Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: atliens99 on September 12, 2018, 04:12:19 PM

Title: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: atliens99 on September 12, 2018, 04:12:19 PM
I always hear the argument for capitalism "B bb BUT people won't innovate without the profit motive" WRONG

Humans want to solve problems, create, and innovate, they do not need money to motivate them.  Cavemen were painting art 20,000 years ago without the desire of money.

True scientists like Tesla, he didn't care about money it was about the pursuit of science.

Capitalism does not cause innovation, most new technology is found by government programs like nasa (internet, smartphones, etc)

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Ladysmith on September 12, 2018, 04:23:13 PM
This is true. Once people's basic needs are met they strive to make a difference and find meaning, to create for the sake of creating. It's an instinct to want to leave a legacy. Even the richest people (Branson, Musk, Bezos) seem to care much more about changing the world than making a buck. It's just a side effect of the problems they're solving. 

As much as I despise the guy, even Trump cares more about "making a difference" in his eyes than making money. The man is a billionaire and could've lived like a king until he dies but he chose to fuck up the world before he goes. Purpose is everything.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Ctn on September 12, 2018, 04:36:25 PM
Everything you said is true and I wont argue with that more.

But I will surely make one point here that, money does motivate people to work hard. Now the examples you have given are far greater and are not relayed with the general people. If we go with the general people thoughts then note that they work 12-18 hours a day just because they will be getting their salary at the end of every month. If they even take the leave, go away with their work or under perform then surely things can worsen for themselves and they may get less salary. Just with that thought also most of them go on the work even when they are sick!! Just because they dont want to have less money in their ever salary.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: PlusOne88 on September 12, 2018, 04:45:49 PM
This is a divided stand. On a normal situation when people may not need money, everything doesn't have to priced. On the other hand it would be easy to do things with money. This idea can be proven by events happening in the real world. Look at how corruption becomes an almost fulltime job for them.  This is just a clear proof that money is a motivation.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on September 12, 2018, 04:55:14 PM
I don't know if I fully agree with this.  I think a lot of inventors are looking to get rich and not just to advance technology--history is full of people like that.  Fame and recognition also are factors, but money is a huge motivating factor for a lot of people.  I'd also point out that great advancements in tech or anything else generally make a LOT of money for whoever ends up buying whatever it is we're talking about, a patent, a device, whatever.

Economists would also have a field day with OP's argument, as they tend to think solely in economic terms.  I don't think everyone is motivated by money but you can't deny the importance of it.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: gentlemand on September 12, 2018, 05:04:24 PM
Cavemen were painting art 20,000 years ago without the desire of money.

Food, shelter, clothing and tools all cost nothing and were freely available for anyone who could be bothered to seek them out. Everything is now a commodity so you can bet your sweet behind that most are motivated by money as it's the only means of obtaining such necessities these days.

Cave art was leisure, expression and possibly religion. Billions of people do the same thing today with no thought of being paid or benefiting from it.

Status has always been the driver of all animal life. Money is the current way of keeping that score.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: fairyvibes on September 12, 2018, 05:04:59 PM
I don't know if I fully agree with this.  I think a lot of inventors are looking to get rich and not just to advance technology--history is full of people like that.  Fame and recognition also are factors, but money is a huge motivating factor for a lot of people.  I'd also point out that great advancements in tech or anything else generally make a LOT of money for whoever ends up buying whatever it is we're talking about, a patent, a device, whatever.

Economists would also have a field day with OP's argument, as they tend to think solely in economic terms.  I don't think everyone is motivated by money but you can't deny the importance of it.

Great points, everyone is different though.

The private sector isn't willing to take the gigantic risks for research and development that the government programs take like NASA.  Without these government programs we would be really far behind in technology

From the few studies I've seen on Universal Basic Income, people don't actually work less but they try to start their own business and be creative..

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: bobo012 on September 12, 2018, 06:18:03 PM
Truth is that there is some people motivated with money and some that are not. So there are different motives for success in people, saying that it it is not motivated by money is true in some cases

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: warriorcryptobar on September 12, 2018, 06:21:28 PM
People are very much motivated by money. They may say they aren't, but when it comes down to, it single individual will reference it in an argument they need to win. Basically, they may not be motivated by it, but if its around or its needing to be used, you won't see them demotivate.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: usekevin on September 12, 2018, 07:02:14 PM
I always hear the argument for capitalism "B bb BUT people won't innovate without the profit motive" WRONG

Humans want to solve problems, create, and innovate, they do not need money to motivate them.  Cavemen were painting art 20,000 years ago without the desire of money.

True scientists like Tesla, he didn't care about money it was about the pursuit of science.

Capitalism does not cause innovation, most new technology is found by government programs like nasa (internet, smartphones, etc)

Some people are motivated by money.In other case, people are not motivated by money. And the invention is not depend on money. Scientist is purely invent based on the people interest and not based on the money.May be they earn more money from the invention later on.But the motive of invention is not money.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: gabmen on September 12, 2018, 07:04:25 PM
I always hear the argument for capitalism "B bb BUT people won't innovate without the profit motive" WRONG

Humans want to solve problems, create, and innovate, they do not need money to motivate them.  Cavemen were painting art 20,000 years ago without the desire of money.

True scientists like Tesla, he didn't care about money it was about the pursuit of science.

Capitalism does not cause innovation, most new technology is found by government programs like nasa (internet, smartphones, etc)

Well we all know what happened to tesla and some noble innovationists who didn't really care about the money. They unfortunately got the bad end of it by those that are after money and power. Sad reality and it's still happening today.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Antonina on September 12, 2018, 07:52:43 PM
it is not true. people are just motivated by money, they think that money can buy everything but in time they realize that they made a mistake

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: rosepetals on September 12, 2018, 08:31:44 PM
I always hear the argument for capitalism "B bb BUT people won't innovate without the profit motive" WRONG

Humans want to solve problems, create, and innovate, they do not need money to motivate them.  Cavemen were painting art 20,000 years ago without the desire of money.

True scientists like Tesla, he didn't care about money it was about the pursuit of science.

Capitalism does not cause innovation, most new technology is found by government programs like nasa (internet, smartphones, etc)
My opinion to this is that people were motivated inorder to own money,to get rich and to profit.People strive hard to find money and wealth inorder to live life easier because today money is very important and most people will do everything just to own it,even if it takes to do wrong,to cheat or to do fraudulence act.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Sherwood_Archer on September 12, 2018, 08:44:09 PM
Not everyone may be motivated by money and they just want to solve issues or just want to make a name, leave a legacy, etc. But there are people who are motivated by money. If people are not motivated by money, they wouldn't switch jobs or transfer to more lucrative careers especially when the person in question grew up poor or has a lot of financial obligations.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: deisik on September 12, 2018, 08:51:41 PM
I always hear the argument for capitalism "B bb BUT people won't innovate without the profit motive" WRONG

Humans want to solve problems, create, and innovate, they do not need money to motivate them.  Cavemen were painting art 20,000 years ago without the desire of money.

True scientists like Tesla, he didn't care about money it was about the pursuit of science.

Capitalism does not cause innovation, most new technology is found by government programs like nasa (internet, smartphones, etc)

Even if some people like the one you mentioned (Nikola Tesla) didn't work for money, this doesn't change anything on a larger scale. Today, advancements are made by big battalions, militarily speaking, not by single individuals. But the majority wants money whether you like it or not. And I'm not sure about Tesla either. I don't know the whole story, but he is said to have left Thomas Edison when the latter refused to pay him a promised sum of money. This is not something that you would expect from someone who didn't care about money altogether

So it seems that you need to check your facts first

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: beatzcoin123 on September 12, 2018, 09:06:33 PM
money is a motivative factor for any human being, if you desire the best task from an individual, then attach financial gains to it, and you will see results, the above analysis are so true, but gone are those days when people care less about financial gains, the value system is depreciating as the day go by, money is now the new form of gratification.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: wxa7115 on September 12, 2018, 10:45:40 PM
I always hear the argument for capitalism "B bb BUT people won't innovate without the profit motive" WRONG

Humans want to solve problems, create, and innovate, they do not need money to motivate them.  Cavemen were painting art 20,000 years ago without the desire of money.

True scientists like Tesla, he didn't care about money it was about the pursuit of science.

Capitalism does not cause innovation, most new technology is found by government programs like nasa (internet, smartphones, etc)
There are people that are not motivated by money and they are willing to work in whatever they are passionate about without really caring about the economy gains that they could get, but you cannot expect the whole population of the world to follow that very same model, we know that is not the case and we have seen that in practice, if you take the time to look at the products of the disappeared USSR and the products of the US there was no comparison, the products of the United States were way better, were more advanced and were cheaper to produce.

So while at first it may seem like communism can get away with their goals the truth is they cannot, and eventually any desire for innovation is going to disappear from most people except the most motivated ones.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: pobeditelvezde on September 12, 2018, 10:47:36 PM
I do not agree with you completely because this subject is arguable. I am sure that money can motivate people to do their job better. Generally speaking you can make sure in it yourself I mean that you likely do not want to work for a small salary so money is the quite important factor for motivating people. By the way I know that almost any sphere begins evolving quite well when money come to that sphere. You mentioned Tesla and others but all these people are genious in special fields so I consider that we should split genious people from the other part of the society.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Indrawan77 on September 13, 2018, 12:40:44 AM
There are some people that are motivated by money some are don't, but most of them are motivated by money, nowadays
a lot of people really emphasise on money to show their social status and to live better, only few percentage of people that lived in the world that are not motivated by money, because basically they think that their life is already comfortable and secure

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: ningrumxxi on September 13, 2018, 12:50:27 AM
This is true. Once people's basic needs are met they strive to make a difference and find meaning, to create for the sake of creating. It's an instinct to want to leave a legacy. Even the richest people (Branson, Musk, Bezos) seem to care much more about changing the world than making a buck. It's just a side effect of the problems they're solving. 

As much as I despise the guy, even Trump cares more about "making a difference" in his eyes than making money. The man is a billionaire and could've lived like a king until he dies but he chose to fuck up the world before he goes. Purpose is everything.

Such an opinion may not apply in a country with a low economic level, because here everyone is motivated for money, all our efforts will have difficulty in living all life in this world, the business of buying and selling in cryptocyrrency is also the ultimate goal to get as much profit, because the state party cannot guarantee prosperity for every citizen, so we fight for ourselves ....

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: entrepmind23 on September 13, 2018, 01:02:06 AM
Such an opinion may not apply in a country with a low economic level, because here everyone is motivated for money, all our efforts will have difficulty in living all life in this world, the business of buying and selling in cryptocyrrency is also the ultimate goal to get as much profit, because the state party cannot guarantee prosperity for every citizen, so we fight for ourselves ....

It would depend on what is your financial status because those who are already has financial freedom would not be motivated by money. Well, except for some who aren't contented with what they have and they want to have more of it. When you are having financial problems, you will be more motivated to do something just to earn money but it would depend on your conscience then if you will be doing it in a legal or illegal way.

There are some people that are motivated by money some are don't, but most of them are motivated by money, nowadays
a lot of people really emphasise on money to show their social status and to live better, only few percentage of people that lived in the world that are not motivated by money, because basically they think that their life is already comfortable and secure

Those who are comfortable with their life and has already reach the financial status that they wanted would find other goals which would make living more enjoyable. Those who love their niche wouldn't mind of they are earning a little because it's what makes them happy. Basically, it would boil down to whatever makes them satisfied and happy.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Thekool1s on September 13, 2018, 01:15:39 AM
I don't know if I fully agree with this.  I think a lot of inventors are looking to get rich and not just to advance technology--history is full of people like that.

But that is because of the capitalist nature of the society. In a society where 'profit' means everything, you will breed people who will only care about the 'money'. But what happens when the tables are turned? Something like the Soviet Union. People were hungry for Power cuz 'money' was guaranteed at that time. Make a 'moneyless Decentralized' society and reward those who come up with brilliant ideas and solutions, I bet people will even come up with cures for cancer too. There was an interesting video on this topic by Kurzgesagt I will recommend you to check it out.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Cupomi on September 13, 2018, 01:29:33 AM
Truth is that there is some people motivated with money and some that are not. So there are different motives for success in people, saying that it it is not motivated by money is true in some cases

people are not motivated by money ... it might happen in a fantasy world ... because there is nothing free in this world, all are rewarded with money, so many criminals all come from wanting to get money, maybe for a few people there who are not money motivated but it can be ascertained that the person is a millionaire or is too rich so he doesn't need money ...,,,

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: budrabut on September 13, 2018, 01:35:12 AM
I don't think so, because your sample is too specific to capitalist nature of society. In many countries, people are still strong motivated by money whereas money becomes everything.  People who are not really motivated by money is only a few from a huge number of society, they probably are already in high class therefore they are not motivated by money. In addition, even in some developed countries,  I believe that money is still the best motivation for the society.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: kemmycrypto on September 13, 2018, 02:09:47 AM
Who are those that are not motivated by money even the rich are motivated with money. if they are not. why are still involve in one investment on the other. if some are not motivated with money they have their reasons.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: qumeijia on September 13, 2018, 02:14:44 AM
Everyone has different motivation of their works. The reason of doing their jobs depends on the individual. However, most of us are doing our jobs because we want to earn and get our needs from what we. And what we get influences the quality of our life and motivation. For some employee and workers with low risks of their job, money probably become the best motivation because they want to get much money as possible with their jobs. In other hand, for some employee with difficult jobs, they probably never think about their salary or money because they want to create and build great jobs, not money. Therefore, it can not be generalize that people are not motivated by money because it depends on the aspect of the job desk/specification.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: becak mesin on September 13, 2018, 02:25:46 AM
That is right. Money is not the absolute motivation. There are money people doing their jobs not for money, but for their happiness and hobby. I think doing something for hobby or passion result better than just for money. Money can be a motivation for people who really need for maintaining their life.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: gambitcoin53 on September 13, 2018, 02:36:37 AM
I always hear the argument for capitalism "B bb BUT people won't innovate without the profit motive" WRONG

Humans want to solve problems, create, and innovate, they do not need money to motivate them.  Cavemen were painting art 20,000 years ago without the desire of money.

True scientists like Tesla, he didn't care about money it was about the pursuit of science.

Capitalism does not cause innovation, most new technology is found by government programs like nasa (internet, smartphones, etc)

is it better to say people are motivated now for money, we are not cavemen anymore that are stuck in a cave, with no electricity bills to pay, no animal walking outside our house to catch and eat raw, we cannot leave our houses half naked, and walk a hundred miles to work, major changes has occur since man stepped out of that cave, tesla is a scientist, of course he is more motivated by science rather than money, we all need money to survive, i am not saying money is everything but money is now a necessity. we have to work for it, in order to pay our dues.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: funkenstein on September 13, 2018, 04:10:16 AM
Money is the motivation of last resort, as defined by Gresham's law, money being defined as that resource you are most likely to trade away. 

As such it attracts those who have little personal power - the least educated and most desperate. 

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: bbnt81 on September 13, 2018, 04:17:46 AM
Some people like Tesla was just borned to do something for this world, not for the sake of money.
We all know a lot of people like that. I think most scientists are. Also we can tell that a lot of people are doing things that are their passion, what they love, what they enjoy to be in everyday. Not doing things that make the most money.
Those people are to be admired and for inspiring other people.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: befriendmywater on September 13, 2018, 04:20:37 AM
I always hear the argument for capitalism "B bb BUT people won't innovate without the profit motive" WRONG

Humans want to solve problems, create, and innovate, they do not need money to motivate them.  Cavemen were painting art 20,000 years ago without the desire of money.

True scientists like Tesla, he didn't care about money it was about the pursuit of science.

Capitalism does not cause innovation, most new technology is found by government programs like nasa (internet, smartphones, etc)
right. all is passion. Most billionaires generally work without profit. They just enjoy doing what they like and that makes a difference in their career. We should learn to be more successful. ;D

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: ss890 on September 13, 2018, 04:27:06 AM
Okay that is true because I am myself science student and I have seen very much happiness in the scientific exploration rather than just making money. Its true that everything here needs lot of money and even for scientific exploration may need huge amount of money. But I believe that it is the part of transaction and the real money thing. It is troubling when someone is all behind the money and loosing the control of his life. If he is doing anything like that then moneys the problem otherwise there is no problem with the guy like me who is all into the science. There are many people like that around the world and then truth comes out where money doesnt matter anymore.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: musharaf on September 13, 2018, 04:44:42 AM
People can be easily motivated through money because every one is doing effort for the sake of money and high return and in these days people are waiting for the price rise so they can make more money with it and for now the best reason behind the crypto falling is the wrong news and false information.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: OnceTwiceThird on September 13, 2018, 05:17:15 AM
Money is can motivate every one but how hard and way to earn money is way could motivate all people to try and know it. many motivator always giving wrong way for people, show the money but not giving way how to start looking for money.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: andriarto on September 13, 2018, 05:47:01 AM
People can be easily motivated through money because every one is doing effort for the sake of money and high return and in these days people are waiting for the price rise so they can make more money with it and for now the best reason behind the crypto falling is the wrong news and false information.
basically everyone hopes to get a lot of money from the profits they are looking for. in order to achieve this, there need to be many right ways and strategies so that process can be effective

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: iv4n on September 13, 2018, 05:51:27 AM
Okay that is true because I am myself science student and I have seen very much happiness in the scientific exploration rather than just making money. Its true that everything here needs lot of money and even for scientific exploration may need huge amount of money. But I believe that it is the part of transaction and the real money thing. It is troubling when someone is all behind the money and loosing the control of his life. If he is doing anything like that then moneys the problem otherwise there is no problem with the guy like me who is all into the science. There are many people like that around the world and then truth comes out where money doesnt matter anymore.

And how you pay for your school? How you pay to learn about science? Do you have equipment? How did you pay for it? There isn`t simple explanation, you need to think about it a lot. Even on your life example it`s clear that you have money or your parents, but tell me one thing, what would you do if you don`t have money for food? Don`t think about money for school, car, house, start from food? Do you see where I`m heading with this? What OP is wrote about and what you wrote is simple how person feels and what person thinks when he have enough money for all the needs, maybe not all but for most things you like you have a way to get to them, and then you can relax and think about other stuff. Money is the reason why someone goes into the sewage system everyday, money is the reason why most of the people get up in the morning and go to some shitty work, money, because only with money you can buy food in a big city, only with money you can travel and see the world, only with money you can pay for bills. When you don`t have money, you can be a fanatic, a monk, that lives in the forest without any needs, except for food and shelter. In real world you need money for everything, and of course that money is a motivation for all of us. Only when you have a lot of money you can relax like I said and start to think about other things.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: jbjoyce on September 13, 2018, 05:53:20 AM
I always hear the argument for capitalism "B bb BUT people won't innovate without the profit motive" WRONG

Humans want to solve problems, create, and innovate, they do not need money to motivate them.  Cavemen were painting art 20,000 years ago without the desire of money.

True scientists like Tesla, he didn't care about money it was about the pursuit of science.

Capitalism does not cause innovation, most new technology is found by government programs like nasa (internet, smartphones, etc)

Money is the number one needs of people,other people disgusting by the money,that's why they can easy to motivate the people by some good explanation but you need the big amount or capital of money

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: electronicash on September 13, 2018, 06:02:27 AM

you can rarely find someone who will do something for someone for free though. times have changed and those noble men who do something for someone are only going to be found in the remote areas in this world where you can see some honesty stores. but its true that if you want something done quick fast put a big reward for it and everyone will come running.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Finestream on September 13, 2018, 06:18:59 AM

you can rarely find someone who will do something for someone for free though. times have changed and those noble men who do something for someone are only going to be found in the remote areas in this world where you can see some honesty stores. but its true that if you want something done quick fast put a big reward for it and everyone will come running.
Really true.Gone are those days where people are just thoughtful enough to make a free service.People nowadays work hard to earn a living.I think we cannot deny the fact already that we are mostly motivated with money considering if you don't have money,you will not survive in this world.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: hawkins on September 13, 2018, 06:19:41 AM

you can rarely find someone who will do something for someone for free though. times have changed and those noble men who do something for someone are only going to be found in the remote areas in this world where you can see some honesty stores. but its true that if you want something done quick fast put a big reward for it and everyone will come running.
Well, I think many people are motivated by business, but all the obstacles are money. so sometimes people are motivated by something to get money, because this age is an age where money is an important tool for building things.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Kakmakr on September 13, 2018, 06:41:02 AM
Cave art is not innovation, it was a method to communicate and a way to tell stories.  ::)  Also, Tesla invented all these technologies to fund his other experiments. <How do you buy all these expensive tools and materials, if you are not asking any money for the end result?>

People are definitely motivated by money, because it allows them to eat and pay for a roof over their heads. So without all of that, these innovations will not have been possible. <Artists and Entrepreneurs have to eat and sleep like the rest of us.>  ::)

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: robbietobby on September 13, 2018, 06:48:58 AM
Money is just a part of life What all we need is to live a satisfactory life and money isn't all to live a satisfactory life being poor with a good heart is better than being rich with bad intentions.It isn't necessary for us to do jobs which we don't want to do by killing our self respect and all it isn't necessary right what more we need is passion to do the job

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Blackhammer321 on September 13, 2018, 06:59:26 AM
People are very much motivated by money. They may say they aren't, but when it comes down to, it single individual will reference it in an argument they need to win. Basically, they may not be motivated by it, but if its around or its needing to be used, you won't see them demotivate.

This is true. People need money to survive a day to day life. It is not necessary that people will tell they do not meed money. More and more people are engaging into cryptocurrency because they see the potential of growing in cryptocurrency because they wanted to have more money. People are motivated by money.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: ronics on September 13, 2018, 07:50:24 AM
People are very painful with money. they can say they are not, but when it's down now, it's alone and it's just a reference to an agreement that they must really win. Generally speaking, this can not be the right path through this, but if it is in front of it or it needs to act that you do not see it often.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: jujurloe on September 13, 2018, 07:56:00 AM
In fact, if we want to think more deeply, money is only paper written with a certain nominal value and given interesting pictures. That is important, but not the most important thing to live

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: titiany_fany on September 13, 2018, 08:01:26 AM
I agree, but it more better to say people are not ONLY motivated by money?
Money is a really effective motivator, but there are others (like satisfaction)

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Oasisman on September 13, 2018, 08:44:43 AM
What you have said WAS true. Motivation to work doesnt involved money before, but its totally different today. When you say those people who has invented what we are using today example internet, smartphones, electricity, and etc. is all just for the pure passion of science, well thats correct, but when they found out that they can make a bunch of money out of it, then that makes it partially wrong. No wonder why government tends to butt-in when someone invented something useful in the future.
Now, lets apply this topic to ourselves on our daily living, and the REAL motives why we worked on something so hard. Lets say if you succeded in a field of your interests, its not just because it will boosts your morale and the pride of achieving something thats giving you motivation. But, behind that there is always money.

Everything has changed in todays era, what has been done before may not be necessarily applied today.
I guess its safe to say "  There are a lot of things that motivates a person, but money is always the secondary if not the primary purpose."

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Aiko23 on September 13, 2018, 08:49:46 AM
I always hear the argument for capitalism "B bb BUT people won't innovate without the profit motive" WRONG

Humans want to solve problems, create, and innovate, they do not need money to motivate them.  Cavemen were painting art 20,000 years ago without the desire of money.

True scientists like Tesla, he didn't care about money it was about the pursuit of science.

Capitalism does not cause innovation, most new technology is found by government programs like nasa (internet, smartphones, etc)

Depending on which side you look at, and indeed the desire to have something is one of the biggest motives in human life. At this time the majority of the desire can only be filled with money, different in the past, where technology is not as sophisticated and fast as this process

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: gurang on September 13, 2018, 09:14:30 AM
I always hear the argument for capitalism "B bb BUT people won't innovate without the profit motive" WRONG

Humans want to solve problems, create, and innovate, they do not need money to motivate them.  Cavemen were painting art 20,000 years ago without the desire of money.

True scientists like Tesla, he didn't care about money it was about the pursuit of science.

Capitalism does not cause innovation, most new technology is found by government programs like nasa (internet, smartphones, etc)
they are not motivating by money because maybe they are not interested because they think that bitcoin was low businesses so they are not interested

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Taki on September 13, 2018, 09:24:25 AM
Interesting that you remind Tesla. He truly wished to give to people electricity for free, but his plan and career was destroyed by capitalist Edison who were selling the electricity in the final.
You see the number of such people as Tesla is very short. It's true that people run for innovation and modernisation, but in the most of cases this run is just to make the life easier. And actually all this innovation usually costs a lot, just like release of new Apple smartphone, which gets more and more expansive.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: 1Referee on September 13, 2018, 10:11:32 AM
If we relate this to crypto, then money is definitely a motivating factor.

Development of decentralized exchanges and other decentralized applications (Open Bazaar for example) has been extremely slow throughout the last couple of years, and this is purely the result of less incentive to work on something that doesn't compensate. In most cases it's working for the good cause, which is to decentralize the crypto ecosystem, but if it's not generating you any income, you won't be going full at it. It will remain a side project that you every now and then allocate some time to.

I'm pretty sure that if decentralized exchanges were rewarding, the development and usage would be at an all time high a couple of years ago already. We right now would poop on all these KYC/AML hungry exchanges, but instead, we're still tied to them. ::)

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: nokat on September 13, 2018, 11:55:59 AM
It is true that most people are not motivated by money but the fact is, money comes a long round to solve most pertaining issues of man.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: BagzMM on September 13, 2018, 01:44:29 PM
Truth is that there is some people motivated with money and some that are not. So there are different motives for success in people, saying that it it is not motivated by money is true in some cases
Yes, i do agree that some are motivated with money and some are not. I also think it is a case to case basis.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: metalglowd on September 13, 2018, 02:12:53 PM
I always hear the argument for capitalism "B bb BUT people won't innovate without the profit motive" WRONG

Humans want to solve problems, create, and innovate, they do not need money to motivate them.  Cavemen were painting art 20,000 years ago without the desire of money.

True scientists like Tesla, he didn't care about money it was about the pursuit of science.

Capitalism does not cause innovation, most new technology is found by government programs like nasa (internet, smartphones, etc)

but, of course we know until now, that however funds or money are still needed to develop problems and also innovation. otherwise there will never be anything we call ICO, Fundraise or whatever you call it.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: hatshepsut93 on September 13, 2018, 02:30:46 PM
I always hear the argument for capitalism "B bb BUT people won't innovate without the profit motive" WRONG

Humans want to solve problems, create, and innovate, they do not need money to motivate them.  Cavemen were painting art 20,000 years ago without the desire of money.

True scientists like Tesla, he didn't care about money it was about the pursuit of science.

Capitalism does not cause innovation, most new technology is found by government programs like nasa (internet, smartphones, etc)

1. The problem with socialism and other centralized systems is that innovators are at mercy of government officials, while under capitalism they have as money chances to convince investors as they want, or even find other ways of funding like crowdfunding or self-funding or loans.

2. The motivation argument is actually applied to workers. If you start giving away free stuff, a significant amount of population will just relax engage in leisure activities. This is why it was illegal in Soviet Union and other socialist countries to be unemployed.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: cescudero95 on September 13, 2018, 02:32:14 PM
People are not motivated solely by money, but many certainly are to varying degrees.  I am definitely.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Wajan on September 13, 2018, 02:32:44 PM
indeed People are not motivated by money, because the price of all coins is decreasing, so people are not motivated to make money, if the price starts to rise pasti people will be motivated to find a lot of profit

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: carlisle1 on September 13, 2018, 02:34:04 PM
I always hear the argument for capitalism "B bb BUT people won't innovate without the profit motive" WRONG

Humans want to solve problems, create, and innovate, they do not need money to motivate them.  Cavemen were painting art 20,000 years ago without the desire of money.

True scientists like Tesla, he didn't care about money it was about the pursuit of science.

Capitalism does not cause innovation, most new technology is found by government programs like nasa (internet, smartphones, etc)

Lol world is moving forward and not living in past.caveman dont need money because they have nothing to spend for,tesla then need no money because he was only for science,but without money for sure he will never makes the world go round and money is the center of everything motivating people by money is fast moving than motivating by nothing

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: kolbalish on September 13, 2018, 03:17:23 PM
People of the current time are motivating through money. All things improve, day by day, price is increasing, updating. To run around, to live a luxarious and comfortable life, everyone is running behind the money. And there are people who are not motive by money less comparatively.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Ucy on September 13, 2018, 03:25:35 PM
Cavemen were painting art 20,000 years ago without the desire of money.

This is mere theory. Weak theory for that matter.
Who are these Cavemen by the way? We were told are people who were  incapable of farming, building homes, mining etc Lifestyle can be influenced by diet and environment. They probably have the idea of building beautiful homes but lack the resources and the willpower.

True scientists like Tesla, he didn't care about money it was about the pursuit of science.

How did he feed his family, pay his bill and survive.

Capitalism does not cause innovation, most new technology is found by government programs like nasa (internet, smartphones, etc)
I agree with this abit.
 Some say that modern science and technology  deep rooted in occultism. You just have to research to understand how. This probably explains why the big inventions come mostly from government and corporations funded projects/people?
The current technological trends seem to be predetermined. The progress is not very evolutionary.  These cool technologies could not be invented thousands of years ago and all of a sudden we began inventing them. I read that the goal is to transform our World into a virtual world (from Iron age to non-material/spirit world) and make us like gods

Free market/Capitalism does encourage innovation but it shouldn't be as fast and advanced as the current technological progress. *Something may be interfering.*  Just my opinion.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: F_Ivanov1993_ on September 13, 2018, 03:25:42 PM
There is a category of people who do not want to earn, but work in order to have money for life, and there are people who are ready for anything, only to earn more.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: max fray on September 13, 2018, 03:55:45 PM
I always hear the argument for capitalism "B bb BUT people won't innovate without the profit motive" WRONG

Humans want to solve problems, create, and innovate, they do not need money to motivate them.  Cavemen were painting art 20,000 years ago without the desire of money.

True scientists like Tesla, he didn't care about money it was about the pursuit of science.

Capitalism does not cause innovation, most new technology is found by government programs like nasa (internet, smartphones, etc)
Yet you might agree that innovations would be impossible without capitalism, as it is the money that fulfill one's basic needs and let him realize his potential.
Another point is that all inventions require substantial investment in the required equipment, technical assistance, etc. - and here money is also of great importance.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: tepakpak on September 13, 2018, 04:17:26 PM
Yes, right, but money is now the motivation of some people because they want a good life especially now that everything is expensive.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: galambo on September 13, 2018, 04:18:51 PM
I always hear the argument for capitalism "B bb BUT people won't innovate without the profit motive" WRONG

Humans want to solve problems, create, and innovate, they do not need money to motivate them.  Cavemen were painting art 20,000 years ago without the desire of money.

True scientists like Tesla, he didn't care about money it was about the pursuit of science.

Capitalism does not cause innovation, most new technology is found by government programs like nasa (internet, smartphones, etc)
You have mentioned a deep thought.
I think that peoples are not motivated by money but the thing they are been motivated with needs a lot of capitalisation which is only fullfilled with the help of money.
Money plays an important role in each terms and most of the peoples work harder and harder to earn some money and only the minimum of them work to really fullfill their dreams.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: kolsernik on September 13, 2018, 04:33:33 PM
Just there is a category of people who put their dreams and goals above money.Such people usually invent something and become geniuses..At the moment, people are stuck in the paradigm of ,,consumption,,.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: beej on September 13, 2018, 04:35:30 PM
Purpose is everything and so is money these days, in fact money is purpose enough to motivate
us to work, strive, succeed and survive in today's economy and society. It's true there are powerful
and insanely admirable rich individuals that have focused their time and effort on making a change,
leaving lasting legacies on their names. But I think a lot of people are still motivated by money and
power. Influence and wealth is still of great prominence and importance in our life and reality.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Impulseboy on September 13, 2018, 04:38:12 PM
I agree. Not everyone thinks that money is the end-all, be-all of their entire being. That said, money motivates people to work hard. Take joining the crypto world as an example. There are those who join the crypto world because they want to earn money fast, but there are also those who start using crypto for other reasons.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: deerlion on September 13, 2018, 04:51:20 PM
Most intelligent people realize the pursuit of money is empty, they want to leave a real mark on the world and change the future for the better.

I actually believe we would be more advanced if we didn't have a ruthless capitalistic society.  Think of how many geniuses had their talents wasted because of extreme poverty which leads to constant stress.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: torkinakiza on September 13, 2018, 05:01:02 PM
You are right, money does not drive TO EVERYBODY to do things.Money allows us to access different goods and services to which we ourselves put the price. But, there are people who want a better quality of life, and those people do see money as something that motivates them to improve every day.

There are many people in the world, I could not generalize about what motivates each person.

The food motivates me :D

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: rickadone on September 15, 2018, 12:35:35 PM
Everything you said is true and I wont argue with that more.

But I will surely make one point here that, money does motivate people to work hard. Now the examples you have given are far greater and are not relayed with the general people. If we go with the general people thoughts then note that they work 12-18 hours a day just because they will be getting their salary at the end of every month. If they even take the leave, go away with their work or under perform then surely things can worsen for themselves and they may get less salary. Just with that thought also most of them go on the work even when they are sick!! Just because they dont want to have less money in their ever salary.
That is it, however, even though it does not motivate people to work hard, that does not stop it from being additional benefit which we all know in the world we are living now; a lot of people have been fixated on the idea of just making money even if they do not like what they are doing.

Usually, for quite very few, I would say they could get motivated based on the passion they have for what they are doing, and even without the money, the fact that they are fulfilling their desires, is enough motivation for them. For people that create solutions to problems, bring up innovation, and do it well, sure thing, money will always be a side benefit.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: toolucky98 on September 15, 2018, 12:55:25 PM
but now everyone chasing money and making it their motivation in work, and most of them think money is the only one

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: charlemagne_15 on September 15, 2018, 01:03:37 PM
I always hear the argument for capitalism "B bb BUT people won't innovate without the profit motive" WRONG

Humans want to solve problems, create, and innovate, they do not need money to motivate them.  Cavemen were painting art 20,000 years ago without the desire of money.

True scientists like Tesla, he didn't care about money it was about the pursuit of science.

Capitalism does not cause innovation, most new technology is found by government programs like nasa (internet, smartphones, etc)

Absolutely! Not all the people are motivated by money. It is not their reason to do something they need to do or must do. Passion and the future what motivated a person. They tend to do the things they like or obligue because they want it not just for the money but for the passion and satisfaction they will have and get. Nevertheless, some people makes money as their motovation like they are working not because they want to bit because of the wages they will get.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: KorakPawon on September 15, 2018, 01:14:14 PM
obviously they scientists sometimes don't think about how much money they spend on their experiments and sometimes don't even think about income before their research is successful what they think is how their research can succeed and succeed.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Diablesfunis on September 15, 2018, 01:23:51 PM
I agree with what you've said, in my opinion there's two kind of person, one will work hard for money and the other want don't care about money but he want to change something. A lot of people fell in the first category, money motivates them to work hard because they need it to survive, to buy daily neccesities etc, maybe later when they have enough money and life become boring then they will change to the second type.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Tigorss on September 15, 2018, 01:27:37 PM
The scientist is a researcher who is looking for a theory and sometimes looking for a definite discovery as long as their struggle is not getting results instead of spending their money but not being minded because their goal is how their research can be achieved and the smelly success after that they will get their money coffers.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: KGBx on September 15, 2018, 01:45:07 PM
Currently it is really not about money but actually money is the most powerful equivalent of desired goods, it can be about free time or hobbies, presents etc. Money decides a lot today.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: nidacoinlove on September 15, 2018, 01:46:49 PM
Everything you said is true and I wont argue with that more.

But I will surely make one point here that, money does motivate people to work hard. Now the examples you have given are far greater and are not relayed with the general people. If we go with the general people thoughts then note that they work 12-18 hours a day just because they will be getting their salary at the end of every month. If they even take the leave, go away with their work or under perform then surely things can worsen for themselves and they may get less salary. Just with that thought also most of them go on the work even when they are sick!! Just because they dont want to have less money in their ever salary.
That is it, however, even though it does not motivate people to work hard, that does not stop it from being additional benefit which we all know in the world we are living now; a lot of people have been fixated on the idea of just making money even if they do not like what they are doing.

Usually, for quite very few, I would say they could get motivated based on the passion they have for what they are doing, and even without the money, the fact that they are fulfilling their desires, is enough motivation for them. For people that create solutions to problems, bring up innovation, and do it well, sure thing, money will always be a side benefit.
I agree that people are interested in innovation but on the other side not all. These are just a few who are committed to innovate, the rest of the people are those who get benefits of these innovation. If someone says that I am reinventing the wheel we call him stupid in our language.
Here we have the same case, may be satoshi was only interested in giving a different financial model to the world but all the remaining people including myself are interested to gain benefits from it.
All the investors of the crypto are after money and if someone deny it, the truth doesn't change.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: dewi91 on September 15, 2018, 02:05:27 PM
it is not true. people are just motivated by money, they think that money can buy everything but in time they realize that they made a mistake
In my opinion there is no problem if people are motivated by money because money is one of the important factors in our lives. Everything need money and if you have enough of money it Will help you to guarantee your family life. People work hard to earn money because they want to improve their life to be better.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: people12345 on September 15, 2018, 04:04:20 PM
I always hear the argument for capitalism "B bb BUT people won't innovate without the profit motive" WRONG

Humans want to solve problems, create, and innovate, they do not need money to motivate them.  Cavemen were painting art 20,000 years ago without the desire of money.

True scientists like Tesla, he didn't care about money it was about the pursuit of science.

Capitalism does not cause innovation, most new technology is found by government programs like nasa (internet, smartphones, etc)

I am totally agreed to this statement but, nowadays, most of the people are more concern to money than anything since money is the most important factors in our lives, it is the one who provides our life. We work because we want to give our family a better life, we want to give them their needs as well as their wants. Therefore, there is no problem if the people will motivated by money because it is one that we need to we work for.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Wintersoldier on September 15, 2018, 04:27:57 PM
People should not be motivated by money, money is literally a needs for us but it is just a way that we could porvide ourselves together with our family to support our daily needs. It is not necessary for to have a lot of money to live or to have life. So we should motivate ourselves to make a living rather than to earn money and do nothing.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Feuerbach on September 15, 2018, 04:58:11 PM
I always hear the argument for capitalism "B bb BUT people won't innovate without the profit motive" WRONG

Humans want to solve problems, create, and innovate, they do not need money to motivate them.  Cavemen were painting art 20,000 years ago without the desire of money.

True scientists like Tesla, he didn't care about money it was about the pursuit of science.

Capitalism does not cause innovation, most new technology is found by government programs like nasa (internet, smartphones, etc)
Not all learned inventors sought to get rich. But money can be a good motivation for work!

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: denuhaqiqi on September 16, 2018, 02:54:24 PM
we work because we want to get money. for most people, money is a motivation. Only a few people do not make money as their motivation, but satisfaction with something like a hobby and creativity will be their motivation. but in the end, a hobby or creativity that is able to produce beautiful and interesting works will also be rewarded by money or appreciation. according to my own thoughts, money is still the motivation of most people in living their lives.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: missyqt29 on September 16, 2018, 03:29:23 PM
I always hear the argument for capitalism "B bb BUT people won't innovate without the profit motive" WRONG

Humans want to solve problems, create, and innovate, they do not need money to motivate them.  Cavemen were painting art 20,000 years ago without the desire of money.

True scientists like Tesla, he didn't care about money it was about the pursuit of science.

Capitalism does not cause innovation, most new technology is found by government programs like nasa (internet, smartphones, etc)

For me that's not true. The money can control one's life that's why more people argument because of money. The money can motivate someone because the money is the most important thing in this world. We work because of money, We need to fill in our needs or help our family in our expenses.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: davit putra on September 16, 2018, 03:46:56 PM
I am motivated by money. I think to meet the needs, money is very necessary. People work hard to earn money, and money can be a motivation for people to do anything.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Dudeperfect on September 16, 2018, 04:20:24 PM
Well, I believe that everyone is not looking for money as a final destination but in this modern world (Kali Yuga) the basic emotional necessities for human (like love, respect, trust and care) are getting rare day by day and sadly, we are looking for money to buy it. Yes, there are some exceptions for it as OP mentioned.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: deisik on September 16, 2018, 04:27:52 PM
we work because we want to get money. for most people, money is a motivation. Only a few people do not make money as their motivation, but satisfaction with something like a hobby and creativity will be their motivation. but in the end, a hobby or creativity that is able to produce beautiful and interesting works will also be rewarded by money or appreciation. according to my own thoughts, money is still the motivation of most people in living their lives.

Fundamentally, it is not money itself that motivates us

In simple terms, there are two things which are behind the motivation we have in the pursuit of obtaining more money. First, it is all the things we can buy with it even though we may not consciously understand it or think about it. And second, it is the choice and freedom of choice that money gives us. In this way, money is purely utilitarian, which can be proven by a simple mental experiment. For example, if you desperately wanted something but couldn't buy it with money (for whatever reason), what would you choose, that thing or its money equivalent?

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: GunsLair on September 16, 2018, 04:37:02 PM
And it seems to me that on the contrary, in our modern world almost all people are motivated by money. Everyone rushes to work every morning to earn a living and pay for their needs. And what you write about people who want to change the world and something to invent, they do it when they already have wealth and all this becomes available when they have achieved that they can't deny themselves anything.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: btc_angela on September 16, 2018, 04:43:11 PM
And it seems to me that on the contrary, in our modern world almost all people are motivated by money. Everyone rushes to work every morning to earn a living and pay for their needs. And what you write about people who want to change the world and something to invent, they do it when they already have wealth and all this becomes available when they have achieved that they can't deny themselves anything.

Because times have changed a lot but the mentality of people don't We really need to get up every morning, go to work because we have mouths to feed. Unless you got lucky and born with a silver spoon. So for me, people works hard to accumulate wealth so that when they retire, they can still live comfortably. So I'm not against people who are motivated by money just like everyone, but its how you earn. If by illegal means then thats something not universally accepted by society and sooner or later it will all vanished in thin air. Just look at those drug lords, Pablo Escobar lives lavishy but when he died, everything is nothing, not even his family is living a good life now.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: juki35man on September 16, 2018, 04:43:58 PM
strongly agree, many people are smart and have ideas / innovations but they cannot develop it because of lack of money, more money
but there are also intelligent people with limitations, he can create new things that can benefit others without thinking about money

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Ryker1 on September 16, 2018, 05:22:16 PM
strongly agree, many people are smart and have ideas / innovations but they cannot develop it because of lack of money, more money
but there are also intelligent people with limitations, he can create new things that can benefit others without thinking about money
I agree some people are motivated by money since they lack it and they also need it. But some people don't think about the money, they're more focused if their new things can help a lot of people. It's different, some people perspective is to get rich, while other people perspective is to help poor people to get rich.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: yulchatar on September 16, 2018, 05:28:35 PM
People who are rooting for their idea - that's people who are not motivated by money. But, unfortunately, money is needed to realize their idea. Therefore, usually such people have to look for investors who will be able to invest their money in their idea. So, no matter whether we like it or not everything in this life revolves around money. And in the end all people are turn out motivated.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: LyQaN on September 16, 2018, 06:16:24 PM
All the points you mentioned are true and not together , people wanted to innovate things they did but it requires a little money they don't work for it but they need it even if it is  just to survive ,secondly most of population does not work or cannot work to bring a great change in world ,they work to live a better life they move to different countries get their phd's work extra shifts ,long shifts to only have a little more money than usual , all of the business organizations will only work for most of the part if they some profit tangible or yeah people are ready to work extra if they good extra money specially those who live below poverty line.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Norihiro on September 16, 2018, 07:39:42 PM
I'd disagree because can you ask all your relatives why do they do their work even though they don't like it? Money will be the answer, and it is pure motivation.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: stephanirain on September 16, 2018, 08:09:02 PM
I always hear the argument for capitalism "B bb BUT people won't innovate without the profit motive" WRONG

Humans want to solve problems, create, and innovate, they do not need money to motivate them.  Cavemen were painting art 20,000 years ago without the desire of money.

True scientists like Tesla, he didn't care about money it was about the pursuit of science.

Capitalism does not cause innovation, most new technology is found by government programs like nasa (internet, smartphones, etc)
The reason why people are creating new ideas is for them to earn huge money. I really believe that money is the only thing who controls the world because many people are doing bad things just for money, that is why changing that concept is the best way for us to be motivated even without money.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Kat_messy on September 17, 2018, 07:04:41 AM
There are two kinds of ppl: ones are motivated by the idea; others by money! But even those who are motivated by the idea, still need some basic funds. Even Tesla, who was a scientist by heart, nearly died of hunger. There is a bottom line for everything..

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Mr.grin on September 17, 2018, 07:36:35 AM
I always hear the argument for capitalism "B bb BUT people won't innovate without the profit motive" WRONG

Humans want to solve problems, create, and innovate, they do not need money to motivate them.  Cavemen were painting art 20,000 years ago without the desire of money.

True scientists like Tesla, he didn't care about money it was about the pursuit of science.

Capitalism does not cause innovation, most new technology is found by government programs like nasa (internet, smartphones, etc)
The reason why people are creating new ideas is for them to earn huge money. I really believe that money is the only thing who controls the world because many people are doing bad things just for money, that is why changing that concept is the best way for us to be motivated even without money.
each person has a different spirit, and different triggers. sometimes, money becomes a factor to make them excited. but, sometimes, a real estate, or another business makes them try to be harder to try. for me, money is just a stepping stone to make my business successful.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Cliparts on September 17, 2018, 05:30:21 PM
but now everyone chasing money and making it their motivation in work, and most of them think money is the only one
Yes well money is not our only motivation but sometime it become the basic need for us, we should try to earn money in several ways, but money should be earn inform of crypto because now people are not much inspired with money only but they want new things, like digital money and digital currency to get new technologies and basic needs of life should be fulfilled with crypto currency as well.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Yurkov on September 17, 2018, 05:42:45 PM
People should not be motivated by money, money is literally a needs for us but it is just a way that we could porvide ourselves together with our family to support our daily needs. It is not necessary for to have a lot of money to live or to have life. So we should motivate ourselves to make a living rather than to earn money and do nothing.
But most of the people who are on this forum are motivated by money and chance to increase their wallets thanks to investing in some coins, they are looking for information here which one they should pick.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: seniorita on September 17, 2018, 05:59:50 PM
I always hear the argument for capitalism "B bb BUT people won't innovate without the profit motive" WRONG

Humans want to solve problems, create, and innovate, they do not need money to motivate them.  Cavemen were painting art 20,000 years ago without the desire of money.

True scientists like Tesla, he didn't care about money it was about the pursuit of science.

Capitalism does not cause innovation, most new technology is found by government programs like nasa (internet, smartphones, etc)

Main reason why they care about money because money can buy them everything in this world, that's why they need find job to get money and using that to sustain their life.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: prediction on bush on September 17, 2018, 07:08:33 PM
I don't know if I fully agree with this.  I think a lot of inventors are looking to get rich and not just to advance technology--history is full of people like that.  Fame and recognition also are factors, but money is a huge motivating factor for a lot of people.  I'd also point out that great advancements in tech or anything else generally make a LOT of money for whoever ends up buying whatever it is we're talking about, a patent, a device, whatever.

Economists would also have a field day with OP's argument, as they tend to think solely in economic terms.  I don't think everyone is motivated by money but you can't deny the importance of it.
Me too I don't think that I would agree that people are not motivated by money, because many people if they have and earn money there motivation increases especially if they earn a lot they are motivated to do work and other stuffs. Remember that many people want to get rich so that for them to be rich they must be motivate to there work in order o earn money.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Lorin on September 17, 2018, 07:30:54 PM
Everybody has their own reason how to motivate. Today  people work hard to earn a lot of money to buy their needs. You said that money is not a way to motivate  people, maybe some but you cannot deny that most of us are motivated by money for their own risk. Technology help people to earn more money, but dont judge people who are motivated by money because they have the reason for that.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: deisik on September 17, 2018, 07:41:27 PM
Everybody has their own reason how to motivate. Today  people work hard to earn a lot of money to buy their needs. You said that money is not a way to motivate  people, maybe some but you cannot deny that most of us are motivated by money for their own risk. Technology help people to earn more money, but dont judge people who are motivated by money because they have the reason for that.

Well, it can be said that, technically, people aren't motivated by money as such, so OP is kinda right, to a degree at least. People may be motivated directly by a basket of things including but not limited to material things, fame, power, publicity, and a lot of other things. But most of what I mentioned (actually, everything) either requires piles of money (like expensive sports cars) or brings about piles of money, and sometimes it is hard to say what is the cause or what is the effect here. For example, people like celebrities may be looking for fame, and fame brings them money as a nice bonus

So can we say if they are looking for fame as such or for money it brings, or for both actually?

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Edraket31 on September 17, 2018, 08:09:59 PM
Everybody has their own reason how to motivate. Today  people work hard to earn a lot of money to buy their needs. You said that money is not a way to motivate  people, maybe some but you cannot deny that most of us are motivated by money for their own risk. Technology help people to earn more money, but dont judge people who are motivated by money because they have the reason for that.
Sad to say but that is the reality of life nowadays, people are happy when we do have money and becoming depressed when they don't have even a single money on their own, or becoming jobless that is why many people are thankful to the crypto world because they have given the opportunity to make money and investment without any hassle.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: coinbates on September 17, 2018, 08:35:02 PM
If it were that people were not motivated by money, then why so many speculative bubbles in our recent history?

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: jaxteller on September 17, 2018, 08:39:09 PM
I think you should not generalize that notion. I know a lot of people who are motivated by money only. Some friends only go to college because they want to be rich. I ask them whether they really enjoy what they're doing and their reply is: ''dude, I am going to make a lot of money''. So again, it depends on the individual.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Osaaah on September 17, 2018, 09:32:44 PM
I am highly motivated by my ambition to be a billionaire. Aside the desire to learn a lot as i grow, i believe gaining financial freedom is very important in every ones life in order to eradicate poverty.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Myown55 on September 18, 2018, 01:08:29 AM
Sometimes people get interested in dignity to the neglect of activities. these instances are very rare now since we all want to make a few thousand dollars for any efforts we make.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: jamids on September 18, 2018, 01:40:20 AM
Sad to say but that is the reality of life nowadays, people are happy when we do have money and becoming depressed when they don't have even a single money on their own, or becoming jobless that is why many people are thankful to the crypto world because they have given the opportunity to make money and investment without any hassle.

When you are having a hard time with your life, you will think that if only you have enough money then you will be able to do this or that but unfortunately, you are born with having not enough money so your motivation when you realized that you can achieve more when you have more money is to have money. When you reach to a point when you can have what you wanted then that would be the time you would find another goal which would be satisfaction and just being happy doing what you wanted.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: deppil on September 18, 2018, 01:42:25 AM
I always hear the argument for capitalism "B bb BUT people won't innovate without the profit motive" WRONG

Humans want to solve problems, create, and innovate, they do not need money to motivate them.  Cavemen were painting art 20,000 years ago without the desire of money.

True scientists like Tesla, he didn't care about money it was about the pursuit of science.

Capitalism does not cause innovation, most new technology is found by government programs like nasa (internet, smartphones, etc)

Main reason why they care about money because money can buy them everything in this world, that's why they need find job to get money and using that to sustain their life.
Yeah I don't think it's true if people aren't motivated by money. in this increasingly capitalist world. many people make money like god.
they all work for money. they build their careers high because they want to get more money. we don't need to be hypocritical about that

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: irsada on September 18, 2018, 02:18:01 AM
Everything you said is true and I wont argue with that more.

But I will surely make one point here that, money does motivate people to work hard. Now the examples you have given are far greater and are not relayed with the general people. If we go with the general people thoughts then note that they work 12-18 hours a day just because they will be getting their salary at the end of every month. If they even take the leave, go away with their work or under perform then surely things can worsen for themselves and they may get less salary. Just with that thought also most of them go on the work even when they are sick!! Just because they dont want to have less money in their ever salary.

I agree with you.
because money is what motivates us to work hard to get it.
in the current economic conditions all existing needs require money to get it.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Pikachu12 on September 18, 2018, 02:34:45 AM
I always hear the argument for capitalism "B bb BUT people won't innovate without the profit motive" WRONG

Humans want to solve problems, create, and innovate, they do not need money to motivate them.  Cavemen were painting art 20,000 years ago without the desire of money.

True scientists like Tesla, he didn't care about money it was about the pursuit of science.

Capitalism does not cause innovation, most new technology is found by government programs like nasa (internet, smartphones, etc)
Society now always needs money to get respect from people around. Most of us always need money to be able to care for our family and take care of our passions and interests. In my opinion, make a lot of money first and then make passionate later.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: leonair on September 18, 2018, 03:01:41 AM
For some it applies though, but most of the greatest work and innovation to our world are made by passion and willingness to create that specific kind of thing. Come think of this, most of the innovators in the past or even now are supported by this businessman that wants results out of them because they invested in believing that there are good outcome that will earn them a big amount of money in return. So technically speaking innovation needs money to function but not for those people who is passionate. Nothing beats talent but without hard work it will become waste.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Crafts12 on September 18, 2018, 03:02:26 AM
I always hear the argument for capitalism "B bb BUT people won't innovate without the profit motive" WRONG

Humans want to solve problems, create, and innovate, they do not need money to motivate them.  Cavemen were painting art 20,000 years ago without the desire of money.

True scientists like Tesla, he didn't care about money it was about the pursuit of science.

Capitalism does not cause innovation, most new technology is found by government programs like nasa (internet, smartphones, etc)

Money is not a motivation by the most. People don't see money as a motivation. What motivates them is the passion they have for something. The result of what they do or the positive outcome is also what they are motivated. Just like in bitcoin, I believe some of here makes the learning as the motivation for engaging in here. However, we cannot hide the fact that some of us are being motivated by money.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: miningguru on September 18, 2018, 03:14:16 AM
I always hear the argument for capitalism "B bb BUT people won't innovate without the profit motive" WRONG

Humans want to solve problems, create, and innovate, they do not need money to motivate them.  Cavemen were painting art 20,000 years ago without the desire of money.

True scientists like Tesla, he didn't care about money it was about the pursuit of science.

Capitalism does not cause innovation, most new technology is found by government programs like nasa (internet, smartphones, etc)

Money is not a motivation by the most. People don't see money as a motivation. What motivates them is the passion they have for something. The result of what they do or the positive outcome is also what they are motivated. Just like in bitcoin, I believe some of here makes the learning as the motivation for engaging in here. However, we cannot hide the fact that some of us are being motivated by money.

Exactly, passion makes them invest more into crypto even they are losing their value. Motivation is based on the passion they have because they will stand at peaks to feel joyful while they make little money. Money is not motivated which makes them feel more joy when their passion becomes true.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: ningrumxxi on September 18, 2018, 03:25:14 AM
it is not true. people are just motivated by money, they think that money can buy everything but in time they realize that they made a mistake
all the necessities of life in the world are all rewarded with money, so of course money is our goal to trade to work even to do something evil, all the goals are very clear namely money, if they don't need money maybe they are very rich or they are approaching death became money for them had no meaning anymore.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: rricksu on September 18, 2018, 03:30:21 AM
This will varies because of the people's different way of thinking. Some maybe motivated becuse they need it, but some will not because they have it.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: spongegar on September 18, 2018, 03:53:01 AM
That is a very idealistic view of humanity. A question whether what really drives a person or what motivates them. I think what capitalism is gunning for is so that people are not lazy and just rely on other to get by. But then today, the elites have hoarded insane amounts of resources that others are left without.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: xabre on September 18, 2018, 03:54:08 AM
We have motivated the people by giving the way how can increase earning and have love what he did, many people do not love what they are doing and its why some of them could not get what they want.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: el kaka22 on September 18, 2018, 07:55:44 AM
We have motivated the people by giving the way how can increase earning and have love what he did, many people do not love what they are doing and its why some of them could not get what they want.
These days, looking at the fact that you may still need some money to be able to do some of the things you need to innovate, it is still very necessary, However, for someone that is highly motivated by the desire to want to create things, bring about an impact to the world and be able to tell himself how much he must have achieved at the end of it all, will always find the drive even during any challenges as it keeps coming irrespective. It is how it is, but we cannot always have everyone thinking the same way, can we ?

As some are there to want to innovate, some are just simply out there for the money.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: boyz97 on September 18, 2018, 08:23:24 AM
it is not true. people are just motivated by money, they think that money can buy everything but in time they realize that they made a mistake
all the necessities of life in the world are all rewarded with money, so of course money is our goal to trade to work even to do something evil, all the goals are very clear namely money, if they don't need money maybe they are very rich or they are approaching death became money for them had no meaning anymore.
that's right dude , all people in this world work in order to get money to fullfill their daily one working without any purpose.if they did it maybe they have no need

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: justdimin on September 18, 2018, 12:26:00 PM
I always hear the argument for capitalism "B bb BUT people won't innovate without the profit motive" WRONG

Humans want to solve problems, create, and innovate, they do not need money to motivate them.  Cavemen were painting art 20,000 years ago without the desire of money.

True scientists like Tesla, he didn't care about money it was about the pursuit of science.

Capitalism does not cause innovation, most new technology is found by government programs like nasa (internet, smartphones, etc)
As far as I am concerned, for those people with true passion for something and creating solutions to problems, the idea of being able to create those solutions, make name and get recognized for it, is already a very huge innovation for them.

These days though, we would not lie to ourselves, that people in this category are a lot less as everyone is actually just looking for ways they can get hands on their money and even with all the passion to solve problems, create and innovate, you can still get frustrated if you are hungry. Just saying!

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: BitcoinTurk on September 18, 2018, 02:21:40 PM
People are doomed to earn money to live a better life, and the more people gain, the happier they are. For this reason, I believe that money is a good source of motivation for people. It always makes people who earn more income more happy and always try to do better to increase their current income. For example, if a company pays additional income to its staff, it will be more efficient to see that the personnel work more efficiently. Therefore, I believe that money is a good source of motivation and morale for people. In the end, we strive to live a better life and we need to make more money to achieve this better life. So, what do we do to reach this life? We make money. We use money as a source of motivation to earn money and reach that life.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: criza on September 18, 2018, 02:53:09 PM
People pushed onto something and do it with greatness is due to their personal desire, a hunger and thirst to prove themselves, and a call of a need. Hence, the pursuit of something does not involve a motivation by money. Hypocrite am I if I will not receive payment in exchange on what I did to others because that is my work and work need to be payed off. However, money is just a shallow representation and source of motivation. Because we know deep down inside that we are doing things in accordance to the burning fire of passion within us and because of happiness. We tend to cometimes do things for money but later did we realize that money is nothing if we cannot achieve happiness in there. At the end of the day, we are successful not just because of the motivation by money.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Harlot on September 18, 2018, 03:06:35 PM
Even if the innovators are true to their intentions of helping the world be a better place to live in they are still under the payroll of large companies who are waiting for them to innovate to get paid. This is the current scene we are seeing now, the largest chunk of any billion dollar company is dedicated to Research and Development and they are not doing this to innovate freely but to take advantage and earn profit from what they do. We cannot pretend that they are doing this to help the world freely anymore.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: bastian466 on September 18, 2018, 03:35:56 PM
Motivation in life is needed to be a better life. rich people and artists can be role models, see or research how they can make money easily and succeed in becoming a billionaire, because money today is everything there are many ways to earn money all racing contest

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: deisik on September 18, 2018, 03:38:56 PM
Even if the innovators are true to their intentions of helping the world be a better place to live in they are still under the payroll of large companies who are waiting for them to innovate to get paid. This is the current scene we are seeing now, the largest chunk of any billion dollar company is dedicated to Research and Development and they are not doing this to innovate freely but to take advantage and earn profit from what they do. We cannot pretend that they are doing this to help the world freely anymore.

In reality, things are even worse than that

The R$D departments aren't innovating for the betterment, well-being or welfare of humankind as many erroneously assume. They are innovating exclusively out of profit motives only. In practice, it often means that they may develop, design, or invent something very useful (say, a cure for cancer) but since they are exclusively profit-oriented, corporations don't necessarily try to market their invention as fast as possible, which you would expect from someone actually interested in pushing the progress forward and helping the world. They will likely postpone the production until their previous product is paid for by the market and its profit potential is fully exploited

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Minusha on September 18, 2018, 03:48:00 PM
People are very much motivated by money. They may say they aren't, but when it comes down to, it single individual will reference it in an argument they need to win.

I absolutely agree, even I don't trust my eyes if I read that people are not motivated by money. Money was and always will be the most powerful motivator ever. And people that have really enough money want just more money!

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: readygoaw on September 18, 2018, 05:30:52 PM
People are doomed to earn money to live a better life, and the more people gain, the happier they are. For this reason, I believe that money is a good source of motivation for people. It always makes people who earn more income more happy and always try to do better to increase their current income. For example, if a company pays additional income to its staff, it will be more efficient to see that the personnel work more efficiently. Therefore, I believe that money is a good source of motivation and morale for people. In the end, we strive to live a better life and we need to make more money to achieve this better life. So, what do we do to reach this life? We make money. We use money as a source of motivation to earn money and reach that life.

Unfortunately, this is the truth of the modern life which cannot go on if you do not have the money. I am sure that it is exactly money which motivates people to work hard.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: nambunamba on September 18, 2018, 06:03:49 PM
I always hear the argument for capitalism "B bb BUT people won't innovate without the profit motive" WRONG

Humans want to solve problems, create, and innovate, they do not need money to motivate them.  Cavemen were painting art 20,000 years ago without the desire of money.

True scientists like Tesla, he didn't care about money it was about the pursuit of science.

Capitalism does not cause innovation, most new technology is found by government programs like nasa (internet, smartphones, etc)
Well i do think there is something different that motivate people even for tesla. Back in there tesla are motivated to create something perfect that can deliver electricity to every home in the world. He even arguing with his senior edison who invented the light bulb. They got different ide and somehow tesla idea is the one that are success. I believe there is nothing wrong to be motivated by money and i do believe we do need something that motivated us to keep us a live, its not always have to be money but maybe family, job or anything else could motivated you to do better.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: turagsoy123456 on September 18, 2018, 08:49:23 PM
I always hear the argument for capitalism "B bb BUT people won't innovate without the profit motive" WRONG

Humans want to solve problems, create, and innovate, they do not need money to motivate them.  Cavemen were painting art 20,000 years ago without the desire of money.

True scientists like Tesla, he didn't care about money it was about the pursuit of science.

Capitalism does not cause innovation, most new technology is found by government programs like nasa (internet, smartphones, etc)

I can not say that people are not motivated by money because money is the number one reason why we are here investing our money in crypto looking for a better future. We strive everyday we work hard to earn money and this is the reality to us.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: pitiflin on September 18, 2018, 09:27:00 PM
I always hear the argument for capitalism "B bb BUT people won't innovate without the profit motive" WRONG

Humans want to solve problems, create, and innovate, they do not need money to motivate them.  Cavemen were painting art 20,000 years ago without the desire of money.

True scientists like Tesla, he didn't care about money it was about the pursuit of science.

Capitalism does not cause innovation, most new technology is found by government programs like nasa (internet, smartphones, etc)

You don't know how wrong you're here. 99% of the people are motivated by money. Tesla won't be here,had it not been for profit. Money is what makes people get going, which is bad. Money is more important to people than anyfuckingthing else. I'd humbly suggest you read up on the shit that keeps happening in this world.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: ylnar123 on September 18, 2018, 09:40:14 PM
I always hear the argument for capitalism "B bb BUT people won't innovate without the profit motive" WRONG

Humans want to solve problems, create, and innovate, they do not need money to motivate them.  Cavemen were painting art 20,000 years ago without the desire of money.

True scientists like Tesla, he didn't care about money it was about the pursuit of science.

Capitalism does not cause innovation, most new technology is found by government programs like nasa (internet, smartphones, etc)

You are right about the cavemen painting 20,000 years ago not thinking about money. But in these generations where people cannot do a thing without money, I doubt if they have any motivations that does not involve money.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Ridersss on September 18, 2018, 10:34:17 PM
I always hear the argument for capitalism "B bb BUT people won't innovate without the profit motive" WRONG

Humans want to solve problems, create, and innovate, they do not need money to motivate them.  Cavemen were painting art 20,000 years ago without the desire of money.

True scientists like Tesla, he didn't care about money it was about the pursuit of science.

Capitalism does not cause innovation, most new technology is found by government programs like nasa (internet, smartphones, etc)

Maybe what you say is true and has reason for sufficient reason. But in my opinion even though humans are not motivated by money, humans still need money to continue their lives. It is true that he is devoted to science, but does he not need clothes? food? drink? etc. so in my opinion money is the basic thing that humans must have.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: squog on September 18, 2018, 11:50:47 PM
Most humans are motivated by money because well who doesn't want money. But fact still remains that people are not motivated solely by money. Olympiads are motivated for the glory of the sport. Teachers are motivated by the progress of their students. Capitalism i think made a generalized observation as compared to other economic models.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: cryptothief on September 19, 2018, 05:10:14 AM
Cavemen were painting art 20,000 years ago without the desire of money.

I don't think it's possible to paint everyone with the same brush, there is a large proportion of people that are absolutely motivated by money. For some it is necessity, others it's desire and/or greed. You're right that some people don't need money for motivation, but using cavemen as an example isn't proving much. Back then it was survival of the fittest, and if someone else had something you wanted/needed, you just fought for it or took it, exchanges of goods hadn't really kicked in. There are individuals who don't require money for motivation, but often it's because they already have the financial stability (at least without starving anyway) to be able to devote their time and energy to innovation.

Olympiads are motivated for the glory of the sport.

And yes, there are other clear motivational aspects - glory is undoubtedly one, and not just for Olympians.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: BigBos on September 19, 2018, 05:23:55 AM
Most humans are motivated by money because well who doesn't want money. But fact still remains that people are not motivated solely by money. Olympiads are motivated for the glory of the sport. Teachers are motivated by the progress of their students. Capitalism i think made a generalized observation as compared to other economic models.
no wonder if it's like that. at this time, almost false is a measure of money. money is something that is really needed, not only people, but also the state makes it very important. So, sometimes a lot of money is a motivation for us to work hard.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: arthotdog on September 19, 2018, 05:34:30 AM
I always hear the argument for capitalism "B bb BUT people won't innovate without the profit motive" WRONG

Humans want to solve problems, create, and innovate, they do not need money to motivate them.  Cavemen were painting art 20,000 years ago without the desire of money.

True scientists like Tesla, he didn't care about money it was about the pursuit of science.

Capitalism does not cause innovation, most new technology is found by government programs like nasa (internet, smartphones, etc)

I tend to disagree buddy,because people of old ages is can be compared by animal behavior because of non presence of money or gold,but when time comes that goldnd money has created and learned people don’t stop to striving just to gather how manys they can have

Today all the problems are answerable by money sometimes even the emotional aspect requires money also to resolve,by going to bars having some fun and everything that luxurious to them

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: yonjitsu on September 19, 2018, 08:02:52 AM
I think this is true in some cases because as far as i know, people would like to work to have money to buy the basic needs of a human being (Clothing, shelter, and food). Since everything is bought through the use of money, then it is just the same that some people are motivated by money to buy everything they want.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: patarfweefwee on September 19, 2018, 09:05:19 AM
Not everyone is motivated by money. I mean slot of people have lived their lives without the thought of money simply because they're not exposed to it. Others simply wants to perfect their chosen craft. Capitalism or no, people will work their ass off not just for money but for something bigger than themselves.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Assface16678 on September 19, 2018, 09:11:32 AM
This is a divided stand. On a normal situation when people may not need money, everything doesn't have to priced. On the other hand it would be easy to do things with money. This idea can be proven by events happening in the real world. Look at how corruption becomes an almost fulltime job for the corrupt officials.  This is just a clear proof that money is a motivation.

So true. The reason why there are almost all people who do work is because they need money. Or all people works because they need money, therefore money is a motivation that leads everyone to do work. In this world, money is the key for everything so it is a primary needs for everyone. In connection to the cryptocurrency, people tends to engaged with this because of the possibility of earning huge amount of money.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: syaripudin on September 19, 2018, 09:32:36 AM
not everyone will think like that, especially for people who are at the lowest level of the economy. I think for people with low economic levels of money it will be a motivation for them because of course they will think that without money they will not be able to meet the needs of life.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Supercrypt on September 19, 2018, 12:16:04 PM
I'd disagree because can you ask all your relatives why do they do their work even though they don't like it? Money will be the answer, and it is pure motivation.
Well, categorically speaking, we cannot say everyone is not motivated by money, most especially in this our current life where money is thoroughly needed. However, with what the OP said, it is true for those who are passion driven, ready to innovate to make a difference in the world and even without some cash at their disposal, that zeal and urge to do something out of the box, just keeps driving them as much as possible.

Money sure helps to achieve things faster though, but not necessarily an obstacle for someone who really wants to do something out of the ordinary.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Fenixsfeather on September 19, 2018, 12:36:41 PM
I agree, money is very weak motivation. People need understanding of meaning of their job. And when they have understanding of their way. It bring awesome result.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: hanlap on September 19, 2018, 12:48:01 PM
Most people will motivate a lot for money because their main reason is business and profit. There are also a few who are interested in technology and the development of the new age.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Betwrong on September 19, 2018, 01:05:30 PM
I always hear the argument for capitalism "B bb BUT people won't innovate without the profit motive" WRONG

Humans want to solve problems, create, and innovate, they do not need money to motivate them.  Cavemen were painting art 20,000 years ago without the desire of money.

True scientists like Tesla, he didn't care about money it was about the pursuit of science.

Capitalism does not cause innovation, most new technology is found by government programs like nasa (internet, smartphones, etc)

There are activities/jobs which some people would eagerly do without any payment if their daily living needs were  met at the same time. That's what was happening with the cavemen you've mentioned and that was the case with many scientists, poets, artists etc in the past. I'm sure there are people like that nowadays too. However, there are many jobs which have to be done for the sake of humanity's' survival, but those jobs are not so entertaining and nobody wants to do them without payment.

Also, if you think that people working at NASA receive small payments, you are terribly wrong, my friend. NASA employees earn $62,000 - $126,000 annually, and get many other benefits in a form of meetings in exotic places of the world etc. Maybe they are not motivated by money, but I personally wouldn't wish for them to do the same job living in a Gulag.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: kripkiki12 on September 19, 2018, 01:14:35 PM
Yeah, I see you have a point, and I agree till some extent. But if you do not meet the minimum needs (e.g. housing, food, and list goes on) than I would see how motivated people were to innovate... I guess it would just create stress and anger. I would rather put it like this: people are not always motivated by money, but until a certain point, it plays a huge role. Innovative side comes just right after the minimal needs (which can also differ from person to person)

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: daarul50 on September 19, 2018, 01:16:23 PM
Too lying when we say that money is not the goal of knowledge because in the end that knowledge will make money if it is patented by someone who finds that knowledge. Money is an additional motivation for someone to create new discoveries that are certainly beneficial to everyone later.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Bijikopi on September 19, 2018, 01:22:54 PM
not everyone will think like that, especially for people who are at the lowest level of the economy. I think for people with low economic levels of money it will be a motivation for them because of course they will think that without money they will not be able to meet the needs of life.

Values become more heterogeneous and we cannot just assess assumptions from just one class, I am also in the group you mentioned and remain optimistic about looking for opportunities to make a profit, but one of the most important things is that I also have a job in business real because it's not easy to hang everything on crypto, especially for now, I try to calm down and still deepen the knowledge of price and momentum analysis.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Tervelatuk on September 19, 2018, 01:25:58 PM
Most people will motivate a lot for money because their main reason is business and profit. There are also a few who are interested in technology and the development of the new age.
people's needs and desires become the main motivation for people to earn money. nonsense if people don't have the will to get money for their future.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Hell-raiser on September 19, 2018, 01:34:14 PM
Olympiads are motivated for the glory of the sport.

And yes, there are other clear motivational aspects - glory is undoubtedly one, and not just for Olympians.

Fame and glory (as you call it) are also inseparably and inherently linked to prosperity. So even in such matters money plays an important role, though it is clear that in most such cases it is secondary and comes as a nice bonus. But there's one thing which is greater than money itself, and it is called power, as I've written about that in another thread here.

When you have power, like that of a dictator, you don't need money anymore as you can take everything directly, whether it can be bought with money or not. Unsurprisingly, you can't buy power with money as it is worth a way more than money can ever buy. In this fashion, people who are looking for power are not interested in money as money for them can be only a tool or a means, among many others, not a goal.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: sumanto on September 19, 2018, 02:05:44 PM
I don't think all of them are motivated from money, I think money can provide very good motivation and is very good because money can make many people become very rich and can buy anything they want.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: kolbalish on September 19, 2018, 04:53:23 PM
In this situation people achieve money by doing various purpose.Which money assure ones future is valuable but the money which stay for temporary time is can't motive anybody.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Betwrong on September 20, 2018, 11:07:26 AM
~ Unsurprisingly, you can't buy power with money as it is worth a way more than money can ever buy. ~

I disagree with thins. It's a common practice when people buy a position of a member of parliament. They buy it by bribing the voters or by bribing significant political figures. And when you are a member of parliament you have power. But of course they do that to have the opportunity to obtain more money eventually, so even in this case they are still motivated by money.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: trako on September 20, 2018, 12:03:35 PM
Money is the purpose, not the tool. for everything. You can do anything using the money. The more money you have, the more free you are.
I think it is a source of motivation. We do everything for money. In the end, a business does not make people happy.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: KirunBarber on September 20, 2018, 01:40:07 PM
it's about changes in human civilization, where the human habitat is getting smaller now. they need a decent place to live, without working hard to live on people's land? I do not think so..
about capitalism, let the age wheel that will speak.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: KorakPawon on September 20, 2018, 02:10:54 PM
but I think that is different from today, thinking that without money there is no work, almost all work is motivated by money. it's hard to find people who don't have motivation because money happened in the past.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: deisik on September 20, 2018, 03:31:58 PM
I'd disagree because can you ask all your relatives why do they do their work even though they don't like it? Money will be the answer, and it is pure motivation.
Well, categorically speaking, we cannot say everyone is not motivated by money, most especially in this our current life where money is thoroughly needed. However, with what the OP said, it is true for those who are passion driven, ready to innovate to make a difference in the world and even without some cash at their disposal, that zeal and urge to do something out of the box, just keeps driving them as much as possible.

Conceptually, I agree with you, though I have to clarify a few things, or rather expand your idea

In your post (and likely in your mind as well), you divide people into two groups (categorically speaking, as you call it). One group consists of people who are motivated by money, and another group of those who may be motivated by something else. The first group are obviously after material things, and they are motivated by money as much as it can provide them with these things as is the case with anything material. We say money is the biggest factor in this case as the connection is straightforward, and everyone understands what is meant here (well, at least I hope so). The second group are onto something else which has no direct connection with money. But here's the catch, whatever that might be, almost always you would need money for that. In this way, people who are passion-driven may not be motivated by money as such, but they still need it. And the stronger their passion is, the more it will be demanding in monetary terms

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: 1NV3ST0NM3 on September 20, 2018, 03:33:52 PM
I always hear the argument for capitalism "B bb BUT people won't innovate without the profit motive" WRONG

Humans want to solve problems, create, and innovate, they do not need money to motivate them.  Cavemen were painting art 20,000 years ago without the desire of money.

True scientists like Tesla, he didn't care about money it was about the pursuit of science.

Capitalism does not cause innovation, most new technology is found by government programs like nasa (internet, smartphones, etc)
You are completely true. The kind of people you are talking about, I think they had it in themselves to do something big in life. Such people do not need any kind of motivation. They are bold and courageous enough which acts as their motivation. I don’t think so any person can make such great inventions like Microsoft, smartphone, etc in the wake of money. These people had great ideas which they implemented and money itself came to their door.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Tigorss on September 20, 2018, 05:05:56 PM
It can be true, but I'm not fully agree with that. In the past money perhaps isn't the major thing for scientist's life, but the world now says different thing. Many of them are concerned on how to make good money even some of them are truly dedicate their life for knowledge. So, it depends on their own motivation.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Antonina on September 20, 2018, 08:42:33 PM
and I think that they are very motivated by money. people think that money is now decided by everyone and therefore are fighting for them

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: maarx on September 20, 2018, 09:17:46 PM
I would say 95% are motivated by money than other stuffs.  Money is everything. There are few seen rarely to be generous in giving out / helping out money to needy. But majority goes for money even  though he or she is already well settled. Hence do not say people are not motivated with money. When you have money and have loving heart, you own the world. I felt it within.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: ucingucingan on September 20, 2018, 09:41:55 PM
if it is associated with economic factors now it might be said that, some percent of people are no longer motivated by money, they are more motivated by investment commodities such as stocks, gold, silver and currency to save their assets and earn profits, they are not motivated with money as possible because the exchange rate tends to decrease along with inflation

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Yamifoud on September 20, 2018, 11:31:48 PM
if it is associated with economic factors now it might be said that, some percent of people are no longer motivated by money, they are more motivated by investment commodities such as stocks, gold, silver and currency to save their assets and earn profits, they are not motivated with money as possible because the exchange rate tends to decrease along with inflation
They are also considered as money in exchange of those stocks and investment. Money is placing a big role for us today, we cant move easily if we don't have such things. If course, it simply motivated us we have to more money rather than do works with nothing in returns. Money is making us alive.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: andika2018 on September 21, 2018, 12:51:07 AM
I always hear the argument for capitalism "B bb BUT people won't innovate without the profit motive" WRONG

Humans want to solve problems, create, and innovate, they do not need money to motivate them.  Cavemen were painting art 20,000 years ago without the desire of money.

True scientists like Tesla, he didn't care about money it was about the pursuit of science.

Capitalism does not cause innovation, most new technology is found by government programs like nasa (internet, smartphones, etc)

It is true that people innovating on technology and make their life more easier. But people need money for research and development, thats why inventor or company need profits to expand their technology. People always need money because people always need something in their life

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Nhebu on September 21, 2018, 01:23:29 AM
I think the physical purpose of humankind is to have a good life. House, cars, buildings, yachts are just one of the materials we dreamt. These things are run by money. Therefore, we want to have money. However, I cannot say that money is the motivation of the people. It is just what we want to have for. My motivation is my family. They are my inspiration to move up.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Dod Ong on September 21, 2018, 03:20:41 AM
I always hear the argument for capitalism "B bb BUT people won't innovate without the profit motive" WRONG

Humans want to solve problems, create, and innovate, they do not need money to motivate them.  Cavemen were painting art 20,000 years ago without the desire of money.

True scientists like Tesla, he didn't care about money it was about the pursuit of science.

Capitalism does not cause innovation, most new technology is found by government programs like nasa (internet, smartphones, etc)

For me some bitcoin users are motivated by the money. The money can make the people to become a hard working person, We all know that the money can control people. So the money can motivate a some one because the money is very powerful.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: coly20032003 on September 21, 2018, 03:47:17 AM
I think for people that are poor, money will be very important for them. Because they need money to buy food and water, and to meet their basic living needs. For rich people, maybe money is not that important, but for me, money is like the more the better :)

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: maxreish on September 21, 2018, 08:08:35 AM
Everybody have a different perspectives in life. For me,  money is the most sought by the majority of all the citizens in one country, especially now,  most of the commodity are constantly increasing prices.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: parapencariuang on September 21, 2018, 08:16:23 AM
I agree with the things you mentioned because the people you mentioned have different thoughts from people today, because in this era people are looking for money to buy luxury items so that they are more widely known and viewed as rich people.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: chaklee1 on September 21, 2018, 11:51:24 AM
Money is the motivation for people to face their needs and desires. When a person has enough money not to care about minimum needs like food, housing, etc, he or she has time and resource to create something innovative beneficial for everyone. I think money is one of the main motivating factors, but not always. Some people find motivation in fame, appreciation, and power. Sometimes, these people’s needs are stronger than money.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: drm on September 21, 2018, 01:04:14 PM
I always hear the argument for capitalism "B bb BUT people won't innovate without the profit motive" WRONG

Humans want to solve problems, create, and innovate, they do not need money to motivate them.  Cavemen were painting art 20,000 years ago without the desire of money.

True scientists like Tesla, he didn't care about money it was about the pursuit of science.

Capitalism does not cause innovation, most new technology is found by government programs like nasa (internet, smartphones, etc)

Of course there are people who do things just to better mankind or to help society (scientists who research incurable diseases funded by donation money).
But I think there are more people who do it for the money so they can live their ideal life. The world is driven by money and selfishness.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Naida_BR on September 21, 2018, 02:25:30 PM
This example is typically derived from the Maslow pyramid where needs are in hierarchical ranked. As long as you go to the next level, however, your salary rate increases. This is the reason why people who contribute to the society and the global economy become rich eventually.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Nolimitz84 on September 21, 2018, 03:21:59 PM
By and large, scientists-geniuses do not live by material thoughts.Their brains work differently.They are not driven by money but by new ideas and methods of their implementation.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: brotherwood12 on September 21, 2018, 05:59:25 PM
but IMHO , money right now is the main idea why people do their job , but yeah not all people like that , but majority are like that and that real happens

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: MrRiuss on September 21, 2018, 06:09:04 PM
I always hear the argument for capitalism "B bb BUT people won't innovate without the profit motive" WRONG

Humans want to solve problems, create, and innovate, they do not need money to motivate them.  Cavemen were painting art 20,000 years ago without the desire of money.

True scientists like Tesla, he didn't care about money it was about the pursuit of science.

Capitalism does not cause innovation, most new technology is found by government programs like nasa (internet, smartphones, etc)
i dont think so. most of the people are money oriented. although not all. money is not everything, but everything need money :)

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: wxa7115 on September 21, 2018, 09:22:51 PM
I agree, money is very weak motivation. People need understanding of meaning of their job. And when they have understanding of their way. It bring awesome result.
If money was such a poor motivator as you claim, businesses will not be doing everything that they can to try to get as much profits as possible, even some of the greatest genius in the history of humanity were motivated by money, of course they wanted to reach something greater than themselves and wanted to make great discoveries and to create great inventions but at the end money is a necessity for everyone and we need it to survive.

So we need to accept the reality money is one of the greatest motivators in the world, if it wasn't for money and what it buys people will not wake up at 5 o'clock to go to their jobs and work long hours at a job they hate, they do that great sacrifice because they want the money and nothing more.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Vaculin on September 21, 2018, 10:43:40 PM
I agree, money is very weak motivation. People need understanding of meaning of their job. And when they have understanding of their way. It bring awesome result.
If money was such a poor motivator as you claim, businesses will not be doing everything that they can to try to get as much profits as possible, even some of the greatest genius in the history of humanity were motivated by money, of course they wanted to reach something greater than themselves and wanted to make great discoveries and to create great inventions but at the end money is a necessity for everyone and we need it to survive.

So we need to accept the reality money is one of the greatest motivators in the world, if it wasn't for money and what it buys people will not wake up at 5 o'clock to go to their jobs and work long hours at a job they hate, they do that great sacrifice because they want the money and nothing more.
Exactly.While money is not a great motivator of people way back from past decades,we cannot deny the fact that at the current time all people are greatly motivated by money to work hard to gain more money so they can cater to all their family's needs.So money is really of high necessity for all of us because without it,we can't do nothing and cannot survive then.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: liseff3 on September 21, 2018, 11:47:45 PM
Humans want to solve problems, create, and innovate, they do not need money to motivate them.  Cavemen were painting art 20,000 years ago without the desire of money.

If we talk about innovation, then we will also talk about creativity. Creativity can be said to be something that can provide updates in many aspects. The challenges of the times will be able to be answered by creativity which we can meet in everyone. Creativity is a flow of ideas that are still in our minds into something that can be called work or masterpiece. Creativity needs to be ignited and honed because it's the ability to see associations when others cannot. So one's creativity can produce innovations or something that's truly different. Whether it's creating a new product or creating solutions to problem-solving. Innovation requires creativity because one must be able to connect abstract ideas and other facts, with existing scenarios before making something unique and different. So there's a close relationship between the two.
Unfortunately, the human mindset's more advanced than its technology, greedy and greedy capitalists, often making it their business field. No doubt, history has also recorded their greed from buying a work by force or killing its creator as happened to Tesla.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Hatuferu on September 21, 2018, 11:49:39 PM
but IMHO , money right now is the main idea why people do their job , but yeah not all people like that , but majority are like that and that real happens
Yes that is the truth of today.Money brings happiness to the people because if you have money,you can buy all the goods and services you want.And without having enough money today,you can barely survive in this world.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: mrcash02 on September 22, 2018, 01:14:20 AM
People are motivated by rewards. And a reward can be money, better life conditions, more comfort, more accessibility and Capitalism is a good way to give each person the reward he/she really deserves. It's a natural way of life, there is no reason to create so many polemics around it.

In countries where Capitalism is strong the youngs are blaming it. And in countries where Capitalism is weak people are starving or fleeing to other countries, especially the youngs. So, caution with what you desire, it might become true and the reality can be very different from your expectations.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Janation on September 22, 2018, 01:25:46 AM
but IMHO , money right now is the main idea why people do their job , but yeah not all people like that , but majority are like that and that real happens
Yes that is the truth of today.Money brings happiness to the people because if you have money,you can buy all the goods and services you want.And without having enough money today,you can barely survive in this world.

It is true that people can barely survive this world not having enough money but people should consider their salary and where should their salary make their lives better, they should consider their place to live.

I am not saying that people can't live wherever they want to live but the thing is that they will be having a poor life if they will be living in a city than living in towns or provinces. I live in a province and having a little wage do not concern us because we can get anything, not everything but be contented to what we have from nfood to entertainment.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: randyboy on September 22, 2018, 01:49:46 AM
If you like what you do and you're happy there you will not have to worry about money because you've got your dream come true and that is your passion that money cant complete it, so If I do my passion like being as a youtuber and content creator money couldn't motivate me but it can help me to do a lot of things being what I wanted. 

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: putrii on September 22, 2018, 06:02:39 AM
I think people are often affected and motivated because of the success of people and have been able to get a lot of money so many people will make themselves to inspire people and many people will want to emulate their success as successful people.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Tervelatuk on September 22, 2018, 06:08:57 AM
I think people are often affected and motivated because of the success of people and have been able to get a lot of money so many people will make themselves to inspire people and many people will want to emulate their success as successful people.
successfull man inspire other people with several ways.and maybe people was motivated with this inspiration, not only about money but sometime they need inspirative word that able make them have new spirit.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: zhelis74 on September 22, 2018, 06:28:56 AM
I think people are often affected and motivated because of the success of people and have been able to get a lot of money so many people will make themselves to inspire people and many people will want to emulate their success as successful people.
successfull man inspire other people with several ways.and maybe people was motivated with this inspiration, not only about money but sometime they need inspirative word that able make them have new spirit.
Yes, but today's life style usually involved with money to make them move with accordance with the norms of society, so I think money is a factor of why people motivated to work and that is to earn money for their love one's to support their needs and wants for them to be happy and comfortable in this money driven society.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: KingdomHearts on September 22, 2018, 06:45:07 AM
Not everyone is motivated by money. I mean slot of people have lived their lives without the thought of money simply because they're not exposed to it. Others simply wants to perfect their chosen craft. Capitalism or no, people will work their ass off not just for money but for something bigger than themselves.
Looks like majority of the people quest for this one thing called money. Without money, nations have ceased growing, starvation on its peak in majority of the South African states and so on. Every country is trying to allocate the maximum of their budget to buying weapons for increasing security and power like the North Korea.

Regardless of what old people did, today the thing is completely opposite and the more money you have, the more power and influence over the political system you enjoy. If we look at the international trade, and the currency in which the trade is being carried out since long, you actually see how America is using the power of dollar to keep its hold tight in the rest of the countries.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Betwrong on September 22, 2018, 10:38:11 AM
I would say 95% of activates are motivated by money than other stuffs.

That's right, 95% or even more are motivated by money. Only brainwashed people like those living in North Korea can be motivated by Juche ideology being in fact slaves to Kim family. Same goes for people working for free in various religious sects, but at least they can chose whether to do it or not, while people born under a regime similar to North Korean's can't choose anything. Imo in a healthy society people should be motivated by money in the first place.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Angna27 on September 22, 2018, 11:32:36 AM
People say this because they thought money is the answer to all of man's problem or even can be motivated by money.. it can be provided with right thinking and good heart but if its all for selfish gain then its wrong...sometimes people tell all these, alluring them to good fortune and great profit

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: policeoo on September 22, 2018, 12:03:37 PM
You think people are not motivated by money? I think this is not true. Money is that is creating all of this, and money is moving each and every one of us to go to work every day, to work hard and to earn some money, so we could save some and invest it smartly in something we find best for us and our families.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: HI KITTY on September 22, 2018, 01:55:07 PM
This is a divided stand. On a normal situation when people may not need money, everything doesn't have to priced. On the other hand it would be easy to do things with money. This idea can be proven by events happening in the real world. Look at how corruption becomes an almost fulltime job for them.  This is just a clear proof that money is a motivation.
people are motivated by what they want to achieve and their love ones not by money .

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Omegasun on September 22, 2018, 02:19:08 PM
People say this because they thought money is the answer to all of man's problem or even can be motivated by money.. it can be provided with right thinking and good heart but if its all for selfish gain then its wrong...sometimes people tell all these, alluring them to good fortune and great profit
Money attracts people to enter crypto, there are things that crypto gives opportunities to the needy even to those who still have and want to improves their living.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: preikaler on September 22, 2018, 02:31:24 PM
everyone will definitely want money to get it they are willing to work hard so that successful people will surely be many people who imitate for their success too

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: deisik on September 22, 2018, 03:10:26 PM
I always hear the argument for capitalism "B bb BUT people won't innovate without the profit motive" WRONG

Humans want to solve problems, create, and innovate, they do not need money to motivate them.  Cavemen were painting art 20,000 years ago without the desire of money.

True scientists like Tesla, he didn't care about money it was about the pursuit of science.

Capitalism does not cause innovation, most new technology is found by government programs like nasa (internet, smartphones, etc)
You are completely true. The kind of people you are talking about, I think they had it in themselves to do something big in life. Such people do not need any kind of motivation. They are bold and courageous enough which acts as their motivation. I don’t think so any person can make such great inventions like Microsoft, smartphone, etc in the wake of money. These people had great ideas which they implemented and money itself came to their door.

It is strange that you mentioned Microsoft in this context

And while we are at it, could you remind us what great inventions Microsoft made or how is it itself a great invention?  If anything, Microsoft has been slowing advances in IT for the last twenty years at the very least. Should I in turn remind you of their FUD campaign against Linux, their being behind SCO attack on free software, their nefarious practices of privatizing and monopolizing open standards, and whatever else they are doing to stifle and extinguish free competition in the field? On the other hand, they didn't invent anything themselves, they had just been stealing ideas and whole products (e.g. DOS) all the time and then paying or just telling people to shut the fuck up

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: jaysabi on September 22, 2018, 03:47:25 PM
I always hear the argument for capitalism "B bb BUT people won't innovate without the profit motive" WRONG

Humans want to solve problems, create, and innovate, they do not need money to motivate them.  Cavemen were painting art 20,000 years ago without the desire of money.

True scientists like Tesla, he didn't care about money it was about the pursuit of science.

Capitalism does not cause innovation, most new technology is found by government programs like nasa (internet, smartphones, etc)

This is horribly misguided. Humans want to solve problems, create and innovate, yes. But it is the profit motive directs and focuses that innate drive into the most efficient and productive manner. As long as money has been a concept, it has always driven activity and informed decision-making. It wasn't until money that humankind started advancing as a society. It was trade and economic activity (the pursuit of wealth) that advanced society faster and faster. To maintain we would have achieved the advancement of our society without the concept of money is naive.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Nahl on September 22, 2018, 05:31:16 PM
Please don't compare the current life with stone age and cavemen does not desire to get money because money still not exist at that time and compare from the current age when most people life because of money then i think difficult to find there is person which does not motivated by money because admitted or not we cannot life without money and everything we buy should be use money so people were created new things basically they want to get more money

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: hotBriX001 on September 24, 2018, 12:29:35 PM
For my own opinion, I think if there are people who are not really motivated with money maybe 10 percent of the population worldwide can be put it into this. Because as we can see the economics of each countries really need financial stability or money to get well develop and many government establishment works through money movements and circulation. So how come people will not be motivated with money as this is the important things of living.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: ngano ba on September 24, 2018, 12:46:37 PM
If you are a normal person you will be motivated by money ,only the sick mind persons are not motivated because of unusual sickness ,but for those who are seeking a good a nd happy life they will be motivated by money , because this medium of exchange can really make a different thing especially for good intentions and not for greedy and selfish motive.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: manyu22 on September 24, 2018, 12:56:11 PM
If you are a normal person you will be motivated by money ,only the sick mind persons are not motivated because of unusual sickness ,but for those who are seeking a good a nd happy life they will be motivated by money , because this medium of exchange can really make a different thing especially for good intentions and not for greedy and selfish motive.
money is our goal for life, if we are not motivated and looking for money, what do we live for? if there is no money, what do we want to fulfill life? because all of that requires money to buy something we need

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Meowth05 on September 24, 2018, 01:02:13 PM
but IMHO , money right now is the main idea why people do their job , but yeah not all people like that , but majority are like that and that real happens
Yes that is the truth of today.Money brings happiness to the people because if you have money,you can buy all the goods and services you want.And without having enough money today,you can barely survive in this world.
Definitely, money is now the basis of people of having a perfect life, if you huge amount of money everything are now attainable for you. Some of them are using money to solve their problem. Nowadays, money has a big impact, if you don't have any of it then everyone will criticize you as hindrance for them and that is the sad reality.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: goaldigger on September 24, 2018, 01:02:32 PM
What motivates people is imagining what they dream of. But i dont agree that peoole are not motivated by money because it covers all. If a person dreamt of a comfortable life then he need money. Same as if he wants to escape debt cage. He also needed it if he want to establish his own business or even going a trip abroad. Yeah, even we dont admit, still money drives us to go further.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: ngacengan on September 24, 2018, 01:20:01 PM
I think there are so many people who are motivated by money, they can become motivated to become rich when they see some people around them getting rich.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Golftech on September 24, 2018, 01:36:03 PM
What motivates people is imagining what they dream of. But i dont agree that peoole are not motivated by money because it covers all. If a person dreamt of a comfortable life then he need money. Same as if he wants to escape debt cage. He also needed it if he want to establish his own business or even going a trip abroad. Yeah, even we dont admit, still money drives us to go further.
From that point of views, its really affect the mentality of gaining money for being motivated to pursue for your success, I seen that every person
who wanted to see a good future life always dreamed of having a good fundamentals one of those factors are on how to gain good earnings and
how they can achieved continuously in order to succeed.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Salloystic on September 24, 2018, 03:34:49 PM
I don't believe this. Mostly,  people are motivated by money to do either good or evil. Even, it is money that motivates people to embark on business. People embark on crypto as a result of huge money that they earn from it. Crypto is a good money earning business.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: ned.ryerson on September 25, 2018, 11:57:30 AM
Because everything is like fraud, because if you look at first, a huge growth and not a drop of a drop, but now it's the other way around and that's why people think that this is all to entice people.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: tee-rex on September 25, 2018, 12:09:07 PM
If you are a normal person you will be motivated by money ,only the sick mind persons are not motivated because of unusual sickness ,but for those who are seeking a good a nd happy life they will be motivated by money , because this medium of exchange can really make a different thing especially for good intentions and not for greedy and selfish motive.
money is our goal for life, if we are not motivated and looking for money, what do we live for? if there is no money, what do we want to fulfill life? because all of that requires money to buy something we need

How can money be our life goal? Well, for you it may well be but I don't think that many people would agree with you on that. It is like the law of diminishing returns. When you don't have enough money, you strive for it as it gives you what you can't have without it. But when you have enough to satisfy your basic needs and necessities, you start to look beyond money, and that would be your life goal.

People whose only goal in life is money and material wealth more generally are narrow minded. Even for the wealthiest of people like Warren Buffett and Bill Gates money is only a means to an end. Though I'm not sure about the former as he seems to be married to money.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Google+ on September 25, 2018, 12:11:09 PM
maybe what you say is true but there are so many people who get motivated when they see some people who have become successful one of them they will try to follow the way that person can succeed and after that they try the same way.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Panunggalan on September 25, 2018, 12:25:49 PM
everyone will be motivated by people, everyone has the right to have a lot of money, I will try to get as much money as I can, I make money only in the bitcoin forum

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: bitcoinveda on September 25, 2018, 12:40:44 PM
I think there are so many people who are motivated by money, they can become motivated to become rich when they see some people around them getting rich.

Yes, Every human being is motivated by the money because in this world for a living we need a large sum of the money to protect yourself. People who have dedication towards their work will always make more money, we need little dedication and timely manner to become rich.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: rosemary4u on September 25, 2018, 12:47:25 PM
In sometime past, many were motivated by passion to work and achieve greater heights towards success. In the current world order, I believe people  can be motivated by money and this is real situation in many parts of the world. When a careful observation is made, one would observe that people are doing a particular job just because of money but not the passion, they have for it.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Allura74 on September 25, 2018, 01:12:26 PM
I think there are so many people who are motivated by money, they can become motivated to become rich when they see some people around them getting rich.

Yes, Every human being is motivated by the money because in this world for a living we need a large sum of the money to protect yourself. People who have dedication towards their work will always make more money, we need little dedication and timely manner to become rich.
As we can see that the world is busy everyday, people in the city are moving because of money or to earn money for themselves and for the family they supported to, so basically I believe that money is one major source of motivation besides of that ego and respect, since its not easy to live and compete this world without money because money makes people move.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: andriarto on September 25, 2018, 01:39:12 PM
I think there are so many people who are motivated by money, they can become motivated to become rich when they see some people around them getting rich.

Yes, Every human being is motivated by the money because in this world for a living we need a large sum of the money to protect yourself. People who have dedication towards their work will always make more money, we need little dedication and timely manner to become rich.
As we can see that the world is busy everyday, people in the city are moving because of money or to earn money for themselves and for the family they supported to, so basically I believe that money is one major source of motivation besides of that ego and respect, since its not easy to live and compete this world without money because money makes people move.
right, the main orientation of people busy in living in society is to get money to meet their needs. many work without stopping, to get money. happy for those who know cryptocurrency at beginning, certainly very helpful for family economy

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: lebrone08 on September 25, 2018, 01:59:41 PM
money is a motivative factor for any human being, if you desire the best task from an individual, then attach financial gains to it, and you will see results, the above analysis are so true, but gone are those days when people care less about financial gains, the value system is depreciating as the day go by, money is now the new form of gratification.

I agree, life is very different now unlike before when things is very easy and not expensive. Now all things is getting higher and higher and you need to go with the flow just to live. Same with crypto world, i think people get thru with this kind of technology because of influence  by some people here who already become millionaire because of bitcoin. But other than that people get motivated with this kind of teechnology cause they know that it will payed back all their effort and hard work, not just because they want to learn about this technology but to earn money as well.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: deerlion on September 25, 2018, 02:09:41 PM
but IMHO , money right now is the main idea why people do their job , but yeah not all people like that , but majority are like that and that real happens
Yes that is the truth of today.Money brings happiness to the people because if you have money,you can buy all the goods and services you want.And without having enough money today,you can barely survive in this world.
Definitely, money is now the basis of people of having a perfect life, if you huge amount of money everything are now attainable for you. Some of them are using money to solve their problem. Nowadays, money has a big impact, if you don't have any of it then everyone will criticize you as hindrance for them and that is the sad reality.

Anyone that criticizes others for not having money are really disturbed people, they will have a rude awakening when they are about to die and realize in the end money really doesn't mean anything.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Crypto Girl on September 25, 2018, 02:10:38 PM
If you are a normal person you will be motivated by money ,only the sick mind persons are not motivated because of unusual sickness ,but for those who are seeking a good a nd happy life they will be motivated by money , because this medium of exchange can really make a different thing especially for good intentions and not for greedy and selfish motive.
money is our goal for life, if we are not motivated and looking for money, what do we live for? if there is no money, what do we want to fulfill life? because all of that requires money to buy something we need
The term goal is I think overrated so we should rephrase it, money matters every where and those who said that they don't need money is just pure of hypocrisy. Today's generation runs by money and you're a little dumb ass when you don't have any and power comes within when money flows to your veins. Sounds evil but this is our society that we live in. It really sucks.

We can make money as motivation but there's always a limitation as when we use it wrongly and can lead us to rough road that we never imagine.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Bellator on September 25, 2018, 02:38:28 PM
It's a prevailing truth that money doesn't count as a prime motivator. If one wants to be effectively driven toward achieving high goals, one has to be motivated by something much worthy than money. Though, it is a highly important aspect for survival, it won't last long as a source of motivation.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: atliens99 on September 25, 2018, 02:42:13 PM
Most scientists aren't motivated by money and they are the ones that make the technological breakthroughs.

I do think our world would be a lot safer if we abolished money and shared resources equally.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: meanwords on September 25, 2018, 03:07:36 PM
That's half true though but I get your point and I agree with that. But remember, not everyone is the same, we all are different in our ways. Some might prefer money over anything and some might not. We are leaving in a very different times now. Money has become a necessity and that money has also become a motivation in some part of the world and to some people.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: glowing10 on September 25, 2018, 03:14:10 PM
everyone will be motivated by people, everyone has the right to have a lot of money, I will try to get as much money as I can, I make money only in the bitcoin forum

Money does play a vital role in everybody life. May be not 100% money can do everything but to greater extent you could have the life the way you would dream or desire of and can also enjoy the leisure lifestyle. o people do get fascinated by money for sure and would like to have maximum.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Tiger Junk on September 25, 2018, 06:37:08 PM
I always hear the argument for capitalism "B bb BUT people won't innovate without the profit motive" WRONG

Humans want to solve problems, create, and innovate, they do not need money to motivate them.  Cavemen were painting art 20,000 years ago without the desire of money.

True scientists like Tesla, he didn't care about money it was about the pursuit of science.

Capitalism does not cause innovation, most new technology is found by government programs like nasa (internet, smartphones, etc)
People or person are motivated by money. They work because of money so that they can sustain all their needs and wants in their life. Money is the everything in this world. Money rules the world so that many persons are controlling by money, so don't tell me that humans are not motivated if they are earning money.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Violettochka on September 25, 2018, 08:38:39 PM
The point is that MOST people won't do anything if they don't earn something good for it. You may consider it debatable, but still not so many people are ready to create and innovate for free.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: richmcrich on September 26, 2018, 07:29:47 AM
I would say 95% are motivated by money than other stuffs.  Money is everything. There are few seen rarely to be generous in giving out / helping out money to needy. But majority goes for money even  though he or she is already well settled. Hence do not say people are not motivated with money. When you have money and have loving heart, you own the world. I felt it within.
You are still left with a big population of the world who are not motivated by money however a mater of fact is that almost all if not few out there wants to earn as much as possible. This is the assumption of a model in economics that any individual who is in the market prefers more.

Bitcoin is used for so many purposes but I have not seen anyone on this forum talking about the advantages of Bitcoin other than profit and making money. The sole motivation is the money.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: robotrobert on September 26, 2018, 08:26:32 AM
I always hear the argument for capitalism "B bb BUT people won't innovate without the profit motive" WRONG

Humans want to solve problems, create, and innovate, they do not need money to motivate them.  Cavemen were painting art 20,000 years ago without the desire of money.

True scientists like Tesla, he didn't care about money it was about the pursuit of science.

Capitalism does not cause innovation, most new technology is found by government programs like nasa (internet, smartphones, etc)
I don’t really know what to say about this, but if they are not motivated by money, there will always be a need for money. Money answers all things. Let’s take for example that you’re an engineer or a scientist, you won’t be able to produce or make any research if there are no funding available for you to do so. So money is always important. And yes, money is never the motivation, but the purpose is always to make money.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: santiPOGI on September 26, 2018, 08:29:58 AM
People are motivated by money in just diefferent terms.

Yes people may motivated by their family to work and do it hard.
But why they do that? they want to work hard or do a successful business to gain MONEY and have a good future for their loved ones.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: basyang on September 26, 2018, 10:21:03 AM
I always hear the argument for capitalism "B bb BUT people won't innovate without the profit motive" WRONG

Humans want to solve problems, create, and innovate, they do not need money to motivate them.  Cavemen were painting art 20,000 years ago without the desire of money.

True scientists like Tesla, he didn't care about money it was about the pursuit of science.

Capitalism does not cause innovation, most new technology is found by government programs like nasa (internet, smartphones, etc)

In my point of view, all of you stated about was true cavemen do not care about money because money is not yet invented before they trading, planting and hunting are the works of old people in the old ERA. However, this millenial days you can not survive without any money. Let we say, we did not motivate to work if they will not pay us. We did not apply for work for free we also need a compensation to support our financial needs.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Yadstiker on September 26, 2018, 11:06:02 AM
Truth is that there is some people motivated with money and some that are not. So there are different motives for success in people, saying that it it is not motivated by money is true in some cases
I am not totally disagree with your opinion, but as you can see without the money do you think we can actually survive in this world? The food, water and also shelter we needed everyday is not actually free. Even the government can't actually provide for those people who actually needed some help. That's why we are all motivited by money in order to help ourselves not to become helpless in the future.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: hacekd on September 26, 2018, 11:07:22 AM
It can be true, but I'm not fully agree with that. In the past money perhaps isn't the major thing for scientist's life, but the world now says different thing. Many of them are concerned on how to make good money even some of them are truly dedicate their life for knowledge. So, it depends on their own motivation.
not unmotivated with money, we all know that money is a basic need of every human being, but human beings have a deprived nature and therefore they are always looking for more.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: awik p on September 26, 2018, 11:54:46 AM
It can be true, but I'm not fully agree with that. In the past money perhaps isn't the major thing for scientist's life, but the world now says different thing. Many of them are concerned on how to make good money even some of them are truly dedicate their life for knowledge. So, it depends on their own motivation.
not unmotivated with money, we all know that money is a basic need of every human being, but human beings have a deprived nature and therefore they are always looking for more.
i think people who are not motivated by money are spiritual people. they feel enough, don't even need money. it is different with trade, where the main goal is to seek profits in form of money

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: kr105 on September 26, 2018, 01:51:40 PM
While basically money should be a means to live, money has become a goal at the present time. The exceptions are very few. The majority focused on making money.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: gamechangers on September 26, 2018, 02:55:22 PM
I cannot agree completely with your saying that people are not motivated by money. While some people are not motivated by money, several other people are motivated by money. Some people are born innovators and they spend their day trying to have something named after them while other only need money to survive.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: tee-rex on September 26, 2018, 03:00:06 PM
but IMHO , money right now is the main idea why people do their job , but yeah not all people like that , but majority are like that and that real happens
Yes that is the truth of today.Money brings happiness to the people because if you have money,you can buy all the goods and services you want.And without having enough money today,you can barely survive in this world.
Definitely, money is now the basis of people of having a perfect life, if you huge amount of money everything are now attainable for you. Some of them are using money to solve their problem. Nowadays, money has a big impact, if you don't have any of it then everyone will criticize you as hindrance for them and that is the sad reality.

Anyone that criticizes others for not having money are really disturbed people, they will have a rude awakening when they are about to die and realize in the end money really doesn't mean anything.

This is not the whole story. In fact, I tend to think that you are oversimplifying things here as no one goes for money itself, I mean, exclusively for multiplying their bank account balance. There are some crooks and perverts, of course, but in general people want money because they want things which can be bought with it. But that would be a completely different matter. For example, if you want money to raise your kids and give them proper eduction, I don't see how you are going to regret this "in the end".

Ironically, what I said doesn't seem fully applicable to cryptocurrencies as there are enough people who consider themselves long term holders or "hodlers", as they proudly call themselves, and whose sole purpose consists in increasing the number of coins they possess. And in this case specifically, your words may make perfect sense after all.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: TooDumbForBitcoin on September 26, 2018, 03:06:15 PM
I always hear the argument for capitalism "B bb BUT people won't innovate without the profit motive" WRONG

Humans want to solve problems, create, and innovate, they do not need money to motivate them.  Cavemen were painting art 20,000 years ago without the desire of money.

True scientists like Tesla, he didn't care about money it was about the pursuit of science.

Capitalism does not cause innovation, most new technology is found by government programs like nasa (internet, smartphones, etc)

Nope! Cash rules everything around me C.R.E.A.M. get the money,dollar dollar bill, y'all. You can be motivated by other things only in utopia world like in Jacques Fresco fantasies

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: kemmycrypto on September 26, 2018, 04:05:43 PM
that was in the holding days. nowadays people are motivated with money. if you have an employee you pay 20k every month for one year immediately you increase the salary by 20%. the system of work would change immediately. So in Bitcoin if people are making money on their investment it will motivate them to invest more.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: yatogami on September 26, 2018, 04:11:16 PM
I always hear the argument for capitalism "B bb BUT people won't innovate without the profit motive" WRONG

Humans want to solve problems, create, and innovate, they do not need money to motivate them.  Cavemen were painting art 20,000 years ago without the desire of money.

True scientists like Tesla, he didn't care about money it was about the pursuit of science.

Capitalism does not cause innovation, most new technology is found by government programs like nasa (internet, smartphones, etc)
Many "true" scientists like Tesla started their careers as almost beggars and were forced to do some extra jobs to earn their living.
When one has to constantly think about his and his family's bread and butter, scientific research becomes less productive, so in this way money helps geniuses to focus solely on their inventions.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: adzino on September 26, 2018, 07:04:38 PM
What you stated is actually partly true but not the case for everyone. All people are not the same. There might be many kind of things/activities that motivates people. But there is one common thing that motivates everyone. This is called "happiness". It is actually the key factor of motivation. For some people "money" might bring happiness to some extent, but eventually after having enough money (and buying all his happiness) he might stop pondering around money. Hence, money won't be motivating him to do anything anymore since he already has everything.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Jimbable on September 26, 2018, 07:29:05 PM
Oh, i'm hella motivated by money. When i work my ass off, i get rewarded with bonus cash, and i keep working. That's why meritocracy works.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: West0813 on September 26, 2018, 07:33:44 PM
Not all people are the same. It is true that other people are not motivated by money. But there are also many people that work hard because of money. They want to earn money to give their family a better life.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: bratuha on September 26, 2018, 07:49:46 PM
if you want to create an innovative thing you need money - it's the harsh truth of the modern world

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: bluered on September 26, 2018, 08:10:27 PM
This is a divided stand. On a normal situation when people may not need money, everything doesn't have to priced. On the other hand it would be easy to do things with money. This idea can be proven by events happening in the real world. Look at how corruption becomes an almost fulltime job for them.  This is just a clear proof that money is a motivation.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: bluered on September 26, 2018, 08:18:04 PM
Truth is that there is some people motivated with money and some that are not. So there are different motives for success in people, saying that it it is not motivated by money is true in some cases

Well i think the same way, although not all people are being motivated by money but majority of them are being motivated by money, as of this mordern times, money can do everything, it is the powerful thing that we must have in order for us to survive.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: waitforme on September 26, 2018, 08:27:50 PM
People always motivated by money. Like all other industries, people run after money and find ways to make money. There is one person who says "money not at all, but people take to do it all for money." Do not think you do not need money because everything is money.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: robotrobert on September 27, 2018, 10:54:26 AM
everyone will be motivated by people, everyone has the right to have a lot of money, I will try to get as much money as I can, I make money only in the bitcoin forum
I think people are very much motivated by money and this is the reason so many of them invest in cryptocurrency to make big money in small time. This thirst for money has actually led people do many illegal activities as well which amounts to billions of dollars. Investment in Bitcoin is also a potential way to earn big money. So more and more people come up with their master plans and end up making as many shots as possible for ultimately this meets the assumption of monotonicity.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Bonsaiav on September 27, 2018, 11:41:34 AM
everyone will be motivated by people, everyone has the right to have a lot of money, I will try to get as much money as I can, I make money only in the bitcoin forum
I think people are very much motivated by money and this is the reason so many of them invest in cryptocurrency to make big money in small time. This thirst for money has actually led people do many illegal activities as well which amounts to billions of dollars. Investment in Bitcoin is also a potential way to earn big money. So more and more people come up with their master plans and end up making as many shots as possible for ultimately this meets the assumption of monotonicity.

I agree with what you say. At present we're all to be in modern civilization, anything that's modern is usually more related to money, you may understand that what we do everything isn't free, for example when you enter a vehicle, go to the toilet for something or else except what we have.

For every investor, surely all of them expect that the investment will provide benefits in the future and can bring it to the future which is brighter for their children and grandchildren. If they, are not motivated by money there's no way they will be willing to go to great lengths to fight for the spirit of the HODL in themselves.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: btcrut2017 on September 27, 2018, 12:19:11 PM
I always hear the argument for capitalism "B bb BUT people won't innovate without the profit motive" WRONG

Humans want to solve problems, create, and innovate, they do not need money to motivate them.  Cavemen were painting art 20,000 years ago without the desire of money.

True scientists like Tesla, he didn't care about money it was about the pursuit of science.

Capitalism does not cause innovation, most new technology is found by government programs like nasa (internet, smartphones, etc)

I still believe that money motivates people. This is the main source of hard work and determination to do things. Once money is already there then innovation and community services will be the next move.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: ucingucingan on September 27, 2018, 12:32:41 PM
in an era like today, people have started not to be motivated by cash, they are now more likely to be interested in investing in stocks or in the form of digital currencies where they can benefit from the difference between the purchase price and the selling price, therefore now more people many choose to make investments to save their money

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: @Mhaiang on September 27, 2018, 12:58:25 PM
If people are not really motivated by money, then what will be the reason why they risk their money in investing crypto? And if it is not risky, why would you waste your time and money investing in nothing? People are investing in crypto because they know that they can double or triple their investment at any point of time.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Bessta on September 27, 2018, 01:12:52 PM
I totally disagree with this statement while i believe that there are few who don't care about money specially those who are happy with whatever they have in life. Those who invest in cryptocurrencies are surely motivated with money.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: magnat7691 on September 27, 2018, 01:17:46 PM
Altruism was present in the human population from the beginning of its existence. And this is fine, otherwise we have not received so many great discoveries.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: engrawaz on September 27, 2018, 01:25:58 PM
True, even people who are motivated by money will stop once they have enough or lose the desire to make more. Certainly, people have to make money in order to live but making money should never be the main pursuit. This is a real problem in the crypto world people are blinded by the wealth of one of his buddies who invested in Bitcoins when it was cheap, He might just want to replicate that. But was this the main cause that made his friend invest in Bitcoin in the first place?.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Juliedarwin on September 27, 2018, 01:39:24 PM
Yes it's true, people are not motivated by money. People learned things about to sacrifice their own life, through in a crypto world. They are also willing to wait and sacrifice to experience all of the struggles of what will happened in the market right now. And people well gonna prove it.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: richminded on September 27, 2018, 01:54:52 PM
if you want to create an innovative thing you need money - it's the harsh truth of the modern world
Exactly, a project without money is useless people are driven by money let’s admit that fact. You will not work just because you love to, but of course its because you need to earn money so your family will live. We all have different status in life, most of us are poor and money is all what we need in order for us to survive. But hopefully, you will not be greedy just to earn money, learn to live happy and keep working until you achieve your goal.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: cammie16 on September 27, 2018, 02:06:52 PM
if you want to create an innovative thing you need money - it's the harsh truth of the modern world

Yeah, most of the things now are not free, or should I say all are paid by money even happiness. People are just lazy but we really need to have money with our daily living.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: splacque on October 01, 2018, 11:51:12 AM
everyone will be motivated by people, everyone has the right to have a lot of money, I will try to get as much money as I can, I make money only in the bitcoin forum
I think people are very much motivated by money and this is the reason so many of them invest in cryptocurrency to make big money in small time. This thirst for money has actually led people do many illegal activities as well which amounts to billions of dollars. Investment in Bitcoin is also a potential way to earn big money. So more and more people come up with their master plans and end up making as many shots as possible for ultimately this meets the assumption of monotonicity.
No it is wrong, money is everything in life. People definitely motivate people, but if there is no money involve nobody will take interest and he will not motivate if there are no financial benefits. It is money that can overcome your financial problems. Everybody in this world is working for making more and more money. No body works for free.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: BaraxLo on October 02, 2018, 06:26:36 AM
if you want to create an innovative thing you need money - it's the harsh truth of the modern world
There is also another option for earning money in the already invented stuff. This is human nature. He invests in the assets wherever he can get from. In the same way, cryptocurrency is a very new thing in the market and they started investing in it to earn and make big money.

This is all just because of the motivation of the money that keeps you going in the journey to perfection.  Among nations, where there are lots of factor to determine their development, money is the leading one.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: tee-rex on October 02, 2018, 07:22:13 AM
Altruism was present in the human population from the beginning of its existence. And this is fine, otherwise we have not received so many great discoveries.

I beg to differ and hope to be not the only one in my disagreement on this point. While I'm quite fine with altruism myself, I still don't think that so many discoveries were made out of it or thanks to it. I think that most discoveries were made specifically because of mercantile interests, though not necessarily exclusively for money. There are a lot of things which push progress which is not money, but they are not altruism either. People may be motivated by their desire to achieve fame and glory, become known in the world and have their names carved in history books. Obviously, that is the opposite of altruism, even though not directly linked to earning money as such (but still making it a lot easier in the end).

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: mkhadazz on October 02, 2018, 07:29:29 AM
I think people are motivated because they see many people who can become rich and can be successful by trading and by working, they become jealous and try to do the same as they do and hope to be rich like those who have become wealthy.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: MRY on October 02, 2018, 08:02:15 AM
in my opinion, people will no longer be motivated by money if they already have what they want so that money is not a problem for them, but if their finances are still messed up money will certainly be a motivation for them to be able to make changes

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Mespirst on October 02, 2018, 09:56:15 AM
everyone will be motivated by people, everyone has the right to have a lot of money, I will try to get as much money as I can, I make money only in the bitcoin forum
I think people are very much motivated by money and this is the reason so many of them invest in cryptocurrency to make big money in small time. This thirst for money has actually led people do many illegal activities as well which amounts to billions of dollars. Investment in Bitcoin is also a potential way to earn big money. So more and more people come up with their master plans and end up making as many shots as possible for ultimately this meets the assumption of monotonicity.

I agree with what you say. At present we're all to be in modern civilization, anything that's modern is usually more related to money, you may understand that what we do everything isn't free, for example when you enter a vehicle, go to the toilet for something or else except what we have.

For every investor, surely all of them expect that the investment will provide benefits in the future and can bring it to the future which is brighter for their children and grandchildren. If they, are not motivated by money there's no way they will be willing to go to great lengths to fight for the spirit of the HODL in themselves.
It is totally wrong. For instance if I tell somebody to invest in cryptocurrency, his first question will be why should I invest in cryptocurrency. What the benefit of cryptocurrency investment. If I tell him that it is the future currency and you can use it anywhere in the world, believe me he will not be interested, but if I explain him that he can make huge profits he will take interest.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: electronicash on October 02, 2018, 12:08:25 PM
It is totally wrong. For instance if I tell somebody to invest in cryptocurrency, his first question will be why should I invest in cryptocurrency. What the benefit of cryptocurrency investment. If I tell him that it is the future currency and you can use it anywhere in the world, believe me he will not be interested, but if I explain him that he can make huge profits he will take interest.

the is very true. the news coming out today are also about making money in crypto which makes people. they are not about making innovation for the future. but if only resources are free link energy and we don't have idea of possession, we might not be interested in making money anymore. but since all these are not free, money is always been the most reason to motivate a person.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: binhvo1505 on October 02, 2018, 12:11:47 PM
But now it is different. Modern times have urged people to learn more and be responsible for the country more. Things are not as comfortable as they used to be. So the talent of the world is now more and more rare nowadays because money always drives them to give up passion.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: jobukegoya on October 02, 2018, 12:38:19 PM
if you want to create an innovative thing you need money - it's the harsh truth of the modern world
I think that the most powerful motivation is money. Without it, there will be many obstacles because all can work according to plan because of money. Money is a determining factor, which unites and can dissolve cooperation.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Ranly123 on October 02, 2018, 01:18:30 PM
I always hear the argument for capitalism "B bb BUT people won't innovate without the profit motive" WRONG

Humans want to solve problems, create, and innovate, they do not need money to motivate them.  Cavemen were painting art 20,000 years ago without the desire of money.

True scientists like Tesla, he didn't care about money it was about the pursuit of science.

Capitalism does not cause innovation, most new technology is found by government programs like nasa (internet, smartphones, etc)

Most of the time, what you say is true. But there are also people who innovate their technology in order to gain more popularity which would generate investors and that the opportunity for them to earn money. So in other words, not all people innovate for the sake of improvement but for monetary aspects as well.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: novokovskitve on October 02, 2018, 01:28:07 PM
it is possible to look at it from the different parties. modern society is paramount looks for money and that who didn't speak, indeed. and after already everything begin to think of more important things. but at the first opportunity all want to earn more.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Naughty Princess on October 03, 2018, 06:04:16 AM
It is totally wrong. For instance if I tell somebody to invest in cryptocurrency, his first question will be why should I invest in cryptocurrency. What the benefit of cryptocurrency investment. If I tell him that it is the future currency and you can use it anywhere in the world, believe me he will not be interested, but if I explain him that he can make huge profits he will take interest.

the is very true. the news coming out today are also about making money in crypto which makes people. they are not about making innovation for the future. but if only resources are free link energy and we don't have idea of possession, we might not be interested in making money anymore. but since all these are not free, money is always been the most reason to motivate a person.
Crypto involves money. If you speak about investment first comes to mind is how much money need for it so other people are motivated to come in crypto because they thought to earn huge from it. It is all about money than the development of new payment system. There is no such free because you have to work or put some amount to earn.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: bajingluncat on October 03, 2018, 06:58:14 AM
every person living in this world has their own goals, all are not the same, there may be some of them who consider everything money but there are some who do not care, but it is undeniable that sometimes money becomes motivation and encouraging people to live and to get it , almost everything in this world we will get only if we have money, but it must be remembered we can control the world with money but don't let money take control of you, because it will be very tiring

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: wendiar19 on October 03, 2018, 07:00:07 AM
I think many people get motivation from money because they when they see people who can succeed and can benefit very much will surely become jealous and want to try to be like those who have succeeded so that they have a very strong motivation to be wealthy.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Angi on October 03, 2018, 07:25:08 AM
The situation right now is different than before because a lot of people before do a lot of things without money because they still get what they want without much money, not the same today if you do not really have money you will not get any food even just a little, so people right now motivate to do anything to get money and buy what they wanted in their lives. People's motivation now depends on money.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: tenebriscaelum on October 03, 2018, 08:30:01 AM
We should always be wary that there are different people with different views, as such there are people who will always be motivated by money, fame or power and there are poeple who are motivated by seeking out answers and solution that is why we should not always conclude that people will always want money.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Rastafarian on October 03, 2018, 10:45:13 AM
I am personally motivated by the kind of love people show me when I am with them. It's not about getting g money from people but in everything,let love lead and it is my source of happiness.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Altf4 on October 03, 2018, 11:14:54 AM
I think when there s money people will always be motivated with money , because if you works even tbe simpliest form of work to anybody , if you gave him rewards especially money ,they will be smooth in doing the works ,but if do not give something and just a little thanks , the next time you ask them to work for you ,they will not mind of you ,but if you give rewards then they will be always ready to move for your work given, so money will always motivate people.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: bitbunnny on October 03, 2018, 11:22:43 AM
Maybe at the begininig money wasn't the main interest of Bitcoin users and since they were pioneers and it was also about new technology, new concept, new way of life I would say, motives were different. In fact, Bitcoin wasn't as worth as it is today.
With time, with Bitcoin growth and flud of new cryptocurrencies appearing every day I would say that money has become the only motive, at least for majority of cryptocurrencies users.
Which is kind of said, I would say.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: tee-rex on October 03, 2018, 03:10:02 PM
everyone will be motivated by people, everyone has the right to have a lot of money, I will try to get as much money as I can, I make money only in the bitcoin forum
I think people are very much motivated by money and this is the reason so many of them invest in cryptocurrency to make big money in small time. This thirst for money has actually led people do many illegal activities as well which amounts to billions of dollars. Investment in Bitcoin is also a potential way to earn big money. So more and more people come up with their master plans and end up making as many shots as possible for ultimately this meets the assumption of monotonicity.

I agree with what you say. At present we're all to be in modern civilization, anything that's modern is usually more related to money, you may understand that what we do everything isn't free, for example when you enter a vehicle, go to the toilet for something or else except what we have.

For every investor, surely all of them expect that the investment will provide benefits in the future and can bring it to the future which is brighter for their children and grandchildren. If they, are not motivated by money there's no way they will be willing to go to great lengths to fight for the spirit of the HODL in themselves.
It is totally wrong. For instance if I tell somebody to invest in cryptocurrency, his first question will be why should I invest in cryptocurrency. What the benefit of cryptocurrency investment. If I tell him that it is the future currency and you can use it anywhere in the world, believe me he will not be interested, but if I explain him that he can make huge profits he will take interest.

Well, if you ask a random dude on the street who doesn't have a slightest clue what investing is all about, you may in fact receive such an answer. But if you ask somebody who doesn't just know about investing but actually tried it out and successfully at that, he will ask you how much he could earn by this investment as it is clear what investments are for - for earning money and making profits. And making profits goes hand in hand with expansion in application in the real world simply because profits have to come from something real, they are not popping up out of nowhere.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: bitcoinisbest on October 03, 2018, 03:45:12 PM
I am personally motivated by the kind of love people show me when I am with them. It's not about getting g money from people but in everything,let love lead and it is my source of happiness.

Somethings money cannot buy it and this is one of the things the love , friendship , relations etc which is above money . But money is something which is nowdya required in majority of things and to love a good lifestyle and enjoy the world .

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: hawkins on October 03, 2018, 04:15:05 PM
I am personally motivated by the kind of love people show me when I am with them. It's not about getting g money from people but in everything,let love lead and it is my source of happiness.

Somethings money cannot buy it and this is one of the things the love , friendship , relations etc which is above money . But money is something which is nowdya required in majority of things and to love a good lifestyle and enjoy the world .

You're right, so much motivation is earned in addition to money. but, I think everyone is motivated to be rich, and because of that we always work hard every day. and of course money is the target of that. but sometimes a high rank is also a good motivation.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: adpinbr on October 03, 2018, 04:24:14 PM
I agree with some of your statement but it will never change my mind people are still motivated by money. Without money, I wouldn't be where I am right now ( practically thinking) I wasn't only motivated by greed but also with a passion to succeed and that includes money.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: musdafakfl on October 03, 2018, 04:25:09 PM
I always hear the argument for capitalism "B bb BUT people won't innovate without the profit motive" WRONG

Humans want to solve problems, create, and innovate, they do not need money to motivate them.  Cavemen were painting art 20,000 years ago without the desire of money.

True scientists like Tesla, he didn't care about money it was about the pursuit of science.

Capitalism does not cause innovation, most new technology is found by government programs like nasa (internet, smartphones, etc)

The situation is the opposite of what you're saying, I think people are motivated with money. We can point out that more money is offered to people in every aspect of our lives as more working power, or people are trying to reach higher ranks to get more wages. It is also a fact that the work of people with higher budgets has always been a priority and that these people are given extra dignity because of their money.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: AliMan on October 03, 2018, 04:26:11 PM
I am personally motivated by the kind of love people show me when I am with them. It's not about getting g money from people but in everything,let love lead and it is my source of happiness.

Somethings money cannot buy it and this is one of the things the love , friendship , relations etc which is above money . But money is something which is nowdya required in majority of things and to love a good lifestyle and enjoy the world .

You're right, so much motivation is earned in addition to money. but, I think everyone is motivated to be rich, and because of that we always work hard every day. and of course money is the target of that. but sometimes a high rank is also a good motivation.
Nowadays most people are only work because of money, they do anything just to earn. In this world money is powerful because if you have a lot of it your also powerful, that's why many people are getting interested in cryptocurrency because to it they can get huge earnings through it. Also I think people get motivate to work because they they can get money from their hardwork.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: mcTether on October 03, 2018, 04:49:13 PM
I don't agree with the OP. The main motivating factor for humans in this world is the drive for money. Even the knowledge or education you seek is with the goal of having better earnings in future. Take away money, almost the whole world will be illiterate.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Smitt on October 03, 2018, 04:50:27 PM
That knowledge cannot be bought with money, but science can make money, some people must have the curiosity to find something that they don't know yet so that with motivation is a way to reach it. Just as small creative ideas make us think of ways to make our work easier and useful for our life's needs and from those needs to make results like money.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: burner2014 on October 03, 2018, 05:55:24 PM
That knowledge cannot be bought with money, but science can make money, some people must have the curiosity to find something that they don't know yet so that with motivation is a way to reach it. Just as small creative ideas make us think of ways to make our work easier and useful for our life's needs and from those needs to make results like money.

People are all motivated by money that is why we are all working hard for it, there is no reason for us not to be motivated by money even in crypto that is why we should have enough money and crypto that we can use in everyday and in the future.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: lamadu3 on October 03, 2018, 07:23:27 PM
Truth is that there is some people motivated with money and some that are not. So there are different motives for success in people, saying that it it is not motivated by money is true in some cases

Well i think the same way, although not all people are being motivated by money but majority of them are being motivated by money, as of this mordern times, money can do everything, it is the powerful thing that we must have in order for us to survive.

Yes, brother. Most of the people are greedy by their nature. When they feel the taste of money, they want to get more and more dollars. Now, many of them deal with the cryptos.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Ucihashin on October 03, 2018, 11:22:49 PM
Motivation in life is needed to be a better life. rich people and artists can be role models, see or research how they can make money easily and succeed in becoming a billionaire, because money today is everything there are many ways to earn money all racing contest

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Sarastiche on October 03, 2018, 11:47:58 PM
I want to state that people are motivated by money, thou this might be for a short while, before the motivation elapse, but we sure to have people get motivated base on the amount of money expected at the long run.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Papaczed on October 04, 2018, 05:04:30 AM
That knowledge cannot be bought with money, but science can make money, some people must have the curiosity to find something that they don't know yet so that with motivation is a way to reach it. Just as small creative ideas make us think of ways to make our work easier and useful for our life's needs and from those needs to make results like money.

People are all motivated by money that is why we are all working hard for it, there is no reason for us not to be motivated by money even in crypto that is why we should have enough money and crypto that we can use in everyday and in the future.

Yes I agree with this topic. People are motivated by money because money is a necessity. We wouldn’t be able to do almost everything without money the reason why we are doing everything to earn and grow our profit for a better living.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Btc_1856 on October 04, 2018, 05:18:26 AM
That knowledge cannot be bought with money, but science can make money, some people must have the curiosity to find something that they don't know yet so that with motivation is a way to reach it. Just as small creative ideas make us think of ways to make our work easier and useful for our life's needs and from those needs to make results like money.

People are all motivated by money that is why we are all working hard for it, there is no reason for us not to be motivated by money even in crypto that is why we should have enough money and crypto that we can use in everyday and in the future.

Yes, we are here to make money but we don't know exactly we are satisfied with some crypto. In crypto, in order to make money, we need to have enough money for investment otherwise we cannot able to make money through investment. Crypto is not an easy money to make money we need to have a lot of patience in order to make money.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Incodium Coin on October 04, 2018, 05:41:15 AM
Money is important, it is an important determinant of what people do and don't do. That said, we always leave room for other motivating factors; religion, love for country, humanity, love for people, the desire to be recognized by peers and society... and the list goes all. Money is something, it just isn't everything.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Rostadom on October 04, 2018, 09:26:20 AM
Motivation in life is needed to be a better life. rich people and artists can be role models, see or research how they can make money easily and succeed in becoming a billionaire, because money today is everything there are many ways to earn money all racing contest

Being able to work with people in the art industry (music, dancing, illustration), I would say that it really is not easy to make money from art. Most of the newbie artists never make it. A lot of them are good but are never paid for the amount that they should. We always only remember the successful ones but the art industry is full of people having to work in the corporate industry just to survive life because selling their artworks aren't exactly profitable.

Art industry is business and you have to be a businessman while being an artist in order to get paid for it. You also have to be known. You need loyal buyers and you need a wide range of audience. Your art has to be liked by the mass before you can make money from it. We see artists out there, especially singers, becoming celebrities and making tons of money from their art. But behind all that is a team and a lot of people helping that artist make it. A lot of sacrifices were done and hardships had to be faced for an artist to even make minimum wage from doing art. They don't just do art and then get rich from it.

Money is important, it is an important determinant of what people do and don't do. That said, we always leave room for other motivating factors; religion, love for country, humanity, love for people, the desire to be recognized by peers and society... and the list goes all. Money is something, it just isn't everything.

Others have the luxury to do something without getting paid for it. People are helping other people to ultimately feel good about themselves, to feel like they are better persons than they were. The rest of the people are doing everything just for money because that's what they need the most. They don't have the time to be soft to people and show kindness because they, themselves, are in need of help.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: sinkfish on October 04, 2018, 10:47:33 AM
I always hear the argument for capitalism "B bb BUT people won't innovate without the profit motive" WRONG

Humans want to solve problems, create, and innovate, they do not need money to motivate them.  Cavemen were painting art 20,000 years ago without the desire of money.

True scientists like Tesla, he didn't care about money it was about the pursuit of science.

Capitalism does not cause innovation, most new technology is found by government programs like nasa (internet, smartphones, etc)

that's an isolated case. most of the people pursue of their dream largely motivated by money. at least enough money to live their life comfortably.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Shimmiry on October 04, 2018, 11:00:06 AM
This is a divided stand. On a normal situation when people may not need money, everything doesn't have to priced. On the other hand it would be easy to do things with money. This idea can be proven by events happening in the real world. Look at how corruption becomes an almost fulltime job for them.  This is just a clear proof that money is a motivation.

This is true. When we talk about the money being a motivation, it differs on the perspective of a person and not just some mere one sided opinion. It is clearly stated above that corruption is common worldwide terefore it is really a clear thing that we can see tht it is money who motivated them.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: wewe123 on October 04, 2018, 12:31:18 PM
Anywhere in the world , people  are motivated even how small the money is , in every work rendered it really correspond something in rewards in the value of money, so if you gave work without compensation ,people will not grab it ,but if you gave them the equivalent money value for their works ,so they are motivated and are eager and willing to work for you.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Ycekezuv on October 04, 2018, 12:46:13 PM
As a rule, those who have little money are very interested in them in order to start living better, and the one who has them, if not greedy, then tries to bring benefits to society ... Although sometimes it seems to me all PR!

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: gurang on October 04, 2018, 01:27:55 PM
I always hear the argument for capitalism "B bb BUT people won't innovate without the profit motive" WRONG

Humans want to solve problems, create, and innovate, they do not need money to motivate them.  Cavemen were painting art 20,000 years ago without the desire of money.

True scientists like Tesla, he didn't care about money it was about the pursuit of science.

Capitalism does not cause innovation, most new technology is found by government programs like nasa (internet, smartphones, etc)
all people need a money ofcourse they are motivated about it they are hard working because they need a money so therefore they motivated, knowledge is the one who can help you to make a money so before you do everything make sure that ypu have a knowledge

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Wete on October 04, 2018, 05:26:53 PM
For now I think money is the main motivation of humans to achieve a better life. They work, trade, innovate, create artwork and new findings, I think it is a form of human effort to earn money. It cannot be denied for now that humans can survive without money, with human money can invest and hope their lives will be better tomorrow.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: virtfund on October 04, 2018, 08:43:07 PM
Cavemen were painting art 20,000 years ago without the desire of money. That’s truly right. But they made it intentionally and have a goal. I think, their desire was to be remembered. It's a natural instinct and having a desire to leave a legacy is not a bad thing. People may have so many motives and also do things in order to realize their dreams. Money is not main motto of human being, but it is a functional tool and everybody would have it.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Ahimoth on October 04, 2018, 08:57:15 PM
Cavemen were painting art 20,000 years ago without the desire of money. That’s truly right. But they made it intentionally and have a goal. I think, their desire was to be remembered. It's a natural instinct and having a desire to leave a legacy is not a bad thing. People may have so many motives and also do things in order to realize their dreams. Money is not main motto of human being, but it is a functional tool and everybody would have it.
Money is the main reason why most of us are motivated to work to get it. But there are some few people who haven't care about money, they keep motivate to work even they cannot get enough money as long as they found happiness to it. For me money is one of the important things need of many people because nowadays you must have money to buy food, pay rent or bills and anything we want.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: SkyFlakes on October 04, 2018, 10:35:17 PM
I always hear the argument for capitalism "B bb BUT people won't innovate without the profit motive" WRONG

Humans want to solve problems, create, and innovate, they do not need money to motivate them.  Cavemen were painting art 20,000 years ago without the desire of money.

True scientists like Tesla, he didn't care about money it was about the pursuit of science.

Capitalism does not cause innovation, most new technology is found by government programs like nasa (internet, smartphones, etc)

If we would see it, we can see that it is a good thing tjat people are not motivated by money. People nowadays tend to live just to hav money, they lost their own self-interest and passion on doing something. That's a bad thing to see. But also there are still people that are not motivated by money but rather by their passion to whatever profession they have. This is a trait that we should have. I'm not saying that we should always set aside the money, but the thing is we should have a good balance between salary and passion in the work you have.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Harrisonimo on October 04, 2018, 10:42:29 PM
I always hear the argument for capitalism "B bb BUT people won't innovate without the profit motive" WRONG

Humans want to solve problems, create, and innovate, they do not need money to motivate them.  Cavemen were painting art 20,000 years ago without the desire of money.

True scientists like Tesla, he didn't care about money it was about the pursuit of science.

Capitalism does not cause innovation, most new technology is found by government programs like nasa (internet, smartphones, etc)

I disagree with you on this as it is not so in the country/area where I come from; the developing countries. Their main aim is to get profit and amassing of wealth for their generations yet unborn. Meeting a need can be part of the aims and objectives but soon, it is being changed and selfishness sets in and all they know and want is profit over meeting quality And quantitative needs.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Nick Abimanyu on October 04, 2018, 11:44:51 PM
Only creative people or a job based on hobbies who tend not to be motivated by money, for example a group of people who work in the arts such as musicians, photographers, actors, painters, or sculptors. Along with the development of their level of need in supporting their daily lives, not a few of them were thrown out, becoming angry to sell their works with very high value.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: richmcrich on October 06, 2018, 05:45:59 AM
if you want to create an innovative thing you need money - it's the harsh truth of the modern world
I think that the most powerful motivation is money. Without it, there will be many obstacles because all can work according to plan because of money. Money is a determining factor, which unites and can dissolve cooperation.
Profit will motivate you much more after successful work in the crypto market that will motivate you much more. Money is not everything but whenever you start performing a work and find things positive that result in profit at the end then you will proceed with motivation that will enable you to work better than previously one and improvement will go on that will lead you to become a professional investor.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Bitfling on October 06, 2018, 08:04:42 AM
Most people creating something new and make invention because they want their life more easy. Money will come by itself if we make innovation and creating value on goods or something

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: fauzan Ichsan on October 06, 2018, 10:01:19 AM
Most people creating something new and make invention because they want their life more easy. Money will come by itself if we make innovation and creating value on goods or something
there are also people like that, but most people are oriented towards money in carrying out activities. many have plunged into the crypto world to become rich, like their friends who have been successful

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Guideare on October 06, 2018, 10:41:40 AM
I’m not getting what you’re talking about here. You just said that him as wants to solve their problem but they are not motivated by money. So what motivates them, their problems? Tell me, if you don’t have money how are you going to solve your problems in life? Money is needed. Although you can say that not everyone is motivated by money, but for a lot of people, money is the thing. Nobody is ready to work where they are not earning anything, it’s totally waste of time, cause you need money to solve your problems and needs.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: promich21 on October 08, 2018, 08:40:22 AM
Most people creating something new and make invention because they want their life more easy. Money will come by itself if we make innovation and creating value on goods or something
I don't think money is playing any role to motivate people. The thing is they're helpless. Everything become expensive and our of hands. Poor people can't buy a bread if money really motivate then why poor people not do hard work.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Commotheon on October 09, 2018, 09:23:16 AM
Most people creating something new and make invention because they want their life more easy. Money will come by itself if we make innovation and creating value on goods or something
Anything you're doing just for money you're getting salary. People won't do anything without money. Your point is good i don't argue  but still there's many thing you should see first.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: upsidedown75 on October 10, 2018, 10:58:12 AM
Cave art is not innovation, it was a method to communicate and a way to tell stories.  ::)  Also, Tesla invented all these technologies to fund his other experiments. <How do you buy all these expensive tools and materials, if you are not asking any money for the end result?>

People are definitely motivated by money, because it allows them to eat and pay for a roof over their heads. So without all of that, these innovations will not have been possible. <Artists and Entrepreneurs have to eat and sleep like the rest of us.>  ::)
There are 3 things in life that can motivate people. Love, Family and Money. If you can manipulate any of them than you can control a person, if you can control all 3 of them than you can make money off them forever.

There are married people with children that are interested in bitcoin and crypto in general and I have seen that their motivation is to make money to give their children a better life, if they are poor they aim at giving their kids a proper life, if they are super rich they still aim at giving their children even better life, when you are talking about someones children, even if they have 100 btc, they want to have 150-200 so they can give even better life to their kids.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Naughty Princess on October 10, 2018, 11:27:41 AM
Most people creating something new and make invention because they want their life more easy. Money will come by itself if we make innovation and creating value on goods or something
there are also people like that, but most people are oriented towards money in carrying out activities. many have plunged into the crypto world to become rich, like their friends who have been successful
Money is the first involved to motivate people in doing things because they want financial freedom before thinking of developing something that can be useful on the future and help other people also. You have to think of yourself first before the sake of others unless you are innovator who wanted to create something new with all the knowledge you have.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: vasilev456 on October 10, 2018, 11:36:42 AM
Perhaps you are right ... Those who really wanted to present something to people did not care about money, most likely only about innovations!

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Pattart on October 10, 2018, 12:07:04 PM
Most people creating something new and make invention because they want their life more easy. Money will come by itself if we make innovation and creating value on goods or something
there are also people like that, but most people are oriented towards money in carrying out activities. many have plunged into the crypto world to become rich, like their friends who have been successful
I think bulshit if people work but are not motivated because of money, not everyone but most people have such goals, people work because they want to get a better life in financial and economic terms, that is the goal why people work, even if it sacrifices their worth time..

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: ShadowBits on October 10, 2018, 02:05:28 PM
I always hear the argument for capitalism "B bb BUT people won't innovate without the profit motive" WRONG

Humans want to solve problems, create, and innovate, they do not need money to motivate them.  Cavemen were painting art 20,000 years ago without the desire of money.

True scientists like Tesla, he didn't care about money it was about the pursuit of science.

Capitalism does not cause innovation, most new technology is found by government programs like nasa (internet, smartphones, etc)

But most of the people only work for money. Money is an essential thing for some people to live so that they want that more than anything in this world.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: alyssajane1982 on October 10, 2018, 02:40:57 PM
I always hear the argument for capitalism "B bb BUT people won't innovate without the profit motive" WRONG

Humans want to solve problems, create, and innovate, they do not need money to motivate them.  Cavemen were painting art 20,000 years ago without the desire of money.

True scientists like Tesla, he didn't care about money it was about the pursuit of science.

Capitalism does not cause innovation, most new technology is found by government programs like nasa (internet, smartphones, etc)

But most of the people only work for money. Money is an essential thing for some people to live so that they want that more than anything in this world.

Money is all we need to continue our living, all are needs in life is in exchange of money, we cannot live if we don't have money. So people are motivated to make money for their daily living.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: devinks on October 10, 2018, 03:54:35 PM
Perhaps you are right ... Those who really wanted to present something to people did not care about money, most likely only about innovations!
not motivated by money because the person has no desire. of course we live if there is no money then we will suffer. money is everything, because with us having money we can buy what we want.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Matulon on October 10, 2018, 03:59:57 PM
I don't think that Tesla didn't care about money. He just wasn't very good at monetizing his inventions.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: WiresAreComing on October 10, 2018, 04:16:52 PM
Let`s be realistic - there will be no innovation without money. No expensive innovative materials, no high-tech research facilities, no experiments of any kind, etc. etc.
You`re very unlikely to invent something new if your earnings are barely enough to provide your living, there is more important task at hand.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: aleksnutis on October 11, 2018, 07:10:07 AM
Most scientists are involved in innovation and science for universal recognition, not financial gain. Nowadays, it is easier to do business and get a profit from the start than to spend 1-5-10-20 years on an invention or discovery, which may not be revealed. This proves that the only reason for this kind of employment is recognition.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: andriw on October 11, 2018, 08:26:09 AM
yeah, that's right, innovation is driven by people's feelings to find solutions to problems in conditions and circumstances in an area or society. money is only a return from the success of innovation and not the main goal after providing the right solution to a problem.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: on October 11, 2018, 09:25:16 AM
Capitalism is not used for innovation. They can only maintain the balance of mankind through the economy. nobody is perfect. And this view is indeed wrong. In fact, money is the driving force of society, and you probably don't understand the rules of this game.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Minusha on October 11, 2018, 10:12:21 AM
Perhaps you are right ... Those who really wanted to present something to people did not care about money, most likely only about innovations!

I believe it's a little bit naive to think like that. Sure they care about innovations and other things, but ask yourself why they care! Besauce it brings more money to their wallets!

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: malah on October 12, 2018, 08:06:26 AM
everyone has a different motivation in crypto currency and I see most of it is because they want to get money because we know that investing in crypto currencies can get profit, so people's motivation depends on what they do and what they want from what they do, so if they do something in the crypto currency, of course getting money will be a motivation

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Wilfrer on October 12, 2018, 08:18:41 AM
I think people can create something new or do something great. It all comes from motivation and passion. Maybe for some people who do not need you money, they have a different motivation and that motivation is big enough to help them succeed. But in the present life, money affects a lot of people and it seems that is the biggest motivation for us to succeed.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: erikoy on October 12, 2018, 09:42:28 AM
If you aren't then good for you but many people are here are just being motivated with money for it could be a lot of use as a medium of exchange. I know that money is nothing and should not considered be important but to what money brings may be the reason that money became a motivation and important to most of the members here.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: finzyoj on October 12, 2018, 10:18:41 AM
If you aren't then good for you but many people are here are just being motivated with money for it could be a lot of use as a medium of exchange. I know that money is nothing and should not considered be important but to what money brings may be the reason that money became a motivation and important to most of the members here.

Yes i agree with you that many people here is the mean reason is to gain more money,  to have money big an instant . well it is not so bad because we can really see the potential of this crypto but not all the time is motivated by money.

Because their are still times that the hardwork,  the challenge,  and the eagerness of a person to become successful on what he/she really want.  Like for example is me,  i faced a lot of things but money doesn't  motivate me.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: margaret22 on October 12, 2018, 10:27:06 AM
We are all different, and so it is also different, how someone can be motivated. I think of myself, as someone, who like to create things, and also running a business (outside crypto) which barely bring me any money, but make the life of other people easier. And I am proud of that. But I know many people, who has no intention to create at all, and only work for the money. Probably there are more of that kind of people.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Ondre on October 12, 2018, 11:33:28 AM
I would like to answer it in two ways:

1. There are people who are contented enough not seeking more money but rather have a better life and purpose in life for as long as they have a good family they are fine. They say that i don’t need to become rich since i cannot also bring it when I die.

2. There are people who are motivated by money because they have needs and are seeking for more. There are also who are rich who wanted more.

To whatever of the two people belong, I don’t have problem with it. That’s there life.
For me, what it is for men to gain the whole world and yet forfeit his soul.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: rosemary4u on October 12, 2018, 12:13:01 PM
In my candid opinion, I believe many people are motivated by money.You know there is one thing called money,that everyone is trying to find in life and we all need it, don't let anybody deceive, people always pretend they don't really need it but actually they really need it to make life better and more enjoyable. Just work work and earn money.  Believe it or not we really need it.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: MTNAX on October 12, 2018, 01:02:34 PM
In my opinion it is very unlikely if people do not need money, at least they need money to survive because with money people can live. Even they work because they are motivated by money, it cannot be denied that money has everything under control. So whatever we do must also need money, so many people are motivated by money.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: FeatureWzyShin on October 12, 2018, 04:11:55 PM
Well some people are blindly motivated by just having more and more but this road leads to nothing good. People should be guided by ambitious goals where big money is just an addition and a resource to be even more productive.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: iTradeBit on October 12, 2018, 04:19:36 PM
May be. Genius people are just genious, they do not need money to invent and investigate. They just wanna know or try or may be check)

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: jhongzjhong on October 12, 2018, 04:25:03 PM
If you aren't then good for you but many people are here are just being motivated with money for it could be a lot of use as a medium of exchange. I know that money is nothing and should not considered be important but to what money brings may be the reason that money became a motivation and important to most of the members here.

Yes i agree with you that many people here is the mean reason is to gain more money,  to have money big an instant . well it is not so bad because we can really see the potential of this crypto but not all the time is motivated by money.

Because their are still times that the hardwork,  the challenge,  and the eagerness of a person to become successful on what he/she really want.  Like for example is me,  i faced a lot of things but money doesn't  motivate me.
Correct, people are always chasing money in order to sustain their daily needs. There are some people making illegal activities just to have that money or more worst having. Lucky us we know these cryptocurrencies as the second choice of the way in earning we alternate profit aside our real job. So, those who had already known about bitcoin or crypto as well they are now motivated to have a money through getting a profit of what they had invested.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: zubrr51 on October 12, 2018, 04:56:55 PM
There are many ways to motivate employees, but the salary is still the most effective, no matter how sad it sounds.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Abolaji11 on October 12, 2018, 05:40:23 PM
I don't really agree on your view.  Perhaps you should rephrase your topic and said money doesn't motivate rich and comfortable people. A lot of people are motivated by money especially the low and middle class people.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: DiabolicAnt on October 12, 2018, 06:10:32 PM
I think that many great inventions were made mostly because of the passion of people who made them. Currently in many big good companies there are more people who work because of money, but I still believe that many of them have good motives too.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: cosmoo on October 12, 2018, 06:13:36 PM
People who doing art stuff are not motivated by money. When artist is motivated only by money he ceases to be an artist.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Ezenwanyi on October 12, 2018, 07:17:57 PM
I do not think everyone gets motivated  by money.
For some it's money that keeps them going while some need only words of encouragement.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: princesspoppy on October 13, 2018, 12:17:06 AM
I agree that not all people can be motivated by money. Some are motivated by their wills and wants to make things they really wanted or in order to make change. Some are motivated by the attention and praises they get from other people.
There are different ways to motivate people, not just money.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: mjaranzasu on October 13, 2018, 12:49:00 AM
I agree that not all people can be motivated by money. Some are motivated by their wills and wants to make things they really wanted or in order to make change. Some are motivated by the attention and praises they get from other people.
There are different ways to motivate people, not just money.

Well I think only some people are not, but most of us are really motivated by money and this is the reason why we strive hard and make our best efforts to earn good profit.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Konthol Ngaceng on October 13, 2018, 01:27:12 AM
If you aren't then good for you but many people are here are just being motivated with money for it could be a lot of use as a medium of exchange. I know that money is nothing and should not considered be important but to what money brings may be the reason that money became a motivation and important to most of the members here.

Yes i agree with you that many people here is the mean reason is to gain more money,  to have money big an instant . well it is not so bad because we can really see the potential of this crypto but not all the time is motivated by money.

Because their are still times that the hardwork,  the challenge,  and the eagerness of a person to become successful on what he/she really want.  Like for example is me,  i faced a lot of things but money doesn't  motivate me.
The most important thing in investing is understanding in detail, investment in bitcoin and cryptocurrencies is very risky so it requires a good strategy and patience to be able to profit and develop money.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Kadal Ijo on October 13, 2018, 01:31:43 AM
Money is everything, without money we will find it difficult to live, various ways to earn and make money growing, but we must understand that investment is the easiest thing to do to make money grow.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: tinystone26 on October 13, 2018, 03:49:58 AM
Yes of course people are motivated by money because it is all about currency and their goals to reached using this world of crypto. And I don't think there are no people here that are not motivated by money. Just like launching a currency it is run by money.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: MAJICOIN on October 13, 2018, 04:15:37 AM
Not in the past but in present every one do best for money and it is the first motivation for every one now the humanity is changes to financial terms and if some do good and they are well paid again the energy of doing best will be double as my self i want money to do more skillful and more talented work with out any other reason Doctors do their profession for money not for humanity.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: whiteblue on October 13, 2018, 04:44:48 AM
maybe not all people are motivated because of money, because I see from a number of cases a lot of people who have motivation can only become rich and can do good in their lives, even if they are not rich but they can be very useful for their people, so the motivational mindset of some people has different motivations and will not be the same, and is very complicated to say.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: centimentalking on October 15, 2018, 07:44:25 AM
maybe not all people are motivated because of money, because I see from a number of cases a lot of people who have motivation can only become rich and can do good in their lives, even if they are not rich but they can be very useful for their people, so the motivational mindset of some people has different motivations and will not be the same, and is very complicated to say.
i am agree but most of people won't be agree. They don't understand about your post. For them money is everything. They do part time jobs, full time jobs just for the sake of money. If you don't pay them they won't work.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: kidoseagle0312 on October 15, 2018, 02:47:30 PM
I always hear the argument for capitalism "B bb BUT people won't innovate without the profit motive" WRONG

Humans want to solve problems, create, and innovate, they do not need money to motivate them.  Cavemen were painting art 20,000 years ago without the desire of money.

True scientists like Tesla, he didn't care about money it was about the pursuit of science.

Capitalism does not cause innovation, most new technology is found by government programs like nasa (internet, smartphones, etc)

In my perception regarding about your statement, in our generation even before money is very important. Even up to the present, there are lot of investors all around the world now are thinking more of how they are going to grow of their capital. Just like all the investors who came in crypto world, most of them believed that crypto's could be one of their tools to multiply their capital investment, which they are motivated to invest in it, isn't right?

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Farma on October 15, 2018, 04:31:07 PM
maybe not all people are motivated because of money, because I see from a number of cases a lot of people who have motivation can only become rich and can do good in their lives, even if they are not rich but they can be very useful for their people, so the motivational mindset of some people has different motivations and will not be the same, and is very complicated to say.
I agree with your opinion, that not everyone is moved by money. sometimes they are also motivated by someone they love, and there are many other things. well, money sometimes only becomes an intermediary to realize that motivation.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Kamote_1102 on October 15, 2018, 05:05:52 PM
This should be the mindset of every People in the World. we should not be driven by the desire for money. Yes, we all need Money but it does not mean that we live for it. Money is just a tool. We have to control to use it properly.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: waqasniaz007 on October 15, 2018, 05:13:31 PM
I am agree with some points but if a person has basic needs the he needs money to get self esteem and self actualization to motivate him/herself. Love and money both are important for motivation. High standard of living also motivate people and for that u need money.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: domarakooth on October 16, 2018, 06:42:27 AM
maybe not all people are motivated because of money, because I see from a number of cases a lot of people who have motivation can only become rich and can do good in their lives, even if they are not rich but they can be very useful for their people, so the motivational mindset of some people has different motivations and will not be the same, and is very complicated to say.
They really don't care about technology or government. They're motivate by money because they thought if you have money then you have everything.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: maxilopez on October 16, 2018, 06:48:08 AM
that's right we must want to make the world a better place and, thanks to blockchain, this is quite realistic. I think that we should forget about the commercial benefit for some time.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Arsedunn on October 18, 2018, 07:45:21 AM
I would like to answer it in two ways:

1. There are people who are contented enough not seeking more money but rather have a better life and purpose in life for as long as they have a good family they are fine. They say that i don’t need to become rich since i cannot also bring it when I die.

2. There are people who are motivated by money because they have needs and are seeking for more. There are also who are rich who wanted more.

To whatever of the two people belong, I don’t have problem with it. That’s there life.
For me, what it is for men to gain the whole world and yet forfeit his soul.
Who say this that people are not motivated by money? All in this world is money and nothing else. For instance if you are not paid for your post will you pass time here? If your answer is yes then you are the foolish person in this world because you are wasting your time. People invest, trade and hold cryptocurrency only for making more and more money.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Ganbound on October 19, 2018, 11:57:16 AM
In my candid opinion, I believe many people are motivated by money.You know there is one thing called money,that everyone is trying to find in life and we all need it, don't let anybody deceive, people always pretend they don't really need it but actually they really need it to make life better and more enjoyable. Just work work and earn money.  Believe it or not we really need it.
Yeah of course people are motivated by money. I am working in an insurance company and when the head office calls us for any meeting or training, they pay all its employees per day. By this way they motivate their employees. If there is no money, nobody will take interest. In this world everyone is working for money. Money is the only factor for survival.

Title: Re: People are not motivated by money.
Post by: Thomson-Winter on October 22, 2018, 07:17:56 AM
I'm afraid I don't agree with you. Almost people work hard from 8-10 hours per day for What? not for money? No, I don't think so , certainly they want to earn money for their living, if they don' work , they don't have food, they will die . Without money , can you exist? ::). However, I agree with you that There are people won't live for money but for making difference , but how many people there are? :P