Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: nodesupply on April 30, 2013, 02:15:32 AM

Title: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: nodesupply on April 30, 2013, 02:15:32 AM
I've read a lot of different posts about the popularity of Feathercoin and I'm wondering where it has come from.

What is causes value for these coins to go up so rapidly?  For Litecoin it offers another alternative to Bitcoin because is hashing algorithm is different, to name just one benefit.

Does anybody feel this block chain is a bad idea? A get rich quick scheme? It seems like the market is just fascinated by *coins at the moment so a lot of miners are dumping their CPU's and GPU's into Feathercoin in an attempt to cash in on it's initial introduction to various exchanges.

I'd like to hear your thoughts on why you support or do not support FC, and if you own any or plan on owning any in the near future.

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: imperi on April 30, 2013, 02:19:09 AM
I think it's because there is a strong desire for 2 different currencies that use Scrypt as the hashing algorithm.

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: penetration on April 30, 2013, 02:20:05 AM
I think it's because there is a strong desire for 2 different currencies that use Scrypt as the hashing algorithm.

This fused with the strong desire to be an early adopter.

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: Yurizhai on April 30, 2013, 02:20:19 AM
Feathercoin isn't a bad name. And it uses scrypt. It's early and you can still hop aboard.  That's about it.

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: CoinHoarder on April 30, 2013, 02:26:15 AM
1. Everyone wants to be an early adopter Feathercoin Billionaire.
2. FC price is overvalued right now so mining it is like 300% more profitable than Bitcoin mining, so all the miners are here trying to spark interest and demand amongst buyers.
3. Another scrypt coin I guess
4. Most FC supporters are new to the forums, and I think they see this as their get rich quick scheme.

*hides under his desk awaiting the barrage of Tomatos from FCers*

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: nodesupply on April 30, 2013, 03:46:05 AM
It offers no advantage over Litecoin. I see a lot of the same rhetoric from FC adopters - it's the 3rd crypto coin. Can't I say this about BBQcoin, PPcoin, NVC, or any other Coin that's actually traded?

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: TheJuice on April 30, 2013, 03:51:38 AM
It offers no advantage over Litecoin. I see a lot of the same rhetoric from FC adopters - it's the 3rd crypto coin. Can't I say this about BBQcoin, PPcoin, NVC, or any other Coin that's actually traded?

There's been a strong push by the authors to get FTC accepted for goods/services. Very few alt coins can say that. But yeah, difficulty is about to double yet again. It's still not clear to me why any alt coin has value to be honest.

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: CoinHoarder on April 30, 2013, 03:53:51 AM
There's been a strong push by the authors to get FTC accepted for goods/services. Very few alt coins can say that. But yeah, difficulty is about to double yet again. It's still not clear to me why any alt coin has value to be honest.

Difficulty is only going up because it is overvalued and extremely profitable to mine.

If value crashes, so will the network speed. The same could be said for any other ALT currency though really (except for maybe LTC).

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: destruct on April 30, 2013, 04:02:03 AM
I wouldn't really say LTC is an "alt currency"

It's like saying $5 bill is alt currency to the $10 bill.

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: Noitev on April 30, 2013, 04:07:47 AM
I wouldn't really say LTC is an "alt currency"

It's like saying $5 bill is alt currency to the $10 bill.

That's totally silly logic here.

Id consider 5 ltc is the 10 ltc equivalent of a 5 dollar bill, why on earth would you use a different currency to float the 2??

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: simonk83 on April 30, 2013, 04:07:52 AM

 A get rich quick scheme?

That's what all the altcoins are (and I don't particularly have anything against them, I just choose to ignore them for the most part).   It's just people wanting to make easy money though, make no mistake about it.

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: master-P on April 30, 2013, 04:08:25 AM
When the difficulty goes high and profit drops, a lot of miners will leave and not many blocks will be mined until the next difficulty re-target. Same thing happened to Bytecoin I think, except it won't be as bad with feathercoin because of the lack of ASICs I guess.

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: anderl on April 30, 2013, 04:15:23 AM

 A get rich quick scheme?

That's what all the altcoins are (and I don't particularly have anything against them, I just choose to ignore them for the most part).   It's just people wanting to make easy money though, make no mistake about it.

How about the EUR is the alt to the USD.  But that too will probably not get past your predisposition.

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: Yurizhai on April 30, 2013, 04:16:43 AM

 A get rich quick scheme?

That's what all the altcoins are (and I don't particularly have anything against them, I just choose to ignore them for the most part).   It's just people wanting to make easy money though, make no mistake about it.

How about the EUR is the alt to the USD.  But that too will probably not get past your predisposition.

How can you even remotely compare those two things?

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: Noitev on April 30, 2013, 04:16:48 AM
When the difficulty goes high and profit drops, a lot of miners will leave and not many blocks will be mined until the next difficulty re-target. Same thing happened to Bytecoin I think, except it won't be as bad with feathercoin because of the lack of ASICs I guess.

idk, seems REALLY similar to tenebrix/fairbrix

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: Peleus on April 30, 2013, 04:23:03 AM
It's ironic that so many of these arguments could be stated in exactly the same way in BTC vs LTC (The alt coin golden child) as LTC vs FTC.

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: simonk83 on April 30, 2013, 04:23:51 AM

 A get rich quick scheme?

That's what all the altcoins are (and I don't particularly have anything against them, I just choose to ignore them for the most part).   It's just people wanting to make easy money though, make no mistake about it.

How about the EUR is the alt to the USD.  But that too will probably not get past your predisposition.

Seriously? :D

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: Noitev on April 30, 2013, 04:38:08 AM
It's ironic that so many of these arguments could be stated in exactly the same way in BTC vs LTC (The alt coin golden child) as LTC vs FTC.

Normally I'd agree, but at least LTC is different than btc, ftc is literally a near exact clone of ltc.

Bitcoin vs litecoin

bitcoin makes 50 (now 25) coins per block (same for both)
block every 10 minutes vs 2.5 minutes
based on sha256 vs scrypt

litecoin vs feathercoin

litecoin makes 50 per block vs 200 per block for feathercoin

considering all these coins are divisible to really small amounts, multiplying the reward by 4 does basically nothing.
I admit litecoin is a ripoff of bitcoin, all altcoins are, I honestly prefer btc just because it's the original, has very strong security and integration. I kinda like litecoin just cause it brought something new to the table. it's nice having trx confirm so quick and scrypt is nice, its peanut butter and jelly. feathercoin just has nothing to bring to the table and if I decided to say "I'll make a coin that makes 1000 coins per block!" and promised everyone I'd work super hard to get people to use it, it'd literally be no different.

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: digicoin on April 30, 2013, 08:57:11 AM
FeatherCoin is a bubble. Some guys are too late to the BTC game. They need to invent something which is useless at all the time to play with.

BTC and LTC may gain market adoption but I don't think Feather will make it because merchant will quickly recognize that FeatherCoin is created to support a small group interest, not the market. FeatherCoin brings no value compared to BTC or LTC (read FeatherCoin announcement, you will find it a joke)

If you are smart, you will not trade your BTC or LTC for FeatherCoin. FeatherCoin is trap. All FeatherCoin miner will try their best to trade FeatherCoin for LTC and BTC. They will not keep FeatherCoin, but LTC and BTC. It looks like a scam.

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: RetardedMonkey on April 30, 2013, 09:04:25 AM
Why do I love it?

I'm getting 0.35BTC per day because of its bubble.

Profit is profit, after all.

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: bonker on April 30, 2013, 09:07:41 AM
Bunch of socks on the forum talking FC up for personal advantage?

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: digicoin on April 30, 2013, 09:20:48 AM
Why do I love it?

I'm getting 0.35BTC per day because of its bubble.

Profit is profit, after all.

You just confirmed that FeatherCoin is a scam. See my above post

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: RetardedMonkey on April 30, 2013, 09:22:15 AM
You just confirmed that FeatherCoin is a scam. See my above post

Don't really care what people assume Feathercoin is - everyone can have their own opinion.

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: Radacoin on April 30, 2013, 09:29:29 AM
Feathercoin isn't a bad name. And it uses scrypt. It's early and you can still hop aboard.  That's about it.

IXC, PPC, etc. sound like, well, some weird techy stuff. Like I2C or DMA.

Would you rather have a pair of shoes called Nike - or a pair of some thing called CDP ?

It's all about marketing in life. Visuals. Women know that since the beginning of the time ;D

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: perhan007 on April 30, 2013, 09:38:06 AM
I'm out of Feathercoin, sold all 45.000 Coins and I'm extremly happy with the income. (Sold them between 14.6 LTC and 45 LTC per 1000 FTC)

If FTC goes to 0.1 LTC or even higher, I maybe won't be that happy any more :-)

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: bushstar on April 30, 2013, 09:53:32 AM
It has grown very quickly, much more than expected. I figured I would be working with a small community of people on this coin. It seems that the community has grown large and at great speed. This has made the project more serious sooner than expected, if people are going to use Feathercoins in the way they have been then it has to be taken seriously. Currently I am dedicating all my time to Feathercoin.

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: perhan007 on April 30, 2013, 10:07:20 AM
It has grown very quickly, much more than expected. I figured I would be working with a small community of people on this coin. It seems that the community has grown large and at great speed. This has made the project more serious sooner than expected, if people are going to use Feathercoins in the way they have been then it has to be taken seriously. Currently I am dedicating all my time to Feathercoin.

I'll ask you what you think of FTC community once price drops and most miners jump off the FTC train, as it happened with TRC, FRC, BTE and most other coins. It'll be
funny to watch you and alikes crying for more hashpower, and most of those who are speeding-up FTC train right now totally ignoring the cry. Once profit ceases, there
won't be any reasons to continue mining FTC because, you see, it is nothing but LTC with 4 times more coins to be generated - not enough changes to have life of it's
own outside of speculation circles. Even LTC is ignored by most of those who are accepting BTC, and you think FTC has a chance to be accepted for anything serious?

This could already happen tomorrow, if the price doesn't grow quickly :-) Tomorrow the difficulty will be there, where it was for LTC a month ago :D

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: aikklond on April 30, 2013, 10:09:54 AM

so much B***hurt by people concerning FTC ...   :D

Grasp the economy basics, Supply-Demand.

I ll try to help.

How many brands of Credit Cards are there?

How many Stocks are listed in NYSE?

How many coins do you think a 7+ Billion population needs?

FTC is a wild success, and it will not be the last.

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: aikklond on April 30, 2013, 10:25:47 AM
If FTC is bound to fail then why sooooo much B***hurt   ;D


Let us FTC noobs bite the dust, why dont ya?

Meanwhile I am sure you are buying FTC.

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: aikklond on April 30, 2013, 10:30:12 AM
I edited my post before to see your reply, read it and you'll get my point.

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: 00400 on April 30, 2013, 11:03:47 AM
It has grown very quickly, much more than expected. I figured I would be working with a small community of people on this coin. It seems that the community has grown large and at great speed. This has made the project more serious sooner than expected, if people are going to use Feathercoins in the way they have been then it has to be taken seriously. Currently I am dedicating all my time to Feathercoin.

I'll ask you what you think of FTC community once price drops and most miners jump off the FTC train, as it happened with TRC, FRC, BTE and most other coins. It'll be
funny to watch you and alikes crying for more hashpower, and most of those who are speeding-up FTC train right now totally ignoring the cry. Once profit ceases, there
won't be any reasons to continue mining FTC because, you see, it is nothing but LTC with 4 times more coins to be generated - not enough changes to have life of it's
own outside of speculation circles. Even LTC is ignored by most of those who are accepting BTC, and you think FTC has a chance to be accepted for anything serious?

In the long run, FTC is going nowhere. Enjoy the show you started - I guess it is perfectly fine for you to have your name displayed on the scammer wall for some profit.
You talk quite a lot about a thing, that "is going nowhere" ;D

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: Radacoin on April 30, 2013, 11:29:01 AM
... especially those doing it for the mere profit, are the funniest.

Hypocrite! We're all doing it for the profit. Whom you wanna kid?

In your opinion, FTC is even better than BTC and LTC, right?

Right? I don't care. The market does not care. And the market is always right.

You can whine and complain like a little kid as long as you want - as long as more people are willing to buy Feathercoin than to sell them the price goes up. And vice versa.

It's called a market.

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: Radacoin on April 30, 2013, 11:32:23 AM
Enjoy the show you started - I guess it is perfectly fine for you to have your name displayed on the scammer wall for some profit.

I have never put anyone on ignore - but you are the first one.

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: Boelens on April 30, 2013, 12:15:48 PM
1. Everyone wants to be an early adopter Feathercoin Billionaire.
2. FC price is overvalued right now so mining it is like 300% more profitable than Bitcoin mining, so all the miners are here trying to spark interest and demand amongst buyers.
3. Another scrypt coin I guess
4. Most FC supporters are new to the forums, and I think they see this as their get rich quick scheme.

*hides under his desk awaiting the barrage of Tomatos from FCers*

Don't be afraid of the tomatos!
*pulls CoinHoarder from the desk*
I bought some FTC on 0.028, it's not 0.05 (LTC), so my investment went from about 0.5BTC to 0.8BTC. I'm not really new and have some BTC, but yes, I did want to be an early adopter to get some quick extra BTC. You're completely correct, and I can deny that I have different intentions, but I do not. I beleive it is a buble going to burst sooner or later, and I'll sell by then.

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: Tobius on April 30, 2013, 01:08:36 PM
Seems the Feathercoin is the equivalent of a "pump and dump" scheme where the whole coin if made for it :P

Not gonna lie, I'm just mining it while it's profitable. I have 0 confidence that a carbon copy of Litecoin will supersede it's parent coin, no matter what hype it's getting this past week.

So get them while they're hot!

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: UKMark on April 30, 2013, 01:27:57 PM
There will always be people of any coin that will see it as a get rich quick scheme, there will always be users who pump & dump, the general consensus for both LTC & BTC is that have value and all those/these things have been said about those 2 coins I am sure.

The fact is they have value, because more people value it than pump & dump it or see it as a get rich scheme - I'm currently mining and have bought Feathercoin - I have not sold or taken any profit, in fact I've been Playing Blackjack online already and supporting this rapidly/seemingly accepted NEW alt coin.

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: 00400 on April 30, 2013, 02:17:03 PM
... I have 0 confidence that a carbon copy of Litecoin will supersede it's parent coin, ...
The question is whether any of them needs to supersede other or maybe they can both go along just fine.

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: Tobius on April 30, 2013, 02:55:06 PM
Which is what I really question, Why do we need another Litecoin? It offers nothing that Litecoin does not already, and it just has even more people whole are going to dump it as soon as the price shifts. It seems like it really has no reason for it's existence, other than people want it too to satisfy some longing to be an early adopter (aka get rich quick) and that bothers me. I feel that if anything becomes #3 it should at least offer something useful to the community, like PPCoin and it's Proof of Stake method, or Freicoin, and the idea of demurrage, or Terracoin, with a rapid difficulty adjustment system. A plain old fork seems to do nothing but make a few people who have mining power and see the coin on day 1 some money.

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: justabitoftime on April 30, 2013, 02:57:48 PM
This reminds me of the early days of poker. So many experts, it's funny how it went a completely different direction when Joe Sixpay was able to play. Wish you all the best in your respective investments.

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: justabitoftime on April 30, 2013, 03:03:47 PM
Which is what I really question, Why do we need

Who is this 'we' I hear so many people talk about? I hear people say Feathercoin is bubble, I would argue that this messageboard is a bubble. Joe Sixpack is not part of any 'we' argument.  Many of you will never visit our forums and see the projects that are being developed. You want it to fail and that's fine. Maybe there's more than the 'I'm the authority of crypto' bubble that forms in communities such as this.

Do what you want, that's the point. Please don't include me in your 'we' statements, I have my own path.  Anyway, if you decide to give Feathercoin a second look and feel like working toward something than against, I'm sure the community would love your input and talent.

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: billionaire on April 30, 2013, 03:04:34 PM
If nothing else, FTC offers the benefits of LTC's quick confirmations and ASIC protection at only a fraction of the mining difficulty level of LTC. It also has tons of interested miners since its almost 300% more profitable right now to mine than btc, and twice as profitable than LTC. This is alot to build on in the first week of its public debut. What more do you want out a coin that is a week old? Of course no retailers accept a brand new coin. Name something specific that a new coin should offer if FTC isnt good enough as it is. I find a lot of potential in it personally.

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: hathmill on April 30, 2013, 03:08:10 PM
Im not supporting it, mainly because Imm to late to the game. I think I can make more money on ltc and btc in the longrun then on fc.

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: imperi on April 30, 2013, 03:10:12 PM
If we need another scrypt alt, why didn't Mincoin succeed?

I love FC because I'm making lots off of it. I don't think it's going to survive, I think the price is gonna go up, then crash.

You are like someone who sold Bitcoin when it was $30. Unintelligent behavior.

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: imperi on April 30, 2013, 03:13:07 PM
If we need another scrypt alt, why didn't Mincoin succeed?

I love FC because I'm making lots off of it. I don't think it's going to survive, I think the price is gonna go up, then crash.

You are like someone who sold Bitcoin when it was $30. Unintelligent behavior.

Come on, this has been seen before. FTC is the new Coin of the Month.

Litecoin is the best fork of Bitcoin. Feathercoin is the best fork of Litecoin... it has long range potential.

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: imperi on April 30, 2013, 03:18:42 PM
If we need another scrypt alt, why didn't Mincoin succeed?

I love FC because I'm making lots off of it. I don't think it's going to survive, I think the price is gonna go up, then crash.

You are like someone who sold Bitcoin when it was $30. Unintelligent behavior.

Come on, this has been seen before. FTC is the new Coin of the Month.

Litecoin is the best fork of Bitcoin. Feathercoin is the best fork of Litecoin... it has long range potential.

So, what's wrong with Mincoin, then?

Well first of all, the developer(s) of Feathercoin have made relatively conservative decisions about Feathercoin's design deviations from Litecoin. So I think that shows they are intelligent. Also the Feathercoin site is very professional. The name also sounds better than "Mincoin".

I think Feathercoin should be a long term competitor to Litecoin and Bitcoin, and slowly introduce more design improvements. And if it doesn't reach its potential, it is mostly the fault of the miners and investors.

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: markm on April 30, 2013, 03:20:13 PM
It is necessary to have more than one coin for each method of hashing in order for miners to be able to maximise the profits from chain-hopping.

Ideally there will be enough chains to hop that any time one chain goes up in difficulty some other chain will have lain fallow long enough to finally, possibly after a long long long time of hardly being mined at all, lower its own difficulty. How many chains it will take for there to always be a chain dropping back down in difficlty whenever another chain increases in difficulty I do not know offhand but might be able to be guestimated and can of course, by continuing to make more chains until it is accomplished, be determined empirically.

Thus multiple chains should in the long term maximise miners profits. ???


Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: imperi on April 30, 2013, 03:21:34 PM
Multiple chains are important to ensure the long term stability of cryptocoins. Because then there is less chance they could all be shut down. I think Feathercoin should be one of the accepted coins. Obviously I am biased here, since I have some, but I had the same opinion before I had any.

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: billionaire on April 30, 2013, 03:23:07 PM
I dont agree with his post about a sudden crash in FTC's future, anything is possible. But I can only speak of my own position as a new miner who spent $2500 on equipment with a credit card. I would love to hold all my coins for a few years and let them gain in value, but I have to pay off my rig. Right now FTC represents a great opportunity to speed up my repayment. I will of course hold some along the way, but financing my purchase through the selling of my mined coins is also a priority. There is a difference between just hopping in and cashing out, and people like me though. I am not looking for a get rich quick scheme or a quick cash before a crash.

I support FTC through mining and sticking up for it in forums and the message box at BTC-e. I test brand new exchanges that offer FTC, and I plan on holding on to a bunch of my FTC to hopefully see it grow into something that can peacefully coexist alongside BTC and LTC. I use some of my FTC proceeds to invest in other coins to diversify my holdings. The way I see it, the more options in crypto the better. Let the entire userbase decide with their hashrates and trades to decide which coins are worthy or not. It will sort itself out one way or the other. There are at least two ways to view FTC's meteoric rise. Either its a flash in the pan, or its going to be around for a long time. Either way, it is exciting to see a new coin come out of the gates swinging like FTC is. It's something I definitely want to be a part of.

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: imperi on April 30, 2013, 03:29:59 PM
If we need another scrypt alt, why didn't Mincoin succeed?

I love FC because I'm making lots off of it. I don't think it's going to survive, I think the price is gonna go up, then crash.

You are like someone who sold Bitcoin when it was $30. Unintelligent behavior.

Come on, this has been seen before. FTC is the new Coin of the Month.

Litecoin is the best fork of Bitcoin. Feathercoin is the best fork of Litecoin... it has long range potential.

So, what's wrong with Mincoin, then?

Well first of all, the developer(s) of Feathercoin have made relatively conservative decisions about Feathercoin's design deviations from Litecoin. So I think that shows they are intelligent. Also the Feathercoin site is very professional. The name also sounds better than "Mincoin".

I think Feathercoin should be a long term competitor to Litecoin and Bitcoin, and slowly introduce more design improvements. And if it doesn't reach its potential, it is mostly the fault of the miners and investors.

So, because it's closer to being a clone of Litecoin, and has better web designers, it's better than Mincoin? Oh, and it has a cooler name. Really? That's all you've got? It also has a really cool logo, you forgot to mention that. Maybe in your eyes, that's evidence for it being a solid long term coin, too.

They haven't made brash decisions to ensure its failure. Because of the uncertainty, it has long term viability. Conservative design changes are the way to go. These are just my opinions obviously.

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: imperi on April 30, 2013, 03:33:34 PM
If we need another scrypt alt, why didn't Mincoin succeed?

I love FC because I'm making lots off of it. I don't think it's going to survive, I think the price is gonna go up, then crash.

You are like someone who sold Bitcoin when it was $30. Unintelligent behavior.

Come on, this has been seen before. FTC is the new Coin of the Month.

Litecoin is the best fork of Bitcoin. Feathercoin is the best fork of Litecoin... it has long range potential.

So, what's wrong with Mincoin, then?

Well first of all, the developer(s) of Feathercoin have made relatively conservative decisions about Feathercoin's design deviations from Litecoin. So I think that shows they are intelligent. Also the Feathercoin site is very professional. The name also sounds better than "Mincoin".

I think Feathercoin should be a long term competitor to Litecoin and Bitcoin, and slowly introduce more design improvements. And if it doesn't reach its potential, it is mostly the fault of the miners and investors.

So, because it's closer to being a clone of Litecoin, and has better web designers, it's better than Mincoin? Oh, and it has a cooler name. Really? That's all you've got? It also has a really cool logo, you forgot to mention that. Maybe in your eyes, that's evidence for it being a solid long term coin, too.

They haven't made brash decisions to ensure its failure. Because of the uncertainty, it has long term viability. Conservative design changes are the way to go. These are just my opinions obviously.

Litecoin is THE altcoin because it *fixed* something in BTC, namely, the ASIC problem. Making almost no changes to a coin just means you have a carbon copy of it.

But having only one solid, professional Scrypt-based coin is too much risk.

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: imperi on April 30, 2013, 03:42:18 PM
If we need another scrypt alt, why didn't Mincoin succeed?

I love FC because I'm making lots off of it. I don't think it's going to survive, I think the price is gonna go up, then crash.

You are like someone who sold Bitcoin when it was $30. Unintelligent behavior.

Come on, this has been seen before. FTC is the new Coin of the Month.

Litecoin is the best fork of Bitcoin. Feathercoin is the best fork of Litecoin... it has long range potential.

So, what's wrong with Mincoin, then?

Well first of all, the developer(s) of Feathercoin have made relatively conservative decisions about Feathercoin's design deviations from Litecoin. So I think that shows they are intelligent. Also the Feathercoin site is very professional. The name also sounds better than "Mincoin".

I think Feathercoin should be a long term competitor to Litecoin and Bitcoin, and slowly introduce more design improvements. And if it doesn't reach its potential, it is mostly the fault of the miners and investors.

So, because it's closer to being a clone of Litecoin, and has better web designers, it's better than Mincoin? Oh, and it has a cooler name. Really? That's all you've got? It also has a really cool logo, you forgot to mention that. Maybe in your eyes, that's evidence for it being a solid long term coin, too.

They haven't made brash decisions to ensure its failure. Because of the uncertainty, it has long term viability. Conservative design changes are the way to go. These are just my opinions obviously.

Litecoin is THE altcoin because it *fixed* something in BTC, namely, the ASIC problem. Making almost no changes to a coin just means you have a carbon copy of it.

But having only one solid, professional Scrypt-based coin is too much risk.

Perhaps. Which is why I said, what's wrong with Mincoin? Maybe FTC will become Litecoin's TRC, but I don't get why Mincoin didn't have this rush of early adoption.

In many subtle ways, Mincoin is not as "professional" as Feathercoin, I think. So it was harder for people to adopt it.

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: zdarkazn on April 30, 2013, 03:42:43 PM
If we need another scrypt alt, why didn't Mincoin succeed?

I love FC because I'm making lots off of it. I don't think it's going to survive, I think the price is gonna go up, then crash.

You are like someone who sold Bitcoin when it was $30. Unintelligent behavior.

Come on, this has been seen before. FTC is the new Coin of the Month.

Litecoin is the best fork of Bitcoin. Feathercoin is the best fork of Litecoin... it has long range potential.

So, what's wrong with Mincoin, then?

Well first of all, the developer(s) of Feathercoin have made relatively conservative decisions about Feathercoin's design deviations from Litecoin. So I think that shows they are intelligent. Also the Feathercoin site is very professional. The name also sounds better than "Mincoin".

I think Feathercoin should be a long term competitor to Litecoin and Bitcoin, and slowly introduce more design improvements. And if it doesn't reach its potential, it is mostly the fault of the miners and investors.

So, because it's closer to being a clone of Litecoin, and has better web designers, it's better than Mincoin? Oh, and it has a cooler name. Really? That's all you've got? It also has a really cool logo, you forgot to mention that. Maybe in your eyes, that's evidence for it being a solid long term coin, too.

They haven't made brash decisions to ensure its failure. Because of the uncertainty, it has long term viability. Conservative design changes are the way to go. These are just my opinions obviously.

Litecoin is THE altcoin because it *fixed* something in BTC, namely, the ASIC problem. Making almost no changes to a coin just means you have a carbon copy of it.

But having only one solid, professional Scrypt-based coin is too much risk.

Perhaps. Which is why I said, what's wrong with Mincoin? Maybe FTC will become Litecoin's TRC, but I don't get why Mincoin didn't have this rush of early adoption.

Mincoin was messed up from the start. Insanely high rewards for the first three days. then constant LOW rewards afterwards.

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: imperi on April 30, 2013, 03:46:36 PM
Anything is possible. I think a fork (LTC -> FTC) of a fork (BTC -> LTC) was already a hard thing for people to accept, and BTC is hard enough to accept. So if FTC is not conservative about their design decisions, it is just too much for people to handle. Too much unpredictability. That's why I like how it is nearly the same as LTC.

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: UKMark on April 30, 2013, 03:47:46 PM
So, what's wrong with Mincoin, then?

This is the first I have heard about it? Also I searched for Mintcoin and then realised you had typed Mincoin...Easy mistake I suppose.  :-\
But still this is a very good point that should be answered.
Maybe ask the Developers of Mincoin?

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: markm on April 30, 2013, 03:51:27 PM
Litecoin is THE altcoin because it *fixed* something in BTC, namely, the ASIC problem. Making almost no changes to a coin just means you have a carbon copy of it.

Hmm. Litecoin is THE altcoin because Tenebrix *fixed* something in BTC, namely the ASIC problem, then Fairbrix *fixed* something in Tenebrix, namely the "pre-mine", then Litecoin copied Fairbrix, updating it to newer bitcoin code?

If just copying it and while you're at it using more-recent bitcoin code is the big deal then someone should copy litecoin but use newer bitcoin code.

Hmm, Feathercoin didn't even use newer bitcoin code did it? Just copy and rename?

So judging by Feathercoin's success, the real secret of Litecoin's success is simply copying a predecessor and changing its name.

If *fixing* the ASIC problem was the magic bullet, Tenebrix or Fairbrix (or both) should be the ones getting the accolades.


Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: imperi on April 30, 2013, 03:53:39 PM
Feathercoin introduces more entropy into the cryptocurrency world, but it does so in a conservative way. So it has long term potential. It's really interesting. It's all up to the miners and investors now, and for the developers to not make any bad decisions or mistakes. If the developers don't make mistakes that betray people's trust, I think Feathercoin could survive.

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: UKMark on April 30, 2013, 03:54:59 PM
Litecoin is THE altcoin because it *fixed* something in BTC, namely, the ASIC problem. Making almost no changes to a coin just means you have a carbon copy of it.

Hmm. Litecoin is THE altcoin because Tenebrix *fixed* something in BTC, namely the ASIC problem, then Fairbrix *fixed* something in Tenebrix, namely the "pre-mine", then Litecoin copied Fairbrix, updating it to newer bitcoin code?

If just copying it and while you're at it using more-recent bitcoin code is the big deal then someone should copy litecoin but use newer bitcoin code.

Hmm, Feathercoin didn't even use newer bitcoin code did it? Just copy and rename?

So judging by Feathercoin's success, the real secret of Litecoin's success is simply copying a predecessor and changing its name.

If *fixing* the ASIC problem was the magic bullet, Tenebrix or Fairbrix (or both) should be the ones getting the accolades.


Again I thing you should be asking the Developers of these coins? Tenbricks and Fairbricks? Never heard of any of them?

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: imperi on April 30, 2013, 03:59:46 PM
Hmm, Feathercoin didn't even use newer bitcoin code did it? Just copy and rename?

Feathercoin is a fork of Litecoin. So it should only pull in Litecoin code, of course. When Litecoin pulls in newer Bitcoin code, it should then propagate to Feathercoin.

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: thep33t on April 30, 2013, 04:00:22 PM
Litecoin is THE altcoin because it *fixed* something in BTC, namely, the ASIC problem. Making almost no changes to a coin just means you have a carbon copy of it.

Hmm. Litecoin is THE altcoin because Tenebrix *fixed* something in BTC, namely the ASIC problem, then Fairbrix *fixed* something in Tenebrix, namely the "pre-mine", then Litecoin copied Fairbrix, updating it to newer bitcoin code?

If just copying it and while you're at it using more-recent bitcoin code is the big deal then someone should copy litecoin but use newer bitcoin code.

Hmm, Feathercoin didn't even use newer bitcoin code did it? Just copy and rename?

So judging by Feathercoin's success, the real secret of Litecoin's success is simply copying a predecessor and changing its name.

If *fixing* the ASIC problem was the magic bullet, Tenebrix or Fairbrix (or both) should be the ones getting the accolades.


Again I thing you should be asking the Developers of these coins? Tenbricks and Fairbricks? Never heard of any of them?

Think end of 2011

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: imperi on April 30, 2013, 04:01:19 PM
Litecoin is THE altcoin because it *fixed* something in BTC, namely, the ASIC problem. Making almost no changes to a coin just means you have a carbon copy of it.

Hmm. Litecoin is THE altcoin because Tenebrix *fixed* something in BTC, namely the ASIC problem, then Fairbrix *fixed* something in Tenebrix, namely the "pre-mine", then Litecoin copied Fairbrix, updating it to newer bitcoin code?

If just copying it and while you're at it using more-recent bitcoin code is the big deal then someone should copy litecoin but use newer bitcoin code.

Hmm, Feathercoin didn't even use newer bitcoin code did it? Just copy and rename?

So judging by Feathercoin's success, the real secret of Litecoin's success is simply copying a predecessor and changing its name.

If *fixing* the ASIC problem was the magic bullet, Tenebrix or Fairbrix (or both) should be the ones getting the accolades.


Again I thing you should be asking the Developers of these coins? Tenbricks and Fairbricks? Never heard of any of them?

Think end of 2011

Can you change your sig to be "FTC".

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: markm on April 30, 2013, 04:01:47 PM
Again I thing you should be asking the Developers of these coins? Tenbricks and Fairbricks? Never heard of any of them?

That is maybe because the search engine is sensitive to spelling. Mucking up the spelling as much as you did it is maybe not surprising you have not been able to find them.

Fairbrix no longer seems to compile, I am not even sure offhand who made it, someone objected to the Tenebrix plan of making a massive coin-mixer that would need a huge amount of pre-mined coins in order to operate effectively, so quickly hacked out Fairbrix, which they claimed was more fair. (I guess not enabling coin-mixing is more fair than enabling it if the coin mixer is going to need a lot of pre-mined coins to get it off the ground.)

Tenebrix is still running, still low enough in difficulty for CPUs, so for a long long time now has been one of the few sanctuaries for newbies who want to mine but do not have GPUs. If you have a GPU maybe it is good that you have not heard of it, as not everyone who has a GPU is likely to turn out to be as polite as the chap who started mining Tenebrix with a GPU the other day then heard about how it was such a nice sanctuary for CPU miners and stopped using his GPU on it.

(In fact I think today or yesterday or some fairly recent time someone did turn a GPU on it, so maybe the days of it being a sanctuary for CPU miners are coming to an end any day now...)


Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: cdog on April 30, 2013, 04:14:07 PM
We dont need a Litecoin clone, because Litecoin is already orders of magnitude more secure than Bitcoin from an attack.

Its fairly simple math, try running the numbers yourself.

The 3rd big coin behind BTC and LTC wont be some clone - it will be a brand new alt with a lot of fresh ideas. It was proposed by forum member Tacotime and they are currently finishing up the ideas and implementations for the whitepaper and getting ready to start development. Its going to be big. Very big. It also wont be a premined scamcoin like Feathercoin. It will be legit, with an announced, timed release so everyone begins mining at once.

Until then, its BTC and LTC only for me, I can do without some quick alt-coin pump-n-dumps. Just dont want to get caught holding the bag.

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: imperi on April 30, 2013, 04:18:05 PM
We dont need a Litecoin clone, because Litecoin is already orders of magnitude more secure than Bitcoin from an attack.

Its fairly simple math, try running the numbers yourself.

The 3rd big coin behind BTC and LTC wont be some clone - it will be a brand new alt with a lot of fresh ideas. It was proposed by forum member Tacotime and they are currently finishing up the ideas and implementations for the whitepaper and getting ready to start development. Its going to be big. Very big. It also wont be a premined scamcoin like Feathercoin. It will be legit, with an announced, timed release so everyone begins mining at once.

Until then, its BTC and LTC only for me, I can do without some quick alt-coin pump-n-dumps. Just dont want to get caught holding the bag.

It is only a "clone" for now, but I think the developers will slowly introduce improvements so it is less like a clone.

Also, don't all the major web browsers basically do the same thing? What if there was only internet explorer (bitcoin) and google chrome (litecoin)?

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: thep33t on April 30, 2013, 04:19:07 PM
We dont need a Litecoin clone, because Litecoin is already orders of magnitude more secure than Bitcoin from an attack.

Its fairly simple math, try running the numbers yourself.

The 3rd big coin behind BTC and LTC wont be some clone - it will be a brand new alt with a lot of fresh ideas. It was proposed by forum member Tacotime and they are currently finishing up the ideas and implementations for the whitepaper and getting ready to start development. Its going to be big. Very big. It also wont be a premined scamcoin like Feathercoin. It will be legit, with an announced, timed release so everyone begins mining at once.

Until then, its BTC and LTC only for me, I can do without some quick alt-coin pump-n-dumps. Just dont want to get caught holding the bag.

It is only a "clone" for now, but I think the developers will slowly introduce improvements so it is less like a clone.

Also, don't all the major web browsers basically do the same thing? What if there was only internet explorer (bitcoin) and google chrome (litecoin)?

bitcoin would be useless ;)

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: imperi on April 30, 2013, 04:20:05 PM
We dont need a Litecoin clone, because Litecoin is already orders of magnitude more secure than Bitcoin from an attack.

Its fairly simple math, try running the numbers yourself.

The 3rd big coin behind BTC and LTC wont be some clone - it will be a brand new alt with a lot of fresh ideas. It was proposed by forum member Tacotime and they are currently finishing up the ideas and implementations for the whitepaper and getting ready to start development. Its going to be big. Very big. It also wont be a premined scamcoin like Feathercoin. It will be legit, with an announced, timed release so everyone begins mining at once.

Until then, its BTC and LTC only for me, I can do without some quick alt-coin pump-n-dumps. Just dont want to get caught holding the bag.

It is only a "clone" for now, but I think the developers will slowly introduce improvements so it is less like a clone.

Also, don't all the major web browsers basically do the same thing? What if there was only internet explorer (bitcoin) and google chrome (litecoin)?

bitcoin would be useless ;)

Well Internet Explorer is better than a paper book (USD or Euro).

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: Tobius on April 30, 2013, 04:26:15 PM
Which is what I really question, Why do we need

Who is this 'we' I hear so many people talk about? I hear people say Feathercoin is bubble, I would argue that this messageboard is a bubble. Joe Sixpack is not part of any 'we' argument.  Many of you will never visit our forums and see the projects that are being developed. You want it to fail and that's fine. Maybe there's more than the 'I'm the authority of crypto' bubble that forms in communities such as this.

Do what you want, that's the point. Please don't include me in your 'we' statements, I have my own path.  Anyway, if you decide to give Feathercoin a second look and feel like working toward something than against, I'm sure the community would love your input and talent.

The Market, and the people using it. While I see your point, I'm a part of this market, and I'm free to say "I don't think we (the market) need this". I'm not saying anything that comes from me is fact, it's my opinion of the market as a whole. I apologize if your offended, but I think your taking opinions a little to seriously

If nothing else, FTC offers the benefits of LTC's quick confirmations and ASIC protection at only a fraction of the mining difficulty level of LTC. It also has tons of interested miners since its almost 300% more profitable right now to mine than btc, and twice as profitable than LTC. This is alot to build on in the first week of its public debut. What more do you want out a coin that is a week old? Of course no retailers accept a brand new coin. Name something specific that a new coin should offer if FTC isnt good enough as it is. I find a lot of potential in it personally.

This mining advantage isn't going to last at all, the difficulty is already where litecoin was a month ago, and is rising fast

Just to say, I'm not saying Feathercoin is dead or dying, I just don't see it becoming as popular or as valuable as LTC or BTC because it's just a clone of Litecoin with some variables changed.

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: MarKusRomanus on April 30, 2013, 04:29:04 PM
so much B***hurt by people concerning FTC ...   :D
Grasp the economy basics, Supply-Demand.
I ll try to help.
How many brands of Credit Cards are there?
How many Stocks are listed in NYSE?
How many coins do you think a 7+ Billion population needs?
FTC is a wild success, and it will not be the last.

Do you know how many altcoins failed by now, and why? Do you really think this FTC madness is something new, not seen by now, and FTC is the next big thing? If so, you
are at least one of the following:

1. Retarded
2. (Wannabe) Manipulator
3. Just a stupid noob making conclusions based on 1 week worth of information, expecting those who actualy know so much more than you to buy the bullshits you're selling.

No one here is actualy butthurt - people trying to wake you up from "the FTC dream" are doing it mostly because they are aware scams like FTC are not good for cryptocoin
scene in the big picture.

What other alt coin has a history similar to Feathercoin?
-hashrate increase in similar timeframe?
-adoption on multiple exchanges in less than a month
-profit 289.41% listing at ( in less than a month
-community support that is similar

I'm seriously asking, because I wasn't around for the release of any of the other alt coins.

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: markm on April 30, 2013, 04:37:34 PM
What other alt coin has a history similar to Feathercoin?
-hashrate increase in similar timeframe?
-adoption on multiple exchanges in less than a month
-profit 289.41% listing at ( in less than a month
-community support that is similar

I'm seriously asking, because I wasn't around for the release of any of the other alt coins.

I suspect the crucial part of the history you have described is the rapidly increasing hashrate.

Once the hashrate gets too high to be profitable (as in more profitable than some other coin whose difficulty has meanwhile gone down while miners hopped to this one) we'll see what happens.

There is some luck here too, in that some other coins that got jumped on by miners thus had rapidly increasing hash rate went high enough in difficulty fast enough that the miners hopped elsewhere before exchnges and such were operational, perhaps. Managing to get exchanges running before the miners hop elsehwere might keep the miners mining longer because they can cash in their coin easier.

The crucial point though tends to come when the miners move on. How many months or weeks or days will it take for difficulty to come back down? How many hours or days betwen blocks in the meantime?

Those are the things that caused problems for other coins that got a lot of hashing very fast.

Also I expect to a lot of people what oyu are seeing as success, maybe because you own GPUs, a lot of people are seeing as failure, in the sense that yet again a nice new coin, hopefully therefore a nice new opportunity for grass roots mining by normal people, got stomped on by big miners so that it almost instantly skyrocketed in difficult far out of the reach of normal people. Historically the next step after that has been for the big miners to move on, leacing the coin still far out of reach of small miners, then come back to rape it again when after maybe even weeks or months its difficulty finally manages to adjust back down.


Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: MarKusRomanus on April 30, 2013, 04:43:36 PM
But that doesn't answer my question...

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: bushstar on April 30, 2013, 05:01:28 PM
The crucial point though tends to come when the miners move on. How many months or weeks or days will it take for difficulty to come back down? How many hours or days betwen blocks in the meantime?

I will be very interested to see what happens at that point. I cannot imagine that it will be as bad as some others. If you remember Freicoin getting stuck high for three months. Miners kept going for a while before they gave up and left it trickling along on what seemed like only a handful of low performance GPUs.

Feathercoin's blocks are targeted for 2.5 minutes, which is four times faster than Freicoin. There is a large user base of people who do not hop around according to coinchoose and will continue on Feathercoin. No one's patience will last forever but it will not take that long.

I am not expecting us to be held up at a high difficulty for long and look forward to the easier mining on the other side :)

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: markm on April 30, 2013, 05:07:35 PM
But that doesn't answer my question...

If I recall correctly the answer I had had in mind to convey was basically yes others had the illusion of taking off wonderfully, but we won't know if its an illusion until we reach the part where the difficulty has taken off too far and the miners hop to the next chain they want to rape and drive to massive difficulty. Ideally there will be enough chains that there will always be one ripe for raping when they reach the point that raping the current one has reached the nadir or apex of the diminishing returns curve.


Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: markm on April 30, 2013, 05:10:28 PM
I am not expecting us to be held up at a high difficulty for long and look forward to the easier mining on the other side :)

Except it won't actually be easier, because sites like coinchoose will look at the difficulty and think it is profitable, since they do not know that the instant the difficult changed all the rapists came back for another gangbang.

So miners all over will be told by sites like coinchoose, probably incorrectly, that joining the gangbang will be profitable...


Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: markm on April 30, 2013, 05:20:03 PM
The crucial point though tends to come when the miners move on. How many months or weeks or days will it take for difficulty to come back down? How many hours or days betwen blocks in the meantime?

I will be very interested to see what happens at that point. I cannot imagine that it will be as bad as some others.

With FTC it will be the worst ever because, you see, LTC is about to hit the Gox. Once that happens, your pathetic fork will be forgotten. Ohh, cruel destiny!  ;D

Ah but look for the silver lining! Maybe there *will* be an easier other side, as maybe litecoin will be so lucrative the rapists *won't* come back for another gangbang when the difficulty does eventually settle back down!

Maybe this might yet become another haven for CPU miners, like I0coin and GRouPcoin and CoiLedCoin and GeistGeld and Tenebrix and others before it!


Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: bushstar on April 30, 2013, 05:24:08 PM
The crucial point though tends to come when the miners move on. How many months or weeks or days will it take for difficulty to come back down? How many hours or days betwen blocks in the meantime?

I will be very interested to see what happens at that point. I cannot imagine that it will be as bad as some others.

With FTC it will be the worst ever because, you see, LTC is about to hit the Gox. Once that happens, your pathetic fork will be forgotten. Ohh, cruel destiny!  ;D

That's not what I see happening subSTRATA. There are people like myself who will no longer mine BTC and LTC, they are looking towards another coins.

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: nodesupply on April 30, 2013, 05:26:19 PM
The crucial point though tends to come when the miners move on. How many months or weeks or days will it take for difficulty to come back down? How many hours or days betwen blocks in the meantime?

I will be very interested to see what happens at that point. I cannot imagine that it will be as bad as some others.

With FTC it will be the worst ever because, you see, LTC is about to hit the Gox. Once that happens, your pathetic fork will be forgotten. Ohh, cruel destiny!  ;D

That's not what I see happening subSTRATA. There are people like myself who will no longer mine BTC and LTC, they are looking towards another coins.

The amount of volume FC moves is puny compared to BTC and LTC, and that trend will continue once LTC is listed on Mt. Gox.

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: imperi on April 30, 2013, 05:27:25 PM
The crucial point though tends to come when the miners move on. How many months or weeks or days will it take for difficulty to come back down? How many hours or days betwen blocks in the meantime?

I will be very interested to see what happens at that point. I cannot imagine that it will be as bad as some others.

With FTC it will be the worst ever because, you see, LTC is about to hit the Gox. Once that happens, your pathetic fork will be forgotten. Ohh, cruel destiny!  ;D

That's not what I see happening subSTRATA. There are people like myself who will no longer mine BTC and LTC, they are looking towards another coins.

The amount of volume FC moves is puny compared to BTC and LTC, and that trend will continue once LTC is listed on Mt. Gox.

Well FTC* is newer than BTC and LTC. The LTC volume is puny compared to BTC. I fail to see your point.

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: nodesupply on April 30, 2013, 05:35:42 PM
You have a coin which is driven purely by speculation and has no actual services built for it.

It exists in a vacuum of other speculators and miners who all want to get rich and don't want to be the ones left holding the bag  ;)

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: imperi on April 30, 2013, 05:37:35 PM
You have a coin which is driven purely by speculation and has no actual services built for it.

It exists in a vacuum of other speculators and miners who all want to get rich and don't want to be the ones left holding the bag  ;)

It is a currency. Currencies have speculation.

The fact is that Litecoin and Feathercoin both are the most female-friendly coins in terms of their names, and conservative nature.

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: Noitev on April 30, 2013, 05:39:11 PM
The crucial point though tends to come when the miners move on. How many months or weeks or days will it take for difficulty to come back down? How many hours or days betwen blocks in the meantime?

I will be very interested to see what happens at that point. I cannot imagine that it will be as bad as some others.

With FTC it will be the worst ever because, you see, LTC is about to hit the Gox. Once that happens, your pathetic fork will be forgotten. Ohh, cruel destiny!  ;D

That's not what I see happening subSTRATA. There are people like myself who will no longer mine BTC and LTC, they are looking towards another coins.

The amount of volume FC moves is puny compared to BTC and LTC, and that trend will continue once LTC is listed on Mt. Gox.

Well FTC* is newer than BTC and LTC. The LTC volume is puny compared to BTC. I fail to see your point.

because the hashpower should correlate to the expected volume

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: Noitev on April 30, 2013, 05:40:39 PM
You have a coin which is driven purely by speculation and has no actual services built for it.

It exists in a vacuum of other speculators and miners who all want to get rich and don't want to be the ones left holding the bag  ;)

It is a currency. Currencies have speculation.

The fact is that Litecoin and Feathercoin both are the most female-friendly coins in terms of their names, and conservative nature.

female friendly names?? conservative nature?? lol

anyway cant wait when this retargets in 16 hours...

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: empoweoqwj on April 30, 2013, 09:02:54 PM
You have a coin which is driven purely by speculation and has no actual services built for it.

It exists in a vacuum of other speculators and miners who all want to get rich and don't want to be the ones left holding the bag  ;)

It is a currency. Currencies have speculation.

The fact is that Litecoin and Feathercoin both are the most female-friendly coins in terms of their names, and conservative nature.

How is "Lite" any more female-friendly than "Bit"? Because girls love to feel slim? :)

Think I'll launch tamponcoin next month - a female-only currency.

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: skull88 on April 30, 2013, 09:59:35 PM
You have a coin which is driven purely by speculation and has no actual services built for it.

It exists in a vacuum of other speculators and miners who all want to get rich and don't want to be the ones left holding the bag  ;)

It is a currency. Currencies have speculation.

The fact is that Litecoin and Feathercoin both are the most female-friendly coins in terms of their names, and conservative nature.

How is "Lite" any more female-friendly than "Bit"? Because girls love to feel slim? :)

Think I'll launch tamponcoin next month - a female-only currency.

Don't forget to build in that once in a month the difficulty swings unexpectedly from high to low and back to high and we don't understand how the hell this is possible. :P
The client also should crash in that time of the month if you pay for porn with your coins.

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: Boelens on April 30, 2013, 10:10:19 PM
Don't forget to build in that once in a month the difficulty swings unexpectedly from high to low and back to high and we don't understand how the hell this is possible. :P

Look for a dev team to make ChaosCoin - where each and all parameters would be affected by random values fetched from  ;D

That would be brilliant! Nobody would mine or use it though because of that reason though.

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: Peleus on April 30, 2013, 10:19:34 PM
We dont need a Litecoin clone, because Litecoin is already orders of magnitude more secure than Bitcoin from an attack.

Its fairly simple math, try running the numbers yourself.

The 3rd big coin behind BTC and LTC wont be some clone - it will be a brand new alt with a lot of fresh ideas. It was proposed by forum member Tacotime and they are currently finishing up the ideas and implementations for the whitepaper and getting ready to start development. Its going to be big. Very big. It also wont be a premined scamcoin like Feathercoin. It will be legit, with an announced, timed release so everyone begins mining at once.

Until then, its BTC and LTC only for me, I can do without some quick alt-coin pump-n-dumps. Just dont want to get caught holding the bag.

Someone doesn't understand how 51% attack's work...

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: Dacm4n on April 30, 2013, 10:30:22 PM
I've read a lot of different posts about the popularity of Feathercoin and I'm wondering where it has come from.

What is causes value for these coins to go up so rapidly?  For Litecoin it offers another alternative to Bitcoin because is hashing algorithm is different, to name just one benefit.

Does anybody feel this block chain is a bad idea? A get rich quick scheme? It seems like the market is just fascinated by *coins at the moment so a lot of miners are dumping their CPU's and GPU's into Feathercoin in an attempt to cash in on it's initial introduction to various exchanges.

I'd like to hear your thoughts on why you support or do not support FC, and if you own any or plan on owning any in the near future.

It's most likely a pump and dump coin. I say that because so little was changed from where it originated from (litecoin). Long term I see it going nowhere for that reason. I think the next real alt-coin to gain lots of popularity like btc and ltc will either be one based on a different hashing method (non sha256/scypt) or with the mining completely removed.

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: skull88 on April 30, 2013, 10:36:24 PM
I think the next real alt-coin to gain lots of popularity like btc and ltc will either be one based on a different hashing method (non sha256/scypt) or with the mining completely removed.
If the things discussed in this topic lead to something I think we have that coin:

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: efodix on May 01, 2013, 07:12:33 PM
Doesn't anybody see a problem with this inflation of coins? It doesn't matter if the coins themselves are capped if you get a new coin every day. We can only hope they all fail in their infancy, otherwise the whole cryptocurrency world will end up in a hyperinflation that will be much worse than your average fiat inflation.

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: CoinHoarder on May 01, 2013, 07:19:59 PM
Doesn't anybody see a problem with this inflation of coins? It doesn't matter if the coins themselves are capped if you get a new coin every day. We can only hope they all fail in their infancy, otherwise the whole cryptocurrency world will end up in a hyperinflation that will be much worse than your average fiat inflation.

Yes, a lot of other members have posted these concerns myself included.

But, everyone just wants to be an early adopter so bad they ignore all the problems that these new coins bring, and ignore the fact that these new coins bring no new innovation or value to the crypto coin community.

Don't speak your opinion about Feathercoin though, the feathercoiners will brush you aside as a troll and forum ignore you (as most of them have done to me).  :D

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: LaggedOnUser on May 01, 2013, 07:25:18 PM
Doesn't anybody see a problem with this inflation of coins? It doesn't matter if the coins themselves are capped if you get a new coin every day. We can only hope they all fail in their infancy, otherwise the whole cryptocurrency world will end up in a hyperinflation that will be much worse than your average fiat inflation.

That certainly is possible.  This is why fiat money used to be backed by a commodity like gold or silver, to prevent hyperinflation or destruction of the currency.  That reminded me of the old quote by Voltaire, "Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value – zero." (Voltaire, 1694-1778)  I looked it up and this site had an interesting discussion of the failure rate of fiat currency:

Out of the 775 fiat currencies that used to exist, 599 are no longer in circulation.  While Bitcoin can't be inflated away according to its definition, it could be discontinued, made illegal, replaced by other altcoins, or just crowded out of the market as you suggest.

I don't think the failure of Bitcoin is inevitable though.  It has the best name recognition of all the altcoins, and the network effect (the more people use it, the more people want to use it).  Compare Facebook for example.  While its success might spawn imitators, they will find it hard to compete with the Facebook name and all the existing people on that network.  So Bitcoin might have some staying power as well.

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: efodix on May 01, 2013, 07:57:58 PM
Doesn't anybody see a problem with this inflation of coins? It doesn't matter if the coins themselves are capped if you get a new coin every day. We can only hope they all fail in their infancy, otherwise the whole cryptocurrency world will end up in a hyperinflation that will be much worse than your average fiat inflation.

That certainly is possible.  This is why fiat money used to be backed by a commodity like gold or silver, to prevent hyperinflation or destruction of the currency.  That reminded me of the old quote by Voltaire, "Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value – zero." (Voltaire, 1694-1778)  I looked it up and this site had an interesting discussion of the failure rate of fiat currency:

Out of the 775 fiat currencies that used to exist, 599 are no longer in circulation.  While Bitcoin can't be inflated away according to its definition, it could be discontinued, made illegal, replaced by other altcoins, or just crowded out of the market as you suggest.

I don't think the failure of Bitcoin is inevitable though.  It has the best name recognition of all the altcoins, and the network effect (the more people use it, the more people want to use it).  Compare Facebook for example.  While its success might spawn imitators, they will find it hard to compete with the Facebook name and all the existing people on that network.  So Bitcoin might have some staying power as well.

Yeah, we can all hope the network effect is strong enough, although it's certainly not as strong as facebook's. Actually a huge number of weak and unsafe competitors may be better than two or three strong ones.

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: justabitoftime on May 01, 2013, 10:22:44 PM

Don't speak your opinion about Feathercoin though, the feathercoiners will brush you aside as a troll and forum ignore you (as most of them have done to me).  :D

There you go, telling people what to do again and putting everyone in tiny little boxes. Great job!

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: serge79 on May 01, 2013, 10:26:04 PM

Don't speak your opinion about Feathercoin though, the feathercoiners will brush you aside as a troll and forum ignore you (as most of them have done to me).  :D

There you go, telling people what to do again and putting everyone in tiny little boxes. Great job!

+1 This was fun!  ;D

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: thep33t on May 01, 2013, 10:30:52 PM
1) Haters
2) Hater Haters

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: powdabam on May 02, 2013, 03:22:03 AM
I recognize that BTC is flawed.  They are well known flaws and although people are trying to find cures, there are new alt coins that solve these problems.  I'm confident there will be an alt coin that takes over I'm just no sure which one.  I really like the idea of LTC and that's why I'm mining it.  I don't agree with FTC cause it doesn't add anything new.  I figure an alt coin has to atleast add something new that improves on the product (cyber currency).

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: md34ma on May 02, 2013, 03:25:43 AM
CHN will take over the world!

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: bitcoiners on May 02, 2013, 03:34:17 AM
You have a coin which is driven purely by speculation and has no actual services built for it.

It exists in a vacuum of other speculators and miners who all want to get rich and don't want to be the ones left holding the bag  ;)

It is a currency. Currencies have speculation.

The fact is that Litecoin and Feathercoin both are the most female-friendly coins in terms of their names, and conservative nature.

female friendly names?? conservative nature?? lol

anyway cant wait when this retargets in 16 hours...

Same here. I can't either....

Imperi's reasoning is the dumbest thing I've ever heard or read regarding crypto.  GIRL POWER! lulz.  People will fall back on anything once reason ceases to exist. FTC is worth ZERO.  I can't wait to watch people loose their asses.  This is fun.

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: CoinHoarder on May 02, 2013, 03:34:42 AM
CHN will take over the world!

In non-communist decentralized ChinaCoin, coin spend you!  :)

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: Minas3d on May 02, 2013, 05:19:13 PM
Fanboyism is a goddamn cancer, why must it exist in every niche and community?

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: eclipse81 on May 03, 2013, 01:12:57 AM
I'm out of Feathercoin, sold all 45.000 Coins and I'm extremly happy with the income. (Sold them between 14.6 LTC and 45 LTC per 1000 FTC)

If FTC goes to 0.1 LTC or even higher, I maybe won't be that happy any more :-)

I think they are at approx .16 ltc at moment

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: BBQCoinsFTW on May 03, 2013, 01:18:17 AM
Damn those FTC's are expensive!

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: furuknap on May 03, 2013, 09:32:53 PM
I think altcoins has a purpose, if absolutely nothing else then as experiments to see what works for society. Even if they are mere clones at this point, the can be modified and evolve, and thus free their bigger brothers from potential devestating trials.

I wrote a bit about Feathercoin today in this article:

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: mccorvic on May 03, 2013, 09:38:49 PM
Feathercoin is uber kawaii-desu chan!!

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: jgm_coin on May 05, 2013, 12:50:14 AM

I wrote about the FTC with regard to BTC and LTC recently (

Title: Re: Why is everyone loving Feathercoin so much?
Post by: vlaoou321 on May 13, 2013, 02:12:44 PM