Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: sega01 on March 13, 2016, 09:23:46 PM

Title: Save Bitcoin: Ditch Blockstream and switch to Classic
Post by: sega01 on March 13, 2016, 09:23:46 PM /


Bitcoin development has been bought out by a private company called "Blockstream".

Blockstream is currently paying off many of the key Bitcoin "Core" software developers .

Blockstream has directed the crippling of Bitcoin in order to provide the solution, for their own future, financial gain.

These Blockstream-paid Bitcoin developers (for the Bitcoin "Core" software) are enforcing a limit on how much information can be transacted in Bitcoin.   This is limiting the number of transactions to just 3 per second, approximately.

Blockstream is concurrently developing a "solution" to this problem, called the "Lightning Network".   This "solution" is to be placed on top of the crippled Bitcoin network to allow it to scale.   Blockstream will monetize the Lightning Network in the form of fees required to use their service.

Additionally, for the past 8 months, Blockstream has been utilizing censored discussion forums for their communication, thus preventing awareness of this issue from being widely known. All discussion mentioning this has been (and continues to be) deleted and banned .

In short, Blockstream has created a problem so they can provide the solution. And they are doing everything they can to keep it that way. (View more info on this on the un-censored forum)

Bitcoin is able to scale on its own without being crippled by artificially imposed limitations such as those Blockstream has enforced.   But these Blockstream developers are not allowing this very simple change to occur.

    Urge all miners and mining pool operators (not users) to run Bitcoin Classic (
    Go to for un-censored discussion.

The only way for this private company, Blockstream, to be removed as the central authority over a crippled Bitcoin is for miners and pool operators (not users) to adopt a different implementation of Bitcoin, such as Bitcoin Classic.   Having a diversity of implementations also creates a positive competition among entities that control the protocol.   Failure of miners to adopt a different version will result in Blockstream's paid Bitcoin Core Developers to have unfettered control of the Bitcoin system for their own financial gain.

Remember, the only solution is for MINERS and POOLS to adopt non-"Core" software.

Please spread the word, and translate this message to the large Chinese Bitcoin mining community as well.

- See more at:

Title: Re: Save Bitcoin: Ditch Blockstream and switch to Classic
Post by: AliceWonderMiscreations on March 13, 2016, 09:27:53 PM
Oh well if nodecounter says so then it must be the gospel truth.

Title: Re: Save Bitcoin: Ditch Blockstream and switch to Classic
Post by: 25hashcoin on March 13, 2016, 09:36:30 PM
 ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)

Title: Re: Save Bitcoin: Ditch Blockstream and switch to Classic
Post by: Yaremi on March 13, 2016, 09:41:41 PM
Oh fuck!

Title: Re: Save Bitcoin: Ditch Blockstream and switch to Classic
Post by: pawel7777 on March 13, 2016, 09:42:12 PM
Altcoin discussion board in 3...2...1...

Title: Re: Save Bitcoin: Ditch Blockstream and switch to Classic
Post by: Za1n on March 13, 2016, 09:51:43 PM
is for miners and pool operators (not users) to adopt a different implementation of Bitcoin

That little piece right there tells me all I need to know.

So for just us "little old users" we don't matter? Seems you revealed your true intentions right there. Good luck supporting all those miners and Pool Operators without us non-important users funding the entire thing. Your whole argument is about Blocksteam being up to no good and manipulating the system, and here you are calling for a select subgroup to front-run everyone else to meet your own goals.

Truthfully, I don't know which side to believe, but I think "as lowly a user" being thrown under the bus to advance your own agenda isn't going to help.

Title: Re: Save Bitcoin: Ditch Blockstream and switch to Classic
Post by: pawel7777 on March 13, 2016, 10:14:15 PM
is for miners and pool operators (not users) to adopt a different implementation of Bitcoin

That little piece right there tells me all I need to know.

So for just us "little old users" we don't matter? Seems you revealed your true intentions right there. Good luck supporting all those miners and Pool Operators without us non-important users funding the entire thing. Your whole argument is about Blocksteam being up to no good and manipulating the system, and here you are calling for a select subgroup to front-run everyone else to meet your own goals.

Truthfully, I don't know which side to believe, but I think "as lowly a user" being thrown under the bus to advance your own agenda isn't going to help.

How exactly do you matter as a user in this context? Users have a great power, but it's limited to whether or not continue to buy/use Bitcoin or move on to something else, so not really useful in this case.

Or do you just need someone to pat you in the back and say "You're very important and your opinion matters" when it's not necessarily true.

Truthfully, I don't know which side to believe...

Don't believe anyone, do your own research and make your own opinion.

Title: Re: Save Bacon
Post by: BlindMayorBitcorn on March 13, 2016, 10:20:29 PM
The title of this thread isn't entirely honest. It should be Ditch Blockstream switch to Bloq. Or Ditch Core switch to Classic.

Anyhew. This isn't good. Not funny. Not witty. No gifs. Where are your standards?!?

Title: Re: Save Bitcoin: Ditch Blockstream and switch to Classic
Post by: 4by2 on March 13, 2016, 10:34:44 PM
Truthfully I don't care which chain everyone decides to follow, as long as there is a consensus and the community doesn't get massively divided over this.

Title: Re: Save Bitcoin: Ditch Blockstream and switch to Classic
Post by: unamis76 on March 13, 2016, 10:40:06 PM
Woah... That was one aggressive announcement. I used to like that website as it gives insight about connected nodes, not so much anymore.

If they really want people to switch to Classic, then hurry the Classic dev team to implement the changes they've proposed quicker and make their client offer better than we have with Core.

Title: Re: Save Bitcoin: Ditch Blockstream and switch to Classic
Post by: Za1n on March 13, 2016, 11:04:41 PM
is for miners and pool operators (not users) to adopt a different implementation of Bitcoin

That little piece right there tells me all I need to know.

So for just us "little old users" we don't matter? Seems you revealed your true intentions right there. Good luck supporting all those miners and Pool Operators without us non-important users funding the entire thing. Your whole argument is about Blocksteam being up to no good and manipulating the system, and here you are calling for a select subgroup to front-run everyone else to meet your own goals.

Truthfully, I don't know which side to believe, but I think "as lowly a user" being thrown under the bus to advance your own agenda isn't going to help.

How exactly do you matter as a user in this context? Users have a great power, but it's limited to whether or not continue to buy/use Bitcoin or move on to something else, so not really useful in this case.

Or do you just need someone to pat you in the back and say "You're very important and your opinion matters" when it's not necessarily true.

Truthfully, I don't know which side to believe...

Don't believe anyone, do your own research and make your own opinion.

That is my point, your argument is we don't matter, we just take whatever the big pool operators or big miners tell us to take (i.e. shut-up and be happy) That's where I think the beginning of the end will start. So how is what you are saying, "I as a user don't matter" is any different that what we already have with government and banks telling us what we can do and not do with our money. They make the rules and we just live with it.

Or do you just need someone to pat you in the back and say "You're very important and your opinion matters" when it's not necessarily true.

Again, we already have enough people doing this to us everyday in our lives, so now we have Pool Operators and Large Miners also wanting to join-in and tell us they know best and its for our own good.

Title: Re: Save Bitcoin: Ditch Blockstream and switch to Classic
Post by: steeev on March 14, 2016, 12:02:40 AM
the desperation of the Klassik Krew has become truly pathetic to witness

they used to be funny, with toomim on drugs and gavin whittling his Bitcoin stick ever smaller with every dismal failure to frighten, cajole and persuade people to adopt his insidious fork - but that was yesterday...

oh dear, gavin, your trousers are down - somebody tell him, he doesn't seem to be able to hear any of us when we say it...

Title: Re: Save Bacon
Post by: BlindMayorBitcorn on March 14, 2016, 01:42:18 AM
<spergy prattle redacted>

You know, back in my day we'd post satirical appreciation threads with funny pictures and cleverly worded insinuations. It was meant to be thought provoking. You macaques have ruined that for me now. >:(

Title: Re: Save Bitcoin: Ditch Blockstream and switch to Classic
Post by: 7788bitcoin on March 14, 2016, 02:25:14 AM
To me this is partial truth. I am running Classic Node, hoping to help but I am open to any other better "solution" if available.

Classic is gaining some momentum and hopeful will turn into something significant.

Title: Re: Save Bitcoin: Ditch Blockstream and switch to Classic
Post by: 25hashcoin on March 14, 2016, 02:45:21 AM
To me this is partial truth. I am running Classic Node, hoping to help but I am open to any other better "solution" if available.

Yes. Here's a better solution. Stop running a classic node and step away from the bitcoin space.

Classic is gaining some momentum and hopeful will turn into something significant.

No it isn't. Classic has been decimated. And it was never going to be anything significant.

Title: Re: Save Bitcoin: Ditch Blockstream and switch to Classic
Post by: trashman43 on March 14, 2016, 02:53:35 AM
Altcoin discussion board in 3...2...1...

fair enough. that's why i run a core node. so if anyone sends me any invalid crap like a classic coin, it gets rejected.

Title: Re: Save Bitcoin: Ditch Blockstream and switch to Classic
Post by: squatter on March 14, 2016, 03:44:17 AM
Blockstream will monetize the Lightning Network in the form of fees required to use their service.

i'd like to give these guys the benefit of the doubt and say "you obviously didn't read the whitepaper" but i suspect that spreading disinformation is the real point.

LN is completely open; anyone can be a hub. fees for payment routing are therefore competitive in a free market. how would Blockstream be able to monopolize that?

btw the people that conceptualized LN were not Blockstream and there is something like a half dozen open source implementations of it....

Title: Re: Save Bitcoin: Ditch Blockstream and switch to Classic
Post by: AliceWonderMiscreations on March 14, 2016, 04:32:34 AM
Classic is gaining some momentum and hopeful will turn into something significant.

When I look at what my client connects to, there often is one classic node but rarely two and often none. Usually there is one. Same for core 0.12.0 (what I run)

Lot of nodes running 0.11.x core.

I think a lot of nodes haven't decided if they want to go core 0.12.x or classic yet.

I don't think it is fair to say either is gaining momentum.

Title: Re: Save Bitcoin: Ditch Blockstream and switch to Classic
Post by: Doc Martin on March 14, 2016, 04:34:29 AM
I think a lot of nodes haven't decided if they want to go core 0.12.x or classic yet.

I don't think it is fair to say either is gaining momentum.

People running nodes often don't update as soon as an update is released. That doesn't mean they don't support Core or won't eventually upgrade.

Title: Re: Save Bitcoin: Ditch Blockstream and switch to Classic
Post by: elokk on March 14, 2016, 05:03:35 AM
Classic reminds me of the Black Lives Matter movement. Next we will see r/btc  filled with rants of how core is racist and blockstream was responsible for 9/11

Title: Re: Save Bitcoin: Ditch Blockstream and switch to Classic
Post by: tobacco123 on March 14, 2016, 05:06:37 AM
Classic is gaining some momentum and hopeful will turn into something significant.

When I look at what my client connects to, there often is one classic node but rarely two and often none. Usually there is one. Same for core 0.12.0 (what I run)

Lot of nodes running 0.11.x core.

I think a lot of nodes haven't decided if they want to go core 0.12.x or classic yet.

I don't think it is fair to say either is gaining momentum.

I think adoption comes in waves. The first wave is in and we are waiting for the next wave (bigger) to happen.

If blocksize debate is going no-where, the halving will not in anywhere increase the value of bitcoins.

Title: Re: Save Bitcoin: Ditch Blockstream and switch to Classic
Post by: Jet Cash on March 14, 2016, 05:10:22 AM
Classic reminds me of the Black Lives Matter movement. Next we will see r/btc  filled with rants of how core is racist and blockstream was responsible for 9/11

Nah! core is paedophilic - fiddling with poor innocent underage nodes. :)

I've got a Bitcoin unlimited node in my peer list, is that gaining acceptance?

Title: Re: Save Bitcoin: Ditch Blockstream and switch to Classic
Post by: elokk on March 14, 2016, 05:14:12 AM
instead of debating the blocksize limit, maybe we should start requiring the mining pools to mine blocks that include transactions.

Title: Re: Save Bitcoin: Ditch Blockstream and switch to Classic
Post by: elokk on March 14, 2016, 05:19:21 AM
I will upgrade my node to classic once Gavin and Brian Armstrong reveal that Core developers are working with ISIS.

Title: Re: Save Bitcoin: Ditch Blockstream and switch to Classic
Post by: AliceWonderMiscreations on March 14, 2016, 05:20:18 AM
instead of debating the blocksize limit, maybe we should start requiring the mining pools to mine blocks that include transactions.

Won't work, they would just add transactions that pay themselves.

Title: Re: Save Bitcoin: Ditch Blockstream and switch to Classic
Post by: UngratefulTony on March 14, 2016, 05:21:43 AM
instead of debating the blocksize limit, maybe we should start requiring the mining pools to mine blocks that include transactions.

Instead of opining like you know what you're talking about... maybe you should research why those coinbase only/0 tx blocks are all under a minute in duration. And why that is an argument for miners setting their own soft limits on the sizes of their blocks... like they did for the last 6 years. These blocks are basically miners deciding to not shut down their farm for the first minute after a block is solved... once the previous block is verified, they will start including transactions.

If bitcoin is more centralized, they could have a separate channel to include tx only they know about.

Title: Re: Save Bitcoin: Ditch Blockstream and switch to Classic
Post by: AliceWonderMiscreations on March 14, 2016, 05:22:14 AM
I will upgrade my node to classic once Gavin and Brian Armstrong reveal that Core developers are working with ISIS.

Actually, they are working with KAOS but Agent 99 is on it.

Title: Re: Save Bitcoin: Ditch Blockstream and switch to Classic
Post by: elokk on March 14, 2016, 05:33:55 AM
instead of debating the blocksize limit, maybe we should start requiring the mining pools to mine blocks that include transactions.

Instead of opining like you know what you're talking about... maybe you should research why those coinbase only/0 tx blocks are all under a minute in duration. And why that is an argument for miners setting their own soft limits on the sizes of their blocks... like they did for the last 6 years. These blocks are basically miners deciding to not shut down their farm for the first minute after a block is solved... once the previous block is verified, they will start including transactions.

If bitcoin is more centralized, they could have a separate channel to include tx only they know about.

 sounds like a shit excuse to run crap code on a pool.

Title: Re: Save Bitcoin: Ditch Blockstream and switch to Classic
Post by: UngratefulTony on March 14, 2016, 05:47:23 AM
instead of debating the blocksize limit, maybe we should start requiring the mining pools to mine blocks that include transactions.

Instead of opining like you know what you're talking about... maybe you should research why those coinbase only/0 tx blocks are all under a minute in duration. And why that is an argument for miners setting their own soft limits on the sizes of their blocks... like they did for the last 6 years. These blocks are basically miners deciding to not shut down their farm for the first minute after a block is solved... once the previous block is verified, they will start including transactions.

If bitcoin is more centralized, they could have a separate channel to include tx only they know about.

 sounds like a shit excuse to run crap code on a pool.

Shoulda hired you, I guess.

Title: Re: Save Bitcoin: Ditch Blockstream and switch to Classic
Post by: elokk on March 14, 2016, 05:56:58 AM
I don't think we can hire anyone to save bitcoin now that Hearn has left. Time to sell and buy ethereum like a good lemming  :P

Title: Re: Save Bitcoin: Ditch Blockstream and switch to Classic
Post by: Amph on March 14, 2016, 07:16:30 AM
why we should switch to classic when core offer the same exact thing plus other bunch of useful stuff that will increase the capacity  anyway

2mb is coming for core too, within one year, but it is coming, so classic is obsolete