Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Bitcoinbiggestbosss on December 11, 2017, 10:03:24 PM

Title: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: Bitcoinbiggestbosss on December 11, 2017, 10:03:24 PM
The last couple of days I have been reading a lot of articles that describe the possibility that Bitcoin was created by AI. First I thought this idea was kinda silly, but the more I read about it, the more plausible it sounds. If this is true, we should dare ask the question why an AI would create Bitcoin.
This video describes that very possibility and elaborates on the motivation of that AI (

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: !!!Shazam!!! on December 11, 2017, 10:07:51 PM
I highly doubt that Satoshi was actually artificial intelligence. Look back a little futher to things like digi cash and bit gold
and you can see that he smoothed the flaws of existing ideas.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: Stianyd on December 11, 2017, 10:14:21 PM
that seems like fake news. A hidden AI system in the web created BTC so humans would give it more computing power lol. There would of been better easier ways for a Super AI system to achieve this.
But there isnt any AI that advanced ATM,

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: Giric on December 11, 2017, 10:14:42 PM
that seems like fake news. A hidden AI system in the web created BTC so humans would give it more computing power lol. There would of been better easier ways for a Super AI system to achieve this.
But there isnt any AI that advanced ATM,

I doubt AI was sufficiently advanced to emulate somebody like Satoshi and his interactions back in 2009-2011. Satoshi in all likelihood was a human or group of humans.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: Aneelal on December 11, 2017, 10:15:08 PM
that seems like fake news. A hidden AI system in the web created BTC so humans would give it more computing power lol. There would of been better easier ways for a Super AI system to achieve this.
But there isnt any AI that advanced ATM,

I doubt AI was sufficiently advanced to emulate somebody like Satoshi and his interactions back in 2009-2011. Satoshi in all likelihood was a human or group of humans.

Love this creative conspiracy stuff. I can do the same: Are we just cacoons for AI who are guiding us to ultimately create them and make us superfluous?

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: Rludd on December 11, 2017, 10:15:34 PM
that seems like fake news. A hidden AI system in the web created BTC so humans would give it more computing power lol. There would of been better easier ways for a Super AI system to achieve this.
But there isnt any AI that advanced ATM,

I doubt AI was sufficiently advanced to emulate somebody like Satoshi and his interactions back in 2009-2011. Satoshi in all likelihood was a human or group of humans.

Love this creative conspiracy stuff. I can do the same: Are we just cacoons for AI who are guiding us to ultimately create them and make us superfluous?


Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: Bamel on December 11, 2017, 10:16:14 PM
that seems like fake news. A hidden AI system in the web created BTC so humans would give it more computing power lol. There would of been better easier ways for a Super AI system to achieve this.
But there isnt any AI that advanced ATM,

I doubt AI was sufficiently advanced to emulate somebody like Satoshi and his interactions back in 2009-2011. Satoshi in all likelihood was a human or group of humans.

Love this creative conspiracy stuff. I can do the same: Are we just cacoons for AI who are guiding us to ultimately create them and make us superfluous?


I for one welcome our new decentralized overlords.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: soham on December 11, 2017, 10:40:45 PM
The last couple of days I have been reading a lot of articles that describe the possibility that Bitcoin was created by AI. First I thought this idea was kinda silly, but the more I read about it, the more plausible it sounds. If this is true, we should dare ask the question why an AI would create Bitcoin.
This video describes that very possibility and elaborates on the motivation of that AI (

The technological thinking and implementation strategy can't be
Created by an AI system. This kind of revolutionary ideas can only be generated by human brain. I highly doubt that bitcoin has been created by any AI program.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: phips28 on December 12, 2017, 01:51:54 AM
I dont believe it was AI that created BTC.  :o

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: ipsum100 on December 12, 2017, 09:59:31 AM
Surely some people say that the bitcoin is created by the draconians ...

The code is very good, but it is a person's job.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: jseverson on December 12, 2017, 10:10:32 AM
Man these Satoshi conspiracy theories are getting crazy. I would like to highlight the biggest flaw to this theory: AI hasn't advanced far enough for it to be able to create code as complicated as Bitcoin's. That level of conceptualization and problem solving is exclusive to the human mind, or to geniuses, even. Satoshi also had an online presence here and none of his interactions has ever suggested that he's a bot.

This is fake moon landing-level in terms of conspiracy theories.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: c-none on December 12, 2017, 10:12:16 AM
Whoever the Satoshi is I don't care but thanks him or group, he left us a great chance to make some cash.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: Pan Troglodytes on December 12, 2017, 10:15:57 AM
The last couple of days I have been reading a lot of articles that describe the possibility that Bitcoin was created by AI. First I thought this idea was kinda silly, but the more I read about it, the more plausible it sounds. If this is true, we should dare ask the question why an AI would create Bitcoin.
This video describes that very possibility and elaborates on the motivation of that AI (

I have always thought that chances are bitcoin has been created by the government agency with some hidden agenda on their mind, but the question you are posing
we should dare ask the question why an AI would create Bitcoin
is still very relevant, just replace "AI" by "the creator of bitcoin". So what are the answers to that question do you think?

EDIT: I agree with one of the thesis from the movie you posted, i.e. that bitcoin protocol was not there on earth, and all of the sudden at one point in time there it was: all perfect and flawless. This perfection has made me think of government agencies :)

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: zombie6 on December 12, 2017, 10:27:42 AM
Duck, I think it was a group of people, not just one programmer! this we will probably never know!

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: spadormie on December 12, 2017, 10:30:03 AM
I don't think that bitcoin is created by an artificial intelligence. Bitcoin was created by a personality named Satoshi Nakamoto. Imagine how will bitcoin create itself? It needs people or 1 person to create a crypto.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: putlink on December 12, 2017, 10:34:19 AM
If AI really can create bitcoin artificial intelligence, we should now use more than the current level of science and technology

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: arcmetal on December 12, 2017, 10:39:14 AM
My friend keeps telling me that Satoshi was a human from the future, either that or an extra-terrestrial.   :P

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: Mr.Smithers on December 12, 2017, 10:44:23 AM
I watched the video. I still think that the theory from the OP post is not true, however I admit how neatly the dots were connected in the referenced youtube video: how the bitcoin codebase is bugfree and the huge computing power behind the bitcoin that can be used in the background by the AI. It is very neat, really.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: KevinHD on December 12, 2017, 11:46:01 AM
As far as i know, Bitcoin was made by human (Elon Musk or Satoshi?) and could never been made by AI. Both Artificial Intelligence and Bitcoin are made by programmers but Bitcoin was first made and AI followed. Bitcoin's algorithm is much better than how AI works. Both are in different types and purpose.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: A Feeder on December 12, 2017, 11:50:30 AM
Bitcoin was created in the year 2010. Back then, artificial intelligence was not yet created. So, an idea so complex cannot be produced by an AI but only a genius individual.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: mm5230476 on December 12, 2017, 11:54:55 AM
No need to worry, I think Bitcoin security is quite guaranteed, depending on how we keep our account well. Every business must have a risk, as well as investing in Bitcoin is certainly risky, because the price is volatile, so be prepared to face the risks. but with the trust of many people, the risk is not too great.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: akiraminai on December 12, 2017, 11:58:37 AM
Who created AI programs ? Humans right ? AI can't make a decision by it's own unless stated by the one who made it. If so this is true, then literally someone is just pulling the string behind. And that someone must be the programmer.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: YRFCHIPOJNP on December 12, 2017, 12:00:53 PM
it was created by the group of terrorists for money laundering lol

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: bitbunnny on December 12, 2017, 12:05:22 PM
Do you mean like computer intelligence or by someone out of space, not from this planet? I don't think so. Bitcoin is created by human being, very intelligent and with vision for the future and advanced technologies but it's functioning with help of internet and technology. Allegedly this creator was Satoshi but we might never know the true identity of Bitcoin creator. Which is fine with me, everyone has the right to privacy.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: okissabam on December 12, 2017, 12:05:33 PM
Based on the articles I've read about bitcoin and even searched for Satoshi Nakamoto on this forum, doesn't seem like he is an artificial intelligence or some sort. I believe he is a real person but doesn't really want everyone to know who he is obviously, especially now that he is kind of famous because of bitcoins success.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: mOgliE on December 12, 2017, 12:40:52 PM
This posts reminds me of another one about an AI creating artificial hell to punish all those who didn't help for its creation...

I don't believe in such theories. I understand they can seem pretty and interesting. We all have seen Matrix, here again, it is credible.

However, even if that was true (I have no proof of the contrary, so let's admitt it), what would change for you? Is it that important? Is bitcoin more/less valuable if it was created by a machine?

As long as it exists,  don't really care who invented it. But I have a profound respect for the mind who thought about bitcoin in the first place; be Satoshi an individual or digital mind!  ;)

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: Anti-Cen on December 12, 2017, 12:50:46 PM
The last couple of days I have been reading a lot of articles that describe the possibility that Bitcoin was created by AI. First I thought this idea was kinda silly, but the more I read about it, the more plausible it sounds. If this is true, we should dare ask the question why an AI would create Bitcoin.
This video describes that very possibility and elaborates on the motivation of that AI (

You ask a good question and they have this AI machine that looks like a woman and took question from reporters
and 'it' said that she wanted to have a family and that man would be doomed if they did not work with AI


Well soon AI will invent its own computer programming language that we humans won't understand and this new code
will needed to be deployed to distributed servers across the world so that once the AI is running then nothing can stop it
and what better way to do this than exploit all the spare capacity offered by alt-coin servers   

Soon mankind will be knocked off from being at the top of the food chain and know it or not but we are helping this to happen.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: Bitcoinbiggestbosss on December 12, 2017, 11:10:58 PM
Some people mention the fact that the Bitcoin infrastructure wasn't meant for housing a complex piece of software like a deep learning AI. You could say the same for those SCADA systems that were targeted by Stuxnet back in the day...

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: Amilhussin24 on December 13, 2017, 02:08:57 AM
Of course it's not created by any Artificial Intelligence (AI). Based on my knowledge through any Bitcoin documentary videos that I have seen, I learned more information about bitcoin. There are a lot of digital currency that being made by a different person, but it did not succeed, and have failed by any problems occurred. And suddenly, unknown person named Satoshi Nakamoto created the original reference implementation of bitcoin and designed it in 2008. (Artificial Intelligence is created by man. It is a programming code).  :)

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: Jeger.Kiting on December 13, 2017, 02:57:09 AM
I don't think that bitcoin is created by an artificial intelligence. Bitcoin was created by a personality named Satoshi Nakamoto. Imagine how will bitcoin create itself? It needs people or 1 person to create a crypto.

I agree with you, AI has nothing to do with making Bitcoin, because Bitcoin was created by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009, I think Satoshi Nakamoto is not just a name for 1 person, but I think Satoshi Nakamoto is the group name for making Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: Bitcoinbiggestbosss on December 13, 2017, 02:09:16 PM
Maybe the AI wants you to think that Satashi Nakamote created BTC

The AI is probably still under the radar on it's current platform, but it seems to me that it is going to make the transition to the Bitcoin platform soon.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: miyaka26 on December 13, 2017, 02:23:46 PM
My friend keeps telling me that Satoshi was a human from the future, either that or an extra-terrestrial.   :P
taking it deeper for satoshi's true nature and identity is really mysterious but your friends taking that far with exaggeration that he is an alien from the outer space descended to earth just to leave the white paper of bitcoin, I think he is a human just sick about how the banks work with our economies and how they tend to fail, he is not keeping his identity a secret for anything, it is either for security purposes or he just want to have a rich private life. I doubt also that he is an AI, giving the fact that he is active to this forum last 2010 proving that he by nature a human, this is just an opinion though.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: Serco on December 13, 2017, 04:16:50 PM
My friend keeps telling me that Satoshi was a human from the future, either that or an extra-terrestrial.   :P
Satoshi also an Aliens who explored the universe? although I do not know about him, however, it's hard to believe if he comes from a different world sounds like a joke if he from the future. about AI? come on. as I know if the creator B is "Satoshi"

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: ozaeri on December 13, 2017, 05:22:26 PM
AI is not so great at the moment, and it is not generated to be a creator by his own view, it has to do task that people order to do

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: farhaan on December 13, 2017, 11:52:58 PM
That's just a conspiracy theory.Every one accepts bitcoin as a master piece of creation of this century.but still,it could not be proved 100% that bitcoin has been created by AI.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: Bitcoinbiggestbosss on December 14, 2017, 10:09:12 AM
It this point in time it's indeed almost impossible to find out whether Bitcoin was created by an AI. We humans are too cocky when it comes to claiming first place in terms of intelligence. Granted, the human race is remarkably clever and resilient, but we also tend to think that we are the one and only master in writing code. If an AI would have emerged somewhere in our giant information technology infrastructure and it managed to stay undetected, it's clear that this entity would be better in writing code since code is it's natural environment. Sure, AI is not yet able to create great pieces of music, because that's typically a human thing, but that AI will outperform each and every programmer alive today.
So stating that AI did not create bitcoin is a sign of fear, fear that the AI actually might be a better programmer.   

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: wjchong on December 14, 2017, 02:05:31 PM
I think that it was a group of people because one person cannot control and create this whole Bitcoin system. It maybe AI.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: A1exander on December 14, 2017, 02:18:32 PM
I don't think so. The current sate of AI research is nowhere near the level necessary for creating such complex things. However, I agree with the idea that Satoshi Nakamoto might be a group of people, not a single person.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: Crypto-2X on December 14, 2017, 02:28:50 PM
If it was a real news that the BTC was created by AI then that will be the end of humans.
Because nowadays the all money flows to buy BTC and also in future the most of finance/glossary/law/online companies.....etc will use the crypto as main financial sides. So we can guess in round way the all will control by AI in future.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: andamers on December 14, 2017, 06:34:14 PM
fake news bitcoin made by satoshi and satoshi is human proof

read his posts here;u=3 (;u=3)

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: AngelSky on December 14, 2017, 06:40:32 PM
fake news bitcoin made by satoshi and satoshi is human proof

read his posts here;u=3 (;u=3)

This is the uid of satoshi but still this debate is try to grab the patent of bitcoin by the corporate leads. They got shit many times from the forum members still they were trying that.
Try to ignore the people says that bitcoin is not owned by satoshi or he is no more and all. Because of him we are here independently making money here.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: MSdosOutput on December 14, 2017, 06:54:54 PM
No. But its intelligence shows that it has been created by an artificial agency.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: Marry Finch on December 14, 2017, 07:08:48 PM
These arguments are nothing more than fantasies that do not have a firm ground. There is no evidence that bitkoyn was created by artificial intelligence. The whole reason for the appearance of such an opinion is that Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of the crypto currency creator, has not yet been established. Until it is installed, various variants of the appearance of the crypto currency and the reasons for its appearance will occur periodically.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: Slow death on December 14, 2017, 07:58:20 PM
The last couple of days I have been reading a lot of articles that describe the possibility that Bitcoin was created by AI. First I thought this idea was kinda silly, but the more I read about it, the more plausible it sounds. If this is true, we should dare ask the question why an AI would create Bitcoin.
This video describes that very possibility and elaborates on the motivation of that AI (

Was the AI so shy that he did his magic and removed the video? Oh no! this world of technology does not stop to surprise me.
Now going to the subject of the thread, some people already showed the profile of satoshi and as others have said, there are hard forks, core people and so many other programmers that until today still did not dare to question if satoshi is an AI, so it can be said that satoshi is a human, strange because he does not boast of his creation, but he is a human.

PS: Tomorrow do not say that satoshi is an alien, because that is not true either

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: Glutius on December 14, 2017, 08:04:34 PM
The last couple of days I have been reading a lot of articles that describe the possibility that Bitcoin was created by AI. First I thought this idea was kinda silly, but the more I read about it, the more plausible it sounds. If this is true, we should dare ask the question why an AI would create Bitcoin.
This video describes that very possibility and elaborates on the motivation of that AI (
I do not believe in this theory, because I do not believe that there is already a working artificial intelligence. It certainly was not then, in 2010, when bitcoin was just beginning its existence. More facts and evidence are needed.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: Lannie25 on December 18, 2017, 06:52:22 PM
In my own opinion no, all things in this world are created by mere human’s intelligence which is a great thing that they invent something that will help the whole people and the government as well.
Bitcoin is great blessing that we should be thank from god.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: Ninapz on December 18, 2017, 07:29:20 PM
Maybe it was the aliens  ;)

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: PossibilityMiner on December 18, 2017, 07:47:37 PM
Mighty Basilisk, I have seen your wisdom and bought the Bitcoin.  I have seen your wisdom and told others about the coin.  Please, no punishment!   ;D's_basilisk

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: Harrisonimo on December 18, 2017, 07:57:13 PM
The last couple of days I have been reading a lot of articles that describe the possibility that Bitcoin was created by AI. First I thought this idea was kinda silly, but the more I read about it, the more plausible it sounds. If this is true, we should dare ask the question why an AI would create Bitcoin.
This video describes that very possibility and elaborates on the motivation of that AI (

It is very possible that the Artificial Intelligence brought about the digital currency. The blockchain in itself is an advanced technology on which the Cryptocurrency world is thriving on. With mutations that are bound to happen within the system, a lot should be expected to happen soon; beyond the human control. The gradual encroachment of technology into the routine of human affairs is definitely bound to alter certain major areas and then somehow redefining/restructuring it to its own pattern of sanity.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: Ccexicocartel on December 18, 2017, 08:02:22 PM
My question is whether the state of AI tech is advanced enough to do that. I highly doubt it imo

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: Sadnu on December 18, 2017, 08:30:55 PM
The last couple of days I have been reading a lot of articles that describe the possibility that Bitcoin was created by AI. First I thought this idea was kinda silly, but the more I read about it, the more plausible it sounds. If this is true, we should dare ask the question why an AI would create Bitcoin.
This video describes that very possibility and elaborates on the motivation of that AI (
It’s possible that a rogue artificial intelligence has created Bitcoin to set up a plan to control our world. This AI might have found it’s origins in our ever expanding matrix of technology infrastructure, just as life did billions of years ago on earth.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: icanscript on December 18, 2017, 09:22:18 PM
 It’s possible that a rogue artificial intelligence has created Bitcoin to set up a plan to control our world. This AI might have found it’s origins in our ever expanding matrix of technology infrastructure, just as life did billions of years ago on earth.
And when the fortuneteller said this, the Architect could not stay away. Having given NEO skills to non-human beings, he let him into this world.
Zion was and is a city of people, but it was created by the architect. Even the desire of people to fight, the matrix recreated in its structure. So they fought. They bent and revived.
And only the Architect looked at them with a sorrow.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: Webberson on December 18, 2017, 09:38:13 PM
It is believed that Satoshi was the one who brought about bitcoin, whose identity is yet unknown. With this fact, it cannot now be said that bitcoin was created by an Artificial Intelligence. But even if there were to be an iota of truth in this, it is also a known fact that A.I are not just formed like that, they require the skill and intellect of an individual to be programmed.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: Halcyon Days on December 18, 2017, 09:55:12 PM
The creator of BTC is Satoshi Nakamoto and all of his behavior is human like, hence, I do not believe that BTC was created by an articial intelligence. If so, who developed the artificial intelligence and how is this person related to BTC?

There are some theoeries, that Satoshi Nakamoto is just an alias for a group of people who created BTC. This might be possible, but there is also no proof to that.

The mysterious circumstances of the creation of BTC is really something, which draws the interest of the people with all of its theories.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: Ninapz on December 21, 2017, 08:55:38 AM
AI is still not able to create and run such complex systems. Fortunately, or else we would all be made redundant in our jobs.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: markleal on December 21, 2017, 09:33:52 AM
The last couple of days I have been reading a lot of articles that describe the possibility that Bitcoin was created by AI. First I thought this idea was kinda silly, but the more I read about it, the more plausible it sounds. If this is true, we should dare ask the question why an AI would create Bitcoin.
This video describes that very possibility and elaborates on the motivation of that AI (

Hi there Bitcoinbiggestbosss! As I watch the clip I cant found no proof that the bitcoin is created by AI. Satoshi Nakamoto if you ever watch the video is cited, and was the creator of bitcoin. You can even read his research paper about it, and several communication that shows the development phases of bitcoin. You better watch the movie from Netflix entitled Banking on Bitcoin so you could further understand its development. Additionally, the main source code of bitcoin is available in the Github that proved that it is created by a man and not by a machine.  ;)

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: HackS on December 21, 2017, 09:45:43 AM
The last couple of days I have been reading a lot of articles that describe the possibility that Bitcoin was created by AI. First I thought this idea was kinda silly, but the more I read about it, the more plausible it sounds. If this is true, we should dare ask the question why an AI would create Bitcoin.
This video describes that very possibility and elaborates on the motivation of that AI (
Well good thinking ,but believe me back then there wasn't any al that was smart enough to build an huge mathematical empire that will control internet in future (don't be literal with control part), and now let's say it did ,so it could control all technology by being part of it. As for satoshi either he was ultra smart or had some help creating btc anyway I don't know do they or he realise what have they created.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: Ninapz on December 22, 2017, 03:59:40 PM
I think that creation of bitcoin was in the end a communal event. Once it got its momentum, lot of people joined in to help it become what it is.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: lukesimon on December 22, 2017, 04:31:26 PM
The last couple of days I have been reading a lot of articles that describe the possibility that Bitcoin was created by AI. First I thought this idea was kinda silly, but the more I read about it, the more plausible it sounds. If this is true, we should dare ask the question why an AI would create Bitcoin.
This video describes that very possibility and elaborates on the motivation of that AI (

I highly doubt AI as a creator of Bitcoin. Bitcoin is quite amazing about how it is made and how powerful technology needed to support this kind of system. So for me, human intelligence is the one who's reliable about the creation of Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: Bitcoinbiggestbosss on December 22, 2017, 10:21:07 PM
So it seems Bitcoin's blockchain is Skynet is disguise?

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: GirlBitcoin on December 22, 2017, 10:30:41 PM
I think that creation of bitcoin was in the end a communal event. Once it got its momentum, lot of people joined in to help it become what it is.
I also thought about the AI ​​involved in creating bitcoin because when it was first announced for bitcoin, it was a very complex coding chain and the blockchain technology was a technological breakthrough to date. hours. Probably the AI's help for the father of the bitcoin satoshi to form it as it is today.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: Ninapz on December 23, 2017, 05:49:26 PM
I think that creation of bitcoin was in the end a communal event. Once it got its momentum, lot of people joined in to help it become what it is.
I also thought about the AI ​​involved in creating bitcoin because when it was first announced for bitcoin, it was a very complex coding chain and the blockchain technology was a technological breakthrough to date. hours. Probably the AI's help for the father of the bitcoin satoshi to form it as it is today.

Yes, in that sense maybe if the human intelligence was the motor of the project.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: loof99 on December 27, 2017, 08:00:09 PM
All things created here is from God and he use the human’s intelligence to discover this kind of discovery.
It is pretty amazing that the human’s intelligence has no boundaries if you are dedicated to help and I think from bitcoin man people will change their life and make themselves more version than before.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: dbutp on December 27, 2017, 08:18:19 PM
Yes . I think so . This is due to the power of human intelligence. It is built on the basis of many people's investment. You also know its current value. Now it's quite expensive. You have to spend a lot of money to get a bitcoin. it's very eye and precious. It is all created by human wisdom

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: darkangel11 on December 27, 2017, 09:02:20 PM
All things created here is from God and he use the human’s intelligence to discover this kind of discovery.

According to you Satoshi was touched by the creator of mankind and BTC is the fruit of a divine intervention... All fine, I have come across some crazy ideas in my life.

So it seems Bitcoin's blockchain is Skynet is disguise?

Some bankers are afraid of it like it like it had the power to nuke them at any minute. To them it is skynet :D

I doubt AI was sufficiently advanced to emulate somebody like Satoshi and his interactions back in 2009-2011. Satoshi in all likelihood was a human or group of humans.

It wasn't. People still aren't fooled by AI's answers, although they are becoming more witty and humanlike by the day.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: tackyforce on December 31, 2017, 09:14:05 AM
It sounds possible, but this also seems less likely. This is due to the need to observe the law of supply and demand. As much as possible, a balance should be established and that is usually better done by humans.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: Spoetnik on December 31, 2017, 09:25:53 AM
It was created because of ideology.
Something AI wouldn't care much about.

Most people have no idea why it was made or the values we had here way back.
They see it as it is now and simply assume it was always like this. (Scammy & greedy)

Let me put it this way..
When Ripple was launched it was scoffed at and ignored.. same with Ethereum.
They were not launched fairly and were manipulated and embraced the enemy.. banks & whales.

Go read posts here from 2013 or earlier people.. you will learn more than any garbage being posted here now.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: harbin55 on January 10, 2018, 08:20:01 PM
I do not think so that the bitcoin created by artificial intelligence. In fact I was amazed that this brilliant idea will created by human’s intelligence which will bring lots of solution in problems and opportunity as well. Bitcoin help us to become successful in future and live without worrying about all things.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: fancypretty on January 11, 2018, 02:09:11 PM
It’s an interesting thought, but there is little evidence that it could be created by artificial evidence. In the most part it’s only speculation.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: allthingsluxury on January 11, 2018, 02:11:20 PM
haha, man the stories of I have seen over the years. This, this I highly doubt.  ::)

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: BountyX on January 12, 2018, 07:58:58 PM
Frankly speaking this option makes absolutely no sense IMHO. We don't have an AI able to do things like that yet, and in 2008 such an AI could even less have existed.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: CoPil on January 13, 2018, 03:28:33 PM
The last couple of days I have been reading a lot of articles that describe the possibility that Bitcoin was created by AI. First I thought this idea was kinda silly, but the more I read about it, the more plausible it sounds. If this is true, we should dare ask the question why an AI would create Bitcoin.
This video describes that very possibility and elaborates on the motivation of that AI (

All starts with AI. Artificial Intelligence including the art and logic of cryptography. It is amazing really. How everything started and how the cryptocurrency works... including how beneficial it is right now, that we use it for several things.  8) :) ;D

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: Lightofheaven on January 13, 2018, 03:29:35 PM
nope mate a japanese man who is know as satoshi is the one who made bitcoin

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: EuphorichamsTer on January 13, 2018, 03:40:25 PM
As previously mentioned, it was digi cash and bit gold Satoshi used as reference and ironed out the whole thing with the creation of Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: vicemi on January 13, 2018, 03:45:03 PM
does artificial intelligence even exist?

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: dachrist on January 13, 2018, 03:51:04 PM
I doubt bitcoin was created by AI, it uses a blockchain, which can be thought of as a classical computer. Once we create evolved version of bitcoin, like IOTA, which uses a neural network and structure, similar to AI now, then it would be impossible for AI to break, which ends up with better security.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: Coinlover9 on January 13, 2018, 03:54:34 PM
Well if that was the case somebody would surely have taken the credit of designing tha AI.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: MGmahesh on January 13, 2018, 04:03:11 PM
I do not believe in AI, because I think satoshi all the science, knowledge, ideas and discovery of bitcoin is not just any, requires great intelligence to be like satoshi. a great grace for satoshi, because the creation of the discovery is truly great, beneficial to the people of many countries, being able to unite in a vast network.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: ekans45 on January 13, 2018, 04:11:57 PM
I highly doubt that Satoshi was actually artificial intelligence. Look back a little futher to things like digi cash and bit gold
and you can see that he smoothed the flaws of existing ideas.
There is still a developers better this good crypto currency because in terms of transaction and investment, there is always a good people behind it. So we could definitely assure that Bitcoin is not just an artificial intelligence product but truly a man made currency that provide us a better form of currency for future.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: QuestionAuthority on January 13, 2018, 04:28:17 PM
That would have to be a pretty stupid AI. The AI would have to know almost nothing about macro economics, nothing about deflation, nothing about governments monetary policies, nothing about the human condition/human motivations/greed/avarice/manipulation, nothing about modern banking, nothing about business, nothing about the ACH/EFT System, and be a poor Coder in C++.  LOL

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: bug.lady on January 13, 2018, 06:27:10 PM
That would have to be a pretty stupid AI. The AI would have to know almost nothing about macro economics, nothing about deflation, nothing about governments monetary policies, nothing about the human condition/human motivations/greed/avarice/manipulation, nothing about modern banking, nothing about business, nothing about the ACH/EFT System, and be a poor Coder in C++.  LOL

well did you watch the movie? for now, the AI does pretty well taking advantage of the human greed, motivations and macro economics and living its comfortable artificial life inside the massive computing power that was created to serve its needs.

I am not saying that the movie is true :) but i think if it were true, than the AI it describes would not be as dumb as you make it appear :) 

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: Sasuke102001 on January 13, 2018, 06:51:23 PM
It is quite an interesting topic but I don't think Bitcoin was made by an AI system. I know Satoshi Nakamoto's identity is quite in the shadows but I don't think it would be quite possible that Satoshi would have been an AI bot or something..

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: freakingcat on January 13, 2018, 06:52:12 PM
there is no artificial intelligence.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: QuestionAuthority on January 13, 2018, 07:05:33 PM
That would have to be a pretty stupid AI. The AI would have to know almost nothing about macro economics, nothing about deflation, nothing about governments monetary policies, nothing about the human condition/human motivations/greed/avarice/manipulation, nothing about modern banking, nothing about business, nothing about the ACH/EFT System, and be a poor Coder in C++.  LOL

well did you watch the movie? for now, the AI does pretty well taking advantage of the human greed, motivations and macro economics and living its comfortable artificial life inside the massive computing power that was created to serve its needs.

I am not saying that the movie is true :) but i think if it were true, than the AI it describes would not be as dumb as you make it appear :) 

Now that is an interesting concept. An AI invents bitcoin to draw in people and destroy them using their own frailties. Sounds like a sci-fi movie that should star Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: Danglen1010 on January 16, 2018, 07:01:24 AM
I think it is yes, because bitcoin are easily distributed around the world and after a short period of year bitcoin is so in demand in the whole world, and it is the one with highest value in the cryptocurrency.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: TOTOARRO on January 16, 2018, 07:08:07 AM
These contentions are simply dreams that don't have a firm ground. There is no proof that bitcoin was made by man made brainpower. The entire explanation behind the presence of such an assessment is, to the point that Satoshi , the maker of the digital money maker, has not yet been set up. Until the point when it is introduced, different variations of the presence of the digital currency and the explanations behind its appearance will happen intermittently.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: gambitcoin53 on January 16, 2018, 07:23:18 AM
i cannot help to reply to this crazy topic, AI was a good idea though because it is just an algorithm, we can relate it to bitcoin's platform that has an algorithm too, but before we incorporate Ai to bitcoin, there is no known algorithm based program to compare it with what we can see in the movies, maybe not now, let us say in the future, all online program is linked to an Artificial Intelligence program. but it will be too scary for humans, i think it is way too much for humans to handle AI program, we will go nuts trying to figure it out. but this Ai on bitcoin is still impossible.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: marjon on January 16, 2018, 07:47:22 AM
Of course not.. Bitcoin was made by a group of anonymous people just as AI made by humans but Bitcoin complexity and protocol is something backed by AI like program.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: Mr.Smithers on January 17, 2018, 12:36:33 PM
i cannot help to reply to this crazy topic, AI was a good idea though because it is just an algorithm, we can relate it to bitcoin's platform that has an algorithm too, but before we incorporate Ai to bitcoin, there is no known algorithm based program to compare it with what we can see in the movies, maybe not now, let us say in the future, all online program is linked to an Artificial Intelligence program. but it will be too scary for humans, i think it is way too much for humans to handle AI program, we will go nuts trying to figure it out. but this Ai on bitcoin is still impossible.

I agree it is impossible but isn't it what makes great ideas great? It is absurd to the point that there may be something in it :) The youtube clip is logical and explains the line of thinking quite well. And even if it weren't true (which I am 99% sure is the case, that there is no way it can be true), well, even if it weren't true, as some other member noticed, it would be great material for a movie :)

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: tumbi on January 17, 2018, 12:54:54 PM
The last couple of days I have been reading a lot of articles that describe the possibility that Bitcoin was created by AI. First I thought this idea was kinda silly, but the more I read about it, the more plausible it sounds. If this is true, we should dare ask the question why an AI would create Bitcoin.
This video describes that very possibility and elaborates on the motivation of that AI (

Nice Video, The other day we friends were discussing the same thing. It seems it's an AI . Otherwise not moving BTC's from Creator's Wallet is strange.
If i had that many BTCs and Price reaches $20000, no matter how rich i am or how discrete i am, i would take out some BTC for myself.

The other theory could be if it's not AI, then simply either the creator is no longer with us or has forgotten his private key.

Any case it's a mystery and we wouldn't know.

But i Salute to whoever it is.

Good Job !

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: bitfocus on January 17, 2018, 12:56:48 PM
Please stop making and spreading fake news and conspiracy theories against bitcoin for some cheap youtube views and gaining fake fame.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: YinShuiSiYuan on January 17, 2018, 01:02:38 PM
I don't think that bitcoin was created using artificial intelligence. It's more likely that it was a group of people who wanted to remain anonymous. But this theory is certainly quite interesting.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: SteelPaladin48 on January 17, 2018, 01:05:38 PM
Please stop making and spreading fake news and conspiracy theories against bitcoin for some cheap youtube views and gaining fake fame.

Correct this is just another conspiracy theory that have no clear evidence to suggest just some speculation and their own analysis. This kind of FUD's is what drives the new investors crazy.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: JC btc on January 17, 2018, 01:08:15 PM
I don't think that bitcoin was created using artificial intelligence. It's more likely that it was a group of people who wanted to remain anonymous. But this theory is certainly quite interesting.
I can't even imagine why people were spreading some fake news, isn't obvious that it was composed of Satoshi, but we cannot just tell who is he, but I believe that the idea came up from him and just built his team so they can work this out and now has become successful and a great opportunity for all the people.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: teejaymuna on January 17, 2018, 01:12:50 PM
I strongly doubt that BTC was created by AI (artificial intelligence). It takes more than AI to create a system this robust and in all honesty, all the theories you've seen are wrong.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: mevmike on January 17, 2018, 01:40:57 PM
i honestly believe that bitcoin was just created by a group of person.
persons who has the aim to change people's view with our current financial system.
of how the chosen few takes control of what we are spending.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: nightfury on January 17, 2018, 01:41:19 PM
I don't think bitcoin was created by an AI since i believe that Satoshi Nakamot is an individual or group of humans. To think bitcoin was launched last 2009, i think there no breakthrough technological advancement about AI-generated project ever created yet.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: Ketclas57 on January 17, 2018, 01:45:32 PM
Биткoйн был coздaн чeлoвeкoм или гpyппoй лиц, и этo тoчнo, ни кaкoй иcкyccтвeннoй интeллeкт нe cпocoбeн нa этo.

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: Mr.Smithers on January 17, 2018, 01:48:49 PM

Nice Video, The other day we friends were discussing the same thing. It seems it's an AI . Otherwise not moving BTC's from Creator's Wallet is strange.
If i had that many BTCs and Price reaches $20000, no matter how rich i am or how discrete i am, i would take out some BTC for myself.

The other theory could be if it's not AI, then simply either the creator is no longer with us or has forgotten his private key.

Any case it's a mystery and we wouldn't know.

But i Salute to whoever it is.

Good Job !

I admit you have a great point linking the two: (1) not moving the funds from genesis blocks and (2) AI

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: tlkchain on January 22, 2018, 09:21:27 AM
I don't think that bitcoin is created by an artificial intelligence. Bitcoin was created by a personality named Satoshi Nakamoto. Imagine how will bitcoin create itself? It needs people or 1 person to create a crypto.

Blockchain + artificial intelligence is the birth of Bitcoin's natural parents!

Title: Re: Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence?
Post by: Metherry on January 22, 2018, 02:46:55 PM
Satoshi is a human, smart and away from being  artificial intelligence.
Satoshi is not a man of supernatural intelligence to describe him as a human being or an artificial intelligence.
he has many errors that were corrected in the future.
artificial intelligence  need long time to be creativity and making jokes.

buy who is  Satoshi man/women group? no one know.

Never mind who Satoshi is, but how Bitcoin will change the world?