Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: rotalumis on February 06, 2014, 03:59:41 PM

Title: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: rotalumis on February 06, 2014, 03:59:41 PM
In protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin stance and their banning of Blockchain, the last bitcoin wallet app in the app store, an anonymous redditor is buying brand new Nexus 5 phones for people who destroy their iPhone 5.

To be clear, this offer is now closed.

Here's the reddit post, made in the same (potentially controversial) publicity-seeking spirit of "Will it Blend?": For every 100 upvotes this post receives, I will gift someone a Nexus 5 for a video of them smashing their iPhone (

Update: OP was banned from reddit and his post deleted, so here are OP's terms and conditions uploaded to PasteBin (

Redditor NerdFighterSean (creator of the BitcoinTip Bot ( is holding 2.56 BTC as escrow ( until the deal completes.

And here is the carnage:

First iPhone 5 32GB smashed on YouTube [2:39] (, and Nexus 5 shipment confirmation. (

iPhone 5 death by machete[3:12] (, and OP and iPhone Destroyer #2 agree on shipment details. (

And another iPhone 5 goes all spacey before it dies. [1:43] (

This iPhone 5 32GB gets it's lights turned off pretty good. [1:04] (

The screen protector doesn't save this one.[1:48] (, and proof of shipment (

And for the grand finale, it looks like someone is getting ready to shoot their iPhone 4 with a rifle ( Update 2: Here's the video. (

I suppose this stunt won't break Apple's back, but I'm sure it is sending a clear message.

Update 3: I'm not publicly endorsing this project at this point simply because I was just told about it and haven't looked into it yet, but these guys are working on an HTML5 wallet called CoinPunk that will work on any phone, including iPhones. They are currently fundraising on indiegogo and accept crypto (, so you might want to take a look and support the project if you like it.

Update 4: If you're handy with a video editor, annoyed at Apple and want to compete for the chance to win some BTC, look at this:
There's also a "Think Different About Bitcoin" video re-edit contest I'm holding on Reddit. We've already had several people pledge to donate to the winner, with Nic Cary (CEO of pledging .5 BTC himself!

Here's the link:

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: BitWinner on February 06, 2014, 04:02:58 PM
Looks like fun! I've been meaning to get rid of my iPhone 4...

I know the offer's over, but I'm definitely buying something from someone else than Apple for my next phone.

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: bitpop on February 06, 2014, 04:12:10 PM
Damn Reddit banned him. Stupid Apple threatened them. Burn in Hell Apple.

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: keithers on February 06, 2014, 04:26:43 PM
Wow, now you aren't even allowed to break the phone that you paid for? I use an iphone 5 and i wouldnt purposely break it, but if thats what you want to do, then you should be free to do so..

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: bitpop on February 06, 2014, 04:31:05 PM
Wow, now you aren't even allowed to break the phone that you paid for? I use an iphone 5 and i wouldnt purposely break it, but if thats what you want to do, then you should be free to do so..

Wrong, not only does the phone remain their property, you also become their property.

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: augustocroppo on February 06, 2014, 05:34:56 PM
I suppose this stunt won't break Apple's back, but I'm sure it is sending a clear message.

The only message which is being sent is that Bitcoin had attracted a bunch of fanatical idiots which could care less for the money wasted in the stunt. That will give more and more reasons to Apple distance itself from anything related to Bitcoin. I am sure some important decision making people inside Apple will even interpret that as attempt of financial terrorism.

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: Peter R on February 06, 2014, 05:46:04 PM
Does anyone know why this thread was pulled from Reddit? From the comments, it sounds like it had 6000 up-votes at one point... 

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: seafarer124 on February 06, 2014, 05:48:49 PM
Relevant reading below.

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: Jacko on February 06, 2014, 05:51:51 PM
There is a petition somewhere on the forum at

Link to the petition is below (

Just in case anyone wants it.

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: Holliday on February 06, 2014, 05:52:01 PM
The only message which is being sent is that Bitcoin had attracted a bunch of fanatical idiots which could care less for the money wasted in the stunt. That will give more and more reasons to Apple distance itself from anything related to Bitcoin. I am sure some important decision making people inside Apple will even interpret that as attempt of financial terrorism.

I think it's fucking hilarious. Anyone taking it seriously (from either side) needs to relax more! Financial terrorism... LOL! :)

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: Gabi on February 06, 2014, 05:53:19 PM
I wonder why is it so hard to just NOT BUY APPLE PRODUCTS  :-\

Destroy iphones? Is this a joke? Why don't you just buy something else? Something better?  :-\ It looks like someone is pointing a gun to you and ordering you "buy apple products"

financial terrorism
Yeah sure now breaking a phone is terrorism.  ::)

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: Gabi on February 06, 2014, 05:54:05 PM
Someone should make an image saying "bitcoin app removed from apple app store - android users not affected"

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: Peter R on February 06, 2014, 05:55:14 PM
The only message which is being sent is that Bitcoin had attracted a bunch of fanatical idiots which could care less for the money wasted in the stunt. That will give more and more reasons to Apple distance itself from anything related to Bitcoin. I am sure some important decision making people inside Apple will even interpret that as attempt of financial terrorism.

I think it's fucking hilarious. Anyone taking it seriously (from either side) needs to relax more! Financial terrorism... LOL! :)


Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: boumalo on February 06, 2014, 05:58:21 PM
Google seems more inclined to offer support&technology for innovators than Apple, I am using Android and I am probably not coming back to Iphone anytime soon

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: Peter R on February 06, 2014, 05:58:49 PM
Does anyone know why this thread was pulled from Reddit? From the comments, it sounds like it had 6000 up-votes at one point... 

BTW: The thread was pulled from Reddit because offering something (an Android phone) in exchange for upvotes is a violation of the Reddit terms and conditions: (

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: bitpop on February 06, 2014, 06:01:41 PM
Reddit is a piece of shit

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: ThickAsThieves on February 06, 2014, 06:05:30 PM
Is there a spreadsheet you can direct me to that lists what personal items I need to smash in order to get my way in various situations?

For example:

What do I smash to get out of cleaning my room ?

What do I smash when I wreck my car (by mistake) ?

Most importantly, what personal item do I smash when smashing personal items doesn't work ?

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: juju on February 06, 2014, 06:08:35 PM
Most importantly, what personal item do I smash when smashing personal items doesn't work ?

Other peoples personal items  :D

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: augustocroppo on February 06, 2014, 06:15:59 PM
The only message which is being sent is that Bitcoin had attracted a bunch of fanatical idiots which could care less for the money wasted in the stunt. That will give more and more reasons to Apple distance itself from anything related to Bitcoin. I am sure some important decision making people inside Apple will even interpret that as attempt of financial terrorism.

I think it's fucking hilarious. Anyone taking it seriously (from either side) needs to relax more! Financial terrorism... LOL! :)

I am relaxed!


But that do not change the fact that such stunt is not going to convince a company like Apple to comply with everything a bunch of fanatical idiots require.

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: whtchocla7e on February 06, 2014, 06:18:38 PM
How noble, standing up for your ideals... but don't destroy your phone, send it to me instead and I'll destroy it for you.

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: FeedbackLoop on February 06, 2014, 06:23:31 PM
People! Stop supporting financial terrorists with your video terrorism! Just imagine how terrorised Apple must be right now. When someone, anyone, calls the "T" word you have to stop or go to financial Guantanamo*.

*IF you have anything dirty on financial CIA you get shot and thrown into the financial sea instead.

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: bitpop on February 06, 2014, 06:24:01 PM
The only message which is being sent is that Bitcoin had attracted a bunch of fanatical idiots which could care less for the money wasted in the stunt. That will give more and more reasons to Apple distance itself from anything related to Bitcoin. I am sure some important decision making people inside Apple will even interpret that as attempt of financial terrorism.

I think it's fucking hilarious. Anyone taking it seriously (from either side) needs to relax more! Financial terrorism... LOL! :)

I am relaxed!


But that do not change the fact that such stunt is not going to convince a company like Apple to comply with everything a bunch of fanatical idiots require.

Lol why's it about them?? It's the ability for us to practice our freedom in a tangible form.

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: Peter R on February 06, 2014, 06:24:59 PM
The only message which is being sent is that Bitcoin had attracted a bunch of fanatical idiots which could care less for the money wasted in the stunt. That will give more and more reasons to Apple distance itself from anything related to Bitcoin. I am sure some important decision making people inside Apple will even interpret that as attempt of financial terrorism.

I think it's fucking hilarious. Anyone taking it seriously (from either side) needs to relax more! Financial terrorism... LOL! :)

I am relaxed!


But that do not change the fact that such stunt is not going to convince a company like Apple to comply with everything a bunch of fanatical idiots require.

No but it gets people's attention and, you must admit, it's pretty humorous.  

Anti-fragility and all that...

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: augustocroppo on February 06, 2014, 06:25:35 PM
I wonder why is it so hard to just NOT BUY APPLE PRODUCTS  :-\

Destroy iphones? Is this a joke? Why don't you just buy something else? Something better?  :-\ It looks like someone is pointing a gun to you and ordering you "buy apple products"

financial terrorism
Yeah sure now breaking a phone is terrorism.  ::)

Such stunt could be interpreted as attempt to terrorize Apple to list Bitcoin wallet applications against their will. Perhaps I used the wrong words?

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: Gabi on February 06, 2014, 06:34:49 PM
Well terrorism=something illegal, so it looked like breaking phones and protesting in this way would be illegal.

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: augustocroppo on February 06, 2014, 06:40:00 PM
Lol why's it about them?? It's the ability for us to practice our freedom in a tangible form.

Yeah, I agree with that. I am all for freedom of expression. However, such stunt is not an attempt of freedom of expression. There was a person sponsoring people to destroy Apple products. This is an organized attempt to terrorize Apple to accept something against their will.

If people think they are entitled to do whatever they want, why is not Apple entitled to do whatever they want as well?

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: Holliday on February 06, 2014, 06:53:24 PM
Lol why's it about them?? It's the ability for us to practice our freedom in a tangible form.

Yeah, I agree with that. I am all for freedom of expression. However, such stunt is not an attempt of freedom of expression. There was a person sponsoring people to destroy Apple products. This is an organized attempt to terrorize Apple to accept something against their will.

If people think they are entitled to do whatever they want, why is not Apple entitled to do whatever they want as well?

I doubt these people are doing this in an attempt to get Apple to accept anything against their will (and if they are, I think it's a lost cause). I think they are just saying, "Look, we are sick of Apple." My only question to them is, "What took you so long?" ;)

If the guy was paying people to destroy Apple products which didn't belong to them, then there would certainly be a problem.

Of course, Apple is entitled to do whatever they want with their products, which I'm sure they will continue to do!

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: rotalumis on February 06, 2014, 07:57:52 PM
Lol why's it about them?? It's the ability for us to practice our freedom in a tangible form.

Yeah, I agree with that. I am all for freedom of expression. However, such stunt is not an attempt of freedom of expression. There was a person sponsoring people to destroy Apple products. This is an organized attempt to terrorize Apple to accept something against their will.

If people think they are entitled to do whatever they want, why is not Apple entitled to do whatever they want as well?

Apple already does what it wants, which (like any corporation out there) is what it thinks will maximize its profits. Thanks to some ingenious marketing that has built it a very loyal fanbase, Apple is able to ignore its customers' best interest by selling them crippled products at higher prices, just because they are "cool" to own. Their strategy is not to give customers the best value when they buy an Apple product, but to lock them inside the Apple ecosystem by creating devices that don't play well with others and using other anti-competitive measures, including banning Bitcoin, which they see as a threat to the status quo.

Isn't that a strong parallel with the banking and other cartels that Bitcoin is up against? What would you say if someone paid the expenses for a bunch of people who otherwise might not afford to destroy their credit cards, close their bank accounts and switch to Bitcoin, and did that publicly to raise awareness? I think that's a legitimate course of action that does not directly harm the big guys, but might make them stop and think if they perceive a threat to their profit margin.

TL;DR Apple is not "terrorized" by broken phones, but negative attention and the threat of lost business is what could make them rethink their strategy, and that's one of the few ways (and a legitimate one) for a small group of customers to try to influence a huge corporation.

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: keithers on February 06, 2014, 07:58:00 PM
At the end of the day, Apple doesn't really care that a few of their phones got destroyed in creative ways that were already paid for.   To be honest, they are probably amused by it and are probably passing around the videos laughing...

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: bitpop on February 06, 2014, 08:12:53 PM

Piss in your pants faggot Apple

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: roxtar on February 06, 2014, 08:53:44 PM
There's also a "Think Different About Bitcoin" video re-edit contest I'm holding on Reddit. We've already had several people pledge to donate to the winner, with Nic Cary (CEO of pledging .5 BTC himself!

Here's the link:

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: IIOII on February 06, 2014, 09:16:33 PM

I'm sure Apple is just shaking in their boots at the five people that smashed their iphones.

That's about as effective a threatening Theymos with boycotting Bitcointalk for any number of reasons.


It depends on the media coverage that could follow.

Apple is well past its climax - restrictive policy won't pay out. It's no longer cool to have an Apple device.
See stock price.

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: Denton on February 06, 2014, 09:21:12 PM
It's just a statement. It says "Fuck you apple, fuck your phone and fuck your store."

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: FandangledGizmo on February 06, 2014, 09:25:19 PM
The only message which is being sent is that Bitcoin had attracted a bunch of fanatical idiots which could care less for the money wasted in the stunt. That will give more and more reasons to Apple distance itself from anything related to Bitcoin. I am sure some important decision making people inside Apple will even interpret that as attempt of financial terrorism.

I think it's fucking hilarious. Anyone taking it seriously (from either side) needs to relax more! Financial terrorism... LOL! :)

I am relaxed!


But that do not change the fact that such stunt is not going to convince a company like Apple to comply with everything a bunch of fanatical idiots require.

I guess you don't know the power of social media.

Apple's demographic is already leaving them after it was revealed the i-phone is really the spy-phone.

The individuals breaking the i-phones aren't going to convince them of anything. But if there is a big audience for this on social media then it actually could influence Apple to stop trying to legislate where they can't innovate.

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: organofcorti on February 06, 2014, 09:25:30 PM
Is there a spreadsheet you can direct me to that lists what personal items I need to smash in order to get my way in various situations?

For example:

What do I smash to get out of cleaning my room ?
If you smash your room, you definitely get out of cleaning it.

What do I smash when I wreck my car (by mistake) ?
You need to buy and then smash another car. Then your first car will be made whole. By god.

Most importantly, what personal item do I smash when smashing personal items doesn't work ?

Unfortunately there are no rules or spreadsheets when it comes to smashing things. Sometimes it's just trial and error. I find it best to just go around randomly smashing things, and then just see what happens.

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: ThickAsThieves on February 06, 2014, 09:30:29 PM
Is there a spreadsheet you can direct me to that lists what personal items I need to smash in order to get my way in various situations?

For example:

What do I smash to get out of cleaning my room ?
If you smash your room, you definitely get out of cleaning it.

What do I smash when I wreck my car (by mistake) ?
You need to buy and then smash another car. Then your first car will be made whole. By god.

Most importantly, what personal item do I smash when smashing personal items doesn't work ?

Unfortunately there are no rules or spreadsheets when it comes to smashing things. Sometimes it's just trial and error. I find it best to just go around randomly smashing things, and then just see what happens.

Now I know you're a liar. If you really did go around smashing things in trial and error, there would most certainly be a spreadsheet. And charts.


Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: Peter R on February 06, 2014, 09:35:06 PM
Apple is well past its climax - restrictive policy won't pay out. It's no longer cool to have an Apple device.
See stock price.

Quote from: Denton
It's just a statement. It says "Fuck you apple, fuck your phone and fuck your store."

I see this recent move by Apple as pivotal.  Apple can no longer even pretend to be the "bad boy," they are no longer cool.  The videos of young people destroying their iPhones in exchange for free Nexus 5's just adds fuel to the social movement we are witnessing.  

There's a saying that you either die young as a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.  Perhaps this will mark the day that this became true for Apple too.  

“Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward.”Apple, Inc., 1984 ad campaign

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: Lauda on February 06, 2014, 09:37:14 PM
People! Stop supporting financial terrorists with your video terrorism! Just imagine how terrorised Apple must be right now. When someone, anyone, calls the "T" word you have to stop or go to financial Guantanamo*.
This is not terrorism. I own my phone, I can do with it whatever I want and nobody can stop me. (a plus, I'm not in the US)
This is great, if I had more money I'd definitely do a run like this.
+1 for the project.

Apple has clearly shown their stance towards Bitcoin by removing the app.

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: FandangledGizmo on February 06, 2014, 09:47:04 PM

I see this recent move by Apple as pivotal.  Apple can no longer even pretend to be the "bad boy," they are no longer cool.  The videos of young people destroying their iPhones in exchange for free Nexus 5's just adds fuel to the social movement we are witnessing.  

There's a saying that you either die young as a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.  Perhaps this will mark the day that this became true for Apple too.  

“Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward.”Apple, Inc., 1984 ad campaign

+1 Brilliant.

Back in 1984 Apple were cool.  Now they're trying to makes us live in George Orwell's 1984...

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: greyman on February 06, 2014, 09:54:19 PM
I wonder why is it so hard to just NOT BUY APPLE PRODUCTS  :-\

Destroy iphones? Is this a joke? Why don't you just buy something else? Something better?  :-\ It looks like someone is pointing a gun to you and ordering you "buy apple products"

financial terrorism
Yeah sure now breaking a phone is terrorism.  ::)

I see it like this: Apple marketed its iPhone product as a smartphone, as a device which will fulfills one's mobile "computational needs". They didn't use such words, but in context of the smartphone market, there is this expectation when buying the device. Now, for many people, basic mobile phone need is to be able to manage one's own crypto-currency wealth. By them not allowing this, they are restricting my ability to handle my crypto-money when I am not at my PC, which can potentially lead to a financial loss for me.

Of course, I can buy something better, but that will mean additional financial burden for me, right? Because I can't sell my 3-year-old iPhone for a price, that will allow me to buy equivalent smartphone from other company. I probably wouldn't buy an iPhone, had I know at that time that they would not allow such an essential functionality 3 years later, but how could I predict that. I am just not so rich so I can buy new smartphone anytime I want, and why should I? I also invested additional money to buy other apps, to their ecosystem, and that would be another loss for me.

To sum it up, I think your argument is valid only for a new smartphone buyer.

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: Lauda on February 06, 2014, 09:56:41 PM
This is why you buy an Android phone. The Nexus is a great choice.

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: jcoin200 on February 06, 2014, 09:57:20 PM
Is this the bad news that is contributing to BTC dropping today?  The article about Apple dropping the blockchain app said is was at random and it had been on the app store for over a year now...not sure what to think

And yes I would say move to android, I switched to a Samsung and think it is 10 times better than my old 4s

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: Lauda on February 06, 2014, 09:58:23 PM
Is this the bad news that is contributing to BTC dropping today?  The article about Apple dropping the blockchain app said is was at random and it had been on the app store for over a year now...not sure what to think
Most likely no. There isn't just enough fiat flowing for the daily BTC supply at this price (at the moment).

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: bitpop on February 06, 2014, 10:01:24 PM

I'm sure Apple is just shaking in their boots at the five people that smashed their iphones.

That's about as effective a threatening Theymos with boycotting Bitcointalk for any number of reasons.


7 now and one was sniped

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: ThickAsThieves on February 06, 2014, 10:02:09 PM
Seriously guys?

What we know is Apple does not want these apps in their store.

What we do not know is why.

I'm sorry to report that there are indeed legitimate reasons why someone may not wish to distribute a thing to customers, and those reasons may have you feeling like a caveman once known. Maybe their lawyers won't let them, maybe laws have something to do with it, maybe the code is flawed, maybe the owners are about to be Shrem'd, maybe Steve Jobs was Satoshi. Who knows wtf?

Maybe I'm wrong though. Best to keep smashing your phones, just in case.

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: FeedbackLoop on February 06, 2014, 10:12:35 PM
People! Stop supporting financial terrorists with your video terrorism! Just imagine how terrorised Apple must be right now. When someone, anyone, calls the "T" word you have to stop or go to financial Guantanamo*.
This is not terrorism. I own my phone, I can do with it whatever I want and nobody can stop me. (a plus, I'm not in the US)
This is great, if I had more money I'd definitely do a run like this.
+1 for the project.

Apple has clearly shown their stance towards Bitcoin by removing the app.

Didn't you read page 1 of the thread? ;) or... more worryingly... is satire dead? Seriously, is it this bad that someone will take such a statement as anything less than satire?

I see this recent move by Apple as pivotal.  Apple can no longer even pretend to be the "bad boy," they are no longer cool.  The videos of young people destroying their iPhones in exchange for free Nexus 5's just adds fuel to the social movement we are witnessing.  

There's a saying that you either die young as a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.  Perhaps this will mark the day that this became true for Apple too.  

“Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward.”Apple, Inc., 1984 ad campaign


Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: Teka on February 06, 2014, 10:15:21 PM
Guys take a few minutes to share your opinion with apple: .

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: FandangledGizmo on February 06, 2014, 10:16:08 PM
Seriously guys?

What we know is Apple does not want these apps in their store.

What we do not know is why.

I'm sorry to report that there are indeed legitimate reasons why someone may not wish to distribute a thing to customers, and those reasons may have you feeling like a caveman once known. Maybe their lawyers won't let them, maybe laws have something to do with it, maybe the code is flawed, maybe the owners are about to be Shrem'd, maybe Steve Jobs was Satoshi. Who knows wtf?

Maybe I'm wrong though. Best to keep smashing your phones, just in case.

The second motive Allaire suggests is that Apple wishes to cordon off and gain a position of advantage in the digital payments space. He said:

“Apple’s iBeacon and Bluetooth protocols are very clearly designed for payments. Those two things are proprietary – no one can use them, and I think it’s very clear that Apple is planning to introduce its own digital wallet.” ... it will maintain an advantage in digital payments by blocking bitcoin apps that can be used for sending and receiving funds.

“When the iPhone came out and Google wanted to launch Google Voice as an app on iOS, Apple banned it and wouldn’t approve any voice apps. The FCC then took action.”

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: ThickAsThieves on February 06, 2014, 10:21:57 PM
Seriously guys?

What we know is Apple does not want these apps in their store.

What we do not know is why.

I'm sorry to report that there are indeed legitimate reasons why someone may not wish to distribute a thing to customers, and those reasons may have you feeling like a caveman once known. Maybe their lawyers won't let them, maybe laws have something to do with it, maybe the code is flawed, maybe the owners are about to be Shrem'd, maybe Steve Jobs was Satoshi. Who knows wtf?

Maybe I'm wrong though. Best to keep smashing your phones, just in case.

The second motive Allaire suggests is that Apple wishes to cordon off and gain a position of advantage in the digital payments space. He said:

“Apple’s iBeacon and Bluetooth protocols are very clearly designed for payments. Those two things are proprietary – no one can use them, and I think it’s very clear that Apple is planning to introduce its own digital wallet.” ... it will maintain an advantage in digital payments by blocking bitcoin apps that can be used for sending and receiving funds.

“When the iPhone came out and Google wanted to launch Google Voice as an app on iOS, Apple banned it and wouldn’t approve any voice apps. The FCC then took action.”

So you think because Apple wouldn't allow Google Voice, this is the same thing? You must live in a very repetitive and predictable world.

My point isn't that Apple can do no wrong. It's that not all things that you don't understand are wrong.

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: bitpop on February 06, 2014, 10:22:51 PM
Guys take a few minutes to share your opinion with apple: .

I just sent dick pics

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: Teka on February 06, 2014, 10:25:03 PM
Guys take a few minutes to share your opinion with apple: .

I just sent dick pics

Might work.

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: bitpop on February 06, 2014, 10:26:14 PM
Guys take a few minutes to share your opinion with apple: .

I just sent dick pics

Might work.

Mostly black

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: Lauda on February 06, 2014, 10:26:43 PM
Didn't you read page 1 of the thread? ;) or... more worryingly... is satire dead? Seriously, is it this bad that someone will take such a statement as anything less than satire?
No sir, I certainly have not.

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: d2dtk on February 06, 2014, 10:27:31 PM
I have never and will never use any iProducts there are too many restrictions and their products are always less comparable to other competitors such as Samsung.

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: bitpop on February 06, 2014, 10:28:13 PM
Let's piss on their grave

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: FeedbackLoop on February 06, 2014, 10:31:17 PM
Guys take a few minutes to share your opinion with apple: .

Done! Thanks for the heads up. Lets flood them!

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: bitpop on February 06, 2014, 10:34:29 PM

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: Peter R on February 06, 2014, 10:43:23 PM
Jason Bored's Video Contest to re-make Apple's iconic 1984 ad is picking up steam.  The CEO of donated 0.5 BTC and the prize jackpot has now risen to 1.25 BTC (~$1,000). 

Reddit post: (

Apple's Ad: (

Jackpot address: (

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: Teka on February 06, 2014, 10:47:16 PM
I also wrote the following email to the UK Managing Director:

First of I would like to say that I'm sixteen years old and like many I have been inspired by your company. I have taken the time to tell you my personal opinion on apples recent actions.

Here is the problem, something at Apple has changed. After Steve Jobs passed away , the ethics and views of the company seemed to change. Don't get me wrong Tim Cook is a great CEO but the recent action Apple has taken worries me a lot.

In the History of Apple, there have been times of prosperity and trouble. Make this a period or prosperity, accept Bitcoin. Embrace the technology. Accepting Bitcoin could be the greatest PR stunt in the History of the company.

Remember, Think Differently. What happened to the Iconic Think Different AD? Remember "Those who are crazy enough to think they will change the world are the ones who do" Satoshi (Creator of Bitcoin) is the crazy one. The community behind Bitcoin is strong and will support those who embrace the technology.

Bitcoin has changed my life and inspired me to do many great things. My parents aren't millionaires they are your average middle class people. They always told me that I have to be independent and Bitcoin helped me with that. It taught me the basics of economics and it inspired me to do the subject at A Level. The point that I'm trying to make here is that just like Apple, Bitcoin changes lives.

Take one look at the community and you will realize that everyone is disappointed with your reaction to Bitcoin. The general consensus is that Apple needs to change.

Thanks for your time,


P.S: Remember Think Different

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: augustocroppo on February 06, 2014, 10:52:36 PM
Apple already does what it wants, which (like any corporation out there) is what it thinks will maximize its profits. Thanks to some ingenious marketing that has built it a very loyal fanbase, Apple is able to ignore its customers' best interest by selling them crippled products at higher prices, just because they are "cool" to own. Their strategy is not to give customers the best value when they buy an Apple product, but to lock them inside the Apple ecosystem by creating devices that don't play well with others and using other anti-competitive measures, including banning Bitcoin, which they see as a threat to the status quo.

Isn't that a strong parallel with the banking and other cartels that Bitcoin is up against? What would you say if someone paid the expenses for a bunch of people who otherwise might not afford to destroy their credit cards, close their bank accounts and switch to Bitcoin, and did that publicly to raise awareness? I think that's a legitimate course of action that does not directly harm the big guys, but might make them stop and think if they perceive a threat to their profit margin.

The comparison you made with the banking system is just nonsense.

TL;DR Apple is not "terrorized" by broken phones, but negative attention and the threat of lost business is what could make them rethink their strategy, and that's one of the few ways (and a legitimate one) for a small group of customers to try to influence a huge corporation.

The only entity which is having negative attention due this stunt are the fanatical idiots which thinks Bitcoin is some kind of new religion. I am certain that Apple will not review their business strategies because some clowns decided to show off to the whole world they are able to destroy Apple products.

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: augustocroppo on February 06, 2014, 10:58:35 PM
I guess you don't know the power of social media.

Apple's demographic is already leaving them after it was revealed the i-phone is really the spy-phone.

The individuals breaking the i-phones aren't going to convince them of anything. But if there is a big audience for this on social media then it actually could influence Apple to stop trying to legislate where they can't innovate.

I think when I was learning MS-DOS 6.0 in 1994 you did not even existed.

LOL at "it actually could influence Apple to stop trying to legislate" followed by some random graph.

You do not even know what are you talking about.

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: cryptasm on February 06, 2014, 11:04:04 PM
Classic, like Dubya said "You're either with us, or against us"  :)

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: Peter R on February 06, 2014, 11:13:59 PM
Augusto Croppo seems to believe this is "sound and fury, signifying nothing." 

I believe this is evidence of the social movement we're witnessing.   

BTW--Google News is showing that 108 outlets have picked up this story so far. 

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: augustocroppo on February 06, 2014, 11:17:32 PM
Augusto Croppo seems to believe this is "sound and fury, signifying nothing." 

I believe this is evidence of the social movement we're witnessing.   

BTW--Google News is showing that 108 outlets have picked up this story so far. 

"Social movement"?


Since when some angry teenagers breaking Apple products is a "social movement"?

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: grau on February 06, 2014, 11:24:45 PM
iPhone user unhappy with Apple should simply sell their device.

Every used iPhone sold takes away a buyer of a new one. That hurts.

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: Peter R on February 06, 2014, 11:29:41 PM

Since when some angry teenagers breaking Apple products is a "social movement"?

It's evidence of the larger social movement we are witnessing.  This movement is much bigger than some broken iPhones, and even bigger than bitcoin.    

I think it will be more clear looking back ten years from now, so please excuse me if this isn't entirely accurate.   But I would say it's the culmination of a growing distrust of big gov (NSA spying), a perception of the anti-social nature of big corp (Apple walled garden, Monsanto, etc), and a feeling that the "system" is no longer working for Gen-Y and younger.

We are completing our transition to the digital age.  An age of opting out.  An age of decentralization.  

P.S.  The young people in those videos didn't seem angry to me.  I think they know that they're part of something and this gives them hope.

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: AndersAA on February 06, 2014, 11:32:12 PM
Just another reason to jailbreak your iPhone - The blockchain app is on Cydia you know.
Smashing iPhones is like smashing PC's or Surface tabs because Microsoft doesn't accept BTC - no reason to destroy perfectly good hardware because of Apple's ridiculous control issues.

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: Teka on February 06, 2014, 11:34:56 PM
Just another reason to jailbreak your iPhone - The blockchain app is on Cydia you know.
Smashing iPhones is like smashing PC's or Surface tabs because Microsoft doesn't accept BTC - no reason to destroy perfectly good hardware because of Apple's ridiculous control issues.

There is a difference between not accepting it and getting rid of applications without a valid reason or statement.

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: organofcorti on February 07, 2014, 12:29:53 AM (

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: ThickAsThieves on February 07, 2014, 12:34:34 AM (


Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: organofcorti on February 07, 2014, 12:56:01 AM

I had some others just for you but I didn't want to go OT  ;)

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: nubbins on February 07, 2014, 01:10:15 AM
<img snip>


Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: DanielVG on February 07, 2014, 01:11:33 AM
Blockchain is still available on jailbroken devices.
We could spam apple with pictures of blockchain running on a jailbroken device.
fuck them, seriously, bad call...
It's my device, I do what i want with it.

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: AndersAA on February 07, 2014, 01:16:44 AM
Just another reason to jailbreak your iPhone - The blockchain app is on Cydia you know.
Smashing iPhones is like smashing PC's or Surface tabs because Microsoft doesn't accept BTC - no reason to destroy perfectly good hardware because of Apple's ridiculous control issues.

There is a difference between not accepting it and getting rid of applications without a valid reason or statement.

They have a valid "statement" - Apple decides what gets accepted to the Appstore and what stays in the Appstore and Apple doesn't have to tell why. That's part of the deal made with Apple when they submitted the app.

Their "reason" on the other hand is completely bs. I doubt Apple actually has a problem with bitcoin - they just don't want to promote it on their store because of the potential legal issues. They simple don't allow a lot of financial stuff and children potentially "playing" with money.
Terrible PR decision though and it'll probably change soon like it did with real money poker apps(PokerStars for instance).

They made things worse by first accepting it and later withdrawing it though... idiots..

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: CryptKeeper on February 07, 2014, 07:18:21 AM
Apple should comment on this FUD. The app will be back soon!

Read this: (

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: zeetubes on February 07, 2014, 07:42:25 AM
I think it would have been funny if the guys who started the competition had said, "Sorry everyone, that was just a joke. But thanks for the videos anyway."

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: rotalumis on February 07, 2014, 09:01:45 AM
Seriously guys?

What we know is Apple does not want these apps in their store.

What we do not know is why.

I'm sorry to report that there are indeed legitimate reasons why someone may not wish to distribute a thing to customers, and those reasons may have you feeling like a caveman once known. Maybe their lawyers won't let them, maybe laws have something to do with it, maybe the code is flawed, maybe the owners are about to be Shrem'd, maybe Steve Jobs was Satoshi. Who knows wtf?

Maybe I'm wrong though. Best to keep smashing your phones, just in case.

They have a valid "statement" - Apple decides what gets accepted to the Appstore and what stays in the Appstore and Apple doesn't have to tell why. That's part of the deal made with Apple when they submitted the app.

Their "reason" on the other hand is completely bs. I doubt Apple actually has a problem with bitcoin - they just don't want to promote it on their store because of the potential legal issues. They simple don't allow a lot of financial stuff and children potentially "playing" with money.
Terrible PR decision though and it'll probably change soon like it did with real money poker apps(PokerStars for instance).

They made things worse by first accepting it and later withdrawing it though... idiots..

Let's just say for a second there are legal issues that Apple is afraid of or whatever. That doesn't stop Apple from letting users run third-party Bitcoin wallets at their own risk without having to jailbreak their phones.

The ultimate problem with Apple is that they want to have full control over what their customers do with their devices and one of the excuses keep using is that they are "protecting their users". Really? I'm sure Apple users are a smart lot who know how to decide for themselves. It's a testament to the power of "cool" and "trendy" when people are so willing to, en masse, give up their freedom to do what they want with their devices in exchange for "being in".

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: LiteCoinGuy on February 07, 2014, 09:19:47 AM
The only message which is being sent is that Bitcoin had attracted a bunch of fanatical idiots which could care less for the money wasted in the stunt. That will give more and more reasons to Apple

Thats it.

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: AndersAA on February 07, 2014, 10:05:35 AM

Let's just say for a second there are legal issues that Apple is afraid of or whatever. That doesn't stop Apple from letting users run third-party Bitcoin wallets at their own risk without having to jailbreak their phones.

The ultimate problem with Apple is that they want to have full control over what their customers do with their devices and one of the excuses keep using is that they are "protecting their users". Really? I'm sure Apple users are a smart lot who know how to decide for themselves. It's a testament to the power of "cool" and "trendy" when people are so willing to, en masse, give up their freedom to do what they want with their devices in exchange for "being in".

Running a jailbreak is as easy as clicking a button... If users aren't smart enough to do that then Apple's concerns may be warranted. When people mess up on the iPhone it all comes back to Apple. They don't allow porn either. Their rule of thumb is: Anything that might make Apple look bad, in any way, doesn't get in the Appstore.

Apple decides what they wan't to offer in their store - that's fair I guess.
Their software distribution monopoly isn't.

Jailbreak your devices people - it's not that hard.

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: dharmapuriharithaa on February 08, 2014, 06:10:44 AM
Why should people purchase overpriced iphones? there are several alternatives with android

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: roxtar on February 08, 2014, 07:07:01 AM
FYI.. for those interested in the Apple video re-edit contest that rotalumis was gracious enough to refer to in his OP.. we're up to 2.14232475 BTC in the bounty/prize now.

Video submissions end Sunday night, so if you're good with video and have a clever idea, give the contest a shot this weekend. (

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: kkaspar on February 25, 2014, 05:50:33 PM
Things like this actually increase the cult status of bitcoin, and that actually drives a lot of new potential adopters away because it associates with pyramid/ponzi schemes. People usually act crazy when they are trapped in some pyramid while desperately trying to market their overpriced product.
Just stay calm, and don't try to act like bitcoin is the holy savior of the world.

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: fenican on February 25, 2014, 06:01:39 PM
Once these protestors cool down, they will likely buy new iPhones.  Might as well just send Tim Cook a check...

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: Warren on February 25, 2014, 06:52:01 PM
Blockchain is still available on jailbroken devices.
We could spam apple with pictures of blockchain running on a jailbroken device.
fuck them, seriously, bad call...
It's my device, I do what i want with it.

Just to make you aware that if you are living in the US that is no longer the case.

You now risk a 5-year jail sentence if you jailbreak your phone.

Where is the world heading!?  ???

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: apulunas on February 25, 2014, 07:22:31 PM
never bought any apple product in my life, not to mention will never buy.

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: rramires on February 25, 2014, 07:28:26 PM
I still want to go to USA urinate at the tomb of Steve Jobs

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: organofcorti on February 25, 2014, 10:42:06 PM
I still want to go to USA urinate at the tomb of Steve Jobs

Holding on to pee is bad for your bladder. If you have to pee, just pee at home.

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: AndersAA on February 26, 2014, 05:15:23 PM
Blockchain is still available on jailbroken devices.
We could spam apple with pictures of blockchain running on a jailbroken device.
fuck them, seriously, bad call...
It's my device, I do what i want with it.

Just to make you aware that if you are living in the US that is no longer the case.

You now risk a 5-year jail sentence if you jailbreak your phone.

Where is the world heading!?  ???

Very old article - AFAIK that is no longer the case.

But just in case... Thank God I'm not living in "the land of the free" - I wonder what'll happen when entering the country with my jailbroken phone next month though :P

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: ThickAsThieves on February 26, 2014, 05:28:18 PM
As PSA I want to note that the mods do not like it if you make poop jokes around here.

Scamming, predatory socking, and incessant trolling seem to be okay though.

Carry on!

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: keithers on February 26, 2014, 06:25:40 PM
i have a jailbroken iphone 5 still on ios 6.0 from when it came out of the box.   I can still use blockchain.infos app, and if you have cydia you can get the official app through there.   My problem with the stupid iphone is that I can't update the firmware to the 7.0+.   I think my operating system is now so old that itunes doesn't even recognize that my phone is connected...

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: Jacko on February 26, 2014, 08:02:51 PM
i have a jailbroken iphone 5 still on ios 6.0 from when it came out of the box.   I can still use blockchain.infos app, and if you have cydia you can get the official app through there.   My problem with the stupid iphone is that I can't update the firmware to the 7.0+.   I think my operating system is now so old that itunes doesn't even recognize that my phone is connected...

Why don't you restore from a back up back to Apple. Update and then Jail Break the device again. Install Blockchain app and you are good to go.

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: Flunder707 on February 26, 2014, 08:14:17 PM
Anyone want to buy a 3GS? I got two :P

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: keithers on February 26, 2014, 08:38:12 PM
i have a jailbroken iphone 5 still on ios 6.0 from when it came out of the box.   I can still use blockchain.infos app, and if you have cydia you can get the official app through there.   My problem with the stupid iphone is that I can't update the firmware to the 7.0+.   I think my operating system is now so old that itunes doesn't even recognize that my phone is connected...

Why don't you restore from a back up back to Apple. Update and then Jail Break the device again. Install Blockchain app and you are good to go.

I guess I could, but it takes too much time to figure out what the problem is.   I can't even get the itunes to recognize that my phone is connected to it...  To be honest, the next firmware upgrade I will have will probably be when the next phone comes

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: AndersAA on February 26, 2014, 11:49:15 PM
i have a jailbroken iphone 5 still on ios 6.0 from when it came out of the box.   I can still use blockchain.infos app, and if you have cydia you can get the official app through there.   My problem with the stupid iphone is that I can't update the firmware to the 7.0+.   I think my operating system is now so old that itunes doesn't even recognize that my phone is connected...

Why don't you restore from a back up back to Apple. Update and then Jail Break the device again. Install Blockchain app and you are good to go.

I guess I could, but it takes too much time to figure out what the problem is.   I can't even get the itunes to recognize that my phone is connected to it...  To be honest, the next firmware upgrade I will have will probably be when the next phone comes

Actually sounds like you have a faulty cable or dock connector that'll only let you charge it. Tried another cable?

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: topcydiasources on April 05, 2014, 05:59:42 PM
Blockchain is still available on jailbroken devices.
We could spam apple with pictures of blockchain running on a jailbroken device.
fuck them, seriously, bad call...
It's my device, I do what i want with it.

Just to make you aware that if you are living in the US that is no longer the case.

You now risk a 5-year jail sentence if you jailbreak your phone with cydia (

Where is the world heading!?  ???

I thought it only happened to some countries?

Title: Re: iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
Post by: ArticMine on April 05, 2014, 07:44:28 PM
Blockchain is still available on jailbroken devices.
We could spam apple with pictures of blockchain running on a jailbroken device.
fuck them, seriously, bad call...
It's my device, I do what i want with it.

Just to make you aware that if you are living in the US that is no longer the case.

You now risk a 5-year jail sentence if you jailbreak your phone.

Where is the world heading!?  ???

In the United States the greatest threat to freedom does not come from the US Government 3 letter agencies, it comes from the private sector. The MPAA is a much greater threat to freedom than the NSA, the NFL is a much greater threat to freedom than the CIA, The RIAA is a much greater threat to freedom than the FBI, etc. Once Americans figure this out, they will no longer tolerate these kind of laws and try to impose them on the rest of the world. Libertarians get this dead wrong!

Ever heard of the saying "The pen is mightier than the sword". This saying is from the 19th century that is very applicable today; however the pen today has been replaced by the computer, the smart phone, the tablet etc, while the sword has been replaced by the gun, nuclear weapons, chemical weapons etc.

So why is for example the MPAA such a threat. In their obsession with attempting to prevent "copyright infringement" they are actively taking away control of the pen away from citizens with DRM. patent monopolies, anti-circumvention laws etc. The DMCA was a perfect example. The failed attempt at SOPA was another. In addition the United States is actively exporting this kind of repression via trade agreements around the world at the behest of the MPAA and its tyrannical allies. One of the reasons for using trade agreements is to get around the checks and balances in the US Congress. That is for example how the DMCA got passed in the first place.

If Americans really want to use their guns to preserve freedom they need to take all their DRM infected devices to the firing range and use them for target practice. There is no law in the United States against shooting a locked cell phone to smithereens in the firing range and buying an unlocked one instead.

This has to be one of the best application of firearms in the preservation of freedom: (