Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: pooya87 on January 01, 2023, 04:34:19 AM

Title: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: pooya87 on January 01, 2023, 04:34:19 AM
Gold buyers binge on biggest volumes for 55 years
Central banks are scooping up gold at the fastest pace since 1967, with analysts pinning China and Russia as big buyers in an indication that some nations are keen to diversify their reserves away from the dollar.
Data compiled the World Gold Council, an industry-funded group, has shown demand for the precious metal has outstripped any annual amount in the past 55 years. Last month’s estimates are also far larger than central banks’ official reported figures, sparking speculation in the industry over the identity of the buyers and their motivations.

The last time this level of buying was seen marked a historical turning point for the global monetary system. In 1967, European central banks bought massive volumes of gold from the US, leading to a run on the price and the collapse of the London Gold Pool of reserves. That hastened the eventual demise of the Bretton Woods System that tied the value of the US dollar to the precious metal.
Last month the WCG estimated the world’s official financial institutions have bought 673 tonnes. And in the third quarter alone central banks bought almost 400 tonnes of gold, the largest three-month binge since quarterly records began in 2000.

“The message these central banks are sending by putting a larger share of their reserves in gold is that they don’t want to be reliant on the US dollar as their main reserve asset,” Menke said.
Some in the industry speculate Middle Eastern governments are using fossil fuel export revenues to buy gold, most likely through sovereign wealth funds.

The world continues dumping US dollar, I've already talked about India buying gold ( and many times about Iran accumulating gold over the past couple of years. Now we have evidence of the other Eastern powers buying large amounts of gold. Many other smaller countries that don't fall into the global geopolitics like Qatar, Turkey, Uzbekistan, some African countries, etc. are also accumulating more gold.
This is the New World Order that is forming in front of our eyes, the old Dollar standard is slowly but surely going away which is causing high inflation in US as all the unbacked dollars they'd printed all these years are being dumped on USA itself and even higher inflation is seen in any country that is importing US inflation like Europe. Experts suggest that if US wasn't exporting its inflation, the real US inflation would have been somewhere north of 450% and that's where it's headed as the dollar dumping continues.

I recently watched an analyst who suggested that this is World War 3 which will be fought (at least for now) economically. The East vs. West as the East dumps US dollar that strains US economy. China suddenly lets loose COVID on the world (this past 2 weeks) that is already showing an increase in EU and US. Oil price ends the year with the 2nd straight annual gain and the general high energy prices among other things is slowly rendering EU useless as an economy and industrial power.

Although economy is not the only battlefield (we have energy, food and actual armed conflict between proxies) but it is affecting us the most. It is even affecting bitcoin price as it has successfully prevented its rise to higher ATH last year and even changed its bull trend and crashed the price below the previous (2017) ATH for the first time in bitcoin history.

With that said, 2023 outlook is already bad economically speaking.
How much of the points I raised do you agree with and how do you see 2023 specially when dollar dumping continues?

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: davis196 on January 01, 2023, 11:12:17 AM
Some countries are dumping the US dollar as a reserve currency, not as an international medium of exchange.
The global recession is coming and it's normal for the central banks(and all kinds of private and institutional investors) to buy more gold(which is the ultimate safe heaven). The US dollar cannot be viewed as a safe heaven. I'm curious about the Russian-Chinese alternative to the US dominated financial system. So far we haven't seen anything that looks like a complete replacement of the US dollar. I don't think that China is ready to dump the US dollar. I agree that the Federal Reserve keeps exporting inflation outside the USA and I agree that the USD dominance cannot continue forever.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: hugeblack on January 01, 2023, 11:54:31 AM
The figures that you mentioned cannot be adopted as a reference to know the global trend unless it continues in the same direction. For example, we all know the reason for many banks buying gold after February 2022, and therefore waiting for a year or two will determine whether it is a temporary fear or is it a permanent trend.

In general, we can see that some countries have begun to think about diversifying their reserves, and therefore we may witness an attempt to buy gold or some currencies, but it will be shy in order to compensate for inflation in the US dollar, but radical changes will require a world war.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: naira on January 01, 2023, 12:14:52 PM
Gradually, people's view of the US dollar is quite critical, but paper money will become worthless. Now the role of gold is increasingly rising to the surface and has always been maintained for a long time. 2023 is a great opportunity and at the same time weakens the US. Middle Eastern countries with a wealth of oil, gold and natural resources they produce have pushed the US economic position to the brink.

I admit that the New World Order is before our eyes, whether we realize it or not. Because capitalist stakeholders can easily reverse the movement of the economy. This sounds like a conspiracy, but if proven true are we just going with the flow?

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Smartprofit on January 01, 2023, 12:23:06 PM
Some countries are dumping the US dollar as a reserve currency, not as an international medium of exchange.
The global recession is coming and it's normal for the central banks(and all kinds of private and institutional investors) to buy more gold(which is the ultimate safe heaven). The US dollar cannot be viewed as a safe heaven. I'm curious about the Russian-Chinese alternative to the US dominated financial system. So far we haven't seen anything that looks like a complete replacement of the US dollar. I don't think that China is ready to dump the US dollar. I agree that the Federal Reserve keeps exporting inflation outside the USA and I agree that the USD dominance cannot continue forever.

Mass buying of gold can have several reasons. 

First, we are witnessing the collapse of the globalization system in the world. 

And the United States was the universally recognized center of world globalization.  I don't believe in a US dollar crash anytime soon.  However, his credibility in the world has weakened.  Therefore, many countries are following the path of accumulating gold reserves. 

Secondly, the new rules of the Basel Committee make it easier for the central banks of all countries to include gold bars in foreign exchange reserves.  These rules actually weaken the US dollar and strengthen the role of gold in global finance.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Fortify on January 01, 2023, 03:59:34 PM
Gold buyers binge on biggest volumes for 55 years
Central banks are scooping up gold at the fastest pace since 1967, with analysts pinning China and Russia as big buyers in an indication that some nations are keen to diversify their reserves away from the dollar.
Data compiled the World Gold Council, an industry-funded group, has shown demand for the precious metal has outstripped any annual amount in the past 55 years. Last month’s estimates are also far larger than central banks’ official reported figures, sparking speculation in the industry over the identity of the buyers and their motivations.

The last time this level of buying was seen marked a historical turning point for the global monetary system. In 1967, European central banks bought massive volumes of gold from the US, leading to a run on the price and the collapse of the London Gold Pool of reserves. That hastened the eventual demise of the Bretton Woods System that tied the value of the US dollar to the precious metal.
Last month the WCG estimated the world’s official financial institutions have bought 673 tonnes. And in the third quarter alone central banks bought almost 400 tonnes of gold, the largest three-month binge since quarterly records began in 2000.

“The message these central banks are sending by putting a larger share of their reserves in gold is that they don’t want to be reliant on the US dollar as their main reserve asset,” Menke said.
Some in the industry speculate Middle Eastern governments are using fossil fuel export revenues to buy gold, most likely through sovereign wealth funds.

The world continues dumping US dollar, I've already talked about India buying gold ( and many times about Iran accumulating gold over the past couple of years. Now we have evidence of the other Eastern powers buying large amounts of gold. Many other smaller countries that don't fall into the global geopolitics like Qatar, Turkey, Uzbekistan, some African countries, etc. are also accumulating more gold.
This is the New World Order that is forming in front of our eyes, the old Dollar standard is slowly but surely going away which is causing high inflation in US as all the unbacked dollars they'd printed all these years are being dumped on USA itself and even higher inflation is seen in any country that is importing US inflation like Europe. Experts suggest that if US wasn't exporting its inflation, the real US inflation would have been somewhere north of 450% and that's where it's headed as the dollar dumping continues.

I recently watched an analyst who suggested that this is World War 3 which will be fought (at least for now) economically. The East vs. West as the East dumps US dollar that strains US economy. China suddenly lets loose COVID on the world (this past 2 weeks) that is already showing an increase in EU and US. Oil price ends the year with the 2nd straight annual gain and the general high energy prices among other things is slowly rendering EU useless as an economy and industrial power.

Although economy is not the only battlefield (we have energy, food and actual armed conflict between proxies) but it is affecting us the most. It is even affecting bitcoin price as it has successfully prevented its rise to higher ATH last year and even changed its bull trend and crashed the price below the previous (2017) ATH for the first time in bitcoin history.

With that said, 2023 outlook is already bad economically speaking.
How much of the points I raised do you agree with and how do you see 2023 specially when dollar dumping continues?

While I have no doubt that a few countries are trying to diversify away from the dollar, see: Russia. All you've presented is a chart of gold purchases and you have just made up an entirely unsupported narrative, aka a lie. It makes you look quite naive and foolish, or just a sad propaganda puppet. There could be all sorts of reasons why gold trades are happening, Russia may have a lot and simply need to sell it off because they don't have access to trade via the world banking system, other countries like India might be taking advantage of the situation while it is available and buying up large quantities far under market value. Neither of these mean what you have suggested in the title and you're conspiracy crap like New World Order shows your ridiculous slant on the story.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Ucy on January 01, 2023, 04:39:35 PM
Well, the world is too dependent on dollar more than you think. So I don't see it being abandoned soon. Dollar will experience massive fluctuations and will bounce back again  after falling massively. Bitcoin will actually benefit from its falls, especially this year. 

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Leviathan.007 on January 01, 2023, 07:33:50 PM
I would replace some words and say the world is dumping fiat currency not just the us dollar the reason is the increasing inflation rate of the world when people see their hard-handed money worth less than yesterday and they have to invest their money or find a way to stay safe from the inflation in their country they will have to look for a suitable asset depending on themself and the money they have, here assets like gold and bitcoin will have more demand from people and this will even attract more people to staff from the bad economic situation in their country.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: pooya87 on January 02, 2023, 06:59:59 AM
Some countries are dumping the US dollar as a reserve currency, not as an international medium of exchange.
It is both actually. The biggest example that was made public is Russia that started selling its energy for their own currency effectively replacing US dollar as "international medium of exchange".
There are a lot of other examples like Iran selling fuel to other countries for gold and basically a lot of countries in BRICS and SCO trading using their national currencies.

I'm curious about the Russian-Chinese alternative to the US dominated financial system.
So far I have seen a lot of solutions including but not limited to gold, each country's national currency, a new currency created by BRICS and even bitcoin. But also so far there doesn't seem to be any agreement on the actual solution to use on large scale.

Middle Eastern countries with a wealth of oil, gold and natural resources they produce have pushed the US economic position to the brink.
Exactly. A lot of countries with resources are starting to realize that they had all the power all this time not the colonizers who starve for those resources.

I don't believe in a US dollar crash anytime soon.  However, his credibility in the world has weakened. 
I agree but collapses like this can start slowly and show as weakening at first and then comes the collapse. In has happened in the past, before US introduced Petrodollar and saved its economy US dollar dumped more than 50% in 6 months.

I would replace some words and say the world is dumping fiat currency
Unfortunately that will never happen in our lifetime. It is the replacement of one centralized currency with another centralized currency. When these countries buy gold one of the reasons is to back their centralized limitless fiat to try and strengthen it and create a strong incentive for others to use it for trades.
On top of that with the new era of CBDCs we are seeing even more centralized fiat (in digital form).

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Argoo on January 02, 2023, 08:32:03 AM
I would replace some words and say the world is dumping fiat currency not just the us dollar the reason is the increasing inflation rate of the world when people see their hard-handed money worth less than yesterday and they have to invest their money or find a way to stay safe from the inflation in their country they will have to look for a suitable asset depending on themself and the money they have, here assets like gold and bitcoin will have more demand from people and this will even attract more people to staff from the bad economic situation in their country.
The growing interest in gold is a consequence of the deteriorating economic situation around the world, and not distrust of the US dollar. Rising inflation is observed in all countries, so it is quite reasonable that against this background, the governments of some states are now buying up gold. The dollar is going through a difficult period, like any currency of states.
In addition, uncertainty about the future also comes from the current political situation, and primarily because of Russia's military aggression against Ukraine. Russia has started a war that it is not able to win, and now the threat of collapse hangs over it. In any case, Russia will no longer be able to influence world processes, as before. Therefore, big shifts in spheres of influence are coming.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Apocollapse on January 02, 2023, 08:58:45 AM
Now I wonder why Bitcoin price is keep decreasing over and over, while the other assets e.g. gold, S&P 500, housing price (in my area) are keep increasing? I think many articles and people mostly said Bitcoin is hedge against fiat money, but in the reality it's different. Bitcoin price is seems has huge influence due to super cycle rather than the adoption and trust. I think not many people are really trust Bitcoin for 100% since they're prefer to play safe to convert their fiat to gold or stock.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Moneyprism on January 02, 2023, 09:00:37 AM
the trend of countries dumping USD seems to continue going forward, for example my country is starting to leave USD in trading with several countries and this of course benefits my country because then we no longer need to own/buy USD in our trades with other countries ,, the govermant can use their own currency and this of course will help the economy .. but the negative effect is that the US started to cancel their cooperation in some sectors and in my opinion it looks childish

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Mauser on January 02, 2023, 09:25:18 AM

With that said, 2023 outlook is already bad economically speaking.
How much of the points I raised do you agree with and how do you see 2023 specially when dollar dumping continues?

I am really surprised that gold has been performing so well in the last 2 months, because the rest of 2022 it was not moving at all. Still remembering my grandparents telling me that gold is the best investment when the world is in trouble, but when the Russia Ukraine war started and we reached double digit inflation rates nothing happened to gold. Maybe the correction we are seeing right now was overdue. Gold seems a good trading material for Russia as the have been isolated on international markets for months now. China could come in a similar situation if they increase the aggression towards Taiwan. Maybe we going to see gold become the number currency for international trade again if the Dollar dumping continues. This could be also good for crypto currencies as they are an alternative to gold for protecting our money.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: kro55 on January 02, 2023, 09:58:45 AM
Now I wonder why Bitcoin price is keep decreasing over and over, while the other assets e.g. gold, S&P 500, housing price (in my area) are keep increasing? I think many articles and people mostly said Bitcoin is hedge against fiat money, but in the reality it's different. Bitcoin price is seems has huge influence due to super cycle rather than the adoption and trust. I think not many people are really trust Bitcoin for 100% since they're prefer to play safe to convert their fiat to gold or stock.

Regarding safety, bitcoin is still not comparable to gold or real estate, bitcoin is only 13 years old and not as popular and widely recognized as gold. So it's not uncommon for people to choose gold over bitcoin.

In my opinion, bitcoin is now just a tool to manipulate the profits of tycoons, not a real asset. It's true that bitcoin has advantages over gold and fiat money, but it's too small to assume it can replace a thousand-year-old recognized asset like gold. In 2022, the stock market alone had evaporated more than 20 trillion due to the crisis, while the entire capitalization of cryptocurrencies is around 800 billion. Bitcoin's revolution is just beginning, we don't need to rush.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Coyster on January 02, 2023, 10:15:38 AM
I am really surprised that gold has been performing so well in the last 2 months, because the rest of 2022 it was not moving at all. Still remembering my grandparents telling me that gold is the best investment when the world is in trouble, but when the Russia Ukraine war started and we reached double digit inflation rates nothing happened to gold.
The price of gold doesn't move spontaneously, it isn't a volatile asset and that is why it is relatively safe and prolly the most perfect hedge to inflation. Your grandparents are correct because gold is a store of value/safe haven asset, so what they meant by it is a great investment when the world is in trouble is that it can retain its value for a very long time, even amidst crisis and wars, it doesn't mean it 'multiplies' the value anyway.
Maybe we going to see gold become the number currency for international trade again if the Dollar dumping continues. This could be also good for crypto currencies as they are an alternative to gold for protecting our money.
Tbh i sincerely don't think we'd see that, some countries may be dumping dollar, but i disagree that it would be completely replaced by gold as the currency of international trade. Crypto doesn't technically protect people's money, a whole lot of them are scam/fake coins; Bitcoin is different though, and it can be a hedge to devaluation, but it is quite volatile in short term.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: naira on January 02, 2023, 01:07:11 PM
Exactly. A lot of countries with resources are starting to realize that they had all the power all this time not the colonizers who starve for those resources.
And what weakens the US can of course be seen from the fact that the alliance of Asian countries is more supportive of the programs offered to the Middle East. So in general the US feels left out because what the US has been doing so far is taking or more precisely seizing the sources of wealth. It's a different story if cooperation between the Middle East and Asian countries, even though their interests are different, is able to provide mutual benefits. So this is where the thread for 2023 points to US transparency. Biden's leadership is considered too soft, compared to Trump's economic policies at his time which could make Russia even dare not move and dare not pressure western countries with gas prices. Look at the current phenomenon, what is the US doing? approach Saudi Arabia and establish cooperation. Unfortunately, Saudi Arabia can no longer be dictated to because it has abundant oil wealth as capital to stand tall.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: pooya87 on January 03, 2023, 06:35:00 AM
Now I wonder why Bitcoin price is keep decreasing over and over, while the other assets e.g. gold, S&P 500, housing price (in my area) are keep increasing?
I covered the reason for Gold price rising. I can't comment on other assets in your area but S&P500 has been dumping, in fact over the past year it got dumped about 20% which is huge in such a heavily controlled market.

The thing about bitcoin is that the market can be easily manipulated and we've had a lot of negative news like FTX collapse that created fake fear and panic sell that crashed the market. But also bitcoin is affected by the world economy and as the economy crashes, more specifically has inflation and recession at the same time, bitcoin price has a hard time going up.

Biden's leadership is considered too soft, compared to Trump's economic policies at his time which could make Russia even dare not move and dare not pressure western countries with gas prices. Look at the current phenomenon, what is the US doing? approach Saudi Arabia and establish cooperation. Unfortunately, Saudi Arabia can no longer be dictated to because it has abundant oil wealth as capital to stand tall.
I don't think so.
This has been a trend not something that happened over night. The plans to make EU addicted to Russian gas has been going on for decades, the plans to invade Ukraine has also been going on for at least 10 years.

Same with Saudis, you have to look at the bigger picture. Saudi family did exactly what Russia is doing for the past 8 years but with the help of US. They invaded their neighbor, the poorest Arab country called Yemen to steal their vast energy sources and gain a strong geopolitical status. During during Trump administration the US military proved its inability to protect them against the country they've been invading. So when the invadees started retaliating and hit Saudi oil infrastructure, Saudi military bases and US military bases successfully the Saudi family realized US is too weak to ensure their future survival in the war ordered by US; so they slowly started changing their position and shifted toward East. This is why you see China in Saudi Arabia selling them crap while US complains and expresses "concerns" from afar without doing anything.

All these changes would have happened regardless of who the POTUS is and will continue after sleepy Joe goes away.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Frankolala on January 03, 2023, 08:06:36 AM
Actually gold investment is more profitable and valuable than dollar, because the dollar can face economy crisis and will depreciate since it is under the influence of human activities. Gold is a natural resources that was endowed by nature, it is a precious assets that has been  there for a very long period of time and it has been used by kings and royalties to show valuable it is. Gold do appreciate in value, A country can't control gold price or its value.

The US dollar is controlled by US government,and if they are facing inflation challenge,they still went ahead to print money,they are only deceiving themselves because it will worsen the situation and this gradually will depreciate the dollar. US government is focus more on the war and are not seeing the consequence of the war yet on the world economy, forgetting that it will weaken the US economy and dollar strength.

Central bank understood all these,that is why they bought 400 tonnes of gold to invest their dollar in,so that their assest can increase in value instead of depreciation. Yes more people will still abandon the dollar for gold this year.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Ozero on January 23, 2023, 03:27:24 PM
Gradually, people's view of the US dollar is quite critical, but paper money will become worthless. Now the role of gold is increasingly rising to the surface and has always been maintained for a long time. 2023 is a great opportunity and at the same time weakens the US. Middle Eastern countries with a wealth of oil, gold and natural resources they produce have pushed the US economic position to the brink.

I admit that the New World Order is before our eyes, whether we realize it or not. Because capitalist stakeholders can easily reverse the movement of the economy. This sounds like a conspiracy, but if proven true are we just going with the flow?
The economic situation in the world continues to deteriorate, so it is quite reasonable that both people and states pay attention to such eternal values as gold and try to get rid of a large number of banknotes. Most likely, we are talking about dollars, since their mass is the largest in the world of finance. This should be attributed to all national currencies of states. This should hardly be regarded as the establishment of a new World Order. Similar events have occurred periodically in the past and will continue to occur in the future. Economic booms and busts don't just happen in the world of cryptocurrencies.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: kryptqnick on January 23, 2023, 04:26:40 PM
Russia is known to focus on gold purchases because they're trying to basically temporarily return to the gold standard since the start of the full-scale war, and I must say this strategy worked pretty well, helping to stabilize ruble after it fell a lot from the sanctions and general panic. Relying on one fiat as a safeguard for another fiat is riskier than relying on something that's been historically more stable and is at least different from fiat. That being said, I think that dollar will remain the main global reserve, at least when it comes to a top fiat currency which is a global reserve. The rise of gold is IMO a temporary thing, especially since it has its own issues. People didn't move away from the gold standard without reason, after all. And gold caused issues historically if suddently too much of it appeared somewhere.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Coyster on January 23, 2023, 05:31:30 PM
Actually gold investment is more profitable and valuable than dollar, because the dollar can face economy crisis and will depreciate since it is under the influence of human activities.
The countries in question were never using the U.S dollar as an investment asset, it is mainly used around the world as a reserve asset/currency because it is a very strong and stable currency, but immediately the covid-19 pandemic shed its milk teeth and with the subsequent printing of more money out of thin air, the U.S dollar is now facing somewhat of an inflation crisis.

Having said that, if countries are slowly switching to gold from the U.S dollar, it is because gold is a safe haven asset/store of value that isn't affected by inflation, thus they would want to diversify and make gold a part of their reserve asset as the dollar continues to suffer. It is not about profitability, gold is a stable asset, but ROI on gold isn't all that large.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: ginsan on January 23, 2023, 06:45:50 PM
why do we always have to mention world war lll at the end of every topic title, isn't that horrible to imagine.

indeed the direction of flight in the world economy against currencies will be a very crucial point if it really happens. as an asset in a country future reserves often triggers surprises. However, I think that if only one or two countries support their reserve assets in the form of gold, of course this will not have a big enough impact on the dollar. but I hope that one day some developed countries can make changes in their reserve assets such as doing in the form of BTC.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: bitgolden on January 23, 2023, 07:04:59 PM
why do we always have to mention world war lll at the end of every topic title, isn't that horrible to imagine.

indeed the direction of flight in the world economy against currencies will be a very crucial point if it really happens. as an asset in a country future reserves often triggers surprises. However, I think that if only one or two countries support their reserve assets in the form of gold, of course this will not have a big enough impact on the dollar. but I hope that one day some developed countries can make changes in their reserve assets such as doing in the form of BTC.
I think it's there to attract attention and that's it. Like imagine the worst possible thing that could happen? That would be world war 3 because we now have nuclear weapons as well, even a single one of them being used means that it's going to end up with a lot of trouble, and that is why I believe that nobody will end up using them in reality, but what if it was ever used? That would be insane.

This is why that's the worst thing I could ever consider. In the end it's going to be sensible people stopping short of that, this whole Ukraine thing could have turned into USA and Europe going directly into Ukraine to help, which would have caused Russia to be even more aggressive and even maybe use Nuclears, but nobody did, hence I doubt it would happen.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Coyster on January 23, 2023, 08:44:46 PM
why do we always have to mention world war lll at the end of every topic title, isn't that horrible to imagine.
Lol, World War lll OP mentioned at the end of this topic wasn't at least a physical one, it is more of an economical battle were one country tries to weaken the other and establish their economy as the world's most dominant one. But even a physical world war in the future isn't something we can completely rule out, but it is the last thing i will wish for.
but I hope that one day some developed countries can make changes in their reserve assets such as doing in the form of BTC.
These countries are buying gold because they are looking for what is a stable asset/currency, Bitcoin is very volatile and risky, as long as it is this volatile i don't think any country is going to ever make it their reserve asset/currency.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Sithara007 on January 24, 2023, 04:07:50 AM
These countries are buying gold because they are looking for what is a stable asset/currency, Bitcoin is very volatile and risky, as long as it is this volatile i don't think any country is going to ever make it their reserve asset/currency.

As I mentioned in one of my previous posts, gold is not risk-free in the long term. Maybe for the next 5-10 years, it can act as a reliable store of value. But I don't know what will happen if everyone starts using gold (or gold backed fiat) as a currency. There is a reason why almost 100 years ago the governments decided to replace the gold standard. I would still make my argument in favor of a more reliable alternative. That said, I am not sure whether Bitcoin can be that alternative. It has the potential to become one.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Poker Player on January 24, 2023, 04:53:09 AM
I will follow the subject with interest, because I believe that the USA has gone from being an eminently productive country to a consumer country that has got away with it by exporting inflation to the rest of the world with its dollars, but this gradual abandonment of the dollar will force it to change its policies, otherwise it will lose its status and its economic capacity. We will have to see how the story continues. Of course, by promoting a victim mentality and paying people not to work, they won't be able to last much longer.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Dickiy on January 24, 2023, 06:54:35 AM
From my point of view, I think there is a big plan behind all of this, I don't know what and how I don't understand clearly, they are global elites who probably know everything, apart from talking about economic wars and declining confidence in the US dollar as the country's foreign exchange, it's quite strange that countries just buy gold without any explanation for that condition.
In my opinion, this is interpreted as a resistance to limit western hegemony. So far, to be honest, they (the Eastern bloc) do not like all international decisions, most of which are in favor of western powers, especially since the US has always made propaganda in the eastern bloc.
The audacity of the Eastern Bloc to abandon the dollar, it was probably fueled by the Russian state officially trading in its own currency.
It is not strange that the US is experiencing high inflation because countries have started to release their dollars so that the circulation of dollars in America is too much which makes it hyper-inflation.

My other thoughts
If that's actually the case, I think it's impossible for the dollars sucked up by TheFed interest rates to be stored in their safe until they rot, there will likely be a scenario that will be implemented in 2023. CMIWW

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Synchronice on January 24, 2023, 08:44:01 AM
I will follow the subject with interest, because I believe that the USA has gone from being an eminently productive country to a consumer country that has got away with it by exporting inflation to the rest of the world with its dollars, but this gradual abandonment of the dollar will force it to change its policies, otherwise it will lose its status and its economic capacity. We will have to see how the story continues. Of course, by promoting a victim mentality and paying people not to work, they won't be able to last much longer.
I think that the USA focused too much on the entertainment. In my childhood, kids wanted to become astronaut, scientist, doctor, engineer but now kids want to become youtubers, tiktokers, twitch streamers, gamers but these people don't play the role in the developing of our quality of life. I mean, random retard youtuber and tiktoker can't produce good, can't develop the medicine, can't invent new machine, can't improve our life.

American kids want to be famous on YouTube, and kids in China want to go to space: survey (
I think the fact that China's economy will takeover the USA's economy is just inevitable if the USA follows the current path. The current path is the reason why countries prefer to prioritize gold again.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: pooya87 on January 25, 2023, 07:09:45 AM
why do we always have to mention world war lll at the end of every topic title, isn't that horrible to imagine.
Considering that many believe that World War 3 has already started it is not surprising to see it in different titles although it is not in every topic as you said.
Keep in mind that such wars don't have to always be in form of nuclear end of the world scenario. The cold wars involving economy, food security, energy war, proxy wars, etc. are all parts of that WW3 that you keep hearing.

My other thoughts
If that's actually the case, I think it's impossible for the dollars sucked up by TheFed interest rates to be stored in their safe until they rot, there will likely be a scenario that will be implemented in 2023. CMIWW
I've been curiously watching to see what they are going to do this time.
Last time the world tried to abandon US dollar and it tanked, the US regime had colonies like Saudi Arabia that they could pressure to sell their energy with dollar which introduced PetroDollar concept that saved US dollar and US economy.
This time however, US is not longer the hegemony it used to be and even the colonies are not listening to their orders. Many US analysts compare the regime with a ship that is slowly sinking. Even the US military is like that. I was reading an article that a Washington Think Tank released where they say if US entered any war with any of the existing powers today, they only have 7 days worth of strategic weapons! And war was something else US started with countries that tried dumping US dollar to prevent it (eg. Libya, Iraq, Syria, etc.).

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: NotATether on January 25, 2023, 11:23:19 AM
I think that the USA focused too much on the entertainment. In my childhood, kids wanted to become astronaut, scientist, doctor, engineer but now kids want to become youtubers, tiktokers, twitch streamers, gamers but these people don't play the role in the developing of our quality of life. I mean, random retard youtuber and tiktoker can't produce good, can't develop the medicine, can't invent new machine, can't improve our life.

American kids want to be famous on YouTube, and kids in China want to go to space: survey (

Oh boy! Time to accelerate development of the YouTube killer. /s

But it's important to note that this study should not be taken as a generalization, and that you should not assume this is what all American kids want to be. If that was he case, the country would be all the lesser for it.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Dickiy on January 25, 2023, 01:51:17 PM
My other thoughts
If that's actually the case, I think it's impossible for the dollars sucked up by TheFed interest rates to be stored in their safe until they rot, there will likely be a scenario that will be implemented in 2023. CMIWW
I've been curiously watching to see what they are going to do this time.
Last time the world tried to abandon US dollar and it tanked, the US regime had colonies like Saudi Arabia that they could pressure to sell their energy with dollar which introduced PetroDollar concept that saved US dollar and US economy.
This time however, US is not longer the hegemony it used to be and even the colonies are not listening to their orders. Many US analysts compare the regime with a ship that is slowly sinking. Even the US military is like that. I was reading an article that a Washington Think Tank released where they say if US entered any war with any of the existing powers today, they only have 7 days worth of strategic weapons! And war was something else US started with countries that tried dumping US dollar to prevent it (eg. Libya, Iraq, Syria, etc.).

This sounds like a conspiracy theory, which maybe it's a real east bloc clash with the west bloc, was WW3 planned and scheduled?
To be honest, your thread has a correlation with this thread about Saudi Arabia trading in non-dollar currencies ( which is a connection with hegemony and a shift in economic control, if it is true that the US military's strategic ammunition only lasts 7 days, then what will the US do with the dollar? while US strength is no longer the same as before, this all happened because the US was the winner of the second world war, but today it is different that there are movements against the US such as China-Russia and the eastern bloc.
does this have anything to do with the conspiracy theory of The Great Reset, New World Order and the establishment of the World Economic Forum which is always held in Davos?

I don't want anything bad to happen, but maybe a revolution has to be made to make the world order better.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: ginsan on January 29, 2023, 04:22:36 PM
why do we always have to mention world war lll at the end of every topic title, isn't that horrible to imagine.
Considering that many believe that World War 3 has already started it is not surprising to see it in different titles although it is not in every topic as you said.
Keep in mind that such wars don't have to always be in form of nuclear end of the world scenario. The cold wars involving economy, food security, energy war, proxy wars, etc. are all parts of that WW3 that you keep hearing.
I don't deny it will come true, before my thoughts were drawn to nuclear war.

But in one option, I believe that the current crisis will continue to depress the value of the dollar if there is a cold war between countries that have the power to throw away the US dollar and prefer to use other currencies. but did you know that all this time we are in an era that is continuously in a very chaotic situation because every item has a pretty fantastic price increase that was triggered by several factors included in WW3. Inflation will continue to occur and it's only a matter of time until we really see the dollar fall.

After covid, we switched to WW3, wasn't this planned or was this their scheme to kill the poor.

source: read here (

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: slapper on January 29, 2023, 07:23:50 PM
I agree. A number of nations have been amassing gold reserves, which may portend a future in which the US dollar is not the world's most important currency. For decades, the US dollar has been the world's de facto reserve currency, but as other nations have grown economically, a more multipolar monetary system may be on the horizon.

Regarding the continuing economic war between the East and the West, it is true that there are various geopolitical conflicts at play that might impact global economic circumstances. The continuous spread of COVID-19 and the ensuing economic disruption has also contributed to these tense situations. It's important to remember, too, that forecasting the economy may be tricky since so many variables are at play and unexpected things can happen. Having said that, it is vital to maintain awareness and be flexible enough to deal with a variety of situations.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Smartprofit on January 29, 2023, 09:34:39 PM
Currently, in my opinion, there is no direct threat to the US dollar.

The modern financial system is designed in such a way that any serious global economic crisis leads to the fact that the US dollar is growing in price relative to other national currencies. The hostilities between Russia and Ukraine, the sanctions war, the cessation of natural gas supplies are destroying both the economy of these two countries themselves and the economy of Europe.

At the same time, the United States (remaining in a position above the fight) does not bear any economic, financial, or reputational losses. This ensures that the US dollar remains the world's reserve currency.

At the same time, gold, which in theory could become an alternative to the US dollar in terms of its physical characteristics, is poorly suited for use in everyday financial transactions, remaining mainly in the role of a conservative reserve asset.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on January 29, 2023, 11:20:34 PM
No surprise the USD is losing its status as the prime reserve currency.  The average US citizen has no clue about the extent to which the government is hastening the downfall of its currency.  We've got all of these insane monetary policies, not the least of which is all the money printing and debt accumulation.  The Fed and everyone involved in the creation of said policies are digging the US economy into a hole that nobody seems to have a clue how they're going to climb up out of.

I haven't looked at the price chart for gold lately, but I know it's fairly close to $2000 right now.  Is that at or at least near the ATH?  I'm pretty sure it is, because I remember gold going ballistic back in 2010-11 (and silver, too), but I can't remember if it ever hit $2k.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Ozero on January 30, 2023, 07:26:13 AM

Regarding the continuing economic war between the East and the West, it is true that there are various geopolitical conflicts at play that might impact global economic circumstances. The continuous spread of COVID-19 and the ensuing economic disruption has also contributed to these tense situations. It's important to remember, too, that forecasting the economy may be tricky since so many variables are at play and unexpected things can happen. Having said that, it is vital to maintain awareness and be flexible enough to deal with a variety of situations.
Some analysts and military experts believe that World War III has already begun in the world, which Putin's Russia actually started. Volunteers from different countries are fighting on the side of Ukraine, and more than 50 states are helping it financially, materially and with weapons. The colossal losses of Russians in Ukraine are forcing Putin to turn to mercenaries from Belarus, Syria and other countries, and Russia is buying weapons wherever it can. Over the past few days, Iran has already paid the price for deliveries of its drones and possibly ballistic missiles to Russia. Military tension is growing between China and Taiwan, Iran and Israel, India and Pakistan. Well, Russia is already threatening everyone around.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Synchronice on January 30, 2023, 09:14:00 AM
I think that the USA focused too much on the entertainment. In my childhood, kids wanted to become astronaut, scientist, doctor, engineer but now kids want to become youtubers, tiktokers, twitch streamers, gamers but these people don't play the role in the developing of our quality of life. I mean, random retard youtuber and tiktoker can't produce good, can't develop the medicine, can't invent new machine, can't improve our life.

American kids want to be famous on YouTube, and kids in China want to go to space: survey (

Oh boy! Time to accelerate development of the YouTube killer. /s

But it's important to note that this study should not be taken as a generalization, and that you should not assume this is what all American kids want to be. If that was he case, the country would be all the lesser for it.
Definitely it's not taken as a generalization but I believe that this minority will quickly become majority. Call me an old-fashioned, even though I'm very young but I don't like how kids are addicted to gaming consoles, smartphones and don't play outside. These kids are the future and I wouldn't say that they are minority. Even what my generation mostly does is smoking weed, gaming, gambling and partying because their mothers and fathers are sacrificing themselves in the work to make a comfortable environment for their 20 years old kids.
Isn't this a real situation not only in the USA but in Europe too? No local one wants career in trades because immigrants are here to come and work in order to escape poverty in their countries. At the moment this works, old generation is mostly hard-working and responsible but I think this is the time when great times make weak men and these weak men will make bad times.

USA companies also manufacture products in China. At the moment it works, it's cheap and they get what they want but over time, china takes over the industry, they are producing skilled labor, they are making you dependent on them to get the final product. Soon they'll master the art of marketing and that's all.

I'm not anti west, I can't even be but I don't think the way we are going will let us to keep the dominance and high quality of life. If the USD wasn't a financial reserve, this country wouldn't be where it is today and to keep and remain in this position, it's time to wake up and resort priorities: Educated and strong population or dumb entertainment addicted people!

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: BenCodie on January 30, 2023, 09:22:21 AM
Currently, in my opinion, there is no direct threat to the US dollar.

The modern financial system is designed in such a way that any serious global economic crisis leads to the fact that the US dollar is growing in price relative to other national currencies. The hostilities between Russia and Ukraine, the sanctions war, the cessation of natural gas supplies are destroying both the economy of these two countries themselves and the economy of Europe.

At the same time, the United States (remaining in a position above the fight) does not bear any economic, financial, or reputational losses. This ensures that the US dollar remains the world's reserve currency.

At the same time, gold, which in theory could become an alternative to the US dollar in terms of its physical characteristics, is poorly suited for use in everyday financial transactions, remaining mainly in the role of a conservative reserve asset.

There is no direct thread to the US Dollar? Preposterous. Even if you overlook other countries from the picture, the US is the threat against its own currency! The global financial crisis is a prime example of this. The banking system is not made to support the dollar positively and yet it has so much control over its supply...politics are not looking out for the interests of its people but instead corporations that seek to exploit them. All three of these interests, banks politicians and corporations (it bears repeating for banks) might seem like they help the economy thrive however they do not in any way positively influence the long-term success of the US dollar, the country it represents or its people, and instead their behavior has lead the dollar to where it is today - upon imminent implosion.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Hydrogen on January 30, 2023, 12:57:58 PM
My initial kneejerk reaction to many years of de dollarization by nations of the world, was to assume the dollar would exhibit a linear decline in value, correlating with a linear decline in demand.

What happened instead, they were able to stabilize the US dollar through heavy purchasing of the asset on FOREX exchanges. While this type of behavior is nothing new, nations like china are known to dump the yuan in an effort to diminish its value to boost china's exports. It was a surprise to learn assets like fiat currencies can be compensated in such a fashion.

As a result, if we view FOREX exchange rates of the world, many global currencies are significantly weakening versus the US dollar. Rather than the US dollar failing in power versus foreign currencies. The US dollar is staying strong, while other currencies of the world decline by a high rate. It is a very strange case of role reversal.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Coin Gorilla on January 30, 2023, 01:22:50 PM
It's a cyclical process, as explained by Ray Dailo, we reaped the benefits of dollar strength for almost a year, and now it's slowly self-balancing. IDK, when I look at the past patterns and pointers, it sort of makes sense when you move away from it and take a look at the bigger picture.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Smartprofit on January 30, 2023, 03:12:24 PM
Currently, in my opinion, there is no direct threat to the US dollar.

The modern financial system is designed in such a way that any serious global economic crisis leads to the fact that the US dollar is growing in price relative to other national currencies. The hostilities between Russia and Ukraine, the sanctions war, the cessation of natural gas supplies are destroying both the economy of these two countries themselves and the economy of Europe.

At the same time, the United States (remaining in a position above the fight) does not bear any economic, financial, or reputational losses. This ensures that the US dollar remains the world's reserve currency.

At the same time, gold, which in theory could become an alternative to the US dollar in terms of its physical characteristics, is poorly suited for use in everyday financial transactions, remaining mainly in the role of a conservative reserve asset.

There is no direct thread to the US Dollar? Preposterous. Even if you overlook other countries from the picture, the US is the threat against its own currency! The global financial crisis is a prime example of this. The banking system is not made to support the dollar positively and yet it has so much control over its supply...politics are not looking out for the interests of its people but instead corporations that seek to exploit them. All three of these interests, banks politicians and corporations (it bears repeating for banks) might seem like they help the economy thrive however they do not in any way positively influence the long-term success of the US dollar, the country it represents or its people, and instead their behavior has lead the dollar to where it is today - upon imminent implosion.

Currently, the US dollar has no competitors. 

What national currency can compete with the US dollar?  CNY?  The Chinese Communist Party is taking deliberate action to depreciate the Chinese yuan against the US dollar.  These actions are necessary to ensure the profitability of the export of Chinese goods. 

Euro?  Currently, the European currency does not show growth against the US dollar.  This is natural - full-scale military operations are being conducted on the territory of Europe.  At the same time, Europe no longer receives cheap natural gas from Russia, which negatively affects the prospects for the further development of its heavy and manufacturing industries. 

Swiss frank?  Switzerland is cheese, watches and banking services.  At the same time, watches have practically gone out of fashion and no one wears them, and Swiss banks have long ceased to provide anonymity and confidentiality regarding the transactions of their clients (the best Swiss bank is the Monero cryptocurrency). 

From this we can conclude that the dominant position of the US dollar (as the world's reserve currency) is not in danger.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Flexystar on January 30, 2023, 05:39:42 PM
The ultimate journey of dollar getting dumped is next level and one of the reason for another currency to overcome the world domination. I am not putting overexerted statements here, but I am speaking technically here. The reason behind gaining the world's currency symbol was due to power of USA. However, with ever increasing debts, and fed reserves having nothing but printed money, US gonna suffer devaluation soon. The story was different few years back, there is new arena that got unlocked after the pandemic and russia-ukraine war! They are trying to show their power one more time, but it is not really getting bombarded with same energy no more.

Now, coming back to other countries buying gold; it's simply strategic plan. Since most of the countries know that US dollar is value so they need to power up their own reserves. Either it will give them one shot towards overpowering the US or at least keep themselves an upper hand by having strong asset.

Also, it is a good chance for the decentralized asset like bitcoin to overcome it's challenges of cornered value. What I mean is, bitcoin can easily survive during such collapse as it does not care if dollar is downgrading in its value. In fact we have seen good spike though dollar is dropping in value. That is unreal proof of its acceptance.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: BenCodie on January 30, 2023, 06:11:38 PM
Currently, in my opinion, there is no direct threat to the US dollar.

The modern financial system is designed in such a way that any serious global economic crisis leads to the fact that the US dollar is growing in price relative to other national currencies. The hostilities between Russia and Ukraine, the sanctions war, the cessation of natural gas supplies are destroying both the economy of these two countries themselves and the economy of Europe.

At the same time, the United States (remaining in a position above the fight) does not bear any economic, financial, or reputational losses. This ensures that the US dollar remains the world's reserve currency.

At the same time, gold, which in theory could become an alternative to the US dollar in terms of its physical characteristics, is poorly suited for use in everyday financial transactions, remaining mainly in the role of a conservative reserve asset.

There is no direct thread to the US Dollar? Preposterous. Even if you overlook other countries from the picture, the US is the threat against its own currency! The global financial crisis is a prime example of this. The banking system is not made to support the dollar positively and yet it has so much control over its supply...politics are not looking out for the interests of its people but instead corporations that seek to exploit them. All three of these interests, banks politicians and corporations (it bears repeating for banks) might seem like they help the economy thrive however they do not in any way positively influence the long-term success of the US dollar, the country it represents or its people, and instead their behavior has lead the dollar to where it is today - upon imminent implosion.

Currently, the US dollar has no competitors. 

What national currency can compete with the US dollar?  CNY?  The Chinese Communist Party is taking deliberate action to depreciate the Chinese yuan against the US dollar.  These actions are necessary to ensure the profitability of the export of Chinese goods. 

Euro?  Currently, the European currency does not show growth against the US dollar.  This is natural - full-scale military operations are being conducted on the territory of Europe.  At the same time, Europe no longer receives cheap natural gas from Russia, which negatively affects the prospects for the further development of its heavy and manufacturing industries. 

Swiss frank?  Switzerland is cheese, watches and banking services.  At the same time, watches have practically gone out of fashion and no one wears them, and Swiss banks have long ceased to provide anonymity and confidentiality regarding the transactions of their clients (the best Swiss bank is the Monero cryptocurrency). 

From this we can conclude that the dominant position of the US dollar (as the world's reserve currency) is not in danger.

What forum are you using right now  ::) ::) Is this not the point in why we are all here, as we believe Bitcoin will one day rid us of inferior fiat money, like the US dollar and each one you listed after that? The US Dollar is in danger. Bitcoin is the direct threat. No national currency will beat the US Dollar and if so it won't be permanent. The global currency will win.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Smartprofit on January 30, 2023, 08:15:09 PM
Currently, in my opinion, there is no direct threat to the US dollar.

The modern financial system is designed in such a way that any serious global economic crisis leads to the fact that the US dollar is growing in price relative to other national currencies. The hostilities between Russia and Ukraine, the sanctions war, the cessation of natural gas supplies are destroying both the economy of these two countries themselves and the economy of Europe.

At the same time, the United States (remaining in a position above the fight) does not bear any economic, financial, or reputational losses. This ensures that the US dollar remains the world's reserve currency.

At the same time, gold, which in theory could become an alternative to the US dollar in terms of its physical characteristics, is poorly suited for use in everyday financial transactions, remaining mainly in the role of a conservative reserve asset.

There is no direct thread to the US Dollar? Preposterous. Even if you overlook other countries from the picture, the US is the threat against its own currency! The global financial crisis is a prime example of this. The banking system is not made to support the dollar positively and yet it has so much control over its supply...politics are not looking out for the interests of its people but instead corporations that seek to exploit them. All three of these interests, banks politicians and corporations (it bears repeating for banks) might seem like they help the economy thrive however they do not in any way positively influence the long-term success of the US dollar, the country it represents or its people, and instead their behavior has lead the dollar to where it is today - upon imminent implosion.

Currently, the US dollar has no competitors. 

From this we can conclude that the dominant position of the US dollar (as the world's reserve currency) is not in danger.

What forum are you using right now  ::) ::) Is this not the point in why we are all here, as we believe Bitcoin will one day rid us of inferior fiat money, like the US dollar and each one you listed after that? The US Dollar is in danger. Bitcoin is the direct threat. No national currency will beat the US Dollar and if so it won't be permanent. The global currency will win.

Yes, I agree with you that Bitcoin is a danger to the US dollar. 

However, the time has not yet come when Bitcoin will replace the US dollar as the world's reserve currency.  The main advantage of Bitcoin over the US dollar is that Bitcoin is a universal value.  Bitcoin is a decentralized asset, it is not tied to any country. 

However, Bitcoin currently has its drawbacks.  In particular, due to technical issues, the number of daily bitcoin transactions is limited.  In this regard, the US dollar is superior to Bitcoin. 

Bitcoin has yet to solve these scaling issues in the future.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Wind_FURY on February 02, 2023, 10:59:16 AM
Gold buyers binge on biggest volumes for 55 years
Central banks are scooping up gold at the fastest pace since 1967, with analysts pinning China and Russia as big buyers in an indication that some nations are keen to diversify their reserves away from the dollar.
Data compiled the World Gold Council, an industry-funded group, has shown demand for the precious metal has outstripped any annual amount in the past 55 years. Last month’s estimates are also far larger than central banks’ official reported figures, sparking speculation in the industry over the identity of the buyers and their motivations.

The last time this level of buying was seen marked a historical turning point for the global monetary system. In 1967, European central banks bought massive volumes of gold from the US, leading to a run on the price and the collapse of the London Gold Pool of reserves. That hastened the eventual demise of the Bretton Woods System that tied the value of the US dollar to the precious metal.
Last month the WCG estimated the world’s official financial institutions have bought 673 tonnes. And in the third quarter alone central banks bought almost 400 tonnes of gold, the largest three-month binge since quarterly records began in 2000.

“The message these central banks are sending by putting a larger share of their reserves in gold is that they don’t want to be reliant on the US dollar as their main reserve asset,” Menke said.
Some in the industry speculate Middle Eastern governments are using fossil fuel export revenues to buy gold, most likely through sovereign wealth funds.

The world continues dumping US dollar, I've already talked about India buying gold ( and many times about Iran accumulating gold over the past couple of years. Now we have evidence of the other Eastern powers buying large amounts of gold. Many other smaller countries that don't fall into the global geopolitics like Qatar, Turkey, Uzbekistan, some African countries, etc. are also accumulating more gold.
This is the New World Order that is forming in front of our eyes, the old Dollar standard is slowly but surely going away which is causing high inflation in US as all the unbacked dollars they'd printed all these years are being dumped on USA itself and even higher inflation is seen in any country that is importing US inflation like Europe. Experts suggest that if US wasn't exporting its inflation, the real US inflation would have been somewhere north of 450% and that's where it's headed as the dollar dumping continues.

I recently watched an analyst who suggested that this is World War 3 which will be fought (at least for now) economically. The East vs. West as the East dumps US dollar that strains US economy. China suddenly lets loose COVID on the world (this past 2 weeks) that is already showing an increase in EU and US. Oil price ends the year with the 2nd straight annual gain and the general high energy prices among other things is slowly rendering EU useless as an economy and industrial power.

Although economy is not the only battlefield (we have energy, food and actual armed conflict between proxies) but it is affecting us the most. It is even affecting bitcoin price as it has successfully prevented its rise to higher ATH last year and even changed its bull trend and crashed the price below the previous (2017) ATH for the first time in bitcoin history.

With that said, 2023 outlook is already bad economically speaking.
How much of the points I raised do you agree with and how do you see 2023 specially when dollar dumping continues?

Tin-foil hats on, but I would also like to inform the people in the topic that the Central Banks haven't purchased this amount of Gold since 1967, which is also said to have brought out the collapse of the Bretton Woods system,

Plus when Central Banks around the world hold this much Gold, they are targets for a more powerful state's military. New World Order is possible indeed.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Sithara007 on February 02, 2023, 11:29:34 AM
Gold prices are going up like crazy. In just one month, the prices increased by around 10%. It is not surprising actually. After the start of COVID pandemic, many of the governments around the world resorted to printing money without any limit. This has resulted in double digit inflation and therefore the valuation of assets that come under the category of "store of value" has gone up. It is applicable for Bitcoin as well. BTC exchange rates have gone up by almost 50% since the start of January. We need to see whether this is a permanent phenomenon, or a temporary one.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: pooya87 on February 02, 2023, 03:53:29 PM
At the same time, the United States (remaining in a position above the fight) does not bear any economic, financial, or reputational losses. This ensures that the US dollar remains the world's reserve currency.
I disagree. US may not have been affected nearly as much as Europe has, but the effects are clearly there. The increased inflation in US, the increased cost of living for Americans and the interest rate that the FED keeps raising to try and slow down inflation but mainly fail.
On top of that US national debt keeps setting new highs every second ($31.5 trillion right now).

Currently, the US dollar has no competitors. 

Swiss frank?
US dollar also has no reason to be used.
The replacement depends on who is trading with whom. If for example Europe is trading with Russia, they have no reason to use dollar. They use their own currencies (meaning both Euro and Ruble). Same with China.
If it is the SCO members trading with each other they will use the currency that the organization comes up with. Same with BRICS.

Obviously all of that won't happen overnight but we are heading towards that direction. Many European countries are already paying Russia in Ruble buying their energy (eg. LNG imports).

Over the past few days, Iran has already paid the price for deliveries of its drones and possibly ballistic missiles to Russia.
What is this about that I've seen you mention elsewhere too?

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: BenCodie on February 02, 2023, 04:11:03 PM
Currently, in my opinion, there is no direct threat to the US dollar.

The modern financial system is designed in such a way that any serious global economic crisis leads to the fact that the US dollar is growing in price relative to other national currencies. The hostilities between Russia and Ukraine, the sanctions war, the cessation of natural gas supplies are destroying both the economy of these two countries themselves and the economy of Europe.

At the same time, the United States (remaining in a position above the fight) does not bear any economic, financial, or reputational losses. This ensures that the US dollar remains the world's reserve currency.

At the same time, gold, which in theory could become an alternative to the US dollar in terms of its physical characteristics, is poorly suited for use in everyday financial transactions, remaining mainly in the role of a conservative reserve asset.

There is no direct thread to the US Dollar? Preposterous. Even if you overlook other countries from the picture, the US is the threat against its own currency! The global financial crisis is a prime example of this. The banking system is not made to support the dollar positively and yet it has so much control over its supply...politics are not looking out for the interests of its people but instead corporations that seek to exploit them. All three of these interests, banks politicians and corporations (it bears repeating for banks) might seem like they help the economy thrive however they do not in any way positively influence the long-term success of the US dollar, the country it represents or its people, and instead their behavior has lead the dollar to where it is today - upon imminent implosion.

Currently, the US dollar has no competitors. 

From this we can conclude that the dominant position of the US dollar (as the world's reserve currency) is not in danger.

What forum are you using right now  ::) ::) Is this not the point in why we are all here, as we believe Bitcoin will one day rid us of inferior fiat money, like the US dollar and each one you listed after that? The US Dollar is in danger. Bitcoin is the direct threat. No national currency will beat the US Dollar and if so it won't be permanent. The global currency will win.

Yes, I agree with you that Bitcoin is a danger to the US dollar. 

However, the time has not yet come when Bitcoin will replace the US dollar as the world's reserve currency.  The main advantage of Bitcoin over the US dollar is that Bitcoin is a universal value.  Bitcoin is a decentralized asset, it is not tied to any country. 

However, Bitcoin currently has its drawbacks.  In particular, due to technical issues, the number of daily bitcoin transactions is limited.  In this regard, the US dollar is superior to Bitcoin. 

Bitcoin has yet to solve these scaling issues in the future.

By no means will it happen over night. Nor did I say that it would be happening any time soon. I was only addressing that you said that there was no direct threat the US Dollar ;)

Bitcoin has definitely come a long way on the topic of scaling and I think it's capability to facilitate usage on a global scale is within the next 2-3 halving cycles (5.5 - 9.5 years). I think it is likely that it will become a store of value over your average savings account even sooner. 

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Wind_FURY on February 03, 2023, 08:09:37 AM
Currently, the US dollar has no competitors. 

Swiss frank?

US dollar also has no reason to be used.

The replacement depends on who is trading with whom. If for example Europe is trading with Russia, they have no reason to use dollar. They use their own currencies (meaning both Euro and Ruble). Same with China.
If it is the SCO members trading with each other they will use the currency that the organization comes up with. Same with BRICS.

Obviously all of that won't happen overnight but we are heading towards that direction. Many European countries are already paying Russia in Ruble buying their energy (eg. LNG imports).

Although I understand the debate that the U.S. Dollar's excessively high "privilege" might be fading away, saying that "the Dollar has no reason to be used" is an extremely flawed statement. It's not that simple.

It probably is true for sanctioned countries like Russia, North Korea, or Venezuela, but for the rest of the world, the U.S. Dollar is still the Global Reserve Currency that they are willing to spend/accept, willing to save/hold, and that's easy to obtain.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: pooya87 on February 03, 2023, 09:46:44 AM
Although I understand the debate that the U.S. Dollar's excessively high "privilege" might be fading away, saying that "the Dollar has no reason to be used" is an extremely flawed statement. It's not that simple.

It probably is true for sanctioned countries like Russia, North Korea, or Venezuela, but for the rest of the world, the U.S. Dollar is still the Global Reserve Currency that they are willing to spend/accept, willing to save/hold, and that's easy to obtain.
Do you honestly think a currency that has been getting printed without them caring about the consequences of the high inflation it is causing to all those countries that have it as "reserve currency" has a valid reason to continue being used by those countries?

I don't think so. In fact from what I've seen no country in the world wants to use US dollar but the problem is that they are forced to use it. A couple of decades ago even Europe tried dumping dollar and get rid of it but they were whipped into submission and were forced to continue using it when US forced Petrodollar nonsense on them.
A lot of other countries over the decades tried dumping US dollar, they were also whipped into submission or got invaded and had their country destroyed.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Wind_FURY on February 03, 2023, 11:35:44 AM
Although I understand the debate that the U.S. Dollar's excessively high "privilege" might be fading away, saying that "the Dollar has no reason to be used" is an extremely flawed statement. It's not that simple.

It probably is true for sanctioned countries like Russia, North Korea, or Venezuela, but for the rest of the world, the U.S. Dollar is still the Global Reserve Currency that they are willing to spend/accept, willing to save/hold, and that's easy to obtain.

Do you honestly think a currency that has been getting printed without them caring about the consequences of the high inflation it is causing to all those countries that have it as "reserve currency" has a valid reason to continue being used by those countries?

The questionable decisions of cabal behind the Federal Reserve is another debate for another topic. But the point is the demand for the U.S. Dollar among the economies that aren't sanctioned still have high demand of the U.S. Dollar. Why? Because of its spendabilty, saveability, and liquidity. The Chinese Yuan, the Russian Ruble, or any new fiat currency the sanctioned economies could issue in all three characteristics.


I don't think so. In fact from what I've seen no country in the world wants to use US dollar but the problem is that they are forced to use it. A couple of decades ago even Europe tried dumping dollar and get rid of it but they were whipped into submission and were forced to continue using it when US forced Petrodollar nonsense on them.
A lot of other countries over the decades tried dumping US dollar, they were also whipped into submission or got invaded and had their country destroyed.

Forced to use it or not, it's necessary to use it for international trade. Do you believe if Russia wasn't sanctioned, it would stop using the U.S. Dollar? Would Venezuela? I believe not.

I'm not saying there's no threat to the U.S. Dollar. Merely debating that the threat is overblown.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Argoo on February 03, 2023, 07:37:47 PM

I think it's there to attract attention and that's it. Like imagine the worst possible thing that could happen? That would be world war 3 because we now have nuclear weapons as well, even a single one of them being used means that it's going to end up with a lot of trouble, and that is why I believe that nobody will end up using them in reality, but what if it was ever used? That would be insane.

This is why that's the worst thing I could ever consider. In the end it's going to be sensible people stopping short of that, this whole Ukraine thing could have turned into USA and Europe going directly into Ukraine to help, which would have caused Russia to be even more aggressive and even maybe use Nuclears, but nobody did, hence I doubt it would happen.
Russia wants to seize Ukraine, partially destroy Ukrainians, partially take them to remote and sparsely populated regions of Siberia, that is, destroy Ukraine as a state and Ukrainians as a nation. Therefore, the Ukrainians have no choice but to fight, even despite Russia's nuclear weapons, which it periodically threatens, especially when it loses big on the battlefield. Russia has already lost almost its entire regular army in the war with Ukraine - about 200,000 who invaded last February. After that, Putin mobilized volunteers from places of detention for the war, out of 50,000, about 10,000 people are already left. There is a mass mobilization going on in Russia right now, Putin wants to call up about 500,000 more people to this war. But in Russia there is already a big problem with the availability of armored vehicles, other weapons and ammunition. February and March will be decisive in this war. But strategically, Russia and Putin have already lost this war.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: el kaka22 on February 04, 2023, 01:40:43 PM
Why do people act as if World War III is a possibility all the time. I get it, we had 2 world wars and people think that a third could happen, but there were defensive mechanisms put in place exactly to stop that from happening.

You think 50 years ago, or 100 years ago, Russia attacking Ukraine would have been seen as just "what a terrible tragedy that people are dying, oh well" and moved on? Right now, no European army or American army is there, sure they send weapons to help, but the army is not there, why? To prevent that war from starting. We are not going to see it become like that, just financial attacking between governments, that's it, and nothing bigger will ever happen.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: pooya87 on February 04, 2023, 01:52:35 PM
The questionable decisions of cabal behind the Federal Reserve is another debate for another topic. But the point is the demand for the U.S. Dollar among the economies that aren't sanctioned still have high demand of the U.S. Dollar. Why? Because of its spendabilty, saveability, and liquidity. The Chinese Yuan, the Russian Ruble, or any new fiat currency the sanctioned economies could issue in all three characteristics.
You are arguing about replacements and you are right. Other fiat currencies suffer from the same flaws as US dollar. But your arguments are confirming my claim that countries are not willingly using dollar!

Forced to use it or not, it's necessary to use it for international trade. Do you believe if Russia wasn't sanctioned, it would stop using the U.S. Dollar? Would Venezuela? I believe not.
Yes because the discussions about replacing US dollar didn't start after Russia was sanctions and Russia is not the only country that is seeking replacement. For example both SCO and BRICS are organizations created to oppose the US hegemony (specially economical hegemony). SCO was found in 2001 and BRICS in 2009.
Some of the countries in these organizations like Brazil are not under sanctions.

P.S. El Salvador wasn't under sanctions when they found a replacement for the dollar called bitcoin, they are under sanctions now though ;)

Why do people act as if World War III is a possibility all the time.
It is not a possibility, it is already happening. But unlike the previous two this may never turn into a large scale armed conflict because everyone and I mean everyone knows that it would lead to nuclear annihilation which is why Russia and NATO are fighting a proxy war instead alongside half a dozen other types of war (economical, energy, food, biological, etc.).

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Theones on February 06, 2023, 08:42:29 AM
Why do people act as if World War III is a possibility all the time. I get it, we had 2 world wars and people think that a third could happen, but there were defensive mechanisms put in place exactly to stop that from happening.

You think 50 years ago, or 100 years ago, Russia attacking Ukraine would have been seen as just "what a terrible tragedy that people are dying, oh well" and moved on? Right now, no European army or American army is there, sure they send weapons to help, but the army is not there, why? To prevent that war from starting. We are not going to see it become like that, just financial attacking between governments, that's it, and nothing bigger will ever happen.
In my opinion - world war is not the war through weapon only
there are so many other things which are being done to kill the people without dropping bombs and shells.
In my country - it is inflation and inflation is at the peak. People are fighting for the bread now. What could be worse than this?

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Argoo on February 07, 2023, 06:25:23 PM
Why do people act as if World War III is a possibility all the time. I get it, we had 2 world wars and people think that a third could happen, but there were defensive mechanisms put in place exactly to stop that from happening.

You think 50 years ago, or 100 years ago, Russia attacking Ukraine would have been seen as just "what a terrible tragedy that people are dying, oh well" and moved on? Right now, no European army or American army is there, sure they send weapons to help, but the army is not there, why? To prevent that war from starting. We are not going to see it become like that, just financial attacking between governments, that's it, and nothing bigger will ever happen.
Big events happen unexpectedly and simply as usual. The world is now more than ever on the verge of World War III. Some experts say that it has already begun. In Europe, the most brutal and bloodiest war since the Second World War has now been going on for almost a year. Tens of thousands of shells are fired every day. Thousands of tanks and armored vehicles are participating on both sides. And although not many states support Putin, the world is quickly divided into those who support Ukraine and those who support Russia. Its results will determine whether other states, such as China, will follow the path of Russia, attacking neighboring states.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: DrBeer on February 07, 2023, 08:25:52 PM
I'll leave here one great story about how supposedly "the world is getting rid of the dollar." Clarification: I assume with 100% probability that under the value of "world" we are slipped a group of countries of losers and outcasts, whose currencies are worth nothing, the economy is collapsing :)
And now the story itself. 2022, one of the "most stable economies in the world" once again begins to scream that it is abandoning the dollar. And she screams to the whole world that her "fraternal countries" are also refusing it, and the payments will be in the currency of this "great country", yuan and some other candy wrappers. This "great country" makes a "cunning move" (and its "great leader" is known to its population as "an unsurpassed master of very cunning moves" :)). The tricky move is to remove as much as possible "a dollar that no one needs" from their gold reserves. And replace it with "stable, brotherly yuan." Really a smart move? And cunning China also says - "we also refuse the dollar", and smiles so slyly :)
And now the "great country" takes and buys a very stable yuan from the brotherly people. And the fraternal Chinese people say - come on, "great country", we will sell you a lot of our yuan. And you give us those useless dollars .. We will then throw them out so that you do not suffer with this garbage! And slyly smile again. "Great is the leader and strategist of a great country," he says, ok, here you have many, many billions of dollars that no one needs, ship wagons of stable yuan to us. And the Chinese brothers shipped many, many wagons of stable yuan to the brotherly "great people". And they took out, from the "great country" a lot of wagons of dollars that no one needed. And they threw them out. True, for some reason they ended up in China's gold reserves. Well, somehow it happened ... Cunningly :)
The "great country" was delighted that it now has many many many yuan.
And as in one fairy tale, after a couple of months, a lot of yuan, at 12 at night, turned into .. No, not into a melon, but in the same a lot of yuan, but which began to cost many times cheaper. Because the yuan fell a lot in relation to the DOLLAR, of course - no one needs :) And it turned out that as a result of "a cunning plan, a great leader, a great country", this "great country" stupidly lost several tens of billions of dollars, received a bunch of devalued yuan , and joyful, slyly smiling Chinese brothers!
And to the proposal from the "great leader of a great country" - "let's change back?" they answered with a smile :)
And they answered like this - “What kind of dollars Vladimir? We threw them away, hee hee hee, honestly honestly threw them away! Why do we need a dollar that no one needs?! Do you want more yuan? If you still have dollars? , and we will print another stable yuan for you!" :)))

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Wind_FURY on February 08, 2023, 08:26:13 AM
The questionable decisions of cabal behind the Federal Reserve is another debate for another topic. But the point is the demand for the U.S. Dollar among the economies that aren't sanctioned still have high demand of the U.S. Dollar. Why? Because of its spendabilty, saveability, and liquidity. The Chinese Yuan, the Russian Ruble, or any new fiat currency the sanctioned economies could issue in all three characteristics.
You are arguing about replacements and you are right. Other fiat currencies suffer from the same flaws as US dollar. But your arguments are confirming my claim that countries are not willingly using dollar!

Forced to use it or not, it's necessary to use it for international trade. Do you believe if Russia wasn't sanctioned, it would stop using the U.S. Dollar? Would Venezuela? I believe not.
Yes because the discussions about replacing US dollar didn't start after Russia was sanctions and Russia is not the only country that is seeking replacement. For example both SCO and BRICS are organizations created to oppose the US hegemony (specially economical hegemony). SCO was found in 2001 and BRICS in 2009.
Some of the countries in these organizations like Brazil are not under sanctions.

P.S. El Salvador wasn't under sanctions when they found a replacement for the dollar called bitcoin, they are under sanctions now though ;)

I'm with you that a New World Order is possible. Possible, or maybe probable. BUT it also doesn't change anything about the debate that the U.S. Dollar's fall could also be too overblown. Because, right now, there's no currency that's actually ready to replace the Dollar that's better in spendability, saveability, and liquidity. The demand for the U.S. dollar remains because every other State want it.

What would the financial incentive be to accept the Yuan over the U.S. Dollar? I believe ZERO.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: pooya87 on February 08, 2023, 12:44:08 PM
I'm with you that a New World Order is possible. Possible, or maybe probable.
To be clear I believe that the New World Order is already established, it is not something that may or may not happen in the future. And we are now in the transitional phase that could last a couple of years, years that will be filled with conflicts and chaos.

BUT it also doesn't change anything about the debate that the U.S. Dollar's fall could also be too overblown.
Dollar may not disappear but it will definitely lose its dominance and value over the coming years. I agree that sometimes the degree of its fall is exaggerated.

Because, right now, there's no currency that's actually ready to replace the Dollar that's better in spendability, saveability, and liquidity. The demand for the U.S. dollar remains because every other State want it.

What would the financial incentive be to accept the Yuan over the U.S. Dollar? I believe ZERO.
All the characteristics you mentioned (spendability, saveability, and liquidity) depend on whether US likes you to have those characteristics or not. You see, the dollar your country has is not in your country's control! It is in full control of US one way or another and this gives US a tremendous amount of power over your country which they always abuse and they abuse it on all countries, friend of foe alike.

Take Turkey for example. It is considered a US ally and is a member of NATO. They have been playing both sides but after the earthquake which will continue to devastate Turkey between 6 to 12 months and exhaust all their resources, now through dollar US is putting pressure on Turkey to change its policies in favor of US!

Iraq is another example that US recently started increasing the pressure by blocking all their "dollars" that showed itself up immediately in Iraq economy.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Joshapat on February 09, 2023, 06:32:28 AM
Future economic threats will become increasingly difficult to predict, inflation and economic recession can occur at any time, it will be increasingly difficult for the central bank to control financial circulation because printed banknotes have no backing, if printed money adjusts to the amount of gold and silver stock, of course, regardless of banknotes printed will be of value.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: pooya87 on February 09, 2023, 12:28:11 PM
Speaking of US dollar and whether it is reliable (liquid, savable, spendable, etc.) you should also consider that US economy is in a terrible situation itself and things are getting worse every day. It may not show up in form of hyper inflation like elsewhere but it is showing up.
The gigantic $31.5 trillion national debt apart, the US trade deficit is growing at an alarming rate. It is estimated to be almost $1 trillion and growing as US dependence on imports increases as the domestic economy slowly falls apart.

For example US depends on $500 billion imports from China alone (with a deficit of $350 billion in 2021 and $383 billion in 2022) which they keep covering by printing dollar that is losing value rapidly even though the price doesn't show it.
So by all standards we should say CNY is more reliable than dollar at this point!!!

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: BigBos on February 09, 2023, 01:43:26 PM
Speaking of US dollar and whether it is reliable (liquid, savable, spendable, etc.) you should also consider that US economy is in a terrible situation itself and things are getting worse every day. It may not show up in form of hyper inflation like elsewhere but it is showing up.
The gigantic $31.5 trillion national debt apart, the US trade deficit is growing at an alarming rate. It is estimated to be almost $1 trillion and growing as US dependence on imports increases as the domestic economy slowly falls apart.

For example US depends on $500 billion imports from China alone (with a deficit of $350 billion in 2021 and $383 billion in 2022) which they keep covering by printing dollar that is losing value rapidly even though the price doesn't show it.
So by all standards we should say CNY is more reliable than dollar at this point!!!
Yes, even though we see that the United States' economy has experienced a very significant decline due to several problems that today are very worrying to review.
For the CNY itself, in my opinion, it is not enough to replace the US dollar, yes, even though economically China itself can easily recover from its downturn due to Covid 19 which has made the Chinese economy worse, but as we can see there are still many who use US dollars.

Speaking of other things, sorry if I don't get into what is being discussed, but here I feel strange about the dollar, as we know that the dollar in terms of the exchange rate for goods decreases but the exchange rate against other countries currencies actually increases, as in my country, which used to have a dollar exchange rate of $ 1 = 14,000 is now 1 $ = 15,500 but economically my country is growing well until today.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: pooya87 on February 09, 2023, 05:30:37 PM
Speaking of other things, sorry if I don't get into what is being discussed, but here I feel strange about the dollar, as we know that the dollar in terms of the exchange rate for goods decreases but the exchange rate against other countries currencies actually increases, as in my country, which used to have a dollar exchange rate of $ 1 = 14,000 is now 1 $ = 15,500 but economically my country is growing well until today.
Well, all our governments are printing money so all fiat currencies are tanking without exceptions but with different speeds depending on how much they are printing and a couple of other factors like the strength of the economy of the country.
United States is a special case because it is the only country that exports its inflation at a large scale so when they print money we feel the inflation in our countries too. That's of course as long as we continue using dollar as reserve/trade currency.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: DrBeer on February 11, 2023, 11:03:43 AM
Reading some local "writers", the feeling that I get into childhood :)))
The Soviet Union became dead already in the second half of the 80s, and its corpse, by inertia, was rolling towards complete collapse for several more years.
And since the mid-80s, I remember very well the rhetoric of Soviet propaganda, which tried to mentally change the reality in which this bastard state ended its existence. This is rhetoric, I read word for word here as well. Believe me - the methodological materials for the propaganda of the Kremlin propagandists have not changed over time :)
The main "arguments" of Soviet propaganda (for comparison, what today's supporters of the Kremlin dreamers "sing" about):
- West is weak
-The economy of the capitalist world is not stable and weak
- USA is the center of evil. USA bloodsuckers of the whole world. The USA is a weak country ruled by Zionists and Masons.
- The population of Western countries are unfortunate people who have no prospects, rights and freedoms. They are hostages of the capitalists.
- Poverty, lack of medicine, education, convenience for life - this is all the Western way of life.
- The US dollar is an unsecured piece of paper. The US economy is rubbish
- Capitalism is a dead end branch of development.
- The victory of the socialist / communist countries is not far off. Then we will move on to communism and complete grace on earth.

You understand that I am writing nonsense, but this is a retelling, almost verbatim, of the fact that on all 3 television channels of the USSR (there were no more TV channels) the entire USSR was broadcast daily ...

You already know about the effectiveness of this propaganda! :)

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: pooya87 on February 15, 2023, 12:32:23 PM
In recent news China and Brazil agree to use Yuan in cross-border transactions effectively replacing US dollar for the largest country in Latin America. Considering Brazil is in a couple of organizations including BRICS and an important regional player in Latin America this is a big first step in moving an additional of more than two dozen countries away from US dollar.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Sithara007 on February 16, 2023, 05:56:15 PM
In recent news China and Brazil agree to use Yuan in cross-border transactions effectively replacing US dollar for the largest country in Latin America. Considering Brazil is in a couple of organizations including BRICS and an important regional player in Latin America this is a big first step in moving an additional of more than two dozen countries away from US dollar.

I was expecting this after the election of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva as the President of Brazil. Jair Bolsonaro was much more pro-US, although he was under constant criticism from the Biden administration (for deforestation in the Amazon and disregarding human rights of indigenous people). Lula on the other hand is left-wing, and doesn't have any reason to maintain the close relationship with the Americans. But then, replacing the US Dollar with a heavily manipulated currency such as the Chinese Yuan will have limited impact in international trade.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: pooya87 on February 17, 2023, 05:10:25 AM
But then, replacing the US Dollar with a heavily manipulated currency such as the Chinese Yuan will have limited impact in international trade.
Well, there is no currency in the world more manipulated than US dollar so that is a non issue with Yuan. But as for the impact, I already gave a reason above regarding Brazil and Latin America and here is another one. Brazil's trade with China is not small at all. Their exports to China is only slightly smaller than US exports to China ($80-$100 billion vs. $150 billion). It is a significant enough amount of dollar being "dumped" and it will have an impact in the long run.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: DrBeer on February 18, 2023, 10:13:43 AM
It's very funny to watch the two victims of the Kremlin's propaganda slander "great steps to abandon the dollar." True, as often happens, either without having studied the qualitative facts cited by them, or deliberately distorting the information.
If you dig a little deeper "cross-border payments between Brazil and China in Yuan", then an unexpectedly interesting fact will pop up there. Brazil sells its products to China for .. RMB. Everything is fine. But China sells its goods to Brazil for .. DOLLARS, and only accepts no more than 25% of the payment in .. its RMB :) But supporters of pro-Russian propaganda, as it were, "do not know" this most important nuance of "China's fight against the dollar."
I will once again give an example with one event so that everyone understands - China needs dollars! And he needs them because no one will sell technology either for yuan or for fake rubles.... And China will do everything to get dollars. But to all sorts of fools, he will sell his yuan, which China can print in unlimited quantities, for any settlements with its not the smartest "partners". And so, a historical fact that each of you can easily verify.
In 2022, Russia once again decided to "destroy the United States and destroy the dollar." This crazy idea has been tormenting economic and military impotent people since the times of the USSR. So, with pomp, to the whole world, through all the media, a statement was published that the Russian Federation was removing a significant part of the dollar from its gold reserves, and changing it to the yuan. And they say China is also abandoning the dollar. And the real Russian Federation received a huge amount of yuan from China. After that, Russia kept silent about the fight against the dollar. And to questions - how are things with the gold reserves, they somehow modestly lowered their eyes and did not answer questions. And the problem is this:
1. China really sold the Russian Federation a huge amount of yuan. BUT ! But he sold them not for rubles .. That's right, China is not an idiot. They sold Yuan for.. USD :)
2. After 3-4 months, due to the economic instability of the Chinese market, the yuan depreciated very much.

Let's sum up the results:
1. During this "very cunning operation against the dollar", Russia lost tens of billions of dollars. And continue to lose due to the inflation of the yuan.
2. China has improved its gold reserves at the expense of a huge amount of dollars, which ensure the stability of the economy, which are more stable and which are in demand all over the world.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Argoo on February 22, 2023, 09:05:19 AM
Gold buyers binge on biggest volumes for 55 years
Central banks are scooping up gold at the fastest pace since 1967, with analysts pinning China and Russia as big buyers in an indication that some nations are keen to diversify their reserves away from the dollar.
For many countries, the gold reserve has been and remains the main reserve asset in case of serious economic problems. Despite the existence of other instruments, such as bonds and stocks, states primarily prefer to form their reserves from gold.
According to open sources, the reserves of gold and foreign exchange reserves of the richest states are:

1. USA - 8133 tons or 78.7% of national reserves. The United States of America has been and remains the main holder of gold in the world.

2. Germany - 3359 tons or 75.5% of national reserves.

3. Italy - 2451 tons or 69.4% of national reserves.

4. France - 2436 tons or 65.4% of national reserves.

5. Russia - 2295 tons or 22.4% of national reserves.

6. China - 1948 tons or 3.4% of national reserves.

7. Switzerland - 1040 tons or 5.6% of national reserves.

At the same time, I do not think that many countries are now actively getting rid of the dollar. There are such attempts, but what they will lead to is still unknown.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Smartprofit on February 22, 2023, 09:41:07 PM
The questionable decisions of cabal behind the Federal Reserve is another debate for another topic. But the point is the demand for the U.S. Dollar among the economies that aren't sanctioned still have high demand of the U.S. Dollar. Why? Because of its spendabilty, saveability, and liquidity. The Chinese Yuan, the Russian Ruble, or any new fiat currency the sanctioned economies could issue in all three characteristics.
You are arguing about replacements and you are right. Other fiat currencies suffer from the same flaws as US dollar. But your arguments are confirming my claim that countries are not willingly using dollar!

Forced to use it or not, it's necessary to use it for international trade. Do you believe if Russia wasn't sanctioned, it would stop using the U.S. Dollar? Would Venezuela? I believe not.
Yes because the discussions about replacing US dollar didn't start after Russia was sanctions and Russia is not the only country that is seeking replacement. For example both SCO and BRICS are organizations created to oppose the US hegemony (specially economical hegemony). SCO was found in 2001 and BRICS in 2009.
Some of the countries in these organizations like Brazil are not under sanctions.

P.S. El Salvador wasn't under sanctions when they found a replacement for the dollar called bitcoin, they are under sanctions now though ;)

I'm with you that a New World Order is possible. Possible, or maybe probable. BUT it also doesn't change anything about the debate that the U.S. Dollar's fall could also be too overblown. Because, right now, there's no currency that's actually ready to replace the Dollar that's better in spendability, saveability, and liquidity. The demand for the U.S. dollar remains because every other State want it.

What would the financial incentive be to accept the Yuan over the U.S. Dollar? I believe ZERO.

China has great difficulty in becoming a world leader. 

The Chinese language is very difficult.  It's not Latin, it's not French, it's not German, it's not English.  If no one understands your language, then it is very difficult for you to carry out cultural expansion. 

Therefore, China is a huge regional power.  And if you are a huge regional power, then your national currency is a regional currency, not a world reserve currency. 

The United States managed to carry out world expansion, this country became the center of world civilization, so the dollar managed to become the world's reserve currency.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: popeye95 on February 23, 2023, 07:07:05 AM
It's very funny to watch the two victims of the Kremlin's propaganda slander "great steps to abandon the dollar." True, as often happens, either without having studied the qualitative facts cited by them, or deliberately distorting the information.
If you dig a little deeper "cross-border payments between Brazil and China in Yuan", then an unexpectedly interesting fact will pop up there. Brazil sells its products to China for .. RMB. Everything is fine. But China sells its goods to Brazil for .. DOLLARS, and only accepts no more than 25% of the payment in .. its RMB :) But supporters of pro-Russian propaganda, as it were, "do not know" this most important nuance of "China's fight against the dollar."
I will once again give an example with one event so that everyone understands - China needs dollars! And he needs them because no one will sell technology either for yuan or for fake rubles.... And China will do everything to get dollars. But to all sorts of fools, he will sell his yuan, which China can print in unlimited quantities, for any settlements with its not the smartest "partners". And so, a historical fact that each of you can easily verify.
In 2022, Russia once again decided to "destroy the United States and destroy the dollar." This crazy idea has been tormenting economic and military impotent people since the times of the USSR. So, with pomp, to the whole world, through all the media, a statement was published that the Russian Federation was removing a significant part of the dollar from its gold reserves, and changing it to the yuan. And they say China is also abandoning the dollar. And the real Russian Federation received a huge amount of yuan from China. After that, Russia kept silent about the fight against the dollar. And to questions - how are things with the gold reserves, they somehow modestly lowered their eyes and did not answer questions. And the problem is this:
1. China really sold the Russian Federation a huge amount of yuan. BUT ! But he sold them not for rubles .. That's right, China is not an idiot. They sold Yuan for.. USD :)
2. After 3-4 months, due to the economic instability of the Chinese market, the yuan depreciated very much.

Let's sum up the results:
1. During this "very cunning operation against the dollar", Russia lost tens of billions of dollars. And continue to lose due to the inflation of the yuan.
2. China has improved its gold reserves at the expense of a huge amount of dollars, which ensure the stability of the economy, which are more stable and which are in demand all over the world.
I agree with all your points, except where your view on China's Yuan depreciation seems like a bad thing. No, it was the opposite. China's economy is export-oriented with a huge manufacturing base. Yuan depreciation helps them to avoid incoming taxes from other countries to protect their domestic manufacturers. It was the basis of protectionism vs currency manipulation and that is where China's long game aimed at the US and the rest of the world to slowly take over the domestic market and make other countries dependent on China. Of course, the power of the USD to facilitate trade around the world and the petrodollar is still there. China has been on US's watchlist for currency manipulation for quite an age. But I fear there is a trend where Russia also want to input their Rubbe into China's market, to slowly mix them into the flow and get a share from it. 

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: DrBeer on February 24, 2023, 11:32:41 AM
It's very funny to watch the two victims of the Kremlin's propaganda slander "great steps to abandon the dollar." True, as often happens, either without having studied the qualitative facts cited by them, or deliberately distorting the information.
If you dig a little deeper "cross-border payments between Brazil and China in Yuan", then an unexpectedly interesting fact will pop up there. Brazil sells its products to China for .. RMB. Everything is fine. But China sells its goods to Brazil for .. DOLLARS, and only accepts no more than 25% of the payment in .. its RMB :) But supporters of pro-Russian propaganda, as it were, "do not know" this most important nuance of "China's fight against the dollar."
I will once again give an example with one event so that everyone understands - China needs dollars! And he needs them because no one will sell technology either for yuan or for fake rubles.... And China will do everything to get dollars. But to all sorts of fools, he will sell his yuan, which China can print in unlimited quantities, for any settlements with its not the smartest "partners". And so, a historical fact that each of you can easily verify.
In 2022, Russia once again decided to "destroy the United States and destroy the dollar." This crazy idea has been tormenting economic and military impotent people since the times of the USSR. So, with pomp, to the whole world, through all the media, a statement was published that the Russian Federation was removing a significant part of the dollar from its gold reserves, and changing it to the yuan. And they say China is also abandoning the dollar. And the real Russian Federation received a huge amount of yuan from China. After that, Russia kept silent about the fight against the dollar. And to questions - how are things with the gold reserves, they somehow modestly lowered their eyes and did not answer questions. And the problem is this:
1. China really sold the Russian Federation a huge amount of yuan. BUT ! But he sold them not for rubles .. That's right, China is not an idiot. They sold Yuan for.. USD :)
2. After 3-4 months, due to the economic instability of the Chinese market, the yuan depreciated very much.

Let's sum up the results:
1. During this "very cunning operation against the dollar", Russia lost tens of billions of dollars. And continue to lose due to the inflation of the yuan.
2. China has improved its gold reserves at the expense of a huge amount of dollars, which ensure the stability of the economy, which are more stable and which are in demand all over the world.
I agree with all your points, except where your view on China's Yuan depreciation seems like a bad thing. No, it was the opposite. China's economy is export-oriented with a huge manufacturing base. Yuan depreciation helps them to avoid incoming taxes from other countries to protect their domestic manufacturers. It was the basis of protectionism vs currency manipulation and that is where China's long game aimed at the US and the rest of the world to slowly take over the domestic market and make other countries dependent on China. Of course, the power of the USD to facilitate trade around the world and the petrodollar is still there. China has been on US's watchlist for currency manipulation for quite an age. But I fear there is a trend where Russia also want to input their Rubbe into China's market, to slowly mix them into the flow and get a share from it.  

I absolutely agree with your remark. I probably didn't express myself very well. The problem of Yuan inflation has become a problem for Russia, which bought "expensive yuan for dollars, and then received, through inflationary processes, a decrease in its gold and foreign exchange reserves. And for China, with its EXPORT-oriented economy, a "cheap" local currency is a favorable state. Sun of this point of view is correct!
But at the same time, I repeat once again - China, of course, says, supporting its "friends against the dollar", "yes - let's get rid of the dollar, make payments in local currencies." And then does:
- Buys a dollar from his "friends in fighting the dollar", for his yuan :)
- buys gold
- Multi-currency calculations are carried out only in yuan

"But I'm afraid that a trend has emerged when Russia also wants to introduce its ruble to the Chinese market," - and what will it give? Firstly, China will not let the ruble to itself. Why does he need him? Russia for China is a raw material appendage, and an inflationary sump. There can be no question of any partnership between China and Russia. What can Russia give China besides resources and Chinese historical territories?
Plus, Russia for China is a guinea pig on which he will test all his ideas. So China is convenient, simple and not expensive! What can give China, a huge, uninhabited territory that has less than 1% in the modern economy of the world?!

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: pooya87 on February 25, 2023, 04:21:20 AM
Argentina has also been increasing its trades in other currencies other than US dollar. Argentina and China have been trading using the Chinese currency (Yuan) and Argentina and Brazil have been developing a joint currency called "sur" meaning South that is working like Euro but in South America replacing dollar completely in the region.

We are also seeing a lot of countries in Asia dumping dollar from east to west including the NATO member Turkey.
In the latest news Iraq dumped US dollar for its oil trades and replaced it with Yuan.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: DrBeer on February 25, 2023, 04:32:16 PM
Argentina has also been increasing its trades in other currencies other than US dollar. Argentina and China have been trading using the Chinese currency (Yuan) and Argentina and Brazil have been developing a joint currency called "sur" meaning South that is working like Euro but in South America replacing dollar completely in the region.

We are also seeing a lot of countries in Asia dumping dollar from east to west including the NATO member Turkey.
In the latest news Iraq dumped US dollar for its oil trades and replaced it with Yuan.

What an amazing case - a respected forum member for the first time did not take the phrase out of context, but said it in full :)
In general, this is what I wrote about earlier - Yes, some countries have switched, sort of, to local currencies. But as always, a nuance - 99% of this information concerns China, and .... yes, China trades for its RMB. Moreover, he sells for yuan and buys for yuan. Or rather, try to sell for a dollar, but if it doesn’t work out, then for yuan, but he buys what he needs without spending a single cent, only for yuan :) No rubles and other colorful pieces of paper!
You still do not understand the meaning of China's "playing to the public"? :)

Well, in general about the situation:
The less foreign exchange earnings and reserves Russia has, and especially the dollar, the louder it squeals and spit propaganda that the dollar is weak, no one needs the dollar, and that everyone refuses the dollar :)

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Wind_FURY on March 02, 2023, 12:26:39 PM
I'm with you that a New World Order is possible. Possible, or maybe probable.
To be clear I believe that the New World Order is already established, it is not something that may or may not happen in the future. And we are now in the transitional phase that could last a couple of years, years that will be filled with conflicts and chaos.

Truly established? Debatable.



BUT it also doesn't change anything about the debate that the U.S. Dollar's fall could also be too overblown.

Dollar may not disappear but it will definitely lose its dominance and value over the coming years. I agree that sometimes the degree of its fall is exaggerated.

Because losing dominance for the U.S. Dollar would mean the United States would lose their Empire, I believe it will take longer than most people's anticipations.



Because, right now, there's no currency that's actually ready to replace the Dollar that's better in spendability, saveability, and liquidity. The demand for the U.S. dollar remains because every other State want it.

What would the financial incentive be to accept the Yuan over the U.S. Dollar? I believe ZERO.

All the characteristics you mentioned (spendability, saveability, and liquidity) depend on whether US likes you to have those characteristics or not. You see, the dollar your country has is not in your country's control! It is in full control of US one way or another and this gives US a tremendous amount of power over your country which they always abuse and they abuse it on all countries, friend of foe alike.

But that doesn't change anything about Spendability, Saveability, and Liquidity. All countries prefer to have and deal in U.S. Dollars simply because it would be easier for them and their counterparties. Sanctioned countries, if they were not sanctioned, would definitely be using the U.S. Dollar.


Take Turkey for example. It is considered a US ally and is a member of NATO. They have been playing both sides but after the earthquake which will continue to devastate Turkey between 6 to 12 months and exhaust all their resources, now through dollar US is putting pressure on Turkey to change its policies in favor of US!

Iraq is another example that US recently started increasing the pressure by blocking all their "dollars" that showed itself up immediately in Iraq economy.

The U.S. does that because why? Because they know the U.S. Dollar is ahead in Spendability/Saveability/Liquidity, and they will use that fact to leverage their motives.

China is also doing it with their Yuan through Debt-Trap Diplomacy.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Smartprofit on March 02, 2023, 10:59:33 PM
It's very funny to watch the two victims of the Kremlin's propaganda slander "great steps to abandon the dollar." True, as often happens, either without having studied the qualitative facts cited by them, or deliberately distorting the information.
If you dig a little deeper "cross-border payments between Brazil and China in Yuan", then an unexpectedly interesting fact will pop up there. Brazil sells its products to China for .. RMB. Everything is fine. But China sells its goods to Brazil for .. DOLLARS, and only accepts no more than 25% of the payment in .. its RMB :) But supporters of pro-Russian propaganda, as it were, "do not know" this most important nuance of "China's fight against the dollar."
I will once again give an example with one event so that everyone understands - China needs dollars! And he needs them because no one will sell technology either for yuan or for fake rubles.... And China will do everything to get dollars. But to all sorts of fools, he will sell his yuan, which China can print in unlimited quantities, for any settlements with its not the smartest "partners". And so, a historical fact that each of you can easily verify.
In 2022, Russia once again decided to "destroy the United States and destroy the dollar." This crazy idea has been tormenting economic and military impotent people since the times of the USSR. So, with pomp, to the whole world, through all the media, a statement was published that the Russian Federation was removing a significant part of the dollar from its gold reserves, and changing it to the yuan. And they say China is also abandoning the dollar. And the real Russian Federation received a huge amount of yuan from China. After that, Russia kept silent about the fight against the dollar. And to questions - how are things with the gold reserves, they somehow modestly lowered their eyes and did not answer questions. And the problem is this:
1. China really sold the Russian Federation a huge amount of yuan. BUT ! But he sold them not for rubles .. That's right, China is not an idiot. They sold Yuan for.. USD :)
2. After 3-4 months, due to the economic instability of the Chinese market, the yuan depreciated very much.

Let's sum up the results:
1. During this "very cunning operation against the dollar", Russia lost tens of billions of dollars. And continue to lose due to the inflation of the yuan.
2. China has improved its gold reserves at the expense of a huge amount of dollars, which ensure the stability of the economy, which are more stable and which are in demand all over the world.
I agree with all your points, except where your view on China's Yuan depreciation seems like a bad thing. No, it was the opposite. China's economy is export-oriented with a huge manufacturing base. Yuan depreciation helps them to avoid incoming taxes from other countries to protect their domestic manufacturers. It was the basis of protectionism vs currency manipulation and that is where China's long game aimed at the US and the rest of the world to slowly take over the domestic market and make other countries dependent on China. Of course, the power of the USD to facilitate trade around the world and the petrodollar is still there. China has been on US's watchlist for currency manipulation for quite an age. But I fear there is a trend where Russia also want to input their Rubbe into China's market, to slowly mix them into the flow and get a share from it. 

I agree with you that China, even in its worst nightmare, does not dream of a strong Chinese yuan. 

China is the world's factory of goods.  The Chinese economy is completely export-oriented.  At the same time, all attempts by China to stimulate domestic demand should be recognized as not very successful.

There is information that China is implementing large-scale capital projects, but these investments correlate very poorly with the development of the Chinese economy and look artificial. 

China annually accumulates a huge amount of currency (and in recent years, gold) in reserves.  This is due to the fact that there are no infrastructure projects in the domestic market on which it is possible to spend such a huge amount of money. 

Therefore, China is pursuing a strategy of cheap yuan and expensive US dollar.  This situation is very beneficial for him.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: pooya87 on March 03, 2023, 10:09:43 AM
The U.S. does that because why?
Dollar is a weapon and US regime knows how to wield it.

China is also doing it with their Yuan through Debt-Trap Diplomacy.
Obviously! China's dream is to replace US as the global hegemony. Maybe not with colonizing and murder of tens of millions of people but still similar power abuse is expected from China in the future also.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: MusaPk on March 03, 2023, 10:49:02 AM
The U.S. does that because why?
Dollar is a weapon and US regime knows how to wield it.

China is also doing it with their Yuan through Debt-Trap Diplomacy.
Obviously! China's dream is to replace US as the global hegemony. Maybe not with colonizing and murder of tens of millions of people but still similar power abuse is expected from China in the future also.

Anyone who is super power do use that power for his own objectives. Doesn't matter who is in charge of this world, the absolute power will be abused by that superpower.
Iran and India are big economic powers, they can buy gold and dump Dollars. There are countries like Pakistan that are almost at verge of economic collapse and desperately in need of USD to save there economy.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Wind_FURY on March 05, 2023, 12:11:31 PM
The U.S. does that because why?
Dollar is a weapon and US regime knows how to wield it.

It's used as a weapon because why? Because the United States Government knows that the U.S. Dollar is ahead vs. any fiat currency in Spendability/Saveability/Liquidity, and that all States/Countries that want to participate in world trade need it.



China is also doing it with their Yuan through Debt-Trap Diplomacy.

Obviously! China's dream is to replace US as the global hegemony. Maybe not with colonizing and murder of tens of millions of people but still similar power abuse is expected from China in the future also.


If China replaces the U.S. Dollar with the Yuan the next topics that will be debated is the dumping of Yuan, and the start of another New World Order.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Moeda on March 05, 2023, 02:36:24 PM
With that said, 2023 outlook is already bad economically speaking.
How much of the points I raised do you agree with and how do you see 2023 specially when dollar dumping continues?
There is no war without economic interests, every war there is certainly a foundation related to the economy. Have we ever heard that a large country attacks a small country that does not have natural products or political interests in it?
The Russian War with Ukraine is related to the interests of the political economy, because Ukraine joined NATO and Russia thinking about the fate of his country will be threatened. And that's what happened to Syria and at that time the United States government supported anti -government rebel forces. What's in Syria? That's the question. In Syria has a large source of oil. Again, economic interests.

With this, then anyone who has high economic power, then they will be able to survive. Are these countries able to suppress the dollar exchange rate until it plummets? America has a big influence on the international world, and China has an influence in the economic field, and Russia is a large country that has abundant sources of oil. The three countries can survive well when the World War occurred. But unfortunately, small countries become land for them for trials. I do not hate them, but thinking about the fate of innocent citizens in an area, and surrounding areas. We are civilians who certainly feel the effect of what happens, both those in the ruling countries, as well as those who are in the colonies, and countries that are dependent on that country.
When dumping occurs with dollars, it will certainly be problematic for many countries, and the inflation rate will be high. This effect will be bad as a whole.
Hopefully the countries that fight quickly make peace, and the ideals of World War 3 must be immediately destroyed.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: DrBeer on March 06, 2023, 09:57:05 AM
There is no war without economic interests, every war there is certainly a foundation related to the economy. Have we ever heard that a large country attacks a small country that does not have natural products or political interests in it?
The Russian War with Ukraine is related to the interests of the political economy, because Ukraine joined NATO and Russia thinking about the fate of his country will be threatened. And that's what happened to Syria and at that time the United States government supported anti-government rebel forces. What's in Syria? That's the question. In Syria has a large source of oil. Again, economic interests.

With this, then anyone who has high economic power, then they will be able to survive. Is the country's nagara able to reduce the exchange rate of the dollar to plummet? America has a big influence on the international world, and China has an influence in the economic field, and Russia is a large country that has abundant sources of oil. The three countries can survive well when the World War occurred. But unfortunately, small countries become land for them for trials. I do not hate them, but thinking about the fate of innocent citizens in an area, and surrounding areas. We are civilians who certainly feel the effect of what happens, both those in the ruling countries, as well as those who are in the colonies, and countries that are dependent on that country.
When dumping occurs with dollars, it will certainly be problematic for many countries, and the inflation rate will be high. This effect will be bad as a whole.
Hopefully the countries that fight quickly make peace, and the ideals of World War 3 must be immediately destroyed.

I'm sorry, but you are very much mistaken!
1. The idea of joining NATO is a consequence of the Russian terrorist attack on Ukraine. And NATO is one of the options for protecting Ukraine in the future from such "neighbors". By the way, let me remind you that Russia was one of the guarantors of the inviolability of Ukraine and the integrity of its borders.
Russia's terrorist attack on Ukraine began in 2014. The first official document about the desire of Ukraine to become a member (no not to join, but simply intentions) appeared in the legislative framework of Ukraine only in 2018. Although the Kremlin's propaganda is trying to convince everyone of the exact opposite! But if you're not a fool, it's very easy to check the Kremlin's lies...
2. The reasons for the aggression against Ukraine were completely different - it was the overthrow of the criminal power of President Yanukovych, which could become an example for Russia, where the power of kleptomaniacs gained total control over all the resources of the country and brought people essentially to a slave-owning system.
3. One of the additional possible reasons is the discovery on the territory of Ukraine of huge deposits of shale gas. In terms of volume - the first in Europe. What would be the competition of the Russian monopoly on the supply of gas to the EU. By the way, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that in 2012-2013 a project for the production of shale gas was developed in the near future. And what is very important - this deposit is located ... on the territory of today's DPR / LPR. You can google, there are a lot of documents in the open, with maps of deposits and attracting Western companies.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: pooya87 on March 06, 2023, 04:02:54 PM
There are countries like Pakistan that are almost at verge of economic collapse and desperately in need of USD to save there economy.
There are a lot of countries that have their economy suffer because of the way USD is. Some of them are in fact dumping it for this reason like Iraq that recently moved to using Yuan for part of their energy sales so that they can at least have access to some of their money (US regularly blocks them from accessing their own money).

It's used as a weapon because why?
Because that is mainly how US survives with its messed up economy that has a ridiculously high national debt and a rapidly increasing trade deficit.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Moeda on March 06, 2023, 05:04:21 PM
I'm sorry, but you are very much mistaken!
1. The idea of joining NATO is a consequence of the Russian terrorist attack on Ukraine. And NATO is one of the options for protecting Ukraine in the future from such "neighbors".
I'm sorry too, I'm not saying that Ukraine did something wrong when it joined Nato. It is a country's choice, and it is a country's right to freedom in building political cooperation.
What I want to emphasize is that the action was considered wrong by Russia, so that the war between the two countries occurred.
I'm not pro-Russia, but I just want to explain the effect that occurred despite Ukraine's desire to join Nato as part of a country's freedom rights.
 All governments would of course do the same to protect the country. Ukraine joined Nato with the aim of having protection for their country, Russia also built cooperation with countries that were against Nato also aimed to get their protection and cooperation.
But whatever narrative they develop is part of their way of influencing public stigma.
What we care about is the innocent little people who become victims.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: on March 06, 2023, 06:49:27 PM
Gold buyers binge on biggest volumes for 55 years
Central banks are scooping up gold at the fastest pace since 1967, with analysts pinning China and Russia as big buyers in an indication that some nations are keen to diversify their reserves away from the dollar.
Data compiled the World Gold Council, an industry-funded group, has shown demand for the precious metal has outstripped any annual amount in the past 55 years. Last month’s estimates are also far larger than central banks’ official reported figures, sparking speculation in the industry over the identity of the buyers and their motivations.

The last time this level of buying was seen marked a historical turning point for the global monetary system. In 1967, European central banks bought massive volumes of gold from the US, leading to a run on the price and the collapse of the London Gold Pool of reserves. That hastened the eventual demise of the Bretton Woods System that tied the value of the US dollar to the precious metal.
Last month the WCG estimated the world’s official financial institutions have bought 673 tonnes. And in the third quarter alone central banks bought almost 400 tonnes of gold, the largest three-month binge since quarterly records began in 2000.

“The message these central banks are sending by putting a larger share of their reserves in gold is that they don’t want to be reliant on the US dollar as their main reserve asset,” Menke said.
Some in the industry speculate Middle Eastern governments are using fossil fuel export revenues to buy gold, most likely through sovereign wealth funds.

The world continues dumping US dollar, I've already talked about India buying gold ( and many times about Iran accumulating gold over the past couple of years. Now we have evidence of the other Eastern powers buying large amounts of gold. Many other smaller countries that don't fall into the global geopolitics like Qatar, Turkey, Uzbekistan, some African countries, etc. are also accumulating more gold.
This is the New World Order that is forming in front of our eyes, the old Dollar standard is slowly but surely going away which is causing high inflation in US as all the unbacked dollars they'd printed all these years are being dumped on USA itself and even higher inflation is seen in any country that is importing US inflation like Europe. Experts suggest that if US wasn't exporting its inflation, the real US inflation would have been somewhere north of 450% and that's where it's headed as the dollar dumping continues.

I recently watched an analyst who suggested that this is World War 3 which will be fought (at least for now) economically. The East vs. West as the East dumps US dollar that strains US economy. China suddenly lets loose COVID on the world (this past 2 weeks) that is already showing an increase in EU and US. Oil price ends the year with the 2nd straight annual gain and the general high energy prices among other things is slowly rendering EU useless as an economy and industrial power.

Although economy is not the only battlefield (we have energy, food and actual armed conflict between proxies) but it is affecting us the most. It is even affecting bitcoin price as it has successfully prevented its rise to higher ATH last year and even changed its bull trend and crashed the price below the previous (2017) ATH for the first time in bitcoin history.

With that said, 2023 outlook is already bad economically speaking.
How much of the points I raised do you agree with and how do you see 2023 specially when dollar dumping continues?

I fully agree but I'm not sure if it's good or bad in Bitcoin context. So far we have witnessed Bitcoin/USD exchange rate didn't react to USD inflation, in other words $22k this year is not the same as $22k in 2021! Mainstream investors prefer gold as a hedge against inflation, not Bitcoin. So yeah, I agree, but is it good for Bitcoin? Time will tell.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: MusaPk on March 07, 2023, 08:57:21 AM
There are countries like Pakistan that are almost at verge of economic collapse and desperately in need of USD to save there economy.
There are a lot of countries that have their economy suffer because of the way USD is. Some of them are in fact dumping it for this reason like Iraq that recently moved to using Yuan for part of their energy sales so that they can at least have access to some of their money (US regularly blocks them from accessing their own money).

If you keep your money in Banks of Big powers then you are giving them right to control your money. Most of money earned by selling of oil by Gulf countries are residing in US banks and rest you have already explained.
Russia is doing right thing for his economy by selling oil in Rubles. Pakistani officials are in talk with Russian to buy oil and settlement will be in 'currency from friendly countries (', so it will defiantly not USD. Pakistan has very few reserves of USD left and oil stock in country is draining out. Russian oil will also come at some discount, so it will be a small relief for people of Pakistan.   

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: EarnOnVictor on March 07, 2023, 09:21:30 AM
Gold buyers binge on biggest volumes for 55 years
Central banks are scooping up gold at the fastest pace since 1967, with analysts pinning China and Russia as big buyers in an indication that some nations are keen to diversify their reserves away from the dollar.
Data compiled the World Gold Council, an industry-funded group, has shown demand for the precious metal has outstripped any annual amount in the past 55 years. Last month’s estimates are also far larger than central banks’ official reported figures, sparking speculation in the industry over the identity of the buyers and their motivations.

The last time this level of buying was seen marked a historical turning point for the global monetary system. In 1967, European central banks bought massive volumes of gold from the US, leading to a run on the price and the collapse of the London Gold Pool of reserves. That hastened the eventual demise of the Bretton Woods System that tied the value of the US dollar to the precious metal.
Last month the WCG estimated the world’s official financial institutions have bought 673 tonnes. And in the third quarter alone central banks bought almost 400 tonnes of gold, the largest three-month binge since quarterly records began in 2000.

“The message these central banks are sending by putting a larger share of their reserves in gold is that they don’t want to be reliant on the US dollar as their main reserve asset,” Menke said.
Some in the industry speculate Middle Eastern governments are using fossil fuel export revenues to buy gold, most likely through sovereign wealth funds.

The world continues dumping US dollar, I've already talked about India buying gold ( and many times about Iran accumulating gold over the past couple of years. Now we have evidence of the other Eastern powers buying large amounts of gold. Many other smaller countries that don't fall into the global geopolitics like Qatar, Turkey, Uzbekistan, some African countries, etc. are also accumulating more gold.
This is the New World Order that is forming in front of our eyes, the old Dollar standard is slowly but surely going away which is causing high inflation in US as all the unbacked dollars they'd printed all these years are being dumped on USA itself and even higher inflation is seen in any country that is importing US inflation like Europe. Experts suggest that if US wasn't exporting its inflation, the real US inflation would have been somewhere north of 450% and that's where it's headed as the dollar dumping continues.

I recently watched an analyst who suggested that this is World War 3 which will be fought (at least for now) economically. The East vs. West as the East dumps US dollar that strains US economy. China suddenly lets loose COVID on the world (this past 2 weeks) that is already showing an increase in EU and US. Oil price ends the year with the 2nd straight annual gain and the general high energy prices among other things is slowly rendering EU useless as an economy and industrial power.

Although economy is not the only battlefield (we have energy, food and actual armed conflict between proxies) but it is affecting us the most. It is even affecting bitcoin price as it has successfully prevented its rise to higher ATH last year and even changed its bull trend and crashed the price below the previous (2017) ATH for the first time in bitcoin history.

With that said, 2023 outlook is already bad economically speaking.
How much of the points I raised do you agree with and how do you see 2023 specially when dollar dumping continues?

I fully agree but I'm not sure if it's good or bad in Bitcoin context. So far we have witnessed Bitcoin/USD exchange rate didn't react to USD inflation, in other words $22k this year is not the same as $22k in 2021! Mainstream investors prefer gold as a hedge against inflation, not Bitcoin. So yeah, I agree, but is it good for Bitcoin? Time will tell.
I'm afraid, am almost totally disagree with the tone of this article, it's not just a true correlation of what is happening in the real world of investment that I know. It's a kind of anti-USD position and it's actually contrary to what the USD is experiencing in reality. I am of the position that the USD will always have supposed enemies, which I believe Bitcoin is not part of it as many would always want people to believe. They will always coexist and exchange for one another at the preference of the market sentiment.

Many countries might try to pull the USD down, but from what I see and foresee, they will always fail as they have little or no allies to align with their jealous plots.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Wind_FURY on March 07, 2023, 11:28:31 AM

It's used as a weapon because why?

Because that is mainly how US survives with its messed up economy that has a ridiculously high national debt and a rapidly increasing trade deficit.

But the fact is, the only reason why the United States government CAN use it as a weapon is because they know the U.S. Dollar us needed to participate in world trade. Why? Because it is ahead vs. any other fiat currency in Spendability/Saveability/Liquidity. Do you believe the U.S. government can use it as a weapon if it wasn't?

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: DrBeer on March 07, 2023, 11:33:54 AM
I'm sorry, but you are very much mistaken!
1. The idea of joining NATO is a consequence of the Russian terrorist attack on Ukraine. And NATO is one of the options for protecting Ukraine in the future from such "neighbors".
I'm sorry too, I'm not saying that Ukraine did something wrong when it joined Nato. It is a country's choice, and it is a country's right to freedom in building political cooperation.
What I want to emphasize is that the action was considered wrong by Russia, so that the war between the two countries occurred.
I'm not pro-Russia, but I just want to explain the effect that occurred despite Ukraine's desire to join Nato as part of a country's freedom rights.
 All governments would of course do the same to protect the country. Ukraine joined Nato with the aim of having protection for their country, Russia also built cooperation with countries that were against Nato also aimed to get their protection and cooperation.
But whatever narrative they develop is part of their way of influencing public stigma.
What we care about is the innocent little people who become victims.

You do not quite understand me, I do not consider you a supporter of the Kremlin regime or something like that, by no means! :)
I wanted to say that the reason that you consider the reason for starting a terrorist war against Ukraine "Ukraine's entry into NATO" is not true. In Ukraine, the idea of joining NATO appeared a few years after Russia attacked Ukraine! The attack on Ukraine did not take place in 2022, but in 2014! And in 2014, there was not even any talk about Ukraine's entry into NATO, because. absolutely pro-Russian president Yanukovych ruled in Ukraine

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: pooya87 on March 07, 2023, 12:46:29 PM
I fully agree but I'm not sure if it's good or bad in Bitcoin context. So far we have witnessed Bitcoin/USD exchange rate didn't react to USD inflation, in other words $22k this year is not the same as $22k in 2021! Mainstream investors prefer gold as a hedge against inflation, not Bitcoin. So yeah, I agree, but is it good for Bitcoin? Time will tell.
Bitcoin and gold don't have to compete with each other and these two markets haven't really done that so far either. In other words even if investors prefer gold that doesn't mean bitcoin isn't benefiting from the current ongoing situation.
As for the price, my theory is that the problem is that we aren't just facing inflation but inflation with recession. Which is why people generally liquidate their assets instead of increasing them hence the sell pressure last year.

it's actually contrary to what the USD is experiencing in reality.
US dollar has been losing its value in reality (easily seen in increased price of everything) but if you aren't seeing a catastrophe that's because of the high interest rate that is trying to keep dollar artificially strong.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: DrBeer on March 07, 2023, 01:14:21 PM
 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

News from "countries that heroically defeated the vile useless dollar"!

By the way, pay attention to the subtle play of the hands of the "friends of Russia" - India and China! They undress Russia as soon as they can, hiding behind "we are also fighting the dollar" :)

Oil in exchange for "wrappers". Russian companies do not know what to do with the rupees received from India...
Having increased trade with India by hundreds of percent and abandoned the dollar at the request of the Kremlin, Russian companies are faced with a problem: the rupees received for the sale of goods to Indian counterparties turned out to be nowhere to go.

Exporters have accumulated Indian currency, but the Indian regulator does not allow it to be traded on the Moscow Exchange and converted into rubles, Kirill Pestov, managing director for business development of the exchange, said in an interview with Reuters.

Since the middle of last year, according to him, foreign exchange market participants have been interested in selling rupees - cheap Russian oil has flowed to India, and by the end of the year supplies have grown 33 times. Their volume - almost 1.5 million barrels per day - exceeded imports from Iraq and Saudi Arabia combined.

But it is impossible to sell a rupee in Moscow. "Indian currency regulation restricts the circulation and settlements in rupees outside of India, and this applies to the entire outside world," Pestov explained.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Wind_FURY on March 08, 2023, 11:10:49 AM
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

News from "countries that heroically defeated the vile useless dollar"!

By the way, pay attention to the subtle play of the hands of the "friends of Russia" - India and China! They undress Russia as soon as they can, hiding behind "we are also fighting the dollar" :)

The U.S. Dollar is ahead for every Nation-State to "dump" them now. It would be Economic Suicide in my opinion. China is obviously one of the countries that DON'T want for the Dollar to go down. Why? Because they have trillions in U.S. Dollar reserves, and the United States knows that.


Oil in exchange for "wrappers". Russian companies do not know what to do with the rupees received from India...
Having increased trade with India by hundreds of percent and abandoned the dollar at the request of the Kremlin, Russian companies are faced with a problem: the rupees received for the sale of goods to Indian counterparties turned out to be nowhere to go.

Exporters have accumulated Indian currency, but the Indian regulator does not allow it to be traded on the Moscow Exchange and converted into rubles, Kirill Pestov, managing director for business development of the exchange, said in an interview with Reuters.

Since the middle of last year, according to him, foreign exchange market participants have been interested in selling rupees - cheap Russian oil has flowed to India, and by the end of the year supplies have grown 33 times. Their volume - almost 1.5 million barrels per day - exceeded imports from Iraq and Saudi Arabia combined.

But it is impossible to sell a rupee in Moscow. "Indian currency regulation restricts the circulation and settlements in rupees outside of India, and this applies to the entire outside world," Pestov explained.

What Russia should be doing is because the the price cap the U.S. made of $60.00 per barrel for Russian Oil, Russia should peg Russian Oil to Gold. Plus when the peg is established, Russia could manipulate the peg by offering double the barrel of oil for Gold, in theory making Gold prices rise, making the value of their Gold reserves rise, and their Gold outputs rise.


Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: buwaytress on March 08, 2023, 06:07:03 PM
US dollar has been losing its value in reality (easily seen in increased price of everything) but if you aren't seeing a catastrophe that's because of the high interest rate that is trying to keep dollar artificially strong.

And yeah, just as I thought we'd see it being more vulnerable, they go ahead and double down on interest huh...

Don't know how I missed this or why I'm not seeing more discussion about it but Powell just suggested -- after months of seemingly agreeing that things aren't as bad as they thought and that they could ease down on interest rate hikes -- that even bigger increases are expected?

So much about continuing to dump US dollar when it's relatively "free" money just holding for interest in short term -- wish I had some for more BTC.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Pierre 2 on March 08, 2023, 07:12:51 PM
I think not Russia but actually China is mastermind behind this policy. They realized its nearly impossible to overcome American imperialism unless you challenge their financial systems. United States Dollar is used as reserve currency and medium for trading between different nations. They can't challenge "trading" usage of usd yet. But they could damage reputation of Dollar as reserve currency. So buying Gold as alternative worked. Bitcoin is indirectly effected because its another alternative.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: |MINER| on March 08, 2023, 07:40:50 PM
I think not Russia but actually China is mastermind behind this policy. They realized its nearly impossible to overcome American imperialism unless you challenge their financial systems. United States Dollar is used as reserve currency and medium for trading between different nations. They can't challenge "trading" usage of usd yet. But they could damage reputation of Dollar as reserve currency. So buying Gold as alternative worked. Bitcoin is indirectly effected because its another alternative.
Gold has been an important asset for thousands of years and remains it also in today. But I wouldn't mix cryptocurrency with gold trading, because cryptocurrency is a very risky area for asset for holding because of it's volatilities. Moreover, it has been repeatedly said by professionals that all assets should not be invested in cryptocurrency. So bitcoin। can be a alternative a when you afford the fund for loose.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Ozero on March 08, 2023, 07:53:47 PM

What Russia should be doing is because the the price cap the U.S. made of $60.00 per barrel for Russian Oil, Russia should peg Russian Oil to Gold. Plus when the peg is established, Russia could manipulate the peg by offering double the barrel of oil for Gold, in theory making Gold prices rise, making the value of their Gold reserves rise, and their Gold outputs rise.

Russia has long been looking for a way out of the situation with sanctions, in which it drove itself into an attack on Ukraine. If the introduction of gold backing of its oil could save the Russian economy, then they did it a long time ago. But in this case, such a step will clearly not help Russia.
Russia needs to sell its oil. Even if its oil is backed by gold, what difference will that make? Absolutely nothing. Oil vseravno need to sell for the currency. Nobody needs the ruble anymore. Russian banks are disconnected from SWIFT. Even Russia's gold is under sanctions. In July last year, the European Union in its next package of sanctions imposed a ban on direct and indirect transactions with Russian gold, the sale of which the EU calls Russia's most important export after energy. The fact is that few people want to get involved with Russian oil, and this is the cause of one of Russia's current problems.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Wind_FURY on March 09, 2023, 06:16:06 AM

What Russia should be doing is because the the price cap the U.S. made of $60.00 per barrel for Russian Oil, Russia should peg Russian Oil to Gold. Plus when the peg is established, Russia could manipulate the peg by offering double the barrel of oil for Gold, in theory making Gold prices rise, making the value of their Gold reserves rise, and their Gold outputs rise.

Russia has long been looking for a way out of the situation with sanctions, in which it drove itself into an attack on Ukraine. If the introduction of gold backing of its oil could save the Russian economy, then they did it a long time ago. But in this case, such a step will clearly not help Russia.

Russia needs to sell its oil. Even if its oil is backed by gold, what difference will that make? Absolutely nothing. Oil vseravno need to sell for the currency. Nobody needs the ruble anymore. Russian banks are disconnected from SWIFT. Even Russia's gold is under sanctions. In July last year, the European Union in its next package of sanctions imposed a ban on direct and indirect transactions with Russian gold, the sale of which the EU calls Russia's most important export after energy. The fact is that few people want to get involved with Russian oil, and this is the cause of one of Russia's current problems.

I know it's very debatable, and I merely posted it to know other opinions such as yours, which I truly respect. BUT what if instead of pegging Russian Oil with Gold, what if Russia pegged their Oil with Bitcoin? Because there will always be demand for Russian Oil, and the peg with Bitcoin will make it easier in trade, IF the counterparty can buy Bitcoin, which isn't currently hard to do. Plus the Gold-peg-theory isn't about saving the Russian Economy, it's to go around the price cap imposed by the United States. The objective would be, instead of increasing the price of Oil which is made impossible because of the price cap, to double the barrels of Oil per grams/ounces of Gold once the peg is established to increase the "price" of Gold in Russian Oil, then it will increase the value of their own Gold reserves AND their Gold outputs.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Sithara007 on March 09, 2023, 06:34:12 AM
I think not Russia but actually China is mastermind behind this policy. They realized its nearly impossible to overcome American imperialism unless you challenge their financial systems. United States Dollar is used as reserve currency and medium for trading between different nations. They can't challenge "trading" usage of usd yet. But they could damage reputation of Dollar as reserve currency. So buying Gold as alternative worked. Bitcoin is indirectly effected because its another alternative.

Russia implemented this policy almost a decade ago, when they started to build their gold reserves. Now they have a gold reserve of close to 2,300 tonnes. But even now, most of their forex reserves are in the form of USD and EUR, and only around 30% is in the form of gold. And as a result, the western nations were able to freeze their assets once the war between Russia and Ukraine started. Probably China has taken note of this development. Along with Japan, they have the largest reserves of United States treasury bonds.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Gayong88 on March 09, 2023, 07:56:58 AM
The main point is, the USD will lose its lead at some point in the future. There is no way the US can repay such a large debt with a depreciating currency. The US borrows most of the world's money and they continue to borrow. It's only going to get worse.

I think the world is preparing for a global economic depression. We will see much higher unemployment rates and even higher poverty rates in the future.

While I can't predict what will happen if the next financial crisis hits, but I think it's possible to imagine a scenario that doesn't end well for the US, maybe not right away but in the long term. if the time comes if we want to get out of paper currency and into gold or silver. I'm not worried about being able to buy food or clothes if this happens, hopefully we've learned from history and are prepared.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Synchronice on March 09, 2023, 09:22:16 AM
I'm sorry, but you are very much mistaken!
1. The idea of joining NATO is a consequence of the Russian terrorist attack on Ukraine. And NATO is one of the options for protecting Ukraine in the future from such "neighbors". By the way, let me remind you that Russia was one of the guarantors of the inviolability of Ukraine and the integrity of its borders.
Russia's terrorist attack on Ukraine began in 2014. The first official document about the desire of Ukraine to become a member (no not to join, but simply intentions) appeared in the legislative framework of Ukraine only in 2018. Although the Kremlin's propaganda is trying to convince everyone of the exact opposite! But if you're not a fool, it's very easy to check the Kremlin's lies...
Russia doesn't want NATO to be near to it's borders, I think that's true. If Belarus, Ukraine and Georgia join NATO, Russia will become surrounded by NATO, i.e. by USA. I think their point is clear, it's clear why they waged a war against Ukraine but there is another problem too, Russia has imperialistic wishes and dreams, they want to rebuild Soviet Union. It's clear, you can hear Putin's speeches, visit their propaganda websites, Russia Today even has category called Russia & Former Soviet Union next to its logo.

But why is Russia in this situation? Is Russia a victim of USA? Hell NO! Russia is a victim of it's dicktatorship and corruption, no one wants to be part of Russia because of low quality life, corruption, bad politics, neighbors, including Ukraine, want to join Western life.

I think not Russia but actually China is mastermind behind this policy. They realized its nearly impossible to overcome American imperialism unless you challenge their financial systems. United States Dollar is used as reserve currency and medium for trading between different nations. They can't challenge "trading" usage of usd yet. But they could damage reputation of Dollar as reserve currency. So buying Gold as alternative worked. Bitcoin is indirectly effected because its another alternative.
It doesn't need mastermind to understand that the reason why countries are dumping USD is that America has too much control on every country and if someone goes against the USA, they can easily freeze their reserves. Too much centralization is never a good option.
Also, USD's reputation is already bad, no one can damage it further. When you see that country prints trillions of dollars and exports its own inflation into different countries and even benefits when other countries aren't doing well, it's clear to see that USD is not a good guy for you.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Ozero on March 09, 2023, 10:19:41 AM

I'm sorry too, I'm not saying that Ukraine did something wrong when it joined Nato. It is a country's choice, and it is a country's right to freedom in building political cooperation.
What I want to emphasize is that the action was considered wrong by Russia, so that the war between the two countries occurred.

The assertion that Russia attacked Ukraine because Ukraine decided to join NATO is incorrect. It should also be noted that Ukraine at the moment only expresses a desire to become a member of this alliance and no procedures for its adoption have yet been carried out. Putin, even a year after the military attack on Ukraine, is confused and constantly changes the reasons for such an attack. The real reason for the attack, on the one hand, is the desire to remove the freedom-loving Ukrainian people from their borders with the very concept of statehood of Ukraine, and on the other hand, to appropriate the territory, lands and history of Ukraine.

Already after the attack on Ukraine, Finland and Sweden expressed their desire and are completing the process of joining NATO, as a result of which Russia receives a total border length with NATO members of about 2,600 kilometers. Moreover, the motive was precisely the Russian attack on Ukraine. They directly stated that if Russia is now cutting its brothers and sisters in Ukraine, then nothing will stop it and attack them. But in Russia, after several threats against the new NATO members, they calmed down. Russians are now killing Ukrainians just for saying that they belong to Ukraine and wearing the attributes of its statehood.

On March 6, social networks were stirred up by the brutal execution by the Russians of a Ukrainian prisoner of war, in which a burst of automatic weapons was fired after his words: "Glory to Ukraine." This is the essence of the Russian bulk to Ukraine. And its desire to become a member of NATO is not the direct cause of the attempt to destroy Ukraine and Ukrainians.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: firesurfer on March 09, 2023, 04:15:57 PM
The value of the dollar increases as the Fed continues to raise interest rates. Debtors are struggling to pay their debts. The game is always the same, after spreading the net by lowering interest rates and lending massively, they will collect the net by raising interest rates.
Currently, Middle Eastern countries, Russia, and China are creating a payment system that avoids using the US dollar in oil transactions. This is a signal that the world economy is gradually turning around and less dependent on the US dollar. But most countries borrow money from the US so they won't be brave enough to use any payment system other than the dollar.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: pooya87 on March 09, 2023, 06:13:24 PM
I think not Russia but actually China is mastermind behind this policy.
That's not new though. It actually started a very short time after US dollar became reserve currency and I'd say one of the first group of countries that started dumping USD were Europeans in the 70's but US scammed them by doing pretty much what they are doing today and introducing Petrodollar.

Countries like Russia only needed the "last straw" to speed up the dedollarization process and that last straw was the sanctions. Otherwise BRICS for instance has been discussing using another currency for trades for the past couple of years, long before Russia was sanctioned.
And of course China has been planning to replace US as the dominating global force through economy for decades. There is certainly loads of benefits for China in this. But again the trend has been going on longer than this.

P.S. On another news US national debt surpassed $31.6 trillion...

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: coupable on March 10, 2023, 01:56:10 PM
I'm sorry, but you are very much mistaken!
1. The idea of joining NATO is a consequence of the Russian terrorist attack on Ukraine. And NATO is one of the options for protecting Ukraine in the future from such "neighbors". By the way, let me remind you that Russia was one of the guarantors of the inviolability of Ukraine and the integrity of its borders.
Russia's terrorist attack on Ukraine began in 2014. The first official document about the desire of Ukraine to become a member (no not to join, but simply intentions) appeared in the legislative framework of Ukraine only in 2018. Although the Kremlin's propaganda is trying to convince everyone of the exact opposite! But if you're not a fool, it's very easy to check the Kremlin's lies...
Russia doesn't want NATO to be near to it's borders, I think that's true. If Belarus, Ukraine and Georgia join NATO, Russia will become surrounded by NATO, i.e. by USA. I think their point is clear, it's clear why they waged a war against Ukraine but there is another problem too, Russia has imperialistic wishes and dreams, they want to rebuild Soviet Union. It's clear, you can hear Putin's speeches, visit their propaganda websites, Russia Today even has category called Russia & Former Soviet Union next to its logo.

But why is Russia in this situation? Is Russia a victim of USA? Hell NO! Russia is a victim of it's dicktatorship and corruption, no one wants to be part of Russia because of low quality life, corruption, bad politics, neighbors, including Ukraine, want to join Western life.

After the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the fall of the Soviet Union, Russia became weak and lost large parts of its lands due to the liberation movements, and thus the loss of resources for the tired economy. Ukraine was one of the most important lands that Russia still considers part of its territory. On this basis, it has been preparing for the last decade to re-incorporate it in any way, and it has actually started in 2014 to occupy the entire Crimea. Ukraine found itself forced to ally with Satan to preserve its territorial integrity and to be able to confront its occupying neighbor. But it seems that this is exactly what Russia wanted as a pretext to occupy the entire country. And if the pretext for Ukraine's accession to NATO did not exist, Russia would certainly have worked to fabricate other crises to find excuses for punishment, as it put it.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: mulia sabee on March 11, 2023, 08:52:26 AM
Gold buyers binge on biggest volumes for 55 years
Central banks are scooping up gold at the fastest pace since 1967, with analysts pinning China and Russia as big buyers in an indication that some nations are keen to diversify their reserves away from the dollar.
Data compiled the World Gold Council, an industry-funded group, has shown demand for the precious metal has outstripped any annual amount in the past 55 years. Last month’s estimates are also far larger than central banks’ official reported figures, sparking speculation in the industry over the identity of the buyers and their motivations.

The last time this level of buying was seen marked a historical turning point for the global monetary system. In 1967, European central banks bought massive volumes of gold from the US, leading to a run on the price and the collapse of the London Gold Pool of reserves. That hastened the eventual demise of the Bretton Woods System that tied the value of the US dollar to the precious metal.
Last month the WCG estimated the world’s official financial institutions have bought 673 tonnes. And in the third quarter alone central banks bought almost 400 tonnes of gold, the largest three-month binge since quarterly records began in 2000.

“The message these central banks are sending by putting a larger share of their reserves in gold is that they don’t want to be reliant on the US dollar as their main reserve asset,” Menke said.
Some in the industry speculate Middle Eastern governments are using fossil fuel export revenues to buy gold, most likely through sovereign wealth funds.

The world continues dumping US dollar, I've already talked about India buying gold ( and many times about Iran accumulating gold over the past couple of years. Now we have evidence of the other Eastern powers buying large amounts of gold. Many other smaller countries that don't fall into the global geopolitics like Qatar, Turkey, Uzbekistan, some African countries, etc. are also accumulating more gold.
This is the New World Order that is forming in front of our eyes, the old Dollar standard is slowly but surely going away which is causing high inflation in US as all the unbacked dollars they'd printed all these years are being dumped on USA itself and even higher inflation is seen in any country that is importing US inflation like Europe. Experts suggest that if US wasn't exporting its inflation, the real US inflation would have been somewhere north of 450% and that's where it's headed as the dollar dumping continues.

I recently watched an analyst who suggested that this is World War 3 which will be fought (at least for now) economically. The East vs. West as the East dumps US dollar that strains US economy. China suddenly lets loose COVID on the world (this past 2 weeks) that is already showing an increase in EU and US. Oil price ends the year with the 2nd straight annual gain and the general high energy prices among other things is slowly rendering EU useless as an economy and industrial power.

Although economy is not the only battlefield (we have energy, food and actual armed conflict between proxies) but it is affecting us the most. It is even affecting bitcoin price as it has successfully prevented its rise to higher ATH last year and even changed its bull trend and crashed the price below the previous (2017) ATH for the first time in bitcoin history.

With that said, 2023 outlook is already bad economically speaking.
How much of the points I raised do you agree with and how do you see 2023 specially when dollar dumping continues?
looking at the current world conditions we cannot be sure about future economic threats, but many people have predicted that inflation and economic recession will occur at any time

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Wong Gendheng on March 11, 2023, 10:05:12 AM
Increasingly fierce global competition makes bad things happen, now most countries only use banknotes without the support of valuable products such as gold or silver, it is natural that inflation is common and will continue to happen, especially some countries that are now using currency from other countries which is stronger so it is natural to be easily controlled.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Ozero on March 11, 2023, 12:27:31 PM
Russia is very weak in the war against Ukraine. Putin and his entourage clearly did not count on a protracted war, which has been going on for the second year. The regular army of Russia was defeated in Ukraine, the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the best part of armored vehicles and other Russian weapons were destroyed. The mobilization of the population for the war in Ukraine, which has been ongoing since September last year, did not save the situation: some of the mobilized, who, without proper artillery and air support, were thrown into the fortified positions of Ukrainians as "cannon fodder", remained forever lying in the fields of Ukraine, and the other part already refuses to go on the attack to certain death.

Against the background of Russia's loss in the war unleashed by it, of course, there is a big redistribution of the world and the geopolitical influence of the main players - the United States and China. The position of China is not clearly visible now. Therefore, the information that the US and China are now secretly discussing changing the territory of China at the expense of the territories of a weakened Russia is very interesting.
The United States allegedly agrees to the expansion of Chinese influence in Siberia on the condition that China renounces its ambitions and the territorial seizure of Taiwan. This would be a good way out of the current tense military situation in which Russia has drawn the world.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: trendcoin on March 11, 2023, 10:43:32 PM
Gold buyers binge on biggest volumes for 55 years

No fiat currency can stay on the throne as king forever. Because all fiat currencies are fake kings and they all die one day. This is an unwritten rule inherent in the nature of economics, and history is full of examples. Central banks may be trying to take a position because they think this reality may be imminent. I don't think we can explain the gold rush we witnessed in any other way.

The central banks with the most gold:

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: pooya87 on March 12, 2023, 04:25:25 AM
The People’s Bank of China (PBoC) announced a further gold purchase in January, the third consecutive monthly increase. Its total gold reserves rose to 2,025t, 15t higher m-o-m.

China is still amassing gold without slowing down but also at the same time they are attacking Petrodollar fiercely. We all know that the last remaining reason for Petrodollar to have any value is the crude oil trades with the major suppliers like countries around the Persian Gulf. The recent deals struck between China and those countries (latest being Saudi Arabia) dealt a great blow to Petrodollar's future ergo US Dollar's value.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: DrBeer on March 12, 2023, 08:18:55 PM
What Russia should be doing is because the price cap the U.S. made of $60.00 per barrel for Russian Oil, Russia should peg Russian Oil to Gold. Plus when the peg is established, Russia could manipulate the peg by offering double the barrel of oil for Gold, in theory making Gold prices rise, making the value of their Gold reserves rise, and their Gold outputs rise.


1. China, in addition to reserves in the dollar, has more nuances. First, the Chinese economy is globally dependent on technologies from the United States, which the United States sells only for dollars. And not for everyone who wants to. Therefore, China will never give up the dollar. The fact that he now "supports" Russia is just a game of a cat with a stupid mouse! Russia, on the wave of idiotic decisions, removes the dollar from the gold reserves, China says - yes, yes, you are doing everything right, take the yuan ... and take the dollar from Russia for YOURSELF :)
The second is that China has a multi-trillion debt, and not in yuan, but in real dollars.
Total-China is completely dependent on the dollar and will not take such idiotic steps as Russia.
2. Russia can tie its oil to anything, but in today's situation it will not solve anything! The quotes you mentioned are:
- the price set by the EU, above which this oil will not be bought
- The real price on the "here and now" market is BELOW this border (the market does not need dubious oil from the country of a terrorist)
- Real transactions for the sale of unnecessary Russian oil are around $30 per barrel :) Dadad, imagine - the real price of Russian oil, which India and China are now buying out, is about $30 per barrel :) This is, so to speak, a "gesture of helping a friend", when, using Russian problems, China and India simply "undress" Russia, forcing them to sell Russian oil for 50% of the market price. Such is the friendship and help! :)

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: MusaPk on March 13, 2023, 12:02:52 PM
I think not Russia but actually China is mastermind behind this policy.
That's not new though. It actually started a very short time after US dollar became reserve currency and I'd say one of the first group of countries that started dumping USD were Europeans in the 70's but US scammed them by doing pretty much what they are doing today and introducing Petrodollar.

Countries like Russia only needed the "last straw" to speed up the dedollarization process and that last straw was the sanctions. Otherwise BRICS for instance has been discussing using another currency for trades for the past couple of years, long before Russia was sanctioned.
And of course China has been planning to replace US as the dominating global force through economy for decades. There is certainly loads of benefits for China in this. But again the trend has been going on longer than this.

P.S. On another news US national debt surpassed $31.6 trillion...

I keep asking myself this funny question that almost all countries are under debt including economic powers like USA and Japan (In December 2022, the Japanese public debt was 9.8 trillion US Dollars (,by%20the%20Bank%20of%20Japan.)). If the whole world is under debt then who is the lender?

China has 3,133.2 USD billion (,China%20Foreign%20Exchange%20Reserves%20was%20measured%20at%203%2C133.2%20USD%20bn,table%20below%20for%20more%20data.) in its reserves by Feb 2023. China is relying heavily on USD.

World affairs are changing so rapidly that we can't predict how the world will be in the coming 6 years.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Synchronice on March 13, 2023, 02:10:26 PM
After the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the fall of the Soviet Union, Russia became weak and lost large parts of its lands due to the liberation movements, and thus the loss of resources for the tired economy. Ukraine was one of the most important lands that Russia still considers part of its territory. On this basis, it has been preparing for the last decade to re-incorporate it in any way, and it has actually started in 2014 to occupy the entire Crimea. Ukraine found itself forced to ally with Satan to preserve its territorial integrity and to be able to confront its occupying neighbor. But it seems that this is exactly what Russia wanted as a pretext to occupy the entire country. And if the pretext for Ukraine's accession to NATO did not exist, Russia would certainly have worked to fabricate other crises to find excuses for punishment, as it put it.
Russia has a lot of resources and it has the largest territory in the world but problem lies within Russians. Russian can have as good life as Norwegians but yeah, this country isn't rewarded with smart heads but full of corrupt politicians. How can any country feel well under Russia when Russia and Russian people have terrible quality of life? When Ukrainian person looks at Germany, France, Switzerland, Ireland, Finland, Denmark and so on, why will this Ukrainian have a wish to join Russian and look like Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova? I would even say that people from these countries and from other post-soviet countries come in Europe, Canada, USA, UK, Australia, NZ to work and these people are happy to do even dirty jobs because salaries in our countries, the healthcare, work ethic, everything is way better than in their motherlands.
I don't say that America or even EU is full of angels or they don't have their interests but definitely its way better and beneficial for Ukraine to join us and escape from Russia.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: coupable on March 13, 2023, 02:48:30 PM
After the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the fall of the Soviet Union, Russia became weak and lost large parts of its lands due to the liberation movements, and thus the loss of resources for the tired economy. Ukraine was one of the most important lands that Russia still considers part of its territory. On this basis, it has been preparing for the last decade to re-incorporate it in any way, and it has actually started in 2014 to occupy the entire Crimea. Ukraine found itself forced to ally with Satan to preserve its territorial integrity and to be able to confront its occupying neighbor. But it seems that this is exactly what Russia wanted as a pretext to occupy the entire country. And if the pretext for Ukraine's accession to NATO did not exist, Russia would certainly have worked to fabricate other crises to find excuses for punishment, as it put it.
Russia has a lot of resources and it has the largest territory in the world but problem lies within Russians. Russian can have as good life as Norwegians but yeah, this country isn't rewarded with smart heads but full of corrupt politicians. How can any country feel well under Russia when Russia and Russian people have terrible quality of life? When Ukrainian person looks at Germany, France, Switzerland, Ireland, Finland, Denmark and so on, why will this Ukrainian have a wish to join Russian and look like Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova? I would even say that people from these countries and from other post-soviet countries come in Europe, Canada, USA, UK, Australia, NZ to work and these people are happy to do even dirty jobs because salaries in our countries, the healthcare, work ethic, everything is way better than in their motherlands.
I don't say that America or even EU is full of angels or they don't have their interests but definitely its way better and beneficial for Ukraine to join us and escape from Russia.

This is completely understandable, and Ukraine, as an independent country, has the right to choose which camp it wants to join. But it is unfortunate that its location is adjacent to Russia, like a barrier between the two camps, and because it did not seize the opportunity of Russia's weakness after the collapse of the Soviet Union and joined NATO and the European Union countries, as Poland did. Russia today is not the Russia of the nineties, and I do not think it will allow the Western camp to expand.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: DrBeer on March 13, 2023, 05:47:16 PM
After the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the fall of the Soviet Union, Russia became weak and lost large parts of its lands due to the liberation movements, and thus the loss of resources for the tired economy. Ukraine was one of the most important lands that Russia still considers part of its territory. On this basis, it has been preparing for the last decade to re-incorporate it in any way, and it has actually started in 2014 to occupy the entire Crimea. Ukraine found itself forced to ally with Satan to preserve its territorial integrity and to be able to confront its occupying neighbor. But it seems that this is exactly what Russia wanted as a pretext to occupy the entire country. And if the pretext for Ukraine's accession to NATO did not exist, Russia would certainly have worked to fabricate other crises to find excuses for punishment, as it put it.
Russia has a lot of resources and it has the largest territory in the world but problem lies within Russians. Russian can have as good life as Norwegians but yeah, this country isn't rewarded with smart heads but full of corrupt politicians. How can any country feel well under Russia when Russia and Russian people have terrible quality of life? When Ukrainian person looks at Germany, France, Switzerland, Ireland, Finland, Denmark and so on, why will this Ukrainian have a wish to join Russian and look like Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova? I would even say that people from these countries and from other post-soviet countries come in Europe, Canada, USA, UK, Australia, NZ to work and these people are happy to do even dirty jobs because salaries in our countries, the healthcare, work ethic, everything is way better than in their motherlands.
I don't say that America or even EU is full of angels or they don't have their interests but definitely its way better and beneficial for Ukraine to join us and escape from Russia.

Putin and his pack did not come to Ukraine. In Ukraine, Ukrainian citizens are killed, raped, tortured, looted - ordinary citizens of Russia. It's not about politicians, it's about the mentality and system in Russia itself. There is no need to separate the power from the people - they are a single whole. Once again, it is not Putin who is killing us, but ordinary residents of Russia. Which, instead of living for themselves and creating comfort for themselves, destroy everything around them that others create for themselves.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: pooya87 on March 13, 2023, 06:01:57 PM
I keep asking myself this funny question that almost all countries are under debt including economic powers like USA and Japan (In December 2022, the Japanese public debt was 9.8 trillion US Dollars (,by%20the%20Bank%20of%20Japan.)). If the whole world is under debt then who is the lender?
The national debt is less like a "loan" and is more like money printing.
When a government faces deficits (eg. when their expenditures exceed their revenues) they have to "borrow money" to cover that deficit. In a way they are borrowing money from all citizens.

But this money they are borrowing comes out of thin air meaning they print it so when the government spends that newly printed money they are effectively increasing the national debt and the circulating money supply.

As you know from supply and demand, increasing supply means lower value. Hence inflation.

Here is a live website to monitor national debt of each country:

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Moeda on March 13, 2023, 08:12:11 PM
The People’s Bank of China (PBoC) announced a further gold purchase in January, the third consecutive monthly increase. Its total gold reserves rose to 2,025t, 15t higher m-o-m.

China is still amassing gold without slowing down but also at the same time they are attacking Petrodollar fiercely. We all know that the last remaining reason for Petrodollar to have any value is the crude oil trades with the major suppliers like countries around the Persian Gulf. The recent deals struck between China and those countries (latest being Saudi Arabia) dealt a great blow to Petrodollar's future ergo US Dollar's value.
Of course China has an advantage in the field of international trade. Their currency is valid without having to convert to dollars. Thus, they can reduce the pace of the dollar, they can even alienate the dollar. Apart from hoarding gold, they continue to cooperate in international trade, especially in the field of crude oil. In the past few days, USDC had dropped, and the dollar to Yuan exchange rate also started to weaken. Maybe this is part of what friends are talking about here, because we only know a small part of what a country does. In addition, China also realizes that all currencies will fall, but gold can survive from time to time.

But the question is, why do they always publish every time they hoard gold? Do they want other countries to do the same, so they can leave the dollar at the same time?

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: justdimin on March 13, 2023, 09:42:45 PM
I keep asking myself this funny question that almost all countries are under debt including economic powers like USA and Japan (In December 2022, the Japanese public debt was 9.8 trillion US Dollars (,by%20the%20Bank%20of%20Japan.)). If the whole world is under debt then who is the lender?

China has 3,133.2 USD billion (,China%20Foreign%20Exchange%20Reserves%20was%20measured%20at%203%2C133.2%20USD%20bn,table%20below%20for%20more%20data.) in its reserves by Feb 2023. China is relying heavily on USD.

World affairs are changing so rapidly that we can't predict how the world will be in the coming 6 years.
Each other, that's the answer to your question. They are debited to each other, so you buy 1 billion dollars worth of thing from USA, and they buy 1 billion dollars worth of thing from Japan, now you owe USA 1 billion dollars, and USA owes that to Japan, as you can see only 1 billion dollars could delete 2 billion dollars worth of debt, if I pay that to USA and they send it to Japan, same 1 billion dollars pays for 2 billion debt, now if Japan buys something from me, that means 3 billions all paid with a single billion dollars, or even better yet, if Japan says USA has no debt in return of USA saying I have no debt, we paid nothing and 3 billion dollars worth of debt is gone. That's how this much debt was created.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: DrBeer on March 14, 2023, 08:53:43 AM
I think not Russia but actually China is mastermind behind this policy.
That's not new though. It actually started a very short time after US dollar became reserve currency and I'd say one of the first group of countries that started dumping USD were Europeans in the 70's but US scammed them by doing pretty much what they are doing today and introducing Petrodollar .

Countries like Russia only needed the "last straw" to speed up the dedollarization process and that last straw was the sanctions. Otherwise BRICS for instance has been discussing using another currency for trades for the past couple of years, long before Russia was sanctioned.
And of course China has been planning to replace the US as the dominant global force through the economy for decades. There is certainly loads of benefits for China in this. But again the trend has been going on longer than this.

P.S. On another news US national debt surpassed $31.6 trillion...

1. China's debt is about 51.8 trillion dollars (2022), but China can only print yuan, on machines bought for dollars :)
2. An excellent example of BRICS - India began to buy oil from Russia for rupees. On the one hand, here it is a victory over the dollar. But this is actually a simple scam in relation to not very smart Russia :) As a result, Russia does not have oil, the price of oil in the contract is in US dollars, which India counted at a favorable rate, India drained a huge amount of extra rupees to Russia. Russia cannot buy anything with these rupees, since "fraternal" India does not allow actions to be taken with these rupees from Russia! But the most interesting thing is that India sells this oil ... for DOLLARS :) Thus, assigning the role of a "currency garbage dump" for Russia :)
Russia's other "friends" also "have it" in every possible way. The only one who more or less won is Iran, an accomplice and comrade of Russian terrorism. As I previously assumed, when Iran began to supply drones to Russia, it would not sell them in their pure form, but instead demanded technology for the development of nuclear weapons. What has already become known to both the United States and Israel. Now the Iranian regime has very big problems on the horizon ..

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: MusaPk on March 15, 2023, 04:02:56 AM
Each other, that's the answer to your question. They are debited to each other, so you buy 1 billion dollars worth of thing from USA, and they buy 1 billion dollars worth of thing from Japan, now you owe USA 1 billion dollars, and USA owes that to Japan, as you can see only 1 billion dollars could delete 2 billion dollars worth of debt, if I pay that to USA and they send it to Japan, same 1 billion dollars pays for 2 billion debt, now if Japan buys something from me, that means 3 billions all paid with a single billion dollars, or even better yet, if Japan says USA has no debt in return of USA saying I have no debt, we paid nothing and 3 billion dollars worth of debt is gone. That's how this much debt was created.

Thank you for making me understand how this circle of debt is working. Of course, it's complex, and not everyone can understand it.
The big economise like USA may or may not be affected by growing debt but small counties like Pakistan are greatly affected by there growing international debt from lenders like IMF and World Bank. In the long run such countries economy is binded with IMF loan and IMF program rarely bring prosperity in the country. It's best in interest of every country to avoid going to such bodies for loan.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: pooya87 on March 15, 2023, 05:01:15 AM
Speaking of dumping US dollar, BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) which is one of the groups of countries that are dumping it has been expected to surpass G7 (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, UK and US) for some time and recently the stats show that it already happened. This is partly because the Western Economy has been shrinking and partially because BRICS economy has been growing.
This is expected to continue at a faster pace in the future, specially as the deindustrialization of Europe continues).

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: slapper on March 15, 2023, 06:55:26 AM
After the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the fall of the Soviet Union, Russia became weak and lost large parts of its lands due to the liberation movements, and thus the loss of resources for the tired economy. Ukraine was one of the most important lands that Russia still considers part of its territory. On this basis, it has been preparing for the last decade to re-incorporate it in any way, and it has actually started in 2014 to occupy the entire Crimea. Ukraine found itself forced to ally with Satan to preserve its territorial integrity and to be able to confront its occupying neighbor. But it seems that this is exactly what Russia wanted as a pretext to occupy the entire country. And if the pretext for Ukraine's accession to NATO did not exist, Russia would certainly have worked to fabricate other crises to find excuses for punishment, as it put it.
Russia has a lot of resources and it has the largest territory in the world but problem lies within Russians. Russian can have as good life as Norwegians but yeah, this country isn't rewarded with smart heads but full of corrupt politicians. How can any country feel well under Russia when Russia and Russian people have terrible quality of life? When Ukrainian person looks at Germany, France, Switzerland, Ireland, Finland, Denmark and so on, why will this Ukrainian have a wish to join Russian and look like Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova? I would even say that people from these countries and from other post-soviet countries come in Europe, Canada, USA, UK, Australia, NZ to work and these people are happy to do even dirty jobs because salaries in our countries, the healthcare, work ethic, everything is way better than in their motherlands.
I don't say that America or even EU is full of angels or they don't have their interests but definitely its way better and beneficial for Ukraine to join us and escape from Russia.

It's another one of those rants about Russia! Now don't get me wrong, I ain't saying you're wrong, but dang, you sure got a lot to say about that country. Yeah, Russia's got a lot of resources and a massive piece of land, but heck, corruption and quality of life are definitely major issues. But hey, let's not go blaming the whole country and its people for the mistakes of a few corrupt politicians.

And about the Ukrainians wanting to ditch Russia for Europe? I get it, I really do. But let's be real, Ukraine has a complicated history with Russia, and there are Ukrainians who dig Russian culture and values. But let's not forget that Ukraine deserves the freedom to choose their own path, whether they head towards Europe or someplace else entirely.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: DrBeer on March 16, 2023, 12:04:13 PM
Speaking of dumping US dollar, BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) which is one of the groups of countries that are dumping it has been expected to surpass G7 (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, UK and US) for some time and recently the stats show that it already happened. This is partly because the Western Economy has been shrinking and partially because BRICS economy has been growing.
This is expected to continue at a faster pace in the future, specially as the deindustrialization of Europe continues).

You can draw any graphics, you can invent any fantasies, you can lie and twist information... But the truth is always higher than this and it is always on the surface!

BRICS countries overall picture:
1. China is an export-oriented economy dependent on Western technology and investment. Status: The total volume of Chinese loans in the second quarter of 2022 reached $51.87 trillion, citing data from the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). The level of debt is almost three times the country's GDP (295%) and is the highest for China since 1995.
Stagnation and internal discontent, the departure of Western investors and technologies.
2. Brazil - tell or know about "successes"? :) Read about 2020-2022, you will learn a lot of interesting things
3. India - Public debt to GDP 89.26%, or 9.7 trillion dollars, not rupees but dollars! More than half of the mainstream economy is dependent on Western technology. So far, it has managed to parasitize on Russian resources.
4. Russia. Well, here it is very briefly - a world outcast, a terrorist country, the future is generally in question :)
5. South Africa - just a couple of headlines:
2023: Introduction in the country of a mode of national disaster because of deficiency of the electric power
2022: Energy shortage crisis due to worn-out power plants
2020, unemployment, according to the same statistical department of the country, reached a record 29.1%.
2020: South African economy experienced the strongest recession in 100 years

Yes, in 2022 there was a certain "rise" - but this is a temporary factor associated with increased demand for coal in the EU. Demand is gone - economic growth has gone down.

The total GDP of these countries (China, India, Russia, South Africa, Brazil) = US GDP! Despite the fact that the economies of China, India, South Africa are very dependent on Western consumers!
You can continue to draw ridiculous BRICS charts  ;D

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Argoo on March 16, 2023, 04:50:47 PM

This is completely understandable, and Ukraine, as an independent country, has the right to choose which camp it wants to join. But it is unfortunate that its location is adjacent to Russia, like a barrier between the two camps, and because it did not seize the opportunity of Russia's weakness after the collapse of the Soviet Union and joined NATO and the European Union countries, as Poland did. Russia today is not the Russia of the nineties, and I do not think it will allow the Western camp to expand.
Yes, the mistake of Ukraine after the collapse of the USSR was that it first chose a neutral status and even gave up its nuclear potential, the third in the world, in exchange for assurances from leading states, including Russia, about guarantees of its security. We can already see how Russia acted as one of the countries that guaranteed Ukraine the security of its existence within internationally recognized borders. But the attack on Ukraine, as it turned out, was a fatal mistake for Russia itself. And Ukraine will not make the same mistake again.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: DrBeer on March 16, 2023, 06:34:39 PM

This is completely understandable, and Ukraine, as an independent country, has the right to choose which camp it wants to join. But it is unfortunate that its location is adjacent to Russia, like a barrier between the two camps, and because it did not seize the opportunity of Russia's weakness after the collapse of the Soviet Union and joined NATO and the European Union countries, as Poland did. Russia today is not the Russia of the nineties, and I do not think it will allow the Western camp to expand.
Yes, the mistake of Ukraine after the collapse of the USSR was that it first chose a neutral status and even gave up its nuclear potential, the third in the world, in exchange for assurances from leading states, including Russia, about guarantees of its security. We can already see how Russia acted as one of the countries that guaranteed Ukraine the security of its existence within internationally recognized borders. But the attack on Ukraine, as it turned out, was a fatal mistake for Russia itself. And Ukraine will not make the same mistake again.

It is in consequence of the complete non-compliance with their obligations to Ukraine that any further agreements do not make the slightest sense. Everyone has already made sure that a word or a signature under documents, from Russia, is really worth nothing! It's just a squiggle on paper that doesn't stand for anything. And precisely for this reason, the Ukrainian side will no longer support any proposed "agreements" by Russia. However, like the Chinese plan for a "peace settlement". In this situation, Russia itself did not leave us a single option, except for a complete victory over the aggressor country

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Bitcoin2009 on March 17, 2023, 02:38:33 PM
The thing that makes the economy a problem is money, when the state is free to print money then they don't think about the impacts such as inflation, especially when printing money the state has no support or guarantor of banknotes so that when paper money continues to be printed, its value will decrease. besides that the threat of war can occur at any time due to tensions in many countries.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: coupable on March 17, 2023, 06:29:50 PM

This is completely understandable, and Ukraine, as an independent country, has the right to choose which camp it wants to join. But it is unfortunate that its location is adjacent to Russia, like a barrier between the two camps, and because it did not seize the opportunity of Russia's weakness after the collapse of the Soviet Union and joined NATO and the European Union countries, as Poland did. Russia today is not the Russia of the nineties, and I do not think it will allow the Western camp to expand.
Yes, the mistake of Ukraine after the collapse of the USSR was that it first chose a neutral status and even gave up its nuclear potential, the third in the world, in exchange for assurances from leading states, including Russia, about guarantees of its security. We can already see how Russia acted as one of the countries that guaranteed Ukraine the security of its existence within internationally recognized borders. But the attack on Ukraine, as it turned out, was a fatal mistake for Russia itself. And Ukraine will not make the same mistake again.

But it is unfortunate to say that Ukraine may not again have the opportunity to decide its own destiny. Its choice after the collapse of the Soviet Union was mainly strategic and due to the fear of being targeted by any side. But it did not work to develop a military and civilian force capable of facing any potential danger, whether from one of its neighbors or from any other country.
Russia would not have dared to destroy the Crimea region in front of everyone's eyes had it not been aware that Ukraine is weak in front of it and that the West will not support it as it dreamed of.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Argoo on March 19, 2023, 07:34:35 AM

But it is unfortunate to say that Ukraine may not again have the opportunity to decide its own destiny. Its choice after the collapse of the Soviet Union was mainly strategic and due to the fear of being targeted by any side. But it did not work to develop a military and civilian force capable of facing any potential danger, whether from one of its neighbors or from any other country.
Russia would not have dared to destroy the Crimea region in front of everyone's eyes had it not been aware that Ukraine is weak in front of it and that the West will not support it as it dreamed of.
If, after the collapse of the USSR and Ukraine's independence in 1991, Ukraine had been afraid of an attack on it by other states, it would not have abandoned the world's third-largest nuclear potential and would have begun to improve and build up its armed forces. But precisely because the then leadership of Ukraine considered that Ukraine was surrounded by friendly states, the erroneous opinion was accepted that nothing threatened Ukraine.

In 2014, the occupation of the Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea by Russia occurred due to the fact that on its territory, by mutual agreement, there was a Russian naval base near Sevastopol, and it was enough for the Russian occupiers to go beyond this base. Crimea was occupied virtually without a single shot being fired, because the treacherous actions of the "fraternal" people of Russia were a shock to Ukraine, which was not psychologically ready to fight with it, and in Ukraine at that time there were only about 15 thousand combat-ready army.

In 2022, for some reason, Putin decided that Ukraine would not resist again, and we see what such self-confidence led to.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: DrBeer on March 19, 2023, 11:08:01 AM
But it is unfortunate to say that Ukraine may not again have the opportunity to decide its own destiny. Its choice after the collapse of the Soviet Union was mainly strategic and due to the fear of being targeted by any side. But it did not work to develop a military and civilian force capable of facing any potential danger, whether from one of its neighbors or from any other country.
Russia would not have dared to destroy the Crimea region in front of everyone's eyes had it not been aware that Ukraine is weak in front of it and that the West will not support it as it dreamed of.

We have already drawn conclusions from the Russian aggression that was launched against Ukraine in 2014.
Our army is being reformed, the transition to high-tech and progressive Western weapons.
We are reforming the very structure of the army, according to the Western standard.
We are forming territorial defense detachments (including tactical, physical, theoretical training)
Well, and most importantly, what Russia has been thinking about for so long - supposedly Ukraine was going to join NATO in 2014, Russia persuaded us - yes, we are now really planning to join NATO!

And what is VERY important - the Russian war against Ukraine, in fact, revived NATO, and Western unity! Now most of the Western countries understand that now it is impossible to allow the possibility of accumulating significant power for some inadequate regime in order to terrorize the whole world later. Now other rogue and terrorist countries will have problems: North Korea, Iran and the like

Yes - and of course the formation of gold reserves in dollars, euros, and not wrappers for pampering :)

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Paul Pogba on March 19, 2023, 03:21:28 PM
Now war is not just military power, economic wars have been going on since the end of world war 2, USA which became the victor is now facing complicated financial challenges because other countries such as russia, china or others are also getting stronger, we will see if the economic war is the beginning from the third world war.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: pooya87 on March 19, 2023, 04:31:44 PM
Let's bring the discussion back to dedollarisation instead of War Propaganda.

Let me share a theory I heard recently that involves possible Finland joining NATO and collapse of (Soviet)United (Union)States.

We know that one of the major factors contributing to the collapse of the Soviet Union was economical. All those little countries with loads of economical problems were under the Soviet umbrella and Soviets had to provide them with enough incentive to keep the "loyal". To put simply as the economical problems grew, eventually the whole thing collapsed.

A very similar situation is happening again. It is not example a "union" like Soviet Union but more like a bloc were US is absorbing all these little countries into it. All of them (the entire Europe) has been facing a crisis and US not only been incapable of helping but they've made everything a lot worse by printing more dollars and exporting that inflation to Europe and by selling energy at extremely high prices and at small amounts that helped deindustrialization of Europe. Now more little countries like Finland with all their economical problems are being added to this "bloc" while US economy is slowly collapsing itself.

On the other side we have an Eastern Bloc that consists of the strongest economy (China), members from the West (like South America including Brazil), almost all the energy in the world (Iran has been in the bloc from day 1, Arabs are joining in like Saudi regime which is literary the only reason why Petrodollar is alive, tiny Arab nations like Qatar/UAE/..., Venezuela and more),... and the whole bloc's economy has been growing over the past year while separating itself from the failing Western Economy and also from Dollar.

The theory is that some experts suggest that what we are witnessing today is the start of the collapse of United States in a very similar way Soviet Union collapsed.
This also means more tensions, more conflicts and more nuclear threat.... and threat of WWIII which could also be averted when US collapses like Soviet Union did and nuclear war was averted in 1990's.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Hamza2424 on March 19, 2023, 07:12:33 PM
Let's bring the discussion back to dedollarisation instead of War Propaganda.

A very similar situation is happening again. It is not example a "union" like Soviet Union but more like a bloc were US is absorbing all these little countries into it. All of them (the entire Europe) has been facing a crisis and US not only been incapable of helping but they've made everything a lot worse by printing more dollars and exporting that inflation to Europe and by selling energy at extremely high prices and at small amounts that helped deindustrialization of Europe. Now more little countries like Finland with all their economical problems are being added to this "bloc" while US economy is slowly collapsing itself.

First of all, I don't consider Nato to be the Soviet Union there are huge differences between them. Secondly, I was totally uneducated by these developments which you've mentioned, including why the US is printing money Blindly and Selling high-cost energy to European countries. According to the theory, and all the latest developments in geopolitics I think things are getting tense on both edges of the string but still trying to understand what WWIII can have a beginning as according to the current situation things are not clear its not natural resources for now but in coming time it can be.

There are two current approaches in the world where major powers dominate the remaining world, the first one is selling weapons directly or using proxies which need chaos and with force in every region there is at least one country under chaos. The second approach is dominated by consumer product competition and winning. A third-world strategy also exists which is to sell your natural resources.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: pooya87 on March 20, 2023, 04:10:34 AM
still trying to understand what WWIII can have a beginning
To put it differently, the old World Order where the West with US on top was ruling over the world has been over for some time now but those powers are already addicted to the tremendous amount of power they have been abusing so they are not going to give it up that easily. Hence the proxy wars, the sanctions, the cold wars, etc. But with all that they still couldn't hang on to their power and every day they lose a little more. At some point they have to choose between becoming obsolete or going to war. The warmongers are not known for going out peacefully!

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: DrBeer on March 20, 2023, 04:39:38 PM
Let's bring the discussion back to dedollarisation instead of War Propaganda.

Let me share a theory I heard recently that involves possible Finland joining NATO and collapse of (Soviet)United (Union)States.

We know that one of the major factors contributing to the collapse of the Soviet Union was economical. All those little countries with loads of economical problems were under the Soviet umbrella and Soviets had to provide them with enough incentive to keep the "loyal". To put simply as the economical problems grew, eventually the whole thing collapsed.

A very similar situation is happening again. It is not example a "union" like Soviet Union but more like a bloc were US is absorbing all these little countries into it. All of them (the entire Europe) has been facing a crisis and US not only been incapable of helping but they've made everything a lot worse by printing more dollars and exporting that inflation to Europe and by selling energy at extremely high prices and at small amounts that helped deindustrialization of Europe. Now more little countries like Finland with all their economical problems are being added to this "bloc" while US economy is slowly collapsing itself.

On the other side we have an Eastern Bloc that consists of the strongest economy (China), members from the West (like South America including Brazil), almost all the energy in the world (Iran has been in the bloc from day 1, Arabs are joining in like Saudi regime which is literary the only reason why Petrodollar is alive, tiny Arab nations like Qatar/UAE/..., Venezuela and more),... and the whole bloc's economy has been growing over the past year while separating itself from the failing Western Economy and also from Dollar.

The theory is that some experts suggest that what we are witnessing today is the start of the collapse of United States in a very similar way Soviet Union collapsed.
This also means more tensions, more conflicts and more nuclear threat.... and threat of WWIII which could also be averted when US collapses like Soviet Union did and nuclear war was averted in 1990's.

The collapse of the USSR was really the result of the collapse of the economic system of the USSR, built on terror and the usurpation of the resources of the union republics, and the slavish exploitation of the population of the "fraternal republics". And the USSR, like any slave-owning system, cannot exist for a long time.

But an attempt to build an alliance of rogue countries, liars, fake countries, terrorist countries is completely different. The only ones that look more or less decent against the background of all sorts of Irn, Russia and other "world bottom", these are India and China. But even here everything is not simple. For India and China, these garbage countries are simply FAVORABLE temporary resource appendages, or those with whose hands some "dirty deeds" will be implemented for creating the appearance of "support" from China or India. For example, Russia for China is just a set of historical Chinese territories, a resource appendage, and a "guinea pig", but not a partner or friend, as Russia is trying its best to show :)

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Wind_FURY on March 22, 2023, 05:15:29 AM
Let's bring the discussion back to dedollarisation instead of War Propaganda.

Let me share a theory I heard recently that involves possible Finland joining NATO and collapse of (Soviet)United (Union)States.

We know that one of the major factors contributing to the collapse of the Soviet Union was economical. All those little countries with loads of economical problems were under the Soviet umbrella and Soviets had to provide them with enough incentive to keep the "loyal". To put simply as the economical problems grew, eventually the whole thing collapsed.

A very similar situation is happening again. It is not example a "union" like Soviet Union but more like a bloc were US is absorbing all these little countries into it. All of them (the entire Europe) has been facing a crisis and US not only been incapable of helping but they've made everything a lot worse by printing more dollars and exporting that inflation to Europe and by selling energy at extremely high prices and at small amounts that helped deindustrialization of Europe. Now more little countries like Finland with all their economical problems are being added to this "bloc" while US economy is slowly collapsing itself.

On the other side we have an Eastern Bloc that consists of the strongest economy (China), members from the West (like South America including Brazil), almost all the energy in the world (Iran has been in the bloc from day 1, Arabs are joining in like Saudi regime which is literary the only reason why Petrodollar is alive, tiny Arab nations like Qatar/UAE/..., Venezuela and more),... and the whole bloc's economy has been growing over the past year while separating itself from the failing Western Economy and also from Dollar.

The theory is that some experts suggest that what we are witnessing today is the start of the collapse of United States in a very similar way Soviet Union collapsed.
This also means more tensions, more conflicts and more nuclear threat.... and threat of WWIII which could also be averted when US collapses like Soviet Union did and nuclear war was averted in 1990's.

OK, you posted your theory. Playing the Devil's Advocate, let me post something that's actually happening in practice. BRICS can't compete with the United States Dollar system because BRICS can't run their own systems properly. Do the research on that.

World trade chooses the United States Dollar system because nothing else can compete with it in? Spendability, Saveability, and Liquidity. It's simply the easiest currency to move, makes the most practical choice to hold because it's the easiest to move in/out to/from it, and everyone wants to accept/transact in it, including China.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: pooya87 on March 22, 2023, 03:33:37 PM
BRICS can't compete with the United States Dollar system because BRICS can't run their own systems properly. Do the research on that.
Thanks for your input but you need to explain your claims better than this.

World trade chooses the United States Dollar system because nothing else can compete with it in? Spendability, Saveability, and Liquidity. It's simply the easiest currency to move, makes the most practical choice to hold because it's the easiest to move in/out to/from it, and everyone wants to accept/transact in it, including China.
Then how do you explain the fact that slowly but surely Yuan is already replacing dollar?

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: DrBeer on March 23, 2023, 11:39:50 AM
By the way, very interesting information about Xi Dzingpin's visit. His humble servant, Putin, asked his master for the right to trade with African countries for... no, not rubles, but for yuan :) Do you feel why all these BRICS and other fighters with the dollar came? They begin to subsidize the Chinese economy by selling their goods for Yuan, while China is quietly and frankly stocking up on dollars and gold! At the same time, he supports his demonic "partners" with both hands, who are hysterically getting rid of the dollar! Such a trick when dollars flow from the pocket of not very smart countries to the pocket of a more smart country.

PS and also - thank you very much to India for the online show "How to Divorce an Asshole". It's about how India buys goods from Russia for rupees, but at the same time India has forbidden Russia to exchange rupees for dollars. I just applaud!!!! :)

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: coupable on March 23, 2023, 07:53:14 PM
But it is unfortunate to say that Ukraine may not again have the opportunity to decide its own destiny. Its choice after the collapse of the Soviet Union was mainly strategic and due to the fear of being targeted by any side. But it did not work to develop a military and civilian force capable of facing any potential danger, whether from one of its neighbors or from any other country.
Russia would not have dared to destroy the Crimea region in front of everyone's eyes had it not been aware that Ukraine is weak in front of it and that the West will not support it as it dreamed of.

We have already drawn conclusions from the Russian aggression that was launched against Ukraine in 2014.
Our army is being reformed, the transition to high-tech and progressive Western weapons.
We are reforming the very structure of the army, according to the Western standard.
We are forming territorial defense detachments (including tactical, physical, theoretical training)
Well, and most importantly, what Russia has been thinking about for so long - supposedly Ukraine was going to join NATO in 2014, Russia persuaded us - yes, we are now really planning to join NATO!

And what is VERY important - the Russian war against Ukraine, in fact, revived NATO, and Western unity! Now most of the Western countries understand that now it is impossible to allow the possibility of accumulating significant power for some inadequate regime in order to terrorize the whole world later. Now other rogue and terrorist countries will have problems: North Korea, Iran and the like

I do not think that it is easy for Ukraine today to join NATO, or that NATO will accept it, or that Russia will allow it. America, which heads NATO, is fully benefiting from this war and achieving through it goals that it would not have succeeded in achieving if it wanted to enter into a direct confrontation with Russia. Ukraine is a country at war, and NATO will be forced to defend it if it accepts its accession, and this is what Russia will consider a declaration of war on it by NATO. This ignites the entire region, and this may be the beginning of the third world war that the world awaits in fear.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Ngewex Yuk on March 24, 2023, 04:00:17 AM
The threat of an economic recession is of course getting closer because of the many tensions that have the potential to become a war like what happened with Russia vs Ukraine, but there is something unique when many types of investment have decreased but the price of gold in my country has increased significantly in 2023, I don't know if the price of gold on the global market will either go on.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: DrBeer on March 24, 2023, 01:54:00 PM
I do not think that it is easy for Ukraine today to join NATO, or that NATO will accept it, or that Russia will allow it. America, which heads NATO, is fully benefiting from this war and achieving through it goals that it would not have succeeded in achieving if it wanted to enter into a direct confrontation with Russia. Ukraine is a country at war, and NATO will be forced to defend it if it accepts its accession, and this is what Russia will consider a declaration of war on it by NATO. This ignites the entire region, and this may be the beginning of the third world war that the world awaits in fear.

As a supporter of Ukraine's accession to NATO, I'll tell you honestly:
in 2018, when this idea appeared, I assessed it as unlikely. I am completely honest about this!
Causes ? Yes, mass - desire - is not a solution. The standards of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are very far from NATO standards - both technically and in terms of construction and management. There is a war going on in the country against a very vile, but rather strong enemy. The NATO legal framework requires the fulfillment of a huge number of conditions - for which we were not ready in 2018.
Now the situation has changed. Firstly, Ukraine has a colossal real experience of warfare. Moreover, both with Soviet-style weapons and with current Western weapons of the NATO standard. The structure of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is already being adapted to NATO standards. This point is not for joining NATO, but at least for bringing the structure of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to a more effective construction, principles of management, which shows itself very effectively in confronting the country with a terrorist.
The course of the war has already changed, and now it is only a matter of time when it will end. It will end with the victory of Ukraine and the entire civilized world.
And most importantly, I'm not 100% sure that Russia will be divided into several separate countries, as was the case with Hitler's Germany, for example. I really hope so, but there is no 100% certainty. Therefore, Ukraine for NATO, and NATO for Ukraine can become a kind of convenient, mutually beneficial symbiosis, while the terrorist country is preserved in a potentially unsafe "live state".

By the way, if we return to the topic, then just this war gave impetus to the revival of NATO, to the revision of NATO's goals, to the rearmament or rearmament of its members, which means that this is a powerful impetus for the economies of countries producing weapons and their partners! So the cost of such internationally recognized currencies as the dollar, pound, euro - on the contrary, will be more in demand, provided by the real economy.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Ozero on March 25, 2023, 04:16:15 PM

I do not think that it is easy for Ukraine today to join NATO, or that NATO will accept it, or that Russia will allow it. America, which heads NATO, is fully benefiting from this war and achieving through it goals that it would not have succeeded in achieving if it wanted to enter into a direct confrontation with Russia. Ukraine is a country at war, and NATO will be forced to defend it if it accepts its accession, and this is what Russia will consider a declaration of war on it by NATO. This ignites the entire region, and this may be the beginning of the third world war that the world awaits in fear.
We are not talking about Ukraine joining NATO before the end of the war with Russia. In any case, the war will not drag on for a long time, it is not beneficial to anyone, including Russia itself, despite the Kremlin's assurances that they are capable of fighting for a long time. The hot phase of the war should end by summer or autumn.

There is nothing to fight in Russia anymore. Lack of everything, and above all armored vehicles and ammunition. Combat-ready trained Russian troops are also running out. Today I read information that the elite 155th Marine Brigade of the Russian Pacific Fleet was defeated in Ukraine eight times already, after which the brigade was constantly replenished with new contract soldiers and mobilized ones. One can imagine what and with what experience and desire he is now fighting as part of this brigade.

Ukraine will join NATO at the first opportunity and they predict that it will be almost the next day after the end of the war. And above all, the members of this alliance themselves are interested in this, since Ukraine has invaluable experience in warfare with the latest NATO technologies, which even the military of this bloc does not have. In addition, Ukraine has its own samples and developments in armaments, which are often not inferior to NATO weapons, as well as the relevant specialists and material base for their manufacture. To have such a buffer before Russia as Ukraine, both Europe and the USA are interested.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: disconnectme on March 25, 2023, 05:20:40 PM
I believe the US has overplayed its card with all these USD sanctions but the big question is who else can we trust to marshall the world economy, China will be worse than the USA, if you looked at how the Communist Party runs China, you won't pray for that to happen to the world, that would be a disaster. I know the BRIRCS alliance is getting stronger and the west seems so stupid to be weakening themselves from the inside through all these rubbish policies they are pushing, but for now, I don't think the world really ready for a post-USA era

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: pooya87 on March 26, 2023, 04:32:31 AM
I believe the US has overplayed its card with all these USD sanctions
US is one bad decision after the other in the past ~70 years after WWII. The last straw was the Bush decision that led to wasting of $10 trillion in West Asia that is the main reason why US economy is falling apart today.
After US escaped Afghanistan there was some small hope for changing those stupid decisions but it turned out that it was also a stupid decision since the rest of the US forces in West Asia still remain and CENTCOM is still hemorrhaging money. For example over the past couple of days at least 5 of those bases were bombed into oblivion, that is tens of millions of dollars vaporized on daily basis.
Domestically the regime is messing up too, with constant money printing and banking system that keeps collapsing. When looking at the infrastructure in US, it is all decrepit and is falling apart too which requires massive investment to fix. From the trains that keep derailing to everything else that is falling apart!

China will be worse than the USA,
That should be the biggest concern of every country but unfortunately some are caught between a terrible choice (US) and a less terrible choice (China) so they choose China. In ten years from now we could see China do the same thing US is doing now.

I don't think the world really ready for a post-USA era
Maybe, but the world also has no other choice. They either have to accept massive inflation that they endure because of US constant money printing to dump dollar.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: disconnectme on March 26, 2023, 07:43:59 AM

I don't think the world really ready for a post-USA era
Maybe, but the world also has no other choice. They either have to accept massive inflation that they endure because of US constant money printing to dump dollar.

Thanks for expatiating on the points I made, I just feel going back to the Gold back currencies is likely going to help resolve the issue of massive inflation caused by the constant printing of USD, there are still loopholes around this but it is better than the current system we are running, I don't think America will support this, since she has benefited most from the shift from Gold-backed currencies to Fiat and being the world power and the success of the Petrol dollar so far she won't go for it and another thing is that most of these BRICS countries have increased their Gold reserved significantly in the past years. For me, we are likely going to stick with the current status quo unless the power that be wants to empower China or any other countries to take power from the US which I doubt

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: pooya87 on March 26, 2023, 06:02:32 PM
William Ruto, the president of Kenya gave an interesting speech recently. In his speech he pointed out that his country is going to stop using dollar to import fuel (basically an arrow at the heart of Petrodollar) and he also pointed out the deals with the oil producers (like Arabs) to stop using dollar. But that's not the interesting part of his speech.

The interesting part was that he somewhat approved a rumor that has been going around for some time. He literary warned his people to avoid dollar as it is about to dump hard in a couple of weeks. The rumor that this warning seems to approve is that "142 countries have came to an agreement behind the scene to dump dollar at the same time and refuse to accept it as payment". They even have a name for it: Operation Sandman.

The following weeks are going to be very interesting if this rumor is true.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: WatChe on March 28, 2023, 03:24:33 PM
William Ruto, the president of Kenya gave an interesting speech recently. In his speech he pointed out that his country is going to stop using dollar to import fuel (basically an arrow at the heart of Petrodollar) and he also pointed out the deals with the oil producers (like Arabs) to stop using dollar. But that's not the interesting part of his speech.

The interesting part was that he somewhat approved a rumor that has been going around for some time. He literary warned his people to avoid dollar as it is about to dump hard in a couple of weeks. The rumor that this warning seems to approve is that "142 countries have came to an agreement behind the scene to dump dollar at the same time and refuse to accept it as payment". They even have a name for it: Operation Sandman.

The following weeks are going to be very interesting if this rumor is true.

There is a news on Bloomberg ( that KSA is now open to discussion on settling the trade in currencies other then USD. If OPEC countries successful in migrating to other currencies for settling oil trades then it will be a big set back to USD. Meanwhile there are other countries like Srilanka and Pakistan which are in dire need of USD for survival. Sri Lanka is successful in getting bailout package from IMF while IMF is reluctant in providing bailout package to Pakistan which is at the edge of default.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Argoo on March 28, 2023, 05:24:09 PM
After Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Finland and Sweden applied to join NATO, and on July 5, 2022, a protocol on their entry into the Alliance was already signed. Thus, Putin, wanting to move NATO away from Russia, brought it even closer to himself, having received 1,200 km on the borders with this alliance. Now everything is also moving towards the fact that as a result of the Russian-Ukrainian war, a new powerful geopolitical union may be formed on the territory of Europe.

It is predicted that this will be an equal and mutually beneficial geopolitical union of Poland and Ukraine, while maintaining sovereignties, which will be joined by weaker states (Moldova, the Baltic countries), and it will be under the geopolitical patronage of Great Britain.

It may be a more viable alliance than even the current NATO, one that can quickly take the most decisive action to protect the common territory. In this case, NATO will seem to Putin like a sweet memory from the past.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Smartprofit on March 28, 2023, 05:53:12 PM
After Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Finland and Sweden applied to join NATO, and on July 5, 2022, a protocol on their entry into the Alliance was already signed. Thus, Putin, wanting to move NATO away from Russia, brought it even closer to himself, having received 1,200 km on the borders with this alliance. Now everything is also moving towards the fact that as a result of the Russian-Ukrainian war, a new powerful geopolitical union may be formed on the territory of Europe.

It is predicted that this will be an equal and mutually beneficial geopolitical union of Poland and Ukraine, while maintaining sovereignties, which will be joined by weaker states (Moldova, the Baltic countries), and it will be under the geopolitical patronage of Great Britain.

It may be a more viable alliance than even the current NATO, one that can quickly take the most decisive action to protect the common territory. In this case, NATO will seem to Putin like a sweet memory from the past.

The Polish - Lithuanian Commonwealth is an ancient civilizational project, a state formation, a confederation, which in the 17th century included Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine and Belarus. 

At a certain stage, the Polish - Lithuanian Commonwealth even included Russia in its composition (this happened as a result of the Time of Troubles after the death of the Russian Tsar Boris Godunov). 

This civilizational project failed because this state was located between Russia and Germany (Austria).  The Polish - Lithuanian Commonwealth was subjected to three sections and repeatedly lost sovereignty.  The revival of the Polish - Lithuanian Commonwealth
 is not only a blow to Russia, but also a blow to Germany with its dream of a United Europe. 

In general, in my opinion, it is not very good that people are increasingly turning to the ideas of the 17th century.  It was a bloody time!  It was a time of destructive wars and disregard for laws. 

I would like to live in the 21st century, not in the 17th century (although I certainly do not deny the right of any sovereign states to enter into any unions).  But I don't want Europe to go back to the 17th century...

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: loabiti33 on March 28, 2023, 06:31:33 PM
It's the new natural course of things, dollar will be replaced, and not even the all powerful Hollywood propaganda to make us think the US still have the crown wont work ,It's what Ray Dalio always said in his works, specially in The Changing World Order.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: RealMalatesta on March 29, 2023, 11:31:39 AM
The Polish - Lithuanian Commonwealth is an ancient civilizational project, a state formation, a confederation, which in the 17th century included Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine and Belarus. 

At a certain stage, the Polish - Lithuanian Commonwealth even included Russia in its composition (this happened as a result of the Time of Troubles after the death of the Russian Tsar Boris Godunov). 

This civilizational project failed because this state was located between Russia and Germany (Austria).  The Polish - Lithuanian Commonwealth was subjected to three sections and repeatedly lost sovereignty.  The revival of the Polish - Lithuanian Commonwealth
 is not only a blow to Russia, but also a blow to Germany with its dream of a United Europe. 

In general, in my opinion, it is not very good that people are increasingly turning to the ideas of the 17th century.  It was a bloody time!  It was a time of destructive wars and disregard for laws. 

I would like to live in the 21st century, not in the 17th century (although I certainly do not deny the right of any sovereign states to enter into any unions).  But I don't want Europe to go back to the 17th century...
I think it is important to remember that every nation has a right to decide for itself, and neither west nor Russia should be getting involved with it. Ukraine was an example of that, the president they had wanted to join EU and said so himself and people voted for him and look at the result.

This is somehow the guilty part of Ukraine? Of course not, they wanted to join EU as a nation, and no other nation (Russia) should have a say in this. Same goes for Germanies understanding of united Europe, let the other nations decide whatever they want, if they want to do this, they shouldn't be stopped somehow and just let them decide whatever they want to do.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Mario Yamasaki on March 29, 2023, 03:43:52 PM
I think the biggest problem that is happening with the current economic system is capitalism, when capitalism gets stronger then the gap will be high, the poor will protest and feel they are not getting justice because financial access is closed for the poor, and when there are no poor people spending money then it becomes a problem for the rich, and in my opinion a lot of money is dumped because the state does not care about providing people's welfare.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: pooya87 on March 29, 2023, 03:54:16 PM
There is a news on Bloomberg ( that KSA is now open to discussion on settling the trade in currencies other then USD. If OPEC countries successful in migrating to other currencies for settling oil trades then it will be a big set back to USD.
That is already under way and funny thing is that US caused it :)
For example Iraq recently switched to using Yuan because US kept blocking their money after they sold their energy using dollar because they were demanding that US ends its illegal occupation of their country. Now they are using Yuan and their money is no longer blocked/stolen by US regime.

Meanwhile there are other countries like Srilanka and Pakistan which are in dire need of USD for survival. Sri Lanka is successful in getting bailout package from IMF while IMF is reluctant in providing bailout package to Pakistan which is at the edge of default.
One of the reasons why countries default is because of how US keeps exporting its inflation abroad and manipulates the interest rates to keep dollar strong. Suddenly we have countries that have had their national currency dumped against dollar (because of US exported inflation) that have to pay a lot more than what they'd borrowed.

Abandoning US dollar solves that too, when dollar crashes you'd pay 0.1 Rupee (or even less) for a dollar instead of 283 ;)

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: slapper on March 29, 2023, 03:56:46 PM
After Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Finland and Sweden applied to join NATO, and on July 5, 2022, a protocol on their entry into the Alliance was already signed. Thus, Putin, wanting to move NATO away from Russia, brought it even closer to himself, having received 1,200 km on the borders with this alliance. Now everything is also moving towards the fact that as a result of the Russian-Ukrainian war, a new powerful geopolitical union may be formed on the territory of Europe.

It is predicted that this will be an equal and mutually beneficial geopolitical union of Poland and Ukraine, while maintaining sovereignties, which will be joined by weaker states (Moldova, the Baltic countries), and it will be under the geopolitical patronage of Great Britain.

It may be a more viable alliance than even the current NATO, one that can quickly take the most decisive action to protect the common territory. In this case, NATO will seem to Putin like a sweet memory from the past.

The Polish - Lithuanian Commonwealth is an ancient civilizational project, a state formation, a confederation, which in the 17th century included Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine and Belarus.  

At a certain stage, the Polish - Lithuanian Commonwealth even included Russia in its composition (this happened as a result of the Time of Troubles after the death of the Russian Tsar Boris Godunov).  

This civilizational project failed because this state was located between Russia and Germany (Austria).  The Polish - Lithuanian Commonwealth was subjected to three sections and repeatedly lost sovereignty.  The revival of the Polish - Lithuanian Commonwealth
 is not only a blow to Russia, but also a blow to Germany with its dream of a United Europe.  

In general, in my opinion, it is not very good that people are increasingly turning to the ideas of the 17th century.  It was a bloody time!  It was a time of destructive wars and disregard for laws.  

I would like to live in the 21st century, not in the 17th century (although I certainly do not deny the right of any sovereign states to enter into any unions).  But I don't want Europe to go back to the 17th century...
The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was good in theory but poor in practice. The Commonwealth collapsed under external pressure. 21st-century Commonwealth revival? No way! It's a fantasy that doesn't work in reality. The Commonwealth has served its purpose. But doesn't reviving the Commonwealth undermine Russia and Germany's goals for a single Europe? Saying that is foolish. We should change like Europe has since the 1700s. Despite its issues, the EU has brought unprecedented peace and security. Let's improve Europe's future instead of romanticizing a failed concept.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: WatChe on March 29, 2023, 04:22:26 PM
That is already under way and funny thing is that US caused it :)
For example Iraq recently switched to using Yuan because US kept blocking their money after they sold their energy using dollar because they were demanding that US ends its illegal occupation of their country. Now they are using Yuan and their money is no longer blocked/stolen by US regime.

Iraq is trading Oil with China in Yuan and if this deals gets successful then there may be other counties start trading in currency other then USD. For decade USD has acted as a global currency for settling trades.

Abandoning US dollar solves that too, when dollar crashes you'd pay 0.1 Rupee (or even less) for a dollar instead of 283 ;)

We need USD to settle trades atleast for now. Right now LCs (Letters of Credit) are not opening in Pakistan because of acute shortage of USD. Pakistan is at the brink of default because of internal disputes between Army and most popular political party headed by Imran Khan. Atleast there is some miracle we are not expecting anything positive because of Army not willing to conduct elections in the country.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: bittraffic on March 29, 2023, 04:45:11 PM
That is already under way and funny thing is that US caused it :)
For example Iraq recently switched to using Yuan because US kept blocking their money after they sold their energy using dollar because they were demanding that US ends its illegal occupation of their country. Now they are using Yuan and their money is no longer blocked/stolen by US regime.

Iraq is trading Oil with China in Yuan and if this deals gets successful then there may be other counties start trading in currency other then USD. For decade USD has acted as a global currency for settling trades.

Abandoning US dollar solves that too, when dollar crashes you'd pay 0.1 Rupee (or even less) for a dollar instead of 283 ;)

We need USD to settle trades atleast for now. Right now LCs (Letters of Credit) are not opening in Pakistan because of acute shortage of USD. Pakistan is at the brink of default because of internal disputes between Army and most popular political party headed by Imran Khan. Atleast there is some miracle we are not expecting anything positive because of Army not willing to conduct elections in the country.

When Russia was sanctioned, every world leader was thinking already whether it could also happen to them particularly the ones in the middle east.
The rise of the Yuan is inevitable already since China is already dominating and it seems all in the Middle East are also abandoning the USD. This is why Isreal is really going to be in big trouble, they should be making peace deals with the countries surrounding them or it will end in a disaster if war breaks in the region.

When one alliance loses in an economic war, it destroys itself. We can see now leaders in Europe are losing thier power like Macron. And probably Sunak soon.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: pooya87 on March 29, 2023, 05:57:52 PM
Another group of countries joined the "Dollar Dumping Party". These are about a dozen countries in South East Asia in an economic union called The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) that came to an agreement amongst themselves to dump dollar in all the trades that takes place in this union. That is 8.5% of the world population.
What makes this one interesting is the countries in this bloc such as Philippines and Vietnam and some others that are not known for doing anything "against US wishes"...

This is why Isreal is really going to be in big trouble, they should be making peace deals with the countries surrounding them or it will end in a disaster if war breaks in the region.
This terrorist organization is already falling apart from inside, there is nothing they can do to prevent that anymore. They never looked for peace either, just recently they had the audacity to claim Jordan is theirs and has to be taken.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: coupable on March 29, 2023, 11:26:41 PM

I do not think that it is easy for Ukraine today to join NATO, or that NATO will accept it, or that Russia will allow it. America, which heads NATO, is fully benefiting from this war and achieving through it goals that it would not have succeeded in achieving if it wanted to enter into a direct confrontation with Russia. Ukraine is a country at war, and NATO will be forced to defend it if it accepts its accession, and this is what Russia will consider a declaration of war on it by NATO. This ignites the entire region, and this may be the beginning of the third world war that the world awaits in fear.
We are not talking about Ukraine joining NATO before the end of the war with Russia. In any case, the war will not drag on for a long time, it is not beneficial to anyone, including Russia itself, despite the Kremlin's assurances that they are capable of fighting for a long time. The hot phase of the war should end by summer or autumn.

You look very optimistic by the way :)
Russia is still insisting on achieving ambitions that no one knows its limits. While the entire region is preparing itself for a long-term war. The Baltic countries are considering options to join NATO and fear that Russia will invade Poland, in addition to the buildup of arms on the western side. Surely you have recently heard about Putin's intention to turn Belarus into a nuclear base in response to the weapons that Britain had supported Ukraine for a while.
All indications confirm that Russia will not stop the war, especially since it has formed a front for itself that includes countries hostile to America and the West, such as China and Iran.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Ozero on March 31, 2023, 08:11:48 AM

You look very optimistic by the way :)
Russia is still insisting on achieving ambitions that no one knows its limits. While the entire region is preparing itself for a long-term war. The Baltic countries are considering options to join NATO and fear that Russia will invade Poland, in addition to the buildup of arms on the western side. Surely you have recently heard about Putin's intention to turn Belarus into a nuclear base in response to the weapons that Britain had supported Ukraine for a while.
All indications confirm that Russia will not stop the war, especially since it has formed a front for itself that includes countries hostile to America and the West, such as China and Iran.
The outcome of the war that Russia started by attacking Ukraine will depend on the results of the spring offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. It may well be that as a result of this offensive, Ukraine will liberate its southern territories, including the Crimean peninsula. Then big problems will begin in Russia and Putin's entourage will no longer be able to continue this war. A few days ago, Putin was given a report by the military and experts recommending that troops be withdrawn from Ukraine pending a full-scale invasion. And immediately, otherwise in ten days it may already be too late. Apparently, this refers to the expected offensive of the Ukrainian troops. Now Putin is pondering which option to choose - bad for Russia or very bad.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: siniminomorocomunisakito on March 31, 2023, 02:00:03 PM
Another group of countries joined the "Dollar Dumping Party". These are about a dozen countries in South East Asia in an economic union called The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) that came to an agreement amongst themselves to dump dollar in all the trades that takes place in this union. That is 8.5% of the world population.
What makes this one interesting is the countries in this bloc such as Philippines and Vietnam and some others that are not known for doing anything "against US wishes"...

This is why Isreal is really going to be in big trouble, they should be making peace deals with the countries surrounding them or it will end in a disaster if war breaks in the region.
This terrorist organization is already falling apart from inside, there is nothing they can do to prevent that anymore. They never looked for peace either, just recently they had the audacity to claim Jordan is theirs and has to be taken.

Yes, noteworthy. The world's population has joined the "Dollar Waste Party". It remains to be seen how this decision will affect the global economy, but I think it signals a shift in the power dynamics of the economy. Meanwhile, statements about Israel and surrounding countries are complex issues that require a deeper understanding of the region's political, historical and cultural context to fully assess.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: DrBeer on March 31, 2023, 03:23:02 PM
William Ruto, the president of Kenya gave an interesting speech recently. In his speech he pointed out that his country is going to stop using dollar to import fuel (basically an arrow at the heart of Petrodollar) and he also pointed out the deals with the oil producers (like Arabs) to stop using dollar. But that's not the interesting part of his speech.

The interesting part was that he somewhat approved a rumor that has been going around for some time. He literary warned his people to avoid dollar as it is about to dump hard in a couple of weeks. The rumor that this warning seems to approve is that "142 countries have came to an agreement behind the scene to dump dollar at the same time and refuse to accept it as payment". They even have a name for it: Operation Sandman.

The following weeks are going to be very interesting if this rumor is true.

What a stupid attempt to wishful thinking  ;D

What happens in reality and not distorted reality?
This is about the fact that inside Kenya there is a very high demand for the DOLLAR, and VERY MANY people need it. And the state is not able to provide it, since a significant part of the dollars went to buy oil. They managed to transfer part of the purchase to local currencies in order to "leave more free DEMANDED dollars" for other sectors of the economy, where it is impossible to cope without the dollar. And the imbalance in the Keknia foreign exchange market is putting pressure on the local currency.

But this is not a REFUSAL from the dollar, this is an attempt to give it just to everyone who needs it critically :)

Reading the ORIGINAL:

NAIROBI, Kenya, Mar 22 – President William Ruto expects dollar demand in the country to ease as the government plans to import fuel in Kenya shillings.

Ruto’s remark comes after the cost of buying a dollar increased to as high as Sh145.5 per dollar as of yesterday.

Greenback demand in the country has been rising over the last few years due to high demand from importers.

However, dollar requests are expected to drop after the Kenyan government and its Saudi counterpart signed an import deal for fuel importation on credit.

Early this month, Energy Cabinet Secretary Davis Chirchir said that the oil import deal would see the state-run National Oil Corporation (NOCK) import 30 percent of the country’s monthly fuel requirement.

The above will be on credit for six months to a year, helping the government ease pressure on the dollar.

“And So I just want to assure those in Kenya who were facing challenges of access to dollars that we have taken steps to ensure that dollar availability in the next couple of weeks is going to be very different because our fuel companies will now be paying for fuels in Kenya shilling,” the President said during the listing of the Laptrust Imara I-REIT  at the Nairobi Securities Exchange today.

Once again I remind the "petty liars" - it's stupid to lie, the truth will always leak out, and you will look even more stupid!  ;D

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: WatChe on April 01, 2023, 04:47:14 PM
This terrorist organization is already falling apart from inside, there is nothing they can do to prevent that anymore. They never looked for peace either, just recently they had the audacity to claim Jordan is theirs and has to be taken.

The story of Israel is different. They are living in a region which is full of countries that were hostile towards Israel (but not anymore). Israel has successfully neutralised all its enemies in the region through different techniques. Now there are bilateral ties of Israel with UAE and Oman with KSA lined up. The world is definitely changing and in few years we may see new blocks building up. This saying is very much valid that there are no permanent enemies nor friends.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: pooya87 on April 02, 2023, 02:38:20 PM
This terrorist organization is already falling apart from inside, there is nothing they can do to prevent that anymore. They never looked for peace either, just recently they had the audacity to claim Jordan is theirs and has to be taken.

The story of Israel is different. They are living in a region which is full of countries that were hostile towards Israel (but not anymore). Israel has successfully neutralised all its enemies in the region through different techniques. Now there are bilateral ties of Israel with UAE and Oman with KSA lined up. The world is definitely changing and in few years we may see new blocks building up. This saying is very much valid that there are no permanent enemies nor friends.
In West Asia nobody wants these radicals who are bombing innocent civilians on daily basis but some of the regimes were forced to accept its existence either because they were defeated in the war (eg. Egypt) or were ordered by United States to accept forced relationships (eg. Saudi regime). Such forced normalization attempts never changed the view of the population though which became too obvious during the World Cup in Qatar.
The regimes in West Asia are also slowly getting out of that forced position as US becomes weaker and is kicked out of the region. For example recently many of them including Saudi regime rejected flights from the occupied lands.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: WatChe on April 02, 2023, 06:22:41 PM
In West Asia nobody wants these radicals who are bombing innocent civilians on daily basis but some of the regimes were forced to accept its existence either because they were defeated in the war (eg. Egypt) or were ordered by United States to accept forced relationships (eg. Saudi regime). Such forced normalization attempts never changed the view of the population though which became too obvious during the World Cup in Qatar.
The regimes in West Asia are also slowly getting out of that forced position as US becomes weaker and is kicked out of the region. For example recently many of them including Saudi regime rejected flights from the occupied lands.

Gulf countries along with other Arab nations have strong stance on Israel from day one and its surprising how UAE took U-turn on his stance about Israel and have recognized it as state. There are very few like Iran that are still standing firm on there initial stance.
Even in Pakistan we are hearing news that government is doing negotiations with Israel. The former prime minister of Pakistan Imran Khan had very clear stance on Israel that Pakistan will never recognize that state but after his regime was changed the new government (very much pro USA) are doing such things which are against the will of people in Pakistan.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Synchronice on April 02, 2023, 08:21:03 PM
William Ruto, the president of Kenya gave an interesting speech recently. In his speech he pointed out that his country is going to stop using dollar to import fuel (basically an arrow at the heart of Petrodollar) and he also pointed out the deals with the oil producers (like Arabs) to stop using dollar. But that's not the interesting part of his speech.

The interesting part was that he somewhat approved a rumor that has been going around for some time. He literary warned his people to avoid dollar as it is about to dump hard in a couple of weeks. The rumor that this warning seems to approve is that "142 countries have came to an agreement behind the scene to dump dollar at the same time and refuse to accept it as payment". They even have a name for it: Operation Sandman.

The following weeks are going to be very interesting if this rumor is true.
While everything that happens around financial system will negatively affect everyone, it's quite interesting event at the same time. Countries want to damp dollar and move on Gold? Good luck, the USA, Germany, Italiy and France are leading the chart. Do they want to move on Chinese yuan and cut ties with Western countries? Good luck again, experience the low salaries, high workload, increased corruption, increased mental degradation, worse healthcare, I can continue this list endessly.

The USA has roots so deeply that it will be very hard to cut ties with USD and move on Gold, even here it has an advantage too. Also, after USD, the most popular currency is Euro. I don't think that any country will benefit by cutting ties with the USA, EU, Canada/Australia/NewZealand/UK and will reach to heaven by befriending with less developed countries.
But you reap what you sow. Plain and simple!

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Casdinyard on April 02, 2023, 08:44:32 PM
I think there's a simple answer as to why the US dollar is continuously dumping in value despite being revered as one of the most secure currencies in the market and even more so becoming the pegged currency for most countries nowadays, and that answer is "US sucks so much right now in the government decision-making department". For instance, it is noted that the government of US prints more money than it burns, therefore contributing to the inflation of the dollar, and because as it stands today, besides the nuclear warheads they use which are by the way they are prohibited to use against the Geneva Convention anyway, US has nothing else going for it, and this could partly be the reason why the coin is dripping in value.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Kadal Ijo on April 03, 2023, 10:16:35 AM
As long as the world still uses paper money that has no value, the threat of inflation will continue to occur, moreover, most countries do not have a strong basis for printing money, as long as they want to print, they will not delay any longer. It can happen at any time because many countries are competing with each other to strengthen their military.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: pooya87 on April 03, 2023, 02:36:38 PM
The former prime minister of Pakistan Imran Khan had very clear stance on Israel that Pakistan will never recognize that state but after his regime was changed the new government (very much pro USA) are doing such things which are against the will of people in Pakistan.
Exactly. Many governments were forced to "obey" US policies. It is understandable too, after all US used to be be the only existing super power for decades that has been dictating the global policies which countries had to obey. It is also not easy to go against those policies even though it is rewarding, specially for countries that don't have the resources. Hence they sometimes have to even break their principles.

This is also one of the reasons why dedollarisation is important for the world. For example Pakistan that had to ask IMF for a dollar loan and be forced to apply laws (such as increasing energy prices) that hurts its economy while not even receiving the loan can now ask for a loan from China for example and not be forced to do anything like before and also be able to complete the gas pipeline so that it can receive gas from its western neighbor Iran since US won't have the same leverage to use to force Pakistan to not do it!

While everything that happens around financial system will negatively affect everyone, it's quite interesting event at the same time. Countries want to damp dollar and move on Gold? Good luck, the USA, Germany, Italiy and France are leading the chart. Do they want to move on Chinese yuan and cut ties with Western countries? Good luck again, experience the low salaries, high workload, increased corruption, increased mental degradation, worse healthcare, I can continue this list endessly.

The USA has roots so deeply that it will be very hard to cut ties with USD and move on Gold, even here it has an advantage too. Also, after USD, the most popular currency is Euro. I don't think that any country will benefit by cutting ties with the USA, EU, Canada/Australia/NewZealand/UK and will reach to heaven by befriending with less developed countries.
But you reap what you sow. Plain and simple!
Things are not this black and white. Dumping dollar doesn't mean cutting ties with any of those countries you named. It means for example if Brazil wants to trade with one of its neighbors like Colombia or Venezuela they will no longer use dollar, they use their own currencies and other form of trade agreements. When they want to trade with China they use Yuan and when they want to trade with US and its colonies they use dollar.

Even if they move to gold, it doesn't matter who has the most of it! It is not a dick measuring contest :)
What it means is that they trades would be backed by something that is moderately stable and most important of all gold is something that you can NOT print out of thin air any time you wanted to!

P.S. Don't forget that 80-90 years or maybe more ago most people in the world didn't even know what dollar is. 250 years ago US didn't even exist and for thousands of years people from hundred something countries were trading with each other without problems they have today.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: bangjoe on April 03, 2023, 03:15:53 PM
While everything that happens around financial system will negatively affect everyone, it's quite interesting event at the same time. Countries want to damp dollar and move on Gold? Good luck, the USA, Germany, Italiy and France are leading the chart. Do they want to move on Chinese yuan and cut ties with Western countries? Good luck again, experience the low salaries, high workload, increased corruption, increased mental degradation, worse healthcare, I can continue this list endessly.

The USA has roots so deeply that it will be very hard to cut ties with USD and move on Gold, even here it has an advantage too. Also, after USD, the most popular currency is Euro. I don't think that any country will benefit by cutting ties with the USA, EU, Canada/Australia/NewZealand/UK and will reach to heaven by befriending with less developed countries.
But you reap what you sow. Plain and simple!
Things are not this black and white. Dumping dollar doesn't mean cutting ties with any of those countries you named. It means for example if Brazil wants to trade with one of its neighbors like Colombia or Venezuela they will no longer use dollar, they use their own currencies and other form of trade agreements. When they want to trade with China they use Yuan and when they want to trade with US and its colonies they use dollar.

Even if they move to gold, it doesn't matter who has the most of it! It is not a dick measuring contest :)
What it means is that they trades would be backed by something that is moderately stable and most important of all gold is something that you can NOT print out of thin air any time you wanted to!

P.S. Don't forget that 80-90 years or maybe more ago most people in the world didn't even know what dollar is. 250 years ago US didn't even exist and for thousands of years people from hundred something countries were trading with each other without problems they have today.

Basically all countries have the freedom of international transactions with any country and use any means of payment depending on how each country regulates it in international trade.
I really like international trade when you want to buy goods from my country using my country's currency and when I want to buy goods from your country I use your country's currency, I think this trading system is easier and of course mutually beneficial instead of having to buy dollars first to make transactions, or depending on one another's agreement in trading such as using gold or bitcoin for example.

At that time, I don't think anyone knew the dollar, most people used gold to be used as a transaction tool because everyone believed that gold was very valuable and it took time to mine it, unlike dollars or other fiat, which they could easily print at will.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Synchronice on April 03, 2023, 07:39:54 PM
While everything that happens around financial system will negatively affect everyone, it's quite interesting event at the same time. Countries want to damp dollar and move on Gold? Good luck, the USA, Germany, Italiy and France are leading the chart. Do they want to move on Chinese yuan and cut ties with Western countries? Good luck again, experience the low salaries, high workload, increased corruption, increased mental degradation, worse healthcare, I can continue this list endessly.

The USA has roots so deeply that it will be very hard to cut ties with USD and move on Gold, even here it has an advantage too. Also, after USD, the most popular currency is Euro. I don't think that any country will benefit by cutting ties with the USA, EU, Canada/Australia/NewZealand/UK and will reach to heaven by befriending with less developed countries.
But you reap what you sow. Plain and simple!
Things are not this black and white. Dumping dollar doesn't mean cutting ties with any of those countries you named. It means for example if Brazil wants to trade with one of its neighbors like Colombia or Venezuela they will no longer use dollar, they use their own currencies and other form of trade agreements. When they want to trade with China they use Yuan and when they want to trade with US and its colonies they use dollar.

Even if they move to gold, it doesn't matter who has the most of it! It is not a dick measuring contest :)
What it means is that they trades would be backed by something that is moderately stable and most important of all gold is something that you can NOT print out of thin air any time you wanted to!

P.S. Don't forget that 80-90 years or maybe more ago most people in the world didn't even know what dollar is. 250 years ago US didn't even exist and for thousands of years people from hundred something countries were trading with each other without problems they have today.
For the United States of America, that is and wants to be a global leader, what will dollar abandonment mean? Cutting ties with them, it definitely means that and we can't deny. I don't think that the USA will sit down and watch how China trades in yuan with Russia & Iran and how other countries trade with their own currencies, America will smell fear, fear of losing control!  And do you know what person does who had a great control and influence but is losing it? He goes insane and does absolutely everything to keep control. America doesn't spend tons on money on military for beautiful Youtube videos and news articles, it spends tons of money on it because it wants to create fear and keep power in its hands.

If we start to value things in golds or keep our reserves into it and I own the highest portion of Gold, definitely I'm the winner.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: WatChe on April 03, 2023, 11:31:19 PM
Exactly. Many governments were forced to "obey" US policies. It is understandable too, after all US used to be be the only existing super power for decades that has been dictating the global policies which countries had to obey. It is also not easy to go against those policies even though it is rewarding, specially for countries that don't have the resources. Hence they sometimes have to even break their principles.

This is also one of the reasons why dedollarisation is important for the world. For example Pakistan that had to ask IMF for a dollar loan and be forced to apply laws (such as increasing energy prices) that hurts its economy while not even receiving the loan can now ask for a loan from China for example and not be forced to do anything like before and also be able to complete the gas pipeline so that it can receive gas from its western neighbor Iran since US won't have the same leverage to use to force Pakistan to not do it!

Now in Pakistan there is strong feeling of anger among people for the Army since they keep on changing civil governments (with the help of Big Powers). People are openly criticizing Army and Army is trying his best to keep his control intact. The point is USA with the help of Pakistan Army is controlling the government in Pakistan for decades but it seems like that strategy won't work anymore.

The irony is that Pakistan who is facing energy crisis is sitting very next to World biggest energy reserves aka Iran. We are forced not to buy cheap gas from Iran. It's like sitting thirsty on a river bank (where you are forced not to drink water from the river). While there are EU countries that are still getting energy supplies from Russia.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: STT on April 04, 2023, 12:59:28 AM
It should be noted the US Dollar is still backed by a large amount of gold in Fort Knox or similar deposits; '2.3% of all the gold ever refined in the world'.  The larger problem is that despite being probably the largest holder of gold, the debt issued far out weighs that asset.   Part of what would occur if Dollar did decline is that gold rises which raises the value of these reserves.   If something like 10k per ounce gold happened I wonder how much help that would provide towards the debt repayment, the point being its not a simple transition as USA has many commodity reserves to call on in its favor.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Alpha Marine on April 04, 2023, 11:12:09 AM
While everything that happens around financial system will negatively affect everyone, it's quite interesting event at the same time. Countries want to damp dollar and move on Gold? Good luck, the USA, Germany, Italiy and France are leading the chart. Do they want to move on Chinese yuan and cut ties with Western countries? Good luck again, experience the low salaries, high workload, increased corruption, increased mental degradation, worse healthcare, I can continue this list endessly.

I find it funny when I see countries say they can't trust the United State but they go ahead and trust China. I get that the U.S. is not a saint but what I don't understand is who made China the saint? They just want what the U.S. has in the international market. I don't see how doing business with China is better than doing business with the U.S.
Im not a big fan of the U.S. but I think it's naive to think China is any better.
I guess they see the Chinese yuan as better than the dollar because it doesn't affect the international market. If you trade places with the dollar and the yuan it would still be the same outcome. 

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: cafee_orange on April 04, 2023, 01:20:23 PM
Gold buyers binge on biggest volumes for 55 years
Central banks are scooping up gold at the fastest pace since 1967, with analysts pinning China and Russia as big buyers in an indication that some nations are keen to diversify their reserves away from the dollar.
Data compiled the World Gold Council, an industry-funded group, has shown demand for the precious metal has outstripped any annual amount in the past 55 years. Last month’s estimates are also far larger than central banks’ official reported figures, sparking speculation in the industry over the identity of the buyers and their motivations.

The last time this level of buying was seen marked a historical turning point for the global monetary system. In 1967, European central banks bought massive volumes of gold from the US, leading to a run on the price and the collapse of the London Gold Pool of reserves. That hastened the eventual demise of the Bretton Woods System that tied the value of the US dollar to the precious metal.
Last month the WCG estimated the world’s official financial institutions have bought 673 tonnes. And in the third quarter alone central banks bought almost 400 tonnes of gold, the largest three-month binge since quarterly records began in 2000.

“The message these central banks are sending by putting a larger share of their reserves in gold is that they don’t want to be reliant on the US dollar as their main reserve asset,” Menke said.
Some in the industry speculate Middle Eastern governments are using fossil fuel export revenues to buy gold, most likely through sovereign wealth funds.

The world continues dumping US dollar, I've already talked about India buying gold ( and many times about Iran accumulating gold over the past couple of years. Now we have evidence of the other Eastern powers buying large amounts of gold. Many other smaller countries that don't fall into the global geopolitics like Qatar, Turkey, Uzbekistan, some African countries, etc. are also accumulating more gold.
This is the New World Order that is forming in front of our eyes, the old Dollar standard is slowly but surely going away which is causing high inflation in US as all the unbacked dollars they'd printed all these years are being dumped on USA itself and even higher inflation is seen in any country that is importing US inflation like Europe. Experts suggest that if US wasn't exporting its inflation, the real US inflation would have been somewhere north of 450% and that's where it's headed as the dollar dumping continues.

I recently watched an analyst who suggested that this is World War 3 which will be fought (at least for now) economically. The East vs. West as the East dumps US dollar that strains US economy. China suddenly lets loose COVID on the world (this past 2 weeks) that is already showing an increase in EU and US. Oil price ends the year with the 2nd straight annual gain and the general high energy prices among other things is slowly rendering EU useless as an economy and industrial power.

Although economy is not the only battlefield (we have energy, food and actual armed conflict between proxies) but it is affecting us the most. It is even affecting bitcoin price as it has successfully prevented its rise to higher ATH last year and even changed its bull trend and crashed the price below the previous (2017) ATH for the first time in bitcoin history.

With that said, 2023 outlook is already bad economically speaking.
How much of the points I raised do you agree with and how do you see 2023 specially when dollar dumping continues?

I want to emphasize that currently the world economy is experiencing major paralysis, almost all countries in the world are experiencing setbacks after being hit by the corona virus some time ago. with this heavy incident we all feel setbacks in all aspects. it doesn't stop there, even the value of the currency is weakening and only the value of gold is increasing.
well,, therefore responding to what you said above that the new world order and the future is a hope for progress that continues to grow, gold is a guide for us that can maintain the value of assets if the world is shaken again by unwanted events as before and war. I think gold apprentices can provide answers for the future of the new world order

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: kak uli on April 04, 2023, 02:17:03 PM
I think for now the stage for the formation of a new world order is starting to form, but when that stage is formed, Fiat currency and gold are only unused assets, but only for storage collections, what will be used for these future stages is currency digital which is used as a more valuable asset, whether it's bitcoin or other altcoins that can be used as a transaction tool or can store asset value

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: on April 04, 2023, 02:44:08 PM
It should be noted the US Dollar is still backed by a large amount of gold in Fort Knox or similar deposits; '2.3% of all the gold ever refined in the world'.  The larger problem is that despite being probably the largest holder of gold, the debt issued far out weighs that asset.   Part of what would occur if Dollar did decline is that gold rises which raises the value of these reserves.   If something like 10k per ounce gold happened I wonder how much help that would provide towards the debt repayment, the point being its not a simple transition as USA has many commodity reserves to call on in its favor.

That makes things even worse - remember what happened to many exchanges before they went bust? First they start spending their own tokens/stablecoins, if it doesn't help they start burning BTC reserves to stay afloat, which most of the time leads to a complete disaster, because BTC reserves are not sufficient. So if USD rate starts rolling downhill and the US will start selling their gold reserves and the information about this leaks, this will lead to a financial disaster.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Haunebu on April 04, 2023, 02:53:05 PM
New world order? Lol. This isn't the first time that someone thought about this stuff and it certainly won't be the last. History has taught us again and again not to underestimate the Dollar and the Western powers.

Every single economy is suffering as expected after the COVID outbreak which implies that all currencies(Not just the Dollar) are suffering and this will most probably continue until sometime next year.

Am expecting the global economy to fully recover by 2025 at the earliest.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: pooya87 on April 04, 2023, 03:53:15 PM
I don't think that the USA will sit down and watch how China trades in yuan with Russia & Iran and how other countries trade with their own currencies, America will smell fear, fear of losing control!  And do you know what person does who had a great control and influence but is losing it? He goes insane and does absolutely everything to keep control.
This is exactly why US is waging war against the whole world. From the armed conflict they started with Russia to the cold war they are fighting with everyone else. Just google China's one-road-one-belt route on the map and then check the news about the countries that are involved in that route. Every single one of them had a short lived but major riots that started from a fake news!
US has indeed been very active over the past couple of years trying to stop dedollarisation ... and failing to do so.

It should be noted the US Dollar is still backed by a large amount of gold
The entire US gold reserves only covers a teeny tiny fraction of the total amount of dollar they've printed all these years!

On another news US dollar usage as world reserve currency is at a 25-year low at this point while many countries are dumping dollar and sell the bonds they were bagholding.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Dickiy on April 04, 2023, 04:22:46 PM
New world order? Lol. This isn't the first time that someone thought about this stuff and it certainly won't be the last. History has taught us again and again not to underestimate the Dollar and the Western powers.

Every single economy is suffering as expected after the COVID outbreak which implies that all currencies(Not just the Dollar) are suffering and this will most probably continue until sometime next year.

You may need to look at the history of how this world was formed from century to century, each generation and civilization has strong rulers both in terms of economic, political influence, and the extent of the territories that dominate the world such as the Mongolian Empire, the Soviet Union, Portugal, the Netherlands and others. Maybe at that time people thought the same thing as you, those powerful countries at that time would not be defeated and would continue to have influence over other countries, but in fact today where did they go? all revolutions in this world have their respective heydays and are certainly accompanied by setbacks.
Just like in the economy, which has an economic bubble and one day the bubble will surely burst. likewise America will have its limits of influence in this world, and today as what has been conveyed by others in this forum shows the characteristics of a shift in influence.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Ozero on April 05, 2023, 03:49:45 AM

I find it funny when I see countries say they can't trust the United State but they go ahead and trust China. I get that the U.S. is not a saint but what I don't understand is who made China the saint? They just want what the U.S. has in the international market. I don't see how doing business with China is better than doing business with the U.S.
Im not a big fan of the U.S. but I think it's naive to think China is any better.
I guess they see the Chinese yuan as better than the dollar because it doesn't affect the international market. If you trade places with the dollar and the yuan it would still be the same outcome. 
Well said. First of all, it must be taken into account that the level of democracy in the United States is much higher than that of the Chinese communist regime. What are the recent joint military exercises of China, Russia and Iran. China's military alliance with the territorial states of Iran and Russia clearly demonstrates what the world can expect if these countries surpass the US and EU countries economically and militarily. Attacks on weak states and their absorption will become the norm. The world will howl after that, but it will be too late. What the United States is now criticizing for will become a trifle compared to what this trinity of states will get up to.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Smartprofit on April 05, 2023, 10:45:56 AM
As long as the world still uses paper money that has no value, the threat of inflation will continue to occur, moreover, most countries do not have a strong basis for printing money, as long as they want to print, they will not delay any longer. It can happen at any time because many countries are competing with each other to strengthen their military.

The US Government has a lot of Bitcoins that they have confiscated from criminals involved in illegal activities. 

China also has a lot of Bitcoins, although they have officially banned cryptocurrency trading and mining in their country. 

All this makes it possible to create a new global financial system based on Bitcoin.  To do this, Bitcoin must be officially declared the world's reserve currency, and Basel Committee regulations must be amended to require Central Banks to include Bitcoin in their gold and foreign exchange reserves. 

This will create a new financial system based not on petrodollars, but on Bitcoin.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: on April 05, 2023, 02:29:29 PM

I find it funny when I see countries say they can't trust the United State but they go ahead and trust China. I get that the U.S. is not a saint but what I don't understand is who made China the saint? They just want what the U.S. has in the international market. I don't see how doing business with China is better than doing business with the U.S.
Im not a big fan of the U.S. but I think it's naive to think China is any better.
I guess they see the Chinese yuan as better than the dollar because it doesn't affect the international market. If you trade places with the dollar and the yuan it would still be the same outcome. 
Well said. First of all, it must be taken into account that the level of democracy in the United States is much higher than that of the Chinese communist regime. What are the recent joint military exercises of China, Russia and Iran. China's military alliance with the territorial states of Iran and Russia clearly demonstrates what the world can expect if these countries surpass the US and EU countries economically and militarily. Attacks on weak states and their absorption will become the norm. The world will howl after that, but it will be too late. What the United States is now criticizing for will become a trifle compared to what this trinity of states will get up to.

What makes you think all people want democracy? If a country wants communism, let them have it. They want Taliban? Let them have Taliban. Who can stop them? The whole idea of world police or a country maintaining order and democracy worldwide is just wrong imho.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Argoo on April 05, 2023, 03:31:54 PM

Russia is still insisting on achieving ambitions that no one knows its limits. While the entire region is preparing itself for a long-term war. The Baltic countries are considering options to join NATO and fear that Russia will invade Poland, in addition to the buildup of arms on the western side. Surely you have recently heard about Putin's intention to turn Belarus into a nuclear base in response to the weapons that Britain had supported Ukraine for a while.
All indications confirm that Russia will not stop the war, especially since it has formed a front for itself that includes countries hostile to America and the West, such as China and Iran.
The Baltic countries - Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia have long been part of the NATO alliance. On April 4, Finland also officially became a member of NATO.
There is an opinion of some experts who warn that Putin from the territory of Belarus can launch nuclear strikes on Poland and Lithuania. Firstly, this will be to ensure that radioactive contamination is an obstacle to the supply of weapons to Ukraine. Secondly, by doing this, he sets Belarus up for a retaliatory strike at the place where nuclear missiles were launched. At the same time, this may be another bluff of Putin, who constantly scares the world with nuclear weapons in order not to provide military assistance to Ukraine.

As for Russia's allies - China and Iran, everything is not so simple here. The other day, Chinese Ambassador to the European Union Fu Cong made a statement, according to which, external observers misinterpret relations between China and Russia. According to him, Beijing does not support Moscow in the war against Ukraine, and the statement of the heads of the two countries, Putin and Xi Jinping, about friendship that "has no borders" is nothing more than a rhetorical device. The ambassador noted that China did not provide military assistance to Russia and did not recognize its attempts to annex Ukrainian territories, in particular Crimea and Donbass.


The announcement came as a cold shower on the Russian side, which touted a strong relationship with China as one of Putin's main foreign policy achievements.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: concept2 on April 05, 2023, 04:09:30 PM
Gold buyers binge on biggest volumes for 55 years
Central banks are scooping up gold at the fastest pace since 1967, with analysts pinning China and Russia as big buyers in an indication that some nations are keen to diversify their reserves away from the dollar.
Data compiled the World Gold Council, an industry-funded group, has shown demand for the precious metal has outstripped any annual amount in the past 55 years. Last month’s estimates are also far larger than central banks’ official reported figures, sparking speculation in the industry over the identity of the buyers and their motivations.

The last time this level of buying was seen marked a historical turning point for the global monetary system. In 1967, European central banks bought massive volumes of gold from the US, leading to a run on the price and the collapse of the London Gold Pool of reserves. That hastened the eventual demise of the Bretton Woods System that tied the value of the US dollar to the precious metal.
Last month the WCG estimated the world’s official financial institutions have bought 673 tonnes. And in the third quarter alone central banks bought almost 400 tonnes of gold, the largest three-month binge since quarterly records began in 2000.

“The message these central banks are sending by putting a larger share of their reserves in gold is that they don’t want to be reliant on the US dollar as their main reserve asset,” Menke said.
Some in the industry speculate Middle Eastern governments are using fossil fuel export revenues to buy gold, most likely through sovereign wealth funds.

The world continues dumping US dollar, I've already talked about India buying gold ( and many times about Iran accumulating gold over the past couple of years. Now we have evidence of the other Eastern powers buying large amounts of gold. Many other smaller countries that don't fall into the global geopolitics like Qatar, Turkey, Uzbekistan, some African countries, etc. are also accumulating more gold.
This is the New World Order that is forming in front of our eyes, the old Dollar standard is slowly but surely going away which is causing high inflation in US as all the unbacked dollars they'd printed all these years are being dumped on USA itself and even higher inflation is seen in any country that is importing US inflation like Europe. Experts suggest that if US wasn't exporting its inflation, the real US inflation would have been somewhere north of 450% and that's where it's headed as the dollar dumping continues.

I recently watched an analyst who suggested that this is World War 3 which will be fought (at least for now) economically. The East vs. West as the East dumps US dollar that strains US economy. China suddenly lets loose COVID on the world (this past 2 weeks) that is already showing an increase in EU and US. Oil price ends the year with the 2nd straight annual gain and the general high energy prices among other things is slowly rendering EU useless as an economy and industrial power.

Although economy is not the only battlefield (we have energy, food and actual armed conflict between proxies) but it is affecting us the most. It is even affecting bitcoin price as it has successfully prevented its rise to higher ATH last year and even changed its bull trend and crashed the price below the previous (2017) ATH for the first time in bitcoin history.

With that said, 2023 outlook is already bad economically speaking.
How much of the points I raised do you agree with and how do you see 2023 specially when dollar dumping continues?
These central banks been copping hella gold for years now. They got all sorts of reasons for doing it, like diversifying their reserves and hedging against inflation or geopolitical craziness. Plus, gold prices been lower lately, so they're taking advantage.

Now, peep this - some experts think this gold-buying spree could lead to a shift away from the US dollar as the top dog reserve currency. That could be a big deal for the US economy and global money markets. Others say nah, gold ain't that big a deal compared to the US dollar, euro, and yen.

But let's keep it real, predicting the future of the world economy ain't easy. Some folks saying 2023 could be a rough year, but who knows? Sh*t's complicated, and we gotta stay cautious and aware of all the risks.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: coupable on April 05, 2023, 09:19:05 PM

Russia is still insisting on achieving ambitions that no one knows its limits. While the entire region is preparing itself for a long-term war. The Baltic countries are considering options to join NATO and fear that Russia will invade Poland, in addition to the buildup of arms on the western side. Surely you have recently heard about Putin's intention to turn Belarus into a nuclear base in response to the weapons that Britain had supported Ukraine for a while.
All indications confirm that Russia will not stop the war, especially since it has formed a front for itself that includes countries hostile to America and the West, such as China and Iran.
The Baltic countries - Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia have long been part of the NATO alliance. On April 4, Finland also officially became a member of NATO.
There is an opinion of some experts who warn that Putin from the territory of Belarus can launch nuclear strikes on Poland and Lithuania. Firstly, this will be to ensure that radioactive contamination is an obstacle to the supply of weapons to Ukraine. Secondly, by doing this, he sets Belarus up for a retaliatory strike at the place where nuclear missiles were launched. At the same time, this may be another bluff of Putin, who constantly scares the world with nuclear weapons in order not to provide military assistance to Ukraine.
There are fears on both the Russian and Western sides that one of the two sides could risk using nuclear weapons. Therefore, it is not surprising that someone uses this argument to condemn the other side and justify dangerous escalatory steps. I expect things to develop for the worse as long as the parties to the conflict have not yet sat down at the negotiating table.

As for Russia's allies - China and Iran, everything is not so simple here. The other day, Chinese Ambassador to the European Union Fu Cong made a statement, according to which, external observers misinterpret relations between China and Russia. According to him, Beijing does not support Moscow in the war against Ukraine, and the statement of the heads of the two countries, Putin and Xi Jinping, about friendship that "has no borders" is nothing more than a rhetorical device. The ambassador noted that China did not provide military assistance to Russia and did not recognize its attempts to annex Ukrainian territories, in particular Crimea and Donbass.
China cannot deny that it is a friend of Russia and that they are in an undeclared alliance. Simply because no other explanation can be given when China agrees to acquire Russian products against the policy of international sanctions.
China is not the only one concerned with this issue, as India also buys energy products. Iran has also been proven to provide military support (drone fighters). China and India support the Russian economy, while Russia provides military support. Is this not an alliance?

The announcement came as a cold shower on the Russian side, which touted a strong relationship with China as one of Putin's main foreign policy achievements.
These statements denied that China provided any military support to Russia in the war, but did not deny economic support. I think Russia is happy with these statements, or perhaps it does not care much about diplomacy since it is isolated internationally.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: abralzain17 on April 05, 2023, 10:18:24 PM
Gold buyers binge on biggest volumes for 55 years
Central banks are scooping up gold at the fastest pace since 1967, with analysts pinning China and Russia as big buyers in an indication that some nations are keen to diversify their reserves away from the dollar.
Data compiled the World Gold Council, an industry-funded group, has shown demand for the precious metal has outstripped any annual amount in the past 55 years. Last month’s estimates are also far larger than central banks’ official reported figures, sparking speculation in the industry over the identity of the buyers and their motivations.

The last time this level of buying was seen marked a historical turning point for the global monetary system. In 1967, European central banks bought massive volumes of gold from the US, leading to a run on the price and the collapse of the London Gold Pool of reserves. That hastened the eventual demise of the Bretton Woods System that tied the value of the US dollar to the precious metal.
Last month the WCG estimated the world’s official financial institutions have bought 673 tonnes. And in the third quarter alone central banks bought almost 400 tonnes of gold, the largest three-month binge since quarterly records began in 2000.

“The message these central banks are sending by putting a larger share of their reserves in gold is that they don’t want to be reliant on the US dollar as their main reserve asset,” Menke said.
Some in the industry speculate Middle Eastern governments are using fossil fuel export revenues to buy gold, most likely through sovereign wealth funds.

The world continues dumping US dollar, I've already talked about India buying gold ( and many times about Iran accumulating gold over the past couple of years. Now we have evidence of the other Eastern powers buying large amounts of gold. Many other smaller countries that don't fall into the global geopolitics like Qatar, Turkey, Uzbekistan, some African countries, etc. are also accumulating more gold.
This is the New World Order that is forming in front of our eyes, the old Dollar standard is slowly but surely going away which is causing high inflation in US as all the unbacked dollars they'd printed all these years are being dumped on USA itself and even higher inflation is seen in any country that is importing US inflation like Europe. Experts suggest that if US wasn't exporting its inflation, the real US inflation would have been somewhere north of 450% and that's where it's headed as the dollar dumping continues.

I recently watched an analyst who suggested that this is World War 3 which will be fought (at least for now) economically. The East vs. West as the East dumps US dollar that strains US economy. China suddenly lets loose COVID on the world (this past 2 weeks) that is already showing an increase in EU and US. Oil price ends the year with the 2nd straight annual gain and the general high energy prices among other things is slowly rendering EU useless as an economy and industrial power.

Although economy is not the only battlefield (we have energy, food and actual armed conflict between proxies) but it is affecting us the most. It is even affecting bitcoin price as it has successfully prevented its rise to higher ATH last year and even changed its bull trend and crashed the price below the previous (2017) ATH for the first time in bitcoin history.

With that said, 2023 outlook is already bad economically speaking.
How much of the points I raised do you agree with and how do you see 2023 specially when dollar dumping continues?

The high demand for gold is only caused by the economic recession that is currently sweeping the world, it is possible that there is anxiety in saving money so that they have to move to save gold to face the new world order.
other than that, in my opinion, some people keep gold only as a collection that can be used to look luxurious and as a store of value.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: tread93 on April 06, 2023, 03:12:44 AM
Gold buyers binge on biggest volumes for 55 years
Central banks are scooping up gold at the fastest pace since 1967, with analysts pinning China and Russia as big buyers in an indication that some nations are keen to diversify their reserves away from the dollar.
Data compiled the World Gold Council, an industry-funded group, has shown demand for the precious metal has outstripped any annual amount in the past 55 years. Last month’s estimates are also far larger than central banks’ official reported figures, sparking speculation in the industry over the identity of the buyers and their motivations.

The last time this level of buying was seen marked a historical turning point for the global monetary system. In 1967, European central banks bought massive volumes of gold from the US, leading to a run on the price and the collapse of the London Gold Pool of reserves. That hastened the eventual demise of the Bretton Woods System that tied the value of the US dollar to the precious metal.
Last month the WCG estimated the world’s official financial institutions have bought 673 tonnes. And in the third quarter alone central banks bought almost 400 tonnes of gold, the largest three-month binge since quarterly records began in 2000.

“The message these central banks are sending by putting a larger share of their reserves in gold is that they don’t want to be reliant on the US dollar as their main reserve asset,” Menke said.
Some in the industry speculate Middle Eastern governments are using fossil fuel export revenues to buy gold, most likely through sovereign wealth funds.

The world continues dumping US dollar, I've already talked about India buying gold ( and many times about Iran accumulating gold over the past couple of years. Now we have evidence of the other Eastern powers buying large amounts of gold. Many other smaller countries that don't fall into the global geopolitics like Qatar, Turkey, Uzbekistan, some African countries, etc. are also accumulating more gold.
This is the New World Order that is forming in front of our eyes, the old Dollar standard is slowly but surely going away which is causing high inflation in US as all the unbacked dollars they'd printed all these years are being dumped on USA itself and even higher inflation is seen in any country that is importing US inflation like Europe. Experts suggest that if US wasn't exporting its inflation, the real US inflation would have been somewhere north of 450% and that's where it's headed as the dollar dumping continues.

I recently watched an analyst who suggested that this is World War 3 which will be fought (at least for now) economically. The East vs. West as the East dumps US dollar that strains US economy. China suddenly lets loose COVID on the world (this past 2 weeks) that is already showing an increase in EU and US. Oil price ends the year with the 2nd straight annual gain and the general high energy prices among other things is slowly rendering EU useless as an economy and industrial power.

Although economy is not the only battlefield (we have energy, food and actual armed conflict between proxies) but it is affecting us the most. It is even affecting bitcoin price as it has successfully prevented its rise to higher ATH last year and even changed its bull trend and crashed the price below the previous (2017) ATH for the first time in bitcoin history.

With that said, 2023 outlook is already bad economically speaking.
How much of the points I raised do you agree with and how do you see 2023 specially when dollar dumping continues?

All good points you have laid out here m8, I would have to agree that 2023 outlook is bleak, I was mentioning this in another thread I created today. The gold dogs have been released to wreak havoc and I do believe that most countries are moving away from the US Dollar and dumping straight into Gold and other assets, clearly, and many more countries are hopping on the SHIT ON THE US Dollar band wagon daily.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Iadegbola34 on April 06, 2023, 08:12:12 PM
It is true that some countries, including India, Iran, and some Eastern powers, are buying gold as a way to diversify their reserves and reduce their dependence on the US dollar. It is also true that the US dollar has been losing value over time, due in part to the large amounts of money the US government has printed to finance its deficit spending.

As for the claim that the US inflation rate would be much higher if other countries weren't absorbing some of the inflation, it is difficult to verify this claim without further context and evidence.

Regarding the suggestion that we are in the midst of an economic World War III, this is a controversial claim that is not widely accepted by mainstream economists. It is true, however, that there are ongoing economic tensions between the East and West, particularly with regard to trade and currency exchange rates.

As for the impact of these developments on Bitcoin and the outlook for 2023, it is difficult to predict with certainty. Bitcoin is a highly volatile asset, and its price is influenced by many factors, including economic and geopolitical developments. As for the broader economic outlook for 2023, it will depend on a variety of factors, including global economic growth, inflation rates, and geopolitical tensions.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: rokok lokal on April 07, 2023, 08:57:48 AM
It is true that some countries, including India, Iran, and some Eastern powers, are buying gold as a way to diversify their reserves and reduce their dependence on the US dollar. It is also true that the US dollar has been losing value over time, due in part to the large amounts of money the US government has printed to finance its deficit spending.

As for the claim that the US inflation rate would be much higher if other countries weren't absorbing some of the inflation, it is difficult to verify this claim without further context and evidence.

Regarding the suggestion that we are in the midst of an economic World War III, this is a controversial claim that is not widely accepted by mainstream economists. It is true, however, that there are ongoing economic tensions between the East and West, particularly with regard to trade and currency exchange rates.

As for the impact of these developments on Bitcoin and the outlook for 2023, it is difficult to predict with certainty. Bitcoin is a highly volatile asset, and its price is influenced by many factors, including economic and geopolitical developments. As for the broader economic outlook for 2023, it will depend on a variety of factors, including global economic growth, inflation rates, and geopolitical tensions.

So it sounds like some countries are looking to diversify their reserves and become less dependent on the US dollar by buying gold. And while some believe we are in the midst of a World War III economy, that's not the mainstream view.

Of course there are tensions between East and West in terms of trade and currency exchange rates. And as for the prospects for Bitcoin in 2023, no one can guess – it is a volatile asset that is influenced by many factors and the outlook for the economy this year will depend on a variety of factors, such as global growth, inflation and geopolitical tensions.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: pooya87 on April 09, 2023, 04:16:23 PM
All this makes it possible to create a new global financial system based on Bitcoin.  To do this, Bitcoin must be officially declared the world's reserve currency, and Basel Committee regulations must be amended to require Central Banks to include Bitcoin in their gold and foreign exchange reserves. 
That would take decades just like it took decades and some word wars to become the world reserve currency. If I recall everything started from Eisenhower back in the mid 1950's when he started basically forcing people to hand over their gold to the regime.

These central banks been copping hella gold for years now. They got all sorts of reasons for doing it, like diversifying their reserves and hedging against inflation or geopolitical craziness. Plus, gold prices been lower lately, so they're taking advantage.

Now, peep this - some experts think this gold-buying spree could lead to a shift away from the US dollar as the top dog reserve currency. That could be a big deal for the US economy and global money markets. Others say nah, gold ain't that big a deal compared to the US dollar, euro, and yen.
If gold buying spree was an isolated event then we could argue about other possibilities. But it is not. We have an actual dedollarisation going on which has gotten surprisingly faster ever since I started this topic about 4 months ago. It tells us that all these banks/countries buying up gold at large quantities know of things to come, some from over a year ago.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: MusaPk on April 10, 2023, 03:41:56 PM
Now there is news from India that Indian Rupee has also gone up to become global currency as 18 countries have agreed to trade in Indian Rupee. This announcement came in the backdrop of the commodities crisis due to sanctions imposed by US and EU on Russia due to Ukraine crisis. These 18 countries ( include:  
Botswana, Fiji, Germany, Guyana, Israel, Kenya, Malaysia, Mauritius, Myanmar, New Zealand, Oman, Russia, Seychelles, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Uganda and the United Kingdom.
This move will help importers in Indian to import goods by paying in Indian rupee. India is taking full advantage of current wave of de-dollarize, as India is one of key ally of Russia.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Wind_FURY on April 11, 2023, 08:19:43 AM
Now there is news from India that Indian Rupee has also gone up to become global currency as 18 countries have agreed to trade in Indian Rupee. This announcement came in the backdrop of the commodities crisis due to sanctions imposed by US and EU on Russia due to Ukraine crisis. These 18 countries ( include:  
Botswana, Fiji, Germany, Guyana, Israel, Kenya, Malaysia, Mauritius, Myanmar, New Zealand, Oman, Russia, Seychelles, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Uganda and the United Kingdom.

This move will help importers in Indian to import goods by paying in Indian rupee. India is taking full advantage of current wave of de-dollarize, as India is one of key ally of Russia.

I don't believe that the U.S. Dollar will be "ditched" and removed as a global reserve currency unless we see the MAJORITY of people from the U.S. and other countries wanting to migrate to China, India, or Russia in order to earn their salaries in those countries' salaries.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: concept2 on April 11, 2023, 01:58:48 PM
Gold buyers binge on biggest volumes for 55 years
Central banks are scooping up gold at the fastest pace since 1967, with analysts pinning China and Russia as big buyers in an indication that some nations are keen to diversify their reserves away from the dollar.
Data compiled the World Gold Council, an industry-funded group, has shown demand for the precious metal has outstripped any annual amount in the past 55 years. Last month’s estimates are also far larger than central banks’ official reported figures, sparking speculation in the industry over the identity of the buyers and their motivations.

The last time this level of buying was seen marked a historical turning point for the global monetary system. In 1967, European central banks bought massive volumes of gold from the US, leading to a run on the price and the collapse of the London Gold Pool of reserves. That hastened the eventual demise of the Bretton Woods System that tied the value of the US dollar to the precious metal.
Last month the WCG estimated the world’s official financial institutions have bought 673 tonnes. And in the third quarter alone central banks bought almost 400 tonnes of gold, the largest three-month binge since quarterly records began in 2000.

“The message these central banks are sending by putting a larger share of their reserves in gold is that they don’t want to be reliant on the US dollar as their main reserve asset,” Menke said.
Some in the industry speculate Middle Eastern governments are using fossil fuel export revenues to buy gold, most likely through sovereign wealth funds.

The world continues dumping US dollar, I've already talked about India buying gold ( and many times about Iran accumulating gold over the past couple of years. Now we have evidence of the other Eastern powers buying large amounts of gold. Many other smaller countries that don't fall into the global geopolitics like Qatar, Turkey, Uzbekistan, some African countries, etc. are also accumulating more gold.
This is the New World Order that is forming in front of our eyes, the old Dollar standard is slowly but surely going away which is causing high inflation in US as all the unbacked dollars they'd printed all these years are being dumped on USA itself and even higher inflation is seen in any country that is importing US inflation like Europe. Experts suggest that if US wasn't exporting its inflation, the real US inflation would have been somewhere north of 450% and that's where it's headed as the dollar dumping continues.

I recently watched an analyst who suggested that this is World War 3 which will be fought (at least for now) economically. The East vs. West as the East dumps US dollar that strains US economy. China suddenly lets loose COVID on the world (this past 2 weeks) that is already showing an increase in EU and US. Oil price ends the year with the 2nd straight annual gain and the general high energy prices among other things is slowly rendering EU useless as an economy and industrial power.

Although economy is not the only battlefield (we have energy, food and actual armed conflict between proxies) but it is affecting us the most. It is even affecting bitcoin price as it has successfully prevented its rise to higher ATH last year and even changed its bull trend and crashed the price below the previous (2017) ATH for the first time in bitcoin history.

With that said, 2023 outlook is already bad economically speaking.
How much of the points I raised do you agree with and how do you see 2023 specially when dollar dumping continues?
It's clear that the world is changing, and the old Dollar standard is slowly but surely going away. As more and more countries accumulate gold, the dollar is being dumped on the US, causing high inflation in the country. Experts suggest that if the US wasn't exporting its inflation, the real US inflation would have been somewhere north of 450%, and that's where it's headed as the dollar dumping continues. This is leading to the formation of a new world order, with the East vs. West as the East dumps the US dollar and strains the US economy. The situation is affecting not just the economy, but also energy, food, and actual armed conflict between proxies. It's clear that we're in the middle of a global economic war, and it's affecting us all. However, there may be some hope on the horizon. As more countries diversify their reserves away from the dollar and into other assets, we may see a more stable global economic system in the future.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: DrBeer on April 11, 2023, 02:44:20 PM
What makes you think all people want democracy? If a country wants communism, let them have it. They want Taliban? Let them have Taliban. Who can stop them? The whole idea of world police or a country maintaining order and democracy worldwide is just wrong imho.

Because democracy is the optimal system for today. And it gives the most opportunities for people - in terms of self-realization, freedoms, opportunities.
By the way, a counter question: for example, in your country, people want democracy, and some want communism, for example - how to act within the framework of your proposal "let them build"? Which one to give preference to. Or, for example, some want socialism, while others want Nazism? Who should build their own system and what about other people's opinions? :)

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Semar Mesem on April 12, 2023, 04:28:25 AM
I think the world economy is currently prone to problems, interdependence between countries makes no country able to stand alone, it's time for the country to think about strengthening the agriculture and plantation sector, because agriculture and plantations are a source of life, unfortunately many countries reduce agriculture and switch to industry so food prices continue to rise.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: DrBeer on April 12, 2023, 07:14:48 AM
So it sounds like some countries are looking to diversify their reserves and become less dependent on the US dollar by buying gold. And while some believe we are in the midst of a World War III economy, that's not the mainstream view.

Of course there are tensions between East and West in terms of trade and currency exchange rates. And as for the prospects for Bitcoin in 2023, no one can guess – it is a volatile asset that is influenced by many factors and the outlook for the economy this year will depend on a variety of factors, such as global growth, inflation and geopolitical tensions.

Diversification is an absolutely normal process, it was, is and will be. In my opinion, today the situation is somewhat different.
On the wave of international pressure on terrorist countries, as expected, a group of countries "offended by the whole world" arose. The only thing they can do is create a lot of sound and try to spoil other countries. Sometimes it works, I agree. But on this wave, suddenly there was a vacancy, one place in the "bipolar world." Until recently, it was occupied by the USSR / RF, but the RF showed itself in 2022 as a complete dummy. replaced by China. China, which has a very difficult economic situation, huge debts, and strong dependence on the Western market. China needs:
- ensure the export of yuan inflation
- secure the flow of currency, and that same dollar
- to form a belt of appendages of the Chinese economy, which will stabilize it at the expense of the local economies of these countries.

Other, Western countries, are expanding their devirsified basket with gold, yes, this is not a secret. But this is not happening at the expense of the dollar! It is easy to check - you can look at the London Metal Exchange, for example, and make sure that in the dollar the price "walks" in a clear corridor for a long time, while in the Euro and Pound the price is growing, i.e. Euro and Pound in relation to gold - become cheaper. Then draw simple conclusions.onclusions.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Wind_FURY on April 12, 2023, 11:41:55 AM
I think the world economy is currently prone to problems, interdependence between countries makes no country able to stand alone, it's time for the country to think about strengthening the agriculture and plantation sector, because agriculture and plantations are a source of life, unfortunately many countries reduce agriculture and switch to industry so food prices continue to rise.

Inter-dependence and cooperation is OK, because no country could produce everything they need within their own borders. But what a country should do is be a net-exporter if it does import products from other countries. The United States is an exception because it can print something that's still in demand in world trade = the U.S. Dollar. It's probably their "greatest export".


Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: DrBeer on April 13, 2023, 08:46:38 AM
There are fears on both the Russian and Western sides that one of the two sides could risk using nuclear weapons. Therefore, it is not surprising that someone uses this argument to condemn the other side and justify dangerous escalatory steps. I expect things to develop for the worse as long as the parties to the conflict have not yet sat down at the negotiating table.

Do you know what negotiations with Russia cost? NOTHING !
Russia never adheres to contractual obligations, unspoken words, or promises. Russia is now simply engaged in blackmail and terror and is trying to "take over" the whole world, scaring them with nuclear weapons. By the way, the rhetoric about a "preemptive nuclear strike" is not the words of NATO, but of the Russian Kremlin ghoul, and by the way, most of the population is directly squealing with joy, telling how they will turn European cities into nuclear ashes! Do not believe it - look at their state channels!
A pause is vital for Russia to restore its beaten to the state of a rag "second army of the world"! The only ""military" technology by which Russia is now fighting on the territory of Ukraine is "meat assaults". I apologize for the details - but for example Bakhmut (who the "second army of the world" has been trying to take for 8 months already), and his surroundings are simply bombarded with thousands of corpses of Russian terrorists, who wave after wave are sent just to try to break through the defenses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Like cattle to slaughter. Because there are almost no adequate personnel left, technical equipment is the topic of a separate story ... Just one fact - "the second army of the world ", which has almost all the weapons "unparalleled in the world", is forced to re-mothball and try to revive the equipment of the 1950-1960s!
And then, if Russia is given a chance and falls for its promises within the framework of negotiations, if Russia succeeds in restoring its strength, there will be further blackmail and further aggression. With rashistskoy Russia must be treated exactly the same as with Nazi Germany, these are two identical regimes!

And if we return to the topic - you didn’t notice how synchronously, they began to broadcast around the world, dubious sources about the “global rejection of the dollar”, “from the massive exchange of the dollar for gold”, and the forecasts of “everyone known analysts” (most of which have never been was not mentioned) that the dollar should be abandoned? Can't guess why? :)

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: MusaPk on April 13, 2023, 11:07:16 PM
I don't believe that the U.S. Dollar will be "ditched" and removed as a global reserve currency unless we see the MAJORITY of people from the U.S. and other countries wanting to migrate to China, India, or Russia in order to earn their salaries in those countries' salaries.

This is very much true. US dollar for decades has dominated the as global currency and most of trades including oil are settled in USD. Things are changing quite rapidly specially after Ukarine Russia war, as there are sanctions over Russia so there are few countries like China and India who are doing trade with Russia in currencies other then USD. Now India has signed an MoU with 18 counties, we need to wait to see implication of this deal.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Mate2237 on April 13, 2023, 11:48:04 PM
USA dollar is one of the cause of the inflation in orh countries. The more USA dollar rises up against other currencies in the  world and it creates more cost of living  to the citizens in the world. Therefore, if the USA dollar goes down drastically then prices of things will also come down for the buying and selling in market commodities.

But I discovered one thing this day that USA dollar is getting devaluation in various countries. Like my country the dollar exchange rate is depreciating.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Wind_FURY on April 14, 2023, 05:39:01 AM
I don't believe that the U.S. Dollar will be "ditched" and removed as a global reserve currency unless we see the MAJORITY of people from the U.S. and other countries wanting to migrate to China, India, or Russia in order to earn their salaries in those countries' salaries.

This is very much true. US dollar for decades has dominated the as global currency and most of trades including oil are settled in USD. Things are changing quite rapidly specially after Ukarine Russia war, as there are sanctions over Russia so there are few countries like China and India who are doing trade with Russia in currencies other then USD. Now India has signed an MoU with 18 counties, we need to wait to see implication of this deal.

The problem with those countries that, signs a Memorandum of Understanding, and "agrees" that they will use each other's currencies for trade, is they hold most of their foreign reserves in the U.S. Dollar. Because they hold most of it in the U.S. Dollar, especially China, they can't simply "ditch" it. Truly deep inside of them, they should not want the United States to fall or else they too shall fall. It will be like a Bitcoin HODLer that wants the network to fail.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: DrBeer on April 14, 2023, 04:07:05 PM
USA dollar is one of the cause of the inflation in orh countries. The more USA dollar rises up against other currencies in the world and it creates more cost of living to the citizens in the world. Therefore, if the USA dollar goes down drastically then prices of things will also come down for the buying and selling in market commodities.

But I discovered one thing this day that USA dollar is getting devaluation in various countries. Like my country the dollar exchange rate is depreciating.

Can you explain your assumption logically and with arguments? :) Well, here's an example of how and why the standard of living of Aung from Burma fell after the US printed a lot of dollars in 2020 to support the standard of living of its citizens who fell victim to the Covid-19 pandemic, and some were left without work or regular income.
Here, describe this situation, from the moment when packs of new ones (I objectively agree - not backed by anything, in this case, dollars) left the walls of the US Federal Reserve printing factory?
And bring the logical conclusion to the current - how did Aung have less money and he became poorer? It will be very interesting to listen! :)

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: pooya87 on April 15, 2023, 06:54:19 AM
It will be like a Bitcoin HODLer that wants the network to fail.
It is more like bcash holders who know they are bag holding garbage and want to switch to something else while everyone tells them not to because everything is fine with bcash. :)

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: pooya87 on May 04, 2023, 05:12:23 AM
The dedollarisation in East Asia is speeding up these days by countries that are very surprising to see joining the "dollar dumping bandwagon". Countries like South Korea which is known for its lack of independence considering how the government has been following each and every US orders.
In recent news the central banks of both South Korea and Indonesia agreed to replace dollar with their own national currencies in their bilateral transactions.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: summonerrk on May 04, 2023, 12:26:38 PM
USA dollar is one of the cause of the inflation in orh countries. The more USA dollar rises up against other currencies in the  world and it creates more cost of living  to the citizens in the world. Therefore, if the USA dollar goes down drastically then prices of things will also come down for the buying and selling in market commodities.

But I discovered one thing this day that USA dollar is getting devaluation in various countries. Like my country the dollar exchange rate is depreciating.

Yes, manipulations can be carried out on the dollar exchange rate within countries, with artificial understatement carried out by the economic management apparatus.
The strange thing is that the dollar exchange rate has not changed at all based on the information that one of the largest US banks has gone bankrupt. The First Republic. It would seem that this should show the vulnerability of the dollar to the whole world.
Nevertheless, another action occurred - people are buying gold: Today the price max has been bitten. 2080 dollars.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: pooya87 on May 13, 2023, 02:52:57 AM
Sometimes people ask "when countries dump dollar, what are they going to replace it with?". The answer is "a lot of options", from another shitfiat similar to dollar (like euro in EU or yuan in international trades) to their own local currencies.
However, the last option seems to be gaining more adoption as we are seeing billions of dollars worth of trades between many countries using their local currencies instead of dollar.
For example India and Russia, despite having some dispute over the trade deficit are using their own currencies (Rupee and Ruble) in all their trades. We are seeing this method used specifically in "economic blocs", from BRICS to SCO and the most recent example among ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) countries with 10 main members: Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam.

In the recent ASEAN summit 42 (9–11 May 2023) they emphasized importance of strengthening their economies and dumping the dollar. The replacement is of course each country's fiat currency. It is already implemented in some of the countries and some others are in the process of implementing the infrastructure needed for that.
It is done using Quick Response (QR) Code in a universal way but using local currencies.

Thus, if a transaction is conducted in Indonesia, it will use the rupiah. Likewise, if it is conducted in Thailand, it will use the Thai baht, and so on, he explained.
Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam have used the cross-border QR Code since 2022.
“(Recently) Cambodia and the Philippines are also starting (to use the QR Code),” Rasjid informed.
Later, his party will also invite and help Laos, Myanmar, as well as Timor Leste to apply the QR Code.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: woez on May 13, 2023, 08:27:30 AM
The dedollarisation in East Asia is speeding up these days by countries that are very surprising to see joining the "dollar dumping bandwagon". Countries like South Korea which is known for its lack of independence considering how the government has been following each and every US orders.
In recent news the central banks of both South Korea and Indonesia agreed to replace dollar with their own national currencies in their bilateral transactions.

I think policy makers should be more mathematical in terms of "dollar dumping", which means counting down because it poses a potential risk to both international relations, finance and geopolitics because any major change in the global monetary system can affect the state and economic situation of a country. country.

Yes. The issue of de-dollarization has become a hot topic of discussion, especially in the East Asia region which is trying to reduce its dependence on the US dollar to increase economic independence and stability as well as political countries such as South Korea and Indonesia. Overall this is a good effort in my opinion and the de-dollarization movement is not necessarily a negative development.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: posi on May 13, 2023, 01:39:23 PM
The dedollarisation in East Asia is speeding up these days by countries that are very surprising to see joining the "dollar dumping bandwagon". Countries like South Korea which is known for its lack of independence considering how the government has been following each and every US orders.
In recent news the central banks of both South Korea and Indonesia agreed to replace dollar with their own national currencies in their bilateral transactions.

I think policy makers should be more mathematical in terms of "dollar dumping", which means counting down because it poses a potential risk to both international relations, finance and geopolitics because any major change in the global monetary system can affect the state and economic situation of a country. country.

Yes. The issue of de-dollarization has become a hot topic of discussion, especially in the East Asia region which is trying to reduce its dependence on the US dollar to increase economic independence and stability as well as political countries such as South Korea and Indonesia. Overall this is a good effort in my opinion and the de-dollarization movement is not necessarily a negative development.

That will be negative for those who are crazy about the US and always see the US as their savior. For those tired of the US lies and the US oppression, this is a welcome development, although the possibility of failure is still possible.

In my opinion, when the world is no longer so dependent on one country or one currency, that is a good thing. That will create many opportunities for other countries to rise without the great powers' oppression. The world will become more just when the balance of power, as well as dependence is balanced.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: DrBeer on May 14, 2023, 11:03:36 AM
And a little about the real "successes" of de-dollarization  ;D ;D ;D

  - "The mechanism does not work." Moscow and Delhi failed to agree on trade in rupees
Reuters: Russia and India have suspended negotiations on trade in rupees. It is noted that it turned out to be unprofitable for Moscow to trade in Indian currency due to the inability to fully convert it. The parties have now returned to paying in US dollars."

- "RUSSIAN DOLLAR 100 BILLION RESERVES INVESTED IN CHINESE RMB ARE TRAPED." First, while these assets were not frozen by US and European sanctions, Russia's access to them was limited. The sale of Russian yuan reserves requires a separate agreement with China. But it will be difficult for the Kremlin to obtain such permission, according to experts.

Second, the yuan, which briefly gained against the dollar, eventually began to depreciate. Accordingly - depreciating the reserves of the Russian Federation. The yuan's decline against the dollar this year has already eroded the value of Russia's reserves, which it counts in US currency.

By the way, investments in "soft" currencies of other countries, such as, for example, the UAE dirham, which are subject to high political risks, turned out to be unreliable, since the governments of these countries can change their policy towards the Russian Federation. And the Turkish lira faced serious devaluations.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Argoo on June 05, 2023, 08:58:05 AM

As for Russia's allies - China and Iran, everything is not so simple here. The other day, Chinese Ambassador to the European Union Fu Cong made a statement, according to which, external observers misinterpret relations between China and Russia. According to him, Beijing does not support Moscow in the war against Ukraine, and the statement of the heads of the two countries, Putin and Xi Jinping, about friendship that "has no borders" is nothing more than a rhetorical device. The ambassador noted that China did not provide military assistance to Russia and did not recognize its attempts to annex Ukrainian territories, in particular Crimea and Donbass.
China cannot deny that it is a friend of Russia and that they are in an undeclared alliance. Simply because no other explanation can be given when China agrees to acquire Russian products against the policy of international sanctions.
China is not the only one concerned with this issue, as India also buys energy products. Iran has also been proven to provide military support (drone fighters). China and India support the Russian economy, while Russia provides military support. Is this not an alliance?

China has always pursued its policy in the international arena, even if it contradicted the actions of most states. This explains why China did not support international sanctions against Russia. In addition, China is not at all interested in having such sanctions work effectively against any violator of global security. This is due to the fact that the Chinese government does not rule out a military takeover of Taiwan in the future, and therefore assumes that such sanctions will be applied to them as well.
In relation to Russia, the Chinese government builds its relations solely from the point of view of its own interests. In the future, China will gladly spit on the declared friendship with Russia and seize a significant part of the territory of Siberia and the Far East, which they still consider their own there.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: coupable on June 06, 2023, 09:20:23 PM

As for Russia's allies - China and Iran, everything is not so simple here. The other day, Chinese Ambassador to the European Union Fu Cong made a statement, according to which, external observers misinterpret relations between China and Russia. According to him, Beijing does not support Moscow in the war against Ukraine, and the statement of the heads of the two countries, Putin and Xi Jinping, about friendship that "has no borders" is nothing more than a rhetorical device. The ambassador noted that China did not provide military assistance to Russia and did not recognize its attempts to annex Ukrainian territories, in particular Crimea and Donbass.
China cannot deny that it is a friend of Russia and that they are in an undeclared alliance. Simply because no other explanation can be given when China agrees to acquire Russian products against the policy of international sanctions.
China is not the only one concerned with this issue, as India also buys energy products. Iran has also been proven to provide military support (drone fighters). China and India support the Russian economy, while Russia provides military support. Is this not an alliance?

China has always pursued its policy in the international arena, even if it contradicted the actions of most states. This explains why China did not support international sanctions against Russia. In addition, China is not at all interested in having such sanctions work effectively against any violator of global security. This is due to the fact that the Chinese government does not rule out a military takeover of Taiwan in the future, and therefore assumes that such sanctions will be applied to them as well.
In relation to Russia, the Chinese government builds its relations solely from the point of view of its own interests. In the future, China will gladly spit on the declared friendship with Russia and seize a significant part of the territory of Siberia and the Far East, which they still consider their own there.
It is, then, a geostrategic struggle between the global powers to position themselves in the most important regions, to acquire mainly sources of wealth, and to secure global trade routes, including the routes of merchant ships. I agree with you about China's ambitions in the pole region (starting from Siberia) and how Russia can help it in that, in addition to its need for support from allies in the face of the West, especially in the South China Sea region, which China has occupied entirely for decades and seeks to limit the West's incursion, which continues Establishing military bases in neighboring countries (mainly Japan) and supporting Taiwan, which was and still is considered by China to be a part of it.
The rest of the countries in this alliance, and I mean mainly India and Iran, support and defend the alliance within the framework of preserving their interests; Iran is interested in finding support from global powers to confront Western sanctions against it over the nuclear file, and India relies on China to support its economy, and it can be said that it cannot abandon this partnership mainly for strategic economic reasons, especially since the West supports Pakistan, which is its number one enemy.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: DrBeer on June 07, 2023, 10:56:56 AM

As for Russia's allies - China and Iran, everything is not so simple here. The other day, Chinese Ambassador to the European Union Fu Cong made a statement, according to which, external observers misinterpret relations between China and Russia. According to him, Beijing does not support Moscow in the war against Ukraine, and the statement of the heads of the two countries, Putin and Xi Jinping, about friendship that "has no borders" is nothing more than a rhetorical device. The ambassador noted that China did not provide military assistance to Russia and did not recognize its attempts to annex Ukrainian territories, in particular Crimea and Donbass.
China cannot deny that it is a friend of Russia and that they are in an undeclared alliance. Simply because no other explanation can be given when China agrees to acquire Russian products against the policy of international sanctions.
China is not the only one concerned with this issue, as India also buys energy products. Iran has also been proven to provide military support (drone fighters). China and India support the Russian economy, while Russia provides military support. Is this not an alliance?

China has always pursued its policy in the international arena, even if it contradicted the actions of most states. This explains why China did not support international sanctions against Russia. In addition, China is not at all interested in having such sanctions work effectively against any violator of global security. This is due to the fact that the Chinese government does not rule out a military takeover of Taiwan in the future, and therefore assumes that such sanctions will be applied to them as well.
In relation to Russia, the Chinese government builds its relations solely from the point of view of its own interests. In the future, China will gladly spit on the declared friendship with Russia and seize a significant part of the territory of Siberia and the Far East, which they still consider their own there.
It is, then, a geostrategic struggle between the global powers to position themselves in the most important regions, to acquire mainly sources of wealth, and to secure global trade routes, including the routes of merchant ships. I agree with you about China's ambitions in the pole region (starting from Siberia) and how Russia can help it in that, in addition to its need for support from allies in the face of the West, especially in the South China Sea region, which China has occupied entirely for decades and seeks to limit the West's incursion, which continues Establishing military bases in neighboring countries (mainly Japan) and supporting Taiwan, which was and still is considered by China to be a part of it.
The rest of the countries in this alliance, and I mean mainly India and Iran, support and defend the alliance within the framework of preserving their interests; Iran is interested in finding support from global powers to confront Western sanctions against it over the nuclear file, and India relies on China to support its economy, and it can be said that it cannot abandon this partnership mainly for strategic economic reasons, especially since the West supports Pakistan, which is its number one enemy.

The reality is far from this picture. No, I agree, "to the public" the information is presented as an "international trend to abandon the dollar. But, as always, there are nuances :)
1. The real abandonment of the dollar of the rogue countries, or "fighters against the U.S." - deprives them of the opportunity to interact with the developed Western world. I do not think that you will give preference to products assembled with the technology of the last century, in place of goods that are created by modern Western technology.
2. As you can see, Russia's attempts to "dedolarize" its relations with its "friends" led only to the fact that they sold their resources for kopecks, and now they cannot use those kopecks (yuan and rupees) in any way :)
3. Dedollarization is rightly called an attempt at Juanization, for ... No, not to abandon the dollar, but to save China's economy. This will be realized very soon by those who dare to take this ill-considered step, but it will be too late ...

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: coupable on June 07, 2023, 09:17:33 PM

As for Russia's allies - China and Iran, everything is not so simple here. The other day, Chinese Ambassador to the European Union Fu Cong made a statement, according to which, external observers misinterpret relations between China and Russia. According to him, Beijing does not support Moscow in the war against Ukraine, and the statement of the heads of the two countries, Putin and Xi Jinping, about friendship that "has no borders" is nothing more than a rhetorical device. The ambassador noted that China did not provide military assistance to Russia and did not recognize its attempts to annex Ukrainian territories, in particular Crimea and Donbass.
China cannot deny that it is a friend of Russia and that they are in an undeclared alliance. Simply because no other explanation can be given when China agrees to acquire Russian products against the policy of international sanctions.
China is not the only one concerned with this issue, as India also buys energy products. Iran has also been proven to provide military support (drone fighters). China and India support the Russian economy, while Russia provides military support. Is this not an alliance?

China has always pursued its policy in the international arena, even if it contradicted the actions of most states. This explains why China did not support international sanctions against Russia. In addition, China is not at all interested in having such sanctions work effectively against any violator of global security. This is due to the fact that the Chinese government does not rule out a military takeover of Taiwan in the future, and therefore assumes that such sanctions will be applied to them as well.
In relation to Russia, the Chinese government builds its relations solely from the point of view of its own interests. In the future, China will gladly spit on the declared friendship with Russia and seize a significant part of the territory of Siberia and the Far East, which they still consider their own there.
It is, then, a geostrategic struggle between the global powers to position themselves in the most important regions, to acquire mainly sources of wealth, and to secure global trade routes, including the routes of merchant ships. I agree with you about China's ambitions in the pole region (starting from Siberia) and how Russia can help it in that, in addition to its need for support from allies in the face of the West, especially in the South China Sea region, which China has occupied entirely for decades and seeks to limit the West's incursion, which continues Establishing military bases in neighboring countries (mainly Japan) and supporting Taiwan, which was and still is considered by China to be a part of it.
The rest of the countries in this alliance, and I mean mainly India and Iran, support and defend the alliance within the framework of preserving their interests; Iran is interested in finding support from global powers to confront Western sanctions against it over the nuclear file, and India relies on China to support its economy, and it can be said that it cannot abandon this partnership mainly for strategic economic reasons, especially since the West supports Pakistan, which is its number one enemy.

The reality is far from this picture. No, I agree, "to the public" the information is presented as an "international trend to abandon the dollar. But, as always, there are nuances :)
1. The real abandonment of the dollar of the rogue countries, or "fighters against the U.S." - deprives them of the opportunity to interact with the developed Western world. I do not think that you will give preference to products assembled with the technology of the last century, in place of goods that are created by modern Western technology.
2. As you can see, Russia's attempts to "dedolarize" its relations with its "friends" led only to the fact that they sold their resources for kopecks, and now they cannot use those kopecks (yuan and rupees) in any way :)
3. Dedollarization is rightly called an attempt at Juanization, for ... No, not to abandon the dollar, but to save China's economy. This will be realized very soon by those who dare to take this ill-considered step, but it will be too late ...

It cannot be denied that the world is enthusiastic about the idea of abandoning the dollar since the sixties of the last century after discovering the US manipulation of gold assets (Nixon crisis) and the recognition of American experts that America was able to build its civilization by printing the dollar to acquire all its needs after it made it the number one currency in the world. The emergence of a European bloc with a unified currency is one of the manifestations of that aversion to the dollar, in addition to the endeavors of both China and Russia to strengthen their currencies to counter the dollar's pervasion.
Yes, there is a wave of getting rid of the dollar supported by the enemies of the United States, especially the two powers, Russia and China, because they are convinced that this will enhance their economic position, since their currencies are among the most used around the world, and because they are also convinced that if they succeed in getting rid of the dollar, this may be the final blow to America, including It will enter an era of inflation from which you will not be able to get out well.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: DrBeer on June 08, 2023, 07:16:29 PM

As for Russia's allies - China and Iran, everything is not so simple here. The other day, Chinese Ambassador to the European Union Fu Cong made a statement, according to which, external observers misinterpret relations between China and Russia. According to him, Beijing does not support Moscow in the war against Ukraine, and the statement of the heads of the two countries, Putin and Xi Jinping, about friendship that "has no borders" is nothing more than a rhetorical device. The ambassador noted that China did not provide military assistance to Russia and did not recognize its attempts to annex Ukrainian territories, in particular Crimea and Donbass.
China cannot deny that it is a friend of Russia and that they are in an undeclared alliance. Simply because no other explanation can be given when China agrees to acquire Russian products against the policy of international sanctions.
China is not the only one concerned with this issue, as India also buys energy products. Iran has also been proven to provide military support (drone fighters). China and India support the Russian economy, while Russia provides military support. Is this not an alliance?

China has always pursued its policy in the international arena, even if it contradicted the actions of most states. This explains why China did not support international sanctions against Russia. In addition, China is not at all interested in having such sanctions work effectively against any violator of global security. This is due to the fact that the Chinese government does not rule out a military takeover of Taiwan in the future, and therefore assumes that such sanctions will be applied to them as well.
In relation to Russia, the Chinese government builds its relations solely from the point of view of its own interests. In the future, China will gladly spit on the declared friendship with Russia and seize a significant part of the territory of Siberia and the Far East, which they still consider their own there.
It is, then, a geostrategic struggle between the global powers to position themselves in the most important regions, to acquire mainly sources of wealth, and to secure global trade routes, including the routes of merchant ships. I agree with you about China's ambitions in the pole region (starting from Siberia) and how Russia can help it in that, in addition to its need for support from allies in the face of the West, especially in the South China Sea region, which China has occupied entirely for decades and seeks to limit the West's incursion, which continues Establishing military bases in neighboring countries (mainly Japan) and supporting Taiwan, which was and still is considered by China to be a part of it.
The rest of the countries in this alliance, and I mean mainly India and Iran, support and defend the alliance within the framework of preserving their interests; Iran is interested in finding support from global powers to confront Western sanctions against it over the nuclear file, and India relies on China to support its economy, and it can be said that it cannot abandon this partnership mainly for strategic economic reasons, especially since the West supports Pakistan, which is its number one enemy.

The reality is far from this picture. No, I agree, "to the public" the information is presented as an "international trend to abandon the dollar. But, as always, there are nuances :)
1. The real abandonment of the dollar of the rogue countries, or "fighters against the U.S." - deprives them of the opportunity to interact with the developed Western world. I do not think that you will give preference to products assembled with the technology of the last century, in place of goods that are created by modern Western technology.
2. As you can see, Russia's attempts to "dedolarize" its relations with its "friends" led only to the fact that they sold their resources for kopecks, and now they cannot use those kopecks (yuan and rupees) in any way :)
3. Dedollarization is rightly called an attempt at Juanization, for ... No, not to abandon the dollar, but to save China's economy. This will be realized very soon by those who dare to take this ill-considered step, but it will be too late ...

It cannot be denied that the world is enthusiastic about the idea of abandoning the dollar since the sixties of the last century after discovering the US manipulation of gold assets (Nixon crisis) and the recognition of American experts that America was able to build its civilization by printing the dollar to acquire all its needs after it made it the number one currency in the world. The emergence of a European bloc with a unified currency is one of the manifestations of that aversion to the dollar, in addition to the endeavors of both China and Russia to strengthen their currencies to counter the dollar's pervasion.
Yes, there is a wave of getting rid of the dollar supported by the enemies of the United States, especially the two powers, Russia and China, because they are convinced that this will enhance their economic position, since their currencies are among the most used around the world, and because they are also convinced that if they succeed in getting rid of the dollar, this may be the final blow to America, including It will enter an era of inflation from which you will not be able to get out well.

You know, when people tell me that "the world is enthusiastically abandoning the dollar," I always have one simple question: what's the benefit of that? You, as an intelligent person, understand that every goal has a reason.
And the rejection of a common, convenient, technology, which in addition solves a lot of cross-currency mutual settlements, must have a SIGNIFICANT reason!

Regarding the "resentment of Nixon", I'll tell you this - are any of the world's real strong countries providing their currency with REAL gold reserves? :)

Regarding the EU - I remember Europe when there was a German mark, a Spanish peseta, an Italian lira. But they didn't have a dollar :) The regional interconnection of countries, with the deep integration of economies, logically required the unification of the financial system. Yes, Europe had "complexes" about the U.S., but the main reason was absolutely pragmatic, not "to oppose the dollar".

By the way, tell us about HOW RESOURCE-oriented economies strengthen their currencies? Don't you know that they benefit from a "weak" currency? I'll tell you more - a strong, expensive yuan will kill the economy faster than Xi is doing now ! About a strong ruble - well that's completely ridiculous :)

And as practice shows - there is no real rejection of the dollar, for example India or China. There is an attempt by China to force some countries to replace the dollars in gold reserves with the Chinese yuan. But this is not to fight the dollar, this is - to save the economy of China! By the way, have you forgotten the story of how Russia in 2022 gave China the "unnecessary dollars" and in return received the "much needed yuan" ?  Don't you remember how that show ended?  :)

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: coupable on June 08, 2023, 08:12:44 PM

As for Russia's allies - China and Iran, everything is not so simple here. The other day, Chinese Ambassador to the European Union Fu Cong made a statement, according to which, external observers misinterpret relations between China and Russia. According to him, Beijing does not support Moscow in the war against Ukraine, and the statement of the heads of the two countries, Putin and Xi Jinping, about friendship that "has no borders" is nothing more than a rhetorical device. The ambassador noted that China did not provide military assistance to Russia and did not recognize its attempts to annex Ukrainian territories, in particular Crimea and Donbass.
China cannot deny that it is a friend of Russia and that they are in an undeclared alliance. Simply because no other explanation can be given when China agrees to acquire Russian products against the policy of international sanctions.
China is not the only one concerned with this issue, as India also buys energy products. Iran has also been proven to provide military support (drone fighters). China and India support the Russian economy, while Russia provides military support. Is this not an alliance?

China has always pursued its policy in the international arena, even if it contradicted the actions of most states. This explains why China did not support international sanctions against Russia. In addition, China is not at all interested in having such sanctions work effectively against any violator of global security. This is due to the fact that the Chinese government does not rule out a military takeover of Taiwan in the future, and therefore assumes that such sanctions will be applied to them as well.
In relation to Russia, the Chinese government builds its relations solely from the point of view of its own interests. In the future, China will gladly spit on the declared friendship with Russia and seize a significant part of the territory of Siberia and the Far East, which they still consider their own there.
It is, then, a geostrategic struggle between the global powers to position themselves in the most important regions, to acquire mainly sources of wealth, and to secure global trade routes, including the routes of merchant ships. I agree with you about China's ambitions in the pole region (starting from Siberia) and how Russia can help it in that, in addition to its need for support from allies in the face of the West, especially in the South China Sea region, which China has occupied entirely for decades and seeks to limit the West's incursion, which continues Establishing military bases in neighboring countries (mainly Japan) and supporting Taiwan, which was and still is considered by China to be a part of it.
The rest of the countries in this alliance, and I mean mainly India and Iran, support and defend the alliance within the framework of preserving their interests; Iran is interested in finding support from global powers to confront Western sanctions against it over the nuclear file, and India relies on China to support its economy, and it can be said that it cannot abandon this partnership mainly for strategic economic reasons, especially since the West supports Pakistan, which is its number one enemy.

The reality is far from this picture. No, I agree, "to the public" the information is presented as an "international trend to abandon the dollar. But, as always, there are nuances :)
1. The real abandonment of the dollar of the rogue countries, or "fighters against the U.S." - deprives them of the opportunity to interact with the developed Western world. I do not think that you will give preference to products assembled with the technology of the last century, in place of goods that are created by modern Western technology.
2. As you can see, Russia's attempts to "dedolarize" its relations with its "friends" led only to the fact that they sold their resources for kopecks, and now they cannot use those kopecks (yuan and rupees) in any way :)
3. Dedollarization is rightly called an attempt at Juanization, for ... No, not to abandon the dollar, but to save China's economy. This will be realized very soon by those who dare to take this ill-considered step, but it will be too late ...

It cannot be denied that the world is enthusiastic about the idea of abandoning the dollar since the sixties of the last century after discovering the US manipulation of gold assets (Nixon crisis) and the recognition of American experts that America was able to build its civilization by printing the dollar to acquire all its needs after it made it the number one currency in the world. The emergence of a European bloc with a unified currency is one of the manifestations of that aversion to the dollar, in addition to the endeavors of both China and Russia to strengthen their currencies to counter the dollar's pervasion.
Yes, there is a wave of getting rid of the dollar supported by the enemies of the United States, especially the two powers, Russia and China, because they are convinced that this will enhance their economic position, since their currencies are among the most used around the world, and because they are also convinced that if they succeed in getting rid of the dollar, this may be the final blow to America, including It will enter an era of inflation from which you will not be able to get out well.

You know, when people tell me that "the world is enthusiastically abandoning the dollar," I always have one simple question: what's the benefit of that? You, as an intelligent person, understand that every goal has a reason.
If you are aware that the dollar is the most important source of US power as a result of the Brettenwood Agreement, you will know that reducing America's influence over the world must inevitably pass through reducing the power of the dollar, and this can only happen by reducing its use to minimal levels. America is using the dollar as a pressure card, and this is what increases the hostility of countries towards it.

Regarding the "resentment of Nixon", I'll tell you this - are any of the world's real strong countries providing their currency with REAL gold reserves?
None of the other currencies is adopted as the main currency for global trade, so that the prices of the most important products are determined on its basis. Any other country that prints currencies without a cover of gold bears the consequences of that on its local economy. Of course, the rest of the world is not obliged to use it. Comparison with the dollar is not permissible because the world is forced to use the dollar according to that damned Brettonwood agreement.
Nixon's resentment was the first explicit signal for the countries believing in USA to find alternatives.

Regarding the EU - I remember Europe when there was a German mark, a Spanish peseta, an Italian lira. But they didn't have a dollar Smiley The regional interconnection of countries, with the deep integration of economies, logically required the unification of the financial system. Yes, Europe had "complexes" about the U.S., but the main reason was absolutely pragmatic, not "to oppose the dollar".
The unification of the currencies of the European Union countries is part of a complete financial policy that is supposed to achieve several goals ; One of those goals is to mitigate America's power through the dollar. I am not saying that this is the only reason, but it is one of the most important reasons.

By the way, tell us about HOW RESOURCE-oriented economies strengthen their currencies? Don't you know that they benefit from a "weak" currency? I'll tell you more - a strong, expensive yuan will kill the economy faster than Xi is doing now ! About a strong ruble - well that's completely ridiculous
I share my thoughts according to what I see logically, according to the information and news I see. I'm not a finance expert so I give explanations on a certain level that may not be accurate enough.

And as practice shows - there is no real rejection of the dollar, for example India or China. There is an attempt by China to force some countries to replace the dollars in gold reserves with the Chinese yuan. But this is not to fight the dollar, this is - to save the economy of China!
As I have already explained, the goal of these countries is to reduce the use of the dollar, not to completely eliminate it. The most important example of this is China, which is the largest owner of US bonds at an imaginary value, and it is never in its interest for the dollar to collapse or its balances to be disrupted.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Argoo on June 08, 2023, 08:15:54 PM
After the sixth of June, when Russian troops blew up the Kakhovka HPP, the largest in Europe, which they had previously mined, the world really became one step closer to the Third World War. Because such organizations as the UN, which were created in order to ensure common security and respond to emerging threats in this regard, are absolutely inactive. And this encourages the aggressor, in this case Russia, to other, more serious violations of the world order. Not only did the UN not directly condemn Russia for this unprecedented act of terrorism, on the day of the Kakhovka HPP bombing, the UN celebrated the day of the Russian language, under the pretext of protecting which the Russians invaded Ukraine and continue to kill Ukrainians for the second year. If the UN glorifies murderers, robbers and rapists, such an attitude encourages other potential aggressors to attack and seize other people's territories.

In addition, a significant part of other states began to argue, and who is to blame for the destruction of the Kakhovskaya HPP, which has been under Russian occupation since February last year. They argue about whether it is the Ukrainians themselves who are destroying their territory and destroying its ecology, or maybe the HES itself has collapsed. For me, those who doubt or do not understand the situation should be reminded that this HPP was built so that it could withstand a nuclear explosion, and not just shelling from the outside with any modern type of weapon. Experts point out that only an explosion from the inside, that is, in a confined space and in certain places of at least one and a half tons of TNT, can lead to a similar result.

What next can Russia do with such connivance from the international community? Hit Ukraine or other states with nuclear weapons? After all, even in that case, the UN may doubt who is guilty of delivering a nuclear strike.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: @forxample on June 08, 2023, 08:17:51 PM
The dedollarisation in East Asia is speeding up these days by countries that are very surprising to see joining the "dollar dumping bandwagon". Countries like South Korea which is known for its lack of independence considering how the government has been following each and every US orders.
In recent news the central banks of both South Korea and Indonesia agreed to replace dollar with their own national currencies in their bilateral transactions.
As long as local entrepreneurs cannot control the economy in their countries and only depend on foreign investors and US influence is still strong in the country, de-dollarization to break away from dependence on the dollar will be difficult to realize. and what happens is the opposite: loan transactions, savings and payments in US dollars will increase, be it individuals, companies or the government.

Dedollarization can be realized if local entrepreneurs are able to dominate all sectors of the economy in their country and this cannot be separated from the role of the government to continue to encourage local entrepreneurs to invest in their country and dominate the country's economy. The seriousness of the government and local entrepreneurs is very important to limit the hegemony and dependence on the US dollar. and this cannot be separated from the role of the people in a country to abandon transactions using US dollars and switch to the currency of their country. because it is not uncommon for some people to save their money using foreign currency (US dollars) considering that the currency in their country is unstable.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: usekevin on June 08, 2023, 08:41:05 PM
The entrepreneur had a minimum amount of the economy of their country.The US dollar was acted as the central currency of the world trade.Now the introduction of bitcoin which was inverted by the Sathoshi which act as the mode of transaction.This way of transaction was used during the Russian War against the Ukraine in a recent days.At first Russian doesn’t support the cryptocurrency,but same Russia support during the war against Ukraine.As we know Russia and America was big power in the world,So adopting by Russia was the confidential information.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: bluebit25 on June 09, 2023, 10:09:15 AM
One should not speculate that the devaluation of the US dollar will lead to a World War III or even a new world order. This requires careful consideration of many complex factors, including international relations and geopolitics. I think we should follow the development of this situation through reputable news sources and learn more from economic and political experts to get the most accurate and complete information. The devaluation of the US dollar can have great effects on the global economy and the political situation of countries. One of the consequences of this is that the value of gold can increase, as it is often used as a safe haven for investors when the currency depreciates.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Sayeds56 on June 09, 2023, 03:25:34 PM
One should not speculate that the devaluation of the US dollar will lead to a World War III or even a new world order. This requires careful consideration of many complex factors, including international relations and geopolitics. I think we should follow the development of this situation through reputable news sources and learn more from economic and political experts to get the most accurate and complete information. The devaluation of the US dollar can have great effects on the global economy and the political situation of countries. One of the consequences of this is that the value of gold can increase, as it is often used as a safe haven for investors when the currency depreciates.

I agree with your viewpoint that devaluation is a common occurrence in financial world, where every country adjusts its currency value due to changing political and economic circumstances, as well as in response to pressure of market forces. This can potentially create economic tensions between the nations but it is highly unlikely that  it can lead to third world war. Humanity has learned profound lesson from previous two world wars, and it is our sincere hope that wisdom will triumph over destructive impulses.  

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: hyudien on June 09, 2023, 03:42:01 PM
The entrepreneur had a minimum amount of the economy of their country.The US dollar was acted as the central currency of the world trade.Now the introduction of bitcoin which was inverted by the Sathoshi which act as the mode of transaction.This way of transaction was used during the Russian War against the Ukraine in a recent days.At first Russian doesn’t support the cryptocurrency,but same Russia support during the war against Ukraine.As we know Russia and America was big power in the world,So adopting by Russia was the confidential information.
Let's talk about a small example that recently happened, the US was required to pay debts and in the end they were in arrears, Dollsr's power was at stake with its increasingly shifted existence. Look to the BRICS side making competition as well as challenging the US if the Dollar can last longer. World War III here is not a war like Russia and Ukraine but a world economic war, especially the former Soviet Union countries, are starting to be revived. Don't we realize that as a developed country that is not involved in drama, we feel that de-dollarization is not important because they can go anywhere as long as their country's economy survives. Note that Russia and North Korea are increasingly increasing their military strength, while the US is busy with debt matters because it continues to print dollars to cover the cost of revenue.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: kaseygriffin on June 09, 2023, 05:42:39 PM
The US dollar's reserve currency position does not guarantee it as a safe haven in times of economic uncertainty. This trend has been observed in recent years as central banks and other investors have increased their purchases of gold as a safe-haven asset. Thus, Russian-Chinese alternatives to the US-dominated financial system attempt to reduce dependence on the US dollar in bilateral trade and financial transactions between Russia and China, but there is still no complete solution. replace the US dollar at this point. The international financial system is complex and closely tied to the US dollar's role as a reserve currency. However, the US dollar cannot hold its position forever, and we should recognize that the economy is gradually moving to the east.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: siniminomorocomunisakito on June 09, 2023, 05:43:27 PM
One should not speculate that the devaluation of the US dollar will lead to a World War III or even a new world order. This requires careful consideration of many complex factors, including international relations and geopolitics. I think we should follow the development of this situation through reputable news sources and learn more from economic and political experts to get the most accurate and complete information. The devaluation of the US dollar can have great effects on the global economy and the political situation of countries. One of the consequences of this is that the value of gold can increase, as it is often used as a safe haven for investors when the currency depreciates.

is true and the correlation between Bitcoin and gold has experienced an impressive spike over the past 30 days since March, reaching a peak of 57%. The figure is the highest point in nearly two years, hinting at the increasingly close relationship between digital currencies and precious metals.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Andrija Branislav on June 10, 2023, 04:28:48 AM
The dedollarisation in East Asia is speeding up these days by countries that are very surprising to see joining the "dollar dumping bandwagon". Countries like South Korea which is known for its lack of independence considering how the government has been following each and every US orders.
In recent news the central banks of both South Korea and Indonesia agreed to replace dollar with their own national currencies in their bilateral transactions.

I would argue that reducing the world's dependence on one country or currency can be considered a beneficial development. Such a shift has the potential to create a wealth of opportunities for countries beyond the reach of established powers, thereby reducing the restraints imposed by the dominant powers and it will pave the way for the empowerment of countries that have long been on the periphery, held back by the domination of the few as rebalancing of power and interdependence in the international arena can promote a more equitable global order. .

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: pooya87 on June 10, 2023, 05:23:07 AM
One should not speculate that the devaluation of the US dollar will lead to a World War III or even a new world order.
The value of dollar is one of the main factors of the old world order. After all that is the main thing that made US the power in the unipolar world. That world order is already dead and the new world order established last year. At this point is is only solidifying with different countries competing to get bigger slice of the "cake of power".

As for WW, I said before that it is not necessarily an armed conflict. At least not in the traditional sense like the first two WW and at least not at first. It will be fought in different battlefield including economical, food and most importantly the proxy wars (eg. Russia vs Ukraine, China vs Taiwan, Iran vs Saudi+Taliban+Azerbaijan).

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Sayeds56 on June 10, 2023, 06:07:23 AM
The US dollar's reserve currency position does not guarantee it as a safe haven in times of economic uncertainty. This trend has been observed in recent years as central banks and other investors have increased their purchases of gold as a safe-haven asset. Thus, Russian-Chinese alternatives to the US-dominated financial system attempt to reduce dependence on the US dollar in bilateral trade and financial transactions between Russia and China, but there is still no complete solution. replace the US dollar at this point. The international financial system is complex and closely tied to the US dollar's role as a reserve currency. However, the US dollar cannot hold its position forever, and we should recognize that the economy is gradually moving to the east.

Indeed, US dollar reserve position doesn't guarantee that it is an absolute safe heaven during the uncertain economic conditions. This is the reason central banks all over the world are increasing their gold reserve to hedge their fiat currency reserves. Although Russia, China and many other countries are jointly making efforts to reduce their dependence on  US dollar dominated financial system by using alternatives, such as bilateral trade agreements, using national currencies for transactions. However, replacing the US dollar completely is a complex task barbecue it has deep integration within the international financial system.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: DrBeer on June 10, 2023, 06:42:36 AM
If you are aware that the dollar is the most important source of US power as a result of the Brettenwood Agreement, you will know that reducing America's influence over the world must inevitably pass through reducing the power of the dollar, and this can only happen by reducing its use to minimal levels. America is using the dollar as a pressure card, and this is what increases the hostility of countries towards it.

Regarding the "resentment of Nixon", I'll tell you this - are any of the world's real strong countries providing their currency with REAL gold reserves?
None of the other currencies is adopted as the main currency for global trade, so that the prices of the most important products are determined on its basis. Any other country that prints currencies without a cover of gold bears the consequences of that on its local economy. Of course, the rest of the world is not obliged to use it. Comparison with the dollar is not permissible because the world is forced to use the dollar according to that damned Brettonwood agreement.
Nixon's resentment was the first explicit signal for the countries believing in USA to find alternatives.

Regarding the EU - I remember Europe when there was a German mark, a Spanish peseta, an Italian lira. But they didn't have a dollar Smiley The regional interconnection of countries, with the deep integration of economies, logically required the unification of the financial system. Yes, Europe had "complexes" about the U.S., but the main reason was absolutely pragmatic, not "to oppose the dollar".
The unification of the currencies of the European Union countries is part of a complete financial policy that is supposed to achieve several goals ; One of those goals is to mitigate America's power through the dollar. I am not saying that this is the only reason, but it is one of the most important reasons.

By the way, tell us about HOW RESOURCE-oriented economies strengthen their currencies? Don't you know that they benefit from a "weak" currency? I'll tell you more - a strong, expensive yuan will kill the economy faster than Xi is doing now ! About a strong ruble - well that's completely ridiculous
I share my thoughts according to what I see logically, according to the information and news I see. I'm not a finance expert so I give explanations on a certain level that may not be accurate enough.

And as practice shows - there is no real rejection of the dollar, for example India or China. There is an attempt by China to force some countries to replace the dollars in gold reserves with the Chinese yuan. But this is not to fight the dollar, this is - to save the economy of China!
As I have already explained, the goal of these countries is to reduce the use of the dollar, not to completely eliminate it. The most important example of this is China, which is the largest owner of US bonds at an imaginary value, and it is never in its interest for the dollar to collapse or its balances to be disrupted.

- "If you know that the dollar is the most important source of U.S. power as a result of the Brettenwood Agreement, you know that reducing America's influence on the world must inevitably come through reducing the power of the dollar, and that can only happen by reducing its use to a minimum. America uses the dollar as a pressure card, and that is what makes countries more hostile to it." - The dollar is an international currency, a consequence of the power of the U.S. itself, but not the other way around. And believe me - you will not be able to argue otherwise. It was the power and stability of the U.S. after World War II that ensured the stability of a single world currency. that's why the dollar was chosen.

- "The unification of the currencies of the European Union is part of a complete financial policy that must achieve several goals; one of those goals is to weaken America's power with the dollar. I am not saying that this is the only reason, but it is one of the most important reasons." - also a very controversial assertion. Germany and France were really hurt that the dollar was more powerful, as was the U.S. This is more a realization of "grievances" than a real confrontation. For the U.S., the eurozone's move from francs, marks, and liras to the euro has changed nothing. Nor can you argue against this. Sorry, but the fact is...

- "As I explained before, the goal of these countries is to reduce the use of the dollar, not to eliminate it altogether. The most important example of this is China, which is the largest holder of U.S. bonds at imaginary value, and it is never interested in seeing the dollar collapse or its balance sheets disturbed."
But you never gave any reasons or BENEFITS for this ? And can't, because there are none :) The fact is, no matter how "imaginary" it is, all other currencies are even worse and weaker. That's why "dedolarization" is not at all what you imagine. It is the populism of a certain group aimed at bailing out their economies, far from the effectiveness of the American one. At the same time they are not abandoning the dollar themselves, but forcing less intelligent countries to exchange it for their money. Examples abound - Sri Lanka, Russia,... The result is the same - countries lose the rest of their economies and become hostages, in this example, the yuan. And you will see this very soon, and you will be surprised what will actually happen :)

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: coupable on June 10, 2023, 09:00:15 AM
If you are aware that the dollar is the most important source of US power as a result of the Brettenwood Agreement, you will know that reducing America's influence over the world must inevitably pass through reducing the power of the dollar, and this can only happen by reducing its use to minimal levels. America is using the dollar as a pressure card, and this is what increases the hostility of countries towards it.

Regarding the "resentment of Nixon", I'll tell you this - are any of the world's real strong countries providing their currency with REAL gold reserves?
None of the other currencies is adopted as the main currency for global trade, so that the prices of the most important products are determined on its basis. Any other country that prints currencies without a cover of gold bears the consequences of that on its local economy. Of course, the rest of the world is not obliged to use it. Comparison with the dollar is not permissible because the world is forced to use the dollar according to that damned Brettonwood agreement.
Nixon's resentment was the first explicit signal for the countries believing in USA to find alternatives.

Regarding the EU - I remember Europe when there was a German mark, a Spanish peseta, an Italian lira. But they didn't have a dollar Smiley The regional interconnection of countries, with the deep integration of economies, logically required the unification of the financial system. Yes, Europe had "complexes" about the U.S., but the main reason was absolutely pragmatic, not "to oppose the dollar".
The unification of the currencies of the European Union countries is part of a complete financial policy that is supposed to achieve several goals ; One of those goals is to mitigate America's power through the dollar. I am not saying that this is the only reason, but it is one of the most important reasons.

By the way, tell us about HOW RESOURCE-oriented economies strengthen their currencies? Don't you know that they benefit from a "weak" currency? I'll tell you more - a strong, expensive yuan will kill the economy faster than Xi is doing now ! About a strong ruble - well that's completely ridiculous
I share my thoughts according to what I see logically, according to the information and news I see. I'm not a finance expert so I give explanations on a certain level that may not be accurate enough.

And as practice shows - there is no real rejection of the dollar, for example India or China. There is an attempt by China to force some countries to replace the dollars in gold reserves with the Chinese yuan. But this is not to fight the dollar, this is - to save the economy of China!
As I have already explained, the goal of these countries is to reduce the use of the dollar, not to completely eliminate it. The most important example of this is China, which is the largest owner of US bonds at an imaginary value, and it is never in its interest for the dollar to collapse or its balances to be disrupted.

- "If you know that the dollar is the most important source of U.S. power as a result of the Brettenwood Agreement, you know that reducing America's influence on the world must inevitably come through reducing the power of the dollar, and that can only happen by reducing its use to a minimum. America uses the dollar as a pressure card, and that is what makes countries more hostile to it." - The dollar is an international currency, a consequence of the power of the U.S. itself, but not the other way around. And believe me - you will not be able to argue otherwise. It was the power and stability of the U.S. after World War II that ensured the stability of a single world currency. that's why the dollar was chosen.

You are correct if time had stopped after the Brettonwood agreement. At that time, the dollar was the most reliable currency, and all countries emerged from the war collapsed, including the victorious countries, otherwise there would be no reason for them to agree to adopt the dollar. After that, the data changed with the passage of time, and America began to take advantage of the influence that the countries of the world gave it to be able to buy anything in the world as soon as it prints new dollars without any control, if those dollars had a cover of gold. The world awoke from its negligence after Nixon's statements that America did not have enough gold, but the world had no alternatives but to continue to trust America.
The facts today have changed, and many countries have become more courageous in making attempts to get rid of that power .

- "The unification of the currencies of the European Union is part of a complete financial policy that must achieve several goals; one of those goals is to weaken America's power with the dollar. I am not saying that this is the only reason, but it is one of the most important reasons." - also a very controversial assertion. Germany and France were really hurt that the dollar was more powerful, as was the U.S. This is more a realization of "grievances" than a real confrontation. For the U.S., the eurozone's move from francs, marks, and liras to the euro has changed nothing. Nor can you argue against this. Sorry, but the fact is...

- "As I explained before, the goal of these countries is to reduce the use of the dollar, not to eliminate it altogether. The most important example of this is China, which is the largest holder of U.S. bonds at imaginary value, and it is never interested in seeing the dollar collapse or its balance sheets disturbed."
I completely agree with you.
From a purely objective point of view, it is never possible to get rid of any of the major currencies, especially the dollar, which is adopted by most countries of the world in a volume that exceeds the use of the United States alone by far. I prefer correcting the information that the world aims to reduce the use of the dollar and not get rid of it completely .

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: pooya87 on June 10, 2023, 10:54:22 AM
Speaking of dumping the dollar, when THE US colony threatens its "boss" with "economic pain", you have to realize that the old world order is dead and done with.

Yesterday the Washington Post published an article basically approving what we've been saying all this time about Saudi family in control of Arabia giving up on United States and recognizing the actual super powers in the region that have "whipped" the al-Saud into submission.
According to the article this threat by the Saudi dictator has already scared US regime enough to not act against them at all in the past 8 months ever since they threatened US despite their constant chest-pounding in the media.

For those who are out of the loop, for decades US has been able to enforce the biggest scam of our lifetime called Petrodollar through the Saudi family. Lately the Saudis have also been "dumping the dollar", slowly but surely.

P.S. Another indication of the worsening relations between US and its cash-cow is the article itself. The fact that the Post and others have only been recently allowed to openly talk about the Saudi war crimes in Yemen and the murder of the Washington Post journalist by the Saudi dictator speaks volumes.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: naira on June 10, 2023, 03:30:29 PM

The world continues dumping US dollar, I've already talked about India buying gold ( and many times about Iran accumulating gold over the past couple of years. Now we have evidence of the other Eastern powers buying large amounts of gold. Many other smaller countries that don't fall into the global geopolitics like Qatar, Turkey, Uzbekistan, some African countries, etc. are also accumulating more gold.
This is the New World Order that is forming in front of our eyes, the old Dollar standard is slowly but surely going away which is causing high inflation in US as all the unbacked dollars they'd printed all these years are being dumped on USA itself and even higher inflation is seen in any country that is importing US inflation like Europe. Experts suggest that if US wasn't exporting its inflation, the real US inflation would have been somewhere north of 450% and that's where it's headed as the dollar dumping continues.
Recently the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) was held where all countries gathered and discussed various matters related to each country's system of alignments and responding to how the world economy would change hands in the next 5-10 years, after the era of western imperialism, now China's existence must be acknowledged. It could be that we are already in the ring of World War III, like it or not, we just need to realize that an economic war is going on. Where is the source of each country's wealth at stake and what would happen if de-dollarization really started to eat away at its value. The workings of the world economic system will not be easily understood by us as spectators. World governments are still trying to show power and want to keep control of the dollar. But does it really last? when gold was still the reference value for currency exchange rates. This is proof that apart from the US trying to stand up like the Middle East, China with business in all ASIA countries, Russia is continuing to measure how far Ukraine has survived because I believe Ukraine is enjoying this war, what I mean here is that there is a massive flow of funds to support the war. continues, weapons, drugs, food, clothing and the US will continue to print dollars as the Ukrainian exchange rate uses them.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: DrBeer on June 11, 2023, 02:11:24 PM

The world continues dumping US dollar, I've already talked about India buying gold ( and many times about Iran accumulating gold over the past couple of years. Now we have evidence of the other Eastern powers buying large amounts of gold. Many other smaller countries that don't fall into the global geopolitics like Qatar, Turkey, Uzbekistan, some African countries, etc. are also accumulating more gold.
This is the New World Order that is forming in front of our eyes, the old Dollar standard is slowly but surely going away which is causing high inflation in US as all the unbacked dollars they'd printed all these years are being dumped on USA itself and even higher inflation is seen in any country that is importing US inflation like Europe. Experts suggest that if US wasn't exporting its inflation, the real US inflation would have been somewhere north of 450% and that's where it's headed as the dollar dumping continues.
Recently the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) was held where all countries gathered and discussed various matters related to each country's system of alignments and responding to how the world economy would change hands in the next 5-10 years, after the era of western imperialism, now China's existence must be acknowledged. It could be that we are already in the ring of World War III, like it or not, we just need to realize that an economic war is going on. Where is the source of each country's wealth at stake and what would happen if de-dollarization really started to eat away at its value. The workings of the world economic system will not be easily understood by us as spectators. World governments are still trying to show power and want to keep control of the dollar. But does it really last? when gold was still the reference value for currency exchange rates. This is proof that apart from the US trying to stand up like the Middle East, China with business in all ASIA countries, Russia is continuing to measure how far Ukraine has survived because I believe Ukraine is enjoying this war, what I mean here is that there is a massive flow of funds to support the war. continues, weapons, drugs, food, clothing and the US will continue to print dollars as the Ukrainian exchange rate uses them.

In general, any event can be described by any ideas, fantasy would be enough :)
Regarding the financial and technical support of Ukraine, from the United States, they have other reasons.

For starters, real assistance to Ukraine began to come from the United States when it became clear that Russia, its army and "we will take all of Ukraine in a month" are fake. This is approximately by the summer-autumn of last 2022.
Prior to this, the United States supplied Ukraine with simple weapons that did not allow to really influence the course of the war that Russia unleashed in Ukraine.

The first who really began to help, and in a certain sense with restraint, is Britain. They explained their help very simply "in 1939, we were alone against Nazi Germany. Now Ukraine is in the same position, alone opposes rashist Russia, which attacked Ukraine."

Then, in many minds of Western politicians, a real understanding came of who and what they were dealing with, and that this was "not protecting the Russian-speaking population", this was an attempt to unleash a global war in Europe and destroy the way of life of its inhabitants.
And they realized that if they don’t help Ukraine now, war will come to their countries.

The only benefit for those who provide assistance is the launch of the military-industrial complex, at high speed, which gives a positive boost to the economy. For countries that did not produce but were ready to transfer their weapons, the benefit is to replace obsolete weapons with new models. But all this is a CONSEQUENCE of war, not its cause.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Argoo on June 11, 2023, 03:38:18 PM

Recently the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) was held where all countries gathered and discussed various matters related to each country's system of alignments and responding to how the world economy would change hands in the next 5-10 years, after the era of western imperialism, now China's existence must be acknowledged. It could be that we are already in the ring of World War III, like it or not, we just need to realize that an economic war is going on. Where is the source of each country's wealth at stake and what would happen if de-dollarization really started to eat away at its value. The workings of the world economic system will not be easily understood by us as spectators. World governments are still trying to show power and want to keep control of the dollar. But does it really last? when gold was still the reference value for currency exchange rates. This is proof that apart from the US trying to stand up like the Middle East, China with business in all ASIA countries, Russia is continuing to measure how far Ukraine has survived because I believe Ukraine is enjoying this war, what I mean here is that there is a massive flow of funds to support the war. continues, weapons, drugs, food, clothing and the US will continue to print dollars as the Ukrainian exchange rate uses them.
You described the situation about the war in Ukraine in such a way, as if it is very beneficial for Ukraine that the Russians are now bombing and shelling the entire territory of Ukraine every day, destroying its settlements and all infrastructure to the ground, killing civilians every day. Probably, from your point of view, the recent largest terrorist act committed by Russia in Ukraine, the deliberate undermining of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station and its dam, followed by flooding of more than 80 settlements of Ukraine, which jeopardizes agriculture in southern Ukraine, should also be attributed to the positive aspects . Very strange logic.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: pooya87 on June 11, 2023, 04:08:24 PM
Regarding the financial and technical support of Ukraine, from the United States, they have other reasons.
Finally you said something correctly.
That's the Nixon Doctrine that essentially boils down to a simple thing. United States will arm any group, organization, militia, country, etc. for free but only as long as those arms are used to fulfill US interests. That is the start of the US proxy war policy materializing in the midst of Vietnam war where US military was getting its ass kicked and the public opinion in US was growing increasingly against a war where US troops die in. So this doctrine started so that "others" die instead of US troops...

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Kadal Ijo on June 12, 2023, 02:19:47 PM
Economic wars have become a trend for the past few years, many countries have united to form special economic zones in the hope of protecting them from competition with countries in other regions, and when there is tension between countries, it is certain that it will have a global impact, especially when large countries are involved. such as China, Europe and so on.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Ozero on June 16, 2023, 07:34:27 AM
Regarding the financial and technical support of Ukraine, from the United States, they have other reasons.
Finally you said something correctly.
That's the Nixon Doctrine that essentially boils down to a simple thing. United States will arm any group, organization, militia, country, etc. for free but only as long as those arms are used to fulfill US interests. That is the start of the US proxy war policy materializing in the midst of Vietnam war where US military was getting its ass kicked and the public opinion in US was growing increasingly against a war where US troops die in. So this doctrine started so that "others" die instead of US troops...
Well, what you said about the support of the United States in defending its freedom and territorial integrity by Ukraine fully coincides with the interests of Ukraine itself. It should be noted that the government of Ukraine has never asked the United States or other states to provide assistance with its troops, although it does not refuse volunteers from these countries. The United States and its NATO allies really defend their interests, helping Ukraine with weapons, providing financial and humanitarian assistance. After all, Ukraine was subjected to direct military aggression by a much more powerful enemy and the weakening of Russia by the hands of Ukrainians in the interests of NATO.

Now the Armed Forces of Ukraine are demonstrating the ability to defeat Russia with the appropriate support of NATO countries and other civilized states that strongly oppose aggressive wars in the 21st century.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Argoo on July 03, 2023, 02:37:40 PM
Economic wars have become a trend for the past few years, many countries have united to form special economic zones in the hope of protecting them from competition with countries in other regions, and when there is tension between countries, it is certain that it will have a global impact, especially when large countries are involved. such as China, Europe and so on.
Economic rivalry between large states and even their blocs and alliances has always been, is and will always be .. It is important that it does not turn into hot wars. But, unfortunately, throughout the existence of mankind, wars have been inevitable companions of our society. From time to time, such maniacs as Putin in Russia appear in the world, who recognize only force and cruelty against other states and there is simply no other way to suppress this aggressive force as a response force. If this continues further, our civilization will have the same result as the disappeared previous civilizations on our planet. Humanity has not yet learned anything.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: DrBeer on July 09, 2023, 08:53:03 AM
Regarding the financial and technical support of Ukraine, from the United States, they have other reasons.
Finally you said something correctly.
That's the Nixon Doctrine that essentially boils down to a simple thing. United States will arm any group, organization, militia, country, etc. for free but only as long as those arms are used to fulfill US interests. That is the start of the US proxy war policy materializing in the midst of Vietnam war where US military was getting its ass kicked and the public opinion in US was growing increasingly against a war where US troops die in. So this doctrine started so that "others" die instead of US troops...

More about reptiloids, the Rothschild conspiracy, and other fables for the mentally damaged :)
I take it that in your concept the USA and Land-Lease, for the same reason they helped the USSR ? :)

Okay, I won't bore you with complicated questions, I'll answer briefly and to the point:
The US, UK and other adequate countries, provide financial and technical assistance for the purpose of:
- To fulfill agreements to recognize the inviolability and integrity of Ukraine's borders.
- To stop, in fact, World War 3, unleashed by a terrorist country against the entire adequate world.
- To help destroy the new "brown plague" - RASHIM. As they helped Europe and the USSR to defeat the brown plague of Nazi Germany.

And don't make up any fairy tales. The world is simply getting rid of the Earth's cancerous tumor - RASHISM and its metastases in the form of terrorist helper regimes, and cloaks like the PMR, LNR, DNR ... !

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: chrisculanag on July 09, 2023, 09:11:23 AM
Economic wars have become a trend for the past few years, many countries have united to form special economic zones in the hope of protecting them from competition with countries in other regions, and when there is tension between countries, it is certain that it will have a global impact, especially when large countries are involved. such as China, Europe and so on.
Economic rivalry between large states and even their blocs and alliances has always been, is and will always be .. It is important that it does not turn into hot wars. But, unfortunately, throughout the existence of mankind, wars have been inevitable companions of our society. From time to time, such maniacs as Putin in Russia appear in the world, who recognize only force and cruelty against other states and there is simply no other way to suppress this aggressive force as a response force. If this continues further, our civilization will have the same result as the disappeared previous civilizations on our planet. Humanity has not yet learned anything.
There are powerful countries that only want their laws to be followed for their own sake, which is causing chaos, while other countries that have the intention of antagonizing the two countries are trying to release news that has no truth. I hope those leaders will also think about other countries when they have a compromise, the world will definitely be fine, but if it's just greed, it will only lead to war and maybe even lead to the destruction of our world we live in. I hope that they will also be enlightened and our world will be at peace.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Ozero on July 11, 2023, 06:12:58 AM
One should not speculate that the devaluation of the US dollar will lead to a World War III or even a new world order.
The value of dollar is one of the main factors of the old world order. After all that is the main thing that made US the power in the unipolar world. That world order is already dead and the new world order established last year. At this point is is only solidifying with different countries competing to get bigger slice of the "cake of power".

As for WW, I said before that it is not necessarily an armed conflict. At least not in the traditional sense like the first two WW and at least not at first. It will be fought in different battlefield including economical, food and most importantly the proxy wars (eg. Russia vs Ukraine, China vs Taiwan, Iran vs Saudi+Taliban+Azerbaijan).
Of course, wars between states can be different, but still, humanity has always satisfied its selfish interests with the help of weapons and direct military aggression. The first phase of the war unleashed by Russia against Ukraine in 2014-2021 is commonly called a hybrid one. But it differs from the usual one practically in that the Kremlin brazenly lied in the international arena that it had nothing to do with the war and denied the obvious facts of its aggression. Russia's direct military invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 put everything in its place. Hidden, hybrid wars either stop after some time or develop into open war, as in this case.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: DrBeer on July 11, 2023, 08:39:24 PM
You are correct if time had stopped after the Brettonwood agreement. At that time, the dollar was the most reliable currency, and all countries emerged from the war collapsed, including the victorious countries, otherwise there would be no reason for them to agree to adopt the dollar. After that, the data changed with the passage of time, and America began to take advantage of the influence that the countries of the world gave it to be able to buy anything in the world as soon as it prints new dollars without any control, if those dollars had a cover of gold. The world awoke from its negligence after Nixon's statements that America did not have enough gold, but the world had no alternatives but to continue to trust America.
The facts today have changed, and many countries have become more courageous in making attempts to get rid of that power .

I'm going to ask a couple of very SIMPLE questions:
1. Tell me - what currency, after the "weakening of the US" (also a dubious fact by the way :) ), can now replace it, if not completely, then at least PARTLY for the WORLD economy and the WORLD market ? Only a specific name, and arguments proving the "strength" of this currency.
I'll warn you right away - don't talk about yuan :) "Yuan to replace the dollar" is Beijing's mantra to save China's falling economy. And against the backdrop of impending NEW problems. Just read:

2. About gold. Yes, Nixon clearly said - that the reserves do not match the fiat mass. BUT - can you name a country, and the real gold reserve in the structure of its gold reserves, and such a reserve that can be verified? So-called "Large and stable economies" like China, Russia and other similar economies only DECLARE reserves, but the real figures are, WHY, classified ! Can you tell me why? :)

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Vishnu.Reang on July 13, 2023, 04:44:48 AM
Many countries are dumping the US dollar as a reserve currency. The biggest example is Russia start selling its energy for their own currency effectively replacing US dollar as international medium of exchange. To avoid Western sanctions, Russia has shifted its foreign trade transactions away from the dollar and euro to currencies of non-restricted countries. To prevent from inflation some countries start taking prevention and start buying gold. It is a natural hedge against inflation.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: fruktik on July 13, 2023, 05:40:14 AM
The US dollar's reserve currency position does not guarantee it as a safe haven in times of economic uncertainty. This trend has been observed in recent years as central banks and other investors have increased their purchases of gold as a safe-haven asset. Thus, Russian-Chinese alternatives to the US-dominated financial system attempt to reduce dependence on the US dollar in bilateral trade and financial transactions between Russia and China, but there is still no complete solution. replace the US dollar at this point. The international financial system is complex and closely tied to the US dollar's role as a reserve currency. However, the US dollar cannot hold its position forever, and we should recognize that the economy is gradually moving to the east.

Indeed, US dollar reserve position doesn't guarantee that it is an absolute safe heaven during the uncertain economic conditions. This is the reason central banks all over the world are increasing their gold reserve to hedge their fiat currency reserves. Although Russia, China and many other countries are jointly making efforts to reduce their dependence on  US dollar dominated financial system by using alternatives, such as bilateral trade agreements, using national currencies for transactions. However, replacing the US dollar completely is a complex task barbecue it has deep integration within the international financial system.
         I can’t speak for all countries, but I’ll write about the one in which I live. For more than 100 years, there has been total propaganda by all means of broadcasting that the dollar is not backed by anything and that this is just a green piece of paper that should be abandoned. But for some reason this hasn't happened yet. There were many attempts, but things are still there. The main reason is the incompetence of the leadership class. Solid bravado and nothing more.
       Maybe it's time for them to reconsider their approach to
this question? Leave everything as it is at the moment and not deal with those things in which they do not understand anything? On the contrary, is it required not to isolate oneself from those countries that impose their own rules of the game, but to find a compromise or even an alliance? But no! Lust for power and theft do their job. I'm sure nothing will change like that. You correctly said that integration into the world system is too strong and this fact must be taken for granted. It would be better if these elites turned their attention towards cryptocurrencies.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: DrBeer on July 13, 2023, 01:27:01 PM
The US dollar's reserve currency position does not guarantee it as a safe haven in times of economic uncertainty. This trend has been observed in recent years as central banks and other investors have increased their purchases of gold as a safe-haven asset. Thus, Russian-Chinese alternatives to the US-dominated financial system attempt to reduce dependence on the US dollar in bilateral trade and financial transactions between Russia and China, but there is still no complete solution. replace the US dollar at this point. The international financial system is complex and closely tied to the US dollar's role as a reserve currency. However, the US dollar cannot hold its position forever, and we should recognize that the economy is gradually moving to the east.

Indeed, US dollar reserve position doesn't guarantee that it is an absolute safe heaven during the uncertain economic conditions. This is the reason central banks all over the world are increasing their gold reserve to hedge their fiat currency reserves. Although Russia, China and many other countries are jointly making efforts to reduce their dependence on  US dollar dominated financial system by using alternatives, such as bilateral trade agreements, using national currencies for transactions. However, replacing the US dollar completely is a complex task barbecue it has deep integration within the international financial system.
         I can’t speak for all countries, but I’ll write about the one in which I live. For more than 100 years, there has been total propaganda by all means of broadcasting that the dollar is not backed by anything and that this is just a green piece of paper that should be abandoned. But for some reason this hasn't happened yet. There were many attempts, but things are still there. The main reason is the incompetence of the leadership class. Solid bravado and nothing more.
       Maybe it's time for them to reconsider their approach to
this question? Leave everything as it is at the moment and not deal with those things in which they do not understand anything? On the contrary, is it required not to isolate oneself from those countries that impose their own rules of the game, but to find a compromise or even an alliance? But no! Lust for power and theft do their job. I'm sure nothing will change like that. You correctly said that integration into the world system is too strong and this fact must be taken for granted. It would be better if these elites turned their attention towards cryptocurrencies.

No offense - but this kind of rhetoric, is the first and key principle of totalitarian-idiotic power. I saw it personally in the USSR. I saw it personally in Cuba. I see it in modern Russia, North Korea, and a couple of other countries that definitely fall under the "pariah" status.
It's not surprising, there's nothing else for such rulers to do. If the government is thieves, then to hide their problems in front of the population of the country - it is necessary:
1. an EXTERNAL enemy.
2. to make it clear that everyone who does not support the internal government is 100% enemy and traitor to the people of this country. Many other "statuses" can be imposed as well
3. It is obligatory to say that the Leader (the leader in such a situation is also critically important) is fighting the universal problem, and it is necessary to wait a little. At the same time, he will give orders, issue orders, write laws that "tomorrow the entire population will be happy and rich". But we have to wait
4. it is obligatory to write about great achievements, victories, and envy of the whole world in relation to this country.
5. It is very important to systematically beat into the brain that it is bad to live rich. And the fact that the Leader and his assistants bathe in wealth while the main population is in poverty - "it is so necessary, they work for all of you" !
6. And most importantly, stupid propaganda designed for completely brainless consumers! It means to say today that the ball is round, cost - square, after tomorrow - green, and anyone who asks a question about "past versions" - immediately accuse on point 2 - the enemy !:)
7. And the economic moment. To explain to the population that :
- they do not need dollars
- dollars are not secured by anything
- dollars are the main evil.
At the same time, all those in power accumulate dollars and keep them in the banks of the "decaying west". But those who talk about it are enemies ! :)

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Pejoh Asu on July 13, 2023, 01:47:31 PM
The threat of an economic crisis in the future is of course very worrying, a war in the market will certainly make the political situation continue to escalate, now we can see that many countries are looking for friends who are certainly in line with expectations and have the same vision to protect their interests.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: jasonjm on July 13, 2023, 03:44:54 PM
With the global economic recession on the cards, GOLD is the only option left for the countries to safeguard their assets. USD also faces drawbacks and challenges. Governments are decreasing their dependence on USD and looking to trade in their currencies. This will have an impact on the dollar's monopoly. Looking at USA's recent banking crisis, which is far from over, one thing is self-evident, US rule is coming to an end in the near future.

BRICS is about to launch its currency for trading and Arabs are doing trade agreements in Yuan along with India and Russia, things are looking ugly for USD, especially "petrodollars".  A few countries started to increase their reserves of Yuan and are dumping dollars. Global power dynamics are about to change. A new world order is approaching, and I think China will be at the center of this.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: SyndicateLabs on July 13, 2023, 04:10:15 PM
With the global economic recession on the cards, GOLD is the only option left for the countries to safeguard their assets. USD also faces drawbacks and challenges. Governments are decreasing their dependence on USD and looking to trade in their currencies. This will have an impact on the dollar's monopoly. Looking at USA's recent banking crisis, which is far from over, one thing is self-evident, US rule is coming to an end in the near future.

BRICS is about to launch its currency for trading and Arabs are doing trade agreements in Yuan along with India and Russia, things are looking ugly for USD, especially "petrodollars".  A few countries started to increase their reserves of Yuan and are dumping dollars. Global power dynamics are about to change. A new world order is approaching, and I think China will be at the center of this.
I have a picture of the story being extreme but actually what's going on is not strong enough for us to see a new order, actually the story of war is something that no one wants but it's also hard to understand. avoid. Hopefully it won't lead to major disasters. There are views that I have heard about countries that are introducing measures to reduce their dependence on the USD and seeking to diversify their national financial systems. Replacing the USD as an international currency is a complex process and requires stability, reliability, and the support of many stakeholders. Therefore, when assessing global financial trends, it is important to understand and monitor international economic, political and financial situations to gain insight and make informed investment decisions bright.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: nara1892 on July 13, 2023, 04:26:04 PM
With the global economic recession on the cards, GOLD is the only option left for the countries to safeguard their assets. USD also faces drawbacks and challenges. Governments are decreasing their dependence on USD and looking to trade in their currencies. This will have an impact on the dollar's monopoly. Looking at USA's recent banking crisis, which is far from over, one thing is self-evident, US rule is coming to an end in the near future.

BRICS is about to launch its currency for trading and Arabs are doing trade agreements in Yuan along with India and Russia, things are looking ugly for USD, especially "petrodollars".  A few countries started to increase their reserves of Yuan and are dumping dollars. Global power dynamics are about to change. A new world order is approaching, and I think China will be at the center of this.
Gradually the value of the dollar will continue to decline, keeping in mind the financial system of the dollar anyone can see its expiration date, we just have to watch a little longer. Especially when the US issued a money printing law at that time which was no longer backed by gold. Meanwhile, the US is demanding that other countries implement rules they can control. The saturation point of China, Middle Eastern countries, India, Brazil and Russia is moving in a more reasonable direction. Subvert the dollar system by launching a new payment system. Even though it is profitable for China, at least the countries are satisfied and able to maintain bilateral trade results between each other with the system that has been implemented, rather than relying on the US financial system.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Argoo on July 17, 2023, 06:59:34 PM
The threat of an economic crisis in the future is of course very worrying, a war in the market will certainly make the political situation continue to escalate, now we can see that many countries are looking for friends who are certainly in line with expectations and have the same vision to protect their interests.
On July 17, 2023, Russia officially abandoned the "grain agreement" and officially notified Turkey and Ukraine, as well as the UN secretariat, of its objection to the extension of the "grain deal" for the removal of grain and other agricultural products from the ports of Ukraine for export. In addition, Russia withdrew security guarantees for the grain corridor. In other words, Russia says it can sink civilian ships flying any flag if they take grain out of Ukraine. Sinking civilian ships with non-military goods in neutral waters can be regarded as piracy.

What then will Russia do if, for example, Turkey organizes an escort and escorts these civilian vessels? Will it also shoot at the warships of Turkey, which is a member of NATO? And if such convoys are organized by the UN or at least NATO countries? Will Russia, already very weakened by the war, go into conflict with NATO members, thereby unleashing an even bigger war than in Ukraine? After all, then it will already look like the Third World War.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: DrBeer on July 18, 2023, 01:43:59 PM
With the global economic recession on the cards, GOLD is the only option left for the countries to safeguard their assets. USD also faces drawbacks and challenges. Governments are decreasing their dependence on USD and looking to trade in their currencies. This will have an impact on the dollar's monopoly. Looking at USA's recent banking crisis, which is far from over, one thing is self-evident, US rule is coming to an end in the near future.

BRICS is about to launch its currency for trading and Arabs are doing trade agreements in Yuan along with India and Russia, things are looking ugly for USD, especially "petrodollars".  A few countries started to increase their reserves of Yuan and are dumping dollars. Global power dynamics are about to change. A new world order is approaching, and I think China will be at the center of this.

"No matter how much you say baklava, it won't get sweet in your mouth!"
Perfect answer to your post :)

See the point - the BRICS will not create their own currency. China wants to make BRICS into a "reserve of idiots" who will abandon the international economy (read - the dollar), and become slaves of the National Bank of China (read - the yuan), and slaves who will take all the problems (inflation, rising prices, ....) into their own economies, saving China.

And the Dollar will remain an international currency, not a surrogate like the Yuan in settlements.... I recommend, to understand what will happen to BRICS after BRICS will lie down on its shoulder before the yuan, to read how Russia settles accounts with India in rupees and with China in yuan - more funny financial and economic history can not be found :)

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Ozero on August 06, 2023, 07:03:14 AM
Now the world on our planet has once again come close to a world war due to Russia's military aggression against Ukraine and threats of attacks on other European countries. In addition, Russia deliberately creates man-made and environmental disasters in Ukraine, blackmails the world with nuclear weapons and catastrophes at seized nuclear facilities in Ukraine.

Recently, the eyes of the world community have been turned to the provocative actions of the Russian PMC "Wagner", whose representatives, being on the territory of Belarus, threaten to attack the NATO countries - Poland and Lithuania. Their actions, directed from the Kremlin, may well cause a war with NATO countries.

Not having the desired success in military operations against Ukraine, the Putin regime, in order to divert the attention of its citizens from failures on the Ukrainian front, seeks to expand the geography of hostilities and the number of warring countries, since the Kremlin is uncomfortable admitting that Russia is being defeated by the Ukrainians.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Marvell1 on August 06, 2023, 12:32:13 PM
Now the world on our planet has once again come close to a world war due to Russia's military aggression against Ukraine and threats of attacks on other European countries. In addition, Russia deliberately creates man-made and environmental disasters in Ukraine, blackmails the world with nuclear weapons and catastrophes at seized nuclear facilities in Ukraine.

Recently, the eyes of the world community have been turned to the provocative actions of the Russian PMC "Wagner", whose representatives, being on the territory of Belarus, threaten to attack the NATO countries - Poland and Lithuania. Their actions, directed from the Kremlin, may well cause a war with NATO countries.

Not having the desired success in military operations against Ukraine, the Putin regime, in order to divert the attention of its citizens from failures on the Ukrainian front, seeks to expand the geography of hostilities and the number of warring countries, since the Kremlin is uncomfortable admitting that Russia is being defeated by the Ukrainians.

78 years (August 6, 1945 - August 6, 2023), the US imperialists dropped the first atomic bomb named "Little BOY" on the city of HIROSHIMA, Japan. The bomb instantly killed 80,000 Japanese people in a short time. These things, how come I never heard anyone complain or criticize. Dropping atomic bombs to kill millions of civilians is called "peaceful messengers". Is this nuclear bomb on a mission to bring peace to the world or is it deliberately erasing a country's name from the world map?

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Ozero on August 06, 2023, 04:09:53 PM
Now the world on our planet has once again come close to a world war due to Russia's military aggression against Ukraine and threats of attacks on other European countries. In addition, Russia deliberately creates man-made and environmental disasters in Ukraine, blackmails the world with nuclear weapons and catastrophes at seized nuclear facilities in Ukraine.

Recently, the eyes of the world community have been turned to the provocative actions of the Russian PMC "Wagner", whose representatives, being on the territory of Belarus, threaten to attack the NATO countries - Poland and Lithuania. Their actions, directed from the Kremlin, may well cause a war with NATO countries.

Not having the desired success in military operations against Ukraine, the Putin regime, in order to divert the attention of its citizens from failures on the Ukrainian front, seeks to expand the geography of hostilities and the number of warring countries, since the Kremlin is uncomfortable admitting that Russia is being defeated by the Ukrainians.

78 years (August 6, 1945 - August 6, 2023), the US imperialists dropped the first atomic bomb named "Little BOY" on the city of HIROSHIMA, Japan. The bomb instantly killed 80,000 Japanese people in a short time. These things, how come I never heard anyone complain or criticize. Dropping atomic bombs to kill millions of civilians is called "peaceful messengers". Is this nuclear bomb on a mission to bring peace to the world or is it deliberately erasing a country's name from the world map?
And how to regard these words of yours? Russia intends to repeat such a nuclear experiment? Why did she then transfer part of her nuclear potential to Belarus? After all, unpredictable "Wagnerites" can "accidentally" take advantage of them, after which the Kremlin will claim that this is not their unit and they have nothing to do with it?

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: DrBeer on August 06, 2023, 06:14:42 PM
Now the world on our planet has once again come close to a world war due to Russia's military aggression against Ukraine and threats of attacks on other European countries. In addition, Russia deliberately creates man-made and environmental disasters in Ukraine, blackmails the world with nuclear weapons and catastrophes at seized nuclear facilities in Ukraine.

Recently, the eyes of the world community have been turned to the provocative actions of the Russian PMC "Wagner", whose representatives, being on the territory of Belarus, threaten to attack the NATO countries - Poland and Lithuania. Their actions, directed from the Kremlin, may well cause a war with NATO countries.

Not having the desired success in military operations against Ukraine, the Putin regime, in order to divert the attention of its citizens from failures on the Ukrainian front, seeks to expand the geography of hostilities and the number of warring countries, since the Kremlin is uncomfortable admitting that Russia is being defeated by the Ukrainians.

78 years (August 6, 1945 - August 6, 2023), the US imperialists dropped the first atomic bomb named "Little BOY" on the city of HIROSHIMA, Japan. The bomb instantly killed 80,000 Japanese people in a short time. These things, how come I never heard anyone complain or criticize. Dropping atomic bombs to kill millions of civilians is called "peaceful messengers". Is this nuclear bomb on a mission to bring peace to the world or is it deliberately erasing a country's name from the world map?

So far, only the aggressor country is trying to rumble with "nuclear muds", promising to destroy Poland, Britain, Germany and other countries with a nuclear strike ... Moreover, the slogan there is absolutely Nazi "If Russia loses, why do we need this world !?".
In a word, the example is not very correct and rather "far-fetched".
PS I recommend - look at the affected cities of Japan - what they have become in 20 years. And look at Kamchatka, which belongs to the country that has "the largest natural resources in the world." I have been there - to be honest - I have a feeling that Kamchatka is bombed with nuclear bombs every 5-10 years until now ...
Just look not at brochures with mountain views, but at real photos of real cities

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: PytagoraZ on August 07, 2023, 07:06:29 AM
Although economy is not the only battlefield (we have energy, food and actual armed conflict between proxies) but it is affecting us the most

Global conspiracies are endless, but it's always interesting to talk about. I believe that world war 3 will happen sooner or later. I think America will also not remain silent if the world's currency is replaced, and does not use USD anymore. I think that's reason enough for America to start World War 3

In my opinion, there is no more logical reason to start a war than economic reasons.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: DrBeer on August 07, 2023, 08:11:47 AM
Although economy is not the only battlefield (we have energy, food and actual armed conflict between proxies) but it is affecting us the most

Global conspiracies are endless, but it's always interesting to talk about. I believe that world war 3 will happen sooner or later. I think America will also not remain silent if the world's currency is replaced, and does not use USD anymore. I think that's reason enough for America to start World War 3

In my opinion, there is no more logical reason to start a war than economic reasons.

If you study history, you will discover an amazing fact. All world wars have been started by outcast countries or countries with a grudge against the whole world.
Theoretically it is possible to imagine a picture of the USA in such a status, but it is from the realm of fiction, and not even scientific.
Now, for more than a year, ALL the world is threatened with nuclear war by the new world "offended", loser and pariah - Russia. Or can you give an example where the USA, NATO countries, EU countries, China or India threatened the world and many neighbors with a nuclear strike? The only place where you can find such references is again in the corrupt Kremlin media, but they make up "news", "statements" - putting their fantasies in the mouths of other people and passing it off as "truth". Therefore, the only author of a new world war can only be Russia.

PS Yes, there is also Iran with its manic craving for nuclear weapons, and the clown from North Korea - but it will not be difficult to "buy" the world community.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: PytagoraZ on August 07, 2023, 11:52:38 AM
If you study history, you will discover an amazing fact. All world wars have been started by outcast countries or countries with a grudge against the whole world.

Theoretically it is possible to imagine a picture of the USA in such a status, but it is from the realm of fiction, and not even scientific.
Now, for more than a year, ALL the world is threatened with nuclear war by the new world "offended", loser and pariah - Russia. Or can you give an example where the USA, NATO countries, EU countries, China or India threatened the world and many neighbors with a nuclear strike? The only place where you can find such references is again in the corrupt Kremlin media, but they make up "news", "statements" - putting their fantasies in the mouths of other people and passing it off as "truth". Therefore, the only author of a new world war can only be Russia.

PS Yes, there is also Iran with its manic craving for nuclear weapons, and the clown from North Korea - but it will not be difficult to "buy" the world community.

When talking about Iran and Iraq, America accuses them of having nuclear weapons so it is necessary to carry out an invasion of these Middle Eastern countries, but is Iraq proven to have nuclear weapons? it turns out that after sadam husein was hanged, there are no nuclear weapons in iraq, just bullshit taking over oil refineries, yes, iraq has huge oil reserves. So, it's an economic problem with the scapegoat of nuclear weapons

Let's talk about having nuclear weapons, America has the most nuclear weapons and aircraft carriers, followed by Russia. On the one hand, America and Russia are opposites. Both are competing for interests, hegemony, and influence. Neither America nor Russia dared to attack each other, the victim was Ukraine. Russia wants Ukraine to have a border between NATO countries and Russia, NATO wants Ukraine to be closer to Russia and to make Ukraine a NATO base so that it can easily spy on Russia.

Currently, there are two major ideologies seeking influence and hegemony. America with EU/NATO countries with democratic ideology, Russia with China and North Korea with communism ideology. I'm sure that sooner or later America and Russia will go to war, and what I'm afraid of is the location of their war not in Russia and America but in the EU, just like the 2nd world war, and it must be bad for the EU

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: pooya87 on August 07, 2023, 02:01:20 PM
Global conspiracies are endless, but it's always interesting to talk about. I believe that world war 3 will happen sooner or later. I think America will also not remain silent if the world's currency is replaced, and does not use USD anymore. I think that's reason enough for America to start World War 3

In my opinion, there is no more logical reason to start a war than economic reasons.
Next word war is already taking place as we speak but this time because the world powers own nuclear weapons that can vaporize the human race the shape of the war is different. It is taking place through proxies like US-Russia fighting through the proxy of Ukraine, US-China fighting through the proxy of Taiwan, US-Iran fighting through the proxy of ISIS.

As I said before, it is in multiple types of battle fields. For example the one that is currently "hot" in the media is the food war and everyone is participating in it too. From Russia with grain deals to Turkey with the sea blockade and Europe stealing shipments to other countries stopping exports and disrupting supply chains.

Currently, there are two major ideologies seeking influence and hegemony. America with EU/NATO countries with democratic ideology, Russia with China and North Korea with communism ideology. I'm sure that sooner or later America and Russia will go to war, and what I'm afraid of is the location of their war not in Russia and America but in the EU, just like the 2nd world war, and it must be bad for the EU
There are more than just the two but that's another discussion. I want to point out that the war you mentioned is already happening in Europe with the armed conflict in the westernmost part of Europe and energy, economic and food wars in the rest of it. We see that in the ongoing deindustrialization of Europe.
P.S. This is not WWII because WWII was Europeans fighting amongst themselves then bringing that war to the rest of the world.

Or can you give an example where the USA, NATO countries, EU countries, China or India threatened the world and many neighbors with a nuclear strike?
They don't threaten anybody with nukes, they just drop their nukes on cities without warning. Like US nuking Japan or the nuclear munitions that they used in Iraq which was worse than the two bombs they dropped in Japan or the MOAB they dropped on poor people of Afghanistan and a lot more!!

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: PytagoraZ on August 07, 2023, 02:24:32 PM
Next word war is already taking place as we speak but this time because the world powers own nuclear weapons that can vaporize the human race the shape of the war is different. It is taking place through proxies like US-Russia fighting through the proxy of Ukraine, US-China fighting through the proxy of Taiwan, US-Iran fighting through the proxy of ISIS.

Yeah right, to be honest it was in the early stages of the war now. This is the way to come to the gun war. Both America and Russia still don't want to be open and use weapons, because in my opinion they are still considering the risks. Although I also don't believe that World War 3 will happen, it is likely that nukes will not be used, because it is useless to be victorious in a war if the world has been destroyed by nukes. No economic benefits

As I said before, it is in multiple types of battle fields. For example the one that is currently "hot" in the media is the food war and everyone is participating in it too. From Russia with grain deals to Turkey with the sea blockade and Europe stealing shipments to other countries stopping exports and disrupting supply chains.

When it comes to food, my country has a terrible deal with the EU. It looks like the EU will be the first continent to be hit by food shortages.

There are more than just the two but that's another discussion. I want to point out that the war you mentioned is already happening in Europe with the armed conflict in the westernmost part of Europe and energy, economic and food wars in the rest of it. We see that in the ongoing deindustrialization of Europe.
P.S. This is not WWII because WWII was Europeans fighting amongst themselves then bringing that war to the rest of the world.  

Yes, I know. But now these two ideologies are at odds. Countries with Islamic ideology seem to have been a bit forgotten by America because they are no longer too dangerous after the collapse of Iraq and Iran, and Arab countries are friendly enough to America so they are not considered a threat.

Yes, indeed the second world war took place in the European Union and spread to Japan, Russia and America. And it seems that America succeeded in taking advantage of this situation, because America was the last country to join the second world war, so that when other countries had run out of ammunition and logistical supplies, America came with new troops and logistical supplies so that they were able to win the war quite easily.

The food crisis in the EU and the tension between America and Russia could make the 3rd world war happen again in the EU. Or do you have other thoughts?

If you study history, you will discover an amazing fact. All world wars have been started by outcast countries or countries with a grudge against the whole world.

Maybe that's what the history books write, but the reality is not like that. The colonial system carried out by the British, Portuguese and Dutch empires was for the economy. Columbus sailed around the world and discovered the Americas not for research and mapmaking, but for logistical and economic resources.

Maybe if there was a war that was started not for economic reasons, maybe Germany under Hitler's leadership could be like that. Hitler went to war because he considered the German race superior because of the blood of the Aryan race and Hitler's hatred of the Jews. Honestly I have not found any economic interest in the war waged by Hitler

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: pooya87 on August 07, 2023, 03:53:32 PM
When it comes to food, my country has a terrible deal with the EU. It looks like the EU will be the first continent to be hit by food shortages.
Food issues over the past year have been present in every single country around the world, the type and degree of the issues are different per country bug generally so far it has been small enough for the governments to manage it. For example in EU we had the fertilizer crisis followed by decreased output followed by higher food prices and in some cases small shortages like the cooking oil shortage over a year ago in Europe.
Things are changing a lot and sometimes very fast so we can't make long term predictions but unless something major changes I don't think we are about to see any major food shortage in Europe. Specially since every country has found a way to handle the crisis to some extent for example IIRC it was UK that started changing its import policies to handle the shortage by no longer enforcing certain "standards" for stuff they import like the pesticides used in those products; so that they can avert the crisis in short term despite the health health problems it'll cause in long run.

Yes, I know. But now these two ideologies are at odds. Countries with Islamic ideology seem to have been a bit forgotten by America
To be fair the beef US has in West Asia is not about ideology it is about resources. They haven't forgotten anything either, one of the biggest US presences is still in West Asia (ie. their CENTCOM). They recently sent more troops to the region too which many are predicting an upcoming war. I summarized it in the last part of this comment ( and this ( with the effects it can have on energy prices.

because they are no longer too dangerous after the collapse of {...} Iran
I'm not sure what you mean by "collapse" when it comes to Iran but you should read the US The National Security Strategy documents released every year. For the past 4 decades Iran is on top of that list basically ever since Iranians put a boot up US ass kicking them and their dictator out, they have wanted back in but Iran is too strong for them to colonize :P

Yes, indeed the second world war took place in the European Union and spread to Japan, Russia and America. And it seems that America succeeded in taking advantage of this situation, because America was the last country to join the second world war, so that when other countries had run out of ammunition and logistical supplies, America came with new troops and logistical supplies so that they were able to win the war quite easily.
Exactly. Also because US was too far away and very hard to reach, the infrastructure was intact whereas Europe and Russia (and pretty much everywhere else) were destroyed which got US its unipolar power ever since the war ended.
This also proves another reason why there won't be a direct arms conflict between US and anybody else because unlike 80 years ago, US mainland is no longer "hard to reach"...

The food crisis in the EU and the tension between America and Russia could make the 3rd world war happen again in the EU. Or do you have other thoughts?
If you mean armed conflict I believe the chances of a large scale armed conflict is low at this point specially in more of Europe (unless something major changes, like I said above). However, it will remain in Ukraine and Russia may start advancing more to completely cut Ukraine off from the sea. Worst case scenario is for Russia to go through Belarus to take the tiny part of Lithuania that links it to the part of Russia (ie. Kaliningrad) that is separated from mainland to gain better and direct access to Baltic sea.

But it will continue happening in different forms effects of which we will see in food, energy and economy.

The problem is United States and what the regime sees as a "threat". Basically if you are familiar with USA and read their national security documents like the NSS I mentioned above, they see any country that is growing in any way as a threat. That's absurd, isn't it? But that's US!
For example they see China as a threat only because the Chinese economy has been growing and getting stronger lol.

This is why United States sees 3 major threats, ie. 3 growing countries as it is also outlined in NSS: Russia, China and Iran.
Now the issue is that US military can not face any of them since it is nowhere near strong enough. So instead their strategy is the Nixon Doctrine which is basically to create proxies to fight their so called "threats".
These proxies are commonly known as the 3 NATOs:
- The regular NATO we all know as the one including Europe to counter Russia.
- The Arabic NATO that consists of Arabic countries in West Asia and small to medium militia and terrorist groups to counter Iran
- The Asian NATO that consists of Taiwan, Japan, Australia and a couple of other Asian countries to counter China

This has been the state of "word war 3" for many years now. Sometimes it escalates like Russia invading one of these proxies or China threatening to invade Taiwan or Iran bombing the shit out of US bases across West Asia. Sometimes it subsides by US escaping Afghanistan and Arab countries getting out of military contracts with US and replace it with Iran, US admitting Taiwan is part of China and they won't arm it, stuff like that.
So depending on how things go, the effects on different regions like EU can be vastly different. For example if the war they're predicting with Lebanon (that will affect Iran) actually happens as predicted, it will grow quickly and become extremely violent across West Asia (ie. in at least a dozen countries) which will affect the oil price which will then severely affect Europe and the world economy. This can even lead to more Russian advances in Europe (as I said Russia is already eyeing Lithuania and even Latvia) so things could escalate more in that front specially because US will be caught in a severe crossfire that sucks all its resources leaving nothing to be sent to Ukraine anymore.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: PytagoraZ on August 07, 2023, 04:38:55 PM
Food issues over the past year have been present in every single country around the world, the type and degree of the issues are different per country bug generally so far it has been small enough for the governments to manage it. For example in EU we had the fertilizer crisis followed by decreased output followed by higher food prices and in some cases small shortages like the cooking oil shortage over a year ago in Europe.

Our country is prohibited from exporting CPO to Europe, even though our country is the biggest CPO exporter in the world. In addition, Europe also banned the export of coffee, cocoa and soybeans. I don't know why the EU is doing this, even though they are in a food crisis.

Things are changing a lot and sometimes very fast so we can't make long term predictions but unless something major changes I don't think we are about to see any major food shortage in Europe. Specially since every country has found a way to handle the crisis to some extent for example IIRC it was UK that started changing its import policies to handle the shortage by no longer enforcing certain "standards" for stuff they import like the pesticides used in those products; so that they can avert the crisis in short term despite the health health problems it'll cause in long run.

It seems that the UK was quite responsive to the food crisis in Europe, and after the UK left the EU it was easier for them to make global trade decisions.

They recently sent more troops to the region too which many are predicting an upcoming war. I summarized it in the last part of this comment ( and this ( with the effects it can have on energy prices.

Is America on the verge of invading Syria? looks like i missed the news. I'm going to study first and I can't comment on this

The problem is United States and what the regime sees as a "threat". Basically if you are familiar with USA and read their national security documents like the NSS I mentioned above, they see any country that is growing in any way as a threat. That's absurd, isn't it? But that's US!
For example they see China as a threat only because the Chinese economy has been growing and getting stronger lol.

I have never read American security documents, to be honest I have poor English skills so knowledge of reading English literacy is not good. But can you give me the links for these documents?

This is why United States sees 3 major threats, ie. 3 growing countries as it is also outlined in NSS: Russia, China and Iran.
Now the issue is that US military can not face any of them since it is nowhere near strong enough. So instead their strategy is the Nixon Doctrine which is basically to create proxies to fight their so called "threats".
These proxies are commonly known as the 3 NATOs:
- The regular NATO we all know as the one including Europe to counter Russia.
- The Arabic NATO that consists of Arabic countries in West Asia and small to medium militia and terrorist groups to counter Iran
- The Asian NATO that consists of Taiwan, Japan, Australia and a couple of other Asian countries to counter China

Nice analysis. I agree with you on this. You managed to make it look simple. But do you think America is capable of handling so many wars? We have seen the history of Germany, where in the past Germany had good military strength and almost won the second world war if Germany was not arrogant. Germany was too ambitious with the Dunkrick tragedy and the Barbosa operation being carried out simultaneously. But America has an accurate strategy because those 3 wars used NATO power, America always has a way not to be directly involved in the war, even though everyone knows that America is behind it.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: pooya87 on August 07, 2023, 05:39:20 PM
Is America on the verge of invading Syria? looks like i missed the news. I'm going to study first and I can't comment on this
USA invaded Syria about a decade ago to support ISIS and has been illegally occupying the country ever since, specifically the oil rich regions to steal the oil every day.

I have never read American security documents, to be honest I have poor English skills so knowledge of reading English literacy is not good. But can you give me the links for these documents?
It contains some US propaganda alongside parts of the overall plans that are not classified.

But do you think America is capable of handling so many wars?
Not at all, the entire NATO hasn't even been able to handle the one war they started. Based on the official stats and the news in mainstream media weapon storages are mostly empty. Specially the "strategic weapons" like guided missiles. Worst of all is that the production has not been able to keep up with the consumption speed to even refill a small portion of what was used already.

Here is a better question: what is the alternative for US?
Nothing! The only remaining path in front of US regime is either to start wars to weaken everyone else or accept no longer being the solo world power.
For example if US doesn't start a war with China where China fights Taiwan and exhausts itself there, China will continue growing bigger and bigger and will easily replace US and specifically the dollar which will be the end of USA as a hegemony.
This is also why these days US is acting more and more like a dictatorship domestically too. Like the case with BlackRock where US government as a "democracy" with "liberal economy" is dictating where the investors can and cannot go. If BlackRock alone leaves US for China, that is $13 trillion leaving US economy in a blinking of an eye. And BlackRock is not alone...

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: PytagoraZ on August 07, 2023, 06:07:46 PM
Not at all, the entire NATO hasn't even been able to handle the one war they started. Based on the official stats and the news in mainstream media weapon storages are mostly empty. Specially the "strategic weapons" like guided missiles. Worst of all is that the production has not been able to keep up with the consumption speed to even refill a small portion of what was used already.

But in my opinion, even though America hasn't won anything, America and NATO are still considered a great power and capable of intimidating other countries. America's strong military power and the large number of nuclear weapons it possesses is enough to frighten small and developing countries and will keep American interests running smoothly. Although such threats do not work for China and Russia.

The only remaining path in front of US regime is either to start wars to weaken everyone else or accept no longer being the solo world power.

If the choice is like that, I'm sure America will prefer to go to war and will not be willing if the dollar is no longer the world's currency. If the dollar ceases to be the world's currency, at least the countries that disagree with it will have to seize dominance of the dollar through war.

If BlackRock alone leaves US for China, that is $13 trillion leaving US economy in a blinking of an eye. And BlackRock is not alone...

I never thought this far. But according to the global conspiracy, America is overshadowed by a greater power, they are the owners of capital (maybe there is blackrock in it). Maybe if America doesn't support them anymore and doesn't have good power, the global capitalist elite will leave America and move to China, because China has good power. But I'm not sure because China adheres to the ideology of communism and is against the interests of global elites.

What about the illuminati? do you have analysis up to them?

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: DrBeer on August 07, 2023, 06:54:23 PM
If you study history, you will discover an amazing fact. All world wars have been started by outcast countries or countries with a grudge against the whole world.

Theoretically it is possible to imagine a picture of the USA in such a status, but it is from the realm of fiction, and not even scientific.
Now, for more than a year, ALL the world is threatened with nuclear war by the new world "offended", loser and pariah - Russia. Or can you give an example where the USA, NATO countries, EU countries, China or India threatened the world and many neighbors with a nuclear strike? The only place where you can find such references is again in the corrupt Kremlin media, but they make up "news", "statements" - putting their fantasies in the mouths of other people and passing it off as "truth". Therefore, the only author of a new world war can only be Russia.

PS Yes, there is also Iran with its manic craving for nuclear weapons, and the clown from North Korea - but it will not be difficult to "buy" the world community.

When talking about Iran and Iraq, America accuses them of having nuclear weapons so it is necessary to carry out an invasion of these Middle Eastern countries, but is Iraq proven to have nuclear weapons? it turns out that after sadam husein was hanged, there are no nuclear weapons in iraq, just bullshit taking over oil refineries, yes, iraq has huge oil reserves. So, it's an economic problem with the scapegoat of nuclear weapons

Let's talk about having nuclear weapons, America has the most nuclear weapons and aircraft carriers, followed by Russia. On the one hand, America and Russia are opposites. Both are competing for interests, hegemony, and influence. Neither America nor Russia dared to attack each other, the victim was Ukraine. Russia wants Ukraine to have a border between NATO countries and Russia, NATO wants Ukraine to be closer to Russia and to make Ukraine a NATO base so that it can easily spy on Russia.

Currently, there are two major ideologies seeking influence and hegemony. America with EU/NATO countries with democratic ideology, Russia with China and North Korea with communism ideology. I'm sure that sooner or later America and Russia will go to war, and what I'm afraid of is the location of their war not in Russia and America but in the EU, just like the 2nd world war, and it must be bad for the EU

Unfortunately, I have to say that the arguments you cited do not correspond to reality.
1. The US invaded Iraq in 2003 under the pretext of the presence of weapons of mass destruction in the country and the threat to global security from the regime of Saddam Hussein. The issue was not nuclear weapons, but chemical and other weapons with which Iraq was going to "bring Iranian peace" to the nearest countries. there have already been attempts - Kuwait, Iran.....

2. The attack on Ukraine has absolutely unrelated reasons to Ukraine's membership in NATO. This is a fact. The first OFFICIAL document about plans to eventually become a NATO member appeared only at the end of 2018, which you can easily check. Russia's terrorist attack on Ukraine started in 2014, under the completely idiotic pretext of "protecting the Russian-speaking population".  When Ukrainians overthrew pro-Kremlin President Yanukovych, who broke his election promises and built an aligarchy of his cronies. For Russia, this was an unacceptable example that could shake Putin's monopoly on power in Russia. You can easily check this too, and easily see for yourself.... As a Russian-speaking citizen of Ukraine, I can confidently say - there were and are NO claims and pressure on Russian-speakers in Ukraine.. 40% of the AFU are ethnic Russians and Russian speakers. Kiev, my hometown, was 70% Russian-speaking until 2014. Since 2014, the majority of the population started to switch to Ukrainian on their own as a protest against the idea of "protecting Russian-speaking residents of Ukraine". I recommend you to read about 300 years of persecution and destruction of Ukrainian culture, language, history by Muscovy - it is a real fact.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Wimex on August 07, 2023, 11:57:28 PM
With the global economic recession on the cards, GOLD is the only option left for the countries to safeguard their assets. USD also faces drawbacks and challenges. Governments are decreasing their dependence on USD and looking to trade in their currencies. This will have an impact on the dollar's monopoly. Looking at USA's recent banking crisis, which is far from over, one thing is self-evident, US rule is coming to an end in the near future.

BRICS is about to launch its currency for trading and Arabs are doing trade agreements in Yuan along with India and Russia, things are looking ugly for USD, especially "petrodollars".  A few countries started to increase their reserves of Yuan and are dumping dollars. Global power dynamics are about to change. A new world order is approaching, and I think China will be at the center of this.
I have a picture of the story being extreme but actually what's going on is not strong enough for us to see a new order, actually the story of war is something that no one wants but it's also hard to understand. avoid. Hopefully it won't lead to major disasters. There are views that I have heard about countries that are introducing measures to reduce their dependence on the USD and seeking to diversify their national financial systems. Replacing the USD as an international currency is a complex process and requires stability, reliability, and the support of many stakeholders. Therefore, when assessing global financial trends, it is important to understand and monitor international economic, political and financial situations to gain insight and make informed investment decisions bright.

I believe that if the scenario of a new world order is possible perhaps not as soon as some thought, but it is a matter of keeping it in mind...the United States has recently seen itself in a decadent situation, an environment that in one way or another has benefited its opponents, especially China, which has used its influences and strategies to increase its power as a power, so I Think that Soon the reign of the United States will go to the background, or well that's what I Think... but there is something that still keeps me intrigued, the monetary war between the Usd and the Yuan is being noticed as a new alternative to carry out commercial exchange,  but and if none of these currencies are the ones that will establish the new world order and rather bitcoin will do so, none of these centralized assets show the potential to lead and counteract inflation, which little by little is plaguing every corner of the world, bitcoin is the only one that can reduce this impact, despite its volatility it has generated good results, What would happen if, in addition to considering it as a reserve apart from gold, they used it for trade between nations?,what would happen to the world in In this case? Could the countries regain stability as time goes by?

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: slapper on August 08, 2023, 05:30:44 AM

I believe that if the scenario of a new world order is possible perhaps not as soon as some thought, but it is a matter of keeping it in mind...the United States has recently seen itself in a decadent situation, an environment that in one way or another has benefited its opponents, especially China, which has used its influences and strategies to increase its power as a power, so I Think that Soon the reign of the United States will go to the background, or well that's what I Think... but there is something that still keeps me intrigued, the monetary war between the Usd and the Yuan is being noticed as a new alternative to carry out commercial exchange,  but and if none of these currencies are the ones that will establish the new world order and rather bitcoin will do so, none of these centralized assets show the potential to lead and counteract inflation, which little by little is plaguing every corner of the world, bitcoin is the only one that can reduce this impact, despite its volatility it has generated good results, What would happen if, in addition to considering it as a reserve apart from gold, they used it for trade between nations?,what would happen to the world in In this case? Could the countries regain stability as time goes by?
The concept of a new world order and all this talk of USD, Yuan, and Bitcoin! Spins my mind around. However, here is what I have for you. Yes, the U.S. is in a precarious position, but don't you think it's a bit premature to declare that they'll lose their dominance? China may possess some power, but China is not the only business in town

But then there's Bitcoin. You assert that Bitcoin could lead the world, but didn't it once crash? Twice? In addition, it oscillates like a yo-yo. How can such a factor stabilize the situation? Comparable to attempting to construct a house on a seesaw. However, gold is shiny, but you can't purchase a cup of coffee with it, so who knows? Perhaps one day we will all purchase hamburgers with digital currency. Or perhaps not

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: dothebeats on August 08, 2023, 08:38:13 AM

I believe that if the scenario of a new world order is possible perhaps not as soon as some thought, but it is a matter of keeping it in mind...the United States has recently seen itself in a decadent situation, an environment that in one way or another has benefited its opponents, especially China, which has used its influences and strategies to increase its power as a power, so I Think that Soon the reign of the United States will go to the background, or well that's what I Think... but there is something that still keeps me intrigued, the monetary war between the Usd and the Yuan is being noticed as a new alternative to carry out commercial exchange,  but and if none of these currencies are the ones that will establish the new world order and rather bitcoin will do so, none of these centralized assets show the potential to lead and counteract inflation, which little by little is plaguing every corner of the world, bitcoin is the only one that can reduce this impact, despite its volatility it has generated good results, What would happen if, in addition to considering it as a reserve apart from gold, they used it for trade between nations?,what would happen to the world in In this case? Could the countries regain stability as time goes by?
The concept of a new world order and all this talk of USD, Yuan, and Bitcoin! Spins my mind around. However, here is what I have for you. Yes, the U.S. is in a precarious position, but don't you think it's a bit premature to declare that they'll lose their dominance? China may possess some power, but China is not the only business in town

But then there's Bitcoin. You assert that Bitcoin could lead the world, but didn't it once crash? Twice? In addition, it oscillates like a yo-yo. How can such a factor stabilize the situation? Comparable to attempting to construct a house on a seesaw. However, gold is shiny, but you can't purchase a cup of coffee with it, so who knows? Perhaps one day we will all purchase hamburgers with digital currency. Or perhaps not

I agree with you. It's true China has been growing consistently but America's history has pulled a lot of partners that keeps them steady with their dominance in the market and economy.

As for Bitcoin leading the world, it seems unlikely as many countries will surely not accept it, at least their government.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: pooya87 on August 08, 2023, 11:23:34 AM
But in my opinion, even though America hasn't won anything, America and NATO are still considered a great power and capable of intimidating other countries.
Of course the superpowers don't just become weak overnight. It takes many years. For example USSR was a superpower and had many nukes and yet it took WWII (highest casualties) and cold war to break it apart.
Same with US. For example 20 years ago when Bush decided that America should declare war against 7 countries ( because they had a lot of natural resources, the US national debt was only about $5 trillion. Today that debt has grown to more than $32 trillion. That's what spending roughly $10 trillion in a pointless bloodshed with nothing to show for it does to a country.

I never thought this far. But according to the global conspiracy, America is overshadowed by a greater power, they are the owners of capital (maybe there is blackrock in it). Maybe if America doesn't support them anymore and doesn't have good power, the global capitalist elite will leave America and move to China, because China has good power. But I'm not sure because China adheres to the ideology of communism and is against the interests of global elites.

What about the illuminati? do you have analysis up to them?
Although some of such theories are interesting to read but I tend to not get into them too much since many of them are outright nonsense and some in my opinion are propaganda meaning they take some facts and twist them turning it into "conspiracy theory" so that if someone heard the facts alone they only remember the twisted version and discard the facts as conspiracy theory.
FWIW lets just say there is some links between Zionists and United States and we can see simultaneous weakening of US and the Zionist regime in Israel with the nonstop massive protests in the past ~8 months, reverse migration of the occupiers, military falling apart, etc. (also related to the possible war I mentioned in Lebanon and Syria); meanwhile the Zionist have also been moving toward China in the recent years...

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: DrBeer on August 08, 2023, 09:14:17 PM
For example 20 years ago when Bush decided that America should declare war against 7 countries ( because they had a lot of natural resources

Hmm... I apologize if this is the way it is in your community. BUT, UH.

Do you really think that the speech of retired General Wesley Clark is synonymous with the phrase "Bush decided that America should declare war on 7 countries because they have a lot of natural resources"? ?  Are you serious? Did you even listen to that speech fully and carefully ?
Where is the link to Bush's OFFICIAL statement or speech ? What does Wesley Clark's speech have to do with completely different issues and events ?
? Or did I not notice that Bush stood behind Wesley Clark and discreetly said into the microphone "America should declare war on 7 countries because they have a lot of natural resources" ? ?  ;D

Please - either correct the post, or try to logically get out of this situation and prove that the speech of General Wesley Clark is an exact copy of Bush's order "America must declare war on 7 countries because they have a lot of natural resources".
Third option - you habitually lie and manipulate information, hoping that no one will check  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: on August 09, 2023, 03:08:00 PM
For example 20 years ago when Bush decided that America should declare war against 7 countries ( because they had a lot of natural resources

Hmm... I apologize if this is the way it is in your community. BUT, UH.

Do you really think that the speech of retired General Wesley Clark is synonymous with the phrase "Bush decided that America should declare war on 7 countries because they have a lot of natural resources"? ?  Are you serious? Did you even listen to that speech fully and carefully ?
Where is the link to Bush's OFFICIAL statement or speech ? What does Wesley Clark's speech have to do with completely different issues and events ?
? Or did I not notice that Bush stood behind Wesley Clark and discreetly said into the microphone "America should declare war on 7 countries because they have a lot of natural resources" ? ?  ;D

Please - either correct the post, or try to logically get out of this situation and prove that the speech of General Wesley Clark is an exact copy of Bush's order "America must declare war on 7 countries because they have a lot of natural resources".
Third option - you habitually lie and manipulate information, hoping that no one will check  ;D ;D ;D

Oh I see DrTroll is employing a new tactic: "please give me the EXACT quote".  ;D ;D That's childish. And what if one word doesn't match? It didn't happen? Even more childish is to expect that the US president will say that in public. But he definitely implied that and the actions which followed prove that. Grown-up people understand this but not you.  ;D

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: ChiBitCTy on August 09, 2023, 03:18:35 PM
I understand that the US dollar has been taking a hit, but it's still the worlds reserve currency and quite frankly there's no other fiat that could replace it on the global stage.  The US is still the worlds number one economic super power...that's just the facts. China lies about all of their reporting and the Yuan is surely never going to become the worlds reserve currency, Russia is ran by a mad dictator and they clearly aren't as "advanced" as we once I just don't see this "new order" coming to fruition.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: pooya87 on August 09, 2023, 03:59:01 PM
Oh I see DrTroll is employing a new tactic: "please give me the EXACT quote".  ;D ;D That's childish. And what if one word doesn't match? It didn't happen? Even more childish is to expect that the US president will say that in public. But he definitely implied that and the actions which followed prove that. Grown-up people understand this but not you.  ;D
Arguing with that user is just exhausting, not to mention that he is always trying to derail the discussions like here which "the reason" was neither the point of my big post nor is the subject of this topic. The point was that US invaded 7 countries that the cost of those pointless wars (among other things) increased the US national debt from about 5 to 32 trillion dollars, one of many reasons why the world is dedollarising. Whether the reason was what I said (which is well known) or not doesn't change this fact...

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: DrBeer on August 09, 2023, 06:11:45 PM
On topic:
The Russian ruble, ranked among the top three most miserable and unstable currencies in the world - a new achievement, one of the "pillars" of BRICS.

The Chinese economy is going through a severe crisis, exacerbated by a natural disaster that is guaranteed to lead to mass starvation. Provided that the raw materials appendage and servant of China, Russia is also trying to break the grain market.
Speaking of China and grain. An amazing coincidence - in 2020/2021 China has purchased enough grain to supply the Chinese population for about 6-9 months. Before February 2022. Don't you think that's strange? It seems that some petty international criminal from the Kremlin, promised his master - in half a year to seize Ukraine and get access to the largest reserves and farmland, which would start and work for Russia and China. Expectedly deceived. Now China is in such a position, thanks to its raw material appendage - Russia....

Tell me - does anyone seriously believe that this union of unfortunates can produce a replacement for the dollar ?  ;D

Oh I see DrTroll is employing a new tactic: "please give me the EXACT quote".  ;D ;D That's childish. And what if one word doesn't match? It didn't happen? Even more childish is to expect that the US president will say that in public. But he definitely implied that and the actions which followed prove that. Grown-up people understand this but not you.  ;D

Very funny  ;D ;D ;D ;D
The fun is special in what - it tells me an infantile creature who asks for every word - a document, signed and stamped, and on any statement, even at the level of 2+2=4 !
And here he himself could not answer such a request, once again shitting himself, and decided with such a "wise answer" to heroically withdraw from the dialog :) Come on, kid, come on in, there are grown up and smart uncles talking here. Not your audience yet   ;D

Arguing with that user is just exhausting, not to mention that he is always trying to derail the discussions like here which "the reason" was neither the point of my big post nor is the subject of this topic. The point was that US invaded 7 countries that the cost of those pointless wars (among other things) increased the US national debt from about 5 to 32 trillion dollars, one of many reasons why the world is dedollarising. Whether the reason was what I said (which is well known) or not doesn't change this fact...

Oh, another lover of propaganda and wet fairy tales from rogue countries, afraid of truth and facts : ;D
Yes - arguing with truth and facts is not only tedious but also stupid. But that doesn't stop you :)

You are a gorgeous couple   ;D

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: coupable on August 09, 2023, 11:05:16 PM
I understand that the US dollar has been taking a hit, but it's still the worlds reserve currency and quite frankly there's no other fiat that could replace it on the global stage.  The US is still the worlds number one economic super power...that's just the facts. China lies about all of their reporting and the Yuan is surely never going to become the worlds reserve currency, Russia is ran by a mad dictator and they clearly aren't as "advanced" as we once I just don't see this "new order" coming to fruition.
The solution may not be in the presence of a currency that can completely replace the dollar. There are several options that can be studied and start working on one of them. The first of these solutions is the diversification of the main currencies, so that other currencies can be used, just as we use the dollar, and this is sufficient to replace the dollar, since no single currency is capable of that on its own. The other proposal is based on modern options such as bitcoin or one of the cbdc currencies.
The most important problem is that the United States will not allow this and is ready to set the world on fire, provided that it loses its position that the dollar's status in the global economy brought it. At the same time, it is inevitable because US foreign policies are characterized by hostility, and this is one of the most important reasons that push countries to reduce the need to use the dollar, waiting for the right time to abandon it completely.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: 19Nov16 on August 10, 2023, 01:07:59 PM
Financial problems that have an increasingly difficult economy certainly make anyone have to think effectively, it is not the first thing that a lot of money experiences inflation problems, in my opinion the trust of people with fiat that is declining is the main factor and it is time for many countries to try to implement a decentralization system.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Rupok on August 11, 2023, 03:03:20 PM
Every country is now in the midst of a financial crisis, due to which the value of the dollar has fallen sharply.  Although economy is not the only battlefield, economy plays a very important role for a country.  This is one of the main reasons why the dollar is falling, causing high inflation in the US as all the unbacked dollars they have printed for so many years are being dumped in the USA.  As every country is in a financial crisis now some countries are dumping the US dollar as a reserve currency. Some countries are thinking of diversifying their reserves and for that some countries are thinking of converting money into gold due to which the value of the dollar continues to dump.  It seems to me that now a world war has started in the country financially.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: on August 11, 2023, 10:35:20 PM
On topic:
The Russian ruble, ranked among the top three most miserable and unstable currencies in the world - a new achievement, one of the "pillars" of BRICS.
I'm not surprised I don't see a source mentioned here...  ;D like all your "facts" lame and fake...

Quote from: DrBeer
The Chinese economy is going through a severe crisis, exacerbated by a natural disaster that is guaranteed to lead to mass starvation. Provided that the raw materials appendage and servant of China, Russia is also trying to break the grain market.
Speaking of China and grain. An amazing coincidence - in 2020/2021 China has purchased enough grain to supply the Chinese population for about 6-9 months. Before February 2022. Don't you think that's strange? It seems that some petty international criminal from the Kremlin, promised his master - in half a year to seize Ukraine and get access to the largest reserves and farmland, which would start and work for Russia and China. Expectedly deceived. Now China is in such a position, thanks to its raw material appendage - Russia....
I'm sure you possess some top secret insider info or you participated in their meeting in person.  ;D

Quote from: DrBeer
Tell me - does anyone seriously believe that this union of unfortunates can produce a replacement for the dollar ?  ;D
I will answer with an image:

Free falling graph of the most powerful currency...  ;D that is some serious success! A picture is worth a thousand words!

Quote from: DrBeer
Very funny  ;D ;D ;D ;D
The fun is special in what - it tells me an infantile creature who asks for every word - a document, signed and stamped, and on any statement, even at the level of 2+2=4 !
And here he himself could not answer such a request, once again shitting himself, and decided with such a "wise answer" to heroically withdraw from the dialog :) Come on, kid, come on in, there are grown up and smart uncles talking here. Not your audience yet   ;D

But you fail to provide any proof, any source whatsoever. You did try initially but soon understood that you have no real sources/proof and you look like a bozo. I will just leave this here (let the users decide if this doesn't remind them of someone...)  ;D
Warning Signs You’re Dealing with an Internet Troll
Some of the warning signs that you’re dealing with a troll include:

Blindness to evidence: Trolls are notorious for ignoring facts and either doubling down on their stance or redirecting to a new topic altogether.
Name-calling: Internet trolls aren’t known for their creativity. They’ll often latch onto the latest trending insult and use it in every situation. Hello, “Karen.”
Topic redirects: This is an old-school trolling technique that’s still around today on chats and forums. Trolls enjoy making off-topic remarks to try and distract posters from the discussion. They’ll also post unrelated images or memes.
Condescending tone: “Why you mad, bro?” Trolls love to stoke the fire and then act dismissive when people become angry, which only triggers more frustration. And they know it.
Overexaggerating: While most people use words that aren’t absolute, there’s no middle ground for trolls. Everything has to be on the extreme end of the spectrum. Instead of saying “often” or “sometimes,” they’ll say “always” or “never.”

Gotcha, DrTroll!  ;D

Quote from: DrBeer
Oh, another lover of propaganda and wet fairy tales from rogue countries, afraid of truth and facts : ;D
Yes - arguing with truth and facts is not only tedious but also stupid. But that doesn't stop you :)

Truth and facts!  ;D Truth and facts without sources, zero credibility stuff!

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: DrBeer on August 12, 2023, 12:45:40 PM

Preface: This is all untrue - show me the reports and evidence ?  ;D ;D ;D

As always, I'm not surprised that your only argument would be "that's not true because I didn't look for that information. And since I haven't seen it, it's not true."

Yes, the important thing is that the ruble is not just the worst currency. it is among the three worst currencies of DEVELOPING COUNTRIES ;D

https://riamo. ru/article/662515/bloomberg-rubl-voshel-v-trojku-hudshih-valyut-razvivayuschihsya-stran#:~: text=%D0%A0%D1%83%D0%B1%D0%BB%D1%8C%20%D0%B2%D0%BC%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B5%20%D1%81%20%D1%82%D1%83%D1%80%D0%B5%D1%86%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B9%20%D0%BB%D0%B8%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B9, %D0%BA%D1%83%D1%80%D1%81%20%D0%B5%D0%B2%D1%80%D0%BE%20%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%B2%D1%8B%D1%81%D0%B8%D0%BB%20107%20%D1%80%D1%83%D0%B1%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%B9.

And here's the hysterical snot and spittle, leading Russian propagandist ;D

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Pilgrimazra on August 14, 2023, 04:53:42 PM

I agree with you. It's true China has been growing consistently but America's history has pulled a lot of partners that keeps them steady with their dominance in the market and economy.

As for Bitcoin leading the world, it seems unlikely as many countries will surely not accept it, at least their government.
I just wished African government would just embarrassed Bitcoin and make it as a legal means of trade but the question is what will now happen to our local currency?

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Sithara007 on August 15, 2023, 07:31:13 AM

I agree with you. It's true China has been growing consistently but America's history has pulled a lot of partners that keeps them steady with their dominance in the market and economy.

As for Bitcoin leading the world, it seems unlikely as many countries will surely not accept it, at least their government.
I just wished African government would just embarrassed Bitcoin and make it as a legal means of trade but the question is what will now happen to our local currency?

LOL.. embraced, not embarrassed. Big difference.  ;D

So far CAR (Central African Republic) is the only African country that has given any sort of recognition to Bitcoin. Now coming to the national currencies, out of the 50+ African nations, which one is having a strong national currency? Most of the countries are suffering from inflation and their national currencies are very weak. BTW, what is the point in having so many different currencies across the continent? Why can't Africa have a single currency? But that would mean all the 55 member nations of the African Union entering into an agreement on this topic, which will be very difficult to obtain.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Wind_FURY on August 23, 2023, 05:59:31 AM
Tin-foil hats on.

The United States Government and the Federal Reserve might be doing everything on purpose to get a credit downgrade and cause China and the other debt holders to dump U.S. Treasuries. Then they raised interest rates which restricted the supply of U.S. Dollars. Because of restricted supply, its value will go up sooner or later. Probably once the value of the Dollar is high enough, and the value of U.S. Treasuries are low enough, the Federal Reserve turns the money printer on and prints trillions of Dollars to buy all the cheap debt in the market. 8)

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: pooya87 on August 23, 2023, 06:23:19 PM
Tin-foil hats on.

The United States Government and the Federal Reserve might be doing everything on purpose to get a credit downgrade and cause China and the other debt holders to dump U.S. Treasuries. Then they raised interest rates which restricted the supply of U.S. Dollars. Because of restricted supply, its value will go up sooner or later. Probably once the value of the Dollar is high enough, and the value of U.S. Treasuries are low enough, the Federal Reserve turns the money printer on and prints trillions of Dollars to buy all the cheap debt in the market. 8)
They already did do that, the inflation in United States sky rocketed over a year ago which was made worse by all countries dumping the US debt bonds they held; so the FED started increasing the interest rate incrementally to battle the inflation and they could not decrease it as much as they wanted while causing recession.
Now that high interest rate means they also had to pay a ton of interest to those who were bag holding bonds thingies! This is why the US government had a battle to increase the debt ceiling. Because they needed to print a ton of money to pay those interests! They did do that in a month or two by printing nearly a trillion dollar. Guess what that newly printed money does to inflation :)

Besides, do you know what this game with interest rates does to the economy? It kills it and the society. People won't be able to pay their debts, whether it is a loan they took to buy a house or send their kids to college or a loan to start a business. Production is slowly dying because of how much it costs inside US soil. Where do they migrate to? LOL.... to China.
This is why US currently has a war with two of its biggest investment companies called BlackRock and MSCI because they are slowly pulling about $15 trillion out of US. Guess their destination? :)

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Bushdark on August 23, 2023, 11:00:12 PM
The way we are seeing it now the dumping of the US dollar is becoming a big thread to make many countries with so many sanctions from the United States to other countries that never want to tolerate there policies. The BRICS countries are already planning to dump the US dollar and soon the value of the dollar is going to fall and there power will be lesser than what we think. The US is a country that has depends so much on oil and the era of oil is already fading out and the BRICS are looking at backing there currency on gold.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Ozero on August 24, 2023, 10:55:48 AM
Today ends the BRICS summit, which takes place in the capital of the PAR Johannesburg on August 22-24. It is attended by the leaders of China, India, Brazil and South Africa, Russia is represented by Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. Russian dictator Vladimir Putin did not go to the capital of South Africa because of a warrant issued by the International Criminal Court for his arrest. At the summit, he spoke via video link. There was a lot of speculation about Putin's presence at this summit, but it seems that he was still afraid to come, and the host party did not really want to see him so as not to have problems with the obligation to arrest him.

So far, it is known that the leaders of the BRICS countries have decided to invite Argentina, Egypt, Iran, Ethiopia, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia to become full members of this alliance. But many expected that the decision on the common currency of the BRICS countries would be made at the summit.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: DrBeer on August 24, 2023, 01:29:55 PM
Today ends the BRICS summit, which takes place in the capital of the PAR Johannesburg on August 22-24. It is attended by the leaders of China, India, Brazil and South Africa, Russia is represented by Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. Russian dictator Vladimir Putin did not go to the capital of South Africa because of a warrant issued by the International Criminal Court for his arrest. At the summit, he spoke via video link. There was a lot of speculation about Putin's presence at this summit, but it seems that he was still afraid to come, and the host party did not really want to see him so as not to have problems with the obligation to arrest him.

So far, it is known that the leaders of the BRICS countries have decided to invite Argentina, Egypt, Iran, Ethiopia, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia to become full members of this alliance. But many expected that the decision on the common currency of the BRICS countries would be made at the summit.

BRICS countries refuse to discuss common currency
South African diplomat refutes discussion of BRICS common currency by saying "not on the agenda"
The issue of a common currency BRICS is not on the agenda, the countries of the association are only talking about deepening mutual trade in national currencies. This was stated at a media briefing by the Sherpa of South Africa in the association Anil Suklal, reports Reuters.
He stressed that Brazil, India, China, Russia and South Africa will continue to look for ways to partially abandon the use of the dollar in international trade, but denied rumors that a joint currency could become this way.

BRICS countries refuse to discuss common currency
South African diplomat refutes discussion of BRICS common currency by saying "not on the agenda"
The issue of a common currency BRICS is not on the agenda, the countries of the association are only talking about deepening mutual trade in national currencies. This was stated at a media briefing by the Sherpa of South Africa in the association Anil Suklal, reports Reuters.
He stressed that Brazil, India, China, Russia and South Africa will continue to look for ways to partially abandon the use of the dollar in international trade, but denied rumors that a joint currency could become this way.

The problem with the fantasy of a "BRICS common currency" is that a common currency can be had by the countries of the union if at least the leading countries have stable economies, have the ability to support weaker members, and importantly, have a mutually beneficial economic model. As was the case, for example, in the EU.
But the BRICS members do not meet these conditions. Therefore, things will not go further than "still trying to find solutions".

China is trying to impose the yuan on everyone, India and some other countries are strongly against it, realizing what a trap it is.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Wind_FURY on August 24, 2023, 03:41:15 PM
Tin-foil hats on.

The United States Government and the Federal Reserve might be doing everything on purpose to get a credit downgrade and cause China and the other debt holders to dump U.S. Treasuries. Then they raised interest rates which restricted the supply of U.S. Dollars. Because of restricted supply, its value will go up sooner or later. Probably once the value of the Dollar is high enough, and the value of U.S. Treasuries are low enough, the Federal Reserve turns the money printer on and prints trillions of Dollars to buy all the cheap debt in the market. 8)

They already did do that, the inflation in United States sky rocketed over a year ago which was made worse by all countries dumping the US debt bonds they held; so the FED started increasing the interest rate incrementally to battle the inflation and they could not decrease it as much as they wanted while causing recession.

Now that high interest rate means they also had to pay a ton of interest to those who were bag holding bonds thingies! This is why the US government had a battle to increase the debt ceiling. Because they needed to print a ton of money to pay those interests! They did do that in a month or two by printing nearly a trillion dollar. Guess what that newly printed money does to inflation :)

Besides, do you know what this game with interest rates does to the economy? It kills it and the society. People won't be able to pay their debts, whether it is a loan they took to buy a house or send their kids to college or a loan to start a business. Production is slowly dying because of how much it costs inside US soil. Where do they migrate to? LOL.... to China.

This is why US currently has a war with two of its biggest investment companies called BlackRock and MSCI because they are slowly pulling about $15 trillion out of US. Guess their destination? :)

You didn't get the point.

China still holds about $800 billion of U.S. Treasuries, and with the U.S. Dollar's value starting to go up because of the Federal Reserve's tightening/short supply of U.S. Dollars, those Dollars will look very attractive for China and make them dump more U.S. Treasuries, or simply dump them because they will be needing those foreign reserves for their collapsing economy. But in what currency will they get paid for selling U.S. debt? - U.S. Dollars from the money printer. They will be a holder of U.S. Dollars. The great reset.

But what will they do with all those Dollars? Where will invest all that money? 8)

It's merely a shower thought, but I believe the United States is playing 4D Chess.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Argoo on September 09, 2023, 07:21:38 AM

If you mean armed conflict I believe the chances of a large scale armed conflict is low at this point specially in more of Europe (unless something major changes, like I said above). However, it will remain in Ukraine and Russia may start advancing more to completely cut Ukraine off from the sea. Worst case scenario is for Russia to go through Belarus to take the tiny part of Lithuania that links it to the part of Russia (ie. Kaliningrad) that is separated from mainland to gain better and direct access to Baltic sea.

The great and mighty Russia has been unable to cope with the relatively small Ukraine for a year and a half and still dreams of capturing other states? Alas, she clearly doesn’t have enough strength. Even to resume the offensive and cut off Ukraine from the Black Sea, today for Russia is already in the realm of only imperial intentions, which are far from reality, nothing more. During the autumn months, the Armed Forces of Ukraine may well throw the Russian invaders into the Sea of Azov in the south of Ukraine, after which the Russians will feel very uncomfortable in the occupied Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea, which will be completely within reach of Ukrainian missiles and will certainly turn into an island for them, without full-fledged military supplies equipment and ammunition.

Given that the Russian professional army is almost entirely defeated in Ukraine, with a critical shortage of military equipment, especially artillery, is it still threatening to attack the Baltic countries, which are NATO members? For Russia, this would practically mean suicide.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: STT on September 09, 2023, 08:44:42 AM
China is hardly the best way to judge US policy, its a horrible regime victimizing their people for generations with millions dead from the poor choices continually made by that military dictatorship.  If this is how we judge the strength of any country we're in trouble.  China holds quite alot of Dollar bonds from their export economy, Japan holds a trillion in treasury debt last I heard and they have horrible currency problems with their QE programs starting 33 years ago and never stopping or recovering any value since that inception.  
  Its far more obvious with Japan but China has demographic fallout that will greatly weaken the country.   Both countries have a falling working population which amplifies stress on the economy due to a very likely rising labor cost to all industry.  Japan managed to outrun many negatives by development and technology deployment to greater efficiency, additionally with export of factory production but theres great doubt any other country could juggle all that quite as well and so China will suffer more possibly; other countries can already undercut their cost of production.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: pooya87 on September 10, 2023, 11:22:11 AM
China still holds about $800 billion of U.S. Treasuries, and with the U.S. Dollar's value starting to go up because of the Federal Reserve's tightening/short supply of U.S. Dollars, those Dollars will look very attractive for China and make them dump more U.S. Treasuries, or simply dump them because they will be needing those foreign reserves for their collapsing economy. But in what currency will they get paid for selling U.S. debt? - U.S. Dollars from the money printer. They will be a holder of U.S. Dollars. The great reset.
You are forgetting that when you bag-hold the US treasuries you are in reality lending money to the US government to cover the budget deficit and the ginormous expenses; which means the US government has to pay you interest on the bonds you are bag holding. With the heavily increased interest rate, bag holding these bonds means you get more interest (more money) which US prints out of thin air like a Ponzi Scheme. This is also why all the money from all the other markets (including bitcoin) is being sucked up by US government.

So on one hand China wants to get that profit by being a bag holder (so they bag hold $800 billion) and at the same time they want to get rid of it to reduce their risk (so they dump $200 billion out of the initial $1000 billion they held). This is also why they got rid of a large amount of their dollar reserves by converting it to both gold and yuan.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Wind_FURY on September 17, 2023, 04:14:00 PM
China still holds about $800 billion of U.S. Treasuries, and with the U.S. Dollar's value starting to go up because of the Federal Reserve's tightening/short supply of U.S. Dollars, those Dollars will look very attractive for China and make them dump more U.S. Treasuries, or simply dump them because they will be needing those foreign reserves for their collapsing economy. But in what currency will they get paid for selling U.S. debt? - U.S. Dollars from the money printer. They will be a holder of U.S. Dollars. The great reset.

You are forgetting that when you bag-hold the US treasuries you are in reality lending money to the US government to cover the budget deficit and the ginormous expenses; which means the US government has to pay you interest on the bonds you are bag holding. With the heavily increased interest rate, bag holding these bonds means you get more interest (more money) which US prints out of thin air like a Ponzi Scheme. This is also why all the money from all the other markets (including bitcoin) is being sucked up by US government.

So on one hand China wants to get that profit by being a bag holder (so they bag hold $800 billion) and at the same time they want to get rid of it to reduce their risk (so they dump $200 billion out of the initial $1000 billion they held). This is also why they got rid of a large amount of their dollar reserves by converting it to both gold and yuan.

I'm going to DYOR on what's currently going on, BUT China is definitely NOT "getting rid" of a large portion of their Dollar reserves because they want to do it, it's because they need to it. The Chinese Yuan's value against the U.S. Dollar has been falling in the FOREX market. The countries holding Yuan are selling them, and the People's Bank Of China needs to be the net-buyer to defend it.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: DrBeer on September 18, 2023, 08:47:13 PM
China is hardly the best way to judge US policy, its a horrible regime victimizing their people for generations with millions dead from the poor choices continually made by that military dictatorship.  If this is how we judge the strength of any country we're in trouble.  China holds quite alot of Dollar bonds from their export economy, Japan holds a trillion in treasury debt last I heard and they have horrible currency problems with their QE programs starting 33 years ago and never stopping or recovering any value since that inception.  
  Its far more obvious with Japan but China has demographic fallout that will greatly weaken the country.   Both countries have a falling working population which amplifies stress on the economy due to a very likely rising labor cost to all industry.  Japan managed to outrun many negatives by development and technology deployment to greater efficiency, additionally with export of factory production but theres great doubt any other country could juggle all that quite as well and so China will suffer more possibly; other countries can already undercut their cost of production.

By the way China has come to one expected problem. They have long struggled with fertility, imposed inhumane restrictions, and all so that the population would stop growing at the rates that were until 2020.... And then "the process started"... A noticeable part of the population moved from the level of the poor to the level of the middle class, the standard of living rose, and the usual "tradition" of having many children began to be "forgotten" by itself. This means that in a country with 1 billion population the number of pensioners began to grow (social burden on the budget), as well as the current and prospective productive population, on which China's growing economy was supported... decreased. And now it is not clear how to fix the problem ? China's economy is in trouble, the burden is growing, tax revenues will decline, "tightening the screws" on business will lead to a decrease in business activity.... More stringent measures, restrictions and controls will have to be introduced, which means more totalitarianism and less freedoms. And this is another push... downward...

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Argoo on October 08, 2023, 01:00:15 PM
It is possible that today the world has become even closer to the Third World War. Yesterday, October 7, the Islamist group Hamas launched its biggest attack on Israel in many years. The militants carried out a surprise attack under cover of a massive rocket attack (reported between 2,500 and 5,000 rocket strikes) and infiltrated several Israeli cities.

The Israeli army IDF announced a military operation "Iron Swords" to repel the attack, and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu directly said that Israel is in a state of war. While the United States and European countries supported Israel in its right to defense, Advisor to the Supreme Leader of Iran Ali Khamenei, on the contrary, congratulated Palestinian militants on launching the largest attack on Israel.
Radical Islamists from the Taliban movement, who seized power in Afghanistan, also supported Hamas attacks on Israel. They are ready to “conquer Jerusalem” if Muslim countries neighboring Israel give them the right of passage for troops. Thus, another hotbed of military confrontation is being formed.

Is this a major failure of Israeli intelligence to allow such a massive attack without proper preparation for it, or a deliberate creation of conditions for the subsequent complete Israeli takeover of the Gaza Strip? We'll find out the answer soon.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: pooya87 on October 09, 2023, 03:31:00 PM
It is possible that today the world has become even closer to the Third World War. Yesterday, October 7, the Islamist group Hamas launched its biggest attack on Israel in many years.
The terrorist organization commonly known as Israel has been falling apart from inside for about 4 years now where no "government" can remain in office for long and the back to back protests across the occupied land for 40+ weeks against the radical Zionist is another indication of how this terrorist organization is coming to its end of life.

Palestinians are now using this opportunity, specially as the armed IDF terrorist have been abandoning their posts for the past months, to attack the occupiers and try to take back as much of their occupied country as they can.

However, this is all too small and too localized to lead to a World War. Not to mention that United States has not dared to enter this conflict so far which would be the only reason why this war could expand. And I don't think they have the capability or courage to enter it at this point either. The warning US regime received was too serious for them to do anything but stand back and watch their dog burn.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: khiholangkang on October 09, 2023, 04:26:12 PM
It is possible that today the world has become even closer to the Third World War. Yesterday, October 7, the Islamist group Hamas launched its biggest attack on Israel in many years.
The terrorist organization commonly known as Israel has been falling apart from inside for about 2 years now where no "government" can remain in office for long and the back to back protests across the occupied land for 40+ weeks against the radical Zionist is another indication of how this terrorist organization is coming to its end of life.

Palestinians are now using this opportunity, specially as the armed IDF terrorist have been abandoning their posts for the past months, to attack the occupiers and try to take back as much of their occupied country as they can.

However, this is all too small and too localized to lead to a World War. Not to mention that United States has not dared to enter this conflict so far which would be the only reason why this war could expand. And I don't think they have the capability or courage to enter it at this point either. The warning US regime received was too serious for them to do anything but stand back and watch their dog burn.
What is happening in the region of Palestine and Israel has been going on for a long time and it seems that there will be no meeting point between the two unless one of the parties surrenders, but that will not be possible if you look at the situation of the two parties. The war between these two countries did not trigger any party to join the war and or openly support one of the parties between Palestine and Israel so it will not trigger a world war if you look at the situation of tension between these two countries.

What is happening in this war is because of the fight over the promised land and the heritage of their ancestors, not on politics or economics like other things. and as far as I can notice this war does not affect global politics and economic polarization so it is very unlikely to trigger a world war.

America is not openly in this war and claiming to be one of the parties to the war, but I think America has an advantage in this situation because it is the supplier of military equipment in the war, we know that when there is a war America becomes the most profitable arms dealer. He will laugh when the war continues.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: pooya87 on October 09, 2023, 05:54:38 PM
The war between these two countries
It's not two "countries" though. Just as Ukraine and Donesk, Donbas aren't 2-3 countries. It is one country called Palestine that has majority of it under occupation. Gaza can not even be categorized as a country! It is more like a large prison.

What is happening in this war is because of the fight over the promised land and the heritage of their ancestors, not on politics or economics like other things. and as far as I can notice this war does not affect global politics and economic polarization so it is very unlikely to trigger a world war.
Only on paper. In truth this is actually tied to the World Order, the old and the new.
You see the fake country of Israel was created artificially a little more than 70 years ago after WW2 so that the Western hegemonies (basically United States) could have a wild dog in the most energy rich region of the world that not only controls the balance of power to be always tipping towards US to help US control the energy but also has access to East Mediterranean sea and one of the most strategic and economical chokepoints on earth called the Suez Canal controlling European economy (ie a rabid dog for both West Asia and Europe).

As the organization weakens and as the resistance takes back the occupied places (which may take a long time) US continues losing its power and the New World Order is solidified even more.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Argoo on October 10, 2023, 12:23:38 PM
For the first time in 50 years, part of Israel was captured by terrorists. The depth of penetration into Israeli territory, according to information from Israeli journalists, is up to 40 km in some cities. 23 Israeli settlements were captured. Moreover, the attackers showed unnecessary cruelty and indiscriminately killed civilians of all genders and ages.

These daring and barbaric actions of Hamas could lead to a colossal conflict (or a full-fledged war) that would involve almost all countries of the Arab world. This is exactly what Putin needs! Its main goal is to divert the attention of the World and, above all, the United States from the aggressive war in Ukraine and block assistance to Ukraine. Putin accurately calculated that the United States would not stand aside from Hamas’s aggression against Israel, which is Israel’s strategic partner. Therefore, Putin hopes, US attention will shift to the war with Hamas rather than the war with Ukraine. To discredit the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Russia also transferred to Hamas American and other Western weapons that were captured in the war in Ukraine. And former Russian President Medvedev has already maliciously warned that if F-16 aircraft are transferred to Ukraine, then they too will be used by Hamas.

There should be no doubt - the war, which is already blazing in the Middle East at these moments, is a complement to the path to a full-scale war in the center of Europe - in Ukraine and the catalyst for its incitement is Russia. However, there is also no doubt who will win the war between Hamas and Israel. Hamas will regret in a few days that they carried out their cruel and stupid attack.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: pooya87 on October 10, 2023, 03:10:37 PM
For the first time in 50 years, part of Israel was captured by terrorists. The depth of penetration into Israeli territory, according to information from Israeli journalists, is up to 40 km in some cities. 23 Israeli settlements were captured. Moreover, the attackers showed unnecessary cruelty and indiscriminately killed civilians of all genders and ages.
Nice propaganda. Funny that this morning the Zionist terrorists' own Television published footage of Israeli women who clearly stated that freedom fighters of Hamas had treated them with respect and were only arresting the Zionist terrorists from IDF and the militia in the settlements as prisoners.
That's despite the fact that the Israeli terrorists had just used the internationally banned phosphorus bombs on a school murdering dozens of kids that very day.

These daring and barbaric actions of Hamas could lead to a colossal conflict (or a full-fledged war) that would involve almost all countries of the Arab world.
Nah, the terrorist organization called Israel is too weak to need any involvement from elsewhere. The plan is to weed out this cancerous cell from the region slowly this is why others like Lebanon with its 150k precision missiles haven't even bothered entering the conflict.

The only case anybody else would feel the need to enter it and expand the conflict is if United States makes the stupid mistake of attempting to help the terrorist organization.

As for Ukraine that you mentioned, since United States is in dire need of proxies in Syria they have been trying to evacuate their ISIS terrorists leaving the armed forces of Ukraine shorthanded. This will make Ukraine suffer specially in the gorilla warfare these terrorists were helping Ukraine with.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: khiholangkang on October 10, 2023, 03:27:06 PM
The war between these two countries
It's not two "countries" though. Just as Ukraine and Donesk, Donbas aren't 2-3 countries. It is one country called Palestine that has majority of it under occupation. Gaza can not even be categorized as a country! It is more like a large prison.

What is happening in this war is because of the fight over the promised land and the heritage of their ancestors, not on politics or economics like other things. and as far as I can notice this war does not affect global politics and economic polarization so it is very unlikely to trigger a world war.
Only on paper. In truth this is actually tied to the World Order, the old and the new.
You see the fake country of Israel was created artificially a little more than 70 years ago after WW2 so that the Western hegemonies (basically United States) could have a wild dog in the most energy rich region of the world that not only controls the balance of power to be always tipping towards US to help US control the energy but also has access to East Mediterranean sea and one of the most strategic and economical chokepoints on earth called the Suez Canal controlling European economy (ie a rabid dog for both West Asia and Europe).

As the organization weakens and as the resistance takes back the occupied places (which may take a long time) US continues losing its power and the New World Order is solidified even more.
It seems that you have quite deep intelligence regarding several conflicts that have occurred in this region, and it seems that you are trying to explain that there is a common thread between all the events that have occurred and are currently occurring, including the agenda for the new world order.

I also see that there is some correlation with what America did if we look at World War Two, although this is very difficult to identify in general terms such as what is shown, but the tendency of what America did towards Israel shows an attitude that really Basically this is a strategy that aims as you say.

Some time ago I heard the latest news that when America responded to what Hamas and other allies were doing to bring in reinforcements to Israel, it seemed that other camps such as North Korea and Russia said that they would support Palestine. If you look deeper, this step will make it difficult for Uncle Sam to move.

Partisanship will show attitude, and may be a trigger for the two major world camps to show their arrogance.

There is something that is stuck in my mind, the western media says that what Hamas is doing is terrorist behavior, even though they are trying to take away their rights from the invaders.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: pooya87 on October 10, 2023, 04:39:34 PM
It seems that you have quite deep intelligence regarding several conflicts that have occurred in this region, and it seems that you are trying to explain that there is a common thread between all the events that have occurred and are currently occurring, including the agenda for the new world order.
I just live in West Asia so I follow everything that goes on around my country in a 2000km radius with extra attention. This is by far the most complex region in the world with the most complex events that are impossible to speculate on without seeing a much bigger picture as opposed to a limited view on a small battlefield for example.

Let me expand a little with some thoughts on how the Palestinian struggle falls into the World Order changing from the trade routs perspective.
The Old Word Order is where the West dominates the world, specially United States in the past 30-ish years. The Western trade routs and main dominance has been in the sea. For example we have major routes such as the Suez canal that majority of the trades go through. Majority of shipping companies, shipping insurance, etc. are also located and controlled by the West.
They also exert control over other countries using their dominance over the trade routes (both direct and through proxies). For example they seize shipment of a country they want to sanction for no good reason, just like pirates stealing loot!

In the New World Order, the East is gaining strength. Eastern hegemonies have existed long before the Western ones and have been trading through land for centuries. The best example is the famous Silk Road.
During this shift in the World Order, these land based trade routes are being revived in the modern sense of it. The best example of it is the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative.

Now when we look at these routes and the countries they pass through we see an interesting pattern of very suspicious series of destabilization. Open Google Maps and look at the countries (land) between Europe and China. You'll see what I mean and why there are wars breaking out in these countries and how every single one of those conflicts are either started by the Western hegemonies directly or indirectly through their proxies.

On the westmost part coming in from Mediterranean Sea we have:
Palestine: already occupied and a genocide is ongoing, so completely unstable and unsafe. The war is started by the West (when they created the fake country of Israel after WW2 and started the genocide of Palestinians) and is still fueled by the West. Palestine is one piece of this puzzle, and there is more...
Lebanon: has had problems with the Zionist regime and has some parts in its south occupied by them, struggles with security and is under severe sanctions, has economic issues
Syria: invaded by United States coalition and partially occupied, a war torn country with weak security struggling with terrorism and destabilizing invaders that are stealing its resources while the country itself is facing many economic problems

Deeper to the East we have:
Iraq: war torn from 20 years of United State invasion, struggles with security, terrorism and separatism
Azerbaijan and Armenia: small countries but have been at war destabilizing one of the routes. A war that is supported by the West and most recently by the Zionist regime too.
Iran: The most secure country in the region that US could never invade like others but instead is under the most number of sanctions that has prevented a big chunk of these trade routes from being connected to each other

On the final layer before China:
Afghanistan: Another war torn and insecure country that United States invaded and destroyed all its infrastructure making it difficult to provide security for such a trade route. Even more so when they handed over the country to a terrorist extremist group called the Taliban!
Pakistan: Not invaded or destroyed like others but it is struggling with its economy and governance with coups and foreign interventions.

If we go a little south across the Persian Gulf we have:
Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Yemen: Another US fueled war for the past 9 years (invasion of Yemen) that has destabilized the Arabian Peninsula

P.S. I didn't mention Turkey because as long as it is a NATO member it is counted as Western bloc even if they don't want it. There are other countries I skipped because my information is lacking but somewhat similar situation is happening there too like Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Mongolia, etc.

Some time ago I heard the latest news that when America responded to what Hamas and other allies were doing to bring in reinforcements to Israel, it seemed that other camps such as North Korea and Russia said that they would support Palestine. If you look deeper, this step will make it difficult for Uncle Sam to move.
From what I explained above, it is obvious why US has been fueling all these conflicts over the years.
By having in mind that the World Order is changing and how Russia is now on the opposite side as US we can know why all of a sudden (after 75 years of genocide) they decided to take side and support Palestine (even if only in talk).

There is something that is stuck in my mind, the western media says that what Hamas is doing is terrorist behavior, even though they are trying to take away their rights from the invaders.
That's the classic Western double standard. On one hand they are supporting Ukraine against the invaders, on the other hand they are supporting Zionist extremists that have invaded Palestine!
They also have to refer to any Palestinian who resists against genocide and invasion as terrorists because if they don't they can no longer silence their people who would ask "why is the side West supports dropping phosphorous bombs on schools and hospitals and is regularly killing children?".

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: coupable on October 10, 2023, 04:41:30 PM
For the first time in 50 years, part of Israel was captured by terrorists. The depth of penetration into Israeli territory, according to information from Israeli journalists, is up to 40 km in some cities. 23 Israeli settlements were captured. Moreover, the attackers showed unnecessary cruelty and indiscriminately killed civilians of all genders and ages.

According to what I understand from the vocabulary you use, you classify Hamas fighters as terrorists, which is the same classification adopted by Israel. Therefore, you consider what happened on their part to be a barbaric terrorist act targeting the lives of innocent people, right?
I would like to hear your opinion regarding the siege that Israel has imposed on Gaza for years after its withdrawal from it in 2005 (it was colonizing it militarily). Do you have any knowledge of how two million citizens (I prefer to call them refugees) live in camps on their own land? Did you know that Israel withholds most food supplies from them, prevents them from fishing, and constantly closes the crossings? Do you have any idea how two million people can live under siege for years without even the slightest international condemnation? Can you tell me why Israel has not been held accountable, even once, for the crimes committed by the IDF on a daily basis against defenseless citizens? I think you do not know that the Palestinians were taken from their land and became refugees there, and that thousands of them are detained in Israeli prisons (including children), in addition to more than six million refugees abroad.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: Argoo on October 11, 2023, 09:51:24 AM
For the first time in 50 years, part of Israel was captured by terrorists. The depth of penetration into Israeli territory, according to information from Israeli journalists, is up to 40 km in some cities. 23 Israeli settlements were captured. Moreover, the attackers showed unnecessary cruelty and indiscriminately killed civilians of all genders and ages.

According to what I understand from the vocabulary you use, you classify Hamas fighters as terrorists, which is the same classification adopted by Israel. Therefore, you consider what happened on their part to be a barbaric terrorist act targeting the lives of innocent people, right?
I would like to hear your opinion regarding the siege that Israel has imposed on Gaza for years after its withdrawal from it in 2005 (it was colonizing it militarily). Do you have any knowledge of how two million citizens (I prefer to call them refugees) live in camps on their own land? Did you know that Israel withholds most food supplies from them, prevents them from fishing, and constantly closes the crossings? Do you have any idea how two million people can live under siege for years without even the slightest international condemnation? Can you tell me why Israel has not been held accountable, even once, for the crimes committed by the IDF on a daily basis against defenseless citizens? I think you do not know that the Palestinians were taken from their land and became refugees there, and that thousands of them are detained in Israeli prisons (including children), in addition to more than six million refugees abroad.
Relations between the peoples of Israel and Palestine are very complex, and the situation is unique, since the State of Israel was created by a UN decision in 1948. Most likely, the Palestinians have something to be offended by the Israelis. But the current Hamas attack on Israeli territory is stupid, reckless and cruel. It is stupid and reckless because such an attack cannot improve the situation of the Palestinians. On the contrary, they will suffer more from this action than the Israelis. Within a few hours of the attack, according to the information provided, up to 5,000 rockets were fired into Israeli territory, which exploded among residential areas. The rebel militants then began shooting indiscriminately at the civilian population, killing about 800 people. What was the purpose of this and what was the purpose of this attack? There was no way that just a thousand militants could have captured Israeli territory. Why did this need to be done? Someone just needed to make a lot of noise. But this is a topic for a separate conversation and we will not touch on it for now.

Further: didn’t those who planned this attack understand that there would be a response and, given the senseless cruelty of the attackers, the response would also be cruel? They should have understood this. But apparently they didn't care about Palestinian civilians. Most likely, the Israeli army will now enter the Gaza Strip and completely destroy Hamas there. At the same time, due to the conduct of hostilities, the civilian population will also suffer. If the calculation was to turn the entire Arab world against Israel, then it is unlikely to succeed. The United Arab Emirates has already warned Assad not to interfere in the conflict. But what is clear here is that Hamas has been used by other behind-the-scenes players, such as Putin's Russia.

Title: Re: The world continues dumping US dollar (Gold, New World Order, World War III)
Post by: stompix on October 11, 2023, 01:34:44 PM
According to what I understand from the vocabulary you use, you classify Hamas fighters as terrorists, which is the same classification adopted by Israel. Therefore, you consider what happened on their part to be a barbaric terrorist act targeting the lives of innocent people, right?

He's probably quoting Modi:

Narendra Modi
Deeply shocked by the news of terrorist attacks in Israel. Our thoughts and prayers are with the innocent victims and their families. We stand in solidarity with Israel at this difficult hour.

Now if the president of the largest democracy in the world, a founding member of BRICS, a trading partner of Russia and China who defied the West, is using the word terrorist....

Also, since you say Palestinians are trapped there, can you explain why Egypt has built a fence on the southern border, dug a ditch in some places 10 meters deep, bombed the hell out of the tunnels, and even poured gas in some killing people, and is selectively allowing people to cross, denying men crossing for weeks at a time?

Isn't this also a war crime?
Why is nobody criticizing Egypt for doing the same thing as Israel?

Now, to make fun again of the stupid topic title:
What other currency is most used in Palestine after the Israeli shekel?
Is it the ruble? Is it the Iranian rial? Noo, it's the USD! Ironic, right?