kill love, but you did it yourself.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: malevolent on January 08, 2013, 10:52:28 PM
You are so full of shit, dank. Complaining how the government is corrupt and not behaving any better than them? How does promising to return money and not keeping the promise affect your karma?
I see two options here: your brain's fucked up beyond hope from dope
you fucked up and can't even admit it, hence your rationalizations

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: dank on January 08, 2013, 11:02:11 PM
The difference between the government and me is 1) I don't use violence to coerce humans, 2) I can admit when I made a mistake and correct it.

I gave everything I had away, to other people.  Quite the opposite from the function of government.

The truth is, nobody owns anyone.  If you allow fear of bankruptcy to control your life, you're sacrificing your will to others.  No one owns your soul but you, you're free to break away from the cycle at any time.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: Buffer Overflow on January 08, 2013, 11:03:24 PM
You are so full of shit, dank. Complaining how the government is corrupt and not behaving any better than them?

Quite agree. Dank judges others, but refuses to look in the mirror.

Maybe the problem of society today is the Dank kind? Imagine if everyone took his approach to work. Society would collapse.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: Buffer Overflow on January 08, 2013, 11:06:49 PM
The difference between the government and me is 1) I don't use violence to coerce humans, 2) I can admit when I made a mistake and correct it.

Referring to your mistake of failing to pay back squall. What are you doing to correct that little blunder?

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: dank on January 08, 2013, 11:10:19 PM
Perhaps the society destroying all life on earth is the problem?  Perhaps such a parasite is destined to die?  Perhaps the world needs more people that act out of love unconditionally.

What am I doing?  Showing people the true value of their money, nothing.  Showing people sharing works better.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: Third Way on January 08, 2013, 11:13:18 PM
>18 years old


Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: Buffer Overflow on January 08, 2013, 11:16:42 PM
What am I doing?  Showing people the true value of their money, nothing.  Showing people sharing works better.

The coins aren't worthless to Squall though are they. Sharing? Oh right, so you shared the coins. Don't you mean you've stolen the coins?

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: repentance on January 08, 2013, 11:19:25 PM
It's so cute how dank wants to be treated like an adult when it comes to getting something and like a child when it comes to responsibility.

I hope his soul mate gets plenty of student loans because she's going to be supporting him for the foreseeable future.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: dank on January 08, 2013, 11:29:25 PM
What am I doing?  Showing people the true value of their money, nothing.  Showing people sharing works better.

The coins aren't worthless to Squall though are they. Sharing? Oh right, so you shared the coins. Don't you mean you've stolen the coins?
If I had them, I would give them to him.  I haven't had any significant amount of BTC since I stopped selling on the road months ago.  I had faith that if I share everything I had, including eternal life, omniscient knowledge and a perfect state of happiness, that others would be willing to help me along the way.

I'm truly amazed that we're still focused on money here, after I provide a functioning model of the universe and the news that you will live forever in the near future.

I guess we know where humanity's priorities are currently set.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: fgervais on January 08, 2013, 11:33:31 PM
If I had them, I would give them to him.  I haven't had any significant amount of BTC since I stopped selling on the road.  

ITT dank admits to selling narcotics.

I had faith that if I share everything I had, including eternal life, omniscient knowledge and perfect peace, that others would be willing to help me along the way.

You possessed omniscient knowledge and eternal life?

I'm truly amazed that we're still focused on money here, after I provide a functioning model of the universe and the news that you will live forever in the near future.

I guess we know where humanity's priorities are currently set.

Actually making good on one's word? The issue here isn't money, it is that a scumbag told someone he'd do X, but he did Y instead because X was too hard.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: KWH on January 08, 2013, 11:35:49 PM
What am I doing?  Showing people the true value of their money, nothing.  Showing people sharing works better.

The coins aren't worthless to Squall though are they. Sharing? Oh right, so you shared the coins. Don't you mean you've stolen the coins?
If I had them, I would give them to him.  I haven't had any significant amount of BTC since I stopped selling on the road.  I had faith that if I share everything I had, including eternal life, omniscient knowledge and perfect peace, that others would be willing to help me along the way.

I'm truly amazed that we're still focused on money here, after I provide a functioning model of the universe and the news that you will live forever in the near future.

I guess we know where humanity's priorities are currently set.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: Mike Christ on January 08, 2013, 11:37:24 PM
Money (in a theoretical form anyhow) is just the same as sharing, though.  It's the evolution of "I'll trade you this specific thing for that specific thing," where now you don't have to trade the farmer something he wants to get food; he'll just take the cash and decide what he wants to do with it after.

It's a representation.  To free yourself of greed is one thing, but to take a man's cash to teach him money isn't the way to happiness, is the same as taking the things he would purchase later.  Philosophical "enlightenment" or not, it's still theft, no matter how you slice it.

If one could live off love alone, we would be a very different world today.  But love has no value.  It is not something to be traded.  It is not a commodity.  Actual love is to be shared, free of charge, without the intent of getting something out of it, and therefor cannot be accepted as tender for debts.  It is not only worthless, but priceless, and to put a price on love destroys what love is to begin with; further rendering it useless, which is of course impossible as zero and "0" are the same thing.

Furthermore, karma has no proof of existence.  Because "good" karma and "bad" karma are entirely subjective, it can never be one or the other, and cannot be both; in other words, it cannot be.  Just as there cannot be an absolute good entity, or absolute evil, since it is up to an opinion which is which (and can never be accepted as fact, is the point), there can be no karma.  It is nice to think, what comes around goes around, or you reap what you sow, but life never plays out this way; we only notice it when it happens to coincide with this thing we call karma.  

Tl;dr: Pay your debts, and stop pretending you're the next Jesus Christ, free from worldly desire and necessity.  Not even he could go his life without work.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: Third Way on January 08, 2013, 11:39:41 PM
Except everyone is taking Dank seriously while he distracts with smoke and mirrors that he has no intent of paying back Squall, like an honorable human being.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: repentance on January 08, 2013, 11:42:09 PM
Still waiting for an explanation of why dank didn't offer squall his gift cards or sell the gift cards on here with the proceeds going to squall.  

Isn't it funny how material shit matters when it's dank who wants it but it's unimportant and people are being greedy and unenlightened when they either won't give him what he wants (which they apparently should because it has no value) or when it's time for dank to give back what he's taken from others.

Between Christmas presents and birthday presents, dank had plenty of opportunity to make some kind of payment to squall.  He simply chose not to and is now trying to justify that on the basis of money not being important - although apparently it was important to dank at the time he borrowed it.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: KWH on January 08, 2013, 11:43:22 PM
Except everyone is taking Dank seriously while he distracts with smoke and mirrors that he has no intent of paying back Squall, like an honorable human being.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: dank on January 09, 2013, 12:07:25 AM
Snapsunny, people value money and possessions over human life.  You could transact a trade without thinking of money.  Nobody's cash is being taken, people are just learning it's useless and abandoning it.

We can in fact live off love alone.  When we die, our consciousness doesn't cease to exist, it exists without death.  If we consciously stop killing, we can free earth from doubt and negativity, we can find heaven without forcibly dying.

Nothing is good or bad, you're right, but you must live with your choices forever.  You can kill, no one is stopping you, but can you forgive yourself for doing so?  No matter how you justify your actions, eating is the destruction of self, putting anything in your body disconnects you from god, perfect awareness.

You can only lie to yourself for so long before facing the truth, and we all know the truth.  We all see the truth when we die, but we also have the choice to see the truth while we're alive.

All you must do is say you can rather than you can't, talk in positives.  Anything is possible.

We don't need to take from earth when we can create with our mind.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: fgervais on January 09, 2013, 12:11:10 AM
Snapsunny, people value money and possessions over human life.  You could transact a trade without thinking of money.  Nobody's cash is being taken, people are just learning it's useless and abandoning it.

We can in fact live off love alone.  When we die, our consciousness doesn't cease to exist, it exists without death.  If we consciously stop killing, we can free earth from doubt and negativity, we can find heaven without forcibly dying.

Nothing is good or bad, you're right, but you must live with your choices forever.  You can kill, no one is stopping you, but can you forgive yourself for doing so?  No matter how you justify your actions, eating is the destruction of self, putting anything in your body disconnects you from god, perfect awareness.

You can only lie to yourself for so long before facing the truth, and we all know the truth.  We all see the truth when we die, but we also have the choice to see the truth while we're alive.

All you must do is say you can rather than you can't, talk in positives.  Anything is possible.

We don't need to take from earth when we can create with our mind.

That you stole money from someone trying to help you out?

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: Buffer Overflow on January 09, 2013, 12:11:40 AM
I will pay everyone back with love, all those that are accepting of it.  Those that understand and believe my words will make a loving transition to the new world rather than a fearful transition to confusion.  If the world that is ends, you have the choice to allow fear direct you to death, or for love to lead you to heaven.

So if Squall did accept your 'love' as payment, how would that work?

Would you would email it over to him? Telephone? Post?
Maybe it would be like the Care Bear stare (belly magic) with all that love pumping out of their tummies?

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: Rob E on January 09, 2013, 12:12:05 AM
Dank is special.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: KWH on January 09, 2013, 12:12:33 AM
Snapsunny, people value money and possessions over human life.  You could transact a trade without thinking of money.  Nobody's cash is being taken, people are just learning it's useless and abandoning it.

We can in fact live off love alone.  When we die, our consciousness doesn't cease to exist, it exists without death.  If we consciously stop killing, we can free earth from doubt and negativity, we can find heaven without forcibly dying.

Nothing is good or bad, you're right, but you must live with your choices forever.  You can kill, no one is stopping you, but can you forgive yourself for doing so?  No matter how you justify your actions, eating is the destruction of self, putting anything in your body disconnects you from god, perfect awareness.

You can only lie to yourself for so long before facing the truth, and we all know the truth.  We all see the truth when we die, but we also have the choice to see the truth while we're alive.

All you must do is say you can rather than you can't, talk in positives.  Anything is possible.

We don't need to take from earth when we can create with our mind.

So, how did it make you feel when you finally pulled the trigger and put your scam in play?
Anything like....

Karma is coming after you

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: Buffer Overflow on January 09, 2013, 12:14:49 AM
Dank is special.

What, like as in special needs?

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: repentance on January 09, 2013, 12:18:38 AM
Dank is special.

Special enough that he's not likely to make it to 21 without spending time in an institution of some sort, whether it's a correctional facility, a psychiatric facility, or both.

It's definitely time dank got his own Encyclopedia Dramatica page.  He'll fit in well with the likes of Chris-Chan and Kevin Havens.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: dank on January 09, 2013, 02:49:10 AM
You guys really don't understand the spiritual revolution amongst us.  If you choose to doubt other humans, you can't evolve.  You must let go of this behavior and seek a judgement free mindset.  If you're doubting why things are happening the way they are, you're not seeing it as it is, you're not believing.  If you believe you're problems are in your head, stop worrying about them, you gain a lot of control over your reality.

There's no limit to the conscious mind.  I mean, come on, I saw spongebob explode and reassimilate himself.

When we lose doubt, anything is possible.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: fgervais on January 09, 2013, 02:50:33 AM
You guys really don't understand the spiritual revolution amongst us.  If you choose to doubt other humans, you can't evolve.  You must let go of this behavior and seek a judgement free mindset.  If you're doubting why things are happening the way they are, you're not seeing it as it is, you're not believing.  If you believe you're problems are in your head, stop worrying about them, you gain a lot of control over your reality.

There's no limit to the conscious mind.  I mean, come on, I saw spongebob explode and reassimilate himself.

When we lose doubt, anything is possible.

And you don't understand that you are a thief.

Also a bad troll.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: dank on January 09, 2013, 03:05:50 AM
How much debt is the US government in again?  And I'm a thief because I gave away all my possessions?

Not what I expected to get for giving homeless people food, leaving out my $200 Ibanez guitar in front of a store, electronics in front of best buy, my goalie pads at a sport complex I once competed at.

Yeah, the world would surely be horrible if everyone shared like me.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: fgervais on January 09, 2013, 03:11:11 AM
How much debt is the US government in again?  And I'm a thief because I gave away all my possessions?

Not what I expected to get for giving homeless people food, leaving out my $200 Ibanez guitar in front of a store, electronics in front of best buy, my goalie pads at a sport complex I once competed at.

Yeah, the world would surely be horrible if everyone shared like me.

No you're a thief because you willingly took someone's money and told him you wouldn't give it back. The US at least makes it payments.

Also, just because you dropped your shit all around town doesn't mean you're a good person, just one who makes bad decisions.

By your logic you could kill someone because states execute prisoners.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: BadBear on January 09, 2013, 03:20:14 AM
How much debt is the US government in again?  And I'm a thief because I gave away all my possessions?

Not what I expected to get for giving homeless people food, leaving out my $200 Ibanez guitar in front of a store, electronics in front of best buy, my goalie pads at a sport complex I once competed at.

Yeah, the world would surely be horrible if everyone shared like me.

Just because someone is more of a scumbag than you doesn't make it right, and doesn't mean you aren't still a scumbag.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: KWH on January 09, 2013, 03:21:06 AM
How much debt is the US government in again?  And I'm a thief because I gave away all my possessions?

Not what I expected to get for giving homeless people food, leaving out my $200 Ibanez guitar in front of a store, electronics in front of best buy, my goalie pads at a sport complex I once competed at.

Yeah, the world would surely be horrible if everyone shared like me.

Un. Fracking. Believable. You are unpossible.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: fgervais on January 09, 2013, 03:25:13 AM
I keep wondering how dank thought Squall (and the rest of us, for that matter) would react to his default.

He seems surprised...

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: repentance on January 09, 2013, 03:31:39 AM
I keep wondering how dank thought Squall (and the rest of us, for that matter) would react to his default.

He seems surprised...

Apparently it never occurred to dank to give away whatever he had left over after paying squall.  Squall should get the good karma for those donations because it's squall who's going without as a result of dank making them.

What an entitled little scumbag you are dank.  You always fuck up sooner rather than later so you're bound to find yourself in trouble with the law again soon - I hope no-one bails you out when it next happens.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: fgervais on January 09, 2013, 03:38:22 AM
Dank has a master plan to evade the law: never carry ID ever again. It's not like they have his prints and mugshot.


Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: KWH on January 09, 2013, 03:57:50 AM
Dank has a master plan to evade the law: never carry ID ever again. It's not like they have his prints and mugshot.


Maybe he's burned off his prints.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: dank on January 09, 2013, 04:31:20 AM
Too bad I fear no form of prosecution.  The ones forcibly imposing rules over a population are using violence to control people, not the kids being prosecuted for non-violent acts.

I crashed my friends R6 the following day after the Yo momma's big fat booty ban show, going around 60 in a 35 on a sharp turn.  I didn't lean into the turn enough and I hit the grass.  The bike was totaled, I didn't get a scratch on me.  People stopped to make sure I was okay, and I was great.  Some people negatively commented on my riding skills, while others just cared about the well being of me.  EMS and RPD eventually came.  The officer demonstrated the true duty of peace keepers.  He was very calm and understanding abou the accident, despite the fact I don't have a motorcycle license and the California license plate was printed off on paper.  I explained to him my situation and he assisted my family to help move the bike out of a ditch and into a van.  I received four citations, four victimless acts and I was on my way, despite the arrest warrant for my name.

Perhaps the system was down and he didn't know I was a fugitive.  Or perhaps he saw how I was a harmless kid putting no one in danger but myself.  Perhaps he saw that all ends of the spectrum can work as one rather than work against eachother.

I like to think the former, I like to think humans are developing a greater sense of empathy and connectedness between one another.

I don't have to evade anything if I'm not doing anything wrong.  I believe in my actions, I speak from the soul, I have nothing to worry about.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: repentance on January 09, 2013, 04:33:22 AM
Where's Dog the Bounty Hunter when you need him?

theymos, if you're not going to give dank the scammer tag can you change his avatar to the chimp face version of his mugshot Phin made?

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: KWH on January 09, 2013, 04:38:44 AM
Too bad I fear no form of prosecution.  The ones forcibly imposing rules over a population are using violence to control people, not the kids being prosecuted for non-violent acts.

I crashed my friends R6 the following day after the Yo momma's big fat booty ban show, going around 60 in a 35 on a sharp turn.  I didn't lean into the turn enough and I hit the grass.  The bike was totaled, I didn't get a scratch on me.  People stopped to make sure I was okay, and I was great.  Some people negatively commented on my riding skills, while others just cared about the well being of me.  EMS and RPD eventually came.  The officer demonstrated the true duty of peace keepers.  He was very calm and understanding abou the accident, despite the fact I don't have a motorcycle license and the California license plate was printed off on paper.  I explained to him my situation and he assisted my family to help move the bike out of a ditch and into a van.  I received four citations, four victimless acts and I was on my way, despite the arrest warrant for my name.

Perhaps the system was down and he didn't know I was a fugitive.  Or perhaps he saw how I was a harmless kid putting no one in danger but myself.  Perhaps he saw that all ends of the spectrum can work as one rather than work against eachother.

I like to think the former, I like to think humans are developing a greater sense of empathy and connectedness between one another.

I don't have to evade anything if I'm not doing anything wrong.  I believe in my actions, I speak from the soul, I have nothing to worry about.

And congrats!

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: fgervais on January 09, 2013, 04:38:55 AM
So who pays for the bike? Not sure the insurance will cover it, being ridden by an asshat without a licence.

Since it's only money, it's victimless, right?

Kinda like when you stole a thousand bucks from someone here?

I'd go on about the fact that your driving skills are obviously not up to snuff, accident and all, and that sooner or later you're going to kill someone, hopefully you, but you haven't demonstrated the ability to understand patterns or causal effect. Kinda like the time you said you couldn't default on your loans.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: fgervais on January 09, 2013, 04:41:42 AM

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: repentance on January 09, 2013, 04:44:17 AM
Quote from: scumbag
I explained to him my situation and he assisted my family to help move the bike out of a ditch and into a van.  I received four citations, four victimless acts and I was on my way, despite the arrest warrant for my name.

Nice to know that your family enable your irresponsibility and law-breaking or have you joined some weird cult and consider them your "family" these days?

Thank you theymos.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: dank on January 09, 2013, 04:50:42 AM
So who pays for the bike? Not sure the insurance will cover it, being ridden by an asshat without a licence.

Since it's only money, it's victimless, right?

Kinda like when you stole a thousand bucks from someone here?

I'd go on about the fact that your driving skills are obviously not up to snuff, accident and all, and that sooner or later you're going to kill someone, hopefully you, but you haven't demonstrated the ability to understand patterns or causal effect. Kinda like the time you said you couldn't default on your loans.
I don't know about that, I hit 164 mph the third day riding, didn't even try to go that fast.  Pretty sure wreaking in between cars at 120 takes some sort of skill, at least fearlessness.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: fgervais on January 09, 2013, 04:51:29 AM
So who pays for the bike? Not sure the insurance will cover it, being ridden by an asshat without a licence.

Since it's only money, it's victimless, right?

Kinda like when you stole a thousand bucks from someone here?

I'd go on about the fact that your driving skills are obviously not up to snuff, accident and all, and that sooner or later you're going to kill someone, hopefully you, but you haven't demonstrated the ability to understand patterns or causal effect. Kinda like the time you said you couldn't default on your loans.
I don't know about that, I hit 164 mph the third day riding, didn't even try to go that fast.  Pretty sure wreaking in between cars at 120 takes some sort of skill, at least fearlessness.


Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: jwzguy on January 09, 2013, 04:54:54 AM
So who pays for the bike? Not sure the insurance will cover it, being ridden by an asshat without a licence.

Since it's only money, it's victimless, right?

Kinda like when you stole a thousand bucks from someone here?

I'd go on about the fact that your driving skills are obviously not up to snuff, accident and all, and that sooner or later you're going to kill someone, hopefully you, but you haven't demonstrated the ability to understand patterns or causal effect. Kinda like the time you said you couldn't default on your loans.
I don't know about that, I hit 164 mph the third day riding, didn't even try to go that fast.  Pretty sure wreaking in between cars at 120 takes some sort of skill, at least fearlessness.
Nope. Just idiocy.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: repentance on January 09, 2013, 05:00:35 AM

Nope. Just idiocy.

And reckless indifference for the safety of others.

Honestly, anyone who knows dank IRL and was stupid enough to lend him their bike anyway probably deserves to have him destroy it.  Being dank's friend seems to be kind of expensive.  If he's not actually destroying your property he's getting you to sell it so he can pay his rent.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: dank on January 09, 2013, 05:01:34 AM
So who pays for the bike? Not sure the insurance will cover it, being ridden by an asshat without a licence.

Since it's only money, it's victimless, right?

Kinda like when you stole a thousand bucks from someone here?

I'd go on about the fact that your driving skills are obviously not up to snuff, accident and all, and that sooner or later you're going to kill someone, hopefully you, but you haven't demonstrated the ability to understand patterns or causal effect. Kinda like the time you said you couldn't default on your loans.
I don't know about that, I hit 164 mph the third day riding, didn't even try to go that fast.  Pretty sure wreaking in between cars at 120 takes some sort of skill, at least fearlessness.
Wreaking = weaving, spell check.

Nothing idiotic about that.  You can't experience life if you're living in fear.  If you believe in yourself, you can do anything.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: KWH on January 09, 2013, 05:05:07 AM
So who pays for the bike? Not sure the insurance will cover it, being ridden by an asshat without a licence.

Since it's only money, it's victimless, right?

Kinda like when you stole a thousand bucks from someone here?

I'd go on about the fact that your driving skills are obviously not up to snuff, accident and all, and that sooner or later you're going to kill someone, hopefully you, but you haven't demonstrated the ability to understand patterns or causal effect. Kinda like the time you said you couldn't default on your loans.
I don't know about that, I hit 164 mph the third day riding, didn't even try to go that fast.  Pretty sure wreaking in between cars at 120 takes some sort of skill, at least fearlessness.
Wreaking = weaving, spell check.

Nothing idiotic about that.  You can't experience life if you're living in fear.  If you believe in yourself, you can do anything.

Do everyone a favor and commit yourself now, before you kill someone.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: dank on January 09, 2013, 05:12:00 AM
It's funny that people could get upset at a kid for having fun, hurting no one, while blissfully ignoring the part where a group of kids were bribed to assassinate me after the Raleigh police department failed to arrest me.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: jwzguy on January 09, 2013, 05:13:23 AM
Clearly, "anything" includes ripping off people who believed in you.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: dank on January 09, 2013, 05:16:34 AM
Clearly, "anything" includes ripping off people who believed in you.
Not by choice.  All I was doing was being a positive, loving, sharing human being.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: DeathAndTaxes on January 09, 2013, 05:17:17 AM
If you believe in yourself, you can do anything.

Anything except pay your debts, keep your word, show some personal responsibility, hold down a job, maintain a relationship, or follow through on your "goals" (term used loosely).

Yes anything other than that.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: jwzguy on January 09, 2013, 05:17:35 AM
It's funny that people could get upset at a kid for having fun, hurting no one, while blissfully ignoring the part where a group of kids were bribed to assassinate me after the Raleigh police department failed to arrest me.
Weaving in and out of traffic at high speeds endangers the lives of other people on the road. So. Are you proving that you've been trolling all along here? Or are you truly this much of a psychopath?

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: fgervais on January 09, 2013, 05:17:47 AM
It's funny that people could get upset at a kid for having fun, hurting no one, while blissfully ignoring the part where a group of kids were bribed to assassinate me after the Raleigh police department failed to arrest me.


Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: John (John K.) on January 09, 2013, 05:20:01 AM
He's starting to show signs of needing the mental hospital. I feel sorry for squall who've lent to a nutcase.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: dank on January 09, 2013, 05:21:56 AM
It's funny that people could get upset at a kid for having fun, hurting no one, while blissfully ignoring the part where a group of kids were bribed to assassinate me after the Raleigh police department failed to arrest me.
Weaving in and out of traffic at high speeds endangers the lives of other people on the road. So. Are you proving that you've been trolling all along here? Or are you truly this much of a psychopath?
It does not endanger anyone if I believe I have control over my fate.  It's not mine nor their destiny to die in a motorcycle crash.

Death naturally concludes life, there's no point in not squeezing as much out of life as you can.  If you can't do what you imagine, what is imagination to you?

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: fgervais on January 09, 2013, 05:23:06 AM
Just like you couldn't default.

Pattern recognition. Get some.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: repentance on January 09, 2013, 05:25:51 AM
Just like you couldn't default.

Pattern recognition. Get some.

I wonder whether he told his friend it was in his destiny to crash the bike when he asked to borrow it...

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: fgervais on January 09, 2013, 05:27:48 AM
Just like you couldn't default.

Pattern recognition. Get some.

I wonder whether he told his friend it was in his destiny to crash the bike when he asked to borrow it...

Victimless crime!

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: dank on January 09, 2013, 05:30:02 AM
Just like you couldn't default.

Pattern recognition. Get some.

I wonder whether he told his friend it was in his destiny to crash the bike when he asked to borrow it...
No, but he forgave me immediately.  It couldn't happen any better.  He understands we will a) have new bikes soon b) will live forever.  Crashing the bike really wasn't negative.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: John (John K.) on January 09, 2013, 05:30:18 AM
Just like you couldn't default.

Pattern recognition. Get some.

I wonder whether he told his friend it was in his destiny to crash the bike when he asked to borrow it...

Victimless crime!
I expect dank to retaliate with 'He's going to heaven - a better place from this crummy earth we're on' if he did actually crash and kill someone.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: repentance on January 09, 2013, 05:32:59 AM
He's just getting off on posting about how "edgy" he is now.  Hopefully the cops, the mental health system or his "assassins" will catch up with him soon.  You can't go through life shitting on people the way dank does and expect to avoid negative consequences, no matter how "cool" you think you are.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: dank on January 09, 2013, 05:40:19 AM
Was I shitting on the homeless when I gave them free food?  Am I shitting on the world by telling them you're god and you can do anything you believe?

Weird perception lapse we have.  Normally I would correlate shitting on someone with a consciously aware effort to instill fear in another human.  For example, coercing humans for taxes, going to war with another group of humans.  Killing other life is what I would call shitting on someone, I seem to be calling for an end of death.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: KWH on January 09, 2013, 05:42:55 AM
Was I shitting on the homeless when I gave them free food?  Am I shitting on the world by telling them you're god and you can do anything you believe?

Weird perception lapse we have.  Normally I would correlate shitting on someone with a consciously aware effort to instill fear in another human.  For example, coercing humans for taxes, going to war with another group of humans.  Killing other life is what I would call shitting on someone, I seem to be calling for an end of death.

How are we to know? After all you are a

I fully expect lying to go along with it and clearly you are not well mentally.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: John (John K.) on January 09, 2013, 05:52:57 AM
Was I shitting on the homeless when I gave them free food?  Am I shitting on the world by telling them you're god and you can do anything you believe?

Weird perception lapse we have.  Normally I would correlate shitting on someone with a consciously aware effort to instill fear in another human.  For example, coercing humans for taxes, going to war with another group of humans.  Killing other life is what I would call shitting on someone, I seem to be calling for an end of death.
You're shitting on poor squall who fully trusted you to repay him back. Imagine the pains someone might experience when you simply took his cash.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: dank on January 09, 2013, 05:57:54 AM
Was I shitting on the homeless when I gave them free food?  Am I shitting on the world by telling them you're god and you can do anything you believe?

Weird perception lapse we have.  Normally I would correlate shitting on someone with a consciously aware effort to instill fear in another human.  For example, coercing humans for taxes, going to war with another group of humans.  Killing other life is what I would call shitting on someone, I seem to be calling for an end of death.
You're shitting on poor squall who fully trusted you to repay him back. Imagine the pains someone might experience when you simply took his cash.
Not intentionally.  I owe squall all I have, when the US economy collapses, I'll give squall all the BTC I have.

All I can say is that all will be corrected shortly.  All parties will be satisfied.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: repentance on January 09, 2013, 05:58:16 AM

You're shitting on poor squall who fully trusted you to repay him back. Imagine the pains someone might experience when you simply took his cash.

dank thinks he's Robin Hood, apparently - deciding who is worthy of money and material possessions and who is not.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: fgervais on January 09, 2013, 06:02:20 AM
Was I shitting on the homeless when I gave them free food?  Am I shitting on the world by telling them you're god and you can do anything you believe?

Weird perception lapse we have.  Normally I would correlate shitting on someone with a consciously aware effort to instill fear in another human.  For example, coercing humans for taxes, going to war with another group of humans.  Killing other life is what I would call shitting on someone, I seem to be calling for an end of death.
You're shitting on poor squall who fully trusted you to repay him back. Imagine the pains someone might experience when you simply took his cash.
Not intentionally.  I owe squall all I have, when the US economy collapses, I'll give squall all the BTC I have.

All I can say is that all will be corrected shortly.  All parties will be satisfied.

All parties will be satisfied because you actually get off your ass and give him your BTC/get some money, or all parties will be satisfied because you had a vision of the impending doom of the world thus money will not exist?

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: John (John K.) on January 09, 2013, 06:05:40 AM
Was I shitting on the homeless when I gave them free food?  Am I shitting on the world by telling them you're god and you can do anything you believe?

Weird perception lapse we have.  Normally I would correlate shitting on someone with a consciously aware effort to instill fear in another human.  For example, coercing humans for taxes, going to war with another group of humans.  Killing other life is what I would call shitting on someone, I seem to be calling for an end of death.
You're shitting on poor squall who fully trusted you to repay him back. Imagine the pains someone might experience when you simply took his cash.
Not intentionally.  I owe squall all I have, when the US economy collapses, I'll give squall all the BTC I have.

All I can say is that all will be corrected shortly.  All parties will be satisfied.
You'll need something more definite and faster then that. Like getting off your arse now to work and pay him back.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: fgervais on January 09, 2013, 06:07:01 AM
Working is against dank's religious beliefs or something.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: dank on January 09, 2013, 06:12:40 AM
Was I shitting on the homeless when I gave them free food?  Am I shitting on the world by telling them you're god and you can do anything you believe?

Weird perception lapse we have.  Normally I would correlate shitting on someone with a consciously aware effort to instill fear in another human.  For example, coercing humans for taxes, going to war with another group of humans.  Killing other life is what I would call shitting on someone, I seem to be calling for an end of death.
You're shitting on poor squall who fully trusted you to repay him back. Imagine the pains someone might experience when you simply took his cash.
Not intentionally.  I owe squall all I have, when the US economy collapses, I'll give squall all the BTC I have.

All I can say is that all will be corrected shortly.  All parties will be satisfied.
You'll need something more definite and faster then that. Like getting off your arse now to work and pay him back.
With what?  What am I to do?  Rob someone of their wealth?  I will continue the only thing I can do, living a non destructive lifestyle of love and music.

As I said before, the end of time is near, earth will soon blossom an entirely new existence, where love gives you power rather than money.

I refuse to sacrifice my will to the highest bidder if I know what I'm being paid to do is destructive.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: repentance on January 09, 2013, 06:15:16 AM
Working is against dank's religious beliefs or something.

He didn't have to work to pay back squall.  I'm sure the possessions he gave away plus the gift cards he received would have covered a substantial part of the debt.  He intentionally chose to fuck squall over so that he could feed his ego by playing Lord Bountiful.

I wonder how he shat on the people who wanted to "assassinate" him.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: fgervais on January 09, 2013, 06:19:27 AM
Was I shitting on the homeless when I gave them free food?  Am I shitting on the world by telling them you're god and you can do anything you believe?

Weird perception lapse we have.  Normally I would correlate shitting on someone with a consciously aware effort to instill fear in another human.  For example, coercing humans for taxes, going to war with another group of humans.  Killing other life is what I would call shitting on someone, I seem to be calling for an end of death.
You're shitting on poor squall who fully trusted you to repay him back. Imagine the pains someone might experience when you simply took his cash.
Not intentionally.  I owe squall all I have, when the US economy collapses, I'll give squall all the BTC I have.

All I can say is that all will be corrected shortly.  All parties will be satisfied.
You'll need something more definite and faster then that. Like getting off your arse now to work and pay him back.
With what?  What am I to do?  Rob someone of their wealth?  I will continue the only thing I can do, living a non destructive lifestyle of love and music.

As I said before, the end of time is near, earth will soon blossom an entirely new existence, where love gives you power rather than money.

I refuse to sacrifice my will to the highest bidder if I know what I'm being paid to do is destructive.

What, like you just did?

Fuck, there is a long, long list of non-profits that actually pay you to do stuff that cannot in any way be construed as bad. Thing is, you have to work, and work requires an actual effort.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: repentance on January 09, 2013, 06:22:51 AM
A scammer tag's not enough for this fucker.  Can we ban him for trolling?  If "lalalala, I'm not going to pay you even though I probably could" isn't trolling, then I don't know what is.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on January 09, 2013, 06:24:13 AM
Scene at the Pearly Gates:

Saint Peter: Next!
Dank: I guess that's me, dude.
SP: Name?
Dank: Dank.
SP: Dank. Dank. Dank. Ahh! Here it is. You gotta be fuckin' kiddin' me!
Dank: Let me see that! Ahh! Wrong pic. That fuckin' Phinn put that one up. Consider the one titled Mugshot.
SP: Actually, that's the one I was... Nevermind! Hey, Jehovah! Dank's here.
Jehovah: Finally! Let 'em in. Perhaps now we'll have some sanity in this place. Now, let me see. Yep! That makes 144,000. Lock the gates, Pete!

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: dank on January 09, 2013, 06:42:41 AM
You can't focus on your reality if you're judging the realities of others.  The fact that this thread received
120 replies and 900 views within 24 hours of posting says wonders.  People are smart enough to think for themselves and see the love through the hate.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on January 09, 2013, 06:46:26 AM
You can't focus on your reality if you're judging the realities of others.  The fact that this thread received
120 replies and 900 views within 24 hours of posting says wonders.  People are smart enough to think for themselves and see the love through the hate.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: BadBear on January 09, 2013, 07:04:23 AM
Was I shitting on the homeless when I gave them free food?  Am I shitting on the world by telling them you're god and you can do anything you believe?

Weird perception lapse we have.  Normally I would correlate shitting on someone with a consciously aware effort to instill fear in another human.  For example, coercing humans for taxes, going to war with another group of humans.  Killing other life is what I would call shitting on someone, I seem to be calling for an end of death.
You're shitting on poor squall who fully trusted you to repay him back. Imagine the pains someone might experience when you simply took his cash.
Not intentionally.  I owe squall all I have, when the US economy collapses, I'll give squall all the BTC I have.

All I can say is that all will be corrected shortly.  All parties will be satisfied.
You'll need something more definite and faster then that. Like getting off your arse now to work and pay him back.
With what?  What am I to do?  Rob someone of their wealth?  I will continue the only thing I can do, living a non destructive lifestyle of love and music.

As I said before, the end of time is near, earth will soon blossom an entirely new existence, where love gives you power rather than money.

I refuse to sacrifice my will to the highest bidder if I know what I'm being paid to do is destructive.

You already robbed someone, and how is stealing 700 dollars from someone who trusted you, living a nondestructive lifestyle? You're a piece of shit, and I hope you get what's coming to you.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: fgervais on January 09, 2013, 07:09:50 AM
You can't focus on your reality if you're judging the realities of others.  The fact that this thread received
120 replies and 900 views within 24 hours of posting says wonders.  People are smart enough to think for themselves and see the love through the hate.

What, that there have been absolutely no one voicing support for you?

Or is it more of an argument where you're clinging to the illusion that the 800ish page views that didn't reply to this train wreck are the silent majority that somehow support your narcissism?

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: fgervais on January 09, 2013, 07:30:19 AM
A one hundred dollar gift card to Lowes? I'm dubious that it it even happened but if it did I would love to know the misguided logic of giving a unemployed man child a Lowes gift card.

A subtle hint from a disapproving father?

He could probably build his own meth lab/grow op with stuff from Lowes.

Someone else probably could. The only thing Dank's likely to be able to do with $100 of poo poo from Lowes is flood a bathroom.

Shine on you crazy goonies, shine on.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: repentance on January 09, 2013, 07:33:23 AM

Or is it more of an argument where you're clinging to the illusion that the 800ish page views that didn't reply to this train wreck are the silent majority that somehow support your narcissism?

dank doesn't care if it's negative attention, as long as it's attention.  I hope he gets a lot of attention from his real life creditors very soon because I don't believe for one moment that he's paid everyone he owes in the real world.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: fgervais on January 09, 2013, 07:50:52 AM
Paid everyone? More like paid anyone.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: repentance on January 09, 2013, 08:09:29 AM
I like Phinn's version of dank's mugshot so much that I'm going to repost it just because I can.  Such creative genius should be shared with the world.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: fgervais on January 09, 2013, 08:34:59 AM
Happiness is all about love, freedom and throwing shit at unsuspecting people it seems...

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: dank on January 09, 2013, 08:51:31 AM
What amazes me is that you all seem to follow me online, 24/7, adding negativity with every post, for months now.  Your lives seemingly revolve around me, they should revolve around you.

I'm not the troll here.  I'm not a thief here.  I unwillingly could not pay squall, just like someone who tried to pay their debts but could not.

I was banking on the inevitable USD collapse which is still destined to occur.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: fgervais on January 09, 2013, 08:58:41 AM
What amazes me is that you all seem to follow me online, 24/7, adding negativity with every post, for months now.  Your lives seemingly revolve around me, they should revolve around you.

I'm not the troll here.  I'm not a thief here.  I unwillingly could not pay squall, just like someone who tried to pay their debts but could not.

I was banking on the inevitable USD collapse which is still destined to occur.

Oh. Wow.

Also, sorry to burst your bubble princess, I simply get an email on every one of your new posts. Don't worry your little head, I don't hang out F5'ing day in day out.

Dank, captain of industry, taking loans and hoping really hard the apocalypse takes place so he won't have to pay them.

Not a thief, wow.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: Buffer Overflow on January 09, 2013, 09:02:25 AM
I was banking on the inevitable USD collapse which is still destined to occur.

But you owe bitcoins, not USD. So that makes no sense. More excuses.
I suggest you arrange a repayment schedule in BTC with Squall. You'll get the BTC, you'll find a way. But only if you truly want to pay him back.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: dank on January 09, 2013, 09:06:05 AM
How could you call the end of a greed based society apocolyptic?  It's a rebirth to freedom, if anything.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: fgervais on January 09, 2013, 09:08:54 AM
Well, you're a special kind of stupid tonight, aren't you...

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: repentance on January 09, 2013, 09:28:38 AM
I'm not a thief here.

Yes.  You.  Are.

You gave away possessions you could have sold to repay squall.  Don't try to pull that "unwillingly" shit around here.  You have nothing in common with someone who tries to pay their debts but cannot - you intentionally made yourself unable to pay them.

Most likely you weren't so much counting on the economy collapsing to get you out of paying squall so much as expecting to be arrested and incarcerated before your repayment fell due.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: greyhawk on January 09, 2013, 09:30:37 AM
Gotta hand it to dank. His new attention whoring shtick is working out pretty well so far.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: fgervais on January 09, 2013, 09:33:53 AM
I really hope this season will focus on the ninja assassins the police departement sent after dank after his masterful escape from his arrest. As long as it's better than last season's concert story arc I should keep watching, but I'll be honest, the dank show isn't was it used to be. The stories are getting a bit more repetitive and the main character is less and less believable.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: greyhawk on January 09, 2013, 09:39:32 AM
I really hope this season will focus on the ninja assassins the police departement sent after dank after his masterful escape from his arrest. As long as it's better than last season's concert story arc I should keep watching, but I'll be honest, the dank show isn't was it used to be. The stories are getting a bit more repetitive and the main character is less and less believable.

I still think the hookah bar storyline should have been explored more. But then I'm a big fan of comedies set in bars, so maybe that's just me.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: Akka on January 09, 2013, 09:41:02 AM
Yup, it was getting boring lately, so I missed a few episodes. Seems like the producer has noticed the decline in viewer ratings and has chosen to add back some drama.

When did Dank get a arrest warrant? That's something I've missed.

My wish for the next season: The return of Rarity.

But the Dank lost his soul plot, could also get interesting.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: BadBear on January 09, 2013, 10:00:48 AM
What amazes me is that you all seem to follow me online, 24/7, adding negativity with every post, for months now.  Your lives seemingly revolve around me, they should revolve around you.

I'm not the troll here.  I'm not a thief here.  I unwillingly could not pay squall, just like someone who tried to pay their debts but could not.

I was banking on the inevitable USD collapse which is still destined to occur.

So you're saying you borrowed money, planning on not having to pay it back because of your delusions about the downfall of whatever? That's even worse.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: wormbog on January 09, 2013, 01:18:25 PM
To sum up:

1. Dank "discovered" pot, got hooked, and to his great misfortune triggered a latent psychosis. It would have appeared eventually regardless.

2. Next he discovered LSD, self-medicated with it, and stumbled around through a process of self-discovery until he could fabricate a new theory of reality consistent with his psychotic state. He now believes he understands the "real" truth and everyone is blinded by greed and ignorance.

3. Now he's bouncing between delusions of grandeur (I will put together a massive music festival with no money, we can all live forever) and extreme paranoia (someone paid those kids to assassinate me).

4. In the next few weeks he's likely to disappear and sink into horrible depths of depression. Hopefully his family will be able to get him to a doctor before he hurts himself or someone else.


1. You can't use logic to convince a psychotic to stop being psychotic. He needs sympathy, and ultimately therapy and medication.

2. His behavior has shown strong indication of mental problems from the very beginning. Anyone loaning money to him should have been on notice.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: Rob E on January 09, 2013, 01:42:47 PM
Dank is special. .

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: greyhawk on January 09, 2013, 01:46:44 PM
Dank is spacial.  ;)

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: KWH on January 09, 2013, 01:52:02 PM
To sum up:

1. Dank "discovered" pot, got hooked, and to his great misfortune triggered a latent psychosis. It would have appeared eventually regardless.

2. Next he discovered LSD, self-medicated with it, and stumbled around through a process of self-discovery until he could fabricate a new theory of reality consistent with his psychotic state. He now believes he understands the "real" truth and everyone is blinded by greed and ignorance.

3. Now he's bouncing between delusions of grandeur (I will put together a massive music festival with no money, we can all live forever) and extreme paranoia (someone paid those kids to assassinate me).

4. In the next few weeks he's likely to disappear and sink into horrible depths of depression. Hopefully his family will be able to get him to a doctor before he hurts himself or someone else.


1. You can't use logic to convince a psychotic to stop being psychotic. He needs sympathy, and ultimately therapy and medication.

2. His behavior has shown strong indication of mental problems from the very beginning. Anyone loaning money to him should have been on notice.

Unless he's acting a part and is faking it all for his amusement or perhaps to get sympathy while he absconds with funds. I personally think he was hoping for a much bigger cash out but most were wary to loan him very much so he took what he could get.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on January 09, 2013, 02:18:22 PM
To sum up:

1. Dank "discovered" pot, got hooked, and to his great misfortune triggered a latent psychosis. It would have appeared eventually regardless.

2. Next he discovered LSD, self-medicated with it, and stumbled around through a process of self-discovery until he could fabricate a new theory of reality consistent with his psychotic state. He now believes he understands the "real" truth and everyone is blinded by greed and ignorance.

3. Now he's bouncing between delusions of grandeur (I will put together a massive music festival with no money, we can all live forever) and extreme paranoia (someone paid those kids to assassinate me).

4. In the next few weeks he's likely to disappear and sink into horrible depths of depression. Hopefully his family will be able to get him to a doctor before he hurts himself or someone else.


1. You can't use logic to convince a psychotic to stop being psychotic. He needs sympathy, and ultimately therapy and medication.

2. His behavior has shown strong indication of mental problems from the very beginning. Anyone loaning money to him should have been on notice.

Unless he's acting a part and is faking it all for his amusement or perhaps to get sympathy while he absconds with funds. I personally think he was hoping for a much bigger cash out but most were wary to loan him very much so he took what he could get.


Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: dank on January 09, 2013, 02:55:27 PM
The truth will reveal it's self with time.  I didn't fabricate my own model of the universe, I discovered the true spiritual state of life.  It's really nothing new, perhaps for the western world.  We are consciously intelligent creators, we are god, little fragments of a much larger consciousness.

There are no limitations to the human mind, feel free to set yourself limitations of doubt.

One more thing, it's not paranoia if they were in fact planning to kill me, it's an observation.  I don't fear death now and I didn't when I was in a room full of sociopaths talking about razors and weird shit.

It's easy to see how such people could be manipulated with greed.  Explain to them I'm a fugitive trippin on acid, whatever's needed to justify killing another human, and find their price.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: greyhawk on January 09, 2013, 02:57:24 PM
I don't fear death now and I didn't when I was in a room full of sociopaths talking about razors and weird shit.

You were in a room full of 13 year old girls crying about Justin Bieber smoking weed?

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: KWH on January 09, 2013, 02:57:59 PM
The truth will reveal it's self with time.  I didn't fabricate my own model of the universe, I discovered the true spiritual state of life.  It's really nothing new, perhaps for the western world.  We are consciously intelligent creators, we are god, little fragments of a much larger consciousness.

There are no limitations to the human mind, feel free to set yourself limitations of doubt.

One more thing, it's not paranoia if they were in fact planning to kill me, it's an observation.  I don't fear death now and I didn't when I was in a room full of sociopaths talking about razors and weird shit.

It's easy to see how such people could be manipulated with greed.  Explain to them I'm a fugitive trippin on acid, whatever's needed to justify killing another human, and find their price.

You only needed to gaze in the Dank mirror for that nugget.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: wormbog on January 09, 2013, 02:59:46 PM
To sum up:

1. Dank "discovered" pot, got hooked, and to his great misfortune triggered a latent psychosis. It would have appeared eventually regardless.

2. Next he discovered LSD, self-medicated with it, and stumbled around through a process of self-discovery until he could fabricate a new theory of reality consistent with his psychotic state. He now believes he understands the "real" truth and everyone is blinded by greed and ignorance.

3. Now he's bouncing between delusions of grandeur (I will put together a massive music festival with no money, we can all live forever) and extreme paranoia (someone paid those kids to assassinate me).

4. In the next few weeks he's likely to disappear and sink into horrible depths of depression. Hopefully his family will be able to get him to a doctor before he hurts himself or someone else.


1. You can't use logic to convince a psychotic to stop being psychotic. He needs sympathy, and ultimately therapy and medication.

2. His behavior has shown strong indication of mental problems from the very beginning. Anyone loaning money to him should have been on notice.

Unless he's acting a part and is faking it all for his amusement or perhaps to get sympathy while he absconds with funds. I personally think he was hoping for a much bigger cash out but most were wary to loan him very much so he took what he could get.

If he were faking it all along he could come up with a more convincing lie to explain how he would make money for his investors.

Also, who would make thousands of rambling posts just to amuse himself? Any why stick around after his cover is blown? He's legitimately wacky.

You know what sucks for Dank? A few hundred years ago, people with his brand of delusion were often believed to have a special link to the spiritual world. In the past Dank might have become a shaman, a prophet, etc. He would have been taken care of and respected as a wise man. In modern times he's more likely to end up as a looney shouting on a street corner. Or worse, a Scientologist. :)

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: dank on January 09, 2013, 03:16:35 PM
This is my life, unscripted.  Exciting, right?

Feel free to doubt me, you're only doubting yourself.  If you believe me, you can probably see the patterns in history repeating.

All I want to do is empower you to use your freewill without fear of retribution.  I told the world I would play guitar and be successful, despite the plethora of judgement casted towards me, I remain the happiest person on earth.  I coulda let the doubt get to me and quit, but I believed in myself enough to manifest this to reality.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: KWH on January 09, 2013, 03:18:52 PM
To sum up:

1. Dank "discovered" pot, got hooked, and to his great misfortune triggered a latent psychosis. It would have appeared eventually regardless.

2. Next he discovered LSD, self-medicated with it, and stumbled around through a process of self-discovery until he could fabricate a new theory of reality consistent with his psychotic state. He now believes he understands the "real" truth and everyone is blinded by greed and ignorance.

3. Now he's bouncing between delusions of grandeur (I will put together a massive music festival with no money, we can all live forever) and extreme paranoia (someone paid those kids to assassinate me).

4. In the next few weeks he's likely to disappear and sink into horrible depths of depression. Hopefully his family will be able to get him to a doctor before he hurts himself or someone else.


1. You can't use logic to convince a psychotic to stop being psychotic. He needs sympathy, and ultimately therapy and medication.

2. His behavior has shown strong indication of mental problems from the very beginning. Anyone loaning money to him should have been on notice.

Unless he's acting a part and is faking it all for his amusement or perhaps to get sympathy while he absconds with funds. I personally think he was hoping for a much bigger cash out but most were wary to loan him very much so he took what he could get.

If he were faking it all along he could come up with a more convincing lie to explain how he would make money for his investors.

Also, who would make thousands of rambling posts just to amuse himself? Any why stick around after his cover is blown? He's legitimately wacky.

You know what sucks for Dank? A few hundred years ago, people with his brand of delusion were often believed to have a special link to the spiritual world. In the past Dank might have become a shaman, a prophet, etc. He would have been taken care of and respected as a wise man. In modern times he's more likely to end up as a looney shouting on a street corner. Or worse, a Scientologist. :)

You answered yourself ;)

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: dank on January 09, 2013, 03:30:15 PM
The more you all continue to judge me, the more obvious and foolish your actions look.

I know many of us out there are past the point of judging and open to new worldly concepts.

I'm pretty sure we all want a positive change in society, the government can't provide that, only you can enact a positive change in the world by living a loving lifestyle.  No external entity can provide happiness, that we must seek within ourselves with open hearts, only you can forgive yourself for the past, only you can control what feelings to emit.

I walked through hell with a smile on my face, you can do it too.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: KWH on January 09, 2013, 03:32:38 PM
The more you all continue to judge me, the more obvious and foolish your actions look.

I know many of us out there are past the point of judging and open to new worldly concepts.

I'm pretty sure we all want a positive change in society, the government can't provide that, only you can enact a positive change in the world by living a loving lifestyle.  No external entity can provide happiness, that we must seek within ourselves with open hearts, only you can forgive yourself for the past, only you can control what feelings to emit.

I walked through hell with a smile on my face, you can do it too.

Dank reasoning 101.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: kentrolla on January 09, 2013, 03:33:52 PM

I walked through hell with a smile on my face, you can do it too.

then why can't you pay back squall with a smile on your face? surely that's easier than walking through hell

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: DarkHyudrA on January 09, 2013, 03:46:05 PM
Hey I can't believe I lost how dank got his scammer tag, can anyone share the post to me where this occured?

The more you all continue to judge me, the more obvious and foolish your actions look.

Your foolish actions is that makes us laugh and judge you.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: Raoul Duke on January 09, 2013, 03:49:02 PM

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: dank on January 09, 2013, 04:20:10 PM

I walked through hell with a smile on my face, you can do it too.

then why can't you pay back squall with a smile on your face? surely that's easier than walking through hell
Because I cannot yet fabricate material objects from energy on this plane of existence.  I have no means of paying squall back, at this moment.

Why are we so focused on squall when this topic has nothing to do with my past mistakes with money and everything to do with a new way of life.  We're currently living on a planet with finite resources, by destroying earth, we are killing ourselves.  There's a way to manifest material entities into existence from the universe's infinite resources.  There's a way to live without killing ourself.  All it takes is everyone to believe, everyone to love.  When you believe, you can focus on creating the now.  When you think, you doubt, you focus on creating whatever negative reality you're connecting to.  Thoughts question why things are to an endless extent.  Thoughts disconnect you from what is.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: deadweasel on January 09, 2013, 04:22:45 PM
This guy needs help.  Why do any of you respond to him?

If you got scammed, cut your losses and stop talking to this guy.   

Kill this thread.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: Monster-Ant on January 09, 2013, 04:28:38 PM
I walked through hell with a smile on my face, you can do it too.


Seriously, Dank, die in  a mining rig fire.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: BitBlitz on January 09, 2013, 04:28:58 PM

I walked through hell with a smile on my face, you can do it too.

then why can't you pay back squall with a smile on your face? surely that's easier than walking through hell
Because I cannot yet fabricate material objects from energy on this plane of existence.  I have no means of paying squall back, at this moment.
Yes you can: (

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: goodlord666 on January 09, 2013, 04:48:23 PM
So I'm guessing you cashed out the gift cards you got for Christmas and spent the proceeds on drugs instead of paying squall, judging by the drivel you just posted.

You're not an enlightened being, you're a drug-fucked teenager.  Do something about it before it bites you in the ass.

I don't know. I don't like this sorta comment.

I barely read Dank's posts but when I do I just let the kid have his say and move on. Maybe at some point he will say something that is of actual interest to me and then I will be glad that he actually had the chance to do it.

You might as well leave his posts uncommented.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: kentrolla on January 09, 2013, 04:49:50 PM
This guy needs help.  Why do any of you respond to him?

If you got scammed, cut your losses and stop talking to this guy.   

Kill this thread.
i find delusional people to be very entertaining

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: deadweasel on January 09, 2013, 04:53:06 PM
ok, you got me there.  I'm apparently hooked. 

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: Buffer Overflow on January 09, 2013, 05:53:57 PM
Because I cannot yet fabricate material objects from energy on this plane of existence.  I have no means of paying squall back, at this moment.

Why are we so focused on squall when this topic has nothing to do with my past mistakes with money and everything to do with a new way of life.  We're currently living on a planet with finite resources, by destroying earth, we are killing ourselves.  There's a way to manifest material entities into existence from the universe's infinite resources.  There's a way to live without killing ourself.  All it takes is everyone to believe, everyone to love.  When you believe, you can focus on creating the now.  When you think, you doubt, you focus on creating whatever negative reality you're connecting to.  Thoughts question why things are to an endless extent.  Thoughts disconnect you from what is.

Yawn. Boring.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: KWH on January 09, 2013, 06:12:35 PM
tl;dr dank talks about suicide but is too chickenshit to go through with it, just like everything else.

He's the master of treating those around him like crap, yet they seem to lap it up. User, liar, thief......does he kick kittens as well?

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: dank on January 09, 2013, 06:17:35 PM
Are you guys done conversing your judgements with eachother?

Would you like to start talking about finding your soul and living forever in eternal peace?

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: KWH on January 09, 2013, 06:40:00 PM
I'd rather you get off your lazy ass and find a way to give Squall his money back.

Also, kill yourself.

This but I don't want you to off yourself, just yet.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: Buffer Overflow on January 09, 2013, 07:42:16 PM
Would you like to start talking about finding your soul and living forever in eternal peace?

Who says we haven't already found it? Your very quick to judge others Dank.

What we would like to talk about is your debt and what your plan of action to repay it is.

Not a subject you wish us to be on of course. But you can't bury your head in the sand about it forever.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: repentance on January 10, 2013, 01:33:32 AM
One thing I'd like clarified dank, do you really believe that your local PD has a hit called on you?

What I'm reading here is that you were beyond fucked up on LSD, most likely obtained via certain bitcoins from SR, and that after voicing certain opinions the people you were with started to find you retarded.

Somehow this translates into your local PD and unnamed rich people putting out a hit on you, because of what you post here?

History nearly repeated itself, I was nearly crucified for monetary gain.

Also you're jesus again?

The gang-stalking plot line is the most entertaining thing dank has posted for months. 

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: 420 on January 12, 2013, 06:22:08 AM
you get a youtube channel? people like seeing the person talking these kind of things not just seeing the text

people responding aren't grown up yet dank

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: dank on January 13, 2013, 02:44:44 AM
It's whatever you believe, senbon.  Life can be perfect if you believe it can.  We are all perfect, the point of life is to find inner peace, perfection.

The universe is infinite, there's plenty of room for imagination.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: Buffer Overflow on January 13, 2013, 08:45:53 AM
It's whatever you believe, senbon.  Life can be perfect if you believe it can.  We are all perfect, the point of life is to find inner peace, perfection.

The universe is infinite, there's plenty of room for imagination.

 “One of the basic rules of the universe is that nothing is perfect. Perfection simply doesn't exist.....Without imperfection, neither you nor I would exist”

- Stephen Hawking.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: dank on January 13, 2013, 05:35:24 PM
After watching the video, senbon, I get what it's saying.  Science uses death to create material goods to make us happy.  Perfection would be heaven, where everything already exists.

You can make your universe perfect if you believe, if you think positively.  We are each our own planet, when we all connect and comfort eachother to the point we all believe we're perfect, earth will become perfect, we will find heaven on earth.

For earth to find heaven, we must consciously stop killing, just for a sec, making time end.  This includes doubting, eating, talking and breathing, as one.

In heaven, you can do anything.  You aren't bound to lives, you can become or do anything instantaneously.  You may continue your life as it is, nothing has to change.

I believe you're perfect, you should too.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: myrkul on January 13, 2013, 06:24:10 PM
For earth to find heaven, we must consciously stop killing, just for a sec, making time end.  This includes doubting, eating, talking and breathing, as one.

Dank, please, do us all a favor, and take a week or 3 off of the chemicals. To paraphrase Dave Chappelle, you're smoking yourself stupid.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: peasant on January 13, 2013, 07:03:25 PM
I fear dank is gonna be enjoying his perfect universal existence in a padded room wearing restraints in the near future. I hope this is all a joke or you get your life together, dank. Take care.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: jwzguy on January 13, 2013, 07:06:37 PM
I fear dank is gonna be enjoy his perfect universal existence in a padded room wearing restraints in the near future. I hope this is all a joke or you get your life together, dank. Take care.
I'm sure it's not a joke to the guy who got scammed.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: Vod on January 13, 2013, 07:37:21 PM
I fear dank is gonna be enjoy his perfect universal existence in a padded room wearing restraints in the near future. I hope this is all a joke or you get your life together, dank. Take care.
I'm sure it's not a joke to the guy who got scammed.

No one got "scammed".  Dank Bank was a clear obvious ponzi right from the start.  If you are greedy enough to invest, you get what's coming to you.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: jwzguy on January 13, 2013, 07:40:03 PM
I fear dank is gonna be enjoy his perfect universal existence in a padded room wearing restraints in the near future. I hope this is all a joke or you get your life together, dank. Take care.
I'm sure it's not a joke to the guy who got scammed.

No one got "scammed".  Dank Bank was a clear obvious ponzi right from the start.  If you are greedy enough to invest, you get what's coming to you.
What's coming to you, as in, getting scammed?

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: myrkul on January 13, 2013, 07:51:53 PM
I fear dank is gonna be enjoy his perfect universal existence in a padded room wearing restraints in the near future. I hope this is all a joke or you get your life together, dank. Take care.
I'm sure it's not a joke to the guy who got scammed.

No one got "scammed".  Dank Bank was a clear obvious ponzi right from the start.  If you are greedy enough to invest, you get what's coming to you.
What's coming to you, as in, getting scammed?
You give your money to a dude in a van with "Bank" painted on the side to keep safe for you, and you're surprised when the van is gone the next week?

"But it said "Bank" on it!"

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: xxjs on January 13, 2013, 07:52:53 PM
Buffer, I have no money to pay, I gave it all away to people who want it more than me.

He wanted the money more, you wanted the drugs more. You have unknowingly taken part in a voluntary exchange, the basis of the free market!

Next time you have some money, I am sure you will give them to the people who want them more in stead of paying your debt.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: jwzguy on January 13, 2013, 07:55:37 PM
You give your money to a dude in a van with "Bank" painted on the side to keep safe for you, and you're surprised when the van is gone the next week?

"But it said "Bank" on it!"
No, I'm not that surprised a scam took place. That doesn't change the fact that a scam took place.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: myrkul on January 13, 2013, 08:32:12 PM
You give your money to a dude in a van with "Bank" painted on the side to keep safe for you, and you're surprised when the van is gone the next week?

"But it said "Bank" on it!"
No, I'm not that surprised a scam took place. That doesn't change the fact that a scam took place.

The nature of the market is that folks who are bad at managing their money do not keep it long. That includes people who invest in obvious ponzi scams.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: xxjs on January 13, 2013, 09:43:24 PM
You give your money to a dude in a van with "Bank" painted on the side to keep safe for you, and you're surprised when the van is gone the next week?

"But it said "Bank" on it!"
No, I'm not that surprised a scam took place. That doesn't change the fact that a scam took place.

Sorry, with you I meant dank. Should have been more precise.

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: Third Way on January 14, 2013, 03:52:46 AM
I fear dank is gonna be enjoying his perfect universal existence in a padded room wearing restraints in the near future. I hope this is all a joke or you get your life together, dank. Take care.

Something is odd about this "peasant" character, I can't quite put my dick in it...

Title: Re: The explanation to everything
Post by: Raoul Duke on January 14, 2013, 06:38:09 AM
I fear dank is gonna be enjoying his perfect universal existence in a padded room wearing restraints in the near future. I hope this is all a joke or you get your life together, dank. Take care.

Something is odd about this "peasant" character, I can't quite put my dick in it...

Yeah, that peasant dude has a creepy avatar.  :-X