Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Announcements (Altcoins) => Topic started by: cryptomidnight on June 19, 2014, 09:05:53 AM

Title: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: cryptomidnight on June 19, 2014, 09:05:53 AM

MonetaVerde (MCN) |

Moneta Verde (it) means "green coin":
this coin uses already existing mining resources (MM)
and it's supply is regulated by mining community.

Launched June 17, 2014

Vote for MonetaVerde! (


- block target - 60 seconds
- block_reward = log2(difficulty) * 240 [1]
- difficulty retarget every block
- CryptoNight PoW
- merged mining with Bytecoin, QuazarCoin, Monero or any other CryptoNight-based coin [2]
- total supply: infinite

[1] - Moneta Verde is the first cryptocoin with blockreward increasing together with difficulty.
Block reward formula is a fixed point implementation of log2(difficulty). This means that block reward increases much slower than difficulty: for 1 coin to be added to block reward a difficulty must be increased twice. This rate looks to be reasonable.

The goal is decline in deflation. The less the deflation the more it is profitable to save up some MCN. Deflation ruins the usage of cryptocurrency as a legal tender. I suppose the deflation wouldn’t be gone entirely but will decrease significantly.
And the infinite emission is the outcome of a positive feedback, it is not an end in itself.

[2] - Merged mining works like this: you have two totally separate block chains, they are not related in any way nor does either contain any data from the other. When you mine you generate hashes that may be the solution to the current block, this is very very improbable per hash, its like a lottery where everyone generates tickets until someone finds the winning one.

Normally you make tickets and check them against the BCN/QCN/XMR or other CN coin block chain to see if they are the solution. With merged mining you create a ticket and check it against both the any CN-based coin block chain and the MonetaVerde block chain,  CN based coin and MCN know nothing about each other, they are two totally different lotteries with different winning numbers, you just sent a copy of your ticket to both. Since you are sending the same ticket to two lotteries you increase your chances of winning one or the other.

Coins remain totally separate, you simply run both the MonetaVerde and oter CN coin clients on the same machine and submit hashes to both networks. If your hash is the solution to the Monetaverde block you get monetaverdes if you hash is the solution to the other coin block you get both coins. It's exactly like if you where mining on just one network, except you submit the same work twice.


Win32 (!wFh0jQwL!f_-kLZwkcXhNcwmAIsKXFJxTzAW7Rpmoky-tRu9qQJE)
Win64 (!IEpkTJxS!CsSIWtd9XmhQcNnfz9QvfUpwj0Eupvq0ojoR2VobiAA)
Linux (!kI4mEKZb!tR-XRruYiGN4Z4Tr5fLtKdsxxb0Tv2cW-8rqzro50wQ)
Mac (!5YQ3lTSZ!5ARNZjNEunWXurbePgq6SqJkZvmnyOvZJSFot76jX5c)
Source (

Pools: ( (

Block Explorer: ( (


MCN's exchange: (
Poloniex: (
Alt2Bit: (
Vote for MonetaVerde! (


Exchange rate Moneta Verde (MCN) / Bitcoin (
Conversion tool (


Cryptocointalk: (
Announcement: (


Spanish (
Serbian (

Title: Re: [MCN]MonetaVerde. Merged mining.
Post by: GreekBitcoin on June 19, 2014, 09:18:42 AM
Is minerc optimized enough or it is a waste for mining XMR, BCN etc?

Title: Re: [MCN]MonetaVerde. Merged mining.
Post by: Cloudpost on June 19, 2014, 09:22:13 AM



Aventus is a fair, secure, and transparent blockchain-based event ticketing solution that practically eliminates fraud and unregulated touting.

The main objective of Aventus is to de-silo the event ticketing industry in a decentralised manner, allowing ticketing applications and promoters to automatically sell tickets for other events and gain commissions for doing so. This enables event organisers to reach a wider audience.


_______________________________________________________________________ (https://



Runs for 5 days
Minimum cap: $6 million, target: $15 million

Constant price throughout of 92 AVT per ETH
*Prices subject to change. Check blog or Slack for udpates

Total supply: 10,000,000 AVT. 60% (6,000,000 AVT) sold in crowd sale



If you did not get the chance, please check out our first blog post Ԕhe Event Ticketing Industry is Broken and in Need of DisruptionԬ where we explain how we see the event ticketing industry, why its broken, and how we can change it. In a nutshell, Aventus aims to solve the following 3 problems:
1. The resale of bulk bought tickets at inflated prices on secondary markets.
Secondary ticket markets are controversial because they enable touts to buy up tickets from primary markets quickly and re-sell them on average 49% above face value with margins often exceeding 1000% [1], prohibiting price-sensitive fans from attending an event. Adele and other major artists have protested, banning the resale of their tickets after prices have appeared at up to ?9000 on Stubhub [2]. Additionally, in the U.K. it is illegal for football tickets to be resold without the clubӳ permission [3]. However, such attempts at regulation have been futile, since ticket black markets continue to form anyway [4].
2. Counterfeit tickets.
The U.K. Metropolitan Policeӳ 2 year study of ticket fraud associated with the London 2012 Olympic games elucidated that organised crime networks were able to generate over ?40m per year through the creation of counterfeit tickets [5]. Furthermore, an investigation by the Telegraph showed that Brits wasted over ?5m on counterfeit tickets advertised on social media in 2015 [6].
3. Maximising ticket sales to the eventӳ target audience.
According to Sean Moriarty, CEO of TicketMaster, Ԯearly 35% of ticket inventory goes unsold, and if you ask fans why they didnӴ go to shows, one of the most popular reasons is Ӊ didnӴ know about itҔ [7]. Furthermore, 60% of 16ֲ4 year old concert and festival goers stated that they would go more regularly if tickets were less expensive [7]. This indicates that promoters have difficulty reaching target audiences and that this problem is further aggravated by inflated prices.



Solution Overview
Aventus is a blockchain-based protocol that creates a more fair, secure, and transparent event ticketing industry, practically eliminating counterfeit tickets and unfair touting. Organisers can create, manage and promote their events and associated tickets with dramatically reduced platform costs, and can even control secondary markets.
It solves the aforementioned problems in the following manner:
1. Secondary Market Control
-Tickets have an associated photo with them
-Owners reselling their tickets do not know who they are selling to
2. Blockchain Security
3. Promotion and Platform Cost Reduction
-All events listed on the Aventus protocol will be accessible to any application using it
-Event organisers can reward promoters with a commission on ticket sales they make.


AVT is needed to facilitate a decentralised, autonomous protocol for the event ticketing industry that disintermediates event management systems, ticketing applications, and promoters.
It is needed for stake weighted voting and resolution mechanisms for:
1. Voting on the legitimacy of:
a. Events
b. Applications/promoters
c. Protocol parameters (e.g. vent creation fee, reporting deposit)
2. Facilitating the anonymous matching of buyers and sellers in the secondary market



☑   2017 JUL Release Aventus Alpha
☑   2017 JUL Release Aventus Alpha
☑   2017 JUL Release Aventus Alpha
☑   2017 JUL Release Aventus Alpha
☑   2017 JUL Release Aventus Alpha
•   2017 JUL Create Alpha video guide
•   2017 JUL Create Alpha video guide
•   2017 JUL Set parnership with XXXX
•   2017 Q3 DeepOnion Trades at Exchanges
•   2017 Q3 Twitter Campaign Starts
•   2017 Q3 Facebook Campaign Starts

News about the project in

14-06-2017 - Кaк выглядeл бы финaльный тyp Aдeль, ecли бы для пpoдaжи билeтoв нa кoнцepты иcпoльзoвaли Aventus
19-06-2017 (пepeвeдeнo!) - инфopмaция o пpoдaжe тoкeнoв Aventus
19-06-2017 - Кaк peшить пpoблeмy пycтыx кpeceл нa кoнцepтax?
30-06-2017 - Пpoгpaммa нaгpaд для тex ктo нaйдeт yязвимocти в cмapт кoнтpaктe
03-07-2017 - Cпacибo тeм cпopтивным кoмaндaм, кoтopыe нe зaбывaют o cвoиx бoлeльщикax!
06-07-2017 Blue Horison aнoнcиpyeт пapтнepcтвo c Aventus
11-07-2017 - инcтpyкция для yчacтия в пyбличнoй пpoдaжe
14-07-2017 - инcтpyкция пo иcпoльзoвaнию Aльфa вepcии.

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Title: Re: [MCN]MonetaVerde. Merged mining.
Post by: GreekBitcoin on June 19, 2014, 09:31:09 AM
2900 blocks already? WAT?

It was announced here:

Title: Re: [MCN]MonetaVerde. Merged mining.
Post by: tiger5056 on June 19, 2014, 11:18:09 AM
i am in

Title: Re: [MCN]MonetaVerde. Merged mining.
Post by: cryptomidnight on June 19, 2014, 12:48:20 PM

If you can limit the total supply, MCN may have a future~~~

I’ve attempted to reach positive feedback between demand and emission in MonetaVerde.
As I know this is the first such attempt.
My goal is decline in deflation. The less the deflation the more it is profitable to save up some MCN. Deflation ruins the usage of cryptocurrency as a legal tender. I suppose the deflation wouldn’t be gone entirely but will decrease significantly. And the infinite emission is the outcome of a positive feedback, it is not an end in itself.

Title: Re: [MCN]MonetaVerde. Merged mining.
Post by: cryptomidnight on June 19, 2014, 01:10:13 PM

MonetaVerde needs translations! Primarily chinese and European languages

Title: Re: [MCN]MonetaVerde. Merged mining.
Post by: cubydu on June 19, 2014, 01:53:35 PM
How can I find current diff  ?

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: baigreen on June 19, 2014, 02:39:28 PM
maybe need a pool.
Only  can do this..

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: cryptomidnight on June 19, 2014, 03:02:53 PM
The MonetaVerde's exchange is launched! (

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: Denni on June 19, 2014, 03:52:24 PM
The MonetaVerde's exchange is launched! (

Great! Thanks a lot!

Title: Re: [MCN]MonetaVerde. Merged mining.
Post by: cryptomidnight on June 19, 2014, 04:27:58 PM
How can I find current diff  ?

The current difficulty shows in daemon console every time a block is found.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: darko84 on June 19, 2014, 04:49:39 PM
Very good coin and nice design!

Is solo mining only way to mine now? There are no pools?

Put it on Poloniex voting page!

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: cryptomidnight on June 19, 2014, 05:17:47 PM
Thank you darko84!

33zer0w0lf  tried  to make one, it's under construction now. [url=] (;u=305522[/url)
The technology of MCN is much more difficult than Monero or Quazar have. So it's not so simple to make a pool for MCN.
When somebody will make a pool you can be sure that this man has very goof brain. 

Yes, I'm going to add MCN to coinlists and voting pages soon.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: darko84 on June 19, 2014, 06:44:19 PM
We need block Explorer!

Title: Re: [MCN]MonetaVerde. Merged mining.
Post by: darko84 on June 19, 2014, 07:15:09 PM
MonetaVerde needs translations! Primarily chinese and European languages

Serbian translation (European language)!  :) (

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: darko84 on June 19, 2014, 08:06:22 PM
It would be nice to see this coin on MiinerGate!

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: Febo on June 19, 2014, 09:41:35 PM

1) Download MonetaVerde and BCN/MRO/QCN binaries.

5) One more command line is needed. Navigate to MonetaVerde 's folder and launch minerc.exe using the next command:

minerc --node1= --node2= --wallet1=%your BCN/MRO/QCN address% --wallet2=%your MCN address% 

1. Where to get BNC, XMR and QCN binaries? In their official threads?

2. in command line i wil have to put my wallet address of XMR, QCN and BNC also?

I dont have ideas what i am doing, but i love to learn :P

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: sang on June 20, 2014, 11:15:15 AM
"MonetaVerde is the first coin with the block reward increasing with difficulty growth"

lol.... way to completely miss the entire economic theory behind mining reward vs difficulty adjustment.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: cryptomidnight on June 20, 2014, 11:25:52 AM
We need block Explorer!

Agree. I'm working on it.

And any help would be useful!

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: cryptomidnight on June 20, 2014, 01:18:04 PM

1. Where to get BNC, XMR and QCN binaries? In their official threads?

CryptoNight-based coins:

Bytecoin (BCN) (

Quazarcoin (QCN) (

Monero (XMR) (

Or use this link - (

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: jc12345 on June 20, 2014, 02:00:31 PM
We need block Explorer!

Agree. I'm working on it.

And any help would be useful!

Could you include a rich list?

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: cryptomidnight on June 20, 2014, 02:28:57 PM

Could you include a rich list?

Remember that CryptoNote technology makes all the coin transactions anonymous so it's impossible to make a rich list.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: jc12345 on June 20, 2014, 02:36:53 PM

Could you include a rich list?

Remember that CryptoNote technology makes all the coin transactions anonymous so it's impossible to make a rich list.

How does your wallet then know what the total coins in it is if it does not analyse the block chain?

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: darko84 on June 20, 2014, 08:59:16 PM
Moneta Verde (MCN) market added. MCN is a CryptoNote with merged mining and variable block reward.

Posted by busoni@poloniex at 2014-06-20 19:29:11

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: jc12345 on June 22, 2014, 04:51:03 PM
Is the dev still around?

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: cryptomidnight on June 22, 2014, 10:31:04 PM
I was busy working on MCN. will be here in a few hours.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: cryptomidnight on June 24, 2014, 10:08:19 AM
Spanish translation! (

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: cryptomidnight on June 24, 2014, 12:29:16 PM
Serbian translation: (

Serbian forum: (

Thank you darko84  (;u=112560)

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: cryptomidnight on June 24, 2014, 12:30:30 PM

Good news. CryptoNote news.

News section on
We are happy to announce a news section on the The new section is dedicated to new developments, ideas and news from the CryptoNote realm. About two years ago the CryptoNote technology had only been represented by Bytecoin (BCN) but since then things have changed dramatically. Not only the number of Bytecoins has soared, the other coins such as Quazarcoin, Fantomcoin and Monero are taking the cryptocurrency world by storm. The CryptoNote community becomes very diverse and geographically disseminated therefore we believe it is our duty to spread the word and bring everyone at one place.  Just by clicking on the news tab you’ll have the latest account on what’s been going on with CryptoNote-based currencies along with fresh updates from the devs at hand. The idea is to turn this website into a vibrant pool of information accessible to anybody who wants to keep one's finger on the pulse of CryptoNote technology. If you are a CryptoNote enthusiast and you have some ideas worth sharing, please don’t hesitate to contact us at

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: cryptomidnight on June 24, 2014, 01:19:51 PM  (

This is another attempt to make a pool. (not working yet)

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: Denni on June 24, 2014, 02:52:14 PM
Folks! As we all  know it’s not enough to use copy and paste  to develop good MCN pool. So... we all have the  opportunity to check how smart and skillfull we are.   Who is the Hero? Who will develop MCN’s pool to our community?   Let's make it work! And of course, we should do it faster than Fantomcoin guys... Just because we are the coolest   8)

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: cryptomidnight on June 25, 2014, 12:26:59 PM
Guys! I do believe in MonetaVerde. I do my best but my education doesn't include marketing.

 Do you have marketing experience?

Any ideas are welcomed. Teach me please!

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: dqy007 on June 25, 2014, 03:23:55 PM
why relaunch?why?

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: cryptomidnight on June 25, 2014, 03:37:17 PM
What relaunch?

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: cryptomidnight on June 26, 2014, 01:04:15 PM
MonetaVerde has the first pool! (

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: saamxx on June 26, 2014, 08:09:14 PM
Guys! I do believe in MonetaVerde. I do my best but my education doesn't include marketing.

 Do you have marketing experience?

Any ideas are welcomed. Teach me please!
No, guy. Should be much better that you teach us. ;D
Can you explain us,how two days copy coin, having only two pages tread, have been listed on poloniex. 8)

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: Zer0Sum on June 26, 2014, 09:04:59 PM
why relaunch?why?

Moneta Verde (MCN) is not a relaunch.

MountCoin (MNT) was relaunched after finding a new Dev.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: cryptomidnight on June 27, 2014, 11:57:00 AM
Guys! I do believe in MonetaVerde. I do my best but my education doesn't include marketing.

 Do you have marketing experience?

Any ideas are welcomed. Teach me please!
No, guy. Should be much better that you teach us. ;D
Can you explain us,how two days copy coin, having only two pages tread, have been listed on poloniex. 8)

I'm a friendly guy you know :)

Seriously this guy helped MCN: darko84  (;u=112560)
He added MCN TO Poloniex

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: cryptomidnight on June 27, 2014, 12:13:28 PM
       Love shopping?

       Want to buy the Rockminer 36Gh/s?

       Or need new perfume? May be Original Unlocked 16GB iPhone 5S?

       Now you can pay for it in MonetaVerde!

       A first shop with MonetaVerde! (

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: dragonmike on June 30, 2014, 05:44:42 AM
Cryptomidnight, how do you send coins from the simplewallet? It seems my wallet in locked! :-l

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: cryptomidnight on June 30, 2014, 10:58:34 AM
Cryptomidnight, how do you send coins from the simplewallet? It seems my wallet in locked! :-l

Can you tell me your transaction id?

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: dragonmike on June 30, 2014, 12:19:24 PM
Cryptomidnight, how do you send coins from the simplewallet? It seems my wallet in locked! :-l

Can you tell me your transaction id?
I don't think it even got that far.

EDIT: I'll try again later from home and will post the exact error message in here.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: cryptomidnight on June 30, 2014, 03:19:02 PM

Please refresh your wallet, then use incoming_transfers command, copy everything and send me.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: dragonmike on June 30, 2014, 03:34:20 PM
note: I tried to SEND coins from the wallet. Receiving them was no problem.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: cryptomidnight on June 30, 2014, 05:12:32 PM

I get it. But I still ask you to do this.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: cryptomidnight on June 30, 2014, 05:18:25 PM

EDIT: I'll try again later from home and will post the exact error message in here.

Yes, please.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: dragonmike on June 30, 2014, 08:44:49 PM
Ok I tried again tonight and it worked, the coins were not locked anymore. How long does it actually take for a transaction to be fully confirmed and the coins to be available? It seems to be taking hours!

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: cryptomidnight on July 01, 2014, 10:13:26 AM
Hey guys!

Welcome to our pool ( We support mining of MonetaVerde and offer two reward models - PPS and PPLNS (you can choose suitable method for each currency individually).
Moreover, we have the lowest fees on the market (2% PPS, 1.5% PPLNS).
Enjoy the most profitable on our pool!

Enjoy the most profitable mining on our pool

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: cryptomidnight on July 01, 2014, 10:14:30 AM
Moneta Verde has established partnership with Bitscoinshop ( where you can buy items by using Moneta Verde, and enjoy 10% discount. As Moneta Verde is not yet integrated with the payment platform, you will need to use the following procedure during checkout:
1. Customers wishing to purchase using Moneta Verde should choose the product, along with signing up with the details and place of delivery;
2. Choose the bank transfer as the payment method, meanwhile leave a message to indicate that you want to pay with Moneta Verde;
3. In the message, specify the dollar amount of your purchase (with 10% discount) and the quote of the current exchanging rate. Bitscoinshop will convert the amount of your purchase into Moneta Verde, and send wallet address for payment.
4. Once confirmed the payment, items will be delivered.

Buy various mining products, Asics, Gridseed, shoes and dressing. All with 6-month warranty against manufacturing defects!
We have several offers and products please visit our store

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: smoothie on July 01, 2014, 10:19:37 AM
Logo = hammer about to hit a leaf. K got it.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: cryptomidnight on July 01, 2014, 10:26:43 AM
Ok I tried again tonight and it worked, the coins were not locked anymore. How long does it actually take for a transaction to be fully confirmed and the coins to be available? It seems to be taking hours!

I'm working on it.

Does anybody have the same problem?

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: superresistant on July 01, 2014, 11:26:40 AM
Logo = hammer about to hit a leaf. K got it.

Yeah because it's like Communist but more like into Ecology stuff, definitely capitalist but also Anonymous.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: cryptomidnight on July 01, 2014, 12:07:08 PM
Logo = hammer about to hit a leaf. K got it.

Hammer is a metaphore of mining (in literal sense) ;)

Definitely capitalist.

MonetaVerde is a significant currency for the whole world and it has nothing to do with communism

Ecology is the essence of MonetaVerde.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: cryptomidnight on July 01, 2014, 04:02:33 PM
It's time to create a fund for MonetaVerde for marketing and development!

I've got many interesting marketing offers in my PM that need to be worked out. And MCN still needs translations.

So I invite you to MonetaVerde's associates club! Imagine yourself as Rockefeller! Donate for MCN's bright future!

Wallet:    VduBodnTALnNmsqVoReVyabJS4z3MnhvieicoJutMuexi1v1hQbRTcDW2SSR9ymVea4tDCaPZGJ1zXJ 6oQj5NYgz1wcgKQSrD

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: teamcryptonator on July 02, 2014, 03:30:24 PM
Hey guys!

We have just added MCN to Cryptonator ( so now you can use all its free features

  • Convert it to any other crypto or fiat using converter (
  • Check progress with Winners & Losers (
  • Track value of all owned coins using Portfolio (
  • Find exchanges which trades MCN on Exchanges (
  • Place fully customizable price tickers ( on your website

Should you own an iPhone or an Android device, we also have all these in our free mobile apps for iOS ( / Android (

Cheers (

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: cryptomidnight on July 02, 2014, 03:42:35 PM
Excellent thank you!  :)

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: teamcryptonator on July 02, 2014, 03:43:56 PM
welcome )

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: cryptomidnight on July 02, 2014, 03:50:43 PM
Vote for MonetaVerde! (

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: dragonmike on July 03, 2014, 01:00:45 PM
MonetaVerde needs to show on Coinmarketcap too...

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: cryptomidnight on July 03, 2014, 02:45:38 PM
I totally agree with you. Soon.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: cryptomidnight on July 04, 2014, 11:51:50 AM

Vote for pro-ecology coin! MonetaVerde (MCN) allows for energy saving thus helps to protect the nature.

Vote for  MonetaVerde (MCN) to be added on hitbtc EXCHANGE! (

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: cryptomidnight on July 04, 2014, 01:45:38 PM

I wish the best future for the first CryptoNote child - Bytecoin! Happy Birthday!

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: cryptomidnight on July 08, 2014, 02:30:10 PM
Now you can see the amount of coins emitted: (

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: robertdivaio on July 08, 2014, 08:52:09 PM
infinite supply!? wut?

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: BoscoMurray on July 09, 2014, 12:16:55 PM
Is there a GUI wallet in the works?

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: cryptomidnight on July 09, 2014, 12:34:51 PM
Is there a GUI wallet in the works?

Of course it is. This task in not at the top of my priorities list at the moment but would be goood to make this wallet soon.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: cryptomidnight on July 09, 2014, 12:36:52 PM
infinite supply!? wut?

If you need more explanations clarify your question please.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: dqy007 on July 09, 2014, 04:25:13 PM
The author sets the number of coins is infinite, lead prices do not rise up, so few people participate in the acquisition, This coin is there a future?

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: ZoeJane on July 10, 2014, 03:09:57 PM

Vote for pro-ecology coin! MonetaVerde (MCN) allows for energy saving thus helps to protect the nature.

Vote for  MonetaVerde (MCN) to be added on hitbtc EXCHANGE! (

I voted! Hope that my voice will help you! 

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: dqy007 on July 11, 2014, 09:19:08 AM
Everyone be careful,MCN of poloniex may Be closed!!!

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: BoscoMurray on July 11, 2014, 11:55:36 AM
Need more action here. Updates, news, giveaways. Whatever...

I think the dev said a team was being put together for promotion and other stuff. Is that correct?

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: wedgy2k on July 12, 2014, 08:42:14 AM
Need more action here. Updates, news, giveaways. Whatever...

I think the dev said a team was being put together for promotion and other stuff. Is that correct?

Needs to happen soon.....

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: dqy007 on July 12, 2014, 01:23:02 PM
The author has to give up the coin, ready to develop new coin.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: jokudaman on July 13, 2014, 03:16:35 PM
Need more action here. Updates, news, giveaways. Whatever...
Agree. This alternative currency has a great opportunities here. But nothing will happen without devs.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: HornyMiner on July 13, 2014, 05:46:46 PM
The author has to give up the coin, ready to develop new coin.
Why? Moneta Verde is amazing. We don't need another altcoin

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: PizzaTraveler on July 13, 2014, 06:01:49 PM
The author has to give up the coin, ready to develop new coin.
Why? Moneta Verde is amazing. We don't need another altcoin
Can't understand why you people are in love with this altcoin. Just because of blockreward system?

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: HornyMiner on July 13, 2014, 06:05:04 PM
The author has to give up the coin, ready to develop new coin.
Why? Moneta Verde is amazing. We don't need another altcoin
Can't understand why you people are in love with this altcoin. Just because of blockreward system?
Because of merged mining, man!

Of course you are right and  blockreward idea is nice, but the only reason why i'm here is merged mining. 

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: cryptomidnight on July 14, 2014, 10:49:54 AM
Dev is here. (

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: cryptomidnight on July 15, 2014, 03:36:39 PM

Check MonetaVerde's reddit! ( Now you can connect to using ANY miner and send funds directly to merchants or exchanges!

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: cryptomidnight on July 17, 2014, 03:27:10 PM
Bittrex - soon!

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: Kryon on July 18, 2014, 12:11:51 PM
Guys - Dev, Real, How much do you need money to create a normal wallet? not a console. Just say to us a quantity of dollars.

Thank you very match

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: Kryon on July 18, 2014, 01:16:09 PM
how to change folder for data?

monetaverded.exe -datadir=E:\monetaverde\

don't work.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: cryptomidnight on July 18, 2014, 03:48:39 PM


You can use this to check: --help

You'll find all the options there. 

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: Kryon on July 18, 2014, 06:58:41 PM


You can use this to check: --help

You'll find all the options there.  

this way?
monetaverded.exe --data-dir E:\monetaverde\

i run monetaverded.exe then type "help" - Enter (no options for change dir)

  help            Show this help
  hide_hr         Stop showing hash rate
  print_bc        Print blockchain info in a given blocks range, print_
_height> [<end_height>]
  print_block     Print block, print_block <block_hash> | <block_height
  print_cn        Print connections
  print_pl        Print peer list
  print_pool      Print transaction pool (long format)
  print_pool_sh   Print transaction pool (short format)
  print_tx        Print transaction, print_tx <transaction_hash>
  save            Save blockchain
  set_log         set_log <level> - Change current log detalization lev
l> is a number 0-4
  show_hr         Start showing hash rate
  start_mining    Start mining for specified address, start_mining <add
  stop_mining     Stop mining

--help - dont work

014-Jul-18 22:58:01.241605 [P2P4]ERROR c:\users\user\monetaverde\contrib\epee\i
clude\net\abstract_tcp_server2.inl:307 send que size is more than ABSTRACT_SERV
R_SEND_QUE_MAX_COUNT(100), shutting down connection
014-Jul-18 22:58:01.253605 [P2P4]ERROR c:\users\user\monetaverde\contrib\epee\i
clude\net\levin_protocol_handler_async.h:638 [ OUT]Failed
o do_send()
014-Jul-18 22:58:01.306608 [P2P6]ERROR c:\users\user\monetaverde\contrib\epee\i
clude\net\abstract_tcp_server2.inl:307 send que size is more than ABSTRACT_SERV
R_SEND_QUE_MAX_COUNT(100), shutting down connection
014-Jul-18 22:58:01.318609 [P2P6]ERROR c:\users\user\monetaverde\contrib\epee\i
clude\net\levin_protocol_handler_async.h:638 [ OUT]Failed
o do_send()

what this means?

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: Kryon on July 18, 2014, 10:35:34 PM
whats mean
block_reward = log2(difficulty) * 2^40
what mean * 2^40 ?

for example difficulty will be 1024 then block_reward = 10 ?

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: ManFromJupiter on July 20, 2014, 02:05:37 PM
Anything new here? What about some gorgeous news about your currency?

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: LAstar on July 20, 2014, 02:47:36 PM
Dev is here. (

Nice and very usefull design. Now i can see everything which were happened with Moneta Verde. Many thanks. 

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: HornyMiner on July 20, 2014, 03:12:23 PM
Anything new here? What about some gorgeous news about your currency?
What do you mean "gorgeous news"? Now Moneta has its own subreddit and awesome graphics on cryptrader. Do you want some more?

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: ZoeJane on July 20, 2014, 03:20:28 PM
Bittrex - soon!
Can't wait for you being on the live market data!

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: jokudaman on July 20, 2014, 03:33:57 PM

Check MonetaVerde's reddit! ( Now you can connect to using ANY miner and send funds directly to merchants or exchanges!
Does not impress. Just because it's empty.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: WaxMan on July 20, 2014, 03:58:31 PM

Check MonetaVerde's reddit! ( Now you can connect to using ANY miner and send funds directly to merchants or exchanges!
Does not impress. Just because it's empty.
And it won't. But if you want to see it full of information - you should give them a chance. Wait for a couple of weeks.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: jokudaman on July 20, 2014, 04:05:21 PM

Check MonetaVerde's reddit! ( Now you can connect to using ANY miner and send funds directly to merchants or exchanges!
Does not impress. Just because it's empty.
And it won't. But if you want to see it full of information - you should give them a chance. Wait for a couple of weeks.
Why should i wait? It's not an argument. The time wich they need to fulfill their subreddit is an indicator of their community base.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: LAstar on July 20, 2014, 04:09:59 PM

Check MonetaVerde's reddit! ( Now you can connect to using ANY miner and send funds directly to merchants or exchanges!
Does not impress. Just because it's empty.
Are you kidding me? Your posts told me that you are BCN fan too. But BCN subreddit isn't full of topics... so don't be so rude with them! Moneta Verde has a good foundation and nice devs so let them try

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: cryptomidnight on July 21, 2014, 10:29:19 AM


You can use this to check: --help

You'll find all the options there.  

this way?
monetaverded.exe --data-dir E:\monetaverde\

i run monetaverded.exe then type "help" - Enter (no options for change dir)

  help            Show this help
  hide_hr         Stop showing hash rate
  print_bc        Print blockchain info in a given blocks range, print_
_height> [<end_height>]
  print_block     Print block, print_block <block_hash> | <block_height
  print_cn        Print connections
  print_pl        Print peer list
  print_pool      Print transaction pool (long format)
  print_pool_sh   Print transaction pool (short format)
  print_tx        Print transaction, print_tx <transaction_hash>
  save            Save blockchain
  set_log         set_log <level> - Change current log detalization lev
l> is a number 0-4
  show_hr         Start showing hash rate
  start_mining    Start mining for specified address, start_mining <add
  stop_mining     Stop mining

--help - dont work

014-Jul-18 22:58:01.241605 [P2P4]ERROR c:\users\user\monetaverde\contrib\epee\i
clude\net\abstract_tcp_server2.inl:307 send que size is more than ABSTRACT_SERV
R_SEND_QUE_MAX_COUNT(100), shutting down connection
014-Jul-18 22:58:01.253605 [P2P4]ERROR c:\users\user\monetaverde\contrib\epee\i
clude\net\levin_protocol_handler_async.h:638 [ OUT]Failed
o do_send()
014-Jul-18 22:58:01.306608 [P2P6]ERROR c:\users\user\monetaverde\contrib\epee\i
clude\net\abstract_tcp_server2.inl:307 send que size is more than ABSTRACT_SERV
R_SEND_QUE_MAX_COUNT(100), shutting down connection
014-Jul-18 22:58:01.318609 [P2P6]ERROR c:\users\user\monetaverde\contrib\epee\i
clude\net\levin_protocol_handler_async.h:638 [ OUT]Failed
o do_send()

what this means?

 You don’t know how to make use of a default dir for blockchain storage? (no sarcasm)

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: cryptomidnight on July 21, 2014, 10:39:30 AM
whats mean
block_reward = log2(difficulty) * 2^40
what mean * 2^40 ?

for example difficulty will be 1024 then block_reward = 10 ?

2^40 means two to the power of forty. Or pow(2; 40).

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: cryptomidnight on July 21, 2014, 10:48:27 AM
Dev is here. (

Nice and very usefull design. Now i can see everything which were happened with Moneta Verde. Many thanks. 

Glad to hear it.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: cryptomidnight on July 21, 2014, 03:19:17 PM
MonetaVerde is finally on! (

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: Kryon on July 21, 2014, 04:04:03 PM


You can use this to check: --help

You'll find all the options there.  

this way?
monetaverded.exe --data-dir E:\monetaverde\

i run monetaverded.exe then type "help" - Enter (no options for change dir)

  help            Show this help
  hide_hr         Stop showing hash rate
  print_bc        Print blockchain info in a given blocks range, print_
_height> [<end_height>]
  print_block     Print block, print_block <block_hash> | <block_height
  print_cn        Print connections
  print_pl        Print peer list
  print_pool      Print transaction pool (long format)
  print_pool_sh   Print transaction pool (short format)
  print_tx        Print transaction, print_tx <transaction_hash>
  save            Save blockchain
  set_log         set_log <level> - Change current log detalization lev
l> is a number 0-4
  show_hr         Start showing hash rate
  start_mining    Start mining for specified address, start_mining <add
  stop_mining     Stop mining

--help - dont work

014-Jul-18 22:58:01.241605 [P2P4]ERROR c:\users\user\monetaverde\contrib\epee\i
clude\net\abstract_tcp_server2.inl:307 send que size is more than ABSTRACT_SERV
R_SEND_QUE_MAX_COUNT(100), shutting down connection
014-Jul-18 22:58:01.253605 [P2P4]ERROR c:\users\user\monetaverde\contrib\epee\i
clude\net\levin_protocol_handler_async.h:638 [ OUT]Failed
o do_send()
014-Jul-18 22:58:01.306608 [P2P6]ERROR c:\users\user\monetaverde\contrib\epee\i
clude\net\abstract_tcp_server2.inl:307 send que size is more than ABSTRACT_SERV
R_SEND_QUE_MAX_COUNT(100), shutting down connection
014-Jul-18 22:58:01.318609 [P2P6]ERROR c:\users\user\monetaverde\contrib\epee\i
clude\net\levin_protocol_handler_async.h:638 [ OUT]Failed
o do_send()

what this means?

 You don’t know how to make use of a default dir for blockchain storage? (no sarcasm)

i dont know. in bitcoin
should create .bat file
for example monetaverded.exe -datadir=E:\monetaverde\
then start bat file.

moneta use for default C:\
i dont have free space on C:\
therefore need change defaul dir. so how can i make it?

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: Kryon on July 21, 2014, 04:08:58 PM
whats mean
block_reward = log2(difficulty) * 2^40
what mean * 2^40 ?

for example difficulty will be 1024 then block_reward = 10 ?

2^40 means two to the power of forty. Or pow(2; 40).

so if difficulty 1024 then block_reward = log2(1024)*2^40= 10 * 1,099,511,627,776 = 10995116277760 coins?

its very strange

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: cryptomidnight on July 21, 2014, 05:02:40 PM

i dont know. in bitcoin
should create .bat file
for example monetaverded.exe -datadir=E:\monetaverde\
then start bat file.

moneta use for default C:\
i dont have free space on C:\
therefore need change defaul dir. so how can i make it?

You do well but look at this carefully  --data-dir


Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: HondaOsaki on July 22, 2014, 05:40:19 AM
Guys - Dev, Real, How much do you need money to create a normal wallet? not a console. Just say to us a quantity of dollars.

Thank you very match

Monetaverde, fantom, quazar will go up sharply once any or all of them have a normal wallet regular people can use.

Monetaverde has the most to gain right now.

Could become a major coin but only if it gets a useable wallet.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: cryptomidnight on July 22, 2014, 10:00:02 AM
whats mean
block_reward = log2(difficulty) * 2^40
what mean * 2^40 ?

for example difficulty will be 1024 then block_reward = 10 ?

2^40 means two to the power of forty. Or pow(2; 40).

so if difficulty 1024 then block_reward = log2(1024)*2^40= 10 * 1,099,511,627,776 = 10995116277760 coins?

its very strange

10.995116277760 minimal units. You missed the point.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: LAstar on July 27, 2014, 03:12:34 PM
MonetaVerde is finally on! (
EPIC! Congrats!

Coinmarketcup will give me a huge preferences with using my favourite Moneta Verde!

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: HornyMiner on July 27, 2014, 03:18:34 PM
Moneta Verde's cryptotrader page doesn't open. Yesterday everything were fine, but right now I have a black screen without any information (i'm using Google Chrome). Any idea?

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: jokudaman on July 27, 2014, 03:22:01 PM

Check MonetaVerde's reddit! ( Now you can connect to using ANY miner and send funds directly to merchants or exchanges!
Does not impress. Just because it's empty.
So... i still should say that your reddit doesn't impress. It's empty. Nothing to do there. Hope that this topic wouldn't be abandoned

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: cryptomidnight on July 28, 2014, 04:09:02 PM
I prefer when users follow me on Reddit because they are interested in what I have to say and not because they are paid for it. The only way you can create a large community on Reddit in 3 weeks is through money. So what’s your problem? You are not impressed that I’ve not paid to bring people on my page?

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: CharlesD on July 28, 2014, 07:29:40 PM
Hi, I have a question about Moneta Verde. Next to 'Total Supply' is listed 'Infinite.

I am not a miner, maybe that is a good thing for miners. But as a small investor it concerns me a little. Of course no one would buy a coin whose actual supply is infinite, so I think rather the supply "undefined" or "variable with market conditions".

Moneta Verde is a nice altcoin in my opinion. Above all it seems to have been developed ethically and with some thought. But before I invest too much (lol, market capitalization is near zero right now) it would be nice to have a realistic maximum number of coins that could exist.

Currently there are approximately 1.5 million MCN in circulation. Can a person say with reasonable certainty that in one year there will be < 1 billion? Or perhaps < 100 million?

I understand that supply varies with demand, and consider that one of the coin's strongest points, but a realistic ceiling on supply, even an educated estimate, would be helpful.


Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: ByteMeShoppe on July 29, 2014, 05:29:55 AM
Hi, I have a question about Moneta Verde. Next to 'Total Supply' is listed 'Infinite.

I am not a miner, maybe that is a good thing for miners. But as a small investor it concerns me a little. Of course no one would buy a coin whose actual supply is infinite, so I think rather the supply "undefined" or "variable with market conditions".

Moneta Verde is a nice altcoin in my opinion. Above all it seems to have been developed ethically and with some thought. But before I invest too much (lol, market capitalization is near zero right now) it would be nice to have a realistic maximum number of coins that could exist.

Currently there are approximately 1.5 million MCN in circulation. Can a person say with reasonable certainty that in one year there will be < 1 billion? Or perhaps < 100 million?

I understand that supply varies with demand, and consider that one of the coin's strongest points, but a realistic ceiling on supply, even an educated estimate, would be helpful.


There will probably be 40 to 50 million mcn by 2015 years end. If cn coins become popular perhaps 200 million or more.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: djarot on July 29, 2014, 12:38:19 PM
Dev, top work, I'm interested in how things develop here because there seems to be not so much hype as there has been before - what are your development plans mid-term in terms of publicity? Very much considering buying in if there's enough energy behind it!

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: imready2rock on July 30, 2014, 12:31:26 PM  Attention, please! I’m extremely pleased to present you the CN Block Explorer. Check out its exceptionally useful and well-detailed features! Some of you might remember that I’ve been missing for a whole month. So as you see I haven’t been fooling around all this time.  I’m open to your suggestions as to how to improve the website. PM me if you’ve got smth to share.

Visit this thread to see the details: ( (

Coins:                                                                                                                                                                                         Bytecoin BCN blockchain (                Monero XMR blockchain ( Fantomcoin FCN blockchain (           Quazarcoin QCN blockchain ( duckNote XDN blockchain (              MonetaVerde MCN blockchain ( AEON blockchain (                             Bollberry BBR blockchain (

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: djarot on July 30, 2014, 01:15:48 PM  Attention, please! I’m extremely pleased to present you the CN Block Explorer. Check out its exceptionally useful and well-detailed features! Some of you might remember that I’ve been missing for a whole month. So as you see I haven’t been fooling around all this time.  I’m open to your suggestions as to how to improve the website. PM me if you’ve got smth to share.

Visit this thread to see the details: ( (

Coins:                                                                                                                                                                                        Bytecoin BCN blockchain (                Monero XMR blockchain ( Fantomcoin FCN blockchain (           Quazarcoin QCN blockchain ( duckNote XDN blockchain (              MonetaVerde MCN blockchain ( AEON blockchain (                             Bollberry BBR blockchain (

That is epic! ;D exactly what moneta needs to have more attention from other coin users, thanks and congratulations!

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: cryptomidnight on August 01, 2014, 12:47:43 PM (

Thank you!  Good job.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: cryptomidnight on August 01, 2014, 12:52:44 PM
Dev, top work, I'm interested in how things develop here because there seems to be not so much hype as there has been before - what are your development plans mid-term in terms of publicity? Very much considering buying in if there's enough energy behind it!

Thank you, djarot! I suppose marketing issues are the most important for MCN now. And I'm trying to be added to coin services. Every coin needs good infrastructure.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: SimpleMachines on August 03, 2014, 07:24:39 AM
I prefer when users follow me on Reddit because they are interested in what I have to say and not because they are paid for it. The only way you can create a large community on Reddit in 3 weeks is through money. So what’s your problem? You are not impressed that I’ve not paid to bring people on my page?

I like you point of view and respect your for attracting people by your own without paying them

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: cryptomidnight on August 03, 2014, 11:50:55 AM
MonetaVerde was added to Extremepool! huzza!!

1% fee (

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: ManFromJupiter on August 03, 2014, 03:03:08 PM
MonetaVerde was added to Extremepool! huzza!!

1% fee (
Wow! The fee is so small! Hope that somedays we will se pool with zero fees =D

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: ZoeJane on August 03, 2014, 03:15:06 PM
I’m extremely pleased to present you the CN Block Explorer.
Nice to see you here with a CN block explorer. Other currencies have a tend to present their "unique" block explorers that's why MCN need one too!

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: HornyMiner on August 03, 2014, 03:18:55 PM
I’m extremely pleased to present you the CN Block Explorer.
Nice to see you here with a CN block explorer. Other currencies have a tend to present their "unique" block explorers that's why MCN need one too!
You got it wrong. Blocks explorer are common for some coins at the same time. But the fact is that since now MCN has a same Block Explorer as Quazar or BBR makes me happy. To the Moon!

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: Zer0Sum on August 04, 2014, 03:30:27 PM
I’m extremely pleased to present you the CN Block Explorer.
Nice to see you here with a CN block explorer. Other currencies have a tend to present their "unique" block explorers that's why MCN need one too!
You got it wrong. Blocks explorer are common for some coins at the same time. But the fact is that since now MCN has a same Block Explorer as Quazar or BBR makes me happy. To the Moon!

Ya man, nice to see a spike on Polo...
Though the volume is still microscopic.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: AltCoin555 on August 04, 2014, 11:27:22 PM
Hi Dev and the MCN community!

Can we get some of the cryptonote images/diagrams from their site onto the OP?  More information to let people know that it is indeed anonymous and part of the new cryptonote code, such as XMR has on their OP?

Also, can you add a list of current bounties to the OP, such as language translations and maybe a faucet? If these bounties get filled I am willing to donate to the bounty address (needs to also add to the OP). needs to be notified to point to the MCN blockchain on ChainRadar for good stats.

We need more miners, without the high hashrate it'll all go down the tube. To get the higher hashrate it's obviously got to be made profitable for the miners, scrap some BTC together and start building up some buy walls.

Is there a tentative date for the QT wallet?

Finally, what's the word on getting MCN on more exchanges, Bittrex would be nice.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: AltCoin555 on August 05, 2014, 03:00:13 PM
There needs to be more emphasis on the fact that MCN is a GREEN COIN.

What exactly does this mean? Well, merged mining.

You can merge mine this coin along with any other cryptonote without losing hash power or increasing resource usage in any way.

The entire 19MH/s on XMR right now, could also be mining MCN at the same time. Yes, FREE money that apparently nobody knows about.

This is a good marketing point.

Thank you for all your hard work Dev!

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: AltCoin555 on August 05, 2014, 04:12:43 PM
There needs to be more emphasis on the fact that MCN is a GREEN COIN.

What exactly does this mean? Well, merged mining.

You can merge mine this coin along with any other cryptonote without losing hash power or increasing resource usage in any way.

The entire 19MH/s on XMR right now, could also be mining MCN at the same time. Yes, FREE money that apparently nobody knows about.

This is a good marketing point.

Thank you for all your hard work Dev!

Could you please explain what is "Merged mining"?

I am mining XMR right now, and I may be interested in getting some MCN, too

Hi, please check out

There are specific ports you point to merge mine (, meaning you will mine 2 coins at once, both at the same hashrate. This is NOT split hashrate, if you mined at 1000H/s on XMR beforehand, you will continue to do so if you merged mined both XMR and MCN.

As for the actual technical aspects on how it works: magic

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: WtwkG on August 06, 2014, 02:25:40 PM
There needs to be more emphasis on the fact that MCN is a GREEN COIN.

What exactly does this mean? Well, merged mining.

You can merge mine this coin along with any other cryptonote without losing hash power or increasing resource usage in any way.

The entire 19MH/s on XMR right now, could also be mining MCN at the same time. Yes, FREE money that apparently nobody knows about.

This is a good marketing point.

Thank you for all your hard work Dev!

Never heard this term "GREEN COIN". So if we can get coin by merged mining it is called green coin?

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: TEDmachine on August 06, 2014, 02:29:34 PM
There needs to be more emphasis on the fact that MCN is a GREEN COIN.

What exactly does this mean? Well, merged mining.

You can merge mine this coin along with any other cryptonote without losing hash power or increasing resource usage in any way.

The entire 19MH/s on XMR right now, could also be mining MCN at the same time. Yes, FREE money that apparently nobody knows about.

This is a good marketing point.

Thank you for all your hard work Dev!

Never heard this term "GREEN COIN". So if we can get coin by merged mining it is called green coin?
Yep, that's right. And I'm wondering how big is the list of green coins

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: AltCoin555 on August 06, 2014, 02:35:52 PM
There needs to be more emphasis on the fact that MCN is a GREEN COIN.

What exactly does this mean? Well, merged mining.

You can merge mine this coin along with any other cryptonote without losing hash power or increasing resource usage in any way.

The entire 19MH/s on XMR right now, could also be mining MCN at the same time. Yes, FREE money that apparently nobody knows about.

This is a good marketing point.

Thank you for all your hard work Dev!

Never heard this term "GREEN COIN". So if we can get coin by merged mining it is called green coin?
Yep, that's right. And I'm wondering how big is the list of green coins

There are only 2 right now, MCN and Fantomcoin (FCN)

Moneta Verde translates as literally "Green Coin"

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: ChiefTime on August 07, 2014, 07:38:47 AM
Hi Dev and the MCN community!

Can we get some of the cryptonote images/diagrams from their site onto the OP?  More information to let people know that it is indeed anonymous and part of the new cryptonote code, such as XMR has on their OP?

Also, can you add a list of current bounties to the OP, such as language translations and maybe a faucet? If these bounties get filled I am willing to donate to the bounty address (needs to also add to the OP). needs to be notified to point to the MCN blockchain on ChainRadar for good stats.

We need more miners, without the high hashrate it'll all go down the tube. To get the higher hashrate it's obviously got to be made profitable for the miners, scrap some BTC together and start building up some buy walls.

Is there a tentative date for the QT wallet?

Finally, what's the word on getting MCN on more exchanges, Bittrex would be nice.

It would be too much information.  Anyone who is interested can watch cryptonote images and diagrams on their site

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: Standup4 on August 07, 2014, 07:58:57 AM
Hi Dev and the MCN community!

Can we get some of the cryptonote images/diagrams from their site onto the OP?  More information to let people know that it is indeed anonymous and part of the new cryptonote code, such as XMR has on their OP?

Also, can you add a list of current bounties to the OP, such as language translations and maybe a faucet? If these bounties get filled I am willing to donate to the bounty address (needs to also add to the OP). needs to be notified to point to the MCN blockchain on ChainRadar for good stats.

We need more miners, without the high hashrate it'll all go down the tube. To get the higher hashrate it's obviously got to be made profitable for the miners, scrap some BTC together and start building up some buy walls.

Is there a tentative date for the QT wallet?

Finally, what's the word on getting MCN on more exchanges, Bittrex would be nice.

It would be too much information.  Anyone who is interested can watch cryptonote images and diagrams on their site
I do not see anything bad in more information about cryptonote technology here.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: coffee999 on August 07, 2014, 08:07:36 AM
By the way, how long does MCN have this logo? no thoughts to change it?

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: cryptomidnight on August 07, 2014, 09:03:24 AM
By the way, how long does MCN have this logo? no thoughts to change it?

Do you have any ideas for new one? Do we need a logo contest?

To all: sorry for not answering your questions for so long. I'm back from unexpected trip and ready to support you and to continue coin development and promotion.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: AltCoin555 on August 07, 2014, 08:58:52 PM
By the way, how long does MCN have this logo? no thoughts to change it?

Do you have any ideas for new one? Do we need a logo contest?

To all: sorry for not answering your questions for so long. I'm back from unexpected trip and ready to support you and to continue coin development and promotion.

Welcome back!

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: WtwkG on August 09, 2014, 03:20:32 PM
There needs to be more emphasis on the fact that MCN is a GREEN COIN.

What exactly does this mean? Well, merged mining.

You can merge mine this coin along with any other cryptonote without losing hash power or increasing resource usage in any way.

The entire 19MH/s on XMR right now, could also be mining MCN at the same time. Yes, FREE money that apparently nobody knows about.

This is a good marketing point.

Thank you for all your hard work Dev!

Never heard this term "GREEN COIN". So if we can get coin by merged mining it is called green coin?
Yep, that's right. And I'm wondering how big is the list of green coins

It's Green coin because due to energy savings, isn't it?

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: spainful on August 09, 2014, 04:59:40 PM
There needs to be more emphasis on the fact that MCN is a GREEN COIN.

What exactly does this mean? Well, merged mining.

You can merge mine this coin along with any other cryptonote without losing hash power or increasing resource usage in any way.

The entire 19MH/s on XMR right now, could also be mining MCN at the same time. Yes, FREE money that apparently nobody knows about.

This is a good marketing point.

Thank you for all your hard work Dev!

Never heard this term "GREEN COIN". So if we can get coin by merged mining it is called green coin?
Yep, that's right. And I'm wondering how big is the list of green coins

It's Green coin because due to energy savings, isn't it?

That's right! Btw, I am curios what pool do you use to mine MCN? Minergate or Extreme pool?

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: tidda on August 09, 2014, 05:57:52 PM
There needs to be more emphasis on the fact that MCN is a GREEN COIN.

What exactly does this mean? Well, merged mining.

You can merge mine this coin along with any other cryptonote without losing hash power or increasing resource usage in any way.

The entire 19MH/s on XMR right now, could also be mining MCN at the same time. Yes, FREE money that apparently nobody knows about.

This is a good marketing point.

Thank you for all your hard work Dev!

Never heard this term "GREEN COIN". So if we can get coin by merged mining it is called green coin?
Yep, that's right. And I'm wondering how big is the list of green coins

It's Green coin because due to energy savings, isn't it?

That's right! Btw, I am curios what pool do you use to mine MCN? Minergate or Extreme pool?

I mine on Extreme pool, it has higher h/r and no problems with rewarding

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: Watermelondea on August 09, 2014, 06:12:04 PM
There needs to be more emphasis on the fact that MCN is a GREEN COIN.

What exactly does this mean? Well, merged mining.

You can merge mine this coin along with any other cryptonote without losing hash power or increasing resource usage in any way.

The entire 19MH/s on XMR right now, could also be mining MCN at the same time. Yes, FREE money that apparently nobody knows about.

This is a good marketing point.

Thank you for all your hard work Dev!

Never heard this term "GREEN COIN". So if we can get coin by merged mining it is called green coin?
Yep, that's right. And I'm wondering how big is the list of green coins

It's Green coin because due to energy savings, isn't it?

That's right! Btw, I am curios what pool do you use to mine MCN? Minergate or Extreme pool?

I mine on Extreme pool, it has higher h/r and no problems with rewarding

I'v been mining on extremepool until it crashed some days ago, so I started solo mining and think it's great to mine independently

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: VeroPossumus on August 09, 2014, 06:16:43 PM
There needs to be more emphasis on the fact that MCN is a GREEN COIN.

What exactly does this mean? Well, merged mining.

You can merge mine this coin along with any other cryptonote without losing hash power or increasing resource usage in any way.

The entire 19MH/s on XMR right now, could also be mining MCN at the same time. Yes, FREE money that apparently nobody knows about.

This is a good marketing point.

Thank you for all your hard work Dev!

Never heard this term "GREEN COIN". So if we can get coin by merged mining it is called green coin?
Yep, that's right. And I'm wondering how big is the list of green coins

It's Green coin because due to energy savings, isn't it?

That's right! Btw, I am curios what pool do you use to mine MCN? Minergate or Extreme pool?

I mine on Extreme pool, it has higher h/r and no problems with rewarding

I'v been mining on extremepool until it crashed some days ago, so I started solo mining and think it's great to mine independently

I've been mining on Minergate for about a month, but the difficulty dropped, so I moved back to solo mining as well as other guys.  Now I think that solo mining is better than mining on pool as there are lots of bugs on pool

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: SunSeeder on August 09, 2014, 06:31:50 PM
Dear developers,
I'm interested in how things developed here because there seems to be not so much hype as there has been before - what are your development plans mid-term in terms of publicity? Very much considering buying in if there's enough energy behind it!

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: WtwkG on August 10, 2014, 05:25:05 PM
Only reminder for new users of this thread. Please volete!!

....and do not forget to sign in because once you sign in to your Hitbtc account, your votes will be multiplied by 10.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: TEDmachine on August 10, 2014, 05:43:16 PM
Only reminder for new users of this thread. Please volete!!

....and do not forget to sign in because once you sign in to your Hitbtc account, your votes will be multiplied by 10.

 I've voted!!! )

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: ChiefTime on August 10, 2014, 06:06:28 PM
I mine MCN for a couple of weeks and what I've found is that  MM protect from 51% of hack attacks !!!
That's great it has protection as nowadays there are a lot of hack attacks , especially among altcoins

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: Standup4 on August 10, 2014, 06:29:17 PM
I mine MCN for a couple of weeks and what I've found is that  MM protect from 51% of hack attacks !!!
That's great it has protection as nowadays there are a lot of hack attacks , especially among altcoins

That's impressive! I'd said that MCN has a lot of advantages. I'd say that because of the developer who are fully involved in improving MCN

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: coffee999 on August 10, 2014, 07:13:05 PM
We are proud to list MonetaVerde on our exchange ( and look forward to the growth of this coin and community.

Great news! That's a little step for us but still it's an important step forward.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: spainful on August 10, 2014, 10:03:11 PM
We are proud to list MonetaVerde on our exchange ( and look forward to the growth of this coin and community.

Great news! That's a little step for us but still it's an important step forward.

 IMO , it's a great step forward as Alt2Bit is a good-working exchange .

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: tidda on August 11, 2014, 06:38:53 AM
Do we have block explorer for Moneta Verde?

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: Watermelondea on August 11, 2014, 07:13:25 AM
Do we have block explorer for Moneta Verde?

of cause, we have block explore,here you go  -
It's new block explorer with nice interface. I'm fond of it  :)

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: UberMakedonische on August 11, 2014, 07:25:44 AM
Moneta Verda is a good coin but the curent price is far from the real price.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: WtwkG on August 12, 2014, 12:44:47 PM
Moneta Verda is a good coin but the curent price is far from the real price.
I agree with you. the real price of the coin is much higher

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: TEDmachine on August 12, 2014, 12:47:31 PM
What affects the value of the coin? Are there lots of factors?

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: ChiefTime on August 12, 2014, 12:51:40 PM
We are proud to list MonetaVerde on our exchange ( and look forward to the growth of this coin and community.

I heard about lots of times. It's great that our coin is there too now :)

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: Standup4 on August 12, 2014, 12:59:41 PM
We are proud to list MonetaVerde on our exchange ( and look forward to the growth of this coin and community.

A great exchange and a great coin. They were destined to meet each other! :D

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: coffee999 on August 12, 2014, 01:33:07 PM
Do we have block explorer for Moneta Verde?

of cause, we have block explore,here you go  -
It's new block explorer with nice interface. I'm fond of it  :)

The interface is really very nice. My respects to its designer ;)

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: spainful on August 12, 2014, 01:35:26 PM
Hi guys! What coins do you find most perspective? Is MonetaVerde among them?

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: tidda on August 12, 2014, 01:44:44 PM
Hi guys! What coins do you find most perspective? Is MonetaVerde among them?
I think it makes no sense to mention bitcoin. Also I'm mining FCN and MCN of course. otherwise, what would I do here :D

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: Watermelondea on August 12, 2014, 01:49:50 PM
Hi guys! What coins do you find most perspective? Is MonetaVerde among them?

Merged mining provides high safety and crypto stability. and makes MCN profitable of course

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: VeroPossumus on August 12, 2014, 01:53:29 PM
IMO all cryptonote based coins will have a great future and MonetaVerde is one of them.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: SunSeeder on August 12, 2014, 01:59:08 PM
IMO all cryptonote based coins will have a great future and MonetaVerde is one of them.

All of them? I don't think so. There are a lot of shit forks and coins with bugs. MCN stands out against this background because of the flawless code

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: WtwkG on August 13, 2014, 07:08:34 AM
Hi guys! What coins do you find most perspective? Is MonetaVerde among them?

The future is for cryptocurrencies based on cryptonote technology. MCN is one of them.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: Standup4 on August 13, 2014, 07:16:47 AM
Hi guys! What coins do you find most perspective? Is MonetaVerde among them?

The future is for cryptocurrencies based on cryptonote technology. MCN is one of them.

I find MCN an outstanding coin. I think it will surpass many other cryptonote based coins

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: spainful on August 13, 2014, 07:23:40 AM
Hi guys! What coins do you find most perspective? Is MonetaVerde among them?

The future is for cryptocurrencies based on cryptonote technology. MCN is one of them.

I find MCN an outstanding coin. I think it will surpass many other cryptonote based coins

Interesting opinion. Can you explain it?

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: VeroPossumus on August 13, 2014, 07:26:38 AM
Hi guys! What coins do you find most perspective? Is MonetaVerde among them?

The future is for cryptocurrencies based on cryptonote technology. MCN is one of them.

I find MCN an outstanding coin. I think it will surpass many other cryptonote based coins

I like the coin Verde, but there are other cool coins too. so I need good arguments from you :D

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: wealthy$ on August 13, 2014, 08:10:57 AM
I lost 5 BTC trading this coin on poloniex, i think for now is a no go area.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: Standup4 on August 13, 2014, 08:14:48 AM
Philosophy and real actions of MCN devs shows care about protection the environment. in the future this issue will be most actual

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: SunSeeder on August 13, 2014, 08:17:54 AM
I lost 5 BTC trading this coin on poloniex, i think for now is a no go area.

How could it happen? I've never lost my money trading MCN.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: Watermelondea on August 13, 2014, 08:22:16 AM
MonetaVerde has a nice rate. I've only increased my money trading it...

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: TEDmachine on August 13, 2014, 08:52:09 AM
Philosophy and real actions of MCN devs shows care about protection the environment. in the future this issue will be most actual

Who gives a shit to the environment? Everyone thinks about how they can earn more

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: tidda on August 13, 2014, 08:59:16 AM
Philosophy and real actions of MCN devs shows care about protection the environment. in the future this issue will be most actual

Who gives a shit to the environment? Everyone thinks about how they can earn more

Agree with you.  Extra money without additional energy costs that what's make sence!

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: ChiefTime on August 13, 2014, 10:16:49 AM
Philosophy and real actions of MCN devs shows care about protection the environment. in the future this issue will be most actual

Who gives a shit to the environment? Everyone thinks about how they can earn more

Agree with you.  Extra money without additional energy costs that what's make sence!

What do you exactly mean by extra money without additional energy costs? I don't know something interesting?

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: tidda on August 13, 2014, 10:42:05 AM
Philosophy and real actions of MCN devs shows care about protection the environment. in the future this issue will be most actual

Who gives a shit to the environment? Everyone thinks about how they can earn more

Agree with you.  Extra money without additional energy costs that what's make sence!

What do you exactly mean by extra money without additional energy costs? I don't know something interesting?

You get twice more coins with the same energy consumption. thanks to merged mining

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: AltCoin555 on August 13, 2014, 03:05:57 PM
To get more pools mining MCN, I would suggest everyone contacting the cryptonote pool software creators, and ask about adding support for MCN. More importantly, asking them to add support for merge mining MCN: (latest fork, supports FCN already!)

Edit: Oh, I guess the fancoder build does already include support for MCN, however the only one with the updated version is So I guess we would need to start contacting the actual pool owners and get them to update their pool software to the latest version that runs MCN. Finally, fancoder should still be contacted and asked about adding merge mining support.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: AltCoin555 on August 13, 2014, 03:29:01 PM
Philosophy and real actions of MCN devs shows care about protection the environment. in the future this issue will be most actual

Who gives a shit to the environment? Everyone thinks about how they can earn more

Agree with you.  Extra money without additional energy costs that what's make sence!

What do you exactly mean by extra money without additional energy costs? I don't know something interesting?

You get twice more coins with the same energy consumption. thanks to merged mining

Yep, absolutely no reason everybody shouldn't be merge mining. There's nothing to lose!

It's NOT split hashrate, if you mine XMR at 500H/s, and if you merged mined you would continue to mine XMR at 500H/s as well as MCN at 500H/s, at the same time, without using additional power.

It's soooo GREEN!

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: WtwkG on August 14, 2014, 08:18:51 AM
Philosophy and real actions of MCN devs shows care about protection the environment. in the future this issue will be most actual

Who gives a shit to the environment? Everyone thinks about how they can earn more

Agree with you.  Extra money without additional energy costs that what's make sence!

What do you exactly mean by extra money without additional energy costs? I don't know something interesting?

You get twice more coins with the same energy consumption. thanks to merged mining

Yep, absolutely no reason everybody shouldn't be merge mining. There's nothing to lose!

It's NOT split hashrate, if you mine XMR at 500H/s, and if you merged mined you would continue to mine XMR at 500H/s as well as MCN at 500H/s, at the same time, without using additional power.

It's soooo GREEN!

This merged mining is an awesome thing. What genius has invented it?

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: fluffypony on August 14, 2014, 08:46:27 AM
This merged mining is an awesome thing. What genius has invented it?

It was invented in early 2011 by "vinced", the guy who created Namecoin.

Here is his publication on it:

We don't know who Vince was, and he disappeared from public view years ago. Yet his contribution, both merged mining and Namecoin, live on.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: coffee999 on August 14, 2014, 11:20:44 AM
This merged mining is an awesome thing. What genius has invented it?

It was invented in early 2011 by "vinced", the guy who created Namecoin.

Here is his publication on it:

We don't know who Vince was, and he disappeared from public view years ago. Yet his contribution, both merged mining and Namecoin, live on.

Dear vinced, if you are reading this letters now, give us know. We'd like to say thanks to you for your contributions in our profit :D

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: Standup4 on August 14, 2014, 11:39:17 AM

Yep, absolutely no reason everybody shouldn't be merge mining. There's nothing to lose!

It's NOT split hashrate, if you mine XMR at 500H/s, and if you merged mined you would continue to mine XMR at 500H/s as well as MCN at 500H/s, at the same time, without using additional power.

It's soooo GREEN!

Is the term GREEN COIN a new thing or it was invented at the same time with the merged mining?

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: Watermelondea on August 14, 2014, 11:41:23 AM

Yep, absolutely no reason everybody shouldn't be merge mining. There's nothing to lose!

It's NOT split hashrate, if you mine XMR at 500H/s, and if you merged mined you would continue to mine XMR at 500H/s as well as MCN at 500H/s, at the same time, without using additional power.

It's soooo GREEN!

Is the term GREEN COIN a new thing or it was invented at the same time with the merged mining?

I highly doubt that someone knew about MCN in early 2011 when MM was invented

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: SunSeeder on August 14, 2014, 11:45:00 AM

Yep, absolutely no reason everybody shouldn't be merge mining. There's nothing to lose!

It's NOT split hashrate, if you mine XMR at 500H/s, and if you merged mined you would continue to mine XMR at 500H/s as well as MCN at 500H/s, at the same time, without using additional power.

It's soooo GREEN!

Is the term GREEN COIN a new thing or it was invented at the same time with the merged mining?

I highly doubt that someone knew about MCN in early 2011 when MM was invented

How lucky we are now not only to know about this coin but to mine it ;)

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: tidda on August 14, 2014, 12:01:33 PM
MonetaVerde has an unusual logo, like no else coins have. why was this design chosen?

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: TEDmachine on August 14, 2014, 12:08:40 PM
MonetaVerde has an unusual logo, like no else coins have. why was this design chosen?

I think it's connected with the name of the coin and it's general concept

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: VeroPossumus on August 14, 2014, 12:16:36 PM
MonetaVerde has an unusual logo, like no else coins have. why was this design chosen?

I think it's connected with the name of the coin and it's general concept
How can MonetaVerde be associated with hammer and leaf? I don't get it

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: TEDmachine on August 14, 2014, 12:24:10 PM
MonetaVerde has an unusual logo, like no else coins have. why was this design chosen?

I think it's connected with the name of the coin and it's general concept
How can MonetaVerde be associated with hammer and leaf? I don't get it
Everything is simple. Hammer is associated with mining. Leaf and green background plays with the concept of green coin

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: spainful on August 14, 2014, 12:26:38 PM
MonetaVerde has an unusual logo, like no else coins have. why was this design chosen?

I think it's connected with the name of the coin and it's general concept
How can MonetaVerde be associated with hammer and leaf? I don't get it
Everything is simple. Hammer is associated with mining. Leaf and green background plays with the concept of green coin
I've never analyzed this issue. Excellent smart design!

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: skandron on August 15, 2014, 04:26:29 AM
A lot of vacuous spammy comments on this thread but the dev seems honest and reliable.

Might be a good coin.

Wait and see.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: skandron on August 15, 2014, 04:35:37 AM
I lost 5 BTC trading this coin on poloniex, i think for now is a no go area.

June it was trading around 0.00058000. Now its around 0.00000120 or about 1/5000 of its price in mid June.

The flip side though is that if it goes back up 1 bitcoin of mcn today will be worth about 5,000 bitcoin.

 Hard to tell if cryptonote coins are going to catch on.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: VeroPossumus on August 19, 2014, 08:16:55 AM
A lot of vacuous spammy comments on this thread but the dev seems honest and reliable.

Might be a good coin.

Wait and see.

devs are really honest and reliable professionals who do their job well

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: SunSeeder on August 19, 2014, 08:38:05 AM
Developer is crazy about his idea and consults with the community. We all see this.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: carpetbagger on August 19, 2014, 11:50:14 AM
devs are really honest and reliable professionals who do their job well
Developer is crazy about his idea and consults with the community. We all see this.

The dev last posted on the 7th and even then it was to apologise for not being around previously. This was it:

By the way, how long does MCN have this logo? no thoughts to change it?

Do you have any ideas for new one? Do we need a logo contest?

To all: sorry for not answering your questions for so long. I'm back from unexpected trip and ready to support you and to continue coin development and promotion.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: AltCoin555 on August 20, 2014, 04:04:56 PM
I can now confirm that merge mining will be implemented into the cryptonote pool software being used by the majority of pool operators.

The update should available within a week.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: AltCoin555 on August 28, 2014, 03:34:03 PM
Hello MCN Community!

I am working on a GUI wallet for MCN.

I want to make something different from other cryptonote GUI wallets, so my implementation does not require certain steps to get it started (opening simplewallet or the daemon separately, etc) nor does it require certain software to be installed to run it (.NET, etc). You simply start the program and it will have everything self-contained. As simple as a bitcoin QT wallet. It will also work on MAC and Linux.

I am posting here asking for some people to test it out for me before I release it, I just need a few people. Right now, I'm only looking for Windows users to test it. So please send me a PM if you're interested in testing this out and I will be able to send a version to you soon.


Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: TimeHacker on August 31, 2014, 08:56:27 AM
I really don't understand why they delisted qcn and fcn... they have a lot of shit coins and remove good ones just because they don't have big volumes right now  :(

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: CryptoCarmen on August 31, 2014, 12:14:32 PM
I remember in end of May, Poloniex toolbox was full of QCN is new Darkcoin.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: WtwkG on September 01, 2014, 07:58:36 AM
This bitch is gonna launch any second. Im buying!!

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: TEDmachine on September 01, 2014, 08:08:37 AM
I think MonetaVerde and some other CN coins would profit if a bitcoin bubble happens, but a little bit delayed. Part of the BTC bubble money will go to MCN. If bitcoin bubbles, many new rich people will be created that are already aware of MCN and CN. This will give very much up pressure and I think also a lot of competition in the mining business (since people get 10x more fiat, means 10x more mining power for the same amount of BTC, difficulty will explode). But everything will be delayed. I think this kind of delayed movement is good visible witch LTC during the last BTC bubble. The delay will not be long, maybe 3-7 banking days, since also fiat has to be moved.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: ChiefTime on September 01, 2014, 08:18:49 AM
Just realized how much potential this altcoin really have.  I'mining a lot right now.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: Standup4 on September 01, 2014, 08:28:03 AM
MonetaVerde is a good coin. Buy and hold long term. Bitcoin seems to be locked in downtrend, that could last for weeks.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: coffee999 on September 01, 2014, 08:33:11 AM
MonetaVerde is a good coin. Buy and hold long term. Bitcoin seems to be locked in downtrend, that could last for weeks.

Already seen it today. MCN is holding up very good for a coin launched a month ago. Wouldn't be suprise to see another run up to in a few days.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: spainful on September 01, 2014, 08:38:55 AM
We need MonetaVerde shirts, imma rock that this summer.  ;D

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: tidda on September 01, 2014, 08:45:24 AM
I'm expecting a larger market cap once it becomes apparent that MCN is very useful right now with no changes to other CN coins! A lot of exchanges will trade crypto pairs without identification. If you have CN you can sign up and trade it for MCN. Then you open another exchange account and sell the MCN for other CN. There will be nothing linking old CN coins with new CN coins. The trail goes cold in MCN!

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: Watermelondea on September 01, 2014, 08:48:52 AM
I'm expecting a larger market cap once it becomes apparent that MCN is very useful right now with no changes to other CN coins! A lot of exchanges will trade crypto pairs without identification. If you have CN you can sign up and trade it for MCN. Then you open another exchange account and sell the MCN for other CN. There will be nothing linking old CN coins with new CN coins. The trail goes cold in MCN!

Being able to trade other coins against MCN is itself a valuable use (speculation) for the coin that puts it ahead of just about every other coin. What makes a coin valuable ultimately is that it is useful, and these trading pairs are an important milestone on that path for MonertaVerde.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: VeroPossumus on September 01, 2014, 08:53:18 AM
I'm expecting a larger market cap once it becomes apparent that MCN is very useful right now with no changes to other CN coins! A lot of exchanges will trade crypto pairs without identification. If you have CN you can sign up and trade it for MCN. Then you open another exchange account and sell the MCN for other CN. There will be nothing linking old CN coins with new CN coins. The trail goes cold in MCN!

Being able to trade other coins against MCN is itself a valuable use (speculation) for the coin that puts it ahead of just about every other coin. What makes a coin valuable ultimately is that it is useful, and these trading pairs are an important milestone on that path for MonertaVerde.

I see MCN as useful right now even though it can't be spend anywhere! MCN to me is more of a plug-in then a alternative currency. MCN can be plugged into (traded) with any currency that needs privacy.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: carpetbagger on September 01, 2014, 08:54:03 AM
total supply: infinite
As is your sock supply!

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: SunSeeder on September 01, 2014, 08:56:16 AM
Currently MCN is in its very early stages and its rare for such a project to get so much attention so quickly. Given this fact the currency is volatile and the swings can be quick a deep, that being said there is a lot of serious money invested in XMR so you know your not going to buy a shitcoin that goes down to 1% of your investment.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: Zer0Sum on September 01, 2014, 12:26:06 PM
By the way, how long does MCN have this logo? no thoughts to change it?

Do you have any ideas for new one? Do we need a logo contest?

To all: sorry for not answering your questions for so long. I'm back from unexpected trip and ready to support you and to continue coin development and promotion.

To all: This is my favorite...
The Dev pulls out of a drinking binge long enough for this idiotic post...
No, man, we need to shave out nuts and have a potato sack race.

MCN has been some kind of scam from Day One...
They pop up out of nowhere with a LOT of hashing power and BUY an instant slot on Polo...
Dump that shit and then let the coin death spiral 99% to basically zero.

The botnet is gone... everybody can move on to the next CryptoNote scam.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: coinfreeintl on September 01, 2014, 05:48:16 PM
I'm expecting a larger market cap once it becomes apparent that MCN is very useful right now with no changes to other CN coins! A lot of exchanges will trade crypto pairs without identification. If you have CN you can sign up and trade it for MCN. Then you open another exchange account and sell the MCN for other CN. There will be nothing linking old CN coins with new CN coins. The trail goes cold in MCN!

The feature you are touting, extreme anonymity, has no market. It is an idiot feature. mcn and other cn coins are surviveable only to the extent they can attract mainstream support and there is no mainstream support for such a feature.

Bitcoin has sufficient anonymity for any user.

Criminals are not even interested in this kind of extreme anonymity.

The only people pushing such extreme and unnecessary privacy algos are government wanks who set up these barely credible projects to justify their salaries and pretend to catch criminals.

If you ignore the murky origin of cn, you must admit that it may be a good algo even if it has a hidden access point. The cryptographers who developed it are probably among the best at whatever agency. The coin and the algo may have potential, but spammers like you who push obscure agendas are killing it.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based Merged mining CPU only
Post by: coinfreeintl on September 01, 2014, 05:54:58 PM
By the way, how long does MCN have this logo? no thoughts to change it?

Do you have any ideas for new one? Do we need a logo contest?

To all: sorry for not answering your questions for so long. I'm back from unexpected trip and ready to support you and to continue coin development and promotion.

To all: This is my favorite...
The Dev pulls out of a drinking binge long enough for this idiotic post...
No, man, we need to shave out nuts and have a potato sack race.

MCN has been some kind of scam from Day One...
They pop up out of nowhere with a LOT of hashing power and BUY an instant slot on Polo...
Dump that shit and then let the coin death spiral 99% to basically zero.

The botnet is gone... everybody can move on to the next CryptoNote scam.

Your warning might have been useful when the price was high, but now market cap for mcn is about two btc.

If there is a sudden public rush into crypto the smallest cap coins will benefit the most.

It is a matter of holding viable low cap coins that will not go dead before the stampede. Mcn at least has a clever tweak to adjust supply to demand. If it gets past this dry spell it might do well.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: AltCoin555 on September 04, 2014, 03:04:10 PM
Just a short update on the GUI wallet I'm working on. The proof of concept is working fine. I just have some tweaking to do with how the daemon and wallet initializes.

I'm also figuring out how I should package the release. If I do it as open source, anyone could take the code and actually just apply it to any other cryptonote, and as for now my focus is on MCN so I'm not sure if I should do that immediately. Any input would be appreciated.

MCN hashrate is climbing. I was really hoping that the crypto-note-universal pool software would be updated by now to support merge-mining, but they haven't figured it out yet. If anyone has any insights as to how minergate figured it out, please speak up!

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: djarot on September 05, 2014, 11:07:15 AM
Currently MCN is in its very early stages and its rare for such a project to get so much attention so quickly. Given this fact the currency is volatile and the swings can be quick a deep, that being said there is a lot of serious money invested in XMR so you know your not going to buy a shitcoin that goes down to 1% of your investment.

sure do agree with that, and i'm excited people here are willing to create the infrastructure to move things on, my expertise are limited but i say good luck! once there are more tools it'll be an easier task to get some excitement happening at least!

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: coinatollah on September 06, 2014, 09:47:18 PM
Just a short update on the GUI wallet I'm working on. The proof of concept is working fine. I just have some tweaking to do with how the daemon and wallet initializes.

I'm also figuring out how I should package the release. If I do it as open source, anyone could take the code and actually just apply it to any other cryptonote, and as for now my focus is on MCN so I'm not sure if I should do that immediately. Any input would be appreciated.

You must be joking.

If it is not open source nobody with sense will download it, especially with a cn coin.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: AltCoin555 on September 09, 2014, 06:17:53 PM
Just a short update on the GUI wallet I'm working on. The proof of concept is working fine. I just have some tweaking to do with how the daemon and wallet initializes.

I'm also figuring out how I should package the release. If I do it as open source, anyone could take the code and actually just apply it to any other cryptonote, and as for now my focus is on MCN so I'm not sure if I should do that immediately. Any input would be appreciated.

You must be joking.

If it is not open source nobody with sense will download it, especially with a cn coin.

Thank you for your input. I'm almost positive it will be open source then. It will come pre-packaged with MCN and instructions on how to get it to work with other cryptonote currencies. I'm on vacation this week and will release everything next week.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: coinatollah on September 09, 2014, 06:52:39 PM
Just a short update on the GUI wallet I'm working on. The proof of concept is working fine. I just have some tweaking to do with how the daemon and wallet initializes.

I'm also figuring out how I should package the release. If I do it as open source, anyone could take the code and actually just apply it to any other cryptonote, and as for now my focus is on MCN so I'm not sure if I should do that immediately. Any input would be appreciated.

You must be joking.

If it is not open source nobody with sense will download it, especially with a cn coin.

Thank you for your input. I'm almost positive it will be open source then. It will come pre-packaged with MCN and instructions on how to get it to work with other cryptonote currencies. I'm on vacation this week and will release everything next week.

If you release an open source wallet for mcn that can work with other cn currencies, and it is attractive to users and does not have too many bugs, it could be a game changer for cn.

The big flaw remains that most people, 90%+, want to be able to see their transactions and balances on the blockchain. So unless and until that option exists cn will be limited but a good wallet will at least make the coin useable for more people.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: overvalued on September 15, 2014, 03:01:33 AM
MCN price is way too low.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: avirdoz on September 18, 2014, 11:59:35 AM

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: AltCoin555 on September 23, 2014, 02:13:11 PM
If anyone is interested in the source code for the wallet I was working on, please PM me. I've been sick with that respiratory disease that's been going around, so I may not be able to get back to working on it for another week or more, and any help would be appreciated. It's using a layer of PHP to communicate with the wallet and daemon, so if you have knowledge of PHP and some jQuery you should be good.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: Coins4coins on September 25, 2014, 10:17:33 PM
If anyone is interested in the source code for the wallet I was working on, please PM me. I've been sick with that respiratory disease that's been going around, so I may not be able to get back to working on it for another week or more, and any help would be appreciated. It's using a layer of PHP to communicate with the wallet and daemon, so if you have knowledge of PHP and some jQuery you should be good.

This thread does not get a lot of traffic. If you are looking for people to collaborate on a wallet that might be used with a few currencies there is probably a better section to post in. It seems like a pretty significant project in terms of developing these coins and there are probably plenty of capable interested people if you post where they read.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: DenisZabar on October 19, 2014, 10:13:56 PM
Dont mine on minergate they STEAL you coins

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: superresistant on October 21, 2014, 10:12:25 AM
Is it profitable ?

Why don't you mine Monero if the coin is dead ?

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: AltCoin555 on November 26, 2014, 03:31:53 PM

Is it profitable ?

Why don't you mine Monero if the coin is dead ?

It's still being sold on Poloniex.

Plus, you can mine both Monero and MonetaVerde at the same time. It has an unexpectedly high hashrate because of merge mining.

There are several updates needed for the simplewallet in order for me to create the UI. If anyone knows of any developers for cryptonote, point them here.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: imready2rock on December 10, 2014, 10:39:06 AM
Hey guys,

Updated ( with pools information!

Find a pool best suited for yourself and you currency. Provided pool info: Name, Other coins, Version, Fee, Minimal payment, Miners, Hashrate, Uptime, Last server down.

Please don't hesitate to contact me through the contact form on the website or via the forum. :)

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: BBSAtten on February 21, 2015, 08:13:43 PM
dev you allready abondoned this coin ?

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: BitmoreCoin on February 24, 2015, 05:12:13 PM
dev you allready abondoned this coin ?

I think so.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: LemonAndFriesOne on March 09, 2016, 06:17:52 PM
If someone would take over this, this coin would be a great for targeting Latin american countries which have been mostly neglected by the alt-crypto scene.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: Anoona on May 02, 2016, 12:42:11 AM
This coin need a good face wash, new dev, a CPU-friendly algo, but the same objective, carry altcoins world to latin america :(

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: rickgejr on May 07, 2016, 01:04:31 PM
Coin FROZEN on Poloniex within last 24 hours. :o...

Edit...Poloniex rep in Trollbox says it's for maintenance. :)

Re-edit... "Temporarily Disabled."  :-\

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: Anoona on May 07, 2016, 01:25:40 PM
Coin FROZEN on Poloniex within last 24 hours. :o

Why? Do you have any info of MCN Frozen? :(

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: rickgejr on May 07, 2016, 01:29:33 PM
Coin FROZEN on Poloniex within last 24 hours. :o

Why? Do you have any info of MCN Frozen? :(

Poloniex Exchange says it's for Maintenance. I texted "GeezUp" in Trollbox.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: rickgejr on May 09, 2016, 12:46:53 AM
Polyniex has resumed trading MCN and it initially lost some ground, but is currently up about 25%...

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: Anoona on May 13, 2016, 01:24:45 AM
Polyniex has resumed trading MCN and it initially lost some ground, but is currently up about 25%...

Do you have any node working?

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: no-ice-please on May 13, 2016, 06:24:22 AM says supply is 18.4m says 7.9m

Market cap $7300, not $17000.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: rickgejr on July 31, 2016, 11:36:39 AM
Is this coin still active?

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: dranster on July 31, 2016, 11:37:51 AM
lol....came to life yesterday and dead again

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: ShooterXD on July 31, 2016, 11:42:32 AM
Do u want a portuguese translation?

Can i do this for u?


Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: rickgejr on July 31, 2016, 01:13:04 PM
Very large buy orders on Poloniex. This is curious.

Is there a plan here?

But old activity on the forums -- even the apparent Russian language ones.

Is there another active forum?

Is the DEV still around or is this thing flying on automatic pilot?

I smell something here...

Could be crap or could be money...

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: rickgejr on July 31, 2016, 01:37:45 PM
For fun I'm trying the software. As of yet, no peers connected.

Can't download blockchain...

Will remain "on the air" for a bit...

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: rickgejr on July 31, 2016, 02:21:29 PM
Still no peers connected...

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: rickgejr on July 31, 2016, 09:26:43 PM
Will wait to see if anyone forks.

It has any interesting idea, but I would defer to "Smooth" for a real opinion on this one.

Just "exited" from attempt to connect to peers. No luck.

Looks deader than the proverbial door-nail.

To: no-ice-please - I agree. The CryptoNote/Night/Lite etc., brands may be ripe for a sustained influx of funds.

If you look at the newest companies specializing in Bitcoin-type blockchain "tracing," it's only a matter of time until people wise up.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: rickgejr on August 01, 2016, 12:05:32 AM

Am aware of pools for other coins of this nature.

Certainly audience (user) base is needed to keep interest.

Not sure what is meant by "properly estimated."

Don't think it's necessary to trace any coin. Just that payment was made and accepted.

Receipts can be had, if one used the Payment ID., etc., in Monero (XMR), for example.

One idea behind CryptoNote (etc.) in my estimation, is to break the "history" of transactions, not necessarily to hide the purchase altogether. But like cash, hidden and private transactions are possible.

It is the price we pay for freedom of transactions, IMO.


Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: rickgejr on August 01, 2016, 03:02:15 AM

Great points. And there are so many as they relate to MCN and altcoins in general.

One glaring one is the steady centralization of the public blockchains. Namely Bitcoin.

Gavin Andresen advised that (before he was locked out of the DEV Core Team at Bitcoin) BTC was a "hairball" and when tinkered with things went haywire. There is no manual. (Is there?)

Even if that Aussie is Satoshi, it does not necessarily help.

And yes, there are a lot of people who feel that monetary transactions should be transparent at least it certain ways.

And it's not so simple to make Bitcoin private. Maybe a fork of it. Maybe if everyone agreed how to do it. But even the highly capable Dev's don't even agree how that should work or how Bitcoin works. Or if the Chinese actually "run" it now. A lot of FUD. This hurts trust and adoption.

If one used the popularity angle, one could say that the U.S. Dollar was the most popular currency in the world for many a year. But will it maintain it's dominance, given the that the U.S. is probably broke - worse than Greece -- even if we do have that alleged "shadow gold standard?" Until the dollar goes "poof."

Will the gold backed currencies of less free countries (Russia and China) dominate? I doubt it. Lack of trust.

Will gold or Bitgold compete with the dollar? Sure. Will Bitgold (GoldMoney) replace the dollar. Doubtful.

But gold is the public blockchain, so to speak, when you store it at Bitgold or at the bank.

Gold is more private, but not necessarily safe, when you store it at home. You trust your gold at home, however. You're in control. It's your private blockchain, without the blockchain.

But I agree with you on certain levels. Namely, that cn is an opaque beast and I do want to be able to see my transaction at it flows through the net, just like BTC. That, I think is important on the net. To see the transparency in that manner. Not that anyone else needs to see it, but the more witnesses, the better validation. Kind of a Catch-22.

I don't want to send my digital gold over the net, watch it disappear -- be mixed -- unless I can trust the process. So far I've lost no CN coins, but a slew of BTC or the public blockchain coins and not necessarily at the various exchanges. I find this educational for noobs, like myself.

In the end, it's the dog's choice. It's which one he eats. So far he likes BTC, ETH and lately he's been munching on ETC. Sometimes he nibbles on other snacks. It's not till his master beats him, that he'll sneak into the woods and eat the wild game. Wild game can be quite healthy, if not full of worms and/or cooked well.

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: Alifton on August 15, 2016, 06:47:12 AM
@rickgejr Minergate has quite a few CN blockchain explorers.  8)

Here's a link to the MCN One : (

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: rickgejr on August 15, 2016, 11:09:16 AM

I was curious about this coin, for a bit; however, after seeing that the DEV appears absent and the vague references to "deflation" with an "infinite" coin emission, I sought greener pastures.

I don't see a Whitepaper either.

Perhaps a Ludwig von Mises versed economics professor and a good DEV, can join forces and rejuvenate this coin.

I actually have high hopes for "AEON" and "Monero."

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: George5 on August 15, 2016, 04:27:53 PM
@rickgejr Minergate has quite a few CN blockchain explorers.  8)

Here's a link to the MCN One : (

It's nice to know that there are just 11mln coins instead of 18 as shown on coinmarketcap  ;D

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: Shrikez on August 20, 2016, 09:43:08 AM
does anyone know  a working full node?

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: George5 on January 03, 2017, 03:23:28 AM
does anyone know  a working full node?

Same question: anyone has nodes?

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: neguinho on February 03, 2017, 12:04:11 AM

Dead currency

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: HeavyDeisel on April 04, 2017, 06:01:45 PM
Does anyone ever mine this anymore????- I have an account on a pool to mine at minergate, but not sure if it is worth it to... gosh...ppl saying it is dead...

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: Cucumbaba on June 05, 2017, 05:24:54 PM
Does anyone ever mine this anymore????- I have an account on a pool to mine at minergate, but not sure if it is worth it to... gosh...ppl saying it is dead...

Yes mate it is dead coin

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: AltCoin555 on June 30, 2017, 04:31:28 AM
Confession: Yes, I worked on this coin back in the day. Yes, I was given basically everything from the original dev including login accounts etc. Yes, I did actually make a very new technological advancement in a coin wallet for Cryponote. However, a few crappy things happened to me during that time. I became VERY SICK and had to take a long time off from the world completely.

During that time I actually lost all of my development progress from a stolen computer and also unfortunately my nearly 3 million MCN coins. So I can tell you now that at least 3 million coins are no longer in circulation. I have no idea how minergate and such are actually still mining this coin.

Good luck to everyone that continues with this old, dead, seriously off-chain, coin.


Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: nixhibrid on December 25, 2017, 12:16:50 PM
Hey, Developers, please send me PM

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: campurro on April 06, 2018, 11:47:04 AM

I have started a pool to mine Moneta Verde. Please, join me. Let's make the network stronger together​​​​​​​

And let's keep this coin alive!
As you may know there are ongoing efforts to update the code and get this coin on exchanges again ( )

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: campurro on June 25, 2018, 05:21:19 PM

New GUI Wallet for MCN available:

Title: Re: [MCN] MonetaVerde CryptoNote based. Merged mining with BCN/FCN/QCN/XMR
Post by: campurro on November 15, 2018, 10:26:30 AM

  New Thread: