Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Scam Accusations => Topic started by: smoothie on January 23, 2015, 06:37:03 PM

Title: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: smoothie on January 23, 2015, 06:37:03 PM
This is WC's latest post where he says:

The shit storm will be over soon. Video proof should be up within the next 12-18 hours depending on how slow you tube wants to continue to be.

Let me correct myself, the "shit storm" will be over on my behalf. We all know nothing is going to shut this mad mob of degenerates down no matter what, not a single one of them is man enough to admit when they messed up and apologize.

Good job buddy I even said on multiple occasions that I would publicly apologize if you posted irrefutable proof that you claims of your work are purely hand-carved and not anything else.

Even despite that you have proven elsewhere on this forum you have:

1. Hypocritical by demanding that nubbins approach you as I did in a respectful manner about your work before making posts/accusations then you throw me under the bus about my coin design artwork stating that it was copied from deviant art which I disproved and you went silent on having nothing to say. Note: in Dec 2014 I respectfully approached you and tried to get the facts about your work. Then I thought your work was laser done and even those explanations did not convince me that your work was only hand-carved and not laser engrave.

From what I gather from the photos you posted above it seems to me (from what I can see) that your piece looks more like this than this

If I am not mistaken it does look a bit flat from the pictures. Could you elaborate to me how it is not like the first link I pasted above?

Lasers also have the ability to go at different depths. I would imagine other more specialized lasers have the ability to move the laser in a 3-dimensional space to carve out an image like the second link you provided above.

All one would need to do is provide the 3dimensional vector image to the system and it would do something as complex as the second link.

Then again that last part I am just guessing as I have not used a 3d laser (if it exists).

Shoot me a PM smoothie, i will go more into detail for you, or do you maybe have skype? I dont want to clutter up the thread with a pages full of talk about the difference between laser engraving and carving. On skype we could have conversation, you could teach me some things i dont know about laser engraving, and i can teach you about the process and results of carving.

2. Your claims of doing original/custom work and strongly implying it in several of your posts which contradicts your reasoning for not returning $200 deposit of LazerViking because you said you never said your work was original/custom. You sir are a liar on this point.

3. Your immature attitude in approaching your opposers and resorting to homophobic slurs and cussing shows your maturity level.

Waiting on the video... ::)

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: Somekindabitcoin on January 23, 2015, 08:14:35 PM
This is WC's latest post where he says:

The shit storm will be over soon. Video proof should be up within the next 12-18 hours depending on how slow you tube wants to continue to be.

Let me correct myself, the "shit storm" will be over on my behalf. We all know nothing is going to shut this mad mob of degenerates down no matter what, not a single one of them is man enough to admit when they messed up and apologize.

Good job buddy I even said on multiple occasions that I would publicly apologize if you posted irrefutable proof that you claims of your work are purely hand-carved and not anything else.

Even despite that you have proven elsewhere on this forum you have:

1. Hypocritical by demanding that nubbins approach you as I did in a respectful manner about your work before making posts/accusations then you throw me under the bus about my coin design artwork stating that it was copied from deviant art which I disproved and you went silent on having nothing to say. Note: in Dec 2014 I respectfully approached you and tried to get the facts about your work. Then I thought your work was laser done and even those explanations did not convince me that your work was only hand-carved and not laser engrave.

From what I gather from the photos you posted above it seems to me (from what I can see) that your piece looks more like this than this

If I am not mistaken it does look a bit flat from the pictures. Could you elaborate to me how it is not like the first link I pasted above?

Lasers also have the ability to go at different depths. I would imagine other more specialized lasers have the ability to move the laser in a 3-dimensional space to carve out an image like the second link you provided above.

All one would need to do is provide the 3dimensional vector image to the system and it would do something as complex as the second link.

Then again that last part I am just guessing as I have not used a 3d laser (if it exists).

Shoot me a PM smoothie, i will go more into detail for you, or do you maybe have skype? I dont want to clutter up the thread with a pages full of talk about the difference between laser engraving and carving. On skype we could have conversation, you could teach me some things i dont know about laser engraving, and i can teach you about the process and results of carving.

2. Your claims of doing original/custom work and strongly implying it in several of your posts which contradicts your reasoning for not returning $200 deposit of LazerViking because you said you never said your work was original/custom. You sir are a liar on this point.

3. Your immature attitude in approaching your opposers and resorting to homophobic slurs and cussing shows your maturity level.

Waiting on the video... ::)

Truth, but I wouldn't take that one video proof as total proof. Sure, he could have made that one by hand, but look at the subtle differences between the other coins in his pictures and the one in the video. Truly, if they look different (since all the other coins seem to look exactly the same) he could be laser cutting the others.

I proposed a challenge in which he would manually carve every creation he makes and livestream the entire process for the buyer and other people who would like to see it.

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: jcpham on January 23, 2015, 08:39:53 PM
I for one have enjoyed my popcorn this week, long time reader, infrequent participant. Smoothie I'm one of your socks now, the cat is out of the bag, sorry.

Where's the dang YouTube link, I could've made a porno and sourced actors about carving wood by now and uploaded to youtube, what gives!?!?!

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: devthedev on January 23, 2015, 08:43:13 PM
The uncensored service discussion thread is now available!

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: jonald_fyookball on January 23, 2015, 09:36:53 PM
Most of the stuff woodcollector did isn't 3d like the image smoothie posted.
It seems to be a fixed focal length, like for example the lion head on the coin.  its possible he used a few different lengths for
different parts of the same piece, but again, not really 3d like that. 

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: logicalq on January 24, 2015, 03:00:31 PM
Why was the original thread locked  ?

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: nubbins on January 24, 2015, 03:03:00 PM
Why was the original thread locked  ?

Because it sucked and there's nothing left to say

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: runpaint on January 24, 2015, 03:47:36 PM
So if he does post a video, it won't make any difference?

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: jonald_fyookball on January 24, 2015, 04:15:57 PM
So if he does post a video, it won't make any difference?


Unless its the most amazing video ever, no... and even then...
he's already been caught in so many lies.

Like someone else pointed out, WC is anonymous.
So, even if he shows us a video
of some unbelievably good carving skills, how would
we know its him and not someone he paid?

That said, I don't think there will be a video because
he can't find someone to show carving skills.  And
if he does, there will be more ridiculous excuses
about the delay (my computer crashed etc).
...and even when the video does surface, it probably won't
really show carvings that look like laser engravings.

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: smoothie on January 25, 2015, 12:16:05 AM
Seems lime 24 hours at least have passed video?

lol waiting...  ::) ::) ::)

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: jarvanIV on January 25, 2015, 12:38:02 AM
i dont know why a person would make a claim, if they cant back up their own stuff up lol.

Why even bother with a video, just accept you fucked up..

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: smoothie on January 25, 2015, 12:41:50 AM
i dont know why a person would make a claim, if they cant back up their own stuff up lol.

Why even bother with a video, just accept you fucked up..

Anyone who takes pride in their work will have no problem showing it off and showing the proof of it.

If I was a master carver I would video every piece I do and upload that on youtube and get more clients that way.

To delay like this goes to show that he likely doesnt have the same pride I would in my work and keeping the evidence to prove your skills to show anyone on a whim.

The delay makes him look even more like a fool on top of the fact that he is keeping a customer's funds while misrepresenting himself as doing original/custom work multiple times on this forum.

The guy is at least a liar, a thief, and a hot head when it comes to confrontation.

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: jonald_fyookball on January 25, 2015, 12:44:24 AM
i dont know why a person would make a claim, if they cant back up their own stuff up lol.

Why even bother with a video, just accept you fucked up..

Hard for normal, honest people to fathom as it isn't even rational.

But I suppose in some people, dishonesty runs so deep that
they would keep lying even when everyone knows it.

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: smoothie on January 25, 2015, 12:47:12 AM
i dont know why a person would make a claim, if they cant back up their own stuff up lol.

Why even bother with a video, just accept you fucked up..

Hard for normal, honest people to fathom as it isn't even rational.

But I suppose in some people, dishonesty runs so deep that
they would keep lying even when everyone knows it.

Some people can't admit they are wrong and will dig themselves deeper just to try to cover up previous lies.

I must say that WC did seem professional at first, then when the accusation came he got really defensive and provided nothing to back up his claims...even now...several days later...0 proof.

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: jonald_fyookball on January 25, 2015, 12:49:55 AM
i dont know why a person would make a claim, if they cant back up their own stuff up lol.

Why even bother with a video, just accept you fucked up..

Hard for normal, honest people to fathom as it isn't even rational.

But I suppose in some people, dishonesty runs so deep that
they would keep lying even when everyone knows it.

Some people can't admit they are wrong and will dig themselves deeper just to try to cover up previous lies.

I must say that WC did seem professional at first, then when the accusation came he got really defensive and provided nothing to back up his claims...even now...several days later...0 proof.

Endgame:  WC slinks away into the shadows...never admits wrong doing...most people recognize him as the
phony he is, and a few people who want to believe in a 'reasonable doubt' will do so. 

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: smoothie on January 25, 2015, 12:51:53 AM
i dont know why a person would make a claim, if they cant back up their own stuff up lol.

Why even bother with a video, just accept you fucked up..

Hard for normal, honest people to fathom as it isn't even rational.

But I suppose in some people, dishonesty runs so deep that
they would keep lying even when everyone knows it.

Some people can't admit they are wrong and will dig themselves deeper just to try to cover up previous lies.

I must say that WC did seem professional at first, then when the accusation came he got really defensive and provided nothing to back up his claims...even now...several days later...0 proof.

Endgame:  WC slinks away into the shadows...never admits wrong doing...most people recognize him as the
phony he is, and a few people who want to believe in a 'reasonable doubt' will do so. 

If he slinks away that would be equivalent to him admitting his guilt.

He may post a video but something tells me it wont matter as he is already been outed as a liar and a thief.

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: jonald_fyookball on January 25, 2015, 01:00:38 AM
yeah but that's what's gonna happen (slink away)...

he only said he would post a video
to look good yesterday... (that's
how short sighted dishonesty is folks)

reality is now asserting itself, and
he realizes there's no possible
way to make any kind of credible

Just my opinion.

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: smoothie on January 25, 2015, 01:05:14 AM
yeah but that's what's gonna happen (slink away)...

he only said he would post a video
to look good yesterday... (that's
how short sighted dishonesty is folks)

reality is now asserting itself, and
he realizes there's no possible
way to make any kind of credible

Just my opinion.

What got me was he kept saying he could give a shit about what people think, then he says he will make a video, then says to me to jump on skype so I can see him do his work, then says he will do a video, then says somewhere in the mix of all of what I just wrote that he still doesnt give a shit what people think and wont jump through hoops to do a video...yet says he is doing a video to be uploaded.  ::)

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: jonald_fyookball on January 25, 2015, 01:12:56 AM
yep...endless contradictions are another byproduct of dishonesty.

Another good example is the lies about how many thousands
of dollars per hour and millions per year he was making, yet
he was borrowing Bitcoins for small things.

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: smoothie on January 25, 2015, 04:16:04 AM
Well... he logged in recently...

Name:   WoodCollector
Posts:   398
Activity:   98
Position:   Member
Date Registered:   November 05, 2014, 04:28:42 AM
Last Active:   Today at 02:24:32 AM

Less than 2 hours ago....still no video...

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: jonald_fyookball on January 25, 2015, 04:25:13 AM
I wouldn't hold your breath  ::)

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: smoothie on January 25, 2015, 04:34:03 AM
I wouldn't hold your breath  ::)

Would be awesome to get a video of that cardboard BTC that other guy made just the other day... :D

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: smoothie on January 25, 2015, 04:40:12 AM
Another funny thing below...


Quote from: WoodCollector on January 20, 2015, 06:57:43 PM
In light of recent events, Found here, and well, anywhere i have a thread i guess. Forum member Nubbins, very unprofessionally, and very immaturely has starting issuing warnings, and making scam accusations that i am not able to carve wood and that my art is "laser engraved"

Now, as if my own clients coming to my aid to put him in his place, to straighten things out, and to get the facts in play. He still insists that he has some basis for his childish antics and it appears is going to continue to whip a dead horse until the crows have picked its bones clean.

Normally, i feel i am above stooping to the level of the infantile forum trolls, Its what forced me to leave most of the woodworking forums. Until Nubbins came along, i though that Bitcoin was a community above that plague. Now i can see i am wrong, history would lead me to tell him to screw off, i would finish out the orders i already had, buy my last bits of wood i need to get through the year, and go back to business as usual. Making art for the bitcoin community was a passion and hobby of mine, not something i was doing to get rich from as any of my clients can tell you. I dont really need it, i just enjoyed it.

This time its different, i firmly believe that this community is better than what Nubbins and his band of misfits portrays this community as being and have decided to take action. Now, i could take a day, carve something crappy just to get it done and over with, and move on, it would be more than enough to prove i am who i say i am and do what i claim to do. But NOT THIS TIME. I am going to nail Nubbins to the wall, i am going to take a stand and do my part to rid this community of the plague that infects it like AIDS.

First, below you will start to find links to my videos over the next few days. I am going to start with a piece i am going to call "F#$k Nubbins". Yep, i'm going to for the first time in my life, sink to that level. Why? To deal with a child, you must play on their childish level. When the piece is done, i am going to auction it off to the highest bidder. It will be the first piece i do for the forum that is PUBLICLY documented in video form, and will have one hell of a story behind it. I am not going to do some rush job garbage just to pacify the herd, i am going to display in great documentation what the true mastery of my craft looks like. Over the coming days/weeks i will continue to ad more videos
 as i get the time to carve some more in between the works i currently have to get done for forum clients.

Like what your watching? Leave Nubbins some negative feedback for being unprofessional and being such a plague to this forum when he could have simply messaged me with his concerns and had them answered before he started his smear campaign. Its time we make an example out of someone as a community and show that we do not tolerate this kind of behavior.

----------- Start video links ----------------

I will have the first video posted in the next day or so hopefully, Get the popcorn and a notepad, you could learn a thing or two, for free !!

-------------End video links ---------------------

It has been over 4 days since he made the post above...and not a single link yet.


Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: ukcrypto on January 25, 2015, 06:42:19 AM
Another funny thing below...


Quote from: WoodCollector on January 20, 2015, 06:57:43 PM
In light of recent events, Found here, and well, anywhere i have a thread i guess. Forum member Nubbins, very unprofessionally, and very immaturely has starting issuing warnings, and making scam accusations that i am not able to carve wood and that my art is "laser engraved"

Now, as if my own clients coming to my aid to put him in his place, to straighten things out, and to get the facts in play. He still insists that he has some basis for his childish antics and it appears is going to continue to whip a dead horse until the crows have picked its bones clean.

Normally, i feel i am above stooping to the level of the infantile forum trolls, Its what forced me to leave most of the woodworking forums. Until Nubbins came along, i though that Bitcoin was a community above that plague. Now i can see i am wrong, history would lead me to tell him to screw off, i would finish out the orders i already had, buy my last bits of wood i need to get through the year, and go back to business as usual. Making art for the bitcoin community was a passion and hobby of mine, not something i was doing to get rich from as any of my clients can tell you. I dont really need it, i just enjoyed it.

This time its different, i firmly believe that this community is better than what Nubbins and his band of misfits portrays this community as being and have decided to take action. Now, i could take a day, carve something crappy just to get it done and over with, and move on, it would be more than enough to prove i am who i say i am and do what i claim to do. But NOT THIS TIME. I am going to nail Nubbins to the wall, i am going to take a stand and do my part to rid this community of the plague that infects it like AIDS.

First, below you will start to find links to my videos over the next few days. I am going to start with a piece i am going to call "F#$k Nubbins". Yep, i'm going to for the first time in my life, sink to that level. Why? To deal with a child, you must play on their childish level. When the piece is done, i am going to auction it off to the highest bidder. It will be the first piece i do for the forum that is PUBLICLY documented in video form, and will have one hell of a story behind it. I am not going to do some rush job garbage just to pacify the herd, i am going to display in great documentation what the true mastery of my craft looks like. Over the coming days/weeks i will continue to ad more videos
 as i get the time to carve some more in between the works i currently have to get done for forum clients.

Like what your watching? Leave Nubbins some negative feedback for being unprofessional and being such a plague to this forum when he could have simply messaged me with his concerns and had them answered before he started his smear campaign. Its time we make an example out of someone as a community and show that we do not tolerate this kind of behavior.

----------- Start video links ----------------

I will have the first video posted in the next day or so hopefully, Get the popcorn and a notepad, you could learn a thing or two, for free !!

-------------End video links ---------------------

It has been over 4 days since he made the post above...and not a single link yet.


What is this I see Smoothie and not a laser in sight?;topicseen

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: SodaWarz on January 25, 2015, 07:08:44 AM

Thanks for the link UK. WC has quite a few apologies owed to him.   ;D  ;D  ;D

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: nubbins on January 25, 2015, 07:19:40 AM
I admit, I lel'd heartily. The video is indeed incontrovertible proof of WC's skill.

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: bitspill on January 25, 2015, 07:40:56 AM
I admit, I lel'd heartily. The video is indeed incontrovertible proof of WC's skill.
I'm curious as to what in the video was not satisfactory for you

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: nubbins on January 25, 2015, 07:46:34 AM
I admit, I lel'd heartily. The video is indeed incontrovertible proof of WC's skill.
I'm curious as to what in the video was not satisfactory for you

I'm curious as to why you're curious. The design was already etched into the wood -- with a laser -- when the video starts.

Then WC takes a dremel tool and fucks around for a bit.

Are you serious? Actually speechless if so.

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: smoothie on January 25, 2015, 08:15:15 AM

What is this I see Smoothie and not a laser in sight?;topicseen

True no laser in how did he get that "stencil" on to the wood before the video started recording?  ::)


I had hoped to see much more tiny detail that resembles your previously touted work that you sold to previous customers.

The level of detail on this does not even compare to any and all of the wood "coins" you've done.

Would have liked to have seen you hand carve in the small details that were the talk revolving around using a laser.

Are you going to do a much more fine detailed piece? Why do such a huge product when you could do a small (1/4th or 1/8th the size of the "finger") version that has intricate detail and shut us all up?

This isn't about you attacking or getting retribution on nubbins. Your focus is off and should be on proving all of your detractors wrong.

Let's assume WoodCollector that your skills are as you say, it does not remove the fact that I have found several places where you posted on this forum where you strongly imply that you create original/custom designs for your customers based on their input. But that has been proven to be a lie as you yourself say that you use clip art and pre done designs downloaded/copied off of the internet.

LazerViking sent you a $200 deposit on this premise that you set over the past several months on this forum.

This makes you a thief/liar in that respect. Why not just refund him his money if you supposedly make so much more money on your other client's products?

Seems contradicting to keep $200 and have people know you as a thief.

Looking forward to hopefully seeing a more intricate detailed piece that is hand carved via a video.

Let's be real you could have responded to your detractors in a much more professional manner and left the cussing and childish behavior aside. But you didn't and that does reflect badly on your image. Of course you supposedly do not care about your reputation or forum rep/trust...yet it is one of the main reasons you targeted nubbins in the first place (him leaving neg trust).

How did he start with those lines? And why are they brown? Looks burnt... Like a laser cutter...

How, indeed, did he start with those lines?

Why, indeed, are they brown?

What, pray tell, is everyone smoking?

Yup why werent we shown how the "stencil" was put on the wood?

hmmm...  ::)

Oh yes BURN....burn that wood with a laser first before the video starts recording so your outline is already there.  ;D


Thanks for the link UK. WC has quite a few apologies owed to him.   ;D  ;D  ;D

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: bitspill on January 25, 2015, 08:29:48 AM
The design was already etched into the wood -- with a laser -- when the video starts.

Who cares how the initial template was applied, and is it engraved or burned on? Is the piece not still hand carved if he applies a stencil then carves around it?

Then WC takes a dremel tool and fucks around for a bit.

That's the carving part...

Are you serious? Actually speechless if so.

Yea :D

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: nubbins on January 25, 2015, 08:31:18 AM
The design was already etched into the wood -- with a laser -- when the video starts.

Who cares how the initial template was applied, and is it engraved or burned on? Is the piece not still hand carved if he applies a stencil then carves around it?

Then WC takes a dremel tool and fucks around for a bit.

That's the carving part...

Are you serious? Actually speechless if so.

Yea :D

He did not fucking dremel the backgrounds out of those pieces and you know it.

Who cares if he used a laser to apply the stencil? That is not the matter under question

But... that's precisely the matter under question.

3: All this crap that i own a laser machine

100% false. As i have stated before i dont need to spend $80,000 to transfer a design to wood. A sheet of carbon transfer paper costs me about $0.05. Once the final design is approved it takes about 5 minutes for me to turn the scanned design into a line drawing, then it is nothing more than printing it out and tracing it with carbon paper onto the wood. Then all thats left is to remove the wood around the lines. If that makes me a fraud then about every artist in the world is a fraud even before the days of technology and carbon paper artists use to use pot ash to transfer their sketches to canvas before starting work on the final piece.

Long and the short of it, if you were working with pine or super soft wood, most any of you could be taught to do the same thing in less than a day. the skill comes in when working with hardwoods, hardwood grain tears easy, it will splinter in a heartbeat if you are not careful, and its a quick way to cut off a finger if you dont know what your doing. When you know what your doing, how hard to you think it really is to cut within the lines? i think they teach you that in grade school yeah?

To lay out a little common sense for you, IF I OWNED A LASER I COULD SHIT OUT 10 COINS IN AN AFTERNOON, collect $50,000 and still have time to go to Disneyland. Yet it takes sometimes an entire month to clear out the wood around the design. But the mob mentality does not use common sense or simple logic.

I didnt use a laser as accused

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: bitspill on January 25, 2015, 08:48:22 AM
He did not fucking dremel the backgrounds out of those pieces and you know it.
How do I know?

Who cares if he used a laser to apply the stencil? That is not the matter under question

But... that's precisely the matter under question.

3: All this crap that i own a laser machine

100% false. As i have stated before i dont need to spend $80,000 to transfer a design to wood. A sheet of carbon transfer paper costs me about $0.05. Once the final design is approved it takes about 5 minutes for me to turn the scanned design into a line drawing, then it is nothing more than printing it out and tracing it with carbon paper onto the wood. Then all thats left is to remove the wood around the lines. If that makes me a fraud then about every artist in the world is a fraud even before the days of technology and carbon paper artists use to use pot ash to transfer their sketches to canvas before starting work on the final piece.

Long and the short of it, if you were working with pine or super soft wood, most any of you could be taught to do the same thing in less than a day. the skill comes in when working with hardwoods, hardwood grain tears easy, it will splinter in a heartbeat if you are not careful, and its a quick way to cut off a finger if you dont know what your doing. When you know what your doing, how hard to you think it really is to cut within the lines? i think they teach you that in grade school yeah?

To lay out a little common sense for you, IF I OWNED A LASER I COULD SHIT OUT 10 COINS IN AN AFTERNOON, collect $50,000 and still have time to go to Disneyland. Yet it takes sometimes an entire month to clear out the wood around the design. But the mob mentality does not use common sense or simple logic.

I didnt use a laser as accused
I addressed that in the other thread.

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: caga on January 25, 2015, 08:53:58 AM
Woodcollector ?

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: cshelswell on January 25, 2015, 08:55:48 AM
Doesn't matter about laser or no laser the cuts on the inner parts of the 'B' models are a disgrace. No good artist would ever leave something that unfinished. If you were going for "that look" the rest would look as shoddy but the work just looks like somebody that could finish it.

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: smoothie on January 25, 2015, 09:23:00 AM
So tell me...this (the "B", "I", "N", and the outer two circles?) is due to carbon paper?

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: cshelswell on January 25, 2015, 11:39:42 AM
This is copied from another post I made: Doesn't matter about laser or no laser the cuts on the inner parts of the 'B' models are a disgrace. No good artist would ever leave something that unfinished. If you were going for "that look" the rest would look as shoddy but the work just looks like somebody that could finish it.

Not sure why the argument continues... If folks can't see the cuts in those bitcoin b's aren't pretty available average then there's no hope

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: redsn0w on January 25, 2015, 12:18:10 PM
So at the end the video  prove anything ? I can make the same with a simple micromotors and some cutters. However his reputation is ruined , so it is not necessary another negative feedback. Well done @nubbins.

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: jonald_fyookball on January 25, 2015, 03:01:09 PM
my analysis of the video here:

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: freedomno1 on January 26, 2015, 12:59:41 AM
Why was the original thread locked  ?

Because it sucked and there's nothing left to say

Was wondering why that thread got locked as well
Should have left it open and let it die the natural long death but I'll keep track here

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: Hellot on January 27, 2015, 12:52:38 AM
Just watched the video.  Is there another one?  Because that one is a joke in terms of being proof of anything.  In fact, it looks like proof of laser etching to me.  He had already laser etched the design and just needed to dremel away what we left.  I'm not even talking about the level of detail, just the fact that I can see with my own eyes that it was laser etched before hand and he is just shaving away what is left with a dremel.  What a joke!

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: smoothie on January 27, 2015, 01:29:21 AM
Just watched the video.  Is there another one?  Because that one is a joke in terms of being proof of anything.  In fact, it looks like proof of laser etching to me.  He had already laser etched the design and just needed to dremel away what we left.  I'm not even talking about the level of detail, just the fact that I can see with my own eyes that it was laser etched before hand and he is just shaving away what is left with a dremel.  What a joke!

WC has lost credibility already.

It is very simple: Do not make claims you can't back up with irrefutable proof.

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: jonald_fyookball on January 27, 2015, 01:48:07 AM
Just watched the video.  Is there another one?  Because that one is a joke in terms of being proof of anything.  In fact, it looks like proof of laser etching to me.  He had already laser etched the design and just needed to dremel away what we left.  I'm not even talking about the level of detail, just the fact that I can see with my own eyes that it was laser etched before hand and he is just shaving away what is left with a dremel.  What a joke!

that's what I see too.

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: fishb0ne on January 27, 2015, 02:15:45 PM
I reached out to the Reddit community of wood workers to get some feedback. So far everyone agrees that the pieces are laser etched, not hand carved. See for yourself.

I think this one is the most damning post

I scrolled down more on the posts and you can go ahead and tell that guy that his Harbor Freight lathe ( is not a $10,000 lathe. You may also want to mention that the Harbor Freight gouge ( he pictures is absolutely not going to carve the thumbnails in the video he linked to.

If anyone else here is aware of any other, larger community of wood workers, I would suggest doing something similar, but I really don't see the point. I think the matter is settled.

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: Ludi on January 27, 2015, 02:25:17 PM
Just watched the video.  Is there another one?  Because that one is a joke in terms of being proof of anything.  In fact, it looks like proof of laser etching to me.  He had already laser etched the design and just needed to dremel away what we left.  I'm not even talking about the level of detail, just the fact that I can see with my own eyes that it was laser etched before hand and he is just shaving away what is left with a dremel.  What a joke!

If he wanted to prove anything he easily could and he would have made all his detractors look like clueless fools, though they obviously wasn't but the exact opposite. If he spent an hour just actually carving a small piece of one of the coins where he did elaborate designs it would've shut everyone up but all we got what hostility which was pretty telling in itself.

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: nubbins on January 27, 2015, 02:35:28 PM
Here's a detail of that watermark:

As you can see, there's "d", "e", and part of a "p". I wonder what logo that is?

Oh, it's the Deposit Photos logo. Now where have I seen that logo before? Oh, right, all over this image:

Which WoodCollector is burning into a piece of wood here, as of yesterday: (

So, he admitted to using one stolen image (the lion?) and was just caught using another (the hand), and we found sources for all the rest of the images on the same stock photo website, but he totally has licenses for everything, he swears! He can even provide the receipt from his email!

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: mayax on January 27, 2015, 02:40:00 PM
why don't you talk with him by phone? :)

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: nubbins on January 27, 2015, 02:42:47 PM
why don't you talk with him by phone? :)

We don't have his phone number :(

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: fishb0ne on January 27, 2015, 03:55:37 PM
Note that he is no longer saying "hand carved", just carved.
For reference:
Carved = design comes out of the base surface
Engraved = design is into the base surface

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: Ludi on January 27, 2015, 04:01:58 PM
Note that he is no longer saying "hand carved", just carved.
For reference:
Carved = design comes out of the base surface
Engraved = design is into the base surface

Where is he saying this? He doesn't seem to be saying much of anything right now. Besides, I don't think whatever he says is going to matter much. The damage is already done.

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: noma on January 27, 2015, 05:19:38 PM
Seems he is now locking his threads after putting in pictures of his artwork.
Thats what he did with his latest work Black Swan. Did he commision it before the scam accusaiton or after it ?

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: jonald_fyookball on January 27, 2015, 05:35:16 PM
Note that he is no longer saying "hand carved", just carved.
For reference:
Carved = design comes out of the base surface
Engraved = design is into the base surface

Where is he saying this? He doesn't seem to be saying much of anything right now. Besides, I don't think whatever he says is going to matter much. The damage is already done.

More important, he's not giving any money back to customers that wanted a refund. 

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: fishb0ne on January 27, 2015, 06:13:31 PM
Where is he saying this?

Let me clarify my point. I noticed the absence of "hand carved" and I thought that was a tacit admission of guilt, while still keeping the statement just vague enough for somebody to potentially believe these to be hand carved. Technically his statement is accurate, but incomplete/vague.

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: runpaint on January 27, 2015, 06:59:45 PM
I'm trying to figure out how he would use a laser to cut the design, but then carve all around the design. 

Because the design is raised, so the laser would have to be used to cut everything except the design.  Right?

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: BG4 on January 27, 2015, 10:26:36 PM
It is a work of art..... Im not going to deny that...

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: koshgel on January 27, 2015, 10:32:39 PM
There is no way to disprove the overwhelming evidence. No logical defense.

Looks like Woodcollector is going to quietly slink away into the shadows.

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: smoothie on January 27, 2015, 11:43:59 PM
It is a work of art..... Im not going to deny that...

It is a work of art...just with non original art.  :D

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: BG4 on January 27, 2015, 11:50:53 PM
I like the shading around the swan...The whole thing just looks so ...shady .......

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: koshgel on January 28, 2015, 12:46:45 AM
It is a work of art..... Im not going to deny that...

They are actually pretty cool looking. If there wasn't huge problems with stolen images, dishonesty, and unfair markups, I would consider buying one.

I still don't get why he couldn't be honest in the first place and sell them as laser engraved coins. Sure, you wouldn't make as much but you could expand and possibly make a brand for yourself eventually.

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: smoothie on January 28, 2015, 02:46:11 AM

Hey guys so I made this "hand carved" piece from "original" artwork.

No power tools involved, just your "hands" and "hand tools".

Took about 20 minutes to finish this masterpiece.

Here is a short clip of the last 5 min of me "carving" it.
First is Woodcollector's hand carved physical bit coin with touch ups, varnish, stain, whatever, etc.

Second you have the original artwork from the internet.


Lastly you have my "original" version of that artwork with 0 touchups, varnish, not even wiped down with a wet cloth yet!

See I changed it so it is now mine and "original" and "hand carved"!

Notice the burn marks? Those can be avoided if I lowered the amount of hand carving settings on my hands to use less power.

Also wiping it down with a little bit of water would remove much of the burn residue.


Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: hilariousandco on January 28, 2015, 09:02:16 AM
How much do those machines cost to purchase and are there places that will print designs off for you? I'm just wondering how WoodCutter even has access to one as they probably don't come cheap (though maybe he has one at his work or something?).

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: redsn0w on January 28, 2015, 09:08:16 AM
How much do those machines cost to purchase and are there places that will print designs off for you? I'm just wondering how WoodCutter even has access to one as they probably don't come cheap (though maybe he has one at his work or something?).

I think the real problem here is that he has advertised his work as hand carved but most probably it was only a laser.

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: hilariousandco on January 28, 2015, 09:12:21 AM
Yes, I'm not disputing that and it's clear to anyone who isn't Tecshare and WC's alts that is what happened, but I'm just wondering how WC has access to what I'm assuming is an expensive piece of kit.

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: redsn0w on January 28, 2015, 09:14:59 AM
Smoothie how  much do you want for your "hand carved" piece ? 14k dollars  :D?

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: hilariousandco on January 28, 2015, 09:15:53 AM
He's already sold it apparently.

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: bitspill on January 28, 2015, 09:17:39 AM
Smoothie how  much do you want for your "hand carved" piece ? 14k dollars  :D?

It's already been sold as was stated previously. He traded a few kialara physical coins for it, 2x2014 and 1x2015 I believe

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: redsn0w on January 28, 2015, 09:17:51 AM
Yes, I'm not disputing that and it's clear to anyone who isn't Tecshare and WC's alts that is what happened, but I'm just wondering how WC has access to what I'm assuming is an expensive piece of kit.

One of his friends , it is cheap maybe he paid 100-150 $ and commissioned the engraved "lasering" and after put some oil on it and voila. Work finished !

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: hilariousandco on January 28, 2015, 09:20:58 AM
Smoothie how  much do you want for your "hand carved" piece ? 14k dollars  :D?

It's already been sold as was stated previously. He traded a few kialara physical coins for it, 2x2014 and 1x2015 I believe

One of his friends , it is cheap maybe he paid 100-150 $ and commissioned the engraved "lasering" and after put some oil on it and voila. Work finished !

I doubt those machines are cheap.

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: redsn0w on January 28, 2015, 09:22:42 AM
He's already sold it apparently.

Smoothie how  much do you want for your "hand carved" piece ? 14k dollars  :D?

It's already been sold as was stated previously. He traded a few kialara physical coins for it, 2x2014 and 1x2015 I believe

Oh damn  :D, maybe the next time he will make another "hand carved" piece   this time write something like that : this piece worth 14'000 dollars Lol).

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: redsn0w on January 28, 2015, 09:23:46 AM
Smoothie how  much do you want for your "hand carved" piece ? 14k dollars  :D?

It's already been sold as was stated previously. He traded a few kialara physical coins for it, 2x2014 and 1x2015 I believe

One of his friends , it is cheap maybe he paid 100-150 $ and commissioned the engraved "lasering" and after put some oil on it and voila. Work finished !

I doubt those machines are cheap.

I meant he paid 100-150 $ only for the laser process not for the purchase of the machine.

Ps: thanks for the link.

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: smoothie on January 28, 2015, 09:24:51 AM
How much do those machines cost to purchase and are there places that will print designs off for you? I'm just wondering how WoodCutter even has access to one as they probably don't come cheap (though maybe he has one at his work or something?).

A laser like mine costs $15k.

Range of lasers would be $10k to $50k depending on what you want to be able to laser. Higher end ones are for laser engraving metal.

I am sure there are places that you could have custom designs laser engraved into wood.

The type of detail and similar nature of what I did in 20 minutes (40 from start to finish of creating an image to laser setting up the equipment and burning the design into the wood) to what WC did with his "physical bitcoin" using that same design template.

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: smoothie on January 28, 2015, 09:29:47 AM
Smoothie how  much do you want for your "hand carved" piece ? 14k dollars  :D?

It sold within 15 min of me posting it on the forum.

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: ukcrypto on January 28, 2015, 11:45:17 AM
How much do those machines cost to purchase and are there places that will print designs off for you? I'm just wondering how WoodCutter even has access to one as they probably don't come cheap (though maybe he has one at his work or something?).

A laser like mine costs $15k.

Range of lasers would be $10k to $50k depending on what you want to be able to laser. Higher end ones are for laser engraving metal.

I am sure there are places that you could have custom designs laser engraved into wood.

The type of detail and similar nature of what I did in 20 minutes (40 from start to finish of creating an image to laser setting up the equipment and burning the design into the wood) to what WC did with his "physical bitcoin" using that same design template.

Can you proove you own this laser? How do we know you are not paying someone to do this? How can you prove it? Can you take a video in the workshop that the cutting was done in, walk around outside to show us its not a shop?

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: Ludi on January 28, 2015, 12:06:12 PM
How much do those machines cost to purchase and are there places that will print designs off for you? I'm just wondering how WoodCutter even has access to one as they probably don't come cheap (though maybe he has one at his work or something?).

A laser like mine costs $15k.

Range of lasers would be $10k to $50k depending on what you want to be able to laser. Higher end ones are for laser engraving metal.

I am sure there are places that you could have custom designs laser engraved into wood.

The type of detail and similar nature of what I did in 20 minutes (40 from start to finish of creating an image to laser setting up the equipment and burning the design into the wood) to what WC did with his "physical bitcoin" using that same design template.

Can you proove you own this laser? How do we know you are not paying someone to do this? How can you prove it? Can you take a video in the workshop that the cutting was done in, walk around outside to show us its not a shop?

Cmon now why are you being silly? You're just flogging a dead horse. Smoothie doesnt need to prove anything that is down to woodcollecter so I suggest you talk to him about providing new videos.

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: smoothie on January 28, 2015, 02:45:46 PM
How much do those machines cost to purchase and are there places that will print designs off for you? I'm just wondering how WoodCutter even has access to one as they probably don't come cheap (though maybe he has one at his work or something?).

A laser like mine costs $15k.

Range of lasers would be $10k to $50k depending on what you want to be able to laser. Higher end ones are for laser engraving metal.

I am sure there are places that you could have custom designs laser engraved into wood.

The type of detail and similar nature of what I did in 20 minutes (40 from start to finish of creating an image to laser setting up the equipment and burning the design into the wood) to what WC did with his "physical bitcoin" using that same design template.

Can you proove you own this laser? How do we know you are not paying someone to do this? How can you prove it? Can you take a video in the workshop that the cutting was done in, walk around outside to show us its not a shop?

Lol Oh let the butthurt flow through you more  ;D

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: Fakecoin on January 28, 2015, 02:46:50 PM
Still selling info on Woodcollector using lasers.  20BTC. Smoothie aka Woodcollector  ;)

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: redsn0w on January 28, 2015, 02:47:28 PM
Smoothie how  much do you want for your "hand carved" piece ? 14k dollars  :D?

It sold within 15 min of me posting it on the forum.

Woow Amazing ! Great work , this piece worth really more than 10k dollars  ;D.

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: bitspill on January 28, 2015, 02:49:06 PM
Smoothie aka Woodcollector  ;)
This entire situation was a ruse to disrdiscredit a fake person and kick start smoothie's new laser art business


Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: fishb0ne on January 28, 2015, 06:38:31 PM
Hey guys so I made this "hand carved" piece from "original" artwork.

No power tools involved, just your "hands" and "hand tools".

Took about 20 minutes to finish this masterpiece.
Wow, that video was legendary. For everyone that was wondering why we made a big deal out of the distinction between laser cut and hand carved, watching your video ... makes one wonder if something like that is really work 14 grand.

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: hilariousandco on January 28, 2015, 07:12:37 PM
Hey guys so I made this "hand carved" piece from "original" artwork.

No power tools involved, just your "hands" and "hand tools".

Took about 20 minutes to finish this masterpiece.
Wow, that video was legendary. For everyone that was wondering why we made a big deal out of the distinction between laser cut and hand carved, watching your video ... makes one wonder if something like that is really work 14 grand.

Of course it isn't worth 14k. But then again I don't think this is worth 140 mill:,_1948.jpg

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: cshelswell on January 28, 2015, 07:23:26 PM
Yeah but pollock never used a machine to make something that was claimed to be made by hand. Pollock also could paint less abstract peices. He was actually talented

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: bitspill on January 28, 2015, 08:11:59 PM
Yeah but pollock never used a machine to make something that was claimed to be made by hand. Pollock also could paint less abstract peices. He was actually talented

I don't care if Pollock used a machine or his hands, that is a piece of garbage worth nothing close to 140 mil.

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: smoothie on January 28, 2015, 08:21:27 PM
Yeah but pollock never used a machine to make something that was claimed to be made by hand. Pollock also could paint less abstract peices. He was actually talented

I don't care if Pollock used a machine or his hands, that is a piece of garbage worth nothing close to 140 mil.

value is subjectively different with each person.

You may say it is a piece of garbage while another was willing to pay some really high price for it.

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: bitspill on January 28, 2015, 09:03:59 PM
Yeah but pollock never used a machine to make something that was claimed to be made by hand. Pollock also could paint less abstract peices. He was actually talented

I don't care if Pollock used a machine or his hands, that is a piece of garbage worth nothing close to 140 mil.

value is subjectively different with each person.

You may say it is a piece of garbage while another was willing to pay some really high price for it.

Oh, so even if you wouldn't pay $14k for a piece of WC's art, someone else might, who'd have thought.

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: smoothie on January 28, 2015, 09:07:24 PM
Yeah but pollock never used a machine to make something that was claimed to be made by hand. Pollock also could paint less abstract peices. He was actually talented

I don't care if Pollock used a machine or his hands, that is a piece of garbage worth nothing close to 140 mil.

value is subjectively different with each person.

You may say it is a piece of garbage while another was willing to pay some really high price for it.

Oh, so even if you wouldn't pay $14k for a piece of WC's art, someone else might, who'd have thought.

I'm in no position to tell people what to do with their money.

But when I see shady actions by someone I will call it out.

Hence all the discussion and my "Smoothie Swag".

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: ukcrypto on January 29, 2015, 12:39:07 AM
Yeah but pollock never used a machine to make something that was claimed to be made by hand. Pollock also could paint less abstract peices. He was actually talented

I don't care if Pollock used a machine or his hands, that is a piece of garbage worth nothing close to 140 mil.

value is subjectively different with each person.

You may say it is a piece of garbage while another was willing to pay some really high price for it.

Oh, so even if you wouldn't pay $14k for a piece of WC's art, someone else might, who'd have thought.

I'm in position to tell people what to do with their money.

But when I see shady actions by someone I will call it out.

Hence all the discussion and my "Smoothie Swag".

Smoothie, did you actually do this yourself on YOUR own laser?

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: Somekindabitcoin on January 29, 2015, 12:49:23 AM
Yeah but pollock never used a machine to make something that was claimed to be made by hand. Pollock also could paint less abstract peices. He was actually talented

I don't care if Pollock used a machine or his hands, that is a piece of garbage worth nothing close to 140 mil.

value is subjectively different with each person.

You may say it is a piece of garbage while another was willing to pay some really high price for it.

Oh, so even if you wouldn't pay $14k for a piece of WC's art, someone else might, who'd have thought.

I'm in position to tell people what to do with their money.

But when I see shady actions by someone I will call it out.

Hence all the discussion and my "Smoothie Swag".

Smoothie, did you actually do this yourself on YOUR own laser?

Do you realize it's just to make fun of WC? Does it really matter if he did it on his own laser? Smoothie probably has lots of money to throw around. Even if he did on his own, it won't matter.

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: ukcrypto on January 29, 2015, 12:54:11 AM
Yeah but pollock never used a machine to make something that was claimed to be made by hand. Pollock also could paint less abstract peices. He was actually talented

I don't care if Pollock used a machine or his hands, that is a piece of garbage worth nothing close to 140 mil.

value is subjectively different with each person.

You may say it is a piece of garbage while another was willing to pay some really high price for it.

Oh, so even if you wouldn't pay $14k for a piece of WC's art, someone else might, who'd have thought.

I'm in position to tell people what to do with their money.

But when I see shady actions by someone I will call it out.

Hence all the discussion and my "Smoothie Swag".

Smoothie, did you actually do this yourself on YOUR own laser?

Do you realize it's just to make fun of WC? Does it really matter if he did it on his own laser? Smoothie probably has lots of money to throw around. Even if he did on his own, it won't matter.

Yes i get it was a joke. Its a very simple question - he said his laser was $15k so he is giving people the impression he did this himself, I just want Smoothie to confirm that is the case or not or whether he mislead people here with that statement.

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: freedomno1 on January 29, 2015, 01:02:02 AM

Yes i get it was a joke. Its a very simple question - he said his laser was $15k so he is giving people the impression he did this himself, I just want Smoothie to confirm that is the case or not or whether he mislead people here with that statement.

I am pretty certain if anyone watched the video they know how it was made
That one is a clear well do your research it's on page 1 :)

How much do those machines cost to purchase and are there places that will print designs off for you? I'm just wondering how WoodCutter even has access to one as they probably don't come cheap (though maybe he has one at his work or something?).

A laser like mine costs $15k.

Range of lasers would be $10k to $50k depending on what you want to be able to laser. Higher end ones are for laser engraving metal.

I am sure there are places that you could have custom designs laser engraved into wood.

The type of detail and similar nature of what I did in 20 minutes (40 from start to finish of creating an image to laser setting up the equipment and burning the design into the wood) to what WC did with his "physical bitcoin" using that same design template.

Ah that laser costs 15k as a unit

For the quality of work it can do it seems like a nice investment I'm a bit surprised there isn't a local design store in many cities that says we do custom wood art submit us a design and we will have it ready in under 20 minutes. (Or they don't advertise much)
Can see a market for it  

Besides here of course Bitcoin needs some eye candy I can see this in a local bitcoinstore to attract customers and get them interested in Bitcoin at the same time one of those unique value propositions.

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: smoothie on January 29, 2015, 03:41:48 AM

Yes i get it was a joke. Its a very simple question - he said his laser was $15k so he is giving people the impression he did this himself, I just want Smoothie to confirm that is the case or not or whether he mislead people here with that statement.

I am pretty certain if anyone watched the video they know how it was made
That one is a clear well do your research it's on page 1 :)

How much do those machines cost to purchase and are there places that will print designs off for you? I'm just wondering how WoodCutter even has access to one as they probably don't come cheap (though maybe he has one at his work or something?).

A laser like mine costs $15k.

Range of lasers would be $10k to $50k depending on what you want to be able to laser. Higher end ones are for laser engraving metal.

I am sure there are places that you could have custom designs laser engraved into wood.

The type of detail and similar nature of what I did in 20 minutes (40 from start to finish of creating an image to laser setting up the equipment and burning the design into the wood) to what WC did with his "physical bitcoin" using that same design template.

Ah that laser costs 15k as a unit

For the quality of work it can do it seems like a nice investment I'm a bit surprised there isn't a local design store in many cities that says we do custom wood art submit us a design and we will have it ready in under 20 minutes. (Or they don't advertise much)
Can see a market for it  

Besides here of course Bitcoin needs some eye candy I can see this in a local bitcoinstore to attract customers and get them interested in Bitcoin at the same time one of those unique value propositions.

Yes I had initially purchased it to laser my physical bitcoin holograms for specific purposes. Until this day I still use it for that purpose.

It is nice having my own laser (whether or not anyone believes I have and own my own laser is irrelevant as I am not selling anything on that premise. I made  a piece and all of a sudden I supposedly owe people answers lol. I think I will just let those who want to speculate on my actually owning a laser or not circle jerk themselves and waste time posting about it as I really could care less if anyone believes me or not.) as I can make and create things on a whim. Call it an expensive toy but for work purposes as well.

In Hawaii there probably are some vendors that have their own in house laser to use but I am not aware of any to this date.

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: mayax on January 29, 2015, 02:17:49 PM
WoodCollector the saga.... pfff. don't you have other things to do ? Wood?! come one :)))))) LOL

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: hilariousandco on January 29, 2015, 07:04:16 PM

Ah that laser costs 15k as a unit

For the quality of work it can do it seems like a nice investment.

It's a very nice investment if you can sell one piece of artwork for 14k  :D.

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: smoothie on January 30, 2015, 01:54:55 AM
someone asked for a 100 LTC design for a wooden bar or coin...

something I slapped together messing around...

I tried cutting out a circle/coin with the laser err I mean with my hand  ::) and I epically failed lol. Learned that wetting the wood does help from it leaving burn marks on the design, hence the up close image.  :P

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: mayax on January 30, 2015, 03:48:03 PM

Ah that laser costs 15k as a unit

For the quality of work it can do it seems like a nice investment.

It's a very nice investment if you can sell one piece of artwork for 14k  :D.

i think 14K is a huge amount for that ... :)

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: homeless hacker on January 30, 2015, 04:29:23 PM
Was the expensive wood he claimed to have used actually used? If so, I personally believe he is not in the wrong. Even though if using a laser, he did manipulate his clientele to a certain extent.

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: MichaelBliss on January 30, 2015, 04:31:53 PM
Yeah but pollock never used a machine to make something that was claimed to be made by hand. Pollock also could paint less abstract peices. He was actually talented

I don't care if Pollock used a machine or his hands, that is a piece of garbage worth nothing close to 140 mil.

A key difference is if you bought the Pollock, since there is a market for it, it would likely hold it's value and possibly you would make money selling it for more one day.   That ugly laser engraved block of wood forming a crooked "B".... not so much.   That he's using rare / expensive wood only makes it more of a crime actually. 

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: hilariousandco on January 30, 2015, 06:16:39 PM
From what I gather the wood wasn't as expensive as he was making out. Someone exposed it in one of the many threads related to him.

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: freedomno1 on January 30, 2015, 06:22:07 PM
From what I gather the wood wasn't as expensive as he was making out. Someone exposed it in one of the many threads related to him.

There is seven or so threads on this if I recall from meta
Probably skimmed it but forgot which one your mentioning exactly.

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: smoothie on January 30, 2015, 06:38:35 PM
From what I gather the wood wasn't as expensive as he was making out. Someone exposed it in one of the many threads related to him.

There is seven or so threads on this if I recall from meta
Probably skimmed it but forgot which one your mentioning exactly.

fluffypony made a post on it.....somewhere... :D

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: Keyser Soze on January 30, 2015, 06:41:05 PM (

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: mayax on January 30, 2015, 11:19:22 PM
is the wood about BTC  ?:)

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: ukcrypto on February 01, 2015, 12:43:13 AM
Wow, these are interesting - wonder what people have to say now:)  ::)


Cleaning the wood

Fixing the broken tool

Finishing cleaning the wood

Applying the design and carving

More Carving

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: jonald_fyookball on February 01, 2015, 01:22:29 AM

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: smoothie on February 01, 2015, 01:23:34 AM

lol i'm running out of popcorn.

Maybe I should "hand carve" me some popcorn!  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: jonald_fyookball on February 01, 2015, 01:28:47 AM
ukcrypto, are you going to remove your negative feedback as agreed?

EDIT:  left you negative feedback in the meantime.  I will remove it
if you remove my negative feedback promptly, otherwise I will
suggest others also neg rate you for your abuse of the trust
system as well as shilling for a known scammer.

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: Nikolai on February 01, 2015, 02:50:45 AM
Wow, these are interesting - wonder what people have to say now:)  ::)

I can't decide if ukcrypto is trolling or not. I mean he can't seriously believe that's proof.

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: ukcrypto on February 01, 2015, 03:25:45 AM
ukcrypto, are you going to remove your negative feedback as agreed?

EDIT:  left you negative feedback in the meantime.  I will remove it
if you remove my negative feedback promptly, otherwise I will
suggest others also neg rate you for your abuse of the trust
system as well as shilling for a known scammer.

Busy in Singapore - lets see how i feel later

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: SodaWarz on February 01, 2015, 03:26:22 AM
So if he does post a video, it won't make any difference?

Yes, that is what the degenerates have said. They will say anything to not have to admit they are wrong. Quite interesting reading what WoodCollecter had to say about it all. Call me a sock, call me a shill, call me whatever as if i care. I agree with him 100%. nothing more than kids running wild on the playground looking for attention and digital satisfaction.

Endgame:  WC slinks away into the shadows...never admits wrong doing...most people recognize him as the
phony he is, and a few people who want to believe in a 'reasonable doubt' will do so.  

You couldn't have been more wrong.

yeah but that's what's gonna happen (slink away)...

he only said he would post a video
to look good yesterday... (that's
how short sighted dishonesty is folks)

reality is now asserting itself, and
he realizes there's no possible
way to make any kind of credible

Just my opinion.

Whoa, wrong again, quick, start thinking of more semantics and distraction techniques, people are starting to realize you are the picture perfect example of everything WoodCollecter says this band of idiots is.

What got me was he kept saying he could give a shit about what people think, then he says he will make a video, then says to me to jump on skype so I can see him do his work, then says he will do a video, then says somewhere in the mix of all of what I just wrote that he still doesnt give a shit what people think and wont jump through hoops to do a video...yet says he is doing a video to be uploaded.  ::)

Any logical person would understand that he was just settling the doubt for his clients. Everyone knows that nothing would satisfy all you degenerates  on a witch hunt, maybe your translation was a little off because when i read it what i took away from it all is "you fools are ignorant, i could give a shit what your opinions are, you know nothing about woodworking anyways, if and when i have time to reply it will be for the paying clients, not the short sighted MOB of kiddies. "

Truth is i could go on quoting blatant writings of ignorance for days with all the fudder you 5 have spread around. At the end of the day, it takes the average person about 5 minutes to see what this is really all about. I stopped counting at 400 posts, but do you know that of those 400 posts, 84% of them were either Nubbins, Smoothie, Jonald, BG4 or Redsn0w? I believe someone counted them all and it exceeded 1,000 posts and i am willing to bet that the statistic is even higher than 84% across the whole mess. You have all lost a lot of credibility to a lot of people weather they will tell you to your face or not. And for what? a circle jerk so the 5 of you can feel special for a few weeks? have you ever stopped to think about the long term damage to your reputation? not just the reputation that is left via feedback but your reputation in the community among the people who are above all this nonsense?

As every day passes a few more truly moronic posts are made by the 5 of you and you lose a little more credibility here, yet as every week goes by and WoodCollecter has a chance to post a few more videos it appears you are sinking further and further into a dark hole you have dug for yourselves until finally one day, the piece he is working on is done and fully finished, tiny little details and all and you are all left holding your dicks. Especially Jonald. You cant be serious with some of that shit.

Like you can judge an end product by the first step in making it.

Your lucky that 80% of this forum either does not care enough about the semantics from the 5 of you to even justify it with a responce, or they just plain dont want to get involved because they already know that anyone who stands up for woodcollecter is going to get negative trust feeedback from you as you have made it painfully clear that you have no reservations about abusing the trust system here.

Feel free to create another 100+ pages full of your garbage though, lord knows a dose of truth wont stop the likes of you fools.


EDIT:  left you negative feedback in the meantime.  I will remove it
if you remove my negative feedback promptly, otherwise I will
suggest others also neg rate you for your abuse of the trust
system as well as shilling for a known scammer.

Trying to manipulate others into agreeing with you forcing them to leave negative feedback is abuse of the trust system itself.

Edit the Edit: Nevermind, your to dumb to comprehend that.

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: jonald_fyookball on February 01, 2015, 03:28:00 AM
. At the end of the day, it takes the average person about 5 minutes to see what this is really all about.

Agree 100%!

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: MrTeal on February 01, 2015, 05:20:41 AM
I can't wait for the next videos in the series!

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: caga on February 01, 2015, 06:56:37 AM
Wow, these are interesting - wonder what people have to say now:)  ::)


Cleaning the wood

Fixing the broken tool

Finishing cleaning the wood

Applying the design and carving

More Carving

Looks like the whole thing has become a series, rather than just a scam accusation .
At this point, he could just pay a random wood worker the cost of a coin, and get something legit or carving to show on here. Still not going to get his trust back though.
And in the first video, he looks so unprofessional :

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: redsn0w on February 01, 2015, 07:15:27 PM
I received a negative feedback from him , now I sent him a PM with a simple question. Let see what he will answer me.

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: jonald_fyookball on February 08, 2015, 02:25:59 PM

this just in:;topicseen

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: BG4 on February 09, 2015, 01:11:40 AM

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: smoothie on February 10, 2015, 04:40:01 AM   :D :D :D

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: freedomno1 on February 10, 2015, 04:50:15 AM   :D :D :D

Munches popcorn
I haven't checked this in a while but it seems like we are still observing another saga continuing here
(Stay tuned in for the next episode of WC Z :P)

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: smoothie on February 10, 2015, 05:10:33 AM   :D :D :D

Munches popcorn
I haven't checked this in a while but it seems like we are still observing another saga continuing here
(Stay tuned in for the next episode of WC Z :P)

DBZ --> WCZ  :D

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: redsn0w on February 10, 2015, 06:55:49 AM   :D :D :D

Munches popcorn
I haven't checked this in a while but it seems like we are still observing another saga continuing here
(Stay tuned in for the next episode of WC Z :P)

DBZ --> WCZ  :D

Where is my popCorn? /Sarcasm; however  Has he posted another proofs or just "words"?

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: smoothie on February 10, 2015, 07:06:22 AM   :D :D :D

Munches popcorn
I haven't checked this in a while but it seems like we are still observing another saga continuing here
(Stay tuned in for the next episode of WC Z :P)

DBZ --> WCZ  :D

Where is my popCorn? /Sarcasm; however  Has he posted another proofs or just "words"?

So far....

he has only done....

lots and lots of hand waving.  ;D

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: smoothie on February 10, 2015, 08:01:57 AM
That's obviously the work of a machine. There's really no way to make such details by hand, unless you're working with a needle and it takes you a month to engrave it. Why deny it? The pieces look nice and would sell anyway.

Hence why some are waiting for a video of WC hand carving a detailed piece in the same detail as pieces he sold.

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: BG4 on February 10, 2015, 11:41:44 AM
That's obviously the work of a machine. There's really no way to make such details by hand, unless you're working with a needle and it takes you a month to engrave it. Why deny it? The pieces look nice and would sell anyway.

Hence why some are waiting for a video of WC hand carving a detailed piece in the same detail as pieces he sold.

Such a great wood carver ...He even hand carves ....Cut and paste.... errors into his work

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: bitspill on February 10, 2015, 11:45:00 AM
That's obviously the work of a machine. There's really no way to make such details by hand, unless you're working with a needle and it takes you a month to engrave it. Why deny it? The pieces look nice and would sell anyway.

Hence why some are waiting for a video of WC hand carving a detailed piece in the same detail as pieces he sold.

Such a great wood carver ...He even hand carves ....Cut and paste.... errors into his work

Cut and paste error or just forgot to carve one diagonal line?

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: redsn0w on February 10, 2015, 11:56:23 AM   :D :D :D

Munches popcorn
I haven't checked this in a while but it seems like we are still observing another saga continuing here
(Stay tuned in for the next episode of WC Z :P)

DBZ --> WCZ  :D

Where is my popCorn? /Sarcasm; however  Has he posted another proofs or just "words"?

So far....

he has only done....

lots and lots of hand waving.  ;D

If he wants definitely close this story he should make some valid videos, and not those with the "dremel".

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: cazkooo on February 10, 2015, 11:58:23 AM
That's obviously the work of a machine. There's really no way to make such details by hand, unless you're working with a needle and it takes you a month to engrave it. Why deny it? The pieces look nice and would sell anyway.

Hence why some are waiting for a video of WC hand carving a detailed piece in the same detail as pieces he sold.

Such a great wood carver ...He even hand carves ....Cut and paste.... errors into his work

Cut and paste error or just forgot to carve one diagonal line?

or his laser forgot to make another one diagonal line? whichever is good, the art is very good although it is not handcarved

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: TECSHARE on February 10, 2015, 02:48:29 PM
Hey look, yet another brand new account with strong opinions on this matter! ^^^ What a coincidence!

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: BG4 on February 10, 2015, 02:58:29 PM
Hey look, yet another brand new account with strong opinions on this matter! ^^^ What a coincidence!

So woodcollector says he  will be out of the country and now Tecshare shows up.....

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: Currency Juggalo on February 10, 2015, 03:10:13 PM
or his laser forgot to make another one diagonal line? whichever is good, the art is very good although it is not handcarved

Lol it's ugly garbage anyone with a modicum of taste would stay well clear from, regardless.

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: hilariousandco on February 10, 2015, 03:14:38 PM
Hey look, yet another brand new account with strong opinions on this matter! ^^^ What a coincidence!

Oh look another conspiracy. Hardly a brand new account but his opinion doesn't suit yours so it must be discarded as suspicious, right? I should think that most people will side with the majority that believe WC cannot do what he claims and is a pathological liar given the evidence (or lack thereof). Seriously, can we just lock these threads now? They've served their purpose and if WC wants to comment somewhere I'm sure he will.

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: qwk on February 10, 2015, 04:11:03 PM
Such a great wood carver ...He even hand carves ....Cut and paste.... errors into his work
Cut and paste error or just forgot to carve one diagonal line?
You're looking at the wrong part of the picture. The missing line is odd enough, but the copy and paste error is the hexagons not matching up in a straight line from top to bottom.

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: jcoin200 on February 10, 2015, 06:10:38 PM

That seems to sum this thread up perfectly.  I thought he had some interesting pieces that I would buy but he doesn't seem to have any substantial proof whatsoever that he "hand carves" these.  Just some real sloppy, long youtube vids.  And if it really took him an hour to carve around a nice bold letter BTC, then it would take him months to carve, and paint/finish a single one of these.  I cant figure out how his other "wood carving" business could handle that much time being eaten up by this side project of btc goods.

I've also seen lazer cut cribbage boards, name plaques, etc, and they look JUST LIKE what woodcollector is selling, ESPECIALLY that dragon one!  It's too bad cause if he had been forthright about his goods, he'd probably have found a nice niche selling BTC related wood stuff.

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: Uncle Axetime on February 10, 2015, 06:25:00 PM
now he outed hisself as a nasty scammer The Observer from the 'new hardware' days: and following few posts

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: koshgel on February 10, 2015, 06:41:11 PM
now he outed hisself as a nasty scammer The Observer from the 'new hardware' days: and following few posts

What a piece of shit. He really is a sociopath.

Title: Re: WoodCollector the saga continues?....
Post by: smoothie on February 10, 2015, 06:46:31 PM
thread locked!  ;D