Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Reputation => Topic started by: examplens on March 09, 2021, 02:06:12 PM

Title: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: examplens on March 09, 2021, 02:06:12 PM
we often see pressure on this campaign and on the manager of them. Now is actually, why there are no participants from Russia and Turkey.

I am wondering, whether all other campaigns have been checked and whether there are members from Russia and Turkey in all of them?
When other campaigns will be checked for racism? If not, why only ChipMixer?
whether all other languages are represented in this campaign and whether it is racism if only Russian and Turkey members complain about this fact?

Is this a proper answer to all doubt here?

Not only Ratimov.
taikuri13 was removed too. taikuri13 wrote a lot in the Russian locale. Now they stopped paying him and in the Russians had almost nothing to read.

So, without Chipmixer campaign payments, Russians had nothing to read. This section going to die without these paid posts?!  ???

User Ratimov is removed from the CM campaign. I don't know why and it's not my problem but obviously, the purpose of this attack on Ratimov ( is to be removed from the CM campaign. Thread is locked right after DarkStar_ removed them from the campaign. (IDK is it the reason why he is removed from there)

many of the whistleblowers called the bearers of the CM signature "sponsored by drug dealers, terrorist, paedophiles etc..."
if such an opinion is about ChipMixer business, why you try to be a part of it, and why you want them on your local board?

I saw this, but I saw no apology by those who accuse him

I generally don't comment publicly on why someone was removed, but I had my own (different) reasons for removing both of them. There will be a Russian replacement soon.

that this is not an isolated case by a single user ~DefaultTrust, here is another example of hypocrisy

A two months ago, there was a chase on this campaign and manager because of the high payment rate?!  ???
After the consolidation of payment per post, even if this campaign is still with the highest rate, there were objections again.
For example, why no one complains about the low payment rate campaign as Bitvest or 777coin? To be clear, I haven't anything against them, but why there no pressure on them to increase payouts and raise the quality of participants?
ChipMixer is guilty because they lowered the rate down from $27 to $6, and some others are ok with a $0.3 per post. What I missed here?

in the end, it's all about money or potential earnings when participating in this campaign, right?

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: stompix on March 09, 2021, 02:58:00 PM
I was going to point out the same thing about Russians having nothing left to read once Chipmixer stops paying two users for posting there but it was a self-moderated topic so probably that moron would delete it as soon as he sees it.

But in the end, I don't think it's only about the money, there are a lot of personal vendettas in this forum, a lot of members in CM are on DT1 they have tagged a lot of scammers, and now they try with their alts to stir some shit whenever something happens even if it has no logic behind it.
~defaulttrust argued for months that Ratimov was a shitposter, now that he is no longer in the campaign DS is a racist. If DS allows a Russian participant in the campaign he is going to call him a communist or a supporter of Putin's regime probably, and so on and on and on.

This is a neverending troll fest!

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: NeuroticFish on March 09, 2021, 04:01:28 PM
This is a neverending troll fest!

That's exactly why I didn't answer in that last topic. "Don't feed the troll", remember? On the other hand, what could we do, report it?!
And it has also occurred to me: all that drama, in all directions, (all those vendettas), is it that big or it's between a small number of "multi-account armies"?!

The pressure on DS shoulders is big, since CM is still paying very good and it may be the only campaign paying (hence encouraging!) local boards...

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: ~DefaultTrust on March 09, 2021, 04:04:27 PM

many of the whistleblowers called the bearers of the CM signature "sponsored by drug dealers, terrorist, paedophiles etc..."
if such an opinion is about ChipMixer business, why you try to be a part of it, and why you want them on your local board?

You argue well, but I have only a small amendment. I am never tried to be part of business with drug dealers, terrorist, paedophiles etc... Maybe only for trolling, but no more.
You understood me wrong. I am not in the least saddened by the absence of Chipmixer in the Russian locale.

In my topic, I only state the facts.
I think these facts should be known to everyone who is going to have a business with a Chipmixer.

It's all. No hypocrisy. No personal vendettas.

For example, why no one complains about the low payment rate campaign as Bitvest or 777coin? To be clear, I haven't anything against them,

Perhaps due to the fact that the members of the Chipmixer's campaign (and their sycophants) are most aggressive in their behavior on the forum.

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: BitcoinGirl.Club on March 09, 2021, 04:12:11 PM
Not only Ratimov.
taikuri13 was removed too. taikuri13 wrote a lot in the Russian locale. Now they stopped paying him and in the Russians had almost nothing to read.
So there were only those users who were in Chipmixer campaign kept the board alive and now they have been removed so no one there to make posts or create topic? 😛
If this is true then those participants were spammer imo. They had this only intention of to have a place in the campaign and earn money, not the responsibility to contribute in the bitcoin community.

These users Ratimov and some other were in attention few months ago because of some different level of plagiarism technique. It will be interesting if he/she reduced the number of posts that they used to make before and the efforts they used to give on the forum.

Can someone find a statistic about their positing activities?

All hypocrisy goes down to Cimpmixer because they pick good influencers of the forum who are more or less active against scam and forum affairs, the payment rate was too high and still is high so when someone can not make a position they starts hating it, the massive success of Chipmixer.

I do not see any other reason.

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: lovesmayfamilis on March 09, 2021, 05:09:52 PM
To be honest, I don't understand why it was necessary to create this theme at all? If every topic created by a schizophrenic (~ DefaultTrust) fool is reacted and taken seriously, then every such schizophrenic will take note of this, and will regularly begin to engage in it.

I don’t understand how you can trust this troll, who decided to speak from the entire Russian community? Do you see other people here who are outraged and even more so accuse the manager of Chipmixer? All normal people understand that a manager can exclude a person from the company at any time.

From myself, I can say that the Russian locale has long ceased to be friendly. Regular attacks on Ratimov became a good pastime and entertainment for the trolls. And taking into account the fact that there was a small bunch of small dirty people gathered there, constantly swearing with obscene words, many have no desire to write something once again there.

Therefore, please, you do not need to expose and think that ~ DefaultTrust is delegated from all Russians. Small bunch, that's not all. And even more so to believe such lost people who have a scandal is the meaning of life.

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: suchmoon on March 09, 2021, 08:49:52 PM
It's all. No hypocrisy. No personal vendettas.

Yeah it's personal. You've been trolling Ratimov for quite a while. You didn't do this shit for any other users who got removed from the campaign. As far as troll jobs go this is quite lame.

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: pugman on March 09, 2021, 08:53:15 PM
Dude there are so many fucking reasons why people just keep coming after CM:

- Chipmixer has been the longest, highest paying campaign thus far. It has paid its participants more in bitcoin than any other sig. campaign. I am talking 100s and 100s of Bitcoins. Before the payments changed, there used to be payments of over 150k-200k$ every week. People kill for that money. So you know?

- The whole DT and merit crap, so many people give a shit about it and chipmixer participants usually have alot of merit to give away and half of them are pretty much DT members. What can I say, cult of DarkStar_ runs the forum.  ::)

- Now that people like Lauda/Lutpin/Bruno/twitchy seal etc etc are not active anymore, the trolls need someone to target, don't they now?

The people actually in the campaign don't give a flying rainbow fuck about these trolls, cause we have been seeing it day in and day out. The trolls if anything, are helping us. We are getting paid to shit talk back to their utter abhorant-stinking-3rd world garbage posting posts while the trolls are sucking their own shit from their own butt.

Honestly, shoutout to DarkStar_, he has pretty much single handedly made the whole forum get jealous of CM participants.  ;D

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: savetheFORUM on March 09, 2021, 09:49:05 PM
To the blind members who might come and dare me to come with my main account, this is for you.

I don't have a problem with alt accounts as long as they're not used for evading bans. If you're hesitant to say something controversial because you don't want it to be associated with your name, please create an alt account and say it.

Before getting into all the drama here, I have a question which I request anyone who wears the CM campaign signature to answer.

Why are you supporting money laundering services?


So mixers are clearly illegal and I cannot understand why promoting a money laundering service is being taken with such pride? Because they are paying good money? Well, then you guys have no right to tag the ponzi promoters and yoshit promoters.

If you are saying that promoting anything by taking money is allowed then you should not judge and tag users because they are promoting other illegal stuff.

You are wearing a chipmixer signature. Now let us logically look at this alright?
In the fiat world such a service is highly illegal and is money laundry.
Alice: Hello Bob can you break my ¥1,000 banknote for ¥100 coins? I'm so thirsty!
Bob: I'm sorry Alice. Such a service is highly illegal and is money laundry.

Converting a bigger note into smaller ones is not money laundering but allowing hackers to mix their coins and get away is actually illegal.

There are innocent users who don't intend to scam others and mix their coins for their safety, right. But that doesn't hide how many illegal users are mixing their coins.

Yoshit scams lets say 90% of the users and 10% are not scammed, and I am among the 10%, does that enable me to promote them without any problem? Because hey, yes they are scammers but they don't scam everyone!

Similarl, CM doesn't always mix coins for hackers, but at times they do.

A good article, how CM allows hackers to mix their funds. You might be among one of the victims of these scammers one day and imagine the signature you are wearing helping hackers mix your own funds and help them run away, how amazing!

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: suchmoon on March 09, 2021, 10:56:20 PM
Yoshit scams lets say 90% of the users and 10% are not scammed, and I am among the 10%, does that enable me to promote them without any problem? Because hey, yes they are scammers but they don't scam everyone!

To the best of my knowledge, Chipmixer scammed 0% of its users.

Similarl, CM doesn't always mix coins for hackers, but at times they do.

At times bad people use this forum too, so lock your account and go to your safe space before agents Mulder and Scully come knocking on your door.

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: savetheFORUM on March 09, 2021, 11:30:36 PM
Yoshit scams lets say 90% of the users and 10% are not scammed, and I am among the 10%, does that enable me to promote them without any problem? Because hey, yes they are scammers but they don't scam everyone!

To the best of my knowledge, Chipmixer scammed 0% of its users.

Similarl, CM doesn't always mix coins for hackers, but at times they do.

At times bad people use this forum too, so lock your account and go to your safe space before agents Mulder and Scully come knocking on your door.

But mixers are defined as illegal, how do you defend promoting something illegal?

There are drug dealers who might be supplying drugs to everyone and maybe a lot of people benefit in their health with that, doesn't make the illegal drug dealer legal.

If they are mixing coins for users who want to maintain their anonymity do it, but not when it's defined as illegal.

As always, I don't shout without proofs and sources so here goes the illegal confirmation:

If mixers were doing KYC and operating legally, I had no problems with them. Mix the coins but at least know whom you are aiding, a hacker who has cleaned an exchange or an innocent user who just want to avoid being tracked.

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: examplens on March 09, 2021, 11:39:23 PM
I don’t understand how you can trust this troll, who decided to speak from the entire Russian community? Do you see other people here who are outraged and even more so accuse the manager of Chipmixer? All normal people understand that a manager can exclude a person from the company at any time.

I don't trust such people I just wanted to call some things by their real names. It was not possible in his self-moderated topic.
Of course, this is not general for the whole Russian community. Just for a few trolls, they will already be recognized.

It's all. No hypocrisy. No personal vendettas.

Yeah it's personal. You've been trolling Ratimov for quite a while. You didn't do this shit for any other users who got removed from the campaign. As far as troll jobs go this is quite lame.

interest in Ratimov health ceased as soon as he was removed from the campaign. That it is jealousy and hypocrisy.

Before getting into all the drama here, I have a question which I request anyone who wears the CM campaign signature to answer.

Here is no drama. This thread is not about "CM legit or not" it's about why is only CM under the microscope here. You ask CM campaign participants, but why you miss users or members which participate in other mixers campaigns?

This topic deserves a bump because not many users have the balls to challenge the CM gang members.

You say you have balls but still posting from an alt account. I am not saying that is not okay, but it is not the way how its doing by people who have balls.

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: suchmoon on March 09, 2021, 11:45:52 PM
But mixers are defined as illegal


Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: Quickseller on March 09, 2021, 11:48:52 PM
Yes, the pressure campaigns against CM are all about money. CM pays a lot more than any other campaign. Part of this could be that CM has so many spots, so it is well represented in many different communities in the forum. Most other campaigns have only a handful of spots, and most campaign managers do not put as much effort into trying to maximize exposure throughout the forum.

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: ~DefaultTrust on March 10, 2021, 07:40:37 AM
I think that Russians do not write in this section because they are sick of this section. Writing here either naive like me, or those who want to get into the trust for their own selfish purposes.
This section of the forum is a bunch of hypocrites and sycophants. The most striking examples:

English speaking

LoyceV - a man without brain. Acts strictly according to algorithms. If the algorithm trusts the person, then LoyceV also trusts the person too. If the algorithm trusts Ratimov, and Ratimov said,
that I am an corner's alt - it means I am an corner's alt! Super logic of the most trusted user yes?!

suchmoon - sponsor and best friend of LoyceV. If LoyceV said that I am the corner's alt, then I am the corner's alt. Logics! And since I am an corner's alt, then it is obvious that I
a troll and an abuser, I want to steal IP addresses of users.
At the same time, suchmoon bought (from a well-known troll and liar Vod) a BPIP service that not only collects IP addresses of users, but also keeps statistics well on who is interested to whom from which address.
But the troll and the abuser is of course me.

Russian speaking

Ratimov - while he was a newbie, he bravely reported and red-painted accounts-sellers and buyers in the Russian locale. For this he had received merits and was added to the DT. Even when he received a high rank, he did not enter into any signature campaigns and publicly swore that the purpose of his presence on the forum was a disinterested fight against fraudsters!
A month after this public oath, he applied for the CM signature campaign. When he finally got into CM, he somehow suddenly stopped noticing account buyers, for example, such as icopress

KTChampions - while he was a newbie, he was actively looking for account farms, fought against corruption in ru-locale. As soon as he got the rank and got into the DT and the subscription campaign, he suddenly lost interest in the struggle for justice and generally. Probably because corruption is now defeated thanks to him!

taikuri13 - very balanced and reasonable participant in ru-locale. He has wrote literate and detailed (and useless) posts in the Russian locale on almost any topic. He was a real "expert" in all matters. Was in the subscription CM for about two years.
On the day when it became known about his exclusion from the CM, he suddenly disappeared from the forum completely, he no longer wrote a single post

lovesmayfamilis - perhaps she is the only one person from the ru-local who actively continues to deal with exposures even after gaining a rank and getting into a signature campaign. Probably because there is not enough brains for anything else. If she starts doing something else, then there is probably again a chance to be permanently banned for plagiarism.
lovesmayfamilis, I hope the darkstar appreciated your efforts and will take you into their campaign to help pedophiles and drug dealers. But be careful. Karma may come back someday. And your loved family will face pedophiles and drug dealers directly.

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: NotATether on March 10, 2021, 11:23:44 AM
English speaking

Russian speaking

You forgot Spanish, French, Portuguese, German speakers, etc.

When you make an example it's supposed to represent all sides.

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: ~DefaultTrust on March 10, 2021, 11:32:17 AM

You forgot Spanish, French, Portuguese, German speakers, etc.

When you make an example it's supposed to represent all sides.

Do you think it's because I'm a racist?

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: NotATether on March 10, 2021, 11:55:27 AM

You forgot Spanish, French, Portuguese, German speakers, etc.

When you make an example it's supposed to represent all sides.

Do you think it's because I'm a racist?

No it's because you can't make a generalization out of a small number of users. You claim:

This section of the forum is a bunch of hypocrites and sycophants.

This implies an overwhelming majority of people posting in Reputation are "hypocrites and sycophants". There are around a hundred users who recently posted there if you do a quick count of the most recent few pages, however you only list 6 when this number suggests you should have at least 75.

For your case in particular if you want to claim that a section of the forum is racist then it's not enough to list English and Russian users, you also need to find people of other boards and somehow prove that they are "racist".

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: ~DefaultTrust on March 10, 2021, 12:28:34 PM

For your case in particular if you want to claim that a section of the forum is racist then it's not enough to list English and Russian users, you also need to find people of other boards and somehow prove that they are "racist".

Maybe there are wonderful people here. But in Russian there is a saying: "a fly in the ointment spoils a barrel of honey". So (6 / 75) * 100 = 8% tar makes DefaultTrust system unbearably smelly.
These are only people (do not count "RIPed" Lauda and TMAN here) with whom I had to deal with in one way or another. Tip of the iceberg i'm sure

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: DaveF on March 10, 2021, 12:35:36 PM
And yet it comes back to trolls who do not understand how BTC and cryptos and exchanges work

Although a bit OT, last I heard [I did not check] most darknet markets are using XMR instead of BTC since it's way more anonymous.

Back to the subject on hand, there seems to be a bit of a loop going on here and although people seem to agree with me they still come back to CM is for "bad people"

No, it's for lazy people. There is nothing CM does that you can not do yourself. I just went and setup accounts on 2 exchanges that require nothing more then an email, actually used a separate disposable email service for each one while sitting in a parking lot on the free Wi-Fi from the Wendy's

Both have about the same price on XMR at the moment. So I could move my BTC to 1 of the exchanges, trade to XMR, withdraw to another exchange and trade back to BTC and to my wallet.

Would cost me ~ 30 minutes of time, 1.5% trade fee, .01 XMR withdraw fee and the BTC withdraw fee.

To find me you would need to get the records of an exchange in China and exchange someplace else and then figure out how to trace XMR.

*I did not do this because I have better things to do with my time but the point remains the same.
Or, I don't know, install Samourai Wallet and use Whirlpool and be done.


When I get above a certain amount of BTC in my wallet from selling stuff here, payments (if any) from any sig campaign I am in I used to "anonymize" my coins in a very simple way not outlined above but.... Take funds and add to lightning wallet over a weekend or whenever fees were low, create invoice on another device with a different lightning wallet connect to different location. Generate a few invoices to break up the payments and then withdraw to on chain funds. Also untraceable.

Now I don't do that anymore but I could again quite easily.

Every time someone comes up with a "mixers are bad" I can come up with a "mixers are for people too lazy to do it themselves way"

As for the advertising side, did you ever stop to think that since there were people with sigs in certain language sections and now there are not that CM took a look after the people in those sections were out of the campaign and said "look, no difference in the number of users / amount of BTC mixed" and said to DS "yeah we don't need people from there"


Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: ~DefaultTrust on March 10, 2021, 12:49:54 PM

Every time someone comes up with a "mixers are bad" I can come up with a "mixers are for people too lazy to do it themselves way"

Do you seriously think that some lazy noobs are spending $150k-200k per week just for fun to advertise on a forum with 600 live users? It's not even funny. More like hypocrisy.

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: mindrust on March 10, 2021, 12:50:59 PM
Chipmixer is getting targeted because it pays shitloads of money and everybody wants to grab some of big pie. It is as simple as this.

If a $50/week paying sig campaign's manager was not hiring a certain group of people, nobody would really give an f about it.

When the pay number goes significantly up, it takes people's attention. Jealousy makes a new ATH.

I am not telling these because I am trying to look cool to DS. I don't even send an application there anymore.

CM can go down any moment. Stop counting somebody else's money

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on March 10, 2021, 02:27:51 PM
To the blind members who might come and dare me to come with my main account, this is for you.
Please tell me you see the irony of using an alt account to protect your privacy while you rail against a service designed to protect your privacy.

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: ~DefaultTrust on March 10, 2021, 02:47:44 PM
To the blind members who might come and dare me to come with my main account, this is for you.
Please tell me you see the irony of using an alt account to protect your privacy while you rail against a service designed to protect your privacy.

The irony is that a privacy-protecting service sponsors people who are looking for irony in protecting the privacy.  :P

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: Lucius on March 10, 2021, 04:06:04 PM
Do you seriously think that some lazy noobs are spending $150k-200k per week just for fun to advertise on a forum with 600 live users? It's not even funny. More like hypocrisy.

I don't usually go down to the level of internet trolls like you, but if you're already attacking someone for something, then at least don't exaggerate the numbers. CM is at 56 participants, and the maximum amount that can be paid to them per week is 56 x $1200 = $67200 assuming everyone makes 50 posts.
If you have enough intelligence at all to find a CM spreadsheet, look at the exact amount - much less than what you are falsely presenting.

Another notorious lie is that the forum has only 600 active/live users, currently that number is 5 times higher (

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: ~DefaultTrust on March 10, 2021, 04:15:08 PM
Do you seriously think that some lazy noobs are spending $150k-200k per week just for fun to advertise on a forum with 600 live users? It's not even funny. More like hypocrisy.

I don't usually go down to the level of internet trolls like you, but if you're already attacking someone for something, then at least don't exaggerate the numbers. CM is at 56 participants, and the maximum amount that can be paid to them per week is 56 x $1200 = $67200 assuming everyone makes 50 posts.
If you have enough intelligence at all to find a CM spreadsheet, look at the exact amount - much less than what you are falsely presenting.

I'm not going to sort out the sorts of shit. Just took the words of one of your gang
I am talking 100s and 100s of Bitcoins. Before the payments changed, there used to be payments of over 150k-200k$ every week.

You there figure it out among yourself how much you get paid.

Another notorious lie is that the forum has only 600 active/live users, currently that number is suspicious link removed (http://suspicious link removed).

I'm also not interested in any shit-services about this forum. I use official information

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: The Cryptovator on March 10, 2021, 04:50:27 PM
So many threads regarding Chipmixer, does it really necessary? Whoever has been applying to the campaign read the campaign rules. And Darkstar clearly stated that he has the right to remove anyone for any reason.

10. I reserve the right to disqualify any post, for any reason towards payment. This is for insurance purposes; I'm happy to talk/debate about whether a post should/shouldn't count over PM.

11. I reserve the right to remove anyone, for any reason from the campaign.

12. I reserve the right to change the rules for new pay rounds.
The above quote proves that Darkstar isn't obliged to explain why he removed someone. If the company doesn't have problems with management then we don't have the right to ask such questions. A company hires someone when he has faith in a person. We shouldn't interfere with any manager if he isn't abusing the forum rules and not abusing the trust system.

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: savetheFORUM on March 10, 2021, 06:35:29 PM
To the blind members who might come and dare me to come with my main account, this is for you.
Please tell me you see the irony of using an alt account to protect your privacy while you rail against a service designed to protect your privacy.

Isn't it even more ironic that you, who is promoting and supporting a service that mixes coins and helps scammers, is fighting against scammers on the forum?

Source please that confirms mixers are legal? I would never do the same argument ever again, the moment I can see how mixers are legal.

Yes, the pressure campaigns against CM are all about money. CM pays a lot more than any other campaign. Part of this could be that CM has so many spots, so it is well represented in many different communities in the forum. Most other campaigns have only a handful of spots, and most campaign managers do not put as much effort into trying to maximize exposure throughout the forum.

I think some of your own accounts are under the campaign that makes you advocate for them without facts and since you have a history of selling and buying accounts in bulk, lying and even faking bans on the forum, there is no reason to trust you either.

Don't reply on threads unless you have something new to add, just licking CM's balls will not get you a slot, I know DS that much.

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: suchmoon on March 10, 2021, 06:51:58 PM
Source please that confirms mixers are legal? I would never do the same argument ever again, the moment I can see how mixers are legal.

The burden of proof is on you. In my jurisdiction there is no law saying "Bitcoin mixers are illegal", or "Bitcoin transactions are illegal", or "owning a car wash is illegal" or any such thing so you're demanding to prove a negative. Prove that you're not Satoshi Nakamoto.

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: savetheFORUM on March 10, 2021, 06:56:36 PM
Source please that confirms mixers are legal? I would never do the same argument ever again, the moment I can see how mixers are legal.

The burden of proof is on you. In my jurisdiction there is no law saying "Bitcoin mixers are illegal", or "Bitcoin transactions are illegal", or "owning a car wash is illegal" or any such thing so you're demanding to prove a negative. Prove that you're not Satoshi Nakamoto.

First thing, you are one of the few forum members who at least make sense with their replies so I don't mean to fight you.

I already gave you the article that confirmed mixers are illegal. But let's take this one step forward. If murdering others is legal in my jurisdiction does that mean I can murder anyone and even promote guides on how one should kill others? You have to think at moral level, if something is helping scammers get away, just don't promote it.

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: suchmoon on March 10, 2021, 07:10:44 PM
I already gave you the article that confirmed mixers are illegal.

No. There was an article about a lawsuit against a Bitcoin mixer. Not sure how that story ended but someone (even the government) filing a lawsuit and alleging things doesn't make it a fact.

But let's take this one step forward. If murdering others is legal in my jurisdiction does that mean I can murder anyone and even promote guides on how one should kill others? You have to think at moral level, if something is helping scammers get away, just don't promote it.

Let's take it one step backward out of the fallacy land. Privacy is not murder. Scammers would get away without mixers just fine (using XMR for example) and not having mixers would limit the choices for legal uses while doing nothing to stop the scams.

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: savetheFORUM on March 10, 2021, 07:35:50 PM
Let's take it one step backward out of the fallacy land. Privacy is not murder. Scammers would get away without mixers just fine (using XMR for example) and not having mixers would limit the choices for legal uses while doing nothing to stop the scams.

I will avoid stretching it but it almost sounds like people are going to scam anyway so let's make some money by supporting them, doesn't it?

Robbers are going to get out on bail so why bother complaining and getting them arrested, instead let's take some money and let them go. Is that how you mean? By the way, I am more than happy to discuss it on PM if you have time and patience.

If scammers use Monero and get away then we have to look towards it, but that does not mean we should start supporting scammers by promoting services that facilitate them, because they will eventually find a way.

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on March 10, 2021, 08:36:44 PM
I will avoid stretching it but it almost sounds like people are going to scam anyway so let's make some money by supporting them, doesn't it?


If scammers use Monero and get away then we have to look towards it, but that does not mean we should start supporting scammers by promoting services that facilitate them, because they will eventually find a way.

Actually no, it's not like that. People should have the chance to slam the door in the face  of anyone invading their privacy or trying to sneak in their private lives. It's the purpose of the entire work of Cypherpunks. Bitcoin follows their vision. If a law enforcing agency is surveilling the citizens, it's legal, right? But if you sneak in on your neighbour's private life is illegal right? Wrong. Actually yes, if an agency does it then it is legal and if a person does it then it becomes illegal, but in both cases  it means invading someone's privacy and this is unacceptable. Mixers help honest people preserve their privacy. Criminals will always find a way, no matter if with mixer's help or not. They do that for ages. Simple people, which have or not anything to hide, but nothing illegal, use mixers for their privacy. For not allowing intruders in their lives. For being able to slam the door in the face of any intruder.

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on March 10, 2021, 08:40:44 PM
Isn't it even more ironic that you, who is promoting and supporting a service that mixes coins and helps scammers, is fighting against scammers on the forum?
I am promoting a service which protects privacy, nothing more. If you reject every innovation based on how it may be misused, then we would still be living as cavemen.

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: savetheFORUM on March 10, 2021, 09:51:11 PM
Isn't it even more ironic that you, who is promoting and supporting a service that mixes coins and helps scammers, is fighting against scammers on the forum?
I am promoting a service which protects privacy, nothing more. If you reject every innovation based on how it may be misused, then we would still be living as cavemen.

Good point actually. It is more about perception how one sees it. I will not debate it further but I like some of the replies and answers.

One thing we need to understand is that they aren't going to spend so much money on the signature campaign if only innocent and fair guys were using the mixer, it is quite obvious they get massive income from hackers and scammers which is ultimately paid to the signature participants.

Criminals will always find a way, no matter if with mixer's help or not. They do that for ages. Simple people, which have or not anything to hide, but nothing illegal, use mixers for their privacy. For not allowing intruders in their lives. For being able to slam the door in the face of any intruder.

I know hackers will find a way but my point was - at least we should not promote a service that helps them do it. Innocent people have numerous other ways of maintaining privacy, mixers are only making it easy.

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: notblox1 on March 10, 2021, 10:15:29 PM
This trolls are just giving free advertisement for Chipmixer and helping everyone else from that campaign especially members who are replying them.
Big waste of time in my opinion, but someone is getting paid for it and others are depressed alts.

Let's talk about illegal stuff and dirty money.
Did you know that 90% of dollar bills are tainted by cocaine, and with heroin, morphine, methamphetamine in lower percentage?

Stop using dollar bills and don't do drugs  8)

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: actmyname on March 10, 2021, 10:49:08 PM
One thing we need to understand is that they aren't going to spend so much money on the signature campaign if only innocent and fair guys were using the mixer, it is quite obvious they get massive income from hackers and scammers which is ultimately paid to the signature participants.
Is it impossible for whales to use coins for privacy?

If I had hundreds of Bitcoins in a single input, wouldn't I want to split them before spending them so that I don't tell my local coffee shop that I have millions of dollars available?
"it is quite obvious" hinges on your preconceptions.
One more:

Those "hackers and scammers" that use the service would probably want to mix the coins multiple times across multiple services and they wouldn't bother donating to ChipMixer - which is how they make their income (+ the up-to-0.001 cutoffs, probably).

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: suchmoon on March 10, 2021, 10:52:36 PM
I will avoid stretching it



Again, privacy is not robbery. If a robber drives away in a Chevy we are not blaming GM for making money by selling a car to a criminal, are we?

If scammers use Monero and get away then we have to look towards it

Look towards what? Ban Monero?

but that does not mean we should start supporting scammers by promoting services that facilitate them, because they will eventually find a way.

You might have a point if ChipMixer existed for the sole purpose of facilitating scams but I don't think that's the case, if for no other reason than myself finding it useful and not being a scammer.

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: DireWolfM14 on March 10, 2021, 11:19:53 PM
One thing that never seems to get mentioned in these "anti Chipmixer" threads is that "money laundering" isn't something that happens in a vacuum.  I can push money around a dozen bank accounts, even throw in some foreign banks for good measure, and it's not a crime.  Moving money around for privacy reasons is not illegal, because it alone is not a crime.  Money laundering is an enhancement to criminal activity.  One needs to have obtained the money through criminal acts for the act of obfuscating it's origins to be "money laundering."

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: ~DefaultTrust on March 11, 2021, 02:38:14 AM
I am promoting a service which protects privacy, nothing more.

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: actmyname on March 11, 2021, 03:46:18 AM
Correct. After the ChipMixer gang sends all the Russians and Turks to Madagascar, they will have achieved their goal of monopolizing the forum - after all, what other reason would they have to hire so many users to spread their website across the website? It couldn't possibly be to target any real users: who in the world would ever want to willingly donate their inputs to a mixing service?

This forum is just a shell platform to host the next criminal hub of activities, of course.
FWIW it would be quite hassle-free to launder money through the many casinos the crypto space has to offer: no problem with that? Never mind the fact that gambling is just an elaborate con, like knowingly playing with a rigged coin.

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: suchmoon on March 11, 2021, 04:20:19 AM
FWIW it would be quite hassle-free to launder money through the many casinos the crypto space has to offer: no problem with that? Never mind the fact that gambling is just an elaborate con, like knowingly playing with a rigged coin.

Come to think of it, Bitcoin was obviously invented for criminals. There is absolutely no conceivable reason why a law abiding person would want to be their own bank and keep their financials private. Preposterous.

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: Poker Player on March 11, 2021, 04:51:26 AM
I was quite surprised how people started complaining in the CM thread that they were paying too much, leading to the subsequent drop in rates. As it usually happens, it is full of envious people, who when they see that someone earns a lot, instead of trying to improve themselves more, what they want is for the other to earn less. I'm sure when CM finally lowered the rates some of those who complained had an orgasm.

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: ~DefaultTrust on March 11, 2021, 05:06:24 AM
FWIW it would be quite hassle-free to launder money through the many casinos the crypto space has to offer: no problem with that?

No problem.
Especially if these launder's schemes will be advertised by people who call themselves fighters against scammers. Everything is fine of course here.

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: zanezane on March 11, 2021, 05:47:26 AM
I was quite surprised how people started complaining in the CM thread that they were paying too much, leading to the subsequent drop in rates. As it usually happens, it is full of envious people, who when they see that someone earns a lot, instead of trying to improve themselves more, what they want is for the other to earn less. I'm sure when CM finally lowered the rates some of those who complained had an orgasm.
I feel bad that they were pressured to drop their rates, I mean the participants of their campaign are pretty good and almost everyone if not is posting quality posts which is commendable. I thought at first that the drop in the rates were because the price of bitcoin jumped so high to the point that they have to adjust but then I say that what they are paying in bitcoin is a fixed equivalent, although I am not a fan of the service itself as it is a laundering paradise, I think it is unfair that they are going to have the participants take the blow too.

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on March 11, 2021, 02:49:07 PM
it is quite obvious they get massive income from hackers and scammers
The best evidence I am aware of from Chainalysis ( shows that only 8% of funds being sent to mixers are from illicit sources. Please present your evidence that refutes this and shows instead "massive income" from illicit sources.

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on March 11, 2021, 03:37:42 PM
Perhaps due to the fact that the members of the Chipmixer's campaign (and their sycophants) are most aggressive in their behavior on the forum.
If by "aggressive" you mean outspoken, I'd have to say only a few of the Chipmixer campaign members have that trait--i.e., there are just a few voices that are very loud, but if you look at the entire spreadsheet you'll see that most participants aren't the ones engaging in drama or voicing their strong opinions about things.  So you've overgeneralized everyone in the campaign.

The best evidence I am aware of from Chainalysis ( shows that only 8% of funds being sent to mixers are from illicit sources. Please present your evidence that refutes this and shows instead "massive income" from illicit sources.
Huh, that's interesting.  I didn't even know you could check that out.  I also don't see what all the hooplah is about Chipmixer being used for illicit activity.  Cryptocurrency is all about privacy, right?  Are privacy coins inherently evil?  Is cash inherently evil?  I'd say no to the last two questions, and I don't see a service that enhances financial privacy to be a bad thing.  Sure it could be used by bad folks for bad reasons, but so can a lot of other things--including the internet itself. 

Why Chipmixer is being singled out here is beyond me.

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: Lucius on March 11, 2021, 04:48:17 PM
I'm not going to sort out the sorts of shit. Just took the words of one of your gang
You there figure it out among yourself how much you get paid.

Past and present, two different things, did you skip that day at school when they explained the difference? I promote CM because I believe that this service brings a lot more good than bad, and if you check my payment address you can see that I haven't spent a single satoshi in more than 2 years since I joined the campaign - maybe I donate everything to charity one day.

I'm also not interested in any shit-services about this forum. I use official information

You probably think someone is forging data for something? I know that the official statistics actually suit you better because it gives information about currently online users - 3000 daily active users does not fit into your theory that there is no point in advertising on the forum.

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: ~DefaultTrust on March 11, 2021, 05:49:43 PM
If by "aggressive" you mean outspoken, I'd have to say only a few of the Chipmixer campaign members have that trait--i.e., there are just a few voices that are very loud, but if you look at the entire spreadsheet you'll see that most participants aren't the ones engaging in drama or voicing their strong opinions about things.  So you've overgeneralized everyone in the campaign.
You're right. Not everyone in this campaign is upstart and screamer. I mean only the most noisy ones because they are heard most of all. I think it's obvious.

The best evidence I am aware of from Chainalysis ( shows that only 8% of funds being sent to mixers are from illicit sources. Please present your evidence that refutes this and shows instead "massive income" from illicit sources.
Very simple math.
CM spends just for fun to advertise on a half-dead forum
~$150к per week = $600к per month.

How much does a healthy (normal) businessman usually spend on advertising? Well, let's say that the owner of CM has a sick brain and spends 30% of his profits on BTT.
So CM earns ~$2000к every month

What makes up CM's profit? They claim to be from donations. LOL of course, but let's say....
How much percent of their monthly earnings do brain-healthy people spend on donations? Honestly, I don’t know, but I think it’s definitely not more than 10%.

Does this mean some people transfer no less than $ 20,000,000 through the CM every month?
Well, obviously, these translations are done by honest people who just like libertarian ideas. Do you agree?

Past and present, two different things, did you skip that day at school when they explained the difference?
When you learn Russian as well as I do English, then come here to measure my penis.

I promote CM because I believe that this service brings a lot more good than bad,

Some people believe in the existence of dragons and ghosts. How does this characterize them in your opinion?

about currently online users - 3000 daily active users does not fit into your theory that there is no point in advertising on the forum.

What do you know about theories? Show off your Ph.D.
3000 active users: 1/3 are spambots, 1/3 are disposable newbies, the rest are real users plus their alternative accounts (~50/50 proportion). Here's my theory. It fits well with official data about users online.

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: suchmoon on March 11, 2021, 11:00:33 PM
~$150к per week = $600к per month.

LOL stop making such obvious shit up.

$300 max, less than 60 users - can't be more than $18k a week unless you failed 3rd grade math.

In reality it's around $8k because not everyone makes max posts. The spreadsheet is public.

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: actmyname on March 12, 2021, 12:19:08 AM
LOL stop making such obvious shit up.

$300 max, less than 60 users - can't be more than $18k a week unless you failed 3rd grade math.

In reality it's around $8k because not everyone makes max posts. The spreadsheet is public.
That's where you're wrong: the calculation, in reality, isn't even $300 per user.
It's not even the past figure of 0.0375BTC/user - that would grant a figure in USD value that is only 86% worth the ~150k/week.

The claim is: over 0.043 BTC at current rates[~57.5k] per user, per week.
What makes up CM's profit? They claim to be from donations. LOL of course, but let's say....
How much percent of their monthly earnings do brain-healthy people spend on donations? Honestly, I don’t know, but I think it’s definitely not more than 10%.
This is an odd statement to use for a mixer, which can be used independently of your wage.

I'm a bit confused: how do you think ChipMixer makes its income? Bear in mind: people have to either donate or send an arbitrary amount below 0.001 that is reduced due to the chip sizes.

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: Hhampuz on March 12, 2021, 01:58:50 AM
Another day, another CM thread. They're really getting their moneys worth at this forum, no matter your opinion of them  ;D

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: ~DefaultTrust on March 12, 2021, 06:38:31 AM
~$150к per week = $600к per month.

LOL stop making such obvious shit up.

$300 max, less than 60 users - can't be more than $18k a week unless you failed 3rd grade math.

In reality it's around $8k because not everyone makes max posts. The spreadsheet is public.

Oh, forgive me. I am not following your employer. Seems that the posts now multiplying by dollars but not bitcoins? What a pity (((
It turns out that CM spends only ~ $ 30,000 per month on advertising.

It turns out that I was wrong in five parts, unless of course the owner of CM is really so generous (gives the DS_ ~30% of the income).
This means that CM's entire income is only ~ $ 100,000 per month.

send an arbitrary amount below 0.001 that is reduced due to the chip sizes.

So how many transfers should people make through CM? So that it would receive an income of ~ $ 100,000 per month? I just contacted the Nobel Committee and they told me:
$100 000 /  0.001 = $100 000 000 per month.

Well, ok. Now it has become abundantly clear that such amounts can be transferred every month only by bespectacled libertarians who make money by lecturing on cryptography.
Thanks for the explanation

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: actmyname on March 12, 2021, 07:35:04 AM
send an arbitrary amount below 0.001 that is reduced due to the chip sizes.
So how many transfers should people make through CM? So that it would receive an income of ~ $ 100,000 per month? I just contacted the Nobel Committee and they told me:
$100 000 /  0.001 = $100 000 000 per month.
What is this calculation? Apply some units: 100 000 dollars per month divided by 0.001 BTC = 100 million dollars per month. Unclear where the BTC comes into play to transform into extra money or why you're dividing the dollar figure by the BTC value - such an equation would be useful when you want to discover the price of BTC when 0.001 BTC = $100 000.

If you grant that the income is solely through some 0.001 BTC amount per transfer, then you come to a figure of (assuming ~US$55K/BTC) about 1800 transactions per month, averaging 60 a day.

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: ~DefaultTrust on March 12, 2021, 07:56:17 AM
If you grant that the income is solely through some 0.001 BTC amount per transfer, then you come to a figure of (assuming ~US$55K/BTC) about 1800 transactions per month, averaging 60 a day.

You right "about 1800 transactions per month" in this case.
So, if only 0.01 BTC in each transaction then only 18 BTC or ~ $1 000 000 per month are going through the CM. Indeed, modestly ))

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on March 12, 2021, 08:31:34 AM
You can make up calculations with numbers you have pulled out of thin air all you like. None of that disproves the best evidence we currently have, which I linked to above, which shows that only small minority of funds being mixed come from illicit sources. The most common source of coins being mixed is directly from exchanges, by average users who are rejecting the mass surveillance being performed by centralized exchanges.

If you have actual evidence to disprove this then please present it. Baseless speculation is meaningless.

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: ~DefaultTrust on March 12, 2021, 08:40:46 AM
You can make up calculations with numbers you have pulled out of thin air all you like. None of that disproves the best evidence we currently have, which I linked to above, which shows that only small minority of funds being mixed come from illicit sources. The most common source of coins being mixed is directly from exchanges, by average users who are rejecting the mass surveillance being performed by centralized exchanges.

If you have actual evidence to disprove this then please present it. Baseless speculation is meaningless.
I understand your point of view: most cannibals live in Africa, so all cannibals live there until proven otherwise

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on March 12, 2021, 08:43:40 AM
I understand your point of view: most cannibals live in Africa, so all cannibals live there until proven otherwise
Great strawman. Let me know when you want to present any evidence whatsoever.

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: ~DefaultTrust on March 12, 2021, 08:55:13 AM
Great strawman. Let me know when you want to present any evidence whatsoever.

Why do you need proof? I am not your judge or prosecutor. Continue to advertise the service of pedophiles and drug dealers.

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on March 12, 2021, 09:06:27 AM
Why do you need proof?

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: Lucius on March 12, 2021, 10:59:55 AM
Past and present, two different things, did you skip that day at school when they explained the difference?
When you learn Russian as well as I do English, then come here to measure my penis.

People who publicly imply that they have a big penis usually have nothing to brag about, and that’s probably part of your frustration and obsession with things like who’s promoting something and how much someone’s making from it. If you don’t have your own life you usually poke your nose into someone else’s.

I promote CM because I believe that this service brings a lot more good than bad,
Some people believe in the existence of dragons and ghosts. How does this characterize them in your opinion?

Let people believe whatever they want, is that your problem or mine?

about currently online users - 3000 daily active users does not fit into your theory that there is no point in advertising on the forum.
What do you know about theories? Show off your Ph.D.
3000 active users: 1/3 are spambots, 1/3 are disposable newbies, the rest are real users plus their alternative accounts (~50/50 proportion). Here's my theory. It fits well with official data about users online.

You better sneak into your little hole and try to find some meaning in life, I don't have a PhD, but I doubt you have anything more than elementary school since you have problems with elementary math. If you think most users here are bots and alts accounts then gather evidence and show us it's true.

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: icopress on March 12, 2021, 12:43:07 PM
I really think that DarkStar_ and the team members in charge of promoting Chipmixer are immensely grateful to everyone who is throwing firewood on this fire, (and to all those who warmed themselves at this fire). After all, no one can be denigrated without mentioning his name, right? And by and large, there is no bad PR if Chipmixer representatives behave ethically, (what as we can see is happening). Summing up, we can say that, "People who spread FUD about Chipmixer are just spending marketing dollars on them at their own expense".

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: ~DefaultTrust on March 12, 2021, 03:04:41 PM
Past and present, two different things, did you skip that day at school when they explained the difference?
When you learn Russian as well as I do English, then come here to measure my penis.

People who publicly imply that they have a big penis usually have nothing to brag about,

Hope CM will rate this post of yours at a double rate. It is a masterpiece!

It looks like that my penis worries you much more than myself. Are you even a beautiful girl?

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: Lucius on March 13, 2021, 11:02:53 AM
Hope CM will rate this post of yours at a double rate. It is a masterpiece!

This post will probably be paid $0, because not every post is worth paying for - read the rules of the CM signature campaign.

It looks like that my penis worries you much more than myself. Are you even a beautiful girl?

You are the one who started mentioning your intimate body parts first, and people who do this are usually frustrated with their physical flaws that you obviously have - from head to toe as it seems now. My sincere condolences to every woman who comes near you, degenerates like you make the world a much worse place than it should be.

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: ~DefaultTrust on March 13, 2021, 02:53:19 PM
Hope CM will rate this post of yours at a double rate. It is a masterpiece!

This post will probably be paid $0, because not every post is worth paying for - read the rules of the CM signature campaign.

It's a shame that the best forum posts are not paid. Your writing talent deserves more.

It looks like that my penis worries you much more than myself. Are you even a beautiful girl?

You are the one who started mentioning your intimate body parts first, and people who do this are usually frustrated with their physical flaws that you obviously have - from head to toe as it seems now.

It looks like you have a lot of experience with such people. Apparently these are your close relatives? I'm sorry friend that I touched your sore callus.
I hope the money received from pedophiles and drug dealers will help you heal your relatives.

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: actmyname on March 14, 2021, 09:16:12 PM
The post above was sponsored by pedophiles and drug dealers. Chipmixer stop flooding this thread.
"Q is a group full of P!"
"Proof of claims? Unneeded."
"Wait, stop responding!"

The echo chamber is desirable but is a flourishing necessity of willful ignorance. Choose to live however you'd like; bear the consequences of such a system when disrupting the goal of communication.

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: ~DefaultTrust on March 15, 2021, 04:01:44 AM
The post above was sponsored by pedophiles and drug dealers. Chipmixer stop flooding this thread.
"Q is a group full of P!"
"Proof of claims? Unneeded."
"Wait, stop responding!"

The echo chamber is desirable but is a flourishing necessity of willful ignorance. Choose to live however you'd like; bear the consequences of such a system when disrupting the goal of communication.

Fine trolling  ;D ;D

Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe

Google translator burned out at work  ;)

Each medal has two sides. Everyone is shown only beautiful one. If the medal is not removed from the uniform, it will seem that it has only a beautiful side. Some people do just that.They do it so often that they themselves begin to believe that the medal has only one side.
When people have convinced themselves of something, it is extremely difficult for them to listen the truth.

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on March 15, 2021, 09:24:49 AM
This post wasn't a joke. If someone is going to make unfounded claims and refuse to corroborate those claims with any sort of evidence, then the argument is already over and they have already lost. Please stop feeding the troll.

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: examplens on March 15, 2021, 10:50:51 AM

this thread is open to draw attention to hypocritical attacks on the CM campaign, not ChipMixer as a service. not for repeating the mantra "paedophile and drug dealers..."
it is obvious that you (and supporters of your movement) have no real justification for it, except jealousy because someone is earning "a lot of money" from there.

This is not a self-moderated thread unlike your way of starting a discussion, everyone has the right to write what they think. Instead of being grateful that you can give an opinion, you abuse that opportunity and continue to troll.

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: ~DefaultTrust on March 15, 2021, 03:16:13 PM

This post wasn't a joke. If someone is going to make unfounded claims and refuse to corroborate those claims with any sort of evidence,

If math for you is not "any sort of evidence," then this is your personal drama.

then the argument is already over and they have already lost.

You're right. When idiots run out of arguments, they start turning to personal insults. Troll here is you and other CM sycophants like you.

you abuse that opportunity and continue to troll.

See above. It concerns you too.

Title: Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite?
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on March 15, 2021, 03:26:28 PM
If math for you is not "any sort of evidence," then this is your personal drama.
Numbers you have made up without any substantiation whatsoever is not evidence.

When idiots run out of arguments, they start turning to personal insults.
I'll take this as an admission you have lost the argument, then.