Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Speculation => Topic started by: cypherdoc on October 22, 2011, 08:32:10 PM

Title: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on October 22, 2011, 08:32:10 PM
as in liquidated. ???

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: bitdragon on October 22, 2011, 08:53:50 PM
I have :)
Put some back in and now have a realized profit of $90. Still lost overall for now.
I now trade positions smaller than my total bitcoin deposits.
Bitcoin is such a learning experience on many many levels.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on October 22, 2011, 11:12:51 PM
I guess no one wants to admit it :D

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: Vladimir on October 22, 2011, 11:20:04 PM
I guess no one wants to admit it :D

Lol, hundreds I bet. Most small time, though. Both shorts and longs. Kids do not know that playing with matches and margin is a bad idea.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: OgNasty on October 22, 2011, 11:33:52 PM
I've been playing with the free dollar he gave me.  I'm up to $1.39.  I'd use the site with large amounts of my own capital if the spread was around 0.03 instead of 0.12.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: Crypt_Current on October 22, 2011, 11:58:22 PM
I guess no one wants to admit it :D

Didn't see this til now -- yeah, my $6 was liquidated also... took a looooong time.  I learned that I am horrible (so far) at trading.  (well, horrible at predicting price without any advice from professionals [other than s3052's public info])

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on October 23, 2011, 12:46:00 AM
I guess no one wants to admit it :D

Didn't see this til now -- yeah, my $6 was liquidated also... took a looooong time.  I learned that I am horrible (so far) at trading.  (well, horrible at predicting price without any advice from professionals [other than s3052's public info])

No its not you.  With so little liquidity, leverage, such wide spreads, a poor MtGox connection, and the potential to be zhoutonged, everyone loses.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: mjcmurfy on October 23, 2011, 12:58:10 AM
I have not lost a penny of my money, because I have not gambled any of it away.

I have obtained the total contents of my wallet through some early attempts at mining and then (the majority) by earning it through the provision of a service to the bitcoin community. So no matter the exchange rate to fiat, I still will have a net increase in my wealth quantified by the present and future purchasing power of bitcoin.

Bitcoin margin traders will learn the hard way how NOT to make money.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: Vandroiy on October 23, 2011, 01:10:47 AM
No its not you.  With so little liquidity, leverage, such wide spreads, a poor MtGox connection, and the potential to be zoutonged everyone loses.

A market where everyone loses doesn't seem very realistic to me. Where does the money go, all eaten by the magical Killa-Zilla?

@mjcmurfy: this thread is about short selling positions that have been automatically terminated (bought back) due to the rise in price today.

@thread: I don't think that short selling is large in Bitcoin, that's why nobody runs around screaming at the rise.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: mjcmurfy on October 23, 2011, 01:43:12 AM
@mjcmurfy: this thread is about short selling positions that have been automatically terminated (bought back) due to the rise in price today.

I know, but I felt inclined to point out that it is difficult to get liquidated if you earn the coins properly instead of spinning them around, gambling on a leveraged zero sum game. Maybe those getting screwed over by margin trading might have more luck investing in those bitcoin ponzi games that are so popular - at least with those they can only lose what they actually "invest", so at least thats a plus, right?

There seems to be no end to the means by which gullible people are getting robbed of their wealth. You all can keep gambling and "investing" and handing your money over to luckier idiots, but I think I will stick to the traditional method I outlined above.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: Crypt_Current on October 23, 2011, 03:12:17 AM
I have not lost a penny of my money, because I have not gambled any of it away.

I have obtained the total contents of my wallet through some early attempts at mining and then (the majority) by earning it through the provision of a service to the bitcoin community. So no matter the exchange rate to fiat, I still will have a net increase in my wealth quantified by the present and future purchasing power of bitcoin.

Bitcoin margin traders will learn the hard way how NOT to make money.

The $6 I put into Bitcoinica to play with it, I had converted from mined BTC  ;D

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: BitMagic on October 23, 2011, 04:27:59 AM
I've not really seen any complaints about Bitcoinica, except a few withdraw problems in the main thread. What's the deal?

That's because the few people posting about their automatic liquidation knew what to expect with a service they were learning about. They might not be experts in margin trading, but that's why they're trying it out.

The real reason you're seeing what you're seeing, Holliday, is that most bulls around here love to hype price increases while claiming they're just "supporters" of the currency, not speculators. Probably because they've lost a ton in the last few months. And they know short-selling puts downward pressure on prices, which hurts their (slim) chance to recover their losses.

Basically, the existence of Bitcoinica is a problem for recent losers in the crash from $30 to $3, simply because it offers the option to short. In addition, true believers in bitcoin want to see more price stability, and Bitcoinica pulls more speculators into the mix. While that might not correlate exactly with increased volatility, it's attracting the "wrong" kinds of people to their revolutionary currency.

I don't know about you guys, but I made plenty of cash manually liquidating my short position since $6, and I'm brand new to margin trading. Quit with all the complaining and take your losses like adults.

I have not lost a penny of my money, because I have not gambled any of it away.

I have obtained the total contents of my wallet through some early attempts at mining and then (the majority) by earning it through the provision of a service to the bitcoin community. So no matter the exchange rate to fiat, I still will have a net increase in my wealth quantified by the present and future purchasing power of bitcoin.

Bitcoin margin traders will learn the hard way how NOT to make money.

The $6 I put into Bitcoinica to play with it, I had converted from mined BTC  ;D

You guys are such idiots. It's like you thought mined coins were free, or something. And working for 2BTC/hour was a good deal.  ::)

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: BitMagic on October 23, 2011, 06:27:11 AM
I see. I am a lunatic supporter of Bitcoin but I don't give two shits about the exchange rate or stability. Maybe I should avoid these sub-forums.

Well, you should probably care about stability if you care about the longevity of Bitcoin, since it's a major hurdle for merchants and other non-speculators. But if you truly, truly only care about Bitcoin's chances at being a currency, a rally or crash (excepting complete failure, of course) should mean nothing to your confidence. You won't find that mentality around here. 99% of those holding Bitcoin are praying for higher prices, because they're as profit-minded as the next speculator while saying the opposite out of the side of their mouth. Don't be that person.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on October 23, 2011, 02:47:27 PM
what happened to Zhoutong anyway?  he's disappeared for the last day or so. 

ah, i see.  he's busy liquidating.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: tvbcof on October 23, 2011, 05:47:41 PM
I think your percentage is pulled out of your ass, no offense. I would assume some of the more fanatic Bitcoin fans actually enjoy low prices, allowing them to acquire more at this stage of the game.

Totally.  I've currently have several fold more BTC than I ever expected to obtain because I did not expect the price to drop this low.

It is also the case that many alternates to Bitcoin are also not ones that I consider a bastion of stability.  I try to keep my holdings of USD low as long for ethical reasons associated with the actions of the US on the world stage, and I don't have infinite trust in the stability of any fiat currency in these times.  I'm not about to have a lot of paper investments 'protected' the the SEC or the justice department generally who I consider to be blatantly colluding with criminals in the financial sector.  And my 'portfolio' is already heavy in some of the alternatives that I feel to be more sound than a lot of 'mainstream' investments.

I've publicly hoped for a drop in the price of BTC for some time now since it will allow anyone who is interested to obtain a noticeable faction of the entire currency base, and am fairly delighted that it came to be.  I will start to become uncomfortable about the viability of the Bitcoin network at some point as utilization, mining effort, etc, continue to fall off.  So I would like to see some sort of a floor be put in.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: BitMagic on October 23, 2011, 07:05:27 PM
I think your percentage is pulled out of your ass, no offense. I would assume some of the more fanatic Bitcoin fans actually enjoy low prices, allowing them to acquire more at this stage of the game.

You are obviously missing the point. If you don't care about "making money" through trading Bitcoin, why could you possibly care about how "many" coins you have? The exchange rate will always take care of calculating how many you need for your uses. My point is about how 99% of people on this forum will decry speculative behavior in some form, whether it's complaining about price declines, short-sellers, or bot trading, etc., and then exhibit that behavior by discussing how great it is buying low, rallies, etc.

Can you see the cognitive dissonance?

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: bitdragon on October 23, 2011, 08:13:17 PM
Where did you get the quote "If you don't care about "making money" through trading Bitcoin"
I didn't find someone claiming that. I might well of missed it...

I don't get your point though and do not see the dissonance. Can someone with a dissonance realise his own dissonance?

I don't believe I have complained and appreciate the learning I gain on many levels thanks to bitcoins. I might well be in the 1% crowd but seriously doubt that.

There is no way prices are going to be stable when means of getting money into bitcoins changes all the time and fiat money toyed with intensely in many parts of the world.
My swiss franc just got thrown under a bus a few weeks ago, it's not going to be smooth.
It is a store value and a medium of exchange for goods and services, and for now most of that is done in exchange for USD.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: phelix on October 23, 2011, 08:18:42 PM
And my 'portfolio' is already heavy in some of the alternatives that I feel to be more sound than a lot of 'mainstream' investments.
I would be interested in more specific info about these alternatives...  gold? real estate?

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: tvbcof on October 23, 2011, 08:57:47 PM
I think your percentage is pulled out of your ass, no offense. I would assume some of the more fanatic Bitcoin fans actually enjoy low prices, allowing them to acquire more at this stage of the game.

You are obviously missing the point. If you don't care about "making money" through trading Bitcoin, why could you possibly care about how "many" coins you have?

I care about 'how many' coins I have mostly as a percentage of the currency base.  Bitcoin, like gold and unlike fiat, makes that math very simple.

As for my interest in making money, I see the most ideal outcome being one where holders of the currency in the 'Satoshi' block-chain would be lucky to make a dime because the actual benefit of using currency is distributed to the users and that the Satoshi block-chain merely facilitates this.

A second possible outcome could be that Bitcoin is an ideal way to exploit people and I get stupidly wealthy off my speculation.

The most likely outcome is that the Bitcoin is rendered unusable for any combination of reasons (or was indeed born that way) and I lose everything.

The exchange rate will always take care of calculating how many you need for your uses. My point is about how 99% of people on this forum will decry speculative behavior in some form, whether it's complaining about price declines, short-sellers, or bot trading, etc., and then exhibit that behavior by discussing how great it is buying low, rallies, etc.

I don't.  I don't really see the usefulness of the Satoshi block chain as a replacement for our current fiat systems at this time as they are working fine and have a much more well developed supporting infrastructure (though I could imagine that changing rapidly at some point in the future.)  So, speculation in it's various forms plays a huge role in keeping Bitcoin alive and QA'd and developing.

Can you see the cognitive dissonance?


Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: tvbcof on October 23, 2011, 08:59:02 PM
And my 'portfolio' is already heavy in some of the alternatives that I feel to be more sound than a lot of 'mainstream' investments.
I would be interested in more specific info about these alternatives...  gold? real estate?

I don't see much point in being terribly specific, but those are good guesses :)

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: BitMagic on October 23, 2011, 10:34:32 PM
I don't.  I don't really see the usefulness of the Satoshi block chain as a replacement for our current fiat systems at this time as they are working fine and have a much more well developed supporting infrastructure (though I could imagine that changing rapidly at some point in the future.)  So, speculation in it's various forms plays a huge role in keeping Bitcoin alive and QA'd and developing.

Then I wasn't talking to you, was I? I guess I just have to spell it out for you guys. I am railing on Cypherdoc because he is  a hypocrite.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on October 23, 2011, 11:22:53 PM
I don't.  I don't really see the usefulness of the Satoshi block chain as a replacement for our current fiat systems at this time as they are working fine and have a much more well developed supporting infrastructure (though I could imagine that changing rapidly at some point in the future.)  So, speculation in it's various forms plays a huge role in keeping Bitcoin alive and QA'd and developing.

Then I wasn't talking to you, was I? I guess I just have to spell it out for you guys. I am railing on Cypherdoc because he is  a hypocrite.

how am i a hypocrite?

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: tvbcof on October 23, 2011, 11:31:31 PM
Then I wasn't talking to you, was I?  I guess I just have to spell it out for you guys. I am railing on Cypherdoc because he is  a hypocrite.

Seems that you mistakenly posted on the public forum rather than PM'ing him then.  Not an uncommon mistake for noobs.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: Nagle on October 24, 2011, 04:23:59 AM
A market where everyone loses doesn't seem very realistic to me.
It seems very realistic to me. Small investors as a class lose.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: nrd525 on October 24, 2011, 04:36:31 AM
Don't trade on the margin.  I'm shorting and covered so long as btc doesn't hit $17.  Interest rates are 1% (at least in the US), so the cost of maintaining an account balance is minimal.

My biggest fear is that he runs away with all the money. But he seems fairly legit.  So maybe hacking is the biggest risk.

And go for long term plays.  In the short-run you're more likely to lose money. Especially with a 2.8% spread (I think it is better counted as 2.8%, not the 1.4% that the website claims - as there is a 2.8% gap between bids and asks.).

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: mjcmurfy on October 24, 2011, 09:06:02 AM
A market where everyone loses doesn't seem very realistic to me.
It seems very realistic to me. Small investors as a class lose.

Welcome to the United States of America. Oh, wait. What were you talking about there?

Forgive me if I am jumping to conclusions as I don't know if you were being ironic or not, but if you weren't, how arrogant and conceited is this statement? We are not all from the USA, nor do we all agree with the cut-throat neoliberal greed, self interest, individualism, commercialism and consumerism so dearly loved by the business elites in your country, which are peddled to the rest of your society and devoured voraciously as if it were akin to that pillar of american gastronomy, high fructose corn syrup.

Despite what you might think, the world does not revolve around North America. In fact, the majority of the rest of the world consider the USA to be an irritable little child who knows nothing but instant gratification and throws tantrums when he doesn't get what he wants.

Bitcoin is a project that supersedes national borders. It was created by a japanese guy, so please don't presume that american schools of thought have a monopoly on the bitcoin economy.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: Cluster2k on October 24, 2011, 09:56:49 AM
Bitcoin is a project that supersedes national borders. It was created by a japanese guy, so please don't presume that american schools of thought have a monopoly on the bitcoin economy. There is no place for nationalistic sentiment on these boards.

Allegedly Japanese.  No one has met Satoshi, and it's unknown whether 'he' is a pseudonym for one or several people.  Bitcoin could have been created by a guy in Inner Mongolia for all we know, and given a Japanese name to increase its credibility.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on October 24, 2011, 01:30:32 PM
Firstly, lol@thread title. 4real

Secondly, I'm always liquidated because I treat bitcoinica like a magical money gambling machine and pay absolutely no attention to the charts or market news. I've never thought to call it zhoutonged though. Almost sounds like tongue. I don't want to be zootongued. Not a big fan of beastiality.

seriously, thats why i just had to put up this thread, LOL!  i also thought of using "Zhoutongued" but i thought that would be too dirty altho perhaps a more accurate representation of whats going on!  ;)

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on October 24, 2011, 01:58:32 PM
i'll ask again; has anyone heard from Zhou since Friday?  i wonder if he's in trouble with this latest ramp in the price?

when a leveraged entity needs to depend on such a small electric device to get your money on quick notice you know you're in trouble.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: zhoutong on October 24, 2011, 02:41:32 PM
i'll ask again; has anyone heard from Zhou since Friday?  i wonder if he's in trouble with this latest ramp in the price?

when a leveraged entity needs to depend on such a small electric device to get your money on quick notice you know you're in trouble.

Please do not stereotype.

Only a few people were shorting at that time, less than 10% of Bitcoinica's BTC holdings.

Your posts don't have any evidence to back your claim, and I didn't have time to care about them.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: johnj on October 24, 2011, 02:43:49 PM
i'll ask again; has anyone heard from Zhou since Friday?  i wonder if he's in trouble with this latest ramp in the price?

when a leveraged entity needs to depend on such a small electric device to get your money on quick notice you know you're in trouble.

Please do not stereotype.

Only a few people were shorting at that time, less than 10% of Bitcoinica's BTC holdings.

Your posts don't have any evidence to back your claim, and I didn't have time to care about them.

Dang this 17yr old just styled on you ;)

BTW, I do like the term 'You got Zhoutonged!"

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: zhoutong on October 24, 2011, 02:50:01 PM
i'll ask again; has anyone heard from Zhou since Friday?  i wonder if he's in trouble with this latest ramp in the price?

when a leveraged entity needs to depend on such a small electric device to get your money on quick notice you know you're in trouble.

Please do not stereotype.

Only a few people were shorting at that time, less than 10% of Bitcoinica's BTC holdings.

Your posts don't have any evidence to back your claim, and I didn't have time to care about them.

Dang this 17yr old just styled on you ;)

BTW, I do like the term 'You got Zhoutonged!"

Well, I was just surprised that there's really a guy so cared about Bitcoinica.

Bitcoinica is not as large as he thought. Short squeeze on Bitcoinica is non-existent. Most traders on Bitcoinica know more about what they are doing than cypherdoc.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: speeder on October 24, 2011, 02:54:48 PM
I got a MASSIVE Zhoutonged...

I mean: I got my BTC deposit liquidated (not a normal position, be it short or long).

Without warning, and it does not show on the logs.

300+ BTC :(

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: johnj on October 24, 2011, 02:55:49 PM
I got a MASSIVE Zhoutonged...

I mean: I got my BTC deposit liquidated (not a normal position, be it short or long).

Without warning, and it does not show on the logs.

300+ BTC :(


Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: zhoutong on October 24, 2011, 03:00:12 PM
I got a MASSIVE Zhoutonged...

I mean: I got my BTC deposit liquidated (not a normal position, be it short or long).

Without warning, and it does not show on the logs.

300+ BTC :(

If you just leave your BTC deposit like that everything will be fine. When you owed Bitcoinica over $1,000 and your BTC deposit is dropping in value, why would you expect a warning.

I have already apologized for the logging problem. (The ledger was not designed in our system yet.) If remembered correctly, your deposits were liquidated at the price higher than $3. You should buy now instead of complaining.

It may not be a good price, but what were you doing when there was a good price?

Bitcoinica is not the place for you to owe USD and hold BTC indefinitely. It may be wrong to you, but the market is always correct.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: speeder on October 24, 2011, 03:03:39 PM
Right now I am not really complaining, only replying the original question...

The 1000+ USD debt was made getting regular zhoutonged anyway...

I guess I am a very crap trader (at least when shorting... when daytrading in mtgox when I had patience for that, I usually got 20% profits monthly, in BTC that is, it is easy to claim 20% profit in USD when BTC USD price rose 20%...)

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on October 24, 2011, 04:30:29 PM
I got a MASSIVE Zhoutonged...

I mean: I got my BTC deposit liquidated (not a normal position, be it short or long).

Without warning, and it does not show on the logs.

300+ BTC :(

well technically the correct phrasing should be "i got a massive ZHOUTONG" but who cares?

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on October 24, 2011, 04:49:14 PM
I got a MASSIVE Zhoutonged...

I mean: I got my BTC deposit liquidated (not a normal position, be it short or long).

Without warning, and it does not show on the logs.

300+ BTC :(

If you just leave your BTC deposit like that everything will be fine. When you owed Bitcoinica over $1,000 and your BTC deposit is dropping in value, why would you expect a warning.

I have already apologized for the logging problem. (The ledger was not designed in our system yet.) If remembered correctly, your deposits were liquidated at the price higher than $3. You should buy now instead of complaining.

It may not be a good price, but what were you doing when there was a good price?

Bitcoinica is not the place for you to owe USD and hold BTC indefinitely. It may be wrong to you, but the market is always correct.

BTW, when i trade Bitcoin at mtgox, i need to use my Yubikey to get into my acct to accomplish this; not just for withdrawals.  are you different than this?

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: zhoutong on October 24, 2011, 04:58:39 PM
I got a MASSIVE Zhoutonged...

I mean: I got my BTC deposit liquidated (not a normal position, be it short or long).

Without warning, and it does not show on the logs.

300+ BTC :(

If you just leave your BTC deposit like that everything will be fine. When you owed Bitcoinica over $1,000 and your BTC deposit is dropping in value, why would you expect a warning.

I have already apologized for the logging problem. (The ledger was not designed in our system yet.) If remembered correctly, your deposits were liquidated at the price higher than $3. You should buy now instead of complaining.

It may not be a good price, but what were you doing when there was a good price?

Bitcoinica is not the place for you to owe USD and hold BTC indefinitely. It may be wrong to you, but the market is always correct.

BTW, when i trade Bitcoin at mtgox, i need to use my Yubikey to get into my acct to accomplish this; not just for withdrawals.  are you different than this?


Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on October 24, 2011, 05:00:58 PM
I got a MASSIVE Zhoutonged...

I mean: I got my BTC deposit liquidated (not a normal position, be it short or long).

Without warning, and it does not show on the logs.

300+ BTC :(

If you just leave your BTC deposit like that everything will be fine. When you owed Bitcoinica over $1,000 and your BTC deposit is dropping in value, why would you expect a warning.

I have already apologized for the logging problem. (The ledger was not designed in our system yet.) If remembered correctly, your deposits were liquidated at the price higher than $3. You should buy now instead of complaining.

It may not be a good price, but what were you doing when there was a good price?

Bitcoinica is not the place for you to owe USD and hold BTC indefinitely. It may be wrong to you, but the market is always correct.

BTW, when i trade Bitcoin at mtgox, i need to use my Yubikey to get into my acct to accomplish this; not just for withdrawals.  are you different than this?


does the API require the use of the Yubikey to trade?  it seems it does so for withdrawals.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: zhoutong on October 24, 2011, 05:02:26 PM
I got a MASSIVE Zhoutonged...

I mean: I got my BTC deposit liquidated (not a normal position, be it short or long).

Without warning, and it does not show on the logs.

300+ BTC :(

If you just leave your BTC deposit like that everything will be fine. When you owed Bitcoinica over $1,000 and your BTC deposit is dropping in value, why would you expect a warning.

I have already apologized for the logging problem. (The ledger was not designed in our system yet.) If remembered correctly, your deposits were liquidated at the price higher than $3. You should buy now instead of complaining.

It may not be a good price, but what were you doing when there was a good price?

Bitcoinica is not the place for you to owe USD and hold BTC indefinitely. It may be wrong to you, but the market is always correct.

BTW, when i trade Bitcoin at mtgox, i need to use my Yubikey to get into my acct to accomplish this; not just for withdrawals.  are you different than this?


does the API require the use of the Yubikey to trade?  it seems it does so for withdrawals.

It doesn't make sense to use Yubikey via API.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on October 24, 2011, 05:06:20 PM
I got a MASSIVE Zhoutonged...

I mean: I got my BTC deposit liquidated (not a normal position, be it short or long).

Without warning, and it does not show on the logs.

300+ BTC :(

If you just leave your BTC deposit like that everything will be fine. When you owed Bitcoinica over $1,000 and your BTC deposit is dropping in value, why would you expect a warning.

I have already apologized for the logging problem. (The ledger was not designed in our system yet.) If remembered correctly, your deposits were liquidated at the price higher than $3. You should buy now instead of complaining.

It may not be a good price, but what were you doing when there was a good price?

Bitcoinica is not the place for you to owe USD and hold BTC indefinitely. It may be wrong to you, but the market is always correct.

BTW, when i trade Bitcoin at mtgox, i need to use my Yubikey to get into my acct to accomplish this; not just for withdrawals.  are you different than this?


does the API require the use of the Yubikey to trade?  it seems it does so for withdrawals.

It doesn't make sense to use Yubikey via API.

please just say no if the answer is no.

but then why wouldn't the withdrawal function be included within the API precluding the need for a Yubikey?

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: speeder on October 24, 2011, 05:08:50 PM
I got a MASSIVE Zhoutonged...

I mean: I got my BTC deposit liquidated (not a normal position, be it short or long).

Without warning, and it does not show on the logs.

300+ BTC :(

If you just leave your BTC deposit like that everything will be fine. When you owed Bitcoinica over $1,000 and your BTC deposit is dropping in value, why would you expect a warning.

I have already apologized for the logging problem. (The ledger was not designed in our system yet.) If remembered correctly, your deposits were liquidated at the price higher than $3. You should buy now instead of complaining.

It may not be a good price, but what were you doing when there was a good price?

Bitcoinica is not the place for you to owe USD and hold BTC indefinitely. It may be wrong to you, but the market is always correct.

I expected a warning because it was nowhere informed that his could be done, only that.

And sorry being being a asshole, I am upset of how you handled stuff, but this does not give me the right to keep annoying you.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on October 24, 2011, 05:11:59 PM
I got a MASSIVE Zhoutonged...

I mean: I got my BTC deposit liquidated (not a normal position, be it short or long).

Without warning, and it does not show on the logs.

300+ BTC :(

If you just leave your BTC deposit like that everything will be fine. When you owed Bitcoinica over $1,000 and your BTC deposit is dropping in value, why would you expect a warning.

I have already apologized for the logging problem. (The ledger was not designed in our system yet.) If remembered correctly, your deposits were liquidated at the price higher than $3. You should buy now instead of complaining.

It may not be a good price, but what were you doing when there was a good price?

Bitcoinica is not the place for you to owe USD and hold BTC indefinitely. It may be wrong to you, but the market is always correct.

I expected a warning because it was nowhere informed that his could be done, only that.

And sorry being being a asshole, I am upset of how you handled stuff, but this does not give me the right to keep annoying you.

when i get into an margin call situation with Fidelity that might be due today for example, i get a telephone call in the morning warning me to settle my acct up on my own by the end of the day, or else they'll do it for me. 

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: zhoutong on October 24, 2011, 05:18:53 PM
I got a MASSIVE Zhoutonged...

I mean: I got my BTC deposit liquidated (not a normal position, be it short or long).

Without warning, and it does not show on the logs.

300+ BTC :(

If you just leave your BTC deposit like that everything will be fine. When you owed Bitcoinica over $1,000 and your BTC deposit is dropping in value, why would you expect a warning.

I have already apologized for the logging problem. (The ledger was not designed in our system yet.) If remembered correctly, your deposits were liquidated at the price higher than $3. You should buy now instead of complaining.

It may not be a good price, but what were you doing when there was a good price?

Bitcoinica is not the place for you to owe USD and hold BTC indefinitely. It may be wrong to you, but the market is always correct.

I expected a warning because it was nowhere informed that his could be done, only that.

And sorry being being a asshole, I am upset of how you handled stuff, but this does not give me the right to keep annoying you.

when i get into an margin call situation with Fidelity that might be due today for example, i get a telephone call in the morning warning me to settle my acct up on my own by the end of the day, or else they'll do it for me. 

Yes, but they can sue you if you owe money.

What protection does Bitcoinica have?

Greater power comes with greater responsibility. You are in control of your own positions. There are lot of people out there who never got their positions liquidated even when prices move a lot.

We support instant deposits via Mt. Gox, and even if it's funded by Bitcoin and the transaction took some time to deposit and your account got liquidated before confirmations, we will reverse the liquidation for you. What else can you ask for?

You can say 100 things bad about Bitcoinica, but trust me, it's not worth your time.

Our net BTC position is over 5 digits. What short squeeze?! It's just you plain silly assumption.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: Nagle on October 24, 2011, 05:33:20 PM
This is why trading options is better than shorting. With option trading, your loss is limited and you don't get margin calls.

Bitcoin is so volatile that some random spike is likely to wipe out a leveraged short position.  With an option, you only care what the price is when the option matures.

Bitcoin doesn't have options, of course. 

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on October 24, 2011, 05:33:34 PM
Zhou:  Does mtgox require the use of the Yubikey to trade?

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: speeder on October 24, 2011, 05:39:16 PM
You all are clearly n00bs to econ and trading. It is simple math. Don't trade leveraged 5 to 1

How you suggest someone might use bitcoinica? Or you are suggesting to do not use it at all?

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on October 24, 2011, 06:04:06 PM
If you do not know what you are doing, no don't use it!

even if you do know what you're doing the leverage, Zhou's power to liquidate you, lack of signif reserves, lack of direct continuous co-location to mtgox makes it unviable when volatility strikes.

and b/c Zhou won't directly say he does not need that little plastic Yubikey to trade his accts at mtgox, i must assume he does need it and all your accts depend on it.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: zhoutong on October 24, 2011, 06:13:56 PM
If you do not know what you are doing, no don't use it!

even if you do know what you're doing the leverage, Zhou's power to liquidate you, lack of signif reserves, lack of direct continuous co-location to mtgox makes it unviable when volatility strikes.

and b/c Zhou won't directly say he does not need that little plastic Yubikey to trade his accts at mtgox, i must assume he does need it and all your accts depend on it.

Yubikey is not required for API trading. I have said that. Withdrawals require key-secret.

Bitcoinica reserves are significant. Almost 6 digits worth of USD.

Bitcoinica-Mt. Gox latency is within 15ms.

To me, bitcoin is not volatile at all, because my algorithm can handle it. If you can't imagine, it's your problem.

You don't know anything!

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: miscreanity on October 24, 2011, 09:32:43 PM
This is why trading options is better than shorting. With option trading, your loss is limited and you don't get margin calls.

For once, I agree with you Nagle.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: BitMagic on October 24, 2011, 11:45:40 PM
I don't know about you guys, but I like to short straddle my BTC. All the time. Unlimited profit!

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: fivebells on October 25, 2011, 12:51:03 AM
I would like to do that too, if there were any reliable place to make options contracts. :)

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: ineededausername on October 25, 2011, 01:07:23 AM
That reminds me, whatever happened to Bitoption?

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: RandyFolds on October 25, 2011, 03:38:17 AM
I don't know about you guys, but I like to short straddle my BTC. All the time. Unlimited profit!

I don't know about you guys, but I like to short straddle my ladies. All the time. Unlimited pleasure!

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: Cluster2k on October 25, 2011, 02:04:07 PM
Bitcoin is so volatile I really don't see why people want to short it.  Today we saw the price go from $2.83 to $2.44 to $3 and back to $2.64 within 2 hours.  One super spike can wipe out most positions. 

Pick any moment in time and bitcoin could be worth 20% less or 20% more within minutes.  Impossible to predict.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: zhoutong on October 25, 2011, 02:24:29 PM
Bitcoin is so volatile I really don't see why people want to short it.  Today we saw the price go from $2.83 to $2.44 to $3 and back to $2.64 within 2 hours.  One super spike can wipe out most positions. 

Pick any moment in time and bitcoin could be worth 20% less or 20% more within minutes.  Impossible to predict.

Today's volatility is indeed amazing.

Just look at Bitcoinica's volume today.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: BitMagic on October 25, 2011, 03:07:16 PM
Bitcoin is so volatile I really don't see why people want to short it.  Today we saw the price go from $2.83 to $2.44 to $3 and back to $2.64 within 2 hours.  One super spike can wipe out most positions. 

Pick any moment in time and bitcoin could be worth 20% less or 20% more within minutes.  Impossible to predict.

Because some of those who got in early on the short, and truly believe Bitcoin will tank, stand to make a lot of money if they're right.

How is this any different than those who go long, besides the usual SKY'S THE LIMIT! thinking (which is stupid and unrealistic)?

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on October 25, 2011, 03:59:31 PM
Bitcoin is so volatile I really don't see why people want to short it.  Today we saw the price go from $2.83 to $2.44 to $3 and back to $2.64 within 2 hours.  One super spike can wipe out most positions. 

Pick any moment in time and bitcoin could be worth 20% less or 20% more within minutes.  Impossible to predict.

Because some of those who got in early on the short, and truly believe Bitcoin will tank, stand to make a lot of money if they're right.

How is this any different than those who go long, besides the usual SKY'S THE LIMIT! thinking (which is stupid and unrealistic)?

b/c at this price a shorts profit limit stops at zero compared to if we go back to $30 the pain would be enormous by comparison.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on October 25, 2011, 04:18:10 PM
Bitcoin is so volatile I really don't see why people want to short it.  Today we saw the price go from $2.83 to $2.44 to $3 and back to $2.64 within 2 hours.  One super spike can wipe out most positions.  

Pick any moment in time and bitcoin could be worth 20% less or 20% more within minutes.  Impossible to predict.

Because some of those who got in early on the short, and truly believe Bitcoin will tank, stand to make a lot of money if they're right.

How is this any different than those who go long, besides the usual SKY'S THE LIMIT! thinking (which is stupid and unrealistic)?

the other thing you're up against is being Zhoutonged.  with all this volatility at this relatively low price level, shorts will be taken out and shot at each spike in volatility.  its you or him.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on October 25, 2011, 04:59:06 PM
i think we're going higher based upon the number of investors logged in at mtgox (double normal), the volatile up spikes occurring more frequently, the reappearance of the bid wall, my sense that alot of USD were wired to mtgox at the end of last week, and whats occurring in the general economy via the USD fall resuming, the UST selloff, and the overall RISK ON sentiment.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on October 25, 2011, 05:23:18 PM
vol is way up///

get ready for an explosion upward...

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: BitMagic on October 25, 2011, 07:29:59 PM
the other thing you're up against is being Zhoutonged.  with all this volatility at this relatively low price level, shorts will be taken out and shot at each spike in volatility.  its you or him.

Like I said, your hopes of seeing $30 are unrealistic. You certainly have more to gain in an upswing, but that's only if bitcoin actually survives.

Second, you really, really need to stop acting like you know what you're talking about. It's extremely easy for an inexperienced trader to calculate relative volatility over the last month, and figure out how far they should be leveraged to avoid a margin call. Margin calls are the mistake of the investor, not the evil of the broker.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on October 25, 2011, 07:54:57 PM
the other thing you're up against is being Zhoutonged.  with all this volatility at this relatively low price level, shorts will be taken out and shot at each spike in volatility.  its you or him.

Like I said, your hopes of seeing $30 are unrealistic. You certainly have more to gain in an upswing, but that's only if bitcoin actually survives.

Second, you really, really need to stop acting like you know what you're talking about. It's extremely easy for an inexperienced trader to calculate relative volatility over the last month, and figure out how far they should be leveraged to avoid a margin call. Margin calls are the mistake of the investor, not the evil of the broker.

i don't suppose you're feeling the Squeeze are you?

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on October 25, 2011, 09:54:57 PM
mtgoxlives's connected = 918

somethings brewing...

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: BitMagic on October 25, 2011, 11:45:05 PM
i don't suppose you're feeling the Squeeze are you?

No, I'm not. I'm happily up, without a single margin call. And I don't suppose you just ignore all legitimate demolitions of your non-factual claims, do you? (If you don't, please tell me how margin calls are the fault of big, bad Bitcoinica again?)

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: proudhon on October 26, 2011, 12:13:01 AM
mtgoxlives's connected = 918

somethings brewing...

I set all the university computers' homepages to mtgoxlive.  I think you're right that something's brewing, but it's more likely a bunch of people are tuning in for the entertainment of the exchange value falling back to where it started.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: ineededausername on October 26, 2011, 12:16:08 AM
mtgoxlives's connected = 918

somethings brewing...

I set all the university computers' homepages to mtgoxlive.  I think you're right that something's brewing, but it's more likely a bunch of people are tuning in for the entertainment of the exchange value falling back to where it started.

Do you really think it'll go to 6 cents again?!  ::)

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on October 26, 2011, 01:57:53 PM
Zhou:  how's this volatility affecting your clients?

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: zhoutong on October 26, 2011, 02:01:48 PM
Zhou:  how's this volatility affecting your clients?

Those who trade on margin have already been wiped out long ago.

I don't see any significant problems even if the price increase to $4 or decrease to $1.5.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on October 26, 2011, 02:06:08 PM
Zhou:  how's this volatility affecting your clients?

Those who trade on margin have already been wiped out long ago.

I don't see any significant problems even if the price increase to $4 or decrease to $1.5.

how about BitMagic who's been bragging about his margined acct?

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: zhoutong on October 26, 2011, 03:10:11 PM
Zhou:  how's this volatility affecting your clients?

Those who trade on margin have already been wiped out long ago.

I don't see any significant problems even if the price increase to $4 or decrease to $1.5.

how about BitMagic who's been bragging about his margined acct?

Sorry, I can't disclose specific account information. You can ask him directly.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: BitMagic on October 26, 2011, 03:21:51 PM
how about BitMagic who's been bragging about his margined acct?

I am doing just fine, thanks! Never had a margin call, because I know what I am doing with my leverage.

Do you enjoy looking like an idiot, cypherdoc? I'm trying to figure out if it's just masochism or what.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on October 26, 2011, 04:02:04 PM
how about BitMagic who's been bragging about his margined acct?

I am doing just fine, thanks! Never had a margin call, because I know what I am doing with my leverage.

Do you enjoy looking like an idiot, cypherdoc? I'm trying to figure out if it's just masochism or what.

i usually stay away from the Spec forum to avoid idiots like you but its kinda fun to mess up all the planned Bear raids.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: BitMagic on October 26, 2011, 04:33:43 PM
i usually stay away from the Spec forum to avoid idiots like you but its kinda fun to mess up all the planned Bear raids.

Keep it coming, friend. You may yet reach Atlas status.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on October 26, 2011, 04:40:00 PM
i usually stay away from the Spec forum to avoid idiots like you but its kinda fun to mess up all the planned Bear raids.

Keep it coming, friend. You may yet reach Atlas status.

said like a true short seller.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: BitMagic on October 26, 2011, 04:45:24 PM
i usually stay away from the Spec forum to avoid idiots like you but its kinda fun to mess up all the planned Bear raids.

Keep it coming, friend. You may yet reach Atlas status.

said like a true short seller.

Uh, I'm holding a long position. Don't you look like an idiot.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on October 26, 2011, 04:48:19 PM
i usually stay away from the Spec forum to avoid idiots like you but its kinda fun to mess up all the planned Bear raids.

Keep it coming, friend. You may yet reach Atlas status.

said like a true short seller.

Uh, I'm holding a long position. Don't you look like an idiot.

obviously, but 10:1 you're net short otherwise you  wouldn't be getting so angry at a Bull like me who keeps messing up your grand plans.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: ElectricMucus on October 26, 2011, 04:52:33 PM
cypherdoc aren't a bull. Bulls don't squeak.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: BitMagic on October 26, 2011, 05:59:25 PM
obviously, but 10:1 you're net short otherwise you  wouldn't be getting so angry at a Bull like me who keeps messing up your grand plans.

What "grand plans" do I have that you don't, exactly? I'm not angry at anyone. Your predictions are fine, I'm only showing the hypocrisy of your position: If you care about the price rising, you care about making money on your investment. If you care about making money, you shouldn't care about making it on the way up, or on the way down. You have always been the "childish" speculator you so deride.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on October 26, 2011, 06:18:36 PM
obviously, but 10:1 you're net short otherwise you  wouldn't be getting so angry at a Bull like me who keeps messing up your grand plans.

What "grand plans" do I have that you don't, exactly? I'm not angry at anyone. Your predictions are fine, I'm only showing the hypocrisy of your position: If you care about the price rising, you care about making money on your investment. If you care about making money, you shouldn't care about making it on the way up, or on the way down. You have always been the "childish" speculator you so deride.

hey, read what you write.  you're the one who started the childish personal attacks.  not me.  all i've done is state the bullish case and stuck to it.  you can't handle it.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: BitMagic on October 26, 2011, 08:08:58 PM
obviously, but 10:1 you're net short otherwise you  wouldn't be getting so angry at a Bull like me who keeps messing up your grand plans.

What "grand plans" do I have that you don't, exactly? I'm not angry at anyone. Your predictions are fine, I'm only showing the hypocrisy of your position: If you care about the price rising, you care about making money on your investment. If you care about making money, you shouldn't care about making it on the way up, or on the way down. You have always been the "childish" speculator you so deride.

hey, read what you write.  you're the one who started the childish personal attacks.  not me.  all i've done is state the bullish case and stuck to it.  you can't handle it.

Pretty sure I've been telling you why you're a hypocrite with your "short-seller attacks," and you've come back with nothing of substance. I just wanted to document this for everyone else. If you don't want it public, feel free to edit your posts. I'm bored proving your anti-short position wrong.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on October 26, 2011, 08:11:16 PM

i am optimistic for your long clients.  its RISK ON time!

1.  stocks up
2.  USD down
3.  UST's down-HUGE source of money.
4.  commodities:  energy, oil, gold, silver up
5.  historic move out of sovereign bonds into equity and risk plays (Bitcoin)
6.  VIX heading down.  VIX spiked up 6x but returned to near baseline before final big spike in late 2008.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on October 27, 2011, 05:44:26 PM
Zhou:  you'd better get your algorithm tightened up for the upcoming volatility.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: zhoutong on October 27, 2011, 10:16:16 PM
Zhou:  you'd better get your algorithm tightened up for the upcoming volatility.

I don't think you know anything.

I should always tighten up my algorithm.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: anu on October 28, 2011, 08:31:38 AM
I don't think you know anything.

That is very little, indeed.  :o

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: proudhon on October 28, 2011, 03:00:16 PM
mtgoxlives's connected = 918

somethings brewing...

I set all the university computers' homepages to mtgoxlive.  I think you're right that something's brewing, but it's more likely a bunch of people are tuning in for the entertainment of the exchange value falling back to where it started.

Do you really think it'll go to 6 cents again?!  ::)

I think a year from now the price will be closer to 6 cents than to $20 (probably even $5).

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: teflone on October 28, 2011, 03:22:32 PM
mtgoxlives's connected = 918

somethings brewing...

I set all the university computers' homepages to mtgoxlive.  I think you're right that something's brewing, but it's more likely a bunch of people are tuning in for the entertainment of the exchange value falling back to where it started.

Do you really think it'll go to 6 cents again?!  ::)

I think a year from now the price will be closer to 6 cents than to $20 (probably even $5).

OMG, we get it, you dont like bitcoin and you want to see it fail...

Drop it.

If you put in the same amount of effort into your life and job and so forth, as you do in bashing bitcoin you could be rich..

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on October 28, 2011, 03:31:41 PM
mtgoxlives's connected = 918

somethings brewing...

I set all the university computers' homepages to mtgoxlive.  I think you're right that something's brewing, but it's more likely a bunch of people are tuning in for the entertainment of the exchange value falling back to where it started.

Do you really think it'll go to 6 cents again?!  ::)

I think a year from now the price will be closer to 6 cents than to $20 (probably even $5).


Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on October 28, 2011, 03:32:28 PM
mtgoxlives's connected = 918

somethings brewing...

I set all the university computers' homepages to mtgoxlive.  I think you're right that something's brewing, but it's more likely a bunch of people are tuning in for the entertainment of the exchange value falling back to where it started.

Do you really think it'll go to 6 cents again?!  ::)

I think a year from now the price will be closer to 6 cents than to $20 (probably even $5).

OMG, we get it, you dont like bitcoin and you want to see it fail...

Drop it.

If you put in the same amount of effort into your life and job and so forth, as you do in bashing bitcoin you could be rich..

have u ever considered bashing Bitcoin could be his job?

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: teflone on October 28, 2011, 04:25:15 PM
mtgoxlives's connected = 918

somethings brewing...

I set all the university computers' homepages to mtgoxlive.  I think you're right that something's brewing, but it's more likely a bunch of people are tuning in for the entertainment of the exchange value falling back to where it started.

Do you really think it'll go to 6 cents again?!  ::)

I think a year from now the price will be closer to 6 cents than to $20 (probably even $5).

OMG, we get it, you dont like bitcoin and you want to see it fail...

Drop it.

If you put in the same amount of effort into your life and job and so forth, as you do in bashing bitcoin you could be rich..

have u ever considered bashing Bitcoin could be his job?

Well yes, its obvious it is. but it certainly cant pay as much as the effort put in, he clearly "wastes" all his time reading the posts.

So.. yes it could be, but the effort put in actually deserves a well pay..  that is my point..

My guess is, he makes peanuts.. or even worse, he's not getting paid to do it! then I would laugh..  :)

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: evolve on October 28, 2011, 07:08:41 PM
wait.... you people actually think someone is getting paid to bash bitcoin? seriously?

ok i'll bite....lets see how deep the rabbit hole goes.......

who is paying people to bash bitcoin?  cia? illuminati? the angry ghost of 2pac? 

why would anyone pay someone else to "professionally" take down bitcoin? did someone forget to give the paypal mafia thier protection money?

oh no, was it...... THE MANIPULATOR?!?!?!?!?!?

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: proudhon on October 28, 2011, 08:09:12 PM
oh no, was it...... THE MANIPULATOR?!?!?!?!?!? (

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on November 02, 2011, 02:12:42 PM
looking forward to more Zhoutongs today. :D

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: nrd525 on November 02, 2011, 09:18:43 PM
This might be unpopular, but given the level of volatility I don't think you should be able to trade on the margin/leverage to protect traders and the longterm health of Bitcoinica.  A margin of 1:1 (no margin/leverage) makes more sense.

Or at least it should be reduced down to 2:1.

Or put a limit on how much money you can leverage. 

I also think the fees could be a lot lower.  This is true for the exchanges as well - they are making a killing (notably: MtGox).

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: BitMagic on November 02, 2011, 09:36:10 PM
This might be unpopular, but given the level of volatility I don't think you should be able to trade on the margin/leverage to protect traders and the longterm health of Bitcoinica.  A margin of 1:1 (no margin/leverage) makes more sense.

What are you, my mother?

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: RandyFolds on November 02, 2011, 09:50:49 PM
This might be unpopular, but given the level of volatility I don't think you should be able to trade on the margin/leverage to protect traders and the longterm health of Bitcoinica.  A margin of 1:1 (no margin/leverage) makes more sense.

What are you, my mother?

Haha. I think we should take the 0 and 00 off roulette tables too. It's not fair.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: gewure on November 20, 2011, 01:30:04 AM
i have not yet been zhoutonged and i hope i never will. (worst case i can be stopped out with a spike, would be bad enough)

everytime i see this thread i have to smile, "zhoutonged" is just a great word for getting knocked out with a huge loss :)

btw, @ zhou tong: i appreciate your work very much, don't take it to serious that we make fun of you, for usual funny-fun is a sign for sympathy ;) don't forget to set your stop-losses wisely to avoid getting zhoutonged  8)

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: ElectricMucus on November 20, 2011, 01:36:17 AM
I just lost 40 bucks due to forget to click sell, guess what it does when you forget to choose an option... it buys but liquidated that resulted in a price of 1.73 btw...   >:( ;)

I never use stop losses it is wiser to not use too much margin imo.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: zhoutong on November 20, 2011, 04:27:15 AM
i have not yet been zhoutonged and i hope i never will. (worst case i can be stopped out with a spike, would be bad enough)

everytime i see this thread i have to smile, "zhoutonged" is just a great word for getting knocked out with a huge loss :)

btw, @ zhou tong: i appreciate your work very much, don't take it to serious that we make fun of you, for usual funny-fun is a sign for sympathy ;) don't forget to set your stop-losses wisely to avoid getting zhoutonged  8)

I'm completely fine with this. You guys are trying to associate my product with my personal influence, which is cool.

I laughed out when I saw my name became a verb. :-D

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: trogdorjw73 on November 20, 2011, 04:28:02 AM
So the little spike up to $2.50 that we just saw, did that take out a bunch of short orders? Maybe Bitcoinica caused it, since the price has now dropped back down almost to where it started 15 minutes ago.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: Jonathan Ryan Owens on November 20, 2011, 04:44:04 AM
So the little spike up to $2.50 that we just saw, did that take out a bunch of short orders? Maybe Bitcoinica caused it, since the price has now dropped back down almost to where it started 15 minutes ago.

Nah, that was someone trying to troll all the shorts. I hope none of you were liquidated and that you're hanging on.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: bittenbob on November 20, 2011, 04:47:11 AM
So the little spike up to $2.50 that we just saw, did that take out a bunch of short orders? Maybe Bitcoinica caused it, since the price has now dropped back down almost to where it started 15 minutes ago.

Nah, that was someone trying to troll all the shorts. I hope none of you were liquidated and that you're hanging on.

I hope that a few of the people praying for $1 BTC were liquidated. Other than that I hope everyone else was ok though. That was quite the little rally though.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: Jonathan Ryan Owens on November 20, 2011, 04:48:08 AM
So the little spike up to $2.50 that we just saw, did that take out a bunch of short orders? Maybe Bitcoinica caused it, since the price has now dropped back down almost to where it started 15 minutes ago.

Nah, that was someone trying to troll all the shorts. I hope none of you were liquidated and that you're hanging on.

I hope that a few of the people praying for $1 BTC were liquidated. Other than that I hope everyone else was ok though. That was quite the little rally though.

Your hopes are dashed then, sir. xD

Mr. Manipulator: COME AT ME BRO

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: zhoutong on November 20, 2011, 04:49:00 AM
So the little spike up to $2.50 that we just saw, did that take out a bunch of short orders? Maybe Bitcoinica caused it, since the price has now dropped back down almost to where it started 15 minutes ago.

Nah, that was someone trying to troll all the shorts. I hope none of you were liquidated and that you're hanging on.

We have decreased the default leverage, so volatility like this doesn't hurt most people. But some guys requested a change-back...

About 1/4 to 1/3 of the trades you see are from Bitcoinica. We tried to randomize our price and amount, but the pattern is still quite obvious. There are a lot of limit orders and stop orders at the price range, so we didn't hedge too much.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: Jonathan Ryan Owens on November 20, 2011, 04:51:33 AM
So the little spike up to $2.50 that we just saw, did that take out a bunch of short orders? Maybe Bitcoinica caused it, since the price has now dropped back down almost to where it started 15 minutes ago.

Nah, that was someone trying to troll all the shorts. I hope none of you were liquidated and that you're hanging on.

We have decreased the default leverage, so volatility like this doesn't hurt most people. But some guys requested a change-back...

About 1/4 to 1/3 of the trades you see are from Bitcoinica. We tried to randomize our price and amount, but the pattern is still quite obvious. There are a lot of limit orders and stop orders at the price range, so we didn't hedge too much.

When will people learn not to use their maximum leverage? Max leverage = lower risk tolerance. Leave some breathing room, guys! Jeeze..

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: zhoutong on November 20, 2011, 04:53:07 AM
After the whole craziness, a dead cross appeared. (15-min)

Hourly is still fine.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: zhoutong on November 20, 2011, 04:55:26 AM
So the little spike up to $2.50 that we just saw, did that take out a bunch of short orders? Maybe Bitcoinica caused it, since the price has now dropped back down almost to where it started 15 minutes ago.

Nah, that was someone trying to troll all the shorts. I hope none of you were liquidated and that you're hanging on.

We have decreased the default leverage, so volatility like this doesn't hurt most people. But some guys requested a change-back...

About 1/4 to 1/3 of the trades you see are from Bitcoinica. We tried to randomize our price and amount, but the pattern is still quite obvious. There are a lot of limit orders and stop orders at the price range, so we didn't hedge too much.

When will people learn not to use their maximum leverage? Max leverage = lower risk tolerance. Leave some breathing room, guys! Jeeze..

It's kind of sad that most brokers encourage their clients to use leverage, simply for more commission profits. We're terribly trained by our bankers and brokers.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: bittenbob on November 20, 2011, 05:04:41 AM
So the little spike up to $2.50 that we just saw, did that take out a bunch of short orders? Maybe Bitcoinica caused it, since the price has now dropped back down almost to where it started 15 minutes ago.

Nah, that was someone trying to troll all the shorts. I hope none of you were liquidated and that you're hanging on.

We have decreased the default leverage, so volatility like this doesn't hurt most people. But some guys requested a change-back...

About 1/4 to 1/3 of the trades you see are from Bitcoinica. We tried to randomize our price and amount, but the pattern is still quite obvious. There are a lot of limit orders and stop orders at the price range, so we didn't hedge too much.

When will people learn not to use their maximum leverage? Max leverage = lower risk tolerance. Leave some breathing room, guys! Jeeze..

It's kind of sad that most brokers encourage their clients to use leverage, simply for more commission profits. We're terribly trained by our bankers and brokers.

Well then I guess its a good thing I dont trust bankers nor do I have a broker. The bankers used to make a lot of money off me but as of 2 weeks from now it will be a net loss to them and for the last several months it has been less than $3. If you do not have the currency to spend then you should not be spending it. Period.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: zhoutong on November 20, 2011, 05:18:18 AM
So the little spike up to $2.50 that we just saw, did that take out a bunch of short orders? Maybe Bitcoinica caused it, since the price has now dropped back down almost to where it started 15 minutes ago.

Nah, that was someone trying to troll all the shorts. I hope none of you were liquidated and that you're hanging on.

We have decreased the default leverage, so volatility like this doesn't hurt most people. But some guys requested a change-back...

About 1/4 to 1/3 of the trades you see are from Bitcoinica. We tried to randomize our price and amount, but the pattern is still quite obvious. There are a lot of limit orders and stop orders at the price range, so we didn't hedge too much.

When will people learn not to use their maximum leverage? Max leverage = lower risk tolerance. Leave some breathing room, guys! Jeeze..

It's kind of sad that most brokers encourage their clients to use leverage, simply for more commission profits. We're terribly trained by our bankers and brokers.

Well then I guess its a good thing I dont trust bankers nor do I have a broker. The bankers used to make a lot of money off me but as of 2 weeks from now it will be a net loss to them and for the last several months it has been less than $3. If you do not have the currency to spend then you should not be spending it. Period.

The problem is, savings is evil (inflation), and credit is also evil (interest rates).

Fiat currencies are for economic growth, but they are invented for the rich.

Taking money from the poor and distribute it to the rich is good for economic growth, because the rich is good at making money for the country, therefore they technically deserve more economic power. We all hate it but it's just a sad truth.

It's hard to come up with an alternative. That's why government is a mess.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: bittenbob on November 20, 2011, 05:27:24 AM
So the little spike up to $2.50 that we just saw, did that take out a bunch of short orders? Maybe Bitcoinica caused it, since the price has now dropped back down almost to where it started 15 minutes ago.

Nah, that was someone trying to troll all the shorts. I hope none of you were liquidated and that you're hanging on.

We have decreased the default leverage, so volatility like this doesn't hurt most people. But some guys requested a change-back...

About 1/4 to 1/3 of the trades you see are from Bitcoinica. We tried to randomize our price and amount, but the pattern is still quite obvious. There are a lot of limit orders and stop orders at the price range, so we didn't hedge too much.

When will people learn not to use their maximum leverage? Max leverage = lower risk tolerance. Leave some breathing room, guys! Jeeze..

It's kind of sad that most brokers encourage their clients to use leverage, simply for more commission profits. We're terribly trained by our bankers and brokers.

Well then I guess its a good thing I dont trust bankers nor do I have a broker. The bankers used to make a lot of money off me but as of 2 weeks from now it will be a net loss to them and for the last several months it has been less than $3. If you do not have the currency to spend then you should not be spending it. Period.

The problem is, savings is evil (inflation), and credit is also evil (interest rates).

Fiat currencies are for economic growth, but they are invented for the rich.

Taking money from the poor and distribute it to the rich is good for economic growth, because the rich is good at making money for the country, therefore they technically deserve more economic power. We all hate it but it's just a sad truth.

It's hard to come up with an alternative. That's why government is a mess.

I just think we need some modern day robin hoods. Kill and steal from the rich to give to the poor (yes the historical version is much more brutal than the disney one). Maybe then they will think twice about supressing their subjects and subjecting them to abject poverty. Either way I am on neither side of the fence for now unless you count my RPP in which the rich bastards I work for match 100% of my contibutions which I would be stupid not to max out lol.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: tvbcof on November 20, 2011, 05:56:18 AM
Taking money from the poor and distribute it to the rich is good for economic growth, because the rich is good at making money for the country, therefore they technically deserve more economic power. We all hate it but it's just a sad truth.

This is a cyclically stable solution when interspersed with various jubilees, pogroms, and the like.

I could see an argument that such a system provide the highest percentage of 'good times' in that life is generally more enjoyable in a rising economy, so if one has a saw-tooth pattern with very steep leading edges, that can be a good thing.

Although the gradual ascents phases represent periods of time when the majority are loosing their wealth to the wealthy, the wealth make life tolerable for peeps in order to facilitate the wealth transfer and get the peeps excited about various wars and such.

It's hard to come up with an alternative.  That's why government is a mess.

Or it could be that government is such a mess in order to make it hard to come up with alternatives...

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: gewure on November 20, 2011, 06:17:51 AM
So the little spike up to $2.50 that we just saw, did that take out a bunch of short orders? Maybe Bitcoinica caused it, since the price has now dropped back down almost to where it started 15 minutes ago.

Nah, that was someone trying to troll all the shorts. I hope none of you were liquidated and that you're hanging on.

We have decreased the default leverage, so volatility like this doesn't hurt most people. But some guys requested a change-back...

About 1/4 to 1/3 of the trades you see are from Bitcoinica. We tried to randomize our price and amount, but the pattern is still quite obvious. There are a lot of limit orders and stop orders at the price range, so we didn't hedge too much.

When will people learn not to use their maximum leverage? Max leverage = lower risk tolerance. Leave some breathing room, guys! Jeeze..

It's kind of sad that most brokers encourage their clients to use leverage, simply for more commission profits. We're terribly trained by our bankers and brokers.

Well then I guess its a good thing I dont trust bankers nor do I have a broker. The bankers used to make a lot of money off me but as of 2 weeks from now it will be a net loss to them and for the last several months it has been less than $3. If you do not have the currency to spend then you should not be spending it. Period.

The problem is, savings is evil (inflation), and credit is also evil (interest rates).

Fiat currencies are for economic growth, but they are invented for the rich.

Taking money from the poor and distribute it to the rich is good for economic growth, because the rich is good at making money for the country, therefore they technically deserve more economic power. We all hate it but it's just a sad truth.

It's hard to come up with an alternative. That's why government is a mess.

karl marx/friedrich engels

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: Jonathan Ryan Owens on November 20, 2011, 06:20:36 AM

I missed this when you posted it. I suppose you are inferring that the market sentiment is now going bullish?

It's hard to believe, bit in Bitcoin nothing is impossible.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: Cluster2k on November 20, 2011, 06:21:44 AM
I just think we need some modern day robin hoods. Kill and steal from the rich to give to the poor (yes the historical version is much more brutal than the disney one). Maybe then they will think twice about supressing their subjects and subjecting them to abject poverty. Either way I am on neither side of the fence for now unless you count my RPP in which the rich bastards I work for match 100% of my contibutions which I would be stupid not to max out lol.

It was pretty messy, caused much suffering and death, didn't make the poor any richer and the rich (those who lived on through political connections) didn't get any poorer.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: tvbcof on November 20, 2011, 07:00:41 AM

I missed this when you posted it. I suppose you are inferring that the market sentiment is now going bullish?

It's hard to believe, bit in Bitcoin nothing is impossible.

Wasn't it about a month ago that BTC value rose 80% in a couple of weeks?  I would suspect that more and more people who are gambling types will be shifting their bets something like that happening again.  Far from being a big surprise that it might be happening, I figured that most everyone was just questioning when.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: gewure on November 21, 2011, 06:22:05 AM
I just think we need some modern day robin hoods. Kill and steal from the rich to give to the poor (yes the historical version is much more brutal than the disney one). Maybe then they will think twice about supressing their subjects and subjecting them to abject poverty. Either way I am on neither side of the fence for now unless you count my RPP in which the rich bastards I work for match 100% of my contibutions which I would be stupid not to max out lol.

It was pretty messy, caused much suffering and death, didn't make the poor any richer and the rich (those who lived on through political connections) didn't get any poorer.

exactly. sad story of big failures.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on November 30, 2011, 09:51:12 PM
time to get this thread going again.

so who got Zhoutawnged today?

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: phorensic on November 30, 2011, 10:28:35 PM
time to get this thread going again.

so who got Zhoutawnged today?
Me...sonofabiatch.  Attempt to play down:  Wasn't leveraged more than 1:1, didn't get a margin call, just liquidated at 12% loss...dangit.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on November 30, 2011, 10:44:02 PM
time to get this thread going again.

so who got Zhoutawnged today?
Me...sonofabiatch.  Attempt to play down:  Wasn't leveraged more than 1:1, didn't get a margin call, just liquidated at 12% loss...dangit.

wait, 1:1 isn't leverage.  why'd you get liquidated?  my broker, Fidelity, calls me the morning of when i'm in a margin call and warns me to cover it by the next days afternoon so i have a chance to get my acct in order.

must suck to get liquidated by a <18 yo. :(

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: phorensic on November 30, 2011, 10:49:28 PM
I hit liquidate manually.  You are right, I wasn't leveraged, that's why I said 1:1.  Still not good enough at Bitcoinica style trading to go above my actual margin.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: trogdorjw73 on November 30, 2011, 10:55:03 PM
I suppose if you expect the price to keep going up, liquidating at a loss might make sense. Me, I'm currently down 4% but I expect some time in the next month I'll be able to buy back in at a profit. The only way I would get force liquidated for a loss is if prices go above $6, and at that point my mining income would more than make up for the loss, even if difficulty were to double.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: Matthew N. Wright on November 30, 2011, 11:40:15 PM
I thought this might be a necessary addition.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: teflone on November 30, 2011, 11:45:13 PM
Chinese slang... ?

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on November 30, 2011, 11:49:47 PM
Chinese slang... ?

depends on how much twang you use with the slang.  as in Zhoutaaawnnnnged

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: bittenbob on November 30, 2011, 11:58:50 PM
I bet proudhon got Zhoutonged today  ;D

I think he lost his shorts on his shorts :D

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: tvbcof on December 01, 2011, 12:17:47 AM

If getting 'zhoutonged' means getting reamed using Bitcoinica, what would be a good word for doubling one's money on the same platform?

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: ineededausername on December 01, 2011, 12:25:17 AM

If getting 'zhoutonged' means getting reamed using Bitcoinica, what would be a good word for doubling one's money on the same platform?


Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: phorensic on December 01, 2011, 12:31:14 AM

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: Matthew N. Wright on December 01, 2011, 12:36:44 AM

If getting 'zhoutonged' means getting reamed using Bitcoinica, what would be a good word for doubling one's money on the same platform?

That of course would be referred to as "Being zhoutong".

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on December 01, 2011, 12:46:23 AM

If getting 'zhoutonged' means getting reamed using Bitcoinica, what would be a good word for doubling one's money on the same platform?

That of course would be referred to as "Being zhoutong".

friggin hilarious!

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: molecular on December 01, 2011, 01:00:52 AM
first link when searching for "zhoutonged" on google is this thread.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: Matthew N. Wright on December 01, 2011, 01:02:55 AM
first link when searching for "zhoutonged" on google is this thread.

Nice! We've made him a star gentlemen.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on December 01, 2011, 01:04:41 AM
first link when searching for "zhoutonged" on google is this thread.

Nice! We've made him a star gentlemen.

can i get royalty off his profits?

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: old_engineer on December 01, 2011, 01:38:55 AM

If getting 'zhoutonged' means getting reamed using Bitcoinica, what would be a good word for doubling one's money on the same platform?

zhoubling your money?


Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: phorensic on December 01, 2011, 05:49:02 AM
Maybe time to rehash an old meme?

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: ElectricMucus on December 01, 2011, 06:33:30 AM
What is it if you quadrupled your money in 2 weeks and ended up being liquidated out of stubbornness?   

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: RyNinDaCleM on December 01, 2011, 06:36:06 AM
Bamboozled?  :D

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: Matthew N. Wright on December 01, 2011, 07:05:29 AM
What is it if you quadrupled your money in 2 weeks and ended up being liquidated out of stubbornness?  

That is of course referred to as being zhoufucked.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: tvbcof on December 01, 2011, 08:33:14 AM
What is it if you quadrupled your money in 2 weeks...

Usually 'being full of shit.'

and ended up being liquidated out of stubbornness?   

Wiser than before.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on December 20, 2011, 05:54:43 AM
How many?

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: zhoutong on December 20, 2011, 05:57:54 AM
How many?

A lot, seriously.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on December 20, 2011, 05:58:55 AM

LOL!  Way to go Zhoutong.  I'm rooting for you. ;)

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: epetroel on December 20, 2011, 06:01:19 AM
Count me in :)

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: tvbcof on December 20, 2011, 06:14:45 AM

If getting 'zhoutonged' means getting reamed using Bitcoinica, what would be a good word for doubling one's money on the same platform?

zhoubling your money?


Your suggestion scales best.  Needed because I've now zhoudrupled my money.

I'll re-iterate that a monkey could do OK on Bitcoinica if they guess right.  I'll take a breather to see if things retract a bit, then try yet again to loose it all.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: phorensic on December 20, 2011, 07:39:35 AM
I'm up like 20% for the day.  No zhoutongin' fo' me.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: DonnyCMU on December 20, 2011, 08:17:55 AM
Let me get this correct... So when the price spiked up and people were trading on Mt.Gox at $4.5,  Zhoutong's genius matching algorithm put the buy price at a $1 spread and force liquidate people's position at $4.9 ?????  >:(

So when all these forced buy bitcoins are actually bought in Mt.Gox market at any price around $4.1-4.5, the all difference goes into Bitcoinica's pocket?

I've been Zhoutonged good!!!

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: Cluster2k on December 20, 2011, 11:11:52 AM
So when all these forced buy bitcoins are actually bought in Mt.Gox market at any price around $4.1-4.5, the all difference goes into Bitcoinica's pocket?

The casino always wins.  It's an unregulated market in the financial equivalent of the Wild West.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: Mushoz on December 20, 2011, 11:14:27 AM
With those fast movements and shallow order book they _have_ to have big spreads, or Bitcoinica risks losing a lot of money on spikes. They would effectively be Zhoutonging themselves! I agree that those big spreads suck as a trader, though  :(

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: FreeMoney on December 20, 2011, 11:40:23 AM
With those fast movements and shallow order book they _have_ to have big spreads, or Bitcoinica risks losing a lot of money on spikes. They would effectively be Zhoutonging themselves! I agree that those big spreads suck as a trader, though  :(

Why not liquidate at Gox and give the customer whatever price they actually got?

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: Mushoz on December 20, 2011, 11:43:31 AM
With those fast movements and shallow order book they _have_ to have big spreads, or Bitcoinica risks losing a lot of money on spikes. They would effectively be Zhoutonging themselves! I agree that those big spreads suck as a trader, though  :(

Why not liquidate at Gox and give the customer whatever price they actually got?

Because although it will work most of the time, sometimes when the prices moves too fast, they aren't able to liquidate on time, which would effectively cause the account of that person who was liquidated to have a negative balance. And they can't be sure that person is honest enough to deposit more funds to make the balance go to zero or positive again. And if they don't deposit more, Bitcoinica would have lost money themselves.

Edit: Also, when a large position is liquidated, that in itself will push the price up or drive the price down. If that effect is big enough due to a shallow order book, that can also cause the liquidation not to be executed for the right price, which will leave a negative balance.

By calculating spreads, they are effectively calculating the risk and protecting themselves against it. This allows them to guarantee liquidity.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: notme on December 20, 2011, 12:10:46 PM
I have a lot of cash in my account. Is the only way I can get it out is by a wire or can I just use it to buy bitcoin?

If I have to use a wire... WTF....  If not, tell me how to do it:)


Click "exchange" in top bar.  Put in amount of USD to "sell" for BTC, click "Exchange".  Poof, you have bitcoins.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: Mushoz on December 20, 2011, 12:11:40 PM
I have a lot of cash in my account. Is the only way I can get it out is by a wire or can I just use it to buy bitcoin?

If I have to use a wire... WTF....  If not, tell me how to do it:)


Or withdraw to your Mtgox account via Mtgox codes, and withdraw your funds via Mtgox.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: epetroel on December 20, 2011, 01:49:51 PM
Because although it will work most of the time, sometimes when the prices moves too fast, they aren't able to liquidate on time, which would effectively cause the account of that person who was liquidated to have a negative balance. And they can't be sure that person is honest enough to deposit more funds to make the balance go to zero or positive again. And if they don't deposit more, Bitcoinica would have lost money themselves.

And it seems that doesn't always work either.  After my position was liquidated, I still had a -$69 balance.  I deposited some money to cover it, but I can't imagine that everyone would do that.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: Mushoz on December 20, 2011, 01:55:45 PM
Because although it will work most of the time, sometimes when the prices moves too fast, they aren't able to liquidate on time, which would effectively cause the account of that person who was liquidated to have a negative balance. And they can't be sure that person is honest enough to deposit more funds to make the balance go to zero or positive again. And if they don't deposit more, Bitcoinica would have lost money themselves.

And it seems that doesn't always work either.  After my position was liquidated, I still had a -$69 balance.  I deposited some money to cover it, but I can't imagine that everyone would do that.

Yeah, spreads only reduce the risk. They don't completely eliminate the risks. That's why they must find a good balance between dampening their risk and providing smaller spreads to stay competitive. That's exactly why the spread is increased in situations when there's more risks (High volatility and/or shallow order book) because they need to protect themselves against those risks, and later reduced again once the dust settles down.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on December 20, 2011, 02:57:04 PM
Because although it will work most of the time, sometimes when the prices moves too fast, they aren't able to liquidate on time, which would effectively cause the account of that person who was liquidated to have a negative balance. And they can't be sure that person is honest enough to deposit more funds to make the balance go to zero or positive again. And if they don't deposit more, Bitcoinica would have lost money themselves.

And it seems that doesn't always work either.  After my position was liquidated, I still had a -$69 balance.  I deposited some money to cover it, but I can't imagine that everyone would do that.

Yeah, spreads only reduce the risk. They don't completely eliminate the risks. That's why they must find a good balance between dampening their risk and providing smaller spreads to stay competitive. That's exactly why the spread is increased in situations when there's more risks (High volatility and/or shallow order book) because they need to protect themselves against those risks, and later reduced again once the dust settles down.

the Voice of Reason. :D

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: zhoutong on December 21, 2011, 12:01:40 AM
Let me get this correct... So when the price spiked up and people were trading on Mt.Gox at $4.5,  Zhoutong's genius matching algorithm put the buy price at a $1 spread and force liquidate people's position at $4.9 ?????  >:(

So when all these forced buy bitcoins are actually bought in Mt.Gox market at any price around $4.1-4.5, the all difference goes into Bitcoinica's pocket?

I've been Zhoutonged good!!!

Can you send an email to about this? We'd like to compensate you on this.

While it's true that our algorithm sets the price by balancing and predicting the benefit and the risk, after all the trading, there's no point of predicting, and we can clearly see that the prediction was wrong. So we are perfectly okay to refund you the "unexpected profit" we made from you.

I hope this explanation makes sense.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on December 21, 2011, 01:43:04 AM
Let me get this correct... So when the price spiked up and people were trading on Mt.Gox at $4.5,  Zhoutong's genius matching algorithm put the buy price at a $1 spread and force liquidate people's position at $4.9 ?????  >:(

So when all these forced buy bitcoins are actually bought in Mt.Gox market at any price around $4.1-4.5, the all difference goes into Bitcoinica's pocket?

I've been Zhoutonged good!!!

Can you send an email to about this? We'd like to compensate you on this.

While it's true that our algorithm sets the price by balancing and predicting the benefit and the risk, after all the trading, there's no point of predicting, and we can clearly see that the prediction was wrong. So we are perfectly okay to refund you the "unexpected profit" we made from you.

I hope this explanation makes sense.

come one come all, Zhoutong proposes to refund you all?

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: zhoutong on December 21, 2011, 02:05:07 AM
Let me get this correct... So when the price spiked up and people were trading on Mt.Gox at $4.5,  Zhoutong's genius matching algorithm put the buy price at a $1 spread and force liquidate people's position at $4.9 ?????  >:(

So when all these forced buy bitcoins are actually bought in Mt.Gox market at any price around $4.1-4.5, the all difference goes into Bitcoinica's pocket?

I've been Zhoutonged good!!!

Can you send an email to about this? We'd like to compensate you on this.

While it's true that our algorithm sets the price by balancing and predicting the benefit and the risk, after all the trading, there's no point of predicting, and we can clearly see that the prediction was wrong. So we are perfectly okay to refund you the "unexpected profit" we made from you.

I hope this explanation makes sense.

come one come all, Zhoutong proposes to refund you all?

Actually I did reverse/refund those obviously inaccurate forced liquidations. But it just happens that some were missing (excuse me hundreds of orders come at once).

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on December 21, 2011, 02:15:00 AM
Let me get this correct... So when the price spiked up and people were trading on Mt.Gox at $4.5,  Zhoutong's genius matching algorithm put the buy price at a $1 spread and force liquidate people's position at $4.9 ?????  >:(

So when all these forced buy bitcoins are actually bought in Mt.Gox market at any price around $4.1-4.5, the all difference goes into Bitcoinica's pocket?

I've been Zhoutonged good!!!

Can you send an email to about this? We'd like to compensate you on this.

While it's true that our algorithm sets the price by balancing and predicting the benefit and the risk, after all the trading, there's no point of predicting, and we can clearly see that the prediction was wrong. So we are perfectly okay to refund you the "unexpected profit" we made from you.

I hope this explanation makes sense.

to be honest, i don't see any explanation as to why or how you determined "unexpected profits".

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: zhoutong on December 21, 2011, 02:18:19 AM
Let me get this correct... So when the price spiked up and people were trading on Mt.Gox at $4.5,  Zhoutong's genius matching algorithm put the buy price at a $1 spread and force liquidate people's position at $4.9 ?????  >:(

So when all these forced buy bitcoins are actually bought in Mt.Gox market at any price around $4.1-4.5, the all difference goes into Bitcoinica's pocket?

I've been Zhoutonged good!!!

Can you send an email to about this? We'd like to compensate you on this.

While it's true that our algorithm sets the price by balancing and predicting the benefit and the risk, after all the trading, there's no point of predicting, and we can clearly see that the prediction was wrong. So we are perfectly okay to refund you the "unexpected profit" we made from you.

I hope this explanation makes sense.

to be honest, i don't see any explanation as to why or how you determined "unexpected profits".

If we liquidated the customer's assets at $4.50 but we charged the customer $4.90 for it, I would say $0.35-$0.39 should be the unexpected profit.

On the other hand, if the customer's assets shouldn't be liquidated at the price of $4.50 instead of $4.90, the better solution is to reverse it.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on December 21, 2011, 04:42:55 AM
Let me get this correct... So when the price spiked up and people were trading on Mt.Gox at $4.5,  Zhoutong's genius matching algorithm put the buy price at a $1 spread and force liquidate people's position at $4.9 ?????  >:(

So when all these forced buy bitcoins are actually bought in Mt.Gox market at any price around $4.1-4.5, the all difference goes into Bitcoinica's pocket?

I've been Zhoutonged good!!!

Can you send an email to about this? We'd like to compensate you on this.

While it's true that our algorithm sets the price by balancing and predicting the benefit and the risk, after all the trading, there's no point of predicting, and we can clearly see that the prediction was wrong. So we are perfectly okay to refund you the "unexpected profit" we made from you.

I hope this explanation makes sense.

to be honest, i don't see any explanation as to why or how you determined "unexpected profits".

If we liquidated the customer's assets at $4.50 but we charged the customer $4.90 for it, I would say $0.35-$0.39 should be the unexpected profit.

On the other hand, if the customer's assets shouldn't be liquidated at the price of $4.50 instead of $4.90, the better solution is to reverse it.

how did your algorithm make this mistake?

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: zhoutong on December 21, 2011, 08:12:46 AM
Let me get this correct... So when the price spiked up and people were trading on Mt.Gox at $4.5,  Zhoutong's genius matching algorithm put the buy price at a $1 spread and force liquidate people's position at $4.9 ?????  >:(

So when all these forced buy bitcoins are actually bought in Mt.Gox market at any price around $4.1-4.5, the all difference goes into Bitcoinica's pocket?

I've been Zhoutonged good!!!

Can you send an email to about this? We'd like to compensate you on this.

While it's true that our algorithm sets the price by balancing and predicting the benefit and the risk, after all the trading, there's no point of predicting, and we can clearly see that the prediction was wrong. So we are perfectly okay to refund you the "unexpected profit" we made from you.

I hope this explanation makes sense.

to be honest, i don't see any explanation as to why or how you determined "unexpected profits".

If we liquidated the customer's assets at $4.50 but we charged the customer $4.90 for it, I would say $0.35-$0.39 should be the unexpected profit.

On the other hand, if the customer's assets shouldn't be liquidated at the price of $4.50 instead of $4.90, the better solution is to reverse it.

how did your algorithm make this mistake?

At the point of $4.50, there were a lot of forced liquidations, stop orders and market buy orders, and there's almost no depth beyond the price until $4.90. So the algorithm decided that the price should be set at $4.90 to minimize the risk for Bitcoinica based on the actual situations.

Then there are sell orders and price decreased, so the algorithm relaxed and lowered the spread. And the previous high were proven wrong.

It's important to know that currently we always have a chain of forced liquidations, because forced liquidations will push the price to trigger more forced liquidations. We will just make sure that they are fully hedged in the market and the prices are reasonable.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: caston on December 21, 2011, 11:33:57 AM
This is why trading options is better than shorting. With option trading, your loss is limited and you don't get margin calls.

Bitcoin is so volatile that some random spike is likely to wipe out a leveraged short position.  With an option, you only care what the price is when the option matures.

Bitcoin doesn't have options, of course. 

Options recently came out on vircurex.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on December 23, 2011, 11:07:06 PM
It's important to know that currently we always have a chain of forced liquidations, because forced liquidations will push the price to trigger more forced liquidations. We will just make sure that they are fully hedged in the market and the prices are reasonable.

so how do you define "reasonable"?

no offense but your business model is doomed.  especially since mtgox, the major exchange, is going to be offering similar hedging options.  you will always be one step behind them in reacting to volatility as they will be the HFT and you will be the retail equivalent.

not to be mean but i think you're offering to reverse trades for those customers wiped out in the last ramp b/c if you don't your client base will never return and you need to keep them alive and in the game.

this is going to keep happening over and over again. 

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: smickles on December 23, 2011, 11:20:18 PM
This is why trading options is better than shorting. With option trading, your loss is limited and you don't get margin calls.

Bitcoin is so volatile that some random spike is likely to wipe out a leveraged short position.  With an option, you only care what the price is when the option matures.

Bitcoin doesn't have options, of course. 

Options recently came out on vircurex.
wow, really?

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: zhoutong on December 25, 2011, 06:03:10 AM
It's important to know that currently we always have a chain of forced liquidations, because forced liquidations will push the price to trigger more forced liquidations. We will just make sure that they are fully hedged in the market and the prices are reasonable.

so how do you define "reasonable"?

no offense but your business model is doomed.  especially since mtgox, the major exchange, is going to be offering similar hedging options.  you will always be one step behind them in reacting to volatility as they will be the HFT and you will be the retail equivalent.

not to be mean but i think you're offering to reverse trades for those customers wiped out in the last ramp b/c if you don't your client base will never return and you need to keep them alive and in the game.

this is going to keep happening over and over again. 

The point is "going to". I'm going to build breakthroughs too, and you forgot this. Bitcoinica is already using Redis to track prices, and we already have the back-end engine to process 10,000 trades per second. Who will be the first to do HFT?

The business model may be doomed in the future but definitely not now. Bitcoinica has always been changing more quickly than our competitors.

Also, I didn't reverse any trades that happens under $4.55. Sorry but the "reasonable" price range is only the obvious personal feeling. $4.55 is reasonable, and $4.89 is not. I'm the guy coding and I know the price is wrong, that's why I'm reversing. I don't claim profits that shouldn't be mine.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on December 25, 2011, 05:01:54 PM
It's important to know that currently we always have a chain of forced liquidations, because forced liquidations will push the price to trigger more forced liquidations. We will just make sure that they are fully hedged in the market and the prices are reasonable.

so how do you define "reasonable"?

no offense but your business model is doomed.  especially since mtgox, the major exchange, is going to be offering similar hedging options.  you will always be one step behind them in reacting to volatility as they will be the HFT and you will be the retail equivalent.

not to be mean but i think you're offering to reverse trades for those customers wiped out in the last ramp b/c if you don't your client base will never return and you need to keep them alive and in the game.

this is going to keep happening over and over again. 

The point is "going to". I'm going to build breakthroughs too, and you forgot this. Bitcoinica is already using Redis to track prices, and we already have the back-end engine to process 10,000 trades per second. Who will be the first to do HFT?

The business model may be doomed in the future but definitely not now. Bitcoinica has always been changing more quickly than our competitors.

Also, I didn't reverse any trades that happens under $4.55. Sorry but the "reasonable" price range is only the obvious personal feeling. $4.55 is reasonable, and $4.89 is not. I'm the guy coding and I know the price is wrong, that's why I'm reversing. I don't claim profits that shouldn't be mine.

then why do HFT companies pay millions of USD's every year to co-locate their computers in a room next to the NYSE?  mtgox IS the exchange and will be competing with you in the option business.  you will never be able to measure up to their service.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: smickles on December 25, 2011, 05:07:14 PM
<snip>  mtgox IS the exchange and will be competing with you in the option business.  you will never be able to measure up to their service.
Wait a tic... options? where?

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on December 25, 2011, 05:22:14 PM
<snip>  mtgox IS the exchange and will be competing with you in the option business.  you will never be able to measure up to their service.
Wait a tic... options? where?

they're planning to roll them out in the near future.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: notme on December 25, 2011, 05:28:10 PM
Bitcoinica may be threatened when mtgox adds options/margin trading.  That doesn't mean that will happen any time soon.  MtGox is a slow moving beast.  Why discourage Zhoutong when he is providing a valuable service not available elsewhere?  He has clearly demonstrated (IMHO) better responsiveness and more agile development.  Unless you have inside info you're not sharing, MtGox hasn't said anything about this since they posted it on their site over 6 months ago.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: BadBear on December 25, 2011, 05:29:29 PM
Bitcoinica may be threatened when mtgox adds options/margin trading.  That doesn't mean that will happen any time soon.  MtGox is a slow moving beast.  Why discourage Zhoutong when he is providing a valuable service not available elsewhere?  He has clearly demonstrated (IMHO) better responsiveness and more agile development.  Unless you have inside info you're not sharing, MtGox hasn't said anything about this since they posted it on their site over 6 months ago.

He's always been a hater.  Probably just jealousy. 

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: RandyFolds on December 25, 2011, 05:33:14 PM
Bitcoinica may be threatened when mtgox adds options/margin trading.  That doesn't mean that will happen any time soon.  MtGox is a slow moving beast.  Why discourage Zhoutong when he is providing a valuable service not available elsewhere?  He has clearly demonstrated (IMHO) better responsiveness and more agile development.  Unless you have inside info you're not sharing, MtGox hasn't said anything about this since they posted it on their site over 6 months ago.

He's always been a hater.  Probably just jealousy.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: notme on December 25, 2011, 05:44:01 PM
He actually gave some good advice on the stock market rally last week, so I do have some respect for him.  Too bad for him, but he chickened out on his positions a few days before.  I'm too small of a player to be wasting trade fees, plus I didn't see how anything had changed, so I hung in there and made a nice profit.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on December 25, 2011, 05:44:44 PM
Bitcoinica may be threatened when mtgox adds options/margin trading.  That doesn't mean that will happen any time soon.  MtGox is a slow moving beast.  Why discourage Zhoutong when he is providing a valuable service not available elsewhere?  He has clearly demonstrated (IMHO) better responsiveness and more agile development.  Unless you have inside info you're not sharing, MtGox hasn't said anything about this since they posted it on their site over 6 months ago.

He's always been a hater.  Probably just jealousy.  

typical comment from a guy who's missed a 217% ramp off the bottom that i called 2d before it happened  :)

and you're a moderator?

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on December 25, 2011, 05:52:29 PM
He actually gave some good advice on the stock market rally last week, so I do have some respect for him.  Too bad for him, but he chickened out on his positions a few days before.  I'm too small of a player to be wasting trade fees, plus I didn't see how anything had changed, so I hung in there and made a nice profit.

if you read my blog carefully, i replaced my stock positions with additions to my TBT  which did even better.  I had caught the majority of the stock rally since the 10/4 bottom if you recall.  and it won't be too late to add to stock positions.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on December 25, 2011, 05:58:01 PM
actually i'm not trying to discourage Zhoutong.  i'm trying to warn him about what i feel is a flawed business model which i agree is debatable.

but if mtgox does offer options he WILL be at a significant disadvantage.  there is no question about that.

maybe he can adjust but i'm not sure how.

also i feel that by offering shorting in an immature market such as Bitcoin, he has contributed to an artificially suppressed price over the last several months since he's been in biz.  its too late to help that but now we're seeing the market compensate in the other direction; UP.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: BadBear on December 25, 2011, 06:25:11 PM
Bitcoinica may be threatened when mtgox adds options/margin trading.  That doesn't mean that will happen any time soon.  MtGox is a slow moving beast.  Why discourage Zhoutong when he is providing a valuable service not available elsewhere?  He has clearly demonstrated (IMHO) better responsiveness and more agile development.  Unless you have inside info you're not sharing, MtGox hasn't said anything about this since they posted it on their site over 6 months ago.

He's always been a hater.  Probably just jealousy.  

typical comment from a guy who's missed a 217% ramp off the bottom that i called 2d before it happened  :)

and you're a moderator?

lol I didn't miss anything, don't worry about me, I'm doing great  ;D  You really should relax a little bit, can't be good to be so hostile on Christmas!
And yes I am!


Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: proudhon on December 25, 2011, 07:07:01 PM
actually i'm not trying to discourage Zhoutong.  i'm trying to warn him about what i feel is a flawed business model which i agree is debatable.

but if mtgox does offer options he WILL be at a significant disadvantage.  there is no question about that.

maybe he can adjust but i'm not sure how.

also i feel that by offering shorting in an immature market such as Bitcoin, he has contributed to an artificially suppressed price over the last several months since he's been in biz.  its too late to help that but now we're seeing the market compensate in the other direction; UP.

Maybe MtGox will buy bitcoinica.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: netrin on December 25, 2011, 07:30:40 PM
There is something to cypherdoc's complaints. Whenever the prices get volatile, the spread compensates. Recall the spike up last week? Even if you had perfect orders at the exact bottom and top I doubt you would have made much if any money at Bitcoinica, but if you bet incorrectly, you'd have lost your entire bet and then some and some more again. $3.8 to $4.5 didn't happen on Bitcoinica, yet the ASK was over $5. It's taken me too long to realize Bitcoinica only works best for the very long term position holders at the expense of the day or week traders.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: BadBear on December 25, 2011, 07:35:48 PM
Maybe, I haven't used bitcoinica since it hit 2, cashed out and now I do a little bit of day trading, but not much.  Mostly I'm just holding, waiting to see what's gonna happen. 

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: netrin on December 25, 2011, 07:42:54 PM
Bitcoinica spreads are a moving target. Stops are unreliable. Trading month to month on leverage is incredibly profitable. Anything else is gambling with a house who's making the rules up as you play.

I'm considering opening separate accounts for each trade. I suspect forced liquidation is more reliable than stops (though I've not yet been liquidated).

I make no critique of Zhou personally. I think he's a brilliant kid with a well designed site and great support. My comments are to be taken purely at face value from experience. I've made some outstanding calls, profited on Mt. Gox, but have rarely pulled it off on Bitcoinica.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: zhoutong on December 25, 2011, 11:59:22 PM
actually i'm not trying to discourage Zhoutong.  i'm trying to warn him about what i feel is a flawed business model which i agree is debatable.

but if mtgox does offer options he WILL be at a significant disadvantage.  there is no question about that.

maybe he can adjust but i'm not sure how.

also i feel that by offering shorting in an immature market such as Bitcoin, he has contributed to an artificially suppressed price over the last several months since he's been in biz.  its too late to help that but now we're seeing the market compensate in the other direction; UP.

I'm sure I have been more profitable than Mt. Gox with this "flawed" business model.

If there's a real threat, I'll shut down the service and do something new. It's that simple. You don't have to warn me when I have future plans beyond your imagination.

I'm not afraid of Mt. Gox at all. If they launch a good service, then it's good for the community. If they do something dirty, everyone will know and Bitcoinica will switch to another exchange and divert 25% market share away.

Also, shorting is natural to a free market. If you can mortgage USD asset and borrow ฿, you can short technically. Bitcoinica just made the process easier, which will help the market find the right price.

I have a lot of Bitcoin savings, I have more incentive than you to make the price rise. A lot of friends are telling me that Bitcoinica has left a good impression in terms of technical professionalism and web design, and this improves their impression on the whole industry. They don't have to use Bitcoinica to trust Bitcoin more.

You're commenting based on your numbers without considering others' hearts. Customer perception is the utmost importance to me for an obvious reason - I want to change Bitcoin community in every way I can. If your target is $10, then continue suppressing shorting services. If your target is $1,000, you should respect and encourage every new service that makes the community better.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: notme on December 26, 2011, 04:42:26 AM
He actually gave some good advice on the stock market rally last week, so I do have some respect for him.  Too bad for him, but he chickened out on his positions a few days before.  I'm too small of a player to be wasting trade fees, plus I didn't see how anything had changed, so I hung in there and made a nice profit.

if you read my blog carefully, i replaced my stock positions with additions to my TBT  which did even better.  I had caught the majority of the stock rally since the 10/4 bottom if you recall.  and it won't be too late to add to stock positions.

I do ready your blog carefully and was well aware of where you moved your funds.  I'm sorry if I offended you, I didn't mean to call you a chicken.   I just get frustrated every now and then with all the "this is not perfect so let's throw it out" talk on these forums.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on December 26, 2011, 04:54:02 AM
He actually gave some good advice on the stock market rally last week, so I do have some respect for him.  Too bad for him, but he chickened out on his positions a few days before.  I'm too small of a player to be wasting trade fees, plus I didn't see how anything had changed, so I hung in there and made a nice profit.

if you read my blog carefully, i replaced my stock positions with additions to my TBT  which did even better.  I had caught the majority of the stock rally since the 10/4 bottom if you recall.  and it won't be too late to add to stock positions.

I do ready your blog carefully and was well aware of where you moved your funds.  I'm sorry if I offended you, I didn't mean to call you a chicken.   I just get frustrated every now and then with all the "this is not perfect so let's throw it out" talk on these forums.

well thanks for reading.  its hard putting oneself out on the line day after day esp. when i and everyone around here reads the same stuff like Zerohedge, Mish, etc all of whom are doom and gloomers.  one day i'm sure i'll make a complete fool of myself with one of my calls.  i actually miss the back and forth dissertation with miscreanity back on the Gold thread i started back in August.  at least he kept me on my toes and continuously made me question myself.  it was hard work though and i'm a very busy person.  we'll see how long i can keep it up.

Merry Christmas!

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: notme on December 26, 2011, 05:00:42 AM
well thanks for reading.  its hard putting oneself out on the line day after day esp. when i and everyone around here reads the same stuff like Zerohedge, Mish, etc all of whom are doom and gloomers.  one day i'm sure i'll make a complete fool of myself with one of my calls.  i actually miss the back and forth dissertation with miscreanity back on the Gold thread i started back in August.  at least he kept me on my toes and continuously made me question myself.  it was hard work though and i'm a very busy person.  we'll see how long i can keep it up.

Merry Christmas!

Thanks for putting yourself out there.  I'm still a noob (25 years old, barely any spare funds to invest), so there is very little I can offer.  I miss the old Gold thread discussion as well, but I completely understand how much of a time commitment it can take.  Your perspective is a very refreshing contrast to the doom and gloomers.  Of course, overoptimism can kill you too, but at least you have something to offer beyond "OMG It's all crashing down, buy gold".

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on December 26, 2011, 06:01:20 AM
its hard putting oneself out on the line day after day esp.

Doc, do you think this is all fun and games for Zhou? Don't you think he's put himself on the line as well?

What do you think? Net gain for Bitcoin because of Bitcoinica? Or net loss because of Bitcoinica?

yes, Zhou is taking a big risk starting Bitcoinica and i do give him credit for that.  and despite my concerns about his biz model he probably is smart enough to adjust with changing conditions.  plus he does seem honest and committed to making it work.  my only concern is that the market may force him out.  we'll see.

as an experienced short seller, i must say i've been against the concept of shorting Bitcoin so early in its career.  i know how destructive it can be.  its too vulnerable at this point and i think shorting has contributed to the excessive downside we've seen.  and my concern is not so much from normal short sellers but from the Fed. 

imagine a scenario where the Fed sets up an acct in the name of JoeBlow1000 and feeds a continuous unending supply of USD's into its acct to fund short positions.  they could throw a trilion USD's or more at this if they wanted to stuff Bitcoin just like they've done with gold and silver via JPM and Goldman.  and they have no accountability.  how would Zhou or any of us know who was behind this?

at any rate, i'm pleased to see that Bitcoin has not failed and appears to be turning the corner upwards.  so maybe Zhou's leverage will work on the way up just like it did on the way down.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: phantomcircuit on December 26, 2011, 09:05:45 PM
tl;dr bitcoinicas quote algo screws leveraged users

I'll start off this post with some full disclosure.  I am Patrick from Intersango ( so take what I have with whatever size grain of salt you would like.

I have been warning people against trading on margin in general for a long time now, because the market is really very thin (yes even on MtGox).

This post is specifically about the quoted prices on bitcoinica. While they are reasonably close to market rate most of the time they remain in the complete control of bitcoinica. (I'm sure most of you already understand this)

They employ an algorithm which is clearly taking into account market velocity to protect themselves from falling behind the market, I can understand why they do this, really it makes perfect sense from their perspective; however this results in spikes which force liquidations which are really not necessary.

I only have detailed information for about 15 days, but if the relatively small amount of data I have shows this behaviour I can only imagine it would be even more clear in a longer data series.

Edit: I would like to add that this data is *not* readily available to normal users, thus the limited data series. (

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: RandyFolds on December 26, 2011, 09:13:35 PM
tl;dr bitcoinicas quote algo screws leveraged users

I'll start off this post with some full disclosure.  I am Patrick from Intersango ( so take what I have with whatever size grain of salt you would like.

I have been warning people against trading on margin in general for a long time now, because the market is really very thin (yes even on MtGox).

This post is specifically about the quoted prices on bitcoinica. While they are reasonably close to market rate most of the time they remain in the complete control of bitcoinica. (I'm sure most of you already understand this)

They employ an algorithm which is clearly taking into account market velocity to protect themselves from falling behind the market, I can understand why they do this, really it makes perfect sense from their perspective; however this results in spikes which force liquidations which are really not necessary.

I only have detailed information for about 15 days, but if the relatively small amount of data I have shows this behaviour I can only imagine it would be even more clear in a longer data series.

So...make a better algorithm. This is obviously the best that's available right now.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on December 26, 2011, 09:19:23 PM
tl;dr bitcoinicas quote algo screws leveraged users

I'll start off this post with some full disclosure.  I am Patrick from Intersango ( so take what I have with whatever size grain of salt you would like.

I have been warning people against trading on margin in general for a long time now, because the market is really very thin (yes even on MtGox).

This post is specifically about the quoted prices on bitcoinica. While they are reasonably close to market rate most of the time they remain in the complete control of bitcoinica. (I'm sure most of you already understand this)

They employ an algorithm which is clearly taking into account market velocity  VOLATILITY to protect themselves from falling behind the market, I can understand why they do this, really it makes perfect sense from their perspective; however this results in spikes which force liquidations which are really not necessary.

I only have detailed information for about 15 days, but if the relatively small amount of data I have shows this behaviour I can only imagine it would be even more clear in a longer data series. (


Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: phantomcircuit on December 26, 2011, 09:20:02 PM
So...make a better algorithm. This is obviously the best that's available right now.

I would settle for a graph such as this one being presented to bitcoinica users.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: RandyFolds on December 26, 2011, 09:59:40 PM
They did drop the leveraging from 5:1 to 2:1, IIRC. There is always uncertainty in predicting the future, and businesses exist to make themselves money, not to make you money.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: phantomcircuit on December 26, 2011, 10:07:09 PM
They did drop the leveraging from 5:1 to 2:1, IIRC. There is always uncertainty in predicting the future, and businesses exist to make themselves money, not to make you money.

They actually increased leverage to 10:1.

The real issue here is that their previous quote history is not public.

The reason my data isn't complete is that there is no way to get the full quote history.

Someone simply checking the charts provided would not see the spikes as these show averages.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: RandyFolds on December 26, 2011, 11:42:49 PM
They did drop the leveraging from 5:1 to 2:1, IIRC. There is always uncertainty in predicting the future, and businesses exist to make themselves money, not to make you money.

They actually increased leverage to 10:1.

The real issue here is that their previous quote history is not public.

The reason my data isn't complete is that there is no way to get the full quote history.

Someone simply checking the charts provided would not see the spikes as these show averages.

Wow...that's sort of crazy leverage. I thought they scaled it back.

I get what you are saying now. I have never tried to look at their charts, but I assumed it would be somewhat transparent.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: old_engineer on December 27, 2011, 12:20:01 AM
tl;dr bitcoinicas quote algo screws leveraged users

I'll start off this post with some full disclosure.  I am Patrick from Intersango ( so take what I have with whatever size grain of salt you would like.

I have been warning people against trading on margin in general for a long time now, because the market is really very thin (yes even on MtGox).

This post is specifically about the quoted prices on bitcoinica. While they are reasonably close to market rate most of the time they remain in the complete control of bitcoinica. (I'm sure most of you already understand this)

They employ an algorithm which is clearly taking into account market velocity to protect themselves from falling behind the market, I can understand why they do this, really it makes perfect sense from their perspective; however this results in spikes which force liquidations which are really not necessary.

I only have detailed information for about 15 days, but if the relatively small amount of data I have shows this behaviour I can only imagine it would be even more clear in a longer data series.

Edit: I would like to add that this data is *not* readily available to normal users, thus the limited data series. (
I'd recommend that you add in the actual Mt. Gox price to your graph, and then generate this file as an SVG so that people can zoom into the image without loss of resolution, and see how wide the spread becomes.  At least one person posted saying they'd been liquidated at $4.93, even though the price never went $0.40 near that.  The algorithm makes sense for bitcoinica, but not for users.

I find it's far easier to make money on the price spikes or dips when idiots (er, non-price sensitive individuals) buy or sell 10-20k+ coins at once, rather than slowly buying or selling over time.  Catching big coin dumps with pre-placed orders is more profitable then attempting to short the market, as the market clearly jumps right back up within minutes of a sell-off.  Also, catching these spikes reduces the magnitude of the spike, helping bitcoin stability and increasing liquidity, whereas a liquidated short will spike the market again (short squeeze), which isn't good for bitcoin.  So not only is it safer and more reliable money to actually buy & sell bitcoins on mtgox, rather than betting on the price through the (mostly) bucket shop ( that is bitcoinica, it's also better for bitcoin (the hedged percent on bitcoinica's front page is the percent that they are a bucket shop that day).

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: phantomcircuit on December 27, 2011, 01:42:53 AM
I'd recommend that you add in the actual Mt. Gox price to your graph, and then generate this file as an SVG so that people can zoom into the image without loss of resolution, and see how wide the spread becomes.  At least one person posted saying they'd been liquidated at $4.93, even though the price never went $0.40 near that.  The algorithm makes sense for bitcoinica, but not for users.

I find it's far easier to make money on the price spikes or dips when idiots (er, non-price sensitive individuals) buy or sell 10-20k+ coins at once, rather than slowly buying or selling over time.  Catching big coin dumps with pre-placed orders is more profitable then attempting to short the market, as the market clearly jumps right back up within minutes of a sell-off.  Also, catching these spikes reduces the magnitude of the spike, helping bitcoin stability and increasing liquidity, whereas a liquidated short will spike the market again (short squeeze), which isn't good for bitcoin.  So not only is it safer and more reliable money to actually buy & sell bitcoins on mtgox, rather than betting on the price through the (mostly) bucket shop ( that is bitcoinica, it's also better for bitcoin (the hedged percent on bitcoinica's front page is the percent that they are a bucket shop that day).

The MtGox prices are shifted (i think i have a tiemzone issue). (

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: phantomcircuit on December 27, 2011, 02:23:49 AM
I have fixed the timezone issue.

You can clearly see the spikes on bitcoinica are significantly larger than the spikes seen on mtgox and are well outside the normal spread.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: zhoutong on December 27, 2011, 03:08:22 AM
In response to phantomcircuit, and various other participants:

I'm aware of this issue and that's why I have reversed some of the forced liquidations that are deemed inaccurate. In the following days, I will do these two things:

1. Improve the pricing algorithm to prevent the unnecessary spikes.

2. Make charts for history quotes available, for every day since we launched. The chart will look similar to phantomcircuit's, showing both buying prices and selling prices.

I apologize for not doing enough to protect our customers' interest in terms of system engineering.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: netrin on December 27, 2011, 03:18:08 AM
I'd recommend that you add in the actual Mt. Gox price to your graph

If only for casual browsing, the Mt. Gox price rarely goes outside of the bitcoinica spread. Bitcoinica spread just expands like bollinger bands.

At least one person posted saying they'd been liquidated at $4.93, even though the price never went $0.40 near that.  The algorithm makes sense for bitcoinica, but not for users.

It's not just the guys on the wrong side of the trade who get screwed. Those who bet correctly get screwed out of winnings as well. During volatile spikes, the ask sky rockets, while the bid moves not a satoshi. If the price does not stabilize at the higher price, the spike occurs for the losers but not for the winners. The only winner is Bitcoinica.

I find it's far easier to make money on the price spikes or dips

Surely you are referring to Mt. Gox and not Bitcoinica?

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: RandyFolds on December 27, 2011, 03:21:11 AM
In response to phantomcircuit, and various other participants:

I'm aware of this issue and that's why I have reversed some of the forced liquidations that are deemed inaccurate. In the following days, I will do these two things:

1. Improve the pricing algorithm to prevent the unnecessary spikes.

2. Make charts for history quotes available, for every day since we launched. The chart will look similar to phantomcircuit's, showing both buying prices and selling prices.

I apologize for not doing enough to protect our customers' interest in terms of system engineering.


Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: jimbobway on December 27, 2011, 04:00:26 AM
Zhou'tong' song?  ;D

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: old_engineer on December 27, 2011, 05:59:14 AM
I'd recommend that you add in the actual Mt. Gox price to your graph

If only for casual browsing, the Mt. Gox price rarely goes outside of the bitcoinica spread. Bitcoinica spread just expands like bollinger bands.
The Mt. Gox price is for reference, for comparison purposes.  Seeing the bands without the actual price doesn't fully inform the reader of the underlying market conditions.

I find it's far easier to make money on the price spikes or dips

Surely you are referring to Mt. Gox and not Bitcoinica?

Yes, I am referring to trading actual coins on Mt. Gox, a reference I clearly buried later in that paragraph. :)

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: old_engineer on December 27, 2011, 06:09:45 AM

The MtGox prices are shifted (i think i have a tiemzone issue). (

Though saved as SVG, Ttis is still a bitmap image. A true SVG image is vector (Scalable Vector Graphics), and zooming into the image allows the viewer to see details. Here's what an SVG graph should look like, where you can zoom in and still see details:

Zooming into your image shows zoomed-in mush:

SVG is essentially like a graphics vector language: "draw line from 0,0 to 100,100", which works very well independent of screen resolution, rather than a bitmap that records the values of individual pixels, and will show pixelation when zoomed.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: caston on December 27, 2011, 06:28:16 AM
I actually went back to CFD trading bank stocks and have been making a little money and keeping much better hours and not a forced liquidated yet!

 The thing I noticed about my CFD provider is that the amount of margin you are given is determined on where your stop loss is. Why not make something similar on bitcoinica? For example if you have no stop loss you can only trade 1:1 the closer your stop loss is the more margin you can use. That way there really shouldn't be any forced liquidations.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: phantomcircuit on December 27, 2011, 06:31:38 AM
Though saved as SVG, Ttis is still a bitmap image. A true SVG image is vector (Scalable Vector Graphics), and zooming into the image allows the viewer to see details. Here's what an SVG graph should look like, where you can zoom in and still see details:

Zooming into your image shows zoomed-in mush:

SVG is essentially like a graphics vector language: "draw line from 0,0 to 100,100", which works very well independent of screen resolution, rather than a bitmap that records the values of individual pixels, and will show pixelation when zoomed.

Yes I know what a vector is.

This information is inherently a series of points, whether it is plotted on a bitmap or as an svg, it is absolutely not an infinitely smooth line.

If you would like to find out why I didn't simply do this as a series of points simply try and load

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: netrin on December 27, 2011, 06:40:38 AM
For example if you have no stop loss you can only trade 1:1 the closer your stop loss is the more margin you can use. That way there really shouldn't be any forced liquidations.

I've wondered why/how anyone gets liquidated at all. People set a highly leveraged unprotected position and go on vacation (called sleep in the bitcoin world)?

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: caston on December 27, 2011, 06:45:54 AM
For example if you have no stop loss you can only trade 1:1 the closer your stop loss is the more margin you can use. That way there really shouldn't be any forced liquidations.

I've wondered why/how anyone gets liquidated at all. People set a highly leveraged unprotected position and go on vacation (called sleep in the bitcoin world)?

I like your idea about having multiple accounts. You keep a certain amount of reserve USD or BTC on Mtgox and if one of your accounts looks like its about to be liquidated you deposit some capital to take it back. The rational being that if the market moves against you it will eventually come back and you can exit without loss. Of course if the market REALLY moves like over a $1 change then you might lose your backup capital as well. You can also try to short the spike then there's another spike and your forever throwing in more capital to try to stop the forced liquidation. If you can get your money in fast enough is might be 3-4 days until you can exit your position without a loss.

Then your feeling sorry for yourself thinking about how rich you would be if you went long.

This all comes back to knowing what the trend is. At the moment we're still not quite sure if BTC is going back to above 5 or its crashing back to parity.

If you're going against the trend take out small profits. If your going with it wait for the large ones. Of course I got nuts just trying to work out what the trend actually is.

Same goes for if your making a small loss and your not sure if you should exit your position or not. The simple rule of thumb is are you bettering for or against the trend?

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: netrin on December 27, 2011, 06:52:29 AM
I don't recall my rationale for this ingenious idea.

I think it was just to keep track of my various positions experiments, or in protest for my trailing stops not working, or ... I'm now setting my position on Mt. Gox and then moving coins and codes over to Bitcoinica for more leverage and stops. So far that's not working brilliantly either. Fortunately, I happen to always know the trend and future direction*, I just can't always get the maximas.

* except when I don't.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: caston on December 27, 2011, 06:55:28 AM
I don't recall my rationale for this ingenious idea.

I think it was just to keep track of my various positions experiments, or in protest for my trailing stops not working, or ...

I'm now setting my position on Mt. Gox and then moving coins and codes over to Bitcoinica for more leverage and stops. So far that's not working brilliantly either.

You can also look for outside news. For example there was a segment about bitcoin on Fox that came out on a Sunday and a few days later the mysterious MtGox countdown was due to finish. That WAS a very good time to long.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: zhoutong on December 27, 2011, 09:01:15 AM
Done. Now Bitcoinica officially provides daily quotes charts.

Also, the new pricing algorithm is already running in production after testing against all historical data.

Available at: (

Off-topic: The most exciting day since Bitcoinica's launch.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: finway on December 27, 2011, 09:26:44 AM
Want to try Bitcoinica someday.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: caston on December 27, 2011, 10:14:16 AM
Want to try Bitcoinica someday.

Nice to see the mother of all short positions :)

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: finway on December 27, 2011, 12:40:45 PM
Want to try Bitcoinica someday.
Nice to see the mother of all short positions :)
Sorry, i don't follow you.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: caston on December 27, 2011, 04:12:11 PM
Want to try Bitcoinica someday.
Nice to see the mother of all short positions :)
Sorry, i don't follow you.

When bitcoinica first came out you could short bitcoins at about $7... if you did so then forgot about it and went away and did other things and then came back you would have found a very nice Unrealized P/L in your account.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on December 27, 2011, 05:02:21 PM
Done. Now Bitcoinica officially provides daily quotes charts.

Also, the new pricing algorithm is already running in production after testing against all historical data.

Available at: (

Off-topic: The most exciting day since Bitcoinica's launch.

thanks for trying to make it better.  not sure it will make a diff in the end and i still won't use your service. :)

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: molecular on December 27, 2011, 10:25:25 PM
People set a highly leveraged unprotected position and go on vacation (called sleep in the bitcoin world)?

haha, you made me laugh. it's so true, too.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: gewure on December 28, 2011, 08:54:08 AM
i have been zhoutonged recently. but i kind of zhoutonged back..

 >:( :o 8) ;)

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on December 28, 2011, 11:00:27 PM

Wow if this true Bitcoinica really is doomed.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: smickles on December 28, 2011, 11:21:52 PM

Wow if this true Bitcoinica really is doomed.
yeah, not lookin' too good right now.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on January 01, 2012, 10:26:05 PM
How many?

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: BadBear on January 03, 2012, 01:38:12 PM
Another big dump, spiked down to 4.65  Hope you guys are being careful with your leverage. 

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on January 03, 2012, 02:38:38 PM
Another big dump, spiked down to 4.65  Hope you guys are being careful with your leverage. 

Zhoutonging works both ways ;D

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on January 14, 2012, 06:53:15 AM
Zhoutong Zhoutonging the Zhoutonged.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on January 18, 2012, 02:04:52 AM
i smell a lot of dead bodies...

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: Eveofwar on January 18, 2012, 02:05:22 AM
i smell a lot of dead bodies...

Go ahead and add me to the list.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: OgNasty on January 18, 2012, 02:06:50 AM
I lost the free $1 he gave out to new users a while back.  >:(  I guess I won't turn $1 into a million after all.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on January 18, 2012, 02:08:46 AM
everyone has to be Zhoutonged at least once in their life; except me.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: gewure on January 18, 2012, 02:40:58 AM
i won some coins and $ :)

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on January 18, 2012, 03:07:15 AM
i won some coins and $ :)

only to be Zhoutonged tomorrow ;)

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: notme on January 18, 2012, 05:34:00 AM
everyone has to be Zhoutonged at least once in their life; except me.

Nope, I'm in your club.

I've never been Zhoutonged, but I have taken losses on Bitcoinica.  Did quite well on this drop.  Was long, but had enough margin to buy some cheap coins at 5.15.  Well back in the green now.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: legitnick on January 18, 2012, 05:38:07 AM
Add me to the list, $300.  ::)

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: zby on January 18, 2012, 06:16:49 AM
I have not been forcefully liquidated - but I cannot withdraw my funds from bitcoinica - does that count?

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: racerguy on January 18, 2012, 06:18:56 AM
I was force liquidated with funds still in my account, isn't the margin call meant to deplete your funds before you're force liquidated?

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: zhoutong on January 18, 2012, 06:20:42 AM
I was force liquidated with funds still in my account, isn't the margin call meant to deplete your funds before you're force liquidated?

There's 4% maintenance. Obviously we can't allow anyone to deplete funds and cause uncollectible debts.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on January 18, 2012, 09:11:25 AM
I was force liquidated with funds still in my account, isn't the margin call meant to deplete your funds before you're force liquidated?

thats what i thought too.  since when has this been the case?

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: zhoutong on January 18, 2012, 10:18:58 AM
I was force liquidated with funds still in my account, isn't the margin call meant to deplete your funds before you're force liquidated?

thats what i thought too.  since when has this been the case?

We always have maintenance. And it has never been changed.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: racerguy on January 18, 2012, 01:05:18 PM
I was force liquidated with funds still in my account, isn't the margin call meant to deplete your funds before you're force liquidated?

There's 4% maintenance. Obviously we can't allow anyone to deplete funds and cause uncollectible debts.

So if I had more than the 4% maintenance in my account I wouldn't have been liquidated?

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: proudhon on January 18, 2012, 02:13:25 PM

Nice guys, nice.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: Mushoz on January 18, 2012, 02:17:10 PM

Amazing how stupid people are...  >:(

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: teflone on January 18, 2012, 02:18:20 PM

New term, Kim Jong Unned (owned)

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: gewure on January 18, 2012, 08:56:56 PM
A bear's call woke me up this morning, and before I could clear my head I bought bought bought, bought so much that I zoutonged myself:) My last buy and my liquidation was at the same time lol!

I timed it right (buying at $4.8) but failed on the 10 to 1 leverage rule. When are we going to get 50 to 1?   :)


try 5:1 - its high enough

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: old_engineer on January 18, 2012, 10:40:18 PM
Hi, my name is old_engineer, and I got liquidated yesterday at 3:1 leverage.  I saw the squeeze coming, and had enough margin available at Mt. Gox and on home wallet to drop this to 1.5:1, but couldn't move the funds from MtGox to bitcoinica due to daily limits, and the speed of the crash which kept me from transferring coins from my home wallet in time.

As my posts have probably made clear, I'm not a fan of leveraged trading, so what was I doing at bitcoinica?  Well, when Zhou announced he was having a one-day-only special with no spread (Jan 14th), I thought I'd lock up some of his cash using my long coins to reduce funds available to silly speculators, and then not close the position until this summer.  The long coins were just sitting there, not doing anything, and so I put the asterisk on the site by taking out a large long position using them as collateral.  And it backfired.  I lost 1400 btc + $2k USD, but I'm not too sore since I'm still up by a little bit ($1k) since I started trading in June, so I basically gave back most of my winnings.  Meh.

But what annoys me more than the loss of winnings is that I've been spending a lot of time daytrading to reduce volatility, catching spikes up and down, with the goal of creating a spread of less than 3% (the typical fee on VISA). Not only has it taken a lot of time, but because I've been setting my orders close to the current selling price, I'm left holding bitcoins whenever the price drops significantly (like now, when I bought all my coins at $6.5), and I sell out completely and am holding USD whenever there's a big rise.  This has obviously not been a good profit-making strategy, requiring both more time and with reduced profits in a bull market, but I've been intentionally doing it anyway.

And the big market maker (The Manipulator) pissed all over my efforts by slyly built up all bid walls and removing sell walls so that there were 4x as many buys as sells visible, intentionally driving the price up to $7 timed with the prime-time TV exposure, then initiated the sell-off with multiple 20k+ btc sells to $6.50, removing the bid walls, and adding huge sell walls. The result?  $6.5 to $4.8 and back to $6.9 in the span of 20 minutes.  Fuck.  Bitcoin can't be taken seriously for months after an event like that.

I know it's a rigged market, and I'm fine with that - the implementation of bitcoin or any new digital currency pretty much guarantees whale players -  but it's the intentional volatility to maximize his/her stake that chafes me.  Just because he can, doesn't mean he should.  One would hope that early adopters would be benevolent rather than malevolent with a fragile and precious new market, but alas, this just isn't not the case.  Why can't he just be satisfied with the the natural increase in value as usage expands, and nudge the market subtly whenever it gets too bullish or bearish?  There's no need to intentionally lead on the market, then shake market confidence with wild swings.  I think I'll take my coins and go home, at least for a while. </rant>

tl;dr: lost 1400 btc + $2k, pissed at manipulator roughly manipulating fragile market rather than caressing it tenderly

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: Mushoz on January 18, 2012, 10:43:36 PM
Damn, I'm sorry to hear that. I don't think it's an early adapter, though. Most likely a person with deep pockets who entered the game months ago and is here only for his personal gains by speculating and manipulation. Too bad :(

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: legitnick on January 18, 2012, 10:45:10 PM
Hi, my name is old_engineer, and I got liquidated yesterday at 3:1 leverage.  I saw the squeeze coming, and had enough margin available at Mt. Gox and on home wallet to drop this to 1.5:1, but couldn't move the funds from MtGox to bitcoinica due to daily limits, and the speed of the crash which kept me from transferring coins from my home wallet in time.

As my posts have probably made clear, I'm not a fan of leveraged trading, so what was I doing at bitcoinica?  Well, when Zhou announced he was having a one-day-only special with no spread (Jan 14th), I thought I'd lock up some of his cash using my long coins to reduce funds available to silly speculators, and then not close the position until this summer.  The long coins were just sitting there, not doing anything, and so I put the asterisk on the site by taking out a large long position using them as collateral.  And it backfired.  I lost 1400 btc + $2k USD, but I'm not too sore since I'm still up by a little bit ($1k) since I started trading in June, so I basically gave back most of my winnings.  Meh.

But what annoys me more than the loss of winnings is that I've been spending a lot of time daytrading to reduce volatility, catching spikes up and down, with the goal of creating a spread of less than 3% (the typical fee on VISA). Not only has it taken a lot of time, but because I've been setting my orders close to the current selling price, I'm left holding bitcoins whenever the price drops significantly (like now, when I bought all my coins at $6.5), and I sell out completely and am holding USD whenever there's a big rise.  This has obviously not been a good profit-making strategy, requiring both more time and with reduced profits in a bull market, but I've been intentionally doing it anyway.

And the big market maker (The Manipulator) pissed all over my efforts by slyly built up all bid walls and removing sell walls so that there were 4x as many buys as sells visible, intentionally driving the price up to $7 timed with the prime-time TV exposure, then initiated the sell-off with multiple 20k+ btc sells to $6.50, removing the bid walls, and adding huge sell walls. The result?  $6.5 to $4.8 and back to $6.9 in the span of 20 minutes.  Fuck.  Bitcoin can't be taken seriously for months after an event like that.

I know it's a rigged market, and I'm fine with that - the implementation of bitcoin or any new digital currency pretty much guarantees whale players -  but it's the intentional volatility to maximize his/her stake that chafes me.  Just because he can, doesn't mean he should.  One would hope that early adopters would be benevolent rather than malevolent with a fragile and precious new market, but alas, this just isn't not the case.  Why can't he just be satisfied with the the natural increase in value as usage expands, and nudge the market subtly whenever it gets too bullish or bearish?  There's no need to intentionally lead on the market, then shake market confidence with wild swings.  I think I'll take my coins and go home, at least for a while. </rant>

tl;dr: lost 1400 btc + $2k, pissed at manipulator roughly manipulating fragile market rather than caressing it tenderly

Same thing happened to me but with $300.  :-\

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: pirateat40 on January 18, 2012, 10:45:29 PM
Damn, I'm sorry to hear that. I don't think it's an early adapter, though. Most likely a person with deep pockets who entered the game months ago and is here only for his personal gains by speculating and manipulation. Too bad :(

I believe it's someone that picked up a shit-ton of coins when the Mt Gox hack happened.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: ineededausername on January 18, 2012, 10:53:47 PM
Damn, I'm sorry to hear that. I don't think it's an early adapter, though. Most likely a person with deep pockets who entered the game months ago and is here only for his personal gains by speculating and manipulation. Too bad :(

I believe it's someone that picked up a shit-ton of coins when the Mt Gox hack happened.

ohhh. that's very possible... I hear they withdrew 100k BTC.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: old_engineer on January 18, 2012, 10:55:49 PM
Whoever the manipulator is has at least $500k USD + 100k btc.  Which do you think is more likely: someone depositing $1M into MtGox to play in a highly risky market like this, or someone that got 200k btc back when they were $0.01 each = $2k investment, and are toying with the market willy-nilly?  I surmise the latter is more probable.

KnightMB is an obvious suspect, with a claimed 370k btc, and his apparent lack of morality in securing his bitcoins from his former employer leads me to believe he'd also be fine with jerking the market around for his own gain.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: Mushoz on January 18, 2012, 10:55:54 PM
Damn, I'm sorry to hear that. I don't think it's an early adapter, though. Most likely a person with deep pockets who entered the game months ago and is here only for his personal gains by speculating and manipulation. Too bad :(

I believe it's someone that picked up a shit-ton of coins when the Mt Gox hack happened.

ohhh. that's very possible... I hear they withdrew 100k BTC.

AFAIK they couldn't withdraw that much, because there was a 1k USD withdraw limit. And they used the BTC weighted average price to determine how many BTC equals 1000$. It was only a couple of thousand max I think. Can't remember it that well, though. It's been a long time. (In Bitcoin time that is :p)

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: Mushoz on January 18, 2012, 10:57:46 PM
Whoever the manipulator is has at least $500k USD + 100k btc.  Which do you think is more likely: someone depositing $1M into MtGox to play in a highly risky market like this, or someone that got 200k btc back when they were $0.01 each = $2k investment, and are toying with the market willy-nilly?  I surmise the latter is more probable.

KnightMB is an obvious suspect, with a claimed 370k btc, and his apparent lack of morality in securing his bitcoins from his former employer leads me to believe he'd also be fine with jerking the market around for his own gain.

Most early adopters are geeks though. They won't have the know-how nor the guts to play the market with these huge sums of money and BTC to manipulate the market in a way which earns them money. I just can't see that happening to be honest.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: notme on January 18, 2012, 11:00:02 PM
Hi, my name is old_engineer, and I got liquidated yesterday at 3:1 leverage.  I saw the squeeze coming, and had enough margin available at Mt. Gox and on home wallet to drop this to 1.5:1, but couldn't move the funds from MtGox to bitcoinica due to daily limits, and the speed of the crash which kept me from transferring coins from my home wallet in time.

As my posts have probably made clear, I'm not a fan of leveraged trading, so what was I doing at bitcoinica?  Well, when Zhou announced he was having a one-day-only special with no spread (Jan 14th), I thought I'd lock up some of his cash using my long coins to reduce funds available to silly speculators, and then not close the position until this summer.  The long coins were just sitting there, not doing anything, and so I put the asterisk on the site by taking out a large long position using them as collateral.  And it backfired.  I lost 1400 btc + $2k USD, but I'm not too sore since I'm still up by a little bit ($1k) since I started trading in June, so I basically gave back most of my winnings.  Meh.

But what annoys me more than the loss of winnings is that I've been spending a lot of time daytrading to reduce volatility, catching spikes up and down, with the goal of creating a spread of less than 3% (the typical fee on VISA). Not only has it taken a lot of time, but because I've been setting my orders close to the current selling price, I'm left holding bitcoins whenever the price drops significantly (like now, when I bought all my coins at $6.5), and I sell out completely and am holding USD whenever there's a big rise.  This has obviously not been a good profit-making strategy, requiring both more time and with reduced profits in a bull market, but I've been intentionally doing it anyway.

And the big market maker (The Manipulator) pissed all over my efforts by slyly built up all bid walls and removing sell walls so that there were 4x as many buys as sells visible, intentionally driving the price up to $7 timed with the prime-time TV exposure, then initiated the sell-off with multiple 20k+ btc sells to $6.50, removing the bid walls, and adding huge sell walls. The result?  $6.5 to $4.8 and back to $6.9 in the span of 20 minutes.  Fuck.  Bitcoin can't be taken seriously for months after an event like that.

I know it's a rigged market, and I'm fine with that - the implementation of bitcoin or any new digital currency pretty much guarantees whale players -  but it's the intentional volatility to maximize his/her stake that chafes me.  Just because he can, doesn't mean he should.  One would hope that early adopters would be benevolent rather than malevolent with a fragile and precious new market, but alas, this just isn't not the case.  Why can't he just be satisfied with the the natural increase in value as usage expands, and nudge the market subtly whenever it gets too bullish or bearish?  There's no need to intentionally lead on the market, then shake market confidence with wild swings.  I think I'll take my coins and go home, at least for a while. </rant>

tl;dr: lost 1400 btc + $2k, pissed at manipulator roughly manipulating fragile market rather than caressing it tenderly

Emphasis mine.

Translation: I tried to stop the speculators by taking the same position they would so they couldn't.  I lost along with them because I overleveraged.


Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: old_engineer on January 18, 2012, 11:13:38 PM
I still think it was the right idea to help to reduce market volatility, but poor execution.  I was temporarily overleveraged since free money day was a one day only event, and I was moving over the max allowable from Mt.Gox to Bitcoinica every day since free money day to back it up, but the crash happened sooner than expected.  Were the crash to have happened tomorrow instead, I would have been fine.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: gewure on January 18, 2012, 11:27:26 PM

all day no buying on bitcoinica. lol.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: notme on January 18, 2012, 11:33:19 PM
I still think it was the right idea to help to reduce market volatility, but poor execution.  I was temporarily overleveraged since free money day was a one day only event, and I was moving over the max allowable from Mt.Gox to Bitcoinica every day since free money day to back it up, but the crash happened sooner than expected.  Were the crash to have happened tomorrow instead, I would have been fine.

Bitcoin can't be stable at this exchange rate.

It's going to need magnitudes more people involved, a much higher exchange rate, and a much greater distribution of coins.

When one (I don't even want to say rich here, because you don't need to be "rich" to move this market) slightly well off individual can push the market by a large percentage, it can't be stable.

Expecting good will from people trying to make money seems naive to me.

Edit: Don't get me wrong, I applaud anyone trying to bring stability. Unfortunately, you not only failed, you contributed to the opposite.


Remember, when there is a special event and you are tempted to "take advantage of the opportunity", so are lots of others.  And when that opportunity involves taking out a loan to speculate, you're asking for trouble if you don't count on many of those loan takers losing.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: chunglam on January 18, 2012, 11:39:41 PM
Got liquidated @$~5(leverage @2.5+1 BTC reserve), lost 1k BTC >:(. Just thought I can take advantage of Zhou's zero interest loan, it proved that is not a good idea.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: old_engineer on January 19, 2012, 12:02:09 AM
Expecting good will from people trying to make money seems naive to me.
Yeah, perhaps I'm projecting to think that there are others here for ideological reasons rather than trying to maximize profits.  The pyramid scheme aspect of bitcoin rather turns me off, to tell you the truth, though I see no other solution to the distributional issues of a new currency system.

And at least some (presumably greedy) speculators are needed to increase liquidity, and I have no problem with that. It's intentional large-scale market manipulation that turns me off.  It might sound like a comic book, but with power comes responsibility, and someone is playing god in a sandbox.  I expect more, and I am disappoint.

Edit: Don't get me wrong, I applaud anyone trying to bring stability. Unfortunately, you not only failed, you contributed to the opposite.
Yep, I did contribute to the problem - as I said, the plan backfired. :(  My self-prescribed penitence is that I sold off all my coins at a loss, and have orders in the $4.x range help catch another fall, if there is one.

Also, I feel like I need a break as I'm also annoyed with the whole bitcoin trading infrastructure:
* MtGox orders sat in the queue for 5-10 minutes.  Hundreds of traders shouldn't be able to bring a server to it's knees.  This isn't like serving up 1Gbps video to thousands of people; it's just a few numbers moving around, and a 386 could handle their order volume if written correctly.
* MtGoxLive going down or stuttering (which was actually kind of funny).  Even under light load, there's a lag of 10-20 seconds between when I make an order, and when it appears on Mt. Gox.  Not to mention the huge CPU load
* Moody's being down much of the day
* bitcoinity is still down
* and I don't even need to mention the issues with bitcoinica.

The whole system is rinky-dink and immature, but I suppose I shouldn't be surprised given that bitcoin is barely 3 years old.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: notme on January 19, 2012, 12:09:16 AM
Expecting good will from people trying to make money seems naive to me.
Yeah, perhaps I'm projecting to think that there are others here for ideological reasons rather than trying to maximize profits.  The pyramid scheme aspect of bitcoin rather turns me off, to tell you the truth, though I see no other solution to the distributional issues of a new currency system.

And at least some (presumably greedy) speculators are needed to increase liquidity, and I have no problem with that. It's intentional large-scale market manipulation that turns me off.  It might sound like a comic book, but with power comes responsibility, and someone is playing god in a sandbox.  I expect more, and I am disappoint.

Edit: Don't get me wrong, I applaud anyone trying to bring stability. Unfortunately, you not only failed, you contributed to the opposite.
Yep, I did contribute to the problem - as I said, the plan backfired. :(  My self-prescribed penitence is that I sold off all my coins at a loss, and have orders in the $4.x range help catch another fall, if there is one.

Also, I feel like I need a break as I'm also annoyed with the whole bitcoin trading infrastructure:
* MtGox orders sat in the queue for 5-10 minutes.  Hundreds of traders shouldn't be able to bring a server to it's knees.  This isn't like serving up 1Gbps video to thousands of people; it's just a few numbers moving around, and a 386 could handle their order volume if written correctly.
* MtGoxLive going down or stuttering (which was actually kind of funny).  Even under light load, there's a lag of 10-20 seconds between when I make an order, and when it appears on Mt. Gox.  Not to mention the huge CPU load
* Moody's being down much of the day
* bitcoinity is still down
* and I don't even need to mention the issues with bitcoinica.

The whole system is rinky-dink and immature, but I suppose I shouldn't be surprised given that bitcoin is barely 3 years old.

Ironically, I believe Zhoutong's new plans will help with this.  Especially if he winds up having his own order book and hedging on multiple exchanges.  It will kill the profits of many arbitrage traders, but it will increase liquidity and trading speed for everyone.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: da2ce7 on January 19, 2012, 02:22:39 AM
tl;dr: lost 1400 btc + $2k, pissed at manipulator roughly manipulating fragile market rather than caressing it tenderly

The sad thing isn't that you lost the coins because of the margin; but because you lost them from an artificial limit (the mtgox daily withdraw limit).

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: Oldminer on January 19, 2012, 02:32:08 AM

Damnit I had orders in @ $5.75. I think the whole idea of the site is kinda pointless if you can't leverage. May as well trade on Gox.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: legitnick on January 19, 2012, 02:34:11 AM
:o :o :o :o :o :o :o

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on January 19, 2012, 02:52:00 AM
oh my.

the USD is taking a dump tonite and the Dow futures, gold, silver, and oil just jumped.

UP we go.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on January 19, 2012, 03:02:45 AM

Damnit I had orders in @ $5.75. I think the whole idea of the site is kinda pointless if you can't leverage. May as well trade on Gox.
but u dint go long ?

That's what I thought too!

theres only so much leverage to go around and most of the players who had it the last couple of days just coughed it over to the stronger hands with deeper margin accts who won't be giving it back.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: N12 on January 25, 2012, 07:56:52 PM

Damnit I had orders in @ $5.75. I think the whole idea of the site is kinda pointless if you can't leverage. May as well trade on Gox.
but u dint go long ?

That's what I thought too!

theres only so much leverage to go around and most of the players who had it the last couple of days just coughed it over to the stronger hands with deeper margin accts who won't be giving it back.
Doesn’t look like it, man.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: barrymac on January 25, 2012, 08:26:43 PM
tl;dr: lost 1400 btc + $2k, pissed at manipulator roughly manipulating fragile market rather than caressing it tenderly

The sad thing isn't that you lost the coins because of the margin; but because you lost them from an artificial limit (the mtgox daily withdraw limit).

You sure about that? If that's the case I'm definitely pulling totally out until they get off mtgox. Damn php hack that it is!

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: gewure on January 25, 2012, 08:45:06 PM
today must have been a real zhoutonging day, or am i wrong?

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: old_engineer on January 25, 2012, 11:10:29 PM
tl;dr: lost 1400 btc + $2k, pissed at manipulator roughly manipulating fragile market rather than caressing it tenderly

The sad thing isn't that you lost the coins because of the margin; but because you lost them from an artificial limit (the mtgox daily withdraw limit).

You sure about that? If that's the case I'm definitely pulling totally out until they get off mtgox. Damn php hack that it is!
I can confirm that.  I had more than enough margin at MtGox, but couldn't xfer it due to daily limits.  Of course, I could have gotten myself AML confirmed, which would have quintupled the daily limits, but I had thought I had a few days, and didn't count on the price dropping >$1/day.

Bitcoinica really should run its own exchange, which would also have the effect of keeping the spread to a minimum.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: N12 on January 26, 2012, 11:40:31 PM
theres only so much leverage to go around and most of the players who had it the last couple of days just coughed it over to the stronger hands with deeper margin accts who won't be giving it back.
Doesn’t look like it, man.
I wish you would have been, though.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on January 26, 2012, 11:53:14 PM
theres only so much leverage to go around and most of the players who had it the last couple of days just coughed it over to the stronger hands with deeper margin accts who won't be giving it back.
Doesn’t look like it, man.
I wish you would have been, though.

be patient.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: proudhon on January 27, 2012, 12:27:11 AM


Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: N12 on January 27, 2012, 12:28:26 AM
I have feelings between angry and amused everytime I see the asterix.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: N12 on January 27, 2012, 12:30:11 AM

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: proudhon on January 27, 2012, 12:42:34 AM
Bitcoinica, moar leverage please!  I want to short at 9000:1.  K, thnx.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: N12 on January 27, 2012, 12:44:58 AM
Bitcoinica, moar leverage please!  I want to short at 9000:1.  K, thnx.
I want to short sell all Bitcoins in existence!

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: proudhon on January 27, 2012, 12:49:46 AM
Bitcoinica, moar leverage please!  I want to short at 9000:1.  K, thnx.
I want to short sell all Bitcoins in existence!

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: gewure on January 27, 2012, 03:34:19 AM

DONT do it!

Gewures disclosed position[update]

BTCUSD   111.0   $5.8024   -$81.24   -12.614%


Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: Sargasm on January 27, 2012, 04:29:00 AM
Most early adopters are geeks though. They won't have the know-how nor the guts to play the market with these huge sums of money and BTC to manipulate the market in a way which earns them money. I just can't see that happening to be honest.

You do know what all the MIT math Phd's are going right? 

It ain't fixing computers. 


The geeks.  They take your money.  They are good at it.  If it's math, they're winning.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: old_engineer on January 27, 2012, 05:05:49 AM
I have feelings between angry and amused everytime I see the asterix.

The constant bitcoinica starfish amuses me now instead of annoys me.  Instead of 8.2 million bitcoins, it's like there are 8.3 million, where 100k are always loaned out (Zhou said at one point he had 5 digits worth of btc).  So long as the site is starfished fairly constantly, it's a non-factor, or rather, the extra ~100k btc has already been factored into the current price.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: notme on January 27, 2012, 06:22:24 AM
I have feelings between angry and amused everytime I see the asterix.

The constant bitcoinica starfish amuses me now instead of annoys me.  Instead of 8.2 million bitcoins, it's like there are 8.3 million, where 100k are always loaned out (Zhou said at one point he had 5 digits worth of btc).  So long as the site is starfished fairly constantly, it's a non-factor, or rather, the extra ~100k btc has already been factored into the current price.

It's not starfished.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: molecular on January 27, 2012, 09:38:14 AM
I have feelings between angry and amused everytime I see the asterix.

sorry for repost from:

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on March 13, 2012, 03:04:45 PM
ok, this video is hilarious and although i didn't make it i'm going to have to stand up and take a bow now for coining the term "Zhoutonged"!

never thought it'd get this popular.  can i copyright it?  ;)

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: N12 on March 13, 2012, 04:48:19 PM
ok, this video is hilarious and although i didn't make it i'm going to have to stand up and take a bow now for coining the term "Zhoutonged"!

never thought it'd get this popular.  can i copyright it?  ;)
Lots of 'tonged people today. ;D

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on March 13, 2012, 04:51:19 PM
you 'tongued?

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: fcmatt on March 13, 2012, 04:51:26 PM
ok, this video is hilarious and although i didn't make it i'm going to have to stand up and take a bow now for coining the term "Zhoutonged"!

never thought it'd get this popular.  can i copyright it?  ;)
Lots of 'tonged people today. ;D

Not as many as the people who were long and now zhou has to come up with money to pay
them if they all decide to liquidate right now.

Keep in mind bitcoinica was paying people to go short for the last few weeks.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on March 13, 2012, 04:52:33 PM

Keep in mind bitcoinica was paying people to go short for the last few weeks.

link please.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: N12 on March 13, 2012, 04:53:33 PM

Well, short you can only gain 100% and lose 100%, long you can gain unlimited profits and lose 100%.

Which is better?

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: Matthew N. Wright on March 13, 2012, 04:54:51 PM

Well, short you can only gain 100% and lose 100%, long you can gain unlimited profits and lose 100%.

Which is better?

Stop asking such difficult questions.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: RicePicker on March 13, 2012, 06:32:26 PM I love this guy.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: rdponticelli on March 13, 2012, 08:59:26 PM

A stop of mine set at 4.49 got executed in bitcoinica at 4.4593 when the price and depth never got even close on the main market...

Ok, I see there was spikes on the quotes on bitcoinica (I don't like this manipulator), but there was such a dump in there, and only in there? There's something I'm missing or bitcoinica is an universe on his own?

Anyway, I'm just fooling around, trying to understand how it all works, but I'm sad I got short now, when I would like to stay long, and even became longer...

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: YoYa on March 13, 2012, 11:07:02 PM
Well at least the membership of this fine club was cheap! :P

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: ElectricMucus on March 13, 2012, 11:22:03 PM
That's not bad, if your stop order was filled so fast you can be glad, in most cases there is another race in that direction, not enough to take advantage of it but you would have taken higher losses.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: rdponticelli on March 13, 2012, 11:28:37 PM

We just experienced a system error that caused a few bad ticks. Everything is back to normal.

We are deciding on the compensations for affected customers. Compensation will be in the form of cash credits. So feel free to re-establish your positions if you're affected.

We apologize for the error and we will get back to you shortly. Thanks for understanding!

"Zhoutonged" gets whole new meanings everyday

That's not bad, if your stop order was filled so fast you can be glad, in most cases there is another race in that direction, not enough to take advantage of it but you would have taken higher losses.

The problem is that the order shouldn't have been executed because the market never reached the trigger price. Anyway, he quickly compensated the loss...

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: molecular on March 14, 2012, 08:26:17 AM
Anyway, I'm just fooling around, trying to understand how it all works, but I'm sad I got short now, when I would like to stay long, and even became longer...

try (""), for example.

EDIT: don't take this the wrong way, it's clearly a joke!

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on July 26, 2012, 04:40:38 PM
unfortunately, i am forced to change the definition of Zhoutonged to:

"as in ripped off".

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: byronbb on July 26, 2012, 09:14:59 PM
My account was -80USD so I never used it again, luckily.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on July 26, 2012, 09:53:35 PM
My account was -80USD so I never used it again, luckily.

this is exactly how Bitcoinica could actually lose money.  there were probably multiple accts that went negative like yours with even larger amounts that they could never recover from "anonymous" investors who couldn't be collected on or forced into depositing more funds.  the volatility was that bad.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: mb300sd on July 26, 2012, 09:54:45 PM
My account was -80USD so I never used it again, luckily.

You owe bitcoinica $80, Bitcoinica owes me >$80

Therefore you owe me $80! GIVE ME MY MONEY!

 ;D :P

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: myself on March 30, 2014, 04:42:57 PM
as in liquidated. ???

/mega necro of doom
  :P :P :P :P :P

history never repeats itself but it rhymes

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on May 31, 2014, 05:44:58 PM
obviously, but 10:1 you're net short otherwise you  wouldn't be getting so angry at a Bull like me who keeps messing up your grand plans.

What "grand plans" do I have that you don't, exactly? I'm not angry at anyone. Your predictions are fine, I'm only showing the hypocrisy of your position: If you care about the price rising, you care about making money on your investment. If you care about making money, you shouldn't care about making it on the way up, or on the way down. You have always been the "childish" speculator you so deride.

hey, read what you write.  you're the one who started the childish personal attacks.  not me.  all i've done is state the bullish case and stuck to it.  you can't handle it.

Pretty sure I've been telling you why you're a hypocrite with your "short-seller attacks," and you've come back with nothing of substance. I just wanted to document this for everyone else. If you don't want it public, feel free to edit your posts. I'm bored proving your anti-short position wrong.

whatever happened to that BitMagic idiot anyways?

there's so many in this thread.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: smoothie on May 31, 2014, 11:28:03 PM
Time to necro threads =)

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on June 30, 2014, 04:28:28 AM
i see this little weasel is now claiming he created the name Zhoutonged:
what an unscrupulous liar. 

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: RyNinDaCleM on June 30, 2014, 05:09:59 AM
i see this little weasel is now claiming he created the name Zhoutonged:
what an unscrupulous liar. 


uh... What a joke, uhhh... yeah uh.  ::)
It's painful to listen to that video

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on February 28, 2015, 11:36:01 PM
I can't believe how much energy posting i used to have when I was younger. There are so many classic quotes in this thread and such wow memories.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on February 28, 2015, 11:44:35 PM
So the little spike up to $2.50 that we just saw, did that take out a bunch of short orders? Maybe Bitcoinica caused it, since the price has now dropped back down almost to where it started 15 minutes ago.

Nah, that was someone trying to troll all the shorts. I hope none of you were liquidated and that you're hanging on.

I hope that a few of the people praying for $1 $100 BTC were liquidated. Other than that I hope everyone else was ok though. That was quite the little rally though.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on February 28, 2015, 11:50:16 PM
time to get this thread going again.

so who got Zhoutawnged today?

Note the added twang for color.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on February 28, 2015, 11:58:12 PM

LOL!  Way to go Zhoutong.  I'm rooting for you. ;)

Long live Coinjar!

Oops, wrong company.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on March 01, 2015, 12:06:47 AM
It's important to know that currently we always have a chain of forced liquidations, because forced liquidations will push the price to trigger more forced liquidations. We will just make sure that they are fully hedged in the market and the prices are reasonable.

so how do you define "reasonable"?

no offense but your business model is doomed.  especially since mtgox, the major exchange, is going to be offering similar hedging options.  you will always be one step behind them in reacting to volatility as they will be the HFT and you will be the retail equivalent.

not to be mean but i think you're offering to reverse trades for those customers wiped out in the last ramp b/c if you don't your client base will never return and you need to keep them alive and in the game.

this is going to keep happening over and over again. 

I was wrong.  It eventually stopped.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on March 01, 2015, 12:51:24 AM
during the 2 mo i pounded on Zhou's ass during Oct-Nov, i kept identifying red flags everywhere. the way he had set things up was flawed from the beginning.  i pointed out problems like "slippage" with mtgox.  anytime he had to hedge an already executed customers order and got delayed due to a bad connection with mtgox i'm sure it set him up for a catastrophic loss.  i told him i could set up accts at both places and short and buy simultaneously to "frontrun" his hedging.  i could tell by his lack of response or immature responses that he was thinking about what i was saying and then he would change his algorithm suddenly.  this was a huge red flag and from that point on i knew i had him. interspersed throughout this time, small outbursts and screams would occur from customers complaining about being Zhoutonged (another term i coined) from a malfunction of his algorithm. in response he would change the algorithm yet again, apologize, say a few nice things, and reimburse customers which again is a huge red flag of someone trying to perpetuate the ponzi.  Zhou kept changing his stories and explanations.  he writes a ton but says very little.   

then there was the time when Zhou publicly came out and tried to influence the market by stating that there were no more USD reserves and that it would be a good time to sell BTC.  oh i pounded his ass good for that one and he finally apologized.  what owner of an exchange attempts to influence the market direction unless it benefitted himself in some way?  i could tell that the whipsaws and volatility were costing him and customers money yet the Zhoutonging continued.  this was his way of stripping money at customers expense.  he actually had to to stay profitable. 

and then the culmination of my efforts came from the "double ramp" (my term) from $3.50-$4.90 in a couple of minutes that i personally orchestrated.  if you'll remember that down in the dumps of those times it had become fashionable to short every ramp with leverage from Zhou as inevitably the price would turn back down and go lower. the Bears were making money like crazy doing this and were partying it up.  I had already helped turn the tide @ $2 by being over a third of that bid wall and i could see the trend had changed to upwards but the Bears didn't see it and were still shorting each ramp.  so i waited for someone else to perform the first ramp from $2.90 to $3.90 or so (fuzzy on the exact start price).  the Bears predictably came in shorting with leverage and the price came back in to $3.50.  and then i hit the BUY button with a massive order.  i'm sorry but i smiled big as the price took off up to $4.90 and the screams from the Bears was loud, clear and palpable.  there was blood everywhere.  so many ppl got Zhoutonged from that one.  see the problem with his setup was that his algo, the way it was written, was  hyperreactive to those buying spikes madly trying to hedge while buyers madly tried to buy while shorts madly tried to cover while everyone else was being Zhoutonged. it was beautiful.

in the end, nobody listened and i gave up taking criticism from everyone for attacking a 17 yo, especially from the Bears defending Zhou.  God bless them. may they rest in peace.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on March 01, 2015, 11:58:18 PM
sorry, this needs to be memorialized here:

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: darkmind on March 02, 2015, 12:26:30 PM
I bought on the way down. I dont have a lot of money but i am trying to build a position. I have lost hard and I am now trying to fight my way back

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: cypherdoc on March 02, 2015, 05:14:09 PM
I bought on the way down. I dont have a lot of money but i am trying to build a position. I have lost hard and I am now trying to fight my way back

you don't lose until you sell.  the key is to be patient.  this is a multi-year process and more like a multi-decadal process.  having said the latter, though, i think we will see a dramatic resolution to the Bitcoin question in the next 5 years.

Title: Re: How many of you have been Zhoutonged?
Post by: Aboveyourass on March 07, 2015, 05:21:43 PM
zhoutong's CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup

zhoutong should be hunted,AGREED?