Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Phinnaeus Gage on February 13, 2012, 03:13:23 AM

Title: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on February 13, 2012, 03:13:23 AM
I'll soon be trekking to Chicago to close the deal with Chicago Cabbie but, while there, I'm going to make forays to several eating establishments, in hope of interesting them into accepting Bitcoin. The list on the following site should be more than enough to keep me busy:

The goal is by summer's end to have several businesses in and around Chicago accepting Bitcoin. To help pull that off, though, I'll need the help of this community. All I'm asking is for you to state that you'll frequent such establishments if they were to accept Bitcoin. I would love to see a formidable list below. I've taken the liberty and imported the list from the Chicago Cabbie thread to seed it. Simply state in this thread that you'll frequent a business that accepts Bitcoin in or around Chicago at least once, and I'll add your name to the list below.

  • Bruno
  • altuin
  • bitcoinbitcoin113
  • the joint
  • kjlimo
  • Herodes
  • Yankee
  • squirrelman
  • DBordello
  • pekv2 (for Portillos)

I'm going to be working in conjunction with Tony with Bit-Pay ( to help pull this off. I'm not sure if I'm at liberty to say this, but he's got a secret weapon up his sleeve, one I know will help in closing the deals.


Short List:

  • Portillo's
  • South Loop Club

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: kjlimo on February 13, 2012, 03:35:09 AM
Rock on!  I think you posted on my Cleveland thread I started a few months back that went nowhere.

I think Chicago is the size of market that we need to target.  New York has at least one restaurant accepting bitcoins.

I will be in Chicago in March for St. Patty's day. 

I guarantee I will take the party to wherever accepts bitcoins!!

I will see if I can get my friends in Chicago to register for this forum, get some bitcoins and join the cause!

Hopefully if Chicago is successful, I can expand this to Cleveland. 

Please PM me if there's anything I can do from Cleveland to help you.  I can try cold calling some stores/restaurants if you provide me a list of names/number that you are targeting.

We could put together a script that focuses on getting you a "meeting" for your visit to Chicago.  Would something quick and simple like that be helpful?  Or would you prefer to handle everything in person?

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: anonymous5050 on February 13, 2012, 03:50:22 AM
The map of locations accepting bitcoin is way too sparsely marked.  Let's get it started in Chicago. (

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: finway on February 13, 2012, 04:17:24 AM
Go get it!

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: kjlimo on February 13, 2012, 04:49:42 AM
The map of locations accepting bitcoin is way too sparsely marked.  Let's get it started in Chicago. (

Awesome website.  How recently was that started?

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: BitPay Business Solutions on February 13, 2012, 04:56:03 AM
Bruno I've got plenty of backup incase you need reinforcements.

Go get em!  See you this summer!

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on February 13, 2012, 05:10:13 AM
Bruno I've got plenty of backup incase you need reinforcements.

Go get em!  See you this summer!

Secret weapon back-ups?

We could put together a script that focuses on getting you a "meeting" for your visit to Chicago.  Would something quick and simple like that be helpful?  Or would you prefer to handle everything in person?

We could easily work both ends against the middle. Meeting in person just locks in the deal, therefore it's just not some Joe Schmo making contact over the internet. Email + Phone Call + Handshake = success, I believe. Let's see what I can get together by St. Patrick's Day. That'a a fair enough deadline.

What side of town are you planning of staying in, kjlimo? And what if we dyed the Chicago River orange this year. Orange beer?

Shit! I've got another idea. What would a mixed drink called a Satoshi consist of? Now this idea has legs, albeit week ones after a couple belts.


Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: Atheros on February 13, 2012, 09:12:16 AM
Shit! I've got another idea. What would a mixed drink called a Satoshi consist of?

It must be opaque; one must not be able to see through it to try to understand what makes it up. Many shall try, but none shall succeed.

Perhaps the drink contains some triple-sec because the Bitcoin logo resembles an orange?


How can we make a drink Satoshi likes if we don't now anything about him!? I'm having a difficult enough time trying to think of computer / alcohol puns.

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: bb113 on February 13, 2012, 09:31:55 AM
Something +  a "bit" of Cointreau...

Something= A Japanese drink?

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: kjlimo on February 13, 2012, 03:56:53 PM

What side of town are you planning of staying in, kjlimo? And what if we dyed the Chicago River orange this year. Orange beer?

Shit! I've got another idea. What would a mixed drink called a Satoshi consist of? Now this idea has legs, albeit week ones after a couple belts.


I'll be staying in lincoln park.  I will be visiting the dying of the river as well.

I will try to inspire as much discussion around a Satoshi mixed drink that I can!

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: Disposition on February 13, 2012, 04:02:33 PM
Do it and let me know so it can be added to

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: Herodes on February 13, 2012, 04:08:53 PM
I've only been to Chicago once in my life, since I live on the other side of the Atlantic, but when and if I go there again, I will definately go where I can use my BTC ! :D

Keep up the good work !

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on February 13, 2012, 04:35:20 PM
Shit! I've got another idea. What would a mixed drink called a Satoshi consist of?

It must be opaque; one must not be able to see through it to try to understand what makes it up. Many shall try, but none shall succeed.

Perhaps the drink contains some triple-sec because the Bitcoin logo resembles an orange?


How can we make a drink Satoshi likes if we don't now anything about him!? I'm having a difficult enough time trying to think of computer / alcohol puns.

Something +  a "bit" of Cointreau...

Something= A Japanese drink?

Thank you both for the inspiration:

I've only been to Chicago once in my life, since I live on the other side of the Atlantic, but when and if I go there again, I will definately go where I can use my BTC ! :D

Keep up the good work !

I've added your name to the list, Herodes.

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: Yankee (BitInstant) on February 13, 2012, 04:40:41 PM
I'm in Chicago about once a month, so add me.

My office for my retail business is also in Chicago so I'll have all my warehouse and office staff order from Bitcoin restaurants.


Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on February 13, 2012, 04:47:16 PM
I'm in Chicago about once a month, so add me.

My office for my retail business is also in Chicago so I'll have all my warehouse and office staff order from Bitcoin restaurants.


Thank you, Yankee. You're added to the list.

Any others? Also, take a look at this thread, for it's related:

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: blueadept on February 13, 2012, 08:17:38 PM
Looks like St. Louis is already sort of there:

Plus, GrubGo is working on expanding into Chicago according to the article.

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on February 13, 2012, 10:14:08 PM
Looks like St. Louis is already sort of there:

Plus, GrubGo is working on expanding into Chicago according to the article.

This is huge! (I normally don't use that phrase)

I can easily use this site as part of my visualization techniques, coupled with the Secret Weapon, in obtaining further fine dining establishments in and around Chicago.

Damn! Now I'm hungry and need a drink:


Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: kjlimo on February 13, 2012, 10:59:47 PM
Looks like St. Louis is already sort of there:

Plus, GrubGo is working on expanding into Chicago according to the article.

Yes, I will be leveraging off of this "competitor" to try to convince Cleveland Market food service deliverers to start accepting bitcoin. 

It should be convenient since people probably place orders over the phone/internet.

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: bb113 on February 13, 2012, 11:27:49 PM
Really get grubhub to start taking bitcoins. They would be an ideal service to suggest this to. I use them all the time.

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: kiba on February 13, 2012, 11:27:59 PM
How many bitcoiners are in Chicago? It's kinda useless for restaurants to accept bitcoin if nobody uses bitcoin.

Maybe somebody should start a money exchange business in Chicago so that people can become bitcoin users more easily.

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on February 13, 2012, 11:43:36 PM
How many bitcoiners are in Chicago? It's kinda useless for restaurants to accept bitcoin if nobody uses bitcoin.

Maybe somebody should start a money exchange business in Chicago so that people can become bitcoin users more easily.

I'm forcing the chicken. (or is that forcing the egg?)


Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: squirrelman on February 14, 2012, 05:00:14 AM
I am in the suburbs of Chicago, and fairly new to bitcoins myself.  If you were to get a good restaurant/bar/store to accept bitcoins in Chicago I am sure I would make a trek there to give it a try.

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: BitPay Business Solutions on February 14, 2012, 05:15:14 AM
if these 2 girls can figure it out, I'm sure you guys can  ;D

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on February 14, 2012, 05:21:15 AM
I am in the suburbs of Chicago, and fairly new to bitcoins myself.  If you were to get a good restaurant/bar/store to accept bitcoins in Chicago I am sure I would make a trek there to give it a try.

And this, my friends, is how we FTC (Force the Chicken)! Thank you kindly, squirrelman, for your support. You're officially on the list.


Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on February 14, 2012, 05:23:54 PM
The list in the OP needs to be a little bit more impressive to help influence restaurants and other entities in and around Chicago into accepting Bitcoin.


Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: DBordello on February 14, 2012, 07:07:52 PM
I am in in Chicago frequently.  I would stop by any establishment that accepted bitcoins. 

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on February 14, 2012, 09:33:00 PM
I am in in Chicago frequently.  I would stop by any establishment that accepted bitcoins. 

Thank you, DBordello, for your support and FTC. You're now on the list in the OP.


Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: kjlimo on February 15, 2012, 05:19:52 AM
Really get grubhub to start taking bitcoins. They would be an ideal service to suggest this to. I use them all the time.

Grubhub may be a large fish to catch.

I'll try, but I think I'll get my feet wet with smaller local service providers such as "Food Fetchers" or "Deliver me food"

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: pekv2 on February 15, 2012, 06:21:46 AM
Get portillos on board, then I'm in.

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: squirrelman on February 15, 2012, 07:03:06 AM
Get portillos on board, then I'm in.

Another thing could be the delivery service that Lou Malnati's offers (  Then everyone all over the country could taste the yummy food of Chicago bitcoin style...

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on February 15, 2012, 07:08:49 AM
Get portillos on board, then I'm in.

I've added you for Portillos, pekv2. Check out the list in the OP.

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: kjlimo on February 15, 2012, 04:38:42 PM
Get portillos on board, then I'm in.

I called Portillos Chicago Restaurant (312) 587-8910 and the manager gave me the corporate headquarters number (630) 954-3773.

I called Portillos headquarters, spoke with the operator and she told me to send information via mail or fax (630) 954-5851.

Should I fax her a copy of a bit-pay & WeLoveBicoin hand outs?

She said there was no one I could talk to, but
Extension 184 is for credit card issues &
Extension 4 is for advertising

Those were the only two "appealing" options when I called their corporate headquarters (630) 954-3773.  I opted to let the operator deal with me which was probably a fail.

Please let me know which next step you recommend?

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on February 15, 2012, 06:17:52 PM
Get portillos on board, then I'm in.

I called Portillos Chicago Restaurant (312) 587-8910 and the manager gave me the corporate headquarters number (630) 954-3773.

I called Portillos headquarters, spoke with the operator and she told me to send information via mail or fax (630) 954-5851.

Should I fax her a copy of a bit-pay & WeLoveBicoin hand outs?

She said there was no one I could talk to, but
Extension 184 is for credit card issues &
Extension 4 is for advertising

Those were the only two "appealing" options when I called their corporate headquarters (630) 954-3773.  I opted to let the operator deal with me which was probably a fail.

Please let me know which next step you recommend?

BUMP! Please read the quoted post.


Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: adamstgBit on February 16, 2012, 03:06:45 AM
I'll soon be trekking to Chicago to close the deal with Chicago Cabbie but, while there, I'm going to make forays to several eating establishments, in hope of interesting them into accepting Bitcoin. The list on the following site should be more than enough to keep me busy:

The goal is by summer's end to have several businesses in and around Chicago accepting Bitcoin. To help pull that off, though, I'll need the help of this community. All I'm asking is for you to state that you'll frequent such establishments if they were to accept Bitcoin. I would love to see a formidable list below. I've taken the liberty and imported the list from the Chicago Cabbie thread to seed it. Simply state in this thread that you'll frequent a business that accepts Bitcoin in or around Chicago at least once, and I'll add your name to the list below.

  • Bruno
  • altuin
  • bitcoinbitcoin113
  • the joint
  • anonymous5050
  • kjlimo
  • Herodes
  • Yankee
  • squirrelman
  • DBordello
  • pekv2 (for Portillos)

I'm going to be working in conjunction with Tony with Bit-Pay ( to help pull this off. I'm not sure if I'm at liberty to say this, but he's got a secret weapon up his sleeve, one I know will help in closing the deals.


if this works I'd like to do that same thing in my home town of Montreal  :D

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: adamstgBit on February 16, 2012, 03:15:49 AM
Get portillos on board, then I'm in.

I called Portillos Chicago Restaurant (312) 587-8910 and the manager gave me the corporate headquarters number (630) 954-3773.

I called Portillos headquarters, spoke with the operator and she told me to send information via mail or fax (630) 954-5851.

Should I fax her a copy of a bit-pay & WeLoveBicoin hand outs?

She said there was no one I could talk to, but
Extension 184 is for credit card issues &
Extension 4 is for advertising

Those were the only two "appealing" options when I called their corporate headquarters (630) 954-3773.  I opted to let the operator deal with me which was probably a fail.

Please let me know which next step you recommend?

BUMP! Please read the quoted post.


this may not have been a fail... the operator might look into bitcoin or talk about it with her boss and he might look at bitcoin... I think you should wait a week and call her again, she might have more of an idea who to pass the phone too.

if you call her again in a week and she still hasn't a clue what to do with you... i say try Extension 4 is for advertising, spin bitcoin as an adverting tool, tell them about mezy grill in NY, find the video were the owner of mezy grill was saying his business is booming with new comers because of bitcoin

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: teflone on February 16, 2012, 03:19:51 AM
What ya thinking for Montreal ?  I would love if a golden horseshoe chain got interested...

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: kjlimo on February 16, 2012, 03:21:54 AM
Get portillos on board, then I'm in.

I called Portillos Chicago Restaurant (312) 587-8910 and the manager gave me the corporate headquarters number (630) 954-3773.

I called Portillos headquarters, spoke with the operator and she told me to send information via mail or fax (630) 954-5851.

Should I fax her a copy of a bit-pay & WeLoveBicoin hand outs?

She said there was no one I could talk to, but
Extension 184 is for credit card issues &
Extension 4 is for advertising

Those were the only two "appealing" options when I called their corporate headquarters (630) 954-3773.  I opted to let the operator deal with me which was probably a fail.

Please let me know which next step you recommend?

BUMP! Please read the quoted post.


this may not have been a fail... the operator might look into bitcoin or talk about it with her boss and he might look at bitcoin... I think you should wait a week and call her again, she might have more of an idea who to pass the phone too.

if you call her again in a week and she still hasn't a clue what to do with you... i say try Extension 4 is for advertising, spin bitcoin as an adverting tool, tell them about mezy grill in NY, find the video were the owner of mezy grill was saying his business is booming with new comers because of bitcoin

Ya, I think the advertising option is a good selling point.

As for my conversation with the operator, it was something like this "I would like to discuss a new payment system for your restaurants.  Who should I be directed to discuss this topic?"

Her response was send a fax or e-mail with a summary of the information.

However, I don't want to go spamming's fliers to legitimate businesses tarnishing their name until Tony think's that's an acceptable method.

I feel like a person to person phone call and or meeting with an e-mail follow up is acceptable.  I just don't want to revert to spam...

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: kjlimo on February 16, 2012, 03:22:33 AM
What ya thinking for Montreal ?  I would love if a golden horseshoe chain got interested...

How about you start a new thread for Montreal?

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: adamstgBit on February 16, 2012, 03:48:09 AM
What ya thinking for Montreal ?  I would love if a golden horseshoe chain got interested...

How about you start a new thread for Montreal?

sure why not, done! :D

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: dunand on February 16, 2012, 03:56:41 AM
Please start a thread for Montreal. I pledge to go eating if a restaurant accept bitcoins.
For me the 2 best selling points to a restaurant are:
New clients: bitcoiners paying with bitcoins
Free publicity: local media will be interested about a restaurant accepting a new currency.

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: kjlimo on February 16, 2012, 05:25:21 AM
Please start a thread for Montreal. I pledge to go eating if a restaurant accept bitcoins.
For me the 2 best selling points to a restaurant are:
New clients: bitcoiners paying with bitcoins
Free publicity: local media will be interested about a restaurant accepting a new currency.

And I'm offering to get their business listed on all of the tons of websites listing businesses that accept bitcoin.

Does anyone have list of websites listing businesses accepting bitcoins?

I think I need to start a thread for that!

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: ThomasV on February 16, 2012, 05:27:53 AM
Please start a thread for Montreal. I pledge to go eating if a restaurant accept bitcoins.
For me the 2 best selling points to a restaurant are:
New clients: bitcoiners paying with bitcoins
Free publicity: local media will be interested about a restaurant accepting a new currency.

And I'm offering to get their business listed on all of the tons of websites listing businesses that accept bitcoin.

Does anyone have list of websites listing businesses accepting bitcoins?

I think I need to start a thread for that!

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: adamstgBit on February 16, 2012, 05:39:12 AM
Please start a thread for Montreal. I pledge to go eating if a restaurant accept bitcoins.
For me the 2 best selling points to a restaurant are:
New clients: bitcoiners paying with bitcoins
Free publicity: local media will be interested about a restaurant accepting a new currency.

And I'm offering to get their business listed on all of the tons of websites listing businesses that accept bitcoin.

Does anyone have list of websites listing businesses accepting bitcoins?

I think I need to start a thread for that!

theirs a nice map too

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on February 16, 2012, 05:59:43 AM
Please start a thread for Montreal. I pledge to go eating if a restaurant accept bitcoins.
For me the 2 best selling points to a restaurant are:
New clients: bitcoiners paying with bitcoins
Free publicity: local media will be interested about a restaurant accepting a new currency.

Nice going, dunand! I had a nice little venture going here until you came along and forked my customer base. First Montreal, then San Diego. What city's next? Biloxi? Little Rock? Or perhaps smaller towns like Hohenwald, TN, Intercourse, PA, or Winchestertonfieldville?

Seriously, folks, I'm glad to see some traction here, and I'm sure Tony with Bit-Pay will do everything possible to help out in each market. I'm glad to be part of introducing Chicagoans to Bitcoin. But, I do have an edge over all the other markets--a secret weapon.


Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: adamstgBit on February 16, 2012, 06:06:06 AM
Please start a thread for Montreal. I pledge to go eating if a restaurant accept bitcoins.
For me the 2 best selling points to a restaurant are:
New clients: bitcoiners paying with bitcoins
Free publicity: local media will be interested about a restaurant accepting a new currency.

Nice going, dunand! I had a nice little venture going here until you came along and forked my customer base. First Montreal, then San Diego. What city's next? Biloxi? Little Rock? Or perhaps smaller towns like Hohenwald, TN, Intercourse, PA, or Winchestertonfieldville?

Seriously, folks, I'm glad to see some traction here, and I'm sure Tony with Bit-Pay will do everything possible to help out in each market. I'm glad to be part of introducing Chicagoans to Bitcoin. But, I do have an edge over all the other markets--a secret weapon.


we are not in competition, please share your secret weapon with us.

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on February 16, 2012, 06:24:31 AM
Please start a thread for Montreal. I pledge to go eating if a restaurant accept bitcoins.
For me the 2 best selling points to a restaurant are:
New clients: bitcoiners paying with bitcoins
Free publicity: local media will be interested about a restaurant accepting a new currency.

Nice going, dunand! I had a nice little venture going here until you came along and forked my customer base. First Montreal, then San Diego. What city's next? Biloxi? Little Rock? Or perhaps smaller towns like Hohenwald, TN, Intercourse, PA, or Winchestertonfieldville?

Seriously, folks, I'm glad to see some traction here, and I'm sure Tony with Bit-Pay will do everything possible to help out in each market. I'm glad to be part of introducing Chicagoans to Bitcoin. But, I do have an edge over all the other markets--a secret weapon.


we are not in competition, please share your secret weapon with us.

I'm sworn to secrecy, but if you ask Tony (, I'm sure he'll tell you.

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on February 16, 2012, 06:25:32 AM
we are not in competition, please share your secret weapon with us.

yes, please share her.

or at least post some photos.

I never said the secret weapon was a her! Where you getting your information?

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: bb113 on February 16, 2012, 06:45:26 AM
Portillos is a good idea for the drive through... how do you explain to restaurants how to deal with the hour confirmation delay again?

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on February 16, 2012, 07:09:31 AM
Portillos is a good idea for the drive through... how do you explain to restaurants how to deal with the hour confirmation delay again?

By utilizing the pre-conf APP. It would work something like this:

My mate and I are going to Portillo's in about an hour. I fire up the APP and place a Bitcoin deposit, an amount I know is more than what I'm going to spend. When I get to the restaurant, I show my receipt via the APP. The confirmations have already been done prior to us getting to the Portillo's therefore, upon paying the tab, change is forward to our Bitcoin address. Even if we carry-out, no need for us to wait for a confirmation, for we know that Portillo's is good for it. The onus was on the customer at the onset of the transaction, thereby protecting the eating establishment.

Your job, if you choose to accept it, is to convince me why this won't work.


EDIT: Let me add this. Portillo's can even act as a banker for their regular customers. As the day progresses, they'll have bitcoins on deposit, and they can easily sell them to a customer at the exact current market price without them having to deposit the coins into their bank account. Of course, now they'll have to carry even more of that nasty, smelly cash to their bank, but that's the price they'll have to pay for bringing on that success.

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: BitPay Business Solutions on February 16, 2012, 08:40:30 AM
Portillos is a good idea for the drive through... how do you explain to restaurants how to deal with the hour confirmation delay again?

Bit-Pay confirms transactions for our merchants in 1-3 seconds.  In thousands of transactions we have never seen a double spend.  I'm not saying it won't happen, but the amount of computing power to pull it off is not something you are going to have with you while eating at a restaurant.  And if you tried, I am sure one of 3 things would happen:

1.  you are taken out the back door and promptly beaten
2.  you are asked to pay another way
3.  you are told never to come back again

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: ThomasV on February 16, 2012, 08:42:45 AM
Portillos is a good idea for the drive through... how do you explain to restaurants how to deal with the hour confirmation delay again?

Bit-Pay confirms transactions for our merchants in 1-3 seconds.  In thousands of transactions we have never seen a double spend.  I'm not saying it won't happen, but the amount of computing power to pull it off is not something you are going to have with you while eating at a restaurant.  And if you tried, I am sure one of 3 things would happen:

1.  you are taken out the back door and promptly beaten
2.  you are asked to pay another way
3.  you are told never to come back again

4. you have spent much more money on computing power than the cost of your lunch

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: kjlimo on February 16, 2012, 01:54:29 PM
Portillos is a good idea for the drive through... how do you explain to restaurants how to deal with the hour confirmation delay again?

Bit-Pay confirms transactions for our merchants in 1-3 seconds.  In thousands of transactions we have never seen a double spend.  I'm not saying it won't happen, but the amount of computing power to pull it off is not something you are going to have with you while eating at a restaurant.  And if you tried, I am sure one of 3 things would happen:

1.  you are taken out the back door and promptly beaten
2.  you are asked to pay another way
3.  you are told never to come back again

4. you have spent much more money on computing power than the cost of your lunch


Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: anonymous5050 on February 16, 2012, 04:33:30 PM
someone could make a program to double spend.  You need huge hash power to make it past a block, but you can broadcast unconfirmed transactions all over the place.  Still, the odds of someone going to the trouble over a few bucks is amost nothing at this point.  Bitpay should offer to cover a loss of a small amount for accepting unconfirmed transactions, and when/if it happens, then make everyone start getting one confirm.  Way too many merchants are demanding tons of confirms and slowing everything down on stuff that no one will ever try to double spend on. Prepaying an hour in advance sounds stupid.  I want to pay like the hot girls in bitpays video:)

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: BitPay Business Solutions on February 16, 2012, 04:46:11 PM
someone could make a program to double spend.  You need huge hash power to make it past a block, but you can broadcast unconfirmed transactions all over the place.  Still, the odds of someone going to the trouble over a few bucks is amost nothing at this point.  Bitpay should offer to cover a loss of a small amount for accepting unconfirmed transactions, and when/if it happens, then make everyone start getting one confirm.  Way too many merchants are demanding tons of confirms and slowing everything down on stuff that no one will ever try to double spend on. Prepaying an hour in advance sounds stupid.  I want to pay like the hot girls in bitpays video:)

This is exactly the right approach.  The risk of fraud accepting bitcoins instantly is so small compared to accepting a credit card instantly, that yes at some point we would just guarantee the order under a certain dollar amount.  We aren't ready to offer that yet, but we know what we software we need to build to make it happen.

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on February 16, 2012, 05:55:24 PM
someone could make a program to double spend.  You need huge hash power to make it past a block, but you can broadcast unconfirmed transactions all over the place.  Still, the odds of someone going to the trouble over a few bucks is amost nothing at this point.  Bitpay should offer to cover a loss of a small amount for accepting unconfirmed transactions, and when/if it happens, then make everyone start getting one confirm.  Way too many merchants are demanding tons of confirms and slowing everything down on stuff that no one will ever try to double spend on. Prepaying an hour in advance sounds stupid.  I want to pay like the hot girls in bitpays video:)

This is exactly the right approach.  The risk of fraud accepting bitcoins instantly is so small compared to accepting a credit card instantly, that yes at some point we would just guarantee the order under a certain dollar amount.  We aren't ready to offer that yet, but we know what we software we need to build to make it happen.

And for those who pay with their Orange Card, you can cover the full order.

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: anonymous5050 on February 16, 2012, 08:20:40 PM
Sniffing the network for a double spend doesnt seem that hard to code, so hopefully you guys get that implemented soon, because it is absolutely ridiculous for us to be saying "hey mr restaurant owner how would you like to accept this new paymemt method?  Just make sure that customers overpay for their meal an hour beforehand so you dont get scammed, and then give them change."

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: adamstgBit on February 16, 2012, 09:01:55 PM
Sniffing the network for a double spend doesnt seem that hard to code, so hopefully you guys get that implemented soon, because it is absolutely ridiculous for us to be saying "hey mr restaurant owner how would you like to accept this new paymemt method?  Just make sure that customers overpay for their meal an hour beforehand so you dont get scammed, and then give them change."

every here of a dine and dash ... its much easier to pull off  ;)

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on February 16, 2012, 10:33:12 PM
Sniffing the network for a double spend doesnt seem that hard to code, so hopefully you guys get that implemented soon, because it is absolutely ridiculous for us to be saying "hey mr restaurant owner how would you like to accept this new paymemt method?  Just make sure that customers overpay for their meal an hour beforehand so you dont get scammed, and then give them change."

Or purchase a RELOADABLE gift card directly from Portillo's (B&M or online) with Bitcoin, but it won't become activate until the confirmations are in.

Interesting find while hunting this pic(s)--more than one restaurant.


Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: pekv2 on February 17, 2012, 01:59:01 AM
Yea, they have a humungous branch. Themselves and their associates.

Also, very very good eating.

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on February 17, 2012, 02:02:14 AM
Update: I'm planning on doing the blitzkrieg on Chicagoland restaurants in about two weeks. At that time, I'm delivering a load of reclaimed lumber to special client and re-meeting up with Rashid, the Chicago Cabbie, to present to him his custom leather wallet. I'm planning on dedicating no less than two full days on this endeavor.


Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: kjlimo on February 17, 2012, 01:14:27 PM
Update: I'm planning on doing the blitzkrieg on Chicagoland restaurants in about two weeks. At that time, I'm delivering a load of reclaimed lumber to special client and re-meeting up with Rashid, the Chicago Cabbie, to present to him his custom leather wallet. I'm planning on dedicating no less than two full days on this endeavor.


I've already reached out to Cleveland food delivery services over the phone and e-mail the past couple days.

Do you have any recommended list of restaurants for me to start screening / cold calling?

I tried Portillo's, but don't want to start faxing or mailing a flyer to their headquarters only to be thrown away unless recommends this approach (no one has responded to my earlier post yet).

If people want to suggest more restaurants, I can be sure to make first contact.

We're looking for smaller chains who want to be on the leading edge of technology or wish to reduce their operational costs associated with payment methods.

I can probably start calling Sunday afternoon or next week, so start brainstorming a list now people.  Otherwise, I will be left to "googling" restaurants in Chicago and firing at will.

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: bb113 on February 17, 2012, 02:01:14 PM
There is a manager at a place called "The South Loop Club"  at Balbo and State (in Chicago) who may be interested. He would probably at least informally accept bitcoins. I haven't talked to him for awhile (and suck at names) so I can't remember his name right now.

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: kjlimo on February 17, 2012, 02:11:01 PM
There is a manager at a place called "The South Loop Club"  at Balbo and State (in Chicago) who may be interested. He would probably at least informally accept bitcoins. I haven't talked to him for awhile (and suck at names) so I can't remember his name right now.

Bruno, want me to screen him to get a name & ask if he wants to set up an appointment?

Or we could just say you'll drop in.  I can get his schedule.  Just PM me your specific dates you'll be in Chicago.

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: bb113 on February 17, 2012, 02:13:52 PM
Being so tactical about it is kind of weird... I would just drop by.

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: adamstgBit on February 17, 2012, 03:07:29 PM
Being so tactical about it is kind of weird... I would just drop by.

+1 "just dropping by" might be a good way to get to know the owner of a small biz.

maybe a quick phone call "hi,  I'd like to talk to the owner about ______, when is it a good time to drop by? say 3:00 after the rush?" :D

bring the laptop and try and convince him to let you pay for your meal in bitcoin ... give him 100% more bits then its worth if he agrees to let you set him up with bitcoin

do a little bit of marketing (go write a review on  ;) )

go back and fill a large order so you can live off there AMAZING FOOD for the weekend  ;)

go back the next week and talk to the owners again. order a coffee to go!

give your friends and family bitcoin so they can go spend them there.... (just pay for... your sisters b-day party  ??? mothers day! ;D )

profit  ???

did anyone loss...

yup that's major profits alright. ;D

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: bb113 on February 17, 2012, 03:11:59 PM
Hmm, this might nerd him out. Maybe I should do it. Once again, what is the best app to use for this.

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on February 17, 2012, 05:41:33 PM
Do you have any recommended list of restaurants for me to start screening / cold calling?

kjlimo, you mentioned that you'll be in Lincoln park come St. Patrick's Day. Perhaps take a look at this and seek out new establishments centered around that area.

Or we could just say you'll drop in.

Keeping it as informal as possible would be MY best approach. Once I walk into an establishment, I'm able to look around and take in the surroundings, pulling something out of what I see, then directing the conversation around that and, at the same time, injecting how Biticoin would be a perfect fit. I may even visit the restaurant first without talking to anybody to formulate a conversation in my mind. On the surface, this approach may seem a little weird, but trust that it works for me.

I'm aware of most of the disadvantages and advantages to approaching new establishments. But, I'm going to concentrate on something along the following lines.

We are new. Your restaurant is new. We just starting producing this Amish Cheese Cake from a recipe thought lost forever, but recently rediscovered. We feel it'll be the perfect desert for you restaurant complementing your already fine entrees. Try a bite. Ain't that shit delicious? We deliver fresh, daily.

I probably wouldn't take the time to try to sell to established restaurants, in this regard, for they may not be too keen on changes. Whereby a new establishment doesn't want to fail straight out of the gate. I'll be offering up Bitcoin to them without any risk on their part.

Basically, that's my thinking on approaching new businesses, but will certainly approach renown restaurants in the tourist sections of town. I'm able to work both ends against the middle.


Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on February 17, 2012, 07:26:54 PM
I found the following:

By Googling:

I suggest doing the same with your respective market (of course, change the name of the city). The list generated should keep you busy for a while.


Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: bb113 on February 18, 2012, 12:49:30 PM
Well I warned him folks with laptops may descend. Go to south loop club when Anthony is working.

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: kjlimo on February 18, 2012, 01:24:39 PM
Well I warned him folks with laptops may descend. Go to south loop club when Anthony is working.

rock on!  Bruno, do you want to add a list of restaurants to the original post?

You can add Portillos with strikethrough.

And then add South Loop Club.

That is on the south side of Chicago.  I'll let you know if I contact any Lincoln Park places that are willing to talk.

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on February 18, 2012, 02:31:56 PM
Well I warned him folks with laptops may descend. Go to south loop club when Anthony is working.

rock on!  Bruno, do you want to add a list of restaurants to the original post?

You can add Portillos with strikethrough.

And then add South Loop Club.

That is on the south side of Chicago.  I'll let you know if I contact any Lincoln Park places that are willing to talk.

Done! Thanks, kjlimo. There's a lot of gems in here:
Perhaps other cities have a similar site dedicated to new restaurants.

Look what I just found: Urban Spoon

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: bg002h on February 19, 2012, 06:27:22 PM
Great time to use your Casascius coins....or bitbills...

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: kjlimo on February 20, 2012, 04:43:59 AM
Great time to use your Casascius coins....or bitbills...

?? How so?  I recommend NOT spending Casascius coins at stores.  We don't want to treat them like currency.  There's also too many trust factors with the physical coins.  Just keep them as a store of value.

I recommend using a mobile app payment system.

same trust issues with bitbills, yes?

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: kjlimo on March 07, 2012, 05:18:35 AM
The bad news is my St. Patricks day trip has been cancelled.  I will try to reschedule to visit my friend in April.

The good news is I finally started reaching out to these Chicago restaurants as I mentioned I would:

1) Wellfleet - Call & E-mail
2) Amoremia Cucina Italiana - Facebook message
3) Osteria di Pizza Metro - Facebook

4) Acadia - Facebook

5) Bar Toma - Facebook

6) Pizza Persona - E-mail
7) Ombra - Facebook

8) Cyrano’s Farm & Kitchen - Call & E-mail

All, please go on Facebook and Like my comments

For Wellfleet & Cyrano's Farm & Kitchen, please stop by and ask if they are accepting bitcoins yet.

Bruno, Cyrano's Farm & Kitchen said it was fine for you to set up a time to discuss bitcoin (and when you visit Chicago later this month.

The person I reached at Wellfleet had heard of bitcoin "Oh that's related to money laundering, right?".... to which I responded just as much as USD or Euros have been used for money laundering.

However, he said to e-mail the owner with details and they could discuss it.  I cc'd your e-mail listed in your profile on my communications.

Let me know if you would like me to do anything differently going forward or if this is helpful!

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on March 07, 2012, 04:39:48 PM
The bad news is my St. Patricks day trip has been cancelled.  I will try to reschedule to visit my friend in April.

The good news is I finally started reaching out to these Chicago restaurants as I mentioned I would:

1) Wellfleet - Call & E-mail
2) Amoremia Cucina Italiana - Facebook message
3) Osteria di Pizza Metro - Facebook

4) Acadia - Facebook

5) Bar Toma - Facebook

6) Pizza Persona - E-mail
7) Ombra - Facebook

8) Cyrano’s Farm & Kitchen - Call & E-mail

All, please go on Facebook and Like my comments

For Wellfleet & Cyrano's Farm & Kitchen, please stop by and ask if they are accepting bitcoins yet.

Bruno, Cyrano's Farm & Kitchen said it was fine for you to set up a time to discuss bitcoin (and when you visit Chicago later this month.

The person I reached at Wellfleet had heard of bitcoin "Oh that's related to money laundering, right?".... to which I responded just as much as USD or Euros have been used for money laundering.

However, he said to e-mail the owner with details and they could discuss it.  I cc'd your e-mail listed in your profile on my communications.

Let me know if you would like me to do anything differently going forward or if this is helpful!

Great job, kjlimo! It looks like it will be toward the end of the month before I conduct my blitzkrieg on Chicago.


Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: RodeoX on March 07, 2012, 04:50:56 PM
I will be meeting a friend from L.A. in Chicago next weekend. He also is a bitcoin peer and we would definitely eat at any restaurant that accepts bitcoin. I visit Chicago regularly. Two weeks ago I went to the symphony to see Bolez conduct Stravinsky, for example. Because of this I keep Rashid's number in my phone. If I need a cab, he is my first choice. 

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: kjlimo on March 07, 2012, 05:34:27 PM
I will be meeting a friend from L.A. in Chicago next weekend. He also is a bitcoin peer and we would definitely eat at any restaurant that accepts bitcoin. I visit Chicago regularly. Two weeks ago I went to the symphony to see Bolez conduct Stravinsky, for example. Because of this I keep Rashid's number in my phone. If I need a cab, he is my first choice. 

I appreciate your enthusiasm for bitcoins!  At this point, the best thing you can do is go to the Facebook links I provided and comment on my posts that you'll "be there next weekend and would visit their restaurant if they accepted bitcoin."

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: RodeoX on March 07, 2012, 08:02:43 PM
I will be meeting a friend from L.A. in Chicago next weekend. He also is a bitcoin peer and we would definitely eat at any restaurant that accepts bitcoin. I visit Chicago regularly. Two weeks ago I went to the symphony to see Bolez conduct Stravinsky, for example. Because of this I keep Rashid's number in my phone. If I need a cab, he is my first choice. 

I appreciate your enthusiasm for bitcoins!  At this point, the best thing you can do is go to the Facebook links I provided and comment on my posts that you'll "be there next weekend and would visit their restaurant if they accepted bitcoin."

Will do. I have to use my wife's FB account. I don't have one. :-[

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: kjlimo on March 21, 2012, 04:53:45 PM

When is your trip to Chicago scheduled?  I haven't had time to recruit any additional meetings for you yet. 

Have you followed up with the two stores that I e-mailed?

I've only received one "like" on Facebook...

I have a very busy week this week before my vacation next week, so unfortunately future efforts will have to wait until April.

I haven't heard of any new stores accepting bitcoin other than many weeks ago with St. Louis's GrubGo.

Keep asking your stores if they accept bitcoin.  That's the only way that stores will start to investigate how they can accept it.

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on March 21, 2012, 08:28:14 PM

When is your trip to Chicago scheduled?  I haven't had time to recruit any additional meetings for you yet.  

Have you followed up with the two stores that I e-mailed?

I've only received one "like" on Facebook...

I have a very busy week this week before my vacation next week, so unfortunately future efforts will have to wait until April.

I haven't heard of any new stores accepting bitcoin other than many weeks ago with St. Louis's GrubGo.

Keep asking your stores if they accept bitcoin.  That's the only way that stores will start to investigate how they can accept it.

It'll be another week before I head back to Chicago. I was there last week, but had to get in and out quickly, therefore knew beforehand I wouldn't have time to better serve any commitments if I made any prior. I will make contact a couple days prior to heading out, though. I have 3 restaurants/bars in mind, myself, for I've provided barn wood for their decor. All 3 are owned by the same group and I have build a nice repertoire with them. At the same time I'll be recontacting Chicago Cabbie, for I have the hand tooled leather wallet readied and need to present to him as a gift, as promised, for joining BitcoinTalk, regardless if he has changed his mind. But I'm pretty sure that once he views the secret weapon, he won't hesitate to start officially accepting Bitcoin. One way or another, by the end of April I've have Chicago Cabbie and a few Chicago restaurants/bars accepting Bitcoin.


Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: Disposition on March 21, 2012, 08:33:59 PM
Let me know how this turns out, is adding real estate and rental options and doing a site overhaul; would love to add the first chicago restaurant to accept bitcoins.

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: anonymous5050 on March 21, 2012, 09:08:59 PM
I'm an idiot.  Took a cab to the airport and totally forgot to use Chicago cabbie!  Going to be away from chicago for a few weeks too....

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on March 21, 2012, 10:26:45 PM
I'm an idiot.  Took a cab to the airport and totally forgot to use Chicago cabbie!  Going to be away from chicago for a few weeks too....

He's not officially set up yet to accept Bitcoin, anon5050, but he's a great guy and would have loved to discussed anything you put to him, including Bitcoin.


Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: kjlimo on April 18, 2012, 02:34:54 AM
Update: I'll be in Chicago May 11-13, so where do I eat?  :P

Also, go talk to these people and get them on this forum.  I see this group has 26 members, yet only 10 or so user names are in the original post here...

Bruno, have you contacted either of the restaurants I reached out to about bitcoins yet? 

Should I try to find more restaurants willing to meet?

Should I post more on restaurant Facebook pages?  I only ever got one "like" after posting on about 10 restaurants Facebook pages...  I think most people view restaurant Facebook pages sorted on the restaurant only, and I never got any follow up from the restaurants themselves...

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on April 18, 2012, 02:46:48 AM
Update: I'll be in Chicago May 11-13, so where do I eat?  :P

Also, go talk to these people and get them on this forum.  I see this group has 26 members, yet only 10 or so user names are in the original post here...

Bruno, have you contacted either of the restaurants I reached out to about bitcoins yet?  

Should I try to find more restaurants willing to meet?

Should I post more on restaurant Facebook pages?  I only ever got one "like" after posting on about 10 restaurants Facebook pages...  I think most people view restaurant Facebook pages sorted on the restaurant only, and I never got any follow up from the restaurants themselves...

Next week, I'll be doing the blitzkrieg on Chicago. I have Chicago Cabbie's leather wallet that includes the Flash Cab logo that I need to present to him. At that point, my goal is to get him further on board. Rashid is truly a great guy. I'm going to buy him dinner again. I will also make contact with your suggested restaurants. I have three of my own which I feel I can procure. I'll also make contact with a couple more I feel that I may be able to persuade after doing a little Googling, for Google and I are friends. Today, I was referred to as a Google-Fu master, albeit the master part was left off due to, I'm sure, his phone ringing when he penned that post. But I digress. I'll make contact with Tony at Bit-Pay prior to doing the blitzkrieg to see if anything has change in regards to the secret weapon.


Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: kjlimo on April 18, 2012, 02:49:43 AM
Update: I'll be in Chicago May 11-13, so where do I eat?  :P

Also, go talk to these people and get them on this forum.  I see this group has 26 members, yet only 10 or so user names are in the original post here...

Bruno, have you contacted either of the restaurants I reached out to about bitcoins yet?  

Should I try to find more restaurants willing to meet?

Should I post more on restaurant Facebook pages?  I only ever got one "like" after posting on about 10 restaurants Facebook pages...  I think most people view restaurant Facebook pages sorted on the restaurant only, and I never got any follow up from the restaurants themselves...

Next week, I'll be doing the blitzkrieg on Chicago. I have Chicago Cabbie's leather wallet that includes the Flash Cab logo that I need to present to him. At that point, my goal is to get him further on board. Rashid is truly a great guy. I'm going to buy him dinner again. I will also make contact with your suggested restaurants. I have three of my own which I feel I can procure. I'll also make contact with a couple more I feel that I may be able to persuade after doing a little Googling, for Google and I are friends. Today, I was referred to as a Google-Fu master, albeit the master part was left off due to, I'm sure, his phone ringing when he penned that post. But I digress. I'll make contact with Tony at Bit-Pay prior to doing the blitzkrieg to see if anything has change in regards to the secret weapon.


Rock on.  Let me know if you need any help setting up times, following up, etc.  Good luck!

If it helps, you can let them know that your "buddy" will be visiting Chicago May 12 and definitely will visit any restaurant accepting bitcoin as a payment.

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on April 18, 2012, 03:00:20 AM
Update: I'll be in Chicago May 11-13, so where do I eat?  :P

Also, go talk to these people and get them on this forum.  I see this group has 26 members, yet only 10 or so user names are in the original post here...

Bruno, have you contacted either of the restaurants I reached out to about bitcoins yet?  

Should I try to find more restaurants willing to meet?

Should I post more on restaurant Facebook pages?  I only ever got one "like" after posting on about 10 restaurants Facebook pages...  I think most people view restaurant Facebook pages sorted on the restaurant only, and I never got any follow up from the restaurants themselves...

Next week, I'll be doing the blitzkrieg on Chicago. I have Chicago Cabbie's leather wallet that includes the Flash Cab logo that I need to present to him. At that point, my goal is to get him further on board. Rashid is truly a great guy. I'm going to buy him dinner again. I will also make contact with your suggested restaurants. I have three of my own which I feel I can procure. I'll also make contact with a couple more I feel that I may be able to persuade after doing a little Googling, for Google and I are friends. Today, I was referred to as a Google-Fu master, albeit the master part was left off due to, I'm sure, his phone ringing when he penned that post. But I digress. I'll make contact with Tony at Bit-Pay prior to doing the blitzkrieg to see if anything has change in regards to the secret weapon.


Rock on.  Let me know if you need any help setting up times, following up, etc.  Good luck!

If it helps, you can let them know that your "buddy" will be visiting Chicago May 12 and definitely will visit any restaurant accepting bitcoin as a payment.

Let's go one better! You know any of those jokers over at that meetup group who conveniently excluded me? Here's what I'm thinking. You, me, the meetup gang, Chicago Cabbie, and secret weapon (and the joint), at an eating establishment that accepts Bitcoin. Then we head over to a social drinking establishment to continue the practice. Did I forget to mention the cab (maybe limo) ride? Afterwards, we'll pick up a couple secret service...(maybe I miss read that news ariticle). May 12, would be a perfect day for this glorified meetup.


Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: kjlimo on April 18, 2012, 03:23:27 AM
Update: I'll be in Chicago May 11-13, so where do I eat?  :P

Also, go talk to these people and get them on this forum.  I see this group has 26 members, yet only 10 or so user names are in the original post here...

Bruno, have you contacted either of the restaurants I reached out to about bitcoins yet?  

Should I try to find more restaurants willing to meet?

Should I post more on restaurant Facebook pages?  I only ever got one "like" after posting on about 10 restaurants Facebook pages...  I think most people view restaurant Facebook pages sorted on the restaurant only, and I never got any follow up from the restaurants themselves...

Next week, I'll be doing the blitzkrieg on Chicago. I have Chicago Cabbie's leather wallet that includes the Flash Cab logo that I need to present to him. At that point, my goal is to get him further on board. Rashid is truly a great guy. I'm going to buy him dinner again. I will also make contact with your suggested restaurants. I have three of my own which I feel I can procure. I'll also make contact with a couple more I feel that I may be able to persuade after doing a little Googling, for Google and I are friends. Today, I was referred to as a Google-Fu master, albeit the master part was left off due to, I'm sure, his phone ringing when he penned that post. But I digress. I'll make contact with Tony at Bit-Pay prior to doing the blitzkrieg to see if anything has change in regards to the secret weapon.


Rock on.  Let me know if you need any help setting up times, following up, etc.  Good luck!

If it helps, you can let them know that your "buddy" will be visiting Chicago May 12 and definitely will visit any restaurant accepting bitcoin as a payment.

Let's go one better! You know any of those jokers over at that meetup group who conveniently excluded me? Here's what I'm thinking. You, me, the meetup gang, Chicago Cabbie, and secret weapon (and the joint), at an eating establishment that accepts Bitcoin. Then we head over to a social drinking establishment to continue the practice. Did I forget to mention the cab (maybe limo) ride? Afterwards, we'll pick up a couple secret service...(maybe I miss read that news ariticle). May 12, would be a perfect day for this glorified meetup.


I will be visiting friends and will have my wife there.  This will be tricky to pull off, but I'm thinking if we just say let's do lunch around 1pm somewhere, then I will gladly take my crew (wife, and 2-4 friends) there and subject my wife/friends to bitcoins for 1hour. 

If things go well, we can continue on to drinks & whatnot; however, I gotta be fair to my friends (and most importantly my wife).  :)  Hope you understand!

I do not know any of the bitcoin meetup people (yet).  However, I sent a message to the organizer Igor about 1 hour ago.  So I'll see if he wants to do a meetup on May 12.  But feel free to reach out to him directly as well.

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on April 18, 2012, 03:29:54 AM
Update: I'll be in Chicago May 11-13, so where do I eat?  :P

Also, go talk to these people and get them on this forum.  I see this group has 26 members, yet only 10 or so user names are in the original post here...

Bruno, have you contacted either of the restaurants I reached out to about bitcoins yet?  

Should I try to find more restaurants willing to meet?

Should I post more on restaurant Facebook pages?  I only ever got one "like" after posting on about 10 restaurants Facebook pages...  I think most people view restaurant Facebook pages sorted on the restaurant only, and I never got any follow up from the restaurants themselves...

Next week, I'll be doing the blitzkrieg on Chicago. I have Chicago Cabbie's leather wallet that includes the Flash Cab logo that I need to present to him. At that point, my goal is to get him further on board. Rashid is truly a great guy. I'm going to buy him dinner again. I will also make contact with your suggested restaurants. I have three of my own which I feel I can procure. I'll also make contact with a couple more I feel that I may be able to persuade after doing a little Googling, for Google and I are friends. Today, I was referred to as a Google-Fu master, albeit the master part was left off due to, I'm sure, his phone ringing when he penned that post. But I digress. I'll make contact with Tony at Bit-Pay prior to doing the blitzkrieg to see if anything has change in regards to the secret weapon.


Rock on.  Let me know if you need any help setting up times, following up, etc.  Good luck!

If it helps, you can let them know that your "buddy" will be visiting Chicago May 12 and definitely will visit any restaurant accepting bitcoin as a payment.

Let's go one better! You know any of those jokers over at that meetup group who conveniently excluded me? Here's what I'm thinking. You, me, the meetup gang, Chicago Cabbie, and secret weapon (and the joint), at an eating establishment that accepts Bitcoin. Then we head over to a social drinking establishment to continue the practice. Did I forget to mention the cab (maybe limo) ride? Afterwards, we'll pick up a couple secret service...(maybe I miss read that news ariticle). May 12, would be a perfect day for this glorified meetup.


I will be visiting friends and will have my wife there.  This will be tricky to pull off, but I'm thinking if we just say let's do lunch around 1pm somewhere, then I will gladly take my crew (wife, and 2-4 friends) there and subject my wife/friends to bitcoins for 1hour. 

If things go well, we can continue on to drinks & whatnot; however, I gotta be fair to my friends (and most importantly my wife).  :)  Hope you understand!

I do not know any of the bitcoin meetup people (yet).  However, I sent a message to the organizer Igor about 1 hour ago.  So I'll see if he wants to do a meetup on May 12.  But feel free to reach out to him directly as well.

Great! More secret service for me (I really need to reread that news article again). Seriously, a work around to accommodate your schedule is no problem. It'll work out just fine. Now I need to revive that ...and a Satoashi for the lady thread.


Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: BitPay Business Solutions on April 18, 2012, 03:40:11 AM
Bruno I'm not ready to give you my secret weapon yet :)

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on April 18, 2012, 04:16:14 AM
Bruno I'm not ready to give you my secret weapon yet :)

No problem. Not that important for May 12. Will work around. Keep me abreast, though, when available. Will touch base with you prior to hitting Chicago, though. Later, bud.


Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: BoardGameCoin on June 28, 2012, 09:48:42 PM
I will be traveling to chicago soon (July 4-8) and would love to buy a meal with bitcoins. Any news?


Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: kjlimo on June 29, 2012, 01:28:27 PM
I will be traveling to chicago soon (July 4-8) and would love to buy a meal with bitcoins. Any news?


I haven't heard any news yet, but I suggest checking in with the Chicago Meetup group as well to see if they've made any arrangements with the locations they are using for their meetup.

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: CecilNiosaki on June 29, 2012, 06:25:12 PM
If you can get some of the restaurants in Chinatown or some of the shops in Chicago, I would totally go there more often.

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: abracadabra on November 22, 2012, 02:29:10 AM
I know it's been a while, but any more updates on this?

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on November 22, 2012, 04:00:07 AM
I know it's been a while, but any more updates on this?

Nada! I haven't been to Chicago much, and when I have, its been in and out. I do have a major project coming up on 79th St. (half acre size roof), and should be able to allocate some time with a couple of my restaurant connections.

~Bruno K~

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: kjlimo on April 24, 2013, 01:59:43 AM
OK Phinneaus,  I'm sorry I didn't initiate this sooner, but I will be in Chicago this weekend.  I'm getting there in time for happy hour Friday and staying through Brunch on Sunday.

Is there a place where I can spend my bitcoins in Chicago yet?

If not, what can we do between now and Friday to make it happen?

I can try to stop by a place on Friday night or Saturday if we think it's possible to spend bitcoins :)

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: kjlimo on April 25, 2013, 03:23:31 AM


Can I get beers for bitcoins in downtown Chicago during happy hour?

I'm getting excited for Cleveland.  We may have our first!  Will post more after a successful payment for my lunch next Wed!

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: kjlimo on April 26, 2013, 11:10:45 AM


Can I get beers for bitcoins in downtown Chicago during happy hour?

I'm getting excited for Cleveland.  We may have our first!  Will post more after a successful payment for my lunch next Wed!

Well of course I jinxed myself... My buddy got the flu, so we've cancelled the trip.

I can't believe there's no restaurants in Chicago accepting bitcoin yet...

I must not be looking in the right places.  I'll try to follow up with some of the restaurants I cold called last year when trying this.  See if the news has peaked their curiosity at all.

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: ksteve96 on August 15, 2013, 11:51:29 PM
So whats the word on your efforts so far Bruno?  It's been a few months since an update.  I have a date with a hot blonde coming up and I just lost my debit card.  I have to say, it would be cool to pay for dinner and some other activities with BTC like a boss.  Add me to the list.

Oh and is the cab company accepting BTC yet? 

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on August 16, 2013, 05:36:54 AM
So whats the word on your efforts so far Bruno?  It's been a few months since an update.  I have a date with a hot blonde coming up and I just lost my debit card.  I have to say, it would be cool to pay for dinner and some other activities with BTC like a boss.  Add me to the list.

Oh and is the cab company accepting BTC yet? 

The Cabbie guy is on hold, and as far as the restaurants I had in mind, I put them on hold due to I was in the process of obtaining a Sandwich, IL, restaurant to accept bitcoins until one of its patrons opted to invest in Bitcoinica and now has his money tied up in Mt Gox. That fiasco caused me to lose face at the local restaurant along with having me to relocate two warehouses storing barn wood due to EPA concerns, all stemming from the guy who made a Bitcoin investment thanks to my blessing of Bitcoinica. The last thing I wanted was to lose a good client in Chicago, one of which I believe I can easily convince him in taking bitcoins at all his establishments.

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: ksteve96 on August 16, 2013, 06:19:57 AM
Wow, the bitcoinica tendrils reaching out to barn wood in sandwich...Never would have thought that.

I'm back and forth right now but in the Spring I'm moving back to Chicago, so if you have a list put me on it. 
I haven't read the article entirely yet, but what about this:

I think the biggest obstacle is the hassle they have to go through to turn it back in to cash.   

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: kjlimo on August 16, 2013, 01:11:17 PM
Wow, the bitcoinica tendrils reaching out to barn wood in sandwich...Never would have thought that.

I'm back and forth right now but in the Spring I'm moving back to Chicago, so if you have a list put me on it. 
I haven't read the article entirely yet, but what about this:

I think the biggest obstacle is the hassle they have to go through to turn it back in to cash.   

That's where Bitpay ( can help.  Instead of receiving bitcoins, your business can have USD (or other currencies) deposited into your bank account the next day.  So your business can accept bitcoins as a payment option utilizing Bitpay's ( merchant checkout solution and receive dollars or whichever currency you desire.

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: ksteve96 on August 16, 2013, 04:16:25 PM
Wow, the bitcoinica tendrils reaching out to barn wood in sandwich...Never would have thought that.

I'm back and forth right now but in the Spring I'm moving back to Chicago, so if you have a list put me on it. 
I haven't read the article entirely yet, but what about this:

I think the biggest obstacle is the hassle they have to go through to turn it back in to cash.   

That's where Bitpay ( can help.  Instead of receiving bitcoins, your business can have USD (or other currencies) deposited into your bank account the next day.  So your business can accept bitcoins as a payment option utilizing Bitpay's ( merchant checkout solution and receive dollars or whichever currency you desire.

Yes, they need something like that; what I liked in the article was that you buy a coupon, instead of getting money direct from bitpay.  Seems safer right now, the coupons are not from bitpay so the store/restaurant is safe WHEN the feds freeze bitpays assets.

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: faiza1990 on August 16, 2013, 04:28:08 PM
Maybe somebody should start a money exchange business in Chicago so that people can become bitcoin users more easily

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: kjlimo on August 16, 2013, 04:29:12 PM
Wow, the bitcoinica tendrils reaching out to barn wood in sandwich...Never would have thought that.

I'm back and forth right now but in the Spring I'm moving back to Chicago, so if you have a list put me on it. 
I haven't read the article entirely yet, but what about this:

I think the biggest obstacle is the hassle they have to go through to turn it back in to cash.   

That's where Bitpay ( can help.  Instead of receiving bitcoins, your business can have USD (or other currencies) deposited into your bank account the next day.  So your business can accept bitcoins as a payment option utilizing Bitpay's ( merchant checkout solution and receive dollars or whichever currency you desire.

Yes, they need something like that; what I liked in the article was that you buy a coupon, instead of getting money direct from bitpay.  Seems safer right now, the coupons are not from bitpay so the store/restaurant is safe WHEN the feds freeze bitpays assets.

What makes you think the feds are gonna do that?

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: ksteve96 on August 16, 2013, 05:08:32 PM

Yes, they need something like that; what I liked in the article was that you buy a coupon, instead of getting money direct from bitpay.  Seems safer right now, the coupons are not from bitpay so the store/restaurant is safe WHEN the feds freeze bitpays assets.

What makes you think the feds are gonna do that?

I probably should have said IF.  Thanks for making me re-think that.

Bitcoin is a target in the US right now, it seems any excuse and they'll freeze assets.  Take tangible cryptography for an example.  The state shut them down, not the Feds, but same idea.

If it wasn't for my paranoia, I would probably do this:
Maybe somebody should start a money exchange business in Chicago so that people can become bitcoin users more easily

My uncle already services 100's of small businesses around Chicago for their CC payment, incorporating bitcoin as a payment option in these shops would be relatively easy for him.  I guess I'll research the laws involved and see what needs to be done and how much it will cost and then pitch him on it.  I wouldn't even begin operating until spring, so I have time for research and planning.  If anyone could sell bitcoin merchant services it's my uncle.

I guess I'm a long way off from a BTC funded date though.  Localbitcoins FTW.  Also, I need to not lose my debit card anymore.  Last time I came here I melted it in the dryer, this time, I don't even know.  My bank is 3 states away and I don't keep credit cards. 

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: kjlimo on August 16, 2013, 05:14:45 PM

Yes, they need something like that; what I liked in the article was that you buy a coupon, instead of getting money direct from bitpay.  Seems safer right now, the coupons are not from bitpay so the store/restaurant is safe WHEN the feds freeze bitpays assets.

What makes you think the feds are gonna do that?

I probably should have said IF.  Thanks for making me re-think that.

Bitcoin is a target in the US right now, it seems any excuse and they'll freeze assets.  Take tangible cryptography for an example.  The state shut them down, not the Feds, but same idea.

If it wasn't for my paranoia, I would probably do this:
Maybe somebody should start a money exchange business in Chicago so that people can become bitcoin users more easily

My uncle already services 100's of small businesses around Chicago for their CC payment, incorporating bitcoin as a payment option in these shops would be relatively easy for him.  I guess I'll research the laws involved and see what needs to be done and how much it will cost and then pitch him on it.  I wouldn't even begin operating until spring, so I have time for research and planning.  If anyone could sell bitcoin merchant services it's my uncle.

I guess I'm a long way off from a BTC funded date though.  Localbitcoins FTW.  Also, I need to not lose my debit card anymore.  Last time I came here I melted it in the dryer, this time, I don't even know.  My bank is 3 states away and I don't keep credit cards. 

I'll gladly discuss Bitpay ( with your uncle.  Feel free to PM me if you need a phone number.  I'll be on the road next Wed/Thurs afternoons and have time to chat; however, if you'd prefer to work with him yourself, that's cool, too.

I'm in Cleveland, and travel to Chicago a couple times a year.  I'm going to Cincinnati next Weds night and I'm going to be promoting Bitpay's ( services to a brick & mortar merchant in Cincinnati.

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: mises on August 16, 2013, 05:55:30 PM
Sweet. Good luck on making this happen.

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: faiza1990 on August 16, 2013, 06:02:17 PM
Sweet. Good luck on making this happen.

cheers for this good work

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: kjlimo on August 16, 2013, 06:19:11 PM
Sweet. Good luck on making this happen.

cheers for this good work

Heh, I appreciate the support; however, to make sure you're not too over excited, it's taken me two years to get one business in the Cleveland area accepting bitcoin...

I've put some effort into Chicago and Cleveland, but mostly phone calls.  Going in is much higher return; however, restaurant owners are busy people and tough to track down.

We'll see if I get some momentum to give another push later this year.

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: faiza1990 on August 16, 2013, 08:18:49 PM
Sweet. Good luck on making this happen.

cheers for this good work

Heh, I appreciate the support; however, to make sure you're not too over excited, it's taken me two years to get one business in the Cleveland area accepting bitcoin...

I've put some effort into Chicago and Cleveland, but mostly phone calls.  Going in is much higher return; however, restaurant owners are busy people and tough to track down.

We'll see if I get some momentum to give another push later this year.

but still happy somebody showing courage for this late is better then never

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: abracadabra on February 17, 2014, 06:05:05 PM

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: Baldassare on February 17, 2014, 07:24:44 PM
I would go to a restaurant accepting Bitcoin in Chicago.
Kept looking at coinmap, but I was disappointed not to find one.

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: barista on February 17, 2014, 07:46:26 PM
Can't wait for restaurants in NY to start accepting bitcoin.

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: abracadabra on February 17, 2014, 07:55:13 PM
I would go to a restaurant accepting Bitcoin in Chicago.
Kept looking at coinmap, but I was disappointed not to find one.

When you go to visit Be prepared with info, and ask if the restaurant will take bitcoin.  When they look at you funny, present your info.  ;D

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: daviducsb on February 17, 2014, 07:58:17 PM
We need to do this in L.A.

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: sanjoea on February 18, 2014, 04:12:12 PM
Very soon other restaurant owners also going to follow this

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: rik_khaos on February 19, 2014, 12:27:49 PM
Excellent! Very interested.  :)

I'm a chicagoland transplant here in Phoenix, but when I visit home I'll eat where they'll take my coins.

And seriously, get Portillos in on this I've got 2 locations out here.

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: Musent on February 25, 2014, 03:42:30 PM
+1 on this. I sincerely hope more small shops start doing this. It would give them an advantage over corporate.

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: kies1107 on February 25, 2014, 03:55:57 PM
My mate and I are going to Portillo's in about an hour. I fire up the APP and place a Bitcoin deposit, an amount I know is more than what I'm going to spend. When I get to the restaurant, I show my receipt via the APP. The confirmations have already been done prior to us getting to the Portillo's therefore, upon paying the tab, change is forward to our Bitcoin address. Even if we carry-out, no need for us to wait for a confirmation, for we know that Portillo's is good for it. The onus was on the customer at the onset of the transaction, thereby protecting the eating establishment.

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: RodeoX on February 25, 2014, 08:49:41 PM
My mate and I are going to Portillo's in about an hour. I fire up the APP and place a Bitcoin deposit, an amount I know is more than what I'm going to spend. When I get to the restaurant, I show my receipt via the APP. The confirmations have already been done prior to us getting to the Portillo's therefore, upon paying the tab, change is forward to our Bitcoin address. Even if we carry-out, no need for us to wait for a confirmation, for we know that Portillo's is good for it. The onus was on the customer at the onset of the transaction, thereby protecting the eating establishment.
I would love it if there were a place near me that does that.

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: Waca Recargas on February 25, 2014, 09:50:11 PM
In Colombia we have some biz accepting BTC as payment... really great!

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: ksteve96 on February 26, 2014, 05:29:16 PM
My mate and I are going to Portillo's in about an hour. I fire up the APP and place a Bitcoin deposit, an amount I know is more than what I'm going to spend. When I get to the restaurant, I show my receipt via the APP. The confirmations have already been done prior to us getting to the Portillo's therefore, upon paying the tab, change is forward to our Bitcoin address. Even if we carry-out, no need for us to wait for a confirmation, for we know that Portillo's is good for it. The onus was on the customer at the onset of the transaction, thereby protecting the eating establishment.

What app are you talking about?  Not sure if you're talking about bitpay or something, or that portillos accepts Bitcoin.

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: DannyHamilton on February 26, 2014, 05:51:13 PM
My mate and I are going to Portillo's in about an hour. I fire up the APP and place a Bitcoin deposit, an amount I know is more than what I'm going to spend. When I get to the restaurant, I show my receipt via the APP. The confirmations have already been done prior to us getting to the Portillo's therefore, upon paying the tab, change is forward to our Bitcoin address. Even if we carry-out, no need for us to wait for a confirmation, for we know that Portillo's is good for it. The onus was on the customer at the onset of the transaction, thereby protecting the eating establishment.
What app are you talking about?  Not sure if you're talking about bitpay or something, or that portillos accepts Bitcoin.

I assumed he was talking about a hypothetical way that a restaurant like Portillo's could accept bitcoin for payment and not have to worry about 0-confirmations.

I don't think such an app exists yet, and I don't think there are any Portillo's accepting bitcoin yet.

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: ksteve96 on February 26, 2014, 06:16:52 PM
My mate and I are going to Portillo's in about an hour. I fire up the APP and place a Bitcoin deposit, an amount I know is more than what I'm going to spend. When I get to the restaurant, I show my receipt via the APP. The confirmations have already been done prior to us getting to the Portillo's therefore, upon paying the tab, change is forward to our Bitcoin address. Even if we carry-out, no need for us to wait for a confirmation, for we know that Portillo's is good for it. The onus was on the customer at the onset of the transaction, thereby protecting the eating establishment.
What app are you talking about?  Not sure if you're talking about bitpay or something, or that portillos accepts Bitcoin.

I assumed he was talking about a hypothetical way that a restaurant like Portillo's could accept bitcoin for payment and not have to worry about 0-confirmations.

I don't think such an app exists yet, and I don't think there are any Portillo's accepting bitcoin yet.

Ok, thanks, hypothetical not literal...I was about to head to Portillo's.

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: DannyHamilton on February 26, 2014, 07:11:38 PM
My mate and I are going to Portillo's in about an hour. I fire up the APP and place a Bitcoin deposit, an amount I know is more than what I'm going to spend. When I get to the restaurant, I show my receipt via the APP. The confirmations have already been done prior to us getting to the Portillo's therefore, upon paying the tab, change is forward to our Bitcoin address. Even if we carry-out, no need for us to wait for a confirmation, for we know that Portillo's is good for it. The onus was on the customer at the onset of the transaction, thereby protecting the eating establishment.
What app are you talking about?  Not sure if you're talking about bitpay or something, or that portillos accepts Bitcoin.
I assumed he was talking about a hypothetical way that a restaurant like Portillo's could accept bitcoin for payment and not have to worry about 0-confirmations.

I don't think such an app exists yet, and I don't think there are any Portillo's accepting bitcoin yet.
Ok, thanks, hypothetical not literal...I was about to head to Portillo's.

Yeah.  If I thought is was literal, I'd be eating lunch and dinner at Portillo's almost every day just to reward them for making the decision!

Title: Re: The First Chicago Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin
Post by: ksteve96 on February 26, 2014, 11:24:22 PM
My mate and I are going to Portillo's in about an hour. I fire up the APP and place a Bitcoin deposit, an amount I know is more than what I'm going to spend. When I get to the restaurant, I show my receipt via the APP. The confirmations have already been done prior to us getting to the Portillo's therefore, upon paying the tab, change is forward to our Bitcoin address. Even if we carry-out, no need for us to wait for a confirmation, for we know that Portillo's is good for it. The onus was on the customer at the onset of the transaction, thereby protecting the eating establishment.
What app are you talking about?  Not sure if you're talking about bitpay or something, or that portillos accepts Bitcoin.
I assumed he was talking about a hypothetical way that a restaurant like Portillo's could accept bitcoin for payment and not have to worry about 0-confirmations.

I don't think such an app exists yet, and I don't think there are any Portillo's accepting bitcoin yet.
Ok, thanks, hypothetical not literal...I was about to head to Portillo's.

Yeah.  If I thought is was literal, I'd be eating lunch and dinner at Portillo's almost every day just to reward them for making the decision!

Same here :)

Next time I go to Moto (or ING next door, same chef/owner) I'm going to pitch them.  The owner/chef now cooks at ING and has promoted the Suisse Chef to Executive chef, both of these people in to science and technical things, maybe they would go for it.

Hmm, just a little afterthought, maybe some of us Chicago Bitcoiners can go as a group, if they let us pay in bitcoin.  For Moto, your looking at about $300/person, maybe 1/2 that at ING, so not for everyone.  But they might be more inclined to take BTC for at least one meal if there is a group of us.  At least it will get the ball rolling.