Bitcoin Forum

Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Wilikon on May 10, 2016, 09:41:26 PM

Title: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: Wilikon on May 10, 2016, 09:41:26 PM

The US space agency has just announced the discovery of the new "exoplanets" which are considered as similar to Earth due to their distance from the star they orbit.

Timothy Morton, associate research scholar at Princeton University in New Jersey, said: "We have discovered 1,284 new planets - the most explanets ever announced at one time."

It more than doubles the previous amount of exoplanets found by the Kepler Telescope, taking the total number to 2,325.

It comes after NASA said they now also believe every star in space has at least one planet orbiting it, further increasing the chance of life evolving somewhere.

Paul Hertz, Astrophysics Division director at NASA Headquarters in Washington, said: "The Kepler specialist telescope is the first capable of detecting call rocky planets in the habitable zone of their parent star.

"When launched we did not know if exoplanets or rocky exoplanets were rare and we now know they are extremely common and most stars have at least one planet orbiting.

"Our research is on just a fraction of possible exoplanets and knowing this is the first step in answering the question if we are alone in the universe."

Among the new discoveries are also a further 100 grade A rocky exoplanets which are the most likely for life to begin just like Earth.

And of these 24 were found to be of a similar size to Earth and distance from their stars in the so-called Goldilocks habitable zone, making them the most likelyy candidates for life.

Combined with 12 already found by Kepler researchers, there are now 36 of the Earth-like planets and a further 12 possible ones awaiting verification.

It was previously believed that many stars were out there alone, meaning the odds of other Earth-like planets with the right conditions for life to start are much higher than ever believed.

The information has come from astronomers researching swathes of data from the Kepler Telescope mission.

Initially more than 4,600 possible exoplanets were found and the 2,325 are those which have now been confirmed as definite exoplanets.

NASA made the major announcement about the latest findings from the Kepler research at a press conference which started at 6pm.

A NASA spokesman said: "When Kepler was launched in March 2009, scientists did not know how common planets were outside our solar system.

"Thanks to Kepler’s treasure trove of discoveries, astronomers now believe there may be at least one planet orbiting every star in the sky."

Kepler completed its prime mission in 2012, and collected data for an additional year in an extended mission.

In 2014, the spacecraft began a new extended mission called K2.

K2 continues the search for exoplanets while introducing new research opportunities to study young stars, supernovae and other cosmic phenomena.

Somewhere, an alien is wondering what we are up to...

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: Junko on May 11, 2016, 08:52:30 AM
I wonder how many thousands or millions of planets have there been that have come and gone before our time which were able to support life similar to ours. I also wonder if any of those planets had beings intelligent enough to have created something like bitcoin...

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: BADecker on May 11, 2016, 09:01:48 AM
I wonder how many thousands or millions of planets have there been that have come and gone before our time which were able to support life similar to ours. I also wonder if any of those planets had beings intelligent enough to have created something like bitcoin...

Too intelligent to trade at all. No need for money. Rather, give in love... every one of them. Besides, no income tax that way. No government needed. Good planets. No space flight needed or wanted, nor contact from silly earth beings.


Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: poptok1 on May 11, 2016, 09:07:07 AM
I wonder how many thousands or millions of planets have there been that have come and gone before our time which were able to support life similar to ours. I also wonder if any of those planets had beings intelligent enough to have created something like bitcoin...
You can actually solve this puzzle by yourself :)
Drake equation:
    R* = the average rate of star formation in our galaxy
    fp = the fraction of those stars that have planets
    ne = the average number of planets that can potentially support life per star that has planets
    fl = the fraction of planets that could support life that actually develop life at some point
    fi = the fraction of planets with life that actually go on to develop intelligent life (civilizations)
    fc = the fraction of civilizations that develop a technology that releases detectable signs of their existence
    L = the length of time for which such civilizations release detectable signals into space
Sara Seager modified equation:
    N = the number of planets with detectable signs of life
    N* = the number of stars observed
    FQ = the fraction of stars that are quiet
    FHZ = the fraction of stars with rocky planets in the habitable zone
    FO = the fraction of those planets that can be observed
    FL = the fraction that have life
    FS = the fraction on which life produces a detectable signature gas

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: ObscureBean on May 11, 2016, 09:41:28 AM
Well I don't know if you guys have heard but it should soon be possible to reach Alpha Centauri in around 20 years. Right now it would take our fastest spacecraft over 30,000 years to get there.
Ok I admit it's not actually as awesome as I make it sound, it's only a 'nanocraft' that would be able to achieve this feat, not a regular spacecraft carrying people. Still, I think it's a massive breakthrough jumping from 30,000 years to only 20. The nanocraft would be travelling at 20% of the speed of light. But there's more good news, it would cost only about as much as an iPhone to mass produce  :)
Here's the video presentation:

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: BADecker on May 11, 2016, 10:25:40 AM
I wonder how many thousands or millions of planets have there been that have come and gone before our time which were able to support life similar to ours. I also wonder if any of those planets had beings intelligent enough to have created something like bitcoin...
You can actually solve this puzzle by yourself :)
Drake equation:
    R* = the average rate of star formation in our galaxy
    fp = the fraction of those stars that have planets
    ne = the average number of planets that can potentially support life per star that has planets
    fl = the fraction of planets that could support life that actually develop life at some point
    fi = the fraction of planets with life that actually go on to develop intelligent life (civilizations)
    fc = the fraction of civilizations that develop a technology that releases detectable signs of their existence
    L = the length of time for which such civilizations release detectable signals into space
Sara Seager modified equation:
    N = the number of planets with detectable signs of life
    N* = the number of stars observed
    FQ = the fraction of stars that are quiet
    FHZ = the fraction of stars with rocky planets in the habitable zone
    FO = the fraction of those planets that can be observed
    FL = the fraction that have life
    FS = the fraction on which life produces a detectable signature gas

The calc to use in these figures is something that we have been trying to find out for a long time now. This calc is what astronomers and cosmologists are looking for. So far, more than 99% of this information in factual form has eluded us.


Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: BADecker on May 11, 2016, 10:29:31 AM
Well I don't know if you guys have heard but it should soon be possible to reach Alpha Centauri in around 20 years. Right now it would take our fastest spacecraft over 30,000 years to get there.
Ok I admit it's not actually as awesome as I make it sound, it's only a 'nanocraft' that would be able to achieve this feat, not a regular spacecraft carrying people. Still, I think it's a massive breakthrough jumping from 30,000 years to only 20. The nanocraft would be travelling at 20% of the speed of light. But there's more good news, it would cost only about as much as an iPhone to mass produce  :)
Here's the video presentation:

Nanocraft speed is not something that we can use in craft large enough to carry people and their life support. There is one major reason for this. We haven't really invented any force field to protect a craft from all the interstellar dust and meteor particles. One speck of dust would completely wipe out any vehicle at those high rates of speed.


Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: bitkilo on May 11, 2016, 10:36:10 AM
You would have to be crazy to believe that we are the only lifeform in the whole universe.
The next planet that can support life maybe lightyears away and not as advanced as our race but we will find proof one day im sure of that.
What I am not sure about is will the government who finds this new lifeform actually tell the people.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: BADecker on May 11, 2016, 10:46:21 AM
You would have to be crazy
Sane enough to know we all are crazy.

to believe that we are the only lifeform in the whole universe.
Should be "life forms."

The next planet that can support life maybe lightyears away and not as advanced as our race but we will find proof one day im sure of that.
But it is only a guess that there is life out there.

We are running out of time with the financial bubbles. If the banking industry crashes, it will take hundreds of years to recover to the point where we get back to the moon. Bitcoin is simply an attempted preparation to help us get through the misery of the coming $crash.

What I am not sure about is will the government who finds this new lifeform actually tell the people.

Government is the one who is deceiving you about how close we really are to a crash. If people got scared and took their funds out of investments today, the crash would be in full swing tomorrow.


Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: on May 11, 2016, 11:21:14 AM
Who cares? We cant go there and they cant come here.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: passwordnow on May 11, 2016, 11:36:37 AM
Who cares? We cant go there and they cant come here.

I hope it will our nation prosper from poverty.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: alphatv on May 11, 2016, 11:50:04 AM
Thats a great discovery. Hope more such discoveries in future.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: Wilikon on May 11, 2016, 02:10:19 PM

What would be, once we solve the technical issues of surviving crossing the cosmos, the political system most compatible with space exploration and colonization?


Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: a7mos on May 11, 2016, 03:58:08 PM
Why the hell US spends a lot of money and effort on descovering the space ? I do not see any benefit from knowing that there may be planets like earth! It won't do anything for me

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: Slow death on May 11, 2016, 04:04:43 PM
Who cares? We cant go there and they cant come here.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: Evildrum on May 11, 2016, 05:24:11 PM
Believe we need to drink grape Kool aid when the next comet comes by so we can catch a ride through the cosmos.
Anyone else pumped or what?

The exploration of space seems inevitable now maybe not in any current generation alive but very soon.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: VladimirAmfodent on May 11, 2016, 06:15:13 PM
Hmm interesting where did the source come from?

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: Wilikon on May 11, 2016, 06:30:47 PM
Believe we need to drink grape Kool aid when the next comet comes by so we can catch a ride through the cosmos.
Anyone else pumped or what?

The exploration of space seems inevitable now maybe not in any current generation alive but very soon.

And nike shoes...

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: BADecker on May 11, 2016, 06:47:24 PM
Believe we need to drink grape Kool aid when the next comet comes by so we can catch a ride through the cosmos.
Anyone else pumped or what?

The exploration of space seems inevitable now maybe not in any current generation alive but very soon.

And nike shoes...

Of course, there are always the Phoenix asteroids...


Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: danel on May 12, 2016, 02:26:27 AM
I suspect that there is something about space travel, other planets, and aliens that we keep missing and it smacking us all right in the face every second of every day. That's what I think is going on here and now on this planet.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: EUROPEANTURK on May 12, 2016, 06:29:45 AM

The US space agency has just announced the discovery of the new "exoplanets" which are considered as similar to Earth due to their distance from the star they orbit.

Timothy Morton, associate research scholar at Princeton University in New Jersey, said: "We have discovered 1,284 new planets - the most explanets ever announced at one time."

It more than doubles the previous amount of exoplanets found by the Kepler Telescope, taking the total number to 2,325.

It comes after NASA said they now also believe every star in space has at least one planet orbiting it, further increasing the chance of life evolving somewhere.

Paul Hertz, Astrophysics Division director at NASA Headquarters in Washington, said: "The Kepler specialist telescope is the first capable of detecting call rocky planets in the habitable zone of their parent star.

"When launched we did not know if exoplanets or rocky exoplanets were rare and we now know they are extremely common and most stars have at least one planet orbiting.

"Our research is on just a fraction of possible exoplanets and knowing this is the first step in answering the question if we are alone in the universe."

Among the new discoveries are also a further 100 grade A rocky exoplanets which are the most likely for life to begin just like Earth.

And of these 24 were found to be of a similar size to Earth and distance from their stars in the so-called Goldilocks habitable zone, making them the most likelyy candidates for life.

Combined with 12 already found by Kepler researchers, there are now 36 of the Earth-like planets and a further 12 possible ones awaiting verification.

It was previously believed that many stars were out there alone, meaning the odds of other Earth-like planets with the right conditions for life to start are much higher than ever believed.

The information has come from astronomers researching swathes of data from the Kepler Telescope mission.

Initially more than 4,600 possible exoplanets were found and the 2,325 are those which have now been confirmed as definite exoplanets.

NASA made the major announcement about the latest findings from the Kepler research at a press conference which started at 6pm.

A NASA spokesman said: "When Kepler was launched in March 2009, scientists did not know how common planets were outside our solar system.

"Thanks to Kepler’s treasure trove of discoveries, astronomers now believe there may be at least one planet orbiting every star in the sky."

Kepler completed its prime mission in 2012, and collected data for an additional year in an extended mission.

In 2014, the spacecraft began a new extended mission called K2.

K2 continues the search for exoplanets while introducing new research opportunities to study young stars, supernovae and other cosmic phenomena.

Somewhere, an alien is wondering what we are up to...

anyone who is intelligent enough knows that there can be a life similar to earth on other planets. because everyone knows a little bit about universe.
 nobody convinces me that earth is the only planet which has life..

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: Doms on May 12, 2016, 11:21:18 AM
The world we are living in is getting smaller and more dangerous to live in everyday. Let's hope that by the time this place is almost uninhabitable, there'd be somewhere where our descendants could migrate to. It's not a matter of how, it's a matter of when.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: poptok1 on May 12, 2016, 11:30:59 AM
The world we are living in is getting smaller and more dangerous to live in everyday. Let's hope that by the time this place is almost uninhabitable, there'd be somewhere where our descendants could migrate to. It's not a matter of how, it's a matter of when.

I would say the exact opposite :) HOW is the most fundamental question.
Right now we we have an option of building multi generational ark with a supply
of frozen genetic material for diversity of future ark generations.
Conventional propelling systems of today however will be a huge problem.
With today technology it would be easy to make an ark, already on the orbit.
What about material endurance? Can a ship withstand 10K~100K years trip?
Would ethics allow us to send 300-500 people in to vastness of space?            for certain death :-\ 

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: Lethn on May 12, 2016, 11:36:31 AM
That's absolutely fucking awesome, so fuck you guys, I'm out, I'll be heading to one of these planets, if they have atmosphere and vegetation that's good enough for me, this planet sucks.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: BADecker on May 12, 2016, 01:34:57 PM

anyone who is intelligent enough knows that there can be a life similar to earth on other planets. because everyone knows a little bit about universe.
 nobody convinces me that earth is the only planet which has life..

Anyone who is intelligent realizes that it is only a guess that there is life out there.


Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: clickerz on May 12, 2016, 03:55:56 PM
Just read this article on CNN website and I am excited for scientist to find planet similar to us where we live like earth. Hope in the near future, we an choose a planet where we want to live ;)

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: Daniel91 on May 12, 2016, 04:14:39 PM
Just read this article on CNN website and I am excited for scientist to find planet similar to us where we live like earth. Hope in the near future, we an choose a planet where we want to live ;)

This is still very distant future.
It's sad that we destroyed our planet earth so much, and now we have to think about settling other planets.
But, if we will destroy other planets to, maybe better we never leave our planet earth :)
Any way, it's great news that scientists find more than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found but it's good possibility that there is no life nor living conditions on this planets.
Don't become overexcited!

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: Wilikon on May 12, 2016, 04:54:49 PM
Just read this article on CNN website and I am excited for scientist to find planet similar to us where we live like earth. Hope in the near future, we an choose a planet where we want to live ;)

This is still very distant future.
It's sad that we destroyed our planet earth so much, and now we have to think about settling other planets.
But, if we will destroy other planets to, maybe better we never leave our planet earth :)
Any way, it's great news that scientists find more than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found but it's good possibility that there is no life nor living conditions on this planets.
Don't become overexcited!

You do not have the power to keep us from being overexcited and happy about that news.


Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: designerusa on May 12, 2016, 05:48:34 PM

The US space agency has just announced the discovery of the new "exoplanets" which are considered as similar to Earth due to their distance from the star they orbit.

Timothy Morton, associate research scholar at Princeton University in New Jersey, said: "We have discovered 1,284 new planets - the most explanets ever announced at one time."

It more than doubles the previous amount of exoplanets found by the Kepler Telescope, taking the total number to 2,325.

It comes after NASA said they now also believe every star in space has at least one planet orbiting it, further increasing the chance of life evolving somewhere.

Paul Hertz, Astrophysics Division director at NASA Headquarters in Washington, said: "The Kepler specialist telescope is the first capable of detecting call rocky planets in the habitable zone of their parent star.

"When launched we did not know if exoplanets or rocky exoplanets were rare and we now know they are extremely common and most stars have at least one planet orbiting.

"Our research is on just a fraction of possible exoplanets and knowing this is the first step in answering the question if we are alone in the universe."

Among the new discoveries are also a further 100 grade A rocky exoplanets which are the most likely for life to begin just like Earth.

And of these 24 were found to be of a similar size to Earth and distance from their stars in the so-called Goldilocks habitable zone, making them the most likelyy candidates for life.

Combined with 12 already found by Kepler researchers, there are now 36 of the Earth-like planets and a further 12 possible ones awaiting verification.

It was previously believed that many stars were out there alone, meaning the odds of other Earth-like planets with the right conditions for life to start are much higher than ever believed.

The information has come from astronomers researching swathes of data from the Kepler Telescope mission.

Initially more than 4,600 possible exoplanets were found and the 2,325 are those which have now been confirmed as definite exoplanets.

NASA made the major announcement about the latest findings from the Kepler research at a press conference which started at 6pm.

A NASA spokesman said: "When Kepler was launched in March 2009, scientists did not know how common planets were outside our solar system.

"Thanks to Kepler’s treasure trove of discoveries, astronomers now believe there may be at least one planet orbiting every star in the sky."

Kepler completed its prime mission in 2012, and collected data for an additional year in an extended mission.

In 2014, the spacecraft began a new extended mission called K2.

K2 continues the search for exoplanets while introducing new research opportunities to study young stars, supernovae and other cosmic phenomena.

Somewhere, an alien is wondering what we are up to...

anyone who is intelligent enough knows that there can be a life similar to earth on other planets. because everyone knows a little bit about universe.
 nobody convinces me that earth is the only planet which has life..

definitely agreed.. human kind cannot be the only living creature on the whole universe but mankind must be the dumbest of all for sure .. we are ruining a wonderful planet named earth.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: BADecker on May 12, 2016, 07:21:04 PM

The US space agency has just announced the discovery of the new "exoplanets" which are considered as similar to Earth due to their distance from the star they orbit.

Timothy Morton, associate research scholar at Princeton University in New Jersey, said: "We have discovered 1,284 new planets - the most explanets ever announced at one time."

It more than doubles the previous amount of exoplanets found by the Kepler Telescope, taking the total number to 2,325.

It comes after NASA said they now also believe every star in space has at least one planet orbiting it, further increasing the chance of life evolving somewhere.

Paul Hertz, Astrophysics Division director at NASA Headquarters in Washington, said: "The Kepler specialist telescope is the first capable of detecting call rocky planets in the habitable zone of their parent star.

"When launched we did not know if exoplanets or rocky exoplanets were rare and we now know they are extremely common and most stars have at least one planet orbiting.

"Our research is on just a fraction of possible exoplanets and knowing this is the first step in answering the question if we are alone in the universe."

Among the new discoveries are also a further 100 grade A rocky exoplanets which are the most likely for life to begin just like Earth.

And of these 24 were found to be of a similar size to Earth and distance from their stars in the so-called Goldilocks habitable zone, making them the most likelyy candidates for life.

Combined with 12 already found by Kepler researchers, there are now 36 of the Earth-like planets and a further 12 possible ones awaiting verification.

It was previously believed that many stars were out there alone, meaning the odds of other Earth-like planets with the right conditions for life to start are much higher than ever believed.

The information has come from astronomers researching swathes of data from the Kepler Telescope mission.

Initially more than 4,600 possible exoplanets were found and the 2,325 are those which have now been confirmed as definite exoplanets.

NASA made the major announcement about the latest findings from the Kepler research at a press conference which started at 6pm.

A NASA spokesman said: "When Kepler was launched in March 2009, scientists did not know how common planets were outside our solar system.

"Thanks to Kepler’s treasure trove of discoveries, astronomers now believe there may be at least one planet orbiting every star in the sky."

Kepler completed its prime mission in 2012, and collected data for an additional year in an extended mission.

In 2014, the spacecraft began a new extended mission called K2.

K2 continues the search for exoplanets while introducing new research opportunities to study young stars, supernovae and other cosmic phenomena.

Somewhere, an alien is wondering what we are up to...

anyone who is intelligent enough knows that there can be a life similar to earth on other planets. because everyone knows a little bit about universe.
 nobody convinces me that earth is the only planet which has life..

definitely agreed.. human kind cannot be the only living creature on the whole universe but mankind must be the dumbest of all for sure .. we are ruining a wonderful planet named earth.

Except for one thing. There is no proof that there is any life on other planets. There isn't even any evidence. There is only question and hope.

The idea that there is life on other planets comes from the idea of evolution. Evolution is impossible mathematically. See

The idea of aliens on planets is simply another religion, or a branch of the evolution religion, which is a branch of the atheism religion.

Study it, and you will see that I am right.

Am I saying that there are no aliens, or that there is no life on any other planet? No. I am only saying we have no evidence for such, and therefore no odds that can suggest that it might be a fact that there are.


Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: Dassi on May 12, 2016, 09:00:26 PM
Are you sure the aliens are not the ones teaching us how to relocate to another planet?

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: BADecker on May 12, 2016, 09:21:49 PM
Are you sure the aliens are not the ones teaching us how to relocate to another planet?

Good point. Illegal aliens are showing us how to do it, simply by coming up from Mexico. Just do it, right?


Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: darcycooper on May 13, 2016, 06:17:38 PM
There are liquid lakes on mars, and most definitely life. Dont trust NASA.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: Wilikon on May 13, 2016, 06:27:10 PM
There are liquid lakes on mars, and most definitely life. Dont trust NASA.

We should all trust you instead because you are from Mars...

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: darcycooper on May 13, 2016, 06:36:07 PM
There are liquid lakes on mars, and most definitely life. Dont trust NASA.

We should all trust you instead because you are from Mars...

 ??? are you retarded?

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: bugsywugsy on May 13, 2016, 06:38:24 PM
The "Goldilocks" zone. Heh. Question for you guys: do you think if we observed one of those planets where life is just starting, that life would proceed in approximately the same way it theoretically did on Earth? Or would the life be fundamentally different perhaps? Would there be mammals, bacteria, viruses, amphibians, or something else completely? Given the environment is relatively the same.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: BADecker on May 13, 2016, 06:40:19 PM
There are liquid lakes on mars, and most definitely life. Dont trust NASA.

We should all trust you instead because you are from Mars...

 ??? are you retarded?

Well? Have you been to Mars? Did you swim in at least some of those lakes?


Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: darcycooper on May 13, 2016, 06:41:43 PM
There are liquid lakes on mars, and most definitely life. Dont trust NASA.

We should all trust you instead because you are from Mars...

 ??? are you retarded?

Well? Have you been to Mars? Did you swim in at least some of those lakes?


Would elon musk be spending all that time and money to go to Mars if he wasnt sure that there was water there?

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: BADecker on May 13, 2016, 06:43:29 PM
The "Goldilocks" zone. Heh. Question for you guys: do you think if we observed one of those planets where life is just starting, that life would proceed in approximately the same way it theoretically did on Earth? Or would the life be fundamentally different perhaps? Would there be mammals, bacteria, viruses, amphibians, or something else completely? Given the environment is relatively the same.

It's the other way around. All those planets had primitive life billions of years ago. This life has evolved into something way beyond humans. In fact, they evolved to a point where they don't need bodies anymore. They are disembodied spirits. Earth is the only backward planet left. Will we ever catch up to them?

 :D ;D :D

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: BADecker on May 13, 2016, 06:46:26 PM
There are liquid lakes on mars, and most definitely life. Dont trust NASA.

We should all trust you instead because you are from Mars...

 ??? are you retarded?

Well? Have you been to Mars? Did you swim in at least some of those lakes?


Would elon musk be spending all that time and money to go to Mars if he wasnt sure that there was water there?

The ambition of Elon Musk has pushed his fingers into so many pots that he would need a thousand times his current wealth to get half of them firmly started.


Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: bugsywugsy on May 14, 2016, 02:43:09 AM
The "Goldilocks" zone. Heh. Question for you guys: do you think if we observed one of those planets where life is just starting, that life would proceed in approximately the same way it theoretically did on Earth? Or would the life be fundamentally different perhaps? Would there be mammals, bacteria, viruses, amphibians, or something else completely? Given the environment is relatively the same.

It's the other way around. All those planets had primitive life billions of years ago. This life has evolved into something way beyond humans. In fact, they evolved to a point where they don't need bodies anymore. They are disembodied spirits. Earth is the only backward planet left. Will we ever catch up to them?

 :D ;D :D

Idk, but I'll need to get a thetan count. At least three thetan counts, to find out if I have the potential to transcend this physical realm  :D

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: Wilikon on May 14, 2016, 03:06:56 AM
The "Goldilocks" zone. Heh. Question for you guys: do you think if we observed one of those planets where life is just starting, that life would proceed in approximately the same way it theoretically did on Earth? Or would the life be fundamentally different perhaps? Would there be mammals, bacteria, viruses, amphibians, or something else completely? Given the environment is relatively the same.

Maybe I could ask you another question: What would life be like on a "sister Earth" (same age, same size, but no moon) were multiple episodes of mass extinctions never happened...? No "great dying",  no super volcanoes, no asteroid impacts, no comet impacts. Nothing.

Just one kind of life, from "the start", until now...

And by start I mean way early start:


Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: vokain on May 14, 2016, 08:43:19 AM
Well I don't know if you guys have heard but it should soon be possible to reach Alpha Centauri in around 20 years. Right now it would take our fastest spacecraft over 30,000 years to get there.
Ok I admit it's not actually as awesome as I make it sound, it's only a 'nanocraft' that would be able to achieve this feat, not a regular spacecraft carrying people. Still, I think it's a massive breakthrough jumping from 30,000 years to only 20. The nanocraft would be travelling at 20% of the speed of light. But there's more good news, it would cost only about as much as an iPhone to mass produce  :)
Here's the video presentation:

30000 years is nothing from the galactic gardener's perspective. It is much more economically feasible to send "ships" of biological seeds to exoplanets than it is to send a big ship that would contain and support biological organisms that are already adapted to a home planet.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: neochiny on May 15, 2016, 10:04:19 AM
The "Goldilocks" zone. Heh. Question for you guys: do you think if we observed one of those planets where life is just starting, that life would proceed in approximately the same way it theoretically did on Earth? Or would the life be fundamentally different perhaps? Would there be mammals, bacteria, viruses, amphibians, or something else completely? Given the environment is relatively the same.

many factors is on the line if life is ever to start on a planet that is in a Goldilocks zone.
even if the environment is the same to the in the planet in question.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: vokain on May 16, 2016, 01:51:38 AM
The "Goldilocks" zone. Heh. Question for you guys: do you think if we observed one of those planets where life is just starting, that life would proceed in approximately the same way it theoretically did on Earth? Or would the life be fundamentally different perhaps? Would there be mammals, bacteria, viruses, amphibians, or something else completely? Given the environment is relatively the same.

many factors is on the line if life is ever to start on a planet that is in a Goldilocks zone.
even if the environment is the same to the in the planet in question.

The rate of living on other planets might also drastically be slower[/faster] than we can detect, implying that what we think is the Goldilocks zone is relative.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: mOgliE on May 16, 2016, 06:07:17 AM
I mean... I don't want to be rude or anything... but who cares ?

It doesn't matter. At all. It doesn't matter if there is life in one of those planets, even an advanced lifeforms or something good like that. We can't go, they can't come...

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: vokain on May 16, 2016, 07:01:54 AM
I mean... I don't want to be rude or anything... but who cares ?

It doesn't matter. At all. It doesn't matter if there is life in one of those planets, even an advanced lifeforms or something good like that. We can't go, they can't come...,320_.jpg

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: mOgliE on May 16, 2016, 07:09:56 AM
I mean... I don't want to be rude or anything... but who cares ?

It doesn't matter. At all. It doesn't matter if there is life in one of those planets, even an advanced lifeforms or something good like that. We can't go, they can't come...,320_.jpg

Well. Believe whatever you want. But even if it was possible to travel at speed of light (and it is physically not possible ) it would still take hundreds of years to reach any of those planets. And the energy necessary would represent several actual stars....

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: vokain on May 16, 2016, 07:10:39 AM
I mean... I don't want to be rude or anything... but who cares ?

It doesn't matter. At all. It doesn't matter if there is life in one of those planets, even an advanced lifeforms or something good like that. We can't go, they can't come...,320_.jpg

Well. Believe whatever you want. But even if it was possible to travel at speed of light (and it is physically not possible ) it would still take hundreds of years to reach any of those planets. And the energy necessary would represent several actual stars....

Maybe in your dimensions  :D

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: mOgliE on May 16, 2016, 07:15:41 AM
I mean... I don't want to be rude or anything... but who cares ?

It doesn't matter. At all. It doesn't matter if there is life in one of those planets, even an advanced lifeforms or something good like that. We can't go, they can't come...,320_.jpg

Well. Believe whatever you want. But even if it was possible to travel at speed of light (and it is physically not possible ) it would still take hundreds of years to reach any of those planets. And the energy necessary would represent several actual stars....

Maybe in your dimensions  :D
Of course if you deny every physical law we use everything is possible. I'm not saying your wrong, after all science always evolves, but it would mean were wrong for everything. And I don't see why trying to find such planets with our current science if the only way to get here would be... if our current science is completely false...

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: BADecker on May 16, 2016, 01:43:39 PM
I mean... I don't want to be rude or anything... but who cares ?

It doesn't matter. At all. It doesn't matter if there is life in one of those planets, even an advanced lifeforms or something good like that. We can't go, they can't come...,320_.jpg

Well. Believe whatever you want. But even if it was possible to travel at speed of light (and it is physically not possible ) it would still take hundreds of years to reach any of those planets. And the energy necessary would represent several actual stars....

Maybe in your dimensions  :D
Of course if you deny every physical law we use everything is possible. I'm not saying your wrong, after all science always evolves, but it would mean were wrong for everything. And I don't see why trying to find such planets with our current science if the only way to get here would be... if our current science is completely false...

The idea of our current science being false is not quite the correct way to think of it. Real science fact is fact. The thing that is wrong is the scientists who tell us what science fact is when they know that it is not fact, and the scientists who lead us to believe that some things are fact when these things are not fact.

Unfortunately, many of the lies are at the core of our scientific thinking. The serve the interests of scientists and big business and politics. But they don't serve the interests of truth.


EDIT: Need an example? Big Pharma controls a lot of medicine and medical information. They come up with chemicals and vaccines and procedures that they say will help people with all kinds of medical problems. But the better way is with nature and nutrients. Yet Big Pharma tends to downplay the natural things that work, because there is no money in it. They get into government/the FDA and try to force their "stuff" on us, stuff which kills rather than heals. See and their associated websites for all kinds of examples of this.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: mOgliE on May 16, 2016, 07:40:11 PM
I mean... I don't want to be rude or anything... but who cares ?

It doesn't matter. At all. It doesn't matter if there is life in one of those planets, even an advanced lifeforms or something good like that. We can't go, they can't come...,320_.jpg

Well. Believe whatever you want. But even if it was possible to travel at speed of light (and it is physically not possible ) it would still take hundreds of years to reach any of those planets. And the energy necessary would represent several actual stars....

Maybe in your dimensions  :D
Of course if you deny every physical law we use everything is possible. I'm not saying your wrong, after all science always evolves, but it would mean were wrong for everything. And I don't see why trying to find such planets with our current science if the only way to get here would be... if our current science is completely false...

The idea of our current science being false is not quite the correct way to think of it. Real science fact is fact. The thing that is wrong is the scientists who tell us what science fact is when they know that it is not fact, and the scientists who lead us to believe that some things are fact when these things are not fact.

Unfortunately, many of the lies are at the core of our scientific thinking. The serve the interests of scientists and big business and politics. But they don't serve the interests of truth.


EDIT: Need an example? Big Pharma controls a lot of medicine and medical information. They come up with chemicals and vaccines and procedures that they say will help people with all kinds of medical problems. But the better way is with nature and nutrients. Yet Big Pharma tends to downplay the natural things that work, because there is no money in it. They get into government/the FDA and try to force their "stuff" on us, stuff which kills rather than heals. See and their associated websites for all kinds of examples of this.

What you say doesn't mean anything I just don't understand. Science is always a question of facts. What part of science is not factual for you?

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: BADecker on May 16, 2016, 08:44:52 PM
I mean... I don't want to be rude or anything... but who cares ?

It doesn't matter. At all. It doesn't matter if there is life in one of those planets, even an advanced lifeforms or something good like that. We can't go, they can't come...,320_.jpg

Well. Believe whatever you want. But even if it was possible to travel at speed of light (and it is physically not possible ) it would still take hundreds of years to reach any of those planets. And the energy necessary would represent several actual stars....

Maybe in your dimensions  :D
Of course if you deny every physical law we use everything is possible. I'm not saying your wrong, after all science always evolves, but it would mean were wrong for everything. And I don't see why trying to find such planets with our current science if the only way to get here would be... if our current science is completely false...

The idea of our current science being false is not quite the correct way to think of it. Real science fact is fact. The thing that is wrong is the scientists who tell us what science fact is when they know that it is not fact, and the scientists who lead us to believe that some things are fact when these things are not fact.

Unfortunately, many of the lies are at the core of our scientific thinking. The serve the interests of scientists and big business and politics. But they don't serve the interests of truth.


EDIT: Need an example? Big Pharma controls a lot of medicine and medical information. They come up with chemicals and vaccines and procedures that they say will help people with all kinds of medical problems. But the better way is with nature and nutrients. Yet Big Pharma tends to downplay the natural things that work, because there is no money in it. They get into government/the FDA and try to force their "stuff" on us, stuff which kills rather than heals. See and their associated websites for all kinds of examples of this.

What you say doesn't mean anything I just don't understand. Science is always a question of facts. What part of science is not factual for you?

Notice the word question that you used. If there is question about something, it is not know to be fact. If it were fact, there would be no question about it.

Science is irrespective of what you or I think. Science has facts, and science has questions. Often the questions are formulated as science theories. The theories might contain facts. But the questions that the theories present are not known to be factual. If they were factual, they would be called facts, not theories.

Questions are a fundamental part of science. Yet, they are not known to factual until they are proven factual. Until they are proven factual, they are non-factual questions... sometimes in the form of theories.


Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: mOgliE on May 16, 2016, 10:29:22 PM
I mean... I don't want to be rude or anything... but who cares ?

It doesn't matter. At all. It doesn't matter if there is life in one of those planets, even an advanced lifeforms or something good like that. We can't go, they can't come...,320_.jpg

Well. Believe whatever you want. But even if it was possible to travel at speed of light (and it is physically not possible ) it would still take hundreds of years to reach any of those planets. And the energy necessary would represent several actual stars....

Maybe in your dimensions  :D
Of course if you deny every physical law we use everything is possible. I'm not saying your wrong, after all science always evolves, but it would mean were wrong for everything. And I don't see why trying to find such planets with our current science if the only way to get here would be... if our current science is completely false...

The idea of our current science being false is not quite the correct way to think of it. Real science fact is fact. The thing that is wrong is the scientists who tell us what science fact is when they know that it is not fact, and the scientists who lead us to believe that some things are fact when these things are not fact.

Unfortunately, many of the lies are at the core of our scientific thinking. The serve the interests of scientists and big business and politics. But they don't serve the interests of truth.


EDIT: Need an example? Big Pharma controls a lot of medicine and medical information. They come up with chemicals and vaccines and procedures that they say will help people with all kinds of medical problems. But the better way is with nature and nutrients. Yet Big Pharma tends to downplay the natural things that work, because there is no money in it. They get into government/the FDA and try to force their "stuff" on us, stuff which kills rather than heals. See and their associated websites for all kinds of examples of this.

What you say doesn't mean anything I just don't understand. Science is always a question of facts. What part of science is not factual for you?

Notice the word question that you used. If there is question about something, it is not know to be fact. If it were fact, there would be no question about it.

Science is irrespective of what you or I think. Science has facts, and science has questions. Often the questions are formulated as science theories. The theories might contain facts. But the questions that the theories present are not known to be factual. If they were factual, they would be called facts, not theories.

Questions are a fundamental part of science. Yet, they are not known to factual until they are proven factual. Until they are proven factual, they are non-factual questions... sometimes in the form of theories.


Ahahahahahah!  What you say doesn't mean anything xD

There is no pure fact in science. There are always a margin of error. Give me a single solid fact about anything with a 100% precision, that's not possible.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: vokain on May 16, 2016, 11:16:52 PM
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts"


Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: BADecker on May 16, 2016, 11:17:36 PM
I mean... I don't want to be rude or anything... but who cares ?

It doesn't matter. At all. It doesn't matter if there is life in one of those planets, even an advanced lifeforms or something good like that. We can't go, they can't come...,320_.jpg

Well. Believe whatever you want. But even if it was possible to travel at speed of light (and it is physically not possible ) it would still take hundreds of years to reach any of those planets. And the energy necessary would represent several actual stars....

Maybe in your dimensions  :D
Of course if you deny every physical law we use everything is possible. I'm not saying your wrong, after all science always evolves, but it would mean were wrong for everything. And I don't see why trying to find such planets with our current science if the only way to get here would be... if our current science is completely false...

The idea of our current science being false is not quite the correct way to think of it. Real science fact is fact. The thing that is wrong is the scientists who tell us what science fact is when they know that it is not fact, and the scientists who lead us to believe that some things are fact when these things are not fact.

Unfortunately, many of the lies are at the core of our scientific thinking. The serve the interests of scientists and big business and politics. But they don't serve the interests of truth.


EDIT: Need an example? Big Pharma controls a lot of medicine and medical information. They come up with chemicals and vaccines and procedures that they say will help people with all kinds of medical problems. But the better way is with nature and nutrients. Yet Big Pharma tends to downplay the natural things that work, because there is no money in it. They get into government/the FDA and try to force their "stuff" on us, stuff which kills rather than heals. See and their associated websites for all kinds of examples of this.

What you say doesn't mean anything I just don't understand. Science is always a question of facts. What part of science is not factual for you?

Notice the word question that you used. If there is question about something, it is not know to be fact. If it were fact, there would be no question about it.

Science is irrespective of what you or I think. Science has facts, and science has questions. Often the questions are formulated as science theories. The theories might contain facts. But the questions that the theories present are not known to be factual. If they were factual, they would be called facts, not theories.

Questions are a fundamental part of science. Yet, they are not known to factual until they are proven factual. Until they are proven factual, they are non-factual questions... sometimes in the form of theories.


Ahahahahahah!  What you say doesn't mean anything xD

There is no pure fact in science. There are always a margin of error. Give me a single solid fact about anything with a 100% precision, that's not possible.

You are such a tease.  :-[  So you think it is pure fact that there is no pure fact! Such a 100% precision piece.


Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: Evildrum on May 16, 2016, 11:55:41 PM
Where do aliens fall in aspects to the bible BADecker?

You imagine all the aspects we would have to re-open once aliens come on the scene. They better be sexy!

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: EUROPEANTURK on May 17, 2016, 03:52:40 AM
That's absolutely fucking awesome, so fuck you guys, I'm out, I'll be heading to one of these planets, if they have atmosphere and vegetation that's good enough for me, this planet sucks.

this is definitely awesome, earth is a total mess in these days. we have to head to mentioned planet for pissing on them. as you know, mankind is good at ruinning perfect things.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: BADecker on May 17, 2016, 01:23:06 PM
Where do aliens fall in aspects to the bible BADecker?

You imagine all the aspects we would have to re-open once aliens come on the scene. They better be sexy!

As I have said before, aliens are really angels. The evil ones fall, and are now called demons. The good ones are sent by God at times, to help mankind.

People on earth are the only sentient beings in the universe who often don't formally acknowledge God. We are way behind on the scale of beings that get things done. And as long as any of us remain in a position of not accepting God, we will remain in a position of not getting things done, relatively.


Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: sempak on May 17, 2016, 02:20:18 PM
This space is so extraordinary. space is very broad. space has a big secret that remains unknown to this day. and I believe that the existence of extraterrestrial life. Alien is real.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: BADecker on May 17, 2016, 02:46:47 PM
This space is so extraordinary. space is very broad. space has a big secret that remains unknown to this day. and I believe that the existence of extraterrestrial life. Alien is real.

The question isn't what you believe. The question is why you really believe it. For example, God made the universe a little over 6,000 years ago. If everything had operated without sin, where would people have expanded to in the next billion years? Out to the stars, of course, which God made empty-of-life out there, just waiting for people to go out and populate them.


Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: vokain on May 17, 2016, 03:56:14 PM
Where do aliens fall in aspects to the bible BADecker?

You imagine all the aspects we would have to re-open once aliens come on the scene. They better be sexy!

As I have said before, aliens are really angels. The evil ones fall, and are now called demons. The good ones are sent by God at times, to help mankind.

People on earth are the only sentient beings in the universe who often don't formally acknowledge God. We are way behind on the scale of beings that get things done. And as long as any of us remain in a position of not accepting God, we will remain in a position of not getting things done, relatively.


BADecker, do you have any good stories to share


Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: Wilikon on May 17, 2016, 04:17:51 PM
Where do aliens fall in aspects to the bible BADecker?

You imagine all the aspects we would have to re-open once aliens come on the scene. They better be sexy!

As I have said before, aliens are really angels. The evil ones fall, and are now called demons. The good ones are sent by God at times, to help mankind.

People on earth are the only sentient beings in the universe who often don't formally acknowledge God. We are way behind on the scale of beings that get things done. And as long as any of us remain in a position of not accepting God, we will remain in a position of not getting things done, relatively.


BADecker, do you have any good stories to share


I do not understand how GOD can create reality itself and yet limit consciousness in beings in one lonely planet. But that just me...

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: vokain on May 17, 2016, 04:34:56 PM
Where do aliens fall in aspects to the bible BADecker?

You imagine all the aspects we would have to re-open once aliens come on the scene. They better be sexy!

As I have said before, aliens are really angels. The evil ones fall, and are now called demons. The good ones are sent by God at times, to help mankind.

People on earth are the only sentient beings in the universe who often don't formally acknowledge God. We are way behind on the scale of beings that get things done. And as long as any of us remain in a position of not accepting God, we will remain in a position of not getting things done, relatively.


BADecker, do you have any good stories to share


I do not understand how GOD can create reality itself and yet limit consciousness in beings in one lonely planet. But that just me...

Why are you limiting consciousness to one planet? We've been waiting for You  :D


Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: BADecker on May 17, 2016, 04:43:06 PM
Where do aliens fall in aspects to the bible BADecker?

You imagine all the aspects we would have to re-open once aliens come on the scene. They better be sexy!

As I have said before, aliens are really angels. The evil ones fall, and are now called demons. The good ones are sent by God at times, to help mankind.

People on earth are the only sentient beings in the universe who often don't formally acknowledge God. We are way behind on the scale of beings that get things done. And as long as any of us remain in a position of not accepting God, we will remain in a position of not getting things done, relatively.


BADecker, do you have any good stories to share


I do not understand how GOD can create reality itself and yet limit consciousness in beings in one lonely planet. But that just me...

No, it is not just you. Here's what I mean.

Everything in the universe and earth that we know is based on cause and effect. Everything that happens has been caused to happen by something else, which has been caused to happen by something else, etc., all the way back to the beginning. And there have been countless trillions x trillions x trillions of cause and effect reactions that happened since the beginning.

People are barely beginning to understand anything at all. Probably, because of entropy, people are losing the ability to think to some extent.

The point? There is no way you or I or anyone is going to be able to understand something like consciousness in the universe, whether it is here on earth, or elsewhere, at least not at this stage of our extremely limited knowledge. There is simply no way in all the complexity that is out there.

The best we can do is accept the simple facts that we know, and be honest with ourselves when we dream dreams of what might exist out there.


Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: BADecker on May 17, 2016, 04:45:43 PM
Where do aliens fall in aspects to the bible BADecker?

You imagine all the aspects we would have to re-open once aliens come on the scene. They better be sexy!

As I have said before, aliens are really angels. The evil ones fall, and are now called demons. The good ones are sent by God at times, to help mankind.

People on earth are the only sentient beings in the universe who often don't formally acknowledge God. We are way behind on the scale of beings that get things done. And as long as any of us remain in a position of not accepting God, we will remain in a position of not getting things done, relatively.


BADecker, do you have any good stories to share


I do not understand how GOD can create reality itself and yet limit consciousness in beings in one lonely planet. But that just me...

Why are you limiting consciousness to one planet? We've been waiting for You  :D


You like to believe a bunch of things that you have no proof are factual? Good. I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.


Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: CoinSiteDesigner on May 17, 2016, 04:48:46 PM
I already knew there are more than those discovered planets which has life.

Just hoping to know the secrets before I die. I don't wanna die without know what's all this and without meeting any alien or seeing our scientists goto other galaxies  ::)

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: vokain on May 17, 2016, 08:52:40 PM
Where do aliens fall in aspects to the bible BADecker?

You imagine all the aspects we would have to re-open once aliens come on the scene. They better be sexy!

As I have said before, aliens are really angels. The evil ones fall, and are now called demons. The good ones are sent by God at times, to help mankind.

People on earth are the only sentient beings in the universe who often don't formally acknowledge God. We are way behind on the scale of beings that get things done. And as long as any of us remain in a position of not accepting God, we will remain in a position of not getting things done, relatively.


BADecker, do you have any good stories to share


I do not understand how GOD can create reality itself and yet limit consciousness in beings in one lonely planet. But that just me...

Why are you limiting consciousness to one planet? We've been waiting for You  :D


You like to believe a bunch of things that you have no proof are factual? Good. I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.


I don't know what I believe, but I know what I know


Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: BADecker on May 17, 2016, 09:32:57 PM
Where do aliens fall in aspects to the bible BADecker?

You imagine all the aspects we would have to re-open once aliens come on the scene. They better be sexy!

As I have said before, aliens are really angels. The evil ones fall, and are now called demons. The good ones are sent by God at times, to help mankind.

People on earth are the only sentient beings in the universe who often don't formally acknowledge God. We are way behind on the scale of beings that get things done. And as long as any of us remain in a position of not accepting God, we will remain in a position of not getting things done, relatively.


BADecker, do you have any good stories to share


I do not understand how GOD can create reality itself and yet limit consciousness in beings in one lonely planet. But that just me...

Why are you limiting consciousness to one planet? We've been waiting for You  :D


You like to believe a bunch of things that you have no proof are factual? Good. I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.


I don't know what I believe, but I know what I know


How do you know that you don't only believe that you know what you know? After all, some people know some things that are almost diametrically opposite of the things that you know.


Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: Wilikon on May 17, 2016, 11:03:55 PM
Where do aliens fall in aspects to the bible BADecker?

You imagine all the aspects we would have to re-open once aliens come on the scene. They better be sexy!

As I have said before, aliens are really angels. The evil ones fall, and are now called demons. The good ones are sent by God at times, to help mankind.

People on earth are the only sentient beings in the universe who often don't formally acknowledge God. We are way behind on the scale of beings that get things done. And as long as any of us remain in a position of not accepting God, we will remain in a position of not getting things done, relatively.


BADecker, do you have any good stories to share


I do not understand how GOD can create reality itself and yet limit consciousness in beings in one lonely planet. But that just me...

Why are you limiting consciousness to one planet? We've been waiting for You  :D


Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: squatz1 on May 18, 2016, 12:13:20 AM
Just goes to prove the people wrong who believe that we are alone in this universe. If there are over 1,200 possible life-bearing planets discovered relatively near by, who is to say there aren't millions to be discovered.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: BADecker on May 18, 2016, 12:31:25 AM
Where do aliens fall in aspects to the bible BADecker?

You imagine all the aspects we would have to re-open once aliens come on the scene. They better be sexy!

As I have said before, aliens are really angels. The evil ones fall, and are now called demons. The good ones are sent by God at times, to help mankind.

People on earth are the only sentient beings in the universe who often don't formally acknowledge God. We are way behind on the scale of beings that get things done. And as long as any of us remain in a position of not accepting God, we will remain in a position of not getting things done, relatively.


BADecker, do you have any good stories to share


I do not understand how GOD can create reality itself and yet limit consciousness in beings in one lonely planet. But that just me...

Why are you limiting consciousness to one planet? We've been waiting for You  :D


There are possibly countless numbers of usable planets out there. Forever is a long time, and God set this universe up to last that long, and if mankind hadn't turned away from God, it would have.

If mankind had never fallen into sin, those planets would be places for us to go to when populations reached something like standing room only on earth. There would be no human death. Adam and Eve would have been first to go out there, because they were the parents of mankind in general, and would have been honored in that way.

There are hints in the Bible that there are beings out there that are custodians of celestial places until mankind gets there. They are less than angels. But they are greater than human beings. They are fully aware of God, and many of them are His enemy. What would happen to them if mankind reached the stars? Who knows? It is irrelevant, however. We'll never make it before we destroy ourselves.

The thing that we threw away when we fell into sin! But don't blame Adam and Eve entirely. After all, most of the rest of us have great moments of weak faith in God. And a number of us don't want to believe in God at all.


Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: vokain on May 18, 2016, 02:19:20 AM
Where do aliens fall in aspects to the bible BADecker?

You imagine all the aspects we would have to re-open once aliens come on the scene. They better be sexy!

As I have said before, aliens are really angels. The evil ones fall, and are now called demons. The good ones are sent by God at times, to help mankind.

People on earth are the only sentient beings in the universe who often don't formally acknowledge God. We are way behind on the scale of beings that get things done. And as long as any of us remain in a position of not accepting God, we will remain in a position of not getting things done, relatively.


BADecker, do you have any good stories to share


I do not understand how GOD can create reality itself and yet limit consciousness in beings in one lonely planet. But that just me...

Why are you limiting consciousness to one planet? We've been waiting for You  :D


There are possibly countless numbers of usable planets out there. Forever is a long time, and God set this universe up to last that long, and if mankind hadn't turned away from God, it would have.

If mankind had never fallen into sin, those planets would be places for us to go to when populations reached something like standing room only on earth. There would be no human death. Adam and Eve would have been first to go out there, because they were the parents of mankind in general, and would have been honored in that way.

There are hints in the Bible that there are beings out there that are custodians of celestial places until mankind gets there. They are less than angels. But they are greater than human beings. They are fully aware of God, and many of them are His enemy. What would happen to them if mankind reached the stars? Who knows? It is irrelevant, however. We'll never make it before we destroy ourselves.

The thing that we threw away when we fell into sin! But don't blame Adam and Eve entirely. After all, most of the rest of us have great moments of weak faith in God. And a number of us don't want to believe in God at all.


Saw this hypothetical just now...

"What if the reason we haven't made contact with aliens...

is because all of our local civilizations belong to some form of government that forbids open contact with pre-interstellar life?"


Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: Spendulus on May 18, 2016, 02:04:05 PM
Just goes to prove the people wrong who believe that we are alone in this universe. If there are over 1,200 possible life-bearing planets discovered relatively near by, who is to say there aren't millions to be discovered.
One line of thought is that planets are as common as stars, being formed in the same processes.   But keep in mind that only those in the habitable zone are of interest.  Of those, only ones with atmospheres.  Of those, only those with magnetic poles and radiation belts.  Of those, only those which have fair amounts of carbon, oxygen, and water.

It may wind up that one in a million is potentially holding life.  But there could be millions of them.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: Wilikon on May 18, 2016, 03:49:39 PM
Just goes to prove the people wrong who believe that we are alone in this universe. If there are over 1,200 possible life-bearing planets discovered relatively near by, who is to say there aren't millions to be discovered.
One line of thought is that planets are as common as stars, being formed in the same processes.   But keep in mind that only those in the habitable zone are of interest.  Of those, only ones with atmospheres.  Of those, only those with magnetic poles and radiation belts.  Of those, only those which have fair amounts of carbon, oxygen, and water.

It may wind up that one in a million is potentially holding life.  But there could be millions of them.

Yep. Life might the most basic common thing in the universe...

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: vokain on May 18, 2016, 07:55:42 PM
Just goes to prove the people wrong who believe that we are alone in this universe. If there are over 1,200 possible life-bearing planets discovered relatively near by, who is to say there aren't millions to be discovered.
One line of thought is that planets are as common as stars, being formed in the same processes.   But keep in mind that only those in the habitable zone are of interest.  Of those, only ones with atmospheres.  Of those, only those with magnetic poles and radiation belts.  Of those, only those which have fair amounts of carbon, oxygen, and water.

It may wind up that one in a million is potentially holding life.  But there could be millions of them.

Yep. Life might the most basic common thing in the universe...

Wait, those conditions support life as we know it, but who's to say other conditions can't give rise to forms of life that adapted to said other conditions?

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: Spendulus on May 18, 2016, 10:01:50 PM
Just goes to prove the people wrong who believe that we are alone in this universe. If there are over 1,200 possible life-bearing planets discovered relatively near by, who is to say there aren't millions to be discovered.
One line of thought is that planets are as common as stars, being formed in the same processes.   But keep in mind that only those in the habitable zone are of interest.  Of those, only ones with atmospheres.  Of those, only those with magnetic poles and radiation belts.  Of those, only those which have fair amounts of carbon, oxygen, and water.

It may wind up that one in a million is potentially holding life.  But there could be millions of them.

Yep. Life might the most basic common thing in the universe...

Wait, those conditions support life as we know it, but who's to say other conditions can't give rise to forms of life that adapted to said other conditions?

That's possible.  But you can go down that line of inquiry and define the possible situations also.  The self organizing mechanisms of matter require phase dynamics, gas-liquid-solid.  That means a certain range of temperatures for the elements involved such as

Carbon hydrogen oxygen nitrogen
Silicon hydrogen .....
Sulfur hydrogen ....

For any proposed system excess thermal energy will overwhelm organizational tendency toward life, and insufficient thermal energy energy will prevent it.

For example, the Moon cannot support any life.  Neither can Mercury or Venus.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: Wilikon on May 18, 2016, 10:13:46 PM
Just goes to prove the people wrong who believe that we are alone in this universe. If there are over 1,200 possible life-bearing planets discovered relatively near by, who is to say there aren't millions to be discovered.
One line of thought is that planets are as common as stars, being formed in the same processes.   But keep in mind that only those in the habitable zone are of interest.  Of those, only ones with atmospheres.  Of those, only those with magnetic poles and radiation belts.  Of those, only those which have fair amounts of carbon, oxygen, and water.

It may wind up that one in a million is potentially holding life.  But there could be millions of them.

Yep. Life might the most basic common thing in the universe...

Wait, those conditions support life as we know it, but who's to say other conditions can't give rise to forms of life that adapted to said other conditions?

That's possible.  But you can go down that line of inquiry and define the possible situations also.  The self organizing mechanisms of matter require phase dynamics, gas-liquid-solid.  That means a certain range of temperatures for the elements involved such as

Carbon hydrogen oxygen nitrogen
Silicon hydrogen .....
Sulfur hydrogen ....

For any proposed system excess thermal energy will overwhelm organizational tendency toward life, and insufficient thermal energy energy will prevent it.

For example, the Moon cannot support any life.  Neither can Mercury or Venus.

And yet, we are left with the possibility of millions of examples of the potential of life across our galaxy alone. I predict we will be sick of learning about Life, once we know we are surrounded with it one day...

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: vokain on May 18, 2016, 11:55:50 PM
Just goes to prove the people wrong who believe that we are alone in this universe. If there are over 1,200 possible life-bearing planets discovered relatively near by, who is to say there aren't millions to be discovered.
One line of thought is that planets are as common as stars, being formed in the same processes.   But keep in mind that only those in the habitable zone are of interest.  Of those, only ones with atmospheres.  Of those, only those with magnetic poles and radiation belts.  Of those, only those which have fair amounts of carbon, oxygen, and water.

It may wind up that one in a million is potentially holding life.  But there could be millions of them.

Yep. Life might the most basic common thing in the universe...

Wait, those conditions support life as we know it, but who's to say other conditions can't give rise to forms of life that adapted to said other conditions?

That's possible.  But you can go down that line of inquiry and define the possible situations also.  The self organizing mechanisms of matter require phase dynamics, gas-liquid-solid.  That means a certain range of temperatures for the elements involved such as

Carbon hydrogen oxygen nitrogen
Silicon hydrogen .....
Sulfur hydrogen ....

For any proposed system excess thermal energy will overwhelm organizational tendency toward life, and insufficient thermal energy energy will prevent it.

For example, the Moon cannot support any life.  Neither can Mercury or Venus.

Your mentioning of those elements reminded me of the Arecibo "Response"

which led me to this webpage about it and the original message

My head hurt after reading it, which may indicate that the writer is a crackpot, but whatever  

In any case, I realize now, what a time it must have been to be alive since around the 60s. I wonder what I'll see in my lifetime.

Relativity question: can significantly different magnetic fields in another part of the galaxy/universe affect the behavior of chemicals in that localized area compare to say, on Earth

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: Spendulus on May 19, 2016, 12:49:27 AM
Just goes to prove the people wrong who believe that we are alone in this universe. If there are over 1,200 possible life-bearing planets discovered relatively near by, who is to say there aren't millions to be discovered.
One line of thought is that planets are as common as stars, being formed in the same processes.   But keep in mind that only those in the habitable zone are of interest.  Of those, only ones with atmospheres.  Of those, only those with magnetic poles and radiation belts.  Of those, only those which have fair amounts of carbon, oxygen, and water.

It may wind up that one in a million is potentially holding life.  But there could be millions of them.

Yep. Life might the most basic common thing in the universe...

Wait, those conditions support life as we know it, but who's to say other conditions can't give rise to forms of life that adapted to said other conditions?

That's possible.  But you can go down that line of inquiry and define the possible situations also.  The self organizing mechanisms of matter require phase dynamics, gas-liquid-solid.  That means a certain range of temperatures for the elements involved such as

Carbon hydrogen oxygen nitrogen
Silicon hydrogen .....
Sulfur hydrogen ....

For any proposed system excess thermal energy will overwhelm organizational tendency toward life, and insufficient thermal energy energy will prevent it.

For example, the Moon cannot support any life.  Neither can Mercury or Venus.

Your mentioning of those elements reminded me of the Arecibo "Response"

which led me to this webpage about it and the original message

My head hurt after reading it, which may indicate that the writer is a crackpot, but whatever  

In any case, I realize now, what a time it must have been to be alive since around the 60s. I wonder what I'll see in my lifetime.

Relativity question: can significantly different magnetic fields in another part of the galaxy/universe affect the behavior of chemicals in that localized area compare to say, on Earth

Lol, yes, Hoagland is a crackpot.  No, magnetic fields very remote cannot be thought of affecting local conditions.  There is a "crackpot theory" about that which is called the "electric universe, electric sun, etc."  IIRC.  

I'm still laughing over the "number of planets" arguments.

"How many planets are in the solar system?"

Yesterday's answer.  Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.

Today's answer.

Fuck, who knows.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: Wilikon on May 19, 2016, 01:12:16 AM

If the universe is made out of the same stuff everywhere and nature hates to waste energy to build new stuff, could the humanoid shape be the most logical path for an intelligent life form ready for space exploration?

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: Spendulus on May 19, 2016, 01:57:25 AM

If the universe is made out of the same stuff everywhere and nature hates to waste energy to build new stuff, could the humanoid shape be the most logical path for an intelligent life form ready for space exploration?

NO.  Because as we all know, our big brains stem from the fact we have opposing thumbs and fingers.

That is, unless you choose to be a Denier of these established scientific factoids.  Just as the grand planet Pluto is now only a Plutoid, by virtue of a consensus of scientific opinion, you must bow down to factoids such as the thumb and finger oppositional premise of the big brain theory, and ignore contrary evidence such as the infinite number of gradations of stupidity.  Those only confirm the hypothesis, as creatures which were more stupid would have fewer possible levels of stupidity.  Thus in the case of Hillary, it's "Bill or No Bill?" asked from one side of the bed to Huma, on the other side.

Now, if the oppositional thumb merits discussion, we have to acknowledge that beings, creatures or slimeballs with a plethora of said oppositional apparatus would be greater in intelligence as follows.

n = number of oppositional thumb/finger pairs
t = time
c = clusterfuck factor
bb = degree to which brain is high or low density in bricklike nature
F = unknown factor, plugged into make the results agree with pre determined intent

Smartness = n^(t*(-c + -bb + F)


Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: vokain on May 19, 2016, 02:11:01 AM
Just goes to prove the people wrong who believe that we are alone in this universe. If there are over 1,200 possible life-bearing planets discovered relatively near by, who is to say there aren't millions to be discovered.
One line of thought is that planets are as common as stars, being formed in the same processes.   But keep in mind that only those in the habitable zone are of interest.  Of those, only ones with atmospheres.  Of those, only those with magnetic poles and radiation belts.  Of those, only those which have fair amounts of carbon, oxygen, and water.

It may wind up that one in a million is potentially holding life.  But there could be millions of them.

Yep. Life might the most basic common thing in the universe...

Wait, those conditions support life as we know it, but who's to say other conditions can't give rise to forms of life that adapted to said other conditions?

That's possible.  But you can go down that line of inquiry and define the possible situations also.  The self organizing mechanisms of matter require phase dynamics, gas-liquid-solid.  That means a certain range of temperatures for the elements involved such as

Carbon hydrogen oxygen nitrogen
Silicon hydrogen .....
Sulfur hydrogen ....

For any proposed system excess thermal energy will overwhelm organizational tendency toward life, and insufficient thermal energy energy will prevent it.

For example, the Moon cannot support any life.  Neither can Mercury or Venus.

Your mentioning of those elements reminded me of the Arecibo "Response"

which led me to this webpage about it and the original message

My head hurt after reading it, which may indicate that the writer is a crackpot, but whatever  

In any case, I realize now, what a time it must have been to be alive since around the 60s. I wonder what I'll see in my lifetime.

Relativity question: can significantly different magnetic fields in another part of the galaxy/universe affect the behavior of chemicals in that localized area compare to say, on Earth

Lol, yes, Hoagland is a crackpot.  No, magnetic fields very remote cannot be thought of affecting local conditions.  There is a "crackpot theory" about that which is called the "electric universe, electric sun, etc."  IIRC.  

I'm still laughing over the "number of planets" arguments.

"How many planets are in the solar system?"

Yesterday's answer.  Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.

Today's answer.

Fuck, who knows.

I mean, if in another part of the known universe there exists a hypothetically drastically different magnetic field (baseline if you will), could the behavior of some arbitrary chemicals be different than somewhere else like here, same chemicals?

I think this means probably:

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: Spendulus on May 19, 2016, 03:57:52 AM
I mean, if in another part of the known universe there exists a hypothetically drastically different magnetic field (baseline if you will), could the behavior of some arbitrary chemicals be different than somewhere else like here, same chemicals?

I think this means probably:

I would suppose the periodic table to be the same everywhere in this universe, the laws of physics to be the same, and so forth.  The article you liked to asserts that some magnetic fields could affect the rate of formation or stability of "free radicals."

But this is somewhat silly, many chemical solutions exist in ionic equilibrium with a simple example being salt in water.  NaCl and H2O, radicals would be Na and Cl, plus the H and the O.  As far as "health" is concerned there is a mythology about "free radicals" and their importance to being "healthy." 

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: vokain on May 19, 2016, 12:23:57 PM
I mean, if in another part of the known universe there exists a hypothetically drastically different magnetic field (baseline if you will), could the behavior of some arbitrary chemicals be different than somewhere else like here, same chemicals?

I think this means probably:

I would suppose the periodic table to be the same everywhere in this universe, the laws of physics to be the same, and so forth.
  The article you liked to asserts that some magnetic fields could affect the rate of formation or stability of "free radicals."

But this is somewhat silly, many chemical solutions exist in ionic equilibrium with a simple example being salt in water.  NaCl and H2O, radicals would be Na and Cl, plus the H and the O.  As far as "health" is concerned there is a mythology about "free radicals" and their importance to being "healthy." 

I think I was just wondering if it was possible if different free radical behaviors/concentrations that could exist in other places would affect things around their local environment, especially if said free radicals were somehow more stabilized.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: Spendulus on May 19, 2016, 12:46:19 PM
I mean, if in another part of the known universe there exists a hypothetically drastically different magnetic field (baseline if you will), could the behavior of some arbitrary chemicals be different than somewhere else like here, same chemicals?

I think this means probably:

I would suppose the periodic table to be the same everywhere in this universe, the laws of physics to be the same, and so forth.
  The article you liked to asserts that some magnetic fields could affect the rate of formation or stability of "free radicals."

But this is somewhat silly, many chemical solutions exist in ionic equilibrium with a simple example being salt in water.  NaCl and H2O, radicals would be Na and Cl, plus the H and the O.  As far as "health" is concerned there is a mythology about "free radicals" and their importance to being "healthy." 

I think I was just wondering if it was possible if different free radical behaviors/concentrations that could exist in other places would affect things around their local environment, especially if said free radicals were somehow more stabilized.

To look at this question one would need to separate the mythology and lore of "antioxidents and free radicals" as it is promoted in "natural medicine" and such from the actual chemistry and biochemistry.  For the actual facts I would suggest a source such as

Rather than guessing as to the answer to your question you might look for peer reviewed articles which vary magnetic and gravitational fields while growing plants and or animals.  I know there have been many such on the ISS space station at least for gravity. 

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: vokain on May 19, 2016, 01:17:41 PM
I mean, if in another part of the known universe there exists a hypothetically drastically different magnetic field (baseline if you will), could the behavior of some arbitrary chemicals be different than somewhere else like here, same chemicals?

I think this means probably:

I would suppose the periodic table to be the same everywhere in this universe, the laws of physics to be the same, and so forth.
 The article you liked to asserts that some magnetic fields could affect the rate of formation or stability of "free radicals."

But this is somewhat silly, many chemical solutions exist in ionic equilibrium with a simple example being salt in water.  NaCl and H2O, radicals would be Na and Cl, plus the H and the O.  As far as "health" is concerned there is a mythology about "free radicals" and their importance to being "healthy."  

I think I was just wondering if it was possible if different free radical behaviors/concentrations that could exist in other places would affect things around their local environment, especially if said free radicals were somehow more stabilized.

To look at this question one would need to separate the mythology and lore of "antioxidents and free radicals" as it is promoted in "natural medicine" and such from the actual chemistry and biochemistry.  For the actual facts I would suggest a source such as

Rather than guessing as to the answer to your question you might look for peer reviewed articles which vary magnetic and gravitational fields while growing plants and or animals.  I know there have been many such on the ISS space station at least for gravity.  

Thank you amigo, I never really looked into those space studies in depth before but I was aware of them as a kid.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: Wilikon on May 19, 2016, 02:25:16 PM

If the universe is made out of the same stuff everywhere and nature hates to waste energy to build new stuff, could the humanoid shape be the most logical path for an intelligent life form ready for space exploration?

NO.  Because as we all know, our big brains stem from the fact we have opposing thumbs and fingers.

That is, unless you choose to be a Denier of these established scientific factoids.  Just as the grand planet Pluto is now only a Plutoid, by virtue of a consensus of scientific opinion, you must bow down to factoids such as the thumb and finger oppositional premise of the big brain theory, and ignore contrary evidence such as the infinite number of gradations of stupidity.  Those only confirm the hypothesis, as creatures which were more stupid would have fewer possible levels of stupidity.  Thus in the case of Hillary, it's "Bill or No Bill?" asked from one side of the bed to Huma, on the other side.

Now, if the oppositional thumb merits discussion, we have to acknowledge that beings, creatures or slimeballs with a plethora of said oppositional apparatus would be greater in intelligence as follows.

n = number of oppositional thumb/finger pairs
t = time
c = clusterfuck factor
bb = degree to which brain is high or low density in bricklike nature
F = unknown factor, plugged into make the results agree with pre determined intent

Smartness = n^(t*(-c + -bb + F)


Hmm... Looks like very, very intelligent alien creatures will have 10387 opposite thumbs... At least.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: Spendulus on May 19, 2016, 02:43:57 PM

If the universe is made out of the same stuff everywhere and nature hates to waste energy to build new stuff, could the humanoid shape be the most logical path for an intelligent life form ready for space exploration?

NO.  Because as we all know, our big brains stem from the fact we have opposing thumbs and fingers.

That is, unless you choose to be a Denier of these established scientific factoids.  Just as the grand planet Pluto is now only a Plutoid, by virtue of a consensus of scientific opinion, you must bow down to factoids such as the thumb and finger oppositional premise of the big brain theory, and ignore contrary evidence such as the infinite number of gradations of stupidity.  Those only confirm the hypothesis, as creatures which were more stupid would have fewer possible levels of stupidity.  Thus in the case of Hillary, it's "Bill or No Bill?" asked from one side of the bed to Huma, on the other side.

Now, if the oppositional thumb merits discussion, we have to acknowledge that beings, creatures or slimeballs with a plethora of said oppositional apparatus would be greater in intelligence as follows.

n = number of oppositional thumb/finger pairs
t = time
c = clusterfuck factor
bb = degree to which brain is high or low density in bricklike nature
F = unknown factor, plugged into make the results agree with pre determined intent

Smartness = n^(t*(-c + -bb + F)


Hmm... Looks like very, very intelligent alien creatures will have 10387 opposite thumbs... At least.

You are missing the "c" factor which is signed negatively as it detracts from the overall intelligence of the entity and may destroy a civilization completely.  Additionally 10387 is capable of dividing into thirteen or seventeen warring factions.  Rumor has it that a chief Export from Earth by the flying saucers of the 1940-1970 era were tool steel Chicken Claws, used by fighting chickens in that long ago brutal and savage era.  These super intelligent Aliens fit our Chicken claws onto their opposing thumbs and their hand/brain fights it out.  This results in a big mess.  However the neural pathways to their brainies is so far that their screams do not occur until after one or another warring faction of the Hand has won.  Note that Thumbs do not submit to the slavery of Fingerdom, being by their nature quite oppositional.

Please recompute.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: mOgliE on May 20, 2016, 04:03:43 PM

If the universe is made out of the same stuff everywhere and nature hates to waste energy to build new stuff, could the humanoid shape be the most logical path for an intelligent life form ready for space exploration?

NO.  Because as we all know, our big brains stem from the fact we have opposing thumbs and fingers.

That is, unless you choose to be a Denier of these established scientific factoids.  Just as the grand planet Pluto is now only a Plutoid, by virtue of a consensus of scientific opinion, you must bow down to factoids such as the thumb and finger oppositional premise of the big brain theory, and ignore contrary evidence such as the infinite number of gradations of stupidity.  Those only confirm the hypothesis, as creatures which were more stupid would have fewer possible levels of stupidity.  Thus in the case of Hillary, it's "Bill or No Bill?" asked from one side of the bed to Huma, on the other side.

Now, if the oppositional thumb merits discussion, we have to acknowledge that beings, creatures or slimeballs with a plethora of said oppositional apparatus would be greater in intelligence as follows.

n = number of oppositional thumb/finger pairs
t = time
c = clusterfuck factor
bb = degree to which brain is high or low density in bricklike nature
F = unknown factor, plugged into make the results agree with pre determined intent

Smartness = n^(t*(-c + -bb + F)


LOL,  everytime I read one of your post I discover a new way to see things in an absurd and far too simplified way.

So you don't agree on the fact that Pluto is not a planet? Tell us how you know things better than all scientists. After proving how you're better than any meteorologist and climatologists I bet you're ready to show us how good of an astronaum you are xD

Spendulus, the great scientist!

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: BADecker on May 20, 2016, 04:21:55 PM

If the universe is made out of the same stuff everywhere and nature hates to waste energy to build new stuff, could the humanoid shape be the most logical path for an intelligent life form ready for space exploration?

NO.  Because as we all know, our big brains stem from the fact we have opposing thumbs and fingers.

That is, unless you choose to be a Denier of these established scientific factoids.  Just as the grand planet Pluto is now only a Plutoid, by virtue of a consensus of scientific opinion, you must bow down to factoids such as the thumb and finger oppositional premise of the big brain theory, and ignore contrary evidence such as the infinite number of gradations of stupidity.  Those only confirm the hypothesis, as creatures which were more stupid would have fewer possible levels of stupidity.  Thus in the case of Hillary, it's "Bill or No Bill?" asked from one side of the bed to Huma, on the other side.

Now, if the oppositional thumb merits discussion, we have to acknowledge that beings, creatures or slimeballs with a plethora of said oppositional apparatus would be greater in intelligence as follows.

n = number of oppositional thumb/finger pairs
t = time
c = clusterfuck factor
bb = degree to which brain is high or low density in bricklike nature
F = unknown factor, plugged into make the results agree with pre determined intent

Smartness = n^(t*(-c + -bb + F)


LOL,  everytime I read one of your post I discover a new way to see things in an absurd and far too simplified way.

So you don't agree on the fact that Pluto is not a planet? Tell us how you know things better than all scientists. After proving how you're better than any meteorologist and climatologists I bet you're ready to show us how good of an astronaum you are xD

Spendulus, the great scientist!

Pluto may exhibit some characteristics not belonging to planets, but it exhibits some planetary characteristics, as well.

Within the last couple of years or so, Pluto has been reclassified as a planet by cosmologists. I don't follow their every move, but I don't believe it has been taken out of planet classification, again, recently. If it has, it would have had to have been done within the last 2 or 3 months.


Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: mOgliE on May 20, 2016, 04:26:31 PM

If the universe is made out of the same stuff everywhere and nature hates to waste energy to build new stuff, could the humanoid shape be the most logical path for an intelligent life form ready for space exploration?

NO.  Because as we all know, our big brains stem from the fact we have opposing thumbs and fingers.

That is, unless you choose to be a Denier of these established scientific factoids.  Just as the grand planet Pluto is now only a Plutoid, by virtue of a consensus of scientific opinion, you must bow down to factoids such as the thumb and finger oppositional premise of the big brain theory, and ignore contrary evidence such as the infinite number of gradations of stupidity.  Those only confirm the hypothesis, as creatures which were more stupid would have fewer possible levels of stupidity.  Thus in the case of Hillary, it's "Bill or No Bill?" asked from one side of the bed to Huma, on the other side.

Now, if the oppositional thumb merits discussion, we have to acknowledge that beings, creatures or slimeballs with a plethora of said oppositional apparatus would be greater in intelligence as follows.

n = number of oppositional thumb/finger pairs
t = time
c = clusterfuck factor
bb = degree to which brain is high or low density in bricklike nature
F = unknown factor, plugged into make the results agree with pre determined intent

Smartness = n^(t*(-c + -bb + F)


LOL,  everytime I read one of your post I discover a new way to see things in an absurd and far too simplified way.

So you don't agree on the fact that Pluto is not a planet? Tell us how you know things better than all scientists. After proving how you're better than any meteorologist and climatologists I bet you're ready to show us how good of an astronaum you are xD

Spendulus, the great scientist!

Pluto may exhibit some characteristics not belonging to planets, but it exhibits some planetary characteristics, as well.

Within the last couple of years or so, Pluto has been reclassified as a planet by cosmologists. I don't follow their every move, but I don't believe it has been taken out of planet classification, again, recently. If it has, it would have had to have been done within the last 2 or 3 months.


Of course Pluto is no longer classified as a planet. Only American scientists say otherwise because Pluto was the only planet discovered by americans and they got really angry when the rest of the world wanted to declassify it xD

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: BADecker on May 20, 2016, 04:37:09 PM

If the universe is made out of the same stuff everywhere and nature hates to waste energy to build new stuff, could the humanoid shape be the most logical path for an intelligent life form ready for space exploration?

NO.  Because as we all know, our big brains stem from the fact we have opposing thumbs and fingers.

That is, unless you choose to be a Denier of these established scientific factoids.  Just as the grand planet Pluto is now only a Plutoid, by virtue of a consensus of scientific opinion, you must bow down to factoids such as the thumb and finger oppositional premise of the big brain theory, and ignore contrary evidence such as the infinite number of gradations of stupidity.  Those only confirm the hypothesis, as creatures which were more stupid would have fewer possible levels of stupidity.  Thus in the case of Hillary, it's "Bill or No Bill?" asked from one side of the bed to Huma, on the other side.

Now, if the oppositional thumb merits discussion, we have to acknowledge that beings, creatures or slimeballs with a plethora of said oppositional apparatus would be greater in intelligence as follows.

n = number of oppositional thumb/finger pairs
t = time
c = clusterfuck factor
bb = degree to which brain is high or low density in bricklike nature
F = unknown factor, plugged into make the results agree with pre determined intent

Smartness = n^(t*(-c + -bb + F)


LOL,  everytime I read one of your post I discover a new way to see things in an absurd and far too simplified way.

So you don't agree on the fact that Pluto is not a planet? Tell us how you know things better than all scientists. After proving how you're better than any meteorologist and climatologists I bet you're ready to show us how good of an astronaum you are xD

Spendulus, the great scientist!

Pluto may exhibit some characteristics not belonging to planets, but it exhibits some planetary characteristics, as well.

Within the last couple of years or so, Pluto has been reclassified as a planet by cosmologists. I don't follow their every move, but I don't believe it has been taken out of planet classification, again, recently. If it has, it would have had to have been done within the last 2 or 3 months.


Of course Pluto is no longer classified as a planet. Only American scientists say otherwise because Pluto was the only planet discovered by americans and they got really angry when the rest of the world wanted to declassify it xD

Whose "spaceship" did that Pluto flyby? Oh, yes. America's. Perhaps those photos of the planet Pluto were all fake. Looked like a planet to me.

More at


Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: mOgliE on May 20, 2016, 04:42:45 PM

If the universe is made out of the same stuff everywhere and nature hates to waste energy to build new stuff, could the humanoid shape be the most logical path for an intelligent life form ready for space exploration?

NO.  Because as we all know, our big brains stem from the fact we have opposing thumbs and fingers.

That is, unless you choose to be a Denier of these established scientific factoids.  Just as the grand planet Pluto is now only a Plutoid, by virtue of a consensus of scientific opinion, you must bow down to factoids such as the thumb and finger oppositional premise of the big brain theory, and ignore contrary evidence such as the infinite number of gradations of stupidity.  Those only confirm the hypothesis, as creatures which were more stupid would have fewer possible levels of stupidity.  Thus in the case of Hillary, it's "Bill or No Bill?" asked from one side of the bed to Huma, on the other side.

Now, if the oppositional thumb merits discussion, we have to acknowledge that beings, creatures or slimeballs with a plethora of said oppositional apparatus would be greater in intelligence as follows.

n = number of oppositional thumb/finger pairs
t = time
c = clusterfuck factor
bb = degree to which brain is high or low density in bricklike nature
F = unknown factor, plugged into make the results agree with pre determined intent

Smartness = n^(t*(-c + -bb + F)


LOL,  everytime I read one of your post I discover a new way to see things in an absurd and far too simplified way.

So you don't agree on the fact that Pluto is not a planet? Tell us how you know things better than all scientists. After proving how you're better than any meteorologist and climatologists I bet you're ready to show us how good of an astronaum you are xD

Spendulus, the great scientist!

Pluto may exhibit some characteristics not belonging to planets, but it exhibits some planetary characteristics, as well.

Within the last couple of years or so, Pluto has been reclassified as a planet by cosmologists. I don't follow their every move, but I don't believe it has been taken out of planet classification, again, recently. If it has, it would have had to have been done within the last 2 or 3 months.


Of course Pluto is no longer classified as a planet. Only American scientists say otherwise because Pluto was the only planet discovered by americans and they got really angry when the rest of the world wanted to declassify it xD

Whose "spaceship" did that Pluto flyby? Oh, yes. America's. Perhaps those photos of the planet Pluto were all fake. Looked like a planet to me.

More at


Meh? I'm not saying they didn't take photos of Pluto.  But those photos aren't even part of the debate to know if yes or no its a planet. The debate is just: does Pluto answer every criteria of a planet definition.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: BADecker on May 20, 2016, 04:54:08 PM

If the universe is made out of the same stuff everywhere and nature hates to waste energy to build new stuff, could the humanoid shape be the most logical path for an intelligent life form ready for space exploration?

NO.  Because as we all know, our big brains stem from the fact we have opposing thumbs and fingers.

That is, unless you choose to be a Denier of these established scientific factoids.  Just as the grand planet Pluto is now only a Plutoid, by virtue of a consensus of scientific opinion, you must bow down to factoids such as the thumb and finger oppositional premise of the big brain theory, and ignore contrary evidence such as the infinite number of gradations of stupidity.  Those only confirm the hypothesis, as creatures which were more stupid would have fewer possible levels of stupidity.  Thus in the case of Hillary, it's "Bill or No Bill?" asked from one side of the bed to Huma, on the other side.

Now, if the oppositional thumb merits discussion, we have to acknowledge that beings, creatures or slimeballs with a plethora of said oppositional apparatus would be greater in intelligence as follows.

n = number of oppositional thumb/finger pairs
t = time
c = clusterfuck factor
bb = degree to which brain is high or low density in bricklike nature
F = unknown factor, plugged into make the results agree with pre determined intent

Smartness = n^(t*(-c + -bb + F)


LOL,  everytime I read one of your post I discover a new way to see things in an absurd and far too simplified way.

So you don't agree on the fact that Pluto is not a planet? Tell us how you know things better than all scientists. After proving how you're better than any meteorologist and climatologists I bet you're ready to show us how good of an astronaum you are xD

Spendulus, the great scientist!

Pluto may exhibit some characteristics not belonging to planets, but it exhibits some planetary characteristics, as well.

Within the last couple of years or so, Pluto has been reclassified as a planet by cosmologists. I don't follow their every move, but I don't believe it has been taken out of planet classification, again, recently. If it has, it would have had to have been done within the last 2 or 3 months.


Of course Pluto is no longer classified as a planet. Only American scientists say otherwise because Pluto was the only planet discovered by americans and they got really angry when the rest of the world wanted to declassify it xD

Whose "spaceship" did that Pluto flyby? Oh, yes. America's. Perhaps those photos of the planet Pluto were all fake. Looked like a planet to me.

More at


Meh? I'm not saying they didn't take photos of Pluto.  But those photos aren't even part of the debate to know if yes or no its a planet. The debate is just: does Pluto answer every criteria of a planet definition.

Does earth? How can we tell? since the majority (if not all) of the other "planets" have no life on them. Cosmologists make up only a tiny percent of the people who live. Pluto is a planet.


Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: mOgliE on May 20, 2016, 05:40:18 PM

If the universe is made out of the same stuff everywhere and nature hates to waste energy to build new stuff, could the humanoid shape be the most logical path for an intelligent life form ready for space exploration?

NO.  Because as we all know, our big brains stem from the fact we have opposing thumbs and fingers.

That is, unless you choose to be a Denier of these established scientific factoids.  Just as the grand planet Pluto is now only a Plutoid, by virtue of a consensus of scientific opinion, you must bow down to factoids such as the thumb and finger oppositional premise of the big brain theory, and ignore contrary evidence such as the infinite number of gradations of stupidity.  Those only confirm the hypothesis, as creatures which were more stupid would have fewer possible levels of stupidity.  Thus in the case of Hillary, it's "Bill or No Bill?" asked from one side of the bed to Huma, on the other side.

Now, if the oppositional thumb merits discussion, we have to acknowledge that beings, creatures or slimeballs with a plethora of said oppositional apparatus would be greater in intelligence as follows.

n = number of oppositional thumb/finger pairs
t = time
c = clusterfuck factor
bb = degree to which brain is high or low density in bricklike nature
F = unknown factor, plugged into make the results agree with pre determined intent

Smartness = n^(t*(-c + -bb + F)


LOL,  everytime I read one of your post I discover a new way to see things in an absurd and far too simplified way.

So you don't agree on the fact that Pluto is not a planet? Tell us how you know things better than all scientists. After proving how you're better than any meteorologist and climatologists I bet you're ready to show us how good of an astronaum you are xD

Spendulus, the great scientist!

Pluto may exhibit some characteristics not belonging to planets, but it exhibits some planetary characteristics, as well.

Within the last couple of years or so, Pluto has been reclassified as a planet by cosmologists. I don't follow their every move, but I don't believe it has been taken out of planet classification, again, recently. If it has, it would have had to have been done within the last 2 or 3 months.


Of course Pluto is no longer classified as a planet. Only American scientists say otherwise because Pluto was the only planet discovered by americans and they got really angry when the rest of the world wanted to declassify it xD

Whose "spaceship" did that Pluto flyby? Oh, yes. America's. Perhaps those photos of the planet Pluto were all fake. Looked like a planet to me.

More at


Meh? I'm not saying they didn't take photos of Pluto.  But those photos aren't even part of the debate to know if yes or no its a planet. The debate is just: does Pluto answer every criteria of a planet definition.

Does earth? How can we tell? since the majority (if not all) of the other "planets" have no life on them. Cosmologists make up only a tiny percent of the people who live. Pluto is a planet.


Here is the definition of a planet:
The issue of a clear definition for planet came to a head in January 2005 with the discovery of the trans-Neptunian object Eris, a body more massive than the smallest then-accepted planet, Pluto. In its August 2006 response, the International Astronomical Union (IAU), recognised by astronomers as the world body responsible for resolving issues of nomenclature, released its decision on the matter during a meeting in Prague in the Czech republic. This definition, which applies only to the Solar System, states that a planet is a body that orbits the Sun, is massive enough for its own gravity to make it round, and has "cleared its neighbourhood" of smaller objects around its orbit. Under this new definition, Pluto and the other trans-Neptunian objects do not qualify as planets. The IAU's decision has not resolved all controversies, and while many scientists have accepted the definition, some in the astronomical community have rejected it outright.

Pluto is not a planet simply because there are at least 4 other bodies rather identical to it just next to Pluto.  If Pluto is a planet then so are they...

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: Wilikon on May 20, 2016, 05:58:25 PM

I understand that not all of the 1200 new planets may not be all planets after all... Because some of them were discovered by Americans...


Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: mOgliE on May 20, 2016, 08:07:14 PM

I understand that not all of the 1200 new planets may not be all planets after all... Because some of them were discovered by Americans...


No but maybe because some of them doesn't suit all criteria of the definition of the word planet.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: Spendulus on May 20, 2016, 08:14:22 PM

If the universe is made out of the same stuff everywhere and nature hates to waste energy to build new stuff, could the humanoid shape be the most logical path for an intelligent life form ready for space exploration?

NO.  Because as we all know, our big brains stem from the fact we have opposing thumbs and fingers.

That is, unless you choose to be a Denier of these established scientific factoids.  Just as the grand planet Pluto is now only a Plutoid, by virtue of a consensus of scientific opinion, you must bow down to factoids such as the thumb and finger oppositional premise of the big brain theory, and ignore contrary evidence such as the infinite number of gradations of stupidity.  Those only confirm the hypothesis, as creatures which were more stupid would have fewer possible levels of stupidity.  Thus in the case of Hillary, it's "Bill or No Bill?" asked from one side of the bed to Huma, on the other side.

Now, if the oppositional thumb merits discussion, we have to acknowledge that beings, creatures or slimeballs with a plethora of said oppositional apparatus would be greater in intelligence as follows.

n = number of oppositional thumb/finger pairs
t = time
c = clusterfuck factor
bb = degree to which brain is high or low density in bricklike nature
F = unknown factor, plugged into make the results agree with pre determined intent

Smartness = n^(t*(-c + -bb + F)


LOL,  everytime I read one of your post I discover a new way to see things in an absurd and far too simplified way.

So you don't agree on the fact that Pluto is not a planet? Tell us how you know things better than all scientists. After proving how you're better than any meteorologist and climatologists I bet you're ready to show us how good of an astronaum you are xD

Spendulus, the great scientist!


A strong defense of the decision that Pluto is only a "PLutoid object," since the IAU, which has the sole authority to name planets in it's own mind, is based in Paris, France, and you....

Fuck no I don't agree with this BS.  Hey, Pluto earned it's right to be a planet.  It's your French buddies who think they have the right to name things who are Plutoids.

Besides, "Plutoid" is dumber than a sack of bricks.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: BADecker on May 20, 2016, 08:45:48 PM

If the universe is made out of the same stuff everywhere and nature hates to waste energy to build new stuff, could the humanoid shape be the most logical path for an intelligent life form ready for space exploration?

NO.  Because as we all know, our big brains stem from the fact we have opposing thumbs and fingers.

That is, unless you choose to be a Denier of these established scientific factoids.  Just as the grand planet Pluto is now only a Plutoid, by virtue of a consensus of scientific opinion, you must bow down to factoids such as the thumb and finger oppositional premise of the big brain theory, and ignore contrary evidence such as the infinite number of gradations of stupidity.  Those only confirm the hypothesis, as creatures which were more stupid would have fewer possible levels of stupidity.  Thus in the case of Hillary, it's "Bill or No Bill?" asked from one side of the bed to Huma, on the other side.

Now, if the oppositional thumb merits discussion, we have to acknowledge that beings, creatures or slimeballs with a plethora of said oppositional apparatus would be greater in intelligence as follows.

n = number of oppositional thumb/finger pairs
t = time
c = clusterfuck factor
bb = degree to which brain is high or low density in bricklike nature
F = unknown factor, plugged into make the results agree with pre determined intent

Smartness = n^(t*(-c + -bb + F)


LOL,  everytime I read one of your post I discover a new way to see things in an absurd and far too simplified way.

So you don't agree on the fact that Pluto is not a planet? Tell us how you know things better than all scientists. After proving how you're better than any meteorologist and climatologists I bet you're ready to show us how good of an astronaum you are xD

Spendulus, the great scientist!

Pluto may exhibit some characteristics not belonging to planets, but it exhibits some planetary characteristics, as well.

Within the last couple of years or so, Pluto has been reclassified as a planet by cosmologists. I don't follow their every move, but I don't believe it has been taken out of planet classification, again, recently. If it has, it would have had to have been done within the last 2 or 3 months.


Of course Pluto is no longer classified as a planet. Only American scientists say otherwise because Pluto was the only planet discovered by americans and they got really angry when the rest of the world wanted to declassify it xD

Whose "spaceship" did that Pluto flyby? Oh, yes. America's. Perhaps those photos of the planet Pluto were all fake. Looked like a planet to me.

More at


Meh? I'm not saying they didn't take photos of Pluto.  But those photos aren't even part of the debate to know if yes or no its a planet. The debate is just: does Pluto answer every criteria of a planet definition.

Does earth? How can we tell? since the majority (if not all) of the other "planets" have no life on them. Cosmologists make up only a tiny percent of the people who live. Pluto is a planet.


Here is the definition of a planet:
The issue of a clear definition for planet came to a head in January 2005 with the discovery of the trans-Neptunian object Eris, a body more massive than the smallest then-accepted planet, Pluto. In its August 2006 response, the International Astronomical Union (IAU), recognised by astronomers as the world body responsible for resolving issues of nomenclature, released its decision on the matter during a meeting in Prague in the Czech republic. This definition, which applies only to the Solar System, states that a planet is a body that orbits the Sun, is massive enough for its own gravity to make it round, and has "cleared its neighbourhood" of smaller objects around its orbit. Under this new definition, Pluto and the other trans-Neptunian objects do not qualify as planets. The IAU's decision has not resolved all controversies, and while many scientists have accepted the definition, some in the astronomical community have rejected it outright.

Pluto is not a planet simply because there are at least 4 other bodies rather identical to it just next to Pluto.  If Pluto is a planet then so are they...

Good point. There are many planets out there that are not recognized as such. Ceres is a planet, not an asteroid. But think of all the textbooks that will have to be rewritten.


Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: Spendulus on May 20, 2016, 08:46:41 PM
Pluto is not a planet simply because there are at least 4 other bodies rather identical to it just next to Pluto.  If Pluto is a planet then so are they...
No, they're not, because Pluto is priveliged.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: mOgliE on May 20, 2016, 08:48:12 PM

If the universe is made out of the same stuff everywhere and nature hates to waste energy to build new stuff, could the humanoid shape be the most logical path for an intelligent life form ready for space exploration?

NO.  Because as we all know, our big brains stem from the fact we have opposing thumbs and fingers.

That is, unless you choose to be a Denier of these established scientific factoids.  Just as the grand planet Pluto is now only a Plutoid, by virtue of a consensus of scientific opinion, you must bow down to factoids such as the thumb and finger oppositional premise of the big brain theory, and ignore contrary evidence such as the infinite number of gradations of stupidity.  Those only confirm the hypothesis, as creatures which were more stupid would have fewer possible levels of stupidity.  Thus in the case of Hillary, it's "Bill or No Bill?" asked from one side of the bed to Huma, on the other side.

Now, if the oppositional thumb merits discussion, we have to acknowledge that beings, creatures or slimeballs with a plethora of said oppositional apparatus would be greater in intelligence as follows.

n = number of oppositional thumb/finger pairs
t = time
c = clusterfuck factor
bb = degree to which brain is high or low density in bricklike nature
F = unknown factor, plugged into make the results agree with pre determined intent

Smartness = n^(t*(-c + -bb + F)


LOL,  everytime I read one of your post I discover a new way to see things in an absurd and far too simplified way.

So you don't agree on the fact that Pluto is not a planet? Tell us how you know things better than all scientists. After proving how you're better than any meteorologist and climatologists I bet you're ready to show us how good of an astronaum you are xD

Spendulus, the great scientist!


A strong defense of the decision that Pluto is only a "PLutoid object," since the IAU, which has the sole authority to name planets in it's own mind, is based in Paris, France, and you....

Fuck no I don't agree with this BS.  Hey, Pluto earned it's right to be a planet.  It's your French buddies who think they have the right to name things who are Plutoids.

Besides, "Plutoid" is dumber than a sack of bricks.

Well I didn't know it was based in Paris but it doesn't matter it's an international consortium. The decision to declassify it was made after an international consortium precised the definition of the word planet.
A planet: Astronomers of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) voted on and passed the first scientific definition of a planet in August 2006. According to this new definition, an object must meet three criteria in order to be classified as a planet. First, it must orbit the Sun. Second, it must be big enough for gravity to squash it into a round ball. And third, it must have cleared other objects out of the way in its orbital neighborhood.

It is not the case of Pluto
You want Pluto to be classified as a planet? As you wish, but then you would have not nine but around 51 planets. Because any object orbiting the sun and massive enough would be called a planet.

And by the way, it's not a Plutoid,  it's a dwarf planet.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: mOgliE on May 20, 2016, 08:48:50 PM
Pluto is not a planet simply because there are at least 4 other bodies rather identical to it just next to Pluto.  If Pluto is a planet then so are they...
No, they're not, because Pluto is priveliged.

And why is it privileged? Because we discovered it first? That's how you do science? XD

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: Spendulus on May 20, 2016, 11:20:27 PM
Pluto is not a planet simply because there are at least 4 other bodies rather identical to it just next to Pluto.  If Pluto is a planet then so are they...
No, they're not, because Pluto is priveliged.

And why is it privileged? Because we discovered it first? That's how you do science? XD


Sure, why not?

And it's a Plutoid.  And don't claim you don't know we are talking Paris here.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: mOgliE on May 21, 2016, 08:13:09 AM
Pluto is not a planet simply because there are at least 4 other bodies rather identical to it just next to Pluto.  If Pluto is a planet then so are they...
No, they're not, because Pluto is priveliged.

And why is it privileged? Because we discovered it first? That's how you do science? XD


Sure, why not?

And it's a Plutoid.  And don't claim you don't know we are talking Paris here.

BELIEVE whatever you want I didn't know it. And again it doesn't matter because the definition was made by an international consortium, not by Paris scientists.

Why not? Are you totally dumb or do you willingly say stupid things? Well maybe because that's not how science work.. you can't say "okay this object doesn't fit the definition but we're going to call that a planet because you know I like the guy who discovered it so let's give it the planet title even if it doesn't suit the definition we made"

Not really surprising you find yourself so good at understanding things if you don't care about definitions xD
Might explain why you're always saying shit though ^^

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: mOgliE on May 21, 2016, 08:14:53 AM
And Plutoid are just a sub category of dwarf planets! What do you find so disturbing about it?

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: Spendulus on May 21, 2016, 12:50:23 PM
And Plutoid are just a sub category of dwarf planets! What do you find so disturbing about it?

Lol, I am just having fun ribbing you about it because it is so Parisian.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: mOgliE on May 21, 2016, 11:40:18 PM
Here is how splendulus  "science" works. Could it explains that most of his opinions smell like shit?  ;D

Oh and I know it's hard to imagine but not all French are parisian  ::)

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: Boosterious on May 22, 2016, 07:38:25 AM

The US space agency has just announced the discovery of the new "exoplanets" which are considered as similar to Earth due to their distance from the star they orbit.

Timothy Morton, associate research scholar at Princeton University in New Jersey, said: "We have discovered 1,284 new planets - the most explanets ever announced at one time."

It more than doubles the previous amount of exoplanets found by the Kepler Telescope, taking the total number to 2,325.

It comes after NASA said they now also believe every star in space has at least one planet orbiting it, further increasing the chance of life evolving somewhere.

Paul Hertz, Astrophysics Division director at NASA Headquarters in Washington, said: "The Kepler specialist telescope is the first capable of detecting call rocky planets in the habitable zone of their parent star.

"When launched we did not know if exoplanets or rocky exoplanets were rare and we now know they are extremely common and most stars have at least one planet orbiting.

"Our research is on just a fraction of possible exoplanets and knowing this is the first step in answering the question if we are alone in the universe."

Among the new discoveries are also a further 100 grade A rocky exoplanets which are the most likely for life to begin just like Earth.

And of these 24 were found to be of a similar size to Earth and distance from their stars in the so-called Goldilocks habitable zone, making them the most likelyy candidates for life.

Combined with 12 already found by Kepler researchers, there are now 36 of the Earth-like planets and a further 12 possible ones awaiting verification.

It was previously believed that many stars were out there alone, meaning the odds of other Earth-like planets with the right conditions for life to start are much higher than ever believed.

The information has come from astronomers researching swathes of data from the Kepler Telescope mission.

Initially more than 4,600 possible exoplanets were found and the 2,325 are those which have now been confirmed as definite exoplanets.

NASA made the major announcement about the latest findings from the Kepler research at a press conference which started at 6pm.

A NASA spokesman said: "When Kepler was launched in March 2009, scientists did not know how common planets were outside our solar system.

"Thanks to Kepler’s treasure trove of discoveries, astronomers now believe there may be at least one planet orbiting every star in the sky."

Kepler completed its prime mission in 2012, and collected data for an additional year in an extended mission.

In 2014, the spacecraft began a new extended mission called K2.

K2 continues the search for exoplanets while introducing new research opportunities to study young stars, supernovae and other cosmic phenomena.

Somewhere, an alien is wondering what we are up to...

oh crap! 1,200 is big amount of planests,i never hear about this before,i just notice that only one or two planests like mars that can used as life for human,but now NASA found 1,200  :o its time to move to another planet?leave our beloved earth?

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: Spendulus on May 22, 2016, 01:15:14 PM
Here is how splendulus  "science" works. Could it explains that most of his opinions smell like shit?  ;D

Oh and I know it's hard to imagine but not all French are parisian  ::)

May be but only a Parisian faux intellectual could even dream of the word...


Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: mOgliE on May 22, 2016, 05:38:01 PM
Here is how splendulus  "science" works. Could it explains that most of his opinions smell like shit?  ;D

Oh and I know it's hard to imagine but not all French are parisian  ::)

May be but only a Parisian faux intellectual could even dream of the word...


Oh another non argument. Seems like you got only that kind of reasoning though ; )

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: Spendulus on May 22, 2016, 07:05:23 PM
Here is how splendulus  "science" works. Could it explains that most of his opinions smell like shit?  ;D

Oh and I know it's hard to imagine but not all French are parisian  ::)

May be but only a Parisian faux intellectual could even dream of the word...


Oh another non argument. Seems like you got only that kind of reasoning though ; )
What, can't take a joke?

Think about it.  There isn't even any "science" to naming stuff.  That's what the IAU does.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: Shinpako09 on May 23, 2016, 12:30:31 AM
Theres a lot of new planet discovered but the big problem is how can we go there. We dont have the equipment that can travel extremely fast.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: Wilikon on May 23, 2016, 12:42:15 AM
Theres a lot of new planet discovered but the big problem is how can we go there. We dont have the equipment that can travel extremely fast.

They are still working on why the EmDrive is even possible. Once they do, and making them as cheap as a Vespa, the cosmos will shrink overnight...

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: Spendulus on May 23, 2016, 12:49:56 AM
Theres a lot of new planet discovered but the big problem is how can we go there. We dont have the equipment that can travel extremely fast.

They are still working on why the EmDrive is even possible. Once they do, and making them as cheap as a Vespa, the cosmos will shrink overnight...

Not really.  It's still a 20 year trip to nearby stars, and when the guys return home, 500 years or so will have passed.  EM doesn't solve the speed of light limit.

What we need to do is link into those galactic routers, and maybe trade beer recipes for warp drive formulas.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: Wilikon on May 23, 2016, 01:34:43 AM
Theres a lot of new planet discovered but the big problem is how can we go there. We dont have the equipment that can travel extremely fast.

They are still working on why the EmDrive is even possible. Once they do, and making them as cheap as a Vespa, the cosmos will shrink overnight...

Not really.  It's still a 20 year trip to nearby stars, and when the guys return home, 500 years or so will have passed.  EM doesn't solve the speed of light limit.

What we need to do is link into those galactic routers, and maybe trade beer recipes for warp drive formulas.

The EmDrive doesn't violate any laws and you will get older if you return home. The same amazing progress in propulsion is happening in life extension science. That is why I said once the engine is as compact cheap and plentiful as a vespa, living, 500 years would be normal. If you live 80 years, the cosmos is vast. If you live 10000 years and you can reach the nearest star in 20, then the cosmos would have shrunk.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: Spendulus on May 23, 2016, 01:40:49 AM
Theres a lot of new planet discovered but the big problem is how can we go there. We dont have the equipment that can travel extremely fast.

They are still working on why the EmDrive is even possible. Once they do, and making them as cheap as a Vespa, the cosmos will shrink overnight...

Not really.  It's still a 20 year trip to nearby stars, and when the guys return home, 500 years or so will have passed.  EM doesn't solve the speed of light limit.

What we need to do is link into those galactic routers, and maybe trade beer recipes for warp drive formulas.

The EmDrive doesn't violate any laws and you will get older if you return home. The same amazing progress in propulsion is happening in life extension science. That is why I said once the engine is as compact cheap and plentiful as a vespa, living, 500 years would be normal. If you live 80 years, the cosmos is vast. If you live 10000 years and you can reach the nearest star in 20, then the cosmos would have shrunk.

That sounds very, very 1980s-ish.

Consider that today, because we have high speed Internet in our homes, we travel much less than in the past.  We use videochat, instead of getting on a plane to go to a meeting.  We turn on the big screen to streaming media, instead of going to the theater.  Etc.  This is IMHO much more true of space travel.  We send truly amazing probes out in our solar system, many places which take 20 years to get to.

Robotic interplanetary probes which transmit data back in a hundred years, those would only be an extension of our current probes.  But even then there are serious problems. 

We need to hack that galactic router.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: Wilikon on May 23, 2016, 03:24:30 AM
Theres a lot of new planet discovered but the big problem is how can we go there. We dont have the equipment that can travel extremely fast.

They are still working on why the EmDrive is even possible. Once they do, and making them as cheap as a Vespa, the cosmos will shrink overnight...

Not really.  It's still a 20 year trip to nearby stars, and when the guys return home, 500 years or so will have passed.  EM doesn't solve the speed of light limit.

What we need to do is link into those galactic routers, and maybe trade beer recipes for warp drive formulas.

The EmDrive doesn't violate any laws and you will get older if you return home. The same amazing progress in propulsion is happening in life extension science. That is why I said once the engine is as compact cheap and plentiful as a vespa, living, 500 years would be normal. If you live 80 years, the cosmos is vast. If you live 10000 years and you can reach the nearest star in 20, then the cosmos would have shrunk.

That sounds very, very 1980s-ish.

Consider that today, because we have high speed Internet in our homes, we travel much less than in the past.  We use videochat, instead of getting on a plane to go to a meeting.  We turn on the big screen to streaming media, instead of going to the theater.  Etc.  This is IMHO much more true of space travel.  We send truly amazing probes out in our solar system, many places which take 20 years to get to.

Robotic interplanetary probes which transmit data back in a hundred years, those would only be an extension of our current probes.  But even then there are serious problems. 

We need to hack that galactic router.

It does sound 1980s-ish because it is hard to imagine traveling without the need of a spaceship. Maybe we won't need any vehicles if we can convert ourselves into pure data, each probes sent being a galactic network of bridged routers.
Unless we can remotely feel, smell, taste, humans will always want to travel and be "there". I believe it is part of our nature.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: Spendulus on May 23, 2016, 03:42:23 AM
It does sound 1980s-ish because it is hard to imagine traveling without the need of a spaceship. Maybe we won't need any vehicles if we can convert ourselves into pure data, each probes sent being a galactic network of bridged routers.
Unless we can remotely feel, smell, taste, humans will always want to travel and be "there". I believe it is part of our nature.

Sure, but reality has zoomed past imagination.  That's what happens with exponential technological change.

Reality is that NOW solar system exploration is by our extended eyes and hands, our tools that do remote sensing without the need for moving live meat around in cans.  The 5-40 year long trips exist right now, right here.  Those are lengths of time to go round trip from Earth to various destinations in this solar system.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: Wilikon on May 23, 2016, 04:00:59 AM
It does sound 1980s-ish because it is hard to imagine traveling without the need of a spaceship. Maybe we won't need any vehicles if we can convert ourselves into pure data, each probes sent being a galactic network of bridged routers.
Unless we can remotely feel, smell, taste, humans will always want to travel and be "there". I believe it is part of our nature.

Sure, but reality has zoomed past imagination.  That's what happens with exponential technological change.

Reality is that NOW solar system exploration is by our extended eyes and hands, our tools that do remote sensing without the need for moving live meat around in cans.  The 5-40 year long trips exist right now, right here.  Those are lengths of time to go round trip from Earth to various destinations in this solar system.

That is why we are irrational creatures. Lots of us will still do the trip because it is impractical to move live meat around in cans.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: BADecker on May 23, 2016, 04:15:02 AM
It does sound 1980s-ish because it is hard to imagine traveling without the need of a spaceship. Maybe we won't need any vehicles if we can convert ourselves into pure data, each probes sent being a galactic network of bridged routers.
Unless we can remotely feel, smell, taste, humans will always want to travel and be "there". I believe it is part of our nature.

Sure, but reality has zoomed past imagination.  That's what happens with exponential technological change.

Reality is that NOW solar system exploration is by our extended eyes and hands, our tools that do remote sensing without the need for moving live meat around in cans.  The 5-40 year long trips exist right now, right here.  Those are lengths of time to go round trip from Earth to various destinations in this solar system.

Yep! The science fiction used to be in the books, from which our minds created the pictures. Now it is right in the electronics.


Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: chuyengia2244 on May 23, 2016, 04:55:51 AM
Cool but its only that. I used to think what if...Now its a realization there is only this Earth. There could be another Earth but it would likely have microbes/bacteria toxic to us. But we should keep looking cause this sun will expand into a red giant. It ends here unless we leave.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: Spendulus on May 23, 2016, 02:36:36 PM
It does sound 1980s-ish because it is hard to imagine traveling without the need of a spaceship. Maybe we won't need any vehicles if we can convert ourselves into pure data, each probes sent being a galactic network of bridged routers.
Unless we can remotely feel, smell, taste, humans will always want to travel and be "there". I believe it is part of our nature.

Sure, but reality has zoomed past imagination.  That's what happens with exponential technological change.

Reality is that NOW solar system exploration is by our extended eyes and hands, our tools that do remote sensing without the need for moving live meat around in cans.  The 5-40 year long trips exist right now, right here.  Those are lengths of time to go round trip from Earth to various destinations in this solar system.

That is why we are irrational creatures. Lots of us will still do the trip because it is impractical to move live meat around in cans.

But what if you looked into say, a crystal ball, and could see and talk with people in far worlds?

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: BADecker on May 23, 2016, 02:54:28 PM
It does sound 1980s-ish because it is hard to imagine traveling without the need of a spaceship. Maybe we won't need any vehicles if we can convert ourselves into pure data, each probes sent being a galactic network of bridged routers.
Unless we can remotely feel, smell, taste, humans will always want to travel and be "there". I believe it is part of our nature.

Sure, but reality has zoomed past imagination.  That's what happens with exponential technological change.

Reality is that NOW solar system exploration is by our extended eyes and hands, our tools that do remote sensing without the need for moving live meat around in cans.  The 5-40 year long trips exist right now, right here.  Those are lengths of time to go round trip from Earth to various destinations in this solar system.

That is why we are irrational creatures. Lots of us will still do the trip because it is impractical to move live meat around in cans.

But what if you looked into say, a crystal ball, and could see and talk with people in far worlds?

Don't tell anyone, except if you are starving on the streets, and everything you own is the clothing you wear. It might even get you a home in the funny farm.


Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: Wilikon on May 23, 2016, 02:59:44 PM
It does sound 1980s-ish because it is hard to imagine traveling without the need of a spaceship. Maybe we won't need any vehicles if we can convert ourselves into pure data, each probes sent being a galactic network of bridged routers.
Unless we can remotely feel, smell, taste, humans will always want to travel and be "there". I believe it is part of our nature.

Sure, but reality has zoomed past imagination.  That's what happens with exponential technological change.

Reality is that NOW solar system exploration is by our extended eyes and hands, our tools that do remote sensing without the need for moving live meat around in cans.  The 5-40 year long trips exist right now, right here.  Those are lengths of time to go round trip from Earth to various destinations in this solar system.

That is why we are irrational creatures. Lots of us will still do the trip because it is impractical to move live meat around in cans.

But what if you looked into say, a crystal ball, and could see and talk with people in far worlds?

How would I know it was not a clever trick from a crazy Google AI server from Changhua County, feeling lonely just after its self awareness moment?

People will love the crystall ball. I would love it too. At the same time, 0bama VII would force industries to build a rocket to go there, with her face all over it...

We won't be satisfied with just a video feed... Not in our DNAiers...

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: Spendulus on May 23, 2016, 03:22:05 PM
It does sound 1980s-ish because it is hard to imagine traveling without the need of a spaceship. Maybe we won't need any vehicles if we can convert ourselves into pure data, each probes sent being a galactic network of bridged routers.
Unless we can remotely feel, smell, taste, humans will always want to travel and be "there". I believe it is part of our nature.

Sure, but reality has zoomed past imagination.  That's what happens with exponential technological change.

Reality is that NOW solar system exploration is by our extended eyes and hands, our tools that do remote sensing without the need for moving live meat around in cans.  The 5-40 year long trips exist right now, right here.  Those are lengths of time to go round trip from Earth to various destinations in this solar system.

That is why we are irrational creatures. Lots of us will still do the trip because it is impractical to move live meat around in cans.

But what if you looked into say, a crystal ball, and could see and talk with people in far worlds?

How would I know it was not a clever trick from a crazy Google AI server from Changhua County, feeling lonely just after its self awareness moment?

People will love the crystall ball. I would love it too. At the same time, 0bama VII would force industries to build a rocket to go there, with her face all over it...

We won't be satisfied with just a video feed... Not in our DNAiers...

Interesting argument.

Unless you went there, how could you trust what you saw?

One answer would be that the feed from the router could predict a future event that Google could not know about, and provide a cryptographic signature.  Several of those and you would know that the signature was an entity that could predict those events.

A light speed communications link from 100 light years away could contain a prediction of an event a month off in the comm data stream.  After a couple of those, the accompanying crypto signature would be strongly established as a source. 

If the signal was established directionally as coming from a certain part of the galaxy or a star, Google or other earth jokers could not fake it.

Just one idea.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: BADecker on May 23, 2016, 03:27:21 PM
It does sound 1980s-ish because it is hard to imagine traveling without the need of a spaceship. Maybe we won't need any vehicles if we can convert ourselves into pure data, each probes sent being a galactic network of bridged routers.
Unless we can remotely feel, smell, taste, humans will always want to travel and be "there". I believe it is part of our nature.

Sure, but reality has zoomed past imagination.  That's what happens with exponential technological change.

Reality is that NOW solar system exploration is by our extended eyes and hands, our tools that do remote sensing without the need for moving live meat around in cans.  The 5-40 year long trips exist right now, right here.  Those are lengths of time to go round trip from Earth to various destinations in this solar system.

That is why we are irrational creatures. Lots of us will still do the trip because it is impractical to move live meat around in cans.

But what if you looked into say, a crystal ball, and could see and talk with people in far worlds?

How would I know it was not a clever trick from a crazy Google AI server from Changhua County, feeling lonely just after its self awareness moment?

People will love the crystall ball. I would love it too. At the same time, 0bama VII would force industries to build a rocket to go there, with her face all over it...

We won't be satisfied with just a video feed... Not in our DNAiers...

Interesting argument.

Unless you went there, how could you trust what you saw?

One answer would be that the feed from the router could predict a future event that Google could not know about, and provide a cryptographic signature.  Several of those and you would know that the signature was an entity that could predict those events.

A light speed communications link from 100 light years away could contain a prediction of an event a month off in the comm data stream.  After a couple of those, the accompanying crypto signature would be strongly established as a source. 

If the signal was established directionally as coming from a certain part of the galaxy or a star, Google or other earth jokers could not fake it.

Just one idea.

Wow! I was only "talking" when I suggested "funny farm." Now it's beginning to look like the truth.


Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: Wilikon on May 23, 2016, 03:55:48 PM
It does sound 1980s-ish because it is hard to imagine traveling without the need of a spaceship. Maybe we won't need any vehicles if we can convert ourselves into pure data, each probes sent being a galactic network of bridged routers.
Unless we can remotely feel, smell, taste, humans will always want to travel and be "there". I believe it is part of our nature.

Sure, but reality has zoomed past imagination.  That's what happens with exponential technological change.

Reality is that NOW solar system exploration is by our extended eyes and hands, our tools that do remote sensing without the need for moving live meat around in cans.  The 5-40 year long trips exist right now, right here.  Those are lengths of time to go round trip from Earth to various destinations in this solar system.

That is why we are irrational creatures. Lots of us will still do the trip because it is impractical to move live meat around in cans.

But what if you looked into say, a crystal ball, and could see and talk with people in far worlds?

How would I know it was not a clever trick from a crazy Google AI server from Changhua County, feeling lonely just after its self awareness moment?

People will love the crystall ball. I would love it too. At the same time, 0bama VII would force industries to build a rocket to go there, with her face all over it...

We won't be satisfied with just a video feed... Not in our DNAiers...

Interesting argument.

Unless you went there, how could you trust what you saw?

One answer would be that the feed from the router could predict a future event that Google could not know about, and provide a cryptographic signature.  Several of those and you would know that the signature was an entity that could predict those events.

A light speed communications link from 100 light years away could contain a prediction of an event a month off in the comm data stream.  After a couple of those, the accompanying crypto signature would be strongly established as a source. 

If the signal was established directionally as coming from a certain part of the galaxy or a star, Google or other earth jokers could not fake it.

Just one idea.

Wow! I was only "talking" when I suggested "funny farm." Now it's beginning to look like the truth.


Or... a lack of imagination for others... ?


Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: Spendulus on May 23, 2016, 04:00:23 PM
Pluto is not a planet simply because there are at least 4 other bodies rather identical to it just next to Pluto.  If Pluto is a planet then so are they...
No, they're not, because Pluto is priveliged.

And why is it privileged? Because we discovered it first? That's how you do science? XD

LOL, it turns out I wasn't the only one that saw the humor.  And yes, the butte of the joke really is on the Parisian IAU.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: Betwrong on May 23, 2016, 06:06:16 PM
As far as I know the closest planet which "could hold life" is very far, like 14 light-years away from the Earth (for reference Pluto is 5 light hours away). So the information even if it's true, which I doubt, has not much sense.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: vokain on June 02, 2016, 01:11:42 AM
A bit out of the blue, but a monkish type of person and I bumped into each other over the weekend so he could give me (us?) this book, Easy Journey to Other Planets (



Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: Cybertron00 on June 12, 2016, 01:19:44 AM
Well thats awesome if out of that planets, there are other civilization other than us. Maybe they are already aware of our existence they are just finding a way to talk to us because maybe they are using language that we don't know yet.  ;D And maybe they have a technology far more advanced than us or far more inferior than us. Its also possible that they also have a crypto-currency that is similar to bitcoin.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: Wilikon on June 12, 2016, 01:27:04 AM
Well thats awesome if out of that planets, there are other civilization other than us. Maybe they are already aware of our existence they are just finding a way to talk to us because maybe they are using language that we don't know yet.  ;D And maybe they have a technology far more advanced than us or far more inferior than us. Its also possible that they also have a crypto-currency that is similar to bitcoin.

Or maybe they put as much effort wanting to communicate with us, as we wanting to communicate with ants.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: popcorn1 on June 12, 2016, 03:27:37 AM
Well thats awesome if out of that planets, there are other civilization other than us. Maybe they are already aware of our existence they are just finding a way to talk to us because maybe they are using language that we don't know yet.  ;D And maybe they have a technology far more advanced than us or far more inferior than us. Its also possible that they also have a crypto-currency that is similar to bitcoin.
No need for money..only need to touch and everything you need you got it..It all starts with 3D printers VR..SO SO MUCH TO DISCOVER..Now religion is dying we are opening our eyes..
Gold silver worthless.. ;D Yes one day it will be worthless..
better conductors out there.. fiber optics energy from light.. Laser light Not properly used yet still much more science to be used with fiber optics not using it's full potential..

The future is bright..The galactic law they are not allowed to interfere they can watch like we tag turtles and monkeys..Yes maybe i have watched to many sci fi moves but makes sense to me..
And also i feel and seen things people would swear it's god..But then again is it all in my mind..
And as i speak now is this all in my mind?

I seen light beings or ghost..In bed and seen this..was it real or dreaming?

I seen balls of light flying in the sky..Yes seen them no not anything human made way too fast..2 of them flying stopped while the other carried on then the other ball of light caught up to the other one so fast it was unreal..Or was my eyes playing tricks?

Yes i have gone missing for 2 days..Me and my girlfriend went to bed on the monday night when we woke up it was wedensday..I swear it's true..But i think could we have got the date wrong?

yes i have had paralysed sleep horrible feeling just a head rest wont move and you feel your awake.

Yes i have died and had a NDE..died in dentist seen myself lying on the chair..then started floating
out of the room then come back with everyone around me..

Now many many people have felt and seen the same things as me..many say god ET ghost..
Could it all be just how brains work..We Imagine things???

And if an alien ship landed in my garden i would tell no one because just like what i just told you
would you believe me anyway?
So i guess we need to wait till one lands in a stadium full off people to know for sure if anything out there..BUT I AM 70% SURE THERE IS..

Also i watch space station every day..You can get it on space station..
NASA are hiding something 100%..They will never let you see a full 4 hours of the space station
always a cut every 30 mins and make the screen go fuzzy..When in this day and age we got 4k hd
They are hiding something..They know there is life floating in space..seen so mad things while watching the space station..
And they have a trick to make you think it's something mad..But i know what they do..

But one thing that will make this planet better..
If someone does something that wont hurt you or anybody else then let them be who they want to be so they can be free..Then you will see all the wonderful inventions from all races..

It's the people who you think are strange that invent strange things..MICROWAVE OVEN.. TV..
ELECTRIC..COMPUTERS..very strange when first mentioned..
So before you judge the strange as changed your lives for the better..

Like countries who hide the strange could be throwing away something good?

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: bryant.coleman on June 12, 2016, 04:11:16 AM
Well thats awesome if out of that planets, there are other civilization other than us. Maybe they are already aware of our existence they are just finding a way to talk to us because maybe they are using language that we don't know yet.  ;D And maybe they have a technology far more advanced than us or far more inferior than us. Its also possible that they also have a crypto-currency that is similar to bitcoin.

I don't think any of these planets are inhabitable. Some of them does not have water. Others don't have sufficient gravity. Some are filled with poisonous gases. The chances of life occurring in any of these planets is less than 0.000000000001%. Also, these planets are thousands of light years away. It is not possible to travel to them.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: popcorn1 on June 12, 2016, 04:54:37 AM     Open your mind..

to travel to vast distances is not impossible collapsed black holes we will travel through them
like i always said one day it will be fact..And yesterday they said they could send a probe in a black hole without it being destroyed ..Seen this on RT yesterday..

WE WILL TRAVEL AMONGST THE STARS IT'S OUR DESTINY..We have got to find a new home or make one which ever comes first..

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: Spendulus on June 13, 2016, 06:13:55 PM     Open your mind..

to travel to vast distances is not impossible collapsed black holes we will travel through them
like i always said one day it will be fact..And yesterday they said they could send a probe in a black hole without it being destroyed ..Seen this on RT yesterday..

WE WILL TRAVEL AMONGST THE STARS IT'S OUR DESTINY..We have got to find a new home or make one which ever comes first..
Well, no you cannot send probes through black holes.  You got lied to by RT. 

Sorry about that.  Have to find another way for FTL travel.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: Wilikon on June 13, 2016, 06:35:08 PM     Open your mind..

to travel to vast distances is not impossible collapsed black holes we will travel through them
like i always said one day it will be fact..And yesterday they said they could send a probe in a black hole without it being destroyed ..Seen this on RT yesterday..

WE WILL TRAVEL AMONGST THE STARS IT'S OUR DESTINY..We have got to find a new home or make one which ever comes first..
Well, no you cannot send probes through black holes.  You got lied to by RT. 

Sorry about that.  Have to find another way for FTL travel.

And even if... you could send a probe into a black hole, unscathed, how would you be able to send a message and tell it to come back to your side? Yep... RT is lying.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: popcorn1 on June 13, 2016, 08:04:21 PM     Open your mind..

to travel to vast distances is not impossible collapsed black holes we will travel through them
like i always said one day it will be fact..And yesterday they said they could send a probe in a black hole without it being destroyed ..Seen this on RT yesterday..

WE WILL TRAVEL AMONGST THE STARS IT'S OUR DESTINY..We have got to find a new home or make one which ever comes first..
Well, no you cannot send probes through black holes.  You got lied to by RT. 

Sorry about that.  Have to find another way for FTL travel.

And even if... you could send a probe into a black hole, unscathed, how would you be able to send a message and tell it to come back to your side? Yep... RT is lying.

Check out WARP BUBBLES..Faster than light..
NASA --"Is It On the Verge of Discovering 'Warp Bubbles' Enabling ...
27 Apr 2015 - There have been hints in recent news that NASA may be on the path to discovering warp bubbles that could make the local universe accessible

Scientists at the California Institute of Technology now think it is possible to bring back information from the brink of existence one particle at a time, using a strange quantum trick.
In particular, the researchers propose that 'quantum teleportation' could be the key to retrieving information from the yawning mouth of a black hole..
The Caltech team believes it can use this theory, along with a so-called 'quantum trick', to explain how a mote of quantum information called a qubit could theoretically be retrieved from a black hole.

Read more:

We will travel amongst the stars it's our destiny..
Imagine thousand years back a guy trying to explain how a tv works?
Early days but we will travel to the stars..Like the aliens that already do..

3d virtual reality warp bubbles ..Could talk and see anyone in the universe..
Then 3d print something from the virtual world to the real world from the other side of the universe

Is this possible..MAYBE SO..OPEN YOUR MINDS.. ;D

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: BADecker on June 14, 2016, 12:36:01 AM     Open your mind..

to travel to vast distances is not impossible collapsed black holes we will travel through them
like i always said one day it will be fact..And yesterday they said they could send a probe in a black hole without it being destroyed ..Seen this on RT yesterday..

WE WILL TRAVEL AMONGST THE STARS IT'S OUR DESTINY..We have got to find a new home or make one which ever comes first..
Well, no you cannot send probes through black holes.  You got lied to by RT. 

Sorry about that.  Have to find another way for FTL travel.

And even if... you could send a probe into a black hole, unscathed, how would you be able to send a message and tell it to come back to your side? Yep... RT is lying.

Check out WARP BUBBLES..Faster than light..
NASA --"Is It On the Verge of Discovering 'Warp Bubbles' Enabling ...
27 Apr 2015 - There have been hints in recent news that NASA may be on the path to discovering warp bubbles that could make the local universe accessible

Scientists at the California Institute of Technology now think it is possible to bring back information from the brink of existence one particle at a time, using a strange quantum trick.
In particular, the researchers propose that 'quantum teleportation' could be the key to retrieving information from the yawning mouth of a black hole..
The Caltech team believes it can use this theory, along with a so-called 'quantum trick', to explain how a mote of quantum information called a qubit could theoretically be retrieved from a black hole.

Read more:

We will travel amongst the stars it's our destiny..
Imagine thousand years back a guy trying to explain how a tv works?
Early days but we will travel to the stars..Like the aliens that already do..

3d virtual reality warp bubbles ..Could talk and see anyone in the universe..
Then 3d print something from the virtual world to the real world from the other side of the universe

Is this possible..MAYBE SO..OPEN YOUR MINDS.. ;D

Of course, like anything will ever be done in your lifetime. I mean, the money system is borderline crashing right now. Do you think it will be there to support designing warp bubble engines within your lifetime? Rather, get out there and help the poor, so that you can be esteemed by them, and your Heavenly Father will reward you.


Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: popcorn1 on June 14, 2016, 12:46:27 AM     Open your mind..

to travel to vast distances is not impossible collapsed black holes we will travel through them
like i always said one day it will be fact..And yesterday they said they could send a probe in a black hole without it being destroyed ..Seen this on RT yesterday..

WE WILL TRAVEL AMONGST THE STARS IT'S OUR DESTINY..We have got to find a new home or make one which ever comes first..
Well, no you cannot send probes through black holes.  You got lied to by RT. 

Sorry about that.  Have to find another way for FTL travel.

And even if... you could send a probe into a black hole, unscathed, how would you be able to send a message and tell it to come back to your side? Yep... RT is lying.

Check out WARP BUBBLES..Faster than light..
NASA --"Is It On the Verge of Discovering 'Warp Bubbles' Enabling ...
27 Apr 2015 - There have been hints in recent news that NASA may be on the path to discovering warp bubbles that could make the local universe accessible

Scientists at the California Institute of Technology now think it is possible to bring back information from the brink of existence one particle at a time, using a strange quantum trick.
In particular, the researchers propose that 'quantum teleportation' could be the key to retrieving information from the yawning mouth of a black hole..
The Caltech team believes it can use this theory, along with a so-called 'quantum trick', to explain how a mote of quantum information called a qubit could theoretically be retrieved from a black hole.

Read more:

We will travel amongst the stars it's our destiny..
Imagine thousand years back a guy trying to explain how a tv works?
Early days but we will travel to the stars..Like the aliens that already do..

3d virtual reality warp bubbles ..Could talk and see anyone in the universe..
Then 3d print something from the virtual world to the real world from the other side of the universe

Is this possible..MAYBE SO..OPEN YOUR MINDS.. ;D

Of course, like anything will ever be done in your lifetime. I mean, the money system is borderline crashing right now. Do you think it will be there to support designing warp bubble engines within your lifetime? Rather, get out there and help the poor, so that you can be esteemed by them, and your Heavenly Father will reward you.

Hello Badecker how are you today sir..As god filled your hart today :D
Your right not in my life time..But do we agree we got to start somewhere like right now instead of 100 years from now? WHY WAIT ;D
Also some things will happen faster than you think..

So don't blink just think and hang around with bat fink :D :D..

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: BADecker on June 14, 2016, 12:58:41 AM     Open your mind..

to travel to vast distances is not impossible collapsed black holes we will travel through them
like i always said one day it will be fact..And yesterday they said they could send a probe in a black hole without it being destroyed ..Seen this on RT yesterday..

WE WILL TRAVEL AMONGST THE STARS IT'S OUR DESTINY..We have got to find a new home or make one which ever comes first..
Well, no you cannot send probes through black holes.  You got lied to by RT. 

Sorry about that.  Have to find another way for FTL travel.

And even if... you could send a probe into a black hole, unscathed, how would you be able to send a message and tell it to come back to your side? Yep... RT is lying.

Check out WARP BUBBLES..Faster than light..
NASA --"Is It On the Verge of Discovering 'Warp Bubbles' Enabling ...
27 Apr 2015 - There have been hints in recent news that NASA may be on the path to discovering warp bubbles that could make the local universe accessible

Scientists at the California Institute of Technology now think it is possible to bring back information from the brink of existence one particle at a time, using a strange quantum trick.
In particular, the researchers propose that 'quantum teleportation' could be the key to retrieving information from the yawning mouth of a black hole..
The Caltech team believes it can use this theory, along with a so-called 'quantum trick', to explain how a mote of quantum information called a qubit could theoretically be retrieved from a black hole.

Read more:

We will travel amongst the stars it's our destiny..
Imagine thousand years back a guy trying to explain how a tv works?
Early days but we will travel to the stars..Like the aliens that already do..

3d virtual reality warp bubbles ..Could talk and see anyone in the universe..
Then 3d print something from the virtual world to the real world from the other side of the universe

Is this possible..MAYBE SO..OPEN YOUR MINDS.. ;D

Of course, like anything will ever be done in your lifetime. I mean, the money system is borderline crashing right now. Do you think it will be there to support designing warp bubble engines within your lifetime? Rather, get out there and help the poor, so that you can be esteemed by them, and your Heavenly Father will reward you.

Hello Badecker how are you today sir..As god filled your hart today :D
Your right not in my life time..But do we agree we got to start somewhere like right now instead of 100 years from now? WHY WAIT ;D
Also some things will happen faster than you think..

So don't blink just think and hang around with bat fink :D :D..

Hi, Decky... I mean Poppy. the financial Ponzi bubble will POPpy long before the warp bubble has a chance to.


Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: popcorn1 on June 14, 2016, 01:01:08 AM     Open your mind..

to travel to vast distances is not impossible collapsed black holes we will travel through them
like i always said one day it will be fact..And yesterday they said they could send a probe in a black hole without it being destroyed ..Seen this on RT yesterday..

WE WILL TRAVEL AMONGST THE STARS IT'S OUR DESTINY..We have got to find a new home or make one which ever comes first..
Well, no you cannot send probes through black holes.  You got lied to by RT.  

Sorry about that.  Have to find another way for FTL travel.

And even if... you could send a probe into a black hole, unscathed, how would you be able to send a message and tell it to come back to your side? Yep... RT is lying.

Check out WARP BUBBLES..Faster than light..
NASA --"Is It On the Verge of Discovering 'Warp Bubbles' Enabling ...
27 Apr 2015 - There have been hints in recent news that NASA may be on the path to discovering warp bubbles that could make the local universe accessible

Scientists at the California Institute of Technology now think it is possible to bring back information from the brink of existence one particle at a time, using a strange quantum trick.
In particular, the researchers propose that 'quantum teleportation' could be the key to retrieving information from the yawning mouth of a black hole..
The Caltech team believes it can use this theory, along with a so-called 'quantum trick', to explain how a mote of quantum information called a qubit could theoretically be retrieved from a black hole.

Read more:

We will travel amongst the stars it's our destiny..
Imagine thousand years back a guy trying to explain how a tv works?
Early days but we will travel to the stars..Like the aliens that already do..

3d virtual reality warp bubbles ..Could talk and see anyone in the universe..
Then 3d print something from the virtual world to the real world from the other side of the universe

Is this possible..MAYBE SO..OPEN YOUR MINDS.. ;D

Of course, like anything will ever be done in your lifetime. I mean, the money system is borderline crashing right now. Do you think it will be there to support designing warp bubble engines within your lifetime? Rather, get out there and help the poor, so that you can be esteemed by them, and your Heavenly Father will reward you.

Hello Badecker how are you today sir..As god filled your hart today :D
Your right not in my life time..But do we agree we got to start somewhere like right now instead of 100 years from now? WHY WAIT ;D
Also some things will happen faster than you think..

So don't blink just think and hang around with bat fink :D :D..

Hi, Decky... I mean Poppy. the financial Ponzi bubble will POPpy long before the warp bubble has a chance to.

Your forgetting about the robots doing work for freeeeeeeeeee..So will money be a problem? will there be a need for money? all could happen in a flash..So hang on to your hat
Also your last speech never rhyme..I am the greatest ;D ::)

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: BADecker on June 14, 2016, 01:32:03 AM     Open your mind..

to travel to vast distances is not impossible collapsed black holes we will travel through them
like i always said one day it will be fact..And yesterday they said they could send a probe in a black hole without it being destroyed ..Seen this on RT yesterday..

WE WILL TRAVEL AMONGST THE STARS IT'S OUR DESTINY..We have got to find a new home or make one which ever comes first..
Well, no you cannot send probes through black holes.  You got lied to by RT.  

Sorry about that.  Have to find another way for FTL travel.

And even if... you could send a probe into a black hole, unscathed, how would you be able to send a message and tell it to come back to your side? Yep... RT is lying.

Check out WARP BUBBLES..Faster than light..
NASA --"Is It On the Verge of Discovering 'Warp Bubbles' Enabling ...
27 Apr 2015 - There have been hints in recent news that NASA may be on the path to discovering warp bubbles that could make the local universe accessible

Scientists at the California Institute of Technology now think it is possible to bring back information from the brink of existence one particle at a time, using a strange quantum trick.
In particular, the researchers propose that 'quantum teleportation' could be the key to retrieving information from the yawning mouth of a black hole..
The Caltech team believes it can use this theory, along with a so-called 'quantum trick', to explain how a mote of quantum information called a qubit could theoretically be retrieved from a black hole.

Read more:

We will travel amongst the stars it's our destiny..
Imagine thousand years back a guy trying to explain how a tv works?
Early days but we will travel to the stars..Like the aliens that already do..

3d virtual reality warp bubbles ..Could talk and see anyone in the universe..
Then 3d print something from the virtual world to the real world from the other side of the universe

Is this possible..MAYBE SO..OPEN YOUR MINDS.. ;D

Of course, like anything will ever be done in your lifetime. I mean, the money system is borderline crashing right now. Do you think it will be there to support designing warp bubble engines within your lifetime? Rather, get out there and help the poor, so that you can be esteemed by them, and your Heavenly Father will reward you.

Hello Badecker how are you today sir..As god filled your hart today :D
Your right not in my life time..But do we agree we got to start somewhere like right now instead of 100 years from now? WHY WAIT ;D
Also some things will happen faster than you think..

So don't blink just think and hang around with bat fink :D :D..

Hi, Decky... I mean Poppy. the financial Ponzi bubble will POPpy long before the warp bubble has a chance to.

Your forgetting about the robots doing work for freeeeeeeeeee..So will money be a problem? will there be a need for money? all could happen in a flash..So hang on to your hat
Also your last speech never rhyme..I am the greatest ;D ::)

Not forgetting robots at all. The financial bubble will pop before robots are sufficiently along to be able to save us.

Generally speaking, a financial bubble pop would be okay. But the military will force people to work just like in Nazi Germany. If they didn't, the people would form co-ops like at Great Depression times, and handle it themselves.

This time, your devil buddy will be up from the abyss for his one last stand against the coming Christ. We are near the time. The great sun corona gaps are prophesying it.


Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: Hirose UK on June 14, 2016, 03:31:54 AM
The US space agency has just announced the discovery of the new "exoplanets" which are considered as similar to Earth due to their distance from the star they orbit.
Timothy Morton, associate research scholar at Princeton University in New Jersey, said: "We have discovered 1,284 new planets - the most explanets ever announced at one time."

I wonder why do these people spend billion dollars just to find planets which we can say " useless". I mean what the benefits of knowing amount of planets in this universe? besides we can't live there, and even we can live there, they can't bring all of human go there. so why do they keep doing such useless thing?

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: Wilikon on June 14, 2016, 04:05:24 AM
The US space agency has just announced the discovery of the new "exoplanets" which are considered as similar to Earth due to their distance from the star they orbit.
Timothy Morton, associate research scholar at Princeton University in New Jersey, said: "We have discovered 1,284 new planets - the most explanets ever announced at one time."

I wonder why do these people spend billion dollars just to find planets which we can say " useless". I mean what the benefits of knowing amount of planets in this universe? besides we can't live there, and even we can live there, they can't bring all of human go there. so why do they keep doing such useless thing?

What is my purpose waking up in the morning? Every morning. I spend billions of seconds just find a way to eat across a life time. Why? I mean an Amiga 1000 was enough... What's up with all that useless internet stuff letting me ask questions about why people waste their time looking up in the universe when it is so useless?

Bitcoin? Why? what does it solve. We already have money. It is a useless thing.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: StoreBit on June 14, 2016, 05:39:23 PM
I think that the us should not waste their on space discovery. I think they should discover the world and should spend their money on the needy people of world. we can see that most of the people in different place of the world are living hard. I think they should help them. and no need to sped such false news.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: BADecker on June 14, 2016, 05:43:28 PM
I think that the us should not waste their on space discovery. I think they should discover the world and should spend their money on the needy people of world. we can see that most of the people in different place of the world are living hard. I think they should help them. and no need to sped such false news.

The U.S. doesn't rally care about space discovery at all. All they are interested in is getting whatever funds-for-projects that they can, so they have an excuse to siphon more off the people in taxes.


Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: escrowboy on June 14, 2016, 06:03:39 PM

The US space agency has just announced the discovery of the new "exoplanets" which are considered as similar to Earth due to their distance from the star they orbit.

Timothy Morton, associate research scholar at Princeton University in New Jersey, said: "We have discovered 1,284 new planets - the most explanets ever announced at one time."

It more than doubles the previous amount of exoplanets found by the Kepler Telescope, taking the total number to 2,325.

It comes after NASA said they now also believe every star in space has at least one planet orbiting it, further increasing the chance of life evolving somewhere.

Paul Hertz, Astrophysics Division director at NASA Headquarters in Washington, said: "The Kepler specialist telescope is the first capable of detecting call rocky planets in the habitable zone of their parent star.

"When launched we did not know if exoplanets or rocky exoplanets were rare and we now know they are extremely common and most stars have at least one planet orbiting.

"Our research is on just a fraction of possible exoplanets and knowing this is the first step in answering the question if we are alone in the universe."

Among the new discoveries are also a further 100 grade A rocky exoplanets which are the most likely for life to begin just like Earth.

And of these 24 were found to be of a similar size to Earth and distance from their stars in the so-called Goldilocks habitable zone, making them the most likelyy candidates for life.

Combined with 12 already found by Kepler researchers, there are now 36 of the Earth-like planets and a further 12 possible ones awaiting verification.

It was previously believed that many stars were out there alone, meaning the odds of other Earth-like planets with the right conditions for life to start are much higher than ever believed.

The information has come from astronomers researching swathes of data from the Kepler Telescope mission.

Initially more than 4,600 possible exoplanets were found and the 2,325 are those which have now been confirmed as definite exoplanets.

NASA made the major announcement about the latest findings from the Kepler research at a press conference which started at 6pm.

A NASA spokesman said: "When Kepler was launched in March 2009, scientists did not know how common planets were outside our solar system.

"Thanks to Kepler’s treasure trove of discoveries, astronomers now believe there may be at least one planet orbiting every star in the sky."

Kepler completed its prime mission in 2012, and collected data for an additional year in an extended mission.

In 2014, the spacecraft began a new extended mission called K2.

K2 continues the search for exoplanets while introducing new research opportunities to study young stars, supernovae and other cosmic phenomena.

Somewhere, an alien is wondering what we are up to...

Good news for me, not a good news for evangelists who think our world is the only special thing their god gave.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: BADecker on June 14, 2016, 06:26:18 PM

The US space agency has just announced the discovery of the new "exoplanets" which are considered as similar to Earth due to their distance from the star they orbit.

Timothy Morton, associate research scholar at Princeton University in New Jersey, said: "We have discovered 1,284 new planets - the most explanets ever announced at one time."

It more than doubles the previous amount of exoplanets found by the Kepler Telescope, taking the total number to 2,325.

It comes after NASA said they now also believe every star in space has at least one planet orbiting it, further increasing the chance of life evolving somewhere.

Paul Hertz, Astrophysics Division director at NASA Headquarters in Washington, said: "The Kepler specialist telescope is the first capable of detecting call rocky planets in the habitable zone of their parent star.

"When launched we did not know if exoplanets or rocky exoplanets were rare and we now know they are extremely common and most stars have at least one planet orbiting.

"Our research is on just a fraction of possible exoplanets and knowing this is the first step in answering the question if we are alone in the universe."

Among the new discoveries are also a further 100 grade A rocky exoplanets which are the most likely for life to begin just like Earth.

And of these 24 were found to be of a similar size to Earth and distance from their stars in the so-called Goldilocks habitable zone, making them the most likelyy candidates for life.

Combined with 12 already found by Kepler researchers, there are now 36 of the Earth-like planets and a further 12 possible ones awaiting verification.

It was previously believed that many stars were out there alone, meaning the odds of other Earth-like planets with the right conditions for life to start are much higher than ever believed.

The information has come from astronomers researching swathes of data from the Kepler Telescope mission.

Initially more than 4,600 possible exoplanets were found and the 2,325 are those which have now been confirmed as definite exoplanets.

NASA made the major announcement about the latest findings from the Kepler research at a press conference which started at 6pm.

A NASA spokesman said: "When Kepler was launched in March 2009, scientists did not know how common planets were outside our solar system.

"Thanks to Kepler’s treasure trove of discoveries, astronomers now believe there may be at least one planet orbiting every star in the sky."

Kepler completed its prime mission in 2012, and collected data for an additional year in an extended mission.

In 2014, the spacecraft began a new extended mission called K2.

K2 continues the search for exoplanets while introducing new research opportunities to study young stars, supernovae and other cosmic phenomena.

Somewhere, an alien is wondering what we are up to...

Good news for me, not a good news for evangelists who think our world is the only special thing their god gave.

But your good news here will turn to disappointment, when you finally realize that you will never know for sure.

Here is where your peril lies. The devil who is back up from the abyss, will make it appear that he is an alien from some star, here to help mankind. Simply do what he says - give your "power" over to him - and he will take your problems away with alien science/magic.

Then Jesus will return, destroy the devil, and your disappointment will be infinitely great when you see yourself being cast into the lake of fire along with the devil... forever destruction.


Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: escrowboy on June 14, 2016, 06:35:50 PM

The US space agency has just announced the discovery of the new "exoplanets" which are considered as similar to Earth due to their distance from the star they orbit.

Timothy Morton, associate research scholar at Princeton University in New Jersey, said: "We have discovered 1,284 new planets - the most explanets ever announced at one time."

It more than doubles the previous amount of exoplanets found by the Kepler Telescope, taking the total number to 2,325.

It comes after NASA said they now also believe every star in space has at least one planet orbiting it, further increasing the chance of life evolving somewhere.

Paul Hertz, Astrophysics Division director at NASA Headquarters in Washington, said: "The Kepler specialist telescope is the first capable of detecting call rocky planets in the habitable zone of their parent star.

"When launched we did not know if exoplanets or rocky exoplanets were rare and we now know they are extremely common and most stars have at least one planet orbiting.

"Our research is on just a fraction of possible exoplanets and knowing this is the first step in answering the question if we are alone in the universe."

Among the new discoveries are also a further 100 grade A rocky exoplanets which are the most likely for life to begin just like Earth.

And of these 24 were found to be of a similar size to Earth and distance from their stars in the so-called Goldilocks habitable zone, making them the most likelyy candidates for life.

Combined with 12 already found by Kepler researchers, there are now 36 of the Earth-like planets and a further 12 possible ones awaiting verification.

It was previously believed that many stars were out there alone, meaning the odds of other Earth-like planets with the right conditions for life to start are much higher than ever believed.

The information has come from astronomers researching swathes of data from the Kepler Telescope mission.

Initially more than 4,600 possible exoplanets were found and the 2,325 are those which have now been confirmed as definite exoplanets.

NASA made the major announcement about the latest findings from the Kepler research at a press conference which started at 6pm.

A NASA spokesman said: "When Kepler was launched in March 2009, scientists did not know how common planets were outside our solar system.

"Thanks to Kepler’s treasure trove of discoveries, astronomers now believe there may be at least one planet orbiting every star in the sky."

Kepler completed its prime mission in 2012, and collected data for an additional year in an extended mission.

In 2014, the spacecraft began a new extended mission called K2.

K2 continues the search for exoplanets while introducing new research opportunities to study young stars, supernovae and other cosmic phenomena.

Somewhere, an alien is wondering what we are up to...

Good news for me, not a good news for evangelists who think our world is the only special thing their god gave.

But your good news here will turn to disappointment, when you finally realize that you will never know for sure.

Here is where your peril lies. The devil who is back up from the abyss, will make it appear that he is an alien from some star, here to help mankind. Simply do what he says - give your "power" over to him - and he will take your problems away with alien science/magic.

Then Jesus will return, destroy the devil, and your disappointment will be infinitely great when you see yourself being cast into the lake of fire along with the devil... forever destruction.


Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: BADecker on June 14, 2016, 07:12:09 PM
Good news for me, not a good news for evangelists who think our world is the only special thing their god gave.

But your good news here will turn to disappointment, when you finally realize that you will never know for sure.

Here is where your peril lies. The devil who is back up from the abyss, will make it appear that he is an alien from some star, here to help mankind. Simply do what he says - give your "power" over to him - and he will take your problems away with alien science/magic.

Then Jesus will return, destroy the devil, and your disappointment will be infinitely great when you see yourself being cast into the lake of fire along with the devil... forever destruction.


Is there anything in the video except for people mocking themselves? Even though they try to mock God, and even though they think that they are mocking God, God will not be mocked. You will find out when He awakens you from death on the last day.


Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: popcorn1 on June 14, 2016, 10:22:33 PM
Good news for me, not a good news for evangelists who think our world is the only special thing their god gave.

But your good news here will turn to disappointment, when you finally realize that you will never know for sure.

Here is where your peril lies. The devil who is back up from the abyss, will make it appear that he is an alien from some star, here to help mankind. Simply do what he says - give your "power" over to him - and he will take your problems away with alien science/magic.

Then Jesus will return, destroy the devil, and your disappointment will be infinitely great when you see yourself being cast into the lake of fire along with the devil... forever destruction.


Is there anything in the video except for people mocking themselves? Even though they try to mock God, and even though they think that they are mocking God, God will not be mocked. You will find out when He awakens you from death on the last day.

I have died and come back from the dead..Now as an atheist you think god would of took my life for being a none believer..Or maybe he is scared because if there is a god he must know i am going to give him a kick in the BOLLOCKS  :D :D
FUCK GOD  ;D You backward olden day thinker ;D
Also BADECKER ..How come everything you say ends with AND GOD SAID? or on the same lines..

Fuck god fuck god fuck god..Now putting me base ball bets on and if i win then no god after all i just said fuck god ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: bryant.coleman on June 15, 2016, 02:11:49 AM
I think that the us should not waste their on space discovery. I think they should discover the world and should spend their money on the needy people of world. we can see that most of the people in different place of the world are living hard. I think they should help them. and no need to sped such false news.

That is up to the Americans to decide. It is not the responsibility of the United States to feed everyone in the world. If you are facing starvation and poverty, then practise family planning and stabilize the population growth in your country. Space research is extremely important, and I believe that the NASA should be given more funds, so that they could make more of such discoveries.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: BADecker on June 15, 2016, 06:22:00 PM
I think that the us should not waste their on space discovery. I think they should discover the world and should spend their money on the needy people of world. we can see that most of the people in different place of the world are living hard. I think they should help them. and no need to sped such false news.

That is up to the Americans to decide. It is not the responsibility of the United States to feed everyone in the world. If you are facing starvation and poverty, then practise family planning and stabilize the population growth in your country. Space research is extremely important, and I believe that the NASA should be given more funds, so that they could make more of such discoveries.

Right. All the people of the world need to do is become serious, Bible reading, Christians, and God will hear their prayer and send them all the food they need.

Since much of America is turning away from the Bible and God, when God's people of the older generations are gone, America will fail as well.


Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: Seansky on June 22, 2016, 11:48:24 AM
I think that the us should not waste their on space discovery. I think they should discover the world and should spend their money on the needy people of world. we can see that most of the people in different place of the world are living hard. I think they should help them. and no need to sped such false news.

The U.S. doesn't rally care about space discovery at all. All they are interested in is getting whatever funds-for-projects that they can, so they have an excuse to siphon more off the people in taxes.

Well I agree with you. It cost a lot of money just to send one batch of astronauts out to space or a satellite out of space just to investigate these kinds of things. Well I think they do it similar to what corrupt politics do.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: BADecker on June 23, 2016, 03:16:34 AM
I think that the us should not waste their on space discovery. I think they should discover the world and should spend their money on the needy people of world. we can see that most of the people in different place of the world are living hard. I think they should help them. and no need to sped such false news.

The U.S. doesn't rally care about space discovery at all. All they are interested in is getting whatever funds-for-projects that they can, so they have an excuse to siphon more off the people in taxes.

Well I agree with you. It cost a lot of money just to send one batch of astronauts out to space or a satellite out of space just to investigate these kinds of things. Well I think they do it similar to what corrupt politics do.

Maybe we should send all the politicians into outer space, permanently.    8)

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: groll on June 23, 2016, 03:44:36 AM
It is only an assumption just a theory, it could or could not hold life.  And if ever it could hold life, are there anyone living there?  Will it be possible for us humans to get there when Earth is near to its end?  But still, it is amazing thing to know that there are many exoplanets and other objects on space.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: bitcoinboy12 on June 23, 2016, 02:30:23 PM
It is only an assumption just a theory, it could or could not hold life.  And if ever it could hold life, are there anyone living there?  Will it be possible for us humans to get there when Earth is near to its end?  But still, it is amazing thing to know that there are many exoplanets and other objects on space.

It is really cool to actually know this. But i don't think this has already been proven. These are just flat out theories..

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: Maesters1- on June 26, 2016, 08:43:34 AM
i think these are just supposition and no reality about such news. still it is believe that earth is the only planet where life exist and still the astronomer found not a single planed where they have found the life source. may be there are some other planets where life exist but still the scientist have not reached to them and they news about 1200 planet is just the supposition and there is a single one where life exist.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: cluit on June 27, 2016, 01:05:01 PM
i think these are just supposition and no reality about such news. still it is believe that earth is the only planet where life exist and still the astronomer found not a single planed where they have found the life source. may be there are some other planets where life exist but still the scientist have not reached to them and they news about 1200 planet is just the supposition and there is a single one where life exist.
To some extent life exists in every planet, may be that differs a lot in characteristics that we call being living in our planet. As the universe is so vast and our science and technology evolve rapidly, we can expect more exciting this kind of news in future.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: BADecker on June 27, 2016, 10:50:36 PM
i think these are just supposition and no reality about such news. still it is believe that earth is the only planet where life exist and still the astronomer found not a single planed where they have found the life source. may be there are some other planets where life exist but still the scientist have not reached to them and they news about 1200 planet is just the supposition and there is a single one where life exist.
To some extent life exists in every planet, may be that differs a lot in characteristics that we call being living in our planet. As the universe is so vast and our science and technology evolve rapidly, we can expect more exciting this kind of news in future.

Evolution is impossible -


Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: Cresciuanto on June 28, 2016, 10:32:35 AM
i think these are just supposition and no reality about such news. still it is believe that earth is the only planet where life exist and still the astronomer found not a single planed where they have found the life source. may be there are some other planets where life exist but still the scientist have not reached to them and they news about 1200 planet is just the supposition and there is a single one where life exist.
To some extent life exists in every planet, may be that differs a lot in characteristics that we call being living in our planet. As the universe is so vast and our science and technology evolve rapidly, we can expect more exciting this kind of news in future.

Evolution is impossible -

up to now I think the scientist have not yet find life on any other planet except Earth. although they are trying and have found traces but still they are not succeeded to find any existence life on any plant of the universe. therefore I think these are just the false news and there is no reality about that.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: BADecker on June 28, 2016, 04:23:02 PM
i think these are just supposition and no reality about such news. still it is believe that earth is the only planet where life exist and still the astronomer found not a single planed where they have found the life source. may be there are some other planets where life exist but still the scientist have not reached to them and they news about 1200 planet is just the supposition and there is a single one where life exist.
To some extent life exists in every planet, may be that differs a lot in characteristics that we call being living in our planet. As the universe is so vast and our science and technology evolve rapidly, we can expect more exciting this kind of news in future.

Evolution is impossible -

up to now I think the scientist have not yet find life on any other planet except Earth. although they are trying and have found traces but still they are not succeeded to find any existence life on any plant of the universe. therefore I think these are just the false news and there is no reality about that.


It's a waste of time and money to look for life on other planets. There is no benefit to it. And since the searching for life is mostly supported by government grants, it is the taxpayers who have to pay for this foolishness.


Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: abugseuf on June 30, 2016, 06:07:06 PM
i think these are just supposition and no reality about such news. still it is believe that earth is the only planet where life exist and still the astronomer found not a single planed where they have found the life source. may be there are some other planets where life exist but still the scientist have not reached to them and they news about 1200 planet is just the supposition and there is a single one where life exist.
To some extent life exists in every planet, may be that differs a lot in characteristics that we call being living in our planet. As the universe is so vast and our science and technology evolve rapidly, we can expect more exciting this kind of news in future.

Evolution is impossible -

up to now I think the scientist have not yet find life on any other planet except Earth. although they are trying and have found traces but still they are not succeeded to find any existence life on any plant of the universe. therefore I think these are just the false news and there is no reality about that.


It's a waste of time and money to look for life on other planets. There is no benefit to it. And since the searching for life is mostly supported by government grants, it is the taxpayers who have to pay for this foolishness.

no i dont think so that it is the waste of time it can give us useful information. As ALLAH says in the Holy Quran that in this world every thing is for the benefit of Human. and discover the universe. so i think if they are working on it they are not wasting the time. but infact yet such development has not take place.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: helloeverybody on June 30, 2016, 06:12:18 PM
i think these are just supposition and no reality about such news. still it is believe that earth is the only planet where life exist and still the astronomer found not a single planed where they have found the life source. may be there are some other planets where life exist but still the scientist have not reached to them and they news about 1200 planet is just the supposition and there is a single one where life exist.
To some extent life exists in every planet, may be that differs a lot in characteristics that we call being living in our planet. As the universe is so vast and our science and technology evolve rapidly, we can expect more exciting this kind of news in future.

Evolution is impossible -

up to now I think the scientist have not yet find life on any other planet except Earth. although they are trying and have found traces but still they are not succeeded to find any existence life on any plant of the universe. therefore I think these are just the false news and there is no reality about that.


It's a waste of time and money to look for life on other planets. There is no benefit to it. And since the searching for life is mostly supported by government grants, it is the taxpayers who have to pay for this foolishness.


I dont agree with your thread about evolution being impossible but even if  it was (for sake of the argument) theres no reason why life couldnt have been "created" on one of these other planets and if life is their i think its well worth spending the money to investigate it. Chances are we will never be able to reach these planets but what if we could on day? or what if we even managed to communicate with these other planets due to intelligent life? This would be ground breaking and could advance medicine and science by thousands of years, We could also possibly debunk religion altogether or be told of the right one.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: Gronthaing on June 30, 2016, 06:31:16 PM
i think these are just supposition and no reality about such news. still it is believe that earth is the only planet where life exist and still the astronomer found not a single planed where they have found the life source. may be there are some other planets where life exist but still the scientist have not reached to them and they news about 1200 planet is just the supposition and there is a single one where life exist.
To some extent life exists in every planet, may be that differs a lot in characteristics that we call being living in our planet. As the universe is so vast and our science and technology evolve rapidly, we can expect more exciting this kind of news in future.

Evolution is impossible -

up to now I think the scientist have not yet find life on any other planet except Earth. although they are trying and have found traces but still they are not succeeded to find any existence life on any plant of the universe. therefore I think these are just the false news and there is no reality about that.


It's a waste of time and money to look for life on other planets. There is no benefit to it. And since the searching for life is mostly supported by government grants, it is the taxpayers who have to pay for this foolishness.


I dont agree with your thread about evolution being impossible but even if  it was (for sake of the argument) theres no reason why life couldnt have been "created" on one of these other planets and if life is their i think its well worth spending the money to investigate it. Chances are we will never be able to reach these planets but what if we could on day? or what if we even managed to communicate with these other planets due to intelligent life? This would be ground breaking and could advance medicine and science by thousands of years, We could also possibly debunk religion altogether or be told of the right one.

^ this. Finding life on other planets could change a lot of our understanding. Far from a waste of time or money. Depending on how advanced the aliens we could learn a lot. Not only new technology but maybe completely different ways of thinking about the world and of solving problems. And if we couldn't communicate, they were too primitive or something, that would still tell us a lot about life. In what conditions it can exist. Won't necessarily be the same conditions as us. What is the probability of other life existing in other worlds. And what is the probable origin. If something like panspermia or more isolated development. Etc. Finally that finding could also help unite the world.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: Cresciuanto on July 07, 2016, 11:35:44 AM
i think these are just supposition and no reality about such news. still it is believe that earth is the only planet where life exist and still the astronomer found not a single planed where they have found the life source. may be there are some other planets where life exist but still the scientist have not reached to them and they news about 1200 planet is just the supposition and there is a single one where life exist.
To some extent life exists in every planet, may be that differs a lot in characteristics that we call being living in our planet. As the universe is so vast and our science and technology evolve rapidly, we can expect more exciting this kind of news in future.

Evolution is impossible -

up to now I think the scientist have not yet find life on any other planet except Earth. although they are trying and have found traces but still they are not succeeded to find any existence life on any plant of the universe. therefore I think these are just the false news and there is no reality about that.


It's a waste of time and money to look for life on other planets. There is no benefit to it. And since the searching for life is mostly supported by government grants, it is the taxpayers who have to pay for this foolishness.

no i dont think so that it is the waste of time it can give us useful information. As ALLAH says in the Holy Quran that in this world every thing is for the benefit of Human. and discover the universe. so i think if they are working on it they are not wasting the time. but infact yet such development has not take place.
yes that is fact we cannot say that it is just the wast of time.  though this we can get allot of information. and there is the possibility that may be there are present such planets which exist life. but i think still these are only and only the supposition.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: hermanhs09 on July 07, 2016, 11:39:41 AM
I suspect that there is something about space travel, other planets, and aliens that we keep missing and it smacking us all right in the face every second of every day. That's what I think is going on here and now on this planet.
Well,i would like to have some space ship haha.
But the problem is that distance between earth and the other planets,where possibly life could exist is so big,that we probably will never get there.
I think that people will die with earth.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: Maesters1- on July 07, 2016, 09:50:42 PM
I suspect that there is something about space travel, other planets, and aliens that we keep missing and it smacking us all right in the face every second of every day. That's what I think is going on here and now on this planet.
Well,i would like to have some space ship haha.
But the problem is that distance between earth and the other planets,where possibly life could exist is so big,that we probably will never get there.
I think that people will die with earth.
i think the science yet promoted up to 3% and what do you say if it reach to 50 %. men has invented such kind of spaceships which can travel thousands mile of distance with in minutes. so i think it is not too much difficult to the human to search such king of planets where life exist.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: CroSany on July 07, 2016, 10:03:55 PM
I think in every planet from that 1200 have dinosaurs,peoples like peoples in earth in past.I think we have best tehnology or same like other aliens and if aliens exist that they look same like us.But I also think that aliens dont exist right now in earth.Obama isnt alien hehe :P.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: BADecker on July 07, 2016, 10:12:46 PM
I think they are all dead planets. But if they aren't, who cares. We'll never go there, and nobody from there will ever come here. Nor will they ever visit each other.


Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: mOgliE on July 07, 2016, 11:16:07 PM
I think they are all dead planets. But if they aren't, who cares. We'll never go there, and nobody from there will ever come here. Nor will they ever visit each other.



All those planets are just too far away.
Even light takes thousands of years to reach it. You can't expect anything from it until you break physic laws.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: hermanhs09 on July 08, 2016, 01:25:41 AM
I think they are all dead planets. But if they aren't, who cares. We'll never go there, and nobody from there will ever come here. Nor will they ever visit each other.



All those planets are just too far away.
Even light takes thousands of years to reach it. You can't expect anything from it until you break physic laws.
Yeah,thats why im worried about human's future.
For now,it looks like we are dont have any way to follow to survive,we will probably die because of over-population on Earth,or lack of food or water.
So bad nobody will know about us...

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: alplaxxx on July 08, 2016, 04:38:34 AM
we are seeking new planets, for what?, in the universe millions of galaxy surround them, and I think there is a possibilities that our planet (earth) have identical planet in the universe, seeking same planets are wasting time, we need to reconstruct our planet back it to the normal condition , this is the most important things our scientist must do, we need to do something in common to save our planet earth.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: ObscureBean on July 08, 2016, 05:29:05 AM
Well it may turn out that alien life exists much closer to earth than we had previously thought. I came across this article a few days ago where it is suggested that there may be life on Titan, one of Saturn's moons. These lifeforms would theoretically have evolved in environments where there is no water and thus not have any need for it.


Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: BADecker on July 08, 2016, 07:41:31 AM
I think they are all dead planets. But if they aren't, who cares. We'll never go there, and nobody from there will ever come here. Nor will they ever visit each other.



All those planets are just too far away.
Even light takes thousands of years to reach it. You can't expect anything from it until you break physic laws.
Yeah,thats why im worried about human's future.
For now,it looks like we are dont have any way to follow to survive,we will probably die because of over-population on Earth,or lack of food or water.
So bad nobody will know about us...

But mostly because stupid governments waste our strength on killing off people of other stupid countries.


Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: helloeverybody on July 08, 2016, 07:51:32 AM
If we just give up searching for life on other planets then it means the chances are we will never develop any technology that could be used to send signals faster than the speed of light, For now it seems impossible but putting research into these things gives the possibility that we can make a breakthrough and possibly contact other worlds. Ans as a poster above me has stated, maybe life is not as far away as we may think. Even if it wasnt life that had evolved as far as us, even microscopic life is a major discover and if we found life similar to animals that would be fascinating.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: BADecker on July 08, 2016, 08:07:00 AM
If we just give up searching for life on other planets then it means the chances are we will never develop any technology that could be used to send signals faster than the speed of light, For now it seems impossible but putting research into these things gives the possibility that we can make a breakthrough and possibly contact other worlds. Ans as a poster above me has stated, maybe life is not as far away as we may think. Even if it wasnt life that had evolved as far as us, even microscopic life is a major discover and if we found life similar to animals that would be fascinating.

In the 1950s, people were told by government that by the 1990s we would have bases on the moon, cities on the moon, and that there would be weekly flights to the moon that average people could fly on. Now, in 2016, we are not even started.

President John F. Kennedy told us that by the end of the decade (the 1960s) we would put a man in space. Now there is great evidence that the astronauts that went into space, and landed on the moon, really didn't. It may have been a big hoax. Even NASA narrators are quietly and carefully saying this... if you listen between their lines in their videos.

All this astronomy research that has people so excited, is part of a plan to get the people to give more money to research, so that we can build ever bigger war machines. The idea that we are ever going to really go to space is a big lie. It's all BS. Forget it. Even if we really make it into outer space again (the ISS is not in outer space), this simple act will barely be within your lifetime.


Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: worhiper_-_ on July 08, 2016, 09:36:41 AM
Those are some exciting and great news!
Such news make me want to buy No man's sky so much... I just hope whatever life we find over there that we don't turn out to be enemies..

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: designerusa on July 08, 2016, 10:49:14 AM
Who cares? We cant go there and they cant come here.

according to me , they have already come here but as eathmen, we have a lot of time to go to explore far planets..alliens have been here for a long time and they are keeping in touch with some people..

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: mOgliE on July 08, 2016, 10:51:59 AM
Who cares? We cant go there and they cant come here.

according to me , they have already come here but as eathmen, we have a lot of time to go to explore far planets..alliens have been here for a long time and they are keeping in touch with some people..

Aliens are on earth but hidden thats it? xD

Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan... What do you even smoke?
Ok two great questions:
1/ How did they come from so far away?
2/ Why did they come to stay hidden? What's the point?

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: CroSany on July 10, 2016, 11:48:38 PM
Why aliens go to earth and hide?That is so stjpid if they do so I think they dont do that.Why they sould do that??IF they we will able to visit us they will gonna go to kill us or we will se on TV programms how they come in peace but they were maybe ihistory on earth but now aliens gone from earth.And now are just pupils and animals on earth.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: WhalingWhales on July 11, 2016, 04:35:16 PM
I personally think that while we may not find it anytime in the near future (or the moderately distant future), there is other life out there. To me, it makes sense, because the universe is huge, and it doesn't seem logical that there is only 1 small place in it where humans can exist..

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: BADecker on July 11, 2016, 05:02:55 PM
I personally think that while we may not find it anytime in the near future (or the moderately distant future), there is other life out there. To me, it makes sense, because the universe is huge, and it doesn't seem logical that there is only 1 small place in it where humans can exist..

The only life that exists is life that God made. If there is life out there, God made it. Evolution is mathematically impossible, and there is no other way that we can conceive of that life can come about.


Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: Gronthaing on July 17, 2016, 02:35:37 AM
Who cares? We cant go there and they cant come here.

according to me , they have already come here but as eathmen, we have a lot of time to go to explore far planets..alliens have been here for a long time and they are keeping in touch with some people..

Aliens are on earth but hidden thats it? xD

Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan... What do you even smoke?
Ok two great questions:
1/ How did they come from so far away?
2/ Why did they come to stay hidden? What's the point?

Not that I agree with him but
1. it is far away considering our lifespans. And propulsion methods we know about. But who is to say what aliens that would come here are like? Maybe they could be something like von neumann probes. Robots autonomously spreading throughout the galaxy. Would take a long time without faster than light travel. But possible.
2. maybe to study us. Maybe something else. Hard to say when we are talking about hypothetical creatures we know nothing about. And who may be nothing like us.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: PokerFace3 on July 17, 2016, 11:01:57 AM
Who cares? We cant go there and they cant come here.

according to me , they have already come here but as eathmen, we have a lot of time to go to explore far planets..alliens have been here for a long time and they are keeping in touch with some people..

Aliens are on earth but hidden thats it? xD

Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan... What do you even smoke?
Ok two great questions:
1/ How did they come from so far away?
2/ Why did they come to stay hidden? What's the point?

Not that I agree with him but
1. it is far away considering our lifespans. And propulsion methods we know about. But who is to say what aliens that would come here are like? Maybe they could be something like von neumann probes. Robots autonomously spreading throughout the galaxy. Would take a long time without faster than light travel. But possible.
2. maybe to study us. Maybe something else. Hard to say when we are talking about hypothetical creatures we know nothing about. And who may be nothing like us.

Visiting other planets is not possible in human lifespan with the technology we have. Earth is a young planet and possibility is the species of other planets are far more developed than we are !!!! So, it may be possible that they visited earth long time ago. Even in the Egyptian
artifacts we can see the symbols of flying disks that look like UFOs. 

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: Digitalbitcoin on July 17, 2016, 02:13:22 PM
Just imagine like we have our relatives in such planets as we go there for holiday and enjoy there. But its just dreaming even can be display as in movie but what will happen if happen this in really ?

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: BADecker on July 17, 2016, 04:34:32 PM
Just imagine like we have our relatives in such planets as we go there for holiday and enjoy there. But its just dreaming even can be display as in movie but what will happen if happen this in really ?

The whole idea of visiting other planets is BS. Back in the 1950s, we in America were told that by the end of the 1990s (if not sooner) we would have bases and cities on the moon, with weekly (if not daily) flights there, which we could ride on. Here it is, decades later, and we're not even close.

See Do you want to keep on believing those liars who try to excite us into believing in aliens?


EDIT: Correct link is

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: Maesters1- on July 19, 2016, 04:52:38 PM
I personally think that while we may not find it anytime in the near future (or the moderately distant future), there is other life out there. To me, it makes sense, because the universe is huge, and it doesn't seem logical that there is only 1 small place in it where humans can exist..
yes i have also no trust on such kind of news. i think these are just the false news wondering in the media. because NASA or any other space center has yet not do conformation about these news.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: BADecker on July 19, 2016, 04:56:12 PM
^^^ Good! Because, even if it is truth about life out there, it doesn't change anything for us.


Title: World's Most Powerful Radio Telescope Discovers 1300 New Galaxies in Trial Run
Post by: BADecker on July 19, 2016, 10:36:42 PM
World's Most Powerful Radio Telescope Discovers 1300 New Galaxies in Trial Run ( (

The initial results were incredibly promising: operating with only one quarter of the 64 dishes that will eventually comprise MeerKAT, the telescope was able to find 1300 galaxies in a small corner of the universe where only 70 galaxies were known to exist previously.

MeerKAT, which is located roughly 350 miles north of Cape Town, is something of a proof of concept for the Square Kilometer Array (SKA) which is slated to come online in the 2020s. When the 3000 dishes that comprise SKA go live they will comprise the most sensitive radio telescope in the world, but for now this illustrious title will be claimed by MeerKAT, whose 64 dishes will be incorporated into the SKA array when they're finished next year.

Even operating with only a quarter of its eventual 64 dishes, MeerKAT's Saturday evening trial run established the radio telescope as the most powerful in the southern hemisphere according to SKA's chief scientist Fernando Camilo.

Read more at (


Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: anarchrist on July 20, 2016, 03:09:30 AM
cant wait for the james web telescope. imagine the things we will see then!

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: dunfida on July 20, 2016, 03:49:16 AM
No one knows if theres other human race/ living planet  around the universe since there no evidence at all they just announce that there are life supporting planets but we couldnt assume there are living things out there. If theres other civilization out there then it would be interesting and we know that were not alone in this universe either those race are  more advanced in technology compare to us.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: J Gambler on July 20, 2016, 02:00:00 PM
I am really fascinated everytime I heard a news about new found planets.  It gives me excitement.  How do it look like?  How far is it from the earth?  And is there someone living on that place?  Are plants and animals present on that new found planet?

In case that we, humans, can live there, I think it is impossible for all of us to get there.  It will takes a lon period of time.  Plus, rich people will the only one to get there.

Title: Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found
Post by: BADecker on July 20, 2016, 02:21:33 PM
I am really fascinated everytime I heard a news about new found planets.  It gives me excitement.  How do it look like?  How far is it from the earth?  And is there someone living on that place?  Are plants and animals present on that new found planet?

In case that we, humans, can live there, I think it is impossible for all of us to get there.  It will takes a lon period of time.  Plus, rich people will the only one to get there.

If there was no imperfection in the world, people would live forever... in excellent health. Think of all the scientific knowledge that could have been gained so far, by people never dying so that their children have to relearn the knowledge.

Go to, scroll down to "Ray Bradbury," and download, for free, a copy of his book "R is for Rocket." It is in PDF format, and is available, free.

Then look in the book for the short story "Frost and Fire," at page 160. It's a good read.

The point is, we are like the people of "Frost and Fire." We should all be living for thousands of years, at least. The planets out there were made, by God, for us to go to in a time when there would be standing room only on the earth. If we had not turned against God, He would have found a way long ago for us to go to the stars.
