Bitcoin Forum

Other => Serious discussion => Topic started by: Madmim on February 10, 2018, 06:20:59 AM

Title: Lost my job - Need Ideas
Post by: Madmim on February 10, 2018, 06:20:59 AM
Attention: I am really in great trouble so please stop chasing post in this thread.

On 7th Feb I was told by my company that they stopped focusing on my region and hence they no longer need my services. So laid me off without any warning.

I have been working for them for almost 8 years. And all of a sudden losing my job was a shock. Honestly, I still can not accept this fact and can not think of anything. I am totally blank till now.

My job did not require me to interact with many people. And also I am an introvert person. I worked for a foreign company

Trying to keep my calm and also don't want to make any desperate move.

Now I am going to look for another job but it is unlikely I will succeed. As internet is full of competitions and employers don't try to investigate, and rather look for previous client's feedbacks.

Also with my savings I can survive a few months. Note that I live in a 3rd world country and not much opportunities.

So if you guys have any suggestions/ideas to share, then please share.

Title: Re: Lost my job - Need Ideas
Post by: bitperson on February 10, 2018, 06:52:53 AM
Societies are so different, it’s difficult to give detailed suggestions to someone in another country. But I’d like to encourage you to try to consider your options as broadly as possible. You don’t seem to have much faith in finding a job similar to your previous one. You probably know your local job market than anyone of us, but it’s also easy to become somewhat pessimistic or even depressed after being laid off. Have you considered all possible venues of finding a job: tapping into your network of friends, family and colleagues; using employment agencies, career advisors etc.? Would it be possible for you to go back to school and study towards a new occupation where there are more opportunities available? Can you start a business of your own or set up shop together with one or more colleagues? Would relocation be useful in your situation? Above all, remember to take care of yourself. Don’t spend all your time thinking about finding a job; also remember to do stuff that keeps you happy and in shape physically as well as mentally. And keep us posted as to how things work out for you!

Title: Re: Lost my job - Need Ideas
Post by: Madmim on February 10, 2018, 08:52:48 AM
Societies are so different, it’s difficult to give detailed suggestions to someone in another country.

Well I worked for a online company which operated in another country. It was not a regular 9-5 job in my country where I had to go to office and sit there.

But I’d like to encourage you to try to consider your options as broadly as possible.

This is why started this topic. Till now I have been surviving well and did not have to worry about money. But that problem is going to start if I don’t overcome this situation.

You don’t seem to have much faith in finding a job similar to your previous one.

You are correct. If related companies does not have demand for a position then they would not give any priority if I send them my CV. Being realistic here.

You probably know your local job market than anyone of us, but it’s also easy to become somewhat pessimistic or even depressed after being laid off. Have you considered all possible venues of finding a job: tapping into your network of friends, family and colleagues; using employment agencies, career advisors etc.?

Friends and relatives are good for when you are in a good situation. Not when are going through tough times. At least I have no one to support me to overcome this. I have to do this on my own.

Also local market job is not an option. If I try to get a job there, and even if get one then my costs would have higher than my income.  At most I will get an entry level job and will also suffer from psychological problems that comes with local jobs.

Would it be possible for you to go back to school and study towards a new occupation where there are more opportunities available? Can you start a business of your own or set up shop together with one or more colleagues?

I hold a bachelors degree and it has not helped me. Education is something which is valued where I live. Proper links does and I don't have it.

Can you start a business of your own or set up shop together with one or more colleagues?

I am working on something but not optimistic about the outcome. People are good at backstabbing when they get of what they need from you. Speaking for several bitter experiences.

Would relocation be useful in your situation?

No, financially I am grounded now. I was working on that (for personal reasons) considering I will have the job I lost.

Above all, remember to take care of yourself. Don’t spend all your time thinking about finding a job; also remember to do stuff that keeps you happy and in shape physically as well as mentally. And keep us posted as to how things work out for you!

Thank you for this. To be honest in this situation, I can not think about anything else other than how to recover from this situation. Hoping will get some ideas from here.

Title: Re: Lost my job - Need Ideas
Post by: jimmywh on February 10, 2018, 10:47:29 AM
The first thing you need to do, is have a positive attitude. Many people working the same place, or with the same thing, for decades, become so entangled in their job that it is their actual identity. So the first thing you need to do, is appreciate the opportunity to rediscover yourself you have been given. My experience is that several doors opens when one door shuts.

Secondly, if you really seek specific help, you yourself need to be more specific about what you do, what you're good at etc.

That being said, I feel sorry for you and your situation.

Title: Re: Lost my job - Need Ideas
Post by: aleksej996 on February 10, 2018, 03:03:59 PM
It all depends on your skills. What can you do? Do you know programming?
I guess you could check out this board, maybe even post a "looking for job" topic.

I know it can be difficult, but there is always some job you can do. And more valuable your skills are, more you will earn obviously.
If your cost of living is still higher than any salary you can earn, than you will simply have to decrease your spending.

Title: Re: Lost my job - Need Ideas
Post by: stantpro on February 10, 2018, 03:13:37 PM
I encourage you to remain focused and courageous.Life is not a
bed of roses.It brings some sad moments too.In your case, it is
loss of job.You can get through it by being closer to God.That means
seeking spiritual reunion or revival with God via your religion
for a better direction at this time.Then, spread your tentacles for
job opportunities around your environment or elsewhere.
You may also develop a skill that appear lucrative within you
and may also start of a thriving business after proper feasibility
studies.Good luck.

Title: Re: Lost my job - Need Ideas
Post by: socks435 on February 10, 2018, 03:15:57 PM
Since you have internet and computer the first thing that i can share it with you is to learn CPA marketing or internet marketing this is lots of company are looking for internet marketing members that knows who to promote niche and get leads and earn.
They are both paying in USD and bitcoin if you are interested you can pm me and share with you the list and some forum that can help you learn how to promote a niche and make a landing page. that you can use in CPA journey..

Title: Re: Lost my job - Need Ideas
Post by: Madmim on February 11, 2018, 03:05:09 PM
The first thing you need to do, is have a positive attitude. Many people working the same place, or with the same thing, for decades, become so entangled in their job that it is their actual identity. So the first thing you need to do, is appreciate the opportunity to rediscover yourself you have been given. My experience is that several doors opens when one door shuts.

This thread was opened so I can get feedback from people which will help me find doors (Ideas/suggestions).

Secondly, if you really seek specific help, you yourself need to be more specific about what you do, what you're good at etc.

I was a translator (The language is not supported in BCT btw) and did all kinds of translation needed by the company. From website translation to promo materials everything.

Other than what I said above, things I have done and good at:

- Online advertising,
- Forum administration, moderation, (other than that made over 30k (approx.) in different forex & earning related forums)
- Forex
- CMS: Joomla, wordpress, vbulletin, IP board, phpbb
- Content creation / video editing

It all depends on your skills. What can you do? Do you know programming?
I guess you could check out this board, maybe even post a "looking for job" topic.

I don't know programming. And it would not be a good idea to post a "looking for a job". People might start saying I am begging.

What I am looking for is ideas from others as many people here are trying to have a better life.

I know it can be difficult, but there is always some job you can do. And more valuable your skills are, more you will earn obviously.
If your cost of living is still higher than any salary you can earn, than you will simply have to decrease your spending.

I am already living with minimum expense. Can't decrease beyond that.


@stantpro, Thank you what you suggested I already do. I am in a tough situation in which I have never been before. But others may have. So also counting on it.

@socks435, I am going to PM you but I am not really a marketer type. But what you want to share might be helpful.

Title: Re: Lost my job - Need Ideas
Post by: bluefirecorp_ on February 11, 2018, 03:19:51 PM
What's the local industry around you look like?

Title: Re: Lost my job - Need Ideas
Post by: Madmim on February 11, 2018, 03:43:13 PM
What's the local industry around you look like?

Not good.

Title: Re: Lost my job - Need Ideas
Post by: Maren on February 11, 2018, 04:26:24 PM
There is a huge number of ICOs in need of translations, you can also contact them and offer other services you are good at. You can also do bounties, if you have a great social media presence you can earn a decent living, especially if you are good at videos.

If you're good at organizing become a bounty campaign manager here.

There are a lot of options off this forum too, register on sites like fiverr, 99designs and behance, post your work and get some references.

If you're good at moderating try the modsquad.

Title: Re: Lost my job - Need Ideas
Post by: bitperson on February 11, 2018, 04:46:53 PM
I was a translator (The language is not supported in BCT btw) and did all kinds of translation needed by the company. From website translation to promo materials everything.
Have you considered signing up at online translation marketplaces? Granted, they’re more of an entry level thing, but if you’re concerned that you might end up with no work at all, maybe they could be a temporary solution for you?

Title: Re: Lost my job - Need Ideas
Post by: Mrtree420 on February 11, 2018, 07:35:36 PM
I just did a quick search for "translation marketplaces" and found a few sites that offer work in this field. Am not sure what country you are in so am not sure how the payments are process. Another thing you can try is doing translation for the millions of ICO and new coins offered here on bitcointalk. You get paid in crypto but its better then nothing. The best of luck to you. The most important thing is to stay positive. The more you beat yourself down the lower your going to get. You said you had a few month of saving well enjoy them don't stress them.   

Title: Re: Lost my job - Need Ideas
Post by: Rkoshay on February 12, 2018, 02:40:45 AM
Don't know the third world country you living in but in any case if the primary language isn't English then you could probably get work teaching it. You write it pretty well, some syntax errors but nothing major, don't know how well you speak it but if you speak it even kind of okay there is a good chance you could make money teaching it to other people in your country who want to learn it.

I read in your post that you're an introverted person so granted, this will make it more difficult but as with most things the more something is done the easier it gets.  

Another idea is since you have experience as a translator free lance for other companies that need translators.  You could start by finding companies that did similar things as your previous company, prepare a simple brochure (you can get those and business cards for not much money at Vistaprint) and start contacting companies.  

As an introvert it's going to be important to push yourself to get out. I tend to be introverted also and definitely understand the comfort factor but have found that usually it's not as bad once one gets out and active, sometimes it can even be stimulating.

Good luck and keep your chin up!

P.S.  I cut and pasted the below from one of your posts.
 it would not be a good idea to post a "looking for a job". People might start saying I am begging.

As I mentioned above I have no idea where you live but it seems strange that because one is looking for a job people think they are begging.  I would think that people would respect the fact that you are trying to make your situation better, just something to think about .

Title: Re: Lost my job - Need Ideas
Post by: Gabi on February 12, 2018, 02:53:07 AM
What country and industry you were in? Age? If you dont have kids, then it's not a disaster. Cut ALL expenses, eat ramen for a while, write good resume based on good examples and start looking internationally. Dont "invest" in anything risky. If it goes from bad to worse, you can always pick up low wage jobs like washing dishes that will hold you afloat while you looking.

Title: Re: Lost my job - Need Ideas
Post by: bitcoin_paypal on February 12, 2018, 10:40:50 AM
If you have a good command of language, I'd look for remote job, positions of Customer Support, Copywriter, Content Manager. Try varying it a bit, it doesn'nt necessarily has to be a translation-related job

Title: Re: Lost my job - Need Ideas
Post by: onnz423 on February 12, 2018, 01:03:48 PM
Learn to code, start with HTML, CSS and JQuery. You can then earn a basic income from freelancing sites such as upwork and freelancer, perhaps even Fiverrr. Once you're proficient in those and are making a small amount of money, you can progress to full stack development in Ruby, SQL, Ajax etc and can start to charge higher fees.

Title: Re: Lost my job - Need Ideas
Post by: amishmanish on February 12, 2018, 01:33:58 PM
If you have the time and inclination to learn (which i assume you have as you are on the BCT forum), you can start with something like ( They have a whole course structure starting with front-end development for beginners and going to back-end tasks.
They also provide help in setting you up with NGOs for hands-on experience and then preparing for interviews etc. They have active facebook groups and I have seen good reviews from people there.

In addition to that, if you are on the forum and can put your time to really post quality content, you can possibly join some of the better campaigns if you can generate really good content. A lot of people frown upon Sig Campaigns but they can be a source of passive income, though small.

These things depends on how much time you have to learn but I think they are worthwhile if you are willing to put some time into it. Also, when you get down to learning, you should forget about the desperation for money. It will anyways not go away. Plan your expenses and set a target for reaching levels of proficiency in programming and at the forum.
Good Luck!

Title: Re: Lost my job - Need Ideas
Post by: Madmim on February 12, 2018, 03:31:14 PM
There is a huge number of ICOs in need of translations, you can also contact them and offer other services you are good at. You can also do bounties, if you have a great social media presence you can earn a decent living, especially if you are good at videos.

I already said BCT does not support my language.

If you're good at organizing become a bounty campaign manager here.

I was thinking about working under some BM instead of offering service directly.

There are a lot of options off this forum too, register on sites like fiverr, 99designs and behance, post your work and get some references.

If you're good at moderating try the modsquad.

Was not aware of modsquad. So thank you.


@bitperson, @mrtree420,
I am working on building my CV and then will apply to some of those agencies + individual companies. But not optimistic about it.

Don't know the third world country you living in but in any case if the primary language isn't English then you could probably get work teaching it. You write it pretty well, some syntax errors but nothing major, don't know how well you speak it but if you speak it even kind of okay there is a good chance you could make money teaching it to other people in your country who want to learn it.

Problem with this again is pay would be much less than my expenses.

I read in your post that you're an introverted person so granted, this will make it more difficult but as with most things the more something is done the easier it gets. 

As an introvert it's going to be important to push yourself to get out. I tend to be introverted also and definitely understand the comfort factor but have found that usually it's not as bad once one gets out and active, sometimes it can even be stimulating.

Good luck and keep your chin up!

Thank you for sharing your experience with this issue. But this is not the only issue I am concerned about.

Another idea is since you have experience as a translator free lance for other companies that need translators.  You could start by finding companies that did similar things as your previous company, prepare a simple brochure (you can get those and business cards for not much money at Vistaprint) and start contacting companies. 

P.S.  I cut and pasted the below from one of your posts.
 it would not be a good idea to post a "looking for a job". People might start saying I am begging.

As I mentioned above I have no idea where you live but it seems strange that because one is looking for a job people think they are begging.  I would think that people would respect the fact that you are trying to make your situation better, just something to think about .

I am working on building my CV. After that I will do that. And again thank you for sharing your view but I am not going to start a looking for job thread. But will knock some doors.

What country and industry you were in? Age? If you dont have kids, then it's not a disaster. Cut ALL expenses, eat ramen for a while, write good resume based on good examples and start looking internationally. Dont "invest" in anything risky. If it goes from bad to worse, you can always pick up low wage jobs like washing dishes that will hold you afloat while you looking.

I am 34 single and honestly having an analyst mindset right now all I see is disaster waiting for me ahead. About expenses, they are already at minimum and one bad habit. And won't be investing as well because I know where will that lead me. And entry level job is what I am trying to avoid and get a job with which I can survive.

If you have a good command of language, I'd look for remote job, positions of Customer Support, Copywriter, Content Manager. Try varying it a bit, it doesn'nt necessarily has to be a translation-related job

I have this kind of thought in my mind but that you for pointing these out. Sometimes things get mixed up with too many thoughts.

Learn to code, start with HTML, CSS and JQuery. You can then earn a basic income from freelancing sites such as upwork and freelancer, perhaps even Fiverrr. Once you're proficient in those and are making a small amount of money, you can progress to full stack development in Ruby, SQL, Ajax etc and can start to charge higher fees.

Have some basic knowledge on HTML, CSS, SQL but it is not the right time to spend time in learning something new. One of my next target was to learn about the crypto and blockchain industry. And have been on upwork for years and applied for some work once in a while when I had free time but never got a work.

If you have the time and inclination to learn (which i assume you have as you are on the BCT forum), you can start with something like ( They have a whole course structure starting with front-end development for beginners and going to back-end tasks.
They also provide help in setting you up with NGOs for hands-on experience and then preparing for interviews etc. They have active facebook groups and I have seen good reviews from people there.

I will try to use what I have learned instead of learning something new. But thank you for sharing your idea.

In addition to that, if you are on the forum and can put your time to really post quality content, you can possibly join some of the better campaigns if you can generate really good content. A lot of people frown upon Sig Campaigns but they can be a source of passive income, though small.

I have something in my mind regarding this. But need inputs from bounty managers.

These things depends on how much time you have to learn but I think they are worthwhile if you are willing to put some time into it. Also, when you get down to learning, you should forget about the desperation for money. It will anyways not go away. Plan your expenses and set a target for reaching levels of proficiency in programming and at the forum.
Good Luck!

Right now I am not in a position to learn and then earn from it. Have to try with knowledge I have gained already. Suggestions/ideas from others are helpful and already got some useful ideas. Hoping more people will share their suggestions.

Title: Re: Lost my job - Need Ideas
Post by: Roidz92 on February 12, 2018, 06:42:04 PM
I don't know where do you exactly live, but you said 3rd world country.. Maybe it is a stupid idea but all ideas are good to listen... What about Steemit? In a normal country you can't live with low money, but in a poor country many people already living thanks to posting on Steemit. Steemit is a social network where you can simply earn posting, curating and commenting with all other people. You can start from zero, like many of them, but if you already have some "power"(aka steem) there, you will have more visibility and better potential.

Title: Re: Lost my job - Need Ideas
Post by: pvk444 on February 13, 2018, 06:44:26 AM
Attention: I am really in great trouble so please stop chasing post in this thread.

On 7th Feb I was told by my company that they stopped focusing on my region and hence they no longer need my services. So laid me off without any warning.

I have been working for them for almost 8 years. And all of a sudden losing my job was a shock. Honestly, I still can not accept this fact and can not think of anything. I am totally blank till now.

My job did not require me to interact with many people. And also I am an introvert person. I worked for a foreign company

Trying to keep my calm and also don't want to make any desperate move.

Now I am going to look for another job but it is unlikely I will succeed. As internet is full of competitions and employers don't try to investigate, and rather look for previous client's feedbacks.

Also with my savings I can survive a few months. Note that I live in a 3rd world country and not much opportunities.

So if you guys have any suggestions/ideas to share, then please share.

Sorry to hear about your troubles. It can be very demoralizing. I went through the same issue last year.

  • Since you have access to the Internet, you could perhaps leverage this and offer your services and skills on several of the freelancing sites.
  • Also, since you have work experience, maybe you could approach some consulting companies. I am also an introvert, and the challenge of dealing with clients can be tough, but maybe that's just the price to pay
  • You might also want to look into creating some tutorials and sell them through Udemy or other similar venues
  • And then of course, the normal keeping your CV up-to-date and network,network, network (for an introvert, this is the most difficult part)

Good luck!

Title: Re: Lost my job - Need Ideas
Post by: logger on February 14, 2018, 05:35:24 PM
Do you like smth to do? May be your hobby can become your job?

Title: Re: Lost my job - Need Ideas
Post by: mrcash02 on February 15, 2018, 12:52:29 AM
If you don't find job on the virtual world or jobs related to the virtual world, you will have to find something on the real world. Can't you produce anything at home and sell it later? If you have some free area at home and depending where you live, you can feed some animals and sell what they produce or even sell their meat.

Also, I have seen some vertical vegetable gardens, it doesn't occupy a lot of space, doesn't have bad smell and can generate an extra income.
You would just need to find customers or a market where you could sell your production. It may not be a final solution for your problems, but extra income helps a lot... Especially if the necessary effort is low.

Title: Re: Lost my job - Need Ideas
Post by: BTCforJoe on February 15, 2018, 08:28:06 AM
Don't forget to check out and, as well. You can occasionally find jobs on the subreddit and

If you have CMS knowledge and a lot of time, I would highly recommend building a website dedicated to bringing in newbies to Bitcoin. Have a site that focuses on on-page SEO to target keywords for Bitcoin newbies. You can monetize ads on the site, but the real money could be in offering a service to find new referrals for the few paying faucets that are available out there. Faucets don't pay much, but if you can get thousands of referrals, and make a percentage of their earnings, it all adds up.

There are several exchanges that also offer a percentage of commissions from your referrals' trades, and again, while it may not be much, it all adds up in the end, so you can also add a list of exchanges to your website, as well. Within a couple of months, if you have several hundred referrals, it should give you a good base site to continue updating and staying relevant in the bitcoin game. Work on gaining a great following on Twitter, and try to find some bounty campaigns here to help you fill in some of the earning gaps, as well.

Sorry to hear about the loss of your job; I hope everything works out for you.

Title: Re: Lost my job - Need Ideas
Post by: MJK_Anfaenger on February 15, 2018, 04:53:35 PM
Hey man, I've been laid off before too and I know that right now you must feel like the absolute bottom of the barrel. It's normal to feel this way, don't let that feeling cloud your vision! I don't know if it has been said, but uploading your CV to a job searching site like LinkedIn is probably a good start. If you have done translation work before, don't be afraid to branch out. Consider options like freelance writing, writing for a newspaper or deepen your knowledge in a certain field and become a medical/technical writer etc. Since you're here, maybe crypto would be a topic that you already have some knowledge about that you could build on?

You also mentioned you're from a 3rd world country. I've heard of online platforms where people who want to learn Swahili for example can book a native speaker as a tutor. I don't know how 'in demand' your language is, but maybe that's an option, too?

Anyway, hope this helps. Best of luck to you, you're gonna make it through this!

Title: Re: Lost my job - Need Ideas
Post by: Cobalt9317 on February 16, 2018, 10:21:06 PM
I already said BCT does not support my language.
What is your language then?
I deduce you are really not an American, I am speaking from a third world country too.

Problem with this again is pay would be much less than my expenses.
Are you a spender?
I find my expenses more than I can earn in a day, but how much money you save for a day really count.
must be hardly tough to be independent and encountering an adversity.

Thank you for sharing your experience with this issue. But this is not the only issue I am concerned about.
Living in a third world country people find it bizarre if someone is most often inside the house and really attract a lot of (prying) eyes when you go outside, or unless you have something to hide.

I am working on building my CV. After that I will do that. And again thank you for sharing your view but I am not going to start a looking for job thread. But will knock some doors.
Don't waste your time knocking on job thread, especially if you offer your (language), there's a lot of competition going, if you're going to create your CV try to spend some time to also create your linkedin profile it will help you in the long run especially you have a BS degree, create a proper links over there gradually increase it and eventually you'll find a permanent job or till you retired.

I am 34 single and honestly having an analyst mindset right now all I see is disaster waiting for me ahead. About expenses, they are already at minimum and one bad habit. And won't be investing as well because I know where will that lead me. And entry level job is what I am trying to avoid and get a job with which I can survive.
Only if you live alone and have a two room in your house/apartment profit the other one, make a room for rent, however if you are also renting a room that will not work out. if you have another space that's totally useless think of a possibility to profit those but that will only work if you have a large area, garden, backyard, etc. if your privacy really matters to you set aside those until you are financially stable.

I have this kind of thought in my mind but that you for pointing these out. Sometimes things get mixed up with too many thoughts.
Then don't mixed up so many thoughts are you on drugs?
Focus on your passion don't let other things bother you. Well you bother to open this thread looking for (suggestion/ideas)

Have some basic knowledge on HTML, CSS, SQL but it is not the right time to spend time in learning something new. One of my next target was to learn about the crypto and blockchain industry. And have been on upwork for years and applied for some work once in a while when I had free time but never got a work.
Spend 2 hours a day to learn something new regarding about programming in might help you until you die, 1hour study 1hour action it doesn't require a lot of time to learn one basic function in Python/Java/C# such as HELLO WORLD, however if that things don't suit/interest you disregard what I've just mention.

I will try to use what I have learned instead of learning something new. But thank you for sharing your idea.
But if you can't stabilize your means of expenses with what you have learned it is a suicidal thought.
Disregard anything that you think as of now, and try to focus on things will profit you the most or rather will profit you the most until your saving is spent.

I have something in my mind regarding this. But need inputs from bounty managers.
If you reckon that will generate income in the long run then go for it, but all bounty program is unstable in anonymous ways IDK I've never been in many tried it once to have a blog but quality content needs to be as truthful as it is, also I deem you need to be good in English so your persuasion is really attractable, and I never saw a slightest hint that you can make a (good) content thus if I were you, furthermore a blog content need to have at least a months old to participate in bounty how I wish you didn't use all your saving by that time.

Right now I am not in a position to learn and then earn from it. Have to try with knowledge I have gained already. Suggestions/ideas from others are helpful and already got some useful ideas. Hoping more people will share their suggestions.
knowledge is power how come you can't learn something even if I go outside I learned something maybe it is a matter of perspective you need a new (perspective), additionally I hope you read all my suggestion to you, I've been to a rough times also, time and date don't matter trust me on this society is full of opportunity you just have to open your (mind), even if you can't your defense mechanism will do something even if it is beyond your introverted personality I'm (introverted) too but I think you are not genuine or you are just pessimistic introverted.

Title: Re: Lost my job - Need Ideas
Post by: evgeshti on February 17, 2018, 07:52:14 AM
The most important thing is positive thinking! If you are already at this forum, then I'm sure you are aware of possible earnings on the bounty (signatures, transfers, bounty management etc) and ICO. Look at the fact that you lost your job, not as a problem, but as a tide of a huge amount of free time to achieve better results in a couple of months and earn more. Nothing happens just so and if you leave the comfort zone you will achieve much more!

P.S. For example, 2 weeks ago I only knew about signatures for bounty that they need to be copied in the company branch and inserted into my profile. For me it was just a collection of strange symbols. But a week ago I created signatures for one company and got money for it. The most important thing is to set a goal!

Title: Re: Lost my job - Need Ideas
Post by: enkongtukmol on February 18, 2018, 07:03:59 AM
since you have internet and computer why don't you have time spending here in forum since you already knew this you know you can earn in here. im not a too good in here also same as you i want to earn money here in forum. the thing is i just don't have enough time in computer between my child still i need to earn. hope you find your answer.

Title: Re: Lost my job - Need Ideas
Post by: Madmim on February 18, 2018, 04:40:27 PM
@Roidz92, Thank you for the idea. I know about steemit. But I am looking for something with which I can survive. Not just earn few extra bucks.

Sorry to hear about your troubles. It can be very demoralizing. I went through the same issue last year.

  • Since you have access to the Internet, you could perhaps leverage this and offer your services and skills on several of the freelancing sites.
  • Also, since you have work experience, maybe you could approach some consulting companies. I am also an introvert, and the challenge of dealing with clients can be tough, but maybe that's just the price to pay
  • You might also want to look into creating some tutorials and sell them through Udemy or other similar venues
  • And then of course, the normal keeping your CV up-to-date and network,network, network (for an introvert, this is the most difficult part)

Good luck!

Can you please tell me what you did after that? If not here, then can you please PM me?

And thanks for the other ideas. They are helpful & will follow some advise you gave.

Do you like smth to do? May be your hobby can become your job?

Whatever plans I had, it all flew out of the window when I lost my job.

If you don't find job on the virtual world or jobs related to the virtual world, you will have to find something on the real world. Can't you produce anything at home and sell it later? If you have some free area at home and depending where you live, you can feed some animals and sell what they produce or even sell their meat.

Thought about fish & turkey farming. But backed off because of lack of resources. I have plans to do these in future when/if I can afford to buy land and hire trusted people.

Also, I have seen some vertical vegetable gardens, it doesn't occupy a lot of space, doesn't have bad smell and can generate an extra income.
You would just need to find customers or a market where you could sell your production. It may not be a final solution for your problems, but extra income helps a lot... Especially if the necessary effort is low.

This is not possible for me.

Don't forget to check out and, as well. You can occasionally find jobs on the subreddit and

Upwork is of no good but will try my luck with other links you gave. Thank you very much.

If you have CMS knowledge and a lot of time, I would highly recommend building a website dedicated to bringing in newbies to Bitcoin. Have a site that focuses on on-page SEO to target keywords for Bitcoin newbies. You can monetize ads on the site, but the real money could be in offering a service to find new referrals for the few paying faucets that are available out there. Faucets don't pay much, but if you can get thousands of referrals, and make a percentage of their earnings, it all adds up.

Sounds easy on pen and paper. Already tried Website, SEO, & monetization. Bringing visitors on site is a tough job and get them to click ads is another. If one is not dedicated to this then such kind of projects doesn't bring much. Also requirements for good ad networks are very high.

There are several exchanges that also offer a percentage of commissions from your referrals' trades, and again, while it may not be much, it all adds up in the end, so you can also add a list of exchanges to your website, as well. Within a couple of months, if you have several hundred referrals, it should give you a good base site to continue updating and staying relevant in the bitcoin game. Work on gaining a great following on Twitter, and try to find some bounty campaigns here to help you fill in some of the earning gaps, as well.

Sorry to hear about the loss of your job; I hope everything works out for you.

Thank you for the suggestions. Any rough estimate (in $ figure) of how much a bounty hunter can earn if he participates in Article, YT, Twitter, FB, Signature campaign?

@MJK_Anfaenger, You gave some good suggestions. Thank you.

Are you a spender?
I find my expenses more than I can earn in a day, but how much money you save for a day really count.
must be hardly tough to be independent and encountering an adversity.
Not a spender. All expenses are necessary. Rent, Medicine, food, and some other expenses.

I am working on building my CV. After that I will do that. And again thank you for sharing your view but I am not going to start a looking for job thread. But will knock some doors.
Don't waste your time knocking on job thread, especially if you offer your (language), there's a lot of competition going, if you're going to create your CV try to spend some time to also create your linkedin profile it will help you in the long run especially you have a BS degree, create a proper links over there gradually increase it and eventually you'll find a permanent job or till you retired.
This actually makes sense. I have a profile in LinkedIn and had discussions. Last year, also got a job offer but rejected because at that moment I had this job I lost.

Only if you live alone and have a two room in your house/apartment profit the other one, make a room for rent, however if you are also renting a room that will not work out. if you have another space that's totally useless think of a possibility to profit those but that will only work if you have a large area, garden, backyard, etc. if your privacy really matters to you set aside those until you are financially stable.
I have 2 person dependent on me. And I live in a rented small house so these are not possible.

Then don't mixed up so many thoughts are you on drugs?
Focus on your passion don't let other things bother you. Well you bother to open this thread looking for (suggestion/ideas)
I don’t do drugs or alcohol. And opening this thread was actually a good idea. I know many people gather here to make their lives better. And actually got some ideas and suggestions.

I will try to use what I have learned instead of learning something new. But thank you for sharing your idea.
But if you can't stabilize your means of expenses with what you have learned it is a suicidal thought.
Disregard anything that you think as of now, and try to focus on things will profit you the most or rather will profit you the most until your saving is spent.
I am trying.

If you reckon that will generate income in the long run then go for it, but all bounty program is unstable in anonymous ways IDK I've never been in many tried it once to have a blog but quality content needs to be as truthful as it is, also I deem you need to be good in English so your persuasion is really attractable, and I never saw a slightest hint that you can make a (good) content thus if I were you, furthermore a blog content need to have at least a months old to participate in bounty how I wish you didn't use all your saving by that time.
I always welcome critisisms. At the moment I am also not considering it.

Right now I am not in a position to learn and then earn from it. Have to try with knowledge I have gained already. Suggestions/ideas from others are helpful and already got some useful ideas. Hoping more people will share their suggestions.
knowledge is power how come you can't learn something even if I go outside I learned something maybe it is a matter of perspective you need a new (perspective), additionally I hope you read all my suggestion to you, I've been to a rough times also, time and date don't matter trust me on this society is full of opportunity you just have to open your (mind), even if you can't your defense mechanism will do something even if it is beyond your introverted personality I'm (introverted) too but I think you are not genuine or you are just pessimistic introverted.
I appreciate everything you said and will work on some of them. You original post will reflect that. About your doubt, “pessimistic introvert” fits me. Thank you.

@evgeshti, 11th day today and knocked in few places (offline) but nothing positive. I wasn't prepared to lose my job. All I have now is worries and positive thoughts just doesn't come to me in my current situation.

@enkongtukmol, Thank you. I wish you good luck.

Title: Re: Lost my job - Need Ideas
Post by: automail on February 19, 2018, 02:05:37 AM
Every country is different and we will never know how the economy works in your country. What I can relate is that we are in the same situation since I also live in a 3rd world country. I know times are tough but you really need to move forward for your own good. Know your strength and think of a career path. The good thing is that you still have your skills with you and you can have a fresh start with it. Start the job hunt base on the career path you have chosen. I know you are down right now but always think that you have 8 years experience from you previous job. Be positive. 

Title: Re: Lost my job - Need Ideas
Post by: BTCforJoe on February 19, 2018, 07:43:37 AM
Thank you for the suggestions. Any rough estimate (in $ figure) of how much a bounty hunter can earn if he participates in Article, YT, Twitter, FB, Signature campaign?

Honestly, I don't deal with Twitter campaigns much, as I respect my followers and don't want to inundate them with spammy links from ICO's or crypto companies that I personally do not endorse. And honestly, you're not going to make a living doing Twitter or Facebook bounties here. We're only talking a few bucks a pop.

Signature campaigns, however, are a great way to earn. Just don't be a shitposter, and look for some high-paying campaigns. Make sure that your post quality is up to par with other participants, set a goal for yourself, and try to rank up. You will generally earn more as you reach higher ranks, and unfortunately, you're not going to make a lot as a Jr. Member. High-paying signature campaigns for Bitcoin are pretty rare here, but you will find a lot of new signature campaigns that offer a small payment in Bitcoin with an additional payment for their altcoin. Some of these can end up extremely lucrative, especially if the company of the signature you're wearing actually makes it to ICO and provides a valid and legitimate value of service for their coin... But again, you're only looking at making approximately $50-300/month from a signature campaign (with a Jr. Member/Member rank), and I don't think you'll be able to survive off that. As a Sr. Member, Hero Member, and Legendary Member, you can make upwards of $1000+ per month from wearing their sig.

Oh, and don't discount Steemit. My friend is an article writer, and he does posts here and there for SEO and he's averaging about $40-50 per post at the moment. If you understand social dynamics and how to engage with your audience, Steemit can be an amazing platform. Be creative and engaging :)

Title: Re: Lost my job - Need Ideas
Post by: Madmim on February 27, 2018, 01:26:29 PM
@automail, Thank you for the comforting words.

Signature campaigns, however, are a great way to earn. Just don't be a shitposter, and look for some high-paying campaigns. Make sure that your post quality is up to par with other participants, set a goal for yourself, and try to rank up. You will generally earn more as you reach higher ranks, and unfortunately, you're not going to make a lot as a Jr. Member. High-paying signature campaigns for Bitcoin are pretty rare here, but you will find a lot of new signature campaigns that offer a small payment in Bitcoin with an additional payment for their altcoin. Some of these can end up extremely lucrative, especially if the company of the signature you're wearing actually makes it to ICO and provides a valid and legitimate value of service for their coin... But again, you're only looking at making approximately $50-300/month from a signature campaign (with a Jr. Member/Member rank), and I don't think you'll be able to survive off that. As a Sr. Member, Hero Member, and Legendary Member, you can make upwards of $1000+ per month from wearing their sig.

Oh, and don't discount Steemit. My friend is an article writer, and he does posts here and there for SEO and he's averaging about $40-50 per post at the moment. If you understand social dynamics and how to engage with your audience, Steemit can be an amazing platform. Be creative and engaging :)

The signature campaign could have solved the problem I am in right now. But when I do the math it won't be possible within next few months considering how the post count & ranking system works.

And thanks for the steemit info. Will keep this in mind.


Looks like these are all the suggestions I got. I want to thank everyone for taking time and sharing their ideas/suggestions. I appreciate every idea/suggestion you guys gave but can't focus on everything at the moment. But they will help me in future for sure. So thank you again.

20th day today I lost my job and nothing positive yet. Some things I am doing already and looking forward to do:

tapping into your network of friends, family and colleagues; using employment agencies, career advisors
start a business of your own or set up shop together with one or more colleagues
Have you considered signing up at online translation marketplaces?

If you're good at organizing become a bounty campaign manager here.
If you're good at moderating try the modsquad.

I'd look for remote job, positions of Customer Support, Copywriter, Content Manager.
Try varying it a bit, it doesn'nt necessarily has to be a translation-related job

check out and
building a website
There are several exchanges that also offer a percentage of commissions from your referrals' trades

Disregard anything that you think as of now, and try to focus on things will profit you the most or rather will profit you the most until your saving is spent.

Title: Re: Lost my job - Need Ideas
Post by: preshpr1nce on February 27, 2018, 03:07:34 PM
If you have CMS experience, are you capable of getting a website up and running from scratch, including server work and buying/setting up domains etc?
I'm in Australia, on our local marketplaces I often see foreign people offering websites at a price no Australian could ever match.

If you don't have these skills you could learn them in 1 month if you've got experience running CMS.

You could also try using your translation skills on freelance websites, but I think a CMS approach would be best based on what you've done.

Title: Re: Lost my job - Need Ideas
Post by: Madmim on February 27, 2018, 03:58:17 PM
If you have CMS experience, are you capable of getting a website up and running from scratch, including server work and buying/setting up domains etc?

I am capable of these. Can you please provide the names of those marketplaces in Australia? And also any translation agency names?

I'm in Australia, on our local marketplaces I often see foreign people offering websites at a price no Australian could ever match.

Different people from different countries have different demands. If someone already managed to get good reviews from customers then it is natural that they will ask large amount of money. But that could be an opportunity for those who does have skills but lacks reviews. So please pour in some information.

Title: Re: Lost my job - Need Ideas
Post by: TurboRyzen on February 27, 2018, 09:12:01 PM
How much money have you saved. To survive just don't be to proud to get a low paying job.

Title: Re: Lost my job - Need Ideas
Post by: preshpr1nce on February 28, 2018, 10:08:58 AM
If you have CMS experience, are you capable of getting a website up and running from scratch, including server work and buying/setting up domains etc?

I am capable of these. Can you please provide the names of those marketplaces in Australia? And also any translation agency names?

I'm in Australia, on our local marketplaces I often see foreign people offering websites at a price no Australian could ever match.

Different people from different countries have different demands. If someone already managed to get good reviews from customers then it is natural that they will ask large amount of money. But that could be an opportunity for those who does have skills but lacks reviews. So please pour in some information.
I would go more broad than this, find the #1 marketplaces in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, UK, USA and so on, any country which has a high dollar value would give you a gain, for example seeing websites here for $200 on gumtree, most Australians earn more than this per day.

Title: Re: Lost my job - Need Ideas
Post by: lili song on February 28, 2018, 11:30:23 AM
I believe you can find your job again and according to what you would expect in your career. Don't ever give up, keep spirit, keep fighting, positive thinking. When I'm also lost my job, I have difficult find jobs, because I see many competitions, every years increase a lot of people search a job. When I analyze and investigation, network with people is important thing, it could help me to find a jobs when our connection help us to find more information on some company open a vacancies and tell to their friends in that company and inform them I need a jobs. Finally I found my job. That's all my experience.

Keep your health and time for your family. Be positive thinking. I believe you can pass it and do it.
Hope your be success in the future.

Title: Re: Lost my job - Need Ideas
Post by: atamism on February 28, 2018, 02:10:46 PM
I experience the same thing few years ago.To lose your job while you need it the most is one of the hardest thing that can happen to anyone. Being broke while unemployed will always be hard especially if you were not that rich or if you have a family. My only suggestion is to start hunting for a job right away. Tell your self that you have to move on and there will always be something for you. The only way for you to go is UP.

Title: Re: Lost my job - Need Ideas
Post by: enhu on February 28, 2018, 02:30:34 PM

I always thought of selling street food in our city if I don't get to have a job or maybe drive a taxi cab if there really is the need to.  Maybe this plan will work for you. If this sounds cool to you, I think you can simply move on with your life so don't stick so much to what had happen whether you feel mistreated by your previous company.

Title: Re: Lost my job - Need Ideas
Post by: lumeire on March 05, 2018, 01:18:48 AM

On 7th Feb I was told by my company that they stopped focusing on my region and hence they no longer need my services. So laid me off without any warning. I have been working for them for almost 8 years. And all of a sudden losing my job was a shock. Honestly, I still can not accept this fact and can not think of anything. I am totally blank till now. My job did not require me to interact with many people. And also I am an introvert person. I worked for a foreign company Trying to keep my calm and also don't want to make any desperate move. Now I am going to look for another job but it is unlikely I will succeed. As internet is full of competitions and employers don't try to investigate, and rather look for previous client's feedbacks. Also with my savings I can survive a few months. Note that I live in a 3rd world country and not much opportunities.

So if you guys have any suggestions/ideas to share, then please share.

Sorry to hear about your troubles. It can be very demoralizing. I went through the same issue last year.

  • Since you have access to the Internet, you could perhaps leverage this and offer your services and skills on several of the freelancing sites.
  • Also, since you have work experience, maybe you could approach some consulting companies. I am also an introvert, and the challenge of dealing with clients can be tough, but maybe that's just the price to pay
  • You might also want to look into creating some tutorials and sell them through Udemy or other similar venues
  • And then of course, the normal keeping your CV up-to-date and network,network, network (for an introvert, this is the most difficult part)

Good luck!

Just as he said, have you tried freelancing and offering your services via Fiverr? It's a large marketplace in there and it's relatively easy to land a gig with the right write-up and presentation.

It doesn't offer bitcoin payments though, but it's the best place to start because of the sheer size of its user-base. What skills can you offer btw?

Title: Re: Lost my job - Need Ideas
Post by: pecson134 on March 06, 2018, 03:16:31 PM
Attention: I am really in great trouble so please stop chasing post in this thread.

On 7th Feb I was told by my company that they stopped focusing on my region and hence they no longer need my services. So laid me off without any warning.

I have been working for them for almost 8 years. And all of a sudden losing my job was a shock. Honestly, I still can not accept this fact and can not think of anything. I am totally blank till now.

My job did not require me to interact with many people. And also I am an introvert person. I worked for a foreign company

Trying to keep my calm and also don't want to make any desperate move.

Now I am going to look for another job but it is unlikely I will succeed. As internet is full of competitions and employers don't try to investigate, and rather look for previous client's feedbacks.

Also with my savings I can survive a few months. Note that I live in a 3rd world country and not much opportunities.

So if you guys have any suggestions/ideas to share, then please share.

I admit it is hard to find jobs now a days knowing that competitions for the position were tough enough that some of the job seekers tends to give up. Actually I'm also an introvert just like you but in order for me to sustain my daily living, I apply for as many as I can jobs that had connections to what I had learned or course related. With patience I had given, I luckily got my job and with luck though it is mainly accommodating people on health issues and inquiries which not a likable job for introverts but still I manage it. What I am saying is that you need to have patience and motivation.

Title: Re: Lost my job - Need Ideas
Post by: fanatic26 on March 06, 2018, 11:01:28 PM
You know, I see you saying this job wouldnt pay enough, that job wouldnt pay enough. Your income right now is ZERO. Any of those jobs will bring you temporary relief, even if it wont work out in the long term. Dont be afraid to take a job you dont plan on having long, just to keep the income flowing. You may have to jump around between a few jobs before you find one that suits you long term. Do not be too proud to work a lower paying job just to get something in your pocket.

3 years ago I was broke and destitute, with friends paying my bills to keep me from becoming homeless. I ended up taking a job I was way overqualified for just so that I could have something. I showed the people I worked for what I was capable of and now 3 years down the road I am making 5 times the amount of money I had when I started. You never know where a basic ass job will take you if you have the skills and determination to make something out of it.

P.S. Stop being a pessimist about your situation, you will not succeed with that attitude. You just have to keep your head up and try your hardest every day to resolve the problem.

Title: Re: Lost my job - Need Ideas
Post by: jmigdlc99 on March 07, 2018, 09:34:03 AM
Doing translation work isn't really a career and at least you should have a goal or a dream job of yours. Keep a positive attitude and try and learn something new everyday.

You seem tech savvy already simply by being here so I suggest you learn how to program. Start with web development. Anybody can learn that online. Learn to make websites and try to sell that service. Hopefully with more experience you can apply for a regular web development job locally then build your career from there.

Speaking as a psychology graduate who learned to code on my own and am now a full-stack developer working for a large multi-national company.

Title: Re: Lost my job - Need Ideas
Post by: bitperson on March 07, 2018, 11:19:48 PM
Doing translation work isn't really a career
Speaking as a psychology graduate who learned to code on my own and am now a full-stack developer working for a large multi-national company.
Someone might just as well say that ‘doing programming work’ isn’t really a career. Language services is a field of work like any other. The barriers to entry are admittedly low as there’s demand for even low quality, low pay work, but as a translator becomes more proficient, they could just as well work for large companies, or start up a company of their own, and make a nice income.

Title: Re: Lost my job - Need Ideas
Post by: jmigdlc99 on March 08, 2018, 01:28:55 AM
Doing translation work isn't really a career
Speaking as a psychology graduate who learned to code on my own and am now a full-stack developer working for a large multi-national company.
Someone might just as well say that ‘doing programming work’ isn’t really a career. Language services is a field of work like any other. The barriers to entry are admittedly low as there’s demand for even low quality, low pay work, but as a translator becomes more proficient, they could just as well work for large companies, or start up a company of their own, and make a nice income.

You are right, sorry about sounding bias but what i'm probably saying is it's not really a technical career with much progression. As a developer you can progress through a more defined path being a senior developer, team leader, manager, executive, etc.. While as a translator, i guess you could progress to being a senior, executive, and even start your own company, it seems less likely and the skill set is limited.

Another argument would be that a good translator can probably speak/read/write 100 languages but you could also have a good developer who design and code systems as well as speak/read/write 100 languages. I think you get my point.

Title: Re: Lost my job - Need Ideas
Post by: bitperson on March 08, 2018, 02:44:29 AM
Another argument would be that a good translator can probably speak/read/write 100 languages
The following might not be relevant to your point, but I’m mentioning it anyway to avoid misconception about the language industry. There is a principle that a translator should only translate into their native language, as it is considered unlikely that a person would master several languages at the level required to create idiomatic translations. Not everyone agrees with this, and it’s not uncommon to see professional translators work into two or three languages. However, it would seem very improbable that a person would be able to create quality translations into ten, much less 100 languages.

Title: Re: Lost my job - Need Ideas
Post by: ErickMalone on March 08, 2018, 08:10:46 AM
I would say, maybe try putting up a profitable business? Something that is an essential to your location, it does not need to be big - start small. Many Chinese people need not to find a job because they have their own, plus you get to manage it to your own mindset. Most get rich and billionaires even but still depending on your business.

Or devote your time in earning bitcoin? You only need time and internet (also strategies in managing your earning like investing).

Best wishes you get through! :D

Title: Re: Lost my job - Need Ideas
Post by: cryptothief on March 13, 2018, 09:44:38 PM
You should try registering an account on if you want to bring in some real live cash. Can pretty much advertise any work on there and there's a decent amount to be made once you start getting positive feedback, which should not take long if you provide a good service. Bounty campaigns here are good, but only if you can afford to wait for the money, which I'm guessing is not the situation you are in right now.

Not sure what your skills are, but judging by the previous posts, anything internet related should be within your grasp. I haven't sold any services on there, but I've bought a few, and paid anywhere between $5 (minimum for a job) and $30, but with add ons, a single job can earn you a lot more than that. Check out the site and see if there are any sections which match up with your skills (or something you could learn quickly). Build yourself a portfolio with some previous work and you're good to go. The good thing about picking up jobs on freelance sites like Fiverr or a couple mentioned earlier, is that even when you do start a 'normal' job again, you can still do it on the side to earn some extra cash. Use your time wisely, focus and you will be back on your feet soon enough. Good luck.

Title: Re: Lost my job - Need Ideas
Post by: signalbitbot on March 14, 2018, 08:17:26 AM
So it's not your job.
The main thing without panic, you need to weigh your abilities.

Title: Re: Lost my job - Need Ideas
Post by: wudackprod on March 14, 2018, 03:55:59 PM
Attention: I am really in great trouble so please stop chasing post in this thread.

On 7th Feb I was told by my company that they stopped focusing on my region and hence they no longer need my services. So laid me off without any warning.

I have been working for them for almost 8 years. And all of a sudden losing my job was a shock. Honestly, I still can not accept this fact and can not think of anything. I am totally blank till now.

My job did not require me to interact with many people. And also I am an introvert person. I worked for a foreign company

Trying to keep my calm and also don't want to make any desperate move.

Now I am going to look for another job but it is unlikely I will succeed. As internet is full of competitions and employers don't try to investigate, and rather look for previous client's feedbacks.

Also with my savings I can survive a few months. Note that I live in a 3rd world country and not much opportunities.

So if you guys have any suggestions/ideas to share, then please share.

2 days ago I lost my job too. But I'm not upset, because for half a year I've been working in the world of crypto-currency and bounty and have a good income. Why do not you devote more time to this forum?

Title: Re: Lost my job - Need Ideas
Post by: Kleo-kripto on March 15, 2018, 11:19:22 PM
You ask on this forum what to do?

And do you know that most of the participants here earn decent money on bounty campaigns?
With your knowledge, you can make translations, and they are paid very generously for them. You can write articles about ICO projects. They are also well paid. You can shoot video reviews about the projects of ICO.

With your skills and knowledge, you can earn much more, at least - not less. It is only necessary to exert a little effort. And it does not matter at all in what country you live? For example, today I received 650 dollars in Credits coins for the first article and have already transferred a part to the card, which is very gratifying! Work and you will succeed! Good luck!

Title: Re: Lost my job - Need Ideas
Post by: teramit on March 15, 2018, 11:23:12 PM
You cant earn much from bounties with that experience, but i can say if there is an option to buy and sell cyrypto on your country try arbitrage. Buy from foreign sources and sell locally. Or even buy from street and sell to exchanges maybe a good job. You start with small amounts and grow by time. Jsut start trading , buy and sell at Malls at exchanges but not trading by arbitraging. i start trading then converted to arbitrage so search prices then your place between them. Before bitcoin i was selling cpus pc parts and it was just coming from searching prices. if you look around enough you can find differencies between same items so just consider this.

Title: Re: Lost my job - Need Ideas
Post by: Ahmat faisol on March 16, 2018, 09:11:55 AM
a big disaster for some people who experience something like you,
long enough I think from the time you worked for the company for 8 years and it is impossible you do not have experience of the company.
as a suggestion from me that you will try to find a suitable job from the experience you have in order to meet the needs of your family life and active in this forum so you can adjust to a job that is here,
every science will not come if someone does not want to read and learn.
as a guide for you to read the rules and some things that exist, which will add to your knowledge.
or if you want to try to work in the field of buying and selling criptocurency there is enough find local market from your country but need to know that criptocurency trading have high risk for beginner.

Title: Re: Lost my job - Need Ideas
Post by: gawer33 on March 18, 2018, 01:45:50 PM
"if there a will, there a way" there is a bounty, airdrops, and steemit. you can also try to become freelance like upwork. what kind of work do you have before?

Title: Re: Lost my job - Need Ideas
Post by: bigmaster23 on March 18, 2018, 05:21:19 PM
Seriously, this topic itself don't need any answer probably. It is good to answer the problem but with all of our opinion could not make your decision making as good as it was introvert person have different perception in life they will succeed in their own truly making something their good at, I know this 'cause Imma introvert myself, sound so stupid to give a lesson but I could not help myself to type the word, let you take my plain and painful advice. You should not wave the white flag already give the time that will suffice your unravel idea to being settled with your delusion mindset of how about tomorrow, tomorrow itself will play its part even if you lie in bed all day and being lazy to deal with the problem, I'm in no position to lecture but you're the only who can resovle the problem since your the ones facing it.

Title: Re: Lost my job - Need Ideas
Post by: Aleister Crowley on March 18, 2018, 05:40:21 PM
It all depends on your skills. What can you do? Do you know programming?
I guess you could check out this board, maybe even post a "looking for job" topic.

I know it can be difficult, but there is always some job you can do. And more valuable your skills are, more you will earn obviously.
If your cost of living is still higher than any salary you can earn, than you will simply have to decrease your spending.
obviously this forum offers a lot of work ,, if you have special talents like make design, bbcode and like ,, there can open the service pembuata in discussion service or if there can make design your unique crypto theme can you ask me ,,

hopefully this is useful buddy

Title: Re: Lost my job - Need Ideas
Post by: arif dar on March 19, 2018, 09:25:59 AM
In my suggestion you must start some business on small scale utilize your saving otherwise saving will be spend. and beside this search online vacancies on government websites and drop your CV,hopefully you will find some good job on your previous work experience basis/ good luck....

Title: Re: Lost my job - Need Ideas
Post by: 247mining on March 20, 2018, 04:38:06 AM
if you don't mind I'll give you my piece of advice too. when you gonna choose the next job - think about the worst part of the previous one and try to avoid it. to escape the same mistake. from my experience (working for 3 times in the same field but different companies) I can exactly say you better find what is more likely to meet your expectation from working process and details. 

Title: Re: Lost my job - Need Ideas
Post by: SeanL9941 on March 21, 2018, 05:21:45 PM
I'm 34 years old and still don't know what to do with my life. Maybe i need a couch?

Title: Re: Lost my job - Need Ideas
Post by: Cryptodetails on March 22, 2018, 10:39:21 AM
What's the local industry around you look like?
You can develop a plan for how to return to the field of activity or a company similar to the one that had to leave. Maybe you will want to try your hand at another area, for example, decide to start a new career, go to get an education or change your life, redistributing a new time between personal affairs and work.

Title: Re: Lost my job - Need Ideas
Post by: hejunjie on March 22, 2018, 02:33:32 PM
dude,I am with the similar situation with you.What I think is you have no life goals and plans for the coming future.You must get up and find things you are interested in,making life full.

I resigned from my company subjectively. Moreover I resigned 3 times after my graduation since 2014. Here is what I think : finding a way fit our personality and preference is much more important than making countless money. .

If you do a job that you don't like , you are wasting your precious time.

Title: Re: Lost my job - Need Ideas
Post by: Harris Pay on March 22, 2018, 03:12:29 PM
Losing a job can be a frustrating and a bad feeling for many. Experts say people will go through 5 loss-of-loss steps, including the loss of anger, price, despair, and acceptance. Then give yourself time to adjust your emotions, encourage yourself and keep going.

Title: Re: Lost my job - Need Ideas
Post by: Madmim on March 22, 2018, 04:35:17 PM

3 years ago I was broke and destitute, with friends paying my bills to keep me from becoming homeless.
P.S. Stop being a pessimist about your situation, you will not succeed with that attitude. You just have to keep your head up and try your hardest every day to resolve the problem.

It’s good you had real friends.
And I have heard about not being pessimist from too many people. When money doesn’t inflow you can’t control it.

The following might not be relevant to your point, but I’m mentioning it anyway to avoid misconception about the language industry. There is a principle that a translator should only translate into their native language, as it is considered unlikely that a person would master several languages at the level required to create idiomatic translations. Not everyone agrees with this, and it’s not uncommon to see professional translators work into two or three languages. However, it would seem very improbable that a person would be able to create quality translations into ten, much less 100 languages.

@jmigdlc99, what bitperson said is accurate.

I would say, maybe try putting up a profitable business? Something that is an essential to your location, it does not need to be big - start small. Many Chinese people need not to find a job because they have their own, plus you get to manage it to your own mindset. Most get rich and billionaires even but still depending on your business.

Or devote your time in earning bitcoin? You only need time and internet (also strategies in managing your earning like investing).

Best wishes you get through! :D
I am thinking about it as well. Will talk to relative who told me will meet in a few days. Knocking every door possible.

2 days ago I lost my job too. But I'm not upset, because for half a year I've been working in the world of crypto-currency and bounty and have a good income. Why do not you devote more time to this forum?
I should have done that too. I was too busy and focused that I only thought about the worst but did not work for when the time comes. The time came and now regretting.

You ask on this forum what to do?

And do you know that most of the participants here earn decent money on bounty campaigns?
With your knowledge, you can make translations, and they are paid very generously for them. You can write articles about ICO projects. They are also well paid. You can shoot video reviews about the projects of ICO.

With your skills and knowledge, you can earn much more, at least - not less. It is only necessary to exert a little effort. And it does not matter at all in what country you live? For example, today I received 650 dollars in Credits coins for the first article and have already transferred a part to the card, which is very gratifying! Work and you will succeed! Good luck!

I know but have you looked at my profile.  I already said in my previous post that it will take time to build up & also my native language is not supported by BCT.

You cant earn much from bounties with that experience, but i can say if there is an option to buy and sell cyrypto on your country try arbitrage. Buy from foreign sources and sell locally. Or even buy from street and sell to exchanges maybe a good job. You start with small amounts and grow by time. Jsut start trading , buy and sell at Malls at exchanges but not trading by arbitraging. i start trading then converted to arbitrage so search prices then your place between them. Before bitcoin i was selling cpus pc parts and it was just coming from searching prices. if you look around enough you can find differencies between same items so just consider this.
Local-foreign arbing may be possible. And I believe to pure arbing online is not an option. I haven’t done my research but I believe blockchain speed will be an issue here. Also there are robots doing this kind of work so that makes the human factor inefficient.

a big disaster for some people who experience something like you,
long enough I think from the time you worked for the company for 8 years and it is impossible you do not have experience of the company.
as a suggestion from me that you will try to find a suitable job from the experience you have in order to meet the needs of your family life and active in this forum so you can adjust to a job that is here,
every science will not come if someone does not want to read and learn.
as a guide for you to read the rules and some things that exist, which will add to your knowledge.
or if you want to try to work in the field of buying and selling criptocurency there is enough find local market from your country but need to know that criptocurency trading have high risk for beginner.
Thank you for your suggestion. I know a thing or two about exchanging so not a beginner in it at all.

@Aleister Crowley, thank you for the links.
and beside this search online vacancies on government websites and drop your CV,hopefully you will find some good job on your previous work experience basis/ good luck....
What you suggested, I have that in mind and explained in this post already but thank you. About dropping CV, I have been doing it since I lost my job.

if you don't mind I'll give you my piece of advice too. when you gonna choose the next job - think about the worst part of the previous one and try to avoid it. to escape the same mistake. from my experience (working for 3 times in the same field but different companies) I can exactly say you better find what is more likely to meet your expectation from working process and details. 
Well there was no worst part. They got less response from my region so decided to stopping their activity. Right now my focus in on having a stable income source.

I'm 34 years old and still don't know what to do with my life. Maybe i need a couch?
Didn’t take it negatively. Opinions from others is always a good thing in my view.

dude,I am with the similar situation with you.What I think is you have no life goals and plans for the coming future.You must get up and find things you are interested in,making life full.

I have but having difficulty reaching it. And then this unexpected incident happened to me.

I resigned from my company subjectively. Moreover I resigned 3 times after my graduation since 2014. Here is what I think : finding a way fit our personality and preference is much more important than making countless money. .

If you do a job that you don't like , you are wasting your precious time.
Everyone can not afford to do what you did.

Losing a job can be a frustrating and a bad feeling for many. Experts say people will go through 5 loss-of-loss steps, including the loss of anger, price, despair, and acceptance. Then give yourself time to adjust your emotions, encourage yourself and keep going.
First time reading about this. Know about Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. But thank you for sharing. Moving forward is the only thing anyone can actually do.

Again thank you everyone for sharing your opinions/suggestions. I really appreciate you took time to give your suggestions and opinions. Said before and saying again they are helpful.

I managed to get a temporary income source. Though I don’t like it but I have to do it for now. In the meantime will work on finding a proper job.