Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Announcements (Altcoins) => Topic started by: l8nit3 on July 17, 2017, 06:18:04 PM

Title: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 2.3-ALPHA in testing now[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on July 17, 2017, 06:18:04 PM

Coin Specs

Algorithm   Scrypt
Type   PoW/PoS
Coin name   girlstoken
Coin abbreviation   XGTC
Address letter   G
RPC port   10666
P2P port   10665
Block reward   100 coins
Ramdom superblocks 500 coins - Starting at block 10000 & ending at block 450,000
High chances to get a ramdom superblock [15%] - Starting at block 10000 & ending at block 450,000
Premine amount   10500000 coins - Used/Distributed by original Dev
Last PoW block   block 1400000
Coinbase maturity   10 blocks
Target spacing   64 seconds
Target timespan   1 block
Transaction confirmations   4 blocks
Dedicated seed node for quick syncing
PoS percentage   10% per year dropping to 2.5% after block 450,000
Ramdom PoS superblocks set on 100% payout - Starting at block 10000 & ending at block 450,000
Min/max coin age 5/unlimited

What this is:

-A reboot for a coin where the dev seems to have abandoned the project
-A new developer attempting to give a coins community something 'better'
-A coin that "can" tie into a underlooked demographic ... women in tech and crypto
-A Coin in which all important changes will be voted on here by the community before implementation

What this is NOT:

-A feminist extremist based coin [anti-male]
-An attempt at a "dev-fund" grab... this is already gone from original dev.
-An attempt at a pump-n-dump - this will take work and make slow steady progress.

Who am I?

-My user handle is L8nit3 or L8nit3tr0ubl3 [Late Night for those having issues with it lol]
-My real name is Stephen Davies and I am 30 yo
-I AM NOT by definition a C++ dev.... progress will be slow yet deliberate and steady
-I have base knowledge of many coding languages which I am basing my work off of.
-I am one man, with a family and two jobs, and although development will always continue, this fact must not be forgotten.
-I will quote the point above when asked "Why so long" and other such questions
-I have been in crypto for multiple years, and fairly active on this forum.
-I plan 100% transparency in the 'take-over' of this coin


-User consensus for  'take-over' by new dev -
-Updated code-base - less buggy. -
-QR support -
-Checkpoints -
-Mac wallet -
-Linux Qt wallet -
-Create BURN address + Donation address -
-Raspi wallet -[For raspi3 not tested on others]
-Droid wallet - After proper bloom filter implementation
-More exchanges
-Attempt listing at a POS pool.
-CoinMarketCap listing - After "TotalCurrentSupply" added to explorer code at dev pool
-Update code to be compatible with Qt5
-Update the code for newer Boost version
-Update the code for newer SSL compatibility
-"Bridge-the-gap" between our 6.x codebase and a cleaner, nicer 8-9.x base before v3.0

-Add Litecoin commit 1f3d3647ffb49943f485c9a663f0644ca7d110de - Multiple INV messages -
-Add BIP37 "Bloom Filtering" to enable work on SPV and droid type wallets - Rolled back due to issues, in progress.
-Add BIP61 "Reject P2P message" - More info on why transaction/block rejected
-Add BIP 70-72 "Payment processor" - better security against man-in-the-middle attacks + human-readable, secure payment destinations
-Add BIP 73 "Accept Header Response" - Smaller more compatible QR codes.

-50% of all XGTC donations to dev fund will be burned for better scarcity. [Please provide txid's]
-50% of BTC donations will be used to purchase XGTC on exchanges and keep steady buy pressure. [Please provide txid's]


Wallets / Binaries

Due to possible inconsistencies with the non-standard BDB version used in the original wallet some are reporting issues opening wallets created with the 1.0 windows binaries.
Either send coins to exchange first for protection, or be sure to back up your priv key before switching to the new wallet.

Windows Wallet:Newest 2.2.1 ( - VirusTotal Results (

Windows Daemon:Newest 2.2.1 ( - VirusTotal Results (

Mac Wallet: Newest OSX 10.7+ ( - VirusTotal (

Mac Daemon: Newest OSX 10.7+ ( - VirusTotal Result (

Linux Wallet: Newest 2.2.1 ( - VirusTotal Results (

Linux Daemon: Newest 2.2.1 ( - VirusTotal Results (

Raspi3 Daemon Newest ( - VirusTotal Results (

Bootstrap.dat: 1109181 blocks - 04/25/2018 (

Github Source (

Windows: 2.2.1 SALVAGE WALLET (
Windows: 2.2.1 SALVAGE DAEMON (
For those with 1.0 wallets, please use wallet above to open and transfer to 2.0 wallet. Explanation in post below


1) ( - Bleeding edge beta in testing


1)CoinMarkets  (
2) (


1) L8nit3-miners Explorer page (



I very quickly whipped up a small sig, sadly we have no funds for a "campaign" however any who would like to use it are welcome to do so :)

GirlsToken2.0 - NEW DEV  - BCT ANN  (
[size=12pt][color=red]GirlsToken2.0[/color][color=orange] - NEW DEV[/color] [color=red][url=] - BCT ANN [/url][/size]


Vanity Address Generator (


DEV FUND donation address = GdonateqfnmiJKv7mfnUcyvZHaiqxcTQS1

Title: Re: [Pre-ANN] GirlsToken XGTC reboot, community decisions, new dev [Pre-ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on July 17, 2017, 06:18:44 PM
IF YOU HAVE ISSUE WITH "corrupt wallet"......
use provided "salvage" wallet [link below]. Once wallet is "salvaged" please dump priv key to load into new wallet or send to exchange as a safe spot while you switch to 2.0.
The issue is that a non-standard version of BDB was used, causing incompatibilty issues. I will be using the standard 4.8.30NC from here on out so the 2.0 wallet will be the standard and from this point 1.0 wallets will likely be incompatible.

I would like to propose lowering the POS % to a smaller number such as 5% or even 1%, and I also suggest that we remove super blocks, basically disable at a certain block and force an update to the newer wallet after the determined block height.
I feel this will lower inflation, and help give this coin a better value in the eyes of holders, investors and miners alike.
HOWEVER, I will not proceed with this if it is not what the community wants. Please speak up and share your opinions. :)

I believe we have resolved any  "corrupt wallet" issues with a "salvage" wallet, we now have a vanity generator, a BURN address for lowering total supply over time, and we have switched the 2.0 wallet back to BDB-4.8.30NC for better stability and portability, as well as many small bugfixes along the way.

Building a quick hackintosh on my predator to compile OSX binaries, adding some of the BIPS proposed above for a stringer better codebase, mining to my personal wallet for a small start to our dev fund for giveaways and bounties, and working on cleaning the daemon to stop cpu spiking and allow me to run the pool again.

In the interest of transparency, I am staying up till 3-4 each night churning out products for the community because I will be on vacation from the 22nd-29th of this month. I will still be reachable through this forum using my phone and 3g, however development will be on pause for that short time.

Until all exchanges have updated to the new wallet, DO NOT send coins from 2.1.1 wallet to exchanges. I will let everyone know when I have received contact back saying that they have made the switch.

Since backporting directly to the seed node caused issues, I am currently working on a new build of the 2.1.1 wallet. This one has UPNP fixed and the bloom filters update rolled back as it has caused more issues then it fixed. This will be version and I will continue making small build updates (eg. until I have fixed all of the issues with our 6.x wallet connecting to the newer 2.1.2 code based on a 9.x network protocol.

To explain the issue between the current and 2.1.2 wallets in more detail:
I am receiving multiple 'processmessage(inv, 37 bytes) failed' errors in the newest (unreleased) code, caused by "unkown INV type messages". This is a known issue between <7.x and >9.x wallets and was fixed in the 8.x series BTC wallets.

There has been a new release available in the OP. This release rolls back the bloom filters which were quite buggy and fixes a few other issues. I will be making small updates to this branch [eg.] until I have successfully "bridged the gap" between the current version and the new version 2.1.2 that will be released in the future. The reason for the branch is due to an issue with connections between 6.x and 9.x wallets.

New logo concept I have developed, I am not very good with photoshop so anyone who would like to submit their own concept is welcome to , and the community can vote through a poll in the thread.

UPDATE #8 - 08/10/2017
I have pushed a small update, it is NOT needed to upgrade to this one as all it includes is our new logo, but windows and Linux qt and daemons are up, and I am building for mac now. Also I have updated the bootstrap.dat to 421453 blocks. Enjoy :)

BIG UPDATE #9 - 08/11/2017 is back open!! they have synced to the correct chain and I have sent a test transactions to ensure coins arrive as they should :) Aslo they allow staking on their platform :)

After a brief discussion with they have graciously opened a BTC/XGTC pairing!!!
coinsmarkets  (

A big thank you to the owners of coinsmarkets for helping to provide liquidity to our coin again 😊😊

UPDATE #11 has updated and is open for trading :)

UPDATE #12 has been released, building the pi daemon now. Also the bootstrap.dat has been updated to 445k+ blocks.
OP has been updated with new links, and new additions to roadmap. However I am unable to load up right now and as such the virustotal results have not yet been updated. includes:
-New upnp code for 1.9 provided by inder/redni
-Added multi-inv message support - see litecoin commit 1f3d3647ffb49943f485c9a663f0644ca7d110de
-Many small fixes in qt files
-Small icon based fixes
-NoBlocks version change to completely cut off 1.0.8 wallets
-Add 2 more seed nodes for quicker syncing

Now that is out I will be pulling down and rebuilding the pool, with much more focus on better DDOS security as we seem to have had some "interesting" traffic over the past few days.
This process will likely take a few days as I will be restarting from a fresh clean server, and using things I have learned since it was first built, hopefully making a nicer stronger pool for all to use, and hopefully with the "coin supply" addition to the explorer.
Once this is finished I will update here and l8nit3-miners should be running happily again :)
I thank the other pool owners for continuing to host mining for XGTC at their pools, it is incredibly helpful while I work on the dev pool :)

UPDATE #14 - 9/1/2017
I would like to propose lowering the block reward, and extending the POW phase. I would like to drop to 25 XGTC per block starting at block 600000 and extend the remaining 400K POW phase by another 600k. This would give a Total mining period of 1.6 Million blocks while not affecting to total money supply.
I believe this is a good idea as we still have a long way to go with new users and this would allow a fair entry for all, while rewarding the "early adopters"
for their support with maintaining the current supply and not diluting their shares/coins in any way :)

Please voice your opinions :)

Also the pool is back up and running happily :)

UPDATE #15 09/07/17
I am currently building version 2.2.0 of the wallet. It has a few security patches, but mostly at block 600k the reward will drop to 50XGTC this change has extended our POW period for a fair distribution and low joining threshold for any new users. All while maintaining our current monney supply and not diluting or inflating the supply in any way.

When released, it will be MANDATORY to upgrade before block 600k.

The 2.2.0 Linux and Windows daemons and wallets have been released, and it is mandatory to upgrade before block 600000! This is when our BR drop and POW extension will kick in.

This update includes:
-Block reward drop and POW extension
-Many bugfixes left over from earlier versions
-Qt5 build from now on
-Boost 1.58
-And much more

I will be contacting pools and exchanges tonight after work to get all on the same version :)

Title: Re: [Pre-ANN] GirlsToken XGTC reboot, community decisions, new dev [Pre-ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on July 17, 2017, 06:18:54 PM

Title: Re: [Pre-ANN] GirlsToken XGTC reboot, community decisions, new dev [Pre-ANN]
Post by: l10no on July 17, 2017, 06:25:53 PM
maybe the total supply need to decrease , because the price on the market were so cheap , is only 3 Satoshi. I hope there was an airdrop for this coin , good luck for the project dev

Title: Re: [Pre-ANN] GirlsToken XGTC reboot, community decisions, new dev [Pre-ANN]
Post by: Mast3rCoin on July 17, 2017, 06:30:41 PM
good luck dev, on market just 3 sats :(

Title: Re: [Pre-ANN] GirlsToken XGTC reboot, community decisions, new dev [Pre-ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on July 17, 2017, 06:59:33 PM
good luck dev, on market just 3 sats :(
Yes its definitely low at this point, however remember the price is a reflection of support for the coin and dev..... and we had no dev, no roadmap, no updates....
Once we know the communities position on this takeover, I can promise you all now that pricing will NOT be high on the concerns list untill many bugs are worked out and some new features are added. Price and new exchanges will come after a SOLID coin/wallet/blockchain.

My proposal is to do my absolute best to be fully transparent and to keep at least small updates for the community as a regular thing.

Also I believe the "community driven" voted updates will be a nice change from users who are used to simply being told "heres what we are doing".

Thank you however for stopping by the thread and giving your input, its always welcome here :)

Title: Re: [Pre-ANN] GirlsToken XGTC reboot, community decisions, new dev [Pre-ANN]
Post by: Lucky7btc on July 17, 2017, 07:20:37 PM
good luck dev, on market just 3 sats :(
Yes its definitely low at this point, however remember the price is a reflection of support for the coin and dev..... and we had no dev, no roadmap, no updates....
Once we know the communities position on this takeover, I can promise you all now that pricing will NOT be high on the concerns list untill many bugs are worked out and some new features are added. Price and new exchanges will come after a SOLID coin/wallet/blockchain.

My proposal is to do my absolute best to be fully transparent and to keep at least small updates for the community as a regular thing.

Also I believe the "community driven" voted updates will be a nice change from users who are used to simply being told "heres what we are doing".

Thank you however for stopping by the thread and giving your input, its always welcome here :)

You got my vote!

Title: Re: [Pre-ANN] GirlsToken XGTC reboot, community decisions, new dev [Pre-ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on July 17, 2017, 07:36:21 PM
good luck dev, on market just 3 sats :(
Yes its definitely low at this point, however remember the price is a reflection of support for the coin and dev..... and we had no dev, no roadmap, no updates....
Once we know the communities position on this takeover, I can promise you all now that pricing will NOT be high on the concerns list untill many bugs are worked out and some new features are added. Price and new exchanges will come after a SOLID coin/wallet/blockchain.

My proposal is to do my absolute best to be fully transparent and to keep at least small updates for the community as a regular thing.

Also I believe the "community driven" voted updates will be a nice change from users who are used to simply being told "heres what we are doing".

Thank you however for stopping by the thread and giving your input, its always welcome here :)

You got my vote!
Thank you very much :) Thats wonderful to hear

Title: Re: [Pre-ANN] GirlsToken XGTC reboot, community decisions, new dev [Pre-ANN]
Post by: kondrat84 on July 18, 2017, 02:34:12 PM
I'm glad that the coin got a second life. :)  And the price will grow.

Title: Re: [Pre-ANN] GirlsToken XGTC reboot, community decisions, new dev [Pre-ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on July 18, 2017, 03:12:45 PM
I'm glad that the coin got a second life. :)  And the price will grow.
Windows wallet link available in OP :)
Please report any bugs found here and through PM.

All outstanding coins from the pool should be on their way to you now :) Thank you so much for your patience while I navigated errors :)
txid = eef5b2a17e807eb3f33ab125c8fb5f8db2acb45b4a5171fd3a62336c8cbc630d

Title: Re: [Pre-ANN] GirlsToken XGTC reboot, community decisions, new dev [Pre-ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on July 18, 2017, 03:27:58 PM

That is definitely something myself and the community will consider, however we are a very new rebooted coin [literally just posted the wallet] and as such there is much to do with strengthening our current codebase before adding more to it :)

Title: Re: [Pre-ANN] GirlsToken XGTC reboot, community decisions, new dev [Pre-ANN]
Post by: hugasinora on July 18, 2017, 03:46:53 PM
Woow ...? This is indeed a very extraordinary project, with a very perfect supply, hopefully quickly reach the desired target,I hope the future of this project is more advanced and well developed in the future,

Title: Re: [Pre-ANN] GirlsToken XGTC reboot, community decisions, new dev [Pre-ANN]
Post by: kondrat84 on July 18, 2017, 04:26:50 PM
Thank you l8nit3 ,Coins came.

Title: Re: [Pre-ANN] GirlsToken XGTC reboot, community decisions, new dev [Pre-ANN]
Post by: kondrat84 on July 18, 2017, 04:37:05 PM
My old wallet is working.Is it suitable for prolongation of work?

Title: Re: [Pre-ANN] GirlsToken XGTC reboot, community decisions, new dev [Pre-ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on July 18, 2017, 05:34:14 PM
My old wallet is working.Is it suitable for prolongation of work?
At this point, yes the old wallet is still usable on this chain.... none of the improvements require a fork yet....

I have acquired 5 non "tech-saavy" beta testers [family and friends] who have no idea what bitcoin is and have never seen a wallet. I am supplying them with a small startup from my own mined balance, and will be hopefully getting some feedback from users outside the usual crypto community [as well as the valued opinions of you all in the community].

I feel this is an important step in finding out exactly what may be needed or may need to be changed to help with public adoption and usage, and could help shed some light on "average" user adoption methods.

In case anyone missed it.. PLEASE READ POST #2 for updates!!!!

Title: Re: [Pre-ANN] GirlsToken XGTC reboot, community decisions, new dev [Pre-ANN]
Post by: oricatmos on July 19, 2017, 03:27:20 PM
Thanks l8nit3 I vote for your fork.
I think is better keeping the same total coin suply ,because reducing the total suply implies begin from scratch all wallets , throwing to trash all coins mined. Maybe the POS interest is pretty high, I think about 2-3% is good enough.


Title: Re: [Pre-ANN] GirlsToken XGTC reboot, community decisions, new dev [Pre-ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on July 19, 2017, 04:21:44 PM
Thanks l8nit3 I vote for your fork.
I think is better keeping the same total coin suply ,because reducing the total suply implies begin from scratch all wallets , throwing to trash all coins mined. Maybe the POS interest is pretty high, I think about 2-3% is good enough.

Thank you so much for your support :) Am I to assume the salvage wallet worked for you and your coins are once again freed up?
As for actually lowering the total supply in the code, I agree with you oricatmos, which is why I have proposed the burning of 50% of any xgtc dev fund donations [SEND TO DEV ADDRESS AND NOT BURN DIRECTLY PLEASE], I feel this will slowly lower the total supply while keeping all the hard earned coins for each miner :) [please see post#2 update#2 for more detail]

Title: Re: [Pre-ANN] GirlsToken XGTC reboot, community decisions, new dev [Pre-ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on July 19, 2017, 04:40:45 PM
Wow very nice and very interested with this coins.
whether bounty social media campaign will launched for this coins dev?
If already, where links for joining in this projects.  ;D
Sadly due to this being a reboot coin, and the premine being fund used by original dev, there is currently no dev fund available for bounties or campaigns. However, this is being worked on and is being established as we speak :) Currently all is being done out of my own pocket and in my free time.

Title: Re: [Pre-ANN] GirlsToken XGTC reboot, community decisions, new dev [Pre-ANN]
Post by: chezze83 on July 19, 2017, 05:17:22 PM
where can we get a hold on this coin

Title: Re: [Pre-ANN] GirlsToken XGTC reboot, community decisions, new dev [Pre-ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on July 19, 2017, 05:24:07 PM
where can we get a hold on this coin
Currently solo mining [pool is being worked on right now] and at Link (
More will come in the future, however there is much work to be done before more exchanges are added. Please see OP and post#2 for details.

Pool is back up in beta currently running a testing version of the daemon. Also a new update is in the works with a dedicated seed node and some missing rpc commands will be added back in [specifically addnode]. Also I will be adding the required code to setup the change from 10% POS down to a more manageable 2.5% starting at block 450K, aswell as removing the "superblocks" at the same block height for both POW and POS.

These actions, as discussed previously, will help maintain a lower total coin supply, without actually having to change the MAX_MONEY and reset the chain :) This way we all enjoy a rarer, more stable coin.... without loosing our currently mined and staked coins.

-Added code to lower POS to 2.5% at block # 450,000
-Added code to remove superblocks at block # 450,000
-Added seed node for fast syncing for new users
-Fixed capitalization typos
-Upped versioning
-Added back missing "Addnode" rpc command

Title: Re: [Pre-ANN] GirlsToken XGTC reboot, community decisions, new dev [Pre-ANN]
Post by: tami on July 20, 2017, 05:30:05 AM
Wow very nice and very interested with this coins.
whether bounty social media campaign will launched for this coins dev?
If already, where links for joining in this projects.  ;D
Sadly due to this being a reboot coin, and the original dev taking the premine, there is currently no dev fund available for bounties or campaigns. However, this is being worked on and is being established as we speak :) Currently all is being done out of my own pocket and in my free time.

Whaaaaaat????  this is the second time that i heard you shitting on me abut the premine, lets be clear, lets say the truth of WHY you relaunched this coin..
cause you have been mining for months and you have now lets say 99-100 x 100? of the supply??
aout the premine i supposse i run with.. didnt i paid 0.25 btc to list the coin in
didnt i made airdrop and paid bounties?? what you did? appart to bullshit on me??
I am really pissed with your scamy actitude, and i am going to report you, you please close this thread cause is NOT WELLCOME TAKEOVER.

Title: Re: [Pre-ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - NEW WALLET 2.0.1 - dedicated seed node[Pre-ANN]
Post by: tami on July 20, 2017, 05:38:43 AM
hello tami,
I am having a fair number of issues making your coin run properly with my pool. Most other coins seem to run quite well right now, so I was hoping to ask you a few questions and maybe figure a few things out.
Otherwise I may have to remove XGTC from my pool if I cant get it to run cleanly.

did you asked me if you can takeover the coin and shit on my face as you can be the holy man and me the scammer ????????

Title: Re: [Pre-ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - NEW WALLET 2.0.1 - dedicated seed node[Pre-ANN]
Post by: tami on July 20, 2017, 05:42:42 AM
so basically, i made a coin, made improvments paid to other developer with ppremined coins, paid exchanges , explorer etc, faucet bounties, etc, and becausse you've been lonely mining for months and you have millions now you decice to relaunch , oh poor guy has no coins for development cause i run out with the money.. i hope you ask sorry to me and t this community you are trying to scam

Title: Re: [Pre-ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - NEW WALLET 2.0.1 - dedicated seed node[Pre-ANN]
Post by: Mast3rCoin on July 20, 2017, 06:43:39 AM
Dev, just like this : cgminer.exe --scrypt -o stratum+tcp:// -u [walletaddress] -p [password] x c=XGTC

Title: Re: [Pre-ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - NEW WALLET 2.0.1 - dedicated seed node[Pre-ANN]
Post by: xusxuquade on July 20, 2017, 07:02:32 AM
new coin or old coin dev, or only new wallet system ?
how much total premine ?
any bounty or airdroop

Title: Re: [Pre-ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - NEW WALLET 2.0.1 - dedicated seed node[Pre-ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on July 20, 2017, 07:06:23 AM
so basically, i made a coin, made improvments paid to other developer with ppremined coins, paid exchanges , explorer etc, faucet bounties, etc, and becausse you've been lonely mining for months and you have millions now you decice to relaunch , oh poor guy has no coins for development cause i run out with the money.. i hope you ask sorry to me and t this community you are trying to scam

 "millions"? absolutely not, mined with a small zeus blizzard.

 Last post by you:
maybe mining pool was on a wrong chain
While your coin, code and community fell apart... asking for your help with no reply.

Keep your scam accusations to yourself, look at my history on this form and in crypto in general. I have done nothing but attempt to assist each community I have been a part of. Ask many users on here or as stated above, check my post history.... In fact, I was very vocal in your own thread, and attempted to help you in any way I could.

In no way have any of those bounties been wiped out, or denied. I myself received a small bounty for the pool, which was used in a giveaway in the first stages of my pool [nomp & unomp]

I have nothing but support up untill now from what WAS your community. You left them hanging [see point 2]

This is Easily Solved, fork to a "classic" version like ZCASH and ETH. You have the "original" code anyways, and my proposed changes for 2.0 will kick in at block 450,000. Make the fork at the same time and the coins will split, you "developing" yours and me on 2.0. I will work on a logo change ASAP.

I have made more progress in 48 hours then you have shown in months. Do you have an explanation for those you are claiming to stand for? Where have you been? Why was everything fine when I was building a new, less buggy, wallet FOR YOU FOR FREE? You didnt show up then, and had no issue with my work at that time. Why suddenly now, are you back on the forum?

And Finally:
I dont recall swearing in your thread, please use a little class in mine.
I did not know about the 0.25BTC for listing and will publicly apologize now for not being fully informed. ON THAT MATTER ONLY.

.....made improvements ....
WHAT IMPROVEMENTS? You bought this coin, from a creation service, and when it broke you ran away and couldnt fix it. And now that I have, your suddenly back spamming my thread.
How many coins have your EXACT specs? 500 coin superblocks, POS superbolcks, even the 10% POS... seperately fine... but together, I smell a creation service.

no coins for development cause i run out with the money

Did not say for development, I am doing that by myself, I said for campaigns and bounties. If you actually read you'll see I was also working on that, so I would be able to run sig campaigns, dont need bounties yet because [as stated] I am doing each part myself.

Title: Re: [Pre-ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - NEW WALLET 2.0.1 - dedicated seed node[Pre-ANN]
Post by: tami on July 20, 2017, 08:06:21 AM
good luck

Title: Re: [Pre-ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - NEW WALLET 2.0.1 - dedicated seed node[Pre-ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on July 20, 2017, 01:26:23 PM
good luck
All it would have taken, is for you to come back and say "Hey guys, sorry Ive been gone, and left you all with a broken wallet, heres why.."
And I would have gladly merged our code and gone at this as a team. Instead you come out of nowhere, calling me a scammer, swearing and generally being insulting when I did nothing more then fix your mess!
You have much to learn about responding to your communities needs and questions, which is exactly what I have done.
As stated in my post above, there are many ways we can resolve this, no need for the hostility. I have even gone back and edited any of my posts stating you "ran off" to "fund used by original dev"... as I have admitted to not being fully informed about the buy-in. I WILL, however, continue developing my branch of this coin.

Title: Re: [Pre-ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - NEW WALLET 2.0.1 - dedicated seed node[Pre-ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on July 20, 2017, 03:37:30 PM
new coin or old coin dev, or only new wallet system ?
how much total premine ?
any bounty or airdroop
This is a reboot coin, basically old specs [which are slowly being changed] and old premise, with new code/wallet and dev and possibly soon a newly forked chain, likely beginning at block 450,000 [We are at ~360K blocks now].
Currently there is no bounties as the original pre-mine belongs to and was used by the original dev. The initial pre-mine [remaining on original blockchain] was 10500000 XGTC.

Title: Re: [Pre-ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - NEW WALLET 2.0.1 - dedicated seed node[Pre-ANN]
Post by: oricatmos on July 21, 2017, 09:08:25 AM
Day by day l8nit3 was the only who helped the comunity with a broken wallet that affects all the users, a coin without wallet is useless.

Tami, you have abandoned the comunity of the token and you are back when one user took the initiative to make improvements. What was the reason for not answer in the forum thread before? Why did you waste your money in a token you doesn't support?

Title: Re: [Pre-ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - NEW WALLET 2.0.1 - dedicated seed node[Pre-ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on July 21, 2017, 02:29:55 PM
Day by day l8nit3 was the only who helped the comunity with a broken wallet that affects all the users, a coin without wallet is useless.

Tami, you have abandoned the comunity of the token and you are back when one user took the initiative to make improvements. What was the reason for not answer in the forum thread before? Why did you waste your money in a token you doesn't support?
Thank you for your kind words 😊 I am still working on updates in the background, but I will leave the decision up to the community while im away on vacation starting tomorrow (see post #2 for details).
If prefered, I will step down and leave the new wallet code for the community  to use (my changes are easily reversible should that be the choice.)
However , should the community approve and prefer my code/wallet and changes, then I will happily continue with development of XGTC.

Title: Re: [Pre-ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - NEW WALLET 2.0.1 - dedicated seed node[Pre-ANN]
Post by: maxNIMFA on July 21, 2017, 02:31:44 PM
Pretty well chosen niche for a token. We'll see what would you do with your idea. Have fun and good luck dev.

Title: Re: [Pre-ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - NEW WALLET 2.0.1 - dedicated seed node[Pre-ANN]
Post by: kondrat84 on July 21, 2017, 05:00:13 PM
Day by day l8nit3 was the only who helped the comunity with a broken wallet that affects all the users, a coin without wallet is useless.

Tami, you have abandoned the comunity of the token and you are back when one user took the initiative to make improvements. What was the reason for not answer in the forum thread before? Why did you waste your money in a token you doesn't support?
Fully support and good luck to all of us

Title: Re: [Pre-ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - NEW WALLET 2.0.1 - dedicated seed node[Pre-ANN]
Post by: boieemassab on July 21, 2017, 07:29:37 PM
Day by day l8nit3 was the only who helped the comunity with a broken wallet that affects all the users, a coin without wallet is useless.

Tami, you have abandoned the comunity of the token and you are back when one user took the initiative to make improvements. What was the reason for not answer in the forum thread before? Why did you waste your money in a token you doesn't support?
Thank you for your kind words 😊 I am still working on updates in the background, but I will leave the decision up to the community while im away on vacation starting tomorrow (see post #2 for details).
If prefered, I will step down and leave the new wallet code for the community  to use (my changes are easily reversible should that be the choice.)
However , should the community approve and prefer my code/wallet and changes, then I will happily continue with development of XGTC.

  That is a great news. I have been saving these for about 6 months, never been able to sync up a wallet ( and oh I tried). Grabbed a few more for the ride. The code/wallet you are most passionate about or want to try out would be the most appropriate. Thanks for all the updates.

Title: Re: [Pre-ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - NEW WALLET 2.0.1 - dedicated seed node[Pre-ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on July 21, 2017, 07:58:21 PM
The support coming in is incredible and much appreciated. It was stated above that a coin is worthless without a wallet... this is equally true of its community. Without support from users the entire project is a moot point.
So again thank you all and I will do my best to meet all demands and needs of the users as quickly and effeciently as I possibly can 😊

Title: Re: [Pre-ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - NEW WALLET 2.0.1 - dedicated seed node[Pre-ANN]
Post by: ex_mac on July 23, 2017, 12:43:19 PM
New GirlsToken-2.0 pool (scrypt)

-o stratum+tcp:// -u <WALLET_ADDRESS> -p c=XGTC

Bounty/Donate: GeHTMMwNLhqRwJBaevjE3kUT9AUKC9CsM2 (XGTC)

Node list:

Title: Re: [Pre-ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - NEW WALLET 2.0.1 - dedicated seed node[Pre-ANN]
Post by: LainL1 on July 23, 2017, 12:51:26 PM
is this token special for girls/womans ?

Title: Re: [Pre-ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - NEW WALLET 2.0.1 - dedicated seed node[Pre-ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on July 23, 2017, 04:44:08 PM
is this token special for girls/womans ?
Right this moment, no.... there isnt much special about this coin. However, this is only due to the way this coin began. (Please see earlier posts for details)

I am currently rebuilding the code base, and getting the basics out to the community (wallet, explorer, etc) and once we have a fully solid and newer codebase, then advertising and partnerships will be worked on.

The goal (in my eyes)  for this coin is to eventually try to partner with or tie into organizations that help to guide young girls and young women into the tech or crypto field.

Having two daughters myself (both highly interested in computers) I would love to see more gender equality in this male dominated area. Full transparency I am a male, and am not perpetuating any idea otherwise

Title: Re: [Pre-ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - NEW WALLET 2.0.1 - dedicated seed node[Pre-ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on July 23, 2017, 04:44:55 PM
New GirlsToken-2.0 pool (scrypt)

-o stratum+tcp:// -u <WALLET_ADDRESS> -p c=XGTC

Bounty/Donate: GeHTMMwNLhqRwJBaevjE3kUT9AUKC9CsM2 (XGTC)

Node list:

Thank you very much, your pool has been  added to the OP 😊

Title: Re: [Pre-ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - NEW WALLET 2.0.1 - dedicated seed node[Pre-ANN]
Post by: LainL1 on July 24, 2017, 02:46:42 PM
is this token special for girls/womans ?
Right this moment, no.... there isnt much special about this coin. However, this is only due to the way this coin began. (Please see earlier posts for details)

I am currently rebuilding the code base, and getting the basics out to the community (wallet, explorer, etc) and once we have a fully solid and newer codebase, then advertising and partnerships will be worked on.

The goal (in my eyes)  for this coin is to eventually try to partner with or tie into organizations that help to guide young girls and young women into the tech or crypto field.

Having two daughters myself (both highly interested in computers) I would love to see more gender equality in this male dominated area. Full transparency I am a male, and am not perpetuating any idea otherwise

An interesting concept, to enhance the role of women in the world of computers, especially the world of crypto. Good luck Dev

Title: Re: [Pre-ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - NEW WALLET 2.0.1 - dedicated seed node[Pre-ANN]
Post by: darknessandwater on July 25, 2017, 05:50:59 PM
I heard this coin is getting listed on cryptopia very soon, is this true?

Title: Re: [Pre-ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - NEW WALLET 2.0.1 - dedicated seed node[Pre-ANN]
Post by: Aragorg on July 25, 2017, 05:53:02 PM
I heard this coin is getting listed on cryptopia very soon, is this true?

Ive heard the same, if this is true, this coin will be huge! Go cryptopia!

Title: Re: [Pre-ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - NEW WALLET 2.0.1 - dedicated seed node[Pre-ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on July 25, 2017, 05:56:49 PM
I heard this coin is getting listed on cryptopia very soon, is this true?

Ive heard the same, if this is true, this coin will be huge! Go cryptopia!
If this is true, it is not by my doing. As stated in an earlier post, I will be concentrating on solidifying the codebase before attempting to reach out to exchanges. However, should they choose to list us on their own, or by community votes, then thats a wonderful boost for the coin, community, and myself personally. 😊

Title: Re: [Pre-ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - NEW WALLET 2.0.1 - dedicated seed node[Pre-ANN]
Post by: darknessandwater on July 25, 2017, 05:59:13 PM
cool thanks! ;)

Title: Re: [Pre-ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - NEW WALLET 2.0.1 - dedicated seed node[Pre-ANN]
Post by: Aragorg on July 25, 2017, 06:07:53 PM
I heard this coin is getting listed on cryptopia very soon, is this true?

Ive heard the same, if this is true, this coin will be huge! Go cryptopia!
If this is true, it is not by my doing. As stated in an earlier post, I will be concentrating on solidifying the codebase before attempting to reach out to exchanges. However, should they choose to list us on their own, or by community votes, then thats a wonderful boost for the coin, community, and myself personally. 😊

Thank you for your quick response, hope everything will go smoothly.

Greetings Aragorg

Title: Re: [Pre-ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - NEW WALLET 2.0.1 - dedicated seed node[Pre-ANN]
Post by: oricatmos on July 26, 2017, 12:16:05 AM
How many more exchanges better for the growth of the token. I saw yesterday over 1 Gh of mining power on this token so it's evident it is drawing attention to the crypto comunity.

Title: Re: [Pre-ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - NEW WALLET 2.0.1 - dedicated seed node[Pre-ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on July 26, 2017, 12:33:43 AM
How many more exchanges better for the growth of the token. I saw yesterday over 1 Gh of mining power on this token so it's evident it is drawing attention to the crypto comunity.
Once i am back from my family vacation on the 29th (see post #2 for details) my first step is working on and releasing the mac qt and linux qt wallets.
However, once those are out and all users can join equally regardless of OS, step 2 will definitely be to start looking at the requirements for joining a few more exchanges as this seems to be what the community would like to see.
Are there any in particular the community would like to try for first? Or any that we should avoid? (Remember many ask for a listing fee or require minimum volume levels, which may take some time)

Title: Re: [Pre-ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - NEW WALLET 2.0.1 - dedicated seed node[Pre-ANN]
Post by: visionE2 on July 26, 2017, 12:44:25 AM

Title: Re: [Pre-ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - NEW WALLET 2.0.1 - dedicated seed node[Pre-ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on July 26, 2017, 01:39:16 AM
As this was a community lead takeover of an abandoned coin, no there are currently no bounties or airdrop.
If you would like to get some, your current options are buying through or mining at 1 of the 2 pools listed in our OP.

I have managed to get a bit of time to work on the code over the past few days on vacation. During this time , on a terrible 3g connection, I believe I have managed to implement bloom filter functionality in the wallet code.
I will be testing it while I can, and when im back home I will be making a new release with mac windows and linux qt wallets. This will be a MANDATORY update as it will push the network protocol to 70001 and I will be blocking connections to earlier protocol versions.
This will ensure that all are on the new code , soldifying the removal of superblocks, and the POS % drop down to 2.5% and preventing a fork in the chain at block 450k when these changes kick in.
I was also thinking of adding "digishield" to the codebase aswell for better security, however as promised, I will first reach out to new exchanges before digishield is implemented.

Title: Re: [Pre-ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - NEW WALLET 2.0.1 - dedicated seed node[Pre-ANN]
Post by: lucky1488 on July 27, 2017, 02:11:07 AM
what conf file  for solo mining?

Title: Re: [Pre-ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - NEW WALLET 2.0.1 - dedicated seed node[Pre-ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on July 27, 2017, 02:13:14 AM
Keep in mind if you make a mandatory wallet upgrade this is also on They have staking enabled on the exchange wallets, if you have GirlsToken in the you will receive staking deposits
Staking will absolutely continue, however at a reduced rate of 2.5%. So any exchanges earning revenue this way will still be able to do so.
The reason for the mandatory upgrade is that if some stay on the old wallet then the chain will split, one remaining at 10% POS and one on the new 2.5% (aswell as many other changes).
In effect this will create 2 coins and may cause issues with coins reaching the exchanges.
So in an effort to avoid this the wallet update will be mandatory, keeping al on the same chain and keeping all coins safe 😊

I was unaware, however, of the listing at that particular exchange and appreciate you bringing it to my attention. It will be listed in the OP as soon as possible.

Title: Re: [Pre-ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - NEW WALLET 2.0.1 - dedicated seed node[Pre-ANN]
Post by: lucky1488 on July 27, 2017, 02:16:44 AM
Keep in mind if you make a mandatory wallet upgrade this is also on They have staking enabled on the exchange wallets, if you have GirlsToken in the you will receive staking deposits
Staking will absolutely continue, however at a reduced rate of 2.5%. So any exchanges earning revenue this way will still be able to do so.
The reason for the mandatory upgrade is that if some stay on the old wallet then the chain will split, one remaining at 10% POS and one on the new 2.5% (aswell as many other changes).
In effect this will create 2 coins and may cause issues with coins reaching the exchanges.
So in an effort to avoid this the wallet update will be mandatory, keeping al on the same chain and keeping all coins safe 😊

I was unaware, however, of the listing at that particular exchange and appreciate you bringing it to my attention. It will be listed in the OP as soon as possible.

That coin only POS?

Title: Re: [Pre-ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - NEW WALLET 2.0.1 - dedicated seed node[Pre-ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on July 27, 2017, 02:19:46 AM
what conf file  for solo mining?


That coin only POS?
No its not only POS , we are currently POW/POS

Just closed our first github issue 😊

Hello again all :)
I am back from vacation with updated code including bloom filter support, I am currently building all the dependencies required to make us a mac wallet aswell [new linux-qt and windows-qt already built].

After some brief alpha testing to ensure bugs are worked out, the mandatory release I mentioned earlier will proceed as planned. This new update will solidify the changes made and make us "officially" different from the original 1.0 release done by 'tami'.
I have already contacted the 2 exchanges we are listed on and am waiting on a response BEFORE the release to ensure everything goes smoothly for all users :)

Also, I have enlisted the help of a good friend who has offered to do a Spanish translation of our OP for free after our new release [I will still have to moderate using google translate] With this I hope we will be able to reach a larger user base, and meet some of the minimum requirements for new exchanges :)

I am still waiting to hear from the community as to which exchanges you all would like for us to tackle first, and if there isnt enough feedback on this matter, I will simply start with some smaller ones with lower listing fees [or hopefully free].
Is there any particular exchange the community would NOT like to see us on?

We have been listed at Yobit Link (
That now makes 3 exchanges :)

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY UPGRADE SOON![ANN]
Post by: fouzi124 on July 31, 2017, 03:56:36 AM
no bonus ? :p

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY UPGRADE SOON![ANN]
Post by: ELE.ZYK on July 31, 2017, 04:02:12 AM

Though with a slightly creepy name, I'm sure it's an interesting project, they will not make us into zombies, right ?, really interesting idea, I hope this project continues to grow good luck dev

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY UPGRADE SOON![ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on July 31, 2017, 04:05:03 AM
no bonus ? :p

What do you mean by bonus? Signature campaigns and bounties? If so this has been explained a few posts above

As this was a community lead takeover of an abandoned coin, no there are currently no bounties or airdrop.
If you would like to get some, your current options are buying through or mining at 1 of the 2 pools listed in our OP.

Though with a slightly creepy name, I'm sure it's an interesting project, they will not make us into zombies, right ?, really interesting idea, I hope this project continues to grow good luck dev

What is it that is creepy to you? Maybe its something we can work on.

Windows wallet:Link ( - VirusTotal Results (
MAC Wallet - Link (
Linux Qt - Link (
Github Source (

This release includes:
-Added bloom filters to start working towards light and droid wallets
-Fixed for linux and mac builds
-Updated network version and block old 1.0.8 wallet
-Windows, Linux and Mac Qt wallets
-Many other small fixes
Please update as soon as possible, definitely before block 450,000 to ensure you stay on the correct chain. Any who havent upgraded by then are likely to fork!

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: ex_mac on July 31, 2017, 06:57:59 AM
Wallet updated to new version:
GirlsToken-2.0 pool (scrypt)

-o stratum+tcp:// -u <WALLET_ADDRESS> -p c=XGTC

Bounty/Donate: GeHTMMwNLhqRwJBaevjE3kUT9AUKC9CsM2 (XGTC)

Node list:

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: Lucky7btc on July 31, 2017, 12:04:14 PM
I paid to have the coin listed on yobit as I said i would do earlier.

Donations to help offset cost would be appreciated  ;)

XGTC address GJMjBWZcjJR34HnPeD8oE39yTK4ajicUyG

BTC address 1FBgVtyfmaY5VAEuVNEmBimtk6vjZPwvAT

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on July 31, 2017, 12:50:47 PM
Thank you so much for the vote of confidence and for the payment for the listing. I am sending a small amount from my personal wallet [10000] as a start on cost offset.
I realize it is not much at all at this point, however it will not be the only amount I send. As the pool slowly earns, and as I mine my own balance I will continue sending small amounts untill a fair "bounty" has been paid out to you :) txid= bf6e62a8821e65cfab2bc4840cf1641fd52685b22b6c71ce213ee51935195438

Thank you for your speedy upgrade and helping to keep the network and hard earned coins safe :)

With our new wallet released, its now time that I concentrate on at least one more exchange. I will be contacting a few places today, and will post any responses along the way :)

Title: Re: [Pre-ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - NEW WALLET 2.0.1 - dedicated seed node[Pre-ANN]
Post by: oricatmos on July 31, 2017, 02:00:31 PM
what conf file  for solo mining?


That coin only POS?
No its not only POS , we are currently POW/POS

Just closed our first github issue 😊

Hello again all :)
I am back from vacation with updated code including bloom filter support, I am currently building all the dependencies required to make us a mac wallet aswell [new linux-qt and windows-qt already built].

After some brief alpha testing to ensure bugs are worked out, the mandatory release I mentioned earlier will proceed as planned. This new update will solidify the changes made and make us "officially" different from the original 1.0 release done by 'tami'.
I have already contacted the 2 exchanges we are listed on and am waiting on a response BEFORE the release to ensure everything goes smoothly for all users :)

Also, I have enlisted the help of a good friend who has offered to do a Spanish translation of our OP for free after our new release [I will still have to moderate using google translate] With this I hope we will be able to reach a larger user base, and meet some of the minimum requirements for new exchanges :)

I am still waiting to hear from the community as to which exchanges you all would like for us to tackle first, and if there isnt enough feedback on this matter, I will simply start with some smaller ones with lower listing fees [or hopefully free].
Is there any particular exchange the community would NOT like to see us on?

We have been listed at Yobit Link (
That now makes 3 exchanges :)

I would like to see xgtc in cryptopia , I think is a good entry point for attracting investors. And, of course, in a future it may be incredible to hit Bittrex, but is so much expensive for now and the token should have more volume.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on July 31, 2017, 05:18:53 PM
Cryptopia is high on my list of fave exchanges aswell and I agree would be a great move :) I will contact them today and find out the requirements for a listing.

Just checked and it seems the requirement is 400,000 DOT. Currently running at 268 sats each. So I am slowly liquidating some of my other altcoin bags [not XGTC] to meet this requirement. Once I have the buy-in, I will submit GirlsToken for listing and will update here :)

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: Lucky7btc on July 31, 2017, 06:30:00 PM
Cryptopia is high on my list of fave exchanges aswell and I agree would be a great move :) I will contact them today and find out the requirements for a listing.

Just checked and it seems the requirement is 400,000 DOT. Currently running at 268 sats each. So I am slowly liquidating some of my other altcoin bags [not XGTC] to meet this requirement. Once I have the buy-in, I will submit GirlsToken for listing and will update here :)

There is no need to add to CRYPTOPIA at the moment. The price is too high at the moment. Yobit is GREAT, COINEXCHANGE is GOOD, focus on NOVAEXCHANGE next. Cryptopia prices for DOT needs to come down to reasonable levels.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on July 31, 2017, 07:16:29 PM
Cryptopia is high on my list of fave exchanges aswell and I agree would be a great move :) I will contact them today and find out the requirements for a listing.

Just checked and it seems the requirement is 400,000 DOT. Currently running at 268 sats each. So I am slowly liquidating some of my other altcoin bags [not XGTC] to meet this requirement. Once I have the buy-in, I will submit GirlsToken for listing and will update here :)

There is no need to add to CRYPTOPIA at the moment. The price is too high at the moment. Yobit is GREAT, EXCHANGE is GOOD, focus on NOVAEXCHANGE next. Cryptopia prices for DOT needs to come down to reasonable levels.
You make very good points, i will leave the decision up to the community and while waiting I will contact novaexchange and find out more details :)

Until all exchanges have updated to the new wallet, DO NOT send coins from 2.1.1 wallet to exchanges. I will let everyone know when I have received contact back saying that they have made the switch.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: oricatmos on July 31, 2017, 10:18:14 PM
I agree with you, more than 1 BTC for listing XGTC in Cryptopia sounds pretty expensive for now.

By the way, could someone explain how to compile the new wallet 2.1.1 from github? I don't find the .exe


Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on July 31, 2017, 10:19:58 PM
I agree with you, more than 1 BTC for listing XGTC in Cryptopia sounds pretty expensive for now.

By the way, could someone explain how to compile the new wallet 2.1.1 from github? I don't find the .exe

here is the link, and the link in OP is now fixed aswell :)

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: oricatmos on July 31, 2017, 10:31:52 PM
I agree with you, more than 1 BTC for listing XGTC in Cryptopia sounds pretty expensive for now.

By the way, could someone explain how to compile the new wallet 2.1.1 from github? I don't find the .exe

here is the link, and the link in OP is now fixed aswell :)

Thank you!!!! :) .

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: Ethereuming on August 01, 2017, 07:45:29 AM
Nice community and nice new dev here I think. I'm in the boat me too. Maybe just one thing I do not like: the name of the cryptocurrency and the symbol. Name is important. But it's just my opinion. :)

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: Lucky7btc on August 01, 2017, 12:59:11 PM
I paid to have the coin listed on yobit as I said i would do earlier.

Donations to help offset cost would be appreciated  ;)

XGTC address GJMjBWZcjJR34HnPeD8oE39yTK4ajicUyG

BTC address 1FBgVtyfmaY5VAEuVNEmBimtk6vjZPwvAT

Thanks, dev I received the 100,00 coins. Anyone else willing to help feel free. Thanks again...

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on August 01, 2017, 01:21:02 PM
I paid to have the coin listed on yobit as I said i would do earlier.

Donations to help offset cost would be appreciated  ;)

XGTC address GJMjBWZcjJR34HnPeD8oE39yTK4ajicUyG

BTC address 1FBgVtyfmaY5VAEuVNEmBimtk6vjZPwvAT

Thanks, dev I received the 100,00 coins. Anyone else willing to help feel free. Thanks again...
I apologize that it will be in smaller amounts, but absolutely there will be a few more payments coming from my personal wallet as it builds. Likely ~10k at a time untill we have reached a fair payback for you 😊

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on August 01, 2017, 01:23:39 PM
Nice community and nice new dev here I think. I'm in the boat me too. Maybe just one thing I do not like: the name of the cryptocurrency and the symbol. Name is important. But it's just my opinion. :)

We are absolutely open to ideas. The logo is still left from previous dev and will be changed eventually. I am just unsure yet if I will be firing up photoshop myself or if we should have a small contest.

As for the name, do you have any ideas? It wouldnt be done for awhile as there are more important aspects to work on first... but if many feel the same then a new logo and name will be added to the roadmap

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: Ethereuming on August 01, 2017, 04:09:00 PM
Nice community and nice new dev here I think. I'm in the boat me too. Maybe just one thing I do not like: the name of the cryptocurrency and the symbol. Name is important. But it's just my opinion. :)

We are absolutely open to ideas. The logo is still left from previous dev and will be changed eventually. I am just unsure yet if I will be firing up photoshop myself or if we should have a small contest.

As for the name, do you have any ideas? It wouldnt be done for awhile as there are more important aspects to work on first... but if many feel the same then a new logo and name will be added to the roadmap
I have many ideas but the question is: this coin is made for girls and women in crypto world or we don't know yet at 100%?
Another point: you must find a name with a not taken domain name in my opinion...

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on August 01, 2017, 04:40:36 PM
Nice community and nice new dev here I think. I'm in the boat me too. Maybe just one thing I do not like: the name of the cryptocurrency and the symbol. Name is important. But it's just my opinion. :)

We are absolutely open to ideas. The logo is still left from previous dev and will be changed eventually. I am just unsure yet if I will be firing up photoshop myself or if we should have a small contest.

As for the name, do you have any ideas? It wouldnt be done for awhile as there are more important aspects to work on first... but if many feel the same then a new logo and name will be added to the roadmap
I have many ideas but the question is: this coin is made for girls and women in crypto world or we don't know yet at 100%?
Another point: you must find a name with a not taken domain name in my opinion...
The women in crypto and technology niche is absolutely the way we plan to go for this coin. Once price and volume are up and we have some competitive features, then I will begin reaching out to non-profit organizations who also specialize in this niche.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: Ethereuming on August 01, 2017, 05:03:27 PM
Nice community and nice new dev here I think. I'm in the boat me too. Maybe just one thing I do not like: the name of the cryptocurrency and the symbol. Name is important. But it's just my opinion. :)

We are absolutely open to ideas. The logo is still left from previous dev and will be changed eventually. I am just unsure yet if I will be firing up photoshop myself or if we should have a small contest.

As for the name, do you have any ideas? It wouldnt be done for awhile as there are more important aspects to work on first... but if many feel the same then a new logo and name will be added to the roadmap
I have many ideas but the question is: this coin is made for girls and women in crypto world or we don't know yet at 100%?
Another point: you must find a name with a not taken domain name in my opinion...
The women in crypto and technology niche is absolutely the way we plan to go for this coin. Once price and volume are up and we have some competitive features, then I will begin reaching out to non-profit organizations who also specialize in this niche.
Ok, I understand. Therefore maybe FemaleCoin is better than GirlsToken...

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: oricatmos on August 01, 2017, 06:06:16 PM
Nice community and nice new dev here I think. I'm in the boat me too. Maybe just one thing I do not like: the name of the cryptocurrency and the symbol. Name is important. But it's just my opinion. :)

We are absolutely open to ideas. The logo is still left from previous dev and will be changed eventually. I am just unsure yet if I will be firing up photoshop myself or if we should have a small contest.

As for the name, do you have any ideas? It wouldnt be done for awhile as there are more important aspects to work on first... but if many feel the same then a new logo and name will be added to the roadmap
I have many ideas but the question is: this coin is made for girls and women in crypto world or we don't know yet at 100%?
Another point: you must find a name with a not taken domain name in my opinion...
The women in crypto and technology niche is absolutely the way we plan to go for this coin. Once price and volume are up and we have some competitive features, then I will begin reaching out to non-profit organizations who also specialize in this niche.
Ok, I understand. Therefore maybe FemaleCoin is better than GirlsToken...

Femalecoin sounds pretty awful... I see no reason for changing the name of the token now...maybe if the original dev claims the copyright of the name and logo.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on August 01, 2017, 06:35:06 PM
I am on the fence at this point at changing the name [maybe if we can settle on a good one in  the future], however I agree completely that the logo needs some updating. Likely, these changes will be after we get some more features and exposure with exchanges.
I just checked and it looks like our wallet is "undergoing maintenance", I have NOT received confirmation yet but it looks like they are in the process of updating their wallet with our new code :) Hopefully soon we will be able to exchange our XGTC to BTC again [for the miners :)]

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: Ethereuming on August 02, 2017, 06:52:10 AM
From what I see in CoinExchange the name is not GirlsToken but GirlsTokenCoin (3 words)
Anyway, good luck dev. ;)

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: kondrat84 on August 02, 2017, 02:51:32 PM
Coin another on Yobit ?

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: kondrat84 on August 02, 2017, 02:55:31 PM
The deposit does not pass on Yobit

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: Louisa on August 02, 2017, 03:06:03 PM

hello dev ,Will it come a bit sooner than expected or is there any very recent status update?

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on August 02, 2017, 03:24:40 PM
@kondrat -> please see update a few posts above...
Until all exchanges have updated to the new wallet, DO NOT send coins from 2.1.1 wallet to exchanges. I will let everyone know when I have received contact back saying that they have made the switch.

Im not quite sure what you mean? will what be coming sooner the expected?

Yes I had noticed the same, I am hoping they will change that while they are updating wallet.

Thank you for pointing that out :) I had no idea about that other coin, and that gives us another reason to change logo over time

I am currently working on a 2.1.2 wallet [from a 9.x codebase] as I have noticed a few small bugs and a bit of lag in certain aspects of the new wallet.
At this point we are still waiting for confirmation from exchanges that they have updated.
Once all exchanges have updated and all is running well, I will be working on an android wallet next :)

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: shotgun1969 on August 04, 2017, 01:04:59 AM
here are my current working nodes after i set up 3 more wallets in my network.


yobit is on its own fork from what i  see and i believe all this coin needs is more nodes to help it along.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on August 04, 2017, 01:29:52 AM
Absolutely yobit has not switched over yet and is still on the old wallet and chain. Thank you for your list of seeds :)

I am still working on the nicer newer 9.x codebase, It is nearly ready, I am just having a few small issues connecting it to our network properly. Once these issue have been resolved it will be released and we can move on to bigger and better things for XGTC :)

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: shotgun1969 on August 04, 2017, 01:31:16 AM
Absolutely yobit has not switched over yet and is still on the old wallet and chain. Thank you for your list of seeds :)

I am still working on the nicer newer 9.x codebase, It is nearly ready, I am just having a few small issues connecting it to our network properly. Once these issue have been resolved it will be released and we can move on to bigger and better things for XGTC :)

cool beans   hey could you look at the upnp in the options  currently mine is shaded  is that good  or bad.   i dont have to open ports if it isnt shaded but do i have to open them when it is

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on August 04, 2017, 01:45:17 AM
Absolutely yobit has not switched over yet and is still on the old wallet and chain. Thank you for your list of seeds :)

I am still working on the nicer newer 9.x codebase, It is nearly ready, I am just having a few small issues connecting it to our network properly. Once these issue have been resolved it will be released and we can move on to bigger and better things for XGTC :)

cool beans   hey could you look at the upnp in the options  currently mine is shaded  is that good  or bad.   i dont have to open ports if it isnt shaded but do i have to open them when it is
100% the 9.x code is being built with the UPNP option, it was missing from the earlier releases as I was using an old 6.x base that suffered from a bug in the UPNP sections. To combat this I had disabled it during build.
I have chosen newer, cleaner code, with a few newer features and a bit nicer ui setup as a base for XGTC. The idea is that it will make implementing newer BIP protocols and features provided by some other altcoins a much easier task and allow for smoother updates ni the future.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: shotgun1969 on August 04, 2017, 01:49:44 AM
Absolutely yobit has not switched over yet and is still on the old wallet and chain. Thank you for your list of seeds :)

I am still working on the nicer newer 9.x codebase, It is nearly ready, I am just having a few small issues connecting it to our network properly. Once these issue have been resolved it will be released and we can move on to bigger and better things for XGTC :)

cool beans   hey could you look at the upnp in the options  currently mine is shaded  is that good  or bad.   i dont have to open ports if it isnt shaded but do i have to open them when it is
100% the 9.x code is being built with the UPNP option, it was missing from the earlier releases as I was using an old 6.x base that suffered from a bug in the UPNP sections. To combat this I had disabled it during build.
I have chosen newer, cleaner code, with a few newer features and a bit nicer ui setup as a base for XGTC. The idea is that it will make implementing newer BIP protocols and features provided by some other altcoins a much easier task and allow for smoother updates ni the future.

great to hear   keep up the good work

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: El marinero on August 04, 2017, 08:32:15 PM
Absolutely yobit has not switched over yet and is still on the old wallet and chain. Thank you for your list of seeds :)

I am still working on the nicer newer 9.x codebase, It is nearly ready, I am just having a few small issues connecting it to our network properly. Once these issue have been resolved it will be released and we can move on to bigger and better things for XGTC :)

cool beans   hey could you look at the upnp in the options  currently mine is shaded  is that good  or bad.   i dont have to open ports if it isnt shaded but do i have to open them when it is
100% the 9.x code is being built with the UPNP option, it was missing from the earlier releases as I was using an old 6.x base that suffered from a bug in the UPNP sections. To combat this I had disabled it during build.
I have chosen newer, cleaner code, with a few newer features and a bit nicer ui setup as a base for XGTC. The idea is that it will make implementing newer BIP protocols and features provided by some other altcoins a much easier task and allow for smoother updates ni the future.

I tried to send coins from coinexchange to yobit  4 days ago, the transaction still shows pending on coinexchange, everything was working great before, why the mess now?

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on August 04, 2017, 08:50:33 PM
In the post you quoted, it states that yobit is still on the old chain.
It is a known issue at this point and all we can do is wait

Until all exchanges have updated to the new wallet, DO NOT send coins from 2.1.1 wallet to exchanges. I will let everyone know when I have received contact back saying that they have made the switch.
I have an upgrade request in to support, but am still waiting on a response. I apologize for any inconvienence while we are waiting, but sadly there is nothing that can be done on my end.

After checking their wallet  is still under maintenance aswell...

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: El marinero on August 04, 2017, 10:47:16 PM
In the post you quoted, it states that yobit is still on the old chain.
It is a known issue at this point and all we can do is wait

Until all exchanges have updated to the new wallet, DO NOT send coins from 2.1.1 wallet to exchanges. I will let everyone know when I have received contact back saying that they have made the switch.
I have an upgrade request in to support, but am still waiting on a response. I apologize for any inconvienence while we are waiting, but sadly there is nothing that can be done on my end.

After checking their wallet  is still under maintenance aswell...

This coin was moving around darn fast with only 2 confirmations until you mess it up.... just saying, I have few transactions to yobit no issues, what old chain, there is not old chain, sound like bs

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on August 04, 2017, 11:04:40 PM
In the post you quoted, it states that yobit is still on the old chain.
It is a known issue at this point and all we can do is wait

Until all exchanges have updated to the new wallet, DO NOT send coins from 2.1.1 wallet to exchanges. I will let everyone know when I have received contact back saying that they have made the switch.
I have an upgrade request in to support, but am still waiting on a response. I apologize for any inconvienence while we are waiting, but sadly there is nothing that can be done on my end.

After checking their wallet  is still under maintenance aswell...

This coin was moving around darn fast with only 2 confirmations until you mess it up.... just saying, I have few transactions to yobit no issues, what old chain, there is not old chain, sound like bs
I understand your frustration, however there is no need for accusations of "bs".
If you had bothered to read even a portion of this thread [including the part you personally quoted] You would see that there was an update to a new wallet 2.1.1 which has blocked the old 1.0.8 wallets [created by 'tami'] . This is what is meant when I said "old chain" it is the one that includes superblocks and has 10% POS.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: kurbeks on August 05, 2017, 06:03:14 AM
Good luck to new dev

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: kurbeks on August 05, 2017, 12:02:21 PM
Is YoloBit asking for Million confirmations? Still havent credited my deposit from pool and one from wallet

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: kurbeks on August 05, 2017, 12:03:08 PM
K read about not sending to exchanges. Will wait then :)

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on August 05, 2017, 04:03:41 PM
K read about not sending to exchanges. Will wait then :)
Thank you for reading above :) And I apologize for it taking so long, I will send off another message to support in an attempt to speed things up. is currently in the same situation, and coinsmarkets is waiting on me [windows daemon needs to be built.] My hope is that I will be able to finish the new 2.1.2 wallet before they upgrade that way all can be on the same wallet.

As for the progress with the 9.x wallet, It connects to the network and sees peers, however at this point it seems to be too large of a leap [from 6.x to 9.x] and they are not correctly communicating with each other. This being said, I am currently looking for a good POSPOW scrypt coin with an 8.x network protocol version to compare and hopefully locate the portion of code that is causing "misbehaving" seed nodes.

My plan for today on the wallet is to use a simple "git difftool" command to locate any portions I may have missed or possibly forgotten in the new code, which may be causing the issues.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: El marinero on August 05, 2017, 06:09:32 PM
In the post you quoted, it states that yobit is still on the old chain.
It is a known issue at this point and all we can do is wait

Until all exchanges have updated to the new wallet, DO NOT send coins from 2.1.1 wallet to exchanges. I will let everyone know when I have received contact back saying that they have made the switch.
I have an upgrade request in to support, but am still waiting on a response. I apologize for any inconvienence while we are waiting, but sadly there is nothing that can be done on my end.

After checking their wallet  is still under maintenance aswell...

This coin was moving around darn fast with only 2 confirmations until you mess it up.... just saying, I have few transactions to yobit no issues, what old chain, there is not old chain, sound like bs
I understand your frustration, however there is no need for accusations of "bs".
If you had bothered to read even a portion of this thread [including the part you personally quoted] You would see that there was an update to a new wallet 2.1.1 which has blocked the old 1.0.8 wallets [created by 'tami'] . This is what is meant when I said "old chain" it is the one that includes superblocks and has 10% POS.

Frustration? WTF I want my money back!

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on August 05, 2017, 06:22:49 PM
In the post you quoted, it states that yobit is still on the old chain.
It is a known issue at this point and all we can do is wait

Until all exchanges have updated to the new wallet, DO NOT send coins from 2.1.1 wallet to exchanges. I will let everyone know when I have received contact back saying that they have made the switch.
I have an upgrade request in to support, but am still waiting on a response. I apologize for any inconvienence while we are waiting, but sadly there is nothing that can be done on my end.

After checking their wallet  is still under maintenance aswell...

This coin was moving around darn fast with only 2 confirmations until you mess it up.... just saying, I have few transactions to yobit no issues, what old chain, there is not old chain, sound like bs
I understand your frustration, however there is no need for accusations of "bs".
If you had bothered to read even a portion of this thread [including the part you personally quoted] You would see that there was an update to a new wallet 2.1.1 which has blocked the old 1.0.8 wallets [created by 'tami'] . This is what is meant when I said "old chain" it is the one that includes superblocks and has 10% POS.

Frustration? WTF I want my money back!
Once again, if you read my response, your quoted text, or any portion of this thread, you will see WE ARE ALL WAITING on the exchanges to upgrade. It is not just you, NO ONE has taken your money. I myself am unable to send to an exchange at this time, so what possible motive would I have for causing you to "loose" money?
If this situation is new to you, or possibly you are new to crypto, I will explain once more in greater detail.

There were changes made to wallet to remove the superblocks, and to drop the POS %. This was done to lower inflation over time and give us all a coin worth a little more [smaller supply means more difficult to aquire in the future].
Because of these changes, the old wallet [with superblocks and 10%POS] was blocked using networking protocol versions. This would stop people from sending to the old wallets as eventually they will no longer be able to "locate a block source". The new wallet has been released and many have switched over.
We are all waiting on the exchanges to switch to the new wallet and support tickets have been filed asking for this very thing. Exchanges host multiple coins and as such may take time to complete the switch. Until that time ALL have been advised... multiple times... to avoid sending to the exchanges. This warning was to prevent users from ending up in your current situation, stuck in limbo waiting for a transaction to complete.
However, due to the nature of the blockchain, so long as you have your wallet.dat and private keys, your coins dont simply "disappear".
As soon as the upgrade is finished and we are ALL on the new codebase the transaction should complete and you should see your coins.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: El marinero on August 05, 2017, 06:30:08 PM
In the post you quoted, it states that yobit is still on the old chain.
It is a known issue at this point and all we can do is wait

Until all exchanges have updated to the new wallet, DO NOT send coins from 2.1.1 wallet to exchanges. I will let everyone know when I have received contact back saying that they have made the switch.
I have an upgrade request in to support, but am still waiting on a response. I apologize for any inconvienence while we are waiting, but sadly there is nothing that can be done on my end.

After checking their wallet  is still under maintenance aswell...

This coin was moving around darn fast with only 2 confirmations until you mess it up.... just saying, I have few transactions to yobit no issues, what old chain, there is not old chain, sound like bs
I understand your frustration, however there is no need for accusations of "bs".
If you had bothered to read even a portion of this thread [including the part you personally quoted] You would see that there was an update to a new wallet 2.1.1 which has blocked the old 1.0.8 wallets [created by 'tami'] . This is what is meant when I said "old chain" it is the one that includes superblocks and has 10% POS.

Frustration? WTF I want my money back!
Once again, if you read my response, your quoted text, or any portion of this thread, you will see WE ARE ALL WAITING on the exchanges to upgrade. It is not just you, NO ONE has taken your money. I myself am unable to send to an exchange at this time, so what possible motive would I have for causing you to "loose" money?
If this situation is new to you, or possibly you are new to crypto, I will explain once more in greater detail.

There were changes made to wallet to remove the superblocks, and to drop the POS %. This was done to lower inflation over time and give us all a coin worth a little more [smaller supply means more difficult to aquire in the future].
Because of these changes, the old wallet [with superblocks and 10%POS] was blocked using networking protocol versions. This would stop people from sending to the old wallets as eventually they will no longer be able to "locate a block source". The new wallet has been released and many have switched over.
We are all waiting on the exchanges to switch to the new wallet and support tickets have been filed asking for this very thing. Exchanges host multiple coins and as such may take time to complete the switch. Until that time ALL have been advised... multiple times... to avoid sending to the exchanges. This warning was to prevent users from ending up in your current situation, stuck in limbo waiting for a transaction to complete.
However, due to the nature of the blockchain, so long as you have your wallet.dat and private keys, your coins dont simply "disappear".
As soon as the upgrade is finished and we are ALL on the new codebase the transaction should complete and you should see your coins.

Yes I am "new" to crypto, new enough to notice fail projects like ECC or ICASH, see how people get money ripped off with an excuse of wallet, chain or whatever, I hope I see my money back...

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on August 05, 2017, 06:48:05 PM
You are exactly right, there are many failed projects, and THIS WAS ONE! I was a community member of the original XGTC, who decided to try and help RECOVER the community's lost money.
I am doing all of this in my spare time, simply to try and help this coin and its users. Nothing done here is an attempt at a scam, or to take anyone's money.
I have taken NO premine or ICO, and have NO dev fund. Any XGTC I own is from mining and from pool fees.
All of this information is publicly available here in this thread. I have even gone as far as to reveal my real name in the OP, as well as to fully admit:
-I AM NOT by definition a C++ dev.... progress will be slow yet deliberate and steady
-I have base knowledge of many coding languages which I am basing my work off of.
-I am one man, with a family and two jobs, and although development will always continue, this fact must not be forgotten.
which is a direct quote from our OP.
I am doing my best to keep updates happening steadily, and have even produced new [to xgtc] things for the community, such as a vanity address generator and mac and linux qt wallets.
I have been nothing but upfront and honest with any issues that have happened and with any progress made.

as for my "new to crypto" comment, I truly meant no offense, and thought possibly that a miscommunication may have happened in my earlier explanations.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: Ethereuming on August 06, 2017, 05:27:28 AM
Maybe we will see good things in the future... Good luck dev  :)

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: kondrat84 on August 06, 2017, 10:46:17 AM
After losing internet connection,I can not synchronize my wallet,Stuck at 404 5962 block.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on August 06, 2017, 06:03:35 PM
After losing internet connection,I can not synchronize my wallet,Stuck at 404 5962 block.
I am working on the seed node now to try to "bridge the gap" between the 2.1.1 wallet and the new 2.1.2. My hope was to backport a few networking features to allow them to connect properly. I will revert my changes and all should be well again 😊

These changes have been reverted, please try again and syncing should be fine :)
Worst case scenario, please go to the GirlsToken folder and delete ONLY peers.dat, this will allow all connections to be refreshed, HOWEVER DO NOT DELETE anything else.
"blocks" : 411406,

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on August 06, 2017, 07:38:11 PM
After losing internet connection,I can not synchronize my wallet,Stuck at 404 5962 block.
I am working on the seed node now to try to "bridge the gap" between the 2.1.1 wallet and the new 2.1.2. My hope was to backport a few networking features to allow them to connect properly. I will revert my changes and all should be well again 😊

These changes have been reverted, please try again and syncing should be fine :)
Worst case scenario, please go to the GirlsToken folder and delete ONLY peers.dat, this will allow all connections to be refreshed, HOWEVER DO NOT DELETE anything else.
"blocks" : 411406,

Since backporting directly to the seed node caused issues, I am currently working on a new build of the 2.1.1 wallet. This one has UPNP fixed and the bloom filters update rolled back as it has caused more issues then it fixed. This will be version and I will continue making small build updates (eg. until I have fixed all of the issues with our 6.x wallet connecting to the newer 2.1.2 code based on a 9.x network protocol.

To explain the issue between the current and 2.1.2 wallets in more detail:
I am receiving multiple 'processmessage(inv, 37 bytes) failed' errors in the newest (unreleased) code, caused by "unkown INV type messages". This is a known issue between <7.x and >9.x wallets and was fixed in the 8.x series BTC wallets.

There has been a new release available in the OP. This release rolls back the bloom filters which were quite buggy and fixes a few other issues. I will be making small updates to this branch [eg.] until I have successfully "bridged the gap" between the current version and the new version 2.1.2 that will be released in the future. The reason for the branch is due to an issue with connections between 6.x and 9.x wallets.
WE ARE STILL WAITING ON EXCHANGES TO UPDATE. They have all been informed of the release and as none have completed the original upgrade yet, it should be no issue to switch to this one instead. I have also created the windows daemon that coinsmarkets required and as such they should be updated soon aswell. :)

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on August 07, 2017, 07:31:49 PM
How do you plan to deal with the 2 different chains? The original chain/wallet is still being mined and coins being purchased\sold on yobit. So either people mining the new chain/wallet will lose coins or people mining the old chain/wallet will lose coins. New chain is on block 413744 while Original chain is on block 411453
Yes there has absolutely been a fork, and the differences between them will get larger at block 450k when superblock removal and POS% dropping (10% to 2.5%) come in to play.
This is why users were warned not to send to exchanges until they had updated, and why the changes were decided by the community earlier in this thread.
As with all forks, one chain will eventually die out, or someone will continue development on the split and a new coin will be born.
I assumed (and still do) that because development on the old 1.0.8 chain has been completely stopped (see this thread and original XGTC thread for details) that most/all will soon switch over the chain that is actively developed.
I have put requests in to all 3 exchanges for them to update to the new code/chain and am awaiting reply. Any who choose to remain on the old code/chain that is not being developed absolutely risk loosing coins, as you pointed out, and as has been pointed out a few times throughout this thread.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on August 07, 2017, 11:09:42 PM
I have worked up a concept for a new logo, and am working on one or two more, community members are welcome to submit their own aswell, and the community can decide through a poll once a few have been made

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on August 08, 2017, 12:05:59 AM
I paid to have the coin listed on yobit as I said i would do earlier.

Donations to help offset cost would be appreciated  ;)

XGTC address GJMjBWZcjJR34HnPeD8oE39yTK4ajicUyG

BTC address 1FBgVtyfmaY5VAEuVNEmBimtk6vjZPwvAT
Sending another 10k XGTC, Im sorry its so slow, but your contribution will be repaid as quickly as possible :)
txid = 1848fdd64cb2f0b7c408dc4ad4b711650cee3478be02d516fe41afad7f305a8e

And another 10k :)
txid = de3e25732cffeb656c3b0aa32014cef45e31ada6152bc9794ad898df4cf49206

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: Ethereuming on August 09, 2017, 04:01:09 PM
 GoGo XGTC ;D Attack...
We are not yet on coinmarketcap.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: Lucky7btc on August 09, 2017, 04:04:25 PM
I paid to have the coin listed on yobit as I said i would do earlier.

Donations to help offset cost would be appreciated  ;)

XGTC address GJMjBWZcjJR34HnPeD8oE39yTK4ajicUyG

BTC address 1FBgVtyfmaY5VAEuVNEmBimtk6vjZPwvAT
Sending another 10k XGTC, Im sorry its so slow, but your contribution will be repaid as quickly as possible :)
txid = 1848fdd64cb2f0b7c408dc4ad4b711650cee3478be02d516fe41afad7f305a8e

And another 10k :)
txid = de3e25732cffeb656c3b0aa32014cef45e31ada6152bc9794ad898df4cf49206

didn't receive it. Don't why not lol.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: Aragorg on August 09, 2017, 04:08:18 PM
I have worked up a concept for a new logo, and am working on one or two more, community members are welcome to submit their own aswell, and the community can decide through a poll once a few have been made

I like this logo way better then the old one allready, nice work :)

Greetings Aragorg

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on August 09, 2017, 05:37:50 PM
I paid to have the coin listed on yobit as I said i would do earlier.

Donations to help offset cost would be appreciated  ;)

XGTC address GJMjBWZcjJR34HnPeD8oE39yTK4ajicUyG

BTC address 1FBgVtyfmaY5VAEuVNEmBimtk6vjZPwvAT
Sending another 10k XGTC, Im sorry its so slow, but your contribution will be repaid as quickly as possible :)
txid = 1848fdd64cb2f0b7c408dc4ad4b711650cee3478be02d516fe41afad7f305a8e

And another 10k :)
txid = de3e25732cffeb656c3b0aa32014cef45e31ada6152bc9794ad898df4cf49206

didn't receive it. Don't why not lol.

Heres a print out from the block explorer:
HASH                                                                                                                       SIZE         AMOUNT
de3e25732cffeb656c3b0aa32014cef45e31ada6152bc9794ad898df4cf49206   1975   10000.01061434      
Gb77E66gRZigZEBHp73WmHVoiCLPGmEriA (0.01061434)
GJMjBWZcjJR34HnPeD8oE39yTK4ajicUyG (10000)

Is it possible you are not at the correct block 418862?

I like this logo way better then the old one allready, nice work Smiley
Thank you :) Im doing my best to get all running and looking nice for everyone.

Small update
Coinsmarkets is in the process of updating  to the new code, However, as they are coming from the 1.0.8 wallet, they have run into the "known" corrupt wallet issue caused by the 1.0.8 wallet using non-standard BDB version. Once this issue has been properly resolved they should be up and running on the code and I will let you all know :)

GoGo XGTC ;D Attack...
We are not yet on coinmarketcap.
I figure once we have all exchanges on the same chain, and once we have found a stable base price [whether 5, 10, or 100 sats so long as its stable] then I will reach out to coinsmarketcap and hopefully get a listing.
My eventual goal is to also secure a spot on a POS pool for safer, more steady POS interest gaining

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: Ethereuming on August 09, 2017, 06:31:43 PM
I paid to have the coin listed on yobit as I said i would do earlier.

Donations to help offset cost would be appreciated  ;)

XGTC address GJMjBWZcjJR34HnPeD8oE39yTK4ajicUyG

BTC address 1FBgVtyfmaY5VAEuVNEmBimtk6vjZPwvAT
Sending another 10k XGTC, Im sorry its so slow, but your contribution will be repaid as quickly as possible :)
txid = 1848fdd64cb2f0b7c408dc4ad4b711650cee3478be02d516fe41afad7f305a8e

And another 10k :)
txid = de3e25732cffeb656c3b0aa32014cef45e31ada6152bc9794ad898df4cf49206

didn't receive it. Don't why not lol.

Heres a print out from the block explorer:
HASH                                                                                                                       SIZE         AMOUNT
de3e25732cffeb656c3b0aa32014cef45e31ada6152bc9794ad898df4cf49206   1975   10000.01061434      
Gb77E66gRZigZEBHp73WmHVoiCLPGmEriA (0.01061434)
GJMjBWZcjJR34HnPeD8oE39yTK4ajicUyG (10000)

Is it possible you are not at the correct block 418862?

I like this logo way better then the old one allready, nice work Smiley
Thank you :) Im doing my best to get all running and looking nice for everyone.

Small update
Coinsmarkets is in the process of updating  to the new code, However, as they are coming from the 1.0.8 wallet, they have run into the "known" corrupt wallet issue caused by the 1.0.8 wallet using non-standard BDB version. Once this issue has been properly resolved they should be up and running on the code and I will let you all know :)

GoGo XGTC ;D Attack...
We are not yet on coinmarketcap.
I figure once we have all exchanges on the same chain, and once we have found a stable base price [whether 5, 10, or 100 sats so long as its stable] then I will reach out to coinsmarketcap and hopefully get a listing.
My eventual goal is to also secure a spot on a POS pool for safer, more steady POS interest gaining
Great Job Dev  ;)

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: Ethereuming on August 10, 2017, 06:08:45 AM
XGTC in under maintenance in coinexchange and the withdraw of XGTC coins is not possible.
There is a huge difference between coinexchange value and yobit value  ???

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: El marinero on August 10, 2017, 06:46:35 AM
You are exactly right, there are many failed projects, and THIS WAS ONE! I was a community member of the original XGTC, who decided to try and help RECOVER the community's lost money.
I am doing all of this in my spare time, simply to try and help this coin and its users. Nothing done here is an attempt at a scam, or to take anyone's money.
I have taken NO premine or ICO, and have NO dev fund. Any XGTC I own is from mining and from pool fees.
All of this information is publicly available here in this thread. I have even gone as far as to reveal my real name in the OP, as well as to fully admit:
-I AM NOT by definition a C++ dev.... progress will be slow yet deliberate and steady
-I have base knowledge of many coding languages which I am basing my work off of.
-I am one man, with a family and two jobs, and although development will always continue, this fact must not be forgotten.
which is a direct quote from our OP.
I am doing my best to keep updates happening steadily, and have even produced new [to xgtc] things for the community, such as a vanity address generator and mac and linux qt wallets.
I have been nothing but upfront and honest with any issues that have happened and with any progress made.

as for my "new to crypto" comment, I truly meant no offense, and thought possibly that a miscommunication may have happened in my earlier explanations.

So what about coinexchnge wallet? I see you are happy trading on yobit but blocking us of with this wallet bs

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: jezus on August 10, 2017, 06:51:15 AM
Which wallet have yobit?

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on August 10, 2017, 07:07:36 AM
You are exactly right, there are many failed projects, and THIS WAS ONE! I was a community member of the original XGTC, who decided to try and help RECOVER the community's lost money.
I am doing all of this in my spare time, simply to try and help this coin and its users. Nothing done here is an attempt at a scam, or to take anyone's money.
I have taken NO premine or ICO, and have NO dev fund. Any XGTC I own is from mining and from pool fees.
All of this information is publicly available here in this thread. I have even gone as far as to reveal my real name in the OP, as well as to fully admit:
-I AM NOT by definition a C++ dev.... progress will be slow yet deliberate and steady
-I have base knowledge of many coding languages which I am basing my work off of.
-I am one man, with a family and two jobs, and although development will always continue, this fact must not be forgotten.
which is a direct quote from our OP.
I am doing my best to keep updates happening steadily, and have even produced new [to xgtc] things for the community, such as a vanity address generator and mac and linux qt wallets.
I have been nothing but upfront and honest with any issues that have happened and with any progress made.

as for my "new to crypto" comment, I truly meant no offense, and thought possibly that a miscommunication may have happened in my earlier explanations.

So what about coinexchnge wallet? I see you are happy trading on yobit but blocking us of with this wallet bs

Again, i am not trading anywhere. I am busy working on the code itself. Please show how you "see I am happy trading"??? As stated multiple times Yobit is on their own chain, the 1.0.8 chain.
A request is in for update howeved the "expected time" of resolution is 8-14 days on a free level. The request was made 2017-07-31 17:19.
Anyone choosing to remain on the old wallet and chain are welcome to do so, but do not expect support for it, and if you remain on that wallet/chain you risk losing coins as it IS NOT being developed.
I have made it clear that i run the 2.0 version of XGTC and another dev "tami" used to run the original version.

WE ARE STILL WAITING ON EXCHANGES TO UPDATE. They have all been informed of the release and as none have completed the original upgrade yet, it should be no issue to switch to this one instead. I have also created the windows daemon that coinsmarkets required and as such they should be updated soon aswell. 

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: Ethereuming on August 10, 2017, 02:37:02 PM
And why the big difference between price in coinexchange and in yobit ?  I don't understand well.  ??? Or maybe there isn't a reason.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: mmm01 on August 10, 2017, 02:54:23 PM
so this shouldn't be purchased on any exchange at the moment?

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on August 10, 2017, 03:11:43 PM
And why the big difference between price in coinexchange and in yobit ?  I don't understand well.  ??? Or maybe there isn't a reason.
The only reason I can think of for the price difference is that has their wallet in maintenance mode, stopping deposits and withdraws untill they have updated. Whereas yobit seems to be continuing on the old chain at this moment. I have been speaking with coinsmarkets about their upgrade, and for a short timt they were synced and up, however still on the old chain. They have been provided with addnodes and our bootstrap to ensure proper syncing this time.

so this shouldn't be purchased on any exchange at the moment?
At this moment I suggest not to, as any coins bought and sold on the old chain will be invalid on the new chain, and are likely to be lost when all exchanges have completed the update

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: Ethereuming on August 10, 2017, 03:21:56 PM
Personally all my coins are in wallet. Is it a problem for me? Maybe I will lose my coins?

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on August 10, 2017, 03:50:40 PM
Personally all my coins are in wallet. Is it a problem for me? Maybe I will lose my coins?
So long as they were sent there BEFORE the chain split, then they will still be there after the update. This is the nature of the blockchain. This is why all were warned to backup wallets and priv keys, and to ensure that you are on the correct chain that is being developed. Rather then the old chain [that yobit still seems to be on]

This is why stopped withdrawls and deposits and why coinmarkets did aswell, if coins cannot be moved at this time then they should be safe.

I would like to clarify, IF you are on the newest software, AND are on the correct chain @ block 421194 then your coins are ABSOLUTELY safe. IF however, you are still using the old 1.0.8 software then you risk losing coins.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: Theone101 on August 10, 2017, 04:08:17 PM
Personally all my coins are in wallet. Is it a problem for me? Maybe I will lose my coins?
So long as they were sent there BEFORE the chain split, then they will still be there after the update. This is the nature of the blockchain. This is why all were warned to backup wallets and priv keys, and to ensure that you are on the correct chain that is being developed. Rather then the old chain [that yobit still seems to be on]

This is why stopped withdrawls and deposits and why coinmarkets did aswell, if coins cannot be moved at this time then they should be safe.

I would like to clarify, IF you are on the newest software, AND are on the correct chain @ block 421194 then your coins are ABSOLUTELY safe. IF however, you are still using the old 1.0.8 software then you risk losing coins.

So if my coins are at will they be safe once the chain is updated on there side and there wallet is fixed as well?!

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on August 10, 2017, 04:40:07 PM
Personally all my coins are in wallet. Is it a problem for me? Maybe I will lose my coins?
So long as they were sent there BEFORE the chain split, then they will still be there after the update. This is the nature of the blockchain. This is why all were warned to backup wallets and priv keys, and to ensure that you are on the correct chain that is being developed. Rather then the old chain [that yobit still seems to be on]

This is why stopped withdrawls and deposits and why coinmarkets did aswell, if coins cannot be moved at this time then they should be safe.

I would like to clarify, IF you are on the newest software, AND are on the correct chain @ block 421194 then your coins are ABSOLUTELY safe. IF however, you are still using the old 1.0.8 software then you risk losing coins.

So if my coins are at will they be safe once the chain is updated on there side and there wallet is fixed as well?!
So long as they were sent and recieved before the split then yes they should be 100% safe
I have edited the addnodes available in the OP, they are guaranteed to be on the correct chain a and wallet version. Also I will be uploading a new bootstrap.dat later today, I am trying to do a fresh bootstrap every 1-2 days to keep all together on the correct chain untill block 450k when we will become completely separate from the original GirlsToken and its chain.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: El marinero on August 10, 2017, 05:24:12 PM
And why the big difference between price in coinexchange and in yobit ?  I don't understand well.  ??? Or maybe there isn't a reason.
The only reason I can think of for the price difference is that has their wallet in maintenance mode, stopping deposits and withdraws untill they have updated. Whereas yobit seems to be continuing on the old chain at this moment. I have been speaking with coinsmarkets about their upgrade, and for a short timt they were synced and up, however still on the old chain. They have been provided with addnodes and our bootstrap to ensure proper syncing this time.

so this shouldn't be purchased on any exchange at the moment?
At this moment I suggest not to, as any coins bought and sold on the old chain will be invalid on the new chain, and are likely to be lost when all exchanges have completed the update


Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on August 10, 2017, 06:29:24 PM
And why the big difference between price in coinexchange and in yobit ?  I don't understand well.  ??? Or maybe there isn't a reason.
The only reason I can think of for the price difference is that has their wallet in maintenance mode, stopping deposits and withdraws untill they have updated. Whereas yobit seems to be continuing on the old chain at this moment. I have been speaking with coinsmarkets about their upgrade, and for a short timt they were synced and up, however still on the old chain. They have been provided with addnodes and our bootstrap to ensure proper syncing this time.

so this shouldn't be purchased on any exchange at the moment?
At this moment I suggest not to, as any coins bought and sold on the old chain will be invalid on the new chain, and are likely to be lost when all exchanges have completed the update

You are welcome to your opinion, and at this point there is nothing more I can say to convince you otherwise. If this is the way you feel, then YOU should personally stay on the 1.0.8 software..... with no dev.
At this point I'm beginning to think your unwillingness to listen to reason is on purpose and not just due to some possible language barrier. You are absolutely free to express your opinions and feelings, however there is no need for that type of language. I will ask you to refrain from CURSING [as I say, express your opinions just don't curse] in this thread or you will be reported to a mod.
I truly believe at this point you have chosen the wrong chain, and are upset at choosing the "loosing side" and now are spamming my thread with trolling comments and FUD. Please show proof I am "taking money" or stop your accusations. I am a small miner, who is doing his best to build something for a community that was abandoned. How does this make me a F****** RAT?

here is a quote where you describe this EXACT situation for another coin:
Ok thanks, but then how the coin is going to be traded? See something similar happened to I cash, but yobit continued trading old chain, when people want to withdraw, those coins got lost, but at the end of the day, who got the bad name is I cash and lost reputation, good luck with that
So you understand the situation fine.... your just trolling at this point. Also, taking a look at your post history [which is VERY short btw] you seem to troll many threads, calling names and claiming scam. Good luck, any more nonsense and you will be put on "ignore" and reported to mod.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: Mr.merson on August 10, 2017, 08:34:23 PM
Is there any exchange that is currently working with the currency (to change for other altcoins)? I sent a "GirlsToken", previously in yobit but it seems that they were lost in the route  :P

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on August 10, 2017, 08:49:15 PM
Is there any exchange that is currently working with the currency (to change for other altcoins)? I sent a "GirlsToken", previously in yobit but it seems that they were lost in the route  :P
Right this second no.. I have support requests in to all 3 exchanges.

And I know coinsmarkets are nearly finished with the update (had an issue with being stuck at block 199998, and a corrupt wallet, both fixed.)

So at this point its when they are all able to get the time to complete the update. I assume are in the process aswell since their wallet is still in maintenance mode.

Yobit is currently known to be on the wrong original chain from the 1.0.8 wallet. So if you are able to trade a balance already there and earn some btc then great.... but be warned that anyone still on the 1.0.8 chain risks loosing coins once the update is complete since they are being bought and sold on a separate chain.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: El marinero on August 10, 2017, 10:36:09 PM
And why the big difference between price in coinexchange and in yobit ?  I don't understand well.  ??? Or maybe there isn't a reason.
The only reason I can think of for the price difference is that has their wallet in maintenance mode, stopping deposits and withdraws untill they have updated. Whereas yobit seems to be continuing on the old chain at this moment. I have been speaking with coinsmarkets about their upgrade, and for a short timt they were synced and up, however still on the old chain. They have been provided with addnodes and our bootstrap to ensure proper syncing this time.

so this shouldn't be purchased on any exchange at the moment?
At this moment I suggest not to, as any coins bought and sold on the old chain will be invalid on the new chain, and are likely to be lost when all exchanges have completed the update

You are welcome to your opinion, and at this point there is nothing more I can say to convince you otherwise. If this is the way you feel, then YOU should personally stay on the 1.0.8 software..... with no dev.
At this point I'm beginning to think your unwillingness to listen to reason is on purpose and not just due to some possible language barrier. You are absolutely free to express your opinions and feelings, however there is no need for that type of language. I will ask you to refrain from CURSING [as I say, express your opinions just don't curse] in this thread or you will be reported to a mod.
I truly believe at this point you have chosen the wrong chain, and are upset at choosing the "loosing side" and now are spamming my thread with trolling comments and FUD. Please show proof I am "taking money" or stop your accusations. I am a small miner, who is doing his best to build something for a community that was abandoned. How does this make me a F****** RAT?

here is a quote where you describe this EXACT situation for another coin:
Ok thanks, but then how the coin is going to be traded? See something similar happened to I cash, but yobit continued trading old chain, when people want to withdraw, those coins got lost, but at the end of the day, who got the bad name is I cash and lost reputation, good luck with that
So you understand the situation fine.... your just trolling at this point. Also, taking a look at your post history [which is VERY short btw] you seem to troll many threads, calling names and claiming scam. Good luck, any more nonsense and you will be put on "ignore" and reported to mod.

Coin was not abandoned, even Tami quoted you on original bitcointalk, this coin was performing great when some guy paid yobit add out of his own pocket, transactions were lighting fast, less than two minutes, then you started messing around the wallets and coin stopped all of the sudden, you are the typical takeover rat who wants to change "blockchain" but instead you are creating a new coins for your own benefit and as you stated before, people who invest on original XGTC will loose their money, damn, not even a swap option, that is malefic to say the least

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on August 10, 2017, 10:42:52 PM
For the last time.... check my post history, never once have i taken over anything before trying my best to HELP this coin. YOU (as at this point im quite sure you in fact ARE tami) left for 2 months while many complained of MANY issues with the wallet. No updates were made to the code in 5 months.... and lastly but most important... this was a community decision, which i have offered to step down from more then once. Go elsewhere and spread your FUD we are fine without you.

Hmmmm... after checking your account page again.... 0 information about who you may be, on a fairly new account that has done little more then troll multiple coins and developers.
Meanwhile, I have been upfront and honest about who I am ,and what my goals are, I have taken time out of my own life to try and help the community. Most of whom have been wonderful and very receptive to the idea of someone actually putting some effort behind this coin.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: El marinero on August 10, 2017, 11:25:34 PM
For the last time.... check my post history, never once have i taken over anything before trying my best to HELP this coin. YOU (as at this point im quite sure you in fact ARE tami) left for 2 months while many complained of MANY issues with the wallet. No updates were made to the code in 5 months.... and lastly but most important... this was a community decision, which i have offered to step down from more then once. Go elsewhere and spread your FUD we are fine without you.

Hmmmm... after checking your account page again.... 0 information about who you may be, on a fairly new account that has done little more then troll multiple coins and developers.
Meanwhile, I have been upfront and honest about who I am ,and what my goals are, I have taken time out of my own life to try and help the community. Most of whom have been wonderful and very receptive to the idea of someone actually putting some effort behind this coin.

I am the community, usually rat devs defraud community, not the other way around

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on August 10, 2017, 11:36:06 PM
Ok, lets go with your logic here. You are the community.... so what have you done to further this coin? What effort have you made? Where were you when it was falling apart and had zero support?

I have worked quite hard to produce what i have, far more then what was available before. I have done it in my own spare time and even spent most of my vacation answering questions and supplying support to those who needed it. I have done nothing but try and make this coin the best it could be.

I have received no donations, i have asked for no dev fund, how am i taking peoples money? I earned my xgtc in the same way as everyone else.

<edit> did you ever even post once in the original thread? Or during the takeover?

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on August 11, 2017, 01:14:57 AM
@The rest of the community:
I have pushed a small update, it is NOT needed to upgrade to this one as all it includes is our new logo, but windows, mac and Linux qt and daemons are up. Also I have updated the bootstrap.dat to 421453 blocks. Enjoy :)

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: oricatmos on August 11, 2017, 09:09:43 AM
For the last time.... check my post history, never once have i taken over anything before trying my best to HELP this coin. YOU (as at this point im quite sure you in fact ARE tami) left for 2 months while many complained of MANY issues with the wallet. No updates were made to the code in 5 months.... and lastly but most important... this was a community decision, which i have offered to step down from more then once. Go elsewhere and spread your FUD we are fine without you.

Hmmmm... after checking your account page again.... 0 information about who you may be, on a fairly new account that has done little more then troll multiple coins and developers.
Meanwhile, I have been upfront and honest about who I am ,and what my goals are, I have taken time out of my own life to try and help the community. Most of whom have been wonderful and very receptive to the idea of someone actually putting some effort behind this coin.

I am the community, usually rat devs defraud community, not the other way around

The fact is that I8nit3 has become more involved in the token than tami was. He solves the wallet issues (super slow performance) instead of be hidden like the previous dev and he is making improvements to the token. Also the quotation has risen from 1-2 sats to 40 since his work so...there are some reasons for trust him, isn't it?
All users are part of the community , not only you.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on August 11, 2017, 03:31:46 PM
BIG UPDATE is back open!! they have synced to the correct chain and I have sent a test transactions to ensure coins arrive as they should :) Aslo they allow staking on their platform :)

Thank you for your kind words :)

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: El marinero on August 11, 2017, 05:27:35 PM
Ok, lets go with your logic here. You are the community.... so what have you done to further this coin? What effort have you made? Where were you when it was falling apart and had zero support?

I have worked quite hard to produce what i have, far more then what was available before. I have done it in my own spare time and even spent most of my vacation answering questions and supplying support to those who needed it. I have done nothing but try and make this coin the best it could be.

I have received no donations, i have asked for no dev fund, how am i taking peoples money? I earned my xgtc in the same way as everyone else.

<edit> did you ever even post once in the original thread? Or during the takeover?

What is going to happen to all coins in coinexchange and yobit allready named XGTC?
What was wrong with the coin so it needed your "help", if coin was traveling in just two minutes from one address to another confirmations included?
There was not problems at all, coin need not "upgrades", from here more likely those are downgrades, so what the community does? invest on a coin because there is some trust, now that trust is gone because your actions

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on August 11, 2017, 05:45:14 PM
Ok, lets go with your logic here. You are the community.... so what have you done to further this coin? What effort have you made? Where were you when it was falling apart and had zero support?

I have worked quite hard to produce what i have, far more then what was available before. I have done it in my own spare time and even spent most of my vacation answering questions and supplying support to those who needed it. I have done nothing but try and make this coin the best it could be.

I have received no donations, i have asked for no dev fund, how am i taking peoples money? I earned my xgtc in the same way as everyone else.

<edit> did you ever even post once in the original thread? Or during the takeover?

What is going to happen to all coins in coinexchange and yobit allready named XGTC?
What was wrong with the coin so it needed your "help", if coin was traveling in just two minutes from one address to another confirmations included?
There was not problems at all, coin need not "upgrades", from here more likely those are downgrades, so what the community does? invest on a coin because there is some trust, now that trust is gone because your actions
Once again you wait until I put out an update to the community and try to bury it in the thread with your FUD garbage. All of your questions have been answered, by me and others but you refuse to read any of it and continue to spew on with FUD.

I invite the REST OF THE COMMUNITY to click the ignore button beneath "El marinero's" name on the left side of the thread, this will stop showing his needless FUD and drama, and allow you to see updates properly.

And I remind all that POST#2 of this thread will always contain our most recent updates in one spot :)

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: El marinero on August 11, 2017, 06:04:27 PM
Ok, lets go with your logic here. You are the community.... so what have you done to further this coin? What effort have you made? Where were you when it was falling apart and had zero support?

I have worked quite hard to produce what i have, far more then what was available before. I have done it in my own spare time and even spent most of my vacation answering questions and supplying support to those who needed it. I have done nothing but try and make this coin the best it could be.

I have received no donations, i have asked for no dev fund, how am i taking peoples money? I earned my xgtc in the same way as everyone else.

<edit> did you ever even post once in the original thread? Or during the takeover?

What is going to happen to all coins in coinexchange and yobit allready named XGTC?
What was wrong with the coin so it needed your "help", if coin was traveling in just two minutes from one address to another confirmations included?
There was not problems at all, coin need not "upgrades", from here more likely those are downgrades, so what the community does? invest on a coin because there is some trust, now that trust is gone because your actions
Once again you wait until I put out an update to the community and try to bury it in the thread with your FUD garbage. All of your questions have been answered, by me and others but you refuse to read any of it and continue to spew on with FUD.

I invite the REST OF THE COMMUNITY to click the ignore button beneath "El marinero's" name on the left side of the thread, this will stop showing his needless FUD and drama, and allow you to see updates properly.

And I remind all that POST#2 of this thread will always contain our most recent updates in one spot :)

So you refused to answer legit questions for a reason

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on August 11, 2017, 06:08:15 PM
Is there any exchange that is currently working with the currency (to change for other altcoins)? I sent a "GirlsToken", previously in yobit but it seems that they were lost in the route  :P
Right this second no.. I have support requests in to all 3 exchanges.

And I know coinsmarkets are nearly finished with the update (had an issue with being stuck at block 199998, and a corrupt wallet, both fixed.)

So at this point its when they are all able to get the time to complete the update. I assume are in the process aswell since their wallet is still in maintenance mode.

Yobit is currently known to be on the wrong original chain from the 1.0.8 wallet. So if you are able to trade a balance already there and earn some btc then great.... but be warned that anyone still on the 1.0.8 chain risks loosing coins once the update is complete since they are being bought and sold on a separate chain.
I refuse to answer what has already been answered ^^^^ directly above your post. Put less effort in to trolling and more into reading..... youll learn a lot.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 3 Exchanges - MANDATORY 2.1.1 UPGRADE RELEASED!! [ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on August 11, 2017, 06:12:49 PM
I paid to have the coin listed on yobit as I said i would do earlier.

Donations to help offset cost would be appreciated  ;)

XGTC address GJMjBWZcjJR34HnPeD8oE39yTK4ajicUyG

BTC address 1FBgVtyfmaY5VAEuVNEmBimtk6vjZPwvAT
Sending another 10k XGTC, Im sorry its so slow, but your contribution will be repaid as quickly as possible :)
txid = 1848fdd64cb2f0b7c408dc4ad4b711650cee3478be02d516fe41afad7f305a8e

And another 10k :)
txid = de3e25732cffeb656c3b0aa32014cef45e31ada6152bc9794ad898df4cf49206

didn't receive it. Don't why not lol.
I have sent another 20k XGTC
txid = d11778942819692c6ad8283e94dcad93567ace7da69a17405080a93a2ca3aa59
If you do not receive this transaction, please shut your wallet, use the addnodes in the OP and run your wallet with the -rescan option. This should locate and credit any missing transactions to your wallet.

The pool is down for a short while until we have most people on the same chain. some are still mining to exchanges or using the old wallet and I do not want to risk lost coins. The node is still up, but mining is disabled.


Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - New Logo - Coinsmarkets has updated to!![ANN]
Post by: Ethereuming on August 11, 2017, 06:46:18 PM
I hope that there will be no problems with the coins that are in like mine.
It is not necessary to waste so much time answering everyone here. Work on the coin is more important.
Good luck dev  ;)

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - New Logo - Coinsmarkets has updated to!![ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on August 11, 2017, 07:21:43 PM
Thank you for your support :) and once they update to the correct chain, any coins sent on the correct chain should show up in transactions. Any sent from 1.0.8 wallet risk being lost depending on when they were sent (before or after split).


1) ( <- Dev owned pool
2)  ( <- UP and on the correct chain :)
3) BlockMonsta ( <- New and on correct chain
I have been informed of a new pool, once again, DO NOT MINE TO 1.0.8 WALLET or YOBIT or until they have updated.
Also, nodes have been updated in the OP

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - New Logo - Coinsmarkets has updated to!![ANN]
Post by: kruanko on August 11, 2017, 09:34:14 PM
                                                                                                               BlockMonsta Miningpool [XGTC]


                                                                                                                EXAMPLE for GirlsToken [XGTC]

                                                                                      stratum+tcp:// -u WalletAdress -p x

                                                                                                                    Port: 3401, Diff: 256
                                                                                                                    Port: 3402, Diff: 4096 VarDiff
                                                                                                                    Port: 3403, Diff: 128000

                                                                                      Pool is Tested:  GYJUTMtpKcU1dQmT1AuV3XLkEfD58UTZrn

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - New Logo - Coinsmarkets has updated to!![ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on August 12, 2017, 01:06:10 AM
After a brief discussion with they have graciously opened a BTC/XGTC pairing!!!
coinsmarkets  (
A big thank you to the owners of coinsmarkets for helping to provide liquidity to our coin again 😊😊

Also, the pool/Main node has been updated to, blocking all 1.0.8 wallets from connecting to it, this will further separate our chain from the original and help to keep all together on the correct chain.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - New Logo - Coinsmarkets OPEN FOR BTC/XGTC!![ANN]
Post by: wildbud on August 12, 2017, 05:58:39 PM
There will be no anymore "BIG BLOCKS" after 450k?

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - New Logo - Coinsmarkets OPEN FOR BTC/XGTC!![ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on August 12, 2017, 06:14:47 PM
There will be no anymore "BIG BLOCKS" after 450k?
You are correct, also POS percent will drop from 10% to 2.5%

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - New Logo - Coinsmarkets OPEN FOR BTC/XGTC!![ANN]
Post by: Redni on August 12, 2017, 06:14:58 PM
I have fews XGTC on my wallet.dat from previous source and I use Linux. Salvage wallet not available on Linux?

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - New Logo - Coinsmarkets OPEN FOR BTC/XGTC!![ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on August 12, 2017, 06:15:51 PM
I have fews XGTC on my wallet.dat from previous source and I use Linux. Salvage wallet not available on Linux?
Are you using a daemon or the qt wallet? Also do you use prebuilt or build yourself?
If you build yourself (qt or daemon) then there should be no issues as you will be building with the same BDB version as you did originally (I assume). The only reason there was an issue for some was that the pre-built qt wallet was built with BDB 6.1.26 whereas I use the standard 4.8.30NC. So long as you are using the same build machine you should be safe :)

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - New Logo - Coinsmarkets OPEN FOR BTC/XGTC!![ANN]
Post by: Redni on August 12, 2017, 06:20:43 PM
I have fews XGTC on my wallet.dat from previous source and I use Linux. Salvage wallet not available on Linux?
Are you using a daemon or the qt wallet? Also do you use prebuilt or build yourself?

Own Qt Wallet prebuild from this topic and source: From deamons I can also use. I do not know what you're asking?

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - New Logo - Coinsmarkets OPEN FOR BTC/XGTC!![ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on August 12, 2017, 06:27:34 PM
I have fews XGTC on my wallet.dat from previous source and I use Linux. Salvage wallet not available on Linux?
Are you using a daemon or the qt wallet? Also do you use prebuilt or build yourself?

Own Qt Wallet prebuild from this topic and source: From deamons I can also use. I do not know what you're asking?

Ok so you are completing your own build from source. Which means all of the requirements (boost bdbd openssl) will be the same. open your original wallet and use the "dumpprivkey" command to back up your priv key just in case. Then complete a build in the same way you did before (following the tutorial you provided).
Here are the deps I use, however I'm unsure what was used for BDB for the old Linux qt as I was not the one who built it.
sudo apt-get install libdb5.1-dev libdb5.1++-dev libboost-all-dev libqrencode-dev qt4-qmake libqt4-dev build-essential libboost-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-thread-dev libssl-dev automake
Just to be sure, here is the method for compiling the Linux qt wallet:
1) Download and unpack the source code.
2) run the command  
cd src && make -f makefile.unix
to build daemon first
3) run the command  
cd ../ && qmake-qt4 "USE_UPNP=1" "USE_IPV6=1" "USE_QRCODE=1" && make
to finally build the qt wallet.

If you still have issue please let me know and we will get them worked out for you :)

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - New Logo - Coinsmarkets OPEN FOR BTC/XGTC!![ANN]
Post by: Redni on August 12, 2017, 07:59:44 PM
Thanks :) Small fix: ;)

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - New Logo - Coinsmarkets OPEN FOR BTC/XGTC!![ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on August 12, 2017, 08:26:35 PM
Thanks :) Small fix: ;)
I see that thank you :)
Will test asap and then merge 😁
merged and will be included in next release :)

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - New Logo - Coinsmarkets OPEN FOR BTC/XGTC!![ANN]
Post by: Redni on August 13, 2017, 09:56:33 AM
I try create own graphic for GirlsToken. Maybe someone will like it.


Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - New Logo - Coinsmarkets OPEN FOR BTC/XGTC!![ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on August 13, 2017, 04:13:53 PM
Interesting design :) we will let the community decide :)

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - New Logo - Coinsmarkets OPEN FOR BTC/XGTC!![ANN]
Post by: kruanko on August 13, 2017, 06:06:54 PM
Coinexchange wallet up to date ;D

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - New Logo - Coinsmarkets OPEN FOR BTC/XGTC!![ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on August 13, 2017, 06:11:22 PM
Coinexchange wallet up to date ;D

I just saw that aswell!! I will update the OP.  8)

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - New Logo - 2 Exchanges open and updated!![ANN]
Post by: Redni on August 14, 2017, 01:59:06 PM
     ↝  GirlsToken | Torrent SnapShot  ↜ (

     Why SnapShot and why Torrent? 

     ☺  Speed and no waiting, after downloading, just copy the files to have the current block chain.
     ☺   Ability to safely intercept the download and resume it.
     ☺   Additional Nodes and Peers attached.
     ☺   Updates every few days.

     Last Update: 14.08.2017:14.40 UTC+01:00  

     Donations: GZdA2bsjap6cBXD3c2ps9ZM6pEgp7oj1kg  

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - New Logo - 2 Exchanges open and updated!![ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on August 14, 2017, 02:51:31 PM
     ↝  GirlsToken | Torrent SnapShot  ↜ (

     Why SnapShot and why Torrent? 

     ☺  Speed and no waiting, after downloading, just copy the files to have the current block chain.
     ☺   Ability to safely intercept the download and resume it.
     ☺   Additional Nodes and Peers attached.
     ☺   Updates every few days.

     Last Update: 14.08.2017:14.40 UTC+01:00  

     Donations: GZdA2bsjap6cBXD3c2ps9ZM6pEgp7oj1kg  
Wonderful, thank you for your help :) I am also uploading an updated bootstrap now :)

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - New Logo - 2 Exchanges open and updated!![ANN]
Post by: Ethereuming on August 14, 2017, 04:59:07 PM
I can't open the mac wallet.  ???

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - New Logo - 2 Exchanges open and updated!![ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on August 14, 2017, 05:02:30 PM
I can't open the mac wallet.  ???
what version of mac and what version of the wallet? the 2.1.12 version? also is there an error message by chance?

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - New Logo - 2 Exchanges open and updated!![ANN]
Post by: Ethereuming on August 14, 2017, 05:14:34 PM
I can't open the mac wallet.  ???
what version of mac and what version of the wallet? the 2.1.12 version? also is there an error message by chance?

The mac is not very new: MAC OS X 10.6.8
 yes version
Yes error message, I can't open the file.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - New Logo - 2 Exchanges open and updated!![ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on August 14, 2017, 05:18:04 PM
The mac is not very new...MAC OS X 10.6.8
 yes version
Yes error message...
Ahhh that is the issue there. Due to enabling qrcode support, a minimum of version 10.7 is required. I apologize, and will build a version compatible with older versions as soon as i am off work 9pm est.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - New Logo - 2 Exchanges open and updated!![ANN]
Post by: Ethereuming on August 14, 2017, 05:22:27 PM
The mac is not very new...MAC OS X 10.6.8
 yes version
Yes error message...
Ahhh that is the issue there. Due to enabling qrcode support, a minimum of version 10.7 is required. I apologize, and will build a version compatible with older versions as soon as i am off work 9pm est.
Ok dev, I wait...
Thanks  ;)

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - New Logo - 2 Exchanges open and updated!![ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on August 15, 2017, 03:34:50 AM
The mac is not very new...MAC OS X 10.6.8
 yes version
Yes error message...
Ahhh that is the issue there. Due to enabling qrcode support, a minimum of version 10.7 is required. I apologize, and will build a version compatible with older versions as soon as i am off work 9pm est.
Ok dev, I wait...
Thanks  ;)
Ok, so it seems I was incorrect in remembering why the wallet needed to be compiled with 10.7+ as a base. It was not qrcode support, but was libc++11. It would seem that Apple has decided to only officially support libc++ on 10.7... so I will have to add an hdd to my hackintosh [or possibly just a VM] and setup a 10.6.8 build to be able to properly compile for versions 10.7 and under.
All this is to say, I am working on it but may take a bit longer then a simple re-compile as I originally thought.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - New Logo - 2 Exchanges open and updated!![ANN]
Post by: Ethereuming on August 15, 2017, 07:28:05 AM
The mac is not very new...MAC OS X 10.6.8
 yes version
Yes error message...
Ahhh that is the issue there. Due to enabling qrcode support, a minimum of version 10.7 is required. I apologize, and will build a version compatible with older versions as soon as i am off work 9pm est.
Ok dev, I wait...
Thanks  ;)
Ok, so it seems I was incorrect in remembering why the wallet needed to be compiled with 10.7+ as a base. It was not qrcode support, but was libc++11. It would seem that Apple has decided to only officially support libc++ on 10.7... so I will have to add an hdd to my hackintosh [or possibly just a VM] and setup a 10.6.8 build to be able to properly compile for versions 10.7 and under.
All this is to say, I am working on it but may take a bit longer then a simple re-compile as I originally thought.
Ok no problem, I wait :)

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - New Logo - 2 Exchanges open and updated!![ANN]
Post by: El marinero on August 16, 2017, 05:31:33 AM
Coinexchange and yobbit wallet shows online but my transaction did not arrive


let's see if you can fix it, 70,001 coins

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - New Logo - 2 Exchanges open and updated!![ANN]
Post by: kurbeks on August 16, 2017, 06:29:25 AM
Yobit has old wallet version as they almost never update wallets. So that coins are probably lost

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - New Logo - 2 Exchanges open and updated!![ANN]
Post by: Ethereuming on August 16, 2017, 06:34:18 AM

1)CoinMarkets <- OPEN FOR TRADING BTC and DOGE

3) <- Waiting on response

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - New Logo - 2 Exchanges open and updated!![ANN]
Post by: El marinero on August 16, 2017, 02:09:30 PM
Yobit has old wallet version as they almost never update wallets. So that coins are probably lost

This dev is wak shit I think so far, his own explorer doesn't work, coins can;t be lost, just stolen money if the case

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - New Logo - 2 Exchanges open and updated!![ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on August 16, 2017, 02:52:42 PM
Yobit has old wallet version as they almost never update wallets. So that coins are probably lost

This dev is wak shit I think so far, his own explorer doesn't work, coins can;t be lost, just stolen money if the case
Listen "Tami" your FUD does not work. You do not read, you are the worst part of crypto.
A transaction on the wrong chan WILL NEVER GO THROUGH. You and the whole community were warned of this.
So here is your answer "Tami", DO SOME ACTUAL WORK and fix your own coin. You have been reported to mod, and are now on ignore.

@Rest of community
Thank you for your assistance in explaining this once again :)

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - New Logo - 2 Exchanges open and updated!![ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on August 16, 2017, 07:14:59 PM
Raspi daemon tested and working on raspi3 , at this point unsure about earlier models.
Pi Daemon (

Also finally found a working copy of a 10.6.8 vm, so just gotta install all deps and xcode, and build should be ready in a day or so :)

And lastly, for those that do not know this yet, is an exchange that also allows you to stake POS coins in the wallet. Similar to a POS pool

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - New Logo - 2 Exchanges open and updated!![ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on August 17, 2017, 06:23:27 PM
Pool/Explorer is intermittent right now, however main seed node is still rocking. Once finished on some small changes to the XGTC code [which I feel is more important as we have 2 other pools right now], I will focus the needed time and energy to get the pool/explorer back up and running. :)

I have the update currently building while I am at work. This will add the miniupnpc 1.9 support added by inder/redni, some qt icon fixes, some qt pro fixes, and will update the noblocks version to stop recieving info from the old 1.0.8 versions. And lastly it adds 2 more seed nodes for faster syncing.
Also we are getting quite near block 450k when our new POS % and removal of superblocks will kick in.
Once we pass 450k I will add a new checkpoint in the code which will be in the release

UPDATE has been released, building the pi daemon now. Also the bootstrap.dat has been updated to 445k+ blocks.
OP has been updated with new links, and new additions to roadmap. However I am unable to load up right now and as such the virustotal results have not yet been updated. includes:
-New upnp code for 1.9 provided by inder/redni
-Added multi-inv message support - see litecoin commit 1f3d3647ffb49943f485c9a663f0644ca7d110de
-Many small fixes in qt files
-Small icon based fixes
-NoBlocks version change to completely cut off 1.0.8 wallets
-Add 2 more seed nodes for quicker syncing

VirusTotal results have been updated in OP for release

Have looked into a CoinsMarketCap listing, however they require a website that displays current total supply for the coin. I am not used to very much PHP but am in the process of adding it as a stat on the pool explorer [which I will share with other yiimp pool owners if it works]. Once this is working we should be ready for a listing on CoinMarketCap which should help the project get some more visibility :)

Now that is out I will be pulling down and rebuilding the pool, with much more focus on better DDOS security as we seem to have had some "interesting" traffic over the past few days.
This process will likely take a few days as I will be restarting from a fresh clean server, and using things I have learned since it was first built, hopefully making a nicer stronger pool for all to use, and hopefully with the "coin supply" addition to the explorer.
Once this is finished I will update here and l8nit3-miners should be running happily again :)
I thank the other pool owners for continuing to host mining for XGTC at their pools, it is incredibly helpful while I work on the dev pool :)

Outstanding coins from pool sent manually:

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Small Update[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on August 20, 2017, 03:30:58 PM
Small UI change to help separate mined transactions from staked transactions. Will be included in next build.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Small Update[ANN]
Post by: Xamito on August 22, 2017, 02:28:11 PM
l8nit3, I really admire your work and like the project. I own some coins and will get some more as they are really cheap right now. Keep up with the good work and ignore all the fudding. ;)

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Small Update[ANN]
Post by: kondrat84 on August 22, 2017, 02:50:05 PM
We overcame a 450,000 block !!what's next? :)

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Small Update[ANN]
Post by: kondrat84 on August 22, 2017, 02:55:00 PM
L8nit3,I know that you have very little free time.But we know that everything will work out for you.And we will all be in +  :)

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Small Update[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on August 22, 2017, 03:28:35 PM
Thank you all for your support and kind words 😊
As for "whats next".... i will be attempting to add a "Total current supply" stat to the pool after its rebuild. This will allow us to try for a coinmarketcap listing.

On top of that I am still working in the background to complete the 3.0 software which will be of a 9.x codebase with many new features and UI updates.

Following that are plans for Bloom and SPV integration allowing a quick loading android wallet to be built.

And finally, after these important steps, we will be working on market adoption and real world uses such as donations to charities that support and help drive women in tech.

Although if the community has any other ideas I would be happy to hear  them 😊

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Small Update[ANN]
Post by: kondrat84 on August 22, 2017, 03:47:12 PM
Unfortunately I'm not a programmer,Pleased to help.Than I can, I will help, write pm

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Small Update[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on August 23, 2017, 05:08:18 PM
2017-07-31 17:19:05 l8nit3

Still no response..... if some of the community also put in requests for the update, maybe they will see it is important and get to work on it. However, in my experience yobit can be quite slow in these situations...

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Small Update[ANN]
Post by: kurbeks on August 23, 2017, 05:23:32 PM
2017-07-31 17:19:05 l8nit3

Still no response..... if some of the community also put in requests for the update, maybe they will see it is important and get to work on it. However, in my experience yobit can be quite slow in these situations...

If it's Yolobit you can forget about it. Might try to write in Russian though.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Small Update[ANN]
Post by: kreatoralex on August 24, 2017, 10:28:19 AM
POW is ended? But

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Small Update[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on August 24, 2017, 01:39:11 PM
I am at my day job, but will look into it the second I can...
strangely the pools seem to still be running fine.... is there an error you are getting?
[2017-08-24 14:35:44] Starting Stratum on stratum+tcp://
[2017-08-24 14:35:44] 2 miner threads started, using 'scrypt' algorithm.
[2017-08-24 14:35:48] Stratum difficulty set to 256
[2017-08-24 14:42:56] accepted: 1/1 (100%), 227.20 kH, 5981.36 H/s yes!
[2017-08-24 17:34:32] Starting Stratum on stratum+tcp://
[2017-08-24 17:34:32] 2 miner threads started, using 'scrypt' algorithm.
[2017-08-24 17:34:32] Stratum difficulty set to 4
[2017-08-24 17:35:08] accepted: 1/1 (100%), 118.42 kH, 6889.44 H/s yes!

So looking at the explorer it seems the last POW block actually found was 461631, and there may be an issue with GBT [getblocktemplate]. Which is quite strange considering we are well past the 450k mark when all changes kicked in, and a final POW block of 1mil is hardcoded in the codebase... some examples below:

if (pindexBest->nHeight >= LAST_POW_BLOCK)
        throw JSONRPCError(RPC_MISC_ERROR, "No more PoW blocks");

if (IsProofOfWork() && nHeight > LAST_POW_BLOCK)
        return DoS(100, error("AcceptBlock() : reject proof-of-work at height %d", nHeight));

static const int LAST_POW_BLOCK = 1000000;

I am back home from work and am working furiously on a fix for all. I am currently going over all commits and changes to see if it was a mistake made by me during updates, or if it was a bug in the code used as a base, the minute I have new info I will update here.
Thank you for bringing this to my attention. Once fixed and all is known to be well, I will send you 500XGTC from my personal wallet for the bug report :)

Offering a 5000 XGTC bounty to anyone in the community who can locate the issue before I can. Im not asking for fixes, I will do the fixes, but extra eyes make finding a bug much quicker and will allow mining to resume for all much quicker.
It does not seem to be in "getblocktemplate" or "getwork" or "getworkex" functions, as I have already compared these to other coins code, and all matches perfectly.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Small Update[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on August 25, 2017, 01:58:11 AM
getwork is working fine, and is properly sending to the miner, and I havent received any errors at this point,
also after checking the explorer one again I see POW blocks are coming in just fine....

Age   Height   Difficulty   Type   Tx   Conf   Blockhash
2m   463536   0.26768756   PoW   1   4   00000000aae7677f88424ee3e645ca533faa0cc652797370356cc289b3fbc9ed
2m   463535   0.28815713   PoW   1   5   0000000176154593c4a0400ce9fb7df34de8d84594beaf56d30d6debab114210
3m   463534   0.02993912   PoS   2   6   918a86d549de24e028070b23c712fe344138b6fd4dd254ebe7ffcf0df7b0ecc2
3m   463533   0.02946948   PoS   2   7   534445044277ef16596ed42eb93811073b106b8b8a040f3508add40b3a6509ef
4m   463532   0.02842938   PoS   2   8   13cd5537dffecf1fe3f82ffc3fd1c53016de3185351ef421097a5abd8774184a
4m   463531   0.26668647   PoW   1   9   0000000072545a3fe35291e4eb886ac2caaff8ca4346b7d4ec1f300bd873d487

So im not quite sure what error you may be having, but if you provide more details I would be happy to help any way I can :) It's possible the long time between POW blocks may be due to a fairly large drop in hashrate ,although I will watch closely in case it happens again.

On a side note, now that this issue has been cleared up, I will be working on the pool again, and will hopefully be up in the next couple days :)

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Small Update[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on August 27, 2017, 03:32:38 AM
I am currently testing the pool, and am making small updates in the background. It is currently up, but I recommend not mining with us yet until all has been tested and I have updated here with the go ahead. :)

Bootstrap.dat updated to 469800 blocks 0/27/2017

On a complete side note, absolutely nothing to do with XGTC, but...
NETFLIX has just added a documentary called "Banking on Bitcoin" :)
Just thought the community might like to know

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Small Update[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on August 30, 2017, 02:01:30 AM
I am currently testing the pool, and am making small updates in the background. It is currently up, but I recommend not mining with us yet until all has been tested and I have updated here with the go ahead. :)

Bootstrap.dat updated to 469800 blocks 0/27/2017

On a complete side note, absolutely nothing to do with XGTC, but...
NETFLIX has just added a documentary called "Banking on Bitcoin" :)
Just thought the community might like to know

Pool seems to be up and running properly again, and is re-opened in beta status :) Please ensure to set failover pools in case changes need to be made to avoid downtime.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Small Update[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on August 30, 2017, 08:01:37 PM
I am offering a 5000XGTC bounty to anyone who can write a small PHP addon for the yiimp explorer page. It needs to aquire and display 'moneysupply' from the wallets getinfo command, and update with each block found.
Please reply with "reserve bounty" if you are interested

Heres a sneak peak for everyone at what I am currently working on, lots left to do before release still, but work is going well :)

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Small Update[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on September 01, 2017, 07:34:24 PM
I would like to propose lowering the block reward, and extending the POW phase. I would like to drop to 25 XGTC per block starting at block 600000 and extend the remaining 400K POW phase by another 600k. This would give a Total mining period of 1.6 Million blocks while not affecting to total money supply.
I believe this is a good idea as we still have a long way to go with new users and this would allow a fair entry for all, while rewarding the "early adopters"
for their support by maintaining the current supply and not diluting their shares/coins in any way :)

Please voice your opinions :)

reposting this so its seen:

I am offering a 5000XGTC bounty to anyone who can write a small PHP addon for the yiimp explorer page. It needs to aquire and display 'moneysupply' from the wallets getinfo command, and update with each block found.
Please reply with "reserve bounty" if you are interested

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Block reward drop proposal in thread[ANN]
Post by: kreatoralex on September 02, 2017, 04:48:23 AM
The price of a coin is very low. If you give 100 coins for a block, you can earn something. For the block will be given 25 coins, the miners will leave at all. Although there are so few

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Block reward drop proposal in thread[ANN]
Post by: Xamito on September 02, 2017, 08:10:51 AM
Extending the POW phase works for me. I do agree with kreatoralex though.

Maybe it is a detail but I think it would be important to update the link to this ann on CoinExchange (At the bottom of the XGTC trade page). Right now it is pointing to tami's and I do not think this would convinced people to get involved.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Block reward drop proposal in thread[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on September 02, 2017, 04:17:19 PM
The price of a coin is very low. If you give 100 coins for a block, you can earn something. For the block will be given 25 coins, the miners will leave at all. Although there are so few

Extending the POW phase works for me. I do agree with kreatoralex though.
Maybe it is a detail but I think it would be important to update the link to this ann on CoinExchange (At the bottom of the XGTC trade page). Right now it is pointing to tami's and I do not think this would convinced people to get involved.

You both make fair points. What if we extended by 400k blocks making 1.4mil total and drop to a 50XGTC reward. Still no change in the moneysupply, a bit of a reward for the miners, and we extend the POW for new users to have a low entry to the coin?

Also, I will contact CoinExchange about the link and have them change it :) Thank you for pointing that out I didnt realize it hadnt been changed yet.

Support ticket has been created to have the link changed.

Nodes updated in OP:

commits to the codebase since release, now for some needed sleep :)

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Block reward drop proposal in thread[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on September 04, 2017, 02:36:55 AM
Extending the POW phase works for me. I do agree with kreatoralex though.

Maybe it is a detail but I think it would be important to update the link to this ann on CoinExchange (At the bottom of the XGTC trade page). Right now it is pointing to tami's and I do not think this would convinced people to get involved.

CoinExchange has updated the ANN link :) I did notice however that the github link was also the old code, and have informed them of this aswell.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Block reward drop proposal in thread[ANN]
Post by: Xamito on September 05, 2017, 03:02:36 PM
"What if we extended by 400k blocks making 1.4mil total and drop to a 50XGTC reward"
It sounds good to me. It would be great if some other members of the community could give their opinion about it.

CoinExchange has updated the ANN link :) I did notice however that the github link was also the old code, and have informed them of this aswell.

Glad to read it  :) and glad to see you are putting a lot of work to this project. Sooner or later you will be rewarded. Keep up the good work dev ;-)

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Block reward drop proposal in thread[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on September 05, 2017, 03:33:32 PM
"What if we extended by 400k blocks making 1.4mil total and drop to a 50XGTC reward"
It sounds good to me. It would be great if some other members of the community could give their opinion about it.

CoinExchange has updated the ANN link :) I did notice however that the github link was also the old code, and have informed them of this aswell.

Glad to read it  :) and glad to see you are putting a lot of work to this project. Sooner or later you will be rewarded. Keep up the good work dev ;-)

Thank you for your vote of confidence :) I agree it would be great if more of the comunity voiced their opinion, but at this point I have realized, more would comment if they had any issues with the plan. I take the quietness from the community as a good sign that all are [or at least most are] currently
happy with the changes :)

The BR drop and POW extension have been added to the github and will be a part of the next release, :)

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Block reward drop proposal in thread[ANN]
Post by: Mr.merson on September 06, 2017, 12:02:24 AM
Hello, I was browsing I found this and it really took me by surprise  :o

http://[Suspicious link removed]/Faucet/index.php?Currency=XGTC
I wonder if this belongs to the new* chain?  ??? (I mean this one)

it seems that the forum does not allow the link
Here a screenshot

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Block reward drop proposal in thread[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on September 06, 2017, 02:40:38 AM
Hello, I was browsing I found this and it really took me by surprise  :o

http://[Suspicious link removed]/Faucet/index.php?Currency=XGTC
I wonder if this belongs to the original chain?  ??? (I mean this one)

it seems that the forum does not allow the link
Here a screenshot
Not something I was aware of, and as such I am assuming that it is on the old chain, however.... Give it a try and see if it goes through to your wallet :) If not, then old chain, if so then new chain :)

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Block reward drop proposal in thread[ANN]
Post by: Mr.merson on September 07, 2017, 06:25:47 PM
Yes, it seems that it works, I received 1 XGTC
Pd, apparently has a new faucet  ;D

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Block reward drop proposal in thread[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on September 07, 2017, 06:40:38 PM
Yes, it seems that it works, I received 1 XGTC
Pd, apparently has a new faucet  ;D
Wonderful! Thats great to hear! Can you pm me the link? Maybe then it wont be removed?  

I am currently building version 2.2.0 of the wallet. It has a few security patches, but mostly at block 600k the reward will drop to 50XGTC this change has extended our POW period for a fair distribution and low joining threshold for any new users. All while maintaining our current monney supply and not diluting or inflating the supply in any way.

When released, it will be MANDATORY to upgrade before block 600k.

All Coins were disabled untill payments clear, now the pool will be down for backend upgrades and security patches. Hopefully this will fix any statistics issues and findblocks issues for any and all coins.

Mr. Merson has informed me that a working faucet for the new chain is available at cryptoguru ( The OP has been updated with this info :)

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.0 Update - Mac binaries building[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on September 11, 2017, 06:48:50 PM

Windows Wallet:Newest 2.2.0 (
Windows Daemon:Newest 2.2.0 (
Mac Wallet: Newest OSX 10.7+ ( - VirusTotal ( -Working on it now
Mac Daemon: Newest OSX 10.7+ ( - VirusTotal Result ( - Working on it now
Linux Wallet: Newest 2.2.0 (
Linux Daemon: Newest 2.2.0 (

This update includes:
-Block reward drop and POW extension
-Many bugfixes left over from earlier versions
-Qt5 build from now on
-Boost 1.58
-And much more

I will be contacting pools and exchanges tonight after work to get all on the same version :)

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.0 Update - Mac binaries building[ANN]
Post by: kurbeks on September 11, 2017, 08:11:30 PM
Thanx new wallet online.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.0 Update - Mac binaries building[ANN]
Post by: malekbaba on September 13, 2017, 01:05:18 PM
what is going on in yobit ? I sent some xgtc to the yobit to test the wallet and it seems in inactive state. Why ? Is it delisted from the yobit exchange ? And when the POW phase will be ended ?

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.0 Update - Mac binaries building[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on September 13, 2017, 03:07:36 PM
what is going on in yobit ? I sent some xgtc to the yobit to test the wallet and it seems in inactive state. Why ? Is it delisted from the yobit exchange ? And when the POW phase will be ended ?
I honestly have no idea. I have sent support ticket after support ticket starting 2017-08-01 00:19:05, and have never received a response at all. Although to be honest, Im not surprised.... I have a personal support ticket that hasnt been answered since 2016-03-03 06:19!!

Quite a sad situation considering a community member paid for the listing..... maybe if a few more users send in tickets itll get their attention, however, i doubt it as they will have a dilema... they have allowed trading this whole time on the old chain... basically with coins that dont exists.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.0 Update - Mac binaries building[ANN]
Post by: kurbeks on September 13, 2017, 06:26:08 PM
Most likely it will need to be relisted in Yobit. It's now in foreever lasting ""maintance

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.0 Update - Mac binaries building[ANN]
Post by: husameid on September 14, 2017, 12:41:20 AM
Dear ,
 I have sent some coins to my wallet on Yobit one month ago and till now I didn't get them due to endless maintenance !!
I also have tried so many times to contact their support , but they didn't answer at all !!!!!!
in this case how can I get my coins back since the wallet I sent the coins to is on yobit ?


Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.0 Update - Mac binaries building[ANN]
Post by: malekbaba on September 14, 2017, 07:09:35 AM
take a look. I do not think something bad is going there. False manipulation ? Are the yobit team pumping the coin ? No one can deposit there for a while. Then what is going on there ?

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.0 Update - Mac binaries building[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on September 14, 2017, 02:54:31 PM
take a look. I do not think something bad is going there. False manipulation ? Are the yobit team pumping the coin ? No one can deposit there for a while. Then what is going on there ?

I have no control and no idea of what yobit is doing, I have personally sent multiple upgrade requests and have not received a response for any of them.
At this point, I think we will have to consider the XGTC portion of yobit defunct, and I will remove the link from the OP. Again this is sad as a community member paid the listing out of their own pocket, and now yobit wont continue to support the coin......

<edit> has updated to the new wallet :) as has Waiting on confirmation from coinsmarkets and [both are in progress]

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.0 Update - Mac binaries building[ANN]
Post by: malekbaba on September 14, 2017, 09:06:08 PM
dear OP , please take a look

Deposit is unavailable. Will it be like yobit ? Any idea?

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.0 Update - Mac binaries building[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on September 14, 2017, 09:09:07 PM
dear OP , please take a look

Deposit is unavailable. Will it be like yobit ? Any idea?
They are in the process of updating to the 2.2.0 wallet, and have been in contact with me so all is well there :)

UPDATE has fully updated and wallet is online 2.2.0 has fully updated and wallet is online 2.2.0 has fully updated and wallet is online 2.2.0 is in the process of updating
blockmonsta has no contact information I can find, and as such I assume have not yet updated [which is fine before block 600k] - Never updated from the 1.0.8 wallet, and is considered defunct at this point.

To any who haven't updated from 1.0.8 wallet yet due to too many priv keys to import, I have spun together a small bat file [windows only] that will batch import your old priv keys from a list file into the new wallet:
MEGA Link (!G8JhQA4B!oAECFJDh4dkX0u4FtT3cR4OqVv-rlZDsqsy4W1pzys0)

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.0 Update - Mac binaries building[ANN]
Post by: BinkerSoft on September 15, 2017, 03:33:03 AM
Yobit wallet is back online but currently still syncing at approx 4k blocks behind.

As for importing wallet.dat\keys from old wallet to new.....I am very surprised this isn't automated through a process already in Bitcoin core.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.0 Update - Mac binaries building[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on September 15, 2017, 03:54:15 AM
Yobit wallet is back online but currently still syncing at approx 4k blocks behind.

As for importing wallet.dat\keys from old wallet to new.....I am very surprised this isn't automated through a process already in Bitcoin core.
It is available in the rpccommand section of the console. The bat file is for batch import of 5+ priv keys at one time.... As an example for exchanges or mining pools that run windows and have hundreds of priv keys. Put them all in a file each on a separate line, and the .bat will import them all one by one. 

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.0 Update - Mac binaries building[ANN]
Post by: BinkerSoft on September 15, 2017, 05:38:06 AM
I was thinking more of when the wallet launches it automatically imports\converts from the wallet.dat any keys present and recreates the wallet.dat. At any rate any automation helps :)

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.0 Update - Mac binaries building[ANN]
Post by: malekbaba on September 15, 2017, 02:54:48 PM
Please answer me , I am a bit confused.

Girlstoken coins in yobit and are same ?
I downloaded latest wallet for windows PC and it is working fine. Then why the wallet maintenance is taking that much time ? I am sorry if I am asking like a noob, I am a noob in this regard. Please do answer me

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.0 Update - Mac binaries building[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on September 15, 2017, 03:39:49 PM
Please answer me , I am a bit confused.

Girlstoken coins in yobit and are same ?
I downloaded latest wallet for windows PC and it is working fine. Then why the wallet maintenance is taking that much time ? I am sorry if I am asking like a noob, I am a noob in this regard. Please do answer me

I cannot answer questions about the length of time an exchange takes for their upgrades. I am not in control of the exchange.
Also, I apologize if responses arent quick enough, however as stated many times in this thread I work 2 jobs, and I reply as quickly as I can.
Glad to hear the new wallet works well for you :)

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.0 Update - Mac binaries building[ANN]
Post by: malekbaba on September 15, 2017, 03:46:32 PM
Please answer me , I am a bit confused.

Girlstoken coins in yobit and are same ?
I downloaded latest wallet for windows PC and it is working fine. Then why the wallet maintenance is taking that much time ? I am sorry if I am asking like a noob, I am a noob in this regard. Please do answer me

I cannot answer questions about the length of time an exchange takes for their upgrades. I am not in control of the exchange.
Also, I apologize if responses arent quick enough, however as stated many times in this thread I work 2 jobs, and I reply as quickly as I can.
Glad to hear the new wallet works well for you :)

I am not blaming you and I read about your daily work. I have 2 questions, will you please answer

1. Girlstoken coins in yobit and are same ?
2. It seems yobit is tradeing the old coins. Not the new ones, right ?

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.0 Update - Mac binaries building[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on September 15, 2017, 04:29:42 PM
Please answer me , I am a bit confused.

Girlstoken coins in yobit and are same ?
I downloaded latest wallet for windows PC and it is working fine. Then why the wallet maintenance is taking that much time ? I am sorry if I am asking like a noob, I am a noob in this regard. Please do answer me

I cannot answer questions about the length of time an exchange takes for their upgrades. I am not in control of the exchange.
Also, I apologize if responses arent quick enough, however as stated many times in this thread I work 2 jobs, and I reply as quickly as I can.
Glad to hear the new wallet works well for you :)

I am not blaming you and I read about your daily work. I have 2 questions, will you please answer

1. Girlstoken coins in yobit and are same ?
2. It seems yobit is tradeing the old coins. Not the new ones, right ?

Not a problem 😊 i just wanted to explain why it may take a bit for a resonse.
So far as i know yobit is on the old chain, however, it does seem they are resyncing and this could be a good sign. I will test a transaction with my own coins soon and will update everyone as soon as I know for sure 😊

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.0 Update - Mac binaries building[ANN]
Post by: BinkerSoft on September 15, 2017, 05:09:29 PM
Hey l8nit3 don't risk your coins. I already have a pending withdraw from to yobit and coinexchange says it will be processed once their upgrade process is complete. I am watching it multiple times a day here so I will post as soon as I know for sure if both yobit and are on the same chain.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.0 Update - Mac binaries building[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on September 15, 2017, 07:25:52 PM
Hey l8nit3 don't risk your coins. I already have a pending withdraw from to yobit and coinexchange says it will be processed once their upgrade process is complete. I am watching it multiple times a day here so I will post as soon as I know for sure if both yobit and are on the same chain.

Awesome thank you :) I also have a few old test transactions waiting to clear, however it seems yobits wallet is delayed during syncing. I have supplied them with the newest code source in a new support request with all of the new details [BCT link, exchanges, nodes, etc.] So sadly once again its a waiting game.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.0 Update - Mac binaries building[ANN]
Post by: malekbaba on September 15, 2017, 07:49:38 PM
Hey l8nit3 don't risk your coins. I already have a pending withdraw from to yobit and coinexchange says it will be processed once their upgrade process is complete. I am watching it multiple times a day here so I will post as soon as I know for sure if both yobit and are on the same chain.

Awesome thank you :) I also have a few old test transactions waiting to clear, however it seems yobits wallet is delayed during syncing. I have supplied them with the newest code source in a new support request with all of the new details [BCT link, exchanges, nodes, etc.] So sadly once again its a waiting game.

there was a massive volume in yobit, yesterday. And most probably yobit team was responsible for that pump. May be they wil try once again and there wil be great price surge.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.0 Update[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on September 15, 2017, 10:05:43 PM
Its entirely possible. Tbh if I was in there position, id try and use the fluctuations to earn some BTC, then buy coins on the correct chain. This way when doing the upgrade any outstanding coins from the 1.0.8 chain could be easily paid back.

THIS IS SIMPLY SPECULATION!  I have no idea what they are actually doing

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.0 Update[ANN]
Post by: kruanko on September 16, 2017, 05:31:00 AM
blockmonsta pool has update the wallet  8)

we are now running on a better and faster server

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.0 Update[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on September 16, 2017, 04:39:34 PM
blockmonsta pool has update the wallet  8)

we are now running on a better and faster server

Awesome thank you for your support of GirlsToken :)

To anyone experiencing sync issues with 2.2.0, I have 2.2.1 nearly ready and it solves this issue :)

The 2.2.1 build is ready and links are up, and it fixes the stalled syncing issues.
Github Releases Page (

Updating OP links now :) Enjoy!

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.0 Update[ANN]
Post by: kurbeks on September 16, 2017, 05:57:07 PM
Yolobit is again in maintance. So probably better forget about them for now.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.0 Update[ANN]
Post by: malekbaba on September 16, 2017, 08:08:01 PM
how frequently blockmonsta pays?
lpool cut 20%!!!
l8nitminer is closed temporarily for maintenance.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.0 Update[ANN]
Post by: troneejack on September 16, 2017, 08:25:08 PM
Liked the name GirlsToken, the development of this project is soon, but it will pay off if the development of this project is very significant in the future, hopefully your project is successful

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.0 Update[ANN]
Post by: malekbaba on September 17, 2017, 02:15:09 AM
xgtc is going through hard time. Developement needs time. we will support. But it seems crutial time for xgtc.

I tried 3 pools. lpool seeks to much fees. l8nit pool is down for xgtc. no idea about blockmonsta.  
2 relatively large exchanges are also in maintenance. waiting is unhealthy.
Wallet is stuck now. What is going on ?

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: minerbro on September 20, 2017, 12:18:13 PM
someone is trying to rock the price .and he succeeds ;D

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: ccccccc7 on September 20, 2017, 12:23:00 PM
Not sure if these coins are worth of wasting your time on them.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: malekbaba on September 20, 2017, 12:34:26 PM
To whom It may concern. There was syncing issue. Dev worked hard and have fixed already. This update seems mandatory.
 Please download and run latest version 2.2.1


Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on September 20, 2017, 03:29:28 PM
To whom It may concern. There was syncing issue. Dev worked hard and have fixed already. This update seems mandatory.
 Please download and run latest version 2.2.1


Thank for the re-post :) I am working very hard on the pool and as such may be scarce here for a couple days.

On the matter of the pool:
We were hit again last night and once again XGTC was drained
Balance (db) 2613.792411 XGTC, Owned -20704.13048162 XGTC, Owed 2931.825000 XGTC (0.00028732 BTC), 20953.547893 XGTC cleared

Each time this has happened I have funded the pool from my pocket to ensure all coins continue to be paid out and to allow the pool to continue running. However, I have burned through approx 300k coins doing this, and am down to ~30k in my personal wallet, so it is no longer a viable option to fund it personally.

At this time I have no choice to pull the XGTC portion of the pool and do dome serious investigating to find the entry point. Please push hash to blockmonsta pool or for the time being.

Both PRT and LOG were unaffected, this leaves one of two scenarios as I see it. Either they are unable to access the other coins which is why they only go for XGTC.... or they have a grudge against XGTC. Once I have more answers I will update all here.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on September 20, 2017, 04:29:25 PM
UPDATE is back online and deposits are running again. Happy trading :)

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: malekbaba on September 21, 2017, 04:09:58 PM
I think we should post in yobit chat box that, yobit is in old chain and there is already new block chain. People who are buying may face hard time to sell in future due to wallet incompatibility. Yobit is better for liquidity. I know cryptopia would be great but we need to pay listing fees for that.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: malekbaba on September 22, 2017, 08:16:51 PM
I know the DEV is very busy man and he is doing great job. Just want to hear update from you dev in your free time. What about those issues in wallet ? have you fixed it all ? What is next ?

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on September 22, 2017, 10:22:07 PM
Main focus right now is getting the pool back up and stable, then from there I have many hopes/plans for XGTC. First being a listing on coinmarketcap for better exposure.
Im also looking to collaborate with a few other devs (who have a bit more experience) for insight on features such as tor integration, in wallet chat, etc etc....
THESE ARE JUST PLANS AT THIS POINT and not a garuntee. But hopefully it gives the community an idea of my desired direction 😊

Also, a thought i have been toying with:
I dont like POS simply because it encourages "hoarding", and I would like XGTC to be more of a currency for daily use instead of a store of value like gold or BTC.

This would be FAR in the future, but i would love to eventually (likely through a coin swap) remove the POS functions and add a multi-algo POW similar to verge  myriad.

Again though that is just an idea im currently entertaining for far in the future.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on September 24, 2017, 04:04:41 PM
The XGTC portion of the pool is back up, and a whole lot of work is going on in the backend as we add more coins :) We now have dual firewalls, and stronger IDS software, aswell as a few other neat security goodies. Also, we are working hard on a more stable load balanced setup with a second server to help lessen server load and help increase security. :)

Lots happening as we near our "halving", and so much more in the works for after :D

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: kruanko on September 24, 2017, 04:50:41 PM has closed girlstoken pool all open payments are sending.

thanks for mining

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on September 25, 2017, 03:18:21 PM has closed girlstoken pool all open payments are sending.

thanks for mining
Sad to see you go, hopefully we will see you back in the future after some bigger and better updates to the coin 😊

UPDATE has informed me we have been listed at ProHashing pool. HOWEVER, they used the old wallet and chain, I have contacted their support to inform them of the updated wallet and new chain, and will update everyone here when they have responded

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: MOSSAD on September 25, 2017, 03:41:43 PM
i see, this project is prospect because the project using platform and profitable
success for your .sir

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on September 27, 2017, 04:18:02 PM
I would like to thank CRYPTOPHILANTHROPIST for donating the use of a MUCH larger server to :)
There is going to be many changes coming, and the plan is for a FAR more stable pool, with many many more options for coins to mine :)
I realize I have been quiet for the past few days, this is due to much work happening in the background.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: Supercoiner111 on September 27, 2017, 04:45:14 PM
I will see how this coin progresses...

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: naxal46 on September 28, 2017, 06:10:24 AM
people, tell me please, I sent coins from CoinExchange to the Yobit exchange, coins have not reached so far, it's been a week already, support on yobit is always silent, what should I do ??

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: kurbeks on September 28, 2017, 06:58:37 AM
people, tell me please, I sent coins from CoinExchange to the Yobit exchange, coins have not reached so far, it's been a week already, support on yobit is always silent, what should I do ??

Coins are lost, as yobit is on older wallet

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: naxal46 on September 28, 2017, 10:43:54 AM
people, tell me please, I sent coins from CoinExchange to the Yobit exchange, coins have not reached so far, it's been a week already, support on yobit is always silent, what should I do ??

Coins are lost, as yobit is on older wallet
that is, how is it lost? why then they do not return back?

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: malekbaba on September 28, 2017, 06:04:05 PM
people, tell me please, I sent coins from CoinExchange to the Yobit exchange, coins have not reached so far, it's been a week already, support on yobit is always silent, what should I do ??

Coins are lost, as yobit is on older wallet
that is, how is it lost? why then they do not return back?

Yobit is running on old chain. But if you sent them from 2.2.1 wallet, you have sent it from new chain. So if yobit update the wallet or switch to new chain, then you will again get your coin back, I think.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on September 28, 2017, 06:07:08 PM
people, tell me please, I sent coins from CoinExchange to the Yobit exchange, coins have not reached so far, it's been a week already, support on yobit is always silent, what should I do ??

Coins are lost, as yobit is on older wallet
that is, how is it lost? why then they do not return back?

Yobit is running on old chain. But if you sent them from 2.2.1 wallet, you have sent it from new chain. So if yobit update the wallet or switch to new chain, then you will again get your coin back, I think.
That is correct, your coins are recorded and stored in the blockchain. If yobit ever updates, you will have access to those coins again

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: kurbeks on September 28, 2017, 07:20:24 PM
Most likley they alredy took coins for themselves and sold on their market.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: malekbaba on September 28, 2017, 07:23:25 PM
Most likley they alredy took coins for themselves and sold on their market.

What do you mean ? If you mean, yobit has sold your coin, I think, you are wrong. Your coins are stored in block chain and it will not go to yobit, until they update the wallet. No one can sell your coin/token, in any exchange without your consent

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on September 28, 2017, 08:08:49 PM
Most likley they alredy took coins for themselves and sold on their market.

What do you mean ? If you mean, yobit has sold your coin, I think, you are wrong. Your coins are stored in block chain and it will not go to yobit, until they update the wallet. No one can sell your coin/token, in any exchange without your consent
Malekbaba is correct, yobit does not even have access to your coins. They are on a seperate blockchain

UPDATE has re-opened trading 😊 have fun!

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on September 30, 2017, 01:54:57 AM
Newest nodes list :)

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on October 01, 2017, 02:23:29 PM
Pool is back up for testing, available at There is still much work to be done before the pool is fully finished, however we are nearing the block reward halving so i thought it was important to have the XGTC portion re-opened ASAP. :) Happy mining and please report any issues.

Mining Url:

Port: 4100, Diff: 8
Port: 4101, Diff: VARDIFF
Port: 4102, Diff: 16384

Your wallet address


Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: malekbaba on October 01, 2017, 03:14:26 PM
Pool is back up for testing, available at There is still much work to be done before the pool is fully finished, however we are nearing the block reward halving so i thought it was important to have the XGTC portion re-opened ASAP. :) Happy mining and please report any issues.

Mining Url:

Port: 4100, Diff: 8
Port: 4101, Diff: VARDIFF
Port: 4102, Diff: 16384

Your wallet address


Great Work. But it seems is providing almost 100% hash. BTW Good luck. hope your project will be a great success.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on October 01, 2017, 03:16:57 PM
Pool is back up for testing, available at There is still much work to be done before the pool is fully finished, however we are nearing the block reward halving so i thought it was important to have the XGTC portion re-opened ASAP. :) Happy mining and please report any issues.

Mining Url:

Port: 4100, Diff: 8
Port: 4101, Diff: VARDIFF
Port: 4102, Diff: 16384

Your wallet address


Great Work. But it seems is providing almost 100% hash. BTW Good luck. hope your project will be a great success.

With their high fees that will likely change soon, but if not then all the power to them :) [pun intended lol]

UPDATE SEEMS TO BE fully updated and on the correct chain! This means you can mine x11 or scrypt in a profit switching setup and earn XGTC!, password "c=GirlsTokencoin" <- mine XGTC directly or, password "a=algo" and set XGTC as your payout option in settings to allow profitswitching :)

I am testing now to ensure all works smoothly and will update after first payout :)

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: malekbaba on October 01, 2017, 03:26:21 PM
Pool is back up for testing, available at There is still much work to be done before the pool is fully finished, however we are nearing the block reward halving so i thought it was important to have the XGTC portion re-opened ASAP. :) Happy mining and please report any issues.

Mining Url:

Port: 4100, Diff: 8
Port: 4101, Diff: VARDIFF
Port: 4102, Diff: 16384

Your wallet address


Great Work. But it seems is providing almost 100% hash. BTW Good luck. hope your project will be a great success.

With their high fees that will likely change soon, but if not then all the power to them :) [pun intended lol]

UPDATE has fully updated and is on the correct chain! This means you can mine x11 or scrypt in a profit switching setup and earn XGTC!, password "c=GirlsTokencoin" <- mine XGTC directly or, password "a=algo" and set XGTC as your payout option in settings to allow profitswitching :)

I am testing now to ensure all works smoothly and will update after first payout :)

Are you mining at prohashing or l8nit pool ?
How profitswitch works? If I start mining in prohashing and want to get paid in xgtc, how will they accumulate the coin ? by mining ? or they will buy the coin from exchange and will send the coin to me ?

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: malekbaba on October 04, 2017, 07:21:22 PM
Will you try to enlist xgtc in cmc? It will help to improve exposure. I see that miners are getting involved in mining. Net hash rate is good. And reward will be half at 60000th block. So low supply and more demand will increase the price

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on October 07, 2017, 08:09:14 PM
Will you try to enlist xgtc in cmc? It will help to improve exposure. I see that miners are getting involved in mining. Net hash rate is good. And reward will be half at 60000th block. So low supply and more demand will increase the price
Ok so , prohashing has yet to pay out XGTC for me, so it seems its not fully enabled there yet.
As for coinmarketcap, yes it is n the plans, however they require a website [any website] to show our current money supply, which we dont have yet. It is in the plans, however there is still much work to do on the wallet itself before we can be deemed fully stable

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: kurbeks on October 08, 2017, 07:09:30 AM
Will you try to enlist xgtc in cmc? It will help to improve exposure. I see that miners are getting involved in mining. Net hash rate is good. And reward will be half at 60000th block. So low supply and more demand will increase the price
Ok so , prohashing has yet to pay out XGTC for me, so it seems its not fully enabled there yet.
As for coinmarketcap, yes it is n the plans, however they require a website [any website] to show our current money supply, which we dont have yet. It is in the plans, however there is still much work to do on the wallet itself before we can be deemed fully stable

Coinmarketcap now also require minimum of $10k daily trading volume of coin.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on October 09, 2017, 12:18:06 AM
Will you try to enlist xgtc in cmc? It will help to improve exposure. I see that miners are getting involved in mining. Net hash rate is good. And reward will be half at 60000th block. So low supply and more demand will increase the price
Ok so , prohashing has yet to pay out XGTC for me, so it seems its not fully enabled there yet.
As for coinmarketcap, yes it is n the plans, however they require a website [any website] to show our current money supply, which we dont have yet. It is in the plans, however there is still much work to do on the wallet itself before we can be deemed fully stable

Coinmarketcap now also require minimum of $10k daily trading volume of coin.
So then definitely much work to do on my end to make us worth the volume :)

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on October 10, 2017, 06:52:06 PM
GirlsToken portion of the pool has been re-opened for testing at:

Happy mining, and please report any issues and I will rectify them as quickly as possible :)

We have run into the negative coin issue once again, however this time there is no attacker. This leads me to believe we have an issue in the GBT section of the codebase. This is an issue that should be fixed as soon as the 3.0 wallet is finished [as it is a much newer codebase], however if I am able to locate the exact cause of the issue before this then there will be a small 2.2.2 update  pushed at that time :) in the mean time solo mining and trading are the best and safest options for acquiring XGTC while the updates and upgrades are being made :)

Now that the pool itself is up and running happily I will be able to dedicate more time to the 3.0 wallet and it should speed things up :)


The block reward has now dropped to 50 XGTC per block :)

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on October 12, 2017, 09:15:51 PM
0 connections added

Updating OP now, i apologize - newest seed list can always be found at l8nit3-miners peer list (

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: kurbeks on October 13, 2017, 11:50:15 AM
Dev pools looks down again

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on October 13, 2017, 02:11:06 PM
Dev pools looks down again

Thank you for reporting, the pool itself is fine, it is an issue that needs to be fixed in the backend code of xgtc, that i am working on as quickly as i can to fix

We have run into the negative coin issue once again, however this time there is no attacker. This leads me to believe we have an issue in the GBT section of the codebase. This is an issue that should be fixed as soon as the 3.0 wallet is finished [as it is a much newer codebase], however if I am able to locate the exact cause of the issue before this then there will be a small 2.2.2 update  pushed at that time  in the mean time solo mining and trading are the best and safest options for acquiring XGTC while the updates and upgrades are being made

Now that the pool itself is up and running happily I will be able to dedicate more time to the 3.0 wallet and it should speed things up


Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: malekbaba on October 14, 2017, 04:31:39 PM
Correct me if I am wrong. I think there is only 1 stable pool for xgtc so far. 600000+ blocks have been mined and reward is half now. It seems dev is too busy with new updates. But interest is growing among the miners and I am monitoring the miners closely and found them really interested in mining XGTC. Good sign.

Dev, I think we need to promote the project and there will be a great outcome. I know you are working and raising the project cordially. Hope you will be a successful

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on October 15, 2017, 09:16:04 PM
Correct me if I am wrong. I think there is only 1 stable pool for xgtc so far. 600000+ blocks have been mined and reward is half now. It seems dev is too busy with new updates. But interest is growing among the miners and I am monitoring the miners closely and found them really interested in mining XGTC. Good sign.

Dev, I think we need to promote the project and there will be a great outcome. I know you are working and raising the project cordially. Hope you will be a successful
Thank you for your input :) And you are 100% correct. The minute we have a wallet that works cleanly with pools, I will begin chatting with some other pool owners to try and help hash diversification. So far I have been purposely lagging on advertising XGTC simply because I would like to have a solid wallet before trying to get many more users. I feel too many people too early could cause much uncertainty in the project.
All of the current community are aware of the issues we have dealt with [and that I am working furiously to fix] whereas new users may get upset and be left with a "bad taste in their mouth" for XGTC.

Just my opinion however, and I would love to hear from more of the community with each of your opinions :)

On a side note, the pool itself seems to be running nice and smoothly [for all other coins] and we are slowly starting to build up a bit of a dev fund. This will make things far easier as we will have a bit of BTC behind us, for listings, bounties, and possibly a sig or social media campaign. This is all still far in the future but we are on our way :D

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on October 17, 2017, 03:17:01 AM
I have made some changes to GetBlockTemplate within the codebase, however at this point it is considered bleeding edge and not quite release ready. However, I am loading it up at the pool to see if these changes will fix the issues we I have had with payments. Should the issues be resolved with this update, it will be merged into the main code and a new release will be made :)

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: kurbeks on October 19, 2017, 07:18:20 AM
Hey l8nit3

Can we get working pool. :) As your pool is down and other two have taken coin off from their list. So might as well delete Lpool and Blockmonsta from OP.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on October 19, 2017, 02:00:11 PM
Hey l8nit3

Can we get working pool. :) As your pool is down and other two have taken coin off from their list. So might as well delete Lpool and Blockmonsta from OP.
Actually the pool is open now 😊 I am testing a bleeding edge beta, before release, which will hopefully solve some of the issues pools have been having.
I have made some changes to GetBlockTemplate within the codebase, however at this point it is considered bleeding edge and not quite release ready. However, I am loading it up at the pool to see if these changes will fix the issues we I have had with payments. Should the issues be resolved with this update, it will be merged into the main code and a new release will be made :)

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: kurbeks on October 19, 2017, 06:30:00 PM
Hey l8nit3

Can we get working pool. :) As your pool is down and other two have taken coin off from their list. So might as well delete Lpool and Blockmonsta from OP.
Actually the pool is open now 😊 I am testing a bleeding edge beta, before release, which will hopefully solve some of the issues pools have been having.
I have made some changes to GetBlockTemplate within the codebase, however at this point it is considered bleeding edge and not quite release ready. However, I am loading it up at the pool to see if these changes will fix the issues we I have had with payments. Should the issues be resolved with this update, it will be merged into the main code and a new release will be made :)

Can confirm works fine now. Hopefully won't go down after half day as usual :)

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on October 19, 2017, 06:39:21 PM
Hey l8nit3

Can we get working pool. :) As your pool is down and other two have taken coin off from their list. So might as well delete Lpool and Blockmonsta from OP.
Actually the pool is open now 😊 I am testing a bleeding edge beta, before release, which will hopefully solve some of the issues pools have been having.
I have made some changes to GetBlockTemplate within the codebase, however at this point it is considered bleeding edge and not quite release ready. However, I am loading it up at the pool to see if these changes will fix the issues we I have had with payments. Should the issues be resolved with this update, it will be merged into the main code and a new release will be made :)

Can confirm works fine now. Hopefully won't go down after half day as usual :)

I agree completely, this is why the new code is yet to be released. In general we seem to have a GBT or confirmation issue. Overtime some blocks that show cofirmed on the pool, turn to orphan [before fully confirmed] however there seems to be a miscommunication between the daemon and pool, and the pool still pays out those blocks. Eventually causing a negative balance in the pool.

This is why the pool was up and down [plus 2 hack attacks before security was beefed up] for XGTC and likely why we have been delisted at the other 2 pools.
Once this new code is deemed working and the bug is known to be fully gone, it will be packaged up into a new release and distributed to the community.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on October 21, 2017, 05:31:56 PM
Hello XGTC users :)

So it would seem after a few days of running, we do still have the same issue with some blocks not confirming correctly with the pool. However, instead of 2-3 hours, its now taking a few days before the issue appears.

In essence no, the issue is not quite fixed yet, but we are making good progress :)

The pool will remain open for the time being while I analyze the logs and try and locate the remainder of the bug. While doing this, I am also working hard on the 3.0 version of our wallet. Once fully up and running, the 3.0 version will likely require a coinswap due to many new changes and updates.... however there is still much work to do before this happens.

As each new feature in the 3.0 wallet is tested [in alpha mode] and deemed working, I will release information and let you all know what each feature is and why it was added :) I will be doing it this way to avoid XPY type [soon] hype. I do not want to cause any hype before a feature is deemed fully working.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: tinytrader on October 28, 2017, 08:43:30 PM
Hello XGTC users :)

So it would seem after a few days of running, we do still have the same issue with some blocks not confirming correctly with the pool. However, instead of 2-3 hours, its now taking a few days before the issue appears.

In essence no, the issue is not quite fixed yet, but we are making good progress :)

The pool will remain open for the time being while I analyze the logs and try and locate the remainder of the bug. While doing this, I am also working hard on the 3.0 version of our wallet. Once fully up and running, the 3.0 version will likely require a coinswap due to many new changes and updates.... however there is still much work to do before this happens.

As each new feature in the 3.0 wallet is tested [in alpha mode] and deemed working, I will release information and let you all know what each feature is and why it was added :) I will be doing it this way to avoid XPY type [soon] hype. I do not want to cause any hype before a feature is deemed fully working.

As a new member, i had some interest upon mining. It is a exciting matter. How any hardware may mine a coin and can be sold in need . I mined 100000 xgtc coins but unfortunately I lost my wallet.dat file and I had no back up. It was a bad ay for me. What happens to the OP/Dev ? May be he is quite busy with new wallet. I like girls, thereby I will support XGTC from bottom of my heart

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on October 28, 2017, 10:13:08 PM
I am still here :) Just busy working away on wallet version 3.0 and the pool :)

<edit 11/05/17>
Hello again all :)
I am here for a quick update.
-The pool is down for a short while as the server is being moved to a new location.
-I have successfully cloned a new base [solaris XLR] and have switched its algo from xevan to scrypt.
-I am currently testing the masternode setups, and swiftTx to ensure all is working there.
-I am also currently working on adding multi-algo pow [although this is nowhere near ready]

When all is complete, and the wallet is running/building without bugs/errors, the 3.0 wallet will be released and a coinswap will follow. At this point any coin specs are simply placeholders and as such I am not ready to release them.

My working idea for algo list at this point is scrypt, xevan, skein or skein2, and possibly phi1612. If any user has a suggestion for other algos aswell, or instead of the ones in the list, please voice your opinion :)

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: Mr.merson on November 08, 2017, 01:21:26 AM
oh wow I found something new

for what I understood with the implementation muti pow, it is possible to mine the currency with several algorithms (I have several doubts here but that is not a point that I am going to discuss)

some time ago I thought, if this currency would get better value with incorporation of "rare" algorithms to extract and by default the coin would be considered a "rareness" (since there are many cryptocurrence based on scrypt algorithm it would not stand out of another) but as I said it was just random thinking nor do I know if it is possible or if it would work

Also ... something like decentralizing the currency in the miner's habit, I mean ... having the opportunity of anyone can extract the coin (but in algorithm scypt) I see it very unfeasible since there is ASIC for it

but this would be defocusing the main idea ... (as I said I do not even know if it is possible and I do not know much about how cryptocurrency works).Besides is a currency that is easy to use and oriented for a specific public.What more could you want?

about the question, other

cryptonight <---with botnet-proof difficulty algorithm


Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on November 08, 2017, 08:59:46 PM
Multi algo POW is a well known and already implemented feature into a few coins. Check out Digibyte, Myriad, Joincoin, and Unitus. My reason for including scrypt as one of the algos, is that we already have scrypt miners who own asics. If we remove scrypt then they would be cut out from mining.

The way a multi-algo pow setup works (briefly expained) is that each algo has its own difficulty. This allows any size miner to be competitive on their chosen algo. If you have asics, mine sha or scrypt, gpus then (just an example) mine groestl or phi1612, and if you have cpu mine argon2d or other cpu friendly algo. All with one coin.

Each algorithm also has its own block time (eg. 15 second overall block time * 4 algos = 1 minute blocks per algo) and this helps to decentralize mining, while not promoting hoarding like POS does.

All of this is opinion and what i understand of these features. If anyone has a better handle on them, please speak up and feel free to correct any incorrect information 😊

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: Mr.merson on November 10, 2017, 09:04:42 PM
Multi algo POW is a well known and already implemented feature into a few coins. Check out Digibyte, Myriad, Joincoin, and Unitus. My reason for including scrypt as one of the algos, is that we already have scrypt miners who own asics. If we remove scrypt then they would be cut out from mining.

The way a multi-algo pow setup works (briefly expained) is that each algo has its own difficulty. This allows any size miner to be competitive on their chosen algo. If you have asics, mine sha or scrypt, gpus then (just an example) mine groestl or phi1612, and if you have cpu mine argon2d or other cpu friendly algo. All with one coin.

Each algorithm also has its own block time (eg. 15 second overall block time * 4 algos = 1 minute blocks per algo) and this helps to decentralize mining, while not promoting hoarding like POS does.

All of this is opinion and what i understand of these features. If anyone has a better handle on them, please speak up and feel free to correct any incorrect information 😊

I was just reading about that great feature that same day

the truth seemed to me impressive that idea (used by 2014) my opinion was not to attack precisely for the elimination of the scrypt algorithm, but as you commented the idea of "multi-something-pow" to add new "something". I commented on other algorithms that benefit other extraction platforms such as CPU and GPU since many mining enthusiasts do not have an ASIC or GPU rigs professional platform.

why not give them this mining experience in this currency? and in turn decentralize the currency more

PD, it's my humble comment as a newbie in mining
PD2,another one Hold algoritm

I have a doubt ... this implementation is compatible with the P.O.S system?

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: tinytrader on November 11, 2017, 03:15:46 AM
I am new and really do not know a lot about mining. I am interested in mining though.

1. Do you think mining with a gpu is still a way of earning in crypto?
2. I have heard from many people that GPU mining is obsolete. Is it true ? But they are still mining, somehow. If it is not profitable then how do they mine ?
3. Is there any algo that can not mined by asic or other hardware ?
4. Which GPU works best for XGTC ? How much coin I can mine daily with that?

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: oricatmos on November 11, 2017, 10:18:41 AM
I am new and really do not know a lot about mining. I am interested in mining though.

1. Do you think mining with a gpu is still a way of earning in crypto?
2. I have heard from many people that GPU mining is obsolete. Is it true ? But they are still mining, somehow. If it is not profitable then how do they mine ?
3. Is there any algo that can not mined by asic or other hardware ?
4. Which GPU works best for XGTC ? How much coin I can mine daily with that?

1. Mining with GPU is more profitable than asics for the normal user of PC because profitable ASICS are pretty expensives, hard to buy, make lot of noise and use a lot of power, only recommended if you have near free electric power and a room dedicated to it . I recommend you to look at "" and make a comparison between asic and gpus.
2. GPU mining is obsolete for non asic resistant algorithms (SHA256, scrypt, X11, Quark, Qbit)
3. There are plenty of them (ethash, equihash, cryptonight, neoscrypt...)
4. It depends on the new algo implemented, for now it's only scrypt

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: flushimpatience on November 12, 2017, 05:05:58 PM
Look pretty cool , where do I can read about bounty ?

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on November 15, 2017, 03:59:11 PM
Look pretty cool , where do I can read about bounty ?
At this point we do not offer a bounty, this will however be possible after the coinswap and release of version 3.0 as we will have a small dev fund to "play" with.

To all community members, I would like to provide a brief update and let everyone know that I am in fact still alive :)

-We currently have at our disposal a copy of XLR that I have switched over the algo from xevan to scrypt. However, there seems to be a "re-index" bug causing a blckchain re-index every startup [I have also personally noticed this issue on a stock XLR wallet]
-Due to the issue above I have abandoned [while still keeping the code for reference] the XLR base and have instead decided to use DASH as our base. Once again I have managed to get all of our "placeholder" specs added in, made the gen block, and am working on implementing multi-algo POW.
-Anyone who would like to view progress made on either of the above codebases, can check out my github and view recent commits :)

We still have a long road ahead of us, but progress is being made each day and I am confident the wait will be well rewarded for all of us :)

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: malekbaba on November 15, 2017, 08:47:58 PM
I am having issues regarding wallet. Wallet is out of sync. I am also having issues while mining. I used address from exchange and started mining. It seems I was the only miner and getting blocks too but my wallet of the pool was showing no shares and it was null . No shares, no coins to my address. What is the problem ? And why the wallet is not syncing. BTW, how are you dev, I was pretty busy and have not heard from you

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: kurbeks on November 15, 2017, 09:35:01 PM
I am having issues regarding wallet. Wallet is out of sync. I am also having issues while mining. I used address from exchange and started mining. It seems I was the only miner and getting blocks too but my wallet of the pool was showing no shares and it was null . No shares, no coins to my address. What is the problem ? And why the wallet is not syncing. BTW, how are you dev, I was pretty busy and have not heard from you

Mine syncs and stakes. Add nodes maybe?  Also correct wallet version.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: oricatmos on November 16, 2017, 06:15:22 AM
I am having issues regarding wallet. Wallet is out of sync. I am also having issues while mining. I used address from exchange and started mining. It seems I was the only miner and getting blocks too but my wallet of the pool was showing no shares and it was null . No shares, no coins to my address. What is the problem ? And why the wallet is not syncing. BTW, how are you dev, I was pretty busy and have not heard from you

Mine syncs and stakes. Add nodes maybe?  Also correct wallet version.

Mine too , you should ensure that your wallet version is the latest (2.2.1), and get the latest nodes from coinexchange,

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - New Logo - Coinsmarkets has updated to!![ANN]
Post by: kruanko on November 18, 2017, 04:39:45 PM
                                                                                                              BlockMonsta Miningpool [XGTC]


                                                                                                                EXAMPLE for GirlsToken [XGTC]

                                                                                      stratum+tcp:// -u WalletAdress -p x

                                                                                                                    Port: 3401, Diff: 256
                                                                                                                    Port: 3402, Diff: 4096 VarDiff
                                                                                                                    Port: 3403, Diff: 128000

                                                                                      Pool is Tested:  GYJUTMtpKcU1dQmT1AuV3XLkEfD58UTZrn

We are back with xgtc pool on wallet version 2.2.1

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: malekbaba on November 20, 2017, 11:08:16 AM
I am getting 20% rejected shares. Damn. Currently I am mining in and using wallet of coinexchange's deposit address. I was trying to mine @lpool but I do not get any share there. I am not a tech guy. What is actually going on ?

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: kurbeks on November 20, 2017, 01:15:27 PM
I am getting 20% rejected shares. Damn. Currently I am mining in and using wallet of coinexchange's deposit address. I was trying to mine @lpool but I do not get any share there. I am not a tech guy. What is actually going on ?

miner problems? Firewall, your own miner or rented.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: kreatoralex on December 02, 2017, 03:51:03 PM
The work is over? There is no pool, no blockexplorer...

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on December 02, 2017, 09:39:26 PM
The work is over? There is no pool, no blockexplorer...
No definitely not over :) I am nearing completion on the first GirlsToken3.0 wallet. It will be a masternode release, with POS and scrypt POW at first. I am still working on adding the multi-algo POW, however that will be added in as a hard fork in the future.
The pool is down due to issues in the codebase of our 2.x versions, which will be fixed with our new 10.x+ codebase. Once the 3.0 version is released, it will be added to the pool and 2.x will be removed.

The plan is to have a 60 day coinswap, and then after everyone has switched over I will be working on the addition of multi-algo once again. I am also looking at pricing of a few different exchanges for listings. The hope is to have at least one larger exchange at the time of release, even if I have to pay out of pocket untill things get running. :)

The current planned coin specs are as follows:
Masternode cost: 5000
Masternode reward: 15% forever, no seesaw rewards, or growing rewards. <- this way POW miners still have incentive
Block time: 15 seconds times number of algos
Confirmations: 10 <- this + 15 sec block time means ~2.5 minutes for fully confirmed tx's
Block reward: 5 halving at every 518400 blocks
Ports: still 10666 and 10665
Max_Money: This is still a working number only, but approx 7-9 million
Premine: there will be a small premine, that will include coinswap coins. The working number is around 2%. with ~1% for coinswap, ~0.7% for dev fund (listings, bounties, etc), and 0.3% for the developer (me) for previous work and continued work. The 0.3% will be used to setup 2 masternodes with a small remainder that will be my personal balance (as I have no coins left to swap, due to funding the pool repeatedly)

Also, I am looking at changing the ticker to XGT3 to differentiate between the new code and old code on exchanges and such... hopefully this will prevent "lost" coins from sending to certain exchanges.

These are the current numbers we are working with, however they are subject to change before actual release

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: kurbeks on December 03, 2017, 07:59:17 AM
Great news ;) Just don't list Yobit until it's fully forked and there won't be anymore forks.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: Randian Hero on December 03, 2017, 08:37:19 AM
Can somebody tell me what is this coin about? What's the profit and what's the purpose? Currently it looks like just a toy. Is there a whitepaper?

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: malekbaba on December 03, 2017, 06:58:55 PM
Hi dev, how are you? I know you are already a busy person but now a days it seems you have no time at all. I want to know, what are the active pool for xgtc mining ? I tried lpool and yiimp pool but was not able to mine the coin. And give us some update on your wallet update

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on December 12, 2017, 07:28:47 PM
Hi dev, how are you? I know you are already a busy person but now a days it seems you have no time at all. I want to know, what are the active pool for xgtc mining ? I tried lpool and yiimp pool but was not able to mine the coin. And give us some update on your wallet update

Hello malekbaba, and all community :)

I wanted to provide some updates to let everyone know what progress is being made, complete with screen shots :D

1st- I have registered "" and am building us a nice, slick, html5 info page for the upcoming release (images below):

2nd- I have a fully working scrypt masternode wallet, that is technically ready for release, however there are no true innovations at this point to set us apart. I have managed to successfully build a version with a basic, 2 algo "multi-algo pow" setup, which is building and being tested now. (untested linux-qt pics below):

Currently included, and being tested is scrypt and xevan algos. With plans to add a few more including skein2 and phi1612 after the current code is fully tested and deemed working.

Happy holidays to all :D

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: tinytrader on December 13, 2017, 08:46:37 PM
Hi dev, how are you? I know you are already a busy person but now a days it seems you have no time at all. I want to know, what are the active pool for xgtc mining ? I tried lpool and yiimp pool but was not able to mine the coin. And give us some update on your wallet update

Hello malekbaba, and all community :)

I wanted to provide some updates to let everyone know what progress is being made, complete with screen shots :D

1st- I have registered "" and am building us a nice, slick, html5 info page for the upcoming release (images below):

2nd- I have a fully working scrypt masternode wallet, that is technically ready for release, however there are no true innovations at this point to set us apart. I have managed to successfully build a version with a basic, 2 algo "multi-algo pow" setup, which is building and being tested now. (untested linux-qt pics below):

Currently included, and being tested is scrypt and xevan algos. With plans to add a few more including skein2 and phi1612 after the current code is fully tested and deemed working.

Happy holidays to all :D

Amazing. It is a matter of great joy when we see dev is working hard to overcome and working towards specific goal. True to say, a friend of mine told me about this project. He assured me that dev is a wonderful person. May be we will not get a lot of money from it but at least we have honest dev, very nice community and we prefer development over money.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: dagoofman on December 13, 2017, 11:50:29 PM
not getting any connections to wallet
used addnodes

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: Flapmin on December 14, 2017, 09:27:25 AM
not getting any connections to wallet
used addnodes

list from everyone else and mine added im sure there are duplicates deal with it lol


Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: oricatmos on December 23, 2017, 06:24:26 PM
This coin will be full of new features it will surely have a pump when they will be ready...

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: mmm011 on December 25, 2017, 02:25:52 PM
anyone have a link to a working explorer or coin count for this? please and thank you; the one in the op doesn't work for me.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: Redni on December 25, 2017, 07:53:15 PM
Is any information about masternode cost?

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: Ibtememe on December 27, 2017, 05:56:26 PM
Hi! Can somebody help me? I sent XGTC from yobit to coinexchanger
tx f7309f4925dacf08a192575f6e1faf3ac2ee7b45032e61395c14a534bb564f30
money not received in wallet coinexchander, where can I see block explorer ? Thanks!

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: kurbeks on December 27, 2017, 07:37:42 PM
Yobit uses old wallet version

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: Ibtememe on December 28, 2017, 09:07:58 AM
Yobit uses old wallet version

What should I do now?

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: kurbeks on December 28, 2017, 05:41:26 PM
Nothing - unless wonder happen and they update wallet. Coins are lost.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: malekbaba on December 28, 2017, 09:00:55 PM
Yobit uses old wallet version

What should I do now?

It is not your fault. I did the same. Yobit is still in old chain?! Bullshit. But I sent around 100 coins to check the deposit as I do not like yobit and I was saved. May be you did not notice the warning in OP. Dev already posted not to trade in yobit. Yobit is world's most shittest exchange.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: vadimus1984 on December 29, 2017, 08:56:26 PM
wallet v2.2.1.0-g no synh. It`s last version or no?

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: awmyhr on January 03, 2018, 06:14:15 PM
Hello, I've been trying to compile the unix headless binaries per the doc in an Ubuntu container (same base container I've used to build numerous other coin code) with all listed pre-reqs, but the make fails immdiately:

root@6e14f56a7f01:~/gtoken/src# make -f makefile.unix
g++ -c -O2  -pthread -Wall -Wextra -Wno-ignored-qualifiers -Wformat -Wformat-security -Wno-unused-parameter -g -DBOOST_SPIRIT_THREADSAFE -I/root/gtoken/src -I/root/gtoken/src/obj -DUSE_UPNP=1 -I/root/gtoken/src/leveldb/include -I/root/gtoken/src/leveldb/helpers -DHAVE_BUILD_INFO -fno-stack-protector -fstack-protector-all -Wstack-protector -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2  -MMD -MF obj/alert.d -o obj/alert.o alert.cpp
alert.cpp:273:1: fatal error: opening dependency file obj/alert.d: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
makefile.unix:167: recipe for target 'obj/alert.o' failed
make: *** [obj/alert.o] Error 1

I didn't jump straight to opening an issue as perhaps I've missed something simple, anyone here have experience compiling this?

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: Redni on January 03, 2018, 06:54:18 PM
Hello, I've been trying to compile the unix headless binaries per the doc in an Ubuntu container (same base container I've used to build numerous other coin code) with all listed pre-reqs, but the make fails immdiately:

root@6e14f56a7f01:~/gtoken/src# make -f makefile.unix
g++ -c -O2  -pthread -Wall -Wextra -Wno-ignored-qualifiers -Wformat -Wformat-security -Wno-unused-parameter -g -DBOOST_SPIRIT_THREADSAFE -I/root/gtoken/src -I/root/gtoken/src/obj -DUSE_UPNP=1 -I/root/gtoken/src/leveldb/include -I/root/gtoken/src/leveldb/helpers -DHAVE_BUILD_INFO -fno-stack-protector -fstack-protector-all -Wstack-protector -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2  -MMD -MF obj/alert.d -o obj/alert.o alert.cpp
alert.cpp:273:1: fatal error: opening dependency file obj/alert.d: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
makefile.unix:167: recipe for target 'obj/alert.o' failed
make: *** [obj/alert.o] Error 1

I didn't jump straight to opening an issue as perhaps I've missed something simple, anyone here have experience compiling this?

Try, before make:

mkdir obj obj/zerocoin

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: awmyhr on January 04, 2018, 03:57:45 PM

Try, before make:

mkdir obj obj/zerocoin

That did it, thank you very much! I knew it was something simple...

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: awmyhr on January 08, 2018, 06:02:37 PM
Finally got some time to mess around with this coin again, but ran into the problem were I was completley unable to connect to the network. Is the whole thing down, or am I doing somethig wrong again? I saw a huge list of IPs eariler, and fed that to my daemon, but none came back as active...

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: wafdawg on January 11, 2018, 10:51:56 AM
Miners are choosing their favorite ways to dig it, and you can vote.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: SandyFish on January 12, 2018, 01:41:14 AM
Hi Dev.
Wallet not syns.
new ver not syns.
Pls fix addnos.
Thank you so much.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: therealwafdawg on January 13, 2018, 02:55:26 PM
Miners are choosing their favorite ways to dig it, and you can vote.

hey hacker - the way I dug your mom's back out this morning

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: mono89 on January 14, 2018, 02:57:54 PM
Hello. I bought XGTC from Yobit on January 10th. And I sent it to Coinexchange. But that did not arrive at this moment. I contacted Coinexchange and their answer came. I have captured my question and answer.
I think there's a problem with the coin's block chain network. And this is the problem you guys have to solve. Although it is a small amount of money, I have tremendous stress for a week. Not only me, but there are people who are having trouble with this problem. I want you guys to show you the responsibility for the coin purchasers. I hope you solve this problem soon.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: oricatmos on January 14, 2018, 04:16:24 PM
Hello. I bought XGTC from Yobit on January 10th. And I sent it to Coinexchange. But that did not arrive at this moment. I contacted Coinexchange and their answer came. I have captured my question and answer.
I think there's a problem with the coin's block chain network. And this is the problem you guys have to solve. Although it is a small amount of money, I have tremendous stress for a week. Not only me, but there are people who are having trouble with this problem. I want you guys to show you the responsibility for the coin purchasers. I hope you solve this problem soon.

If you read the post from the beggining you will notice that few months ago there was a hardfork to make an improvement in the wallet but Yobit continues in the old blockchain despite of the warnings of the dev.
You have sent coins from V.1.0 (Yobit) of girlstoken to V.2.0 (Coinexchange) and that's incompatible, because they are separate chains. This one of the reasons to avoid Yobit, never update their wallets.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: LuminusLady on January 14, 2018, 08:25:51 PM
Hello. I bought XGTC from Yobit on January 10th. And I sent it to Coinexchange. But that did not arrive at this moment. I contacted Coinexchange and their answer came. I have captured my question and answer.
I think there's a problem with the coin's block chain network. And this is the problem you guys have to solve. Although it is a small amount of money, I have tremendous stress for a week. Not only me, but there are people who are having trouble with this problem. I want you guys to show you the responsibility for the coin purchasers. I hope you solve this problem soon.

If you read the post from the beggining you will notice that few months ago there was a hardfork to make an improvement in the wallet but Yobit continues in the old blockchain despite of the warnings of the dev.
You have sent coins from V.1.0 (Yobit) of girlstoken to V.2.0 (Coinexchange) and that's incompatible, because they are separate chains. This one of the reasons to avoid Yobit, never update their wallets.

hi i have the same problem too .
pliiiiz can you find us a solution as soon as possible .

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: mono89 on January 15, 2018, 10:58:57 AM
Hello. I bought XGTC from Yobit on January 10th. And I sent it to Coinexchange. But that did not arrive at this moment. I contacted Coinexchange and their answer came. I have captured my question and answer.
I think there's a problem with the coin's block chain network. And this is the problem you guys have to solve. Although it is a small amount of money, I have tremendous stress for a week. Not only me, but there are people who are having trouble with this problem. I want you guys to show you the responsibility for the coin purchasers. I hope you solve this problem soon.

If you read the post from the beggining you will notice that few months ago there was a hardfork to make an improvement in the wallet but Yobit continues in the old blockchain despite of the warnings of the dev.
You have sent coins from V.1.0 (Yobit) of girlstoken to V.2.0 (Coinexchange) and that's incompatible, because they are separate chains. This one of the reasons to avoid Yobit, never update their wallets.

Thanks for the reply. But I feel like my last hope is broken ... So what should I do? It's a small amount, but it's a big money for me now. Is there any way to get this back? If you know how, please help me.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: oricatmos on January 15, 2018, 05:57:04 PM
I don't know any solution more than sending a ticket to Yobit cancelling the withdraw. But you are in trouble because this is like sending bitcoin to an ethereum address so the coins are missed... You should try to PM the dev l8nit3, maybe he knows an answer...

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: 24Kilo on January 17, 2018, 12:40:55 PM
I don't know any solution more than sending a ticket to Yobit cancelling the withdraw. But you are in trouble because this is like sending bitcoin to an ethereum address so the coins are missed... You should try to PM the dev l8nit3, maybe he knows an answer...
I have not solved this problem, why does the developer have no solution?

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on January 17, 2018, 04:06:01 PM
I don't know any solution more than sending a ticket to Yobit cancelling the withdraw. But you are in trouble because this is like sending bitcoin to an ethereum address so the coins are missed... You should try to PM the dev l8nit3, maybe he knows an answer...
I have not solved this problem, why does the developer have no solution?
This particular issue is a yobit issue, the code was changed in such a way that the old 1.0.8 wallet and the newer 2.2.1 wallet are NOT compatible in any way. Yobit has refused to answer dozens of support tickets from myself and from community members about this exact issue. I realize this is not what your looking to hear... but until yobit decides to play ball there is nothing you or I can do about the situation.

As for an update on the progress with the new wallet, I am currently interviewing 8 different developers to help speed up finalizing the multi-algo code. At this point  there is one developer far in the lead and I am waiting on one final response from them before giving them the green light to begin work.

For the pool, I will be working on it sparingly over the next week and will hopefully have it back up very soon,

Explanation for the delay:
I was using "" during the recent up and down swing of BTC. My goal was to trade up enough BTC for a good exchange listing on release. However, I was the victim of multiple chargebacks (paypal) and multiple interac "chargebacks". These unscrupulous users caused both of my bank accounts and paypal accounts to have large losses. I have since cleared up most of these issues, learned my lesson, and finally have time to get back to work for the community :)

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: Eulalila on January 17, 2018, 04:17:16 PM
I don't know any solution more than sending a ticket to Yobit cancelling the withdraw. But you are in trouble because this is like sending bitcoin to an ethereum address so the coins are missed... You should try to PM the dev l8nit3, maybe he knows an answer...
Same question, expect the developer to answer

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on January 17, 2018, 04:40:20 PM
I don't know any solution more than sending a ticket to Yobit cancelling the withdraw. But you are in trouble because this is like sending bitcoin to an ethereum address so the coins are missed... You should try to PM the dev l8nit3, maybe he knows an answer...
Same question, expect the developer to answer

I answered right above your post, this has been an ongoing issue for quite sometime. It is entirely in yobits hands, and if they choose not to ever update theres nothing anyone else can do including me. I do not have any say in what yobit does.

Reposting this bit just so all can see it as the newest post:

As for an update on the progress with the new wallet, I am currently interviewing 8 different developers to help speed up finalizing the multi-algo code. At this point  there is one developer far in the lead and I am waiting on one final response from them before giving them the green light to begin work.

For the pool, I will be working on it sparingly over the next week and will hopefully have it back up very soon,

Explanation for the delay:
I was using "" during the recent up and down swing of BTC. My goal was to trade up enough BTC for a good exchange listing on release. However, I was the victim of multiple chargebacks (paypal) and multiple interac "chargebacks". These unscrupulous users caused both of my bank accounts and paypal accounts to have large losses. I have since cleared up most of these issues, learned my lesson, and finally have time to get back to work for the community :)

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: Dallas1971 on January 18, 2018, 04:59:10 AM
How expensive is it to get listed on other exchanges

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on January 18, 2018, 05:19:57 PM
How expensive is it to get listed on other exchanges
Many are 0.5 BTC or more. A substantial sum for a small coin with one dev. That being said however, I still plan on having at least one solid exchange when we are ready for release, just keep in mind price will be a deciding factor.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: LuminusLady on January 22, 2018, 02:15:27 AM
I don't know any solution more than sending a ticket to Yobit cancelling the withdraw. But you are in trouble because this is like sending bitcoin to an ethereum address so the coins are missed... You should try to PM the dev l8nit3, maybe he knows an answer...
I have not solved this problem, why does the developer have no solution?
This particular issue is a yobit issue, the code was changed in such a way that the old 1.0.8 wallet and the newer 2.2.1 wallet are NOT compatible in any way. Yobit has refused to answer dozens of support tickets from myself and from community members about this exact issue. I realize this is not what your looking to hear... but until yobit decides to play ball there is nothing you or I can do about the situation.

As for an update on the progress with the new wallet, I am currently interviewing 8 different developers to help speed up finalizing the multi-algo code. At this point  there is one developer far in the lead and I am waiting on one final response from them before giving them the green light to begin work.

For the pool, I will be working on it sparingly over the next week and will hopefully have it back up very soon,

Explanation for the delay:
I was using "" during the recent up and down swing of BTC. My goal was to trade up enough BTC for a good exchange listing on release. However, I was the victim of multiple chargebacks (paypal) and multiple interac "chargebacks". These unscrupulous users caused both of my bank accounts and paypal accounts to have large losses. I have since cleared up most of these issues, learned my lesson, and finally have time to get back to work for the community :)

thanks for your reply
I send them a ticket but still haven't any answer I found this Illegal from Yobit and unfair :-\ :-\

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: malekbaba on February 02, 2018, 06:55:25 PM

I have added this and my wallet is syncing. Use it and let me if it works

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: tinytrader on February 02, 2018, 07:00:33 PM
Thanks @malekbaba. I was having issues with the addnodes. Previously my nodes were working but for last few days , my wallet was not syncing. But I am getting only 1 connection. And it seems my wallet is syncing since March 2017. Is that ok? How many active connection do you get from these nodes? BTW Dev is working persistently and It is very good sign

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: malekbaba on February 02, 2018, 07:39:05 PM
Thanks @malekbaba. I was having issues with the addnodes. Previously my nodes were working but for last few days , my wallet was not syncing. But I am getting only 1 connection. And it seems my wallet is syncing since March 2017. Is that ok? How many active connection do you get from these nodes? BTW Dev is working persistently and It is very good sign

Yes, I am not sure if it is unusual. I am also getting 1 active connection. But it is syncing. BTW what is going on in ? It seems they have paused XGTC trading for a while.
Dear, OP. Can you give us any update regarding project development and wallet issue? I only see lpool. Is there any other active pool ?

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: oricatmos on February 02, 2018, 07:59:20 PM
Thanks @malekbaba. I was having issues with the addnodes. Previously my nodes were working but for last few days , my wallet was not syncing. But I am getting only 1 connection. And it seems my wallet is syncing since March 2017. Is that ok? How many active connection do you get from these nodes? BTW Dev is working persistently and It is very good sign

Yes, I am not sure if it is unusual. I am also getting 1 active connection. But it is syncing. BTW what is going on in ? It seems they have paused XGTC trading for a while.
Dear, OP. Can you give us any update regarding project development and wallet issue? I only see lpool. Is there any other active pool ?

Try these nodes:


I have already 3 active conections

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: Dannikkk on February 03, 2018, 11:54:59 AM
hi.where do you need to add these nodes? I do not have a conf. file

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: oricatmos on February 03, 2018, 01:58:37 PM
hi.where do you need to add these nodes? I do not have a conf. file

You should make a girlstoken.conf archive into the folder you have the wallet.dat and the database, txleveldb folders (this folder usually is inside a hidden folder, but I don't remember where it is because I have mine customized)
Inside girlstoken.conf you have to paste the nodes.
It should looks as the following example:


Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: tuanytcc on February 03, 2018, 02:01:43 PM

Adding those nodes, but my wallet can not be synced. what's the problem? how to fix? Should I delete config file and create a new one?

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: Dannikkk on February 04, 2018, 03:53:12 AM
can I send coins to yobit?

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: tinytrader on February 04, 2018, 08:07:47 PM
Damn, I rented  rig and started mining xgtc. First 24 hours were smooth but after that I am having issue in mining. My rented rig could not connect to the server and i have lost some money there. Cause my rented rig was idle. After 12 hours (I think) I was able to start mining again and after a while, I faced same issue. Yiimp pool is also not working. But it seems lpool is also having issue

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: hexdump on February 20, 2018, 08:28:41 PM
im on "version" : "v2.2.1.0-g"
can anyone confirm is the right version ?
 "blocks" : 929099, wallet is in maintenance mode
anyone knows whats up ?

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on February 21, 2018, 05:46:58 PM
Yes that is the current version, the block explorer is available at ( to check current block height.

I will be contacting this evening after work. The issue was that the explorer was down, and to be safe and ensure that all coins were also safe, the exchange put the wallet in maintenance mode.

Also over the next few days, I will be working on and putting back online, and am still working hard on the 3.0 wallet myself as talks with other devs are on hold at this point. (many wanted to inflate price after quote, or had no idea what multialgo was)

Damn, I rented  rig and started mining xgtc. First 24 hours were smooth but after that I am having issue in mining. My rented rig could not connect to the server and i have lost some money there. Cause my rented rig was idle. After 12 hours (I think) I was able to start mining again and after a while, I faced same issue. Yiimp pool is also not working. But it seems lpool is also having issue

The pool has been running and paying out quite stable now ,however as changes are made ( both to the pool and to XGTC) it is ALWAYS recommended to have backup pools setup  in case of connection issues... even if those backups are other coins. This ensures you always get your moneys worth with a rental.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: LuminusLady on February 28, 2018, 02:32:43 AM
hi dev pliz do you have any good news about XGTC ?
two months ago I sent my coins from yobit to coinexchange and it says the transaction is completed on Yobit but on CE they said that the currency is on maintenance mode. I hope you can solve this prob as fast as you can.  

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: BarTeam on March 01, 2018, 10:10:41 AM
Yes that is the current version, the block explorer is available at ( to check current block height.

I will be contacting this evening after work. The issue was that the explorer was down, and to be safe and ensure that all coins were also safe, the exchange put the wallet in maintenance mode.

Also over the next few days, I will be working on and putting back online, and am still working hard on the 3.0 wallet myself as talks with other devs are on hold at this point. (many wanted to inflate price after quote, or had no idea what multialgo was)

Damn, I rented  rig and started mining xgtc. First 24 hours were smooth but after that I am having issue in mining. My rented rig could not connect to the server and i have lost some money there. Cause my rented rig was idle. After 12 hours (I think) I was able to start mining again and after a while, I faced same issue. Yiimp pool is also not working. But it seems lpool is also having issue

The pool has been running and paying out quite stable now ,however as changes are made ( both to the pool and to XGTC) it is ALWAYS recommended to have backup pools setup  in case of connection issues... even if those backups are other coins. This ensures you always get your moneys worth with a rental. (
Domain expired...

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: BarTeam on March 01, 2018, 10:15:16 AM
Damn, I rented  rig and started mining xgtc. First 24 hours were smooth but after that I am having issue in mining. My rented rig could not connect to the server and i have lost some money there. Cause my rented rig was idle. After 12 hours (I think) I was able to start mining again and after a while, I faced same issue. Yiimp pool is also not working. But it seems lpool is also having issue

You can always support directly on a wallet... mining directly over a wallet you own. You give both the network peers to hold on to, and you get rewarded in case you find blocks.

Note: lpool is having a hard time I guess =)

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: kreatoralex on March 02, 2018, 02:45:38 PM
Do you have a pool?

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: malekbaba on March 03, 2018, 07:16:26 AM
coinexchange wallet is in maintenance mode for several days. Will they delist the coin? We are not getting any news on this coin from dev. What is actually going on ?  As far I know the dev is honest and he has long plan with this project. Please give us update on project development.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: malekbaba on March 15, 2018, 07:33:28 AM
What is going on, brother? It seems you are in some bad situation or pretty busy now a days. I know you are honest and hard working and you had plans. I checked your profile and what I found is irregular activity in the forum and facebook too. I know xgtc is still passing through infancy and you will make it huge success. Give us update, please

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: vader16 on March 20, 2018, 09:40:18 AM
wellet still an 1 000 000 block and ? ??? ;D   

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: cryptocoinscity on March 24, 2018, 10:43:15 AM
<< Bootstrap.dat: 617902 blocks - 10/19/2017  >>

Wtf is the file bootstrap.dat ??? How does this help to bootstrap the GirrlsToken wallet ?
Does anyone have a working recent bootstrap. The wallet takes ages to sync.


Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: hexdump on April 06, 2018, 05:09:12 PM
<< Bootstrap.dat: 617902 blocks - 10/19/2017  >>

Wtf is the file bootstrap.dat ??? How does this help to bootstrap the GirrlsToken wallet ?
Does anyone have a working recent bootstrap. The wallet takes ages to sync.


read up ->

get a fresh one (week old)

hope this helps

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: lalaland97cute on April 07, 2018, 08:14:20 AM
give me more information, plz?

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: Truna on April 07, 2018, 08:16:06 AM
hello everyone be a part of pecunio,
here is the link of ANN (

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on April 20, 2018, 05:49:18 PM
Hello all,

I apologize for being away so long, I have been dealing with some family issues. (not an excuse, simply an explanation).

ON XGTC 2.0 (current):
I have rebuilt the pool/explorer and the XGTC explorer is currently downloading blocks. Once fully synced, I will build a new bootstrap.dat since, as mentioned, the last one made was quite awhile ago. As we still have a strange bug in the code casuing issues with the pool, I WILL NOT be opening the pool for XGTC 2.0, simply the explorer.

I am currently still working on the multi-algo code, using many different bases to find the best fit for us. However, along the way I have figured out how to properly separate "GetHash" from "GetPOWHash" which is a nice but small step along the way. Please remember I am not a c++ dev and am learning most of this along the way. With that said, there is work going on in the background as much as possible, but it will still be slow going untill we have a "ready-for-release" XGT3.

I will my do best to check in far more often here now that I am back at a keyboard a bit more.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: oricatmos on April 20, 2018, 07:46:58 PM
I'm glad to read you again mr. l8nit3 , for instance my wallet is syncronized and stacking slowly but is running. The worst part is that uses 15% of CPU.

Next months will surely be good for the cryptos, so having a new version of girlstoken (even only a performance improvement) would give an extra boost to the value.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: malekbaba on April 20, 2018, 08:56:44 PM
Hello all,

I apologize for being away so long, I have been dealing with some family issues. (not an excuse, simply an explanation).

ON XGTC 2.0 (current):
I have rebuilt the pool/explorer and the XGTC explorer is currently downloading blocks. Once fully synced, I will build a new bootstrap.dat since, as mentioned, the last one made was quite awhile ago. As we still have a strange bug in the code casuing issues with the pool, I WILL NOT be opening the pool for XGTC 2.0, simply the explorer.

I am currently still working on the multi-algo code, using many different bases to find the best fit for us. However, along the way I have figured out how to properly separate "GetHash" from "GetPOWHash" which is a nice but small step along the way. Please remember I am not a c++ dev and am learning most of this along the way. With that said, there is work going on in the background as much as possible, but it will still be slow going untill we have a "ready-for-release" XGT3.

I will my do best to check in far more often here now that I am back at a keyboard a bit more.

Man I am also glad to see you again. Hope you are alright.
1. We cant use any exchange. Will you fix the issue with CE, please.
2. I saw your coin in lpool and started mining the coin. May I mine again ?
3. A new explorer will be awesome.

Good luck. Hope you will reply soon, my friend

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: kurbeks on April 21, 2018, 05:32:18 AM
Thanx for update

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - Mandatory 2.2.1 Update - Sync issues fixed[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on April 25, 2018, 06:36:31 PM
Bootstrap.dat has been updated on the GitHub to 1109181 blocks. HOWEVER, the wallet still has lag issues whether you sync from network or bootstrap. Explorer should be back up momentarily, and I will update again when there is more news to share.

Bootstrap link (

As for CE and lpool, these are not run by me, and any changes or decisions made about XGTC is done by their staff.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 2.3-ALPHA in testing now[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on May 06, 2018, 02:55:37 PM
The pool is being re-opened to help stress test an alpha version of a slightly updated 2.3 version of our current wallet.

-The new XGT3
-A huge change with tons of new features

-A cleaner, smoother running version, with bugfixes for usability
-Fixes "greyed out upnp settings" some had experienced
-Fixes Mining issues - Still being tested
-Less "Transaction too large" issues for massive wallets with many small transactions - Still testing
-Added getaddednodeinfo for better info on nodes added through cmd line
-Added additional checkpoints to help keep all on correct chain
-Extend POW period indefinitely at a rate of 10XGTC/Block starting at block 1.4 million

The decision to extend the POW period was made after serious thought. The reason for it is this:
-Up untill this point most of the mining for XGTC has been solo
-This cuts out many users who are unwilling or unsure how to solo mine
-Extending the POW  at 10/Block allows new users/miners to join while letting the OG community keep a bonus for early adoption (higher POW rewards early on)

There are likely to still be bugs as this has been only tested in house so far, and I have been up for days building it.
For those who would like to test the new code the windows wallet is available here: GirlsToken-2.3-ALPHA.exe (

VirusTotal results available here: Results (

Please report bugs here or in a DM to me personally, and I will do my best to squash them as quickly as possible.

Also It seems has re-opened deposits and trading for XGTC! Happy Trading :)

Current nodes:

Alpha2 is up for anyone looking to test. Before starting wipe out everything except wallet.dat in your data folder and as always, back up your wallet.dat.
Link -> Alpha2 (

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 2.3-ALPHA in testing now[ANN]
Post by: kreatoralex on May 09, 2018, 12:08:22 PM
The pool is being re-opened to help stress test an alpha version of a slightly updated 2.3 version of our current wallet.

-The new XGT3
-A huge change with tons of new features

-A cleaner, smoother running version, with bugfixes for usability
-Fixes "greyed out upnp settings" some had experienced
-Fixes Mining issues - Still being tested
-Less "Transaction too large" issues for massive wallets with many small transactions - Still testing
-Added getaddednodeinfo for better info on nodes added through cmd line
-Added additional checkpoints to help keep all on correct chain
-Extend POW period indefinitely at a rate of 10XGTC/Block starting at block 1.4 million

The decision to extend the POW period was made after serious thought. The reason for it is this:
-Up untill this point most of the mining for XGTC has been solo
-This cuts out many users who are unwilling or unsure how to solo mine
-Extending the POW  at 10/Block allows new users/miners to join while letting the OG community keep a bonus for early adoption (higher POW rewards early on)

There are likely to still be bugs as this has been only tested in house so far, and I have been up for days building it.
For those who would like to test the new code the windows wallet is available here: GirlsToken-2.3-ALPHA.exe (

VirusTotal results available here: Results (

Please report bugs here or in a DM to me personally, and I will do my best to squash them as quickly as possible.

Also It seems has re-opened deposits and trading for XGTC! Happy Trading :)

Current nodes:

Alpha2 is up for anyone looking to test. Before starting wipe out everything except wallet.dat in your data folder and as always, back up your wallet.dat.
Link -> Alpha2 (

I could not start a new wallet (

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 2.3-ALPHA in testing now[ANN]
Post by: kurbeks on May 09, 2018, 05:29:38 PM
Alpha2 also didn't work for me. But alpha 1 did work fine.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 2.3-ALPHA in testing now[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on May 09, 2018, 05:32:45 PM
Alpha2 also didn't work for me. But alpha 1 did work fine.

Thank you both for testing :) And for the quick reply.
Alpha1 should be fine to run with the same data dir, however alpha2 has had an upgrade to leveldb and as such would need to resync from scratch with an empty datadir (keep wallet.dat of course)

With that said, I have also noticed bugs in Alpha2 that kick in around block 350k while syncing. So, at this point Alpha1 is the one to test. I will remove Alpha2, and rollback the code updates untill I know which one caused the issues.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 2.3-ALPHA in testing now[ANN]
Post by: kurbeks on May 09, 2018, 07:03:31 PM
right :) forgot to delete dir :D

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 2.3-ALPHA in testing now[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on May 09, 2018, 07:23:27 PM
Just to bring everyone up to speed with my general plans for the near future.

I have been working hard on our codebase to bring it from an ancient 0.6.x based wallet up to a 0.9.x or 0.10.x. Currently I am using mostly commits from a combination of Bitcoin, Vertcoin, and Peercoin and modifying them to work correctly with our code.

This will involve a massive re-write of nearly all files currently in our code, splitting up the ancient codebase into more manageable parts, updated dependancies, and eventually an updated build system using autotools or possibly the newer "depends" system found in most 0.10.x clones.

Once finished with bringing the code as close to up-to-date as possible, i will begin working to add the multi-algo and eventually masternodes to our owm codebase rather then simply cloning DASH or PIVX.

The reasoning behind this is simple, when finished we will not only have a more complete and streamlined codebase (choosing only the desired or neccessary commits rather then cloning the full source). Also we will have a dev (me) with a far deeper understanding of literally every aspect of the code.

Alphas, betas, and small releases will continue throughout this process, however once the multi-algo is working, we will split off into XGT3 and have two separate chains for the coinswap.

Thank you all for your support and patience

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 2.3-ALPHA in testing now[ANN]
Post by: kurbeks on May 09, 2018, 08:57:41 PM
Just to bring everyone up to speed with my general plans for the near future.

I have been working hard on our codebase to bring it from an ancient 0.6.x based wallet up to a 0.9.x or 0.10.x. Currently I am using mostly commits from a combination of Bitcoin, Vertcoin, and Peercoin and modifying them to work correctly with our code.

This will involve a massive re-write of nearly all files currently in our code, splitting up the ancient codebase into more manageable parts, updated dependancies, and eventually an updated build system using autotools or possibly the newer "depends" system found in most 0.10.x clones.

Once finished with bringing the code as close to up-to-date as possible, i will begin working to add the multi-algo and eventually masternodes to our owm codebase rather then simply cloning DASH or PIVX.

The reasoning behind this is simple, when finished we will not only have a more complete and streamlined codebase (choosing only the desired or neccessary commits rather then cloning the full source). Also we will have a dev (me) with a far deeper understanding of literally every aspect of the code.

Alphas, betas, and small releases will continue throughout this process, however once the multi-algo is working, we will split off into XGT3 and have two separate chains for the coinswap.

Thank you all for your support and patience

keep up the good work

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 2.3-ALPHA in testing now[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on May 10, 2018, 11:30:53 PM
Alpha3 is up for those interested, shouldnt need to clear datadir for this one :) Alpha3 ( The pool is now on this updated code aswell.

Also, we finally have "dumpwallet" & "importwallet" commands for dumping all privkeys at once and import said dump files :)

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 2.3-ALPHA in testing now[ANN]
Post by: kurbeks on May 11, 2018, 01:38:36 PM
Looks like pool not working - not finding blocks.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 2.3-ALPHA in testing now[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on May 11, 2018, 06:18:03 PM
Looks like pool not working - not finding blocks.
Can you please elaborate? How much hash, for how long? Did the miner show blocks found? Cpu, Gpu, Asic?

Also, I found that as soon as I add in anything bloom related at this point we get a huge speed drop, and seem to lock up and lag quite often. Alpha4 is up with bloom rolled back, but all other updates still in place Alpha4 (

Pool will be updated to Aplha4 later today, and may need a resync. I will update when this process is started, and when its finished.

Known Bugs in Alpha4:
-Progress bar time changes, yet bar remains same size throughout sync.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 2.3-ALPHA in testing now[ANN]
Post by: kurbeks on May 11, 2018, 07:59:57 PM
L3+ about an hour or two. Should have found block in few mins. Will try again once you updated to Alpha4

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 2.3-ALPHA in testing now[ANN]
Post by: DavidXXXX on May 11, 2018, 09:35:43 PM
Registering an online access to a kids or everyone without the abbility for this.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 2.3-ALPHA in testing now[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on May 11, 2018, 09:39:34 PM
Alpha4 is now up on the pool, however it needs to do a full sync before mining will be opened for testing

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 2.3-ALPHA in testing now[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on May 16, 2018, 02:30:37 PM
Pool is back open for testing, sorry for the delay, the servers incoming net speed seems slow the past few days so it took awhile for ~1.17 mil blocks to sync. Hopefully this new version fixes our mining issues and we can release :)

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 2.3-ALPHA in testing now[ANN]
Post by: gooogleacz342 on May 17, 2018, 09:56:23 AM
 I really admire your work and like the project. I own some coins and will get some more as they are really cheap right now. Keep up with the good work and ignore all the fudding

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 2.3-ALPHA in testing now[ANN]
Post by: l8nit3 on May 17, 2018, 04:50:08 PM
I really admire your work and like the project. I own some coins and will get some more as they are really cheap right now. Keep up with the good work and ignore all the fudding
Thank you for your words of encouragement :) and welcome to the community!

It seems the pool (running a new Alpha5) is properly finding blocks with our new updates, once it is known if our negative block issue is repaired a release will be built for all of the XGTC community.

<update #2>
Well, Alpha5 is able to find blocks properly, however we still have compatibility issues with the yiimp setup. Once again this has caused a negative balance on the pool. Luckily I happened to be watching it at the time and it only reached ~1000 XGTC negative. So even with the updates, we still have an issue lying somewhere within the GBT or GB functions.

I have stopped the mining on the pool for now, and will continue to work on the code untill we have these issues cleared up.

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 2.3-ALPHA in testing now[ANN]
Post by: vader16 on June 01, 2018, 11:07:27 AM
pls add wellet and config

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 2.3-ALPHA in testing now[ANN]
Post by: kreatoralex on June 13, 2018, 05:33:04 AM
Did we have a pool? In the network 3.8 GH

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 2.3-ALPHA in testing now[ANN]
Post by: delet@nt on August 02, 2018, 02:46:03 PM
Pool    -o stratum+tcp:// -u <WALLET_ADDRESS>

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 2.3-ALPHA in testing now[ANN]
Post by: delet@nt on August 09, 2018, 04:03:18 AM
POW is end only POS. TOTHEMOON ;)

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 2.3-ALPHA in testing now[ANN]
Post by: kreatoralex on September 04, 2018, 03:13:13 PM
What news about the coin, or everyone forgot about it?

Title: Re: [ANN] GirlsToken-2.0 - 2.3-ALPHA in testing now[ANN]
Post by: vader16 on April 22, 2019, 12:51:32 PM