Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: joesmoe2012 on July 30, 2013, 09:51:03 AM

Title: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: joesmoe2012 on July 30, 2013, 09:51:03 AM
Let's discuss which banks are, and which banks are not bitcoin friendly.

I will try to keep this post updated with all new information as it comes in, feel free to PM me or reply to this thread if you have something to add.

(please note, just because a few transfers from bitcoin exchanges have gone through, doesn't make a bank necessarily bitcoin friendly. This list is for banks who have a proactive attitude towards bitcoin, publicly endorse it, or support major exchanges.)

And now for the list of Banks and their bitcoinfriendly-ness:

To qualify on the list a bank or payment processor must without explanation terminate or refuse business of legitimate bitcoin busineses. The point of this threas is to name and shame said institutions and to encourage people who are there customers, regardless of bitcoin, to take there business elsewhere.


   Commonwealth Bank of Australia
  • Commonwealth Bank of Australia Closes Personal Account (Reddit) (
   CurrencyFair (Website (
  • CurrencyFair denies the application for any business having anythinng to do with bitcoin.
  • Denids the application of any business having anything to do with bitcoin.

   The Royal Bank of Canada (Link (
  • Canada Tightens Restrictions on bitcoin trading partner (
  • LibertyBit News (
  • CanadaBitcoins was accepting cash deposits here, but accounts closed due to AML/KYC Requirements. Link. (
  • CanadaBitcoins no longer accepting cash deposits at all to BMO, verified or not. Link. (

  • CanadaBitcoins was accepting cash deposits here, but accounts closed due to AML/KYC Requirements. Link.[url=http:// (

   Royal Bank of Canada  
  • Canadian Bitcoins and CadBitcoin Have Accounts Frozen] (

   Royal Bank of Canada  
  • Canadian Bitcoins and CadBitcoin Have Accounts Frozen (
  • Closed CaVirtex and "Canadian Bitcoins" trading accounts.
  • CanadaBitcoins was accepting cash deposits here, but accounts closed due to AML/KYC Requirements. Link.[url=http:// (
  • Calgary Bitcoin Exchange (virtex) fight bank backlash in Canada] (
  • Calgary Bitcoin Exchange (virtex) fight bank backlash in Canada (

   Toronto-Dominion Bank
  • Canadian Bitcoins and CadBitcoin have accounts frozen (
  • Closed CADBitcoin Trading Account.
   Bank of Nova Scotia  
  • CaVirtex News (
  • Confirmed by Fuzzy (
  • Closed CaVirtex Cash Accounts

   TDBank (Link (
  • Canada Tightens Restrictions on bitcoin trading partner. (

   TD Dominion
  • CanadaBitcoins was accepting cash deposits here, but accounts closed due to AML/KYC Requirements. Link.[url=http:// (

  • "Canadianbitcoins: Aug 6 2013   TAYPE INTERNATIONAL has been temporarily replaced with DIRECT WORLD for all Bill Payment Banks. Please do not send any payments to your TAYPE payee if you already have one setup in your online banking.Aug 6 2013 "
  • "Cavirtex Aug. 6, 2013, 3:11 p.m. - New Bill Payment Provider - Vogogo: For rapid and secure processing of your online bill payments, we have partnered with Vogogo. One of the main reasons for this is to increase the speed of processing."



   Suomen verkkomaksut /
  • Multiple reports of declining buisness with bitcoin related services, including (
  • Conducts business with (
  • Conducts business with (

  • Conducts business with (

  • Shut down bitcoin24 account.

   Fidor Bank AG
  • Located in Germany.
  • August 2013 - Partnered with to handle EU payments.

   Sofort Bank
  • "Proof was given to me in a private message I will not publish, unless it's sender gives me the go ahead, my source tells me anyone can verify this by contacting the bank about opening an account for a bitcoin related buisness, perhaps someone fluent in german could do this?"
  • RaboBank alledegly blocks payments related to bitcoin. (
  • "Leaked" documents where RaboBank ethical comission advices not to cooperate with bitcoin trade. (


  • ING Spanish Branch Blocking all Bitcoin Transactions. Reddit. (
  • BTC Friendly
  • Swedish article, use google translate. (
      Coop Bank
  • Swissbitcoins Suspends Business (
United Kingdom

  • Prevented MtGox, Intersango, and from accepting GBP.

United States

   Bank of the West (Link (
  • Account Closed for BitCoin Related Activities (
   Capital One (Link (
  • Shutdown BitFloor's accounts with approx $2.8mil USD check mailed out
  • "It is Capital One’s policy not to do business with merchants who accept Bitcoin." (

   Chase (Link (
  • Many people on this forum (as well as others), myself included, have had their accounts closed by chase. Some did mention bitcoins, others didn't. It's usually the high volume of cash deposits or one-way international wires (i.e. if you receive alot of US deposits but send alot of foreign wires).

   Comerica (Comerica (
  • Wired Article (

   Dwolla (Dwolla (
  • Feds Seize money from MtGox Dwolla Accounts. (
  • Why can't Dwolla send to MtGox? (
  • Dwolla Updates regarding Operating a business requiring FinCEN registration. (

   Internet Credit Union (Link) (
  • Located in Sanfrancisco, California, USA. Opened in 2013
  • "taking a proactive pro-Bitcoin stance" Link to Reddit[/ur] (
  • Spoke at San Jose Bitcoin Conference in 2013, saying that the current banks, "suck, so we are going to build out own." (Citation needed fo rthe video of this)
  • Handled withdraws for BitFloor after Capitol One had shut down their account just sending a single check to Roman (site owner of BitFloor).
  • Regulators start to spook IAFCU, they cancel pending deal with TradeHill after TradeHill already announced that accounts were be moved over from TradeHills unregulated system to IAFCU Government insured and regulated account.
  • Blog Post from IAFCU, "Rocky Road is still one of my favorite flavors" discussing how they are suspending business with Corporate Bitcoin Clients. IAFCU Blog Link. (

   US Bank (Link (
   Wells Fargo
Documentation Needed.

Unknown Country

  • Closed Intersango Account.

   PayPal (Website (
  • Link. (
  • Letter from PayPal to Employees Re: Bitcoin (
  • PayPal President is "fascinated" by bitcoin (
  • CNN - Why PayPal is bullish on Bitcoin (
  • Reddit: PayPal and Mining Hardware (
   OkPay ( Website  (
  • OkPay now require specific acknowledgement that your not buying crypto-currency when making a deposit (
  • MtGox announces OkPay no longer working with bitcoin exchanges. (
  • OkPay takes bitcoin haitus (

   WorldFirst FX
  • Denies any bitcoin related business's application for an account.

Originally maintained by Isokivi @


Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: Isokivi on July 30, 2013, 10:02:51 AM
Thank you for taking over maintaining the thread.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: freedomno1 on July 30, 2013, 10:39:29 AM
Keeping an interest in this thread  ;)

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: joesmoe2012 on July 30, 2013, 10:47:04 AM
Incase there is any interest in the origiona thread, here is a paste of the OP.

[edit]Looking for someone to take over the maintenance of this thread or to start a new one.

To qualify on the list a bank or payment processor must without explanation terminate or refuse business of legitimate bitcoin busineses. The point of this threas is to name and shame said institutions and to encourage people who are there customers, regardless of bitcoin, to take there business elsewhere.

ATM This is by a long shot not a comprehensive list, your contributions are required. For starters it would be beneficial if someone could sum up the UK bank situation I am not up to date. Also I would like to know if AML and KYC requirements have been met by the services in question, if not then the entry does not belong on the list imo, discuss.

Bank / payment processor name      Country                            Proof                                                                         AML/KYC status

The Royal Bank of Canada                   Canada          
TDBank                                            Canada          
Suomen verkkomaksut /      Finland                     Multiple reports of declining buisness with bitcoin related services, including
Commerzbank                                   Germany                   Shut down bitcoin24 account
Capital One                                          ?                         Shut down bitfloor account
Metro Bank                                          ?                         Shut down intersango account
Barclays                                          UK                           Prevented MtGox, Intersango and from accepting GBP.
Banco do Brasil                                 Brasil                       Shut down mercado bitcoin account
Royal Bank of Canada                        Canada          
Toronto-Dominion Bank                       Canada         
Bank of Nova Scotia                           Canada          , another user confirms he's account being closed too (in this thread, page 3).
Comercia                                             ?              
Unconfirmed reports:
Paypal                                            Global            

Bank name                                     Country     
Sofort Bank                                      Germany                  Proof was given to me in a private message I will not publish, unless it's sender gives me the go ahead, my source tells me anyone can verify this                                                                                                                by contacting the bank about opening an account for a bitcoin related buisness, perhaps someone fluent in german could do this ?
Dwolla                                              US                                                                 It would appear that Dwolla is in no way hostile, but I felt it should be included on this list while the situation persists.

Bitcoin friendly banks:
Bank name                                       Country               Relevant information
SEB                                                  Sweden                Swedish article, use google translate. (
Nordea                                              Finland                 Conducts business with
Osuuspankki                                       Finland                 Conducts business with
Tapiola                                              Finland                 Conducts business with
Bank of Montreal                                 Canada                 Working with CaVirtex
Internet Credit Union                            ?                         "taking a proactive pro-Bitcoin stance"
TD Bank                                              US           
Fidor Bank AG                                     Germany     

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: joesmoe2012 on July 30, 2013, 11:09:51 AM
Okay I have finished updating OP. If you have anything to add, please PM me or post it in a reply here.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: joesmoe2012 on July 30, 2013, 11:38:41 AM
Added more info on paypal to OP

Saw this on reddit:

From a friend in Paypal, got this in an email today:
Clarification on Bitcoin merchants using PayPal 6/10/2013 8:58 AM (-05:00) Impacted market: EMEA
We’ve received a number of escalations regarding Bitcoin merchants using PayPal. Any merchant seeking to sell or buy Bitcoins with PayPal is operating as a financial exchange. Please be aware that Financial Exchange merchants are prohibited unless pre-approved by PayPal. This process involves getting VP approvals from both Risk and Compliance, and only licensed financial institutions are considered.
Merchant contacts
If we receive contacts on Bitcoin sales, instead of escalating further, kindly advise customers that they need to be licensed financial institutions to be considered for approval. However, there are some acceptable cases, as outlined below.
Acceptable Bitcoin business models for PayPal
Merchants with a business model that is related to Bitcoin but does not sell Bitcoins may be acceptable. For example: Merchants offering Bitcoin education packages Merchants selling computer hardware designed specifically for mining Bitcoins. In this case, kindly ensure that the merchant isn’t pre-selling and actually has the equipment ready to deliver.
Please note – All Bitcoin-related e-commerce should be considered high risk.

Any thoughts?

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: J603 on July 30, 2013, 02:31:01 PM

TD Bank                                              US            (

While I appreciate that I am cited as a source, I think that TD US should be put in an "unconfirmed" section or something along those lines. For one, my friends use TD. I do not, and thus don't know the full extent of their friendliness. They haven't had any issues, but I don't think that this qualifies as "Bitcoin friendly". Maybe someone could contact a representative and confirm that they are either supportive or at the very least neutral? If TD Canada is hostile then I doubt that they are truly friendly. There probably just isn't an official company stance either way.

I myself use Citizens Bank. I have done a few wires and even some debit charges (through Skrill) and initially I had some issues. I buy bitcoins pretty much every day, and only about every 3 out of 4 transfers would make it through without being rejected. This was very frustrating, so I called customer support each and every time it got rejected. The very first call had the representative saying that Citizen's "does not associate with these kinds of businesses" although I don't know whether they were referring to Skrill or any of the exchanges. The next two calls went the same way, although Citizens did not prevent me from using my bank account on any of the sites. Finally, on the fourth time it got rejected I got pissed, as the time before I had specifically requested that any bitcoin related money transfer go through. After arguing with the rep, I finally requested to talk to the fraud department directly. They were much more reasonable and explained that the customer service rep probably didn't know what she was talking about (lol) and that the reason that most of the transfers were rejected was because the recipient banks were foreign, and the constant purchases every day looked suspicious. They explained that Citizen's does not "associate" (not sure what exactly they mean by this) with these kinds of businesses but that they would not reject any more transfers or flag them as suspicious.

From this, it would appear that Citizen's is "friendly", but it seems more likely that they just don't care either way.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: joesmoe2012 on July 30, 2013, 07:15:12 PM
Added to dwolla section:

Central bankers & pussies, iow, yes they do make a difference to what companies will risk doing regardless or not of any present guidelines/rules or legislation is apparent:

I hope this brings the debate in to the light in Thailand & sets some precedents for P2P use of virtual currencies in a good way, there are certainly many Thais who are not so enamored by the present gov.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: MrHempstock on August 01, 2013, 03:36:41 AM

TD Bank                                              US          

While I appreciate that I am cited as a source, I think that TD US should be put in an "unconfirmed" section or something along those lines. For one, my friends use TD. I do not, and thus don't know the full extent of their friendliness. They haven't had any issues, but I don't think that this qualifies as "Bitcoin friendly". Maybe someone could contact a representative and confirm that they are either supportive or at the very least neutral? If TD Canada is hostile then I doubt that they are truly friendly. There probably just isn't an official company stance either way.

I myself use Citizens Bank. I have done a few wires and even some debit charges (through Skrill) and initially I had some issues. I buy bitcoins pretty much every day, and only about every 3 out of 4 transfers would make it through without being rejected. This was very frustrating, so I called customer support each and every time it got rejected. The very first call had the representative saying that Citizen's "does not associate with these kinds of businesses" although I don't know whether they were referring to Skrill or any of the exchanges. The next two calls went the same way, although Citizens did not prevent me from using my bank account on any of the sites. Finally, on the fourth time it got rejected I got pissed, as the time before I had specifically requested that any bitcoin related money transfer go through. After arguing with the rep, I finally requested to talk to the fraud department directly. They were much more reasonable and explained that the customer service rep probably didn't know what she was talking about (lol) and that the reason that most of the transfers were rejected was because the recipient banks were foreign, and the constant purchases every day looked suspicious. They explained that Citizen's does not "associate" (not sure what exactly they mean by this) with these kinds of businesses but that they would not reject any more transfers or flag them as suspicious.

From this, it would appear that Citizen's is "friendly", but it seems more likely that they just don't care either way.

I had already quoted your post from the original thread and was going to politely ask if that was indeed the only reference to TD's friendliness, and then I read your above post lol. Beat me to it.

I wonder if credit unions would be a better starting place for us to find BTC-friendly $ institutions? They are all non-profit...

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: RandomQ on August 01, 2013, 07:16:23 AM
IAFCU is Based in the USA
New Brunswick, NJ

USbank and Wellsfargo need to be added to unfriendly banks

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: freedomno1 on August 01, 2013, 07:40:07 AM
For the record TD Bank Canada and TD bank USA are the same company just a different division that TD created when they entered into the US market during the recession and bought out some banks as part of their expansion plans.
You might want to label it TD Bank N.A
TD Bank, N.A. — merged entity of Commerce Bank or Commerce Bancorp, TD Banknorth and TD Bank USA on June 1, 2008,_N.A.

Going back through old post weird it does not work as a wiki link but it is in the search and works if clicked on,_N.A

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: joesmoe2012 on August 01, 2013, 11:05:07 AM
IAFCU is Based in the USA
New Brunswick, NJ

USbank and Wellsfargo need to be added to unfriendly banks

Okay, Added.

Also added Bank of the West to the bad banks list per

For the record TD Bank Canada and TD bank USA are the same company just a different division that TD created when they entered into the US market during the recession and bought out some banks as part of their expansion plans.
You might want to label it TD Bank N.A
TD Bank, N.A. — merged entity of Commerce Bank or Commerce Bancorp, TD Banknorth and TD Bank USA on June 1, 2008,_N.A.

Ive removed TD bank as there wasn't much confirmation on that one.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: freedomno1 on August 02, 2013, 01:06:40 AM

For the record TD Bank Canada and TD bank USA are the same company just a different division that TD created when they entered into the US market during the recession and bought out some banks as part of their expansion plans.
You might want to label it TD Bank N.A
TD Bank, N.A. — merged entity of Commerce Bank or Commerce Bancorp, TD Banknorth and TD Bank USA on June 1, 2008,_N.A.

Ive removed TD bank as there wasn't much confirmation on that one.

Fair enough for the record James at Canadianbitcoins had cash deposit with CIBC BMO Royal Bank and TD Dominion at one Time but each one closed their accounts pertaining to KYC/AML procedures. However they all allow for online banking to be connected to them with verification.

Anti money laundering and Know Your Client are the issues.

Pretty much the only ones I'm not sure of the Status is National Bank and Credit Unions such as Servus Credit Union / or provincial banks like ATB  Financial (Alberta Treasury Banks), based on your confirmation data from Scotiabank (Bank of Nova Scotia) guess they are all non-friendly.

Jun 21 2013   Cash deposit at BMO and CIBC are disabled until further notice. Please get verified and use Bill Payment

Feb 21 2013   Effective Feb 22 at 5PM, we will no longer be accepting TD Cash at Branch Deposits, or TD Payee payments to BUY or SELL Bitcoins.

Feb 21 2013   Effective Feb 22 at 5PM, we will no longer be accepting TD Cash at Branch Deposits, or TD Payee payments to BUY Bitcoins. We will continue allowing TD Payee payments to SELL Bitcoins until 5PM Tuesday Feb 26th, at which time no TD Bank payments will be available.

PS: Here is an additional link for the Royal Bank of Canada

I'm aware that canadianbitcoins and cavirtex are always on top of regulations that's why I trust these exhanges, so if your not allowed to disclose information at this time that's fine.

My question is regarding Canadianbitcoins
Can you explain the reason canadianbitcoins has temporarily disabled cash deposit and if this is related to mtgox and TAYPE
Also will this be a similar update to the one on cavirtex

To be honest was thinking of posting this question in Canadianbitcoins but it would be a 2 year necro  
Was not sure on whether to revive it or ask here maybe next time to show how far bitcoin has gone ;)

As a side-comment
"I've been involved with Bitcoins since the CPU mining days, and double digit difficulty (man, when it jumped to 43, that was rough!)"
Love that post  
Two year anniversary to a hangover incoming  ;)

Lol i just went back and read that thread, so nostalgic.  Bitcoin has come a long way since then.

We have disabled cash deposits due to potential issues that we are working out with the banks.  I'm assuming its pretty much the same issue as with cavirtex -- banks dont like anonymous cash deposits from third parties into accounts... even if we have KYC docs for all them, the banks dont know that (because they dont ask, they just assume that we dont for some reason)  

It is NOT related at all to whats going on with mtgox (that i know of at least)

We are working with TAYPE closely and with the BANKS to find the right solutions that keeps everyone happy. For the most part, it comes down to AML/KYC.

Almost time for another Canada Day aimlessly tackling the crowds around Parliament hill spreading the rambling drunk truth about bitcoins!


Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: joesmoe2012 on August 02, 2013, 08:41:12 AM

For the record TD Bank Canada and TD bank USA are the same company just a different division that TD created when they entered into the US market during the recession and bought out some banks as part of their expansion plans.
You might want to label it TD Bank N.A
TD Bank, N.A. — merged entity of Commerce Bank or Commerce Bancorp, TD Banknorth and TD Bank USA on June 1, 2008,_N.A.

Ive removed TD bank as there wasn't much confirmation on that one.

Fair enough for the record James at Canadianbitcoins had cash deposit with CIBC BMO Royal Bank and TD Dominion at one Time but each one closed their accounts pertaining to KYC/AML procedures. However they all allow for online banking to be connected to them with verification.

Anti money laundering and Know Your Client are the issues.

Pretty much the only ones I'm not sure of the Status is National Bank and Credit Unions such as Servus Credit Union / or provincial banks like ATB  Financial (Alberta Treasury Banks), based on your confirmation data from Scotiabank (Bank of Nova Scotia) guess they are all non-friendly.

Jun 21 2013   Cash deposit at BMO and CIBC are disabled until further notice. Please get verified and use Bill Payment

Feb 21 2013   Effective Feb 22 at 5PM, we will no longer be accepting TD Cash at Branch Deposits, or TD Payee payments to BUY or SELL Bitcoins.

Feb 21 2013   Effective Feb 22 at 5PM, we will no longer be accepting TD Cash at Branch Deposits, or TD Payee payments to BUY Bitcoins. We will continue allowing TD Payee payments to SELL Bitcoins until 5PM Tuesday Feb 26th, at which time no TD Bank payments will be available.

PS: Here is an additional link for the Royal Bank of Canada

I'm aware that canadianbitcoins and cavirtex are always on top of regulations that's why I trust these exhanges, so if your not allowed to disclose information at this time that's fine.

My question is regarding Canadianbitcoins
Can you explain the reason canadianbitcoins has temporarily disabled cash deposit and if this is related to mtgox and TAYPE
Also will this be a similar update to the one on cavirtex

To be honest was thinking of posting this question in Canadianbitcoins but it would be a 2 year necro 
Was not sure on whether to revive it or ask here maybe next time to show how far bitcoin has gone ;)

As a side-comment
"I've been involved with Bitcoins since the CPU mining days, and double digit difficulty (man, when it jumped to 43, that was rough!)"
Love that post 
Two year anniversary to a hangover incoming  ;)

Lol i just went back and read that thread, so nostalgic.  Bitcoin has come a long way since then.

We have disabled cash deposits due to potential issues that we are working out with the banks.  I'm assuming its pretty much the same issue as with cavirtex -- banks dont like anonymous cash deposits from third parties into accounts... even if we have KYC docs for all them, the banks dont know that (because they dont ask, they just assume that we dont for some reason) 

It is NOT related at all to whats going on with mtgox (that i know of at least)

We are working with TAYPE closely and with the BANKS to find the right solutions that keeps everyone happy. For the most part, it comes down to AML/KYC.

Almost time for another Canada Day aimlessly tackling the crowds around Parliament hill spreading the rambling drunk truth about bitcoins!


Okay I'm adding all this in now.

Can you clarify what you mean by, "However they all allow for online banking to be connected to them with verification."

So if the people making the cash dpeosits were to submit their verification info online to Canadabitcoins and then canadabitcoins submits that to the bank then its no issue?

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: joesmoe2012 on August 02, 2013, 08:48:50 AM
Okay I think I've added everything that has been contributed so far. If I've missed something, or anything else needs to be removed because it is incorrect, please let me know.

Thanks again for all the contributions!

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: freedomno1 on August 02, 2013, 09:12:33 AM
Okay I'm adding all this in now.

Can you clarify what you mean by, "However they all allow for online banking to be connected to them with verification."

So if the people making the cash dpeosits were to submit their verification info online to Canadabitcoins and then canadabitcoins submits that to the bank then its no issue?

To get verified for bill payments
Your TAYPE INTERNATIONAL account number is: xxxxxxxxxxxx (for CIBC/BMO/RBC/HSBC/Desjardin/Credit Unions)
Your DIRECT FUND SOLUTIONS account number is: xxxxxxxxxxxx (for TD Canada Trust)
Your DIRECT WORLD (DIRECT WORLD CONVENIENCE CARD) account number is: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (for ScotiaBank)

May 1 2013   Direct Deposit to any Canadian Bank is now available to SELL bitcoins for VERIFIED ACCOUNTS ONLY
Some API images

Hope that helped the Canada data out a bit

I guess banks do accept bitcoin orders but they added a 1-3 day delay if you consider the fact that a month ago you could walk into a RBC or CIBC  ask the teller to send money to this account and have your bitcoins within 24 hours :)

Jun 19 2013   Clarification on Bill Payments - There is NO RATE GUARANTEE. Banks take anywhere from 1-3 business days to process bill payments, so orders may be adjusted to the current rate at the time of receipt of payment from the bank.

Yes that is the case but if you want to confirm just ask James he runs Canadianbitcoins and will reply to your posts in the Havelock thread pretty much as long as you don't raise red flags by doing 10k transactions in and out you should be ok ^_^

Old Transaction

Thank you for placing your order to BUY Bitcoins from Canadian Bitcoins.

Please note, the CENTS have been adjusted. You must deposit this exact amount
or we will not be able to identify your order!

Transaction ID: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx406197f4406219283
Bitcoin Deposit Address: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxXxx
Buy Amount: $xxx.xx CAD
Buy Rate: $xx.xx CAD/BTC
Total: x.xxxx BTC

Go to any CIBC Branch with cash in hand, and tell them you would like to
deposit into the following account:

Branch: 00986
Account: 3319512
Account Holder: 8159181 CANADA INC.
Deposit Amount: $xxx.xx CAD

Once the payment is credited to our account your order will be added to the processing queue.

FAQ: When will I receive my Bitcoins?
If its during core business hours (Mon-Fri, 10-4 EST), you should expect your coins by the end of the day. If it is outside those hours, you should expect your coins by the end of the next full business day. Yes, you might get them a lot sooner, but please don't call us in a panic if 'last time it only took 1 hour, and now its been 3 hours!'. Please wait until the end of the next business day before contacting us for 'missing bitcoins'

Thank you for choosing Canadian Bitcoins!

Then after you went to the bank and executed your order you got this

Thank you for using Canadian Bitcoins to buy your Bitcoins!

Transaction ID: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx406197f4406219283
Bitcoin Amount: x.xxxxxxxx
CAD Amount: $xxx.xx
Rate: $xx.xx CAD/BTC
Bitcoin Wallet Address: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxXxx

Your Bitcoins have been sent to the wallet address above
which may take up to an hour to appear in your wallet. Please
ensure your client is up-to-date with the latest blocks in
order to see the incoming transaction.

You can verify the bitcoins have been sent by checking the
following block chain link:

Below is a copy of your complete transaction log for your reference
2013-06-10 xx:xx:xx    created    Transaction Created
2013-06-10 xx:xx:xx    completed    Transaction Completed

Thanks again, for choosing Canadian Bitcoins!

Simply put more of a PITA now :)

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: aktiveradio on August 08, 2013, 01:33:34 AM
You can add Popmoney to the the list they shutdown payments to LiteTree Exchange.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: freedomno1 on August 08, 2013, 01:59:21 AM
You can add Popmoney to the the list they shutdown payments to LiteTree Exchange.
Source link please :)

On a sidenote
Aug 6 2013   TAYPE INTERNATIONAL has been temporarily replaced with DIRECT WORLD for all Bill Payment Banks. Please do not send any payments to your TAYPE payee if you already have one setup in your online banking.Aug 6 2013
Aug. 6, 2013, 3:11 p.m. - New Bill Payment Provider - Vogogo
For rapid and secure processing of your online bill payments, we have partnered with Vogogo. One of the main reasons for this is to increase the speed of processing.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: Amaze on August 08, 2013, 03:36:37 AM
Does anyone know if SEB or Nordea do business with Bitpay? I can easily open an account in either one of these banks and would like to link my BitPay account to it.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: Bitcoin Novice on August 09, 2013, 02:40:25 PM
As we noted in another thread, we are in the process of opening a physical Bitcoin acquiring / redemption centre.  You will be able to walk in and sell your coins for cash or trade them for precious metals.  Alternatively, you can purchase or trade for Bitcoins.   We are doing this because we believe that no system that relies upon traditional banking is sustainable.  
Having started many online banking companies in the late 90's and early 00's that focused on mass payments in the online gaming field, we quickly learned that banks are not your friends when it comes to quasi-banking services.  Once you became too successful, it was game over.  At one point in 2003 we were clearing 1,000 checks daily through an HSBC branch.  After a couple of months and several bank audits, we received the dreaded "We are sorry to inform you" letter.  The same occurred at all of the major Canadian banks, credit unions and trusts. That was more than 8 years ago when banks were not as sophisticated as they are today to monitor irregular activity.
As for US banks, forget about them.  Just try receiving wire or cash deposit payments into your account from multiple sources.  We had over 5000 individuals holding deposit slips to our accounts at Chase and BofA.  Individuals would walk into a branch with a completed deposit slip and make a deposit.  Within weeks all accounts were shut down.  Especially personal accounts which receive several deposits (3 or more) from unrelated sources are flagged for audit.  The primary goal of the bank is to avoid personal accounts being operated as business accounts.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: J603 on August 09, 2013, 02:52:58 PM
As we noted in another thread, we are in the process of opening a physical Bitcoin acquiring / redemption centre.  You will be able to walk in and sell your coins for cash or trade them for precious metals.  Alternatively, you can purchase or trade for Bitcoins.   We are doing this because we believe that no system that relies upon traditional banking is sustainable. 
Having started many online banking companies in the late 90's and early 00's that focused on mass payments in the online gaming field, we quickly learned that banks are not your friends when it comes to quasi-banking services.  Once you became too successful, it was game over.  At one point in 2003 we were clearing 10,000 checks daily through an HSBC branch.  After a couple of months and several bank audits, we received the dreaded "We are sorry to inform you" letter.  The same occurred at all of the major Canadian banks, credit unions and trusts. That was more than 8 years ago when banks were not as sophisticated as they are today to monitor irregular activity.
As for US banks, forget about them.  Just try receiving wire or cash deposit payments into your account from multiple sources.  We had over 5000 individuals holding deposit slips to our accounts at Chase and BofA.  Individuals would walk into a branch with a completed deposit slip and make a deposit.  Within weeks all accounts were shut down.  Especially personal accounts which receive several deposits (3 or more) from unrelated sources are flagged for audit.  The primary goal of the bank is to avoid personal accounts being operated as business accounts.

What other thread?

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: Bitcoin Novice on August 09, 2013, 02:55:47 PM
In the marketplace -> services thread

Hello Board,

We are in the process of opening a Bitcoin exchange office in Montreal, Canada.

You will be able to:

1) Purchase Bitcoins for Cash at market rate plus a small % based on Volume (1% to 5%)
2) Sell Bitcoins for Cash at market rate less a small % based on Volume (1% to 5%)
3) Trade Bitcoins for Gold, Silver or Palladium
4) Deposit Bitcoins for interest
5) Hedge Bitcoin prices

Further details will be provided closer to the anticipated opening date of October 15, 2013. 

In the mean time any suggestions or services that you would like to see, please let us know.

Thank you

YUL Bitcoin

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: EscrowBTC on August 09, 2013, 03:14:06 PM
Friendly? You can say it like that.

Banks are legal usurers!

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: CurbsideProphet on August 09, 2013, 05:31:52 PM
Here's some documentation for U.S. Bank:

here is what i got. it doesn say much. So when i called bank asking what rules i broke they told I was buying bitcoins . I didnt tell bank i was using it to buy bitcoins just ecurrencies. Somehow they find out

What sorts of transactions were you doing related to bitcoins?
all i was doing is arbitrage. buying in one place sell them in other

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: joesmoe2012 on August 11, 2013, 03:12:44 PM
Here's some documentation for U.S. Bank:

here is what i got. it doesn say much. So when i called bank asking what rules i broke they told I was buying bitcoins . I didnt tell bank i was using it to buy bitcoins just ecurrencies. Somehow they find out

What sorts of transactions were you doing related to bitcoins?
all i was doing is arbitrage. buying in one place sell them in other

Okay added, thank you!

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: joesmoe2012 on August 11, 2013, 03:13:50 PM
You can add Popmoney to the the list they shutdown payments to LiteTree Exchange.
Source link please :)

On a sidenote
Aug 6 2013   TAYPE INTERNATIONAL has been temporarily replaced with DIRECT WORLD for all Bill Payment Banks. Please do not send any payments to your TAYPE payee if you already have one setup in your online banking.Aug 6 2013
Aug. 6, 2013, 3:11 p.m. - New Bill Payment Provider - Vogogo
For rapid and secure processing of your online bill payments, we have partnered with Vogogo. One of the main reasons for this is to increase the speed of processing.

Okay, added, thank you.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: Isokivi on August 15, 2013, 12:47:16 PM

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: GigaDice on August 15, 2013, 07:32:06 PM
No surprise my current bank is listed as hostile, their complete business structure is archaic and outdated. Looks like I'll be switching over to our "friends" over at BMO.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: Dps23 on August 16, 2013, 11:09:30 AM

very good and informative list thank you

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: joesmoe2012 on August 17, 2013, 09:18:43 AM

Added, thanks.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: Isokivi on August 18, 2013, 03:28:39 AM

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: hasle2 on August 19, 2013, 02:40:34 PM
BMO and the Bank Of Montreal are the same bank. You have BMO listed as hostile and Bank Of Montreal as friendly.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: freedomno1 on August 19, 2013, 08:29:02 PM
Woops missed that one

"June 14, 2013, 4:32 p.m. - BMO Cash deposits not accepted, alternate cash plan - click here

BMO has just decided to stop accepting cash deposits directly to the corporate account. This applies to all users both verified and unverified. Please do not attempt to deposit cash in person at BMO using the cash deposit notification, this option will be disabled on the site on Monday. The good news is that we were planning for this possibility and have alternate cash deposit methods, the full details of which will be released early next week. Thank you for your continued support."

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: P_Shep on August 19, 2013, 08:45:30 PM
FYI, Metrobank is based in the UK.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: joesmoe2012 on August 31, 2013, 09:48:35 AM
Woops missed that one

"June 14, 2013, 4:32 p.m. - BMO Cash deposits not accepted, alternate cash plan - click here

BMO has just decided to stop accepting cash deposits directly to the corporate account. This applies to all users both verified and unverified. Please do not attempt to deposit cash in person at BMO using the cash deposit notification, this option will be disabled on the site on Monday. The good news is that we were planning for this possibility and have alternate cash deposit methods, the full details of which will be released early next week. Thank you for your continued support."

Added to BMO, thanks for contributing!

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: joesmoe2012 on August 31, 2013, 09:49:06 AM
BMO and the Bank Of Montreal are the same bank. You have BMO listed as hostile and Bank Of Montreal as friendly.

Have removed bank of montreal. I didn't know they were the same, thanks for the contribution!

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: joesmoe2012 on August 31, 2013, 09:57:39 AM

Thanks for continuing to contribute! I have added this to the list as well.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: joesmoe2012 on August 31, 2013, 10:00:12 AM
I have also gone ahead and added some additional information on IAFCU's recent developments.

As always, if you have any additional information to ad anywhere (links especially appreciated) please post here and I'll add them to the OP.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: joesmoe2012 on August 31, 2013, 10:09:19 AM
okay, I have changed the format of the list a little bit as well. Instead of having two lists, one for good banks and one for bad, i've now made it so that its just one big list sorted by country.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: halfawake on September 28, 2013, 12:46:41 AM
okay, I have changed the format of the list a little bit as well. Instead of having two lists, one for good banks and one for bad, i've now made it so that its just one big list sorted by country.

Can't speak for everyone, but I thought the old format was a little easier to read.  In any case, thanks for keeping the list up to date.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: Taras on September 28, 2013, 02:45:43 PM
This should be stickied. Just sayin'.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: jjiimm_64 on October 01, 2013, 06:07:01 AM
Let's discuss which banks are, and which banks are not bitcoin friendly.

I will try to keep this post updated with all new information as it comes in, feel free to PM me or reply to this thread if you have something to add.

(please note, just because a few transfers from bitcoin exchanges have gone through, doesn't make a bank necessarily bitcoin friendly. This list is for banks who have a proactive attitude towards bitcoin, publicly endorse it, or support major exchanges.)

And now for the list of Banks and their bitcoinfriendly-ness:

To qualify on the list a bank or payment processor must without explanation terminate or refuse business of legitimate bitcoin busineses. The point of this threas is to name and shame said institutions and to encourage people who are there customers, regardless of bitcoin, to take there business elsewhere.


   Commonwealth Bank of Australia
  • Commonwealth Bank of Australia Closes Personal Account (Reddit) (


   The Royal Bank of Canada (Link (
  • Canada Tightens Restrictions on bitcoin trading partner (
  • LibertyBit News (
  • CanadaBitcoins was accepting cash deposits here, but accounts closed due to AML/KYC Requirements. Link. (
  • CanadaBitcoins no longer accepting cash deposits at all to BMO, verified or not. Link. (

  • CanadaBitcoins was accepting cash deposits here, but accounts closed due to AML/KYC Requirements. Link.[url=http:// (

   Royal Bank of Canada   
  • Canadian Bitcoins and CadBitcoin Have Accounts Frozen] (

   Royal Bank of Canada   
  • Canadian Bitcoins and CadBitcoin Have Accounts Frozen (
  • Closed CaVirtex and "Canadian Bitcoins" trading accounts.
  • CanadaBitcoins was accepting cash deposits here, but accounts closed due to AML/KYC Requirements. Link.[url=http:// (
  • Calgary Bitcoin Exchange (virtex) fight bank backlash in Canada] (
  • Calgary Bitcoin Exchange (virtex) fight bank backlash in Canada (

   Toronto-Dominion Bank
  • Canadian Bitcoins and CadBitcoin have accounts frozen (
  • Closed CADBitcoin Trading Account.
   Bank of Nova Scotia   
  • CaVirtex News (
  • Confirmed by Fuzzy (
  • Closed CaVirtex Cash Accounts

   TDBank (Link (
  • Canada Tightens Restrictions on bitcoin trading partner. (

   TD Dominion
  • CanadaBitcoins was accepting cash deposits here, but accounts closed due to AML/KYC Requirements. Link.[url=http:// (
   Taype                                  Canada               "Canadianbitcoins: Aug 6 2013   TAYPE INTERNATIONAL has been temporarily replaced with DIRECT WORLD for all Bill Payment Banks. Please do not send any payments to your TAYPE payee if you already have one setup in your online banking.Aug 6 2013 "
   Vogogo                                 Canada               "Cavirtex Aug. 6, 2013, 3:11 p.m. - New Bill Payment Provider - Vogogo: For rapid and secure processing of your online bill payments, we have partnered with Vogogo. One of the main reasons for this is to increase the speed of processing."



   Suomen verkkomaksut /
  • Multiple reports of declining buisness with bitcoin related services, including  (
   Taype                                  Canada               "Canadianbitcoins: Aug 6 2013   TAYPE INTERNATIONAL has been temporarily replaced with DIRECT WORLD for all Bill Payment Banks. Please do not send any payments to your TAYPE payee if you already have one setup in your online banking.Aug 6 2013 "
   Vogogo                                 Canada               "Cavirtex Aug. 6, 2013, 3:11 p.m. - New Bill Payment Provider - Vogogo: For rapid and secure processing of your online bill payments, we have partnered with Vogogo. One of the main reasons for this is to increase the speed of processing."



   Suomen verkkomaksut /
  • Multiple reports of declining buisness with bitcoin related services, including]][/li] [/list] Taype Canada "Canadianbitcoins: Aug 6 2013   TAYPE INTERNATIONAL has been temporarily replaced with DIRECT WORLD for all Bill Payment Banks. Please do not send any payments to your TAYPE payee if you already have one setup in your online banking.Aug 6 2013 " Vogogo Canada "Cavirtex Aug. 6, 2013, 3:11 p.m. - New Bill Payment Provider - Vogogo: For rapid and secure processing of your online bill payments, we have partnered with Vogogo. One of the main reasons for this is to increase the speed of processing." [b][u]Finland[/u][/b] [b][i]Suomen verkkomaksut /[/i][/b] [list] [li]Multiple reports of declining buisness with bitcoin related services, including [url]
  • Conducts business with (
  • Conducts business with (

  • Conducts business with (

  • Shut down bitcoin24 account.

   Fidor Bank AG
  • Located in Germany.
  • August 2013 - Partnered with to handle EU payments.

   Sofort Bank
  • "Proof was given to me in a private message I will not publish, unless it's sender gives me the go ahead, my source tells me anyone can verify this by contacting the bank about opening an account for a bitcoin related buisness, perhaps someone fluent in german could do this?"

  • ING Spanish Branch Blocking all Bitcoin Transactions. Reddit. (
  • BTC Friendly
  • Swedish article, use google translate. (
United Kingdom

  • Prevented MtGox, Intersango, and from accepting GBP.

United States

   Bank of the West (Link (
  • Account Closed for BitCoin Related Activities (
   Capital One (Link (
  • Shutdown BitFloor's accounts with approx $2.8mil USD check mailed out

   Chase (Link (
  • Many people on this forum (as well as others), myself included, have had their accounts closed by chase. Some did mention bitcoins, others didn't. It's usually the high volume of cash deposits or one-way international wires (i.e. if you receive alot of US deposits but send alot of foreign wires).

   Comerica (Comerica (
  • Wired Article (

   Dwolla (Dwolla (
  • Feds Seize money from MtGox Dwolla Accounts. (
  • Why can't Dwolla send to MtGox? (
  • Dwolla Updates regarding Operating a business requiring FinCEN registration. (

   Internet Credit Union (Link) (
  • Located in Sanfrancisco, California, USA. Opened in 2013
  • "taking a proactive pro-Bitcoin stance" Link to Reddit[/ur] (
  • Spoke at San Jose Bitcoin Conference in 2013, saying that the current banks, "suck, so we are going to build out own." (Citation needed fo rthe video of this)
  • Handled withdraws for BitFloor after Capitol One had shut down their account just sending a single check to Roman (site owner of BitFloor).
  • Regulators start to spook IAFCU, they cancel pending deal with TradeHill after TradeHill already announced that accounts were be moved over from TradeHills unregulated system to IAFCU Government insured and regulated account.
  • Blog Post from IAFCU, "Rocky Road is still one of my favorite flavors" discussing how they are suspending business with Corporate Bitcoin Clients. IAFCU Blog Link. (

   US Bank (Link (
   Wells Fargo
Documentation Needed.

Unknown Country

  • Closed Intersango Account.

   PayPal (Link (
  • Link. (
  • Letter from PayPal to Employees Re: Bitcoin (
  • PayPal President is "fascinated" by bitcoin (
  • CNN - Why PayPal is bullish on Bitcoin (
  • Reddit: PayPal and Mining Hardware (
Originally maintained by Isokivi @


sorry to quote this whole list.. but correct me if I am wrong.. I do not see  ANY  USA freindly banks ?  especially for cash deposits.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: Akka on October 09, 2013, 09:37:36 AM
Seems like Capital One is now "officially" hostile towards Bitcoin:

To celebrate Bitcoin’s success and its principle, we launched the “Bitcoin Coin” last month. Like most of our products, the Bitcoin Coin is a precious metal coin, not a computer program or algorithm. The coin features the Bitcoin currency symbol on one side with a computer circuit board background. The reverse side is stamped with an operational QR code that can be scanned with a smartphone, taking the user to the M2 factory store....

...But Capital One did immediately shut down our merchant account to process credit card orders. Apparently, someone at the bank saw the word “Bitcoin” and didn’t bother to read the product description or any of our blogs about the coin.

It is Capital One’s policy not to do business with merchants who accept Bitcoin. That’s a business decision based upon Bitcoin’s anonymous nature and the alleged potential that it could be used for criminal activity.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: johnyj on October 09, 2013, 09:44:41 AM
My account in Swedbank in sweden has just been frozen and closed due to bitcoin related sales, into hostile list  8)

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: safeminer on October 09, 2013, 01:09:06 PM
I have used my Dutch Rabobank and SNS Bank accounts to buy Bitcoins from both BitStamp and MtGox. So they are friendly for now

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: freedomno1 on October 10, 2013, 06:22:41 AM
Cavirtex dividend payouts are delayed until 2014 now
But I guess that means that in exchange banks accept bitcoin


Oct. 9, 2013, 3:05 p.m. - **Debit cards have arrived as a new withdrawal option! (In Beta)

In the interest of releasing this to the public quickly, we are proud to announce our Beta launch of Debit Cards that will work with ATM or POS terminals in Canada and even some internationally! For faster withdrawals you can now sell Bitcoins for CAD and then take out the cash at ATM's! There is a one-time fee of $10 to have the card mailed to you, once you have the card there is a low administration fee of $1.50 to add funds to the card. You must have VirtEx CAD to withdraw to this card and you must be cash or online verified but no bank account is required. Loads are performed once per business day at 5PM(MST) starting tomorrow.

The first step is to make sure your contact information has your correct address, this is where your card will be mailed by regular mail, next go to Withdraw CAD and choose an amount to withdraw A debit card (with PIN) will then be mailed to you but the amount will not be loaded until you have confirmed receipt of the card by submitting a ticket under the new category: ”Prepaid Debit”. You will then receive a confirmation e-mail when your first amount is loaded. More details will follow with the release of a full fee schedule for card use shortly. When Beta ends in approximately 1-2months we will enable live 24/7 loading of these cards the moment you press withdraw CAD! We will also allow for Canada express post rush card delivery shortly!

Oct. 1, 2013, 3:24 p.m. - Dividend Update

Joseph David : "There will be no dividend payout this quarter for the following reasons:
1) New banking relationships recently secured demand large capital reserves in order for them to work with us.
2) VirtEx is re-investing all revenues to grow our company and maintain our team of 15 employees, as well as investing in marketing and legal counsel.
I do intend on paying a dividend once the company shows sustained growth and profitability, and will be providing the next dividend update as well as financials by Q1 2014.”

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: gotmilk_ on October 10, 2013, 03:51:29 PM
What about UniCredit banks? It's known that Bitstamp  has an account there and they are doing without problems. I guess they are on friendly side :) (

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: Newar on October 10, 2013, 08:59:04 PM
If you have them all in one list, maybe could you make it a bit more clear rather than just using Italics? How about green / red?


Coop Bank:

This was confirmed to me by the operator of swissbitcoins via email.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: murraypaul on October 11, 2013, 12:58:04 AM
You seem to be listing banks as Bitcoin-unfriendly because they are shutting personal accounts that people are using for Bitcoin business transactions.
They'd probably shut you down if you were doing Euro/Pound/Yen trading with your personal account too.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: chriswilmer on October 22, 2013, 02:14:04 PM
I am confused by this thread. How could we have 0 friendly banks listed in the US (except the IACFU)? Does nobody wire money to US banks from Bitcoin currency exchanges?

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: joesmoe2012 on October 23, 2013, 03:17:41 AM
I am confused by this thread. How could we have 0 friendly banks listed in the US (except the IACFU)? Does nobody wire money to US banks from Bitcoin currency exchanges?

It's banks that are willing to work with bitcoin related businesses. Not being able to receive and send a wire or two to an exchange.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: murraypaul on October 23, 2013, 09:03:19 AM
I am confused by this thread. How could we have 0 friendly banks listed in the US (except the IACFU)? Does nobody wire money to US banks from Bitcoin currency exchanges?
It's banks that are willing to work with bitcoin related businesses. Not being able to receive and send a wire or two to an exchange.

Again, many of the posts in this thread about about banks closing or warning about personal accounts.
Don't use a personal account for business, don't get warned.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: bnjmnkent on October 23, 2013, 10:18:29 PM
Again, many of the posts in this thread about about banks closing or warning about personal accounts.
Don't use a personal account for business, don't get warned.
Please elaborate. Where do you draw the line between personal and business?

@joesmoe2012: Thank you for starting such a list!

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: chriswilmer on October 23, 2013, 10:21:42 PM
I am confused by this thread. How could we have 0 friendly banks listed in the US (except the IACFU)? Does nobody wire money to US banks from Bitcoin currency exchanges?
It's banks that are willing to work with bitcoin related businesses. Not being able to receive and send a wire or two to an exchange.

Again, many of the posts in this thread about about banks closing or warning about personal accounts.
Don't use a personal account for business, don't get warned.

I'm not sure what we're arguing about. A bank closing a personal account is a terrible thing and I want to avoid that at all costs! I am not doing any "business" with my personal account... I just want to sell some bitcoins and move the money into my personal account via wire transfer. It's not business, it's selling an asset so that I can buy a house. If a bank closes my account for doing this, then I want it listed on the HOSTILE-NEVER-USE-THIS-BANK list.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: Isokivi on October 24, 2013, 05:58:25 PM

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: BitchicksHusband on November 13, 2013, 09:19:45 AM
I'm still trying to figure out how Capital One is being blamed for Bitfloor.  As a Bitfloor user, we deposited directly into an account at Bank of America (and only Bank of America).  So if his account was shut down, wouldn't it be....Bank of America?

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: mindragon on November 13, 2013, 09:13:09 PM
Metrobank is based out of the Philippines as far as I know.

Also I have personally had no issues with Mellon Bank.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: iLoveXojo on November 14, 2013, 02:53:08 AM
Well, from experience, Wells Fargo kindly accepted a Coinbase Sell. Though it was $3.97.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: Newar on November 16, 2013, 02:44:08 PM
Metrobank is based out of the Philippines as far as I know.

Also in the UK:

Since the list suggests problems with Intersango (an UK exchange) I would lean towards the UK Metrobank.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: perlboy on November 26, 2013, 05:44:00 AM

Not quite a bank but has denied any Bitcoin related businesses.



Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: 501 on November 26, 2013, 08:02:03 AM
There was a post on the Bank of America blog a week or 2 ago that was very pro-bitcoin. Also, I've spoken to my banker at BofA a couple of times about bitcoin investments and she has never mentioned anything negative about bitcoin or restrictions against it, which I'm sure she would have done if they were hostile towards it. So in my experience they seem to be pretty friendly towards it.

Chase definitely hates bitcoin and is doing everything in their power to shut it down.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: perlboy on November 27, 2013, 05:32:11 AM
You can add the following to this list as well:
- Currency Fair (
- World First FX (

Both have denied any Bitcoin related business from using their services quoting "banking partners" and "unregulated environment". Doesn't make a whole lot sense since I was trying to send money TO an exchange and had supplied my company & personal identification but anyway.


Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: Isokivi on November 30, 2013, 04:47:29 AM

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: alberthendriks on December 01, 2013, 02:42:21 AM
Rabobank did allow btc transactions before, Oct 9 in this thread:
I have used my Dutch Rabobank and SNS Bank accounts to buy Bitcoins from both BitStamp and MtGox. So they are friendly for now

But it has changed. Isokivi's reddit link is supported by
Due to a "malfunction" 99% of all payments to exactly two bitcoin providers were blocked.

"It had nothing to do" with a leaked document a couple of days later, in which it was uncovered that the "Rabobank ethical commission" advices to "not cooperate with bitcoin trade":

Rabobank is still in the top 3 Dutch banks, with ING and Abn Amro:

Isokivi is right, this is a no-brainer. The Dutch bank "Rabobank" should be added to the list.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: freedomno1 on December 01, 2013, 06:41:00 AM
I feel a bit proud our thread/article was mentioned by Global News

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: Isokivi on December 05, 2013, 04:29:58 PM
I'll just leave this here:

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: joesmoe2012 on December 08, 2013, 01:42:40 PM
I've updated the list once again.

Thanks for all the updates everyone.

When i have a little time i'll try to make the list a bit more readable as well.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: darkmule on December 08, 2013, 01:47:56 PM
I'll just leave this here:

Especially if you do substantial biz with an entity like this, and you see a message like this, and you can actually do it without substantial inconvenience, I advise you immediately cancel any account you have with them, and if you are in IT anywhere and have choice of vendor, dump them from there, too, and let them know that shit is exactly why you're doing it.  (Of course, for the latter, make sure you actually do have the final choice on that matter and you won't wind up in trouble yourself).

A penalty or a boycott is not effective unless the company in question knows why they're losing business.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: xmrk2 on December 08, 2013, 03:09:07 PM
I'll just leave this here:

I just checked, and this check box only appears for GBP. So perhaps some British-only regulation?

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: zimmah on December 08, 2013, 06:06:09 PM
it's funny how OKpay decided to ban bitcoin, while bitcoin was pretty much the only reason anyone would ever even use OKpay n the first place.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: Isokivi on December 08, 2013, 06:48:27 PM
cp from reddit : "I've just been told by my bank, The Commonwealth Bank of Australia, that they won't allow me to transfer money to so I can start buying bitcoins and other alts. I think that this is diabolical behaviour and I'm going to close my commonwealth bank account over this. What I would like to know is, what is the most convenient way to buy bitcoins from Australia?" (

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: bobsmoke on December 08, 2013, 07:23:31 PM
cp from reddit : "I've just been told by my bank, The Commonwealth Bank of Australia, that they won't allow me to transfer money to so I can start buying bitcoins and other alts. I think that this is diabolical behaviour and I'm going to close my commonwealth bank account over this. What I would like to know is, what is the most convenient way to buy bitcoins from Australia?" (

This is not good news!

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: bitpop on December 09, 2013, 09:05:38 AM
Bank of America disabled my wire transfers after I sent money to a couple exchanges

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: bobsmoke on December 09, 2013, 11:02:23 AM
Someone reporting issues with Barclays in UK - in the same thread there is someone who is claiming not having issues...

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: bnjmnkent on December 09, 2013, 09:17:15 PM
I'll just leave this here:

You do not use the funds to purchase or exchange for crypto.

You do use the funds to send them to an exchange, where you trade.

Big difference. OKPay just wants to stay out of trouble.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: joesmoe2012 on December 10, 2013, 05:15:40 AM
I'll just leave this here:

You do not use the funds to purchase or exchange for crypto.

You do use the funds to send them to an exchange, where you trade.

Big difference. OKPay just wants to stay out of trouble.

Which is actually a good thing. Maybe now that they aren't working with US people and they are proactively telling people not to exchange crypto-currency without alicense, maybe they'll be around a while.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: Desensitizer on December 10, 2013, 08:16:51 AM
Does anyone know the status of Virginia Commerce Bank in the united states? I am going to be starting to wire transfer money to bitstamp or btc-e soon and I was wondering if anyone had a clue as to how they might react. If noone does I will end up calling them and add them to the list.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: joesmoe2012 on December 11, 2013, 05:34:52 PM
Does anyone know the status of Virginia Commerce Bank in the united states? I am going to be starting to wire transfer money to bitstamp or btc-e soon and I was wondering if anyone had a clue as to how they might react. If noone does I will end up calling them and add them to the list.

Should be fine if you'r just sending a wire. THis list for banks that aren't friendly to bitcoin businesses, not individual stuff.

i would -not- call your bank prior to wiring to tell them its for bitcoins.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: jeppe on December 11, 2013, 06:13:41 PM
this is nice to know !! thanks for sharing :)

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: NABiT on December 15, 2013, 08:51:07 PM
Slightly inaccurate title as “The account belongs to a payment service provider called PacNet Services Ltd, which Bit121 works with. Barclays therefore does not have a direct relationship with the bitcoin exchange” but:

Barclays Bank Takes GBP Deposits For New UK Bitcoin Exchange Bit121

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: joesmoe2012 on December 17, 2013, 05:54:14 PM
okay, I have changed the format of the list a little bit as well. Instead of having two lists, one for good banks and one for bad, i've now made it so that its just one big list sorted by country.


Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: bitpop on December 18, 2013, 02:48:03 AM

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: johnyj on December 18, 2013, 05:23:01 AM
OP should correct the original post, Swedish SEB bank just informed me to not use my account to do bitcoin related transactions

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: bitpop on December 18, 2013, 05:24:25 AM
okay, I have changed the format of the list a little bit as well. Instead of having two lists, one for good banks and one for bad, i've now made it so that its just one big list sorted by country.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: seventoes on December 18, 2013, 08:02:42 PM
The new-ish online-only bank Simple ( are Bitcoin friendly! I asked the other day and their response was:


We won't close your account because of a transfer from Coinbase. I didn't even know until recently that people were having that problem at other banks! So weird. Anyway, you're safe making that transfer into Simple.

Have a good night!


The response specifically only mentions Coinbase while I asked about Bitcoin and exchanges in general, but based on their attitude towards everything else I'd say they're completely bitcoin-friendly.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: bitpop on December 19, 2013, 08:46:28 AM
Too bad I just closed my simple
But you have an oversight, they are not a bank, find the real servicer

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: kik1977 on December 19, 2013, 11:22:04 AM
If interested, I used the following banks to fund accounts both with MtGox and Bitstamp:

Italy: Fineco Bank (Banca Fineco)
Switzerland: UBS

No problems from them; last wire transfer done 1 month ago. Hope this helps. OP if you need more info you can PM me.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: Isokivi on December 19, 2013, 03:00:24 PM
I guess this is as friendly as it gets: (

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: PolkRB on December 31, 2013, 09:57:32 PM
Too bad I just closed my simple
But you have an oversight, they are not a bank, find the real servicer

If you don't mind me asking, Why did you close it? I'm considering signing up with them and was wondering if there was anything you didn't like?


Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: qiwoman on January 01, 2014, 08:42:28 PM
Des anyone know which banks in Canada allow bitcoin businesses to open business accounts? I have been approached by a U.K company wanting to expand in other countries to open a branch in Canada so anyone know which banks are Pro bitcoin business friendly please pm me or post here thanks. :)

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: freedomno1 on January 03, 2014, 01:30:49 AM
Des anyone know which banks in Canada allow bitcoin businesses to open business accounts? I have been approached by a U.K company wanting to expand in other countries to open a branch in Canada so anyone know which banks are Pro bitcoin business friendly please pm me or post here thanks. :)

It's fairly difficult in Canada now with the Banks, I would say it depends on what type of business you want to create as you can see through the Virtex Thread, if you want to try perhaps do so with a Credit Union

Someones complaint

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: Suikoden on January 16, 2014, 09:38:46 AM
Anyone from the US able to chime in on banks that are friendly towards bitcoin? Specifically, to do deposits/withdrawals from Coinbase and Bitstamp with minimal fuss (amounts upwards of $10,000). Most of the information that came up in my search was a few to several months old. Just want to make sure that it's still accurate.

I've seen mention that Bank of America is pretty friendly towards it. Is this still true?

Any others that are known to not make a fuss about Coinbase/BitStamp with amounts up to $10,000? Perhaps the online banks (like Ally)?

EDIT: I should clarify. When I say minimal fuss, I mean that the bank won't constantly call me every time a deposit comes in, or worse, reverse the deposit, freeze my account, or outright deny me using my own money to purchase bitcoins from BitStamp/Coinbase.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: joesmoe2012 on January 16, 2014, 04:11:50 PM
Anyone from the US able to chime in on banks that are friendly towards bitcoin? Specifically, to do deposits/withdrawals from Coinbase and Bitstamp with minimal fuss (amounts upwards of $10,000). Most of the information that came up in my search was a few to several months old. Just want to make sure that it's still accurate.

I've seen mention that Bank of America is pretty friendly towards it. Is this still true?

Any others that are known to not make a fuss about Coinbase/BitStamp with amounts up to $10,000? Perhaps the online banks (like Ally)?

EDIT: I should clarify. When I say minimal fuss, I mean that the bank won't constantly call me every time a deposit comes in, or worse, reverse the deposit, freeze my account, or outright deny me using my own money to purchase bitcoins from BitStamp/Coinbase.


Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: Suikoden on January 17, 2014, 05:35:20 PM

They're still bitcoin-friendly (or at least neutral)? They were one of the first ones I looked at due to this thread, and the articles I saw had said they were backing away from bitcoin. These were dated back in September/October or so. Is/was that not the case?

Anyone using IAFCU for buying/selling bitcoins still?

I suppose I'll give them a call today to see if I can get a straight answer.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: KSV on January 21, 2014, 02:49:52 PM
OP should correct the original post, Swedish SEB bank just informed me to not use my account to do bitcoin related transactions

confirming this - they appear to be bitcoin friendly, its a pretence. They are not - thats the truth.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: sidehack on January 21, 2014, 08:01:58 PM
Just spent about half an hour at my local USBank to withdraw some money, most of which came from a CoinBase deposit. I was told that if I made too many more deposits from there, they would probably close my account. For my protection, apparently - something to do with transaction reversals. The bank manager probably didn't understand that bitcoin transactions aren't reversible, and that the exchange is basically buying and selling as a commodity so as long as their dollars aren't recalled (which is a risk with any deposit from any source ever, and accounted for in the process) the deposit is just as guaranteed as anything else. Not too happy about that.

Hopefully the other, local bank where my business accounts are will be a little more polite about it.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: skivrmt on January 21, 2014, 08:05:16 PM
Anyone from the US able to chime in on banks that are friendly towards bitcoin? Specifically, to do deposits/withdrawals from Coinbase and Bitstamp with minimal fuss (amounts upwards of $10,000). Most of the information that came up in my search was a few to several months old. Just want to make sure that it's still accurate.

I've seen mention that Bank of America is pretty friendly towards it. Is this still true?

Any others that are known to not make a fuss about Coinbase/BitStamp with amounts up to $10,000? Perhaps the online banks (like Ally)?

EDIT: I should clarify. When I say minimal fuss, I mean that the bank won't constantly call me every time a deposit comes in, or worse, reverse the deposit, freeze my account, or outright deny me using my own money to purchase bitcoins from BitStamp/Coinbase.

I use a national KeyBank account with Coinbase and have never had any issues with them.  I've never asked them about it, but I do a lot of transactions in and out of the account and those transactions are just part of the daily transactions.  Yet. :)

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: cp1 on January 21, 2014, 08:05:34 PM
The internet credit union is located in NJ, not CA.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: prasnik on February 01, 2014, 02:48:53 PM
Can anyone shed light on direct experiences with major US banks that have been bitcoin friendly? we're a US based start-up looking to find someone who won't screw us over just because we work in the btc space. :-\

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: joesmoe2012 on February 01, 2014, 10:32:56 PM
The internet credit union is located in NJ, not CA.

This is not correct. It's the Internet Archive Federal Credit Union (IAFCU) and their first branch and ATM are located in san francisco area.

They are bitcoin friendly, I've seen the people who build the bank speak at multiple bitcoin conferences/other events specifically about this. It's one of the main reasons they built this bank.

Pretty much any US bank isn't going to have an issue with an occassional coinbase transaction. HOwever since coinbase doesn't batch their transactions, if you make a couple dozen transactions in a day, you're going to have a couple dozen ACH to/from your bank account - your bank won't like that.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: darkmule on February 02, 2014, 09:50:41 AM
The internet credit union is located in NJ, not CA.

This is not correct. It's the Internet Archive Federal Credit Union (IAFCU) and their first branch and ATM are located in san francisco area.

They are bitcoin friendly, I've seen the people who build the bank speak at multiple bitcoin conferences/other events specifically about this. It's one of the main reasons they built this bank.

Pretty much any US bank isn't going to have an issue with an occassional coinbase transaction. HOwever since coinbase doesn't batch their transactions, if you make a couple dozen transactions in a day, you're going to have a couple dozen ACH to/from your bank account - your bank won't like that.

Well, according to their own site, they claim their address is

2 Kirkpatrick Street Second Floor | New Brunswick, NJ 08901 | (866) 312-3979
Hours Monday-Thursday 4-8 Saturday 10-1 | Routing & Transit Number 021283961 (

I'm not really interested enough to hunt down corporate records and stuff, nor am I saying you're wrong, but this is what they say on their own site.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: joesmoe2012 on February 05, 2014, 10:35:09 PM
You may be right, i thought they were in SF, but maybe they aren't?!

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: koryu on February 06, 2014, 12:10:27 PM

fidor bank also does the sepa funding/withdraw on kraken.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: zylstra on February 07, 2014, 08:15:59 PM
I called the Wells Fargo Money Services Business Control Center at 1-866-453-7610 (open 9am-9pm EST) and the service representative stated Wells Fargo does not bank cryptocurrency business and neither do most large banks.  He stated that some smaller or local banks may take cryptocurrency business.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: Isokivi on February 19, 2014, 06:26:08 PM

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: Kimmo on February 21, 2014, 03:48:41 PM
Please add Handelsbanken to the list of hostile banks. They do not set up accounts for Bitcoin-related businesses.

SEB should not be listed as bitcoin-friendly.

SEB AB, the largest Nordic currency trader and the second-biggest bank in the Baltic region, is rejecting requests from clients seeking to set up accounts to manage Bitcoin. (

This old article from April 2013 was interpreted as "Bitcoin-friendly" but turned out to be just BS from SEB: (

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: Yogafan00000 on February 27, 2014, 09:03:54 PM
I just found out today that CIBC/PC Financial is now blocking transfers to Vogogo.  Vogogo is used by Cavirtex Bill payment method in Canada.


This makes me really pissed, but now I know I must be doing something right in life if I'm meeting this much resistance for merely being involved with Bitcoin.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: Cheshyr on March 03, 2014, 10:37:12 PM
In the US, Bank of America has begun refusing to open Bitcoin related accounts, and has denied wire transfers because they were related to Bitcoin companies.  I've had both of these things occur within the last 2 weeks, so we are moving our business bank accounts elsewhere.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: crazynoggin on March 04, 2014, 03:27:57 AM
Once Bitcoin goes mainstream, we should remember the banks that refused to serve Bitcoin related businesses and Bitcoin in general. By then they will hopefully be begging the Bitcoin community to support them. Personally I haven't had an issue with Chase yet and that's where I set up my account that I use for Bitcoin. Either way, if I do eventually get a notice that they are going to close my account, I will happily support a smaller bank or credit union over the bigger banks.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: _mr_e on March 04, 2014, 03:29:52 PM
I just found out today that CIBC/PC Financial is now blocking transfers to Vogogo.  Vogogo is used by Cavirtex Bill payment method in Canada.


This makes me really pissed, but now I know I must be doing something right in life if I'm meeting this much resistance for merely being involved with Bitcoin.

WTF, virtex just got an MSB... What is with this!?

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: phillipsjk on March 23, 2014, 06:19:18 AM

RBC closed my commercial bank account for having Bitcoin related activities. (

TD Closed my PERSONAL bank account for bitcoin related activity (

note: these are not mine.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: murraypaul on March 23, 2014, 11:13:15 AM
TD Closed my PERSONAL bank account for bitcoin related activity (

You were running a business through your personal account. Pretty sure that would be against their TOS.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: freedomno1 on March 24, 2014, 12:19:26 AM
TD Closed my PERSONAL bank account for bitcoin related activity (

You were running a business through your personal account. Pretty sure that would be against their TOS.

That one definitely hit a lot of flags for money movement
KYC/AML procedures are a Beep

Would probably need to make a small business account

The other thread though concerns me as it is a blanket ban

Not that they any of the Big 5 are very friendly anyways with BTC if you follow Cavirtex

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: rinoexchange on March 25, 2014, 07:19:54 PM work with China Merchant Bank
so China Merchant bank is btc friendly i guess

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: Noncetech on March 28, 2014, 03:52:20 PM

Would like to share this info:
HSBC in Hong Kong declined to open a bank account for us. They took 1 and a half weeks to tell us this while we were waiting for the account opening documents.

Noncetech will start pre-orders for its first official bitcoin mining rigs and cards next week, so HSBC has really inconvenienced us.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: stogaer on March 28, 2014, 06:01:03 PM
Is there an existing thread somewhere on bitcoin-friendly banks for personal accounts?

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: kjlimo on March 28, 2014, 07:50:46 PM
Is there an existing thread somewhere on bitcoin-friendly banks for personal accounts?


Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: freedomno1 on March 30, 2014, 09:20:50 AM
Is there an existing thread somewhere on bitcoin-friendly banks for personal accounts?


I was refraining from commenting but it was an oxymoron moment

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: wanellane on March 30, 2014, 02:18:03 PM
Thanks a lot for doing this list ! It's so convenient to watch the list of friendly banks on one page!

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: Satterfield on March 30, 2014, 02:44:44 PM
Good and interesting thread. Plz keep it up.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: Mitchell on March 30, 2014, 02:48:06 PM
Holland is not The Netherlands. It's a region in The Netherlands (Click ( Please fix that.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: kjlimo on March 31, 2014, 12:51:32 PM
Well we certainly know how to fly under the radar of banks... put them all on a list with the word hostile!

I'm sure the (and friendly) will make up for the hostile accusations...

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: BillieGin on May 10, 2014, 12:32:19 PM
This is flawed. For the most part, Banks don't hate bitcoin - in fact they don't give a crap about BTC - they just review accounts monthly and if they see "money laundering" going on, they will shut the bank account down if it does not have the necessary regulations. That's most likely the case for Bitfloor's accounts and it was definitely the case for Intersango and for the 2 Canadian exchanges that just shut down.
For the most part banks and governments don't care about bitcoin yet. They just care about money laundering and so if you are operating an exchange, you'll need to get full fiat-world legal licensing for whatever jurisdiction you are in - or get accounts shut down after 30 days.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: NXTplayer on May 10, 2014, 02:40:32 PM
for most of the bank and gov,bitcoin is not's enemy.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: Guido on May 12, 2014, 10:13:17 PM
is this list up to date?

what are the friendly banks?

personally never had any problems with nationwide in UK

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: bitcoinboy163 on May 15, 2014, 04:14:21 AM
there is none for the Chinese ppl,they are so poor

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: kehtolo on May 26, 2014, 01:03:48 PM
Does anyone know what the status of Uni-Credit is, with regard to blocking transactions?
I am in Austria by the way.

I have a figure in mind of around €100k - has anyone had experience with this kind of transaction and this bank?

I had been thinking about just telling them there was a large figure to be transferred into my account sometime in x no. of days and to expect it, also that I am not anticipating any problems. But I don't want to even do this if it raises issues/questions. I was only going to tel them it was from the sale of some assets. But, like i said, i'm reluctant to even do this much, in case, well, you know.. banks!

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: Maidak on June 04, 2014, 07:02:12 PM
You can add huntington bank to this as a bitcoin (un)friendly bank.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: kjlimo on June 04, 2014, 07:05:37 PM
You can add huntington bank to this as a bitcoin (un)friendly bank.

Oh noes!  Please do share what happened... if you'd rather it not be public, you can just PM me... or just PM me your phone number & I'll call you to discuss (without recording, hah).

Sorry to hear that.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: Maidak on June 04, 2014, 09:15:13 PM
You can add huntington bank to this as a bitcoin (un)friendly bank.

Oh noes!  Please do share what happened... if you'd rather it not be public, you can just PM me... or just PM me your phone number & I'll call you to discuss (without recording, hah).

Sorry to hear that.

I made a quick post on it with a brief summary on my accounts with them here;topicseen

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: Swordsoffreedom on June 04, 2014, 09:51:56 PM
Noticed that Maidak already added it
Will agree that this looks like a hostile action from a bank
Sorry to hear that

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: Harley997 on June 10, 2014, 02:18:50 AM
In terms of the US: many banks are hostile to bitcoin due to operation Choke Point.

I would not be surprised if other countries have been pressured to institute similar programs.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: kjlimo on June 10, 2014, 04:00:49 PM
In terms of the US: many banks are hostile to bitcoin due to operation Choke Point.

I would not be surprised if other countries have been pressured to institute similar programs.
care to elaborate on Choke Point?  Is that a real thing?  Who's running it?

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: Newar on June 10, 2014, 04:19:31 PM
In terms of the US: many banks are hostile to bitcoin due to operation Choke Point.

I would not be surprised if other countries have been pressured to institute similar programs.
care to elaborate on Choke Point?  Is that a real thing?  Who's running it?

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: Harley997 on June 10, 2014, 09:56:54 PM
In terms of the US: many banks are hostile to bitcoin due to operation Choke Point.

I would not be surprised if other countries have been pressured to institute similar programs.
care to elaborate on Choke Point?  Is that a real thing?  Who's running it?

Here is an article on it

It is run by the DOJ (I believe). It basically is as attempt by the government to make banks not offer financial products/services (checking account, credit card processing, payment/ACH processing) to businesses that are legal but have "questionable" morals. Examples of businesses would be ones related to legal pot, porn, payday lenders, and bitcoin.

I use questionable in quotes because it is questionable by the government's own standards, and there is no accountability via congress. Congress has not passed any laws that make any of the types of businesses illegal.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: trix222 on June 10, 2014, 10:15:19 PM
Hello, here in France I do not have problem with "La Banque postale" (I can do transfers directly from the website of the bank) and I have a friend at "Crédit Agricole" which has no problem also (he must however move to his bank for each SEPA credit transfer).

We both use Kraken.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: tins on June 11, 2014, 09:04:59 PM

If the OP would like to add to the list-
There are a chain of banks in the Midwest U.S.A. called Commerce Bank.
They are Bitcoin friendly. Accepting and processing transactions to and from BTC exchanges.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: cosmicapex on June 11, 2014, 09:27:30 PM
Noticed Wells Fargo section is empty.

Have had Wells Fargo Checking Accounts & Loans for a few years now.  Lots of transactions with Coinbase & a few other Bitcoin related enterprises.  Never had any issues.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: Maidak on June 12, 2014, 12:14:37 AM
In terms of the US: many banks are hostile to bitcoin due to operation Choke Point.

I would not be surprised if other countries have been pressured to institute similar programs.
care to elaborate on Choke Point?  Is that a real thing?  Who's running it?

That is pretty absurd never knew about this until today or that some banks consider btc a "questionable" business.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: keithers on June 12, 2014, 06:07:47 AM
Bank of America typically has no problems with debits and credits made from buying and selling BTC

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: deeplink on June 12, 2014, 08:38:51 AM
In terms of the US: many banks are hostile to bitcoin due to operation Choke Point.

I would not be surprised if other countries have been pressured to institute similar programs.
care to elaborate on Choke Point?  Is that a real thing?  Who's running it?

That is pretty absurd never knew about this until today or that some banks consider btc a "questionable" business.

Welcome to fascism 2.0

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: kjlimo on June 12, 2014, 12:57:02 PM
In terms of the US: many banks are hostile to bitcoin due to operation Choke Point.

I would not be surprised if other countries have been pressured to institute similar programs.
care to elaborate on Choke Point?  Is that a real thing?  Who's running it?

That is pretty absurd never knew about this until today or that some banks consider btc a "questionable" business.

Welcome to fascism 2.0

To be fair, the legal teams are just trying to deal with the rules they have to follow.

Fight the regulators, not the banks who are stuck in the middle...

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: deeplink on June 12, 2014, 07:39:21 PM
In terms of the US: many banks are hostile to bitcoin due to operation Choke Point.

I would not be surprised if other countries have been pressured to institute similar programs.
care to elaborate on Choke Point?  Is that a real thing?  Who's running it?

That is pretty absurd never knew about this until today or that some banks consider btc a "questionable" business.

Welcome to fascism 2.0

To be fair, the legal teams are just trying to deal with the rules they have to follow.

Fight the regulators, not the banks who are stuck in the middle...

It doesn't matter who is to blame.

Fascism by definition is strong autocratic control. Most people won't fight it until it is too late.

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: phillipsjk on June 13, 2014, 10:07:40 PM
Lloyds Bank in the UK ( appears to be bitcoin hostile.

One of the commenters mentioned that Metrobank ( is also Bitcoin (and Adult industry) hostile.

5flags, who also had their Lloyds accounts closed, recommended HSBC (

Guido recommended Nationwide (, but it is not clear that person disclosed Bitcoin-related activity. Guido advises against RBS and  Barclays over general scandal, rather than specific Bitcoin hostility

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: Harley997 on June 13, 2014, 11:13:07 PM
In terms of the US: many banks are hostile to bitcoin due to operation Choke Point.

I would not be surprised if other countries have been pressured to institute similar programs.
care to elaborate on Choke Point?  Is that a real thing?  Who's running it?

That is pretty absurd never knew about this until today or that some banks consider btc a "questionable" business.

Is it not that banks consider Bitcoin "questionable" it is that the government considers it "questionable" and banks can face stiff regulatory penalties if the government does not agree with what they do, even if what they do is legal.

Although the S&P is not a bank, they are facing a lawsuit for misleading the public about the safety of MBS, they are the only of the three credit agencies that are facing a lawsuit of this type even though all three gave the same general opinon however they were also the only credit ratings agency that downgraded the US government debt rating.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: altsay on June 13, 2014, 11:25:51 PM
Quote from:  link=topic=264679.msg7277102#msg7277102 date=1402601961

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

Then who the hell are you?

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: hayzoos on June 14, 2014, 10:17:34 PM
ally does not accept bitcoin related transactions per customer rep on chat. No official policy is posted. Rep was not aware of bitcoin. Rep had to check after I explained. I am glad I am researching this before I take the plunge. Last thing I need is assets frozen unexpectedly.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: freedomno1 on July 10, 2014, 02:33:33 AM
Adding a new case from Chase Bank to the list

I'm 22 and I do local BTC transactions on the side.

"I hate to say this, but it's best that you cooperate"

"Times have changed, to be honest with you, after 9/11 you have to disclose everything"

-Chase Manager

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: benjamindees on July 18, 2014, 03:06:20 PM
Wells Fargo seems to be maintaining a good public reputation towards Bitcoin users, but I just found out that this may not be accurate:

And, in researching the matter, I ran across this comment:

I talked to Wells Fargo and they told me if they find out in the back office that the account is doing Bitcoin business with exchanges that they will close the account.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: halfawake on July 26, 2014, 07:32:52 AM
I just read an article in the Wall Street Journal that the Silicon Valley Bank ( supports Bitcoin based businesses, though it does say that it vets them very carefully.  So the OP can add them to the pro-bitcoin United States section.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: Teodor on August 17, 2014, 01:59:59 PM
I have a client who wants to pay in Bitcoin & Bitleu currency a contract of 500 million euro value, but it is hard to transfer money because they are now in the investment Deutsche Bank in Germany... Must move them to a commercial bank accepted by DB, and then to an exchange for buying Bitcoin and Bitleu. If everything works well will let you know.
However, we are still looking for a Bitcoin friendly bank in Europe... do you know any?

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: hdbuck on August 22, 2014, 03:27:07 AM
I have a client who wants to pay in Bitcoin & Bitleu currency a contract of 500 million euro value, but it is hard to transfer money because they are now in the investment Deutsche Bank in Germany... Must move them to a commercial bank accepted by DB, and then to an exchange for buying Bitcoin and Bitleu. If everything works well will let you know.
However, we are still looking for a Bitcoin friendly bank in Europe... do you know any?

lol wutt?!

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: murraypaul on August 22, 2014, 10:28:12 AM
I have a client who wants to pay in Bitcoin & Bitleu currency a contract of 500 million euro value, but it is hard to transfer money because they are now in the investment Deutsche Bank in Germany... Must move them to a commercial bank accepted by DB, and then to an exchange for buying Bitcoin and Bitleu. If everything works well will let you know.
However, we are still looking for a Bitcoin friendly bank in Europe... do you know any?

Current Bitcoin market cap is ~5 billion Euro, so you would be looking to move almost 10% of the total Bitcoins in circulation.
There is simply no way you can acquire that many on exchanges without massively moving the price.
Bitcoin is simply not ready for transactions of that magnitude yet.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: hdbuck on August 22, 2014, 04:26:54 PM
I have a client who wants to pay in Bitcoin & Bitleu currency a contract of 500 million euro value, but it is hard to transfer money because they are now in the investment Deutsche Bank in Germany... Must move them to a commercial bank accepted by DB, and then to an exchange for buying Bitcoin and Bitleu. If everything works well will let you know.
However, we are still looking for a Bitcoin friendly bank in Europe... do you know any?

Current Bitcoin market cap is ~5 billion Euro, so you would be looking to move almost 10% of the total Bitcoins in circulation.
There is simply no way you can acquire that many on exchanges without massively moving the price.
Bitcoin is simply not ready for transactions of that magnitude yet.

bitcoin is ready. banks arent.. ;D

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: murraypaul on August 22, 2014, 08:13:06 PM
I have a client who wants to pay in Bitcoin & Bitleu currency a contract of 500 million euro value, but it is hard to transfer money because they are now in the investment Deutsche Bank in Germany... Must move them to a commercial bank accepted by DB, and then to an exchange for buying Bitcoin and Bitleu. If everything works well will let you know.
However, we are still looking for a Bitcoin friendly bank in Europe... do you know any?

Current Bitcoin market cap is ~5 billion Euro, so you would be looking to move almost 10% of the total Bitcoins in circulation.
There is simply no way you can acquire that many on exchanges without massively moving the price.
Bitcoin is simply not ready for transactions of that magnitude yet.
bitcoin is ready. banks arent.. ;D

Bitcoin's market cap is too small, by several orders of magnitude, to be able to transfer this value without seriously distorting the market.
There is simply no way to buy that many Bitcoins at anything resembling a sensible price, and trying to sell them would crash the price to almost nothing.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: furlong on August 22, 2014, 09:27:50 PM
How can I know if my local bank will not fuck me up if I try to cash out?

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: itsAj on August 23, 2014, 03:32:03 AM
I have a client who wants to pay in Bitcoin & Bitleu currency a contract of 500 million euro value, but it is hard to transfer money because they are now in the investment Deutsche Bank in Germany... Must move them to a commercial bank accepted by DB, and then to an exchange for buying Bitcoin and Bitleu. If everything works well will let you know.
However, we are still looking for a Bitcoin friendly bank in Europe... do you know any?

Current Bitcoin market cap is ~5 billion Euro, so you would be looking to move almost 10% of the total Bitcoins in circulation.
There is simply no way you can acquire that many on exchanges without massively moving the price.
Bitcoin is simply not ready for transactions of that magnitude yet.
bitcoin is ready. banks arent.. ;D

Bitcoin's market cap is too small, by several orders of magnitude, to be able to transfer this value without seriously distorting the market.
There is simply no way to buy that many Bitcoins at anything resembling a sensible price, and trying to sell them would crash the price to almost nothing.
I agree. If someone were to try to buy this much bitcoin at one time they would cause the price to run up significantly and the opposite would happen when the position would be closed. As of right now bitcoin is really not very efficient at very large money transfers because it's market cap and liquidity is not sufficiently large.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: hdbuck on August 23, 2014, 06:20:18 AM
I have a client who wants to pay in Bitcoin & Bitleu currency a contract of 500 million euro value, but it is hard to transfer money because they are now in the investment Deutsche Bank in Germany... Must move them to a commercial bank accepted by DB, and then to an exchange for buying Bitcoin and Bitleu. If everything works well will let you know.
However, we are still looking for a Bitcoin friendly bank in Europe... do you know any?

Current Bitcoin market cap is ~5 billion Euro, so you would be looking to move almost 10% of the total Bitcoins in circulation.
There is simply no way you can acquire that many on exchanges without massively moving the price.
Bitcoin is simply not ready for transactions of that magnitude yet.
bitcoin is ready. banks arent.. ;D

Bitcoin's market cap is too small, by several orders of magnitude, to be able to transfer this value without seriously distorting the market.
There is simply no way to buy that many Bitcoins at anything resembling a sensible price, and trying to sell them would crash the price to almost nothing.
I agree. If someone were to try to buy this much bitcoin at one time they would cause the price to run up significantly and the opposite would happen when the position would be closed. As of right now bitcoin is really not very efficient at very large money transfers because it's market cap and liquidity is not sufficiently large.

I call BS. Bitcoin is more than ready to capture all the wealth in the world. I dont care if there is liquidity or not, i dont care about its market cap, it will skyrocket alongside with btc price. The sooner the better.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: murraypaul on August 23, 2014, 08:30:25 AM
I have a client who wants to pay in Bitcoin & Bitleu currency a contract of 500 million euro value, but it is hard to transfer money because they are now in the investment Deutsche Bank in Germany... Must move them to a commercial bank accepted by DB, and then to an exchange for buying Bitcoin and Bitleu. If everything works well will let you know.
However, we are still looking for a Bitcoin friendly bank in Europe... do you know any?

Current Bitcoin market cap is ~5 billion Euro, so you would be looking to move almost 10% of the total Bitcoins in circulation.
There is simply no way you can acquire that many on exchanges without massively moving the price.
Bitcoin is simply not ready for transactions of that magnitude yet.
bitcoin is ready. banks arent.. ;D

Bitcoin's market cap is too small, by several orders of magnitude, to be able to transfer this value without seriously distorting the market.
There is simply no way to buy that many Bitcoins at anything resembling a sensible price, and trying to sell them would crash the price to almost nothing.
I agree. If someone were to try to buy this much bitcoin at one time they would cause the price to run up significantly and the opposite would happen when the position would be closed. As of right now bitcoin is really not very efficient at very large money transfers because it's market cap and liquidity is not sufficiently large.

I call BS. Bitcoin is more than ready to capture all the wealth in the world. I dont care if there is liquidity or not, i dont care about its market cap, it will skyrocket alongside with btc price. The sooner the better.

So you don't really understand anything that has been said, but know that Bitcoin Is Great, Go Bitcoin!!!
Not particularly useful to the original poster.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: hdbuck on August 23, 2014, 09:23:52 AM
I have a client who wants to pay in Bitcoin & Bitleu currency a contract of 500 million euro value, but it is hard to transfer money because they are now in the investment Deutsche Bank in Germany... Must move them to a commercial bank accepted by DB, and then to an exchange for buying Bitcoin and Bitleu. If everything works well will let you know.
However, we are still looking for a Bitcoin friendly bank in Europe... do you know any?

Current Bitcoin market cap is ~5 billion Euro, so you would be looking to move almost 10% of the total Bitcoins in circulation.
There is simply no way you can acquire that many on exchanges without massively moving the price.
Bitcoin is simply not ready for transactions of that magnitude yet.
bitcoin is ready. banks arent.. ;D

Bitcoin's market cap is too small, by several orders of magnitude, to be able to transfer this value without seriously distorting the market.
There is simply no way to buy that many Bitcoins at anything resembling a sensible price, and trying to sell them would crash the price to almost nothing.
I agree. If someone were to try to buy this much bitcoin at one time they would cause the price to run up significantly and the opposite would happen when the position would be closed. As of right now bitcoin is really not very efficient at very large money transfers because it's market cap and liquidity is not sufficiently large.

I call BS. Bitcoin is more than ready to capture all the wealth in the world. I dont care if there is liquidity or not, i dont care about its market cap, it will skyrocket alongside with btc price. The sooner the better.

So you don't really understand anything that has been said, but know that Bitcoin Is Great, Go Bitcoin!!!
Not particularly useful to the original poster.

Rofl i do understand perfectly what has been said. Its you who dont understand that caring about banks et al is pointless. They will do anything to refrain bitcoin's capital leakage. Yet it is nonetheless inevitable. The more we wait for rules and acknowledgment, the less we will benefit from bitcoins technology. Why this urge to empowering them even more? Just Stop using banks. Its time we make our own choices and build our own future far far away from this corrupted system. So by ANY means: Buy buy buy. ;)

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: Newar on August 24, 2014, 11:56:00 AM
[...] Buy buy buy. ;)

And not necessarily on exchanges.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: l3sny on September 09, 2014, 11:06:51 AM
PayPal shoud change status to friendly ;)

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: skivrmt on September 09, 2014, 03:22:59 PM
PayPal shoud change status to friendly ;)

Yeah as friendly as your hungry rabid neighborhood honey badger... ;)

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: keithers on September 09, 2014, 03:53:23 PM
Since Circle has introduced the ability to purchase BTC with a credit card, someone should make a thread similar to this one that shows which credit cards are the best (and worst) to use when purchasing BTC

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: l3sny on September 09, 2014, 08:45:17 PM
PayPal shoud change status to friendly ;)

Yeah as friendly as your hungry rabid neighborhood honey badger... ;)

Let'em have a piece of the cake. After all it would put to rest all those rabid regulatory freaks ;)

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: keithers on September 26, 2014, 09:52:23 PM
I am pretty sure that Bank of America is fine with BTC transactions going in and out of their personal checking accounts.   You can create a separate account that will solely be used for BTC.   Just make sure you have a sufficient amount of funds in their when you are trying to purchase BTC through Coinbase, Circle, or wherever...

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: phillipsjk on October 24, 2014, 07:51:21 PM
Canadain Western Bank ( now appears to be Bitcoin hostile.

They are currently having a meeting to determine if they should terminate my personal account over potential Bitcoin use. I had declared the use when I opened the account. It came to a head because I tried to open a commercial account for my low-volume Money Service Business ( (registration pending).

Update (Oct 29, 2014): They closed my account today when I went in and asked for clarification. It appears that they are not yet at a point where they have a (public) policy against Bitcoin in writing. The closure letter was prefaced with: "WITHOUT PREJUDICE". As I understand it, that means it can't be used in court if I try to sue them or something.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: jbest on October 27, 2014, 11:01:00 PM
just wanted to reconfirm that wells still isn't bitcoin friendly. my llc just got completely banned forever for answering their virtual currency (msb) question. i went through a long process of sending them personal information just to find out that they never intend on working with virtual currency. i happened to get ahold of an 11 year wells veteran who wanted to help and be informative.

she told me to first check for banks that don't have "money service business control centers". this is the department that is worried about AML/KYC thanks to the BSA and FDIC. that is the department that doesn't care if you're completely BSA compliant when you're dealing with virtual currency at all. and to that point, she also suggested finding banks that are not FDIC insured because their compliance prevents involvement with things that are unregulated, such as virtual currency, and therefore prevents the larger banks from getting involved.

so wells is still bad and probably will be for a while. i'm going to be looking at TD or the IAFCU

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: fredthegambler on October 30, 2014, 01:47:45 AM
Do you think this Hostile banks will increase or will it decrease in time?

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: phillipsjk on October 30, 2014, 08:40:52 AM
Do you think this Hostile banks will increase or will it decrease in time?

It will increase; up until the day the Bitcoin replaces SWIFT for large inter-bank transfers.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: Mccoy818 on October 30, 2014, 09:25:43 AM
Do you think this Hostile banks will increase or will it decrease in time?
Depends on where bitcoin goes.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: abrahamlitcoin on October 30, 2014, 03:00:51 PM
Do you think this Hostile banks will increase or will it decrease in time?

It will decrease if world wide adoption will happen but if not, and if btc are always linked to illegal activities then it will grew/increase for sure.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: maisoncoin on November 02, 2014, 06:40:27 PM
I have Chase, and I'm 100% new to this. What other ways an I start using BTC? I want to start with a small amount just to practice the functions of buying, selling..etc. Would Chase shut me down if I use a small amount of money? under $100.00USD?

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: coinmaster222 on November 02, 2014, 08:13:30 PM
If a UK bank shuts your account for dealing in btc and they will, you are put on a world wide black list.Fifth Third in the states shut my personal account when I asked about a business account to deal in btc.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: mintymark on November 02, 2014, 08:24:50 PM
This post id about the situation in the United Kingdom.

Lloyds is certainly very Bitcoin hostile. (See my post about how they shut down an account I used for Bitcoin related activity. (  They confirmed that they would under no circumstances allow me to open a business account for my business which is a Uk legal business.

I then asked every other highstreet bank in the uk if I could open a business account. I made no secret of anything. All quickly declined before the process had got very far. Every high street bank? Well almost. HSBC I did not ask because everyone said they were generally useless and indeed they failed to get back to me, but I did't ask them. I asked several overseas banks as well such as bank of China, Bank of Cypres, all have Uk high street branches in some place, but the answer was a similar no.

Most said it was either their choice of their choice as a result of government guidelines.

One bank does for sure. Its Lloyds Bank (Isle of Mann.) But although I spent well over an hour trying to get to talk to them eventually when I did get through we couldn't hear each other. Perhaps the string on the telephone system over them mountains wasn't good and tight, I don't know. but I was put off sufficiently by the difficulty of getting through that I did not follow this up. I think also they only deal with very large accounts but they did not tell me that. (Or anything useful at all actually!)

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: phillipsjk on November 11, 2014, 04:05:07 AM
CIBC ( appears to be bitcoin-hostile.

Opened and closed an account today. As with CWB, there is no "official" Bitcoin policy as of yet.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: cutesakura on November 11, 2014, 07:07:35 AM
for the moment I think there are very few banks that serve the exchange bitcoin bitcoin or wear as a transaction, because it is crypto, it's rather difficult to use bitcoin exchange for buying and selling goods, there may be some countries that already have a bitcoin as a currency traded, I really hope in the future can be a tool bitcoin transactions sepertl like fiat currency that has been circulating in the bank in each country ...  8)

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: coinmaster222 on November 17, 2014, 10:01:12 AM
Any bank in the UK if you mention btc in the conversation

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: marvinrouge on November 21, 2014, 02:49:40 PM
(positive) communication about Bitcoin on the french website of INGDirect

Sorry it's in french, but if you're interested I can translate

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: phillipsjk on November 22, 2014, 04:50:58 AM
(positive) communication about Bitcoin on the french website of INGDirect

ING bank's Canadian division was taken over by Scotia bank (which has been traditionally Bitcoin hostile) :P

As part of the Deal, It was renamed Tangerine (

Edit: I am not sure how positive that actually is. They may be making fun of Bitcoiners. The implication seems to be that Bitcoin is inconvenient. Another implication being that you don't have to be your own bank with ING Direct.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: l3sny on November 22, 2014, 03:00:01 PM
Has anyone tried any Irish banks?
ireland is close to UK and their approach is quite bitcoin freiendly.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: Leina on November 23, 2014, 03:39:37 PM
So, is there any country friendly with bitcoin?

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: Swordsoffreedom on November 24, 2014, 07:30:06 AM
So, is there any country friendly with bitcoin?

In terms of friendliness I guess we can say Canada but the main issue Leina is Banks
So while the country might be friendly the issue is with the payment processors.
(But you can also check bitlegal for more detailed info)

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: MCHouston on December 10, 2014, 09:08:00 PM
Just wanted to inform anyone looking Wells Fargo is hostile.  I confirmed with a source working for Wells Fargo they see both personal and business accounts related to bitcoin to be high risk, and as such they will seperate themselves from these accounts.  Meaning closure of accounts.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: grappa_barricata on December 10, 2014, 11:07:19 PM
Just want to confirm that Fidor (Germany) is friendly, possibly the most bitcoin-friendly bank out there.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: jonathan2 on January 03, 2015, 01:26:02 PM
Do we know if there are any bitcoin friendly banks in Chile / South America?

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: MelG on January 20, 2015, 07:06:30 AM
I was interested in opening a bank account in Latvia and many banks, including Rietumu Banka were interested in opening accounts with us until we mentioned that we accept Bitcoin. After mentioning "Bitcoin" all the banks rejected our applications without further information. Latvia and it's banks have become a Bitcoin hostile nation.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: BillyBobZorton on January 23, 2015, 09:51:56 PM
I know a friend using Openbank in his country and he got great results and 0 problems when dealwith with bitcoin gains in fiat.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: Cryptology on January 25, 2015, 06:27:52 PM
I guess this would add Sparkasse to the very unfriendly list.


Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: Cryptology on January 26, 2015, 08:36:56 AM
Decided to take it on directly on Sparkaase and contacted them via Facebook. This is what they answered:

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: Cryptology on January 29, 2015, 09:13:54 AM

Title: Please add Raiffeisen Bank - strictely refuse all Bitcoin related transactions
Post by: gwodus on January 29, 2015, 09:47:50 AM
Please add "Raiffeisen Bankengruppe" in Austria. I made some transactions related with and got a call from them, that are revoking any transactions that are related to Bitcoins in any way.

After that I also searched the internet. There are other Users who can confirm this: ( (!topic/at.gesellschaft.recht/nfi6VNOCwnI (!topic/at.gesellschaft.recht/nfi6VNOCwnI) (German)

Here is my own post on reddit concerning my own incident (sorry, it's German):


Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: hdbuck on January 29, 2015, 09:52:49 AM
polish bank BPH too:

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: acquafredda on January 29, 2015, 05:53:50 PM
One word: fear!

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: FaSan on January 29, 2015, 10:20:28 PM
One word: fear!

Yes, it is ;)


Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: ronald98 on February 03, 2015, 05:52:58 PM
This guy says both the Halifax and HSBC banks closed his UK accounts for being involved in bitcoin.

So last March:;topicseen

And now, just gone to log into my HSBC account and found that I couldn't log in.

I phoned them, and it's almost exactly the same story as Halifax. I never received a letter they apparently sent, but, she read it over the phone and it's almost exactly the same words, just something about not conducting my account within their terms and conditions.

I barely use this HSBC account. I used it in the past to buy a load of computer components, and sell / buy a few times from LBC.

Apparently the letter they sent was on the 25th November 14.

Around that time, I hadn't used my account for quite a while. Since that date, I used it to sell and buy BTC about 4 times, not knowing the account was being closed.

So, I can only imagine that they picked up on some transactions for BTC in the past, maybe people I transferred to or received from have since been investigated and with my account being 'linked' I am suspected too?

It seems though that they don't have to tell my exactly WHY my account is being closed, just 'they don't want to do business with me'.

I have another account with Santander, and have never used it for BTC sale / purchase. I probably never will.

My questions now are:
- Will I ever be able to get a mortgage or bank account now with HSBC (or Halifax)?
- Am I black listed somewhere, if so, where?
- Who is there I can complain to?
- What if Santander do the same, and I can't get a bank account, how do I pay my mortgage, get paid my salary etc?

Scary stuff how the banks are so in control of our lives and can cut us off from civilisation by closing our bank accounts.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: stopthe_bomb on February 04, 2015, 12:11:30 AM
USAA unfriendly. Refuses to wire money to bitstamp, btc-e, others. Refuses any involvement with bitcoin

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: MCHouston on February 04, 2015, 03:49:29 PM
USAA unfriendly. Refuses to wire money to bitstamp, btc-e, others. Refuses any involvement with bitcoin

Hopefully this wil change since they just invested millions into Coinbase. (

BBVA Compass, and NYSE also, some pretty big financial companies, so hopefully threir investment departments will make a call down to their compliance and customer account teams letting them know were on the same side.

EDIT:  I did a transfer from USAA to Coinbase as a test 6 days ago, and it worked all good no blocks.  Maybe they want you to use Coinbase lol

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: bluudz on March 27, 2015, 10:22:07 AM
Useful information. Thank you

I had my HSBC uk account closed for Bitcoin related activity also. They did refuse to tell me their stance on Bitcoin when I asked them.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: Fiat_Hodler on May 21, 2015, 11:59:09 AM
I am pretty sure that Bank of America is fine with BTC transactions going in and out of their personal checking accounts.   You can create a separate account that will solely be used for BTC.   Just make sure you have a sufficient amount of funds in their when you are trying to purchase BTC through Coinbase, Circle, or wherever...
wrong. If they find out you do bitcoin transactions they will close your account.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: qxzn on July 04, 2015, 05:47:32 PM
PNC closed my business account after 2 years. It's a trading business but we dealt almost exclusively on-exchange, only two cash transactions (plenty of wires tho).

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: herfjones on July 10, 2015, 05:59:53 AM
US Bank closed my account couple weeks ago for Bitcoin transactions. Starting a Key Bank account. Anyone have any information on personal Key Bank? I don't do many bitcoin transactions but am looking to withdraw from Coinbase. Also will the bank always issue a cashiers check for the balance after closing it for Bitcoin transactions?

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: greBit on July 10, 2015, 07:39:11 AM
US Bank closed my account couple weeks ago for Bitcoin transactions. Starting a Key Bank account. Anyone have any information on personal Key Bank? I don't do many bitcoin transactions but am looking to withdraw from Coinbase. Also will the bank always issue a cashiers check for the balance after closing it for Bitcoin transactions?

So you lost access to your bank account (which as you stated, is in US) and that happened on the grounds of bitcoin transactions? Weren't you questioned or asked about any details before such a thing happened? Its really stupid that the banks could do such a thing, I find it fucking unreasonable. A man can't invest in a cryto currency which will overcome the fiats your bank deals with, banksters? Hah, haters.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: JarvisTechnology on July 10, 2015, 01:57:35 PM
Well i appreciate your efforts to research about it and putting the information together in an intact manner. I'm surprised as to why , Indian banks are not supporting Bitcoins? I see many developed and developing countries in the list , except ofcourse India .India needs to be careful as it is still on its developing stage and struggling towards a major role in global economy.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: btctxns on July 31, 2015, 11:56:08 PM
So the answer one supports btc?

Except maybe IAFCU, and even they have gotten kind of freaked out by regulators?

Can we just be clear on this?

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: roadbits on August 01, 2015, 02:43:01 AM
For the most part, Banks don't hate bitcoin they just review accounts monthly and if they see "money laundering" going on, they will shut the bank account down if it does not have the necessary regulations.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: greBit on August 01, 2015, 05:51:20 AM
I'm surprised as to why , Indian banks are not supporting Bitcoins?

The guy's talking about his bank in US, I don't understand how you thought its a bank from India. And about bitcoin in India, its not as popular as much as it has potential to be.

So the answer one supports btc?

You seek support from banks, the said financial institutions which play with hard earned money everyday for nothing? Seriously? Instead of being scared about social factors and control of power and everything, why do not believe that you just don't need a bank sometimes. With bitcoin, you are your own bank. You have the ability to make all the necessary transactions and there is no high charging fees like banks.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: n2004al on September 28, 2015, 11:33:53 AM
Good thread. Unfortunately there is not any banks from my country. Nor for friendly and nor for hostile situation. I think (even bet) that the banks who are friendly with bitcoin will be the firsts who will adopt the technology which has invented and produced this coin. In fact to many big banks may using blockchain system soon in their IT structures. Here is an short article from BBC about this: (

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: RealBitcoin on September 28, 2015, 02:26:34 PM
Yep we should expose the bad banks, and help the good banks.

There is a civil war between banks too, not all banks are bad, but the bad banks need to be exposed  ;)

Only the banks that side with bitcoin can possibly win!

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: No_2 on September 30, 2015, 08:41:33 AM
HSBC UK forcibly closed our account when they saw mention of bitcoin on our website.

So you can add them to the list.

May I also suggest you divide the first post into two sections: one for known Bitcoin hostile banks and a section for known Bitcoin friendly banks, currently it says:

To qualify on the list a bank or payment processor must without explanation terminate or refuse business of legitimate bitcoin busineses...

But Fidor bank is listed in this list, and it's Bitcoin friendly.

It also involves reading every entry to differentiate hostile from friendly banks.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: Miss Fortune on September 30, 2015, 12:49:42 PM
Let's discuss which banks are, and which banks are not bitcoin friendly.

I will try to keep this post updated with all new information as it comes in, feel free to PM me or reply to this thread if you have something to add.

(please note, just because a few transfers from bitcoin exchanges have gone through, doesn't make a bank necessarily bitcoin friendly. This list is for banks who have a proactive attitude towards bitcoin, publicly endorse it, or support major exchanges.)

And now for the list of Banks and their bitcoinfriendly-ness:

To qualify on the list a bank or payment processor must without explanation terminate or refuse business of legitimate bitcoin busineses. The point of this threas is to name and shame said institutions and to encourage people who are there customers, regardless of bitcoin, to take there business elsewhere.


   Commonwealth Bank of Australia
  • Commonwealth Bank of Australia Closes Personal Account (Reddit) (
   CurrencyFair (Website (
  • CurrencyFair denies the application for any business having anythinng to do with bitcoin.
  • Denids the application of any business having anything to do with bitcoin.

   The Royal Bank of Canada (Link (
  • Canada Tightens Restrictions on bitcoin trading partner (
  • LibertyBit News (
  • CanadaBitcoins was accepting cash deposits here, but accounts closed due to AML/KYC Requirements. Link. (
  • CanadaBitcoins no longer accepting cash deposits at all to BMO, verified or not. Link. (

  • CanadaBitcoins was accepting cash deposits here, but accounts closed due to AML/KYC Requirements. Link.[url=http:// (

   Royal Bank of Canada  
  • Canadian Bitcoins and CadBitcoin Have Accounts Frozen] (

   Royal Bank of Canada  
  • Canadian Bitcoins and CadBitcoin Have Accounts Frozen (
  • Closed CaVirtex and "Canadian Bitcoins" trading accounts.
  • CanadaBitcoins was accepting cash deposits here, but accounts closed due to AML/KYC Requirements. Link.[url=http:// (
  • Calgary Bitcoin Exchange (virtex) fight bank backlash in Canada] (
  • Calgary Bitcoin Exchange (virtex) fight bank backlash in Canada (

   Toronto-Dominion Bank
  • Canadian Bitcoins and CadBitcoin have accounts frozen (
  • Closed CADBitcoin Trading Account.
   Bank of Nova Scotia  
  • CaVirtex News (
  • Confirmed by Fuzzy (
  • Closed CaVirtex Cash Accounts

   TDBank (Link (
  • Canada Tightens Restrictions on bitcoin trading partner. (

   TD Dominion
  • CanadaBitcoins was accepting cash deposits here, but accounts closed due to AML/KYC Requirements. Link.[url=http:// (

  • "Canadianbitcoins: Aug 6 2013   TAYPE INTERNATIONAL has been temporarily replaced with DIRECT WORLD for all Bill Payment Banks. Please do not send any payments to your TAYPE payee if you already have one setup in your online banking.Aug 6 2013 "
  • "Cavirtex Aug. 6, 2013, 3:11 p.m. - New Bill Payment Provider - Vogogo: For rapid and secure processing of your online bill payments, we have partnered with Vogogo. One of the main reasons for this is to increase the speed of processing."



   Suomen verkkomaksut /
  • Multiple reports of declining buisness with bitcoin related services, including (
  • Conducts business with (
  • Conducts business with (

  • Conducts business with (

  • Shut down bitcoin24 account.

   Fidor Bank AG
  • Located in Germany.
  • August 2013 - Partnered with to handle EU payments.

   Sofort Bank
  • "Proof was given to me in a private message I will not publish, unless it's sender gives me the go ahead, my source tells me anyone can verify this by contacting the bank about opening an account for a bitcoin related buisness, perhaps someone fluent in german could do this?"
  • RaboBank alledegly blocks payments related to bitcoin. (
  • "Leaked" documents where RaboBank ethical comission advices not to cooperate with bitcoin trade. (


  • ING Spanish Branch Blocking all Bitcoin Transactions. Reddit. (
  • BTC Friendly
  • Swedish article, use google translate. (
      Coop Bank
  • Swissbitcoins Suspends Business (
United Kingdom

  • Prevented MtGox, Intersango, and from accepting GBP.

United States

   Bank of the West (Link (
  • Account Closed for BitCoin Related Activities (
   Capital One (Link (
  • Shutdown BitFloor's accounts with approx $2.8mil USD check mailed out
  • "It is Capital One’s policy not to do business with merchants who accept Bitcoin." (

   Chase (Link (
  • Many people on this forum (as well as others), myself included, have had their accounts closed by chase. Some did mention bitcoins, others didn't. It's usually the high volume of cash deposits or one-way international wires (i.e. if you receive alot of US deposits but send alot of foreign wires).

   Comerica (Comerica (
  • Wired Article (

   Dwolla (Dwolla (
  • Feds Seize money from MtGox Dwolla Accounts. (
  • Why can't Dwolla send to MtGox? (
  • Dwolla Updates regarding Operating a business requiring FinCEN registration. (

   Internet Credit Union (Link) (
  • Located in Sanfrancisco, California, USA. Opened in 2013
  • "taking a proactive pro-Bitcoin stance" Link to Reddit[/ur] (
  • Spoke at San Jose Bitcoin Conference in 2013, saying that the current banks, "suck, so we are going to build out own." (Citation needed fo rthe video of this)
  • Handled withdraws for BitFloor after Capitol One had shut down their account just sending a single check to Roman (site owner of BitFloor).
  • Regulators start to spook IAFCU, they cancel pending deal with TradeHill after TradeHill already announced that accounts were be moved over from TradeHills unregulated system to IAFCU Government insured and regulated account.
  • Blog Post from IAFCU, "Rocky Road is still one of my favorite flavors" discussing how they are suspending business with Corporate Bitcoin Clients. IAFCU Blog Link. (

   US Bank (Link (
   Wells Fargo
Documentation Needed.

Unknown Country

  • Closed Intersango Account.

   PayPal (Website (
  • Link. (
  • Letter from PayPal to Employees Re: Bitcoin (
  • PayPal President is "fascinated" by bitcoin (
  • CNN - Why PayPal is bullish on Bitcoin (
  • Reddit: PayPal and Mining Hardware (
   OkPay ( Website  (
  • OkPay now require specific acknowledgement that your not buying crypto-currency when making a deposit (
  • MtGox announces OkPay no longer working with bitcoin exchanges. (
  • OkPay takes bitcoin haitus (

   WorldFirst FX
  • Denies any bitcoin related business's application for an account.

Originally maintained by Isokivi @


There are a lot of friendly banks around there that would welcome bitcoin that can help a lot of investors.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: mordekaiser on September 30, 2015, 01:47:33 PM
Let's discuss which banks are, and which banks are not bitcoin friendly.

I will try to keep this post updated with all new information as it comes in, feel free to PM me or reply to this thread if you have something to add.

(please note, just because a few transfers from bitcoin exchanges have gone through, doesn't make a bank necessarily bitcoin friendly. This list is for banks who have a proactive attitude towards bitcoin, publicly endorse it, or support major exchanges.)

And now for the list of Banks and their bitcoinfriendly-ness:

To qualify on the list a bank or payment processor must without explanation terminate or refuse business of legitimate bitcoin busineses. The point of this threas is to name and shame said institutions and to encourage people who are there customers, regardless of bitcoin, to take there business elsewhere.


   Commonwealth Bank of Australia
  • Commonwealth Bank of Australia Closes Personal Account (Reddit) (
   CurrencyFair (Website (
  • CurrencyFair denies the application for any business having anythinng to do with bitcoin.
  • Denids the application of any business having anything to do with bitcoin.

   The Royal Bank of Canada (Link (
  • Canada Tightens Restrictions on bitcoin trading partner (
  • LibertyBit News (
  • CanadaBitcoins was accepting cash deposits here, but accounts closed due to AML/KYC Requirements. Link. (
  • CanadaBitcoins no longer accepting cash deposits at all to BMO, verified or not. Link. (

  • CanadaBitcoins was accepting cash deposits here, but accounts closed due to AML/KYC Requirements. Link.[url=http:// (

   Royal Bank of Canada  
  • Canadian Bitcoins and CadBitcoin Have Accounts Frozen] (

   Royal Bank of Canada  
  • Canadian Bitcoins and CadBitcoin Have Accounts Frozen (
  • Closed CaVirtex and "Canadian Bitcoins" trading accounts.
  • CanadaBitcoins was accepting cash deposits here, but accounts closed due to AML/KYC Requirements. Link.[url=http:// (
  • Calgary Bitcoin Exchange (virtex) fight bank backlash in Canada] (
  • Calgary Bitcoin Exchange (virtex) fight bank backlash in Canada (

   Toronto-Dominion Bank
  • Canadian Bitcoins and CadBitcoin have accounts frozen (
  • Closed CADBitcoin Trading Account.
   Bank of Nova Scotia  
  • CaVirtex News (
  • Confirmed by Fuzzy (
  • Closed CaVirtex Cash Accounts

   TDBank (Link (
  • Canada Tightens Restrictions on bitcoin trading partner. (

   TD Dominion
  • CanadaBitcoins was accepting cash deposits here, but accounts closed due to AML/KYC Requirements. Link.[url=http:// (

  • "Canadianbitcoins: Aug 6 2013   TAYPE INTERNATIONAL has been temporarily replaced with DIRECT WORLD for all Bill Payment Banks. Please do not send any payments to your TAYPE payee if you already have one setup in your online banking.Aug 6 2013 "
  • "Cavirtex Aug. 6, 2013, 3:11 p.m. - New Bill Payment Provider - Vogogo: For rapid and secure processing of your online bill payments, we have partnered with Vogogo. One of the main reasons for this is to increase the speed of processing."



   Suomen verkkomaksut /
  • Multiple reports of declining buisness with bitcoin related services, including (
  • Conducts business with (
  • Conducts business with (

  • Conducts business with (

  • Shut down bitcoin24 account.

   Fidor Bank AG
  • Located in Germany.
  • August 2013 - Partnered with to handle EU payments.

   Sofort Bank
  • "Proof was given to me in a private message I will not publish, unless it's sender gives me the go ahead, my source tells me anyone can verify this by contacting the bank about opening an account for a bitcoin related buisness, perhaps someone fluent in german could do this?"
  • RaboBank alledegly blocks payments related to bitcoin. (
  • "Leaked" documents where RaboBank ethical comission advices not to cooperate with bitcoin trade. (


  • ING Spanish Branch Blocking all Bitcoin Transactions. Reddit. (
  • BTC Friendly
  • Swedish article, use google translate. (
      Coop Bank
  • Swissbitcoins Suspends Business (
United Kingdom

  • Prevented MtGox, Intersango, and from accepting GBP.

United States

   Bank of the West (Link (
  • Account Closed for BitCoin Related Activities (
   Capital One (Link (
  • Shutdown BitFloor's accounts with approx $2.8mil USD check mailed out
  • "It is Capital One’s policy not to do business with merchants who accept Bitcoin." (

   Chase (Link (
  • Many people on this forum (as well as others), myself included, have had their accounts closed by chase. Some did mention bitcoins, others didn't. It's usually the high volume of cash deposits or one-way international wires (i.e. if you receive alot of US deposits but send alot of foreign wires).

   Comerica (Comerica (
  • Wired Article (

   Dwolla (Dwolla (
  • Feds Seize money from MtGox Dwolla Accounts. (
  • Why can't Dwolla send to MtGox? (
  • Dwolla Updates regarding Operating a business requiring FinCEN registration. (

   Internet Credit Union (Link) (
  • Located in Sanfrancisco, California, USA. Opened in 2013
  • "taking a proactive pro-Bitcoin stance" Link to Reddit[/ur] (
  • Spoke at San Jose Bitcoin Conference in 2013, saying that the current banks, "suck, so we are going to build out own." (Citation needed fo rthe video of this)
  • Handled withdraws for BitFloor after Capitol One had shut down their account just sending a single check to Roman (site owner of BitFloor).
  • Regulators start to spook IAFCU, they cancel pending deal with TradeHill after TradeHill already announced that accounts were be moved over from TradeHills unregulated system to IAFCU Government insured and regulated account.
  • Blog Post from IAFCU, "Rocky Road is still one of my favorite flavors" discussing how they are suspending business with Corporate Bitcoin Clients. IAFCU Blog Link. (

   US Bank (Link (
   Wells Fargo
Documentation Needed.

Unknown Country

  • Closed Intersango Account.

   PayPal (Website (
  • Link. (
  • Letter from PayPal to Employees Re: Bitcoin (
  • PayPal President is "fascinated" by bitcoin (
  • CNN - Why PayPal is bullish on Bitcoin (
  • Reddit: PayPal and Mining Hardware (
   OkPay ( Website  (
  • OkPay now require specific acknowledgement that your not buying crypto-currency when making a deposit (
  • MtGox announces OkPay no longer working with bitcoin exchanges. (
  • OkPay takes bitcoin haitus (

   WorldFirst FX
  • Denies any bitcoin related business's application for an account.

Originally maintained by Isokivi @


It is not hard to find a bank that welcomes bitcoin now I think it is already acceptable in most of the banks out there.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: BioMike on November 15, 2015, 08:32:03 AM
I'm in the process of starting a cryptocurrency related company (the company exists, but need a business bank account to operate) and had my first block last week when trying to open an account with "ABN-AMRO" (my personal bank) in the Netherlands. Their statement boiled down that they choose to not open new accounts for companies dealing with crypto's. Accounts that were already opened before their policy change could continue to operate. Their policy is however open for change in the future.

Yesterday I opened an account with "Knab" in the Netherlands as well, but it is still under supervision of approval (I also asked an employee through their chat system, but she couldn't tell if it would pass their checks).

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: RealBitcoin on November 15, 2015, 09:36:55 AM
And they say that we are the conspiracy theorists  >:(

This is an obvous evil conspiracy of the banks. They want to wipe out bitcoin from the face of the earth.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: Cryptology on November 15, 2015, 06:48:53 PM
Why not try with Fidor in Germany or UK? They are the most bitcoin friendly European bank I am aware of and provide banking services to Kraken and I believe.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: BioMike on November 16, 2015, 09:26:34 AM
@RealBitcoin: I think it is more that they don't understand crypto's or are not bothered by it.

@Cryptology: Yes, that is something I'll try if it doesn't work here in the Netherlands. I do prefer a Dutch bank, because it would be easier communicating with them (my German is not that great).

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: BioMike on November 17, 2015, 08:17:56 AM
Ok "Knab" also reacted that their "financial and customer services have not been adjusted to my type of transactions" and cancelled the account.

Next in line is SNS Bank ( I had contact with an other entrepreneur and he said he had no difficulties with them.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: vulgartrendkill on December 17, 2015, 09:01:25 PM
I started trading BTC via LBC on Sunday.  Today I have been told by my Bank HSBC (UK), that in no uncertain terms they do not wish to be associated at all with bitcoin, even if this is the money related to the sale of it.   The fraud team advised the lady at my local branch, unless I ceased my "activities" they will forcibly close my account.

This after someone (nefariously in my opinion- i had released the BTC to them) reported a trade as fraud.

Crazy, knee jerk reaction is crazy.  My 24 years with them means absolutely jack.  In the process of moving to Fidor.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: Rizky Aditya on December 17, 2015, 09:42:22 PM
Bitcoin friendly banks:
Bank name                                       Country               Relevant information
SEB                                                  Sweden                Swedish article, use google translate. (
Nordea                                              Finland                 Conducts business with
Osuuspankki                                       Finland                 Conducts business with
Tapiola                                              Finland                 Conducts business with
Bank of Montreal                                 Canada                 Working with CaVirtex
Internet Credit Union                            ?                         "taking a proactive pro-Bitcoin stance"
TD Bank                                              US           
Fidor Bank AG                                     Germany     

We need to get more Bitcoin friendly banks out of the main using Bitcoin countries. This is the only way people will learn about Bitcoin and start to use it.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: HostSurf on December 18, 2015, 03:20:17 PM
Nice list, thank you for this.
Now I know which bank not to use and what other options I got left.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: RealBitcoin on December 18, 2015, 04:53:40 PM
Bitcoin friendly banks:
Bank name                                       Country               Relevant information
SEB                                                  Sweden                Swedish article, use google translate. (
Nordea                                              Finland                 Conducts business with
Osuuspankki                                       Finland                 Conducts business with
Tapiola                                              Finland                 Conducts business with
Bank of Montreal                                 Canada                 Working with CaVirtex
Internet Credit Union                            ?                         "taking a proactive pro-Bitcoin stance"
TD Bank                                              US           
Fidor Bank AG                                     Germany     

We need to get more Bitcoin friendly banks out of the main using Bitcoin countries. This is the only way people will learn about Bitcoin and start to use it.

Yes we have allies in the banking sector, make sure you guys support those banks.

The other banks will have to learn from this and join bitcoin.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: vulgartrendkill on December 21, 2015, 11:13:47 AM
Also UK based-  I have had a conversation with a member of staff at Nationwide Building Society (who went and checked their terms etc) and I was advised as long as the money in the accounts comes from legal sources, there is no restriction on receiving funds for the sale or using funds to buy Crypto Currencies at all.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: vabtc on January 05, 2016, 05:47:55 PM
Add United Bank (DC Metro area) to unfriendly.  They flat out told me any association with coinbase is grounds to close a decade old account.  And BOA closed my MSB biz account back in September 2015 and were tight lipped about why. Yes, I had a AML/KYC policy that I followed to a T.  This shit is ridiculous.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: ibite1 on January 09, 2016, 11:23:41 PM
I just read through almost this entire list and basically there are no USA banks listed that will do business with bitcoin related businesses, correct?

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: Cryptology on January 10, 2016, 06:13:40 AM
I just read through almost this entire list and basically there are no USA banks listed that will do business with bitcoin related businesses, correct?

I don't think that's strictly correct. If you check the Gemini exchange they offer to link your account to several US bank accounts.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: Swordsoffreedom on January 11, 2016, 08:43:17 AM
I just read through almost this entire list and basically there are no USA banks listed that will do business with bitcoin related businesses, correct?

I don't think that's strictly correct. If you check the Gemini exchange they offer to link your account to several US bank accounts.

The list is a tad outdated and most entries forget to note Friendly banks but I believe your correct some do have working relationships with services such as Gemini etc in the US.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: RealBitcoin on February 05, 2016, 10:24:31 AM
I just read through almost this entire list and basically there are no USA banks listed that will do business with bitcoin related businesses, correct?

I don't think that's strictly correct. If you check the Gemini exchange they offer to link your account to several US bank accounts.

The list is a tad outdated and most entries forget to note Friendly banks but I believe your correct some do have working relationships with services such as Gemini etc in the US.

There will be more and more banks joining soon, because they realize that their system is in jeopardy if they dont add BTC into their basket.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: mrblockchain on July 20, 2016, 04:44:02 AM
Is this list kept updated?

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: groll on July 20, 2016, 05:27:42 AM
This thread is very helpful, hope you continue to update us with more helpful tips and information such as this one. It will be helpful not only to me but to other bitcoin users who are trying or engaging on banks using bitcoins. But I do hope that someday all banks will be bitcoin friendly so that people will enjoy the benefits of having bitcoin in their life.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: btcmerich on January 17, 2017, 04:34:34 AM

I like to bump this thread with Unicredit banka Slovenija  , this is the bak bitstamp uses so it should be bitcoin friendly

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: micalith on April 12, 2017, 09:16:04 AM
update on Nationwide (UK), which was been said earlier on this thread to be OK with Bitcoin: It's not if you're doing a SEPA withdrawal!

"We regret to inform you that your withdrawal request has been rejected.

Nationwide bank's correspondent bank for SEPA transfers is Commerzbank - please note that Commerzbank has adopted an internal policy and no longer allows transfers related to Bitcoin."

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: CryptoVortex on April 24, 2017, 06:39:18 PM
Let's discuss which banks are, and which banks are not bitcoin friendly.

I will try to keep this post updated with all new information as it comes in, feel free to PM me or reply to this thread if you have something to add.

(please note, just because a few transfers from bitcoin exchanges have gone through, doesn't make a bank necessarily bitcoin friendly. This list is for banks who have a proactive attitude towards bitcoin, publicly endorse it, or support major exchanges.)

United States:

   Wells Fargo
Documentation Needed.

If anyone is still updating this, I have used my Wells Fargo account(s) to purchase bitcoin routinely.  The only issue I've encountered is that, for instant/debit purchases, their automated fraud system sometimes decides it was fraudulent.  I can't figure out the pattern; half of my Coinbase instant purchases go through, and the other half don't.

Whether they represent themselves as "bitcoin-friendly" and would welcome large and/or business transactions, I can't say.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: darthmaul on May 11, 2017, 08:13:31 AM
That is really helpful post to know about bitcoin friendly banks.  Wondering when this will be implemented in to my country. It is chaos though ; handling bitcoin and regulating it is not easy for developing countries as they have to solve their own mess first.  ;D

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: Sleepwalker2 on May 13, 2017, 12:05:23 PM
The Bank of Montreal is not longer btc friendly.

I am looking for a virtual bank account from which I can wire in and out to different trading sites like btc-e. My bank should not be able to know that my transactions are related to BTC if all I do is to switch my profit from time to time from my virtual bank account to my actual bank account?

I would be curious to know what large traders are doing, where do they send their USD to?

Also I was surprised to read Okpay wasn't btc friendly while I could load btc-e using it just yesterday?

Any only virtual bank to recommend?


Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: keithers on June 08, 2017, 04:27:35 PM
I have always used Bank of America with Coinbase and never had any issues whatsoever.   I made a completely separate bank account that only had bitcoin transactions going in and out of it.   I have other accounts there with decent balances and have a long standing relationship with that crappy bank since I started there when I was a kid.

That being said, without notice, a few months ago when I was just trying to buy a couple hundred bucks of btc...Coinbase said I was using an invalid payment method when I tried to purchase.

Fortunately, I had just moved most of my banking business over to Chase and was able to use Chase to purchase BTC.   I have had purchases and sales of BTC going in and out of Chase without any issues.

It's tough to say, but I think the higher balance you maintain at the bank, the less they will hassle you over BTC debits and credits.

Like for instance if you have $500 total in your account and then you get a $10,000 BTC deposit, and then use that to buy more BTC and put your account back down below $500, I think they are far more likely to have a problem with this (don't ask me why).

But if you have $100,000+ regularly in your account and you have a few thousand going in and out in BTC, I don't think they are going to raise any issues.

Banks generally have no problems with deposits...they will usually take your's sometimes getting it back that becomes the issue.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: lyno on June 20, 2017, 05:43:23 PM
Seems like OTP bank (Hungary) became bitcoin hostile

Msg from Bitstamp:
Please note that OTP bank does not process bank transfers that originate from bitcoin related businesses. This means that any transfer sent to your bank would be rejected and returned to Bitstamp. We kindly suggest you use alternative banking details when requesting future bank withdrawals.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: oegarod on June 20, 2017, 05:52:30 PM
I never expected such a big list of banks being good with a friendly approach to the bitcoin usage. Looking this more and more banks around the globe will start implementing the same way of making use of bitcoin into the banking system.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: Vishnu.Reang on June 20, 2017, 05:55:05 PM
I am residing in India, and here all the three major private banks are somewhat tolerant about Bitcoin (ICICI, HDFC and Axis). They know that we are using these bank accounts to make deposits in the local exchanges such as Zebpay, but till now I haven't heard anyone getting his account frozen by them.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: lyno on June 21, 2017, 10:04:03 AM
Seems like OTP bank (Hungary) became bitcoin hostile

Msg from Bitstamp:
Please note that OTP bank does not process bank transfers that originate from bitcoin related businesses. This means that any transfer sent to your bank would be rejected and returned to Bitstamp. We kindly suggest you use alternative banking details when requesting future bank withdrawals.

Did some research and it looks like the problem is on the Bitstamp side. Actually it seems like OTP is rater Bitcoin friendly: (

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: keithers on June 22, 2017, 02:05:21 AM
Do you guys have any experience with using smaller credit unions for bitcoin debits and credits?  I have a few accounts at different credit unions, but have always used major banks for purchasing bitcoin (and sometimes selling bitcoin).

I've actually probably sold more Ethereum than bitcoin, and haven't had any issues.

I almost want to test my credit union just to see if they're cool with it

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: -marginal- on June 27, 2017, 02:18:35 AM

Can anyone shine some light on how do BTC companies outside of the US and the EU pull liquidity from US exchanges  s.a. Gemini or GDAX?
We´re in Latin America and are thinking of opening an LLC in the US to send funds from our local bank to the LLC and from there to international exchanges to get liquidity for our operation. We just don’t know if the U.S. will allow our LLC to exist (given its only objective is to receive our funds and channel them to exchanges that don't operate in our country) or if we´re going to be able to get a bank account over there. If it's not in the US, maybe there’s an EU country that is friendly to our sort of operation? I personally send money to my accounts in Germany to operate in European exchanges, but I'm an individual, and as an operation we would be needing to have a local business bank account in the country where we build the partner company.

Thanks in advance! ;D

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: VintageBazaar on June 28, 2017, 01:39:40 PM
Something is wrong in SLOVAKIA !

Seems Banks are being told to block anything to do with Bitcoin and Digital currencies.

My gf's bank Tatra Bank (one, if not the biggest in Slovakia) straight up REJECTS anything from anywhere to do with BTC/Digital Currencies.

Now, Prima Bank, that was fine for last 12 months, today they told us, no more deposits from Bitstamp to our accounts.

Both these are big banks and REJECT BITCOIN.  I think they are planning new tax laws or something here, so for now, blocking anything. Now Bitcoin is getting more adopted and knowing what greedy robbing bastards the government is and banks, they will be planning some heavy taxes in the near future.

Traders gamble with their money and many lose, those lucky enough to make gains are most likely going to see 20%+ tax on their winnings.

Luckily i also have UK bank.  I have had no problems so far with them, so hopefully it will continue, i will say a big FU. to the banks here in the mean time, stupid, backwards, idiots......

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: Love! on June 28, 2017, 04:39:00 PM
Does anyone know the status of BBVA Compass in the U.S.? It's a good bank in all other regards, so I'm hoping it's also BC friendly. It sure would make my life easy if it were.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: Sweetbtc on June 28, 2017, 06:03:22 PM
There is nothing that a bank can legally do to stop your use of Bitcoins and if they temporarily slow you down, then a law suit will fully reign in your favor.  That means that opposition is a good thing. 

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: 2girls on June 28, 2017, 06:05:01 PM
If you are trading, and even if your percentage is as high as ours, there is a chance of loss.  If the bank stops your funds, then your chance of winning a lawsuit is 100% and that is a step up from the trading floor.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: ubitcoin on June 29, 2017, 08:35:15 PM
If you are trading, and even if your percentage is as high as ours, there is a chance of loss.  If the bank stops your funds, then your chance of winning a lawsuit is 100% and that is a step up from the trading floor.
If it is about government and bitcoin debate then Bitcoin will definitely win.Bitcoin is crypto currency which is famous all around the world. If government even ban the bitcoin in a country but country cannot stop people to invest. There are many ways to cash out bitcoin. So bitcoin is best and never defeated. So i will prefer that there is now law created for to stop bitcoin.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: bitcoinvestor on July 01, 2017, 09:42:44 AM
Wow war banks vs bitcoin. I think this is an interesting thread. banks will not loose their market because new financial system. The blockchain system has caused banks think because the users of bitcoin are growing. As we know most bitcoin or cryptocurrency holders not depend on banking, that's the fact that banks not like bitcoin users.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: matuson on July 01, 2017, 10:12:35 AM
Bitcoin users will never trust the banking system. Even if the authorities of some countries recognize bitcoin and allowed banks operations with cryptocurrency. The very concept of bitcoin is contrary to the usage in the banking system.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: Jamacn on July 11, 2017, 08:28:59 AM

thanks a lot, this is great useful to me!

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: Beparanf on July 11, 2017, 09:42:32 AM

thanks a lot, this is great useful to me!

Unfortunately,we were still in that unknown country, we doesn't have bank still that accepting btc,but there are banks that are easy to do cashout some can be for hour waiting confirmation to do cashout but there is one bank or security bank were too few at the moment that can do it instant not long waiting confirmation ,no need for card too.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: Proton2233 on July 11, 2017, 10:10:51 AM
You can add to your list Payza. They also support bitcoin. They do the conversion of course through the exchanger but so do all. I'm not interested in the recognition of bitcoin by the government or banks. We always have the opportunity to use our coins.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: Mangalica on July 20, 2017, 04:47:42 AM

Did some research and it looks like the problem is on the Bitstamp side. Actually it seems like OTP is rater Bitcoin friendly: (

Just because one of their worker drones wrote an article about a hot topic on their pathetic private banking website doesn't mean they can't be blocking BTC related transfers as a policy.
I do not (yet) have any evidence to confirm Bitstamp's claims but a hostile OTP would be a blow Hungarians as they are the biggest bank in the country. They also happen to handle EUR/SEPA for a host of smaller institutions.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: kenrom on July 23, 2017, 02:32:36 AM
which banks in the US are bitcoin friendly?

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: Sacho Maggs on August 26, 2017, 11:12:20 PM

Would like to share this info:
HSBC in Hong Kong declined to open a bank account for us. They took 1 and a half weeks to tell us this while we were waiting for the account opening documents.

Noncetech will start pre-orders for its first official bitcoin mining rigs and cards next week, so HSBC has really inconvenienced us.

HSBC has a global policy against customer's crypto-trading. Following their $1.8 billion SEC-fine for laundering money for Mexican drug cartel, they are likely to remain on the sidelines for years to come.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: azguard on September 07, 2017, 10:18:29 AM
Op can you update a little.

For Hungary citizens announcement. OTP bank is know that accepted bitcoin payment not they dont, but there is a catch.
Open credit card account in this bank you can receive 2000 dollars a day max without any checking from bank and transactions are instant, with no trace that is from bitcoin exchange.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: Ejanend on September 09, 2017, 02:51:20 PM
Op can you update a little.

For Hungary citizens announcement. OTP bank is know that accepted bitcoin payment not they dont, but there is a catch.
Open credit card account in this bank you can receive 2000 dollars a day max without any checking from bank and transactions are instant, with no trace that is from bitcoin exchange.

Well the acceptance of the bitcoin is now increasing in a lot of countries bitcoin is acceptable and it is increasing the price more and more…I wanted to inform anyone looking well forgo is hostile. I  conformed with a source working for the well forgo the use to see the both owned and the business accounts related to the bitcoin be the risk but some of friends are using the open banks in their country.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: goblinman on September 10, 2017, 05:35:30 PM
Anyone have information regarding which UK bank is the best for crypto related activites? Worried that if I actually do make any money and try to withdraw it, bank will freeze/suspend account and lock up my money...Anyone have experience with this? Please chime in, appreciate it.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: THX 1138 on September 10, 2017, 06:10:40 PM
I've been looking into crypto-friendly UK banks myself as I don't want my current account suddenly frozen. Up to now, I've used to buy crypto, which involves sending a direct payment to an individual from your account (Lloyds for me, notoriously crypto-UNfriendly!); so this doesn't probably flag use of bitcoin etc. Though I'm rather a small player.

For me, it's converting crypto to fiat which is of most concern. Previously I've used Sweden-based who have wired fiat to my regular bank account.

(I'll concede that neither Bittylicious or Safello have especially competitive rates but they have worked for me.)

After doing a little research I've come up with where you then exchange euros for pounds at your bank, or if you don't hold a current account with them.

A subreddit on the subject that might be of interest:

Also keen to hear feedback from anyone else in the UK who can suggest crypto-friendly banks / building societies. Also, I notice someone earlier suggested credit unions as another possibility. Anyone tried yet?

One other option I'm considering is transferring BTC/ETH to a TenX debit card*, which of course can then be used via Visa to purchase items (or pay bills etc) using fiat; though there is likely to be a whole can of worms opened up there regarding tax! Still, I've ordered a card anyway through their app:


Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: NewBet on September 16, 2017, 06:05:57 AM
My bank is technically hostile toward Bitcoin in terms of using it for business. However, they do not look much into it and are also invested in the blockchain, so probably better than most banks.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: CryptoScotland on November 13, 2017, 08:24:50 PM

Any updated banks for UK,  Was using Tide Digital Business Account but was shut down in 7 weeks.

Any update on the list as was trading Bitcoin on LocalBitcoin and now looking to find another Bank Account

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: VeverkaT on December 21, 2017, 07:10:45 PM
Banks do only what clients do allowthem to do.
One rejected payment = close your account.
I did.

How would you call a bank without clients?
Still a bank?
Perhaps Empty Bank.

Come one people, have some balls, don't let them F*** you. It's THEM who need US, and not US who needs THEM. FIAT will stay alive, and will work WITHOUT BANKS. So would any and each coin.

Bank is a middleman of lazy. Use cash. Do not be lazy. Cash smells better than virtual numbers. But I must admit, coins smells even better, when on a bull ride.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: CryptoScotland on December 29, 2017, 11:32:31 PM
Banks do only what clients do allowthem to do.
One rejected payment = close your account.
I did.

How would you call a bank without clients?
Still a bank?
Perhaps Empty Bank.

Come one people, have some balls, don't let them F*** you. It's THEM who need US, and not US who needs THEM. FIAT will stay alive, and will work WITHOUT BANKS. So would any and each coin.

Bank is a middleman of lazy. Use cash. Do not be lazy. Cash smells better than virtual numbers. But I must admit, coins smells even better, when on a bull ride.

Exactly one charge back or reversal account closed.....

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: Jebus on January 11, 2018, 07:51:32 PM
Balls, I just tried to buy some crypto with my bank card and the bank rejected the transaction. I was irritated initially but was going to let it go. After reading this thread, i feel i need to close my accounts with them as a matter of self respect. I hate how much power we've given them with OUR money.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: numizmat on January 15, 2018, 09:34:03 AM
Nordea Bank (operates mainly in Northern Europe) has openly criticized Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in general since 2014. It has now gone a step further to ban all of its employees from owning cryptocurrencies: Nordea Bank Forbids Employees From Owning Cryptocurrencies (

All levels have been put on notice: tellers, secretaries, IT personnel, and even cleaners and support staff - it is a surprise that all employees are banned – it is one thing to ban those engaged directly in the bank’s transactions, but it is another thing to ban cleaners too.

Nordea is not the first bank to ban crypto for its employees. JP Morgan has also taken a tough stance on Bitcoin, and CEO Jamie Damon threatened to fire anyone even suspected of owning crypto.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: CryptoScotland on January 21, 2018, 09:46:13 PM
Nordea Bank (operates mainly in Northern Europe) has openly criticized Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in general since 2014. It has now gone a step further to ban all of its employees from owning cryptocurrencies: Nordea Bank Forbids Employees From Owning Cryptocurrencies (

All levels have been put on notice: tellers, secretaries, IT personnel, and even cleaners and support staff - it is a surprise that all employees are banned – it is one thing to ban those engaged directly in the bank’s transactions, but it is another thing to ban cleaners too.

Nordea is not the first bank to ban crypto for its employees. JP Morgan has also taken a tough stance on Bitcoin, and CEO Jamie Damon threatened to fire anyone even suspected of owning crypto.

All these bank's I am Positive are involved in trading activities of Crypto Currencies,  They just don't want the public involved.  Bank's in 2-5 years may not even exist!

2008 was only a trailer what is next let's see...

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: dante.dmc on January 24, 2018, 12:14:35 PM
Are there any European Banks at the moment that could accept to open business accounts for crypto exchanges?

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: alyssa85 on February 04, 2018, 02:22:11 PM
Chase Bank Credit is getting hostile according to the following thread:

They are treating purchases of bitcoin as cash advances and are charging a $10 cash advance fee.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: alyssa85 on February 05, 2018, 03:16:52 PM
Another update:

LLoyds Bank of the UK, has banned people buying bitcoin with credit cards:

Lloyds Banking Group has banned credit card customers from buying bitcoin amid fears it could be left in debt as the cryptocurrency’s value deflates.

The banking giant, which includes Halifax, MBNA and Bank of Scotland, is thought to be the first in the UK to ban credit card customers from borrowing to buy the cyptocurrency, which has more than halved in value in recent months.
Bitcoin: is it a bubble waiting to burst or a good investment?
Read more

Bitcoin’s slide has led to concerns that people who borrow money to purchase it will be left with large debts if the virtual currency continues to depreciate.

Significant numbers of people in Britain are thought to have bought bitcoin as it surged in value, peaking at nearly $20,000 (£14,465) in December. As news of Lloyds’s ban emerged on Sunday the value was about $8,000 (£5,700).

A spokeswoman for the banking group said: “Across Lloyds Bank, Bank of Scotland, Halifax and MBNA, we do not accept credit card transactions involving the purchase of cryptocurrencies.”

I think they still allow wire transfers of cash.

If you are in the UK, just to be safe, open a second current account that is outside the Lloydes group for your crypto stuff.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: alyssa85 on February 07, 2018, 01:48:30 AM
Another update, this time for Australian banks:

Australia’s biggest banks currently have no plans to bar their customers from buying and selling Bitcoin with credit and debit cards.

ANZ told ABC news that it “does not prohibit customers buying digital or cryptocurrencies, or accepting them as a form of payment.”

However, ANZ’s spokesperson did reveal that the bank monitors transactions for  “unusual behaviour” to prevent potential fraud in accordance with its “regulatory responsibilities.” Moreover, the bank does not do business with companies “that operate as issuers, dealers or exchanges of digital or cryptocurrency.”

This is because ANZ considers such businesses to be “unregulated and therefore not within ANZ policy.”

Meanwhile, National Australia Bank suggested it could halt cryptocurrency transactions if security concerns arise, such as the still-too-common theft of funds stored on online exchanges. NAB’s spokesperson said:

    ASIC advises that, as most of the virtual currency exchange platforms are generally not regulated, customers may not be protected or have any legal recourse if the platform fails or is hacked.

    We take the protection of our customers’ information and accounts extremely seriously to reduce the risk for our customers, and to help protect their money, some card transactions may not be processed.

Meanwhile, a spokesperson from Westpac bank put it more simply, stating:

    We currently have no restrictions on credit card use to purchase cryptocurrency.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: CryptoScotland on February 17, 2018, 07:00:29 PM
Banks cracking up there day's are number.

Don't see any British bank interested which is stupid and they are loosing a Multi Billion dollar industry here

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: allohha on February 17, 2018, 07:26:16 PM
Banks cracking up there day's are number.

Don't see any British bank interested which is stupid and they are loosing a Multi Billion dollar industry here
something very strongly you are opposed to the banking system. Especially Britain is not a country of the Third World, but quite a developed country with its outstanding economy ..

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: Dux2K on February 17, 2018, 09:22:17 PM
Dunno if this topic is updated but i would like to suggest adding OTP bank from Hungary. You can transfer bitcoin to them on credit account not bank account. If you transfer to bank account they will not give you only if you send to credit account.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: Carmen03 on February 21, 2018, 10:34:51 AM
The list of bitcoin hostile bank are : The Bangladesh Bank,Chinese Bank,Central Bank of Jordan,Vietnam,Central Bank of Bolivia, National Assemble of Ecuador, Iceland, National bank of the Kyrgyz Republic, Taiwanese Supervisory Commission.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: CryptoScotland on March 10, 2018, 04:16:37 PM
The list of bitcoin hostile bank are : The Bangladesh Bank,Chinese Bank,Central Bank of Jordan,Vietnam,Central Bank of Bolivia, National Assemble of Ecuador, Iceland, National bank of the Kyrgyz Republic, Taiwanese Supervisory Commission.

All the bank's in the worlds then I guess lol

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: CryptoScotland on March 10, 2018, 04:17:42 PM
Banks cracking up there day's are number.

Don't see any British bank interested which is stupid and they are loosing a Multi Billion dollar industry here
something very strongly you are opposed to the banking system. Especially Britain is not a country of the Third World, but quite a developed country with its outstanding economy ..

Quite a developed and controlled country know many people whom had accounts frozen and fund's locked up and banks holding funds for years because they sold Bitcoin.  What's the crime that is surely worse than 3rd world.

Really do hope the bank's are finished sick of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: freedomno1 on June 16, 2018, 12:25:32 AM
This is a topic that needs maintenance given the climate in Canada I feel it is worth updating the status on Canadian banks.

The main five banks are restricting or limiting the use of a clients funds to purchase any cryptocurrency through third party intermediary banks if they are told the main objective is investments or if the exchange even has a function to purchase cryptocurrency.  

The media focus is on Visa's and Interac Online it is becoming difficult to fund from certain banks unless you multi-bank a recent example is Quadrigacx and Coinsquare no longer do interac online with the RBC due to recent changes.
Account funding is still possible through Scotiabank BMO and TD.

In my personal experience I recently tried to fund an exchange account with a Wire transfer and was explicitly told I cannot take money out of my own chequing account, for the purpose of buying cryptocurrency with the RBC.

Since the bank seems to want to decide what I do with my own money, I would strongly recommend looking at a list of credit unions in your area to have a second account with.

Each banking institution is in a different state of restriction regarding cryptocurrencies and funding accounts can be difficult as the trend seems to be moving towards a general shutdown of all cryptocurrency purchase options.

This is regardless of debit or credit card status and it may be a real pain if they shut down your account to have all your bills moved.

The most viable solution while the banks are sorting out how to make a profit from blockchain and restricting access to client funds, is simply to bypass them where possible and use alternatives.

I would recommend looking at a list of participating institutions for the exchange you use if your bank does not support cryptocurrency and move your money to where you utilize it.
As consumers and users we have the freedom to choose who we bank with and a monetary penalty is one way to show them your vote for their policies, best of luck to all fellow crypto users.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: alyssa85 on June 18, 2018, 10:40:16 AM
Another bitcoin friendly bank:

To most banks in the U.S., cryptocurrency businesses are pariahs. To Metropolitan Commercial Bank, they're "pioneers."

At least, that's how the New York financial institution's chief technology officer, Nick Rosenberg, describes them.

"We're certainly very interested in growing this vertical," Rosenberg told CoinDesk of the bank's crypto clientele. "We've learned that it's a serious industry. There are some very smart people involved. There are some very interesting ideas coming out that could really change the way people do business."

While most banks cling to the adage "blockchain not bitcoin," Metropolitan stands out simply by being one of the very few to enthusiastically court deposit business from crypto firms.

These clients include a few exchanges, as well as hedge funds and other crypto investors that bank at Metropolitan because it's easier to quickly move their money to those exchanges. (To be clear: the bank only handles fiat for customers and does not touch crypto itself.)

So far, it's proven a lucrative niche for Metropolitan. In the first quarter, cash management and foreign exchange conversion fees from cryptocurrency clients totaled $3.4 million, the bank disclosed in an investor presentation. This helped drive a more than 300 percent increase from a year earlier in Metropolitan's total non-interest income, to $5.4 million, according to a Securities and Exchange Commission filing.

If that doesn't sound like a lot of money, keep in mind that Metropolitan is a community bank

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: ImI on June 18, 2018, 05:44:52 PM
rate banks and tell your story at ->

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: FreddyFox on June 18, 2018, 06:13:36 PM
Another friendly European bank is Privat Bank. It will be especially useful for Europe and especially the former socialist camp. You can pay and invest.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: milhouse on August 28, 2018, 10:42:59 AM
What about Spanish ING bank?

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: TooDumbForBitcoin on August 28, 2018, 10:50:17 AM
Another friendly European bank is Privat Bank. It will be especially useful for Europe and especially the former socialist camp. You can pay and invest.

Is it a bank from Ukraine? Last time I checked Ukraine was attacked by Russia (Crimea and the east regions) and has bad economic situation. It isn't great because money need silence.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: kniheant on August 28, 2018, 12:27:20 PM
i see bank of America has begun refusing to open Bitcoin related accounts, and has denied wire transfers because they were related to Bitcoin companies.

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: pumbum on August 29, 2018, 09:55:48 AM
I think these bans are associated with a sharp drop in the cryptocurrency, and I think this step is right to save ordinary investors from rash actions

Title: Re: List of Bitcoin Hostile (and friendly) Banks
Post by: spongegar on August 29, 2018, 10:25:00 PM
It's good to see there are actual banks that support crypto currency. I just hope there will be alot more of these supportive banks soon as the crypto currency market gets stronger and stronger everyday. Then again, i think these banks already have vested interest in crypto currency, like maybe a stake in Bitcoin one way or another.