Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Announcements (Altcoins) => Topic started by: BitcoinFX on January 10, 2020, 02:03:06 AM

Title: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: BitcoinFX on January 10, 2020, 02:03:06 AM
Note to forum admins, moderators and all forum users: This is an unmoderated version of the following thread topic:

[ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Original Satoshi Vision

Forum users have become increasingly disillusioned with the continual self-moderation (having multiple on-topic posts deleted) by the topic starter 'Bitcoin SV' - this thread simply aims to maintain open and honest discussion, in regards to BitcoinSV (BSV), without censorship!

"Warning: One or more users have reported that they believe that the creator of the original topic displays some red flags which make them high-risk. (Login to see the detailed trust ratings.) While the administration does not verify such claims, you should proceed with extreme caution."

See user: 'Bitcoin SV' -;u=2371095


Also see this topic in SCAM Accusations:

Re: SCAM: Bitcoin SV (BSV) - fake team member and plagiarized white paper


Full disclosure:

I, BitcoinFX do NOT support BitcoinSV. 'Original' Bitcoin is BTC - see:

BSV is NOT original Bitcoin (it is a fork of a fork of original Bitcoin BTC) , as described in the BSV license:
- (

Quote: "... The Bitcoin SV blockchains are defined,
for purposes of this license, as the Bitcoin blockchain containing block height #556767
with the hash "000000000000000001d956714215d96ffc00e0afda4cd0a96c96f8d802b1662b" ..."


Image source:


Herewith, re-posting user 'Bitcoin SV' thread topic, as-is ...

“The nature of Bitcoin is such that once version 0.1 was released, the core design was set in stone for the rest of its lifetime.”
Satoshi Nakamoto

White paper

Hard Fork Latest Updates

Bitcoin SV – Blocking potential P2SH replay attack after Genesis hard fork

The Bitcoin SV Node team notes the recent public disclosure on Reddit by Gregory Maxwell (a.k.a. /u/nullc) from the Bitcoin Core (BTC) of a potential replay attack vector on Bitcoin SV after the “Genesis” hard fork in February 2020 which will be deprecating the P2SH (pay-to-script-hash) feature that is not part of the Bitcoin design described by Satoshi Nakamoto.

The post describes a possible theft via replay attack of P2SH (pay-to-script-hash) transactions from the BTC chain that could be executed to steal unsplit funds of BTC users on the Bitcoin SV chain. The Bitcoin SV mission is to return Bitcoin to the vision described in Satoshi’s whitepaper which uses the word “honest” no less than 15 times and we emphatically reject the notion that obvious theft of coins by miners can fall within the definition of “honest” behaviour.

 We note that Mr. Maxwell’s public disclosure in no way fits the broadly accepted definition of “responsible disclosure” and by describing in detail the steps required to exploit and potentially cause loss of funds to BTC users, we would deem it both irresponsible to BTC users and poor security practice.  Had the disclosure been made responsibly according the guidelines set out in the Bitcoin SV Responsible Disclosure Policy, it likely would have been eligible for a substantial bug bounty.  It is particularly puzzling to the BSV Node team that the disclosure was made in this public way by a BTC core developer given the users most likely put at greater risk by the disclosure are not those actively engaged with BSV, but primarily those that are BTC users who may not even be interested in BSV.

We note for the record that the Bitcoin SV Node team has previously made responsible disclosures to the Bitcoin Core and Bitcoin Cash development teams and intend to continuing to do so as part of our commitment to professionalizing Bitcoin software development.

The Bitcoin SV team had been previously aware of variations of this attack vector and did in fact have a plan in place to mitigate it, in part involving a coalition of honest miners forcibly rejecting blocks that contain obvious theft attempts in order to protect the integrity of the chain. We note that this mechanism has subtle but important differences to an explicit consensus rule although has a similar effect. However, due to this public disclosure and explicit description of the method, we believe there is now a significantly higher risk of a dishonest miner attempting to execute this theft attack with a large amount of hashpower and consequently the economic cost to honest miners of implementing the proposed mitigation method is likely to be substantially higher as well. As such the Bitcoin SV team has determined that a stronger mitigation is now required.

We note for the record that Mr. Maxwell’s post did bring to our attention some aspects of this issue that the Bitcoin SV team had not yet fully considered.  So we thank him for the technical review and shedding some new light on the matter.  

In fact, this event demonstrates that the public review process implemented by the Bitcoin SV team, in advance of finalizing the code in early January, is achieving the intended goal of improving security outcomes for the ecosystem.

In response, the Bitcoin SV Node team will update the “Genesis” hard fork specification by upgrading the rule rejecting the P2SH script pattern from a policy rule to a consensus rule.  That is the specific script template “OP_HASH160 <hash> OP_EQUAL” will not be allowed in new outputs and this rule will be directly implemented in the Bitcoin SV Node software.  Whilst unfortunate to restrict the usage of a particular script pattern, we note that the same effect can be achieved using variations of the script pattern e.g. “OP_SHA256 OP_RIPEMD160 <hash> OP_EQUAL”.

This change closes the attack vector and mitigates the need for honest miners to forcibly reject blocks containing theft transactions.  Whilst this could have triggered a valuable demonstration of the principle of honest miners acting punitively against dishonest miners, the public disclosure by Mr. Maxwell raises the potential cost to those miners to an unacceptable level.

Segwit script pattern
To address an additional but unrelated issue related to native Segwit transaction replay an additional measure will be taken. This will be detailed in a later post.

An update to the Genesis hard fork specification will be published shortly and the code changes included in the next beta release of Bitcoin SV.  Release notification will occur through the usual channels noted here:

Bug Bounty
We take this opportunity to remind the security research community of the substantial bug bounty program offered by Bitcoin SV with a maximum reward of up to $100,000 USD (payable in BSV), rivalling the largest bug bounty programs in the world offered by multinational technology giants.

We offer a top-tier bug bounty program in order to encourage further scrutiny, review and responsible disclosures from all parties.  Gregory Maxwell is of course eligible to participate so long as he adheres to principles of Responsible Disclosure in the future.


note to forum admins, moderators and all forum users: This is an unmoderated version of the following thread topic:

[ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Original Satoshi Vision

Forum users have become increasingly disillusioned with the continual self-moderation (having multiple on-topic posts deleted) by the topic starter 'Bitcoin SV' - this thread simply aims to maintain open and honest discussion, in regards to BitcoinSV (BSV), without censorship!

"Warning: One or more users have reported that they believe that the creator of the original topic displays some red flags which make them high-risk. (Login to see the detailed trust ratings.) While the administration does not verify such claims, you should proceed with extreme caution."

See user: 'Bitcoin SV' -;u=2371095


Also see this topic in SCAM Accusations:

Re: SCAM: Bitcoin SV (BSV) - fake team member and plagiarized white paper


Full disclosure:

I, BitcoinFX do NOT support BitcoinSV. 'Original' Bitcoin is BTC - see:

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: nutildah on January 10, 2020, 05:06:30 AM
Here are a couple of my comments that were deleted from the old thread (I refuse to waste my time commenting in the new thread).

This one points out how BSV's transaction volume is being steadily manipulated in order to surpass BTC's transactions per day.

Quote from: Bitcoin Forum
A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by the starter of a self-moderated topic. There are no rules of self-moderation, so this deletion cannot be appealed. Do not continue posting in this topic if the topic-starter has requested that you leave.

You can create a new topic if you are unsatisfied with this one. If the topic-starter is scamming, post about it in Scam Accusations.

Lets hope blue is not passing away in sleep at hodl. (

Thanks for posting this. This plot is one of my favorites to demonstrate the manipulation of statistics by BSV. Notice how all the lines are pretty wavy, indicating a rather tremendous amount of variation in the number of transactions? Then notice how the line smooths out for BSV between late May and mid July? This is because BSV was coordinating a ramp up in transactions to surpass BCH. It lost all variance because all (most) transactions are being performed by a single entity.

Here's what it looks like close-up so you can see it in better detail:

Let me guess: you are going to say this methodical, calculated ramp up in transactions is completely organic, right? The loss of variance is also organic, correct? Then why did the variance reappear after the ramp up had ended?

The one dispels the myth that BTC is "ignoring the miners":

Quote from: Bitcoin Forum
A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by the starter of a self-moderated topic...


It’s no secret, BSV is winning the blocksize race.

Funny how you have to invent competitions in order to have one where you are actually winning.

BTC can build a layer that ignores the miners, if BTC ever reaches 20k again it will cost 50$ just to fund a lightning node with an on chain transaction.

This statement highlights the cognitive dissonance of BSVers. How can transaction fees be so high if BTC is ignoring miners? Either transaction fees are high, or miners are being ignored. Both items cannot be present at the same time.

At this rate BSV miners will claim a higher reward from transaction fees over block rewards, this is how bitcoin was meant to be.

Average BSV block reward per day minus fees: $148,950
Average BSV transaction fees per day: $125   :D

The only way this could possibly happen (before the next halving) is if transaction fees increase by a factor of 1191 while the price remains the same. This will never happen.

Let's compare the same stats for BTC:

Average BTC block reward per day minus fees: $14,400,000
Average BTC transaction fees per day: $136,444

The ratio between block reward and fees for BTC is only 105.5, whereas it is 1191 for BSV! Your entire existence has just been rendered absurd.  :D

Additionally your last stress test could only produce a block that was 8 MB. Why not just use Bcash? What's the difference? At least the Bcash cult leader doesn't think he's Satoshi.

What a joke.

So does this one:

Quote from: Bitcoin Forum
A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by the starter of a self-moderated topic...

The lightning network (the only Scaling solution BTC has come up with) literally ignores miners in every way possible.

False. You literally just said this:

if BTC ever reaches 20k again it will cost 50$ just to fund a lightning node with an on chain transaction.

Where do you think that $50 is going? Besides, how can fees be so high if everybody is ignoring the miners?

Bitcoin miners are doing just fine. You're just rehashing that same tired, disproven narrative perpetuated by other BSV idiots that we've heard a thousand times before.

Ohhhh what about the poor, poor miners? Who will think of them??? :'(  ::)

Everything is driven by economic incentives. LN will be used because blocks are already quite full, which means the miners are already making maximum income from transaction fees. There's no problem here whatsoever.

This one is about how the count of active addresses is a better metric for determining the popularity of a coin than transaction volume:

Quote from: Bitcoin Forum
A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by the starter of a self-moderated topic...


Proof is here. bitcoin SV now averaging bigger blocks the BTC on a daily basis. This explains the recent price surge for BSV. If Bitcoin SV continues increasing block sizes at this growth rate, it will be a very slow death for BTC. BSV price will continue to increase simply because there will be an incentive for miners to mine the most profitable chain.

This comment will be flagged and deleted by dictator moderators on this form.


The only reason your comments get deleted is when you post twice in a row or if you spam off-topic nonsense. In this case you only posted once, and while your comment is indeed nonsense it is still not off-topic, so it won't be deleted.

BSV muppets always fail to take into account active addresses, which is a much better metric for estimating the popularity of a coin.

Active addresses

BTC: 537k
ETH: 313k
DASH: 64.6k
LTC: 42.8k
DOGE: 34.45k
BSV: 28.4k
ETC: 18.3k
BCH: 17.2k

Congrats, more people use DOGE on a daily basis than BSV, despite it only having 14.5% the total market cap of your tremendously overpriced coin.

The "payment" aspect for BSV accounts for 2.1% of all usage... just like Satoshi intended...  ::)

Finally, this is why I stopped commenting in their thread (in addition to having all of my comments deleted, lol):

Quote from: Bitcoin Forum
A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by the starter of a self-moderated topic...

There is a lot that (the real) nutildah says with which I do not agree.

However, this nutlidah impostor should rethink their approach. It seems evident that the username was chosen to intentionally deceive. Very poor taste. I doubt you're fooling anyone. You're only making yourself look bad.

There are 2 sets of multi-accounters working this thread, if not just 1. One of the main problems with this thread is that it was started by a banned user named korner. He's opened probably 100 different accounts to troll the forum, one of which is my impostor.

Frankly I don't give a shit about SV anymore. Its a comedic spectacle. No longer worth bumping this thread over.

In any case, this thread is a good initiative, and we should encourage people who had their replies deleted to repost them here, as well as keep this thread listed above the actual ANN thread at all times.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: solosequenosenada on January 10, 2020, 10:44:01 AM
Thanks to the OP for creating this thread, it is both important and exhausting to prevent these groups from confusing and misleading newcomers about Bitcoin.
It is a matter of time before people find out what their true intentions are and then these forks will die, in slow motion as has been happening.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: notblox1 on January 10, 2020, 11:04:43 AM
I am very happy to see this Unmoderated Thread.

One interesting thing I noticed is that member 'Bicoin SV' is supporting one more suspicious project called trusd

He trusts this newbie member:;u=2721770

Connection should be investigated

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: nutildah on January 10, 2020, 11:34:18 AM
I am very happy to see this Unmoderated Thread.

One interesting thing I noticed is that member 'Bicoin SV' is supporting one more suspicious project called trusd

He trusts this newbie member:;u=2721770

Connection should be investigated

The connection is "Bitcoin SV" (should really have quadruple-quotes around his name) decided to leave positive feedback for every single member I have ever given a negative feedback to, and several of the people I gave a neutral to...  ::)

They are obsessed with me I suppose. But they're not the first hater I've had, and they won't be the last.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: dragonvslinux on January 10, 2020, 12:05:43 PM
Don't mind me, just cross-posting some information for the first page of this thread  ;D

Bitmex Research vs Craig Wright: 13 Part Tweet Storm

Courtesy of @BitMEXResearch (, October 13th 2019. Further reading: Bitcoin SV (BSV) - fake team member. (
Click on images for larger versions. Note this is a collated post with links & mark up, not original content.

(1/13) ( Craig Wright is speaking at @ForumChallenge ( this week in London, in a session entitled “What was your purpose as Satoshi writing the Whitepaper?”

Please see below some of the court rulings and fraud accusations related to Mr Wright

Source: (

(2/13) ( In a 2005 case, in an Australian court ruling against Mr Wright, the judge mentioned that there were “doubts about his credibility”, due to contradictory evidence
Source: (

(3/13) ( Mr Wright appears to have edited his blog dated 2008, in 2015, to make it look like he was writing a cryptocurrency paper at the time, while a 2014 snapshot of the blog does not include this cryptocurrency comment
Sources:, ( (

(4/13) ( According to @DrFunkenstein6 (http://htttps://, Mr Wright may have submitted an email to the court for the Kleiman case, where the date and date implied by the email signature timestamp are inconsistent

Quote from: Dr. Funkenstein6
@DrFunkenstein6 (
Craig Wright just submitted a provably fake email in court for the Kleiman case. @PeterMcCormack ( and @adam3us (, you may find this interesting! (

(5/13) ( According to @jimmy007forsure (, Mr Wright may have submitted another email to the court for the Kleiman case dated in 2008, when the domain is question was only registered in 2009

Quote from: SeekingSatoshi
@jimmy007forsure (
This email was blown apart ages ago. But BSV fans still seem to think its legit and was provided by Ira Kleiman and thus proves Craig is Satoshi .. Sorry its another forgery and Craig handed the doc over under discovery. Craig is a liar, fraud and a bloody idiot. (

(6/13) ( Court transcripts from the Kleiman case appear to imply that Wright backdated messages he sent on Bitmessage, because the software was not released at the time on the screenshot Mr Wright provided
Source:;ad_group=100652X1574425X601bafb21062f76b9a122e2322edb2c7&amp;keyword=660149026&amp;source=hp_affiliate&amp;medium=affiliate (

(7/13) ( Mr Wright may have claimed to have a PhD in Computer Science from Charles Sturt University on his Linkedin profile, however a Forbes article implies this may not be the case
Sources:, ( (

(8/13) ( A recent article by Sam Williams indicates that Mr Wright plagiarised some academic papers, copying large chunks of text from other papers
Source: (

(9/13) ( According to @kyletorpey (, a lawsuit against Craig Wright claims Wright used a computer-generated font called Otto to forge Dave Kleiman's signature

Quote from: Kyle Torpey
@kyletorpey (
The $10 Billion lawsuit against Craig Wright claims Wright used a computer-generated font called Otto to forge Dave Kleiman's signature and acquire hundreds of thousands of bitcoins. (

(10/13) ( Mr Wright appears to have claimed to have had one of the world’s fastest supercomputers called “C01N”, however according to a @ZDNet ( article the supplier he mentioned denied having any relationship with Mr Wright
Source: ( (

(11/13) ( Mr Wright claims to be entitled to over 1 million Bitcoin in the “Tulip Trust”, which trust documents show was created in 2011. However, as @MyLegacyKit ( points out, documents imply that Mr Wright may have acquired the company as late as 2014

Quote from: Arthur van Pelt - Dragon Industries
@MyLegacyKit (
For those who still think this Tulip trust thing is a genuine set up in 2011/2012, please pay attention now. In the Kleiman v. Wright lawsuit we found out the following.

The Tulip Trading Limited trust was requested by Craig Wright on October 16, 2014 as a "shelf company". (

(12/13) ( In May 2016 Mr Wright claimed he was about to release a message & signature proving he was Satoshi, however as the BBC points out, he "backed out" and all he produced was a signature “that could be found via a search engine”
Source: (

(13/13) ( And finally. The 2019 court ruling in the case between the estate of David Kleiman and Mr Craig Wright concluded that Mr Wright "willfully created fraudulent documents" and acted in "bad faith"

Quote from: BitMEX Research
@BitMEXResearch (
The court ruling in the case between the estate of David Kleiman and Mr Craig Wright has been published

The court reaches damning conclusions against Mr Wright, who "willfully created fraudulent documents" and acted in "bad faith" ( (

Sourced from @BitMEXResearch ( tweet storm, October 13th 2019
Further reading: SCAM: Bitcoin SV (BSV) - fake team member and plagiarized white paper (

@MyLegacyKit (, October 16th 2019 (

Craig Wright - The TL;DR Fraud Timeline Summary

-No Blacknet whitepaper
-Handfuls of plagiarisms
-Contempt of court verdict
-Didn't write Bitcoin whitepaper
-No fibre to Bagnoo
-No Bitcoin email to Dave Kleiman
-No early paper with 90% overlap with Bitcoin whitepaper

1/10 (

-Didn't pay for bitcoin dot org
-Many forgeries on his blog
-Rewrites history of Hal Finney, Martti Malmi & others
-Didn't mine Bitcoin as Satoshi
-Couldn't have used Bitmessage
-Microsoft Patch Tuesday didn't ruin Genesis block
-Couldn't have used Bitcoin-Qt client in 2009

2/10 (

-Lies about Bitcoin reusing public keys
-Lies about USA Bitcoin mining location
-Lies about Hal Finney's first mining
-No mining son in 2010
-Only learns about Bitcoin in July 2011
-No mining to Panama trust
-No Tulip Trust in 2011
-No locked files in Tulip Trust

3/10 (

-No 1,100,111 BTC in Tulip Trust
-No 215,140 BTC mining contract
-No 650,000 BTC loan
-No 821,050 BTC payment to trustee
-No 300,000 BTC for W&K shares
-No 380,103 BTC payment for gold/software
-No 650,000/700,000 BTC market buy for $30 million

4/10 (

-Never proved large BTC transactions on the Bitcoin blockchain
-Never mentioned by investigative journalists
-Forged emails with Dave about Tulip Trust
-Backdated Directors/Shareholders in companies
-Created bogus company figures
-Only buys Bitcoin in 2013
-Can't code

5/10 (

-Sets up court approved W&K fraud around dead Dave Kleiman
-Tried to bring Ira Kleiman into his Bitcoin fraud
-Lied about Dave Kleiman being involved in Bitcoin
-Lied to ATO
-Lied about his role in W&K
-Lied to Bitcoin Belle
-Doxed himself to Wired/Gizmodo

6/10 (

-Lied to Jon Matonis, Gavin Andresen, mainstream media
-Failed multiple key signing sessions (notable: Sartre)
-Used fake & backdated Satoshi PGP keys
-Lied about running SGI supercomputers
-Lied about 2 Charles Sturt University PhD's
-ATO tax fraud verdict $1.7 million

7/10 (

-Makes fraudulent $54 million R&D tax concession claim
-Doesn't have Satoshi's communication style
-Truckloads of articles questioning or calling out his Satoshi claim
-Promised 10,000 patents, delivers less than 250
-Does numerous failed SegWit, LN & BTC death threats

8/10 (

-Gets sued by Ira Kleiman for fraud & much more
-Kleiman v. Wright lawsuit is treasure dome of forgeries, from false signatures to backdated emails, pulled false evidence & perjury
-Registered false Bitcoin copyright claim
-Gives bad reputation to people in inner circle

9/10 (

And then Craig Wright is surprised that people call him a fraud. So he starts a handful of libel suits, and expects to win them with rusty staples and coffee stains... 🤦

10/10 (

Source: Arthur van Pelt - Dragon Industries ( collated tweets storm, October 16th 2019

Just stumbled across this piece of fraud that seems to of slipped under the radar, and notably wasn't referenced in Bitmex's tweet storm:


Here's the metadump of the archived pdf showing the create date chronologically after the modify date  ::)

File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
MIME Type                       : application/pdf
PDF Version                     : 1.6
Linearized                      : No
Author                          : Craig Steven Wright
Create Date                     : 2009:03:24 11:33:15-06:00
Keywords                        : Bitcoin;, Blockchain;, law;, smart, contract;, time, chain;, immutable
Modify Date                     : 2008:05:21 19:43:08+01:00
Language                        : en-GB
XMP Toolkit                     : Adobe XMP Core 1.1-c016 91.132716, 2008/10/29-16:58:49
Creator Tool                    : Writer
Metadata Date                   : 2008:05:21 19:43:08+01:00
Producer                        : 2.4
Web Statement                   :,8&Search_Arg=bitcoin&Search_Code=TALL&CNT=25&PID=smt26T35HVzgQS6nr_ENlOg0IjL7h&SEQ=20080728095548&SID=1
Authors Position                : Dr
Caption Writer                  : Satoshi Nakamoto
Format                          : application/pdf
Title                           : Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System
Description                     : Bitcoin, a peer to peer cash system
Creator                         : Craig Steven Wright
Subject                         : BitCoin, Blockchain, law, smart contract, time chain, immutable
Rights                          : (C) Craig Steven Wright.2008
Document ID                     : uuid:3658ec91-de13-42e3-9796-6369d7172efc
Instance ID                     : uuid:02a9a63b-da5a-449f-b280-36f9a69f1962
Page Count                      : 9

As a reminder this version of the whitepaper published to SSRN ( [archive] (has been removed ( was referenced by CoinDesk in 2018 (, while Peter only tweeted about the fraud a year later.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on January 10, 2020, 01:00:20 PM
That's all ?

Proof for BSV for what?

Is only see some funny Nonsens and low level Name callings from no names

BSV is original Bitcoin - read the code

It works from 2009 - no code alterations needed from any dev

Happy Birthday BitCoin!

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: Dabs on January 10, 2020, 04:47:20 PM
BSV forked from BCH which forked from BTC. I don't think you can call BSV as original.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: dishku on January 10, 2020, 06:00:24 PM
BSV forked from BCH which forked from BTC. I don't think you can call BSV as original.

This is game of speculation a group of big whales just manipulating the market to trap the new investors by creating more confusion and pretending this as original coin but that is crystal it is fork of the fork so you are right and I also will do agree with you.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on January 10, 2020, 06:03:41 PM
BSV forked from BCH which forked from BTC. I don't think you can call BSV as original.

BitCoin didn't change functionality and code, but sth minor, the ticker from [no ticker] to BC to ... to BSV

Nobody can change BitCoin that Satoshi designed

But you can lie to ppl and tell them BTC = Bcore+1MB+RBF+Segwit+LN + WTFdevInjects is 'Bitcoin' , cause it isn't

That doesn't work for logical / analytical thinking ppl,

it might work for poor bagholders.

 BitCoin is more

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: fratoshi on January 11, 2020, 07:54:38 AM
How many of you hate, don't like, disagree with BSV but hold some because of FOMO, fear to miss the train?

BSV is up by 40% today.
I bought BSV when it was under 50$ a few months ago when they announced in a conference that they forked and now big blocks are possible on the BSV chain.

I personally don't promote BSV but i as a trader i can tell it has potential to go over 1500$ sometime sooner, and watching as an spectator how some exchanges acted against BSV i can see that BSV is really a threat to other coins as is currently on the top 10 coinmarketcap and is not trade on many important exchanges.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: solosequenosenada on January 11, 2020, 08:27:01 AM

Yeah, sure, man, whatever you want... benefits above all. You might be interested in buying XRP!

In the meantime, look at this beautiful chart

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: nutildah on January 11, 2020, 08:39:10 AM
We don't dabble in trading scamcoins here. (Edit: by this I mean BSV)

Much like the whole white paper copyright registration fake news, this is simply a pump capitalizing on false pretenses. This time, Craig's defense says the judge's sanctions were inappropriate because he could not disclose his bitcoin holdings until after receiving "the remaining cryptographic slice" from the bonded courier. The appellate court overseeing the issue agreed that they should wait until February 3rd for the courier to appear before slamming him with a half million bitcoin debt to Ira Kleiman.

However, most of what the court had to say about Wright wasn't very kind.

The Court notes that although the Defendant was ordered to produce all documents related to the blind trust by May 9, 2019, the Defendant had still failed to timely produce all documents that he had in his possession as of the evidentiary hearing date. In fact, as late as January 6, 2020, it was the Plaintiff who advised the Court that the Defendant produced another document purportedly related to the blind trusts. Plaintiffs advise that the Defendant has not provided any explanation as to the document’s late disclosure. At the status conference on January 9, 2020, Plaintiffs also called into question the document’s authenticity.

...the sole evidence put forward to establish the Defendant’s claim of impossibility, his own testimony, was found not to be credible by Judge Reinhart... (“I completely reject Dr. Wright’s testimony about the alleged Tulip Trust, the alleged encrypted file, and his inability to identify his bitcoin holdings . . . During his testimony, Dr. Wright’s demeanor did not impress me as someone who was telling the truth.”).

The Court has also reviewed the transcripts from the Evidentiary Hearing held by Judge Reinhart and agrees with his credibility findings relating to Defendant. Indeed, in answering opposing counsel’s questions, the Defendant was evasive, refused to give and interpret words in their very basic meanings, was combative, and became defensive when confronted with previous inconsistencies.

...the Court has no doubt that the Plaintiffs were prejudiced by the Defendant’s antics. It is clear to the Court that the Defendant’s conduct was anything but substantially justified or harmless. Defendant’s conduct delayed and obstructed the discovery process of this case, wasted valuable time and resources in litigating this issue, and prevented the Plaintiff from obtaining evidence that the Magistrate Judge found relevant to the Plaintiffs’ claims. Therefore, the Court rejects the Defendants’ argument that no prejudice has been suffered by the Plaintiffs as a result of the Defendant’s conduct. Such argument is entirely devoid of merit.

Finally, the Defendant argues that at minimum he “should have been afforded the opportunity to wait until [the date the bonded courier is set to come] to see if he receives the key slices to generate the list of his bitcoin holdings, which he could then provide to plaintiffs.” Defendant contends that in the event this occurs, “even plaintiffs would have to concede that Dr. Wright’s inability to do the impossible and comply with the discovery order caused them absolutely no prejudice.” Given the Defendant’s many inconsistencies and misstatements, the Court questions whether it is remotely plausible that the mysterious “bonded courier” is going to arrive, yet alone that he will arrive in January 2020 as the Defendant now contends. However, given that the Defendant maintains that he should at least be afforded this opportunity, the Court will indulge him this much.

The court order, while stating that Judge Reinhart's sanctions on Wright had been "improperly imposed," is still just a slam on Wright that is being cleverly re-interpreted to fool people into thinking that Wright is going to produce evidence that a bonded courier is scheduled to deliver cryptographic "slices" proving that he owns Satoshi's bitcoin stash.

Spoiler alert: He won't.

Basically, nothing new here.

Short BSV if you can.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: mk111 on January 12, 2020, 06:39:58 AM
What the hell is Bitcoin SV? Did Roger create another Bitcoin clone as Bcash failed? LAWL epic fail

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: arielbit on January 12, 2020, 08:09:01 AM
there is no vision......what vision?

so satoshi left and come back to fork bitcoin? LOL

unless craig sign satoshi's wallets he is not satoshi, if he is not satoshi, how come it is called "satoshi's vision"

what is bitcoin now? it is the decentralized community of miners, coders, shitcoiners, scammers, schemers, gamblers, investards...i can go on and on.. a "VISION" of one man is meaningless now. so cut the crap with the "VISION" shit LOL

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: Last of the V8s on January 12, 2020, 09:56:18 AM
Guys I guess don't engage in other thread now, you're bumping it up... ?

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on January 12, 2020, 09:58:40 AM
there is no vision......what vision?

so satoshi left and come back to fork bitcoin? LOL

unless craig sign satoshi's wallets he is not satoshi, if he is not satoshi, how come it is called "satoshi's vision"

what is bitcoin now? it is the decentralized community of miners, coders, shitcoiners, scammers, schemers, gamblers, investards...i can go on and on.. a "VISION" of one man is meaningless now. so cut the crap with the "VISION" shit LOL

Funny, he might NOT even be Satoshi, if he signs.

Logic is a bitch

Anyhow BSV is just refactored Original BitCoin, so good to keep it working just to honor the work of Satoshi?

One of the best visions ever imo

Bitcoin is the real thing, injecting shit and fuck up the original protocol is nothing special, sorry


Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: nutildah on January 12, 2020, 10:07:16 AM
Funny, he might NOT even be Satoshi, if he signs.

It sure would be a lot better than what ever else he's done to prove he's Satoshi. So far he's done nothing but tell lies.

Anyhow BSV is just refactored Original BitCoin

It's not. Its a fork of a fork. It contains changes made by Bitcoin Core and BCH devs. Feel free to keep spewing lies, and I'll keep correcting them.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: solosequenosenada on January 12, 2020, 10:48:21 AM

The sacrifice for supporting back to 0.8 vs merely (say) supporting a year or two ago is insignificant-- mostly automated tests take a little longer to run and keeping around a bit of older redundant code to support the communication requirements of older nodes.

If there were a big cost difference between three years back and six years back, then perhaps newer versions would only still talk three years back.

That isn't the case because almost all of the compatibility costs are created by having any compatibility at all. One it exists, keeping it around isn't usually a large cost.

If you're running a relatively centralized system and can just demand everyone upgrade all at once to new behaviour you've specified then some things can be implemented somewhat easier. Though interestingly, it turns out-- most things are about the same either way. Changes to commitment structures (what data gets hashed) are hard to do in compatible ways, almost everything else is easy. But assuming everyone can upgrade at once is an extraordinarily centralizing assumption.

Supporting back a couple years means that users are free to run niche or custom software. They can keep on using Bitcoin XT or "Bitcoin Classic" or their own customized versions of them if those things have features they're dependent on.

They don't have to stop what they're doing and rebuild and retest their infrastructure on someone else's schedule. They don't have to take a risk that the new code introduces some backdoor or bad interaction with their other software. They can wait until they're doing other upgrades to change to new stuff.

Old versions can be insecure in various ways but you can keep your existing stuff running with a separate newer node as a firewall to protect it.

Even if you assume that everyone will eventually upgrade to new software-- and I generally do-- users being able to do it on their own timeframe can extraordinarily reduce their costs and risks. There are very few visible nodes in the Bitcoin network <0.13.1 (less than 5%), though we can't tell what people are running privately behind firewall nodes.

There are also other alternative implementations that are limping along. They add new features but because they're much smaller than the biggest public development effort, it sometimes takes them months or a year to catch up. Fortunately, compatibility means they're not killed dead if they can't always keep up with the fastest developed implementation.

None of that works in BCH land. If you really loved Bitcoin XT, Bitcoin Classic, or some other niche version ... or just had your own patches on an older version of ABC... well you're just SOL: you can't just keep running them. Your only option is to take on an incredible amount of development work either updating the code to the new consensus rules or recreating the features you need on the new software and testing that these changes don't break anything you care about. BCH's frequent hardfork practices have demonstratively killed many (most?) of the "many implementations" that were being so heavily promoted here a couple years ago.

I think there is a lot of juicy irony that many people around here were hollering about zomg dev control but then switch to BCH and an hardfork process that crams controversial (e.g. CTOR) changes down people's throat, actively kills competing implementation, and materially reduces user's freedom to choose to not follow around some client authors latest brainfart.

Post by @nullc on reddit . (

Not even mentioning BSV which is a fork of a fork of a fork.....

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: arielbit on January 12, 2020, 02:08:55 PM
there is no vision......what vision?

so satoshi left and come back to fork bitcoin? LOL

unless craig sign satoshi's wallets he is not satoshi, if he is not satoshi, how come it is called "satoshi's vision"

what is bitcoin now? it is the decentralized community of miners, coders, shitcoiners, scammers, schemers, gamblers, investards...i can go on and on.. a "VISION" of one man is meaningless now. so cut the crap with the "VISION" shit LOL

Funny, he might NOT even be Satoshi, if he signs.

Logic is a bitch

Anyhow BSV is just refactored Original BitCoin, so good to keep it working just to honor the work of Satoshi?

One of the best visions ever imo

Bitcoin is the real thing, injecting shit and fuck up the original protocol is nothing special, sorry


"honor the work of Satoshi?"

what is bitcoin? a memorial? a religion even? LOL

it is a programmable money.

let's say for the sake of argument that craig is satoshi, do we believe whatever he says that "should be done in bitcoin"? answer: NO , because people involved got brains too and will come into consensus for the better/greater good and not some kind of "vision" of a person.

sorry, but injecting shit and fucking up the original protocol is special..why? because Bitcoin itself in day 1 is an injected shit to fuck up the world protocol for inflating fiat currencies.

while BitcoinSV is some injected shit to fuck up the Bitcoin revolution protocol that is taking the world by storm.

logic is indeed a bitch.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on January 12, 2020, 02:22:16 PM
there is no vision......what vision?

so satoshi left and come back to fork bitcoin? LOL

unless craig sign satoshi's wallets he is not satoshi, if he is not satoshi, how come it is called "satoshi's vision"

what is bitcoin now? it is the decentralized community of miners, coders, shitcoiners, scammers, schemers, gamblers, investards...i can go on and on.. a "VISION" of one man is meaningless now. so cut the crap with the "VISION" shit LOL

Funny, he might NOT even be Satoshi, if he signs.

Logic is a bitch

Anyhow BSV is just refactored Original BitCoin, so good to keep it working just to honor the work of Satoshi?

One of the best visions ever imo

Bitcoin is the real thing, injecting shit and fuck up the original protocol is nothing special, sorry


"honor the work of Satoshi?"

what is bitcoin? a memorial? a religion even? LOL

it is a programmable money.

let's say for the sake of argument that craig is satoshi, do we believe whatever he says that "should be done in bitcoin"? answer: NO , because people involved got brains too and will come into consensus for the better/greater good and not some kind of "vision" of a person.

sorry, but injecting shit and fucking up the original protocol is special..why? because Bitcoin itself in day 1 is an injected shit to fuck up the world protocol for inflating fiat currencies.

while BitcoinSV is some injected shit to fuck up the Bitcoin revolution protocol that is taking the world by storm.

logic is indeed a bitch.

It is not just 'a' programmable money. We have a lot of those

It is defined and got its name and design by its legit founder.

No chance on earth that this can be altered to be sth different and keep name, definition paper, protocol consens,..  all that. Not in the world of finance where every single thing is defined, specked, assessed,... and put down into product term sheets, disclaimers, contracts... to that deep details AS POSSIBLE! No waggy space left for scammers

If you don't get that strictness in finance, and call that religion you might need to learn a lot

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: solosequenosenada on January 12, 2020, 02:29:07 PM
It is not just 'a' programmable money. We have a lot of those

It is defined and got its name and design by its legit founder.

No chance on earth that this can be altered to be sth different and keep name, definition paper, protocol consens,..  all that. Not in the world of finance where every single thing is defined, specked, assessed,... and put down into product term sheets, disclaimers, contracts... to that deep details AS POSSIBLE! No waggy space left for scammers

If you don't get that strictness in finance, and call that religion you might need to learn a lot

If you don't believe me or don't get it, I don't have time to try to convince you, GFY

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: arielbit on January 12, 2020, 02:40:45 PM
there is no vision......what vision?

so satoshi left and come back to fork bitcoin? LOL

unless craig sign satoshi's wallets he is not satoshi, if he is not satoshi, how come it is called "satoshi's vision"

what is bitcoin now? it is the decentralized community of miners, coders, shitcoiners, scammers, schemers, gamblers, investards...i can go on and on.. a "VISION" of one man is meaningless now. so cut the crap with the "VISION" shit LOL

Funny, he might NOT even be Satoshi, if he signs.

Logic is a bitch

Anyhow BSV is just refactored Original BitCoin, so good to keep it working just to honor the work of Satoshi?

One of the best visions ever imo

Bitcoin is the real thing, injecting shit and fuck up the original protocol is nothing special, sorry


"honor the work of Satoshi?"

what is bitcoin? a memorial? a religion even? LOL

it is a programmable money.

let's say for the sake of argument that craig is satoshi, do we believe whatever he says that "should be done in bitcoin"? answer: NO , because people involved got brains too and will come into consensus for the better/greater good and not some kind of "vision" of a person.

sorry, but injecting shit and fucking up the original protocol is special..why? because Bitcoin itself in day 1 is an injected shit to fuck up the world protocol for inflating fiat currencies.

while BitcoinSV is some injected shit to fuck up the Bitcoin revolution protocol that is taking the world by storm.

logic is indeed a bitch.

It is not just 'a' programmable money. We have a lot of those

It is defined and got its name and design by its legit founder.

No chance on earth that this can be altered to be sth different and keep name, definition paper, protocol consens,..  all that. Not in the world of finance where every single thing is defined, specked, assessed,... and put down into product term sheets, disclaimers, contracts... to that deep details AS POSSIBLE! No waggy space left for scammers

If you don't get that strictness in finance, and call that religion you might need to learn a lot

I programmed my dog, i told it to sit and it is still a dog LOL

man...fuck finance, i bought a bark from the dog with a cookie. TX-RX (transaction) did complete.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on January 12, 2020, 05:46:57 PM
there is no vision......what vision?

so satoshi left and come back to fork bitcoin? LOL

unless craig sign satoshi's wallets he is not satoshi, if he is not satoshi, how come it is called "satoshi's vision"

what is bitcoin now? it is the decentralized community of miners, coders, shitcoiners, scammers, schemers, gamblers, investards...i can go on and on.. a "VISION" of one man is meaningless now. so cut the crap with the "VISION" shit LOL

Funny, he might NOT even be Satoshi, if he signs.

Logic is a bitch

Anyhow BSV is just refactored Original BitCoin, so good to keep it working just to honor the work of Satoshi?

One of the best visions ever imo

Bitcoin is the real thing, injecting shit and fuck up the original protocol is nothing special, sorry


"honor the work of Satoshi?"

what is bitcoin? a memorial? a religion even? LOL

it is a programmable money.

let's say for the sake of argument that craig is satoshi, do we believe whatever he says that "should be done in bitcoin"? answer: NO , because people involved got brains too and will come into consensus for the better/greater good and not some kind of "vision" of a person.

sorry, but injecting shit and fucking up the original protocol is special..why? because Bitcoin itself in day 1 is an injected shit to fuck up the world protocol for inflating fiat currencies.

while BitcoinSV is some injected shit to fuck up the Bitcoin revolution protocol that is taking the world by storm.

logic is indeed a bitch.

It is not just 'a' programmable money. We have a lot of those

It is defined and got its name and design by its legit founder.

No chance on earth that this can be altered to be sth different and keep name, definition paper, protocol consens,..  all that. Not in the world of finance where every single thing is defined, specked, assessed,... and put down into product term sheets, disclaimers, contracts... to that deep details AS POSSIBLE! No waggy space left for scammers

If you don't get that strictness in finance, and call that religion you might need to learn a lot

I programmed my dog, i told it to sit and it is still a dog LOL

man...fuck finance, i bought a bark from the dog with a cookie. TX-RX (transaction) did complete.

SoV wannabe triggered.

Lost in a blockdream

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: Steamtyme on January 12, 2020, 09:31:27 PM
Love it. While I can't do much I have used whatever bump power I have to help keep this thread visible.

Discussion without censorship let's have it.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: Hueristic on January 13, 2020, 12:53:39 AM
BSV forked from BCH which forked from BTC. I don't think you can call BSV as original.

BSV is an Original Copy of a Copy.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: BitcoinFX on January 13, 2020, 12:58:13 AM
How many of you hate, don't like, disagree with BSV but hold some because of FOMO, fear to miss the train?

BSV is up by 40% today.
I bought BSV when it was under 50$ a few months ago when they announced in a conference that they forked and now big blocks are possible on the BSV chain.


I personally don't promote BSV but i as a trader i can tell it has potential to go over 1500$ sometime sooner, and watching as an spectator how some exchanges acted against BSV i can see that BSV is really a threat to other coins as is currently on the top 10 coinmarketcap and is not trade on many important exchanges.

 :D :D :D  ::)

No Fear Of Missing Out here whatsoever. $BSV held ... zero, zip, zilch, nada - none.


It took Bitcoin (BTC) around 11 years to reach a blockchain size of 250GB+ with transactions alone and a 1MB+ blocksize.

The BSV genesis 'update' intends to increase the BSV blocksize to 1GB+ per block to allow for data storage, as well as the transactions going into blocks and the blockchain ... Bitcoin is about Financial Cryptography, not data generic data storage.

How long do you think it will take before the BSV blockchain gets to big to download and/or store on a continual and decentralized basis ?

Imagine trying to store every torrent on the internet on your computer, not the .torrent's, but the actual files ! lolz

Now imagine all of the 'illegal' and problem content that can be uploaded on an immutable basis.

Child abuse images hidden in crypto-currency blockchain (BSV) ... Ewww ...  :'(



BSV is a fork of a fork of (a copy of a copy of) BCH > BSV. See the OP.

Imagine being an exchange that allows a questionable fork of BTC to be effectively traded against its own historical chain of 'split' transactions ! lolz

Now imagine creating a 2nd USD and allowing it to be traded against the 1st USD.


Also, If/when TX volume goes up, fees increase. Hence, BSV has not fixed a scaling 'problem' at all, it will make it worse.


Notice that I haven't even mentioned any of the other actions or fabrications by the BSV creators, and yet, which ever way you look at it - BSV likely ends up totally 'borked'.


The proudhon song ...

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: BitcoinFX on January 13, 2020, 01:07:17 AM

Twetch is transforming the use of social media. Take back your data today!

No it isn't.

HINT: Freedom of Speech isn't free if you have to pay to speak. That's actually a form of censorship.


Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: fratoshi on January 13, 2020, 06:27:48 AM
Funny, he might NOT even be Satoshi, if he signs.

It sure would be a lot better than what ever else he's done to prove he's Satoshi. So far he's done nothing but tell lies.

Anyhow BSV is just refactored Original BitCoin

It's not. Its a fork of a fork. It contains changes made by Bitcoin Core and BCH devs. Feel free to keep spewing lies, and I'll keep correcting them.

Bounded courier arrived  8)


Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on January 13, 2020, 06:36:07 AM
BSV forked from BCH which forked from BTC. I don't think you can call BSV as original.

BSV is an Original Copy of a Copy.

Anything on GitHub is a copy, we live digital. Lots of trolls are just copies...

Important is, that BSV is original copy of original BitCoin, where btc has moved away and BSV doesn't copy such alterations into the original copy

More like BitCoin, cause BitCoin doesn't care about tickers and alterations

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: nutildah on January 13, 2020, 06:44:46 AM
Bounded courier arrived?

He's said everything from he's going to wreck the market on January 1st to he won't ever have access to the bitcoins to now this. So he covered his bases regardless of what happens.

Here's how this will play out:

Craig will claim that even though he received a remaining key slice from the bonded courier, he can't put them together because he doesn't have access to any number of the remaining 7 slices.

Therefore, he will get to continue claiming that he is Satoshi forever, because part of the lie will entail him never receiving the other missing slice(s).

No bitcoins from Satoshi's stash will ever be moved. At least not by Craig.

So, if you're a BSVtard, or just a complicit chump, this plays out perfectly for you.

To everybody else, its just more proof that Craig is full of shit.

Whatever happens, Craig will get to continue his lie, and no bitcoins will be moved. He designed this outcome specifically to appease his major backers. Also whatever happens, Craig will still be on the hook for Kleiman's attorney fees.

BTW: Nice post edit, chump.

Important is, that BSV is original copy of original BitCoin, where btc has moved away and BSV doesn't copy such alterations into the original copy

Its not. Its a fork of a fork. BSV contains changes by Core and BCH developers. This is verifiable by checking its commit history on GitHub. You've just swallowed a lie whole and you keep repeating it in hopes you won't be corrected.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: arielbit on January 13, 2020, 07:12:57 AM
BSV forked from BCH which forked from BTC. I don't think you can call BSV as original.

BSV is an Original Copy of a Copy.

Anything on GitHub is a copy, we live digital. Lots of trolls are just copies...

Important is, that BSV is original copy of original BitCoin, where btc has moved away and BSV doesn't copy such alterations into the original copy

More like BitCoin, cause BitCoin doesn't care about tickers and alterations

imagine Henry Ford, coming back from the grave telling Ford company that cars don't need AC/heater because that is not part of the original design..what cars need are bigger windows, actually might as well remove the windshield to let more air in LOL

even if craig is satoshi (for the sake of argument), nobody will follow him.

get over with this satoshi fetish, go find the person who taught satoshi how to use a computer and make a statue of him/her. even better find satoshi's father and lick his balls, you'll never know you might get a satoshi sperm or two..dig him from the grave if you must  ;)

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: fratoshi on January 13, 2020, 07:40:25 AM
BSV forked from BCH which forked from BTC. I don't think you can call BSV as original.

BSV is an Original Copy of a Copy.

Anything on GitHub is a copy, we live digital. Lots of trolls are just copies...

Important is, that BSV is original copy of original BitCoin, where btc has moved away and BSV doesn't copy such alterations into the original copy

More like BitCoin, cause BitCoin doesn't care about tickers and alterations

imagine Henry Ford, coming back from the grave telling Ford company that cars don't need AC/heater because that is not part of the original design..what cars need are bigger windows, actually might as well remove the windshield to let more air in LOL

even if craig is satoshi (for the sake of argument), nobody will follow him.

get over with this satoshi fetish, go find the person who taught satoshi how to use a computer and make a statue of him/her. even better find satoshi's father and lick his balls, you'll never know you might get a satoshi sperm or two..dig him from the grave if you must  ;)

But Satoshi or Craig Wright how you want to call him said that "the core design was set in stone for the rest of its lifetime"

So was designed from the start to be a form of stable money, Bitcoin SV will return Bitcoin to what it was supposed to be, from the start and at 0.1.

So the example about Henry Ford is irrelevant.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: nutildah on January 13, 2020, 08:02:41 AM
imagine Henry Ford, coming back from the grave telling Ford company that cars don't need AC/heater because that is not part of the original design..what cars need are bigger windows, actually might as well remove the windshield to let more air in LOL

But Satoshi or Craig Wright how you want to call him said that "the core design was set in stone for the rest of its lifetime"

So was designed from the start to be a form of stable money, Bitcoin SV will return Bitcoin to what it was supposed to be, from the start and at 0.1.

So the example about Henry Ford is irrelevant.

Its actually a great analogy.

Craig is claiming his car is a Ford Model T when in actuality under the hood its closer to a Toyota Corolla. If he wanted to recreate the Model T, he would have just cloned the Model T instead of including all the modernizations introduced in generations (builds) afterward.

To complete the analogy, modern Bitcoin (0.19) is more like a Ford Fusion sedan. It makes use of the latest innovations in the industry to deliver an advanced version of the original product, one that couldn't have been fathomable during Henry Ford's time.

If you want to be religious about it and say the Model T is the only true car, well have fun, but don't expect other people to follow.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: fratoshi on January 13, 2020, 08:30:13 AM
imagine Henry Ford, coming back from the grave telling Ford company that cars don't need AC/heater because that is not part of the original design..what cars need are bigger windows, actually might as well remove the windshield to let more air in LOL

But Satoshi or Craig Wright how you want to call him said that "the core design was set in stone for the rest of its lifetime"

So was designed from the start to be a form of stable money, Bitcoin SV will return Bitcoin to what it was supposed to be, from the start and at 0.1.

So the example about Henry Ford is irrelevant.

Its actually a great analogy.

Craig is claiming his car is a Ford Model T when in actuality under the hood its closer to a Toyota Corolla. If he wanted to recreate the Model T, he would have just cloned the Model T instead of including all the modernizations introduced in generations (builds) afterward.

To complete the analogy, modern Bitcoin (0.19) is more like a Ford Fusion sedan. It makes use of the latest innovations in the industry to deliver an advanced version of the original product, one that couldn't have been fathomable during Henry Ford's time.

If you want to be religious about it and say the Model T is the only true car, well have fun, but don't expect other people to follow.

Thank you for your good explanation my good friend Mr nutildah, i am still learning about all this BSV - BTC - BCH fight.

By the way, Craig owns a Lambo

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: fratoshi on January 13, 2020, 10:16:22 AM

(picture of vroom vroom)

Obviously we're in no way friends, as friends don't write horribly stupid shit ( about each other in threads opened by trolls. Nor do they leave frivolous flags on one another.

I don't give a shit if Craig owns a hundred lambos. It doesn't un-make him a fraud. All your years working for scam exchanges must have convinced you that the only thing important in life is money. That's a shame.

My friend nutildah, yes we are friends, and i know that inside that toxic shield you hide there is a person full of love, i have always told you that for me you will always get true love. Of course politics are other thing, that post i wrote that you say is "horribly stupid shit" is true, you get little toxic sometimes, and must be because male hysteria. Regarding the flags, you deserve that so don't get upset about it, you have left some negative trust on me and i accept it and i am not remaind you every day about those negative trust, so why don't you accept it and learn to live with it?

Our relationship remaind me to Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un, sometimes there is love, hug and kisses, and sometimes there are missiles, insults and war.

By the way, i was learning more about BSV and BTC, do you think Craig is right about the SegWit exploit?
Info about this bug can be found here

So now think for a moment if this happens

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: fratoshi on January 13, 2020, 11:04:46 AM
(more trolling)

Fine, if you insist on following me around, trolling me from thread to thread, then I can't stop you. Have at it, douchebag. You're not the first scammer I busted who remains obsessed with me, and you won't be the last.

Not at all my good friend Mr nutildah, not trolling and not obsessed with you you, i only want to have a serious conversation about BSV, if you want to bust me or whatever you want to do please do it but try to keep this post on topic, i know you like to sabotage and make some treads off topics.

Anyone here see it possible in the short term that BSV price will overtake BCH?

I can see that the level of crypto twitter toxicity has increased recently, maybe because BSV price is getting closer to BCH, imagine how it will be when BSV price became closer to BTC...  :o

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: fratoshi on January 13, 2020, 11:23:08 AM
Anyone here see it possible in the short term that BSV price will overtake BCH?

I can see that the level of crypto twitter toxicity has increased recently, maybe because BSV price is getting closer to BCH, imagine how it will be when BSV price became closer to BTC...  :o

BSV doesn't have much liquidity so it could pump again, but it would still be nowhere near BCH. It will never get anywhere near BTC either. Projects built on a foundation of lies are never very successful.

Your caliber of posts is more suited for the moderated thread ( Perhaps you should be posting your questions there. Oh, but I don't post in that thread, so what fun would it be for you?  ::)

I actually prefer this moderated thread, i think i posted once on the unmoderated, but is more fun here.
I really have to thanks BitcoinFX for creating this unmoderated thread, it was really needed on the forum, it is always good to know what those who oppose BSV want to say.

By the way, i want to make clear that i am not shilling BSV, i just want to participate and learn more about it, for me is hard to understand how BTC supporters don't like big blocks and why BSV supporters don't like Segwit , and why BCH supporters say BCH is the real bitcoin.

"We must stop blockchain infighting"
- Brock Pierce

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: Last of the V8s on January 13, 2020, 12:36:57 PM
great so cryptotourist bless him and corner have somehow bumped the self-mod thread to the front page of this shithole forum.
Guessing without any research all these are the same twat;u=1432181;u=2624048;u=2729009;u=2708940;u=2710446
guessing they slipped him what fifty quid should keep him in vodka and xlep for a month fucking twat

edit now it's a full house ??;u=2710137;u=2447673;u=2580706;u=2363428

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: nutildah on January 13, 2020, 01:55:29 PM
edit now it's a full house ??

LOL. Those are all alts of korner ( (Bitcoin SV). The Bitcoin SV account has been temp banned, so he is doing a lot of talking to himself.  :D

The irony is I bet he doesn't even own 1 BSV. He's just a nutcake with way too much time on his hands.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: arielbit on January 13, 2020, 03:42:27 PM
BSV forked from BCH which forked from BTC. I don't think you can call BSV as original.

BSV is an Original Copy of a Copy.

Anything on GitHub is a copy, we live digital. Lots of trolls are just copies...

Important is, that BSV is original copy of original BitCoin, where btc has moved away and BSV doesn't copy such alterations into the original copy

More like BitCoin, cause BitCoin doesn't care about tickers and alterations

imagine Henry Ford, coming back from the grave telling Ford company that cars don't need AC/heater because that is not part of the original design..what cars need are bigger windows, actually might as well remove the windshield to let more air in LOL

even if craig is satoshi (for the sake of argument), nobody will follow him.

get over with this satoshi fetish, go find the person who taught satoshi how to use a computer and make a statue of him/her. even better find satoshi's father and lick his balls, you'll never know you might get a satoshi sperm or two..dig him from the grave if you must  ;)

But Satoshi or Craig Wright how you want to call him said that "the core design was set in stone for the rest of its lifetime"

So was designed from the start to be a form of stable money, Bitcoin SV will return Bitcoin to what it was supposed to be, from the start and at 0.1.

So the example about Henry Ford is irrelevant.

yeah, the core design is set in stone. you got 4 wheels and you steer it to the right direction..unless you want cars to stay that way LOL

The nature of Bitcoin is such that once version 0.1 was released, the core design was set in stone for the rest of its lifetime.....


The design supports a tremendous variety of possible transaction types that I designed years ago.  Escrow transactions, bonded contracts, third party arbitration, multi-party signature, etc.  If Bitcoin catches on in a big way, these are things we'll want to explore in the future, but they all had to be designed at the beginning to make sure they would be possible later.


to cut it short satoshi simply means the design is set in stone and we continue development in to the future.

satoshi left, we develop and continue developing just as planned. so what's the problem?

your "original bitcoin" narrative --> broken! (the purity, the original pitch  :D)

your "craig is satoshi" narrative --> broken! (the second coming pitch  :D )

now you resort to cars, craig owns a Lamborghini --> it wasn't the orginal design BTW even craig's suit is not the original design LOL! (well he is rich pitch  :D )

i know your type.. it works on dumbass plebs, not here asshole.

also, don't try to pick and choose satoshi sentences, at least try to understand what he said.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on January 13, 2020, 09:24:51 PM
Too much ticker thinkers and brain max block sizers here.

BitCoin is just too abstract to cast it into ur 1dim capacity.

BitCoin is a protocol and generates an economic self constructing system by incentives.

Thats not just a dumb car or a coin

But too good material to troll over right ?

Nice party here  lol

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: BitcoinFX on January 14, 2020, 12:03:56 AM
...snip ...

Nice party here  lol

Sure ...

"For those who didn't realize it yet, this is a rare picture of the #Faketoshi/BSV scam team together. They set up the whole thing in 2015. From left to right: Calvin Ayre, Jimmy Nguyen, Craig Wright and Stefan Matthews."


Seems there is a bit of interest to let good old BitCoin protocol alive and running


"... "Keys have arrived." "Real?" "Yep" That's what we needed to get this thing to $200. 👍 ..."


*Not Sarcasm*

"And don't get me wrong here. This is nothing less than a fabricated scam, a pump 'n' dump orchestrated by the people on the helm. Don't trade on this, ever. Stay out."


See: the  #faketoshi  fraud  timeline ...


Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: arielbit on January 14, 2020, 12:07:27 AM

BitCoin is a protocol and generates an economic self constructing system by incentives.


where you can do whatever you forking to a new chain, shilling it, spread misinformation and do other scammy stuff, right? how do we call this?---> a shitcoin ;D with a sales pitch of "this is the real bitcoin"

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: fratoshi on January 14, 2020, 03:47:54 AM
BSV is up another 20% today, and since my last post of yesterday is up two positions on Coinmarketcap, it has overtaken EOS and Litecoin, now only needs to overtake Tether to fight for the Number 4 position with BCH.

It really seems like BSV price will surge as crypto twitter is becoming more toxic by the hour with BTC personalities trying to trash the Satoshi Vision.

On other news, Calvin Ayre had his villa in the Philippines covered by ash from the volcano Taal.

To my good friend nutildah i can confirm that here are no reports of ashes falling near the bar lollipop, the girls are working as normal.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on January 14, 2020, 09:18:33 AM
Holey moley.

But pls do not get blind by speculation

We ve learned from segwit ponzi and eth oligarchy that is a sad end for BitCoin s functionality

Bagholding is for the dumbest. Whales will always rape little joes. No different for any financial system

Only thing that helps little joe is transparency and simple stable rules / protocols

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: KieranG on January 14, 2020, 10:18:12 AM
Holey moley.

But pls do not get blind by speculation

We ve learned from segwit ponzi and eth oligarchy that is a sad end for BitCoin s functionality

Bagholding is for the dumbest. Whales will always rape little joes. No different for any financial system

Only thing that helps little joe is transparency and simple stable rules / protocols

Is there a way that an everyday user can verify transparency as honest transparency and not misleading transparency?

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: fratoshi on January 14, 2020, 10:25:25 AM
Holey moley.

But pls do not get blind by speculation

We ve learned from segwit ponzi and eth oligarchy that is a sad end for BitCoin s functionality

Bagholding is for the dumbest. Whales will always rape little joes. No different for any financial system

Only thing that helps little joe is transparency and simple stable rules / protocols

Is there a way that an everyday user can verify transparency as honest transparency and not misleading transparency?

If you add to that speculation and wannabe Nostradamus then the situation get more complex.
Like this account i am following on Twitter, he actually nail il with his prediction.

Do you think Coinbase will add BSV before or after the CoinGeek February conference?

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: BitcoinFX on January 14, 2020, 11:27:53 AM
Holey moley.

But pls do not get blind by speculation

We ve learned from segwit ponzi and eth oligarchy that is a sad end for BitCoin s functionality

Bagholding is for the dumbest. Whales will always rape little joes. No different for any financial system

Only thing that helps little joe is transparency and simple stable rules / protocols

Is there a way that an everyday user can verify transparency as honest transparency and not misleading transparency?

If you add to that speculation and wannabe Nostradamus then the situation get more complex.
Like this account i am following on Twitter, he actually nail il with his prediction.

Do you think Coinbase will add BSV before or after the CoinGeek February conference?


"imagine creating possibly one of the most revolutionary ideas/products of our lifetime, based on the foundation of proof of work... and then not being able to prove your work🤦‍♂️"


Project Anastasia: Bitcoiners Against Identity Theft

Craig Wright is an identity thief who has taken the name Satoshi Nakamoto - prove me wrong!

My Old Wallet Address: 1JXFXUBGs2ZtEDAQMdZ3tkCKo38nT2XSEp created 15/02/2010 15:20

Why can't Craig Wright do this?

Verifying my (old) zero balance wallet address for blockchain research etc.,


Not Your Private Keys, Not Your Bitcoin.

Don't trust, verify.

Signed by BitcoinFX - - January 6th, 2020

-!%0A%0AMy%20Old%20Wallet%20Address%3A%201JXFXUBGs2ZtEDAQMdZ3tkCKo38nT2XSEp%20created%2015%2F02%2F2010%2015%3A20%0A%0AWhy%20can't%20Craig%20Wright%20do%20this%3F%20%0A%0AVerifying%20my%20(old)' (!%0A%0AMy%20Old%20Wallet%20Address%3A%201JXFXUBGs2ZtEDAQMdZ3tkCKo38nT2XSEp%20created%2015%2F02%2F2010%2015%3A20%0A%0AWhy%20can't%20Craig%20Wright%20do%20this%3F%20%0A%0AVerifying%20my%20(old)'



Whilst the identity theft of princess Anastasia is an excellent analogy, I have long thought that the 'Tichborne case' also provides a very fitting example to describe the actions of CSW ...

-  a.k.a "The Tichborne Claimant"

"... the man who lost himself still walks in history, with no other name than that which the common voice of his day accorded him: the Claimant ..."


"We're in the low side of my prediction. It might still go up a bit more, but I think from roughly here ($190 - $210 range) it will start crashing again to new all time lows around $35. Or 0.005 BTC, whatever comes first."

"And the next leg of the pump is almost coming to an end. This is roughly where I see it end in this quarter, but if Calvin is serious about the 4th position he will pump it to $300. Let's see. @SEC_Enforcement should be following this with interest, I hope! Keep you posted."

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: Dabs on January 14, 2020, 12:37:33 PM
Coinbase is never going to add BSV, not after several other exchanges actually and actively delisted it some time ago.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: fratoshi on January 14, 2020, 01:16:21 PM
I think that 4th possition will happen faster than everybody thinks.
BSV is 243
BCH is 289

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: arielbit on January 14, 2020, 01:31:25 PM
i like how BSV supporters have gone from..

original code to satoshi vision to craig is rich to calvin is rich to someone has been into a brothel  ;D and latest now....the price.

regarding the price anything can pump in crypto there you go BSV supporters only lasted until page 3 LOL... folks out here you only have to read until page 3 and save yourselves from some technical stuff, time and energy. that is all you need to know  ;)

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: fratoshi on January 14, 2020, 01:38:47 PM
i like how BSV supporters have gone from..

original code to satoshi vision to craig is rich to calvin is rich to someone has been into a brothel  ;D and latest now....the price.

regarding the price anything can pump in crypto there you go BSV supporters only lasted until page 3 LOL... folks out here you only have to read until page 3 and save yourselves from some technical stuff, time and energy. that is all you need to know  ;)

Interesting, you say that there are some supporters here, i have read all the tread and i cannot find anyone supporting BSV

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: arielbit on January 14, 2020, 02:22:03 PM
i like how BSV supporters have gone from..

original code to satoshi vision to craig is rich to calvin is rich to someone has been into a brothel  ;D and latest now....the price.

regarding the price anything can pump in crypto there you go BSV supporters only lasted until page 3 LOL... folks out here you only have to read until page 3 and save yourselves from some technical stuff, time and energy. that is all you need to know  ;)

Interesting, you say that there are some supporters here, i have read all the tread and i cannot find anyone supporting BSV

and now

BSV supporters : i got nothing to do with BSV....


~ FIN ~

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on January 14, 2020, 02:22:23 PM
This guy explains btc trolling

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: arielbit on January 14, 2020, 02:35:04 PM
This guy explains btc trolling

This is called resilience.

all this years shitcoining around here. trust me when i say decentralize blockchain is inherently resilient, just look at tons and tons of shitcoins from 2012-2013 that is still alive LOL.

nothing new with resilience  :P

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: fratoshi on January 14, 2020, 02:37:35 PM
i like how BSV supporters have gone from..

original code to satoshi vision to craig is rich to calvin is rich to someone has been into a brothel  ;D and latest now....the price.

regarding the price anything can pump in crypto there you go BSV supporters only lasted until page 3 LOL... folks out here you only have to read until page 3 and save yourselves from some technical stuff, time and energy. that is all you need to know  ;)

Interesting, you say that there are some supporters here, i have read all the tread and i cannot find anyone supporting BSV

and now

BSV supporters : i got nothing to do with BSV....


~ FIN ~

Hmm, interesting, is like you are kind of softly and ironically accusing me of being a BSV supporter.
Why you don't like BSV? is because of the big blocks?

This guy explains btc trolling

So that guy on twitter is saying that BSV is Bitcoin?

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: arielbit on January 14, 2020, 02:49:56 PM
i like how BSV supporters have gone from..

original code to satoshi vision to craig is rich to calvin is rich to someone has been into a brothel  ;D and latest now....the price.

regarding the price anything can pump in crypto there you go BSV supporters only lasted until page 3 LOL... folks out here you only have to read until page 3 and save yourselves from some technical stuff, time and energy. that is all you need to know  ;)

Interesting, you say that there are some supporters here, i have read all the tread and i cannot find anyone supporting BSV

and now

BSV supporters : i got nothing to do with BSV....


~ FIN ~

Hmm, interesting, is like you are kind of softly and ironically accusing me of being a BSV supporter.
Why you don't like BSV? is because of the big blocks?

a fork is an attack and money generator. plain and simple.

let's say for the sake of argument, the bitcoin community made a wrong decision with the code. do you think it/we will not correct ourselves? believe me it will correct. why? it can happen, shitcoining gives you an insight of what may and could.

back to cars analogy..asbestos was used, it was wrong to use it since it is cancer causing and then we removed it from still exist.

so you schemers fork off, what will you have? coins from the previous blockchain and the new blockchain.

you market the new blockchain with the best marketing you could think of --this is the true bitcoin (*insert your arguments*)..then people buy, you get rich, may exit sooner or continue the charade as long as possible as long as there is money in it.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: fratoshi on January 14, 2020, 02:59:49 PM

a fork is an attack and money generator. plain and simple.

So when BTC did the Segwit fork it was an inside attack?

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: arielbit on January 14, 2020, 03:04:54 PM

a fork is an attack and money generator. plain and simple.

So when BTC did the Segwit fork it was an inside attack?

you didn't get it..what i mean with fork is forking and having a new blockchain outside the first blockchain

coins fork to implement stuff you know.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: fratoshi on January 14, 2020, 03:52:05 PM
BSV is now fighting for #4 position.

This has been a really enjobable ride, from 50$ to 300$
I am now 6X gain

BSV is pumping like crazy, i will check back again tomorrow and post another screenshot.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: Images21 on January 14, 2020, 03:54:37 PM
BSV is now fighting for #4 position.

This has been a really enjobable ride, from 50$ to 300$
I am now 5X gain

BSV is pumping like crazy, i will check back again tomorrow and post another screenshot.

Good luck with the ride.

But just a little warning, if you don't ever get down, the ride will throw all of you out.  ;D

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: fratoshi on January 14, 2020, 04:02:45 PM
Oh my!!

Cannot believe my eyes, BSV is now #4

It happened so fast

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: arielbit on January 14, 2020, 04:06:50 PM
Oh my!!

Cannot believe my eyes, BSV is now #4

It happened so fast

BSV is now fighting for #4 position.

This has been a really enjobable ride, from 50$ to 300$
I am now 6X gain

BSV is pumping like crazy, i will check back again tomorrow and post another screenshot.

enjoy your shitcoining. best wishes  ;)

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: fratoshi on January 14, 2020, 04:10:08 PM
Oh my!!

Cannot believe my eyes, BSV is now #4

It happened so fast

BSV is now fighting for #4 position.

This has been a really enjobable ride, from 50$ to 300$
I am now 6X gain

BSV is pumping like crazy, i will check back again tomorrow and post another screenshot.

enjoy your shitcoining. best wishes  ;)

Yes i am.
This is a good trade, i will wait for 10x and cash out a part of it.

arielbit do you think Satoshi is selling his BTC and BCH and buying BSV?

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: fratoshi on January 14, 2020, 05:26:30 PM
Yes, when i post something here i get too much negativity, everybody seem to be a financial adviser, like why i should not trade the Bitcoin SV Original Satoshi Vision, when i see the comparison between BSV and other BT-x coins like BTC or BCH i see BSV way more superior because it big blocks and is set in stone, i still don't understand why should i not keep investing in BSV, i obviously not listening the trolls, and i will keep my bags at least until i reach 10x

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: JayJuanGee on January 14, 2020, 05:33:41 PM
Bullshit or not, financially it is (was) a good opportunity.

If bcash SV is such a great project, there is no such thing as "was."  

Convert all of your bitcoin to bcash sv as soon as possible.  that will be the thing to do, don't be talking about no "was" in terms of opportunities in bcash sv, especially if you really believe in that project, go "all the fuck in" as soon as possible because surely there is going to first be a bcash abc flippening and thereafter coming after bitcoin (the real one).... which would be another flippening..,  Of course, the flippening of xrp and ethereum along the way will be fun little stops, too....      Go "all the fuck in" bcash sv and stop talking about "was".  You will thank me later.   ;)

Yes, when i post something here i get too much negativity, everybody seem to be a financial adviser, like why i should not trade the Bitcoin SV Original Satoshi Vision, when i see the comparison between BSV and other BT-x coins like BTC or BCH i see BSV way more superior because it big blocks and is set in stone, i still don't understand why should i not keep investing in BSV, i obviously not listening the trolls, and i will keep my bags at least until i reach 10x

Exactly!!!!!  That's the spirit, fratoshi.  Keep buying bcash SV.. or at least HODLing it.. because it is certainly going UP from here... a minimum of 10x.   ;)

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: arielbit on January 14, 2020, 06:19:08 PM
Oh my!!

Cannot believe my eyes, BSV is now #4

It happened so fast

BSV is now fighting for #4 position.

This has been a really enjobable ride, from 50$ to 300$
I am now 6X gain

BSV is pumping like crazy, i will check back again tomorrow and post another screenshot.

enjoy your shitcoining. best wishes  ;)

Yes i am.
This is a good trade, i will wait for 10x and cash out a part of it.

arielbit do you think Satoshi is selling his BTC and BCH and buying BSV?

10x is a good the height of a bullrun 10x is just a norm...some can go 100x even 1000x

just watch BTC block explorer for satoshi address if it moves to exchanges addresses only then it might be selling..tweets are for twats for proving coin movements LOL  ;D

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: percy_tc on January 14, 2020, 06:19:56 PM
Too much sentimentality come from old users. Everyone should do its own research and invest according to it. just to be clear, i've never bought any BSV, but there is one fact which is really unacceptable for me regarding BSV: EXCHANGES delisted it because of the statements of one person... Thats a very unprofessional, more like a joke.


Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: nutildah on January 14, 2020, 06:31:08 PM
Too much sentimentality come from old users. Everyone should do its own research and invest according to it. just to be clear, i've never bought any BSV, but there is one fact which is really unacceptable for me regarding BSV: EXCHANGES delisted it because of the statements of one person... Thats a very unprofessional, more like a joke.

Sometimes one person knows more than a thousand, or even a hundred thousand.

Wake me up when Craig signs a message from the Genesis block. Frankly any address with untouched Satoshi stash coins will do, so long as he signs it for all the public to see.

Until then, he's still a fraud.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: fratoshi on January 14, 2020, 06:36:38 PM

Until then, he's still a fraud.

I don't understand much about the Satoshi drama, but is good to know the sentiment of some Bitcoin maximalist that Craig is only a fraud for the moment, and when he finally prove that he is Satoshi then the flippening will happen faster than what we though.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: percy_tc on January 14, 2020, 06:37:21 PM

Sometimes one person knows more than a thousand, or even a hundred thousand.


Until then, he's still a fraud.

Agreed completely!

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: guigui371 on January 14, 2020, 06:49:20 PM

I have always wondered why any of the large BTC whales are not dumping BSV coins

Like the Winklevoss twins, and any early OG from the forum.
All together you guys may have hundred of thousands of BTC (and subsequent forks).

Surely with the limited number of exchanges accepting BSV, it would be easy to dump that shit and increase your bag of BTC.

Pero, I sold all my BSV at $60 mark early 2019.  (obviously selling today would have been more profitable).
I sold to be able to tell myself that I don't own any of that faketoshi shitty coin.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: JayJuanGee on January 14, 2020, 08:42:16 PM

I have always wondered why any of the large BTC whales are not dumping BSV coins

Like the Winklevoss twins, and any early OG from the forum.
All together you guys may have hundred of thousands of BTC (and subsequent forks).

Surely with the limited number of exchanges accepting BSV, it would be easy to dump that shit and increase your bag of BTC.

Pero, I sold all my BSV at $60 mark early 2019.  (obviously selling today would have been more profitable).
I sold to be able to tell myself that I don't own any of that faketoshi shitty coin.

Almost no reason for any BTC holder to own that shit.  First they would have had to own some Bcash at the time of the bcash sv fork, so there is NOT much reason for any BTC holder to hold Bcash, unless they happened to have NOT split their bcash from their BTC in late 2017.. sure there are some folks who have not touched any of those coins.. but that hardly leads anyone to believe that there should be peeps with brains who own bcash SV... .,.

So, any ability to sell BSV will rely on buyers, and whether you diptwats who support Bcash SV keep buying into the baloney bullshit will show whether faketoshi or is casino buddy are going to be able to cash out any profits.  Up to you whether you decide to pay those two scammers and/or any of the other diptwats on their team supporting such lying scum scammers.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: dragonvslinux on January 14, 2020, 09:20:11 PM
I think BSVBTC could work out a nice short trade on a shorter time-frame. After a 100% gain in a day, I don't see much more upside, only Craig & co dumping bags:

Could be wrong, but worth the risk reward in my opinion. Completely overbought, though conflicting indicators as Bitfinex shows heavy selling pressure from a ridiculous wick to 0.24 btc, whereas Bittrex and others shows strong buying pressure (as there wasn't much of a sell off).

Entry: break of Agressive 13 sequential count.
Stop: high of the 9 candle
Profit: base of the rally

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: guigui371 on January 14, 2020, 09:48:36 PM
Almost no reason for any BTC holder to own that shit.  First they would have had to own some Bcash at the time of the bcash sv fork, so there is NOT much reason for any BTC holder to hold Bcash, unless they happened to have NOT split their bcash from their BTC in late 2017.. sure there are some folks who have not touched any of those coins.. but that hardly leads anyone to believe that there should be peeps with brains who own bcash SV... .,.

So, any ability to sell BSV will rely on buyers, and whether you diptwats who support Bcash SV keep buying into the baloney bullshit will show whether faketoshi or is casino buddy are going to be able to cash out any profits.  Up to you whether you decide to pay those two scammers and/or any of the other diptwats on their team supporting such lying scum scammers.

I disagree with you.
Up to a few weeks ago the forum had 500+ BSV and BCH  (from the funds returned by Ognasty)

Many whales could have unmoved BTC bought in the  2014-2015-2016
Basically anyone that had BTC before august 2017 and that didn't sold the BCH also has the BSV.

For example, the dude that gave 2 batches of 50BTC to the Grin project from unmoved coins since their mining in 2011.
I believe a guy like this would have dozen of thousands of BTC.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on January 14, 2020, 09:58:58 PM
I think BSVBTC could work out a nice short trade on a shorter time-frame. After a 100% gain in a day, I don't see much more upside, only Craig & co dumping bags:

Could be wrong, but worth the risk reward in my opinion. Completely overbought, though conflicting indicators as Bitfinex shows heavy selling pressure from a ridiculous wick to 0.24 btc, whereas Bittrex and others shows strong buying pressure (as there wasn't much of a sell off).

Entry: break of Agressive 13 sequential count.
Stop: high of the 9 candle
Profit: base of the rally

Oooo, the man who saw the upside now sees the ... wait?

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: JayJuanGee on January 14, 2020, 10:37:05 PM
Almost no reason for any BTC holder to own that shit.  First they would have had to own some Bcash at the time of the bcash sv fork, so there is NOT much reason for any BTC holder to hold Bcash, unless they happened to have NOT split their bcash from their BTC in late 2017.. sure there are some folks who have not touched any of those coins.. but that hardly leads anyone to believe that there should be peeps with brains who own bcash SV... .,.

So, any ability to sell BSV will rely on buyers, and whether you diptwats who support Bcash SV keep buying into the baloney bullshit will show whether faketoshi or is casino buddy are going to be able to cash out any profits.  Up to you whether you decide to pay those two scammers and/or any of the other diptwats on their team supporting such lying scum scammers.

I disagree with you.
Up to a few weeks ago the forum had 500+ BSV and BCH  (from the funds returned by Ognasty)

Many whales could have unmoved BTC bought in the  2014-2015-2016
Basically anyone that had BTC before august 2017 and that didn't sold the BCH also has the BSV.

For example, the dude that gave 2 batches of 50BTC to the Grin project from unmoved coins since their mining in 2011.
I believe a guy like this would have dozen of thousands of BTC.

Fair enough.. but whether any of these bcash sv holders are going to split their coins or go through the process of transferring them to any of the still existing exchanges that trade that crap might be another story.  They might choose just to just ignore the obvious scam project.  Of course, if the price goes high enough, they might change their thinking, too.  We can agree to disagree and not necessarily continue to speculate regarding what factors might motivate the splitting and movement of bcash sv coins that still are likely out there.

Of course, there is the little shenanigans that scammer csw and casino buddy are planning to allow for them to have possession of all of those non-moved coins.. so there is that ploy that is going on too, so really surprising that anyone would give any value to such an obvious scam that relies upon ongoing pumpening so that they can dump coins that previously were not even theirs... hahahahahaha.. Maybe we can also agree that their level of scum is very creative.   ;) ;)

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: BitcoinFX on January 15, 2020, 12:22:41 AM



Are they even aware that this speculation is about an unconfirmed rumor? The element containing the information will be censored. No one will be able to verify it. The supporters will be disillusioned.

Not Your Keys, Not Your Coins.

Don't trust, verify.

Verify, don't trust!


"Bla, bla, bla, meaningless #Faketoshi bullshit and:

"Dr Wright has produced a list of his bitcoin holdings" (per December 31, 2013 I presume)

What a turmoil today, guys, only for 17.63970342 BTC on Mt Gox, don't you think? 🤷‍♂️"



"Watching this unfold is just incredible. The dump is going to be spectacular."

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: fratoshi on January 15, 2020, 04:10:22 AM
Satoshi got the keys.
He filled.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: Images21 on January 15, 2020, 04:25:29 AM

Until then, he's still a fraud.

I don't understand much about the Satoshi drama, but is good to know the sentiment of some Bitcoin maximalist that Craig is only a fraud for the moment, and when he finally prove that he is Satoshi then the flippening will happen faster than what we though.

But why hold the proof, the ultimate proof, too long? This has become a useless drama because Craig is saying a lot of things. He is claiming this and that but he lacks any proof, undeniable proof, a proof beyond all doubt, that would finally end everything and completely shut the mouth of all critics?

Until then, flippening is at most an illusion.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: fratoshi on January 15, 2020, 04:32:23 AM

Until then, he's still a fraud.

I don't understand much about the Satoshi drama, but is good to know the sentiment of some Bitcoin maximalist that Craig is only a fraud for the moment, and when he finally prove that he is Satoshi then the flippening will happen faster than what we though.

But why hold the proof, the ultimate proof, too long? This has become a useless drama because Craig is saying a lot of things. He is claiming this and that but he lacks any proof, undeniable proof, a proof beyond all doubt, that would finally end everything and completely shut the mouth of all critics?

Until then, flippening is at most an illusion.

As far as i understand, he did not sign any key or proof anything because if he do so he will be breaking the rules of the tulip trust, he just said that he receive the keys that unlock those address so he can now sign or move those coins legally.

So if he do so, that means he is Satoshi?
And by default BSV is the original Bitcoin?

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: JayJuanGee on January 15, 2020, 05:08:19 AM

Until then, he's still a fraud.

I don't understand much about the Satoshi drama, but is good to know the sentiment of some Bitcoin maximalist that Craig is only a fraud for the moment, and when he finally prove that he is Satoshi then the flippening will happen faster than what we though.

But why hold the proof, the ultimate proof, too long? This has become a useless drama because Craig is saying a lot of things. He is claiming this and that but he lacks any proof, undeniable proof, a proof beyond all doubt, that would finally end everything and completely shut the mouth of all critics?

Until then, flippening is at most an illusion.

As far as i understand, he did not sign any key or proof anything because if he do so he will be breaking the rules of the tulip trust, he just said that he receive the keys that unlock those address so he can now sign or move those coins legally.

So if he do so, that means he is Satoshi?
And by default BSV is the original Bitcoin?

I already anticipate (and I believe others have asserted the same) that Craig might be able to show that he has access to the copies of satoshi keys on the BSV chain.. which is a BIG so fucking what.

He needs to be able to show that he has access to those keys on the BTC chain..   The court is NOT that dumb, even though Craig is probably dumb enough to assert that BSV is bitcoin.... which does not really mean shit, because BSV is a November 2018 creation, even though it had used bcash and BTC transactional history, but that capacity to get access to unmoved coins will be caused by centralized manipulation on a chain that is a copy of a copy of a copy... not even close to the real bitcoin....  The court should really just lock him up and throw away the key when they see him trying to play that copy of a copy of a copy card.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: Images21 on January 15, 2020, 07:52:42 AM

Until then, he's still a fraud.

I don't understand much about the Satoshi drama, but is good to know the sentiment of some Bitcoin maximalist that Craig is only a fraud for the moment, and when he finally prove that he is Satoshi then the flippening will happen faster than what we though.

But why hold the proof, the ultimate proof, too long? This has become a useless drama because Craig is saying a lot of things. He is claiming this and that but he lacks any proof, undeniable proof, a proof beyond all doubt, that would finally end everything and completely shut the mouth of all critics?

Until then, flippening is at most an illusion.

As far as i understand, he did not sign any key or proof anything because if he do so he will be breaking the rules of the tulip trust, he just said that he receive the keys that unlock those address so he can now sign or move those coins legally.

So if he do so, that means he is Satoshi?
And by default BSV is the original Bitcoin?

Do I still need to respond to this? I guess JayJuanGee's reply is more than enough.

By the way, it is a fallacy to call what comes after as the original and what comes before as the fake one. That defies logic.  ::)

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: fratoshi on January 15, 2020, 10:10:50 AM
In this last filling by Satoshi, he gave 1600 address that he claims he owns and that hold bitcoin he mined, the total amount is approx a bit over 1,000,000 BTC

So if Craig is lying about that, why the real owners of those 1600 address don't move their coins?
So is Craig telling the truth? he owns the satoshi address? he is satoshi?

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: nutildah on January 15, 2020, 10:17:58 AM
In this last filling by Satoshi, he gave 1600 address that he claims he owns and that hold bitcoin he mined, the total amount is approx a bit over 1,000,000 BTC

So if Craig is lying about that, why the real owners of those 1600 address don't move their coins?
So is Craig telling the truth? he owns the satoshi address? he is satoshi?

There's no way Craig is Satoshi. If he was really Satoshi he wouldn't have felt the need to tell dozens or even hundreds of lies over the year. He wouldn't have perjured himself in court, or made idiotic statements defaming others (such as theymos and sirius, two of the original members of this forum), which caused the judge to enter into a default judgment for the plaintiff.

Craig is a con man. People buying SV are buying into a con. It will end poorly for them.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: fratoshi on January 15, 2020, 12:51:20 PM
Currently is 4.4% more profitable to mine BSV than BTC

Is BTC at risk of losing hash power because miners will switch to BSV?

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: Dabs on January 15, 2020, 12:54:43 PM
Let's see him move a bunch of those coins from several of the 1600 addresses. Perhaps he got one, but the important ones are within the first 100 blocks, particularly the genesis block and the key used in block 70 (as payment to Hal.)

That and his PGP key.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: arielbit on January 15, 2020, 01:00:33 PM
Currently is 4.4% more profitable to mine BSV than BTC

Is BTC at risk of losing hash power because miners will switch to BSV?

of course, it is easier to pump smaller cap coins. that's why you can make it more profitable for a certain period of time.

don't worry, miners will switch to BSV to get more USD or BTC hehe.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: fratoshi on January 15, 2020, 01:16:43 PM
Interesting, and when do you think BSV will overtake XRP and take the 3rd position?
This week?

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: Piston Honda on January 15, 2020, 01:32:33 PM
lol someone would be insane to buy now unless u have good inside info.
still, a shit scam even if has a lame pump, which is all bs behind it.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: fratoshi on January 15, 2020, 01:55:21 PM
lol someone would be insane to buy now unless u have good inside info.
still, a shit scam even if has a lame pump, which is all bs behind it.

Funny because i been hearing the same thing since it was 50$

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on January 15, 2020, 02:24:19 PM
In this last filling by Satoshi, he gave 1600 address that he claims he owns and that hold bitcoin he mined, the total amount is approx a bit over 1,000,000 BTC

So if Craig is lying about that, why the real owners of those 1600 address don't move their coins?
So is Craig telling the truth? he owns the satoshi address? he is satoshi?

There's no way Craig is Satoshi. If he was really Satoshi he wouldn't have felt the need to tell dozens or even hundreds of lies over the year. He wouldn't have perjured himself in court, or made idiotic statements defaming others (such as theymos and sirius, two of the original members of this forum), which caused the judge to enter into a default judgment for the plaintiff.

Craig is a con man. People buying SV are buying into a con. It will end poorly for them.

Yea - no way ...

cause why?

Cause triggered nutti wil go and cry ?

BTW: It does not matter so much - cause BitCoin (BSV) does not care

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: Dabs on January 15, 2020, 02:54:43 PM
It may eventually rise, but it's not something I can actually count on. The viability and predictability of the coin looks unstable or uncertain. Will it be here 10 years from now? Maybe. Would I put my entire life savings in it? I don't think so.

It really depends on your risk tolerance. Why even bother when you can just get any other altcoin out there.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: nutildah on January 15, 2020, 04:58:05 PM
BitcoinSV price ( pumped by 100% in 1 day :O All because of the possibility that Craig Wright has access to 1 million BTC and will dump them for BSV.

I don't think its a possibility. Just going by his track record of being a compulsive liar, he is certainly lying about having the keys to the famed Satoshi Stash.

If you're wondering about how the price could rise to such a degree given the fact that their dev was basically called a fraud by a federal judge, I found this explanation to be accurate and concise:

BSV shills aren't exactly the most intelligent people. They've had CSW lie to their faces for years and yet they still swallow whatever word salad he serves them next.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: BitcoinFX on January 15, 2020, 11:59:02 PM

Are they even aware that this speculation is about an unconfirmed rumor? The element containing the information will be censored. No one will be able to verify it. The supporters will be disillusioned.

So the courier dropped off the code to open the .zip file containing the 16,000 addresses = 1.1 million bitcoin. But there is still no access to the seed code which is the private key. And there was a death pump for that and now it's Dash who is pumping (maybe cleaning up?) the outputs......... Frankly, it's very clever to have played with words.

Unfortunately, the curious deliveryman would not have brought the said private keys with him, according to an official document filed with the Court in question by the lawyers defending the Kleiman family.



"BREAKING NEWS ::: Craig Wright shows new evidence in  court thats proofs once and for all the Tulip Trusts existence and hence he is the creator or BitC0in 😂😂"



"The flippening continued...

The original fake bitcoin overtakes the fake fake bitcoin again 🍿🍿🍿"

- *NSFW*

"Remember: Fair value of BSV is 0"


Bassackwards ? Backflippening ??

"The file that arrived by "bonded courier" allowed him to unlock a file with 16k addresses. In the past CSW already submitted a list with 27k addresses, but those contained known addresses of other people.  I guess they tried to filter out those this time."



"- Dave moves 1.1M BTC to Tulip Trust in June 2011, and bonded courier will give all BTC back on Jan 1, 2020.

- Now, courier makes 16404 public addresses known with 820,200 BTC. No access.

Will Craig now sue Ira for breach of contract PLUS ~280,000 missing BTC? 😱"..."





Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: contraband on January 16, 2020, 04:17:37 AM
Heading back down.

Surprize surprize lmfao

Out of control... cant make this shit up....

Oh wait...

....he did ;D

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: fratoshi on January 16, 2020, 04:31:19 AM
Heading back down.

Surprize surprize lmfao

Out of control... cant make this shit up....

Oh wait...

....he did ;D

How much down will go?

I think will go to 230 and stay there till around Feb 10 when the next hype will happen because of the conference

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on January 16, 2020, 06:37:10 AM
Heading back down.

Surprize surprize lmfao

Out of control... cant make this shit up....

Oh wait...

....he did ;D

How much down will go?

I think will go to 230 and stay there till around Feb 10 when the next hype will happen because of the conference

In the end price and ppl are not really relevant to Bitcoin

Bitcoins use and options to get acceptance as a 'boring' stable protocol layer for any application of value transport and its documentation

Speculation obsession derails and is just pitch for the dumb

Watch for the use

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: arielbit on January 16, 2020, 11:07:04 AM
Heading back down.

Surprize surprize lmfao

Out of control... cant make this shit up....

Oh wait...

....he did ;D

How much down will go?

I think will go to 230 and stay there till around Feb 10 when the next hype will happen because of the conference

In the end price and ppl are not really relevant to Bitcoin

Bitcoins use and options to get acceptance as a 'boring' stable protocol layer for any application of value transport and its documentation

Speculation obsession derails and is just pitch for the dumb

Watch for the use

the first use of BSV (that forked off BCH that forked off BTC) is to copy BTC to make money off new blood that will come in to crypto land, because [insert technical and philosophical mumbo jumbos here].  :D

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on January 16, 2020, 01:31:10 PM
Heading back down.

Surprize surprize lmfao

Out of control... cant make this shit up....

Oh wait...

....he did ;D

How much down will go?

I think will go to 230 and stay there till around Feb 10 when the next hype will happen because of the conference

In the end price and ppl are not really relevant to Bitcoin

Bitcoins use and options to get acceptance as a 'boring' stable protocol layer for any application of value transport and its documentation

Speculation obsession derails and is just pitch for the dumb

Watch for the use

the first use of BSV (that forked off BCH that forked off BTC) is to copy BTC to make money off new blood that will come in to crypto land, because [insert technical and philosophical mumbo jumbos here].  :D

Crypto space is a net 0 game - hard to make mony with forks IMO


BSV is to show that segwit - anonymous - anarcho is cancer

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: Dabs on January 16, 2020, 01:38:41 PM
Anyone who bought before the pump, and shorted as it was going down, would have made money. Doesn't make the coin any more useful other than for that purpose.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: arielbit on January 16, 2020, 02:43:31 PM
Heading back down.

Surprize surprize lmfao

Out of control... cant make this shit up....

Oh wait...

....he did ;D

How much down will go?

I think will go to 230 and stay there till around Feb 10 when the next hype will happen because of the conference

In the end price and ppl are not really relevant to Bitcoin

Bitcoins use and options to get acceptance as a 'boring' stable protocol layer for any application of value transport and its documentation

Speculation obsession derails and is just pitch for the dumb

Watch for the use

the first use of BSV (that forked off BCH that forked off BTC) is to copy BTC to make money off new blood that will come in to crypto land, because [insert technical and philosophical mumbo jumbos here].  :D

Crypto space is a net 0 game - hard to make mony with forks IMO


BSV is to show that segwit - anonymous - anarcho is cancer

i'm getting a conspiracy tin foil hat kind of vibe with these words..can make a good altcoin discussion thread about this hehe

Gavin Andresen visits CIA in 2011 (

..I accepted the invitation to speak because the fact that I was invited means Bitcoin is already on their radar..

may 2016, Gavin Andresen says craig wright is satoshi nakamoto...

maybe gavin was pressured by the CIA to do stuff like help implant an impostor....nobody can resist the CIA or any agency if you are not anonymous and anarcho/decentalized

maybe craig is an implant and calvin is a front to cover up where the real source of funding this attack on bitcoin is coming from.

I think gavin left and he knows that Bitcoin is resilient, even with attacks like craig, BSV, gavin's removal and other propaganda it will survive.

i mean look at craig, always asking for trust but always failing verification LOL

did i put my conspiracy tin foil hat right?

Gavin had just received the alert keys to the Bitcoin network. Right afterwards, he tells Satoshi that he is visiting the CIA. Satoshi leaves for good coincidentally.

This is quoted from the defunct Bruce Wagner Bitcoin podcast:

Bruce Wagner : When was the last time you chatted to satoshi <laugh>
Gavin Andresen: Um... I haven't had email from satoshi in a couple months actually. The last email I sent him I actually told him I was going to talk at the CIA. So it's possible , that.... that may have um had something to with his deciding

Based on this, do you think Gavin fully meets Satoshi's vision for Bitcoin?

this is kind of eerie...LOL

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: contraband on January 16, 2020, 04:02:15 PM
SV is just a money making scam

Par for the course since I began following crypto when there was 25 coins in existence.

Rinse and repeat

Tho it is amazing to see it being done at this level

BTC and some others are real investments

SV is a Pump and Dump Shitcoin in our current age

It has ZERO value other than to reference itself to BTC and market manipulation

Hence its marketcap peak we just witnessed, and now its inevitable crash into obscurity

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: nutildah on January 17, 2020, 04:23:23 AM
BSV is to show that segwit - anonymous - anarcho is cancer

If that's its primary function, it sure is doing a piss poor job of it. Would probably help if your dev wasn't a shyster con artist.

We've already been over this -- satoshi (the real satoshi) was pro-anonymity. He did everything he could to protect the anonymity of bitcoin users by doing things like developing bitcoin to not log IP addresses and be Tor-friendly. Your fraudulent dev is the antithesis of this.

No way Craig will ever move a single satoshi coin. Mainly because he isn't satoshi. He hasn't before, he won't in the future. How much do you want to bet on it?

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: contraband on January 17, 2020, 05:04:46 AM
BSV is to show that segwit - anonymous - anarcho is cancer

If that's its primary function, it sure is doing a piss poor job of it. Would probably help if your dev wasn't a shyster con artist.

We've already been over this -- satoshi (the real satoshi) was pro-anonymity. He did everything he could to protect the anonymity of bitcoin users by doing things like developing bitcoin to not log IP addresses and be Tor-friendly. Your fraudulent dev is the antithesis of this.

No way Craig will ever move a single satoshi coin. Mainly because he isn't satoshi. He hasn't before, he won't in the future. How much do you want to bet on it?


Hell of a scam. Many of us can see it.
A few can make some $$
And many lose their ass.

Same old shit
SV is a joke and so is craig

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: fratoshi on January 17, 2020, 09:46:55 AM
Someone knows about the lawsuit filled against some exchanges that delisted BSV?

Rumors that they will relist BSV are starting to show up.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on January 17, 2020, 11:09:22 AM
BSV is to show that segwit - anonymous - anarcho is cancer


We've already been over this -- satoshi (the real satoshi) was pro-anonymity.


He wanted P2P  based on IP - remeber?

He only wanted to stay ano for his person for risk mitigation.

Others went to jail for such a system.

Illegal code writing is illegal btw ....

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: arielbit on January 17, 2020, 11:43:55 AM
BSV is to show that segwit - anonymous - anarcho is cancer


We've already been over this -- satoshi (the real satoshi) was pro-anonymity.


He wanted P2P  based on IP - remeber?

He only wanted to stay ano for his person for risk mitigation.

Others went to jail for such a system.

Illegal code writing is illegal btw ....

TPTB (the powers that be) must be shitting themselves when BTC is evolving to layering because anonymity can be achieved in BTC through layering, so Bitcoin must stay as layer 1 (not the OSI model, BTC has it's own layering model).

just look at OSI layer (the internet-our internet), where is the encryption? at layer 5,6,7 (refer to the picture)

layer 3 for example -- IP can be mixed in TOR, the current BTC anonymity is currently by mixing like TOR at layer 3.....layering is the dumbo  :P

Someone knows about the lawsuit filled against some exchanges that delisted BSV?

Rumors that they will relist BSV are starting to show up.

LOL at desperate harrasment by BSV to relist BTW

P.S. the internet TCP-IP was a military technology, (, layering was the key to make it a  technology for the masses not just for privacy(encryption) but also for ease of use/utility-adoption.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: BitcoinFX on January 17, 2020, 12:23:26 PM

Twetch is transforming the use of social media. Take back your data today!

No it isn't.

HINT: Freedom of Speech isn't free if you have to pay to speak. That's actually a form of censorship.



"BSV - The Initiation Ritual."



"they control kevin"



Mainly from the crypto twittersphere ...


"This is for all ya Bcash Scam Vision fan boys who swallowed too much of Craig's lies. U wanna come for the king as many of you claim?Here is reality!This is how a fight would look like if BcashSV vs Bitcoin was a are dwarfs high on your hopium "




"Basically @hodlonaut says, Craig lost his lawsuit in the UK, and now Craig has to face my lawsuit against him in Norway.

Congrats, good job! "



"UK High Court handed down judgment today in the defamation case CSW filed against me.
The Judge ruled UK does not have jurisdiction, and the proceedings against me there to be dismissed.

Norway has jurisdiction.
We will go to court there to put an end to this mess."



"Impressive, CSW produced 24k documents since 31st of December.
Best part of it all though: "when Plaintiffs receive a document from Craig, they first have to determine if it is authentic." ..."



"Has everyone forgotten that despite the recent ‘just a list of addresses’ backpedaling Craig Wright already made a sworn declaration to the court in May that the ‘encrypted file’ contains the *private keys* too? Oops. 😂 @MyLegacyKit @jimmy007forsure #facepalm "


Other News:

"People @rogerkver has blamed for the failure of BCash:
- Core
- Blockstream
- The CIA
- Aliens
- Jack
- Jill
- A pale of water
- Rafael Benítez"



"1. CSW v Hodlonaut (CSW lost)
2. CSW v Kleiman (CSW loses, currently appealing)
3. CSW v Roger Dodger (CSW loses, currently appealing)
4. CSW v McCormick (TBD)

Welcome to law."



"The flippening made @rogerkver lose his mind....

He compares Bitcoin Maximalist mentality with the CIA and adds "It would be naive to think the CIA has not been involved..." 😂 😂 😂 #BcashConspiracyTheory "




"The Fake Fake Bitcoin overtakes the Original Fake Bitcoin - Congrats on this seriously😂"


Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: Dabs on January 17, 2020, 12:56:44 PM
Even without layering, if you know how to do CoinJoins or similar techniques mixing the transaction with others, that provides enough noise to confuse everyone else who wasn't part of that transaction, and for the most part only you know your own portion of the transaction and likely do not know about all the other inputs.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: fratoshi on January 17, 2020, 12:57:42 PM
I have start thinking on a coinspiracy theory that Roger Ver, Craig Wright and Jihan are still friends and one day will join again to fight against BTC.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: arielbit on January 17, 2020, 01:54:39 PM
Even without layering, if you know how to do CoinJoins or similar techniques mixing the transaction with others, that provides enough noise to confuse everyone else who wasn't part of that transaction, and for the most part only you know your own portion of the transaction and likely do not know about all the other inputs.

those days are long gone. ( ( (

there was an interview with a female FBI high rank person years ago, i forgot her name. in the interview she says that there is an FBI agent that investigated mt. gox hack and stole BTC/money too, he was clever since he knew how to mix and was careful with his tracks...i remember her saying "mixing does not work". (might be wrong on some details)

edit: it was silk road not mt.gox

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: fratoshi on January 17, 2020, 01:58:58 PM
2020 will be the year of the pumpkin?

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: nutildah on January 17, 2020, 05:03:10 PM

Craig must be a pathological liar in the clinical sense -- nothing metaphorical about it. Pathological liar, as in, he's a sociopath who is missing a chunk in his prefrontal cortex that is responsible for the most human of emotions -- mainly empathy and shame. I'm saying his neurobiology is flawed. Its actually not his fault, either.

Anybody here want to make a gentleman's wager than CSW never moves a single satoshi BTC? I'm willing to bet you 1 BSV that Craig doesn't move a single BTC within a year from today. Of course the address I provide you for delivery of my BSV will undoubtedly be an exchange. If I lose then it will be incredibly humiliating for me as I'll actually have to purchase a BSV.

Any takers?

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: Dabs on January 17, 2020, 05:07:59 PM
those days are long gone.

That wasn't mixed properly. I said, if you know how to do it.

How are you going to trace a transaction that went through several rounds of JoinMarket / CoinJoin / Wasabi mixing among hundreds of participants each round, unless you had access to each and everyone's wallets at the time?

Tech is also improving and making it simpler for people, but still, you must understand how it works and why it works, not just trusting that using some wallet add on thing is going to anonymize your coins.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: arielbit on January 17, 2020, 05:41:37 PM
those days are long gone.

That wasn't mixed properly. I said, if you know how to do it.

How are you going to trace a transaction that went through several rounds of JoinMarket / CoinJoin / Wasabi mixing among hundreds of participants each round, unless you had access to each and everyone's wallets at the time?

me? i can't and i don't know....the 3 letter government agencies-->that i would not underestimate, and i don't know their methods. and they already caught people who use mixers. If i found the link to that interview i'll post it here, it is from their mouth not mine-mixing coins is not anonymous.

bitcoin blockchain is inherently transparent, when things are transparent, it is only a matter of figuring/timing/tracing/analyzing stuff because there is something to look at.

just like IP addresses. TOR is mixing IP's and this. (

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: Dabs on January 17, 2020, 05:49:07 PM
Yeah, it's like the other guy claiming this and that about quantum computing breaking 4096 RSA key pairs or brute forcing 256 bit AES.

Not gonna happen, at least for those.

As for the mixing, it just wasn't done properly, or the agent who tried to do it was lazy, or there was another error in his process that lead to discovery.

If done properly, there is no way anyone else finds out about it, except maybe that somewhere along the line, your transaction got mixed with a few thousand others.

As for PlayPen.. the site itself got hacked by the FBI, so any normal user that connected to it during that time is going to get screwed. I don't know why people pay for porn when it's available for free.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on January 17, 2020, 05:54:51 PM

Craig must be a pathological liar in the clinical sense -- nothing metaphorical about it. Pathological liar, as in, he's a sociopath who is missing a chunk in his prefrontal cortex that is responsible for the most human of emotions -- mainly empathy and shame. I'm saying his neurobiology is flawed. Its actually not his fault, either.

Anybody here want to make a gentleman's wager than CSW never moves a single satoshi BTC? I'm willing to bet you 1 BSV that Craig doesn't move a single BTC within a year from today. Of course the address I provide you for delivery of my BSV will undoubtedly be an exchange. If I lose then it will be incredibly humiliating for me as I'll actually have to purchase a BSV.

Any takers?

If u havnt , get some popcorn ready

BitCoin is the original BitCoin

All the rest is popcorn at best

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: arielbit on January 17, 2020, 05:58:01 PM
Yeah, it's like the other guy claiming this and that about quantum computing breaking 4096 RSA key pairs or brute forcing 256 bit AES.

Not gonna happen, at least for those.

As for the mixing, it just wasn't done properly, or the agent who tried to do it was lazy, or there was another error in his process that lead to discovery.

If done properly, there is no way anyone else finds out about it, except maybe that somewhere along the line, your transaction got mixed with a few thousand others.

As for PlayPen.. the site itself got hacked by the FBI, so any normal user that connected to it during that time is going to get screwed. I don't know why people pay for porn when it's available for free.

encryption is not mixing.

encryption - do you have the key to the room? if not, stay out.

mixing - dabs is in the room with other people, you are welcome inside and find him.

you choose which kind of privacy you want  ;) and if it is the government that will do the finding, well... you have to be a lot better than the federal agent that this prosecutor caught LOL

anyway, found it:

listen to the audio, the article is short

found a youtube link (

anything is possible but that would be a hell lot of effort into -->"If done properly" LOL

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: BitcoinFX on January 18, 2020, 10:03:13 AM



"Pump it."
"Confirmed: Craig Wright doesn’t have keys to $8 billion of Bitcoin
Craig Wright’s lawyer says he didn’t receive the private keys to $8 billion worth of Bitcoin and provides an update on the Dave Kleiman court case."


 :D ;D

"The pricing isn’t halved in"

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: fratoshi on January 18, 2020, 11:20:11 AM

Anybody here want to make a gentleman's wager than CSW never moves a single satoshi BTC? I'm willing to bet you 1 BSV that Craig doesn't move a single BTC within a year from today
Any takers?

Really a tempting bet for a gambling addict like myself.

Calvin Ayre twitted that nothing will move till the litigation is over, and because i am not a litigation expert, i cannot predict when it will end, and CW is know for submitting many dubious documents and there are always delays on the case.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: dragonvslinux on January 18, 2020, 01:03:32 PM

"The flippening made @rogerkver lose his mind....

He compares Bitcoin Maximalist mentality with the CIA and adds "It would be naive to think the CIA has not been involved..." 😂 😂 😂 #BcashConspiracyTheory "




"The Fake Fake Bitcoin overtakes the Original Fake Bitcoin - Congrats on this seriously😂"


The flippening was also an epic fail, getting rejected hard by "parity" on a BSV/BCH chart after going 2:1. Note this is based on BTC price, not market cap, but more or less the same:

In comrpison, the pump wasn't rejected by BTC by as much* (as BCH is up 25% against BTC), but still a couple of days left of the week:

If the BSV/BCH chart is anything to go by, BSV just got it's most aggressive rejection yet, I'd expect BSV to come down to 0.5 BCH / 0.015 BTC - the base of the pump.
Note I'm using Poloniex for these charts, for the price history and to ignore the "crazy wick" on Bitfinex, as it gives a fairer comparison in my opinion.


Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: JayJuanGee on January 18, 2020, 02:54:31 PM
If the BSV/BCH chart is anything to go by, BSV just got it's most aggressive rejection yet, I'd expect BSV to come down to 0.5 BCH / 0.015 BTC - the base of the pump.
Note I'm using Poloniex for these charts, for the price history and to ignore the "crazy wick" on Bitfinex, as it gives a fairer comparison in my opinion.


Surely that shitcoin (referring to BSV rather than the other shitcoin, BCH), has little to no liquidity, thus allowing the earlier pump and likely allowing for another pump in the even that some rich person might want to pump it again.

The sooner the better that shitcoin BSV reverts to its base would be better, but I just have my doubts in regards to matters resolving themselves so clearly.

Of course, if CSW got thrown in the slammer, that might help to send a certainly more clear message - but I think that waiting for CSW to get thrown into the slammer would be a long wait - and surely the BSV fudsters are already prepared to put a spin on that, were it to occur.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on January 18, 2020, 10:18:52 PM



"Pump it."
"Confirmed: Craig Wright doesn’t have keys to $8 billion of Bitcoin
Craig Wright’s lawyer says he didn’t receive the private keys to $8 billion worth of Bitcoin and provides an update on the Dave Kleiman court case."


 :D ;D

"The pricing isn’t halved in"

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: chennappa121 on January 18, 2020, 11:52:16 PM
Finally bitcoin sv and fake satoshi fool the crypto investors because the bitcoin sv is already drop more then 40% within two days. there are so may crypto investors are trap by fake satoshi giving fake statement regarding he has around 16000 bitcoin address privet keys it will worth of some billions. but yesterday some news come out about it maybe it will impact more to bitcoin sv price, so better to exit from BSV coins now who are already in profits.

source :

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: CaVO32 on January 18, 2020, 11:53:17 PM
Finally bitcoin sv and fake satoshi fool the crypto investors because the bitcoin sv is already drop more then 40% within two days. there are so may crypto investors are trap by fake satoshi giving fake statement regarding he has around 16000 bitcoin address privet keys it will worth of some billions. but yesterday some news come out about it maybe it will impact more to bitcoin sv price, so better to exit from BSV coins now who are already in profits.

source :

people not gonna learn their lessons til now. through the years, if you are following CW, you will get the idea that he is only banking on those naive individuals that are still following him. now, the price decline after obvious reason of not disclosing the private keys that he claimed to know. yes, he knows those addresses but he has no access to it because he is not the real deal. period. i hope he will stop shaming himself to the public or he has no shame anymore? the BSV's future is hazy or is there future to this forked coin?

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: dishku on January 19, 2020, 10:07:03 AM
Finally bitcoin sv and fake satoshi fool the crypto investors because the bitcoin sv is already drop more then 40% within two days. there are so may crypto investors are trap by fake satoshi giving fake statement regarding he has around 16000 bitcoin address privet keys it will worth of some billions. but yesterday some news come out about it maybe it will impact more to bitcoin sv price, so better to exit from BSV coins now who are already in profits.

source :

people not gonna learn their lessons til now. through the years, if you are following CW, you will get the idea that he is only banking on those naive individuals that are still following him. now, the price decline after obvious reason of not disclosing the private keys that he claimed to know. yes, he knows those addresses but he has no access to it because he is not the real deal. period. i hope he will stop shaming himself to the public or he has no shame anymore? the BSV's future is hazy or is there future to this forked coin?

Indeed greedy people always keep loosing their hard money in trap of that tricks. It's very simple to prove whether he is Satoshi or not just move Bitcoin from the address but that was clear he is not the original while he is keep making fool to people and taking their hard money with this pump and dump. But they will never learn the lesson due to greedy nature.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on January 19, 2020, 10:52:21 AM
Finally bitcoin sv and fake satoshi fool the crypto investors because the bitcoin sv is already drop more then 40% within two days. there are so may crypto investors are trap by fake satoshi giving fake statement regarding he has around 16000 bitcoin address privet keys it will worth of some billions. but yesterday some news come out about it maybe it will impact more to bitcoin sv price, so better to exit from BSV coins now who are already in profits.

source :

people not gonna learn their lessons til now. through the years, if you are following CW, you will get the idea that he is only banking on those naive individuals that are still following him. now, the price decline after obvious reason of not disclosing the private keys that he claimed to know. yes, he knows those addresses but he has no access to it because he is not the real deal. period. i hope he will stop shaming himself to the public or he has no shame anymore? the BSV's future is hazy or is there future to this forked coin?

Indeed greedy people always keep loosing their hard money in trap of that tricks. It's very simple to prove whether he is Satoshi or not just move Bitcoin from the address but that was clear he is not the original while he is keep making fool to people and taking their hard money with this pump and dump. But they will never learn the lesson due to greedy nature.


Its far from simple if so much fud and fake news are made up.

Its doing own PoW to find out.

BSV is about to fit to BitCoin most perfect despite who WAS Satoshi

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: Tarz on January 19, 2020, 05:55:00 PM
2020 will be the year of the pumpkin?

Why does everyone hate on this retard? He just makes money, nothing personal. Pumpkin, dumpkin or sidewayskin, who cares in the end of the day. All of u will lose money, period. And craig will make some, well at least this is what his 2020 plan is. However something does not add up here. Why would he use bitfinex which is a scamcartel in its finest form, to pump his shit. On the day of pump, most volume came from bitfinex. Is Craig stupid to wire his money he wants to launder ASAP to file bankruptcy to bitfinex?

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on January 19, 2020, 06:30:44 PM
2020 will be the year of the pumpkin?

Why does everyone hate on this retard? He just makes money, nothing personal. Pumpkin, dumpkin or sidewayskin, who cares in the end of the day. All of u will lose money, period. And craig will make some, well at least this is what his 2020 plan is. However something does not add up here. Why would he use bitfinex which is a scamcartel in its finest form, to pump his shit. On the day of pump, most volume came from bitfinex. Is Craig stupid to wire his money he wants to launder ASAP to file bankruptcy to bitfinex?

Some retards just love the anonymity here, so anonymous whales are good

Known Aussie man - bad whale. Hate is up

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: arielbit on January 20, 2020, 09:36:13 AM
i actually like craig...think about it, when he is gone you'll all miss him. mark my words!

so craig, troll away LOL  :D

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: magisterr on January 20, 2020, 02:14:45 PM
I dont understand of such big pump... Craig just lied again about 1 mln BTC and people dont believe him... but started buying. Whats going on?

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on January 20, 2020, 02:31:59 PM
I dont understand of such big pump... Craig just lied again about 1 mln BTC and people dont believe him... but started buying. Whats going on?

Maybe he didn't ?

Maybe its totally irrelevant, cause BitCoin doesn't care?

The curx is, where to find (w)right information

From the trolls / PoSM / Segregated Shit ?

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: Dabs on January 20, 2020, 06:11:22 PM
The prosecutor of the DEA and FBI agents didn't say how she was able to trace the transactions, but did mention that they were able to follow the coins as it bounced from one address to another until it ended up in the agent's personal exchange accounts, and they kept withdrawing hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Now, that's called something else. They did not do any mixing at all, and they used their own personal exchange accounts, and they were withdrawing hundreds of thousands of dollars every month.

So yeah, they must have missed a brain cell or something. (Maybe a lot more ...)

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: fratoshi on January 21, 2020, 03:34:11 AM
“I’m 99.9999 and a few more 9s percent certain that I will be taking control of my BTC and whatever else.”
-Craig Wright

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: JayJuanGee on January 21, 2020, 04:29:36 AM
“I’m 99.9999 and a few more 9s percent certain that I will be taking control of my BTC and whatever else.”
-Craig Wright

That stupid-ass scammers assertion of such statement with a higher level of certainty and adamancy does not cause his bullshit assertion to become more true.

The only Satoshi-like coins that CSW is likely to take control of are the ones that he is able to fork over to himself in the BSV chain or some fork of that scam coin. 

CSW has no access to satoshi's BTC coins (even if he might have been able to list a decent number of the addresses).  He only potentially has access to those fakey-ass forks that he is attempting to proclaim to be equivalents of BTC.. and seems to be trying to get out of perjury and fraud due to his own delusional bait and switches and attempts at redefining what are satoshi's coins.. No court is going to buy that crap, unless it is just a stalling technique, and only wannabe BSV believers are going to fall for that kind of nonsensical ongoing lies...

How could anyone believe such a guy who has been caught in so many lies (direct and indirect lies)?  Seems to exist a kind of "wanna believe" situation that bets on really low odds with the hope that they are the only ONES to be correct and to take their winnings to the bank.. hopefully, anyone investing into BSV is getting out before getting fucked up the ass to such a degree that the coin is NOT going to have anything left to recover or to be artificially (liquidity deprived) pumped.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on January 21, 2020, 07:39:23 AM
“I’m 99.9999 and a few more 9s percent certain that I will be taking control of my BTC and whatever else.”
-Craig Wright

That stupid-ass scammers assertion of such statement with a higher level of certainty and adamancy does not cause his bullshit assertion to become more true.

The only Satoshi-like coins that CSW is likely to take control of are the ones that he is able to fork over to himself in the BSV chain or some fork of that scam coin.  

CSW has no access to satoshi's BTC coins (even if he might have been able to list a decent number of the addresses).  He only potentially has access to those fakey-ass forks that he is attempting to proclaim to be equivalents of BTC.. and seems to be trying to get out of perjury and fraud due to his own delusional bait and switches and attempts at redefining what are satoshi's coins.. No court is going to buy that crap, unless it is just a stalling technique, and only wannabe BSV believers are going to fall for that kind of nonsensical ongoing lies...

How could anyone believe such a guy who has been caught in so many lies (direct and indirect lies)?  Seems to exist a kind of "wanna believe" situation that bets on really low odds with the hope that they are the only ONES to be correct and to take their winnings to the bank.. hopefully, anyone investing into BSV is getting out before getting fucked up the ass to such a degree that the coin is NOT going to have anything left to recover or to be artificially (liquidity deprived) pumped.

Quantum Physics must be a lie - cause you dont get that

Ignorance is at will

Seeing trolls triggeerd - a truth

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: arielbit on January 21, 2020, 10:47:56 AM
The prosecutor of the DEA and FBI agents didn't say how she was able to trace the transactions, but did mention that they were able to follow the coins as it bounced from one address to another until it ended up in the agent's personal exchange accounts, and they kept withdrawing hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Now, that's called something else. They did not do any mixing at all, and they used their own personal exchange accounts, and they were withdrawing hundreds of thousands of dollars every month.

So yeah, they must have missed a brain cell or something. (Maybe a lot more ...)

“the perfect criminals” — being federal agents, “they knew how to cover their tracks,” ---all of them should just ask dabs how to cover their tracks

it bounced from one address to another

sounds like mixing to me LOL

she said "tumblers and mixers were early tech and technically they are not great" and they were able to unscramble.

she also said TOR was created by the government BTW

so there goes chipmixer signature of yours..hehe  :P

what I pointed out to you are results. companies with tools and government with tools. it is done and proven that bitcoin is not anonymous, whatever mixing toys you use.

this is like asking me to prove how uranium can produce so much energy, where i just choose to point out nuclear plant and nuclear bomb to you  ;)

I'm not gonna get a drawing board and explain technical stuff here. the stuff you need to search was so 2014-2016 LOL can't believe you are still in 2012-2013 era hehe.

ever heard of virgin BTC ? (

ain't touching those mixed coins LOL

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: Dabs on January 21, 2020, 06:13:23 PM
I understand completely. The agent was not mixing. It may sound like mixing, but it's not, never was. That's why it was so easily traced to them.

Anyone who uses a large enough anonymity set over multiple rounds, then hopping those transactions off a few times, are not going to get caught, or would prove to be more difficult than whatever it was those agents did.

Simply stated, they knew how to cover their tracks in the physical world as agents, but they misunderstood how blockchain tech works. Or forgot. Take your pick.

Tor has it's history with the US Navy. The internet had it's beginnings as part of the US military too. But Tor does what it says it does, and why it is endorsed by the likes of Snowden. That guy used to work as a contractor for the NSA so maybe you shouldn't listen to him either. The bulk of the funding for Tor's development has come from the federal government of the United States, initially through the Office of Naval Research and DARPA.

I know virgin coins. They're just a hop away from a mined block. We should not be paying a premium for such types of coins, as all other coins should be just as equally fungible. Thus the move towards all these privacy centric initiatives. If enough people use Coin Join, everyone else benefits.

But this thread isn't about the agents..

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: arielbit on January 21, 2020, 06:53:54 PM
I understand completely. The agent was not mixing. It may sound like mixing, but it's not, never was. That's why it was so easily traced to them.

Anyone who uses a large enough anonymity set over multiple rounds, then hopping those transactions off a few times, are not going to get caught, or would prove to be more difficult than whatever it was those agents did.

Simply stated, they knew how to cover their tracks in the physical world as agents, but they misunderstood how blockchain tech works. Or forgot. Take your pick.

Tor has it's history with the US Navy. The internet had it's beginnings as part of the US military too. But Tor does what it says it does, and why it is endorsed by the likes of Snowden. That guy used to work as a contractor for the NSA so maybe you shouldn't listen to him either. The bulk of the funding for Tor's development has come from the federal government of the United States, initially through the Office of Naval Research and DARPA.

I know virgin coins. They're just a hop away from a mined block. We should not be paying a premium for such types of coins, as all other coins should be just as equally fungible. Thus the move towards all these privacy centric initiatives. If enough people use Coin Join, everyone else benefits.

But this thread isn't about the agents..

Okay let's move on to tor..

I haven't read snowden's recommendation..but tor is still obviously better than nothing. I see tor as a layer to help privacy but not a complete one.

Here's a 2015 article.. (

See..just what i told you, regarding government tools and methods. They won't disclose how they do it, but they have it.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: Dabs on January 22, 2020, 02:01:56 PM
The feds and gov most likely already have their target under surveillance and just needed one little bit more to connect the dots. Kinda like Ross had a bitcointalk account and posted about Silk Road.

The slide there does say, they can't do it for all users all the time. Because there are so many tor servers, tor exit nodes, unlisted bridges, ... and if the user adds a VPN or a random wifi from a coffee shop in another city ... or some other hacked account elsewhere (or even a paid in crypto VPS acting as a VPN) ... it does make the overall connection slow, but then you're not downloading torrents over all those.

Tor is better than nothing, and for a lot of people, it's good enough. If you feel you are a specific target because of your social or work connections, or you know that you are under surveillance, then do more than just use Tor. Maybe use one of those little RPi boxes to run Tor over it, then connect your regular computer or laptop over that so the entire connection goes through Tor, no matter what browser you use.

Or, maybe you're screwed no matter what you do because they probably already bugged everything you own. In that case, don't do anything. What can I say, heheh.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on January 23, 2020, 06:56:24 PM
We all remember the time when coreons blockstreamed away all the business from btc using denouncing them.

Ano , anarchos and selfdeclared code heros will stay nichy for ever . They never can invite the world into BitCoin changing the world TOGETHER. Running against all who criticize is proven going nowhere

Here we go, good old BitCoin has it done correctly

Entire world embraces BitCoin uncrippled, unfucked , just clean code refactored - finally  free of governance by closed blocked devs or streamers

Happy Birthday BitCoin

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: BitcoinFX on January 24, 2020, 06:41:02 PM
We all remember the time when coreons blockstreamed away all the business from btc using denouncing them.

Ano , anarchos and selfdeclared code heros will stay nichy for ever . They never can invite the world into BitCoin changing the world TOGETHER. Running against all who criticize is proven going nowhere

Here we go, good old BitCoin has it done correctly

Entire world embraces BitCoin uncrippled, unfucked , just clean code refactored - finally  free of governance by closed blocked devs or streamers

Happy Birthday BitCoin

Craig and BSV folks should kindly stop calling people from the original Bitcoin community anarchists etc.,


BSV does not help to prevent any of your above ...

I, for one, am not an anarchist, not a capitalist, not a communist, not socialist or a collectivist - many early Bitcoiner's were Libertarians.

Tor and Bitcoin (BTC) are free software for freedom.

BSV is NOT Bitcoin and CSW is NOT Satoshi.


Here, have a look at some more BSV untruths ...


"Question: Is the private key that CSW supposedly signed a message with in 2016 to prove he was Satoshi one of the keys that are apparently locked up in the tulip trust and wasn't delivered by the courier?"


Dan Kaminsky's Blog ...

Attempting (Failed) Verification of the Wright Signature ...

Block 9 : 12cbQLTFMXRnSzktFkuoG3eHoMeFtpTu3S


Kleiman v Craig Wright, part 2 ...


"May 3, 2019
ORDER DENYING 155 MOTION REGARDING PRODUCTION OF A LIST OF PUBLIC ADDRESSES OF BITCOIN AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2013, AND ORDERING PRODUCTION BY DEFENDANT. Signed by Magistrate Judge Bruce E. Reinhart See attached document for full details. (BER) (Entered: 05/03/2019)"


"May 7, 2019
MOTION Redacted Motion Regarding Production of a List of the Public Addresses of Dr. Wright's Bitcoin as of December 31, 2013 by Craig Wright. (Rivero, Andres) (Entered: 05/07/2019)"


"May 8, 2019
MOTION Regarding Production of a List of the Public Addresses of his Bitcoin as of December 31, 2013 filed under Seal by Craig Wright. (Rivero, Andres) (Entered: 05/08/2019)"


"Jan 9, 2020
Plaintiff's MOTION to Seal a Third Tulip Trust document per Local Rule 5.4 by Ira Kleiman, W&K Info Defense Research, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order) (Freedman, Devin) (Entered: 01/09/2020)"



- ...

"... Uyen Nguyen gets a lot of attention due to the lack of information about her available online. She appears to have entered the narrative as an associate of Dave Kleiman, and at times was a director at C01N LTD UK from October 2012 to June 1st, 2016. ..."

"... Trustees for TT2 is listed as “Tulip Trading Ltd”, which according to Dr. Wright was a company he formed and “controlled or not controlled it at different points.” “I don’t control it at the moment,” he said.

The court identified the trustee as actually being Denis Mayaka, representing Equator Consultants AG. Under cross-examination by Kleiman estate counsel, Wright said the following: ..."

UPDATE JANUARY 2020: On January 9th, 2020, plaintiff’s lawyers in the Kleiman case revealed they had received “a third Tulip Trust document” from Dr. Wright on January 6 (which the court and commentators have branded “Tulip Trust III”). Little is known of the new document’s contents, as Wright has marked it “Confidential” and all parties agreed to allow him 10 days to redact it. More details will likely emerge later..."


Satoshi Saga Continues: Tulip Trust Trustee Expected to Appear by September 19, Says Joseph VaughnPerling ...

Re: Still "Finding Satoshi" then ...



Bitcoin Belle’s CCme: The woman who brought you Craig ‘Satoshi’ Wright strikes again… - October 14th 2019
- *NSFW*


Jean-Paul Sartre, signing and significance ...

"... I have been staring at my screen for hours, but I cannot summon the words to express the depth of my gratitude to those that have supported the bitcoin project from its inception – too many names to list. You have dedicated vast swathes of your time, committed your gifts, sacrificed relationships and REM sleep for years to an open source project that could have come to nothing. And yet still you fought. This incredible community’s passion and intellect and perseverance has taken my small contribution and nurtured it, enhanced it, breathed life into it. You have given the world a great gift. Thank you.

Be assured, just as you have worked, I have not been idle during these many years. Since those early days, after distancing myself from the public persona that was Satoshi, I have poured every measure of myself into research. I have been silent, but I have not been absent. I have been engaged with an exceptional group and look forward to sharing our remarkable work when they are ready..."


No Craig. You went on to create a copy of a copy of original Bitcoin, because you failed to provide any proof that you are Satoshi. Hence your claimed rights to the 'original' protocol and/or being Satoshi equate to nothing.

Hence, this is what Sartre actually means for you ...

"If I sign nothing, it is not the same as if I sign nothing, Satoshi."

Best of luck signing and verifying (at least) Block 9 in court! - SWIM


Not *Satire*

The Prodigy - Fuel My Fire [L7 cover] (Live @ Brixton Academy, London, UK) 20.12.1997
- *NSFW* *Explicit Lyrics*


Footnote: Bitcoin's "Inception Deception" list coming soon ... - SWIM

"Ruh-roh! Is this Calvin's way of hinting Craig is about to be sacked? The guy gets so very many things egregiously wrong when it comes to his "invention." It's so egregious and pathological that it's almost like the guy's a total fraud."


"Craig Wright, who claims to be Satoshi Nakamoto the inventor of bitcoin plagiarized my security content in a book years ago and it was exposed by @attritionorg at …"


"Guys... thank you. 🙏

This is heartwarming. And a great inspiration to keep pushing this #Faketoshi information out there. We will not rest till this scammer is kicked from the arena."


Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on January 24, 2020, 06:53:32 PM
We all remember the time when coreons blockstreamed away all the business from btc using denouncing them.

Ano , anarchos and selfdeclared code heros will stay nichy for ever . They never can invite the world into BitCoin changing the world TOGETHER. Running against all who criticize is proven going nowhere

Here we go, good old BitCoin has it done correctly

Entire world embraces BitCoin uncrippled, unfucked , just clean code refactored - finally  free of governance by closed blocked devs or streamers

Happy Birthday BitCoin

Craig and BSV folks should kindly stop calling people from the original Bitcoin community anarchists etc.,


BSV does not help to prevent any of your above ...

I, for one, am not an anarchist, not a capitalist, not a communist, not socialist or a collectivist - many early Bitcoiner's were Libertarians.

Tor and Bitcoin (BTC) are free software for freedom.

BSV is NOT Bitcoin and CSW is NOT Satoshi.


Here, have a look at some more BSV untruths ...


"Question: Is the private key that CSW supposedly signed a message with in 2016 to prove he was Satoshi one of the keys that are apparently locked up in the tulip trust and wasn't delivered by the courier?"


Dan Kaminsky's Blog ...

Attempting (Failed) Verification of the Wright Signature ...

Block 9 : 12cbQLTFMXRnSzktFkuoG3eHoMeFtpTu3S


Kleiman v Craig Wright, part 2 ...


"May 3, 2019
ORDER DENYING 155 MOTION REGARDING PRODUCTION OF A LIST OF PUBLIC ADDRESSES OF BITCOIN AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2013, AND ORDERING PRODUCTION BY DEFENDANT. Signed by Magistrate Judge Bruce E. Reinhart See attached document for full details. (BER) (Entered: 05/03/2019)"


"May 7, 2019
MOTION Redacted Motion Regarding Production of a List of the Public Addresses of Dr. Wright's Bitcoin as of December 31, 2013 by Craig Wright. (Rivero, Andres) (Entered: 05/07/2019)"


"May 8, 2019
MOTION Regarding Production of a List of the Public Addresses of his Bitcoin as of December 31, 2013 filed under Seal by Craig Wright. (Rivero, Andres) (Entered: 05/08/2019)"


"Jan 9, 2020
Plaintiff's MOTION to Seal a Third Tulip Trust document per Local Rule 5.4 by Ira Kleiman, W&K Info Defense Research, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order) (Freedman, Devin) (Entered: 01/09/2020)"



- ...

"... Uyen Nguyen gets a lot of attention due to the lack of information about her available online. She appears to have entered the narrative as an associate of Dave Kleiman, and at times was a director at C01N LTD UK from October 2012 to June 1st, 2016. ..."

"... Trustees for TT2 is listed as “Tulip Trading Ltd”, which according to Dr. Wright was a company he formed and “controlled or not controlled it at different points.” “I don’t control it at the moment,” he said.

The court identified the trustee as actually being Denis Mayaka, representing Equator Consultants AG. Under cross-examination by Kleiman estate counsel, Wright said the following: ..."

UPDATE JANUARY 2020: On January 9th, 2020, plaintiff’s lawyers in the Kleiman case revealed they had received “a third Tulip Trust document” from Dr. Wright on January 6 (which the court and commentators have branded “Tulip Trust III”). Little is known of the new document’s contents, as Wright has marked it “Confidential” and all parties agreed to allow him 10 days to redact it. More details will likely emerge later..."


Satoshi Saga Continues: Tulip Trust Trustee Expected to Appear by September 19, Says Joseph VaughnPerling ...

Re: Still "Finding Satoshi" then ...



Bitcoin Belle’s CCme: The woman who brought you Craig ‘Satoshi’ Wright strikes again… - October 14th 2019
- *NSFW*


Jean-Paul Sartre, signing and significance ...

"... I have been staring at my screen for hours, but I cannot summon the words to express the depth of my gratitude to those that have supported the bitcoin project from its inception – too many names to list. You have dedicated vast swathes of your time, committed your gifts, sacrificed relationships and REM sleep for years to an open source project that could have come to nothing. And yet still you fought. This incredible community’s passion and intellect and perseverance has taken my small contribution and nurtured it, enhanced it, breathed life into it. You have given the world a great gift. Thank you.

Be assured, just as you have worked, I have not been idle during these many years. Since those early days, after distancing myself from the public persona that was Satoshi, I have poured every measure of myself into research. I have been silent, but I have not been absent. I have been engaged with an exceptional group and look forward to sharing our remarkable work when they are ready..."


No Craig. You went on to create a copy of a copy of original Bitcoin, because you failed to provide any proof that you are Satoshi. Hence your claimed rights to the 'original' protocol and/or being Satoshi equate to nothing.

Hence, this is what Sartre actually means for you ...

"If I sign nothing, it is not the same as if I sign nothing, Satoshi."

Best of luck signing and verifying (at least) Block 9 in court! - SWIM


Not *Satire*

The Prodigy - Fuel My Fire [L7 cover] (Live @ Brixton Academy, London, UK) 20.12.1997
- *NSFW* *Explicit Lyrics*


Footnote: Bitcoin's "Inception Deception" list coming soon ... - SWIM

Nice. Seems it is all together bit too much for you getting the straight way more deeper to

Correct sources

Correct conclusions

Happy Birthday BitCoin

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: BitcoinFX on January 24, 2020, 07:06:41 PM

Nice. Seems it is all together bit too much for you getting the straight way more deeper to

Correct sources

Correct conclusions


Oh dear, oh dear!

Yet again, BSV is NOT Bitcoin and CSW is NOT Satoshi.


Bitcoin is (BTC) -


Here is a transcript quote by CSW from The Satoshi Affair;

CSW: "... ‘It means “ash”,’ he said. ‘The philosophy of Nakamoto is the neutral central path in trade. Our current system needs to be burned down and remade. That is what cryptocurrency does – it is the phoenix  ...’ ..."

I guess that makes CSW seem quite the anarchist.


Will Bitcoin SV Creator Acquire $8 Billion Bitcoin Fortune? | Interview With Craig Wright

Q. Why do you commit to being Satoshi Nakamoto? What do you stand to gain?

Q. Why do you care when people question your identity as Satoshi Nakamoto?

9:09 CSW: "I was not sitting there going hey I'm Satoshi follow me..."

Erm yes you were ...

Dan Kaminsky's Blog ...

Attempting (Failed) Verification of the Wright Signature ...


9:18 CSW: "Here's the thing, you push me so far and, well I don't run ..."

Interviewer: "You don't run?"

9:28 CSW: "No. I fight and I fight and I fight and then you knock me down and I get up and I fight and you knock me down and then I knee cap you and then you maybe knock me down and then I take out your achilies and gradually I attack the corners and if I have to stab you a billion times before you f*'ng fall over, I win. I win or I die tying ..."

10:48 Interviewer: "To you, is this about winning"

CSW: "Err yes because what we have is we have my original vision for Bitcoin and a bunch of criminals ... that simple ... and I don't like criminals. Sorry ..."


- ...

"What Are Identity Theft and Identity Fraud?

Identity theft and identity fraud are terms used to refer to all types of crime in which someone wrongfully obtains and uses another person's personal data in some way that involves fraud or deception, typically for economic gain."




23:05 CSW: "Liberty Reserve was bigger than Bitcoin. Liberty Reserve had more nodes than Bitcoin ..."

Liberty Reserve wasn't even P2P, it didn't technically have nodes, only servers and a web site (much like PayPal), mainly based in Costa Rica.


Earlier in the interview CSW talks about other cryptocurrencies before Bitcoin, however Bitcoin was the first named 'cryptocurency' ...

Who coined the word "cryptocurrency" ...


Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on January 25, 2020, 10:31:24 PM
“I’m 99.9999 and a few more 9s percent certain that I will be taking control of my BTC and whatever else.”
-Craig Wright

I'm 100% certain that hurricane Dorian Satoshi will hit Alabama.

-Donald J. Trump

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: Searing on January 26, 2020, 09:01:31 PM
Posted the below on the 'moderated' BSV thread, I'm almost 100% sure it will get deleted.

Well, I moved some BTC-Core to another wallet. Thus I have like 48.45779675 BSV and BCH from this legacy wallet burning a hole in my pocket.

So with no real risk, IMHO, (I'm so into BTC Core as to make the BSV and BCH irrelevant), I should really just dump all the above and the other forks

of this emptied BTC-Core wallet and just pay the capital gains (15% cap gains 10% state taxes in the USA) and that would give me at today's rates enough

to get me 5.29 BTC-Core. Guess I'm gonna dig the paper wallet out of the safety deposit box on Monday and do this ASAP before the BSV (if not BCH) crashes

big time. No matter what, not a bad haul for just HODL'ing BTC from back in the day. (Let the hating commence on this thread now) :)


edit: messed up fixed BTC after cap gains and state taxes above to 5.29 BTC.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: emortal7 on January 27, 2020, 10:49:38 PM
Here's why people are building on BitcoinSV

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: devioso8 on January 28, 2020, 12:56:23 AM
There is plausiblity that CSW is Satoshi and he doesn't have to sign the keys to prove it.

All that matter is that he is able to prove it under International Law Courts.

Put your bias aside and bet on BSV under the high Risk/Reward ratio that CSW is Satoshi.

If he is Satoshi he will have the ability to market Bitcoin better than anyone to the mainstream world and that will bring global adoption with the protocol ready.

The Teranode update removes the blocksize limit on Blocks and lets miners decide what size blocks they accept.

It is time for you to re-examine your bias on BSV and accept that on-chain scaling works.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: quantumj on January 28, 2020, 02:45:06 AM
Why was this topic created?
No matter what you say, the situation will not change. BSV is on 5th place with a trading volume of $ 3,344,864,411 per 24h.

The dogs bark, but the caravan goes.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: emortal7 on January 28, 2020, 03:13:08 AM
Exciting month ahead. Time to show what we have built. Imagine being bearish on BSV

4th of February: Genesis Update
9th-16th of Feb: CambrianSV Camp
20th & 21th of Feb: Coingeek Conference London

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: Anarcocapitalista on January 28, 2020, 12:25:58 PM
BSV now continuously outperforming BTC on daily transactions.

With the rapid increase in BSV applications increasing micropayments, BSV is sure to continue on this path.

It’s only a matter of time before the miners switch over.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: nutildah on January 28, 2020, 03:59:51 PM
BSV now continuously outperforming BTC on daily transactions.

What does it matter when its transactions are tiny?

BSV avg transaction value: $717
BTC avg transaction value: $47,226

BSV sent from addresses: 19,468
BTC sent from addresses: 259,122

With the rapid increase in BSV applications increasing micropayments, BSV is sure to continue on this path fooling the intellectual stifled with its manipulations and fraudulent shenanigans.

It’s only a matter of time before the miners switch over.

You've been saying that for a year now, yet the BSV hash rate remains a tiny sliver of that of BTC's.

Perhaps you should save your low IQ trolling for the moderated thread. I won't bother to correct your misinformation over there.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: fratoshi on January 28, 2020, 04:18:33 PM
I am really following up for the Coingeek Conference London, i really believe (trader instinct) that near to that day BSV price will go over 500$

If my price prediction is right i am planning to sell a few coins and go holiday to the Philippines, i planning to visit nutildah's favorite place, Bar Lollipop.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: Anarcocapitalista on January 28, 2020, 05:39:30 PM
BSV now continuously outperforming BTC on daily transactions.

What does it matter when its transactions are tiny?

BSV avg transaction value: $717
BTC avg transaction value: $47,226

BSV sent from addresses: 19,468
BTC sent from addresses: 259,122

With the rapid increase in BSV applications increasing micropayments, BSV is sure to continue on this path fooling the intellectual stifled with its manipulations and fraudulent shenanigans.

It’s only a matter of time before the miners switch over.

You've been saying that for a year now, yet the BSV hash rate remains a tiny sliver of that of BTC's.

Perhaps you should save your low IQ trolling for the moderated thread. I won't bother to correct your misinformation over there.

You have this fake narrative that one can ‘spam’ the blockchain when the miner has the incentive to process every transaction. This is how capitalism works. I’m not a communist so I disagree with UASF/ Segwit/puting forth all my efforts to defame superior projects. .

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: emortal7 on January 28, 2020, 06:03:04 PM
It's been 10 years and Bitcoin still doesn't have human readable addresses.

BitcoinSV it's been 1 year and there's already HandCash

Don't knock it before you try it. INNOVATION AT IT'S FINEST

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: Dabs on January 28, 2020, 06:19:56 PM
And yet there was consensus... (as in, people agreed to it, that's why it exists.) Feel free to disagree and use what fork you prefer. Or whatever wallet too while you're at it. I would not recommend a brand new wallet without trying it first, but also, I would not bother trying something new and wait for some others to try it out on their own.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on January 28, 2020, 10:17:36 PM
And yet there was consensus... (as in, people agreed to it, that's why it exists.) Feel free to disagree and use what fork you prefer. Or whatever wallet too while you're at it. I would not recommend a brand new wallet without trying it first, but also, I would not bother trying something new and wait for some others to try it out on their own.

Segwit, RBF, schnorr,.. all are breaking the 'consensus'. Nothing to do with BitCoin

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: JayJuanGee on January 29, 2020, 12:17:01 AM
And yet there was consensus... (as in, people agreed to it, that's why it exists.) Feel free to disagree and use what fork you prefer. Or whatever wallet too while you're at it. I would not recommend a brand new wallet without trying it first, but also, I would not bother trying something new and wait for some others to try it out on their own.

Segwit, RBF, schnorr,.. all are breaking the 'consensus'. Nothing to do with BitCoin

My understanding is that segwit and RBF are already part of bitcoin.. .thus obtained through consensus... and schnorr has not yet been added to bitcoin, you diptwat..   

You know better, and surely segwit had included a bunch of non-sensical drama around it in 2017, but in the end, clearly went through to be signaled, accepted, locked-in and then towards the end of August 2017 was implemented to have become one of the options that could be used as part of bitcoin..  . remember?   Of course, you remember.. . you are just purposefully striving to be an obtuse diptwat. What else is new?  ::) ::)

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: fratoshi on January 29, 2020, 03:41:42 AM
Is there someone on this forum that have rare Satoshi pictures and want to share or exchange with me?

I have this two pictures of young Satoshi, can anyone tell me if those pictures are genuine?

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: JayJuanGee on January 29, 2020, 06:04:12 AM
Is there someone on this forum that have rare Satoshi pictures and want to share or exchange with me?

I have this two pictures of young Satoshi, can anyone tell me if those pictures are genuine?

Huh?  Difficult to take you seriously based on your post history including that you have engaged in posts that promote that misleading and disingenuous scam project that is also known as BSV.....

In essence, there are no actual pictures of Satoshi, so it would be misleading to actually assign an actual human image, even if it is a old picture - because, so far, no one has confirmed who satoshi is... even if there are some decently credible suggestions regarding who he might be, and I suppose someone should actually know who he is, at least he should know.. or maybe members of a team should know.. if he were a team.  

I suppose that if satoshi were still alive, then at least he would know who he is, and it is difficult to imagine that he would have been the only one to actually know who he was.. But, maybe some day there would be actual public knowledge regarding such confirmed identity matter - of course there are suspicions about it, too...and I would surely proclaim to be no expert in that direction... or even have much knowledge beyond some of the information that I have seen in passing on the "who is satoshi" topic.

Seems to me, that so far, the better images of satoshi have tended to have been cartoons, animations or even art depictions... or maybe those expressions that we are all satoshi, except for anyone who promotes BSV or who claims to be satoshi, including CSW.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: fratoshi on January 29, 2020, 06:06:25 AM
i have never promoted BSV

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: JayJuanGee on January 29, 2020, 06:12:11 AM
i have never promoted BSV

With your tricky user name, have you ever claimed to be satoshi? 

If not, then perhaps you could be included in the "we are all satoshi" mantra.  hahahahaha.. not that I have any power to inspire consensus around such a topic... as you likely realize, there tends to exist a decent amount of tension around some of these satoshi-related ideas, especially if the ideas of satoshi's identity is connected with promoting a scam coin, such as BSV, or somehow denigrating bitcoin or pumping some alt(shit)coin.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: fratoshi on January 29, 2020, 06:23:59 AM
i have never promoted BSV

With your tricky user name, have you ever claimed to be satoshi? 

If not, then perhaps you could be included in the "we are all satoshi" mantra.  hahahahaha.. not that I have any power to inspire consensus around such a topic... as you likely realize, there tends to exist a decent amount of tension around some of these satoshi-related ideas, especially if the ideas of satoshi's identity is connected with promoting a scam coin, such as BSV, or somehow denigrating bitcoin or pumping some alt(shit)coin.

Hi there JayJuanGee, i don't know you, and i have never interacted with you in the past, and i have nothing against you.

I don't know why you are accusing me of promoting BSV or that if i claimed to be Satoshi.

I want you to have clear that i have never promoted BSV and i never claimed to be Satoshi, and my nickname has nothing to do with Satoshi or BSV, so i want you to apologize and take back what you said, because it seems you want to misleading and disingenuous ruin my reputation without any proof.

And last thing, i am always open to become friends, i have nothing against anyone and i don't understand why i always have situations like this with other users, example: nutildah and IconFirm

Love to all on this forum

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: nutildah on January 29, 2020, 06:40:37 AM
i have never promoted BSV

With your tricky user name, have you ever claimed to be satoshi? 

If not, then perhaps you could be included in the "we are all satoshi" mantra.  hahahahaha.. not that I have any power to inspire consensus around such a topic... as you likely realize, there tends to exist a decent amount of tension around some of these satoshi-related ideas, especially if the ideas of satoshi's identity is connected with promoting a scam coin, such as BSV, or somehow denigrating bitcoin or pumping some alt(shit)coin.

He's just a troll. Half his posts either mention me directly or are attempts by him to troll me. He wouldn't even be in this thread if I hadn't posted in it. Ever since I helped oust his scam exchange (Trade Satoshi) from the forum he's been following me around from thread to thread. I'm putting him on ignore and I recommend others follow suit.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: tippytoes on January 29, 2020, 06:45:20 AM
BSV now continuously outperforming BTC on daily transactions.

What does it matter when its transactions are tiny?

BSV avg transaction value: $717
BTC avg transaction value: $47,226

BSV sent from addresses: 19,468
BTC sent from addresses: 259,122

With the rapid increase in BSV applications increasing micropayments, BSV is sure to continue on this path fooling the intellectual stifled with its manipulations and fraudulent shenanigans.

It’s only a matter of time before the miners switch over.

You've been saying that for a year now, yet the BSV hash rate remains a tiny sliver of that of BTC's.

Perhaps you should save your low IQ trolling for the moderated thread. I won't bother to correct your misinformation over there.

Sometimes I don't know where that user is coming from, claiming that BSV is outperforming BTC? Is he hallucinating or what? Ask any ordinary person if he knows BSV, and I think they will recognize it only because of the words- bitcoin/satoshi in its name. But as a stand alone altcoin? I don't think so. And usage? I don't think BSV is overpowering BTC at any level.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: JayJuanGee on January 29, 2020, 07:01:27 AM
i have never promoted BSV

With your tricky user name, have you ever claimed to be satoshi? 

If not, then perhaps you could be included in the "we are all satoshi" mantra.  hahahahaha.. not that I have any power to inspire consensus around such a topic... as you likely realize, there tends to exist a decent amount of tension around some of these satoshi-related ideas, especially if the ideas of satoshi's identity is connected with promoting a scam coin, such as BSV, or somehow denigrating bitcoin or pumping some alt(shit)coin.

Hi there JayJuanGee, i don't know you, and i have never interacted with you in the past, and i have nothing against you.

I don't know why you are accusing me of promoting BSV or that if i claimed to be Satoshi.

Well, any of us can do a quick perusal of the post history of another member, and sure, maybe I misunderstood some of your posts or your various interactions with other members through your posts.

So, it could be that I used language that was a bit stronger than necessary to suggest that you might be promoting BSV by NOT sufficiently and unambiguously denigrating it.  I am willing to take back or to walk back my comments, but I don't tend to delete any of my posts, unless they are really off base or misleading.. On the other hand, I am not opposed to take back some of the accusatory sentiment if I might have come out too strongly in my presumptions regarding your possible intentions.

By the way, don't you believe that it is a bit crazy or even disingenuous for any member to seriously be posting images of people and suggesting that they might be satoshi, especially in a BSV thread like this?

We are a bit on alert, here, for the bullshit fakesatoshi claims, and your user name?  Isn't that kind of a play on satoshi, too?  Or am I way out in left field?  I am surely open to being corrected, if I am way the fuck off base in the conclusions that i made and if they might have been too presumptuous... but at the same time, I am NOT going to go down the road of trying to give credibility to any of the bcash variants and to act as if they are anything but attack vectors, including some of the shenanigans and disingenuinness related to playing around with satoshi's identity.

I want you to have clear that i have never promoted BSV and i never claimed to be Satoshi, and my nickname has nothing to do with Satoshi or BSV,

Fair enough.

so i want you to apologize and take back what you said, because it seems you want to misleading and disingenuous ruin my reputation without any proof.

I don't think so.  You are the one posting images.  Like I said, I am willing to reconsider some of the degree to which I might have made strong posts, but there seems to be little to no need for me to apologize for your ambiguous beginning of a conversation regarding satoshi's possible images... in a thread like this.

And last thing, i am always open to become friends,

I don't tend to hold grudges either, unless members are starting to make demands of me to do something or to suggest that I was acting in bad faith, when I was not... .Anyhow, maybe you need to explain yourself in regards to what is your purpose in regards to the nonsense images and the nonsense topic?  You don't believe such topic to be either nonsense or disingenuous in the way that you framed it?

i have nothing against anyone and i don't understand why i always have situations like this with other users, example: nutildah and IconFirm

I am not going to study into your situation.  nutildah tends to have a lot of decent ideas and seems to be fair, overall, so I am not sure about your beef with him...  Yeah, maybe he got some things wrong?  I don't know... I glanced quickly at your back and forth with the trust, and sometimes members will remove negative trust if the matter is warranted, but if you have two negatives from him, and he is accusing you of continued behavior, you may need to consider your own actions rather than speculating that nutildah got you wrong.. which I am not even saying that nutildah might not be wrong.. and regarding IconFirm, I don't know that member.

Edit: Oh gosh, I took a second to look at the references in your trust feedback, and holy shit... when I look at the references, it is even harder to give you any benefit of the doubt.  Hard to believe that nutildah is just making shit up... I don't have time to research all of the claims and read in detail, but a decent amount of that seems to be on you, fratoshi, rather than you being some kind of poor victim of circumstance... You are only going to dig yourself in deeper and deeper if you go on whining about being a victim, unless you start to figure out ways to correct your reputation and maybe fix the various referenced matters that nutildah pointed out.. to the extent any of that is fixable...

Love to all on this forum

Seems to be a pretty decent place to interact about various topics.. I am mostly interested in bitcoin-related topics, so I don't know why I sometimes devolve into some of these bcash threads... Mostly just to shit on bcash and its variants.. and yeah, sometimes, there seems to be some impacts on bitcoin with some of these various bcash trash products, such as ongoing bsv drama and misleading attention whoring around that... and gosh, even sometimes seems to affect short term bitcoin price movements.... go figure.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: JayJuanGee on January 29, 2020, 07:12:54 AM
i have never promoted BSV

With your tricky user name, have you ever claimed to be satoshi? 

If not, then perhaps you could be included in the "we are all satoshi" mantra.  hahahahaha.. not that I have any power to inspire consensus around such a topic... as you likely realize, there tends to exist a decent amount of tension around some of these satoshi-related ideas, especially if the ideas of satoshi's identity is connected with promoting a scam coin, such as BSV, or somehow denigrating bitcoin or pumping some alt(shit)coin.

He's just a troll. Half his posts either mention me directly or are attempts by him to troll me. He wouldn't even be in this thread if I hadn't posted in it. Ever since I helped oust his scam exchange (Trade Satoshi) from the forum he's been following me around from thread to thread. I'm putting him on ignore and I recommend others follow suit.


Fair enough... ... seems that i might have gotten sucked in a bit too much... just like i get sucked in with other members from time to time...

I don't tend to ignore any members, but yeah, I do sometimes have to NOT respond to some of their bullshit if matters start to become too damned repetitious and not really getting anywhere in terms of substance.. and yeah, if his vendetta is merely to stalk you, then that might largely explain that there seems to be some lacking of purpose in his raison d'être...   

I frequently suggest that there is no way to really get rich quick, and of course, if members are engaged in scams or trying to make money from scams, referring to fratoshi, then they are not going to win any "love" that way, referring to one of fratoshi's prior word choices.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: fratoshi on January 29, 2020, 07:28:49 AM

Fair enough.

Regarding my comments on this thread "[ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread"

on ( it says

Bitcoin SV is the original Bitcoin
It restores the original Bitcoin protocol, will keep it stable, and allow it to massively scale. Bitcoin SV will maintain the vision set out by Satoshi Nakamoto’s white paper in 2008: Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System.

on ( it says

he Bitcoin SV project is primarily backed by CoinGeek Mining with development work by nChain

on  it says

Dr Craig S Wright is an Australian computer scientist, businessman, and inventor, who challenges the world with visionary ideas. He is the creator of Bitcoin and author of the Bitcoin white paper under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto

So i got some rare images of CW and i want to share it with the community here at the unmoderated thread of Bitcoin Satoshi Vision, so with the references i posted, is not right to call CW Satoshi?

I don't think so.  You are the one posting images.  Like I said, I am willing to reconsider some of the degree to which I might have made strong posts, but there seems to be little to no need for me to apologize for your ambiguous beginning of a conversation regarding satoshi's possible images... in a thread like this.

And for posting that i got attacked.

And nutildah, you are very clever.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: JayJuanGee on January 29, 2020, 07:39:26 AM

Fair enough.

Regarding my comments on this thread "[ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread"

on ( it says

Bitcoin SV is the original Bitcoin
It restores the original Bitcoin protocol, will keep it stable, and allow it to massively scale. Bitcoin SV will maintain the vision set out by Satoshi Nakamoto’s white paper in 2008: Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System.

on ( it says

he Bitcoin SV project is primarily backed by CoinGeek Mining with development work by nChain

on  it says

Dr Craig S Wright is an Australian computer scientist, businessman, and inventor, who challenges the world with visionary ideas. He is the creator of Bitcoin and author of the Bitcoin white paper under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto

So i got some rare images of CW and i want to share it with the community here at the unmoderated thread of Bitcoin Satoshi Vision, so with the references i posted, is not right to call CW Satoshi?

I don't think so.  You are the one posting images.  Like I said, I am willing to reconsider some of the degree to which I might have made strong posts, but there seems to be little to no need for me to apologize for your ambiguous beginning of a conversation regarding satoshi's possible images... in a thread like this.

And for posting that i got attacked.

And nutildah, you are very clever.

With your various above examples, you seem to be proving my case for me, somewhat, fratoshi.

Seems to me that if you are giving any benefit of the doubt to BSV being legitimate in any kind of way, except that it is 1) an attack vector on bitcoin, 2) a misleading attempt to assert that it is bitcoin or 3) unrelated altcoin that publishes weather/earthquake data, then you seem to be promoting a scam.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: fratoshi on January 29, 2020, 07:54:11 AM

Fair enough.

Regarding my comments on this thread "[ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread"

on ( it says

Bitcoin SV is the original Bitcoin
It restores the original Bitcoin protocol, will keep it stable, and allow it to massively scale. Bitcoin SV will maintain the vision set out by Satoshi Nakamoto’s white paper in 2008: Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System.

on ( it says

he Bitcoin SV project is primarily backed by CoinGeek Mining with development work by nChain

on  it says

Dr Craig S Wright is an Australian computer scientist, businessman, and inventor, who challenges the world with visionary ideas. He is the creator of Bitcoin and author of the Bitcoin white paper under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto

So i got some rare images of CW and i want to share it with the community here at the unmoderated thread of Bitcoin Satoshi Vision, so with the references i posted, is not right to call CW Satoshi?

I don't think so.  You are the one posting images.  Like I said, I am willing to reconsider some of the degree to which I might have made strong posts, but there seems to be little to no need for me to apologize for your ambiguous beginning of a conversation regarding satoshi's possible images... in a thread like this.

And for posting that i got attacked.

And nutildah, you are very clever.

With your various above examples, you seem to be proving my case for me, somewhat, fratoshi.

Seems to me that if you are giving any benefit of the doubt to BSV being legitimate in any kind of way, except that it is 1) an attack vector on bitcoin, 2) a misleading attempt to assert that it is bitcoin or 3) unrelated altcoin that publishes weather/earthquake data, then you seem to be promoting a scam.

Oh, i am now promoting a scam because i am neutral about BSV?
And because i want to share some pictures of what BSV believe is Satoshi?

This is the Bitcoin Satoshi Vision thread, is not right to post images of what BSV says is the creator of BSV?

I am not trying to troll or provoke anyone, i am not posting this outside this thread.

Why not leave the scam accusations for the right thread?

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: Anarcocapitalista on January 29, 2020, 04:00:30 PM
BSV now continuously outperforming BTC on daily transactions.

What does it matter when its transactions are tiny?

BSV avg transaction value: $717
BTC avg transaction value: $47,226

BSV sent from addresses: 19,468
BTC sent from addresses: 259,122

With the rapid increase in BSV applications increasing micropayments, BSV is sure to continue on this path fooling the intellectual stifled with its manipulations and fraudulent shenanigans.

It’s only a matter of time before the miners switch over.

You've been saying that for a year now, yet the BSV hash rate remains a tiny sliver of that of BTC's.

Perhaps you should save your low IQ trolling for the moderated thread. I won't bother to correct your misinformation over there.

Sometimes I don't know where that user is coming from, claiming that BSV is outperforming BTC? Is he hallucinating or what? Ask any ordinary person if he knows BSV, and I think they will recognize it only because of the words- bitcoin/satoshi in its name. But as a stand alone altcoin? I don't think so. And usage? I don't think BSV is overpowering BTC at any level.

I’m coming from here: the facts.

On a daily average, BSV outperforms BTC in transactions and block size. The blockchain is literally a ledger you can use as a reference to prove these facts.

Value is in the utility. The apps keep growing on BSV, as do the transactions and the price.

Genesis upgrade ahead, only a few days until we have a ledger built for global utility.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: nutildah on January 29, 2020, 04:08:57 PM
I’m coming from here: the facts.

On a daily average, BSV outperforms BTC in transactions and block size.

Funny how that website leaves out the metrics that are actually important in determining the true popularity of a coin, like active addresses, average transaction size and total hash power of the network. Wonder why that is.

BSV is a joke led by a fraudulent cult leader. Its going nowhere as an honest investment until Craig is removed from its equation entirely. Based on its actual utility and minus the Faketoshi Factor, I put the fair price of SV to be somewhere between $30 and $40 a coin. Everything above that at the moment is based on Craig's everlasting charade.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: JayJuanGee on January 29, 2020, 04:24:23 PM
I’m coming from here: the facts.

On a daily average, BSV outperforms BTC in transactions and block size.

Funny how that website leaves out the metrics that are actually important in determining the true popularity of a coin, like active addresses, average transaction size and total hash power of the network. Wonder why that is.

BSV is a joke led by a fraudulent cult leader. Its going nowhere as an honest investment until Craig is removed from its equation entirely. Based on its actual utility and minus the Faketoshi Factor, I put the fair price of SV to be somewhere between $30 and $40 a coin. Everything above that at the moment is based on Craig's everlasting charade.


Look who woke up on the generous side of the bed this morning with $30-$40 valuations of a piece of shit?

I think that another uncomfortable truth for the adding of value to that piece of shit fraud project is that it remains as an attack vector towards bitcoin.. and also as a kind of magnet for dumb fucks and gullible and vulnerable and get rich quick wannabes and folks who want to be scammed.. just like the nigerian prince had a decent amount of value for a long time, and there are still dumb fucks who actually fall for that crap, which gives it value... which, of course, is also some of the utility of BCH, too... a seeming ongoing niche that is trying to scam a slightly different audience.   

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: Dabs on January 29, 2020, 05:33:37 PM
$30 is higher than what even the true original bitcoin was around 2013 ... They are talking about the original vision or whatever version it was at when Satoshi disappeared, so they should at least get on version 0.6 or something. Satoshi didn't stop at 0.1.

One of their major contentions or disagreements was regarding segregated witness. Well, it's optional and you don't have to use it, there was no need to fork a coin... and it forked from a fork too... should have just tried to fork from the original.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: Searing on January 29, 2020, 06:34:20 PM

Wash Trading.

BSV sells to Tether then sells thus back to self as massive quantities. Rinse/Wash/Repeat boys. All the sketchy exchanges BSV is on, all the manipulation!

Nothing new here move on. You also can tell by the 15% up then 15% down, over and over BSV is being manipulated big time.

Right now the BSV folk are playing the 'newbie' masses with Buy the rumor but sell the news. Only these 'few' BSV whales are manipulating the market.

Again, yawn, have seen this with BSV before. Just a lot of Hope'em! :(

Nothing new to see here folks, move along...

Brad (

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: devioso8 on January 30, 2020, 12:08:13 AM
The Bitcoin SV [BSV] ecosystem has rapidly grown to approximately 400 ventures and projects around the world.   According to a regularly-updated chart (prepared by BSV project Peergame) that compiles information from BSV/DEVS,, GitHub and other resources, as of January 19, 2020, there were 394 known companies, services, developer resources, protocol layers and protocol projects built on or for BSV.   With new projects being announced on a regular basis, the number will soon surpass 400.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: fratoshi on January 30, 2020, 02:24:34 AM
Bitcoin SV will get delisted from nicehash on Tuesday, February 4, 2020, at 2 PM CET.

If you are holding BSV there, you have till March 15 to withdraw.

For the moment Ledger has no support for BSV, a list of wallets to storage your BSV can be found here

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: nutildah on January 30, 2020, 05:04:18 AM
Based on its actual utility and minus the Faketoshi Factor, I put the fair price of SV to be somewhere between $30 and $40 a coin. Everything above that at the moment is based on Craig's everlasting charade.


Look who woke up on the generous side of the bed this morning with $30-$40 valuations of a piece of shit?

Well, I think ~ 1/10th the price of BCH is fair. Sans Craig, there has been a decent amount of effort put into it compared to most other altcoins. Not that we don't already have several pre-existing data storage coins that are probably much more efficient in that aspect because that's what they were specifically built to do.

$30 is higher than what even the true original bitcoin was around 2013 ... They are talking about the original vision or whatever version it was at when Satoshi disappeared, so they should at least get on version 0.6 or something. Satoshi didn't stop at 0.1.

SV being based on "the original protocol" is just another one of the many fallacious selling points preached by Craig. As I've brought up and detailed elsewhere, its code contains several changes made by Bitcoin Core and ABC developers (Maxwell, Wuille, Sechet, etc). These changes aren't being taken out because they are integral to a properly-functioning bitcoin. Of course, Craig would rather all his followers just remain ignorant about the details.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: LookAtMeHODL on January 30, 2020, 08:15:57 AM
Did Craig forget to prove he owns something again???  :D ;D

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: arielbit on January 30, 2020, 09:29:39 AM
Is there someone on this forum that have rare Satoshi pictures and want to share or exchange with me?

I have this two pictures of young Satoshi, can anyone tell me if those pictures are genuine?

i won't be friends with someone with that kind of face. looks like a heavy bullshitter kind of face.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: Anarcocapitalista on January 30, 2020, 12:04:23 PM
I’m coming from here: the facts.

On a daily average, BSV outperforms BTC in transactions and block size.

Funny how that website leaves out the metrics that are actually important in determining the true popularity of a coin, like active addresses, average transaction size and total hash power of the network. Wonder why that is.

BSV is a joke led by a fraudulent cult leader. Its going nowhere as an honest investment until Craig is removed from its equation entirely. Based on its actual utility and minus the Faketoshi Factor, I put the fair price of SV to be somewhere between $30 and $40 a coin. Everything above that at the moment is based on Craig's everlasting charade.

Again, miners have the incentive to process every transaction, there are no ‘metrics’ left out of a global ledger...

History of your posts show that you have bet against the best performing crypto of the top 10 in 2019-2020.... there is literally proof of you saying ‘BSV will go to zero’ and there has been 2 bull runs since. Are you really going to gamble that there won’t be another all time high for BSV?

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: nutildah on January 30, 2020, 01:18:03 PM
I’m coming from here: the facts.

On a daily average, BSV outperforms BTC in transactions and block size.

Funny how that website leaves out the metrics that are actually important in determining the true popularity of a coin, like active addresses, average transaction size and total hash power of the network. Wonder why that is.

BSV is a joke led by a fraudulent cult leader. Its going nowhere as an honest investment until Craig is removed from its equation entirely. Based on its actual utility and minus the Faketoshi Factor, I put the fair price of SV to be somewhere between $30 and $40 a coin. Everything above that at the moment is based on Craig's everlasting charade.

Again, miners have the incentive to process every transaction, there are no ‘metrics’ left out of a global ledger...

Do they really though? We've been through this already. The miners make a tiny sliver of what BTC miners make in transaction fees. They have very little incentive to process every transaction because 99.95% of their revenue depends on the block reward.

All metrics are left out of a "global ledger" (in your case, you're referring to a fork of a fork of bitcoin), because a ledger doesn't care about statistics.

History of your posts show that you have bet against the best performing crypto of the top 10 in 2019-2020.... there is literally proof of you saying ‘BSV will go to zero’ and there has been 2 bull runs since.

I actually never said I "had bet" against BSV, however after BSV reached its new high on what was obviously fake news I opened a short position on it and am doing quite well, thanks. Just because its the "best performing crypto of the top 10" during your arbitrarily and ill-defined time period doesn't mean its not an outright scam.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: Anarcocapitalista on January 30, 2020, 03:06:42 PM
I’m coming from here: the facts.

On a daily average, BSV outperforms BTC in transactions and block size.

Funny how that website leaves out the metrics that are actually important in determining the true popularity of a coin, like active addresses, average transaction size and total hash power of the network. Wonder why that is.

BSV is a joke led by a fraudulent cult leader. Its going nowhere as an honest investment until Craig is removed from its equation entirely. Based on its actual utility and minus the Faketoshi Factor, I put the fair price of SV to be somewhere between $30 and $40 a coin. Everything above that at the moment is based on Craig's everlasting charade.

Again, miners have the incentive to process every transaction, there are no ‘metrics’ left out of a global ledger...

Do they really though? We've been through this already. The miners make a tiny sliver of what BTC miners make in transaction fees. They have very little incentive to process every transaction because 99.95% of their revenue depends on the block reward.

All metrics are left out of a "global ledger" (in your case, you're referring to a fork of a fork of bitcoin), because a ledger doesn't care about statistics.

History of your posts show that you have bet against the best performing crypto of the top 10 in 2019-2020.... there is literally proof of you saying ‘BSV will go to zero’ and there has been 2 bull runs since.

I actually never said I "had bet" against BSV, however after BSV reached its new high on what was obviously fake news I opened a short position on it and am doing quite well, thanks. Just because its the "best performing crypto of the top 10" during your arbitrarily and ill-defined time period doesn't mean its not an outright scam.

So what happeneds when the fee market exceeds the block reward as is clearly going to be the case with BSV if unless you ignore the ongoing daily average  tranasaction increase on the BSV network?  Better yet, where are miners going to go when there is no longer a block reward for Btc and everyone is ‘HODL’ing’ ans not creating any transaction volume  the miners to stay afloat? BTC is a dead end experiment that was hijacked by communists in 2017.

Again, here’s a source: like at the blocksize increase by BSV. It’s obvious the transaction fee market will clearly exceed the block reward with time. This literally destroys the ridiculous ‘hodl’ Btc narrative. Where do you think that line is going?

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: nutildah on January 30, 2020, 04:23:05 PM
So what happeneds when the fee market exceeds the block reward as is clearly going to be the case with BSV

I don't know. None of us do, because hell will have frozen over long before then.

It’s obvious the transaction fee market will clearly exceed the block reward with time.

How is that "obvious"? Lets take a look at the facts:

Avg. Transaction Fee   0.0000038 BSV ($0.0011)
Transactions avg. per hour   21,087, or 3,515 per block
Reward Per Block   12.50+0.0158 BSV ($3,695.91 USD)
Fee in Reward (Average Fee Percentage in Total Block Reward)   0.15%

At its current price, the average number of transactions would have to increase by 666.67x in order for their fees to equal the block reward. That's assuming that transaction fees doesn't increase proportional to the price of BSV. That would mean 2.343 million transactions per block. Since BSV has an average tx size of 0.48kb, that would mean each block would have to be 1.124 GB. We're talking about a 570-fold increase from where things currently stand. That just ain't happening. Not in our lifetimes.

Feel free to bet on BSV's blockchain growing by 162 GB a day if you want (4.8 terabytes a month) -- that does not sound like "scaling" to me. It sounds like a pipe dream.

What's far more likely to happen is BSV will buckle under the weight of Craig's ego and it will implode into obscure shitcoindom where it belongs.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on January 30, 2020, 06:16:12 PM
So what happeneds when the fee market exceeds the block reward as is clearly going to be the case with BSV

I don't know. None of us do, because hell will have frozen over long before then.

It’s obvious the transaction fee market will clearly exceed the block reward with time.

How is that "obvious"? Lets take a look at the facts:

Avg. Transaction Fee   0.0000038 BSV ($0.0011)
Transactions avg. per hour   21,087, or 3,515 per block
Reward Per Block   12.50+0.0158 BSV ($3,695.91 USD)
Fee in Reward (Average Fee Percentage in Total Block Reward)   0.15%

At its current price, the average number of transactions would have to increase by 666.67x in order for their fees to equal the block reward. That's assuming that transaction fees doesn't increase proportional to the price of BSV. That would mean 2.343 million transactions per block. Since BSV has an average tx size of 0.48kb, that would mean each block would have to be 1.124 GB. We're talking about a 570-fold increase from where things currently stand. That just ain't happening. Not in our lifetimes.

Feel free to bet on BSV's blockchain growing by 162 GB a day if you want (4.8 terabytes a month) -- that does not sound like "scaling" to me. It sounds like a pipe dream.

What's far more likely to happen is BSV will buckle under the weight of Craig's ego and it will implode into obscure shitcoindom where it belongs.

So still whining and triggered emotional by BitCoin will run in datacenters as originally designed?


Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: fratoshi on February 03, 2020, 03:04:41 AM
How the Coronavirus will affect the price of BSV?

What will happen to the Satoshi coins if Satoshi get the virus and dies?

I am worry because my investment, not because i support BSV

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on February 03, 2020, 09:31:39 AM
Be prepared

Late today / tomorrow the refactoring happens

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: Dabs on February 03, 2020, 01:10:21 PM
How does one hard fork a "genesis", or it's just some crazy marketing term they are trying to use. I don't think you can roll back 10 years worth of transactions, as no one has been able to day a reorg even back a single day.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on February 03, 2020, 02:51:09 PM
How does one hard fork a "genesis", or it's just some crazy marketing term they are trying to use. I don't think you can roll back 10 years worth of transactions, as no one has been able to day a reorg even back a single day.

It's the re-genesis rather

the great 'un-fckening' - gettting rid of shit in the code that never belonged in it

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: fratoshi on February 03, 2020, 05:31:44 PM
How does one hard fork a "genesis", or it's just some crazy marketing term they are trying to use. I don't think you can roll back 10 years worth of transactions, as no one has been able to day a reorg even back a single day.

It's the re-genesis rather

the great 'un-fckening' - gettting rid of shit in the code that never belonged in it

This is great news, but i don't this we will see price movements upwards because of the re-genesis, waiting for the conference, hopefully china will get rid of the corona virus and investors will buy in.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: nutildah on February 03, 2020, 06:31:21 PM
Anybody else find it ironic that Bitcoin SV, the protocol "set in stone", is undergoing a hardfork, something that the real bitcoin has never done?

BSV will soon be split into two factions: Bitcoin SV and Bitcoin SV Classic.

Its laughable that all of the changes being introduced to the new BSV are considered part of "Satoshi's Vision." They're completely scrambling the code with a bunch of additions Satoshi could have never envisioned when he was around.

Additional Consensus Changes

Genesis Upgrade block height activation mechanism
UTXO age dependent rules
Formal Script Grammar
scriptSig can only contain OP_PUSHDATA operations
Add a policy limit on max_script_memory_usage with a default of 100MB
Add a consensus limit on max_script_memory_usage
Remove the consensus limit on the number of signature operations per MB of block space
Remove the consensus limit on the maximum number of signature operations per transaction
Remove the consensus limit on the number of op codes per script
Remove the consensus limit on the maximum script element size
Remove the consensus limit on the maximum number of elements in a script
Remove the consensus limit on the maximum number of public keys per multisig
Increase the consensus limit on the maximum transaction size to 1GB.

Software Enhancements

Parallel Block Validation
Separate processing of non-standard transactions in low priority queue
Set script evaluation timeout policies for standard and non-standard transactions
Tx should be included in inv messages in the order in which they are validated
Enhance tests for Parallel Block Validation.
Common Genesis activation code and command line option.
Enable validation of non-standard txns (on MainNet) when Genesis is enabled.
Set mempool default = 1Gb.
Remove block size from user agent string.
Change default tx fees (default txfee = 0.5 sat/byte, default minrelaytxfee = 0.25 sat/byte)
Update SPV bloom filters re attack mitigation.
Improve performance of prevector deserialization.
Change logging messages to be more precise.
Fix: Validating non-standard transactions can lock up a node for more than a minute.
Fix: Tx validation uses original reject message and ban score is used
Fix block send queue overflow
Fix undefined behaviour in bsv::deserialize
Fix bitcoin-cli help getblock
Fix build: Configure should fail when it can’t detect boost
Set the execute bit on all the new Genesis functional tests.
Fix MedianTimePast
Fix: Nonfinal transactions with no inputs is rejected with incorrect reason
Fix memory leak in asn1_integer
Fix boost::optional warnings
Fix: does not get included in packaged source
Fix: Fundrawtransaction RPC changePosition parameter causing out of bounds access
Add basic --enable-tcmalloc option to the build
Fix: CTxnDoubleSpendDetector deletion past end of vector
fix lshift and rshift on data larger than 2GB
Update to the RDP in preparation for Genesis
set max duration for async validation tasks

What a joke.

Well I mean if you're still an SV believer, it means you'll believe anything, so why not?

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on February 03, 2020, 06:35:25 PM
Anybody else find it ironic that Bitcoin SV, the protocol "set in stone", is undergoing a hardfork, something that the real bitcoin has never done?

BSV will soon be split into two factions: Bitcoin SV and Bitcoin SV Classic.

Its laughable that all of the changes being introduced to the new BSV are considered part of "Satoshi's Vision." They're completely scrambling the code with a bunch of additions Satoshi could have never envisioned when he was around.

Additional Consensus Changes

Genesis Upgrade block height activation mechanism
UTXO age dependent rules
Formal Script Grammar
scriptSig can only contain OP_PUSHDATA operations
Add a policy limit on max_script_memory_usage with a default of 100MB
Add a consensus limit on max_script_memory_usage
Remove the consensus limit on the number of signature operations per MB of block space
Remove the consensus limit on the maximum number of signature operations per transaction
Remove the consensus limit on the number of op codes per script
Remove the consensus limit on the maximum script element size
Remove the consensus limit on the maximum number of elements in a script
Remove the consensus limit on the maximum number of public keys per multisig
Increase the consensus limit on the maximum transaction size to 1GB.

Software Enhancements

Parallel Block Validation
Separate processing of non-standard transactions in low priority queue
Set script evaluation timeout policies for standard and non-standard transactions
Tx should be included in inv messages in the order in which they are validated
Enhance tests for Parallel Block Validation.
Common Genesis activation code and command line option.
Enable validation of non-standard txns (on MainNet) when Genesis is enabled.
Set mempool default = 1Gb.
Remove block size from user agent string.
Change default tx fees (default txfee = 0.5 sat/byte, default minrelaytxfee = 0.25 sat/byte)
Update SPV bloom filters re attack mitigation.
Improve performance of prevector deserialization.
Change logging messages to be more precise.
Fix: Validating non-standard transactions can lock up a node for more than a minute.
Fix: Tx validation uses original reject message and ban score is used
Fix block send queue overflow
Fix undefined behaviour in bsv::deserialize
Fix bitcoin-cli help getblock
Fix build: Configure should fail when it can’t detect boost
Set the execute bit on all the new Genesis functional tests.
Fix MedianTimePast
Fix: Nonfinal transactions with no inputs is rejected with incorrect reason
Fix memory leak in asn1_integer
Fix boost::optional warnings
Fix: does not get included in packaged source
Fix: Fundrawtransaction RPC changePosition parameter causing out of bounds access
Add basic --enable-tcmalloc option to the build
Fix: CTxnDoubleSpendDetector deletion past end of vector
fix lshift and rshift on data larger than 2GB
Update to the RDP in preparation for Genesis
set max duration for async validation tasks

What a joke.

Well I mean if you're still an SV believer, it means you'll believe anything, so why not?

Troll harder. You must really hate BitCoin. Only love hodled bags?

Never seen such a retarded hater like nutiboy

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: fratoshi on February 04, 2020, 02:29:59 AM
Looks like those who oppose BSV are on stage two

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: nutildah on February 04, 2020, 05:51:55 AM
Reposted from the moderated thread. As it contains elements of powerful truth, it will likely be deleted from there. I bolded the most important parts.

Bitcoin BTC belongs to all its users. The source code of the Bitcoin Blockchain is open source and its evolutions are made by developers who strongly believe in the potential of Bitcoin to build a better world in the future.

Its nChain and BSV wants to distribute capitalist "Big Brother" to pay per second "for services that already exist", accessible to all for free for the most part. All this is based on a falsifiable system because whoever controls the hash and the power of the network can modify the blocks, the transactions, the data.

That's what you're really doing.

With your financial support and the funds you've already earned with all your bullshit. Maybe all of you should focus your energies on something really useful like cleaning the planet of its plastic. Building hospitals everywhere. Schools everywhere possible. Create arts centers, sports centers.... Dedicate your time to help the most needy by doing something yourself, like serving food at the soup kitchen 4 times a week, or helping your family and the family of strangers and thus putting aside your greed, selfishness and stinking sarcasm that stinks of the unhealthy theatre of operations. This can have the effect of bringing you down to earth and regaining a touch of humanity.  Helping the world is a fundamental that Satoshi believed and is certainly not that monkey wearing red socks.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on February 04, 2020, 07:37:00 AM
Reposted from the moderated thread. As it contains elements of powerful truth, it will likely be deleted from there. I bolded the most important parts.

Bitcoin BTC belongs to all its users. The source code of the Bitcoin Blockchain is open source and its evolutions are made by developers who strongly believe in the potential of Bitcoin to build a better world in the future.

Its nChain and BSV wants to distribute capitalist "Big Brother" to pay per second "for services that already exist", accessible to all for free for the most part. All this is based on a falsifiable system because whoever controls the hash and the power of the network can modify the blocks, the transactions, the data.

That's what you're really doing.

With your financial support and the funds you've already earned with all your bullshit. Maybe all of you should focus your energies on something really useful like cleaning the planet of its plastic. Building hospitals everywhere. Schools everywhere possible. Create arts centers, sports centers.... Dedicate your time to help the most needy by doing something yourself, like serving food at the soup kitchen 4 times a week, or helping your family and the family of strangers and thus putting aside your greed, selfishness and stinking sarcasm that stinks of the unhealthy theatre of operations. This can have the effect of bringing you down to earth and regaining a touch of humanity.  Helping the world is a fundamental that Satoshi believed and is certainly not that monkey wearing red socks.

What happens really if protocol gets locked down ? Do we still cheer and fanboy for tcp/ip dev teams ?

The goal is to undeploy core / abc whatever dev team in power

wake up baby

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: solosequenosenada on February 04, 2020, 12:54:20 PM
Now we have 3 chains, which one is Satoshi's "VISION"? The real vision i mean...   ;D

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: fratoshi on February 04, 2020, 01:22:07 PM
Block 620588
Hash 0000000000000000001f1138de22b9df4d6966d3ea209541a7a11035955c6bad
Mined on 2020-02-04

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: nutildah on February 04, 2020, 01:32:54 PM
Now we have 3 chains, which one is Satoshi's "VISION"? The real vision i mean...   ;D

Can I ask where you grabbed this screenshot from? It looks like Blockchair but I can't quite find it.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on February 04, 2020, 02:21:20 PM
Now we have 3 chains, which one is Satoshi's "VISION"? The real vision i mean...   ;D

Can I ask where you grabbed this screenshot from? It looks like Blockchair but I can't quite find it.


620603   13 minutes ago   0x20000000   Coingeek   351   139.11

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: blockchaincroatia23 on February 04, 2020, 02:49:55 PM
 :-[ oh, BSV coin it's  still actual it's still bumping and pumping a lot

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: Gash on February 04, 2020, 03:46:02 PM
Reposted from the moderated thread. As it contains elements of powerful truth, it will likely be deleted from there. I bolded the most important parts.

Bitcoin BTC belongs to all its users. The source code of the Bitcoin Blockchain is open source and its evolutions are made by developers who strongly believe in the potential of Bitcoin to build a better world in the future.

Its nChain and BSV wants to distribute capitalist "Big Brother" to pay per second "for services that already exist", accessible to all for free for the most part. All this is based on a falsifiable system because whoever controls the hash and the power of the network can modify the blocks, the transactions, the data.

That's what you're really doing.

With your financial support and the funds you've already earned with all your bullshit. Maybe all of you should focus your energies on something really useful like cleaning the planet of its plastic. Building hospitals everywhere. Schools everywhere possible. Create arts centers, sports centers.... Dedicate your time to help the most needy by doing something yourself, like serving food at the soup kitchen 4 times a week, or helping your family and the family of strangers and thus putting aside your greed, selfishness and stinking sarcasm that stinks of the unhealthy theatre of operations. This can have the effect of bringing you down to earth and regaining a touch of humanity.  Helping the world is a fundamental that Satoshi believed and is certainly not that monkey wearing red socks.

What happens really if protocol gets locked down ? Do we still cheer and fanboy for tcp/ip dev teams ?

The goal is to undeploy core / abc whatever dev team in power

wake up baby

Both shits are gonna be dead. Volume / capitalization is all fake lol. However BCh has got some team to its name. And BSV is a dry scam, operated by international criminal lol. Then u may argue that nchain is legally established / virtually legit company with stuff who do commit to making the coin better. But for me they are a cartel of ass-clowns who are anything but dedicated to building real utility products on the blockchain.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: solosequenosenada on February 04, 2020, 03:50:35 PM
Can I ask where you grabbed this screenshot from? It looks like Blockchair but I can't quite find it.

I stole it from my friend Alistair

He took it from here (

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on February 04, 2020, 04:27:24 PM
Can I ask where you grabbed this screenshot from? It looks like Blockchair but I can't quite find it.

I stole it from my friend Alistair

He took it from here (

a proven Bitcoin hater - what would you expect ?

here ya go


Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: Dabs on February 04, 2020, 05:05:23 PM
We don't hate Bitcoin. We love it. (well, maybe not, but whatevs right) ... but of course, I mean BTC, not anything else. Anything else is an altcoin. Bitcoin Cash is Bitcoin Cash. BSV is a fork from BCH. It is what it is. Not something it's not.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: dragonvslinux on February 04, 2020, 05:11:34 PM
Anybody else find it ironic that Bitcoin SV, the protocol "set in stone", is undergoing a hardfork, something that the real bitcoin has never done?

Not really. As BSV comes from forking BCH, which in turn came from forking BTC, I'd be more surprised if they weren't forking again.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on February 04, 2020, 06:26:55 PM
Anybody else find it ironic that Bitcoin SV, the protocol "set in stone", is undergoing a hardfork, something that the real bitcoin has never done?

BSV will soon be split into two factions: Bitcoin SV and Bitcoin SV Classic.

Its laughable that all of the changes being introduced to the new BSV are considered part of "Satoshi's Vision." They're completely scrambling the code with a bunch of additions Satoshi could have never envisioned when he was around.

Additional Consensus Changes

Genesis Upgrade block height activation mechanism
UTXO age dependent rules
Formal Script Grammar
scriptSig can only contain OP_PUSHDATA operations
Add a policy limit on max_script_memory_usage with a default of 100MB
Add a consensus limit on max_script_memory_usage
Remove the consensus limit on the number of signature operations per MB of block space
Remove the consensus limit on the maximum number of signature operations per transaction
Remove the consensus limit on the number of op codes per script
Remove the consensus limit on the maximum script element size
Remove the consensus limit on the maximum number of elements in a script
Remove the consensus limit on the maximum number of public keys per multisig
Increase the consensus limit on the maximum transaction size to 1GB.

Software Enhancements

Parallel Block Validation
Separate processing of non-standard transactions in low priority queue
Set script evaluation timeout policies for standard and non-standard transactions
Tx should be included in inv messages in the order in which they are validated
Enhance tests for Parallel Block Validation.
Common Genesis activation code and command line option.
Enable validation of non-standard txns (on MainNet) when Genesis is enabled.
Set mempool default = 1Gb.
Remove block size from user agent string.
Change default tx fees (default txfee = 0.5 sat/byte, default minrelaytxfee = 0.25 sat/byte)
Update SPV bloom filters re attack mitigation.
Improve performance of prevector deserialization.
Change logging messages to be more precise.
Fix: Validating non-standard transactions can lock up a node for more than a minute.
Fix: Tx validation uses original reject message and ban score is used
Fix block send queue overflow
Fix undefined behaviour in bsv::deserialize
Fix bitcoin-cli help getblock
Fix build: Configure should fail when it can’t detect boost
Set the execute bit on all the new Genesis functional tests.
Fix MedianTimePast
Fix: Nonfinal transactions with no inputs is rejected with incorrect reason
Fix memory leak in asn1_integer
Fix boost::optional warnings
Fix: does not get included in packaged source
Fix: Fundrawtransaction RPC changePosition parameter causing out of bounds access
Add basic --enable-tcmalloc option to the build
Fix: CTxnDoubleSpendDetector deletion past end of vector
fix lshift and rshift on data larger than 2GB
Update to the RDP in preparation for Genesis
set max duration for async validation tasks

What a joke.

Well I mean if you're still an SV believer, it means you'll believe anything, so why not?

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: solosequenosenada on February 04, 2020, 10:17:01 PM
a proven Bitcoin hater - what would you expect ?

Now I understand why you're always talking about BitCoin

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on February 05, 2020, 07:02:44 AM
a proven Bitcoin hater - what would you expect ?

Now I understand why you're always talking about BitCoin


Posting and beleiving PoSM is  negative IQ - no further proof needed


While you re lookin for spam down the internet - IQ ppl are building

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: nutildah on February 05, 2020, 08:38:33 AM
Meanwhile, BSV remains splintered into 3 forks. So far, the one with the longest chain is the non-updated version:

In short, BSV Classic is winning the hash war.

Miners seem to be rejecting the Genesis upgrade.


Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: fratoshi on February 05, 2020, 11:26:49 AM
BSV forked into many chains, this happen often when there is a hard or soft fork, on this particular case some miners are mining on other chains to create this fud,i have seen it before on other coins, sooner or later the fuders will move on and forget about the split chain and fud on something else. they are on the second stage, they violent oppose BSV.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: lancelot18cryp26 on February 05, 2020, 12:05:31 PM
Craig Wright Accused of Confusing Trial Proceedings

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: Anarcocapitalista on February 05, 2020, 12:29:40 PM
Open your eyes folks. There are accounts being created here specifically to create alternative facts for the defamation purpose of BSV, it’s on someone’s agenda to fund these people out of fear. BSV is the ONLY coin in a bull market right now. Look at the facts.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: solosequenosenada on February 05, 2020, 02:52:06 PM
Open your eyes folks. There are accounts being created here specifically to create alternative facts for the defamation purpose of BSV, it’s on someone’s agenda to fund these people out of fear. BSV is the ONLY coin in a bull market right now. Look at the facts.

 :D :D :D

And this comes from a person who only talks about BSV, his entire history of comments are exclusively from BitcoinScamVersion.
If you don't get paid for this, you're just too fucking stupid   ;)

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: Anarcocapitalista on February 05, 2020, 03:17:28 PM
Open your eyes folks. There are accounts being created here specifically to create alternative facts for the defamation purpose of BSV, it’s on someone’s agenda to fund these people out of fear. BSV is the ONLY coin in a bull market right now. Look at the facts.

 :D :D :D

And this comes from a person who only talks about BSV, his entire history of comments are exclusively from BitcoinScamVersion.
If you don't get paid for this, you're just too fucking stupid   ;)

Exactly, I’ve been in bsv since the beginning and therefore have made a ton of money betting against your advice. Why would I need to be paid?

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on February 05, 2020, 03:19:47 PM
Open your eyes folks. There are accounts being created here specifically to create alternative facts for the defamation purpose of BSV, it’s on someone’s agenda to fund these people out of fear. BSV is the ONLY coin in a bull market right now. Look at the facts.

 :D :D :D

And this comes from a person who only talks about BSV, his entire history of comments are exclusively from BitcoinScamVersion.
If you don't get paid for this, you're just too fucking stupid   ;)

You must know what you try to cast from yourself to others

Nope - BitCoin is the thing - just bettter without any devs / trolls / PoSM

Only PoW and miners run that

Keep the protocol simple and out of btc's ponzi realm


Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: nutildah on February 05, 2020, 03:47:37 PM
I’ve been in bsv since the beginning and therefore have made a ton of money betting against your advice promoting a scam. Why would I need to be paid?

Fixed that for you.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: Dabs on February 05, 2020, 04:24:18 PM
I don't think we even need to create accounts as we're just fine as is knowing what is going on. BSV forked from BCH which forked from BTC. You buy BSV at your own risk. Every other person I know who had any (and didn't buy them, but had them because of the fork from a previous chain) has sold them or gotten rid of them.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on February 05, 2020, 05:43:45 PM
Open your eyes folks. There are accounts being created here specifically to create alternative facts for the defamation purpose of BSV, it’s on someone’s agenda to fund these people out of fear. BSV is the ONLY coin in a bull market right now. Look at the facts.

On stardate 45047.2, Jean-Luc Picard leads the crew of the Enterprise in pursuit of a transmission beacon from the El-Adrel system, where a Tamarian vessel has been broadcasting a mathematical signal for weeks. The aliens, also known as the Children of Tama, are an apparently peaceable and technologically advanced race with which the Federation nevertheless has failed to forge diplomatic relations. The obstacle, as Commander Data puts it: “communication was not possible.”

"DATHON: Satoshi! His eyes uncovered!"

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: Dabs on February 06, 2020, 12:48:31 PM
We've heard about unbounded capital already and think they're wrong. But feel free to go with them if you wish.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on February 06, 2020, 01:54:56 PM
We've heard about unbounded capital already and think they're wrong. But feel free to go with them if you wish.

We ve heard about Bitcoin doesn't work (as desigend with big blocks) so it would need devs and segwit and LN and schnorr and ... whatever some hidden agendas wish to have


 and think they're wrong. But feel free to go with them if you wish.

WE think - no, we KNOW (cause make functional diffs, read the specs) BSV is the correct Bitcoin - and it works ( we accept btc doesn't work, but never will - also cause it's no longer comlpiant at all)

( Funny , using 'we' sounds very strong now - doesn't it? )

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: solosequenosenada on February 06, 2020, 03:06:31 PM
WE think - no, we KNOW (cause make functional diffs, read the specs) BSV is the correct Bitcoin - and it works ( we accept btc doesn't work, but never will - also cause it's no longer comlpiant at all)

Strong statements, which is logical since they come from a very smart guy, I'm not smart enough to understand why Bitcoin is worse than BSV or any other shitcoin....
so could you please tell me when Bitcoin is going to die? When will BSV surpass it in adoption and use? An approximation, more or less...

The most important thing is that it remains free

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on February 06, 2020, 04:10:40 PM
WE think - no, we KNOW (cause make functional diffs, read the specs) BSV is the correct Bitcoin - and it works ( we accept btc doesn't work, but never will - also cause it's no longer comlpiant at all)

Strong statements, which is logical since they come from a very smart guy, I'm not smart enough to understand why Bitcoin is worse than BSV or any other shitcoin....
so could you please tell me when Bitcoin is going to die? When will BSV surpass it in adoption and use? An approximation, more or less...

The most important thing is that it remains free

(I m aware I'm surely not the smartest in the space - so do own research is your friend)

Nobody can predict future - so better not get into speculation / position talk at all ( this is one of the major cancer in crypto space IMHO)

But just looking at simple economics only with big blocks security generating miners will live / invest in the long run
Sustainability and value comes with multi onchain use cases
Compliance is with plain original protocol

What else would you need to extrapolate into 'future' ?

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: solosequenosenada on February 06, 2020, 04:18:13 PM

What else would you need to extrapolate into 'future' ?

I understand, I don't like to speculate either since no one can guess the future.

What I do is judge the past and draw conclusions based on facts, such as hashrate, price, number of transactions, etc. The facts tell me that BSV is a piece of shit, until that changes it will continue to be a scam.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on February 06, 2020, 04:28:38 PM

What else would you need to extrapolate into 'future' ?

I understand, I don't like to speculate either since no one can guess the future.

What I do is judge the past and draw conclusions based on facts, such as hashrate, price, number of transactions, etc. The facts tell me that BSV is a piece of shit, until that changes it will continue to be a scam.

Good start

I go little deeper and ask why has btc higher figures / external metrics and have concluded  those are manly driven by scams ;)

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: solosequenosenada on February 06, 2020, 04:36:25 PM

I go little deeper and ask why has btc higher figures / external metrics and have concluded  those are manly driven by scams ;)

That's what I mean, you're fucking smart and you can "conclude" what the solution is. I'm a loser, a useless man who'll blindly follow Bitcoin to his death, I have no solution.

Very interesting talk, goodbye.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: Anarcocapitalista on February 07, 2020, 12:59:39 PM
Open your eyes folks. There are accounts being created here specifically to create alternative facts for the defamation purpose of BSV, it’s on someone’s agenda to fund these people out of fear. BSV is the ONLY coin in a bull market right now. Look at the facts.

On stardate 45047.2, Jean-Luc Picard leads the crew of the Enterprise in pursuit of a transmission beacon from the El-Adrel system, where a Tamarian vessel has been broadcasting a mathematical signal for weeks. The aliens, also known as the Children of Tama, are an apparently peaceable and technologically advanced race with which the Federation nevertheless has failed to forge diplomatic relations. The obstacle, as Commander Data puts it: “communication was not possible.”

"DATHON: Satoshi! His eyes uncovered!"

I have a sense of humour that appreciates this lol

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: fratoshi on February 08, 2020, 04:52:17 AM
This is great news, i am expecting a big price surge starting from now till the coingeek conference start, i really think the price will go around 500$, if that happen i am planning to sell some of my profits and go holiday and document it all here.

CoinGeek is, therefore, thrilled to have Jimmy Wales as a keynote speaker and looks forward to hearing his views on combating fake news, improving the quality of online information, and how Bitcoin technology might have some of the answers.

Note that i am not promoting or endorsing BSV or any other coin or exchange, i am just a trader, i buy low and sell high or viceversa.
Bullies leave me alone

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: nutildah on February 08, 2020, 04:57:13 AM
Be prepared to do a lot of buying high and selling low.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on February 08, 2020, 07:16:18 AM
Be prepared to do a lot of buying high and selling low.

Bitcoin is controversial technology , good to be discussed constructive and then it will grow better for all

Destructive minded BTC ponzi shills can only think of: buy hodl sell to greater fool

Look at them loosing all (proof: so much triggered and hate posts)

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: nutildah on February 08, 2020, 07:40:48 AM
Be prepared to do a lot of buying high and selling low.

Bitcoin is controversial technology , good to be discussed constructive and then it will grow better for all

Destructive minded BTC ponzi shills can only think of: buy hodl sell to greater fool

Look at them loosing all (proof: so much triggered and hate posts)

1st sentence: True

2nd sentence: Straw Man Trolling

3rd sentence: Straw Man Trolling

Again, if all you have is trolling, it means you actually have nothing. You get triggered every time I write a comment here and are uncontrollably forced to respond to it. Try to exhibit a bit more self restraint next time. What would be more impressive is if you used logic or god forbid facts in your next rebuttal instead of your usual empty-minded snottiness. For example, come up with a reply to Jimmy Wales' tweet using verifiable facts and logic instead of just attacking bitcoiners.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: fratoshi on February 08, 2020, 08:57:05 AM
Yes i agree.
Seems like the Fud campaign is intensifying, the fudders are bringing the "set on stone" topic recently, maybe because the genesis fork, or because the coingeek conference will mostly talk about that

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: fratoshi on February 09, 2020, 02:31:55 AM
Coinbase getting ready to list BSV?

"Buy Bitcoin SV" button showing up on Coinbase Europe website

Note that i am not promoting or endorsing BSV or any other coin or Coinbase or any other exchange, i am just a trader, i buy low and sell high or viceversa.
Bullies leave me alone

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: BitcoinFX on February 10, 2020, 10:25:24 AM
No.  ::)


"Craig Wright - His Bitcoin Fraud Fundament

We know that Craig started to fraud his way into the Bitcoin arena in the second half of 2013.

Let's check out how he build the foundation to that fraud.




BSV is "Cracked, inSecure and Generally Broken" - SWIM


"Six days after the BSV Genesis downgrade, it appears more and more to me that some 80-85 nodes have forked off and are creating a new chain after block 620538. Another ~30 nodes are left behind in the process.

Only ~250 nodes are now left.

A year ago, BSV had 636 nodes."



"Satoshi advocated for separation of data systems to enable scalability, even the minimal BitDNS data. He was totally against piling everything into Bitcoin’s blockchain - the exact opposite of what Craig Wright is trying to do! "



Now go here:





BSV is a scurge on this entire industry. Avoid it like the plague. Do not use any services that list and/or endorse it. Cease and desist.

BitcoinSV is NOT Bitcoin and CSW is NOT Satoshi.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: nutildah on February 11, 2020, 06:14:38 AM
3 more BSV nodes have fallen into line, but the contingency of stalwart nodes on 0.2.1 and 0.2.2 doesn't seem to be shaken:

Meanwhile the price of BSV still hovers around $350  ::)

Imagine how the fate of a $6.4 billion market cap could rest on the shoulders of 259 nodes... Decentralization, just like Satoshi envision it!  :D

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on February 11, 2020, 10:34:07 AM
3 more BSV nodes have fallen into line, but the contingency of stalwart nodes on 0.2.1 and 0.2.2 doesn't seem to be shaken:

Meanwhile the price of BSV still hovers around $350  ::)

Imagine how the fate of a $6.4 billion market cap could rest on the shoulders of 259 nodes... Decentralization, just like Satoshi envision it!  :D

Funny - isn't it?

True nodes are miners. = SERVERS of the network

all the rest are simple relay / client nodes - why you care ?

TIP: Draw some time series graph / process graph when exactly happens what in BitCoin

Than you might get the understand how the systems DYNAMICALLY works

Otherwise you just don't know anything (or just the STATICS)  - Jon Snow

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: Dabs on February 11, 2020, 12:56:29 PM
Not all miners run full nodes. The ones who connect to pools usually don't. A lot of other alts would seem to have more full nodes than BSV.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on February 11, 2020, 01:13:09 PM
Not all miners run full nodes. The ones who connect to pools usually don't. A lot of other alts would seem to have more full nodes than BSV.

Decent miniers - caring for high connectivity run their own trusted dedicated network / leased lines / datacentres

These are the miniers winning / miners of trust - cause highly invested and not happy to lose cause raspis are slow and not resilient

Don't play the game every consumer wallet - node is relevant in a client server network - miners are making the blocks ot truth - between other miners,  the rest = clients can only reject what the truth is - just lol

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: BitcoinFX on February 11, 2020, 03:19:42 PM
"Beam me up, Scotty" ...

Project Anastasia: Bitcoiners Against Identity Theft [re: Craig Wright scam]

Indeed, quite incidentally or perhaps inadvertently, William Shatner now appears to of 'joined' Project Anastasia: Bitcoiners Against Identity Theft  [re: Craig Wright scam] with the following tweet(s)! ...

"Why can’t he prove it? 🤷🏼‍♂️
From what I’ve read is that some mysterious bonded courier would deliver the keys (which honestly is a scene right out of Back to the Future.)  If he is, he should be able to prove it. This is like the modern day search for Anastasia."





"Well this really says nothing. He’s the one claiming to be Satoshi, so like Anastasia he needs to prove it. And it would seem that signing the block would prove he has the keys which is a step in the “Wright” direction. 😉"


"Judges look at facts & apply it to the law & previous judgements. Would an ordinary, learned, person such as a Judge  be able to look at the keys & say “yes these are Satoshi’s keys”? 🤷🏼‍♂️
I just feel there’s a simpler way to prove it & hush all the detractors."



1. He claims he is.
2. He says he has the keys.
3. Sign.

Why bother with videos explaining why?  Just do #3. 🙄

To ask a judge is just wasting the court’s time and leaves the ruling open to scrutiny as to what was presented versus what wasn’t. 🤷🏼‍♂️"



So he’s Tiny Tim; tiptoeing through the Tulips? 🤷🏼‍♂️ I would have blocked him long ago with all these weird stories. 🙄 Let me know what the judge says. 😉"




Tiny Tim - Tiptoe Through The Tulips


Tip Toe Thru The Tulips 1929

 :D 8)

Craig Wright is NOT Satoshi and BSV is NOT Bitcoin.

Prove me wrong! Still waiting!


"Aye, aye, captain."

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: SesAnn3 on February 11, 2020, 04:39:56 PM

All I know is that person in above Picture (click link to view the image) is not satoshi but faketoshi. BSV got just an artificial pump and it will surely come back.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on February 11, 2020, 06:07:06 PM
Quite entertaining how the trolls just only can react on BSV by derailing their thefts of original BitCoin protocol, idea, IP ... and try to social media proof that the guy who's pointing out their dumb thefts, try to make him a theft...

Now, who IS still the proven thief?

Core / Blockstream , abc devs ?

Why going into original sourcs as long as social media gives more time for popcorn...


Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: BitcoinFX on February 11, 2020, 10:54:15 PM

Twitter storm time ...

"Craig Wright has committed 'ID theft' of the #Bitcoin creator !?

I am 'BitcoinFX', registered user No. 30 - February 01, 2010, from the forum, one of the places the real Satoshi Nakamoto launched Bitcoin (#BTC).





"My Signed message thread:





"I ran an early Bitcoin exchange service and contributed mainly on the forum to help the Bitcoin concept to flourish.

I communicated with the real Satoshi, yet Craig Wright seemingly avoids myself (and others) like the plague!




"To date, Craig Stephen Wright has failed to sign a valid publicly verifiable Bitcoin message for any address:

Dan Kaminsky's:

Attempting (Failed) Verification of the Wright Signature:

Also see:




"Signed and Verifiable messages in Bitcoin are very easy. The real Satoshi could also prove identity via PGP.


At the base of the page, see PGP Key; Satoshi_Nakamoto.asc :


Financial privacy is not broken using PGP.




"Signed messages are a better proof-of-identity over not signing messages.

Bitcoin is financial cryptography software, after all.

Logging in to forum accounts and/or sending from original Satoshi email addresses is also feasible proof, for example.




"Whilst privacy and anonymity are quite different:


Pseudonymity in Bitcoin has always allowed for people to be honest brokers and to pay taxes.

'Criminals' unfortunately utilize all forms of money. This is unavoidable.




"The real Satoshi Nakamoto remains 'anonymous' and used #Tor for safer communications.

Use of privacy and anonymity tools for internet circumvention etc., does not make you a 'criminal'.




"#BitcoinSV is NOT the original Bitcoin. #BSV is a fork of a fork of original #Bitcoin which is #BTC.

They copied Bitcoin --> Bitcoin Cash --> BitcoinSV

See the BSV license agreement:


One would imagine Satoshi to be lord of his own yard, right!




"Quote: ".. The Bitcoin SV blockchains are defined, for purposes of this license, as the Bitcoin blockchain containing block height #556767 with the hash "000000000000000001d956714215d96ffc00e0afda4cd0a96c96f8d802b1662b .."

Again, BitcoinSV is NOT Bitcoin, Bitcoin is BTC.




"Finally, big blocks in BitcoinSV are NOT a scaling 'solution', they are a scaling problem!

CSW is NOT Satoshi and BSV is NOT Bitcoin.

Prove me wrong! Still waiting!

I recommend following: @MyLegacyKit for more facts on this subject.




"Peace and love to all Bitcoin (BTC) supporters and to the honest folks of the fantastic crypto community twittersphere !

Not your private keys, not your coins!

Don't trust, verify!

☮️ ❤️ 🌮 🔐 ⚡️




BSV is NOT Bitcoin and Craig Wright is NOT Satoshi.


"Worthless and unenforceable patents !?


"You can not patent code. You can only patent an invention which is implemented in your code. An invention is a new and unique way of doing something..."




"... "... Most of all, it must be something nobody did before. If anyone used the same technique which you describe in your patent, that's called prior art and invalidates your patent..."




"... "... So trying to get a patent on something somebody else invented and implemented in code would be futile...."







Quote: "The bitcoin whitepaper was first distributed by Satoshi Nakamoto on the Cypherpunks mailing list. The mailing list has a Cypherpunks anti-License. ... "




"... "Background ...

The CPL is written from a mindset which derides the very concept of Intellectual Property restrictions as being incompatible with a free society ..."




"... "... Cryptographically assured anonymity and anonymous use of Internet resources mean that denizens of cypherspace can ignore copyright, licenses attempting to control use and distribution of works, and patents on ideas..."




"... "... It is not possible to enforce IP laws by calls to government legal systems when the flaunter is strongly anonymous. ..."




"CSW's and nChain's patents are likely Prior Art i.e. worthless and unenforceable without said cryptographically assured proof.




Signed Message Thread ...

"Herewith, a Signed and Verifiable message from my (old) 2010 #Bitcoin (BTC) zero balance wallet address:


Why can't Craig Wright do this?

Not Your Private Keys, Not Your Bitcoin. 🔑

Don't trust, verify. 🧐

1 of 3"



@BitcoinFX_BTC on

2 of 3"



"Verify Signed Message - (

BitcoinTalk Account Backlink -

BTC Address -

Still a bit nauseating ! 🤪

3 of 3"


Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on February 12, 2020, 07:45:48 AM
Validating Nodes; AKA Sybil Systems
There is no such thing as a validating node in Bitcoin. Bitcoin scales using SPV, but even with what some people in the BTC religion call full validating nodes, only miners matter. In particular, nodes were designed to preclude Sybil systems. Bitcoin is a proof-of-work system. Nodes are defined in six steps in the white paper. Any system that does not complete all of the six stages is not a node in Bitcoin. As such, any Raspberry Pi system is alluding itself. Your Raspberry Pi will never find a proof-of-work. Any such system is by definition a Sybil.


Some guy is getting it.

If non-miner node (lol) GETTING a wrong copy - it's lost.

Miners are UPDATING the state

Raspis try to follow - just are behind all the time. No security coming from those 'Sybils' - don't trust them - just 'accept' what miners pass over - they verify for you - cause only miners getting paid for

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: BitcoinFX on February 12, 2020, 10:26:18 AM
Validating Nodes; AKA Sybil Systems
There is no such thing as a validating node in Bitcoin. Bitcoin scales using SPV, but even with what some people in the BTC religion call full validating nodes, only miners matter. In particular, nodes were designed to preclude Sybil systems. Bitcoin is a proof-of-work system. Nodes are defined in six steps in the white paper. Any system that does not complete all of the six stages is not a node in Bitcoin. As such, any Raspberry Pi system is alluding itself. Your Raspberry Pi will never find a proof-of-work. Any such system is by definition a Sybil.


You are referring to the Bitcoin (BTC) white paper here;


When Bitcoin (BTC) was released all nodes (wallets) were 'validating nodes'.

Mining bitcoins in-wallet with CPU power (Proof-of-Work) was entirely optional via a Tab > Generate Coins.

GPU mining and pooled mining did not exist until later on.

Your twisted narrative of Bitcoin history is therefore a completely invalid argument.


"Important to understand here:

1. In 2009/2010 the Bitcoin client was a wallet, a node and a miner (which was called "generating coins" back in the days).
2. Satoshi foresaw a future split of the Bitcoin client in wallets, mining nodes (in parks) and listening nodes.



Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on February 12, 2020, 11:44:02 AM
There is no BTC white paper - this claim got rekkt by segwit & co

VERY EASY TO VERIFY - don't trust twitter trolls

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: BitcoinFX on February 12, 2020, 12:45:05 PM
There is no BTC white paper - this claim got rekkt by segwit & co

VERY EASY TO VERIFY - don't trust twitter trolls

Yes it is very easy to verify, Bitcoin = BTC at domain - always has! ...


"Paper: Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System

Abstract. A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash would allow online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution. Digital signatures provide part of the solution, but the main benefits are lost if a trusted third party is still required to prevent double-spending. We propose a solution to the double-spending problem using a peer-to-peer network. The network timestamps transactions by hashing them into an ongoing chain of hash-based proof-of-work, forming a record that cannot be changed without redoing the proof-of-work. The longest chain not only serves as proof of the sequence of events witnessed, but proof that it came from the largest pool of CPU power. As long as a majority of CPU power is controlled by nodes that are not cooperating to attack the network, they'll generate the longest chain and outpace attackers. The network itself requires minimal structure. Messages are broadcast on a best effort basis, and nodes can leave and rejoin the network at will, accepting the longest proof-of-work chain as proof of what happened while they were gone."

Paper: Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System <<<<< links to ...


Again, Bitcoin = BTC at domain - always has!


Bitcoin is NOT BSV and CSW is NOT Satoshi.

Got it now? Good!

I'm presenting you with hard facts and hard evidence here, with empirical sources and you only have words ... who is the troll ? YOU ARE @hv_ .

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on February 12, 2020, 01:44:45 PM
Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System

yes - and no segwit, ctor, rbf, and honest miners run the nodes


BSV looks the hard fact BitCoin

BTC just soft forked away

No troll wins here

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: Dabs on February 12, 2020, 02:10:50 PM
Core wallet = full validating node. Just not mining new blocks. But verifying existing blocks. Segwit is implemented by consensus. That means everyone agreed to it. Plus, it works, so why not use it. You don't have to use it if you don't want to and stick to old school addresses, those still work.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on February 12, 2020, 03:54:37 PM
Core wallet = full validating node. Just not mining new blocks. But verifying existing blocks. Segwit is implemented by consensus. That means everyone agreed to it. Plus, it works, so why not use it. You don't have to use it if you don't want to and stick to old school addresses, those still work.

Nope - not 'everyone' - and it's not a 'democratic' decision to change a protocol BTW - even more NOPE to change financial system having a strict definition WHITE PAPER

Learn finance and compliance

... the hard way

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: nutildah on February 12, 2020, 05:34:56 PM
Q: What's the difference between a slow, clunky database and a centralized blockchain?

A: Nothing.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: BitcoinFX on February 12, 2020, 06:47:08 PM
Oh dear ...

"BSV mempool suddenly jumps to 400+ MB this morning. Interesting. 🙄"

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: nutildah on February 15, 2020, 04:50:31 PM
Wow, I just watched BSV lose $50 in 15 minutes. That was breathtaking.

In the last 24 hours:

BTC down 3%
BSV down 14.5%

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on February 15, 2020, 09:02:54 PM
Wow, I just watched BSV lose $50 in 15 minutes. That was breathtaking.

In the last 24 hours:

BTC down 3%
BSV down 14.5%

Lol. Idiots only watch price and their bags - fcking short term and sighted

BitCoiners build, sustainable

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: nutildah on February 16, 2020, 04:08:25 AM
BitCoiners build, sustainable

LOL. Having your network dependent on the health of 250 nodes doesn't sound very sustainable to me.

What's the deal with the 75 nodes that still refuse to upgrade? That's a large chunk of your overall node count:

Furthermore, why would people use a centralized blockchain when there are already databases that do the same thing that SV does better, faster and cheaper?

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on February 16, 2020, 11:24:01 AM
BitCoiners build, sustainable

LOL. Having your network dependent on the health of 250 nodes doesn't sound very sustainable to me.

What's the deal with the 75 nodes that still refuse to upgrade? That's a large chunk of your overall node count:

Furthermore, why would people use a centralized blockchain when there are already databases that do the same thing that SV does better, faster and cheaper?

Seems not miners.

Why do you still care about relay nodes? They don't help. No need to count those clients.

Miners are honestly running the blockchain and network.

Not pees or raspis

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: nutildah on February 16, 2020, 11:50:00 AM
BitCoiners build, sustainable

LOL. Having your network dependent on the health of 250 nodes doesn't sound very sustainable to me.

What's the deal with the 75 nodes that still refuse to upgrade? That's a large chunk of your overall node count:

Furthermore, why would people use a centralized blockchain when there are already databases that do the same thing that SV does better, faster and cheaper?

Seems not miners.

Why do you still care about relay nodes? They don't help. No need to count those clients.

Miners are honestly running the blockchain and network.

Not pees or raspis

It would appear that your dream of cutting out validating nodes has become a reality. Now everyone on SV will be 100% reliant on 3rd party wallet providers to store their funds. No need for privacy or security with Bitcoin SV, right?

You didn't answer my other question: why would people use a centralized blockchain when there are already databases that do the same thing that SV does better, faster and cheaper?

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on February 16, 2020, 12:01:34 PM
BitCoiners build, sustainable

LOL. Having your network dependent on the health of 250 nodes doesn't sound very sustainable to me.

What's the deal with the 75 nodes that still refuse to upgrade? That's a large chunk of your overall node count:

Furthermore, why would people use a centralized blockchain when there are already databases that do the same thing that SV does better, faster and cheaper?

Seems not miners.

Why do you still care about relay nodes? They don't help. No need to count those clients.

Miners are honestly running the blockchain and network.

Not pees or raspis

It would appear that your dream of cutting out validating nodes has become a reality. Now everyone on SV will be 100% reliant on 3rd party wallet providers to store their funds. No need for privacy or security with Bitcoin SV, right?

You didn't answer my other question: why would people use a centralized blockchain when there are already databases that do the same thing that SV does better, faster and cheaper?

You ve no clue about incentives and game theory, right

Bitcoin is saved and secure by economics. The tech layer is just a poor instance of it. Don't get blinded by little techy things you might be able to grasp

The bigger picture is embedded economics (where store of value is a result, and does not come by funny definition in a book) and international law

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: nutildah on February 16, 2020, 12:19:22 PM
You ve no clue about incentives and game theory, right

Bitcoin is saved and secure by economics. The tech layer is just a poor instance of it. Don't get blinded by little techy things you might be able to grasp

The bigger picture is embedded economics (where store of value is a result, and does not come by funny definition in a book) and international law

What? That made no sense at all. I didn't mean to trigger you into having a stroke, I just wanted to know why anybody would use BSV when its obviously run by a scam artist and databases are much more efficient at storing data.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on February 16, 2020, 12:36:53 PM
You ve no clue about incentives and game theory, right

Bitcoin is saved and secure by economics. The tech layer is just a poor instance of it. Don't get blinded by little techy things you might be able to grasp

The bigger picture is embedded economics (where store of value is a result, and does not come by funny definition in a book) and international law

What? That made no sense at all. I didn't mean to trigger you into having a stroke, I just wanted to know why anybody would use BSV when its obviously run by a scam artist and databases are much more efficient at storing data.

Why should anyone spend more time to explain what Bitcoin really is if you dont see the sense

I give up

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: nutildah on February 16, 2020, 12:52:47 PM
Why should anyone spend more time to explain what Bitcoin really is if you dont see the sense

The guy who thinks BSV is Bitcoin is going to explain what Bitcoin "really is"? LOL.

What I see is that you think nonsense is sense. The only thing you've ever managed to demonstrate is that you are capable of regurgitating Craig and Calvin's bullshit talking points into low IQ, underdeveloped bird feed responses.

I give up

That's a real shame. Probably best to head on over to MetaNet with all the like-minded people who "get it."

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on February 17, 2020, 09:24:17 PM
Good reading about Metanet

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: BitcoinFX on February 20, 2020, 09:35:21 AM
For the lolz ...

CoinGeek London - Live Stream Day 1


Oops, sorry Wright link ... ^^



BSV is NOT Bitcoin and CSW is NOT Satoshi.


Highlights, so far ...

- Steve Shadders thinks putting pictures of Guinea pig's on the BSV blockchain is 'unfcukening' Bitcoin and is 'Satoshi Vision' - WTF lol

- Announces a another Hard Fork, 'Chronicle', because 'Genesis' wasn't so 'set in stone' - rofl

- Tells people to stop running BSV nodes if they are not making any money - facepalm

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: CryptoSans on February 20, 2020, 02:25:03 PM
Thought that there would be more BSV fanbois on this thread, guess more and more people are offloading their bags and dropping the pretence that CSW is Satoshi.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: ooom on February 21, 2020, 07:54:03 AM
Stupid Bitcoin copy forks are only defragmentation of crypto community. But as a stock split it was profitable for everyone involved. No innovation and no real development in these forks is what it is. As all talent is innovating on Bitcoin original repository.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: Last of the V8s on February 23, 2020, 11:47:47 AM

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: Last of the V8s on March 23, 2020, 01:02:42 PM
 $BSV being **trolled hard** "on-chain"

Unknown Miner/s collecting block rewards without recording any weather data or paid tweets

Has more hash power than your entire BSV country!

I smell an emergency fork in the oven, or a court case lol


Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on March 24, 2020, 04:06:18 AM
 $BSV being **trolled hard** "on-chain"

Unknown Miner/s collecting block rewards without recording any weather data or paid tweets

Has more hash power than your entire BSV country!

I smell an emergency fork in the oven, or a court case lol


Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on March 24, 2020, 09:16:29 AM
There is no spam

There is no anonymous

There is only economics in BitCoin

Miners are there for profit

They ve to work honest - or get removed

Have fun - trolling is so cheap - still

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on March 24, 2020, 02:44:27 PM
There is no spam

There is no anonymous

There is only economics in BitCoin

Miners are there for profit

They ve to work honest - or get removed

Have fun - trolling is so cheap - still

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on March 24, 2020, 05:50:39 PM
There is no spam

There is no anonymous

There is only economics in BitCoin

Miners are there for profit

They ve to work honest - or get removed

Have fun - trolling is so cheap - still

Profit. Big blocks - big profit.

This is the long term future. Not short term trolling

This guy is getting it

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: Dabs on March 26, 2020, 11:41:38 AM
That's Calvin Ayre. He's never gotten it. He's probably lost it. Of course, he's got majority of the mining hash power in BSV.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on March 26, 2020, 05:10:31 PM
Fud from coretrolls

Debunked here

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on March 26, 2020, 08:54:29 PM
Fud from coretrolls

Debunked here

I hope this article can serve as the final debunking of this ‘threat’ to Bitcoin.

Wait, what?

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on March 27, 2020, 03:13:47 PM
Fud from coretrolls

Debunked here

I hope this article can serve as the final debunking of this ‘threat’ to Bitcoin.

Wait, what?

BitCoin was always a threat - even to bitcoiners

What is anti-fragile ?

BitCoin is - > it doesn't like middle men - incl protocol-devs / core communities and social media trolls

The original protocol is the strongest DNA

its just working fine - with big blocks

If some devs wanna change that - some others will lock it down - and scale better

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: contraband on April 11, 2020, 04:40:09 PM
By its ranking, I see people still think there is blood left in this scam.

I dont see SV gaining greater ROI than any of the top ten from here on out.

How long can the "but were the real bitcoin" scam last?

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: Cryptotourist on September 13, 2020, 07:26:29 AM
Got a bunch of posts deleted in the other thread.
Could not let this one go:

Do you get paid in BSV for your efforts?
Honest question.
CSW is very generous
Honest answer

Not exactly what I asked, but it will do, thanks.

Carry on, as you were:

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: seven.71 on September 13, 2020, 09:38:29 AM
Got a bunch of posts deleted in the other thread.
Could not let this one go:

Do you get paid in BSV for your efforts?
Honest question.
CSW is very generous
Honest answer

Not exactly what I asked, but it will do, thanks.

Carry on, as you were:
thanks for displaying their ignorance that has been removed from this thread, I look at this like I want to laugh evilly because of that

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on September 13, 2020, 10:50:47 AM
Self moderation removed? And lots of others with that? Meh

Btc needs hard protection... now it needs patent protection from Twitter boss, or what?

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: BitcoinFX on September 14, 2020, 08:55:13 PM
Some posts which have today been 'deleted' from various 'Bitcoin SV' moderated threads ...


Caveat emptor "buyer beware" BSV is NOT original Bitcoin. Bitcoin is BTC:

A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by the starter of a self-moderated topic. There are no rules of self-moderation, so this deletion cannot be appealed. Do not continue posting in this topic if the topic-starter has requested that you leave.

You can create a new topic if you are unsatisfied with this one. If the topic-starter is scamming, post about it in Scam Accusations.

And please notice, the still anonymous developer of bitcoin is what made people really love it, who cares if we know your developer?
90% of BTC transactions - is SCAM

You are wrong, people just don't have alternatives, love has nothing to do with

BSV - is real reliable & transparent alternative against BTC monopoly. Open your eyes, chum



Yes 'ban' these charlatans ... BSV is NOT Bitcoin and CSW has categorically failed to produce any valid cryptographically assured evidence to date.

Is this your twitter account 'Bitcoin SV' ? I appears twitter thinks someone has been 'impersonating' the real Bitcoin (BTC) ...

Which would seem to be the case here ...




A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by the starter of a self-moderated topic. There are no rules of self-moderation, so this deletion cannot be appealed. Do not continue posting in this topic if the topic-starter has requested that you leave.

You can create a new topic if you are unsatisfied with this one. If the topic-starter is scamming, post about it in Scam Accusations.

If BSV is better then why CSW is trying so hard to prove he is satoshi Nakamoto?
Let me tell you something. If CSW is not Satoshi, let Satoshi show up and declare about it.
Until then, Craig has the right to all claims

Craig claimed in court he owned a bunch of addresses ... turns out he does not own them and someone else in fact does ...

The real satoshi would simply never say this ...

"Interviewer: "Hey Craig, how do you explain the 145 addressed that signed "Craig is a fraud" last week ?"

Craig: " No message was signed, you can't sign anonymously - you have to have an identity to sign....key don't count..I gotta" 😂😂😂 "

Source: REIMAGINE 2020 - Craig S. Wright - World Riots, Hard Work, Quantum Computing and more



"A digital signature is a mathematical scheme for verifying the authenticity of digital messages or documents. A valid digital signature, where the prerequisites are satisfied, gives a recipient very strong reason to believe that the message was created by a known sender (authentication), and that the message was not altered in transit (integrity).

Digital signatures are a standard element of most cryptographic protocol suites, and are commonly used for software distribution, financial transactions, contract management software, and in other cases where it is important to detect forgery or tampering..."


Back to the OP ... 145 addresses were signed and the messages are 100% verifiable on the blockchain.

These are addresses that Craig Wright told the court he owned / mined, in the 4th revision of the Tulip Trust, which is supposedly inaccessible.  :D

Valid Bitcoin messages can clearly be signed anonymously and no you don't have to have an identity for the message to be validated.

Moreover, the message does in fact contain an identity i.e. the anonymous address does NOT belong to Craig Wright.

The addresses could belong to anybody, but it categorically does not belong to Craig Wright.

Anyone who still thinks that 'Craig is Satoshi', based on this single piece of evidence alone, is a complete and utterly misguided fool.

Care to explain this one? Plus all his other lies ...




Bitcoin = BTC

A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by the starter of a self-moderated topic. There are no rules of self-moderation, so this deletion cannot be appealed. Do not continue posting in this topic if the topic-starter has requested that you leave.

You can create a new topic if you are unsatisfied with this one. If the topic-starter is scamming, post about it in Scam Accusations.

Pretty sure that's not how it works.  Otherwise, if John Lennon doesn't turn up to prove otherwise, then I'm John Lennon.  Please give me decades of backdated Beatles royalties because no one can prove I'm not John Lennon.  
Lennon is dead, stupid
Satoshi is not dead

Do you feel the difference?

Craig Wright is a fraud. Do you know the difference? - SWIM

Satoshi is 'ded'. [citation needed]
I'm 99.9% certain Nakamoto is alive ...


Not *Satire*
Danger Mouse - 99 Problems (2004) *NSFW*


A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by the starter of a self-moderated topic. There are no rules of self-moderation, so this deletion cannot be appealed. Do not continue posting in this topic if the topic-starter has requested that you leave.

You can create a new topic if you are unsatisfied with this one. If the topic-starter is scamming, post about it in Scam Accusations.

After segwit BTC is not Bitcoin anymore! This is not Original Bitcoin!
Irony, You sign message Bitcoin segwit address.
And wrong format, don't have signature, Read here before sign message: Sign message format (

most of payments are carried out in this currency
Nothing (

This is how one actually signs and verifies a message in original Bitcoin (BTC) ...

Re: Project Anastasia: Bitcoiners Against Identity Theft [re: Craig Wright scam]
Project Anastasia: Bitcoiners Against Identity Theft

Craig Wright is an identity thief who has taken the name Satoshi Nakamoto - prove me wrong!

My Old Wallet Address: 1JXFXUBGs2ZtEDAQMdZ3tkCKo38nT2XSEp created 15/02/2010 15:20

Why can't Craig Wright do this?

Verifying my (old) zero balance wallet address for blockchain research etc.,


Not Your Private Keys, Not Your Bitcoin.

Don't trust, verify.

Signed by BitcoinFX - - January 6th, 2020

-!%0A%0AMy%20Old%20Wallet%20Address%3A%201JXFXUBGs2ZtEDAQMdZ3tkCKo38nT2XSEp%20created%2015%2F02%2F2010%2015%3A20%0A%0AWhy%20can't%20Craig%20Wright%20do%20this%3F%20%0A%0AVerifying%20my%20(old)' (!%0A%0AMy%20Old%20Wallet%20Address%3A%201JXFXUBGs2ZtEDAQMdZ3tkCKo38nT2XSEp%20created%2015%2F02%2F2010%2015%3A20%0A%0AWhy%20can't%20Craig%20Wright%20do%20this%3F%20%0A%0AVerifying%20my%20(old)'



Whilst the identity theft of princess Anastasia is an excellent analogy, I have long thought that the 'Tichborne case' also provides a very fitting example to describe the actions of CSW ...

-  a.k.a "The Tichborne Claimant"

"... the man who lost himself still walks in history, with no other name than that which the common voice of his day accorded him: the Claimant ..."



Craig Wright is NOT Satoshi.

Look at all this comprehensive research into his lies ...

The #faketoshi fraud timeline ...

Satoshi ...

Furthermore, BSV is NOT Original Bitcoin. It is a fork of a fork (a copy of a copy) as described in the BSV license here:


Quote: "... The Bitcoin SV blockchains are defined,
for purposes of this license, as the Bitcoin blockchain containing block height #556767
with the hash "000000000000000001d956714215d96ffc00e0afda4cd0a96c96f8d802b1662b" ..."

Comprende ?

Caveat emptor "buyer beware" BSV is NOT original Bitcoin. Bitcoin is BTC:

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on September 15, 2020, 08:18:33 AM
Bitcoin did not start with a ticker / casino bucket shops

did not start as a ponzi

did work best without protocol-devs (forkers - hard or soft)

You can try it on e.g. PowPing and earn some.

Bitcoin is more than some ll ever get

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: Cryptotourist on September 15, 2020, 08:58:04 AM
~ crap ~

Bitcoin is more than some ll ever get

Well you got that right. BTC is much more, than YOU will ever get.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on September 15, 2020, 11:15:45 AM
~ crap ~

Bitcoin is more than some ll ever get

Well you got that right. BTC is much more, than YOU will ever get.

btc is easy to get

Bitcoin I admit, I ll never understand all - but nobody ever will - so all fine, I ll learn as much as I can. And it's about far more than hodl a ticker and sell to greater fool (lesson 1).

lesson 2: If you change Gold, Bitcoin, EUR/USD FX Option, any financial product, it s no longer the same and needs different label (ticker / naming)  like Lead, Segwitcoin, EUR/ZAR FX Option,  ...  Or: try to keep same ticker:  you just low level salsemen fraudster (that s just the trigger for haters ...)

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: BitcoinFX on September 16, 2020, 09:07:55 PM
~ crap ~

Bitcoin is more than some ll ever get

Well you got that right. BTC is much more, than YOU will ever get.

btc is easy to get

Bitcoin I admit, I ll never understand all - but nobody ever will - so all fine, I ll learn as much as I can. And it's about far more than hodl a ticker and sell to greater fool (lesson 1).

lesson 2: If you change Gold, Bitcoin, EUR/USD FX Option, any financial product, it s no longer the same and needs different label (ticker / naming)  like Lead, Segwitcoin, EUR/ZAR FX Option,  ...  Or: try to keep same ticker:  you just low level salsemen fraudster (that s just the trigger for haters ...)


"Craig Wright: I have no access to the financial systems of my companies.
Also Craig Wright: I went in the company accounts and backdated an invoice. I've done that many times."




BSV is for losers.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on September 17, 2020, 05:51:52 AM
If you want to learn about what Bitcoin is and what it made strong read the White Paper and learn what it did the first 2-3 years to bootstrap

The same genes are still and only in BSV

Funny that some want to derail here - they must hate Bitcoin - for what sake ?

Think for yourself

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: BitcoinFX on September 17, 2020, 09:14:00 AM
If you want to learn about what Bitcoin is and what it made strong read the White Paper and learn what it did the first 2-3 years to bootstrap

The same genes are still and only in BSV

Funny that some want to derail here - they must hate Bitcoin - for what sake ?

Think for yourself

We already did. Bitcoin is BTC.  ::)

BSV is for losers.
What are you still talking about?! What the fuck are you doing on the internet! Get your fingers out of your ass, get off your boat and get a real job instead of exposing your bullshit here >:(
Uncle McNally 

 :D international shame ;D go working would be more useful indeed :P loser

You might want to be more careful when directing personal insults at me.  ::)

BSV is NOT Bitcoin and Craig Wright is NOT Satoshi.

Try actually reading my post ... look who you are 'trusting' with your 'money' ...


It doesn't matter ... you have the right to change your mind ::) just repeat yourself every day BSV is a winner, it's a fact. so you won't lie to yourself anymore........

I won't ever change my mind about the BSV project and/or those involved with it.

Perhaps, it is time for myself to cause some problems.

Again, quite simply, BSV is NOT Bitcoin and Craig Wright is NOT Satoshi.

I don't think or wonder about this, I know this ...

Comprende ?

Final straw.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on September 17, 2020, 01:00:57 PM
Sounds funny ?

Should I speak of 'we' ?

LoL we know better!

- nah

Bitcoin is much more than we ever will get and understand - some stop before - count tickers into their bags - do name calling to critical 'other we', job done

Many can do better:

Use real original Bitcoin as it was mentiond to be used  - electronic cash for paying goods and services over the internet.

And yes, there are perfect ways to pay for information = structured data = value ( as Bitcoin is for itself)

Bitcoin's blockckain is a DNA - dont alter it - or it's sth segregated

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: four3200 on September 17, 2020, 05:49:04 PM
let this super uber shitcoin die already
it wont but anyone paying attention;
the core has avoided this pile;
like it tis the plague ;D

By its ranking, I see people still think there is blood left in this scam.

I dont see SV gaining greater ROI than any of the top ten from here on out.

How long can the "but were the real bitcoin" scam last?

wait until the chain locks up;
shitcoins from 2013 have better diff adjustment features;
and are barely alive.

hang time cometh

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on February 19, 2021, 03:56:13 PM
Proof of social media / fake news

Nah, don't read & understand the white paper and that electronic cash is better with nano fees

Fine to see that play out that year

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: JayJuanGee on February 19, 2021, 05:50:49 PM
The SV tards, have gone rogue again deleting everything that does not fall in line with their cunt thread.


Quote from: Bitcoin Forum
A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by the starter of a self-moderated topic. There are no rules of self-moderation, so this deletion cannot be appealed. Do not continue posting in this topic if the topic-starter has requested that you leave.

You can create a new topic if you are unsatisfied with this one. If the topic-starter is scamming, post about it in Scam Accusations.

The stats don’t lie: BSV will soon have the highest total Bitcoin transactions ever

Here’s a couple of charts that put Bitcoin‘s future into better perspective. The total number of transactions for Bitcoin SV (BSV) is now above 580 million—just shy of the ~614 million on the BTC network. There’s every chance BSV’s total will surpass BTC’s very soon, given BSV’s unbounded capacity for scaling, ever-cheaper transaction fees, and use-case scenarios still being discovered.

Sorry, I didn't read further than the quoted part, but WHO THE FUCK CARES about YOUR SPAM TRANSACTIONS?
What are you guys, 10 year olds? Who has the longest pipi and all that?
NOBODY USES BullShitV, and you're just spamming your own network to make a silly sell point.

And then you wonder why it's raining. It's not. :P

I thought that I largely had a practice of NOT posting in their shit thread, in part because it is moderated by disinformation... but I did have 17 posts deleted from that thread in the past few hours, and sure I had some other posts deleted from that thread previously...

I suppose self-moderation is allowed for the purpose of allowing peeps to promote a product - yet I doubt that their price is going to be helped by purging their thread and letting the retards continue on with their delusional posts.

The BIGGER investors in that piece of crap might even be wondering if there are ways to redeem any of their previously injected value, and surely if they could inspire a few dumbass newbs to believe in them, they might be able to get a wee bit of a pumpening to recover some of their losses - perhaps? perhaps?...

Even the current price of .00443BTC seems way the fuck over valued for what they have to offer.. scams and potentially censor proof weather information.    :D :D :D :D

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: Switchain on February 20, 2021, 09:58:53 AM
I wanted to let everyone know that BSV is integrated into Oxis ( Oxis ( is a non-custodial, multi-coin wallet. Fiat on-ramping is available and users can swap between coins/tokens without KYC.

Feedback is appreciated.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: l8orre on February 20, 2021, 12:44:03 PM

I thought that I largely had a practice of NOT posting in their shit thread, in part because it is moderated by disinformation... but I did have 17 posts deleted from that thread in the past few hours, and sure I had some other posts deleted from that thread previously...

I suppose self-moderation is allowed for the purpose of allowing peeps to promote a product - yet I doubt that their price is going to be helped by purging their thread and letting the retards continue on with their delusional posts.

The BIGGER investors in that piece of crap might even be wondering if there are ways to redeem any of their previously injected value, and surely if they could inspire a few dumbass newbs to believe in them, they might be able to get a wee bit of a pumpening to recover some of their losses - perhaps? perhaps?...

Even the current price of .00443BTC seems way the fuck over valued for what they have to offer.. scams and potentially censor proof weather information.    :D :D :D :D

lol .. I occasionally posted some comments about FakeToshi whining about lack of courage to verify his alleged identity as Satoshi- aaaand they got deleted  ;D

Main reason for me is that I strongly dislike psychos like CSW, bcs presence of such invetiably dooms projects, just look at poor Roger Ver and ho long that honeymoon lasted after the first fork.

Also the tech is unsound with their Gigabyte++ blocks, but that is another issue, such experiments could at least be worth a try

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: l8orre on February 20, 2021, 12:45:26 PM

feel free to repost (also w/o quotes since it ihas been deleted)

Quote from: Bitcoin Forum
A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by the starter of a self-moderated topic. There are no rules of self-moderation, so this deletion cannot be appealed. Do not continue posting in this topic if the topic-starter has requested that you leave.

You can create a new topic if you are unsatisfied with this one. If the topic-starter is scamming, post about it in Scam Accusations.

Quote (

boooohoooo ... booohooo ...

either CSW is the tough guy he always proclaims he is, or he isn't .... in any case he is a liar, as exemplified by the teary and sloppy attempt to continue hies lies..

I’m Sorry

I believed that I could do this. I believed that I could put the years of anonymity and hiding behind me. But, as the events of this week unfolded and I prepared to publish the proof of access to the earliest keys, I broke. I do not have the courage. I cannot.

When the rumors began, my qualifications and character were attacked. When those allegations were proven false, new allegations have already begun. I know now that I am not strong enough for this.

I know that this weakness will cause great damage to those that have supported me, and particularly to Jon Matonis and Gavin Andresen. I can only hope that their honour and credibility is not irreparably tainted by my actions. They were not deceived, but I know that the world will never believe that now. I can only say I’m sorry.

And goodbye.  

    I do not have the courage. I cannot.

so he has NOT proven anything, by own admission.
due to lack of courage. [boohooo, booohooo)
poor deranged morons.

hint: when hyperaggressive pyschopaths like CSW start peddling emotional sob stories is when they are at the end of their rope because emotions are not really their cup of tea anyway, which is reflected by the awkwardness and cheap and false pathos on display

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: BitcoinFX on May 13, 2021, 09:32:49 AM
Official notification of infringement:

"In terms of the Threshold of Originality "coming from someone as the originator/author" I 'BitcoinFX' formally request that $BCH (Bitcoin Cash) and $BSV (BitcoinSV) cease and desist all use of my #Bitcoin #BTC logo design with immediate effect."


"Official notification (see above):


Your projects have copied my logo design and breach my Threshold of Originality.

Cease and desist.

The #Bitcoin #BTC logo is Orange with the "B" tilted right as per "


... snip...

Re: Bitcoin Currency Symbol ฿, February 05, 2010

I guess if we need to make it a bit more distinguishable then we could adopt the italic version. ;D



Bitcoin Graphics in Vector Format (Illustrator), November 12, 2010

File:Bitcoin logo.svg

N.B. "This work includes material that may be protected as a trademark in some jurisdictions. If you want to use it, you have to ensure that you have the legal right to do so and that you do not infringe any trademark rights."

Also see:

Commons:Threshold of originality


Bitcoin is BTC at: and


"..."Official notification of infringement" presented via the [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] - Unmoderated Thread [ANN] thread on


#Bitcoin is #BTC at: and "


"Specifically, use of the following 'BSV logo' is a breach of my Threshold of Originality.


Kindly cease and desist.

The #Bitcoin #BTC logo is Orange with the "B" tilted right as per and "

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on May 13, 2021, 02:17:09 PM
BSV already won

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: BitcoinFX on May 27, 2021, 05:20:28 PM
Quoting my notification from BSV moderated thread, because they will probably delete it.



Craig Wright is NOT satoshi nakamoto.

Craig Wright did NOT design the current "right tilted", "orange" Bitcoin logo.

I maintain my "Threshold of Originality" on the design.



"To clarify, use of the original "right tilted", "orange" #Bitcoin #BTC logo continues unhindered 'as-is' in the public domain."


"Use of any "centred", "yellow" (unofficial Bitcoin) logo is in breach of my Threshold of Originality.

Enforcements will follow this notification."



Welcome to (international) law!

~ Perhaps the cases will be like a lottery.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: Wind_FURY on May 28, 2021, 08:59:31 AM

We just lost a good, bright, intelligent man to the Cult of Craig. Check the speakers of the Flat Earthers’ Conference of Bitcoin. If you know, you know.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on May 28, 2021, 09:40:34 AM

We just lost a good, bright, intelligent man to the Cult of Craig. Check the speakers of the Flat Earthers’ Conference of Bitcoin. If you know, you know.

lazer eye cult is on high alert  - ponzibtc sales at risk


more of that and end game ?

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: Wind_FURY on May 28, 2021, 11:39:01 AM

We just lost a good, bright, intelligent man to the Cult of Craig. Check the speakers of the Flat Earthers’ Conference of Bitcoin. If you know, you know.

lazer eye cult is on high alert  - ponzibtc sales at risk


more of that and end game ?

But Bitcoin continues to chug along, producing blocks, issuing block rewards, confirming transactions, with no dowtime, for years and decades, for multi-generations. If there was a shitcoin that takes its place in market value, it surely NEVER be your shitcoin.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on May 28, 2021, 01:05:56 PM

We just lost a good, bright, intelligent man to the Cult of Craig. Check the speakers of the Flat Earthers’ Conference of Bitcoin. If you know, you know.

lazer eye cult is on high alert  - ponzibtc sales at risk


more of that and end game ?

But Bitcoin continues to chug along, producing blocks, issuing block rewards, confirming transactions, with no dowtime, for years and decades, for multi-generations. If there was a shitcoin that takes its place in market value, it surely NEVER be your shitcoin.

Bitcoin is just much more than a btc shitcoin

it will replace also eth and any other funny sold to fools thing

Satoshi made a great coin - not sure what you have now

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: bitcoinPsycho on May 28, 2021, 11:52:37 PM

We just lost a good, bright, intelligent man to the Cult of Craig. Check the speakers of the Flat Earthers’ Conference of Bitcoin. If you know, you know.

lazer eye cult is on high alert  - ponzibtc sales at risk


more of that and end game ?

But Bitcoin continues to chug along, producing blocks, issuing block rewards, confirming transactions, with no dowtime, for years and decades, for multi-generations. If there was a shitcoin that takes its place in market value, it surely NEVER be your shitcoin.

Bitcoin is just much more than a btc shitcoin

it will replace also eth and any other funny sold to fools thing

Satoshi made a great coin - not sure what you have now

Please get help . I really do worry about you

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: Wind_FURY on May 29, 2021, 09:13:16 AM
This is a famous quote from one of Naseem Nicholas Taleb’s books. Hahaha.

To be honest, I’m actually very very curious about the topic of his talk, and what he has to say. Will the conference be streamed for free?

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: JayJuanGee on May 29, 2021, 05:10:15 PM
This is a famous quote from one of Naseem Nicholas Taleb’s books. Hahaha.

To be honest, I’m actually very very curious about the topic of his talk, and what he has to say. Will the conference be streamed for free?

Yes.. I have difficulties appreciating how anyone could look into BSV more than a day or so (attempting to give some benefit of the doubt here), and then not be convinced that there is fraud and shenanigans involved.

Another way of potentially NOT seeing fraud in various shitcoins whether talking about BSV which seems to be amongst the top of the fraud/shenanigans contenders would be to be attempting to analyse it in isolation separate from its history and without an understanding of what bitcoin actually is.  There are quite a few peeps who seem to either not know what bitcoin is or they get confused about what bitcoin supposedly is.. and I suppose there could be some benefit of the doubt given towards some levels of confusion about what bitcoin is - that might not even be intentional.. perhaps?

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: Wind_FURY on May 30, 2021, 11:53:27 AM
This is a famous quote from one of Naseem Nicholas Taleb’s books. Hahaha.

To be honest, I’m actually very very curious about the topic of his talk, and what he has to say. Will the conference be streamed for free?

Yes.. I have difficulties appreciating how anyone could look into BSV more than a day or so (attempting to give some benefit of the doubt here), and then not be convinced that there is fraud and shenanigans involved.

Another way of potentially NOT seeing fraud in various shitcoins whether talking about BSV which seems to be amongst the top of the fraud/shenanigans contenders would be to be attempting to analyse it in isolation separate from its history and without an understanding of what bitcoin actually is.  There are quite a few peeps who seem to either not know what bitcoin is or they get confused about what bitcoin supposedly is.. and I suppose there could be some benefit of the doubt given towards some levels of confusion about what bitcoin is - that might not even be intentional.. perhaps?

I want someone to ask him in that conference if he actually believes Craig Wright is Satoshi. I believe what BSV truly is is a troll-job, or a MEME by discontented Bitcoiners, Naseem Taleb included, because they know that they will never have their way. The majority is sympathetic with the Core developers.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on June 01, 2021, 02:22:31 PM
Bitcoin is nice.

better simple and without too much crap in / on it

cause it works and scales

Refactored and magic numbers removed - leaves behind all

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on June 03, 2021, 03:25:29 PM
The super

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: JayJuanGee on December 10, 2021, 02:07:10 AM
Many of us likely understand that this forum grants almost complete discretion to the owners of self-moderated threads/topics for the management of such threads/topics, so my practice has generally been to NOT waste my time posting in those self-moderated threads, especially if the thread/topic is connected with a shitcoin..
I had not even realized that I had gotten up to around 57 posts in the main Bcash SV scammer thread.. yet when I saw that my post count had been reduced by 57 posts, and I saw a string of deletion notifications from that retarded member Bitcoin SV.... which truly his name should be bcash SV.. because it is even misleading for him to have a username with bitcoin in it.. as well as a shitcoin that has bitcoin in the name.... but whatever we know that there are several shitcoins that also place bitcoin in their name..

Here is the quote of some variation (he edited it a few times) of the post that he had made prior to entering into his attention-whoring deletion spree:

Craig Wright - WINS. Why did everyone shut up? Where are the congratulations?

Where are you trolls?

Since you are not here, then you do not mind if I delete all posts of you?

We don't need such useless trolls

Either show up and do the BSV promotion - or goodbye

This time around 57 of my deleted posts in that thread were largely between June 2019 and November 26, 2021, and I did a quick glance through my mailbox, and I see that there were various earlier times in which more than 20 of my posts were deleted from that same thread, but perhaps in more of a ad hoc and scattered manner.  

I decided to support Nutildah's red flag of member Bitcoin SV (;u=2371095), put Bitcoin SV on my distrust list and to give negative trust to Bitcoin SV.. because it seems to me that the behavior of member Bitcoin SV is beyond just putting a childish spin on his little shitcoin project, but instead deceptive, disingenuous and seems to want to purposefully confuse and/or scam innocent persons.  

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: redwine49 on December 10, 2021, 01:40:59 PM
i know the inventor of this fake bitcoin and went viral because of his aggression.


We just lost a good, bright, intelligent man to the Cult of Craig. Check the speakers of the Flat Earthers’ Conference of Bitcoin. If you know, you know.
;D ;D ;D bump bump. i missed the old days

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on December 10, 2021, 05:01:36 PM
Engage with regulators - to global consensus is there

there will be no 'crypto' - 'censorship resistant' 'DeFi'

that's just the scam exchanges want you to trade - get your FIAT

BSV is compliant - stays

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: budlo on December 11, 2021, 01:38:46 PM
Now that Craig Wright has lost the court and has to pay 100 million, what kind of faith can there be in this "new and correct" bitcoin?
From the very beginning of this project I didn't understand why this was being done.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: lu_todu on December 12, 2021, 02:02:19 AM
This is one of the most worth betting coin even though many people here hate it.

There is more than half the probability that CSW is satoshi.

We are all gamblers, not investors, is not it?.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on December 14, 2021, 12:13:48 PM
Now that Craig Wright has lost the court and has to pay 100 million, what kind of faith can there be in this "new and correct" bitcoin?
From the very beginning of this project I didn't understand why this was being done.

Shows that Bitcoin works as designed, copyright, gov, Satoshi compliant. Stable as TCP IP, one of the biggest protocols adopted ever, cause low risk to really use and not speculate with?

Haters proof best this is the thing

Craig and his cases are just the side show of the biggest stewards here to protect honest mining and get ppl back on Satoshi s work, what got utterly broken by core devs and pseudo democratic BIP governance- cause too much greed kicked in

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Not-Bitcoin SV] Faketoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: nullius on July 30, 2022, 11:40:18 PM (


We just lost a good, bright, intelligent man to the Cult of Craig. Check the speakers of the Flat Earthers’ Conference of Bitcoin. If you know, you know.

I cannot accord Taleb that excuse.  The only potential explanations are stupidity, or malicious dishonesty—and I do not accuse Taleb of being stupid.  It is wildly implausible to suggest that Taleb, who makes some pretense of being a philosophical thinker with ethical responsibility, just didn’t realize that he was boosting a fraud.

It is on similar, albeit not identical grounds that I call Gavin Andresen a willful, malicious liar:  The only alternative would be to accuse a former leading Bitcoin developer of gross ignorance about how digital signatures work.

This is a famous quote from one of Naseem Nicholas Taleb’s books. Hahaha.

To be honest, I’m actually very very curious about the topic of his talk, and what he has to say. Will the conference be streamed for free?

Thanks to bitmover. (

Haters proof best this is the thing

As usual, the promoter of a fraud flips the truth on its head.  The hatred and lies of Craig Wright, Nassim Taleb, Calvin Ayre, et al. against Bitcoin ( are proof that Bitcoin ( is a noble and powerful thing.

Whereas I myself totally ignored Craig Wright from 2015–2020.  In and of himself, he is beneath my attention threshold; and I did not want to feed a dumb troll.  I only deigned even to mention his name, after Gregory Maxwell made an incisive argument ( that we should stop ignoring him.

On the other hand, a big part of the reason that he's caused so much disruption (and he truly has)-- is because so many bitcoiners took one look at him, saw how transparently fake he was, and decided it was best to ignore him.  The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.  And that is what has happened here--


If someone broke into your house and was stealing stuff-- you wouldn't just say 'that thief doesn't deserve our attention' and ignore them.  We shouldn't hesitate to defend Bitcoin and the community surrounding it.

Shows that Bitcoin works as designed, copyright, gov, Satoshi compliant. Stable as TCP IP, one of the biggest protocols adopted ever, cause low risk to really use and not speculate with?

No surprise that you are as ignorant of TCP/IP as about all else.  Much as Bitcoin Core ( (onion (http://6hasakffvppilxgehrswmffqurlcjjjhd76jgvaqmsg6ul25s7t3rzyd.onion/)) does with Bitcoin (, the IETF ( and its antecedents have been revising and extending the TCP ( ( protocol stack for more than four decades.  As Bitcoin Core does with Bitcoin, the IETF strives to keep TCP/IP changes backwards-compatible; in Bitcoin terms, they are “softfork” changes.  And much as with Bitcoin, TCP/IP can be improved by “non-consensus” improvements such as new TCP congestion control algorithms.

Actually, “stable as TCP ( (” is an excellent analogy for Bitcoin (!  Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

Title: Re: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread
Post by: hv_ on August 05, 2022, 07:48:47 AM
Funny hate rant, smearing ppl only.

Cannot fix stupid, same canot fix btc

BSV only works as bespoke and delivered. Legally AND technically

Learn and get over