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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: zolace on June 05, 2014, 09:29:47 AM

Title: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: zolace on June 05, 2014, 09:29:47 AM
Loads and loads of people from across the globe are immigrating to America for different purposes.. Their aims and purposes are getting fulfilled but America is actually getting destroyed..
Some adverse affects are as below :
- Americans are losing their job
- There has been an increase in crime, pollution and traffic congestion
- Erosion of culture
- Over-utilization of resources such as electricity, gas, food, etc
- Loss in form of remittance

You are free to debate, confirm on\off any of the combinations above..

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: vokain on June 05, 2014, 09:32:35 AM
I blame the welfare state (wrought by selfishness and political pandering) and erosion of a free market, otherwise immigrants would add value. America is destroying herself. Sorry if I don't go more in-depth on substantiating this opinion.

Can you elaborate on what you mean though by 'erosion of culture'? Culture is a dynamic idea.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: ORiN on June 05, 2014, 09:33:09 AM
Isn't it happening to most first world countries? I agree with point 1 through 3 but I don't understand the viewpoints for points 4 and 5.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: hilariousandco on June 05, 2014, 09:35:48 AM
Dey tuck r jerbs. Those points are typical guff racists usually spread to fearmonger and cast blame. What culture is being eroded exactly? Then again, the Native American culture and population got destroyed pretty quickly by immigrants so maybe you're right.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Leina on June 05, 2014, 09:41:54 AM
I blame the welfare state (wrought by selfishness and political pandering) and erosion of a free market, otherwise immigrants would add value. America is destroying herself. Sorry if I don't go more in-depth on substantiating this opinion.

Can you elaborate on what you mean though by 'erosion of culture'? Culture is a dynamic idea.


Immigrant in the early days (18th to early 20th century) add value to the country. And they don't breed like rabbits.

Personal responsibility and saving were encouraged.

Not so any longer. Seen people abuse the marriage system, family relation to get their entire family into US. They take more than they give because of subsidy and freebie. And they abuse the credit system and commit tax fraud with no consequence.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: hilariousandco on June 05, 2014, 09:46:48 AM

Not so any longer. Seen people abuse the marriage system, family relation to get their entire family into US. They take more than they give because of subsidy and freebie. And they abuse the credit system and commit tax fraud with no consequence.

And White Americans don't do any of this? Typical guff. You're stereotyping and making mass generalisations. 

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Nemo1024 on June 05, 2014, 09:48:15 AM
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't USA is entirely comprised from immigrants, with the original population and its culture all but driven to extinction.

So your point 3 is already accomplished.

Point 2: stop driving those stupidly huge cars!

Loads and loads of people from across the globe are immigrating to America for different purposes.. Their aims and purposes are getting fulfilled but America is actually getting destroyed..
Some adverse affects are as below :
- Americans are losing their job
- There has been an increase in crime, pollution and traffic congestion
- Erosion of culture
- Over-utilization of resources such as electricity, gas, food, etc
- Loss in form of remittance

You are free to debate, confirm on\off any of the combinations above..

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: 5flags on June 05, 2014, 09:48:32 AM
I'm assuming that the OP is a native American Indian.

The USA is a nation of immigrants. Even immigrants in the USA complain about immigrants. It just seems to be what they do. People here in the UK say they want to leave because there are too many immigrants, and by leaving, they become immigrants.

It seems that every immigrant wants to be the last immigrant.

I was going over some documents from the national archive in the UK. There is a set of correspondence between Lord Balfour and Justice Louis Brandeis, often known as the father of American Zionism. It is a little known fact that both Balfour and Brandeis supported Zionism because they were anti-Semitic.

Balfour didn't like Jews and wanted them to go to Palestine instead of come to the UK. Brandeis (born to Jewish immigrants from Bohemia) supported Zionism because he didn't want Russian Jews coming to the US. They weren't the right kind of Jew.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: vokain on June 05, 2014, 09:53:45 AM

Not so any longer. Seen people abuse the marriage system, family relation to get their entire family into US. They take more than they give because of subsidy and freebie. And they abuse the credit system and commit tax fraud with no consequence.

And White Americans don't do any of this? Typical guff. You're stereotyping and making mass generalisations.

Leina is referring specifically to the immigrants that used to add net value to the US. You're taking a a few sentences out of their context. See text right above the text you quoted.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: zolace on June 05, 2014, 10:03:53 AM
I blame the welfare state (wrought by selfishness and political pandering) and erosion of a free market, otherwise immigrants would add value. America is destroying herself. Sorry if I don't go more in-depth on substantiating this opinion.

Can you elaborate on what you mean though by 'erosion of culture'? Culture is a dynamic idea.
By cultural erosion i  meant the systematic devaluation, sometimes leading to the deletion, of certain aspects of our culture due to foreign influences. Such influences could wipe out a people’s memory of their past; their traditional cultural practices; and their language. Above all, it can change their worldview, including their perception of reality .And here I am talking about the Mexican,Indian and Chinese influence over the native Americans and colonist traditions and language.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: umair127 on June 05, 2014, 10:05:20 AM
Loads and loads of people from across the globe are immigrating to America for different purposes.. Their aims and purposes are getting fulfilled but America is actually getting destroyed..
Some adverse affects are as below :
- Americans are losing their job
- There has been an increase in crime, pollution and traffic congestion
- Erosion of culture
- Over-utilization of resources such as electricity, gas, food, etc
- Loss in form of remittance

You are free to debate, confirm on\off any of the combinations above..
“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.” -Emma Lazarus
These are the quotes written on the side of the Statue of Liberty. It inspires me every time I read it.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: sana8410 on June 05, 2014, 10:08:49 AM
Loads and loads of people from across the globe are immigrating to America for different purposes.. Their aims and purposes are getting fulfilled but America is actually getting destroyed..
Some adverse affects are as below :
- Americans are losing their job
- There has been an increase in crime, pollution and traffic congestion
- Erosion of culture
- Over-utilization of resources such as electricity, gas, food, etc
- Loss in form of remittance

You are free to debate, confirm on\off any of the combinations above..
You are forgetting that US is a country made up of immigrants themselves. Or as they like to call themselves, 'COLONISTS'. The original inhabitants of the land they are residing on are Native Americans who had their lands taken away from them and treated very badly by the colonists.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Nik1ab on June 05, 2014, 10:09:44 AM
Every american is an immigrant. The so called "pilgrim fathers" were nothing else than European immigrants.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: sana8410 on June 05, 2014, 10:18:41 AM
I blame the welfare state (wrought by selfishness and political pandering) and erosion of a free market, otherwise immigrants would add value. America is destroying herself. Sorry if I don't go more in-depth on substantiating this opinion.

Can you elaborate on what you mean though by 'erosion of culture'? Culture is a dynamic idea.
By cultural erosion i  meant the systematic devaluation, sometimes leading to the deletion, of certain aspects of our culture due to foreign influences. Such influences could wipe out a people’s memory of their past; their traditional cultural practices; and their language. Above all, it can change their worldview, including their perception of reality .And here I am talking about the Mexican,Indian and Chinese influence over the native Americans and colonist traditions and language.
US was formed in 1776, they only have 238 year's worth of history compared to older civilizations like Great Britain or China. So it's not unfair to say that they should give equal chances to people who want to move to their country to seek a better life as long as they can contribute and they don't really have any 'culture' to speak of yet.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: hilariousandco on June 05, 2014, 10:22:29 AM

Not so any longer. Seen people abuse the marriage system, family relation to get their entire family into US. They take more than they give because of subsidy and freebie. And they abuse the credit system and commit tax fraud with no consequence.

And White Americans don't do any of this? Typical guff. You're stereotyping and making mass generalisations.

Leina is referring specifically to the immigrants that used to add value to the US. You're taking a a few sentences out of their context. See text right above the text you quoted.

And he's taking a few immigrants out of context. And he's blaming a small portion of immigrants when a larger percentage of "Americans" will also do the same or similar.  

I blame the welfare state (wrought by selfishness and political pandering) and erosion of a free market, otherwise immigrants would add value. America is destroying herself. Sorry if I don't go more in-depth on substantiating this opinion.

Can you elaborate on what you mean though by 'erosion of culture'? Culture is a dynamic idea.
By cultural erosion i  meant the systematic devaluation, sometimes leading to the deletion, of certain aspects of our culture due to foreign influences.Such influences could wipe out a people’s memory of their past; their traditional cultural practices; and their language. Above all, it can change their worldview, including their perception of reality .And here I am talking about the Mexican,Indian and Chinese influence over the native Americans and colonist traditions and language.

What about the Native Americans here? And are you actually American or possibly an immigrant? From previous experiences from you I gathered English wasn't your first language?

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: noviapriani on June 05, 2014, 10:41:44 AM
We can not surely say that USA is adversely affected by Immigrants because if USA will be restricted to Americans only It cant be a super power.USA actually needs talents, best ideas, strategies and other positive qualities across the globe.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: umair127 on June 05, 2014, 10:50:53 AM
America has always been seen as a land of opportunity, a land of new beginnings where it promises fortune and wealth should you prove yourself worthy through merit. Millions of people have migrated there in pursuit of the American Dream. It was a principle which allowed them to attract talent from all over the world and build themselves into the superpower they are today.
So immigration is a good thing. As long as you can make sure those migrants are talented enough to contribute to the growth of your country.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: newflesh on June 05, 2014, 12:34:41 PM
I'm sure the native americans have asked themselves the same things about white american immigrants.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Nik1ab on June 05, 2014, 01:11:18 PM
I'm sure the native americans have asked themselves the same things about white american immigrants.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: bryant.coleman on June 05, 2014, 01:22:31 PM
The problem with the US is that they are getting too few high-skilled immigrants and they are getting too many of those illiterate and illegal immigrants.

For any person who is working in white-collar fields such as IT, Banking or Medicine, the American Work Visa is extremely difficult to get. The Democrats have made it extremely difficult for Europeans to get the US visa.

The Mexican illegals on the other hand have no such problems. They are being able to travel to and fro as they wish, and work without paying a penny in taxes. They even have sanctuary cities, which protect them.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Este Nuno on June 05, 2014, 01:25:45 PM

- Over-utilization of resources such as electricity, gas, food, etc

I don't understand this one at all. How can you over use these things. I mean they all leave a carbon footprint but America is based around this type of consumerism. I would think it would be considered a good thing.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: bitsmichel on June 05, 2014, 02:12:46 PM
- Americans are losing their job

The US has been going downhill for quite a while. Inflation since (
The current US policy seems to be to print more money, in effect, causing more inflation.  Here is a chart showing the debt of the US (  Here is a debt world map to compare with other countries: ( There is mass corruption in the world bank and banks, have a look at : (  This is the main cause for Americans losing their jobs.

- There has been an increase in crime, pollution and traffic congestion
We have the biggest dragnet surveillance system of the world so crime should have reduced lately, right?  ;)
Traffic congestion can be solved in two ways:  either less people in cars on the roads, or, wider roads.
Pollution is a world wide problem, have a look at this map ( In terms of pollution immigrants (and natives) are better of going to the northern hemisphere or Australia.


Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Ron~Popeil on June 05, 2014, 02:44:24 PM
Loads and loads of people from across the globe are immigrating to America for different purposes.. Their aims and purposes are getting fulfilled but America is actually getting destroyed..
Some adverse affects are as below :
- Americans are losing their job
- There has been an increase in crime, pollution and traffic congestion
- Erosion of culture
- Over-utilization of resources such as electricity, gas, food, etc
- Loss in form of remittance

You are free to debate, confirm on\off any of the combinations above..

Immigration is a good thing. Voluntary and yes even forced immigration built this country. We should have open borders.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: bryant.coleman on June 05, 2014, 02:45:56 PM
Relation of immigration to crime, in the United States.

Some facts:

1. In Los Angeles, 95 percent of all outstanding warrants for homicide are for illegal aliens. Up to two-thirds of all fugitive felony warrants (17,000) are for illegal aliens.

2. 60 percent of the 20,000-strong 18th Street Gang in southern California were illegal aliens in a 1995 report.


Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Este Nuno on June 05, 2014, 02:55:34 PM
Loads and loads of people from across the globe are immigrating to America for different purposes.. Their aims and purposes are getting fulfilled but America is actually getting destroyed..
Some adverse affects are as below :
- Americans are losing their job
- There has been an increase in crime, pollution and traffic congestion
- Erosion of culture
- Over-utilization of resources such as electricity, gas, food, etc
- Loss in form of remittance

You are free to debate, confirm on\off any of the combinations above..

Immigration is a good thing. Voluntary and yes even forced immigration built this country. We should have open borders.

Immigration might be a good thing. But open borders would be quite the situation. People from all over the world would be flocking to the US in the millions. There would be violence for sure. Honestly the thought is just scary, and I'm not anti-immigration by any means. But open borders  is asking for trouble I think. There are a lot of people in the world who would take advantage of such a situation.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Ron~Popeil on June 05, 2014, 03:14:15 PM
Loads and loads of people from across the globe are immigrating to America for different purposes.. Their aims and purposes are getting fulfilled but America is actually getting destroyed..
Some adverse affects are as below :
- Americans are losing their job
- There has been an increase in crime, pollution and traffic congestion
- Erosion of culture
- Over-utilization of resources such as electricity, gas, food, etc
- Loss in form of remittance

You are free to debate, confirm on\off any of the combinations above..

Immigration is a good thing. Voluntary and yes even forced immigration built this country. We should have open borders.

Immigration might be a good thing. But open borders would be quite the situation. People from all over the world would be flocking to the US in the millions. There would be violence for sure. Honestly the thought is just scary, and I'm not anti-immigration by any means. But open borders  is asking for trouble I think. There are a lot of people in the world who would take advantage of such a situation.

There will be violence either way. I should rephrase what I mean though. I am not advocating a completely lawless border. I would like to see a robust and quick system to allow for orderly immigration. Sort of an open borders policy framework that makes it easy for hard working people to come here and pursue their dreams.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Este Nuno on June 05, 2014, 04:23:03 PM
Loads and loads of people from across the globe are immigrating to America for different purposes.. Their aims and purposes are getting fulfilled but America is actually getting destroyed..
Some adverse affects are as below :
- Americans are losing their job
- There has been an increase in crime, pollution and traffic congestion
- Erosion of culture
- Over-utilization of resources such as electricity, gas, food, etc
- Loss in form of remittance

You are free to debate, confirm on\off any of the combinations above..

Immigration is a good thing. Voluntary and yes even forced immigration built this country. We should have open borders.

Immigration might be a good thing. But open borders would be quite the situation. People from all over the world would be flocking to the US in the millions. There would be violence for sure. Honestly the thought is just scary, and I'm not anti-immigration by any means. But open borders  is asking for trouble I think. There are a lot of people in the world who would take advantage of such a situation.

There will be violence either way. I should rephrase what I mean though. I am not advocating a completely lawless border. I would like to see a robust and quick system to allow for orderly immigration. Sort of an open borders policy framework that makes it easy for hard working people to come here and pursue their dreams.

Ah. That sounds reasonable. I think that something like that might be a good idea.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Operatr on June 05, 2014, 05:24:06 PM
Loads and loads of people from across the globe are immigrating to America for different purposes.. Their aims and purposes are getting fulfilled but America is actually getting destroyed..
Some adverse affects are as below :
- Americans are losing their job
- There has been an increase in crime, pollution and traffic congestion
- Erosion of culture
- Over-utilization of resources such as electricity, gas, food, etc
- Loss in form of remittance

You are free to debate, confirm on\off any of the combinations above..

Its the same for every American whether you are from here or not. Immigrants have nothing to do with it, its the simple fact that the banker oligarchs are gutting the middle and lower classes and destroying the planet. Your view is not backed up by any relevant data whatsoever.

Lets also keep in mind, America was founded by people who were originally immigrants...

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: RodeoX on June 05, 2014, 05:36:54 PM
Loads and loads of people from across the globe are immigrating to America for different purposes.. Their aims and purposes are getting fulfilled but America is actually getting destroyed..
Some adverse affects are as below :
- Americans are losing their job (because we sent them overseas)
- There has been an increase in crime, pollution and traffic congestion (crime is at historic lows in the US, pollution and traffic is because of overpopulation and laxed pollution standards)
- Erosion of culture (Culture is always changing no one in history has ever been able to stop it)
- Over-utilization of resources such as electricity, gas, food, etc (Americans use more of these resources than any other culture in history)
- Loss in form of remittance (?)

You are free to debate, confirm on\off any of the combinations above..

Are you a member of a native American tribe? If not, I assume you mean that WE are destroying America.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: beetcoin on June 05, 2014, 05:37:40 PM
is this a troll post or something? most immigrants that come here are low skilled workers, doing shit that most americans are not willing to do. and illegal immigration has been falling. if you are serious, way to be xenophobic.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: bryant.coleman on June 05, 2014, 06:52:32 PM
is this a troll post or something? most immigrants that come here are low skilled workers, doing shit that most americans are not willing to do.

The problem is that most of the illegals are not doing shit that most americans are not willing to do. The majority of them are joining the street gangs and living of the welfare payments after producing anchor babies.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: cryptasm on June 06, 2014, 08:59:30 AM
More than one-third of U.S. Nobel prize winners in chemistry, medicine and physics are immigrants:

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: 5flags on June 06, 2014, 09:25:34 AM
The problem is that most of the illegals are not doing shit that most americans are not willing to do. The majority of them are joining the street gangs and living of the welfare payments after producing anchor babies.

He didn't say "illegal". He said immigrant. Can you cite a source for your claim?

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Lethn on June 06, 2014, 09:28:58 AM
When you have more population then problems become more exaggerated, this isn't just because of immigrants, many of the problems in the world are simply caused by an exploding population and not enough living space, what you described are symptoms of this problem, it's not just to do with immigrants, it's the fact our planet simply isn't big enough to hold this many people never mind in the concentrated cities where everybody wants to live.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: hilariousandco on June 06, 2014, 09:32:47 AM
The problem is that most of the illegals are not doing shit that most americans are not willing to do. The majority of them are joining the street gangs and living of the welfare payments after producing anchor babies.

He didn't say "illegal". He said immigrant. Can you cite a source for your claim?

Not unless you count his own racist arse as a source which is where he pulls most of his "facts" from.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: 5flags on June 06, 2014, 09:40:54 AM
Not unless you count his own racist arse as a source which is where he pulls most of his "facts" from.

lol, very true.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: bryant.coleman on June 06, 2014, 10:31:48 AM
He didn't say "illegal". He said immigrant. Can you cite a source for your claim?

I was referring to the illegal immigrants, who form the majority of the immigrant population. I don't have any problem with the legal immigrant population, which pay their taxes and contribute to the American economy. In fact, I believe that the US should encourage more legal immigration. The illegals on the other hand are harming the economy.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Rigon on June 09, 2014, 12:47:04 PM
It is interesting to note that the only two recorded decrease in wages caused by immigrants are the very unskilled labor (No high school diploma) & highly skilled labor (college graduates) categories because those are the two most common educational qualification for groups of immigrants moving to US.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: sana8410 on June 09, 2014, 12:55:56 PM
It is interesting to note that the only two recorded decrease in wages caused by immigrants are the very unskilled labor (No high school diploma) & highly skilled labor (college graduates) categories because those are the two most common educational qualification for groups of immigrants moving to US.
However, this is not necessarily a bad thing, because it will gradually push US citizens in the unskilled labor category to study harder and apply for better jobs because their low paying jobs are taken by immigrants and they also have easier access to education compared to their less fortunate immigrant counterparts & it will also make those in the highly skilled labor section more competitive and strive to improve in their jobs so that they can beat the skilled immigrants.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: transient858 on June 09, 2014, 07:24:54 PM
US already pass the point of no return regarding immigration issue.

Couple with high inflation, middle class are being squeeze from top and below.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: bryant.coleman on June 10, 2014, 03:29:14 AM
US already pass the point of no return regarding immigration issue.
Couple with high inflation, middle class are being squeeze from top and below.

When there are stupid laws such as the birthright citizenship, you can expect others to exploit it. Some 20 million illegals will make use of it, to gain the American citizenship. Birth tourism is actually very popular in Turkey and the PRC.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: 5flags on June 10, 2014, 06:31:32 AM
And talking about inflation, it is caused by the devaluation of the US dollar.

Strictly speaking, inflation is inflation of the money supply, which causes the devaluation of the dollar, which causes prices to increase.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: hilariousandco on June 10, 2014, 06:39:12 AM
US already pass the point of no return regarding immigration issue.

Couple with high inflation, middle class are being squeeze from top and below.

Yeah, those Native Americans shouldn't have let anyone in. Was all downhill from there. And oh the poor middle classes! My heart bleeds for them.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: bryant.coleman on June 10, 2014, 07:16:43 AM
Here is another evidence to the argument that USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants.

Illegals still get Medicare benefits, but feds vow crackdown, $70M savings

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: beetcoin on June 10, 2014, 07:20:30 AM
US already pass the point of no return regarding immigration issue.

Couple with high inflation, middle class are being squeeze from top and below.

Yeah, those Native Americans shouldn't have let anyone in. Was all downhill from there. And oh the poor middle classes! My heart bleeds for them.

you mean they shouldn't have let your people in, as well as the french and and spanish?

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: boumalo on June 10, 2014, 08:01:16 AM
US already pass the point of no return regarding immigration issue.

Couple with high inflation, middle class are being squeeze from top and below.

Yeah, those Native Americans shouldn't have let anyone in. Was all downhill from there. And oh the poor middle classes! My heart bleeds for them.

You got the point, it is annoying to see the politicians are followed by the majority to pick scapegoats : immigrants, free market, banks, neighbour country, jews ect. when it is usually the State actions that lead to ruin, war and dispair

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: 5flags on June 10, 2014, 08:11:18 AM
Here is another evidence to the argument that USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants.

Illegals still get Medicare benefits, but feds vow crackdown, $70M savings

Estimated cost of post-9/11 wars: 225,000 lives, up to $4 trillion

And you're worried about immigrants?

I would humbly suggest that the ruling elites in the regime in Washington are doing far more damage to the economy than any immigrants could ever do.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: bryant.coleman on June 10, 2014, 08:24:07 AM
I would humbly suggest that the ruling elites in the regime in Washington are doing far more damage to the economy than any immigrants could ever do.

There is no denial in that. But this topic was about immigration. I have already given my opinion. I have stated that the United States need to increase the legal immigration (especially that of the highly skilled workers), while discouraging the illegal immigration. Yes... I agree that the war machine has completely destroyed the American economy. But illegal immigration is putting a further drain. 

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: 5flags on June 10, 2014, 08:36:09 AM
But illegal immigration is putting a further drain. 

It's like worrying about a paper cut on your finger after your legs have been blown off.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: hilariousandco on June 10, 2014, 08:50:57 AM
Exactly, but to ignorant racists immigrants (or 'illegals' as he likes to call them) are always the biggest or most pressing problem, you know, just cos they don't like them and need somebody to blame etc.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: transient858 on June 15, 2014, 10:12:11 PM
Exactly, but to ignorant racists immigrants (or 'illegals' as he likes to call them) are always the biggest or most pressing problem, you know, just cos they don't like them and need somebody to blame etc.

A culture is on the bottom of the food chain for a reason.

Any country accepting culture with problems with open arm is inviting all the problems which the culture can not solved in their homeland while giving them a free ticket to breed like there is no tomorrow.

Do you really want to turn a modern advance society we (and our ancestors) all work so hard for into a welfare queen land?

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: lemfuture on June 15, 2014, 10:21:25 PM
this happens to any number one country, weather its america or something else in the future

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: mamichula on June 15, 2014, 11:23:15 PM
I think you should look at I believe the Alabama law, and its effects after it was implemented.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: mamichula on June 15, 2014, 11:25:25 PM
I blame the welfare state (wrought by selfishness and political pandering) and erosion of a free market, otherwise immigrants would add value. America is destroying herself. Sorry if I don't go more in-depth on substantiating this opinion.

Can you elaborate on what you mean though by 'erosion of culture'? Culture is a dynamic idea.


Immigrant in the early days (18th to early 20th century) add value to the country. And they don't breed like rabbits.

Personal responsibility and saving were encouraged.

Not so any longer. Seen people abuse the marriage system, family relation to get their entire family into US. They take more than they give because of subsidy and freebie. And they abuse the credit system and commit tax fraud with no consequence.

Poor people have always bread like rabbits, the big difference is that 80 years ago the biggest group that died were kids, today it's old people.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: bryant.coleman on June 16, 2014, 04:00:30 AM
Poor people have always bread like rabbits, the big difference is that 80 years ago the biggest group that died were kids, today it's old people.

Poor people don't always breed like rabbits. For example, Moldovia is one of the poorest countries in the world, and the birth rate there is like 1.2 children / woman. On the otherhand, the birth rate for the richest country in the world (Qatar) is around 6 children / woman (only for citizens).

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: libivan on June 16, 2014, 04:12:11 AM
The US has always been a country of immigration.

The problem is not with immigration. The problems in most of the countries nowadays (the US included) are caused by the omnipresent cultural marxism.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: nwfella on June 16, 2014, 04:21:22 AM
Every american is an immigrant. The so called "pilgrim fathers" were nothing else than European immigrants.
Can you say bingo?

I'm pretty sure the Native American's where pretty bummed out at the adverse affects of the pale-faces diseased meat, flea infected blankets, and complete annihilation of their primary source of food, clothing and shelter as well.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: bryant.coleman on June 16, 2014, 04:55:06 AM
The US has always been a country of immigration.
The problem is not with immigration. The problems in most of the countries nowadays (the US included) are caused by the omnipresent cultural marxism.

Times have changed. What occurred two centuries ago can't go on now, without any consequences. Right now the American policy is to punish the legal immigrants and to encourage the illegal ones. That is wrong.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: boumalo on June 16, 2014, 08:58:51 AM
Having young and hungry people that arrive in your country to work hard, do unpleasant jobs to feed their family create wealth and confort for both the immigrants and the natives

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: zolace on June 16, 2014, 01:42:02 PM
The current high rate of immigration into the United States of America has adverse environmental impacts upon America, and upon the world as a whole. As an example consider the impact of a typical family of seven, immigrating from a country where their owning a car was highly unlikely. When they come to America they are likely to acquire cars (0.76 cars per family member). For every mile they drive, they pollute and deplete resources that could have been relatively unaffected had they continued their prior lifestyle. The act of border crossing enables them to make lifestyle changes that adversely affect the environment; by becoming Americans they adopt the consumption and pollution patterns of the world's most environmentally destructive lifestyle.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: bryant.coleman on June 16, 2014, 01:57:19 PM
The current high rate of immigration into the United States of America has adverse environmental impacts upon America, and upon the world as a whole. As an example consider the impact of a typical family of seven, immigrating from a country where their owning a car was highly unlikely. When they come to America they are likely to acquire cars (0.76 cars per family member). For every mile they drive, they pollute and deplete resources that could have been relatively unaffected had they continued their prior lifestyle. The act of border crossing enables them to make lifestyle changes that adversely affect the environment; by becoming Americans they adopt the consumption and pollution patterns of the world's most environmentally destructive lifestyle.

This is a wrong argument. The American citizens should reduce their environmental impact first. The United States comes first in per capita Carbon-di-oxide emission (measured at around 17 tons per year). Don't they have the responsibility to rehabilitate the people from Tuvalu and Nauru, who have become homeless as a result of global warming?

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: sana8410 on June 16, 2014, 02:16:31 PM
Recent U.S. immigration policies were created with little consideration for their adverse impact upon America. Certainly, there was no consideration for their environmental consequences. They were designed to produce cheap labor, expanded markets, increased church membership, and warm feelings in the hearts of a few Political Action Committees and foundations. They were NOT designed to promote the well-being of America or of the world. In the future, we must change course if we are to stop the decline in our standard of living and the increase in our impact upon the global environment.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: noviapriani on June 19, 2014, 06:11:50 PM
The USA is a nation of immigrants. Even immigrants in the USA complain about immigrants. It just seems to be what they do. People here in the UK say they want to leave because there are too many immigrants, and by leaving, they become immigrants. It seems that every immigrant wants to be the last immigrant.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: GangkisKhan on June 19, 2014, 07:04:24 PM
Having young and hungry people that arrive in your country to work hard, do unpleasant jobs to feed their family create wealth and confort for both the immigrants and the natives

This is true if the young and hungry create value and not leeching off the government or join an organized crime syndicate.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: scribbles on June 19, 2014, 07:15:59 PM
While I am completely against illegal immigration, and believe immigration control should be enforced...

Loads and loads of people from across the globe are immigrating to America for different purposes.. Their aims and purposes are getting fulfilled but America is actually getting destroyed..
Some adverse affects are as below :
- Americans are losing their job

[sarcasm] You mean like the farm jobs and janitorial jobs that everyone wants but can't get? You're right, I just can't get a job cleaning toilets and I'm angry at immigrants for taking that away from me! [/sarcasm] If you're speaking of highly skilled professionals arriving on work visas, they are an insignificantly small percentage of overall immigration.


- There has been an increase in crime, pollution and traffic congestion

Factually incorrect on crime. Crime has decreased in the past 10 years, here are the stats to prove it: (

As for pollution and traffic congestion, where is your evidence that immigration is even a correlation, much less a cause?


- Erosion of culture

As others have said, I assume you are Native American, therefore this was almost completely accomplished 100 years ago.


- Over-utilization of resources such as electricity, gas, food, etc

Over utilization? I'm not aware of a shortage of any of these resources in the US and they all require payment for use.


- Loss in form of remittance

The amount of money sent overseas by immagrants is dwarfed by the US governments international aid sent abroad. Focus your attention on reducing foreign aid if you really care about the economic impact of this.

Overall, typical xenophobic drivel. I would much rather live in a world where people are free to move around the globe and offer their skills wherever they are desired (and paid in BTC of course  ;) )

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Wilikon on June 19, 2014, 07:27:50 PM
Loads and loads of people from across the globe are immigrating to America for different purposes.. Their aims and purposes are getting fulfilled but America is actually getting destroyed..
Some adverse affects are as below :
- Americans are losing their job
- There has been an increase in crime, pollution and traffic congestion
- Erosion of culture
- Over-utilization of resources such as electricity, gas, food, etc
- Loss in form of remittance

You are free to debate, confirm on\off any of the combinations above..

Immigrants, legal immigrants are who built the USA or any country. Illegal immigration coming just for using  and abusing any societies social network, not just in the US, is what will doom a country eventually.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Wilikon on June 19, 2014, 07:29:59 PM
Recent U.S. immigration policies were created with little consideration for their adverse impact upon America. Certainly, there was no consideration for their environmental consequences. They were designed to produce cheap labor, expanded markets, increased church membership, and warm feelings in the hearts of a few Political Action Committees and foundations. They were NOT designed to promote the well-being of America or of the world. In the future, we must change course if we are to stop the decline in our standard of living and the increase in our impact upon the global environment.

"Recent U.S. immigration policies were created"... Created by whom?

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: SunBin on June 20, 2014, 12:06:01 AM
Disturbing photo up there.

Their own country is so bad that they need to be risk their life to come here?

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: goxed on June 20, 2014, 12:23:53 AM
I blame the welfare state (wrought by selfishness and political pandering) and erosion of a free market, otherwise immigrants would add value. America is destroying herself. Sorry if I don't go more in-depth on substantiating this opinion.

Can you elaborate on what you mean though by 'erosion of culture'? Culture is a dynamic idea.


Immigrant in the early days (18th to early 20th century) add value to the country. And they don't breed like rabbits.

Personal responsibility and saving were encouraged.

Not so any longer. Seen people abuse the marriage system, family relation to get their entire family into US. They take more than they give because of subsidy and freebie. And they abuse the credit system and commit tax fraud with no consequence.

Generalization is so  easy and relaxing :)

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: beetcoin on June 20, 2014, 12:34:06 AM
I blame the welfare state (wrought by selfishness and political pandering) and erosion of a free market, otherwise immigrants would add value. America is destroying herself. Sorry if I don't go more in-depth on substantiating this opinion.

Can you elaborate on what you mean though by 'erosion of culture'? Culture is a dynamic idea.


Immigrant in the early days (18th to early 20th century) add value to the country. And they don't breed like rabbits.

Personal responsibility and saving were encouraged.

Not so any longer. Seen people abuse the marriage system, family relation to get their entire family into US. They take more than they give because of subsidy and freebie. And they abuse the credit system and commit tax fraud with no consequence.

Generalization is so  easy and relaxing :)

yeah i know right? it's so convenient to be ignorant. long ago, people bred like crazy because.. well, there probably wasn't much to do, especially at night, so you end up fucking and making more kids. illegal immigration is a problem, sure, but it's not THE problem... unless you are just a xenophobe.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Wilikon on June 20, 2014, 02:52:23 AM
I blame the welfare state (wrought by selfishness and political pandering) and erosion of a free market, otherwise immigrants would add value. America is destroying herself. Sorry if I don't go more in-depth on substantiating this opinion.

Can you elaborate on what you mean though by 'erosion of culture'? Culture is a dynamic idea.


Immigrant in the early days (18th to early 20th century) add value to the country. And they don't breed like rabbits.

Personal responsibility and saving were encouraged.

Not so any longer. Seen people abuse the marriage system, family relation to get their entire family into US. They take more than they give because of subsidy and freebie. And they abuse the credit system and commit tax fraud with no consequence.

Generalization is so  easy and relaxing :)

yeah i know right? it's so convenient to be ignorant. long ago, people bred like crazy because.. well, there probably wasn't much to do, especially at night, so you end up fucking and making more kids. illegal immigration is a problem, sure, but it's not THE problem... unless you are just a xenophobe.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: SunBin on June 20, 2014, 01:56:28 PM
I blame the welfare state (wrought by selfishness and political pandering) and erosion of a free market, otherwise immigrants would add value. America is destroying herself. Sorry if I don't go more in-depth on substantiating this opinion.

Can you elaborate on what you mean though by 'erosion of culture'? Culture is a dynamic idea.


Immigrant in the early days (18th to early 20th century) add value to the country. And they don't breed like rabbits.

Personal responsibility and saving were encouraged.

Not so any longer. Seen people abuse the marriage system, family relation to get their entire family into US. They take more than they give because of subsidy and freebie. And they abuse the credit system and commit tax fraud with no consequence.

Generalization is so  easy and relaxing :)

yeah i know right? it's so convenient to be ignorant. long ago, people bred like crazy because.. well, there probably wasn't much to do, especially at night, so you end up fucking and making more kids. illegal immigration is a problem, sure, but it's not THE problem... unless you are just a xenophobe.

You should visit other countries and see how you will be treated see if they extend the same courtesy as you have shown them.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: RodeoX on June 20, 2014, 05:22:19 PM
This is totally true. It's been downhill since 1492.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Nathonas on June 20, 2014, 05:45:47 PM
Loads and loads of people from across the globe are immigrating to America for different purposes.. Their aims and purposes are getting fulfilled but America is actually getting destroyed..
Some adverse affects are as below :
- Americans are losing their job
- There has been an increase in crime, pollution and traffic congestion
- Erosion of culture
- Over-utilization of resources such as electricity, gas, food, etc
- Loss in form of remittance

You are free to debate, confirm on\off any of the combinations above..

I don't agree with most of these. I'm Canadian and we have a lot of immigrants (more than you as a % actually) so I think it is fair to compare the two countries from my experience.

- Americans are losing their job

99% of the jobs taken by immigrants are low-paying entry level jobs. You should be thanking them for working in fast food and stores like Walmart. People in North America love their Mcdonalds and their Starbucks and their Walmarts and Targets and they are staffed primarily with immigrants.

- There has been an increase in crime, pollution and traffic congestion

 Well first of all you don't provide any stats for increases in these things. But more importantly, how can you link these directly to immigrants?
- Erosion of culture

Erosion of MAINSTREAM culture. But is that necessarily a bad thing? Canada is multicultural and people here have the freedom to live in large ethnic enclaves. I may not like their culture and their decision to stay traditional, but I think it is nice that they have the right and freedom to do so without being discriminated against.

- Over-utilization of resources such as electricity, gas, food, etc

Have there been shortages or huge price increases? The only thing I can think of is oil. But that has nothing to do with immigrants, oil is getting scarcer everywhere in the world.

- Loss in form of remittance

How about all the losses when the people at the top of the banking/business system siphon all the wealth and prevent it from moving back downwards? I think that is a far bigger issue...

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Wilikon on June 20, 2014, 09:41:36 PM

Hundreds of Toddlers Said to Be Taken Into Custody at the Border

Hundreds of infants and toddlers ages 2 years or younger have allegedly been apprehended by U.S. Border Patrol while crossing the border illegally without a parent or guardian in the past year.

From October 1, 2013 to June 11, Border Patrol detained 378 unaccompanied children ages two or younger, according to data obtained by Fusion from the office of a high-ranking Democratic senator. Of those children, 95 were infants under 1 year old.

Fusion tried multiple times by phone and in writing to confirm the reports with U.S. Customs and Border Protection and the Department of Homeland Security, but no official would comment specifically, and instead referred to a previous statement. The Department of Health and Human Services, charged with the care of unaccompanied minors caught at the border, did not respond to a request for comment.

Omar Zamora, a spokesperson for the Border Patrol’s Rio Grande Valley sector, limited his comment to: “We are receiving children of all ages.”

How can toddlers cross the Chihuahuan Desert without a parent or a gardian?

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Wilikon on June 21, 2014, 03:33:33 AM

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Wilikon on June 24, 2014, 02:15:27 AM

Illegal immigrant children forced to CUT OFF fingers and ears of other kids by 'coyote' gangs, claims Ted Cruz

Human traffickers are forcing illegal immigrant children to cut off the ears and fingers of other kids traveling into the U.S. in order to extort money from their families, a Texas senator claimed on Monday.

Lashing out at President Barack Obama for a 2012 policy shift that he said encourages Central American parents to send their children northward, Sen. Ted Cruz said the children are being placed in ‘unspeakable’ peril when the traffickers,known as ‘coyotes,’ take over.

‘We just heard stories of little boys and little girls, forced by these drug dealers to cut off the fingers or cut off the ears of other little boys and little girls, in order to extort money from their families,’ Cruz said after he toured the temporary holding facility for ‘unaccompanied alien children’ at Lackland Air Force Base along with Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott and Rep. Michael Burgess.

‘And these children are told, “If you don’t cut off the fingers or ears of another child, you’ll be shot”.’

Cruz was relating accounts he heard from officials at the Lackland facility in San Antonio, according to a spokesperson in his office.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Wilikon on June 24, 2014, 02:18:21 AM

House Dems Introduce Bill To Give Every Illegal Immigrant Minor Flooding Over Border A Taxpayer-Funded Lawyer…

Democratic U.S. lawmakers announced legislation on Monday that would provide lawyers for thousands of undocumented minors streaming across the border into the United States, saying forcing children to face deportation proceedings alone goes against fundamental American values.

“It is a fantasy to believe that they have a fair shot in immigration proceedings without counsel,” New York U.S. Representative Hakeem Jeffries told a news conference.

Jeffries and the other House of Representatives Democrats introducing the bill said as many as 40 to 50 percent of the undocumented children would have legitimate claims to remain in the United States under current law, citing studies by the United Nations and other agencies.

They also said their bill could save some $2 billion a year because timely immigration proceedings would eliminate the need to house thousands of children for months at a time.

From October to June 15, 52,000 unaccompanied children arrived on the U.S. border with Mexico, according to the Obama administration. Most are fleeing gang and drug violence in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.

A similar provision to provide legal counsel for children and mentally impaired immigrants was included in a comprehensive immigration bill that passed the Democratic-controlled U.S. Senate last year. But the measure has stalled in the House, where Republicans hold a majority of seats.

There was no immediate indication that the new bill would make any more progress, given deep partisan divisions on the immigration issue in the United States.

52,000 (and counting) illegal immigrant minors apprehended...

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Littleshop on June 24, 2014, 04:40:26 AM
The problem with the US is that they are getting too few high-skilled immigrants and they are getting too many of those illiterate and illegal immigrants.

For any person who is working in white-collar fields such as IT, Banking or Medicine, the American Work Visa is extremely difficult to get. The Democrats have made it extremely difficult for Europeans to get the US visa.

Wow.  I actually agree with you. 

The Mexican illegals on the other hand have no such problems. They are being able to travel to and fro as they wish, and work without paying a penny in taxes. They even have sanctuary cities, which protect them.

Mexican illegals actually do pay taxes.  They often work under other peoples SSN, paying the tax but unable to collect the benefits.  They also pay sales taxes and since they are usually poor, it is usually on most of the items they buy.   They DO get some other benefits such as education and free hospital care (because they often do not pay for it even if it is billed). 

On the balance, most studies show they do not cost more then they provide as they are unable to get many benefits from their taxes.  They for example cannot get Social Security and unemployment insurance payments even though they generally pay into these. 

Since they provide low cost labor to the service industries and farming that other Americans SIMPLY WILL NOT DO they do provide a service.  In the case of farming they provide a significant amount of food security to the USA.  On the eastern shore of Maryland we have farmers unable to fill picking jobs even at $10+ an hour, properly advertised so these workers are not yet taking ENOUGH jobs and certainly not from Americans.     Most of this farming and yard work is done my Mexicans.  After some high profile busts there were not enough workers and crops were left to ROT. 

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Wilikon on June 24, 2014, 04:55:48 PM

Homeland Security Seeks Thousands Of Pairs Of Underwear For Detained Immigrants

El Paso, Texas (CBS HOUSTON) – The Department of Homeland Security is looking to fulfill an order for thousands of pairs of men’s underwear – with hundreds of the requested men’s briefs in the 5X and 6X-large sizes.
A solicitation posted earlier this month by the Immigration & Customs Enforcement office seeks thousands of “White 100% Cotton Men’s Briefs” ranging from mediums to hundreds of 6X-large pairs of the underwear.
ICE facilities have seen a recent influx of detained immigrants awaiting deportation, during which time, the detention facilities require such basic items for the detained aliens, Breitbart reported. The ICE orders for the underwear are not unusual for the immigration detention facilities, according to ICE officials.
“This [request for quote] is a normal solicitation for routinely procured items needed at ICE-owned detention facilities around the country,” an ICE spokesperson explained to Breitbart News on Monday. “At ICE-owned detention facilities, the agency is required to provide basic necessities in order to feed and clothe detained aliens.”
The solicitation placed through Federal Business Opportunities cites that the large order – and large underwear – are bound for El Paso, Texas.
But such clothing orders may likely be needed in similar alien detention facilities across the southwestern U.S.
Earlier this month, more than 1,000 unaccompanied Central American children crowded into a Border Patrol facility in Nogales, Ariz. The flood of Central American minors has increased dramatically since last year, sparking what President Barack Obama called an “urgent humanitarian situation” near southwestern U.S. borders.
According to Green Valley News, the children are given medical exams, background checks, food, clothing and showers in the period before they are deported. However, a Border Patrol spokesman said that the agency is not accepting clothing or toy donations because there is not enough staff to inspect the items for cleanliness or safety.
State Sen. Andrea Dalessandro, D-Sahuarita, said there is not enough space in the crowded holding facilities to handle donations of clothing.
DHS data on arrested unaccompanied minors shows that since Oct. 1, there have been 11,577 from Mexico, 13,282 from Honduras and 11,479 from Guatemala. There have been 9,850 from Salvador.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Wilikon on June 24, 2014, 05:03:26 PM

A trusted law enforcement source is reporting that shots are currently being fired on the Mexican side of the U.S. border. The shots are intended to harass the increased presence of Texas law enforcement personnel.

Source: “Shots fired south of Rincon Village from Mexico. Unknown if smugglers are f***ing with the game wardens or what the deal is.” Minutes later, more information became available.

Source: “Not shooting at game wardens, but shooting to be a nuisance.”

Another trusted law enforcement source explained that the game wardens have been bringing in much higher numbers of illegal immigrants and destroying the rafts the human smugglers have been using to ferry illegal immigrants across the Rio Grande River that forms the international boundary between Texas and Mexico.

The area of the Rio Grande Valley sector where this is occurring is known as Zone 9. It is the Anzalduas area of the river border. This area has become ground zero for the border crisis.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Benjig on June 24, 2014, 07:24:47 PM
"Shots Fired from Mexico to Harass Texas-US Law Enforcement"

No doubt fired from one of the guns from the Fuhrer Obama and Eric Holders Fast & Furious gun running to the drug cartel scheme !

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Wilikon on June 26, 2014, 02:07:25 AM

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: fdiini on June 26, 2014, 12:41:59 PM
usa was founded as a second europe without kings not a third world melting pot

non european immigration practically didn't exist until the law changed to allow it in 1965

non european immigrants and their descendents are overrepresented in school drop out rates illegitimacy welfare claims crime and any negative socioeconomic indicator you care to look at

Some points I like to add:

Some cultures remain a third world country for a reason. Letting the culture in the first world country invite the same kind of problems they have in their homeland.

Couple with the welfare system in the west which let them to breed unrestricted drive the local population to become minority. In a democratic election system. this become a dangerous game of mob rules.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Wilikon on June 26, 2014, 03:54:01 PM

Hundreds Of Illegal Immigrants To Be Sheltered At Border Patrol Training Academy…

Hundreds of illegal immigrants are going to start being sheltered at the Border Patrol training academy in Artesia, N.M.

Up to 700 immigrants are expected to arrive at Federal Law Enforcement Training Center by the end of the week.

New Mexico state lawmakers said they were not told of the plan until last week.

“It raises a lot of suspicion and creates a lot of distrust, as far as the community goes,” state Rep. Candy Spence Ezzell told KOAT-TV. “Each one of these rooms will have eight bunk beds. There will be televisions and play things for kids … it looks like a better pre-K program than what our kids will be experiencing.”

Ezzell questioned the use of federal dollars to house the immigrants at a time when veterans aren’t getting proper health care and she’s encouraging residents to speak out about the facility.

“I was told this is federal. Did they not understand that it is the tax payers’ dollars that are funding them federally?” Ezzell told KOAT.

Ezzell also noted the irony of housing immigrants at a Border Patrol facility where people are being trained to stop immigrants from crossing the border illegally.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Wilikon on June 26, 2014, 03:58:08 PM

1,600 illegal alien college students file for Washington State financial aid

More than 1,600 illegal alien college students have filed for Washington State’s new financial aid form in order to fund their education.

In February, Gov. Jay Inslee signed the Real Hope Act, a law granting illegal aliens the right to apply for state financial aid for college, but it remained unclear how many would actually sign up for the program until estimates were released last week.

“We know how many students have filed the application, which is over 1,600 students to date, we don’t know how many of those students will enroll, be admitted, be awarded by the institution,” said Rachelle Sharp, the Senior Director of Student Financial Affairs at the Washington Achievement Council.

Sharp told Campus Reform that “$5 million was provided to the funding, making the program $308 million overall.”

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Wilikon on June 27, 2014, 04:05:18 PM

Report: Mexican Military Chopper Crosses Into US, Shoots At Border Agents

Border Patrol agents in Arizona were reportedly fired upon by a Mexican military helicopter that traveled across the border.
KVOA-TV reports that Mexican authorities were conducting a drug interdiction operation when the incident happened early Thursday morning on the Tohono O’odham Indian Nation. The Mexican chopper fired at the agents and then flew back into Mexico.
Art del Cueto, Border Patrol Tucson Sector union president, tells KVOA that they called and apologized for the incident.
“The incident occurred after midnight and before 6 a.m. Helicopter flew into the U.S. and fired on two U.S. Border Patrol agents,” del Cueto said in a statement to KVOA. “The incident occurred west of the San Miguel Gate on the Tohono O’odham Indian Nation. The agents were unharmed. The helicopter went back into Mexico. Mexico then contacted U.S. authorities and apologized for the incident.”
Andy Adame, Border Patrol spokesperson, said that Mexican authorities fired two shots at the border agents.
“Two shots were fired from the helicopter but no injuries or damage to U.S. property were reported,” Adame told KVOA.
The incident is under investigation.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: TECSHARE on June 28, 2014, 05:51:51 AM
There is one immigrant in particular adversely effecting  the USA. His name is Barry Soetoro.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: boraf on June 28, 2014, 07:08:10 AM
There is one immigrant in particular adversely effecting  the USA. His name is Barry Soetoro.

How did he get elected?

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: TECSHARE on June 28, 2014, 07:18:57 AM
There is one immigrant in particular adversely effecting  the USA. His name is Barry Soetoro.

How did he get elected?

Just like the president before him did, Diebold.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: bryant.coleman on June 28, 2014, 12:32:25 PM
There is one immigrant in particular adversely effecting  the USA. His name is Barry Soetoro.

Some confusion there. His mother was a US-born citizen, although the father was a Kenyan national. Won't he be eligible for the US-citizenship, even if he was born outside the states?

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: TECSHARE on June 28, 2014, 04:12:42 PM
He is still an immigrant... I didn't intend to start a serious debate about it, but his citizenship has long been questionable.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Wilikon on June 28, 2014, 05:15:55 PM

Few Young Illegal Immigrants Tested for HIV

McALLEN - Children entering the country illegally are being tested for things like scabies and lice. Most, however, are not being tested for HIV.

The Valley AIDS Council is only testing children that may remain in the United States long-term.

"What's important for folks to realize is that those youths are going to be here long-term," said Oscar Lopez, director of education and prevention at VIC.

"They do get screened and get a fantastic education with the different programs that are part of sex education, counseling and testing - if they want or need it," Lopez said.

Lopez said hundreds have been tested for HIV and less than 1/2 percent of the results were positive for the virus.

He said some of those children may have contracted the disease during their journey from Central America.

Lopez said most families don't realize the dangers their children are exposed to when they make the journey north.

"(They) don't realize the exploitation that happens to children on a 2,000-mile trek. We've had reports of youth who have been exploited ... violated. It does happen," he said.

Lopez said the children who test positive for the disease will get an education that will last a lifetime.

"Their education is actually much better than what is offered to youth at schools. Our state does not offer any education that is not abstinence only," he said.

"The kids that are in these programs actually get a better education than the rest of these kids," Lopez said.

Lopez said that some of the children who are not tested and are sent back to their country of origin have acquired HIV during their trip to the United States.

"Some of them, unfortunately, will be sent home in worse shape from when they got here," Lopez said.

Lopez said those who do test positive for HIV and begin constant treatment under a physician have almost zero chance of spreading the virus.

Welcome to obamacare, the "free" total health coverage....

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: RodeoX on June 30, 2014, 04:47:23 PM
usa was founded as a second europe without kings not a third world melting pot

non european immigration practically didn't exist until the law changed to allow it in 1965

non european immigrants and their descendents are overrepresented in school drop out rates illegitimacy welfare claims crime and any negative socioeconomic indicator you care to look at
Uh, the USA was stolen from the people who were already here. Many of whom are the Mexicans you now think should not be here. Why don't you volunteer to go home? You are just an immigrant freeloader here to take native American jobs and resources.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: harkonnen on June 30, 2014, 05:51:55 PM
Loads and loads of people from across the globe are immigrating to America for different purposes.. Their aims and purposes are getting fulfilled but America is actually getting destroyed..
Some adverse affects are as below :
- Americans are losing their job
- There has been an increase in crime, pollution and traffic congestion
- Erosion of culture
- Over-utilization of resources such as electricity, gas, food, etc
- Loss in form of remittance

You are free to debate, confirm on\off any of the combinations above..

Very true statements since November 1620.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: googie4 on June 30, 2014, 07:21:48 PM
Though I'm not all for immigration, what the OP stated sounded like opinions presented as facts.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: mladen00 on July 01, 2014, 06:45:53 AM
US already pass the point of no return regarding immigration issue.
Couple with high inflation, middle class are being squeeze from top and below.

When there are stupid laws such as the birthright citizenship, you can expect others to exploit it. Some 20 million illegals will make use of it, to gain the American citizenship. Birth tourism is actually very popular in Turkey and the PRC.

USA needs soldiers for their imperia wars.
USA is land of immigrants; first from europe, then from asia and now from latin america

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Wilikon on July 01, 2014, 03:09:25 PM

59% Blame Obama For Flood Of Child Border Crossings

The public largely blames President Obama for the flood of children who have poured over the border in recent weeks, creating a growing humanitarian crisis, according to the latest IBD/TIPP Poll released Monday.
The late June survey found that the public largely blames Obama policies for the crisis in Iraq and believes the lost IRS emails are an administration effort to cover up wrongdoing at the agency.
The poll found that 59% of those closely following the immigration crisis agree that "current administration policies and lack of focus on securing the border" are behind the human tide of illegal crossings. Six in 10 say that the children should be ordered to leave the country. (The survey found that 73% of Americans are following this story closely.)
Hoping to quell public outrage, Obama formally asked Congress on Monday for $2 billion in emergency funds to improve border security, provide more detention space and return children to their native countries.
He also promised to take executive action on immigration reform, blaming House Republicans for not passing legislation. He directed staff to recommend initiatives this summer that he can act on "without delay."
House Speaker John Boehner fired back, saying that Obama had helped to trigger the latest crisis by "giving false hope" to illegal immigrants and that his penchant for unilateral action makes it hard for GOP members to believe that he will enforce border-security measures.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Wilikon on July 01, 2014, 03:11:40 PM


When authorities found an 11-year-old Guatemalan boy's body about a mile from Texas' southern border, they also discovered his brother's Chicago phone number scribbled on the inside of his belt buckle.

The boy, wearing "Angry Birds" jeans, black leather boots and a white rosary around his neck, had apparently gotten lost on his way north from his native country and was found about two weeks ago, alone in the brush less than a mile from the nearest U.S. home, a South Texas sheriff said Monday.

While hundreds of immigrants die crossing the border each year, the discovery of Gilberto Francisco Ramos Juarez's decomposed body in the Rio Grande Valley on June 15 highlights the perils unaccompanied children face as the U.S. government searches for ways to deal with record numbers of children crossing into the country illegally.

"Down here finding a decomposed body ... we come across them quite often," Hidalgo County Sheriff Eddie Guerra said, adding that this was the first child immigrant his office has found since he became sheriff in April. "It's a very dangerous journey."

More than 52,000 unaccompanied children have been apprehended entering the U.S. illegally since October, creating what President Barack Obama has called an "urgent humanitarian situation." On Monday, Obama asked Congress for more money and additional authority to deal with the surge of youths, mostly from Central America. Obama wants flexibility to speed the youths' deportations and $2 billion to hire more immigration judges and open more detention facilities.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: newflesh on July 01, 2014, 03:18:56 PM
Strange that Obama is being blamed for immigration reform when he's already deported record numbers of immigrants.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Wilikon on July 01, 2014, 03:32:11 PM
Strange that Obama is being blamed for immigration reform when he's already deported record numbers of immigrants.

It is always a big plus when providing links supporting a statement in a thread in general.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: newflesh on July 01, 2014, 03:47:08 PM
Strange that Obama is being blamed for immigration reform when he's already deported record numbers of immigrants.

It is always a big plus when providing links supporting a statement in a thread in general.

Good point:

"The Obama administration deported a record number of illegal immigrants for the third straight year, according to figures released Tuesday by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Despite facing criticism from both sides of the political spectrum, officials promised to continue the White House policy of prioritizing for removal those illegal immigrants with criminal conviction

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: nickenburg on July 01, 2014, 03:58:18 PM
Yes today in the Dutch papers to, alot of Africans are trying to get to Italy to.
And I think alot of people from thirth world country's want to go to America.
Just because they are led to believe life is so much better there, not knowing you will be a slave in the Usa.

They are there also to scare the American people because those immigrants will work for alot less then American citizens.
So they dont want to loose there job, but some will lose it, to people that will probably work harder and get lower pay.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Wilikon on July 02, 2014, 12:29:16 AM

Laredo, Texas Bus Station

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Wilikon on July 02, 2014, 12:30:49 AM

Texas Official Believes Illegals Renting Kids To Cross Border

As we enter the merciless summer months where temperatures average well above 100 degrees along the Texas Mexico border, the possibility exist for a larger wave of causalities among illegal immigrants trying to gain access to the United States.
With the oppressive summer heat “it’s going to be very, very dangerous in this part of the country to have young kids women and other folks to come in,” says Texas Congressman Henry Cuellar (D-Laredo, TX).
On Monday a South Texas sheriff announced the discovery of a 11 year old Guatemalan boys body about a mile from the border. Cuellar said the discovery of the boys body reinforces just how perilous the journey is into the US.
“Certainly I hope they stop coming because we probably will have more deaths as the hot weather continues,” says Cuellar. “It’s not just the heat that could kill them but there are other dangers. Officials at Lackland Air Force Base told us that one-third of young girls that come across – and they were just like little babies; 10, 11, 14 years of age. That about one third of them get raped and/or abused on the way here.”
Cuellar says that as he was speaking to Customs and Border Patrol agents he was also discovering a disturbing trend of adults “renting” children in Central America in order to increase their chances of being able to stay in the U.S. once they cross over.
“I was talking to somebody that worked for Border Patrol, and he said that in the late 80′s there were a lot of kids from El Salvador coming in and what they were doing is they had a ‘rent-a-kid’ program.” says Cuellar “In other words they said ‘oh if I come in and I have a kid with me they’ll let me go.”  And the Border Agent told him “Henry, I’m seeing this again, I cannot believe it.”

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Wilikon on July 02, 2014, 12:34:46 AM

Medical staff warned: Keep your mouths shut about illegal immigrants or face arrest

A government-contracted security force threatened to arrest doctors and nurses if they divulged any information about the contagion threat at a refugee camp housing illegal alien children at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas, sources say.

In spite of the threat, several former camp workers broke their confidentiality agreements and shared exclusive details with me about the dangerous conditions at the camp. They said taxpayers deserve to know about the contagious diseases and the risks the children pose to Americans. I have agreed to not to disclose their identities because they fear retaliation and prosecution.

My sources say Americans should be very concerned about the secrecy of the government camps.

“There were several of us who wanted to talk about the camps, but the agents made it clear we would be arrested,” a psychiatric counselor told me. “We were under orders not to say anything.”

The sources said workers were guarded by a security force from the Baptist Family & Children’s Services, which the Department of Health and Human Services hired to run the Lackland Camp.

The sources say security forces called themselves the “Brown Shirts.”

“It was a very submissive atmosphere,” the counselor said. “Once you stepped onto the grounds, you abided by their laws – the Brown Shirt laws.”

She said the workers were stripped of their cellphones and other communication devices. Anyone caught with a phone was immediately fired.

“Everyone was paranoid,” she said. “The children had more rights than the workers.”

She said children in the camp had measles, scabies, chicken pox and strep throat as well as mental and emotional issues.

“It was not a good atmosphere in terms of health,” she said. “I would be talking to children and lice would just be climbing down their hair.”

A former nurse at the camp told me she was horrified by what she saw.

“We have so many kids coming in that there was no way to control all of the sickness – all this stuff coming into the country,” she said. “We were very concerned at one point about strep going around the base.”

Both the counselor and the nurse said their superiors tried to cover up the extent of the illnesses.

“When they found out the kids had scabies, the charge nurse was adamant – ‘Don’t mention that. Don’t say scabies,’” the nurse recounted. “But everybody knew they had scabies. Some of the workers were very concerned about touching things and picking things up. They asked if they should be concerned, but they were told don’t worry about it.”

The nurse said the lice issue was epidemic – but everything was kept “hush-hush.”

“You could see the bugs crawling through their hair,” she said. “After we would rinse out their hair, the sink would be loaded with black bugs.”

The nurse told me she became especially alarmed because their files indicated the children had been transported to Lackland on domestic charter buses and airplanes.

“That’s what alerted me,” she said. “Oh, my God. They’re flying these kids around. Nobody knows that these children have scabies and lice. To tell you the truth, there’s no way to control it.”

I don't mean to upset anyone's Independence Day vacation plans, but were these kids transported to the camps before or after they were deloused? Anyone who flies the friendly skies could be facing a public health concern. 

The counselor told me the refugee camp resembled a giant emergency room – off limits to the public.

“They did not want the community to know,” she said. “I initially spoke out at Lackland because I had a concern the children’s mental health care was not being taken care of.”

She said the breaking point came when camp officials refused to hospitalize several children who were suicidal.

“I made a recommendation that a child needed to be sent to a psychiatric unit,” the counselor told me. “He was reaching psychosis. He was suicidal. Instead of treating him, they sent him off to a family in the United States.”

She said she filed a Child Protective Services report and quit her job.

“I didn’t want to lose my license if this kid committed suicide,” she told me. “I was done.”

The counselor kept a detailed journal about what happened during her tenure at the facility.

“When people read that journal they are going to be astonished,” she said. ‘I don’t think they will believe what is going on in America.”

So it was not a great surprise, she said, when she received a call from federal agents demanding that she return to the military base and hand over her journal.

She said she declined to do so.

“I didn’t go back to Lackland,” she said.

Both workers told me while they have no regrets, they want to remain anonymous for fear of reprisals.

“They’re going to crush the system,” the nurse told me. “We can’t sustain this. They are overwhelming the system and I think it’s a travesty.”

Baptist Family & Childen’s Services spokeswoman Krista Piferrer tells me the agency takes “any allegation of malfeasance or inappropriate care of a child very seriously.”

“There are a number of checks and balances to ensure children are receiving appropriate and adequate mental health care,” she said.

Piferrer said the clinicians are supervised by a federal field specialist from HHS’s Office of Refugee Resettlement. She also said BFCS have 58 medical professionals serving at Lackland.

“Every illness, whether it is a headache or something more serious, is recorded in a child’s electronic medical record and posted on WebEOC – a real-time, web-based platform that is visible to not only BFCS but the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,” she said.

As for those brown shirts, the BFCS said they are “incident management team personnel” – who happen to wear tan shirts.

My sources say Americans should be very concerned about the secrecy of the government camps.

“This is just the beginning,” one source told me. "It is a long-term financial responsibility.”

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: TECSHARE on July 02, 2014, 01:02:53 AM
Strange that Obama is being blamed for immigration reform when he's already deported record numbers of immigrants.
Past action does not dictate present action.

Low paying near slave labor type jobs still count towards employment numbers and "job growth". Elections are coming up, and with voter ID regulations now weakened, lots of illegal immigrants stand to vote illegally, and usually vote democrat. Of course he has no incentive to allow this flood of illegal immigrants now does he?

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Honeypot on July 02, 2014, 02:26:45 AM
You see one, be sure to let them know we will soon be lunching  and dining on their tables, liberating their possessions, and freely entering their homes and chasing their women around for sport. Doing it once or twice made many of the 'immigrants' around my immediate vicinity think twice before disrespecting others or getting mouthy with attitudes. Not to mention more than half silently slinked away and moved out after a month or two when they discovered that some people don't give two shits about some 'guilt' as a 1st world resident.

Treat them exactly as their mentality demands, and let's see who comes out on top.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: transient858 on July 02, 2014, 07:12:04 AM
Nationalism idea should be abandoned in favor of open border.

All welfare program to be cut.

Let everyone stand on their own two feet.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: TaunSew on July 02, 2014, 07:57:02 AM
Nationalism idea should be abandoned in favor of open border.

All welfare program to be cut.

Let everyone stand on their own two feet.

So what do we do with the unemployed?  Except put them in the army?   ???

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: DavidHume on July 02, 2014, 08:37:07 AM
Nationalism idea should be abandoned in favor of open border.

All welfare program to be cut.

Let everyone stand on their own two feet.

So what do we do with the unemployed?  Except put them in the army?   ???

The unemployed needs to work for whatever work they can find. They can't expect government to feed them for the rest of their life.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: cech4204a on July 02, 2014, 09:07:32 AM
You can delete your first point since new people in the country also means new demand for stuff and that creates new jobs also, another point i didn't find ok is errosion of culture? USA has culture that takes cultures away, so getting USA errosed means more savings for all cultures around the globe.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Wilikon on July 02, 2014, 01:48:48 PM
You can delete your first point since new people in the country also means new demand for stuff and that creates new jobs also, another point i didn't find ok is errosion of culture? USA has culture that takes cultures away, so getting USA errosed means more savings for all cultures around the globe.

If no one wants to buy your cultural look, your cultural music, your cultural fast food then your culture simply sucks, it is not "cool", defined by the youngest generation. The Roman empire's culture was forced upon people. Who forces you to buy the latest Nike shoes, or the latest JayZ album, or love watching the NBA, or collecting all those Jazz album you want to listen on your expensive set of JBLs (

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: DavidHume on July 02, 2014, 02:52:02 PM
You can delete your first point since new people in the country also means new demand for stuff and that creates new jobs also, another point i didn't find ok is errosion of culture? USA has culture that takes cultures away, so getting USA errosed means more savings for all cultures around the globe.

If no one wants to buy your cultural look, your cultural music, your cultural fast food then your culture simply sucks, it is not "cool", defined by the youngest generation. The Roman empire's culture was forced upon people. Who forces you to buy the latest Nike shoes, or the latest JayZ album, or love watching the NBA, or collecting all those Jazz album you want to listen on your expensive set of JBLs (

Photo and rhetoric are nice. And I wish you are right.

But evidence so far suggest multi-cultural society doesn't work. People have not move pass the prejudice phase.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: bitsmichel on July 02, 2014, 05:36:10 PM
Nationalism idea should be abandoned in favor of open border.

All welfare program to be cut.

Let everyone stand on their own two feet.

So what do we do with the unemployed?  Except put them in the army?   ???

The unemployed needs to work for whatever work they can find. They can't expect government to feed them for the rest of their life.

There have been various things that had been done in the US in the past. One thing was the army;  
During the time of JFK the super rich had to pay a part of their possessions to the state- from which all kinds of jobs were created.
A lot of labour in the US has been outsourced to Asia, which was usually jobs that the unemployed would do

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Wilikon on July 02, 2014, 07:33:52 PM

You Can’t Dump Your Dog on the Street – But Can Dump 50,000 Kids From Central America (Video)

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Wilikon on July 02, 2014, 07:53:04 PM


A California high school is at the center of a tuberculosis outbreak linked to an infectious student who tested positive for active TB in February, county health officials said Wednesday.

Four more students at Grant Union High School in Sacramento have contracted active TB. Three related tuberculosis cases are considered an outbreak, Sacramento County Department of Health and Human Services spokeswoman Laura McCasland said.

Four relatives and friends of the student who initially tested positive have also contracted active TB - bringing the total to nine known cases.

Symptoms of active TB can include a persistent cough and fever. Active TB is contagious if it's in the lungs and accompanied by a cough, said Olivia Kasirye, the county's public health officer.

The four additional students - two of whom have TB in their lymph nodes - are not infectious, she said.

Kasirye said such an outbreak was not uncommon. The county sees about 90 active TB cases a year, though most of those are adults. She noted that no additional people have been found to be contagious.

"In a way, they are wrapping this up," McCasland said.

The four additional students are receiving treatment.

In all, a little more than 450 students and staff have been tested. They were considered at high risk because they used the same classrooms or adjacent classrooms as the student who was infectious, health officials said.

Of those, 116 have tested positive for TB, though the vast majority have been confirmed to be latent TB, which is dormant and doesn't produce symptoms. An additional thirty of the students in that group still need further testing to determine whether they have active TB, McCasland said.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: tradderjohn on July 02, 2014, 09:59:12 PM
Every day, about ten people die from unintentional drowning.

source : google

its like TB who cares

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Wilikon on July 04, 2014, 12:05:30 AM

Feds Hand Out Border Pass To Mexican Snitch
"Get Out of Mexico, Free" card offered to narcotics informant

Well, forget about dealing with unsavory coyotes and enduring dangerous nighttime treks to the border. There is a much easier way to gain access--legal access--to the U.S.: Start diming out narcotics smugglers.

According to federal court records, a Mexican informant who has provided “credible information” to U.S. law enforcement agencies about narcotics trafficking was to be compensated “with the ability to cross the border legally into the United States for at least one year.”

The arrangement with the informant was disclosed last year following the arrest of a Mexican woman who allegedly sought to smuggle 17.2 pounds of cocaine and 5.3 pounds of methamphetamine into California via the San Ysidro port of entry.

The night before Martha Salas sought to enter the U.S., the informant told federal agents that Salas would arrive at the border driving a GMC Acadia with narcotics hidden inside. When Salas--who was traveling with her three young children--drove up to the border station, agents were waiting for her.

A subsequent search of the SUV turned up the narcotics (and resulted in Salas’s arrest and indictment on drug smuggling counts). The case is pending against Salas, who has pleaded not guilty to the felony charges.

In addition to getting Salas arrested, the informant provided “credible information to other agencies in the past which has led to previous narcotic seizures,” according to an affidavit sworn by a Department of Homeland Security agent.

As a reward for that aid, Homeland Security “is currently in the process of compensating the [informant] with the ability to cross the border legally into the United States for at least one year,” reported Agent Abbi Henry.

While the informant is not named in the court filings, it appears likely that the “source of information” has been involved in the narcotics trade. Otherwise, it would be nearly impossible to obtain “credible information” about narcotics smuggling activities.

Court records offer no insight into whether the issuance of this “Get Out of Mexico, Free” card was a one-off, or whether unfettered access to the U.S. is an incentive offered to other informants

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Wilikon on July 04, 2014, 12:09:16 AM


Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) personnel have been directed to no longer refer to illegal immigrant children crossing the border alone as “UACs” (unaccompanied alien children).
Instead these individuals are to be referred to as “unaccompanied children” in official correspondence, according to an internal ICE email obtained by the Center for Immigration Studies and shared with Breitbart News.
“This was briefed earlier today during he (sic) command and staff meeting,” an email sent to ICE personnel reads. “It has been requested that in correspondence regarding unaccompanied children, They (sic) not be referred to as UACs. The term UAC should not be used in official correspondence.”
The email, with the subject line “UACs,” continues, “The appropriate messaging on documents should be using the term : unaccompanied children all lower case. (Unless capitalizing would be grammatically correct).”
ICE did not respond to requests for comment.
While ICE has been discouraged from using UAC as an official term, Customs and Border Protection is still using “unaccompanied alien children” (ages 0-17 years old) as an official term as it tallies the number it is apprehending at unprecedented levels along the southwest border.
From October 1 to June 15, more than 52,000 unaccompanied illegal immigrant minors have been detained crossing the border.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Chef Ramsay on July 04, 2014, 03:50:59 AM
Since Wilikon has his own thing going on here regarding the immigration crisis, I'll place my related posts here.

I couldn't upload the google map but if you check the link you can see if there's an incoming load in an area near you. (
Since the border surge gained coverage from the mainstream media last month, the Obama Administration has tried to relocate tens of thousands of newly-arrived illegal aliens to communities across the country.

NumbersUSA is daily updating this interactive map to show which communities are under threat of the federal government moving large numbers of illegal aliens there from the border.

NumbersUSA is providing its members actions they can take to help stop the government's dispersal of illegal aliens in a way that usually means they never go back home. Because people living in communities across the Americas rarely see one of their neighbors ever returned after illegally entering the United States, most of the population in those countries believe crossing the border illegally will bring great rewards.
Good website to keep tabs on if this is on your radar.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Wilikon on July 04, 2014, 02:57:27 PM

She's missed the opportunity to be born in Honduras. She would have free US healthcare, free US lollipops and free US cable TV instead of free Hotel US Federal Pen...

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Chef Ramsay on July 04, 2014, 09:48:29 PM
^That's right, it should be obvious even to the most ardent supporter of Obama or the progressive agenda that there's an ongoing plan being pushed to devastate this country w/ illegals that haven't been vetted yet yet easily transported to some resettlement area being paid for by current and future taxpaying citizens. And, then you have instances like this where the lady is married to a marine of all people plus an education and is locked up. It's in situations like this where those that are reasonable for more orderly immigration reform turn away from anything the left has to offer, especially since they aren't interested in border enforcement in the least.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Chef Ramsay on July 05, 2014, 01:09:30 AM
Here's another gem:
NY considering letting non-citizens vote!
You soon may not need citizenship to vote in the US; just become a New Yorker
Ron Hayduk is professor of Political Science at Queens College of the City University of New York.

Contrary to popular opinion, voting in America is not intrinsically tied to citizenship. Voting has always been about who has a say in selecting representatives. And political exclusion is a recipe for disastrous, discriminatory public policy and private practice.

And yet the US is, again, excluding a large and growing segment of its population from the democratic process.

Over the last few weeks, New York state has been considering a law to make nearly 3 million non-citizen residents eligible to vote. A similar piece of legislation soon to be reintroduced to the New York City Council, which actually has a decent shot at passage, would give more than 1 million legal non-citizen residents the right to vote in local elections.

Can you imagine how electoral dynamics in New York City would change if 1 million new voters were added to the rolls, particularly if those new voters were the newest New Yorkers? The “Voting Rights Restoration Act” would restore (yes, restore) voting rights to legal non-citizen immigrants in municipal elections (to vote for mayor, comptroller, city council members, and borough presidents).

People are usually surprised to learn that non-citizen immigrants voted historically, and are even more surprised to know they do so currently—and legally—in the US. Historically, non-citizens voted from the founding of the US in 1776 to 1926 in 40 states and federal territories (including New York). Non-citizens voted in local, state, and even federal elections. Currently, non-citizens vote in local elections in six towns in Maryland and in school elections in Chicago. And from 1969 to 2002, non-citizens voted in New York City’s 32 Community School Board elections. Non-citizens also ran and successfully held office in those bodies, to good ends. It is one of the best and proven ways to facilitate voter participation, immigrant incorporation, and government accountability. Remarkably, New York has another chance to restore this effective way to boost civic engagement and representative governance. Globally, at least 45 countries on nearly every continent allow for non-citizen voting, whether at the national, regional or local level....

(more) hxxp ://
If you're a New Yorker, you like liberty and you like the north east, you might want to consider moving to New Hampshire as part of the Free State Project to get away from the litany of state-side statism until you're wealthy enough to make the exodus to St. Kitts.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Chef Ramsay on July 05, 2014, 02:52:49 AM
He's an Epidemiologist as is like the #3 guy in national radio shows. I don't agree w/ him on many things but he's got it right here.
The establishment media’s refusal to acknowledge that once-contained or eradicated diseases are re-entering the U.S. through the latest flood of illegal aliens isn’t a surprise to Michael Savage, who earned a doctorate in epidemiology at the University of California at Berkeley before becoming a top nationally syndicated talk-radio host.

“What the liberal media is hiding from you can be dangerous for your safety, your security and your health,” he told his listeners.

After earning his doctorate in 1978 and writing six books, Savage pitched to publishers a book titled “Immigrants and Epidemics,” which he wrote with the dean of a “prestigious public health university.”

“Although all my previous books had done well,” Savage recalled, “all publishers in New York City in 1982 said we cannot publish a book on immigrants and epidemics, no matter how well (documented) or factually true it is. We can’t publish it for political reasons.”

The rejection angered him, he said, and was one of the reasons he eventually decided to go into talk radio, in 1994.

Since then, he said, “I’ve been trying to warn Americans about what unscreened immigrants will be bringing into America.”

‘You’re not going to hear this’

As thousands of illegal-alien children, prompted by President Obama’s policies, overwhelm the capacity of southern border states, Border Patrol agents who essentially have been turned into child caretakers are being exposed to disease, Savage said.

“Right now, you’re not going to hear this, but we have Tuberculosis, hand-foot-and-mouth disease, Chagas disease – previously eradicated from Southern California – on the rise and testing positive in … Border Patrol agents,” Savage said.
More... (

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Chef Ramsay on July 05, 2014, 03:04:31 AM
US Heading Toward 3rd World Status
...The “humanitarian crisis” on the southern border is the most persuasive evidence of all that America is adrift in a sea of incompetence, blown about by every ill wind that blows. The mighty ship of state is bereft of a rudder, traveling in endless circles with the captain stumbling on the bridge, trying to make sense of navigation charts he can’t read.

However, this may be ascribing to incompetence what is better explained by conspiracy. Mr. Obama promised in 2008 that he intended to transform America, and he is well on his way. Anyone who looked closely at the man and the influences that shaped who he would become risked being called a racist, a nativist, a bigot and a redneck yahoo. He was the messiah everyone was waiting for.

The ruins of American foreign policy are not likely to catch the attention of a culture drunk on the entertainment of the trivial, the trifling and the unimportant. But everybody begins to notice when the chaos comes close, when those responsible for monitoring the border begin to tremble and sag under the weight of a tsunami of illegal immigration. The scary implications for the future of the exceptional nation begins to weigh on Congress.
This week, a Texas congressman who does not have the luxury of looking the other way because he sees trouble in every direction he looks, said what the nice people think must never be said. The tsunami will change everything.

“Either we’re going to enforce our laws and remain strong, economically or otherwise, or we ignore the rule of law and go to being a Third World country,” Rep. Louie Gohmert, a Republican, told Fox News. “You’ve got to follow the law. You cannot bring hundreds of thousands of people in this country without destroying the country. Then there’s no place that people can dream about coming.”

No one knows this better than Barack Obama. Making the United States over into a Third World country is exactly what this president is about. He is of the Third World. He spent his formative years in the Third World, and when his mother, obsessed with the Third World, brought him back to America, he sought out the company of those who dreamed of making America over into the world’s largest welfare state, a France writ large, with Velveeta instead of Camembert. He and his Chicago cohort of potheads, “community organizers” and dreamers of fuzzy dreams entertained themselves with fantasies of how they would one day transform the land of the free and the home of the brave into a nation worthy of taking its rightful place among the nations of the Third World.

Mr. Obama sounds like that captain who can’t make sense of the navigation charts, but it may be an act. He understands navigation very well. He talks of deporting the illegal children, of appointing hundreds of immigration judges and opening a vast new network of “detention facilities.” That may be his promised jobs program.

More... (

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Wilikon on July 11, 2014, 03:52:07 AM

Mexico made deal to send more illegal aliens to the U.S.

July 9, 2014

On Monday, Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto and Guatemalan president Otto Perez Molina held a joint press conference in Playas de Catazaja, Mexico, to officially announce an agreement to make it easier for those making the illegal journey to the United States from Central America, to cross into Mexico.

The Southern Border Program to Improve Passage, will provide for more border checkpoints along Mexico’s border with Guatemala, and offer more protection and even emergency medical care to those making their way north. The illegal aliens will receive a so-called Regional Visitor’s Card, according to El Universal.

Officially, the program will grant the cards to only illegal aliens from Guatemala and Belize, allowing them to remain in Mexico’s southern states for 72 hours (more than enough time to reach the U.S./Mexican border by train). While, those two countries share a border with Mexico, the program will undoubtedly benefit anyone who makes it to the border, which would explain why our Border Patrol stations are currently overflowing with illegal aliens from El Salvador and Honduras as well.

The program will also give special protection and even financial assistance to unaccompanied minors now pouring across our border. Of course, these efforts, chiefly by the Mexican government, will only increase the number of illegal aliens coming to this country by the thousands, now on a daily basis.

The official announcement only confirms what many of us have known all along…the current chaos on the border which the Obama administration has sympathetically (and dishonestly) characterized as a “humanitarian crisis,” only exists due to collusion between the governments of Mexico, Guatemala and likely the United States.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Wilikon on July 11, 2014, 06:50:46 PM


MCALLEN, Texas—Illegal aliens are being allowed to fly on commercial airliners without valid identification, according to the National Border Patrol Council (NBPC). “The aliens who are getting released on their own recognizance are being allowed to board and travel commercial airliners by simply showing their Notice to Appear forms,” NBPC’s Local 2455 Spokesman, Hector Garza, told Breitbart Texas.
“This is not the CBP [Customs and Border Protection] or another federal agency renting or leasing an aircraft, these are the same planes that the American public uses for domestic travel,” said Garza. “This just adds insult to injury. Not only are we releasing unknown illegal aliens onto American streets, but we are allowing them to travel commercially using paperwork that could easily be reproduced or manipulated on any home computer. The Notice to Appear form has no photo, anyone can make one and manipulate one. They do not have any security features, no watermark, nothing. They are simply printed on standard copy paper based on the information the illegal alien says is the truth.”
Spokesman Garza continued, “We do not know who these people are, we often have to solely rely on who they say they are, where they say they came from, and the history they say they have. We know nothing about most of them, ICE releases them into the American public, and now they are boarding aircraft at will with a simple paper document that anyone can easily alter or reproduce themselves.”

Why bother pay taxes and get all your ducks in order in life when you can travel for free, without any IDs, with free food and accommodation thanks to other people's money?


Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Wilikon on July 16, 2014, 02:40:08 PM


FALFURRIAS, Texas—The death march through Brooks County, Texas claimed the life of yet another illegal immigrant. A human skull and the decomposed skeletal remains are all that is left of a person who decided to come to this country illegally. A total of 42 bodies have been found this year in the desert-like ranch fields surrounding the town of Falfurrias.
The body was reported by another illegal immigrant who had been captured the day before. A search of the field, located on the northern portions of the Cage Ranch by Border Patrol agents found the decomposed body under a mesquite tree not far from the natural gas pipeline being constructed through the western portions of Brooks County.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Wilikon on July 16, 2014, 02:42:36 PM

Hundreds of cities fight back against 'invasion'

A massive protest scheduled for July 18 and 19 across the United States is aimed at stopping the influx of Central American children flooding across the border, and more than a dozen smaller community protests already have played roles in stopping the children from being brought there.

Citizens in Westminster, Maryland; Oracle, Arizona; Vassar, Michigan; Greece, New York, and many other places have blocked the importation of illegal aliens into their communities through public protests, letters and official resolutions from elected leaders.

Radio host Rush Limbaugh led his show Tuesday with stories about the successful pushback against the illegals going on across America.

“Here’s what you do not know,” he said.  “There are towns all over America standing up to this invasion, just like they did in Murrieta, California.  You’re not hearing about it, however, and I am here to tell you why you’re not hearing about it.  Westminster, Maryland, is a town standing up to it, just like Murrieta, California, did. Oracle, Arizona, is standing up to it.

“In Nebraska they’re gonna stand up to it when they find out. The governor is fit to be tied,” Limbaugh continued.  “Upper Michigan, same thing. There are towns all over America standing up to this.  There are protests happening, but they’re not being covered.”

But the mother of all protests promises to be Friday and Saturday. It’s dubbed the National Day of Protesting Against Immigration Reform, Amnesty & Border Surge, and it’s gaining support by the hour, said William Gheen, president of the Americans for Legal Immigration PAC and one of 11 sponsors. The main organizers are Gheen’s ALIPAC, James Neighbors of Overpasses For America and Paul Arnold of a new group called Make Them Listen.

“Right now it’s looking like we’ll have a little more than 300 protest rallies large and small across the country. Our goal is to unify Americans of all races, political parties and walks of life against the Obama-inspired illegal immigrant invasion,” Gheen said. “At last count we had 257 communities signed up, but that was two hours ago. We’re expecting more than 300 and updating the event list every two hours.”


Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: TECSHARE on July 16, 2014, 02:50:41 PM

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Wilikon on July 16, 2014, 02:56:25 PM

Garcetti Convening With Nonprofits To Shelter Undocumented Children In LA

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti has convened with nonprofit groups to shelter undocumented immigrant children in L.A. while they await court hearings on whether they can remain in the United States.

KCAL9′s Bobby Kaple reports Garcetti said at a forum Tuesday the Department of Health and Human Services reached out to him about the possibility as federal authorities grapple with where to place undocumented children, fueling an ongoing debate about the nation’s immigration policies, which have led to rallies in Murrieta and across the Southland this month.

“Before you get partisan, before you tell me where you are on immigration, these are children. As a father, who are we as Americans if we do not step forward first?” Garcetti asked, noting, “I see this as not just a moral issue but as a practical one.”

Homeless activist Ted Hayes, who has lived in L.A. for three decades, opposes the idea, insisting there are American kids on city streets who need help first.

“It’s kind of a slap in the face to U.S. citizens,” Hayes said. “It’s embarrassing. It’s hurtful. Because it’s like a father saying that he loves children outside of the family more than he loves his own.”

“We feel for them,” Hayes continued. “We feel their pain. But we are feeling pain of our own children first.”

Garcetti’s office says he has convened with a group of nonprofits that could take the children in while they await their hearings. The mayor also says no city resources would be used in the event the children are moved to L.A.

“These kids who are isolated, alone. Maybe are doing the right thing, maybe have made mistakes. Forget all that first,” Garcetti said. “Let’s get them some place safe and secure. Let’s get them legal representation, which is what this country has always stood for.”

A timetable has not been set.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Wilikon on July 16, 2014, 03:10:26 PM

FEDS TO OPEN $50 MILLION RESORT FOR ILLEGAL CHILDREN – Complete With Tennis Courts, Sauna & Pools

In other news:

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Wilikon on July 16, 2014, 09:37:31 PM

BIG UPDATE— Baptist Child and Family Services Withdraws Bid for Palm Aire Resort

Due to backlash the charity received after the story was posted on The Drudge Report, Baptist Child and Family Services withdrew it’s bid for the Palm Aire Resort.

The charity said it was disappointed and that the resort would have been perfect for the illegal alien children.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Chef Ramsay on July 17, 2014, 12:17:37 AM

BIG UPDATE— Baptist Child and Family Services Withdraws Bid for Palm Aire Resort

Due to backlash the charity received after the story was posted on The Drudge Report, Baptist Child and Family Services withdrew it’s bid for the Palm Aire Resort.

The charity said it was disappointed and that the resort would have been perfect for the illegal alien children.

Good, I bet Baptist preachers from across the country were going to town on this branch. I heard one call into the Michael Savage show earlier all pissed about it.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Wilikon on July 17, 2014, 03:31:33 PM

Exclusive: Feds Struggling to Cope With Medical ‘Breakdown’ at the Border

The federal government is so overwhelmed by the current tide of migrants crossing the border it can’t provide basic medical screening to all of the children before transporting them – often by air – to longer-term holding facilities across the country, ABC News has learned.

The director of refugee health in the federal Health and Human Services Department “has identified a breakdown of the medical screening processes at the Nogales, Arizona, facility,” according to an internal Department of Defense memo reviewed by ABC News. The “breakdown” a systemic failure of the handoff of these children between CBP and HHS.

Inside the government, officials are sounding alarms, fearing that they and their teams who come in contact with the sick children face potential exposure to infectious diseases from chicken pox to influenza, including rare cases of H1N1, more commonly called swine flu.

Two unaccompanied children were flown from Nogales to California despite having 101-degree fevers and flu-like symptoms*, according to the Department of Defense memo. Those children had to be hospitalized.

The memo said pointedly that officials in charge of moving the immigrants from Border Patrol processing centers to Health and Human Services facilities are “putting sick [fevers and coughing] unaccompanied children on airplanes inbound for [Naval Base Ventura County] in addition to the chicken pox and coxsackie virus cases.”

The document said three other kids were in the ICU at local hospitals in California, and two of them were diagnosed with strep pneumonia.

Less than a week later, that same Ventura Naval Base suffered an outbreak of pneumonia and influenza among the unaccompanied minors inside the shelter.

“Preliminary reports indicate that several unaccompanied minors in the shelter had become ill with what appears to be pneumonia and influenza,” according to a statement from the Administration for Children and Families at Health and Human Services.

HHS told ABC News the children were supposed to be screened for sickness before leaving the Border Patrol screening centers.

“When the children arrive at U.S. border stations,” the ACF statement read, “they are screened for health problems and given medical treatment if needed.”

But, according to the memo ABC News reviewed, “Curi Kim [the HHS director of the Division of Refugee Health] has identified a breakdown of the medical screening processes at the Nogales, Arizona, facility.  The  [unaccompanied children] were initially screened and cleared upon entry into that facility with no fever or significant symptoms.  They were not however re-screened and cleared for travel and placement at a temporary shelter.”

While confirming to ABC News the outbreak occurred, HHS would not respond to inquiries about the DOD memo showing sick children were knowingly sent to Naval Base Ventura prior to the outbreak.

“My biggest concerns are with the health of these children,” said Richard Besser, ABC News’ chief health and medical editor. “They are victims going through incredibly stressful circumstances and some will have health issues that need to be treated. Some come from countries that don’t vaccinate against pneumonia or meningitis. They need those vaccines.  Some come from countries where it is flu season. They need that vaccine, too. The big health risks are among these children, not to our communities.”

Once kids are in HHS custody they receive exams and vaccinations, and are screened for tuberculosis, according to ACF,  but more serious illnesses such as meningitis and polio are of little concern for causing an outbreak.

“Children from this region of the world participate in comprehensive childhood vaccination programs, similar to the United States, and are generally well protected from most vaccine-preventable diseases,” ACF said in a statement.

Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras each have rates of vaccination against preventable illnesses such as polio, tuberculosis, measles and pertussis consistent with the United States, according to the World Health Organization.

*regular commercial airline. NOT some military airplane...

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Wilikon on July 17, 2014, 03:47:49 PM

This is beyond sick.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Chef Ramsay on July 17, 2014, 07:41:51 PM (

Most Voters Want to Send Latest Illegal Immigrants Home ASAP
Most voters don’t want any of the young illegal immigrants who’ve recently arrived here housed in their state and say any legislation passed by Congress to deal with the problem should focus on sending them home as soon as possible.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 59% of Likely U.S. Voters believe the primary focus of any new immigration legislation passed by Congress should be to send the young illegal immigrants back home as quickly as possible. Just 27% say it should focus instead on making it easier for these illegal immigrants to remain in the United States. Fourteen percent (14%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Advocates for the illegal immigrants argue that they are flooding into the country to escape violent situations in their home countries, but just 31% of U.S. voters think they are coming here now for their own safety. Most voters (52%) believe they are coming here for economic reasons. Seventeen percent (17%) are not sure.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Chef Ramsay on July 17, 2014, 07:46:34 PM
Smugglers Operate in Plain Sight Across the River from Roma, TX
ROMA - Smugglers are operating in plain view and during the day along the Mexican side of the Rio Grande across the border from Roma.

A CHANNEL 5 NEWS crew watched as the smugglers blew up rafts, took payments and sent men floating across the river.

The smugglers threatened the news crews.

Dozen of vehicles circled the river bank on the Mexican side all day. Many of the vehicles had Texas license plates.

Less than a mile away, it was business as usual at Riverview Plaza.

"We feel just as safe as we used to feel. Roma is a very safe, tranquil community," business owner Fernando Pena said.

Pena said he hasn't noticed an uptick in crime.

Customers at the shopping center were divided about safety in the region.

"I let the law enforcement take care of it, because it's not safe," one shopper said.

The man didn't want to show his face for fear of retaliation. He said smugglers have become increasingly bold.

The man said he is grateful for increased Texas Department of Public Safety patrols.

Roma Police Lt. Rafael Aguirre also is grateful for the extra help from DPS.

"The influx of immigrants in our town, and others in the Valley, is nothing new. It's been around for years," Aguirre said.

CHANNEL 5 NEWS cameras witnessed only men trying to cross the border.

Many of the scouts were young boys and teens. The CHANNEL 5 NEWS crew tried to speak with some of them, but they would only say they are affiliated to the Gulf cartel.
Obama's offering more job opportunities for Mexican drug cartel members than he is getting the government out of the way and allowing business to thrive in America to create better jobs.

Video at link: (

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Chef Ramsay on July 17, 2014, 07:48:40 PM
One in Six Say Immigration Most Important U.S. Problem

PRINCETON, NJ -- With thousands of undocumented immigrant minors crossing the nation's southern border in recent months, the percentage of Americans citing immigration as the top problem has surged to 17% this month, up from 5% in June, and the highest seen since 2006. As a result, immigration now virtually ties "dissatisfaction with government," at 16%, as the primary issue Americans think of when asked to name the country's top problem.

Stat chart at link: (

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: theonewhowaskazu on July 17, 2014, 07:57:45 PM
In a theoretical 100% free market Immigrants should add value.

However we're not in anything close to a 100% free market. In any situation in which people are getting out from the government more than they're putting in, then clearly immigrants remove value. Which, by definition is true, because the government is borrowing money. However, its especially true for those illegal immigrants who don't pay taxes.

Even in an "almost free market", and if all immigrants paid taxes, a percentage-based tax rate with government aid provided to the poor would mean that poor immigrants would detract, not add, value.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Chef Ramsay on July 17, 2014, 08:11:09 PM
In a theoretical 100% free market Immigrants should add value.

However we're not in anything close to a 100% free market. In any situation in which people are getting out from the government more than they're putting in, then clearly immigrants remove value. Which, by definition is true, because the government is borrowing money. However, its especially true for those illegal immigrants who don't pay taxes.

Even in an "almost free market", and if all immigrants paid taxes, a percentage-based tax rate with government aid provided to the poor would mean that poor immigrants would detract, not add, value.
True and unfortunately for nearly this entire round of immigration, it's mostly people that will go on welfare and all the other services. It used to be that the man of the household would pack a bag and some money to go to another country and bust his ass working so he could afford to bring his family over some years down the line. For the most part, it is no longer the case plus this bending over backwards giving all the freebies when normal Americans are hurting and paying these bills is downright out of hand.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: arbitrage001 on July 17, 2014, 09:41:44 PM
In a theoretical 100% free market Immigrants should add value.

However we're not in anything close to a 100% free market. In any situation in which people are getting out from the government more than they're putting in, then clearly immigrants remove value. Which, by definition is true, because the government is borrowing money. However, its especially true for those illegal immigrants who don't pay taxes.

Even in an "almost free market", and if all immigrants paid taxes, a percentage-based tax rate with government aid provided to the poor would mean that poor immigrants would detract, not add, value.
True and unfortunately for nearly this entire round of immigration, it's mostly people that will go on welfare and all the other services. It used to be that the man of the household would pack a bag and some money to go to another country and bust his ass working so he could afford to bring his family over some years down the line. For the most part, it is no longer the case plus this bending over backwards giving all the freebies when normal Americans are hurting and paying these bills is downright out of hand.

The entire IT sector spring up to support and manage the welfare state. So, anyone working in the IT sector isn't really adding any value also using the definition here.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: theonewhowaskazu on July 17, 2014, 09:56:47 PM
In a theoretical 100% free market Immigrants should add value.

However we're not in anything close to a 100% free market. In any situation in which people are getting out from the government more than they're putting in, then clearly immigrants remove value. Which, by definition is true, because the government is borrowing money. However, its especially true for those illegal immigrants who don't pay taxes.

Even in an "almost free market", and if all immigrants paid taxes, a percentage-based tax rate with government aid provided to the poor would mean that poor immigrants would detract, not add, value.
True and unfortunately for nearly this entire round of immigration, it's mostly people that will go on welfare and all the other services. It used to be that the man of the household would pack a bag and some money to go to another country and bust his ass working so he could afford to bring his family over some years down the line. For the most part, it is no longer the case plus this bending over backwards giving all the freebies when normal Americans are hurting and paying these bills is downright out of hand.

The entire IT sector spring up to support and manage the welfare state. So, anyone working in the IT sector isn't really adding any value also using the definition here.

What the heck? You think there wouldn't be any need for IT if the government didn't give out hand outs?

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: arbitrage001 on July 18, 2014, 02:12:42 AM
What the heck? You think there wouldn't be any need for IT if the government didn't give out hand outs?

There is a need of IT. Just not as extravagant as we have today with so many idle mind using search engine, online movie/song service, social networking site and chat application.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: theonewhowaskazu on July 18, 2014, 03:41:19 AM
What the heck? You think there wouldn't be any need for IT if the government didn't give out hand outs?

There is a need of IT. Just not as extravagant as we have today with so many idle mind using search engine, online movie/song service, social networking site and chat application.


The IT sector would be around no matter what, lol. (1) There's no correlation between idle time and IT services as companies need IT services even more than "idle minds." (2) There's no correlation between government handouts and "idle minds" (unless you count bureaucrats as "idle minds") because inflation. All the services you listed would be popular with or without wellfare that's silly. If anything gets hurt by loss of welfare, then its stuff like cigarettes.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Chef Ramsay on July 19, 2014, 03:34:15 AM
Amnesty forces may finally have gone too far
It’s probably not true that a frog will allow itself to be boiled alive if only the heat is raised slowly enough, but it’s an irresistible image nonetheless.

However, the anti-borders forces — on the left and the right — have counted on such passivity among the public to incrementally erode the American people’s ability to decide who gets to move here from abroad. They have devised endless opportunities to appeal deportation decisions, prevented the implementation of needed control measures, pushed relentlessly to pierce numerical caps, and created strong incentives against government functionaries saying “no” to those who want to come. The motto over the doorway of the immigration office might as well be “It ain’t over til the alien wins.”

President Obama has turned up the heat over the past five years. Using “prosecutorial discretion” as a pretext, he has exempted the vast majority of illegal aliens from the consequences of their actions. He has formally amnestied — without legislative authorization — more than a half-million illegal immigrants who claim to have come here before age 16. He is signaling that sometime this year he will unilaterally, and illegally, amnesty half or more of the roughly 12 million illegal aliens now living in the United States.

More... (
Why isn't Obama sending Illegals to states where there's vulnerable dems up for reelection?

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Chef Ramsay on July 19, 2014, 06:41:58 PM
Local Official: Feds Drop 'Unknown Number' of Illegal Kids in VA County (oustide DC) Without Warning

Prince William County, Virginia has become well-known in recent years for its tough stance on illegal immigration.  So you can imagine how upset some local lawmakers were when they learned that the federal government had contracted to house illegal alien children in their county without informing any county officials. (

MRCTV spoke to Prince William County Supervisor, Corey Stewart  about the situation that was thrust upon his county by the Obama Administration.  We then attended a council meeting where outraged citizens spoke out against the move and had some harsh words for both the council members and the federal government.
More... (

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Chef Ramsay on July 19, 2014, 10:09:02 PM
Ron Paul Exposes Ill Effects of Illegal Immigrants on Hospitals
Former U.S. representative, three-time presidential candidate, and physician Ron Paul has spoken out publicly about the catastrophic impact the deluge of unaccompanied children illegally entering our country has had on our nation’s hospitals.

“Our hospitals have already been under siege by immigrants,” Paul said on July 2 on Newsmax TV’s The Steve Malzberg Show.

Many of the unaccompanied children being housed in federal facilities have been diagnosed with various communicable diseases, and some are sent to local hospitals for treatment. This naturally would cause hospitals near the facilities to become overwhelmed.

“And with these thousands, tens of thousands, who knows how many [children] ... you’re going to see some very serious health problems.... We’ve already overburdened many hospitals, Paul said to Malzberg during the interview.

“In the 19th century, when we had a massive influx of immigrants, we were still cautious about diseases.... Today, under these conditions, it just is essentially impossible to do this,” Paul added, referring to the massive, uncontrolled flow of illegal immigrants crossing our borders.

When 19th century immigrants entering our county legally were processed at Ellis Island and other immigration stations, doctors briefly examined them for signs of illness. About 20 percent were singled out for further medical examination and about one percent were sent back to their countries of origin. After 1924, immigrants had to receive a visa from a U.S. consular office abroad before being allowed to travel to the United States. A medical exam was a prerequisite for receiving a visa, and about five percent of those examined were refused visas.

Zack Taylor, chairman of the National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers, spoke with Breitbart on June 10 about the Border Patrol’s Rio Grand facility, where many unaccompanied children are being housed, and said: “Apparently, a significant amount of communicable disease is suspected by custodial and agent personnel.”

Border Patrol agent and Rio Grande Valley Union representative Chris Cabrera told ABC 15 News in Arizona in a June 6 interview: “We are sending people everywhere [from the McAllen, Texas, facility]. The average person doesn't know what's going on down here.”

However, attempts by the media to find out more about the health risks in the housing facilities have been unsuccessful. ABC 15 reported: “DHS has denied all requests for interviews with doctors and medical staff treating sick immigrants. The agency has also turned down our request for a tour.”

Read the rest... (

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Chef Ramsay on July 20, 2014, 10:34:46 PM
TX Overwhelmed by 911 calls from Lost Migrants
Migrant crisis expands north from border, into arid Texas wilderness
Daniel Zamarripa loaded his police dog into the back of his patrol car and set out to track his quarry — immigrants circumventing the local Border Patrol checkpoint.

Zamarripa, 27, is one of 15 reserve deputies brought in to assist the Brooks County Sheriff's Office, whose four deputies have lately found themselves overwhelmed by 911 calls from migrants stranded on the vast ranches that stretch from here to the horizon in all directions.

Then there are the bodies of migrants who didn't make it to retrieve and identify: 42 so far this year.

Most attention to the crisis on the Southwest border has focused in recent weeks on the Rio Grande Valley, where many of the 57,000 unaccompanied children and a large number of families have crossed from Mexico since October, twice last year's total. Many surrender to immigration agents willingly at the Rio Grande, aware that they will be allowed to stay pending immigration court hearings.

Lots more and some pics... (

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Wilikon on July 22, 2014, 04:05:56 AM

Border Security Interview: Border Agents More Afraid Of Government Than Illegal Criminals

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Wilikon on July 24, 2014, 10:41:23 PM

HHS Has Released 30,340 Unaccompanied Illegal Minors Across US This Year

IOWA 122
NEW YORK 3,347
OHIO 360
TEXAS 4,280

TOTAL 30,340

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: redHeadBlunder on July 25, 2014, 01:29:10 AM
In a theoretical 100% free market Immigrants should add value.

However we're not in anything close to a 100% free market. In any situation in which people are getting out from the government more than they're putting in, then clearly immigrants remove value. Which, by definition is true, because the government is borrowing money. However, its especially true for those illegal immigrants who don't pay taxes.

Even in an "almost free market", and if all immigrants paid taxes, a percentage-based tax rate with government aid provided to the poor would mean that poor immigrants would detract, not add, value.
True and unfortunately for nearly this entire round of immigration, it's mostly people that will go on welfare and all the other services. It used to be that the man of the household would pack a bag and some money to go to another country and bust his ass working so he could afford to bring his family over some years down the line. For the most part, it is no longer the case plus this bending over backwards giving all the freebies when normal Americans are hurting and paying these bills is downright out of hand.
Immigrants also tend to have higher crime rates. They also tend to work under the table, increasing their ability to collect welfare and still work, and the money they do earn gets sent home, overseas, while the money they "earn" from welfare gets spend on necessities in the US.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: tooil on July 25, 2014, 05:46:50 AM
In a theoretical 100% free market Immigrants should add value.

However we're not in anything close to a 100% free market. In any situation in which people are getting out from the government more than they're putting in, then clearly immigrants remove value. Which, by definition is true, because the government is borrowing money. However, its especially true for those illegal immigrants who don't pay taxes.

Even in an "almost free market", and if all immigrants paid taxes, a percentage-based tax rate with government aid provided to the poor would mean that poor immigrants would detract, not add, value.
True and unfortunately for nearly this entire round of immigration, it's mostly people that will go on welfare and all the other services. It used to be that the man of the household would pack a bag and some money to go to another country and bust his ass working so he could afford to bring his family over some years down the line. For the most part, it is no longer the case plus this bending over backwards giving all the freebies when normal Americans are hurting and paying these bills is downright out of hand.
Immigrants also tend to have higher crime rates. They also tend to work under the table, increasing their ability to collect welfare and still work, and the money they do earn gets sent home, overseas, while the money they "earn" from welfare gets spend on necessities in the US.

Working under the table is good for business as the owners don't generally need to pay extra tax and at the same time under paid the workers.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Wilikon on August 07, 2014, 06:38:51 PM


HOUSTON, Texas -- About half of the nation's federal criminal cases last year were filed in regions near the U.S.-Mexico border, according to an alarming annual report from the Obama Administration's Department of Justice (DOJ).
During FY 2013, U.S. Attorney's offices filed a total of 61,529 criminal cases against defendants, according to the DOJ. Regions along the border each had more convictions than in any other district. 6,341 cases were filed in Western Texas, suggesting it is home to the country's most severe crime patterns. 6,130 cases were filed in Southern Texas; 4,848 were filed in Southern California; 3,889 were filed in New Mexico; and 3,538 were filed in Arizona.
Judicial Watch pointed out that out of the 94 U.S. federal court districts, the five near the Mexico border "see a large portion of criminal cases. ... [and] also have the biggest number of defendants actually convicted of federal crimes."
The most common crimes committed over the year were immigration related, with 23,744 such cases having been filed by the feds. Judicial Watch pointed out that immigration crimes accounted for 38.6 percent of all federal cases.
Drug-related crimes were also common, with 13,383 such cases having been filed in FY 2013.
Breitbart Texas Contributing Editor and border security expert Sylvia Longmire said, "Former Department of Homeland Secretary (DHS) Janet Napolitano often said in 2013 that overall crime along the southwest border has decreased 30 percent in the last 20 years. This is accurate enough, but only when you look at certain crime statistics that are pulled from the FBI's Uniform Crime Reports, or UCR, database in a certain way that can make statistics sound favorable. When citing these UCR statistics, former Secretary Napolitano never indicated how overall border crime rates compared to the rest of the country, although crime rates in certain border cities are among the lowest in the country."
Longmire continued, "The reason why is that those violent crime rates only marginally correlate to this DOJ report, which includes prosecutorial initiation for all crimes, not just the ones DHS likes to use. The UCR doesn't include crime statistics for drug trafficking, or trespassing, or kidnapping--some of the most common crimes occurring in border areas, and especially rural ones."
The Obama Administration has been tight-lipped about the rampant crime in border towns.
Some of the president's critics have accused him of helping fuel criminal activity along the border. In May, President Obama used unilateral authority to create a vast wilderness area in New Mexico along the Mexico border. The monument came under harsh criticism for being a "drug corridor for violent criminals and drug cartels." Border Patrol and other law enforcement will have restricted access to the land.
"While violent crime rates should be most concerning for border residents--and fortunately those do seem to have dropped--it's also a significant concern that other criminal activity is more prevalent near the border," Longmire concluded. "That has an impact on property values, tourism, commerce, and the overall sense of security in border communities."

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: bryant.coleman on August 07, 2014, 07:33:26 PM
Working under the table is good for business as the owners don't generally need to pay extra tax and at the same time under paid the workers.

In the short-term that might prove to be profitable. But in the long term, it is going to adversely affect the business, if the highly skilled workforce is replaced with the illegal semi-skilled ones.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: boraf on August 07, 2014, 07:42:05 PM
Working under the table is good for business as the owners don't generally need to pay extra tax and at the same time under paid the workers.

In the short-term that might prove to be profitable. But in the long term, it is going to adversely affect the business, if the highly skilled workforce is replaced with the illegal semi-skilled ones.

The illegal works on the non-skill sector of the labor market. Jobs that even the unemployed won't take.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: pungopete468 on August 08, 2014, 12:39:41 AM
Working under the table is good for business as the owners don't generally need to pay extra tax and at the same time under paid the workers.

In the short-term that might prove to be profitable. But in the long term, it is going to adversely affect the business, if the highly skilled workforce is replaced with the illegal semi-skilled ones.

The illegal works on the non-skill sector of the labor market. Jobs that even the unemployed won't take.

I don't buy that argument...

Even the nastiest jobs offered (legally) aren't nearly as bad as some would make them out to be. There are standards of labor that must be met, safety standards, etc...

That may have been the case in the past, but I think we've moved beyond that level of privilege...

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Full Spectrum on August 08, 2014, 04:47:44 AM
Working under the table is good for business as the owners don't generally need to pay extra tax and at the same time under paid the workers.

In the short-term that might prove to be profitable. But in the long term, it is going to adversely affect the business, if the highly skilled workforce is replaced with the illegal semi-skilled ones.

The illegal works on the non-skill sector of the labor market. Jobs that even the unemployed won't take.

I don't buy that argument...

Even the nastiest jobs offered (legally) aren't nearly as bad as some would make them out to be. There are standards of labor that must be met, safety standards, etc...

That may have been the case in the past, but I think we've moved beyond that level of privilege...
Oh really? (
Poor people in the US should really check their privilege...

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Mobius on August 10, 2014, 07:24:59 AM
Working under the table is good for business as the owners don't generally need to pay extra tax and at the same time under paid the workers.

In the short-term that might prove to be profitable. But in the long term, it is going to adversely affect the business, if the highly skilled workforce is replaced with the illegal semi-skilled ones.

The illegal works on the non-skill sector of the labor market. Jobs that even the unemployed won't take.

I don't buy that argument...

Even the nastiest jobs offered (legally) aren't nearly as bad as some would make them out to be. There are standards of labor that must be met, safety standards, etc...

That may have been the case in the past, but I think we've moved beyond that level of privilege...
I agree with this. I have dealt with a lot of people who have hit hard times over the past couple of years and have spoken to a lot of people who have taken jobs they would not imagine having to take only a few short years ago. I think after people who have been out of work long enough who truly want to find work will lower their standards of what they are willing to accept for work.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: wenben on August 10, 2014, 05:31:23 PM
Working under the table is good for business as the owners don't generally need to pay extra tax and at the same time under paid the workers.

In the short-term that might prove to be profitable. But in the long term, it is going to adversely affect the business, if the highly skilled workforce is replaced with the illegal semi-skilled ones.

The illegal works on the non-skill sector of the labor market. Jobs that even the unemployed won't take.

I don't buy that argument...

Even the nastiest jobs offered (legally) aren't nearly as bad as some would make them out to be. There are standards of labor that must be met, safety standards, etc...

That may have been the case in the past, but I think we've moved beyond that level of privilege...
I agree with this. I have dealt with a lot of people who have hit hard times over the past couple of years and have spoken to a lot of people who have taken jobs they would not imagine having to take only a few short years ago. I think after people who have been out of work long enough who truly want to find work will lower their standards of what they are willing to accept for work.

This is a few years ago when people starting to take minimum wage job. I don't think people taking the job can afford to pay the mortgage, car and cost of living.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: GangkisKhan on August 10, 2014, 06:54:17 PM
For people who think immigrants only take job American won't take:

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Wilikon on August 12, 2014, 05:11:15 PM

DHS broke law in releasing hundreds of criminal aliens: Audit

administration broke the law when it released thousands of illegal immigrants, more than 600 of whom had criminal records, last February as a result of poor planning and micromanagement from Washington, according to an internal audit released Tuesday that says things have not improved in the 18 months since.

Compounding matters, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) gave bad information to Congress, initially blaming the looming budget sequester, rather than the agency’s own budget pressures, the Homeland Security inspector general concluded.

In the new report the IG does clear top Homeland Security officials of accusations they pressured ICE to do the releases in order to create more pain from the sequesters. Instead, investigators said the problems lay at the senior levels of ICE, itself, finding that top officials botched planning, didn’t inform their own superiors of the problems, and didn’t even know the law required them to hold 34,000 immigrants a day until they were reminded of it by congressional staffers.

“In this single action, ICE undermined its own credibility, the rule of law, and the safety of Americans and local law enforcement,” said Sen. Tom Coburn, an Oklahoma Republican who requested the report along with Sen. John McCain. “This report provides more evidence that our nation’s immigration laws are being flagrantly disregarded. Americans need to be assured the problems within ICE that led to the dangerous release of illegal aliens will be fixed and DHS and ICE will never again violate the law by releasing known criminals into our streets.”

ICE released nearly 1,500 immigrants in one late February weekend, just ahead of the March 1, 2013, start of the sequesters, or across-the-board cuts.

When the releases became public, ICE agents had to try to round up many of the immigrants they had released after being told the law designated some of them as “mandatory” detainees because of public safety risks or fears they might abscond.

In its official reply, ICE said it was “committed to addressing the issues” raised, and asserted it’s already begin.

Part of the problem is that while the law requires ICE to maintain a daily average of 34,000 detention beds, it only has funding for about 31,000. The rest of the money comes from fees and other uncertain income, which fell short in 2013.

Instead of asking for full funding for 34,000 beds, the administration has asked to lower the number to about 30,500 beds instead — even as it acknowledges it needs more beds to house the Central American families surging across the border this year.

In its official response, ICE also took pains to distinguish between detention beds and actual detainees — suggesting that while Congress requires it to maintain space, the administration argues it is not required to make sure those beds are filled.

“The language of the provision from the appropriations act does not indicate a specific daily population, but rather requires DHS to maintain a level of detention beds,” said Radha C. Sekar, executive associate director of management and administration at ICE, adding that it was “important to clarify” the difference.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Wilikon on August 12, 2014, 05:15:20 PM

Obama Administration Released Over 600 Illegal Immigrants With Criminal Convictions

More than 600 convicted criminals, including felons, were among thousands of illegal immigrants freed under the Obama administration in advance of 2013 budget cuts mandated under sequestration.

That’s according to a new report today from the inspector general for the Department of Homeland Security.

According to the IG’s report, at least two-dozen “aliens” were released by Immigration and Customs Enforcement even though they were in a “mandatory detention category.” (After an internal review, ICE later redetained them.)

The report provides a scathing portrayal of budget mismanagement and flawed processes at the highest levels inside the nation’s immigration enforcement agency.

Politically Motivated Decisions?

The atmosphere leading up to sequestration in early 2013 was politically charged. President Obama claimed the automatic budget cuts would hurt the economy, health care and emergency responders, and that federal prosecutors would have to “let criminals go.”

Republicans accused the administration of trying to create the appearance of a crisis by making high-profile cuts they claimed were unnecessary, such as halting White House public tours and mass-releasing illegal immigrants.

During the three weeks leading up to sequestration, from Feb. 9 to March 1, ICE released 2,226 immigrant detainees—617 of whom had criminal convictions. Approximately 1,450 were freed the last weekend before sequestration. The field offices that released the most criminal convicts include Phoenix, Houston, Atlanta and Chicago.

After the Associated Press reported in March 2013 that the Obama administration had released more than 2,000 immigrants over a three-week period, Homeland Security Chief Janet Napolitano said the story was ‘not really accurate.’

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Wilikon on August 24, 2014, 03:22:38 AM

A Town Near You? ICE Reveals Locations of Convicted Murderers It Freed

The 169 aliens with homicide-related convictions who were freed by ICE in 2013 were booked out of detention facilities in 24 different states, with the largest number in California, according to information provided to Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa). ICE records show that these convicted killers were associated with 96 different cities and towns across America. The city with the largest concentration was Miami, with seven convicted murderers freed by ICE, followed by Los Angeles with six.

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: DhaniBoy on August 25, 2014, 01:46:29 PM
Immigrants become useful to another country, if they have skills to develop countries that they have stayed i there, and become more useful if they can invent something that can be used to increase quality of humans life ...
but some of them will become to make a chaos in another country that caused decreasing quality of humans life ...

So the treatment of imigrants must be fear based on their skill ....
hopefully ...

Title: Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants
Post by: Mightycoin on August 25, 2014, 05:17:46 PM
I believe many of the people from around the globe wants to settle in the states,that's why many people legally and illegally try to enter into the states.The leverages are for sure to be born