Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: barabbas on December 01, 2014, 10:26:40 PM

Title: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: barabbas on December 01, 2014, 10:26:40 PM
The lot of them is simply riotous. Beyond hilarious. Just check them for yourself, worth it for the laughs.

But at the key point in them, here's one of the best "pearls":

Q: Are there any mechanisms to rid the BitBay marketplace of things like guns, abusive pornagraphy, hitmen, etc?

A: Those things will not be possible in the main markets even though they are in fact decentralized. This is for two reasons. First in order to get into a white listed market, you need to prove your worth by doing deals in the Halo market. Next, once in the decentralized market, special moderator versions of Halo will be given out to help oversee what is seen in a decentralized market. Users can also flag posts and when a certain number of flags is reached, the orders become invisible. Whitelists allow for trust systems. So anyone running a decentralized market has total control over who is able to post to it.

Just read that answer slowly and carefully, ok? This is a decentralized series of markets but you, somehow, have to prove "your worth" to access the big leagues, but playing first in the small ones. Fair enough, so you sell your collection of stamps and your used DVDs first and once qualified, you go into the big leagues where you sell dolls (full of cocaine) that ship from Colombia. Or Thailand... ah, but no, there's that omnipresent "Halo special moderator" that "oversees" somehow what is seen in "a decentralized market". So the market is not that decentralized after all. Oh but that "Halo special moderator" is just a bunch of keywords, so no real moderator at all: You can write anything you want -or post any pictures you want- except that you have to watch you avoid the keywords that would alert the "special moderator", and you are in business... And since Law enforcement is completely stupid, even retarded, they won't be able to tell what you are selling either. And even is they find out, they wont be able to come after you because, after all, you are selling in a decentralized market, right? So when they purchase your dolls and trace their origin, you would send them to a jungle in the Amazon instead the shipment addresses in Colombia or Thailand. Or the UPC or mail office closest where they will be waiting for you when they order the next shipment... yeah, quite clever indeed Zimbeck... oh boy... It can and will apply to things much more "innocent" too, such as the pirated versions of "Fury" or "The Godfather" too, not to mention the discography of Taylor Swift of the latest version of Halo (pun fully intended) for Playstation 5.

But besides the obvious, this whole idea of a "decentralized marketplace" is so beyond absurd that it really is amazing it will still have some sale (pun again!) value: Much like on eBay, buyers and sellers will be "rated", therefore left at the whim of competitors -legit and non- or simply "demanding" customers/sellers for their listings will disappear if a "certain number of flags is reached". Manipulating those numbers of flags cannot be easier and poof, competitoir out of the way. Or otherwise valid consumer, out of the way because... well, he used the handle "barabbas" to purchase a couple of things and he maybe you know, that guy on BTCT...

Finally, So anyone running a decentralized market has total control over who is able to post to it. Now I am REALLY confused... I thought this was totally DECENTRALIZED so the whole point was that NOBODY was "running a decentralized market"... what's that you said, ITS TOTAL BULLSHIT created only to get [people to at least hold their coins without provoking a major stampede before they collect the payments held by BTER that they posted to themselves in exchange for the coins they are orderly unloading since the coin came online at the exchanges? That makes sense. ONLY that makes sense.

David, do I take that your debts will be fully cancelled and you'll be on the clear as of December 5th or shortly thereafter, or are you "tied up" until the full delivery, somewhere in March or so... I hope, for once, you were clever enough to get ouit of them on the 5th, otherwise it is going to be a long winter of your discontent.

Which is what usually happens when, instead of working, you choose to try to scam people, you know?

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: dzimbeck on December 02, 2014, 03:40:01 AM
Give me an alternative instead of complaining. And stop dropping my name as if I'm doing anything wrong.

First of all, I'm not moderating the main market, will hire somebody to do that. The main market goes through a server so that not only do I absolve myself of legal liability, but people have something that is fast and robust. IIts possible people such as consumers will prefer anyways. To get into the decentralized MAIN markets of Halo and NT I'm not going to require much, probably about 5 or 6 deals to get into the whitelist.

Once a person is in the decentralized market they can post what they want but other users can flag the posts. A moderator at that point would only be able to delete a post after it gets to market not before. This allows people to have markets with no server, but control what is seen in the market.

What if you wanted to have a market that sold electronics and you didnt want a server? What would happen if this wasnt in place?
Simple, people would post things that dont belong there and spam the market. This gives a white layer on the darknet.

So nobody is stopping you from making your own private market. It is very much decentralized. Wanna post drugs? Is that what this is about? It sure sounds like thats what you want.

Do you want to post drugs to a market where people are trying to sell cash? Or how about posting them where people try to trade coins? This system allows for markets to sell what they claim to sell. It seems to me a bit funny that everyone stands up for the freedom of drug dealers and then forget about the rest of the world who also may benefit from said services.

And you realize there is no justice in the world right? If my main markets are anything but pure, I run the risk of getting thrown in jail for writing basic software. No, this is superior. This keeps my main markets clean.

If you want a free market, start your own whitelist. Its not hard to do and I certainly can't stop you. Perhaps you also need to relax, I'm working hard and trying my best to make good products. If you don't like what I make you are free to do whatever you want.

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: dzimbeck on December 02, 2014, 03:53:46 AM
Also, you accusing me of trying to scam people is just incorrect.  ???

Talk to altcoin UK just had a very nice, long convo with him and willing to do the same with you. The picture you paint is not even close to what goes on and I'm more than happy to talk with you privately, over the phone or on skype. Show you the client, show you the flow charts and some code snippets and so forth. I would rather talk to you like a brother than waste my time on a forum.

I'm writing software. Nothing more, nothing less. Got hired by BitBay to sell a license. So I did. Your grandiose fantasies are untrue. The markets are in fact decentralized. Any private whitelist will not use a server. So it is in fact decentralized. Perhaps you spend too much time on Tor.

As far as bootleg DVDs and dolls full of drugs. I'm pretty sure people can do that on E-Bay anyways. We arent responsible for the impossible. In fact, we arent responsible for anything that gets posted to the internet. But it certainly doesnt hurt to have your bases covered. Im sure its pretty easy for you to be a critic from the outside looking in. Really, you dont have any idea what goes on here. It is judgemental and impolite to use my name in the maner that you do. Especially since I was hired on as a contractor.

The reason I take on more responsibility is ironically to protect investors. This is also the reason im planning on hedging/pegging.

My intentions are always good and i work my ass off to make good software. You should try it sometime(coding) and see how it is to be in my shoes.

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: barabbas on December 02, 2014, 07:03:34 AM
Ah David you almost made me cry... except that I cry for the people that REALLY work and barely survive and not by lazy individuals that concentrate all their efforts in conning and scamming people. And you, Zimbeck, fit that bill. I don't care who your employer is, you are the LEAD DEVELOPER of that immense scam that is BitBay. And you know it is an immense SCAM top to bottom. And yes, you are scamming people. Aiding and abiding. You know they only sold a few hundred BTC. You do. You know they (you?) have been and will continue to dump the coins that they sold with the left hand and bought with the right one. And you participate. Enthusiastically.

You ALSO know that your "decentralized market" is just a gimmick, not a real, practicable thing, just a gimmick fully copied from NXT whose only purpose is actual delivery of anything remotely working so BTER will release the 3rd installment. You know this. And you, again, enthusiastically participate. And, frankly, I do not care much that you are in debt so deep you feel like drowning, really. What you have done all your life so far -chess apart- is WRONG. If you don't make enough to pay your bills, work flipping burgers, ok? But this, maybe these guys that have employed you will get you out of debt. Or maybe they will get you in jail too. Don't know or care. But what you are doing is completely wrong and you know it.

If you have anything remotely valid to say, these forums are read by everyone interested in crypto. Everyone. I am not your brother and there's nothing that you can tell me that you cannot post here, so do or don't, up to you. But yes, what you are doing, for the third time, is VERY WRONG. And it will catch up with you sooner rather than later, because no matter how you choose to want to portray it, you are the face and main responsible for that huge scam you facilitate every single day, in BAY.

Your BitHalo and NightTrader, by the way, are as worthless as the price of BC indicates. See, if people would want to trade in crypto for regular things, like on eBay, avoiding PayPal and its draconian fees and regulations, they would be doing that already massively. Without any need for Halo or NT. There's a lot of quite reputable people ready and willing to escrow anything. Some trading is already going on that way. Has for months. No one needs a pseudo "decentralized" escrow where buyers are supposed to put up to 3 times the price of what they are buying and sellers are supposed to put up 2 times the price of what they are selling. You DO know that but... you need money. At whatever ethical price. So instead of WORKING on progressing  towards ideas that can be furthered by technology, you choose, again -in spite of the spiteful experiences of the past- the short route to... Palookaville.

Not sorry to burst your bubble, Zimbeck, hopefully on time to avoid that a lot of people be hurt by your outrageous behavior. Now, the forum is yours if you want to come with some "brotherly" explanations that ANYONE can understand instead of the idiotic hyperbole you crowd your "whitepapers" with. I, for one, will be all ears.

Oh, and something else, being an extra in Pirates II, although nicely paid and for no matter how many days (I know it was 4 weeks) is not "working as an actor", it is doing work as background or, in popular lingo, to be an extra, which is something quite different much as you want to present it otherwise. The same applies to commercials, local, regional or national, ok? And, you should know, having access to a digital camera doesn't make you a professional photographer even if you profess to take photos for a price. If you don't make a living at it, you are just someone with a hobby, ok?

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: dzimbeck on December 02, 2014, 08:22:18 AM
First of all, I dont have any proof that the people who employed me are scamming. I was paid in BTC and most of it in advance. If you dont believe me, ask the Baycoin guys. If you have a problem, take it up with them. Second, I'm going to attempt to peg the price with the hopes to protect investors regardless of what you say.

Also, these markets are volatile as it is.

Next, I respond to you in a civil way calling you a brother is my way of being civil. Its just not my nature to talk the way you do. Maybe you need to take a look in the mirror and turn the telescope around. I dont discuss your personal life. Working as a photographer I got paid jobs and made commercials would be more than happy to send you a referral and resume for example from my friend Blake from Video Optimize who set me up with a lot of the work.

And Pirates you just dont know what you are talking about. We were hired as principal, it was one of the biggest auditions in LA ever. There was like 10K people who went out for it and to be honest, we kind of got screwed on our contracts. It ended up being glorfied extra work but it was higher than SAG. We got sunbbed from the credits unlike the Core in Pirates 1. There was only 20 core booked that went to Dominica and Bahamas. I was flown out to Bahammas for over a month. And also, thats not the only work I did. I constantly did commercial work for companies like Time Warner, Arla, AOL etc etc. Additionally, (who cares?) why dont you tell me what you have done with your life?

Some people would be grateful they worked on Pirates and did so many fun and exciting things. I can see that perhaps you take for granted these things. Come to Cambodia I will show you how fortunate you are to have the ability to even use the internet or computer. And I don't advertise my personal life although I can tell you it has been quite the ride and I'm very grateful and shit im only 30. Just getting started.

Your idea that NightTrader and Halo arent worth anything is based on what exactly? You seem to know a lot about me. Perhaps you are jealous.  :D You dont need to deposit 3x the price where did you hear this? Also, you can microtrade under the contracts and they can be used for more than just buying and selling goods on E-Bay. You can use them for employment contracts.

Wether or not you think its a good product is irrelevent. Double escrow needs to exist. The gap is now filled and you dont have to be a fan. There is more than enough people who love the projects. You are more than free to do as you wish.

Also your claim that arbiters are superior is only because you have yet to see a botnet generate a bunch of fake addresses and perform escrows with itself. Its way to easy too collude and get free coins with 2 of 3.

On what grounds could you possibly not like NightTrader? All the exchanges right now steal billions and im trying to put a stop to that. That is the opposite of a scam. My goal is to use multisig in an exchange and microtrading within Halo.

I'm going to make software regardless of whatever you say here.

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: dzimbeck on December 02, 2014, 08:26:00 AM
Oh yeah, I almost forgot how does an arbiter prove who is lying? Oh yeah thats right... they dont. 2 party escrow is a totally different paradigm without judges and jurors. But you know, if you love third parties so much then I recommend that you use the US Dollar.

Take care

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: dzimbeck on December 02, 2014, 12:06:45 PM
There is one last thing. You implicatoin that I somehow "know" that the owners of Bay had some back end deal it just totally ridiculous. I'm more than happy to send chat logs to this effect. If they did, I certainly would not be able to prove it. And also, at this juncture it really doesnt matter since my task now is to finish my job.

Your implication that I dont work hard is totally baseless. If you read blackcoin subreddit you would know ive been around for a long time and you would know how much I busted my ass to learn coding in -50 below weather in ND. Almost frikkin died I worked so hard.

I did it, because I believe in double escrow. I think its the only way to truly have trust between strangers regardless of the deposit levels agreed to. It had nothing to do with money. I turned down many 80K offers before selling to Bay. Dont believe me? Ask Blackcoin, ask blocktech.

The reason I took the deal with Bay was simply because I promised my family and close friends that I would no longer leave money on the table. So the Bay deal I took rather quickly. You are so quick to judge and yet you know nothing about me.

Also, you implications and hopes that I'm stuck in debt are borderline stalker-ish. Why dont you mind your own business. I've managed to pay my debts on time for years. Its really none of your business.

If the Bay guys did buy on the back end (which I cannot prove nor do i care), then I will simply peg the coin. So no matter what price they dump to, we will eventually have a solid price protecting the investors.

And IF you actually think only 100 BTC was raised that is not only delusional but stupid. What benefit then would it be for Bay to help set up and pay my dev team?

If you dont think my code was hard work I will show you 10,000 lines of code. Or perhaps you were hired to spread fud? If not, be a man. Prove it. Add me on Skype I will certainly discuss whatever you want.

Also your accusation that I copied NXT markets?! Where on earth do you get your theories??I didnt even know NXT had markets lol. And I've been talking about markets in Halo since May!

I didnt even know much about the parties I was working with until after the ICO was almost over. Thats only because I got lots of emails trying to guess who I was working with. And the thing is, I protect their privacy because I have yet to see any evidence that they did buy on the back. Perhaps I'm naive. But you know, I'm just trying to get software made to better the crypto space. To this date. Halo was the FIRST multicoin client. The FIRST multisignature client (May 29th). The FIRST smart contracting client etc. There is really no reason for me to come here and defend myself anyways. My work speaks for itself.

So it didnt make the price of BC move. Who cares? None of us sold our BC maybe somebody had 75% of the damn coins. Who the hell knows? The markets are so uncertain as it is, there is really absolutely no way to know why the price didnt reflect the tech. I love BC people Im trying my best to keep sending tech their way (for free I might add).

If price reflected value then our presidents would be living in the streets.

If what you say is true that people would prefer to use E-Bay then again I ask why you are in crypto in the first place. Comments like that reveal you have no interest in the liberating tech. Then just go use USD. Go trust main stream medicine. Go trust your media. (lol please do not trust your media... dont be a sheep)

Anyways, thats all I have left to say.  8)

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: barabbas on December 02, 2014, 08:20:44 PM
Oh Zimbeck, Zimbeck, Zimbeck... should I believe you are as naive as you pretend to be? I'm torn here: On one hand, you never finished high school; on the other, you played chess at the competition level and even got ranked... Torn, like I said. OK, I am going to give you, for now, the benefit of the doubt and will explain to you the obvious answer to your question And IF you actually think only 100 BTC was raised that is not only delusional but stupid. What benefit then would it be for Bay to help set up and pay my dev team?: Obviously because, for them, it is a win-win situation either way dear child. You see, if they collected only 100 BTC -and they probably collected more, significantly so, but not a lot more-, that means that they "bought" themselves roughly 2900 BTC of the crap. All those millions and millions of coins, they have been unloading since day one. Including today. And tomorrow. And 100 days from here. REGARDLESS OF THE PRICE. It is all gravy for them, dear Zimbeck, all gravy. When they get their final 33%, they would have gotten back everything they "paid", plus the 100 (that we agree is significantly more than 100) plus all the proceeds from all the sales of their millions of coins AND they will still have plenty millions of coins to unload, all for 100% profits since their only investment in this coin is whatever they are paying you. You got it now? I can dumb it down if you like or feel it is necessary.

The problem here is that, up until now, you have enthusiastically participated in this scam, Zimbeck. Facilitating it, in fact.  For, without you, there's no project. They bought YOU, not your Halo shit, YOU. Why did you accept to be presented as the LEAD DEVELOPER OF BITBAY? That's aiding and abetting, boy. It is in your (legal) interest to post, clearly, that you are just a coder hired to do a job, not the lead developer of the project. 99% oor more of the investors in BAY believe it is YOUR project. It isn't a job that you do, you are finished and bye bye. Not clarifying this, not just here but in their official thread and their website, IS aiding and abetting in which you by know highly suspect -if not know for sure- is an evident scam.

Your "faith" in your Halo and NT is both logical -since it is the only thing that is putting food on your table- and something completely detached from reality. As the price of BC since clearly indicates, there's no use case for any of it. Not now, not in the future. It is an exercise in absurdity seemingly designed to keep whichever crypto currency decides to incorporate it more inaccessible to the users, both initiated and non, both merchants and customers. As you probably know -or should- if you cannot explain, understandably, a project in 2 minutes or less, you don't have a project. pretending that DD escrow can be any solution -as opposite to a problem- is simply carrying blinders to reality. And THAT'S why it won't be ever used and that's why the BC price remains stagnant at all time lows.

Oh and Zimbeck don't flatter yourself... all I know about you is what I got in 5 minutes of Google research plus what you yourself posted regarding your debts. I would not dedicate more than 5 minutes to research you even though I am in your recent stomping grounds and could easily contact people that have interact with you. Not interested at all in anything you do... except when it can hurt people severely as it could through this scam. I havent called you up on Halo before because those who remain invested in BC at this stage fully deserve what they are getting for I uncovered long ago that scam and its particulars, which are posted here in BTCT in painful detail including exchanges with some of the main players, AND cannot be "reached", no matter the amount of evidence exposed, just like you are not going to concede the practical absurdity of your HALO. I'm just explaining to you why the price is what it is since I wouldn't waste my time trying to convince you that you are shooting blanks with it.

Finally, let me give you a small lesson in commerce, because you direly need it: For an exchange (of value, goods, services, whatever...) to be successful, there's only one thing required: TRUST. If the customer, user, recipient... is not as satisfied or close as satisfied, months, even years after he/she ordered the goods/values/services, then the enterprise will very quickly fail. That's why the most successful enterprises in the planet spend huge amounts of money in customer services, refunds and unloading "refurbished" goods. It is the cost of doing (good) business. If you don't have the margins to supports such enormous expenses, then  you don't have a business. Get it? This is not "I got you, go fuck yourself if you are not satisfied". It is just the opposite, in fact: It is my priority, as your vendor/provider that you are satisfied, enthusiastically, fully satisfied... so you will come for more. Again and again and again.

That is not to say there's no place for so called "smart contracts", there is. But not the kind of DD escrow. That is only on your mind Zimbeck, not in the real world... that has been conducting business, quite successfully, for thousands of years based on TRUST. The DD escrow, the entire Halo thing Zimbeck, is not progression but regression. And the price of BC reflects exactly that.

Have a good one and, if you have been really naive -that not honest, that train sailed-, go and post clearly what your job -and only job- is on BAY. In their official thread. In their official website. At least your personal credibility will be safeguarded when the shit hits the proverbial fan.

I'm going to remain quite skeptic about you being allowed to do just that, but I have been wrong before so, hopefully, I will be again this time around. Ball's on your court.

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: dzimbeck on December 03, 2014, 02:19:33 AM
You know the thing is, I believe in DD escrow. That was the reason I made it. I'm not the only one. Lots of people believe in it and there has been some contracts in Halo (we keep track of it). So although you are correct... ideally a society based on trust is a better one, we currently do not have a society based on trust. Simply turn on the news for a few minutes and listen to how corrupt and backwards society is.

I agree with you. There is definitely challenges in getting DD escrow to be used main stream. However, the same can be said for crypto.

Ive always been a fan of the old world and eye for an eye system. Regardless of its practicality because consumers want to feel comfortable, I'm going to try my best to make it a used tech. Even if you dont see or agree with its viability. I could of course name many situations where people save money using DD escrow by cutting out middle men and agents. If you buy a house this way I bet you could save 10%. You are saying to me there is nobody in the world who will want to use it to save money?

Where people can save money, there should be an opportunity for us. If not, I'm going to be proud of the software I made anyways since it was in fact difficult to make. There is lots of little thoughtful features that people will probably not notice or appreciate.

So as far as them putting my name to this. If you read the OP on BCT, they put me as lead dev before I had a chance to announce the news to BC. I was upset since the gossip spread so fast I didnt even have time to talk on my own behalf and so I had them change the post to say i was ONLY a project manager.

It was never my intention to be a lead dev of a coin that I myself didnt write from scratch. If you followed BC, you would know that and you would know that this action went way beyond what anyone expected from me.

After they had my name on it, and people kept asking questions on BCT and they only wanna talk to me, i felt like i didnt really have a choice.

So the only choice i had was to pass up the offer in the first place(and i didnt have a time machine). And I would had to consider that they would put my name all over it and that i would be forced to take on a larger role for them. At the time, I really had not considered it. To me, I was just cloning Halo for them and doing markets which i had planned all year anyways. At the time of negotiation my rationale was to "get paid doing what i was planning on doing anyways".

So, i accepted and now there has been some drama which i never ducked.

Instead of worrying about the past my only intention is to focus on the future. SO I'm just going to continue coding and try my best. Which is all anyone should expect. Im not going to spend my time worrying if they bought on the back end. If there is selling below ico, you may be right although i have no idea how you would expect me to provide evidence of that no matter how rational your argument. So now im going to simply have to walk forward and put one foot in front of the other.

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: barabbas on December 03, 2014, 02:59:00 AM
The extent of your responsibility is to make it official, quite simply. All anyone can ask from you, if what you just posted is the truth, is that you state clearly, for everyone to see, that you are a paid contractor hired to do a job, that you are no lead developer NOR project manager but just a contractor responsible ONLY for cloning Halo, build the markets and whatever else you have agreed to. That you know nothing whatsoever of any back end deal or any general direction of the coin nor any possible "connections with Alibaba". It is quite simple, really. Because, if you don't, you have already allowed "them" to build you up to the community as the lead developer and main if not only responsible for EVERYTHING in BITBAY.

It will also help a lot if you clarify the specifics of your agreement. You have already stated you were paid in BTC... only on BTC? no BAY at all? If any BAY, you should state how much and provide the wallet address also, if you want to really be in the clear.

So I'll keep waiting, giving you the benefit of the doubt, and holding a significant dose of skepticism. I hope you come forward and prove it unfounded.

Now, I know you "worked" in real estate -not exactly successfully I might add, but you got your $250 California license-, so you had to learn a couple things... would you tell me just how a DD or no DD smart contract would save anyone 10%? I hope you are not implying a full cash deal... so how exactly buying a $1 million home with 20% down and a Chase mortgage for the other $800,000 would present an opportunity for me to save 10% by using a smart contract? I can easily imagine the face of the Chase agent when I suggest such a thing, it would be worth the price of admission just to see that. Also, the smart contract could be used with fiat, I assume, because the face of the agent would turn purple, beside the expression, if I mention payment in anything but... I doubt you sold a single home during you real estate period, but you had to learn the process to get your license, so please illustrate me as what the practical use of smart contracts or Halo in particular would be in the above scenario.

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: barabbas on December 03, 2014, 06:25:45 AM
Get a room. You guys should get married. This is ridiculous.

You should ask for permission when talking to your elders... You are transparent, by the way, little puppet. The balloon is burst, in case you have not realized fully yet.

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: barabbas on December 03, 2014, 08:05:22 AM (

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: Jocuserious on December 03, 2014, 08:50:10 AM
David, don't entertain this fool.

Not interested at all in anything you do... except when it can hurt people severely as it could through this scam.

You're missing the point.  David was commissioned to write code based on previous work (I'm a fan of Pirates, by the way, and was an extra on Fast & Furious Tokyo((flame me for that; I also extra'ed on an unreleased film starring the crazy guy from Back To The Future)).

I can half ass associate shite all day long.  I can also condescend. To wit,

Oh dear barabbas.  Oh, dear barabbas.  Does one have such a stake in another project that one needs to make an attempt to destroy the credibility of someone who does more work than you?  How was it that you were able to invest in what was considered a small project when 99.999% of the world failed to?  Does that make you special?  Was it god? Regardless, why is it that you have such a high pedestal?

Where is that indigence coming from? 

The fact is, smart contracts don't rely on DD escrow.  They are smart contracts for a reason in that they can be negotiated between parties.  Meaning there can be DD escrow or there can be .0001D escrow.  Or vice versa.

But you knew that, right?  You have experience with this sort of thing and aren't talking abstract out of your probably pristine arse, I would presume.

Let's assume for a second that you are right.  For games.

Because games are fun.

What if BitBay is a scam?

My first question is, "How do you know?"

If you knew, you wouldn't be wasting your time with holier than thou bullshit that fails to include all information.

My second question is, "How do you know?"

Where is your evidence, save from anecdotal and unassociated experience, that there is a scam going on?

My third question is, regarding this quote from you,
"So I'll keep waiting, giving you the benefit of the doubt, and holding a significant dose of skepticism",

Who the flark are you to bust balls and then say, "Maybe you're cool,"?

I got a million questions for you.  I also don't care. I think you are full of obfuscating shite.

You've already established per the above quotes that you are on the fence regarding your own accusations.  Bitch and moan all you want.  Give the man and the team the opportunity to do what they said.  Reconvene in February. Or not.

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: qawzsx on December 03, 2014, 09:58:02 AM
some bla bla

this useless maggot is still angry cause he lost money with BC :)) a "strong hand" he was...
Go get a real job shit head

Don't you see already how pathetic and desperate you look trying so hard to get some attention. We get it, you are at that age, when you become desperate if you have not accomplished anything in your low life. We get it.

You leak frustration...

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: on December 03, 2014, 11:45:03 AM
some bla bla

this useless maggot is still angry cause he lost money with BC :)) a "strong hand" he was...
Go get a real job shit head

Don't you see already how pathetic and desperate you look trying so hard to get some attention. We get it, you are at that age, when you become desperate if you have not accomplished anything in your low life. We get it.

You leak frustration...

you paid shitbay ass licker. you are the most pathetic to support the unadulterated scam.

your reasoning or lies only show Shitbay's poorly designed scheme, which is drawing only 5-10 btc from market with you rats' free tokens.  your "hero" dev destroyed his "fame" once for all.

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: illodin on December 03, 2014, 12:16:45 PM
Barabbas' strategy is to attack every project saying they are a scam.

And when he eventually sometimes gets it right, he can say told you so. When he doesn't, he just quietly goes away.

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: dzimbeck on December 03, 2014, 03:09:13 PM
The extent of your responsibility is to make it official, quite simply. All anyone can ask from you, if what you just posted is the truth, is that you state clearly, for everyone to see, that you are a paid contractor hired to do a job, that you are no lead developer NOR project manager but just a contractor responsible ONLY for cloning Halo, build the markets and whatever else you have agreed to. That you know nothing whatsoever of any back end deal or any general direction of the coin nor any possible "connections with Alibaba". It is quite simple, really. Because, if you don't, you have already allowed "them" to build you up to the community as the lead developer and main if not only responsible for EVERYTHING in BITBAY.

It will also help a lot if you clarify the specifics of your agreement. You have already stated you were paid in BTC... only on BTC? no BAY at all? If any BAY, you should state how much and provide the wallet address also, if you want to really be in the clear.

So I'll keep waiting, giving you the benefit of the doubt, and holding a significant dose of skepticism. I hope you come forward and prove it unfounded.

Now, I know you "worked" in real estate -not exactly successfully I might add, but you got your $250 California license-, so you had to learn a couple things... would you tell me just how a DD or no DD smart contract would save anyone 10%? I hope you are not implying a full cash deal... so how exactly buying a $1 million home with 20% down and a Chase mortgage for the other $800,000 would present an opportunity for me to save 10% by using a smart contract? I can easily imagine the face of the Chase agent when I suggest such a thing, it would be worth the price of admission just to see that. Also, the smart contract could be used with fiat, I assume, because the face of the agent would turn purple, beside the expression, if I mention payment in anything but... I doubt you sold a single home during you real estate period, but you had to learn the process to get your license, so please illustrate me as what the practical use of smart contracts or Halo in particular would be in the above scenario.

What do you mean not successfully? That is a matter of opinion. Every deal I started, I closed and that was DURING the collapse. I closed 2 deals total and if you know anything about real estate it has a 90% drop out rate. Why do you continue with these weak attempts to berate me?

Regardless, this double escrow would be more ideal with large cash buyers in the 100-200K range or perhaps with lower value real estate such as in Chicago. You simply do double escrow with no agent or escrow. You just record the title notarize any necessary docs and you are done. No fees paid.

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: DiCE1904 on December 03, 2014, 03:25:47 PM

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: GrandpasNaked on December 03, 2014, 03:41:38 PM
The lot of them is simply riotous. Beyond hilarious. Just check them for yourself, worth it for the laughs.

But at the key point in them, here's one of the best "pearls":

Q: Are there any mechanisms to rid the BitBay marketplace of things like guns, abusive pornagraphy, hitmen, etc?

A: Those things will not be possible in the main markets even though they are in fact decentralized. This is for two reasons. First in order to get into a white listed market, you need to prove your worth by doing deals in the Halo market. Next, once in the decentralized market, special moderator versions of Halo will be given out to help oversee what is seen in a decentralized market. Users can also flag posts and when a certain number of flags is reached, the orders become invisible. Whitelists allow for trust systems. So anyone running a decentralized market has total control over who is able to post to it.

Just read that answer slowly and carefully, ok? This is a decentralized series of markets but you, somehow, have to prove "your worth" to access the big leagues, but playing first in the small ones. Fair enough, so you sell your collection of stamps and your used DVDs first and once qualified, you go into the big leagues where you sell dolls (full of cocaine) that ship from Colombia. Or Thailand... ah, but no, there's that omnipresent "Halo special moderator" that "oversees" somehow what is seen in "a decentralized market". So the market is not that decentralized after all. Oh but that "Halo special moderator" is just a bunch of keywords, so no real moderator at all: You can write anything you want -or post any pictures you want- except that you have to watch you avoid the keywords that would alert the "special moderator", and you are in business... And since Law enforcement is completely stupid, even retarded, they won't be able to tell what you are selling either. And even is they find out, they wont be able to come after you because, after all, you are selling in a decentralized market, right? So when they purchase your dolls and trace their origin, you would send them to a jungle in the Amazon instead the shipment addresses in Colombia or Thailand. Or the UPC or mail office closest where they will be waiting for you when they order the next shipment... yeah, quite clever indeed Zimbeck... oh boy... It can and will apply to things much more "innocent" too, such as the pirated versions of "Fury" or "The Godfather" too, not to mention the discography of Taylor Swift of the latest version of Halo (pun fully intended) for Playstation 5.

But besides the obvious, this whole idea of a "decentralized marketplace" is so beyond absurd that it really is amazing it will still have some sale (pun again!) value: Much like on eBay, buyers and sellers will be "rated", therefore left at the whim of competitors -legit and non- or simply "demanding" customers/sellers for their listings will disappear if a "certain number of flags is reached". Manipulating those numbers of flags cannot be easier and poof, competitoir out of the way. Or otherwise valid consumer, out of the way because... well, he used the handle "barabbas" to purchase a couple of things and he maybe you know, that guy on BTCT...

Finally, So anyone running a decentralized market has total control over who is able to post to it. Now I am REALLY confused... I thought this was totally DECENTRALIZED so the whole point was that NOBODY was "running a decentralized market"... what's that you said, ITS TOTAL BULLSHIT created only to get [people to at least hold their coins without provoking a major stampede before they collect the payments held by BTER that they posted to themselves in exchange for the coins they are orderly unloading since the coin came online at the exchanges? That makes sense. ONLY that makes sense.

David, do I take that your debts will be fully cancelled and you'll be on the clear as of December 5th or shortly thereafter, or are you "tied up" until the full delivery, somewhere in March or so... I hope, for once, you were clever enough to get ouit of them on the 5th, otherwise it is going to be a long winter of your discontent.

Which is what usually happens when, instead of working, you choose to try to scam people, you know?

LMAO dude relax... Stop being a hater and go do your own thing "Barabbas"... You stalk people much? Creepy.. At least David is applying his mind to crypto and bitcoin and not sitting around talking shit online from his Mom's basement lmao

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: Baghead on December 03, 2014, 07:04:11 PM

LMAO dude relax... Stop being a hater and go do your own thing "Barabbas"... You stalk people much? Creepy.. At least David is applying his mind to crypto and bitcoin and not sitting around talking shit online from his Mom's basement lmao


You couldn’t have got it more right, creepy stalking 'Barabbas' spending his life in the basement with the roaches as friends, wishing he could create more than a simple minded thread, oh oh dear mrs Barabbas you have been outed, BTW when was the last time you got outside?

Get some fresh air and remember karma will catch you in the end young lady....

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: barabbas on December 03, 2014, 08:43:05 PM
David, don't entertain this fool.

Not interested at all in anything you do... except when it can hurt people severely as it could through this scam.

You're missing the point.  David was commissioned to write code based on previous work (I'm a fan of Pirates, by the way, and was an extra on Fast & Furious Tokyo((flame me for that; I also extra'ed on an unreleased film starring the crazy guy from Back To The Future)).

I can half ass associate shite all day long.  I can also condescend. To wit,

Oh dear barabbas.  Oh, dear barabbas.  Does one have such a stake in another project that one needs to make an attempt to destroy the credibility of someone who does more work than you?  How was it that you were able to invest in what was considered a small project when 99.999% of the world failed to?  Does that make you special?  Was it god? Regardless, why is it that you have such a high pedestal?

Where is that indigence coming from? 

The fact is, smart contracts don't rely on DD escrow.  They are smart contracts for a reason in that they can be negotiated between parties.  Meaning there can be DD escrow or there can be .0001D escrow.  Or vice versa.

But you knew that, right?  You have experience with this sort of thing and aren't talking abstract out of your probably pristine arse, I would presume.

Let's assume for a second that you are right.  For games.

Because games are fun.

What if BitBay is a scam?

My first question is, "How do you know?"

If you knew, you wouldn't be wasting your time with holier than thou bullshit that fails to include all information.

My second question is, "How do you know?"

Where is your evidence, save from anecdotal and unassociated experience, that there is a scam going on?

My third question is, regarding this quote from you,
"So I'll keep waiting, giving you the benefit of the doubt, and holding a significant dose of skepticism",

Who the flark are you to bust balls and then say, "Maybe you're cool,"?

I got a million questions for you.  I also don't care. I think you are full of obfuscating shite.

You've already established per the above quotes that you are on the fence regarding your own accusations.  Bitch and moan all you want.  Give the man and the team the opportunity to do what they said.  Reconvene in February. Or not.

Although you repeat the first question twice, there are only 2 questions in your post. And, for this one time only, I am going to answer them one more time since they have been answered many times in this thread and others, including in the OP of THE WALL OF SHAME.

"How do you know?" you ask. I know because I have been witness to many ICOs, IPOs, etc. Most recently the gimmicky SEED (plenty of details on THE WALL OF SHAME) that in spite -or perhaps because of it- of offering 269% during it's first 7 days, and in spite of being fully sponsored and supported by the entire PINK dev team, only got a total of less than 7 BTC -most of it from those PINK devs-. Under more "normal" circumstances that ICO would have gotten several hundreds of dollars. But there are "new normal" circumstances, those produced by an unending burning of the investors and newbies by outright scams, one after another, on one side; on the other side, huge ICOs like Ethereum and SuperNET have drained all liquidity from the market. So, fact is, there's no money available.. This is also evident given the drastic reduction of all trading in Alts. Another even more clear example, is the ICO of BRO,  which got less than 300 BTC in spite of a very solid plan backed by a dozen multimillonaire poker celebrities. Finally, BYTECENT, another one that under "normal" circumstances would have collected hundreds of BTC, only manage about 50 total.

If those -and several other- projects failed so miserably, why on Earth would BAY different? Well it wasn't. It also failed miserably. It's simply that the Chinese connection (which has been around for a while and plotting such scam) thought they could fool what's left of the alt community. They sold, in fact, a very few hundred BTC of BAY and purchased themselves the rest, which is, as you should know and I have explained a few posts above, an instant humongous pre-mine. Furthermore, who do you think is selling the 10-20BTC they are selling daily way below the ICO price? You don't need to be a particulartly smart fellow to put together 2 and 2, do you? I mean the selling is relentless, since it started trading. You would understand some people selling ICO coins for 10-20-30% or more of the ICO price, that's logical, but for 10-20% UNDER? Just days after launch, when not even the wallet is out? You, yes even you, know way better than that. Even you can deduct that if you find a cigarrette butt lying on the floor, most likely it indicates that someone actually smoked there...

I am the flak who asks questions because I -and many others- are interested in the answers. You, obviously, aren't. You are just interested in joining a fray for the shake of it. Hey, there are a few like you so, nothing original. You butt in on an exchange between others for no apparent reason or interest, just because. But, since you ask, I am someone that probably has saved a lot of money to a lot of people by denouncing scams on THE WALL OF SHAME and several threads of THE CASE OF.... Most particularly -and related to the BAY case- in Blackcoin, which I denounced and demonstrated it was a scam when it was in the mid 40s. Those wise enough to have jumped them would have avoided the downside spiral that project has suffered all the way to the 7s and below. Whether they choose to post it or no, some of those are -or should be- grateful. No matter. It goes to CREDIBILITY. That's why, unlike you, I don't use or need to use sock puppets. That's why what you post lacks any gravitas and is mostly nonsense -in whichever puppet handle-.

There are very significant differences, you follow?

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: barabbas on December 03, 2014, 09:05:08 PM
The extent of your responsibility is to make it official, quite simply. All anyone can ask from you, if what you just posted is the truth, is that you state clearly, for everyone to see, that you are a paid contractor hired to do a job, that you are no lead developer NOR project manager but just a contractor responsible ONLY for cloning Halo, build the markets and whatever else you have agreed to. That you know nothing whatsoever of any back end deal or any general direction of the coin nor any possible "connections with Alibaba". It is quite simple, really. Because, if you don't, you have already allowed "them" to build you up to the community as the lead developer and main if not only responsible for EVERYTHING in BITBAY.

It will also help a lot if you clarify the specifics of your agreement. You have already stated you were paid in BTC... only on BTC? no BAY at all? If any BAY, you should state how much and provide the wallet address also, if you want to really be in the clear.

So I'll keep waiting, giving you the benefit of the doubt, and holding a significant dose of skepticism. I hope you come forward and prove it unfounded.

Now, I know you "worked" in real estate -not exactly successfully I might add, but you got your $250 California license-, so you had to learn a couple things... would you tell me just how a DD or no DD smart contract would save anyone 10%? I hope you are not implying a full cash deal... so how exactly buying a $1 million home with 20% down and a Chase mortgage for the other $800,000 would present an opportunity for me to save 10% by using a smart contract? I can easily imagine the face of the Chase agent when I suggest such a thing, it would be worth the price of admission just to see that. Also, the smart contract could be used with fiat, I assume, because the face of the agent would turn purple, beside the expression, if I mention payment in anything but... I doubt you sold a single home during you real estate period, but you had to learn the process to get your license, so please illustrate me as what the practical use of smart contracts or Halo in particular would be in the above scenario.

What do you mean not successfully? That is a matter of opinion. Every deal I started, I closed and that was DURING the collapse. I closed 2 deals total and if you know anything about real estate it has a 90% drop out rate. Why do you continue with these weak attempts to berate me?

Regardless, this double escrow would be more ideal with large cash buyers in the 100-200K range or perhaps with lower value real estate such as in Chicago. You simply do double escrow with no agent or escrow. You just record the title notarize any necessary docs and you are done. No fees paid.

I don't "berate" you Zimbeck, I draw conclusions from your own admissions, in the case of your real estate "success" from your own quote "I know it, right?" referred to the hideous timing of your involvement in the business. In any case, it was just for reference and to frame the question regarding, I would repeat again, you outrageous claim that using Halo could save someone 10% when buying a home.

And, once again, you put in evidence that it is simply not true, in ANY case, let alone in any PRACTICAL, logical, one. And you know this, as an ex-licensed agent, better than anyone. As a matter of fact, for the purpose of saving the agent's fee (standard 6% shared between seller's and buyer's agents), you don't need any "smart contract". A simple bill of sale would do if you want to do it and you somehow have hundreds of thousands of dollars in cold hard cash under your mattress. Because, as you know -again, better than most-, there are a bunch of unavoidable fees no matter what type of contract you sign or agree to, from shake of hands to elaborate contract. And you DO know that the price of a notary in California is somewhere around $30, right? Regardless if the price of the deal is 100 dollars or 100 million dollars. Escrow price is also generally a fixed amount of a few hundred dollars, so where is the "10% savings"? It is bullshit, for lack of a better word. Truth is that, as of today, you could not use a smart contract in any practical example, not even if by some miracle you would find two parties fully willing to bend all established rules and regulations. AND, if you would find those two non-existent parties, they would still do the deal, smart contract or not, in FIAT and ONLY in FIAT. That's how far we are -and I am talking decades, IF ever- from any practical use of smart contracts in real estate.

Oh, and one other things, that "pegging" thing apparently you are part of, it ain't gonna happen. Not even close. One BAY will never be worth not a dollar, not even 5 cents of a dollar. Ever. As a matter of fact I can't imagine it surviving the current year but, if it somehow does, the bubble not only have been burst but any remaining traces will fully disappear before the end of March when you attempt to bring the "markets" online, at which time the full spectrum of the scam will be unavoidably evident. The "pegging" idea, as you must know, is nothing but a copy of the "stabilization fund" at NAUT -that never worked and never will work-, or the several ones BC itself promoted -so the Black Hand could sell into them-. And it is already obsolete for there will never be any funds to establish the "wall" in the first place. That was conceived as a last resort into which unload the rest of the coins bought by the Chinese connection, when and if the price failed. Since it has failed already, far earlier than anyone could have foreseen, the whole thing is quite moot at this point. The house of cards is falling.

And Zimbeck, my skepticism is getting the best of me. I don't see you clarifying for all BAY investors that you are a hired hand and ONLY a hired hand in BAY. Failing to post that in the official thread is aiding and abetting. And will have consequences, I can guarantee you that.

One more thing: You stated you were paid in BTC. I assume that 30-50 total. Direct question I already have posed and you have dodged so far: Di you ALSO get a % of BAY? 10%? Less? These are important questions for if that is the case you have a significant vested interest in continuing the scam. You need to clarify that if indeed you want to come out clean. If you can.

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: spookycoins on December 04, 2014, 03:51:08 AM
Hang in there David.
These clowns are trying to wear you down.
You have a community being built around BitBay and people who respect your work.
I'd recommend letting this thread just fill up with crap and die.
I'd hate for you to let 5-10 forum people take up your time.
Cheers and keep up the great work.

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: chipmadness on December 04, 2014, 05:15:52 AM
Barabbas you are one sick man. Mind your own business, take a break, tis the season my friend. Go up stairs and spend time with the family. David is just trying to do things innovative and guess what! PEOPLE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS SMART CONTRACT SYSTEM. It's proven to work! Idk if its completely flawless, but it's a great system! David is a good guy and let's get real.... David has his information out there. If I was gona do a big scam, I would at least hide my identity and be anonymous about this. I hate all this offensive talk with alt coins and its people like you who put the rep down. Let's grow up, make innovative applications like computer nerds should, and let's make the world a much simplier place. Don't be a school girl, be a grown up and let David be proud of his invention. Plus stay away from creeping on people. It's disgusting and obscene.

Keep up the work David, haters gonna hate my friend.

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: toknormal on December 04, 2014, 05:20:40 AM

Barabbas you are one sick man


Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: Jocuserious on December 04, 2014, 06:18:26 AM
Although you repeat the first question twice, there are only 2 questions in your post. And, for this one time only, I am going to answer them one more time since they have been answered many times in this thread and others, including in the OP of THE WALL OF SHAME.

The repeated question was intentional.  For emphasis.  I'm not sure I am going to hold much relevance to the plugging of "THE WALL OF SHAME" though.  I don't agree with several of the targets in that thread but that is a debate for a different time.

"How do you know?" you ask. I know because I have been witness to many ICOs, IPOs, etc. Most recently the gimmicky SEED (plenty of details on THE WALL OF SHAME) that in spite -or perhaps because of it- of offering 269% during it's first 7 days, and in spite of being fully sponsored and supported by the entire PINK dev team, only got a total of less than 7 BTC -most of it from those PINK devs-. Under more "normal" circumstances that ICO would have gotten several hundreds of dollars. But there are "new normal" circumstances, those produced by an unending burning of the investors and newbies by outright scams, one after another, on one side; on the other side, huge ICOs like Ethereum and SuperNET have drained all liquidity from the market. So, fact is, there's no money available.. This is also evident given the drastic reduction of all trading in Alts. Another even more clear example, is the ICO of BRO,  which got less than 300 BTC in spite of a very solid plan backed by a dozen multimillonaire poker celebrities. Finally, BYTECENT, another one that under "normal" circumstances would have collected hundreds of BTC, only manage about 50 total.

I do recall stipulating that anecdotal experience was unacceptable as a response.  That is what you have provided.  Experience based on different people and different projects.  I have no experience with SEED and only basic familiarity with PINK.  Suffice to say, that is probably enough experience for me to conclude with reasonable confidence that they have nothing to do with David or Bay.

I won't completely disagree with your point on the low liquidity in alts due to major ICO's though.  There has been plenty of money dropped into them and a lot of that money is tied up.  However, I will disagree that such a distinction equates unequivocally to "So, fact is, there's no money available".  That just isn't true.  I know people with plenty of money/BTC who shined Ethereum and SuperNET.  Even Blocknet.  I even know some who shined on Bay.  The fact of the matter is that while altcoin markets aren't liquidated with a ton of money (like we all had thought perhaps in March earlier this year) this is still the biggest open sourced R&D project in the world and there are eyes on it.  Does that mean that scams will come along and take advantage?  Sure.  Does it mean that every project is here to take advantage?  No.

Finally, I am not sure why you would bring up BYTECENT.  Started by IE, there is a huge lack of confidence in the guy and the lack of ICO contribution likely worked to his advantage.  The result was the establishment of 165,000 coins or so (right?) and if anyone can point a finger at a dev who would buy his own coin up and profit on a pump (which occurred almost immediately), that finger would almost likely be IE at least 60% of the time.  There is no way that I will be convinced that IE is a more stout dev/community manager than David and Bitbay.  

If those -and several other- projects failed so miserably, why on Earth would BAY different? Well it wasn't. It also failed miserably. It's simply that the Chinese connection (which has been around for a while and plotting such scam) thought they could fool what's left of the alt community. They sold, in fact, a very few hundred BTC of BAY and purchased themselves the rest, which is, as you should know and I have explained a few posts above, an instant humongous pre-mine. Furthermore, who do you think is selling the 10-20BTC they are selling daily way below the ICO price? You don't need to be a particulartly smart fellow to put together 2 and 2, do you? I mean the selling is relentless, since it started trading. You would understand some people selling ICO coins for 10-20-30% or more of the ICO price, that's logical, but for 10-20% UNDER? Just days after launch, when not even the wallet is out? You, yes even you, know way better than that. Even you can deduct that if you find a cigarrette butt lying on the floor, most likely it indicates that someone actually smoked there...

This is where I take issue with your reasoning.  You provide three unrelated case samples and then blanket Bay with them.  ICO's that didn't get enough money somehow prove that an ICO that did receive the funding is a scam.  ICO's that did get enough funding prove that there is no money left so Bay must be a scam.  You hedged your logic here and it doesn't work.  You're also stating that they are definitively selling coins that they bought during the ICO for pure profit.  But you provide no proof.  It's an accusation, nothing more.  It is completely reasonable to as well state that the drop in ICO price is due to natural market behavior - sellers panic when they encounter doubt of whatever form, sellers who intentionally drop the price in hopes to pick up more.  The percentages expected from a seasoned trader on the latter example is in the low percentages so it is going to happen over a period of days to maximize gain.

The point is that there are other explanations that can be proffered to explain the market behavior of Bay once trading started.  There were similar issues with Maid when their ICO ended - people were crying manipulation because of the MSC discount.  That coin dropped under ICO price for months.  Did that prevent Maid from continuing their development?  

Funny story.  Maid staff also purchased tokens during the ICO (David Irvine estimates an average of 6 BTC per staff member of which there were about 16 at the time).  Does purchasing shares in your own company make for an obvious scam or manipulation?  No.  So I expect that some were bought by the Bay team.  It is just as likely that they were betting on themselves as opposed to buying for market manipulation.  In fact, I would consider the former more likely.

I am the flak who asks questions because I -and many others- are interested in the answers. You, obviously, aren't. You are just interested in joining a fray for the shake of it. Hey, there are a few like you so, nothing original. You butt in on an exchange between others for no apparent reason or interest, just because. But, since you ask, I am someone that probably has saved a lot of money to a lot of people by denouncing scams on THE WALL OF SHAME and several threads of THE CASE OF.... Most particularly -and related to the BAY case- in Blackcoin, which I denounced and demonstrated it was a scam when it was in the mid 40s. Those wise enough to have jumped them would have avoided the downside spiral that project has suffered all the way to the 7s and below. Whether they choose to post it or no, some of those are -or should be- grateful. No matter. It goes to CREDIBILITY. That's why, unlike you, I don't use or need to use sock puppets. That's why what you post lacks any gravitas and is mostly nonsense -in whichever puppet handle-.

I did butt in.  This is a public forum and as such I felt that I wasn't being uninvited.

Here's the thing.  I am interested in answers.  I just don't expect them immediately and I don't demand them while hurling insults and accusations everywhere.  Answers come with time and there are plenty of projects ongoing that have suffered a decrease in price despite the well intentions of the developers.  That doesn't mean that it is a scam.  That also doesn't mean that every new project is a scam.  I would like to offer a different perspective.  Perhaps all of your denouncements and warnings during BC/40's were an impetus for selloffs and those people should be cursing you rather than thanking you.  Negative rhetoric, especially prolific negative rhetoric has a very real short term impact on the psyche than a dev stating that development is ongoing.  Huge spikes are rare and if everyone is chasing them then it is easy to scare them when they don't happen.  That is especially true in the crypto world precisely because many of the investors are new and not seasoned by wall street.  Those who are seasoned know the right buttons to push.

There are very significant differences, you follow?

There are very significant differences.  And that is precisely why I am not inclined to trust your perspective.  You follow?

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: Jocuserious on December 04, 2014, 06:22:13 AM
It should also be noted that you did not address my third question.

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: unusualfacts30 on December 04, 2014, 07:19:02 AM

Barbarass lost money in BC. AltcoinUK lost money in Vericoin and now they think all altcoins are scams. Bunch of cowards who can't take blame for their loss instead they try to blame everyone else BUT themselves.

that's Barbarass post back in April 2014 regarding BC

that's altcoinUK who lost money in Vericoin.

Notice how they support each other in every thread. I bet they're the same person

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: Jocuserious on December 04, 2014, 08:36:33 AM

Generally I would agree.

However, this is a thread off context.  Meaning it is created and controlled by the author.  I intend to dilute that control by calling out fallacies.

In the end, it will be meaningless.  But I am tired of trolls controlling the narrative so I will engage.

He either screws up his narrative because he can't keep up with his own statements/examples or he ignores it. (To be clear - he's already done both)

If he likes typing essays to match mine than so be it. Mine will get longer and more succinct. Every second he thinks about my counter is a second that he doesn't have elsewhere. 

And I have plenty of time. 

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: unusualfacts30 on December 04, 2014, 09:10:08 AM

Generally I would agree.

However, this is a thread off context.  Meaning it is created and controlled by the author.  I intend to dilute that control by calling out fallacies.

In the end, it will be meaningless.  But I am tired of trolls controlling the narrative so I will engage.

He either screws up his narrative because he can't keep up with his own statements/examples or he ignores it. (To be clear - he's already done both)

If he likes typing essays to match mine than so be it. Mine will get longer and more succinct. Every second he thinks about my counter is a second that he doesn't have elsewhere. 

And I have plenty of time. 

specifically I don't want David to get in this mess because he doesn't deserve it. He shouldn't have to deal with this BS. You're more than welcome to talk about it.

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: Kevinrasf on December 04, 2014, 12:29:45 PM

Barbarass lost money in BC. AltcoinUK lost money in Vericoin and now they think all altcoins are scams. Bunch of cowards who can't take blame for their loss instead they try to blame everyone else BUT themselves.

that's Barbarass post back in April 2014 regarding BC

that's altcoinUK who lost money in Vericoin.

Notice how they support each other in every thread. I bet they're the same person

Yes off course they have an agenda of doing this.

Just 2 very sad people, and now they feel their only purpose in life is to attached other alt's.

They got rekt by 2 different coins and now they are on the warpath.

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: dzimbeck on December 04, 2014, 01:13:29 PM
Of course I got some Bay. bN2NGi2bF1cpcQcsxmY4daCpi2tQqW5tnS  and  bNgmCcxPKgQQqUe6rhNtbGWowMJFCuxjZ3 there is a small amount more on
the exchange too. However, i took most of it off the exchange simply because I dont like having my coins on exchanges. (lost some on Mintpal) :/

Also, the fee in BTC was higher than 40. It was about 100.
1JTyPBZm2g6VesSKm23FFtzhNVHVJ47zhE Thats where the deposit was made
and the rest i cashed out

All this negativity barrabas (or whoever) is not healthy for you internally. I have no clue how you can harbor so much of it. Instead of going after people that deserve it (like Mark Karpeles et al or some of the guys from Mintpal)  you decide to attempt to attack one of the only honest people in crypto. It almost seems like you have some sort of personal axe to grind. If it was about BC, we all lost money... I never sold either. And I'm still coding for BC sorry if you or anyone else doesnt have the patience. Also im one of the only ones who doesnt cower behind a fake name.

As for "never being able to peg" I think you just dont understand how pegging works. It only requires control of basic network rules and scripts.  There was a video where I describe it. It has already been done in 2 coins (NuBits and BitUSD). My method varies slightly from theirs however the theory is still the same. Do yourself a favor and read NuBits whitepaper and watch my video. You might learn something.

As for my own admissions about my personal life, they are few and far between and you seem to like to take beautiful and positive parts of my life and desperately try to turn them into something they are not. I was happy selling real estate during the collapse. Because of it, i met one of my closest friends and had one of the most difficult and rewarding deals any realtor could have. Not everything in my life hinges or career and money. If it did, i would have pursued any one of my career options full time. I was too busy exploring lifes options. You seem like one of those "glass half empty" kind of guys. Not sure if talking down to others makes you feel better about yourself or not but regardless, I'm not going to waste any more time entertaining these subjects. You got more than enough play here.

I've got software to make and hopefully you have your own life to live. Next time, point your finger where it belongs. In the mirror.

Now I'm done here.

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: Isokoira on December 04, 2014, 03:45:20 PM
Just one question for Barabbas, Where's Your Coin?  So many posts by you in multiple forums telling how it should be or not be so you must have all the answers to how a coin needs to be developed and have the ability to succeed.  I mean come on, every post I have read is you laying it out exactly how you think it's supposed to be.  I'm patiently waiting for your coin now.  Let's all see what you got.  Seriously not joking.  You got some developers working with you yet since you got all the ideas?  Put your money where your mouth is and show the rest of us please.

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: qawzsx on December 04, 2014, 08:16:57 PM
Of course I got some Bay. bN2NGi2bF1cpcQcsxmY4daCpi2tQqW5tnS  and  bNgmCcxPKgQQqUe6rhNtbGWowMJFCuxjZ3 there is a small amount more on
the exchange too. However, i took most of it off the exchange simply because I dont like having my coins on exchanges. (lost some on Mintpal) :/

Also, the fee in BTC was higher than 40. It was about 100.
1JTyPBZm2g6VesSKm23FFtzhNVHVJ47zhE Thats where the deposit was made
and the rest i cashed out

All this negativity barrabas (or whoever) is not healthy for you internally. I have no clue how you can harbor so much of it. Instead of going after people that deserve it (like Mark Karpeles et al or some of the guys from Mintpal)  you decide to attempt to attack one of the only honest people in crypto. It almost seems like you have some sort of personal axe to grind. If it was about BC, we all lost money... I never sold either. And I'm still coding for BC sorry if you or anyone else doesnt have the patience. Also im one of the only ones who doesnt cower behind a fake name.

As for "never being able to peg" I think you just dont understand how pegging works. It only requires control of basic network rules and scripts.  There was a video where I describe it. It has already been done in 2 coins (NuBits and BitUSD). My method varies slightly from theirs however the theory is still the same. Do yourself a favor and read NuBits whitepaper and watch my video. You might learn something.

As for my own admissions about my personal life, they are few and far between and you seem to like to take beautiful and positive parts of my life and desperately try to turn them into something they are not. I was happy selling real estate during the collapse. Because of it, i met one of my closest friends and had one of the most difficult and rewarding deals any realtor could have. Not everything in my life hinges or career and money. If it did, i would have pursued any one of my career options full time. I was too busy exploring lifes options. You seem like one of those "glass half empty" kind of guys. Not sure if talking down to others makes you feel better about yourself or not but regardless, I'm not going to waste any more time entertaining these subjects. You got more than enough play here.

I've got software to make and hopefully you have your own life to live. Next time, point your finger where it belongs. In the mirror.

Now I'm done here.

Why do you even bother responding to this maggot?

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: barabbas on December 04, 2014, 11:31:32 PM
Of course I got some Bay. bN2NGi2bF1cpcQcsxmY4daCpi2tQqW5tnS  and  bNgmCcxPKgQQqUe6rhNtbGWowMJFCuxjZ3 there is a small amount more on
the exchange too. However, i took most of it off the exchange simply because I dont like having my coins on exchanges. (lost some on Mintpal) :/

Also, the fee in BTC was higher than 40. It was about 100.
1JTyPBZm2g6VesSKm23FFtzhNVHVJ47zhE Thats where the deposit was made
and the rest i cashed out

All this negativity barrabas (or whoever) is not healthy for you internally. I have no clue how you can harbor so much of it. Instead of going after people that deserve it (like Mark Karpeles et al or some of the guys from Mintpal)  you decide to attempt to attack one of the only honest people in crypto. It almost seems like you have some sort of personal axe to grind. If it was about BC, we all lost money... I never sold either. And I'm still coding for BC sorry if you or anyone else doesnt have the patience. Also im one of the only ones who doesnt cower behind a fake name.

As for "never being able to peg" I think you just dont understand how pegging works. It only requires control of basic network rules and scripts.  There was a video where I describe it. It has already been done in 2 coins (NuBits and BitUSD). My method varies slightly from theirs however the theory is still the same. Do yourself a favor and read NuBits whitepaper and watch my video. You might learn something.

As for my own admissions about my personal life, they are few and far between and you seem to like to take beautiful and positive parts of my life and desperately try to turn them into something they are not. I was happy selling real estate during the collapse. Because of it, i met one of my closest friends and had one of the most difficult and rewarding deals any realtor could have. Not everything in my life hinges or career and money. If it did, i would have pursued any one of my career options full time. I was too busy exploring lifes options. You seem like one of those "glass half empty" kind of guys. Not sure if talking down to others makes you feel better about yourself or not but regardless, I'm not going to waste any more time entertaining these subjects. You got more than enough play here.

I've got software to make and hopefully you have your own life to live. Next time, point your finger where it belongs. In the mirror.

Now I'm done here.

Thank you for volunteering more information than needed, really. So you got 150 BTC altogether, 50 of which are in BAY. Like I said, it was not needed -in such detail- but thanks anyway. While it says a lot about your personal transparency regarding compensation, it is still not official -although duly noticed by most of the people- that you are not the lead developer of BAY, just a coder doing a job and, when done, ready to go on your way. You would have your reasons to not set that particular record straight, but, once more, as such, you are aiding and abetting, for your personal profit, a scam.

Don't worry about my negativity... I am only negative on what deserves to be negative about. There are only a handful of coins I am negative about (currently four) and even less than I am denouncing as the scams they are, including, obviously, BAY. I am negative in the entire ALT spectrum because scams like BAY have dried out any and all investment, so innovation simply won't happen outside of one or two already well funded projects (Ethereum), but mostly because the profile of the altcoin community is hideous from any stand point and, financially-wise, non-existent. But that is, in fact, another subject to which I have posted amply already.

I believe you could teach me a few chess moves and maybe some python... maybe. Anything else, sorry but no. And the "pegging" or whichever other name you use for it, simply will not happen, nor will the stabilization in ANY altcoin.

In alts -as opposed to real life-, there isn't a matter of "half empty/half full glasses": We KNOW exactly how empty or how full the glasses are. In the case of BAY, we know -yes, you included-, it is a scam and it is being perpetrated the exact way that I have told you and everyone else it is being perpetrated. It isn't a question of having doubts, or opinions. It has been done many times before and this one is not particularly intelligent, to boot.

As for dd smart contracts and bit Halo, it isn't me, it's the entire community that has rendered it's verdict long ago. Not a matter of opinions. There's no real-world use for them, none of any significance and that will not be changed by my opinion or opposed opinions of whomever; if it were to be changed it would be by people actually using it. There aren't any. And there will not be any. Other than that it has even been reining in all of Los Angeles for 3 days -nothing better or more "half full", except the incredibly gorgeous day that we are having afterwards with clean air and visibility for miles. I'm also imbued already with the full Christsmas spirit, everyone is wonderful and cops haven't even killed any new negroes in the past few hours. What more can you ask for as "half ful" glasses go? Still, BAY is a scam. AND YOU AND ME BOTH KNOW IT.

Just to clarify things for you, I did not lose any money on BC. As a matter of fact, since I detected the obvious scam and forecast all along what the price would do, I was able to get out with a profit a long time ago. I haven't followed their "dancing of the threads" either, since I had no other interest than prevent innocents from being scammed and that was achieved, to the limit of my ability, many months ago. I understand there have been changes at the top and now Josh is boss (and, apparently, flowers-pants boy and the Don-ge, as well as the Black Hand and his front man are out). If that is the case, Pavel is a great dev and Josh, I believe, is a good guy --even though he put up, I assume for profit, with the amazing scam perpetrated by the Black Hand with the consent and cooperation of the entire team, Josh included. Still, BC has not found any real world use for the coin -in any significant way- and, at this stage, it is obvious that it won't in the future even though, IF the clean up is real, it can be one of the best out there... without HALO, that is, that brings nothing to the table.

By all means go and make that software whose ONLY purpose is to get 33% of funds released tomorrow and the remaining 33% as soon as you can possible come up with some semblance of an exchange (take another look at NEXT or even Unbreakable for they have already working platforms, have had for months, that's how innovative that software is). And believe me, that's it. For you and for BAY. Meanwhile, at roughly 20 BTC per day on  average, your Chinese guy is going to find it quite hard to even recoup the 150BTC that he has paid you, yso he will not make any money -no one will- and you would have sold your reputation for a very small price, while inflicting BC the potentially final coup the grace.

The time to come out of it in any way clean, is almost up. But you have made your decision, so harakiri it is. Pity.

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: barabbas on December 04, 2014, 11:34:03 PM
Just one question for Barabbas, Where's Your Coin?  So many posts by you in multiple forums telling how it should be or not be so you must have all the answers to how a coin needs to be developed and have the ability to succeed.  I mean come on, every post I have read is you laying it out exactly how you think it's supposed to be.  I'm patiently waiting for your coin now.  Let's all see what you got.  Seriously not joking.  You got some developers working with you yet since you got all the ideas?  Put your money where your mouth is and show the rest of us please.

I believe I have answered that question many times to you and others: It's called BTC. I deeply recommend it.

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: chnchapters on December 05, 2014, 01:26:35 AM
Barabbas' strategy is to attack every project saying they are a scam.

And when he eventually sometimes gets it right, he can say told you so. When he doesn't, he just quietly goes away.


Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: barabbas on December 05, 2014, 01:32:07 AM
Barabbas' strategy is to attack every project saying they are a scam.

And when he eventually sometimes gets it right, he can say told you so. When he doesn't, he just quietly goes away.


Except that I HAVE TOLD YOU already multiple times: Blackcoin, Libertycoin, Pinkcoin, Vericoin, Pesacoin,
Nautiluscoin... ALL of them have saved people money.

Now you have BitBay. REMEMBER that I told you so from the get go.

Or not.

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: barabbas on December 05, 2014, 04:29:53 PM
Bobsurplus has now appeared in BAY's thread...

That explains so many things...

Fortunately for them, most people just got out of Dodge.

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: RiverBoatBTC on December 06, 2014, 07:54:02 PM
I do background checks and IPO vetting on the forum, I went over to the bitbay to ask about how double escrow worked and was attacked. So I dug into Davids background.

He has 0 dev skills, per is own linken. But he his a outsourcer.


david is paying indians to build bitbay for him

bithalo is free service, hence no profits. How do I monetize it and get paid to continue working on it.

Design a system to work with it, the new wallet has 0 features that was not on bithalo. Now he is getting paid to dev bithalo AKA bitbay.

The wallet was supposed to be released friday, but was not released intill the AM time of india sat.. Hmm anyone thought about that?

I am digging into your background so do not lie.

David A Zimbeck
Age: 33 (Born Apr 22, 1981)
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Shira Zimbeck (Age: 33)
P Zimbeck
Peggy Sloin (Age: 67)
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Upper Arlington High School
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Apr 2000

Davtonia Inc.
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Apr 2000
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School of Hard Knocks
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Apr 1984 - Dec 2011
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NBird's eye
2500 feet500 m

120050 Seagrove ST #UNT 1703
Estero, FL 33928
21357 Fishinger RD
Columbus, OH 43221
(614) 563-6226
3886 Hilgard AVE #107
Los Angeles, CA 90024
41650 Ridgeview RD #UPPER
Columbus, OH 43221
(614) 487-5210
Owner Information
Owner   Benincasa Joseph
Benincasa Maureen
Est. Market Value   $144,800
Tax Amount   $2,525
Tax Year   2013
Property Details
Acres   0.230
Bedrooms   3
Bathrooms   2
Year Built   2003
Land Sq. Ft.   10,224
Living Sq. Ft.   1,856
A Sinito
Susan Luceno
John Mckelvey
Redmond Lane
Thomas Hmurcik
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Local Census Data
Total households   10,444
Families   72%
Male / Female   48% / 52%
Avg. Household   $97,373
Less $10K   5%
$10k to $14,999   3%
$15k to $24,999   8%
$25k to $34,999   8%
$35k to $49,999   15%
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$75k to $99,999   13%
$100k to $149,999   14%
$150k to $199,999   6%
$200k or more   11%
High School Degree   24%
College Degree   24%
Graduate Degree   16%

He does not even list coding in his skill set[/quote]

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: chipmadness on December 06, 2014, 09:40:39 PM
Guys leave David, the BitBay developers, and the Blackcoin Developers alone. I personally know David and he is a very smart and truthful guy!

Just to prove how good of a guy David is, here is a screen cap of Skype... Stop causing FUD, it's getting very bad.... Go make your own coin so I can start some FUD for it... Thanks!

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: RiverBoatBTC on December 06, 2014, 09:49:39 PM
Guys leave David, the BitBay developers, and the Blackcoin Developers alone. I personally know David and he is a very smart and truthful guy!

Just to prove how good of a guy David is, here is a screen cap of Skype... Stop causing FUD, it's getting very bad.... Go make your own coin so I can start some FUD for it... Thanks!

This does not address my concerns... In fact any time you bring a problem up with bit bay people either

a) attack you or
b) do a red herring which is what your doing

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: chipmadness on December 06, 2014, 09:54:08 PM
Guys leave David, the BitBay developers, and the Blackcoin Developers alone. I personally know David and he is a very smart and truthful guy!

Just to prove how good of a guy David is, here is a screen cap of Skype... Stop causing FUD, it's getting very bad.... Go make your own coin so I can start some FUD for it... Thanks!

This does not address my concerns... In fact any time you bring a problem up with bit bay people either

a) attack you or
b) do a red herring which is what your doing

No man I am not distracting anyone from the truth. What you are doing is inhumane and just plain out disgusting. You make me sick.

Guys I am not backing up David just because I have money in BitBay either, I will personally take a picture of how much coins I even have, I think its like $20 worth. I am helping a friend out, cause thats what friends do! Stay off his back

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: RiverBoatBTC on December 06, 2014, 09:57:41 PM
Guys leave David, the BitBay developers, and the Blackcoin Developers alone. I personally know David and he is a very smart and truthful guy!

Just to prove how good of a guy David is, here is a screen cap of Skype... Stop causing FUD, it's getting very bad.... Go make your own coin so I can start some FUD for it... Thanks!

This does not address my concerns... In fact any time you bring a problem up with bit bay people either

a) attack you or
b) do a red herring which is what your doing

No man I am not distracting anyone from the truth. What you are doing is inhumane and just plain out disgusting. You make me sick.

Guys I am not backing up David just because I have money in BitBay either, I will personally take a picture of how much coins I even have, I think its like $20 worth. I am helping a friend out, cause thats what friends do! Stay off his back

when I get answers I will, till then it will keep going and going like the energizer bunny. Wait till I get Gleb Glablow and Lambchop on this then you will really have your hands full.

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: chipmadness on December 06, 2014, 10:04:30 PM
Guys leave David, the BitBay developers, and the Blackcoin Developers alone. I personally know David and he is a very smart and truthful guy!

Just to prove how good of a guy David is, here is a screen cap of Skype... Stop causing FUD, it's getting very bad.... Go make your own coin so I can start some FUD for it... Thanks!

This does not address my concerns... In fact any time you bring a problem up with bit bay people either

a) attack you or
b) do a red herring which is what your doing

No man I am not distracting anyone from the truth. What you are doing is inhumane and just plain out disgusting. You make me sick.

Guys I am not backing up David just because I have money in BitBay either, I will personally take a picture of how much coins I even have, I think its like $20 worth. I am helping a friend out, cause thats what friends do! Stay off his back

when I get answers I will, till then it will keep going and going like the energizer bunny. Wait till I get Gleb Glablow and Lambchop on this then you will really have your hands full.

My hands full? I am out of this... I just wanted to help a friend out, there is nothing wrong with doing that. I just think its plain out inhumane that you released all that info about David and his family. Thats really sick and creepy man...

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: RiverBoatBTC on December 06, 2014, 10:09:38 PM
It is the cold and flu season...

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: dzimbeck on December 06, 2014, 11:19:18 PM

You might want to think twice about publishing my private info on the internet and Bticoin Forum should think twice about allowing this post to exist. It is in fact illegal. It is also creepy.

Anyone who knows me knows I'm not paying Indians, the person posting this must have been dropped on their head.

Lots of people have seen the source code. It is all in one file and impossible to edit by anyone else. Nobody even touches Halo source but me. In fact, training devs in SE Asia here has only started in November and to be honest, its more trouble than its worth.

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: RiverBoatBTC on December 06, 2014, 11:23:27 PM

You might want to think twice about publishing my private info on the internet and Bticoin Forum should think twice about allowing this post to exist. It is in fact illegal. It is also creepy.

Anyone who knows me knows I'm not paying Indians, the person posting this must have been dropped on their head.

Lost of people have seen the source code. It is all in one file and impossible to edit by anyone else. Nobody even touches Halo source but me. In fact, training devs in SE Asia here has only started in November and to be honest, its more trouble than its worth.

No one cares... Its all public record.

Show me the G.S. in that states it, good luck. Your just showing whats called jail house lawyer talk.

Sure people are lost when you show them the source code.

Glad you admit to outsourcing... anyone say backdoors? What exactly is your coding qualifications?
did they come from the school of hard knocks as you have listed in your formal edu?

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: dzimbeck on December 06, 2014, 11:37:26 PM
No, you should remove it, its tastless, borderline stalkerish and still not legal. Everyone who knows me knows i never outsourced Halo I coded it alone and everyone from BC knows it. I only starting hiring in November and that was public knowledge and personally like I said is very difficult to find good coders. They are training and have been too slow in coding markets. I will likely code the entire thing myself. My coding qualifications were checked by proof of dev. Im self taught in Python. Of course there are no back doors thats why the source is obfuscated python. If you want reverse engineer it.

But otherwise, stop being a stalker. Seriously get your own life.

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: RiverBoatBTC on December 06, 2014, 11:40:29 PM
No, you should remove it, its tastless, borderline stalkerish and still not legal. Everyone who knows me knows i never outsourced Halo I coded it alone and everyone from BC knows it. I only starting hiring in November and that was public knowledge and personally like I said is very difficult to find good coders. They are training and have been too slow in coding markets. I will likely code the entire thing myself. My coding qualifications were checked by proof of dev. Im self taught in Python. Of course there are no back doors thats why the source is obfuscated python. If you want reverse engineer it.

But otherwise, stop being a stalker. Seriously get your own life.

Just stop its not illegal lol

So you have went over that wallet released this AM, that you had some indian or SE Asian code? that was might fast...

Give me the names of the people on bitcoin talk who have checked your code and they can not be related to ANY of your projects in ANY way.

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: dzimbeck on December 06, 2014, 11:49:28 PM
I ask for an audit of the code all the time, nobody bothers except people associated. rat4, and a fellow from Intel back when i visited Chicago for a conference.

I'm done here, you really have some sort of issues posting public information here im not sure what your malfunction is. If it keeps up, your IP address we will get and more action will follow. Remove that garbage. I'm not even giving you a second more of my time.

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: RiverBoatBTC on December 06, 2014, 11:52:29 PM
I ask for an audit of the code all the time, nobody bothers except people associated. rat4, and a fellow from Intel back when i visited Chicago for a conference.

I'm done here, you really have some sort of issues posting public information here im not sure what your malfunction is. If it keeps up, your IP address we will get and more action will follow. Remove that garbage. I'm not even giving you a second more of my time.

You gonna outsource it to a SE Asian, the mods are going to LAUGH in your FACE when you ask for my IP lol. If you even could "which you can't" do anything about posting information I would wrap you up in legal process so long you would go BROKE. Then I would counter sue you for restitution and take everything you own, which is not much... Yes I looked lol.

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: dzimbeck on December 07, 2014, 12:01:56 AM
I ask for an audit of the code all the time, nobody bothers except people associated. rat4, and a fellow from Intel back when i visited Chicago for a conference.

I'm done here, you really have some sort of issues posting public information here im not sure what your malfunction is. If it keeps up, your IP address we will get and more action will follow. Remove that garbage. I'm not even giving you a second more of my time.

You gonna outsource it to a SE Asian, the mods are going to LAUGH in your FACE when you ask for my IP lol. If you even could "which you can't" do anything about posting information I would wrap you up in legal process so long you would go BROKE. Then I would counter sue you for restitution and take everything you own, which is not much... Yes I looked lol.

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: RiverBoatBTC on December 07, 2014, 12:05:25 AM
I ask for an audit of the code all the time, nobody bothers except people associated. rat4, and a fellow from Intel back when i visited Chicago for a conference.

I'm done here, you really have some sort of issues posting public information here im not sure what your malfunction is. If it keeps up, your IP address we will get and more action will follow. Remove that garbage. I'm not even giving you a second more of my time.

You gonna outsource it to a SE Asian, the mods are going to LAUGH in your FACE when you ask for my IP lol. If you even could "which you can't" do anything about posting information I would wrap you up in legal process so long you would go BROKE. Then I would counter sue you for restitution and take everything you own, which is not much... Yes I looked lol.

You could post a letter from Mr. Obama telling me to take it down, until I get a sheriff to deliver a order to do so you can go kick rocks... ummm kay?

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: RiverBoatBTC on December 07, 2014, 12:06:30 AM
And the mods will not either lol
David A Zimbeck
Age: 33 (Born Apr 22, 1981)
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(614) 563-6226 mobile
(614) 487-5210
(614) 457-4708
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Shira Zimbeck (Age: 33)
P Zimbeck
Peggy Sloin (Age: 67)
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Upper Arlington High School
Home School - Gahanna
Apr 2000

Davtonia Inc.
Apr 2000
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Apr 2000
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Apr 2000
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Apr 2000 - Apr 2011
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NBird's eye
2500 feet500 m

120050 Seagrove ST #UNT 1703
Estero, FL 33928
21357 Fishinger RD
Columbus, OH 43221
(614) 563-6226
3886 Hilgard AVE #107
Los Angeles, CA 90024
41650 Ridgeview RD #UPPER
Columbus, OH 43221
(614) 487-5210
Owner Information
Owner   Benincasa Joseph
Benincasa Maureen
Est. Market Value   $144,800
Tax Amount   $2,525
Tax Year   2013
Property Details
Acres   0.230
Bedrooms   3
Bathrooms   2
Year Built   2003
Land Sq. Ft.   10,224
Living Sq. Ft.   1,856
A Sinito
Susan Luceno
John Mckelvey
Redmond Lane
Thomas Hmurcik
Cathy Scarola
Joel Shapiro
Tim Clark
Robert Harris
Yvonne Mazzella
Thomas Young
Ramona Bihl
Mark Sherwin
Bruce Johnson
Geraldine Basmajian
Jim Alderfer
George Corey
E Debono
Peter Reyburn
Heidi Stowe
Bonnie Edwards
Mary Hohl
Scott Woolverton
Connie Gallo
Local Census Data
Total households   10,444
Families   72%
Male / Female   48% / 52%
Avg. Household   $97,373
Less $10K   5%
$10k to $14,999   3%
$15k to $24,999   8%
$25k to $34,999   8%
$35k to $49,999   15%
$50k to $74,999   17%
$75k to $99,999   13%
$100k to $149,999   14%
$150k to $199,999   6%
$200k or more   11%
High School Degree   24%
College Degree   24%
Graduate Degree   16%

He does not even list coding in his skill set[/quote]

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: dzimbeck on December 07, 2014, 12:25:07 AM
And the mods will not either lol

Regardless of what the mods do, what are you doing is impolite, classless and stalkerish, get your own life for christ sake. If you knew anything about BlackHalo and BitHalo which has been around for almost a year im the sole coder. Blackcoin community knows all about it and tons have met me in person and  alot of people have seen my coder. This is in fact my first foree in hiring people because im trying to grow Halo(and like I said, its very hard to find coders, im just training them now and I have to end up doing all their work for them). Only time i used to outsource before that was never coding work but 4 years ago for editing commercials and minor web stuff. I used to be involved in commercial production. I'm one of the most honest people in crypto and its sad that people like yourself trolling the wrong people. Go stalk someone else who actually deserves it. Its not like im hiding behind a fake crypto name. Do what is honorable and respect my damn privacy. That personal info isnt even accurate im not 33 im 30. I'm the only person on Bay that makes their name publc because i was contracted. And the reason I know how to code is because I busted my ass to learn it(I'm also a chessmaster and coded in Qbasic as a kid so it certainly made it easier to learn). Everyone in crypto knows who i am you dont need to look far to find me or talk with me.

So seriously man, get a life.

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: barabbas on December 07, 2014, 12:25:36 AM
You should stop the nonsense, both of you. It is in poor taste and serves absolutely no purpose. Same as the empty threats.

What does serve the purpose of perpetuating the scam is Zimbeck's refusal to completely distance himself from it, which makes him a full accomplice. Whether it is Bobsurplus or some "chinese" behind it, matters little. The one making it possible is Zimbeck. There will be repercussions and consequences accordingly.

Meanwhile people has been severely hurt already, unnecessarily, on BAY. With more to come. Once again, ask yourselves "who is doing the dumping, continues dumping, after the wallet release, at half the price of the ICO?" There's only one answer and everyone knows it.

That -exposing the scam- is the extent of what can and should be done. It has been. Everyone now knows who is the facilitator and the responsible party. It should be enough.

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: qawzsx on December 07, 2014, 12:42:53 AM
I ask for an audit of the code all the time, nobody bothers except people associated. rat4, and a fellow from Intel back when i visited Chicago for a conference.

I'm done here, you really have some sort of issues posting public information here im not sure what your malfunction is. If it keeps up, your IP address we will get and more action will follow. Remove that garbage. I'm not even giving you a second more of my time.

You gonna outsource it to a SE Asian, the mods are going to LAUGH in your FACE when you ask for my IP lol. If you even could "which you can't" do anything about posting information I would wrap you up in legal process so long you would go BROKE. Then I would counter sue you for restitution and take everything you own, which is not much... Yes I looked lol.

Dude, you are a complete retard

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: RiverBoatBTC on December 07, 2014, 12:46:03 AM ( Imgflip Meme Maker (

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: JohnTheSalch on December 07, 2014, 04:01:37 AM ( Imgflip Meme Maker (

Reading that thread is like reading textbook bagholder mentality. Phrases like "cheap coins" and "long/mid term", "patience", "investor" are showing up every couple of posts. LOL  :D

Maybe the coin works out eventually, but it's clear that at this current moment the valuation for the ICO was terribly miscalculated. Will place a bid at 10 satoshi.

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: barabbas on December 07, 2014, 05:26:05 AM

Reading that thread is like reading textbook bagholder mentality. Phrases like "cheap coins" and "long/mid term", "patience", "investor" are showing up every couple of posts. LOL  :D

Maybe the coin works out eventually, but it's clear that at this current moment the valuation for the ICO was terribly miscalculated. Will place a bid at 10 satoshi.

You fail to see, apparently, that there's no "maybe" here... it IS a scam, therefore it cannot "work out eventually". There's no eventuality here. It is a scam, designed to get whatever amount of coins they can get from the ICO and subsequent liquidation. That's the thin and the thick of it.

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: chnchapters on December 07, 2014, 06:29:44 AM
What is with the doxing of dzimbeck? Has Bitcointalk turned into 4 chan now?
What are you 12 years old?

What were Satoshi's programming degrees? What school did he attend?
This is childish nonsense.

I will personally vouch for David's coding abilities, and he has been more than open to everyone about his entire life for those in the community.

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: chnchapters on December 07, 2014, 06:48:45 AM
What is with the doxing of dzimbeck? Has Bitcointalk turned into 4 chan now?
What are you 12 years old?

What were Satoshi's programming degrees? What school did he attend?
This is childish nonsense.

I will personally vouch for David's coding abilities, and he has been more than open to everyone about his entire life for those in the community.

not referring to you barabbas

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: barabbas on December 07, 2014, 07:03:26 AM
For the purpose of this thread, the coding abilities of Zimbeck are totally irrelevant. He could be a genial coder or the clumsiest one and still wouldn't make the slightest difference since he is the ONLY real name behind the BAY scam and, therefore, the responsible party for the losses of those who trusted him and decided to invest in the scam. THAT is the point of this thread, not his abilities.

And yes he has been quite open here... while still misleading investors in the official BAY thread, which is underhanded and the opposite of honorable behavior.

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: toknormal on December 07, 2014, 11:01:53 AM
For the purpose of this thread, the coding abilities of Zimbeck are totally irrelevant. He could be a genial coder or the clumsiest one and still wouldn't make the slightest difference since he is the ONLY real name behind the BAY scam and, therefore, the responsible party for the losses of those who trusted him and decided to invest in the scam. THAT is the point of this thread, not his abilities.

And yes he has been quite open here... while still misleading investors in the official BAY thread, which is underhanded and the opposite of honorable behavior.


Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: JohnTheSalch on December 07, 2014, 12:33:51 PM
What is with the doxing of dzimbeck? Has Bitcointalk turned into 4 chan now?
What are you 12 years old?

What were Satoshi's programming degrees? What school did he attend?
This is childish nonsense.

I will personally vouch for David's coding abilities, and he has been more than open to everyone about his entire life for those in the community.

I 100% agree that the personal information was totally out of line. One can criticize or make fun of Bay without having to resort to that level.

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: dzimbeck on December 07, 2014, 01:07:15 PM
For the purpose of this thread, the coding abilities of Zimbeck are totally irrelevant. He could be a genial coder or the clumsiest one and still wouldn't make the slightest difference since he is the ONLY real name behind the BAY scam and, therefore, the responsible party for the losses of those who trusted him and decided to invest in the scam. THAT is the point of this thread, not his abilities.

And yes he has been quite open here... while still misleading investors in the official BAY thread, which is underhanded and the opposite of honorable behavior.

I dont even talk in the main thread I dont run the Bitbay account or the thread. The only time i ever talk there is about tech.

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: barabbas on December 07, 2014, 03:25:58 PM
For the purpose of this thread, the coding abilities of Zimbeck are totally irrelevant. He could be a genial coder or the clumsiest one and still wouldn't make the slightest difference since he is the ONLY real name behind the BAY scam and, therefore, the responsible party for the losses of those who trusted him and decided to invest in the scam. THAT is the point of this thread, not his abilities.

And yes he has been quite open here... while still misleading investors in the official BAY thread, which is underhanded and the opposite of honorable behavior.

I dont even talk in the main thread I dont run the Bitbay account or the thread. The only time i ever talk there is about tech.

Why lying again Zimbeck? Last time you "ever talk(ed) there" was to inform everyone that you had delivered the wallet and to "threaten" with releasing it yourself if they did not in an hour (which you did not follow through, by the way). That's the opposite of "tech". That's MISLEADING the investors by posting precisely the OPPOSITE of  what to pretend is the truth: That you are just an independent contractor hired to do a job.

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: dzimbeck on December 07, 2014, 05:19:59 PM
Im not lying i was waiting on them to publish it to their site. And they were not communicating to me.

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: RiverBoatBTC on December 07, 2014, 05:54:13 PM
Release of escrow... and a giant dump in the same time frame anyone care to do some investigation?

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: Isokoira on December 08, 2014, 12:57:22 AM
hmm, some interesting reading I found.  Public record of course.

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: RiverBoatBTC on December 08, 2014, 12:58:55 AM
hmm, some interesting reading I found.  Public record of course.

But its not me bwhaha poor dude, now that is grounds to sue lol

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: Isokoira on December 08, 2014, 01:00:20 AM
Yeah sure, public record dude.  A link posted is in no way grounds for shit.  Sorry. 

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: RiverBoatBTC on December 08, 2014, 01:01:16 AM
Yeah sure, public record dude.  A link posted is in no way grounds for shit.  Sorry.  

Ok I dare you, in fact I will pay you to call that person want me to do a records check and get his info for you?

Robert Chet Panzer
Age: 71 (Born Dec 4, 1943)
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(281) 469-4494
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Patricia Panzer (Age: 68) (spouse)
Lilyan Panzer (Age: 94)
Renee Panzer (Age: 41)
Cathleen Panzer (Age: 34)
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Addresses Show All Addresses icon
NBird's eye
100 feet50 m
© 2014 Nokia© 2014 Microsoft CorporationPictometry Bird's Eye © 2012 Pictometry International Corp
112306 Dermott DR
Houston, TX 77065
(281) 469-4494icon
212703 Jones RD #APT 1302
Houston, TX 77070
31503 Box 1503 Psc 02
Apo, AA 34002
4PO Box 37301
Washington, DC 20013
(281) 469-4494
Owner Information
Owner   Panzer Robert C
Panzer Patricia
Est. Market Value   $125,562
Tax Amount   $3,310
Tax Year   2013
Property Details
Acres   0.331
Bedrooms   3
Bathrooms   2
Year Built   1969
Land Sq. Ft.   14,400
Living Sq. Ft.   2,377
Ray Ellison
Erin Fryer
Nanci Gaisbacher
Brenda Goodale
Jock Torres
Ernest Castilow
Local Census Data
Total households   764,758
Families   62%
Male / Female   50% / 50%
Avg. Household   $67,565
Less $10K   9%
$10k to $14,999   7%
$15k to $24,999   14%
$25k to $34,999   13%
$35k to $49,999   15%
$50k to $74,999   17%
$75k to $99,999   9%
$100k to $149,999   9%
$150k to $199,999   4%
$200k or more   5%
High School Degree   23%
College Degree   18%
Graduate Degree   11%

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: Isokoira on December 08, 2014, 01:02:09 AM

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: Isokoira on December 08, 2014, 01:03:03 AM
I could care less, just posting what I've found freely available online.  If it's not you, who gives a crap. 

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: qawzsx on December 08, 2014, 01:14:08 AM
hmm, some interesting reading I found.  Public record of course.

But its not me bwhaha poor dude, now that is grounds to sue lol

Ofc its not you, its an alias used by YOU, with your pity scam website

GTFO Scammer

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: RiverBoatBTC on December 08, 2014, 01:16:10 AM
hmm, some interesting reading I found.  Public record of course.

But its not me bwhaha poor dude, now that is grounds to sue lol

Ofc its not you, its an alias used by YOU, with your pity scam website

GTFO Scammer

I thought I was on your ignore list sweetheart?

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: qawzsx on December 08, 2014, 01:18:29 AM
hmm, some interesting reading I found.  Public record of course.

But its not me bwhaha poor dude, now that is grounds to sue lol

Ofc its not you, its an alias used by YOU, with your pity scam website

GTFO Scammer

I thought I was on your ignore list sweetheart?

Show/Hide function, I just wanted to see your answer to that :)))) SCAMMER!!!!

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: RiverBoatBTC on December 08, 2014, 01:21:42 AM
hmm, some interesting reading I found.  Public record of course.

But its not me bwhaha poor dude, now that is grounds to sue lol

Ofc its not you, its an alias used by YOU, with your pity scam website

GTFO Scammer

I thought I was on your ignore list sweetheart?

Show/Hide function, I just wanted to see your answer to that :)))) SCAMMER!!!!

Show proof I have ever scammed a satoshi from 1 person... or give me a big sweet kiss on the brown eye

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: Isokoira on December 08, 2014, 01:56:27 AM
Funny, always thought it was Satoshi.  LOL

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: Isokoira on December 08, 2014, 02:17:30 AM
Nice edit there, shatoshi to satoshi.  Good one RiverBoat

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: RiverBoatBTC on December 08, 2014, 02:19:32 AM
Nice edit there, shatoshi to satoshi.  Good one RiverBoat


Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: Isokoira on December 08, 2014, 02:22:45 AM

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: youngmike on December 10, 2014, 01:45:28 PM
fact is Bob shitting on noobs again and nobody cares  :) Life goes on!

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: RiverBoatBTC on December 10, 2014, 01:47:39 PM
One of his group posted in there thread last night about how they were shitting on bitbay, and the deleted it really quick lol

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: Oops on December 11, 2014, 04:26:53 AM
I believe I have answered that question many times to you and others: It's called BTC. I deeply recommend it.

Don't be fooled by I.E's main pet shill. His coin is Bytecent. Iconics shit coin. Even this IE boot licker almost couldn't stomach the scam that coin is. LOL

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: barabbas on December 11, 2014, 06:17:32 AM
Zimbeck on the censored thread:

"Ok so with a lot of thinking, I realize that following the dev schedule and doing markets is the wisest choice because it is low hanging fruit. It doesnt make sense to shift gears. An earlier comment said that funds will circulate before the peg and even if the price goes lower, true investors will stay in the coin.

I'm still going to draft up what i need to peg, start to identify what parts of the c++ source need to be changed and so forth.

Regardless, the immediate goal of getting markets is the road map for the coin, it gives the coin more impact etc.

There was mixed community reactions to the drop in price and the comments were about 50/50 which makes me see its best to fulfill the immediate foreseeable goals."


Although all those guys on the other thread, the one where there's free speech and no censorship, got the scam right. Although I now know all the particulars of the scam. Although I have claim (and some actually believe me), that I am doing this "for the (true) investors" -amazingly gullible people, unbelievable-, I simply refuse to tell the truth in the open and will keep the farce going while Bobsurplus makes his thousands of BTC in this scam AND the "chinese", the one that is like a child in a candy store, because those are, both of them, as well as me, the ONLY one benefitting from this obvious and pathetic scam that I am going to keep alive because, you know, I am not going to renounce to the last 900BTC coming from BTER for my child on a candy store, my new pet. Those imbecilic "true investors", still in the coin, deserve indeed to lose eve single penny... and still will be a cheap lesson for them.... so that makes my decision and my actions "honorable... doesn't it? I'll let quarsxhz and drigitidical post to reassure me because those guys are3 sure going to stay until the very end and I will always claim I did it for them. To protect them.

And hey, I have to eat too, so the candy store boy better put up and compensate me for keeping his particular house of cards (barely) standing.

This is a very pathetic move by a very pathetic individual worth only disdain and contempt. Worthless individual that is writing not code but one of the most abject episodes ion the checkered history of alts. I don't want to be nearly as virulent as his despicable actions would demand but this guys is an ever worst piece of shit individual than Bobsurplus. At least this one has the guts to say he only wants to make money, no matter how; This little, pathetic Zimbeck not only won't admit to it but would pretend to the very end that he is doing the terrible things he is doing, allowing them to happen knowing fully well they have been happening since the beginning, "to protect the true investors".

A pile of shit, raw, smoking, unadulterated one is what Zimbeck's name will be associated from now on. Here's to Zimbeck, the Turd!

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: dzimbeck on December 12, 2014, 01:47:52 AM
Zimbeck on the censored thread:

"Ok so with a lot of thinking, I realize that following the dev schedule and doing markets is the wisest choice because it is low hanging fruit. It doesnt make sense to shift gears. An earlier comment said that funds will circulate before the peg and even if the price goes lower, true investors will stay in the coin.

I'm still going to draft up what i need to peg, start to identify what parts of the c++ source need to be changed and so forth.

Regardless, the immediate goal of getting markets is the road map for the coin, it gives the coin more impact etc.

There was mixed community reactions to the drop in price and the comments were about 50/50 which makes me see its best to fulfill the immediate foreseeable goals."


Although all those guys on the other thread, the one where there's free speech and no censorship, got the scam right. Although I now know all the particulars of the scam. Although I have claim (and some actually believe me), that I am doing this "for the (true) investors" -amazingly gullible people, unbelievable-, I simply refuse to tell the truth in the open and will keep the farce going while Bobsurplus makes his thousands of BTC in this scam AND the "chinese", the one that is like a child in a candy store, because those are, both of them, as well as me, the ONLY one benefitting from this obvious and pathetic scam that I am going to keep alive because, you know, I am not going to renounce to the last 900BTC coming from BTER for my child on a candy store, my new pet. Those imbecilic "true investors", still in the coin, deserve indeed to lose eve single penny... and still will be a cheap lesson for them.... so that makes my decision and my actions "honorable... doesn't it? I'll let quarsxhz and drigitidical post to reassure me because those guys are3 sure going to stay until the very end and I will always claim I did it for them. To protect them.

And hey, I have to eat too, so the candy store boy better put up and compensate me for keeping his particular house of cards (barely) standing.

This is a very pathetic move by a very pathetic individual worth only disdain and contempt. Worthless individual that is writing not code but one of the most abject episodes ion the checkered history of alts. I don't want to be nearly as virulent as his despicable actions would demand but this guys is an ever worst piece of shit individual than Bobsurplus. At least this one has the guts to say he only wants to make money, no matter how; This little, pathetic Zimbeck not only won't admit to it but would pretend to the very end that he is doing the terrible things he is doing, allowing them to happen knowing fully well they have been happening since the beginning, "to protect the true investors".

A pile of shit, raw, smoking, unadulterated one is what Zimbeck's name will be associated from now on. Here's to Zimbeck, the Turd!

...and you should really look up the word "class" in the dictionary. I wasnt protecting Bob. Boy do you look like a schmuck right now.

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: barabbas on December 12, 2014, 04:53:23 AM
Welcome to your new life, Zimbeck the Turd! Have you heard from Pavel yet?

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: dzimbeck on December 12, 2014, 07:19:16 AM
Welcome to your new life, Zimbeck the Turd! Have you heard from Pavel yet?

Acception coins to do a project is not illegal. But defamation and cyberbullying is.

Im not at all concerned with whatever you decide to say or do. Behind the keyboard is a barrabas.

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: dzimbeck on December 12, 2014, 10:46:39 PM
[11/3/2014 6:14:44 PM] crypto.gekko: a coin is just a coin without a good developer.
[11/3/2014 6:14:52 PM] David Zimbeck: not at all good for my reputation
[11/3/2014 6:15:24 PM] crypto.gekko: This is what an investor is banking his money on. Your skills.
[11/3/2014 6:15:36 PM] David Zimbeck: yeah but somebody else profits
[11/3/2014 6:15:37 PM] crypto.gekko: Otherwise it's best to pay you for the work only.
[11/3/2014 6:15:39 PM] David Zimbeck: by using my name
[11/3/2014 6:15:51 PM] crypto.gekko: you are not the only one behind the coin.
[11/3/2014 6:16:04 PM] crypto.gekko: There will be an entire team behind you.
[11/3/2014 6:16:22 PM] David Zimbeck: yeah but that doesnt matter in the ICO phase
[11/3/2014 6:16:33 PM] crypto.gekko: That doesn't make sense to me
[11/3/2014 6:16:34 PM] David Zimbeck: you guys can just make a lot of BTC off the hype
[11/3/2014 6:16:48 PM] crypto.gekko: we could, sure. but that's not what this is about
[11/3/2014 6:16:53 PM] David Zimbeck: yes it is
[11/3/2014 6:17:00 PM] crypto.gekko: im sorry to hear that
[11/3/2014 6:17:19 PM] David Zimbeck: my name was used in the past by another coin
[11/3/2014 6:17:33 PM] David Zimbeck: and it was just to profit off my name
[11/3/2014 6:17:43 PM] crypto.gekko: The goal is bring this coin into the top 10 marketcap. We have the money and connections to do that.
[11/3/2014 6:17:49 PM] David Zimbeck: those kind of things are bad for me if I ever decide to start my own coin
[11/3/2014 6:18:06 PM] crypto.gekko: I would personally like this to be your coin.
[11/3/2014 6:18:52 PM] David Zimbeck: ok so i can attach my name to the coin if i get the btc up front
[11/3/2014 6:19:19 PM] crypto.gekko: Surely. And I'm willing to work with you in any way to make you happy.
[11/3/2014 6:19:25 PM] David Zimbeck: ok
[11/3/2014 6:20:13 PM] crypto.gekko: 30k is a lot of money, but I know your tech and support is worth every penny. Working together, the development is real and the money is real too.
[11/3/2014 6:20:26 PM] David Zimbeck: i believe my tech is worth a lot more
[11/3/2014 6:20:36 PM] David Zimbeck: i have turned down 30K before
[11/3/2014 6:21:03 PM] crypto.gekko: That's why our continued relationship would only bring more rewards.
[11/3/2014 6:21:07 PM] David Zimbeck: yeah
[11/3/2014 6:21:11 PM] David Zimbeck: thats the point
[11/3/2014 6:21:16 PM] David Zimbeck: im loyal everyone knows that
[11/3/2014 6:21:34 PM] crypto.gekko: The coin will have a large development pool. As you spend time to develop into the future, that money goes to you of course.
[11/3/2014 6:21:36 PM] David Zimbeck: you get more than you pay for
[11/3/2014 6:21:45 PM] David Zimbeck: since i can help your entire team
[11/3/2014 6:21:57 PM] crypto.gekko: indeed
[11/3/2014 6:22:21 PM] crypto.gekko: So what is the best way to move forward in your opinion?
[11/3/2014 6:22:45 PM] David Zimbeck: that all depends on you guys
[11/3/2014 6:22:57 PM] David Zimbeck: you know your schedule
[11/3/2014 6:23:14 PM] David Zimbeck: I can give you guys an address
[11/3/2014 6:24:09 PM] crypto.gekko: If you have trust in Lin and Steve and you are truly interested in making BitBay your "baby". I see no reason why you sholdnt take the bull by the horns.
[11/3/2014 6:24:36 PM] crypto.gekko: Otherwise, I will need to hire multiple devs and pay them as needed. You being one of them for your technology.
[11/3/2014 6:25:00 PM] David Zimbeck: I'm already doing that
[11/3/2014 6:25:13 PM] David Zimbeck: I work on Halo every day
[11/3/2014 6:25:33 PM] crypto.gekko: I think I have a better grip on the situation now.
[11/3/2014 6:26:04 PM] David Zimbeck: Basically when I wake up, I code. Then eat and sleep.
[11/3/2014 6:26:07 PM] David Zimbeck: lmao
[11/3/2014 6:26:27 PM] David Zimbeck: i also am training devs here in cambodia
[11/3/2014 6:26:28 PM] crypto.gekko: I do the same, but basically help other coins to make their tech a reality.
[11/3/2014 6:26:36 PM] David Zimbeck: i can train any of Lin or Steves devs
[11/3/2014 6:27:04 PM] crypto.gekko: Is the cost of that included in your initial payment?
[11/3/2014 6:27:20 PM] David Zimbeck: depends on what they ask me
[11/3/2014 6:27:31 PM] crypto.gekko: So we will need to create a contract.
[11/3/2014 6:27:45 PM] David Zimbeck: A real contract on paper?
[11/3/2014 6:27:59 PM] crypto.gekko: Digital contract or smartcontract if needed.
[11/3/2014 6:28:21 PM] crypto.gekko: The details of which I will discuss when I meet with Steve and Lin in China next week.
[11/3/2014 6:28:53 PM] David Zimbeck: Just draft a contract on paper
[11/3/2014 6:29:07 PM] crypto.gekko: Sure, I'm fine with a simple record of notary.
[11/3/2014 6:29:18 PM] David Zimbeck: most important, i dont want my name attached to the project until the btc funds
[11/3/2014 6:29:30 PM] David Zimbeck: once it funds you can use my name
[11/3/2014 6:29:38 PM] crypto.gekko: that seems more a matter of trust to me
[11/3/2014 6:29:40 PM] David Zimbeck: i just wanted to make sure my name is not used for profit
[11/3/2014 6:30:03 PM] David Zimbeck: because it could harm my reputation otherwise

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: dzimbeck on December 12, 2014, 10:48:29 PM
Barrabas, i didnt find out until it was too late. And are being a real asshole. Ive got lots of logs to prove they promised the moon and i was very cautious.

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: youngmike on December 12, 2014, 11:00:26 PM
qawzsx is bob  :)

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: youngmike on December 12, 2014, 11:06:58 PM

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: youngmike on December 12, 2014, 11:08:23 PM

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: djm34 on December 12, 2014, 11:15:04 PM
[11/3/2014 6:29:40 PM] David Zimbeck: i just wanted to make sure my name is not used for profit
;D ;D ;D so... you thought they gave 100btc for what exactly ? ;D

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: sdersdf3 on December 13, 2014, 08:30:02 AM
[11/3/2014 6:29:40 PM] David Zimbeck: i just wanted to make sure my name is not used for profit
;D ;D ;D so... you thought they gave 100btc for what exactly ? ;D

Only 100BTC? Zimbeck, I hope you think the loss of your reputation was worth more than 100BTC.

That's just $33k at current - falling - prices.

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: dzimbeck on December 13, 2014, 08:54:28 AM
[11/3/2014 6:29:40 PM] David Zimbeck: i just wanted to make sure my name is not used for profit
;D ;D ;D so... you thought they gave 100btc for what exactly ? ;D

Only 100BTC? Zimbeck, I hope you think the loss of your reputation was worth more than 100BTC.

That's just $33k at current - falling - prices.

Oh my reputation is 100% intact. I got my inbox flooded with supportive emails.

Regardless, you are right it was worth a lot more than that there is absolutely no price on it.

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: sdersdf3 on December 13, 2014, 10:12:34 AM
[11/3/2014 6:29:40 PM] David Zimbeck: i just wanted to make sure my name is not used for profit
;D ;D ;D so... you thought they gave 100btc for what exactly ? ;D

Only 100BTC? Zimbeck, I hope you think the loss of your reputation was worth more than 100BTC.

That's just $33k at current - falling - prices.

Oh my reputation is 100% intact. I got my inbox flooded with supportive emails.

Regardless, you are right it was worth a lot more than that there is absolutely no price on it.

Well, this Bitbay situation is the first I'd ever heard of you and I have to say - it's a pretty bad first impression. You've tainted yourself with this at the very least. 100BTC is not worth a future career/brand in crypto.

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: dzimbeck on December 13, 2014, 10:23:06 AM
First impression?? Man you dont know my history  :D

I was on Blackcoin subreddit for a year, never sold a single Blackcoin (i hold 400K), made them software for free, traveled to conferences and promoted them.

BitHalo came before Blackhalo and so did my Blackcoin investment come later

And when i made BitHalo in May, it was the worlds first smart contracting software, worlds first multisig software, first multicoin software etc. I busted my ass to make it in the -50 degree wether in North Dakota because I wanted to make the world a better place(yes, that was the reason).

It had absolutely nothing to do with money. If you look on BC subreddit you will see my rep was absolutely perfect.

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: sdersdf3 on December 13, 2014, 10:34:14 AM
First impression?? Man you dont know my history  :D

I was on Blackcoin subreddit for a year, never sold a single Blackcoin (i hold 400K), made them software for free, traveled to conferences and promoted them.

BitHalo came before Blackhalo and so did my Blackcoin investment come later

And when i made BitHalo in May, it was the worlds first smart contracting software, worlds first multisig software, first multicoin software etc. I busted my ass to make it in the -50 degree wether in North Dakota because I wanted to make the world a better place(yes, that was the reason).

It had absolutely nothing to do with money. If you look on BC subreddit you will see my rep was absolutely perfect.

was. I'm not familiar with BC or any of that history. This is my first impression of you. And it's quite bad.
I imagine it will be the same to many newcomers to this situation and to those of us already pretty disgusted with the altcoin markets at this point as it is.

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: youngmike on December 13, 2014, 11:18:48 AM

Title: Re: THOSE BAY FAQs...
Post by: RiverBoatBTC on December 13, 2014, 03:31:14 PM
[11/3/2014 6:14:44 PM] crypto.gekko: a coin is just a coin without a good developer.
[11/3/2014 6:14:52 PM] David Zimbeck: not at all good for my reputation
[11/3/2014 6:15:24 PM] crypto.gekko: This is what an investor is banking his money on. Your skills.
[11/3/2014 6:15:36 PM] David Zimbeck: yeah but somebody else profits
[11/3/2014 6:15:37 PM] crypto.gekko: Otherwise it's best to pay you for the work only.
[11/3/2014 6:15:39 PM] David Zimbeck: by using my name
[11/3/2014 6:15:51 PM] crypto.gekko: you are not the only one behind the coin.
[11/3/2014 6:16:04 PM] crypto.gekko: There will be an entire team behind you.
[11/3/2014 6:16:22 PM] David Zimbeck: yeah but that doesnt matter in the ICO phase
[11/3/2014 6:16:33 PM] crypto.gekko: That doesn't make sense to me
[11/3/2014 6:16:34 PM] David Zimbeck: you guys can just make a lot of BTC off the hype
[11/3/2014 6:16:48 PM] crypto.gekko: we could, sure. but that's not what this is about
[11/3/2014 6:16:53 PM] David Zimbeck: yes it is
[11/3/2014 6:17:00 PM] crypto.gekko: im sorry to hear that
[11/3/2014 6:17:19 PM] David Zimbeck: my name was used in the past by another coin
[11/3/2014 6:17:33 PM] David Zimbeck: and it was just to profit off my name
[11/3/2014 6:17:43 PM] crypto.gekko: The goal is bring this coin into the top 10 marketcap. We have the money and connections to do that.
[11/3/2014 6:17:49 PM] David Zimbeck: those kind of things are bad for me if I ever decide to start my own coin
[11/3/2014 6:18:06 PM] crypto.gekko: I would personally like this to be your coin.
[11/3/2014 6:18:52 PM] David Zimbeck: ok so i can attach my name to the coin if i get the btc up front
[11/3/2014 6:19:19 PM] crypto.gekko: Surely. And I'm willing to work with you in any way to make you happy.
[11/3/2014 6:19:25 PM] David Zimbeck: ok
[11/3/2014 6:20:13 PM] crypto.gekko: 30k is a lot of money, but I know your tech and support is worth every penny. Working together, the development is real and the money is real too.
[11/3/2014 6:20:26 PM] David Zimbeck: i believe my tech is worth a lot more
[11/3/2014 6:20:36 PM] David Zimbeck: i have turned down 30K before
[11/3/2014 6:21:03 PM] crypto.gekko: That's why our continued relationship would only bring more rewards.
[11/3/2014 6:21:07 PM] David Zimbeck: yeah
[11/3/2014 6:21:11 PM] David Zimbeck: thats the point
[11/3/2014 6:21:16 PM] David Zimbeck: im loyal everyone knows that
[11/3/2014 6:21:34 PM] crypto.gekko: The coin will have a large development pool. As you spend time to develop into the future, that money goes to you of course.
[11/3/2014 6:21:36 PM] David Zimbeck: you get more than you pay for
[11/3/2014 6:21:45 PM] David Zimbeck: since i can help your entire team
[11/3/2014 6:21:57 PM] crypto.gekko: indeed
[11/3/2014 6:22:21 PM] crypto.gekko: So what is the best way to move forward in your opinion?
[11/3/2014 6:22:45 PM] David Zimbeck: that all depends on you guys
[11/3/2014 6:22:57 PM] David Zimbeck: you know your schedule
[11/3/2014 6:23:14 PM] David Zimbeck: I can give you guys an address
[11/3/2014 6:24:09 PM] crypto.gekko: If you have trust in Lin and Steve and you are truly interested in making BitBay your "baby". I see no reason why you sholdnt take the bull by the horns.
[11/3/2014 6:24:36 PM] crypto.gekko: Otherwise, I will need to hire multiple devs and pay them as needed. You being one of them for your technology.
[11/3/2014 6:25:00 PM] David Zimbeck: I'm already doing that
[11/3/2014 6:25:13 PM] David Zimbeck: I work on Halo every day
[11/3/2014 6:25:33 PM] crypto.gekko: I think I have a better grip on the situation now.
[11/3/2014 6:26:04 PM] David Zimbeck: Basically when I wake up, I code. Then eat and sleep.
[11/3/2014 6:26:07 PM] David Zimbeck: lmao
[11/3/2014 6:26:27 PM] David Zimbeck: i also am training devs here in cambodia
[11/3/2014 6:26:28 PM] crypto.gekko: I do the same, but basically help other coins to make their tech a reality.
[11/3/2014 6:26:36 PM] David Zimbeck: i can train any of Lin or Steves devs
[11/3/2014 6:27:04 PM] crypto.gekko: Is the cost of that included in your initial payment?
[11/3/2014 6:27:20 PM] David Zimbeck: depends on what they ask me
[11/3/2014 6:27:31 PM] crypto.gekko: So we will need to create a contract.
[11/3/2014 6:27:45 PM] David Zimbeck: A real contract on paper?
[11/3/2014 6:27:59 PM] crypto.gekko: Digital contract or smartcontract if needed.
[11/3/2014 6:28:21 PM] crypto.gekko: The details of which I will discuss when I meet with Steve and Lin in China next week.
[11/3/2014 6:28:53 PM] David Zimbeck: Just draft a contract on paper
[11/3/2014 6:29:07 PM] crypto.gekko: Sure, I'm fine with a simple record of notary.
[11/3/2014 6:29:18 PM] David Zimbeck: most important, i dont want my name attached to the project until the btc funds
[11/3/2014 6:29:30 PM] David Zimbeck: once it funds you can use my name
[11/3/2014 6:29:38 PM] crypto.gekko: that seems more a matter of trust to me
[11/3/2014 6:29:40 PM] David Zimbeck: i just wanted to make sure my name is not used for profit
[11/3/2014 6:30:03 PM] David Zimbeck: because it could harm my reputation otherwise

I can always smell a shit head..