Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: CoinHunter on April 19, 2012, 02:59:07 PM

Title: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: CoinHunter on April 19, 2012, 02:59:07 PM
I've copied this from the SolidCoin forum.

So, we have a new name for the project. MicroCash. The site is going to be put up at, which will resemble the current site with changes. MicroCash represents pretty much what we are doing, microcomputers creating cash, and also that we allow easy micropayments in cash.

Some important notes
*) MicroCash is going to include every SolidCoin in it,
*) When MicroCash launches there is going to be a "Launch Bonus" , meaning mining rewards are going to be MUCH higher than normal for a week or so. Total inflation from the bonus will be 100K
*) MicroCash will not have trust nodes
*) MicroCash will have a similar hashing and pool mechanism as SolidCoin
*) MicroCash will not have trust accounts. Meaning the only coins brought forward will be the 2.8 million user coins
*) MicroCash will have an alternate 51% mining protection mechanism which will mean the power of the network is more in the users hands
*) MicroCash will have a different address format. It looks like micro(QSM3PKS3EOZBUZO4A)cash

Here are some potential new logos

And here are a list of most of the changes over SolidCoin v2 :-

*) A new way to send/recv funds securely over the MicroCash network, meaning you can download the client and be sending/receiving cash within seconds. No blockchain download required
*) Can now get paid merely for running a node
*) MicroCash Accounts now gain a form of "interest" which is collected from all network fees and redistibuted to accounts based on their total MicroCash holdings. Increase your MicroCash amount and get more interest
*) Chain donation address added. Send money to this address and it redistributes it evenly to every MicroCash account
*) Every account on the network has a daily fee of 0.005 MC or a half cent. Meaning 1 MC provides enough account fees for 200 days.
*) Dual signature accounts allowed. Meaning you can now have two devices with 2 keys able to confirm a transaction. ie You create a transaction on your PC and your mobile phone confirms it. If your PC is ever hacked your funds can't be removed without your phone confirming it.
*) Transaction fees reduced to a fixed 0.005MC (half cent) for a normal transaction and 0.01 MC for dual signature
*) Transaction size is now much smaller, which means we can fit more in a block and have less disk/memory usage
*) Much improved custom database to store all blocks and transactions. Resulting in about 25% of the disk usage compared to v2.
*) Extremely fast transaction/block/account lookup, resulting in less CPU usage running a node.
*) Improved Proof of Work hash and handling. Now reference previous blocks with a SHA256 to improve disk loading
*) Increased mining income to match $1-$2 range instead of $3-4 range
*) Powerblocks are removed
*) Trust nodes and trust blocks are removed
*) The 10 trust accounts are removed
*) Improved P2P handling
*) Much shorter address format and new hashing mechanism for them. Accounts store public keys so that once set it's more secure than ripemd160
*) Denial of Service code added, can now ban nodes that flood the network
*) Ability to donate MicroCash to nodes for passing on transactions and blocks
*) URL and email callbacks for accounts on a node. Allow developers to get transactions pushed to them instead of constantly polling
*) Trading on exchanges will be possible within the client
*) Ability to add labels or information to transactions you send to others
*) Can create payment codes that clients accept with amount, address and information tags already filled out.

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: Etlase2 on April 19, 2012, 03:03:32 PM
MicroCash will have an alternate 51% mining protection mechanism which will mean the power of the network is more in the users hands

Accounts store public keys so that once set it's more secure than ripemd160

details prz

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: MelMan2002 on April 19, 2012, 03:06:23 PM
lol @ micro (##########) cash

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: worldinacoin on April 19, 2012, 03:11:29 PM
is it a CPU or GPU friendly coin? 

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: CoinHunter on April 19, 2012, 03:13:51 PM
is it a CPU or GPU friendly coin?  

SolidCoin hash is roughly equal on both gpu and cpu. So it's friendly to both, none gains significant advantage over the other. Since the microcash hash doesn't seem to be changing much I assume it's the same here, possibly improved.

I assume an updated Reaper, mtrlt's optimized GPU and CPU miner is going to be released soon to be used with the next version. Since there's going to be a mining bonus at launch you'll probably want to make sure you can mine on the beta and have it all ready for the moment it launches to gain the most out of the bonus.

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: worldinacoin on April 19, 2012, 03:18:08 PM

MicroCash is going to include every SolidCoin in it,

Does it mean that SolidCoin is converted to MicroCash?  No more SolidCoin but MicroCash when it becomes active?

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: CoinHunter on April 19, 2012, 03:18:44 PM
MicroCash will have an alternate 51% mining protection mechanism which will mean the power of the network is more in the users hands

Accounts store public keys so that once set it's more secure than ripemd160

details prz

Sounds like they are storing the public key with the accounts so that it is "Set" once and can't be changed. This way it won't be relying upon a potentially weak hash to secure a public key anymore, but the actual public key. Probably also why they can reduce transaction size so drastically.

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: CoinHunter on April 19, 2012, 03:21:52 PM

MicroCash is going to include every SolidCoin in it,

Does it mean that SolidCoin is converted to MicroCash?  No more SolidCoin but MicroCash when it becomes active?

Yeah, basically what will happen is when MicroCash is ready to launch the SolidCoin network will stop at a certain block. All coins will then be carried forth into the new chain, using your SolidCoin addresses you'll be able to get a new MicroCash address and have the same funds without compromising your security. Your private and public keys are what makes the "address" you see, so since MicroCash is still using ECDSA it can morph to a new address format quite easily and return funds to every SolidCoin owner.

From what I gathered, 1 SolidCoin is going to equal 1 MicroCash dollar.

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: worldinacoin on April 19, 2012, 03:25:46 PM
The screen shots do look interesting, would the beta be coming soon for us to try it out?

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: CoinHunter on April 19, 2012, 03:46:22 PM
The screen shots do look interesting, would the beta be coming soon for us to try it out?

On the forum link RealSolid says it will be fully launched by May 10. And the beta out in a few days.

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: Nachtwind on April 19, 2012, 03:52:01 PM
way to get rid off bad PR... change the name, keep the assholes..

I wonder when you will have to rename Microcash again... looking at the price Microcrash would be nice..

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: MelMan2002 on April 19, 2012, 04:07:16 PM
That and...why are they using dollar signs in the screen shots?  And you call them "micro cash dollars"?  Talk about heading the wrong way...

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: kokjo on April 19, 2012, 04:15:42 PM
welcome to you dear new scamcoin/scamcash, may you have a short and painful life.

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: Syke on April 19, 2012, 04:43:35 PM
Why is there no mention of the source code being open source?

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: Cosbycoin on April 19, 2012, 07:04:21 PM
Its a wonder why he has his own forum yet he posts his bullshit scamcash/crashshit/shitcrash here...

Losing momentum on your own site?


Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: Etlase2 on April 19, 2012, 07:11:10 PM
Sounds like they are storing the public key with the accounts so that it is "Set" once and can't be changed. This way it won't be relying upon a potentially weak hash to secure a public key anymore, but the actual public key. Probably also why they can reduce transaction size so drastically.

who is this proverbial they? are you no longer part of this development team?
And I kinda had a feeling you were gonna say something about the hash->public key thing, and you've got that backwards. As long as you have a known collision-resistant hash function, you gain both the security of the one-way hash and the public key. Until the account gets used anyway. Tx size isn't so bloated because of the hash+pubkey combo, it's so bloated because bitcoin is just a bloated protocol.

and no mention of the 51% prevention? does realsolid just say "this is the secure block" from here on out? why even pretend at decentralized anymore, right?

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: allten on April 19, 2012, 07:56:56 PM
is it a CPU or GPU friendly coin? 

Neither, just RealSolid friendly.

sorry, couldn't resist.  ;D

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: Cosbycoin on April 19, 2012, 08:33:52 PM
is it a CPU or GPU friendly coin? 

Neither, just RealSolid friendly.

sorry, couldn't resist.  ;D

+1 he he he he he

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: bulanula on April 19, 2012, 10:20:21 PM
way to get rid off bad PR... change the name, keep the assholes..

I wonder when you will have to rename Microcash again... looking at the price Microcrash would be nice..

You know how they say, any PR is good PR.

Where has the main SC pump and dumper ( BCX ) and his "attacks" vanished to ???

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: Cosbycoin on April 19, 2012, 10:26:14 PM
way to get rid off bad PR... change the name, keep the assholes..

I wonder when you will have to rename Microcash again... looking at the price Microcrash would be nice..

You know how they say, any PR is good PR.

Where has the main SC pump and dumper ( BCX ) and his "attacks" vanished to ???

BCX has always been a DUMPER and never a PUMPER of SC.

Get your facts straight!

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: Starlightbreaker on April 19, 2012, 11:39:43 PM
Why is there no mention of the source code being open source?
what, you expect them to be truthful with coding and stuff? of course everything should be closed down now.

come on now, this is their third iteration of the same shit that failed twice.

but hey, some people said the third one is the charm, so i think this one has a self-destruct.

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: ElMoIsEviL on April 20, 2012, 01:33:44 AM
Should we oppose any Crypto-currency which attempt to Centralize and/or Concentrate power/trust to a few individuals?

I ask because it appears that many of the ideas proposed as alternate currencies add centralization to the Bitcoin model rather than attempting to mitigate Centralization of Power. I view *insert name of alternate crypto currency in question but which shall not be named* as being one example of this. To me, these currencies are simply short term currencies whose point of being is to give the backers some short term gains by selling pre-mined coins or by abusing their own code to extract more coins than other users. In other words to get a one up on the competition and thus make money.

Am I right to be skeptical?

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: caston on April 20, 2012, 02:36:43 PM
So is the exchange P2P and block chain based?

Do exchange fees go to miners?

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: k9quaint on April 20, 2012, 02:52:52 PM
After a brand has been totally and completely destroyed, what happens next is a "rebranding exercise".
Since SoiledCoin (which was going to take over the world according to the sockmuppets) is now defunct, Microcash appears!
Forget for the moment that Microcash is brought to you buy the same muppets who have failed twice now at making a viable currency.  ;D

At least the tyrant nodes are gone. But honestly, who posts screenshots of the client GUI when claiming they have a cryptocurrency?

This sums it up nicely: takes you to a 404 error page.
Now that is poetic.

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: Etlase2 on April 20, 2012, 04:07:26 PM
At least the tyrant nodes are gone.

I wouldn't be so sure of that. The 1 million coins each might be gone, but they've still got something to claim 51% attack defense and I don't give soiledcoin devs credit to actually do something innovative.

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: k9quaint on April 20, 2012, 06:23:00 PM
At least the tyrant nodes are gone.

I wouldn't be so sure of that. The 1 million coins each might be gone, but they've still got something to claim 51% attack defense and I don't give soiledcoin devs credit to actually do something innovative.

All you need to know about Microcash can be found at  :D

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: Cosbycoin on April 20, 2012, 06:30:04 PM
At least the tyrant nodes are gone.

I wouldn't be so sure of that. The 1 million coins each might be gone, but they've still got something to claim 51% attack defense and I don't give soiledcoin devs credit to actually do something innovative.

All you need to know about Microcash can be found at  :D


Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: grndzero on April 24, 2012, 03:30:04 AM
I was wondering how long it was going to take to launch SquishyCoin 3. I'm a little disappointed it took this long, but apparently it took a little longer to write the marketing fluff and cultivate new alts/useful idiots.

Congrats on your next failure.

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: Tomatocage on April 24, 2012, 04:53:31 AM
Well shit... It's about time we got another crypto-currency going.  It's been way too long since the heyday of alt chains when a new one would come out every other week.  I'm looking forward to mining this one like I did Ix/I0/SC.

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: sd on April 24, 2012, 08:27:53 AM
Looks like is hosted in Tokyo. I hope he has better luck than slush did.

Hang on - no I don't, I hope he dies in a fire.

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: CoinHunter on April 24, 2012, 10:28:20 AM
Should we oppose any Crypto-currency which attempt to Centralize and/or Concentrate power/trust to a few individuals?

I ask because it appears that many of the ideas proposed as alternate currencies add centralization to the Bitcoin model rather than attempting to mitigate Centralization of Power. I view *insert name of alternate crypto currency in question but which shall not be named* as being one example of this. To me, these currencies are simply short term currencies whose point of being is to give the backers some short term gains by selling pre-mined coins or by abusing their own code to extract more coins than other users. In other words to get a one up on the competition and thus make money.

Am I right to be skeptical?

MicroCash doesn't have trust nodes or trust blocks, so it's as centralized as Bitcoin could be called. It does however feature a 51% mining defense which apparently isn't as secure as SolidCoin v2 but they had to make compromises so that they wouldn't get criticized anymore about being "centralized". Realsolid or any other developer can no longer control the chain.

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: CoinHunter on April 24, 2012, 10:29:39 AM
Hang on - no I don't, I hope he dies in a fire.

Another reasonable poster I see.

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: CoinHunter on April 24, 2012, 10:40:23 AM
Why is there no mention of the source code being open source?

Because it's implied it's open source? They may even be going back to a MIT license.

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: Foxpup on April 24, 2012, 11:18:11 AM
Why is there no mention of the source code being open source?

Because it's implied it's open source? They may even be going back to a MIT license.

You can't "imply" something's open source. Either the source is available for all to see or it isn't. So which is it?

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: CoinHunter on April 24, 2012, 11:21:46 AM
You can't "imply" something's open source. Either the source is available for all to see or it isn't. So which is it?

MicroCash isn't released yet so the source isn't available. SolidCoin source has been available not far from when it was released, that is what I meant it's implied open source. The project it's spawning from is, why wouldn't we assume this is also?

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: Foxpup on April 24, 2012, 11:55:47 AM
MicroCash isn't released yet so the source isn't available. SolidCoin source has been available not far from when it was released, that is what I meant it's implied open source. The project it's spawning from is, why wouldn't we assume this is also?

ScamCoin is open-source? Well, that put's a whole new spin on things. Let's see what we've got here...
Code: (mining.cpp)
if(g_bTrustedMiningOnly && (pBlock->nBlockNum%2)==1 )
Huh. I've always wondered how trusted mining works. Now I know! :D Does MicroCash work the same way? ;D

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: CoinHunter on April 24, 2012, 01:55:58 PM
ScamCoin is open-source? Well, that put's a whole new spin on things. Let's see what we've got here...
Code: (mining.cpp)
if(g_bTrustedMiningOnly && (pBlock->nBlockNum%2)==1 )
Huh. I've always wondered how trusted mining works. Now I know! :D Does MicroCash work the same way? ;D

That's so trust nodes will only bother attempting to create trust blocks which are even, the odd blocks are normal blocks. Both trust nodes/blocks and trust accounts have been removed from MicroCash due to criticism.

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: Starlightbreaker on April 24, 2012, 02:59:23 PM
and how about the coins generated from it?

straight to your wallet, like always?  ;D

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: k9quaint on April 24, 2012, 03:00:41 PM
ScamCoin is open-source? Well, that put's a whole new spin on things. Let's see what we've got here...
Code: (mining.cpp)
if(g_bTrustedMiningOnly && (pBlock->nBlockNum%2)==1 )
Huh. I've always wondered how trusted mining works. Now I know! :D Does MicroCash work the same way? ;D

That's so we could steal people's money, but there was never enough money in Solidcoin to make it worth while. Both trust nodes/blocks and trust accounts have been removed from MicroCash due to everyone on the planet realizing it was a Dictatocurrency.

Glad you can finally admit the truth. Good luck rebranding Soiledcoin into Rapecash.

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: Etlase2 on April 24, 2012, 03:04:04 PM
 :D rapecash  :D

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: GTRsdk on April 24, 2012, 03:32:58 PM
I think it will be much easier for MicroCash to get new users than those who have already experienced a cryptocurrency.

When I started cryptocurrencies, I first went with SolidCoin.

The reason for that is because it worked in the Windows XP VM that I had to use (it didn't take forever to download the blocks).

And it looked kind of interesting.

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: Syke on April 24, 2012, 06:59:54 PM
Why is there no mention of the source code being open source?

Because it's implied it's open source? They may even be going back to a MIT license.

SC started out as open source, but then progressed to a more restricted proprietary license. It's quite logical to assume that no mention of the source code in the announcement means there will be no source code released. I know, silly of me for thinking anything about SC follows logic.

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: DeathAndTaxes on April 24, 2012, 07:29:39 PM
Source code =/= open source.

SolidCoin isn't open source.  It is restricted under a restrictive license.  Source code of Microsoft Windows is available under license but even Microsoft isn't blatant enough to call it open source.

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: GTRsdk on April 25, 2012, 03:52:22 AM
ScamCoin is open-source? Well, that put's a whole new spin on things. Let's see what we've got here...
Code: (mining.cpp)
if(g_bTrustedMiningOnly && (pBlock->nBlockNum%2)==1 )
Huh. I've always wondered how trusted mining works. Now I know! :D Does MicroCash work the same way? ;D

That's so trust nodes will only bother attempting to create trust blocks which are even, the odd blocks are normal blocks. Both trust nodes/blocks and trust accounts have been removed from MicroCash due to criticism.

@Coinhunter (or whoever is playing the part)

Over on your SolidcoinTalk info I saw you posted the below as one of the "New Features" in MicroCash.

"Denial of Service code added, can now ban nodes that flood the network"

Which means you have the ability to ban specific nodes, period. The reason doesn't matter, you have that ability and your unstable history more than proves that one of the fastest ways to get banned is simply to disagree with you.

It also means this built in DDOS protection can be exploited to create all sorts of havoc. I wonder how bloated the "Ban DB" will be with maybe 100,000 banned nodes?? It only makes sense you have a central control server somewhere maintaining a database.

Peer <---> Central Control <----> Peer

Same structure as Solidcoin 2.0 except this time you're admitting it up front. ;D ;D ;D


I think it auto bans so if it gets like a hundred thousand or so requests in 10 seconds, then it automagically bans.

More like...
Peer Control <---> Peer Control <---> Peer Control

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: Starlightbreaker on April 25, 2012, 04:57:59 AM
ScamCoin is open-source? Well, that put's a whole new spin on things. Let's see what we've got here...
Code: (mining.cpp)
if(g_bTrustedMiningOnly && (pBlock->nBlockNum%2)==1 )
Huh. I've always wondered how trusted mining works. Now I know! :D Does MicroCash work the same way? ;D

That's so trust nodes will only bother attempting to create trust blocks which are even, the odd blocks are normal blocks. Both trust nodes/blocks and trust accounts have been removed from MicroCash due to criticism.

@Coinhunter (or whoever is playing the part)

Over on your SolidcoinTalk info I saw you posted the below as one of the "New Features" in MicroCash.

"Denial of Service code added, can now ban nodes that flood the network"

Which means you have the ability to ban specific nodes, period. The reason doesn't matter, you have that ability and your unstable history more than proves that one of the fastest ways to get banned is simply to disagree with you.

It also means this built in DDOS protection can be exploited to create all sorts of havoc. I wonder how bloated the "Ban DB" will be with maybe 100,000 banned nodes?? It only makes sense you have a central control server somewhere maintaining a database.

Peer <---> Central Control <----> Peer

Same structure as Solidcoin 2.0 except this time you're admitting it up front. ;D ;D ;D


I think it auto bans so if it gets like a hundred thousand or so requests in 10 seconds, then it automagically bans.

More like...
Peer Control <---> Peer Control <---> Peer Control

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: GTRsdk on April 25, 2012, 06:17:32 AM
ScamCoin is open-source? Well, that put's a whole new spin on things. Let's see what we've got here...
Code: (mining.cpp)
if(g_bTrustedMiningOnly && (pBlock->nBlockNum%2)==1 )
Huh. I've always wondered how trusted mining works. Now I know! :D Does MicroCash work the same way? ;D

That's so trust nodes will only bother attempting to create trust blocks which are even, the odd blocks are normal blocks. Both trust nodes/blocks and trust accounts have been removed from MicroCash due to criticism.

@Coinhunter (or whoever is playing the part)

Over on your SolidcoinTalk info I saw you posted the below as one of the "New Features" in MicroCash.

"Denial of Service code added, can now ban nodes that flood the network"

Which means you have the ability to ban specific nodes, period. The reason doesn't matter, you have that ability and your unstable history more than proves that one of the fastest ways to get banned is simply to disagree with you.

It also means this built in DDOS protection can be exploited to create all sorts of havoc. I wonder how bloated the "Ban DB" will be with maybe 100,000 banned nodes?? It only makes sense you have a central control server somewhere maintaining a database.

Peer <---> Central Control <----> Peer

Same structure as Solidcoin 2.0 except this time you're admitting it up front. ;D ;D ;D


I think it auto bans so if it gets like a hundred thousand or so requests in 10 seconds, then it automagically bans.

More like...
Peer Control <---> Peer Control <---> Peer Control

So close...

Title: MicroCash isn't a CryptoCurrency
Post by: sd on April 25, 2012, 09:10:14 AM

Hang on here - MicroCash isn't peer2peer and has absolute central control.

This thing isn't a cryptocurrency in any meaningful sense, it's a central database with a pretty client attached.

CoinHunter knows that most users understand little about how these things work. He intends to fool them with a pretty GUI and steal their coins with taxes they probably won't understand either. Apart from that the network is grossly insecure both to outside attacks and acts of CoinHunter.

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: Nachtwind on April 25, 2012, 09:25:55 AM
Wow, the ability to ban certain nodes is a heavy strike. I mean, ok, its not like in SC2 it wasnt possible but admitting that is just bad..

But now, just for once, i want to know something simple:
Whats the difference between SC3 (aka Microcrash) and Paypal? Is mining still needed? If so - why? Isnt mining just some nice cosmetical way to satisfy people and make them think that they can actually earn something off of RealSolids share? How would banning be implemented? One DB Server (or cluster) or will banning be propagated through the network and 51% of the miners have to accept a node to no longer be supported? If someone was banned: Would his coins be "tainted"?  ...

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: Foxpup on April 25, 2012, 09:49:53 AM
Whats the difference between SC3 (aka Microcrash) and Paypal?
PayPal isn't a pyramid scheme.

Is mining still needed?

If so - why?
To get more people involved in the scheme in order to steal their money.

Isnt mining just some nice cosmetical way to satisfy people and make them think that they can actually earn something off of RealSolids share?

How would banning be implemented?

One DB Server (or cluster) or will banning be propagated through the network and 51% of the miners have to accept a node to no longer be supported?
Doesn't really matter.

If someone was banned: Would his coins be "tainted"?  ...
If by "tainted" you mean "put in the developers' pockets", then yes, most likely.

Any other questions?

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: drakahn on April 25, 2012, 10:51:11 AM

Hang on here - MicroCash isn't peer2peer and has absolute central control.

This thing isn't a cryptocurrency in any meaningful sense, it's a central database with a pretty client attached.

CoinHunter knows that most users understand little about how these things work. He intends to fool them with a pretty GUI and steal their coins with taxes they probably won't understand either. Apart from that the network is grossly insecure both to outside attacks and acts of CoinHunter.

welcome to solidcoin 1 and 2

Title: Re: MicroCash isn't a CryptoCurrency
Post by: Gabi on April 25, 2012, 01:54:28 PM

Hang on here - MicroCash isn't peer2peer and has absolute central control.

This thing isn't a cryptocurrency in any meaningful sense, it's a central database with a pretty client attached.

CoinHunter knows that most users understand little about how these things work. He intends to fool them with a pretty GUI and steal their coins with taxes they probably won't understand either. Apart from that the network is grossly insecure both to outside attacks and acts of CoinHunter.


Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: Cosbycoin on April 25, 2012, 08:18:06 PM
ScamCoin is open-source? Well, that put's a whole new spin on things. Let's see what we've got here...
Code: (mining.cpp)
if(g_bTrustedMiningOnly && (pBlock->nBlockNum%2)==1 )
Huh. I've always wondered how trusted mining works. Now I know! :D Does MicroCash work the same way? ;D

That's so trust nodes will only bother attempting to create trust blocks which are even, the odd blocks are normal blocks. Both trust nodes/blocks and trust accounts have been removed from MicroCash due to criticism.

@Coinhunter (or whoever is playing the part)

Over on your SolidcoinTalk info I saw you posted the below as one of the "New Features" in MicroCash.

"Denial of Service code added, can now ban nodes that flood the network"

Which means you have the ability to ban specific nodes, period. The reason doesn't matter, you have that ability and your unstable history more than proves that one of the fastest ways to get banned is simply to disagree with you.

It also means this built in DDOS protection can be exploited to create all sorts of havoc. I wonder how bloated the "Ban DB" will be with maybe 100,000 banned nodes?? It only makes sense you have a central control server somewhere maintaining a database.

Peer <---> Central Control <----> Peer

Same structure as Solidcoin 2.0 except this time you're admitting it up front. ;D ;D ;D


I think it auto bans so if it gets like a hundred thousand or so requests in 10 seconds, then it automagically bans.

More like...
Peer Control <---> Peer Control <---> Peer Control


Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: GTRsdk on April 25, 2012, 10:37:31 PM
ScamCoin is open-source? Well, that put's a whole new spin on things. Let's see what we've got here...
Code: (mining.cpp)
if(g_bTrustedMiningOnly && (pBlock->nBlockNum%2)==1 )
Huh. I've always wondered how trusted mining works. Now I know! :D Does MicroCash work the same way? ;D

That's so trust nodes will only bother attempting to create trust blocks which are even, the odd blocks are normal blocks. Both trust nodes/blocks and trust accounts have been removed from MicroCash due to criticism.

@Coinhunter (or whoever is playing the part)

Over on your SolidcoinTalk info I saw you posted the below as one of the "New Features" in MicroCash.

"Denial of Service code added, can now ban nodes that flood the network"

Which means you have the ability to ban specific nodes, period. The reason doesn't matter, you have that ability and your unstable history more than proves that one of the fastest ways to get banned is simply to disagree with you.

It also means this built in DDOS protection can be exploited to create all sorts of havoc. I wonder how bloated the "Ban DB" will be with maybe 100,000 banned nodes?? It only makes sense you have a central control server somewhere maintaining a database.

Peer <---> Central Control <----> Peer

Same structure as Solidcoin 2.0 except this time you're admitting it up front. ;D ;D ;D


I think it auto bans so if it gets like a hundred thousand or so requests in 10 seconds, then it automagically bans.

More like...
Peer Control <---> Peer Control <---> Peer Control


Actually, it was discovered that voodoo was too weak to do what they want. Next they will use the Force.

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: Cosbycoin on April 25, 2012, 10:53:26 PM
ScamCoin is open-source? Well, that put's a whole new spin on things. Let's see what we've got here...
Code: (mining.cpp)
if(g_bTrustedMiningOnly && (pBlock->nBlockNum%2)==1 )
Huh. I've always wondered how trusted mining works. Now I know! :D Does MicroCash work the same way? ;D

That's so trust nodes will only bother attempting to create trust blocks which are even, the odd blocks are normal blocks. Both trust nodes/blocks and trust accounts have been removed from MicroCash due to criticism.

@Coinhunter (or whoever is playing the part)

Over on your SolidcoinTalk info I saw you posted the below as one of the "New Features" in MicroCash.

"Denial of Service code added, can now ban nodes that flood the network"

Which means you have the ability to ban specific nodes, period. The reason doesn't matter, you have that ability and your unstable history more than proves that one of the fastest ways to get banned is simply to disagree with you.

It also means this built in DDOS protection can be exploited to create all sorts of havoc. I wonder how bloated the "Ban DB" will be with maybe 100,000 banned nodes?? It only makes sense you have a central control server somewhere maintaining a database.

Peer <---> Central Control <----> Peer

Same structure as Solidcoin 2.0 except this time you're admitting it up front. ;D ;D ;D


I think it auto bans so if it gets like a hundred thousand or so requests in 10 seconds, then it automagically bans.

More like...
Peer Control <---> Peer Control <---> Peer Control


Actually, it was discovered that voodoo was too weak to do what they want. Next they will use the Force.

Bro you can take you RASHCOIN and stick it where the sun don't shine =)

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: coinft on April 26, 2012, 05:32:50 PM
ScamCoin is open-source? Well, that put's a whole new spin on things. Let's see what we've got here...
Code: (mining.cpp)
if(g_bTrustedMiningOnly && (pBlock->nBlockNum%2)==1 )
Huh. I've always wondered how trusted mining works. Now I know! :D Does MicroCash work the same way? ;D

That's so trust nodes will only bother attempting to create trust blocks which are even, the odd blocks are normal blocks. Both trust nodes/blocks and trust accounts have been removed from MicroCash due to criticism.

@Coinhunter (or whoever is playing the part)

Over on your SolidcoinTalk info I saw you posted the below as one of the "New Features" in MicroCash.

"Denial of Service code added, can now ban nodes that flood the network"

Which means you have the ability to ban specific nodes, period. The reason doesn't matter, you have that ability and your unstable history more than proves that one of the fastest ways to get banned is simply to disagree with you.

It also means this built in DDOS protection can be exploited to create all sorts of havoc. I wonder how bloated the "Ban DB" will be with maybe 100,000 banned nodes?? It only makes sense you have a central control server somewhere maintaining a database.

Peer <---> Central Control <----> Peer

Same structure as Solidcoin 2.0 except this time you're admitting it up front. ;D ;D ;D


I think it auto bans so if it gets like a hundred thousand or so requests in 10 seconds, then it automagically bans.

More like...
Peer Control <---> Peer Control <---> Peer Control


How can we understand this?

1. In order to prevent a 51% attack, the other 51% need to agree on a ban. Unlikely if you can count.

2. Or can bans be set by minorities or single nodes? If so, even small attackers can abuse the power to ban.

3. Or, most likely, the power to ban is centralized, and its owner will dissolve this whole project soon again for yet another iteration at getting at your money.

As in SC2 the threat of a 51% attack is replaced by a much more likely and dangerous attack vector, coming from its inventor. The power to shutdown something is akin to total control, as SC2 shows pretty well. The tyrant nodes proved to be the big dangers some assumed them to be. Noone is able to continue SC2 without them. SC owners are forced out of their coins and into a totally new coin&tax scheme whether they want it or not.


Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: Kettenmonster on April 26, 2012, 08:59:01 PM
No, no, ... it is all completely different!
The 51% attack is only a 51%/2 = 25% attack (itīs int ya no) because half of the blocks are always safe!
consider the code:
Thus you can easily see it takes more than 100% to attack, which is of cause impossible.

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: tacotime on April 28, 2012, 05:40:41 AM
No, no, ... it is all completely different!
The 51% attack is only a 51%/2 = 25% attack (itīs int ya no) because half of the blocks are always safe!
consider the code:
Thus you can easily see it takes more than 100% to attack, which is of cause impossible.

The same power blocks that formerly anyone could sign?

Maybe someone on the inside found a fatal security flaw in sc2 and the team is trying to move on before it is too heavily exploited.  That there is already a third sc is an admission to multiple failures, I don't know why anyone would hop on this bandwagon aside from the usual game of alt chain debut buy-sell chicken.

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: Kettenmonster on April 28, 2012, 12:21:22 PM
If I got the math right
would be much safer, wouldnīt it?

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: k9quaint on April 28, 2012, 02:59:58 PM
No, no, ... it is all completely different!
The 51% attack is only a 51%/2 = 25% attack (itīs int ya no) because half of the blocks are always safe!
consider the code:
Thus you can easily see it takes more than 100% to attack, which is of cause impossible.

The same power blocks that formerly anyone could sign?

Maybe someone on the inside found a fatal security flaw in sc2 and the team is trying to move on before it is too heavily exploited.  That there is already a third sc is an admission to multiple failures, I don't know why anyone would hop on this bandwagon aside from the usual game of alt chain debut buy-sell chicken.

They never would have shut SC2 down otherwise.

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: BadBear on April 28, 2012, 11:34:26 PM
Four words of advice: "Don't get left behind.".   ;)


Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: Kettenmonster on April 29, 2012, 10:01:15 AM
Four words of advice: "Don't get left behind.".   ;)
... but me count eight words. ???
Anyhow, if it is about eating mashed peas I appreciate being left behind.

How many angles has a quadrangle? You see itīs eight again, four on the inside another four on the outside.

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: Boognish on April 29, 2012, 09:28:32 PM

Creepy promotional poster..

MICROCASH:  Coming soon to stab you to death in your sleep and then rob you of everything you had.

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: pla on May 03, 2012, 12:29:36 AM
So, still has nothing there beyond the splash page - Thus no ability to configure and test the client before the 10th.  Gee, that 100k in early-adopter "bonus" coins will sure look nice in the dev's account!

Interestingly, though, looking at the page source, it does have something that just screams "professional":
<div id="subliminal-message">Karmaon: Guys guys! Want to hear a joke? BitcoinEXpress. All: [laughs]</div>

Potshots at someone in a place they can't respond.  Classy.

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: Tomatocage on May 03, 2012, 06:25:59 AM
oh Comer

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: Starlightbreaker on May 04, 2012, 04:21:47 AM
Maybe not a verbal response, but I got one hellacious DDOS lined up for them. Last time was only two days, we're going to go for an endurance record this time.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, or "JSON" is gonna come after you..."     :'(

Well I know this CH Sockie isn't CH or Viper, JSON coming after me was too brilliant for either of those retards...

Seriously though, I am indeed going to kick the living shit out everything Microscash related on launch day.

Also here's heads up because we are going to test your DDOS ban abilities. I want to see how your central server handles a 1000 instances at once being banned for DDOS. Can it handle varying IP's?

Furthermore you have to have some threshold which is triggered. Finding and operating a large number of clients spamming right above the threshold will be just as effective. What if I wanted to send a 1000 people 1 micro-cent legitimately, am I going to get banned?

What happens to the wallet balance of banned clients? Does CH steal them too?

My goal is to make Microcash admins and devs so paranoid they start banning "innocent" people. Do that once or twice and the bad PR will kill you.

Until you guys decide to dump Coinhunter/Realsolid you will continue to have these issues. Whether you admit it or not, everyone knows that BitcoinEXpress played a part in forcing you into Solidcoin 3.0.

I guess Solidcoin 2.0 wasn't so ready for the Bitcoin collapse after all.

 ;D ;D ;D

woman, it's already past 24 hours.

did you dox him already?
no ddos?

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: Starlightbreaker on May 04, 2012, 05:00:07 AM

i think i meant his wife.

well, the launch is in a few days...don't forget to keep us updated, lol.

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: Etlase2 on May 04, 2012, 05:05:10 AM,r:31,s:0,i:140

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: pla on May 04, 2012, 10:34:09 AM
Hey!  Everybody!  Pay attention to me!

I don't think you can really fairly call him an attention-whore when fired the first volley (at least, of this round - I get the idea that they have something of a history here).  I'd feel pretty pissed too, if someone decided to semi-publicly taunt me in a place I couldn't respond.

That said, with still no client up, I half suspect they would like nothing better than for a day-1 DDOS to succeed; If no one else can connect to the network, the insiders get to split the 100k early-adoption bonus just between themselves... Not that it really matters, since so far, it seems like they just make up rules as they go anyway and justify it with a nebulous "answering the community".

I mean, I can't even count how many times I've wished the government would tax me more so they could distribute it evenly to Warren Buffet and Bill Gates...

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: bulanula on May 17, 2012, 10:42:23 AM
Aren't we a week past the launch date?

Who cares ? Better make it perfect than a stillborn !

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: Etlase2 on May 17, 2012, 02:55:34 PM

a double value for mintxfee (curious as to why it's even necessary if tx fees will always be "micro" 0.0025)
trademarked/copyrighted RealSolid, curious as to how well that will hold up in court

for some reason an address is 100+ rounds of blake512 hash, then apparently truncated to 80 bits? for some reason an address has to be "broken in a short period of time"? wondering why hashes are used at all when RS said they would just be pubkeys

and that's about as far as I plan on reading any of that shiat

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: k9quaint on May 17, 2012, 03:44:07 PM

a double value for mintxfee (curious as to why it's even necessary if tx fees will always be "micro" 0.0025)
trademarked/copyrighted RealSolid, curious as to how well that will hold up in court

for some reason an address is 100+ rounds of blake512 hash, then apparently truncated to 80 bits? for some reason an address has to be "broken in a short period of time"? wondering why hashes are used at all when RS said they would just be pubkeys

and that's about as far as I plan on reading any of that shiat

So they only released the thin client? At this point, I feel it is no longer even worth clicking on their links to see.
Without the fat client, nobody has any idea what SoiledCoin 3 is.

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: Etlase2 on May 18, 2012, 04:21:33 AM
So far, it seems. AFAIK the microcash full client will be open source as well? I dunno for sure, hard to get anything resembling a straight answer out of RS and his crew.

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: Etlase2 on May 18, 2012, 04:26:53 AM
this post is pretty funny for someone who will be in complete control of 5% of all the money ever created in his chain for the foreseeable future:

Nothing has been spent from the CPF so there has been nothing really to decide yet.

"Give me 5% of everything and I'll decide how to use it best later"

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: LoupGaroux on May 18, 2012, 04:52:10 PM
Look- I hate to be the prick in the balloon of ShortBusCoin/MiredInShitCash happy, happy, joy, joy circle jerk here... but, why not call the facts as they are?

Once again, RS/CH/Darnell and the Crew of Three Fools has brought forth another scandalous piece of tripe. Yes, dear friends, the same Short Bus gang of thieving, lying, disingenuous simpletons have painted fresh lipstick on the pig that is their little joke of a coin and release it to the world, late, closed and once again INFRINGING ON COPYRIGHTS!!

The term "MicroCash" is copyrighted and a registered trademark held by one Gary Stenstrom, through his business and website devoted to poker chips. Oops, he did it again, caught with his weewee in his hand trying to steal the intellectual property of someone else, one more time. (

Wonder if this private concern will have a stronger interest in bringing suit against this flagrant and unrepentant thief and his merry band of cretins?

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: sd on May 18, 2012, 08:51:48 PM
Look- I hate to be the prick in the balloon of ShortBusCoin/MiredInShitCash happy, happy, joy, joy circle jerk here... but, why not call the facts as they are?

Once again, RS/CH/Darnell and the Crew of Three Fools has brought forth another scandalous piece of tripe. Yes, dear friends, the same Short Bus gang of thieving, lying, disingenuous simpletons have painted fresh lipstick on the pig that is their little joke of a coin and release it to the world, late, closed and once again INFRINGING ON COPYRIGHTS!!

The term "MicroCash" is copyrighted and a registered trademark held by one Gary Stenstrom, through his business and website devoted to poker chips. Oops, he did it again, caught with his weewee in his hand trying to steal the intellectual property of someone else, one more time. (

Wonder if this private concern will have a stronger interest in bringing suit against this flagrant and unrepentant thief and his merry band of cretins?

Love your writing style.

That site certainly does add a 'tm' after the 'MicroCash' but I can't find any evidence of that trademark actually being registered. I looked at and didn't find any live trademarks for 'microcash' or 'micro cash' although there are a couple of dead ones. Europe doesn't have any mechanism to register trade marks at all AFAIK.

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: LoupGaroux on May 18, 2012, 09:08:07 PM
Actually, use of the "tm" mark as a part of the application process is enough protection to lock in first use. Especially if the ShortBusKids have once again failed in their due diligence.

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: Schwede65 on May 19, 2012, 09:56:28 AM

The term "MicroCash" is copyrighted and a registered trademark held by one Gary Stenstrom, through his business and website devoted to poker chips. Oops, he did it again, caught with his weewee in his hand trying to steal the intellectual property of someone else, one more time. (

Wonder if this private concern will have a stronger interest in bringing suit against this flagrant and unrepentant thief and his merry band of cretins?

maybe MicroCash is a trademark in USA, concerning banknotes cent-valued
i have seen no MC on this notes and it's definitely play money

yeah, this poker-cent-money (TM USA) will definitely cause much problems for a world-wide crypto-currency, all have to fear an arraignment (irony-mode!)  ;D

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: ohforf on May 19, 2012, 10:48:42 AM
Lets look for the Trademark:
Word Mark    MICROCA$H
Goods and Services    (CANCELLED) IC 009. US 026 038. G & S: Prerecorded Computer Program Recorded on a Floppy Diskette for Use in Corporate Cash Management. FIRST USE: 19810315. FIRST USE IN COMMERCE: 19810401
Thats all. Note the Dollar Sign and the "(CANCELLED)".

Now, look at the Poker Chips Website:
Dead President's Collection

MicroCash™ BankNotes and Certificates Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam dolor libero, porttitor sed sodales non, fringilla id sem.
Placeholder Text and a (TM) thats not registered at all. Epic Fail.

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: sd on May 19, 2012, 03:53:35 PM
Placeholder Text and a (TM) thats not registered at all. Epic Fail.

Trademark law is immensely complicated and varies from country to country. Most countries don't have the US concept of registering trademarks with a central body so it's entirely possible that adding a (TM) is a valid proof of usage in some countries but I don't think it is in the US.

Trademarks are like patents in the sense that they are meaningless in themselves, you need to be able to afford high priced lawyers before you can get any value out of them. It looks like the only company that might be able to afford lawyers, and has an interest in protecting that name is If they went to a Dutch court it would take months to get a ruling and then that ruling would be impossible to enforce in Australia.

So stop bashing each other because you are all half right and half wrong.

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: Starlightbreaker on May 26, 2012, 07:03:15 AM
ok, so, back to topic.

i'm wondering who's in the right mind would use shitcrocash? it's over 2 weeks overdue, trades only ~.99 btc/day on btc-e, and barely have any activities.

yeah, i calculated. daily trade volume is around $5.

how many idiots are gonna use it?

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: LoupGaroux on May 26, 2012, 04:18:39 PM
So that's a buck a day he can steal from himself for each of his personalities. If he saves up for a year or so he should be able to buy his mom a nice mother's day bouquet to thank her for all that free rent in her basement.

Do Australians even have basements? For all we know he might be living in the privy in the backyard.

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: drakahn on May 27, 2012, 02:22:09 AM
So that's a buck a day he can steal from himself for each of his personalities. If he saves up for a year or so he should be able to buy his mom a nice mother's day bouquet to thank her for all that free rent in her basement.

Do Australians even have basements? For all we know he might be living in the privy in the backyard.

I have never seen a basement here, chances are he lives in his mothers shed/garage

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: LoupGaroux on June 02, 2012, 04:32:54 AM
Don't look at them with that tone of voice!

It was really, really loud, but as the explosion happened in the endless vacuum of non-realityland we all missed it.

Do you think he meant to come up with the clever acronymical reference using the word "babble" which would sort of apply in this context or stick with babel (sic) which is mis-capitalized and still doesn't fit this context? And how does one "waist" their time? Is that like being on a high carb diet?

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: Kettenmonster on June 02, 2012, 09:09:15 AM
How can I be sure there are no plants involved in that stuff?
Iīm a phyto-vegan, donīt consume plants because they have no real means of defence.

 ... thus so sorry but I canīt go for MicroCrash!  ;D

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: bulanula on June 03, 2012, 01:36:39 AM
Did they even release the client or start up the network ???

May 10 long passed !

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: Starlightbreaker on June 03, 2012, 02:42:37 AM
why worry about the client?

it's gonna die soon anyways.

Title: MicroCash is a scam
Post by: Ean on June 03, 2012, 11:30:15 AM
Did they even release the client or start up the network ???

May 10 long passed !

They will launch in 11 months. GET READY!

Title: Re: MicroCash is a scam
Post by: coblee on February 09, 2013, 09:38:44 AM
Did they even release the client or start up the network ???

May 10 long passed !

They will launch in 11 months. GET READY!

May 10 is just three months away!

Sorry... hard to resist.  ;D

Title: Re: MicroCash is a scam
Post by: smoothie on February 09, 2013, 09:46:50 AM
Did they even release the client or start up the network ???

May 10 long passed !

They will launch in 11 months. GET READY!

May 10 is just three months away!

Sorry... hard to resist.  ;D

LOL it will happen! MicroRASH coming soon to a wallet near you!

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: bushstar on February 13, 2013, 11:53:40 AM
Keep the faith.

Also SC is seeing some volume on Vircurex.

I would love to see MicroCash launch :)

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: efx on February 14, 2013, 06:09:52 AM


Ouch, I cannot keep up with such volume. Yes, that is the volume, not the price.

On average, it appears to be the lowest volume trading pair on Vircurex.  

Maybe it would help if the block reward wasn't magically changed to under 0.1 ScamCoin per block.

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: smoothie on February 14, 2013, 07:48:32 AM
Keep the faith.

Also SC is seeing some volume on Vircurex.

I would love to see MicroCash launch :)

lol yup keep it

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: Kolbas on February 15, 2013, 07:36:41 AM
I keep the faith :)
Something is happening, and maybe Microcash will even be under free license. And RealSolid is not the only developer now. As I understand he is going to release the source code and he already gave it to rlh, who is willing to help working on it.

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: Atruk on February 15, 2013, 08:03:01 AM
Keep the faith.

Also SC is seeing some volume on Vircurex.

I would love to see MicroCash launch :)

Are you sure the trades on Vircurex aren't just noise. IXCoin and DevCoin have had more sustained volume...

A launch might happen, but you are going to have to set your idea of success awfully low...

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: CaptChadd on March 30, 2013, 09:14:51 PM
If anyone has any SC they don't want anymore please donate?

I like collecting different alt-coins.



Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: smoothie on March 30, 2013, 09:20:13 PM
So what ever happened to RealSolid and the 250 BTC that he got from his follower to finish MicroRASH?

And how many of those naysayers said we were stupid not to invest into Soiledcoin? Where are all of those trolls? Oh right back working at their dead end jobs trying to make ends meet.

Seriously when you try to scam people it comes back to haunt you.  :D

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: CaptChadd on March 30, 2013, 09:29:39 PM
Why are you so angry Smoov?

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: smoothie on March 30, 2013, 11:20:52 PM
Why are you so angry Smoov?

*Looks around*

Angry? Shit man I'm happy that the scam known as Soiledcoin is now dead.

Also my name is SMOOTHIE...not SMOOVIOUS.  ;D

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: TECSHARE on March 31, 2013, 04:35:31 AM
Why are you so angry Smoov?

*Looks around*

Angry? Shit man I'm happy that the scam known as Soiledcoin is now dead.

Also my name is SMOOTHIE...not SMOOVIOUS.  ;D

Yeah Smoovious is a lot cooler. Not sure cow you could confuse the two.

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: smoothie on March 31, 2013, 06:03:20 AM
Why are you so angry Smoov?

*Looks around*

Angry? Shit man I'm happy that the scam known as Soiledcoin is now dead.

Also my name is SMOOTHIE...not SMOOVIOUS.  ;D

Yeah Smoovious is a lot cooler. Not sure cow you could confuse the two.

Have you sold that crappy Silver bar yet? LOL...what can you get for it now...50LTC? 75LTC?


Title: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: SuperTramp on March 31, 2013, 07:53:55 AM

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: smoothie on March 31, 2013, 11:06:20 AM
Hey smoothie, did you forget to get your psych pills refilled? 8)

Hey little man,

Your profile created on March 19th 2013. LOL read more and talk less.

Come back when you've gotten all caught up noob. LOL!  ;D ;D ;D

Your Best Friend,


Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: kokjo on March 31, 2013, 08:24:16 PM
Hey smoothie, did you forget to get your psych pills refilled? 8)

Hey little man,

Your profile created on March 19th 2013. LOL read more and talk less.

Come back when you've gotten all caught up noob. LOL!  ;D ;D ;D

Your Best Friend,


You must really be out of ammo if you're insulting him based on how long he's been here. Come on, put a little effort into it.
thanks for necrobumbing, newbie.

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: smoothie on March 31, 2013, 09:17:52 PM
Hey smoothie, did you forget to get your psych pills refilled? 8)

Hey little man,

Your profile created on March 19th 2013. LOL read more and talk less.

Come back when you've gotten all caught up noob. LOL!  ;D ;D ;D

Your Best Friend,


You must really be out of ammo if you're insulting him based on how long he's been here. Come on, put a little effort into it.

Says the guy whose profile was made on Feb 9th, 2013. lol noob  :D

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: c4n10 on March 31, 2013, 09:20:08 PM
Don't feed the troll (smoothie)...

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: smoothie on March 31, 2013, 09:24:33 PM
Don't feed the troll (smoothie)...

Yes you got it right, THE TROLL.

Hows your RUC investment going? lol  ;D

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: Kolbas on April 01, 2013, 01:16:26 AM
Any thoughts about Microcash?

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: smoothie on April 01, 2013, 02:53:38 AM
Any thoughts about Microcash?

Pure and utter scam. Realsolid (the main dev) ran off with 250 BTC from his supporters last August.

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: Wekkel on April 01, 2013, 05:31:57 AM
No download?

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: rlh on April 08, 2013, 08:25:37 PM
Yes, we certainly are working on Microcash, though I can understand why my statement is rather unbelievable.

Yes, the project was put on hold for a very, very long time.  Yes, development has recently restarted.  No, this isn't a scam and I've been a large part of the new development process in the past 3 months.  Furthermore, I have a copy of recent source and I can vouch that it certainly is a legitimately new thing.  A LOT of time has been put into this new project.

Solidcoin/Microcash seems like a scam because those of us who have been supporters for such a long time have gone through seasons of being weary of vocalizing our support and being attached to the project.   The few of us that are left have long since stopped engaging trolls but we haven't given up support. 

Also, there are a HUGE amount of trolls.  HUGE.  This project was hated from the beginning and many have grown weary of engaging attackers who will never be convinced of what they've chosen to believe.

However, we all have been quite happy with our recent efforts and should be releasing something BIG when it is ready.   Before that happens we are going to make sure that the client and server apps are rock solid, there are a couple services for people to use and we hope to have the project well documented.  We are taking our time because we want to release a really, really good product.  Unfortunately this is taking such a an eternity because most of us can only dedicate an hour here and there to this project because "life" never stops happening.

Skeptical? That's good and I think you should be.  In fact, I encourage legitimate skepticism that comes from sincere, critical thinking. However, this project is quite alive and we will be producing something in the future.  Guarenteed.

A bit of warning, we are doing something radically different than Bitcoin or its alt-currencies.  That even includes Solidcoin.  Some will hate it, some will love it, most will at first stand their, scratching their heads and just say "Huh... what... is this?!"

Ha, that's fine.  We Microcash supporters have been thinking about cryptocurrency for a loooong time, we've even gone cross-eyed thinking about ways to improve the paradigm and we want to make something new that supplements the existing network of cryptocurrencies and helps catapult what we are all doing into a more mainstream arena that all manner of people and merchants will be interested in trying out.

So, not much to report for now but there will be.  Be skeptical of everything... including the skeptics.  Be smart and stay tuned.

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: rlh on April 08, 2013, 08:34:29 PM
Also, PM me if you have an old Solidcoin wallet you want to get rid of.  I'll gladly take them from you. :)

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: BBQKorv on April 08, 2013, 10:18:37 PM
I'm interested to see what new you got there once the time comes  :)

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: Atruk on April 09, 2013, 12:09:34 AM
Also, PM me if you have an old Solidcoin wallet you want to get rid of.  I'll gladly take them from you. :)

You realize they can't be dumped at Vircurex anymore... Then there's the part where if old Solid Coin balances get grandfathered into MicroCash as had been planned before that the trolls, skeptics, and most people with half a lick of common sense are going to start screaming about a "premine" as they ought to.

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: SuperTramp on April 09, 2013, 12:19:29 AM
Also, PM me if you have an old Solidcoin wallet you want to get rid of.  I'll gladly take them from you. :)

You realize they can't be dumped at Vircurex anymore... Then there's the part where if old Solid Coin balances get grandfathered into MicroCash as had been planned before that the trolls, skeptics, and most people with half a lick of common sense are going to start screaming about a "premine" as they ought to.

I am also willing to kindly "dispose" of any old SC wallet(s) that others no longer want.  :) Also, since as you stated there is currently
no exchange to sell them at  I am also willing to buy via btc (Please feel free to PM me with offers). As for the "skeptics" being
skeptical and the "trolls" trolling  .....that is as it should be.  ;D

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: Tittiez on April 09, 2013, 12:22:13 AM
So we may finally get MicroCrash soon? I'm excited about another coin to pump and dump, and it already has fools to blindly support it! That means even more money for me.

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: Ilikeham on April 09, 2013, 12:37:34 AM
That's how I read it, they're launching a new coin that will include the grandaddy of all pre mines.... seriously if you have new concepts and improvements, launch with the genesis block. All you're trying to do here is pump a dead chain to make a few folks wealthy.

As it stands, this alone makes it a joke.

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: Atruk on April 09, 2013, 02:53:34 AM
So we may finally get MicroCrash soon? I'm excited about another coin to pump and dump, and it already has fools to blindly support it! That means even more money for me.

I think this one has to little credibility left for a pump, it would just be dump (provided a place to dump them still exists).

That's how I read it, they're launching a new coin that will include the grandaddy of all pre mines.... seriously if you have new concepts and improvements, launch with the genesis block. All you're trying to do here is pump a dead chain to make a few folks wealthy.

As it stands, this alone makes it a joke.

Jokes are supposed to be funny. This though invokes the same feeling that would arise if after his bet last year Matthew N. Wright would propose he start opening his own casino.

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: rlh on April 09, 2013, 03:01:57 AM
That's how I read it, they're launching a new coin that will include the grandaddy of all pre mines.... seriously if you have new concepts and improvements, launch with the genesis block. All you're trying to do here is pump a dead chain to make a few folks wealthy.

As it stands, this alone makes it a joke.

I understand your skepticism, with a dash of cynicism.  There seems to be more haters than supporters of this project and it's been that way since day one.  Any time someone tries to say anything positive about Solidcoin/Microcash, especially if you it's coming from an "insider", it's a race-to-confront.  And, it's easy to get caught up in that attitude because everyone else is doing it.

Ultimately we want people to use Microcash as a currency, not strictly as an investment commodity.  To do this, we need to get it in peoples hands.  Excessive hoarding is of no great benefit, but neither is "dumping" what we own when we've poured our blood, sweat and tears into the project shortly after it is released. Yes, we hope to profit from our efforts but, be honest, who wouldn't (or doesn't.)

Our own "blue-sky" of success is to see a system that is complementary to Bitcoin (and other alt-currencies,) that offers services and functionality that the standard block-chain mechanism cannot.

I personally have no doubt that when we release Microcash there will be no shortage of people who will point at our decisions and call them "scam" decisions.  But, again, this is because what we are doing is significantly different than the way Bitcoin operates.  All I ask is for the more objective types tune out those who immediately write it off and come check out our work.  I'll admit, there isn't much to show for it at the front web page.  When we are ready for a beta release, there will be more details.  The primary source will be the project site, but we will certainly post some details here on bitcointalk.  Especially when it's near the transition period since most of the old supporters hang out around here.  

We don't want anyone's coins to be left behind.  The proverbial "pie" that will be the pool of initial Microcash funds is big enough for everyone.  Losing your coins doesn't benefit anyone.  In fact, we need people to actively use the system as a currency for the system to function well.

Alas, I'm getting ahead of myself.  More details will be released when we are closer to the transition phase.  Details that should be interesting to everyone.  Including the trolls. ;)

Have a good night guys.  Will try to catch up tomorrow morning if I get the time.

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: WiseOldOwl on April 09, 2013, 03:21:59 AM
Bottom Line-
Will my solidcoins be converted into this?

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: SuperTramp on April 09, 2013, 03:23:59 AM
Bottom Line-
Will my solidcoins be converted into this?


Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: WiseOldOwl on April 09, 2013, 03:28:50 AM
That's good news I guess.

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: SuperTramp on April 09, 2013, 03:35:47 AM
That's good news I guess.

I am happy about it.  ;D  If you would rather sell your SC now you can
PM me with an offer.  :)

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: WiseOldOwl on April 10, 2013, 09:48:26 PM
ETA for this project?

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: SuperTramp on April 11, 2013, 06:08:49 AM
ETA for this project?

MicroCash is currently in the final stages of development. Once the final beta has been tested one of the devs and/or myself
will post here to bitcointalk letting people know when the window for SC=MC conversion has begun and how long
people will have to make sure they get their SC converted to MC.

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: rlh on May 01, 2013, 05:05:42 PM
ETA for this project?

Also, a lot has changed since much of the original discussion.  The application was on track to be released, well... around right now.  However, when Vircurex surprisingly dropped SLC support, work was postponed until an exchange could be released for people to buy/sell Solidcoins.

The bottom line is, if you have existing Solidcoins or if you want to get in on Microcash BEFORE the release, you will have the option to do so.  Once the new SLC (future Microcash) exchange is finished, development will continue and finalize for Microcash.  I imagine that could be in as little as a month or so, but I haven't talked to the lead dev about that yet.  1 month is just a hopeful guess.

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: Dacm4n on May 01, 2013, 07:11:53 PM
MicroCash is going to include every SolidCoin in it,

Does it mean that SolidCoin is converted to MicroCash?  No more SolidCoin but MicroCash when it becomes active?


Fail. Most people won't accept extremely premined altcoin.

It's not premined, realsolid is only transferring the coins you already own over into the new system. This will be done through the exchange. It seems fair to me, it rewards the people who were patient with the project and didn't dump there coins. (Personally I have very few left.)

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: Kolbas on July 08, 2013, 09:44:18 AM
Once the new SLC (future Microcash) exchange is finished, development will continue and finalize for Microcash.  I imagine that could be in as little as a month or so, but I haven't talked to the lead dev about that yet.  1 month is just a hopeful guess.
The exchange is finished and works for two months or so. When can we expect Microcash?

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: MaGNeT on July 08, 2013, 09:45:43 AM
MicroCash is released too late, it will just drown in the see of altcoins...
Only the potential coins will float...

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: Kolbas on July 08, 2013, 09:50:00 AM
MicroCash is going to include every SolidCoin in it,

Does it mean that SolidCoin is converted to MicroCash?  No more SolidCoin but MicroCash when it becomes active?


Fail. Most people won't accept extremely premined altcoin.

It's not premined, realsolid is only transferring the coins you already own over into the new system. This will be done through the exchange. It seems fair to me, it rewards the people who were patient with the project and didn't dump there coins. (Personally I have very few left.)
Not only that. Everybody still can buy solidcoins at a low price. It is a risk (Microcash may never be released or RS can change his mind and do smth unexpected again) but they are cheap.

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: MCXnever on December 23, 2013, 04:58:58 AM
Microcash was finally released by a third party get it today!

Windows Wallet:

Title: Re: MicroCash - New CryptoCurrency
Post by: zolace on December 24, 2013, 11:54:14 AM
MicroCash is going to include every SolidCoin in it,

Does it mean that SolidCoin is converted to MicroCash?  No more SolidCoin but MicroCash when it becomes active?


Fail. Most people won't accept extremely premined altcoin.

It's not premined, realsolid is only transferring the coins you already own over into the new system. This will be done through the exchange. It seems fair to me, it rewards the people who were patient with the project and didn't dump there coins. (Personally I have very few left.)
Not only that. Everybody still can buy solidcoins at a low price. It is a risk (Microcash may never be released or RS can change his mind and do smth unexpected again) but they are cheap.

Yes I gave everyone a warning about this, not to bash him, but I invested in the site and cause of his shutdown lost profits.  When you do something you do it all the way or quit.  Who knows when he runs into issues will he run from it.  I honestly I think he did it to manipulate the market, dont understand why people are supporting this individual.  I mean unless they are a group of buddies.  trying to make money from the small investors.   hey I could be wrong is just my two sense.