Bitcoin Forum

Other => Archival => Topic started by: richmoda on February 25, 2015, 08:04:35 PM

Title: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: richmoda on February 25, 2015, 08:04:35 PM
Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot

I'd like to present an ingenious, unique, unsaturated idea that has helped me to create a remarkable income during the last three months.
With an $80 monthly investment, I was able to generate:
Month #1: $1100
Month #2: $700
Month #3: $2100
So, in total: $3900 - $250 expenses = +$3600 profit.
•   How does it work?
I have created a bot that collects free bitcoins and dogecoins from the websites: and
From now on, I will talk only about for the sake of the simplicity, but all that will be said about is the same for (dogecoins)
If you are not familiar with these websites, when you sign up an account you are presented with a captcha image that you have to pass in order to generate a number between 0 and 10,000. Based on the number you "roll", you have a chance of winning an amount of bitcoins.
You can essentially roll a number every hour, so you have a 1 / 10,000 chance of winning $200 every hour.
As you can see in the table, on the website, there is a:
- 1    in 10,000 chance of winning $200   (roll exactly 10,000)
- 2    in 10,000 chance of winning $20    (roll between 9,999 and 9,998)
- 4    in 10,000 chance of winning $2     (roll between 9,997 and 9,994)
- 8    in 10,000 chance of winning $0.2   (roll between 9,993 and 9,986)
- 100  in 10,000 chance of winning $0.02  (roll between 9,985 and 9,886)
- 9886 in 10,000 chance of winning $0.002 (roll between 9,885 and 0)

Basically, you can see that most of the times, you will win next to nothing, but if you would try many times, you would eventually get a high roll.
But being limited to one attempt every 60 minutes, if you would collect 8 times per day, it would take almost 4 years to get 11,000 attempts, necessary to expect winning the $200 roll number, 10,000.

Here is where my bot comes in, reducing the 4 years required to just a few days/weeks.
The bot is using highly anonymous proxies, different user agents (browser signatures), advanced techniques to create the illusion that all the accounts managed by the auto-collecting bot are in fact different accounts signed up and managed by different people.

•   Tech  A) Very important!
The websites ( and are provably fair. This means that the number you roll is truly random.
To generate the roll, it takes into account 3 variables:
1) The server seed
2) The nonce
3) The client seed
Before you roll, you can see the current Nonce, and the auto-generated client seed. Also, you can see the server seed hash, not the server seed, of course because knowing it before the roll would mean knowing the roll number before the roll, so you could change the client seed until you would get a good roll, that would be cheating.
But knowing the server seed hash means that after the roll, you can check that indeed the website did NOT CHANGE the server seed to deny you of a good roll.
Hypothetically, they can make so that you will not roll a good number.
For example, when they generate a server seed A, and a client seed B, they know for sure that the outcome roll will be a number X. (let's say the $200 winner).
So they could theoretically give you D as a client seed instead of B, now they will know for sure you will not get a good roll unless YOU CHANGE YOUR CLIENT SEED.
This is why it's very important to change the client seed before each roll.
This way you are guaranteed a fair roll. The bot makes sure to randomly generate a new client seed before taking any roll.
•   Tech  B) Still technical, how does the bot work?
1) The bot is connected to a local database, where it gets access to all the registered accounts data, including the name, password, email, bitcoin wallet address, proxy address and proxy port number. Also, the database records the last successful collecting on each account, the time and value of the collecting process, for example : account: , last_collected: 57 minutes ago.
2) When an account is ready for a new collection process, the bot takes its data, deletes browser history, sets the account proxy and logs in into the account.
To avoid suspicion, it only logs in the first time, afterwards it imports the cookies saved for each account, to imitate the normal behavior a user would have.
3) Now there is a captcha image to pass. I have chosen two services to get the captcha solved for the purpose of saving money.
 a) First, it will try to solve it via artificial intelligence, trying 3 to 6 times to solve it this way. Most of the times, it will succeed. The few times it fails, it will use another service:
 b) Human based solving service, that will always solve it successfully.
4) It then takes the amount it collected and saves it into the database
5) Repeats the process for each account when it's ready for collection.

Each account will have a random 9 sleeping hours per day to further create the authentic user illusion.

I urge you to watch this video if you want to see how the bot operates:
•   Features:
- Auto collecting of bitcoins and dogecoins
- 24/7 uptime
- Guaranteed profits in a relative short period of time
- Parallel processing (necessary if you use more than 20 accounts)
- Possibility to add more accounts at any time, increasing profits
- Auto reboot of the system every two hours for resource cleanup followed by autorun of the bot

As you probably already know, you can't get something out of nothing. Here is what you will need to get hold on this amazing money generating opportunity.
1) A small investment
2) Some free time, at least in the beginning

•   Investment
The bot runs 24/7, so a VPS is required. (Virtual Private Server) I recommend ( $11 )
You will also need private proxies for the accounts: The $3600 profit I earned was generated using 50 proxies, so I urge you to also get 50 proxies or more.
You can buy proxies from a bunch of reliable providers, like InstantProxies, SSLPrivateProxies. You can also use shared proxies, but they have to be fast and anonymous. ($50)
For the artificial intelligence captcha solving service, you will have to use CaptchaTronix, they are great, they saved me a lot on the expenses. ($15)
For the human based captcha solving service, you will use DeathByCaptcha ($8)
In total, your expenses will be: $11 + $50 + $8 + $15 = $84

•   Time on your behalf(a few hours) will be required for:
a) Registration of new email addresses for each account, we recommend
b) Create bitcoin / dogecoin wallet addresses for each account. You can use the same account to generate more wallet addresses. ( I used Coinbase, you can use other services like BlockChain if you wish )
c) Registration of the accounts on,
Note: This will be required only once, at the beginning
Every month, you will also have to renew the proxies, server and the captcha solving services.

•   How much will you earn?
Considering you will use 50 proxies, this means 50 and 50 accounts, 100 accounts in total.
Each having 9 sleeping hours per day, it collects 15 times per day per account. This means the bot will collect 1500 times per day, 45000 times per month.
You will expect to get:
- 4 times $200
- 8 times $20
- 16 times $2

Not even considering the rest of the rolls, you would win ~$1000. But wait, there's more. All accounts will be referrers to your own account, on which you will win 50% of what all the other accounts win, meaning an extra $500.
So you would expect ~$1500 per month. Not bad for a $80 investment.
You have probably noticed I've used the verb "expect", that's because we're dealing with probabilities here. There could be better or worst months, but on average you would win as shown above.
I have tested this bot for three months now, won more than I've expected, but I now found a much more lucrative idea in which I want to invest, but lack the money. At first I thought about extending, buying more servers and registering more accounts, but this will take me at least a month and hard work to register all those new accounts, I am a busy person, so my plan is to sell the bot and get the money I need fast.
My plan is to get the money I need now as quickly as possible and then I will not even sell the bot anymore, because of the time it takes me to set up the bot on the servers for you, when you decide to buy.
I have thought about the right price, when I took into account the time I've spent to develop this and the potential it has, a friend of mine and I came to the conclusion that I'd have to ask for at least $1000 for this unique and unsaturated money making machine. But then I thought that $1K is quite a big financial effort for the average bitcoin user, and I would reach my goal much earlier if I sold it for the bargain price of 1.49 BTC ($350)
What you get for this underrated price:
- Revolutionary bot
- Support from me to get the bot running
•   How will you pay me?
I am not a scammer, but you don't have to blindly trust me! You will not pay me any penny until you see the bot running and generating money for you.
You will create a 1.49 BTC escrow transaction, I will set up the bot for you, and only after it's working will you release the payment.
Just to prove I am legit, I am offering a limited TWO FREE REVIEW COPIES. I am reserving the right to choose to whom I am going to offer the 2 free review copies.
Feel free to apply now.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: GHCoins45 on February 25, 2015, 08:08:49 PM
I apply for one of TWO FREE REVIEW COPIES

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: Fakhoury on February 25, 2015, 08:23:10 PM
I apply for the 2nd vouch copy.

Check PM please.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: Skyenet on February 25, 2015, 08:28:21 PM
I will take a vouch copy and leave a very detailed review with pictures and video if accepted.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: superiorus on February 25, 2015, 08:32:10 PM
You have the right to choose me for one of the reviews :)

Thank you !

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: andrealandia on February 25, 2015, 08:41:00 PM
oh if another free review is available,
i would be  very happy :D

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: maku on February 25, 2015, 08:51:05 PM
Somewhat I really doubt it is a valid and working program. But if you guys received copy of it please write a review.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: mtwelve on February 25, 2015, 09:47:36 PM
If vouch has not been taken, I'm available.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: master-P on February 25, 2015, 10:08:29 PM
If this is legit I am interested in trying out a review copy to see if it works as described.

Additionally I can also help provide escrow for the btc for the seller if he/she wishes to use my escrow services.

op please pm me if you would like me to participate in review copy. :)

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: damiano on February 25, 2015, 10:17:03 PM
Ill take a vouch if its not to late

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: ajareselde on February 26, 2015, 12:11:12 AM
I would like to try this out as a vouch copy in exchange for an honest review, please contact me
if you decide you need it.
Is there any particular reason youre selling, since it can by your words make you much more money than you will earn selling it ?


Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: Bitcoin Explorer on February 26, 2015, 03:27:52 AM
I may not be very interested but there's no harm in taking a review copy. If possible, let me know. Otherwise, I'm looking forward to the reviews

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: Quickseller on February 26, 2015, 04:08:25 AM
I hope that everyone who is considering to buy this from the OP realizes that once the market for this becomes saturated will eventually either go broke or will catch onto what is happening and make necessary adjustments

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: Bitcoin Explorer on February 26, 2015, 04:13:13 AM
I hope that everyone who is considering to buy this from the OP realizes that once the market for this becomes saturated will eventually either go broke or will catch onto what is happening and make necessary adjustments
Thats a valid point. I was wondering what wouldhappen if the faucet vanishes all of a sudden 

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: richmoda on February 26, 2015, 08:07:26 AM
I hope that everyone who is considering to buy this from the OP realizes that once the market for this becomes saturated will eventually either go broke or will catch onto what is happening and make necessary adjustments
Thats a valid point. I was wondering what wouldhappen if the faucet vanishes all of a sudden 

Theoretically, you are both right, but here is what is actually happening:

1) They have +1million members and they make money of off ads they place on the website. Moreover, here is a little experiment you can do to see that they only care about the number of unique IPs:

/*  Only if you want to try - Experiment */
a) Open in Google Chrome
Collect to make sure the timer is showing up.
Right click anywhere -> Inspect Element
Click on one row of code
Ctrl + F to search and search for free_play until you get the row: <div id="free_play" align="center" style="display:none;">
double click display:none and delete it, you should now have:
<div id="free_play" align="center" style="">
Press Enter
You should be able to fill in the captcha again now, do it, you will get the error message:

/*  End of experiment  */
Someone has already played from this IP address within the last 1 hour. Restarting your internet router might give you a new IP address so that you can play again.

So you can see they urge you to change your IP address by restarting your router! (Same person, multiple IP addresses)

2) Limited Edition
I am NOT going to sell this bot forever, I am only gonna sell ~15-20 copies. I only need the quick money and then I'm done!
It's an understatement that 15-20 accounts won't affect their huge revenues. These are all unique IPs after all, generating each 15 unique impressions per banner / day.
It's essentially exactly like if there were 50 people (your accounts, if you have 50) that work 15 hours per day and they collect each hour from and from different IPs, different accounts, different Browsers. The accounts are not connected in any way.

Hope this cleared that out.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: richmoda on February 26, 2015, 08:22:41 AM
I would like to try this out as a vouch copy in exchange for an honest review, please contact me
if you decide you need it.
Is there any particular reason youre selling, since it can by your words make you much more money than you will earn selling it ?


Thank you for your interest, but I am still waiting for more free review copy requests at the time before I decide who are the two that will get it.
The reason I am selling is in the original post.
A new investment opportunity came up in my life, and it could get me the pass from programmer to investor.  :)
I need around ~$7000 in less than a month, an impossible or very hard task to achieve with the bot. (mostly because of the staggering amount of work to register the accounts it would take).
So this is a way for me to make the money and help others in the process to make a nice profit.
Hope this helped you see it from my point of view.
I am still waiting for more free review requests, especially from respected members of the community.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: superiorus on February 26, 2015, 09:22:29 AM
What you think about this :

Could work ?  :)

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: Dorrittulx on February 26, 2015, 09:30:25 AM
So do you have to register a ton of accounts yourself?

I haven't checked out the youtube video yet, but I'll do that later.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: richmoda on February 26, 2015, 09:37:08 AM
What you think about this :

Could work ?  :)

Martingale will never work in the LONG RUN.

It's a good method if you plan to win 10% of what you invest. (There is a high probability you won't lose all your money if you plan to stop in the early stages, otherwise you're doomed to failure)

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: richmoda on February 26, 2015, 09:46:26 AM
So do you have to register a ton of accounts yourself?

I haven't checked out the youtube video yet, but I'll do that later.

Yes, you'd have to do that. This is not a problem if you have some free time and around 50 - 100 accounts. It's a few hours in the beginning.
But I am very busy, I am a student and also have a part time job + programming projects.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: Dorrittulx on February 26, 2015, 09:52:35 AM
So do you have to register a ton of accounts yourself?

I haven't checked out the youtube video yet, but I'll do that later.

Yes, you'd have to do that. This is not a problem if you have some free time and around 50 - 100 accounts. It's a few hours in the beginning.
But I am very busy, I am a student and also have a part time job + programming projects.

Sent you a PM.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: richmoda on February 26, 2015, 10:11:18 AM
Sorry for not replying for all your PMs. I am currently not at home. I will reply in about 8 hours to each PM.


Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: SargeR33 on February 26, 2015, 10:29:55 AM
I'll be following this. If it really is that simple, I'll invest 1.49btc into it. Lets see how this plays out.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: FuckIdolPlus on February 26, 2015, 10:35:58 AM
I apply for review copy.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: superiorus on February 26, 2015, 10:50:46 AM
What you think about this :

Could work ?  :)

Martingale will never work in the LONG RUN.

It's a good method if you plan to win 10% of what you invest. (There is a high probability you won't lose all your money if you plan to stop in the early stages, otherwise you're doomed to failure)

Thank you

This is what I was thinking myself too :)
I'm interested to see how your bot working, but ... I'm  a bit sceptic about paying 350$
So a review copy will save me :)

PS : these websites (like are profitable ? they make money only from ads (adsense & other) ?

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: koelen3 on February 26, 2015, 11:54:59 AM
Are there still any vouch copies left?
I would like one

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: gielbier on February 26, 2015, 04:35:40 PM
So you wrote a script that rapes faucets, and you are selling it?
increasing from n=1 to n=20, times the amounts of proxies.(1000 proxies :S) I bet they will notice in hours and rework their captcha within a day.


Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: Madness on February 26, 2015, 04:38:35 PM
I would like to get a vouch copy if it's possible even if I don't even believe 1% of what the threads says but that's what the vouch copy is used for . to verify how legit this is .

~ Madness

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: whul on February 26, 2015, 04:41:37 PM
Ah, fuck, dude, I tried doing this. I got stuck with the emails - how did you create so many emails?

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: richmoda on February 26, 2015, 07:35:50 PM
So you wrote a script that rapes faucets, and you are selling it?
increasing from n=1 to n=20, times the amounts of proxies.(1000 proxies :S) I bet they will notice in hours and rework their captcha within a day.


I have already said why I think this is not the case. If you would've read carefully what I wrote in the original post, you would've seen that even in the worst case scenario, tweaking their captcha, would not stand a chance with the human solving captcha service. (this would only increase your costs a little bit, ~10-20%).
But they already win enough not to care about this. The accounts are all independent, what is the difference about 1000 legit accounts and these accounts? They can't tell the difference! I did not encounter any problems in the three months I've been using this.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: bachel on February 27, 2015, 02:05:07 AM
would apply for a vouch and even kick back 50% earnings for 4 months if it works

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: jeffthebaker on February 27, 2015, 03:32:11 AM
Are you still reviewing vouch applications? I'd like to apply. I've written vouches before, I think it would be wise to choose me.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: RedhatCAT on February 27, 2015, 03:35:37 AM
Are you still reviewing vouch applications? I'd like to apply. I've written vouches before, I think it would be wise to choose me.
would apply for a vouch and even kick back 50% earnings for 4 months if it works
The both of you would obviously not qualify for vouch copies, plus the OP says that "vouch" copies of what he is selling only get a discount, not a free copy. The difference of which is huge

This is obviously not a good idea to invest in as eventually will catch on and will make adjustments

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: jeffthebaker on February 27, 2015, 03:39:45 AM
Are you still reviewing vouch applications? I'd like to apply. I've written vouches before, I think it would be wise to choose me.
would apply for a vouch and even kick back 50% earnings for 4 months if it works
The both of you would obviously not qualify for vouch copies, plus the OP says that "vouch" copies of what he is selling only get a discount, not a free copy. The difference of which is huge

This is obviously not a good idea to invest in as eventually will catch on and will make adjustments

On the OP it says he is giving away 2 free giveaway copies as vouches... it's even in bold...

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: johndurston on February 27, 2015, 06:49:10 AM
Is there any video proof of this bot actually existing?

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: master-P on February 27, 2015, 06:54:09 AM
Is there any video proof of this bot actually existing?

Well I have been chosen to be one of the reviewers. I'll let everyone know once I'm set up and have tested it for a couple days. The start up cost is fairly low so I do not mind taking the risk in trying it out. I'll keep everyone updated :)

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: Dorrittulx on February 27, 2015, 07:16:39 AM
Is there any video proof of this bot actually existing?

Well I have been chosen to be one of the reviewers. I'll let everyone know once I'm set up and have tested it for a couple days. The start up cost is fairly low so I do not mind taking the risk in trying it out. I'll keep everyone updated :)

Nice! Will be waiting for your update.

The big thing is that it really entirely relies on the and websites. If they close down, and it's very likely if we leave them without profits.

It's pretty simple maths really. Say this guy is going to distribute 20 bots. Like he said in the OP, each month you can expect at least $1500 in earnings, excluding the rest of the rolls. Times that by 20. 20 x 1500 = $30,000 per month, plus himself running the bot, make that $31,000 in pure profits just from people using this bot. And we're not even viewing the ads that are displayed on the site.

You really think that makes more than $31,000 per month? Keep in mind there are other people to pay as well. There's no guarantee either that they're an entirely legitimate site.

If this actually works, this seller can always pay people small amounts to create more accounts. There are plenty of people who can devote their time to create 1,000 for something like $5. And they consider that good pay.

And why sell if you already can make tons of money like that? If I was in this situation, I wouldn't even consider selling because I know there's real long-term value in this.

But I'm not denying that it is possible that it works, but even it does, it won't last long. And the idea sounds pretty simple, so what will happen if all the people on does that?

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: ^BuTcH^ on February 27, 2015, 08:03:31 AM
Is there any video proof of this bot actually existing?

Well I have been chosen to be one of the reviewers. I'll let everyone know once I'm set up and have tested it for a couple days. The start up cost is fairly low so I do not mind taking the risk in trying it out. I'll keep everyone updated :)

Nice! Will be waiting for your update.

The big thing is that it really entirely relies on the and websites. If they close down, and it's very likely if we leave them without profits.

It's pretty simple maths really. Say this guy is going to distribute 20 bots. Like he said in the OP, each month you can expect at least $1500 in earnings, excluding the rest of the rolls. Times that by 20. 20 x 1500 = $30,000 per month, plus himself running the bot, make that $31,000 in pure profits just from people using this bot. And we're not even viewing the ads that are displayed on the site.

You really think that makes more than $31,000 per month? Keep in mind there are other people to pay as well. There's no guarantee either that they're an entirely legitimate site.

If this actually works, this seller can always pay people small amounts to create more accounts. There are plenty of people who can devote their time to create 1,000 for something like $5. And they consider that good pay.

And why sell if you already can make tons of money like that? If I was in this situation, I wouldn't even consider selling because I know there's real long-term value in this.

But I'm not denying that it is possible that it works, but even it does, it won't last long. And the idea sounds pretty simple, so what will happen if all the people on does that?

Nice comment, I was about to buy it but now I'm not so confident.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: Dorrittulx on February 27, 2015, 08:06:34 AM
Is there any video proof of this bot actually existing?

Well I have been chosen to be one of the reviewers. I'll let everyone know once I'm set up and have tested it for a couple days. The start up cost is fairly low so I do not mind taking the risk in trying it out. I'll keep everyone updated :)

Nice! Will be waiting for your update.

The big thing is that it really entirely relies on the and websites. If they close down, and it's very likely if we leave them without profits.

It's pretty simple maths really. Say this guy is going to distribute 20 bots. Like he said in the OP, each month you can expect at least $1500 in earnings, excluding the rest of the rolls. Times that by 20. 20 x 1500 = $30,000 per month, plus himself running the bot, make that $31,000 in pure profits just from people using this bot. And we're not even viewing the ads that are displayed on the site.

You really think that makes more than $31,000 per month? Keep in mind there are other people to pay as well. There's no guarantee either that they're an entirely legitimate site.

If this actually works, this seller can always pay people small amounts to create more accounts. There are plenty of people who can devote their time to create 1,000 for something like $5. And they consider that good pay.

And why sell if you already can make tons of money like that? If I was in this situation, I wouldn't even consider selling because I know there's real long-term value in this.

But I'm not denying that it is possible that it works, but even it does, it won't last long. And the idea sounds pretty simple, so what will happen if all the people on does that?

Nice comment, I was about to buy it but now I'm not so confident.

Let's wait for master-p's updates on this.

Check out the video in the OP,  how to run the bot looks pretty complicated to me.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: master-P on February 27, 2015, 08:18:50 AM

Let's wait for master-p's updates on this.

Check out the video in the OP,  how to run the bot looks pretty complicated to me.

I'll provide as in-depth of a review as possible and will also rate the bot's effectiveness and difficulty level in terms of setting it up, managing it, etc.

So far, the seller has provided a set of fairly detailed starting instructions to me which made the job of getting the required resources of setting up the bot a lot easier :)

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: Dorrittulx on February 27, 2015, 08:25:03 AM

Let's wait for master-p's updates on this.

Check out the video in the OP,  how to run the bot looks pretty complicated to me.

I'll provide as in-depth of a review as possible and will also rate the bot's effectiveness and difficulty level in terms of setting it up, managing it, etc.

So far, the seller has provided a set of fairly detailed starting instructions to me which made the job of getting the required resources of setting up the bot a lot easier :)

Let's hope for the best.

Don't expect it to be substantial though.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: koelen3 on February 27, 2015, 08:48:31 AM
So did anyone got the vouch copy yet?

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: sgk on February 27, 2015, 08:49:20 AM
Following this.

I'd wait for detailed reviews from vouch copy reviewers and then decide if 1.49 BTC is worth paying for this.
I understand the actual income greatly depends on luck, too.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: cshelswell on February 27, 2015, 08:58:28 AM
Also following this. Would be interested in seeing the reviews

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: Fraxinus on February 27, 2015, 10:22:12 AM
I'm apllying for a review copy.Also in for following this.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: e1ghtSpace on February 27, 2015, 11:10:30 AM
I'd like a review copy. I'm only 15 so if I can get it set up i'm sure many other people can get it set up too.
Does the captcha solving service accept Bitcoin?
I've already used a VPS that accepts Bitcoin so that's out of the way.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: mtwelve on February 27, 2015, 03:21:03 PM
So did anyone got the vouch copy yet?

Master P did, see previous page.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: bitcollins85 on February 27, 2015, 04:43:29 PM
Sounds interesting ...anyone tried this?

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: damiano on February 27, 2015, 04:53:05 PM
I have received a vouch copy.  I am waiting to signup for the services involved.

One of the services takes 1-2 days, once that is up ill signup for the rest which look like they are instant.  Once i'm up he will install the bot to to the platform and ill give a more detailed review.  As of right now the instructions are very clear and easy and I don't think anyone would have any issues following the signup process.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: koelen3 on February 27, 2015, 06:37:11 PM
I have received a vouch copy.  I am waiting to signup for the services involved.

One of the services takes 1-2 days, once that is up ill signup for the rest which look like they are instant.  Once i'm up he will install the bot to to the platform and ill give a more detailed review.  As of right now the instructions are very clear and easy and I don't think anyone would have any issues following the signup process.

OK! wow! congrats
Hope this works out well! but i really fear , won't it be late untill we buy and use it
The site will be down or bankrupt :-\

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: damiano on February 28, 2015, 12:58:14 AM
Small update

Everything has been completed on my end.  The OP just went to bed about 2-3 hours ago so hopefully when he wakes up he can install the bot

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: SargeR33 on February 28, 2015, 01:03:51 AM
Keen to see potential results.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: waterpile on February 28, 2015, 01:12:28 AM
This seems sketchy for me, Im just wondering why would he sell this.. Its like a gold mine for him if this has been working for months now..

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: cshelswell on February 28, 2015, 01:25:30 AM
It may well work but if he can sell 20 copies that's a lot of btc in his pocket straight away. The faucets will probably cotton on eventually.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: funtotry on February 28, 2015, 01:28:43 AM
So basically you are selling this bot but not accepting money until you have return? Sounds legit but lets see if this pays or not

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: damiano on February 28, 2015, 06:11:42 PM
Alright the bot is up and finally going.

Rich has gone out of his way in terms of helping me out.  Im not a linux expert or not to familiar with logging into stuff via VNC, but he was a great help and eventually I got it  ;D

The process to get this up and running is pretty easy in terms of signing up for the services involved.  The signup at OVH takes the longest, but mine was actually quick (6 hrs).  The following will be needed to signup for the services

Paypal or CC
I did see one site that he mentioned that does accept btc, I forgot which one that was, but I used a combination of Paypal and CC to setup the accounts.
This is the perfect website/wallet for this kinda thing.  It's easy the addresses and it keeps everything organized.

Email is the easiest and quickest way to signup multiple email accounts.  No personal information is needed other than the user name and password (I was able to make accounts very fast)

The longest part is making a .txt file with all your account into (which is just copy and pasting the info from the wallets and email)  this alone took about an hour, but I was also at work doing other things, so I was a bit distracted.

Im very impressed with the captcha solving.  Sometimes it nails it quickly and others it will fail a few times, BUT BUT BUT at this point a real person does take over and they solve it for the bot.  When signing up we did signup for 2 captcha services so that is the human taking over and solving it. 

It's saturday and I have a lot of running around to do, but I will give an update in 48 hours which will be better.  Feel free to ask me questions and I will answer them. 

I will say, if you manage to get up 50 proxies on this (it wouldn't take to long to make back the 1.49 btc)  Ill try to give an earnings report monday, but keep in mind I am only running 10 proxies.

have a good weekend and ill report back monday

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: gielbier on February 28, 2015, 07:24:45 PM
So you wrote a script that rapes faucets, and you are selling it?
increasing from n=1 to n=20, times the amounts of proxies.(1000 proxies :S) I bet they will notice in hours and rework their captcha within a day.


I have already said why I think this is not the case. If you would've read carefully what I wrote in the original post, you would've seen that even in the worst case scenario, tweaking their captcha, would not stand a chance with the human solving captcha service. (this would only increase your costs a little bit, ~10-20%).
But they already win enough not to care about this. The accounts are all independent, what is the difference about 1000 legit accounts and these accounts? They can't tell the difference! I did not encounter any problems in the three months I've been using this.

Well in that case, send me a voucher. Name any good cause that accepts BTC (redcross?). I'll donate all, for the time this will be a viable service. I'm interested in seeing how deep the rabbithole goes, not the btc.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: mtwelve on February 28, 2015, 08:16:31 PM
Looking forward to that report :)

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: master-P on February 28, 2015, 11:00:22 PM
Hey everyone, thought I'd give a quick update on this as one of the few who received a "vouch copy" of this bot.

Rich has been very communicative during the setup process. Although there needs to be some time for me to thoroughly test the bot for it's automation, consistency, and stability, so far everything looks good.

Rich has helped me set up 10 "instances" for review. I can already see that the bot is running on the two faucets and is generation bitcoin and dogecoin. After a few more days of testing I will follow up with a more thorough and completed review.

This post was just to give everyone a quick update on the progress :)

Everything looks good so far but I'll need at least a few more days to test to see how much BTC and dogecoins the bot is able to generate using just 10 proxies.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: Monnt on March 01, 2015, 02:22:03 AM
Alright the bot is up and finally going.

Rich has gone out of his way in terms of helping me out.  Im not a linux expert or not to familiar with logging into stuff via VNC, but he was a great help and eventually I got it  ;D

The process to get this up and running is pretty easy in terms of signing up for the services involved.  The signup at OVH takes the longest, but mine was actually quick (6 hrs).  The following will be needed to signup for the services

Paypal or CC
I did see one site that he mentioned that does accept btc, I forgot which one that was, but I used a combination of Paypal and CC to setup the accounts.
This is the perfect website/wallet for this kinda thing.  It's easy the addresses and it keeps everything organized.

Email is the easiest and quickest way to signup multiple email accounts.  No personal information is needed other than the user name and password (I was able to make accounts very fast)

The longest part is making a .txt file with all your account into (which is just copy and pasting the info from the wallets and email)  this alone took about an hour, but I was also at work doing other things, so I was a bit distracted.

Im very impressed with the captcha solving.  Sometimes it nails it quickly and others it will fail a few times, BUT BUT BUT at this point a real person does take over and they solve it for the bot.  When signing up we did signup for 2 captcha services so that is the human taking over and solving it. 

It's saturday and I have a lot of running around to do, but I will give an update in 48 hours which will be better.  Feel free to ask me questions and I will answer them. 

I will say, if you manage to get up 50 proxies on this (it wouldn't take to long to make back the 1.49 btc)  Ill try to give an earnings report monday, but keep in mind I am only running 10 proxies.

have a good weekend and ill report back monday

Nice! How much profit has been made currently?

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: koelen3 on March 01, 2015, 03:31:48 AM
It seems and sounds amazing but seems little techy
I have never used Linux and not familiar with proxies
Wonder if i would be able to use it

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: Monnt on March 01, 2015, 03:36:34 AM
It seems and sounds amazing but seems little techy
I have never used Linux and not familiar with proxies
Wonder if i would be able to use it

Yeah. I think you need to set up a lot of things as well.

But the vouches seems pretty good though.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: richmoda on March 01, 2015, 09:04:31 AM
It seems and sounds amazing but seems little techy
I have never used Linux and not familiar with proxies
Wonder if i would be able to use it

Hi. All the techy part except the adding of new accounts besides the first 20 ( 10 freebit, 10 freedoge ) is done by me. You will just have to pay for the server the $11 fee monthly. You will be able to handle it. There are steps and tutorials to follow, I will be instant messaging via Skype until you get it 100%.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: Madness on March 01, 2015, 09:06:29 AM
Any trusted members who got the a chance for the Vouch copy could confirm this please ? :o thanks

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: richmoda on March 01, 2015, 09:48:30 AM
Hi there.
I've been able to install the bot for the two lucky FREE REVIEW COPY beneficiaries. They will also keep you updated with more detailed reviews during the coming period. I already have my first two buyers, so I will dedicate my time towards you, the buyers in the next few days.

Master-P and Damiano both have 20 accounts running, but we can't have big earnings expectations from that. It's not like if you win $1500 with 100 accounts, you will win $1500/5 with 20. Don't forget we are winning big only when we hit the first two prizes. The first one is getting exactly 10,000 from 0 to 10,000 and it's $200 and the second is getting 9999 or 9998 for $20. So there is a 1 in 10,000 chance of getting $200, 1 in 5000 of getting $20. All the other prizes are almost insignificant.
You will expect to see winnings when you will have ~100 accounts ( 50 emails ) and run the bot for at least a week. Then you will hit $200 at least once a week!

So I urge you to contact me now for the FIRST BUYER TERM, it will take some time to get started, now I have time for you, the buyers. ( I am putting on hold the review copy beneficiaries for a few days, you will still get reviews from them of course ).

PM me with the subject FIRST BUYER TERM and I will give you further details. Thanks.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: Monnt on March 01, 2015, 10:11:20 AM
Hi there.
I've been able to install the bot for the two lucky FREE REVIEW COPY beneficiaries. They will also keep you updated with more detailed reviews during the coming period. I already have my first two buyers, so I will dedicate my time towards you, the buyers in the next few days.

Master-P and Damiano both have 20 accounts running, but we can't have big earnings expectations from that. It's not like if you win $1500 with 100 accounts, you will win $1500/5 with 20. Don't forget we are winning big only when we hit the first two prizes. The first one is getting exactly 10,000 from 0 to 10,000 and it's $200 and the second is getting 9999 or 9998 for $20. So there is a 1 in 10,000 chance of getting $200, 1 in 5000 of getting $20. All the other prizes are almost insignificant.
You will expect to see winnings when you will have ~100 accounts ( 50 emails ) and run the bot for at least a week. Then you will hit $200 at least once a week!

So I urge you to contact me now for the FIRST BUYER TERM, it will take some time to get started, now I have time for you, the buyers. ( I am putting on hold the review copy beneficiaries for a few days, you will still get reviews from them of course ).

PM me with the subject FIRST BUYER TERM and I will give you further details. Thanks.

Hey. So what is your Skype?

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: HolgerDansk on March 01, 2015, 10:20:45 AM
Master-P and Damiano both have 20 accounts running

Thank you both Master-P and Damiano for the review posts you've already made.  Looking forward to updates.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: Runkas on March 01, 2015, 10:40:03 AM
@richmoda: I liked your thread, very detailed explaination but unfortunately i am new to this bitcoin and don't have enough funds to buy it.

I just need one favour from you. You shared a YT video on your main post.


Can you please share a track name which is playing in a background?

Amazing sound.

Thanks OP in advance.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: richmoda on March 01, 2015, 11:12:12 AM
@richmoda: I liked your thread, very detailed explaination but unfortunately i am new to this bitcoin and don't have enough funds to buy it.

I just need one favour from you. You shared a YT video on your main post.


Can you please share a track name which is playing in a background?

Amazing sound.

Thanks OP in advance.

You're welcome!

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: danielscena on March 01, 2015, 11:28:13 AM
What is the OP's skype? I want to buy the bot.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: richmoda on March 01, 2015, 11:51:22 AM
What is the OP's skype? I want to buy the bot.

PM Sent!

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: Runkas on March 01, 2015, 12:07:22 PM
@richmoda: I liked your thread, very detailed explaination but unfortunately i am new to this bitcoin and don't have enough funds to buy it.

I just need one favour from you. You shared a YT video on your main post.


Can you please share a track name which is playing in a background?

Amazing sound.

Thanks OP in advance.

You're welcome!

Thanks a lot OP!  ;D

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: damiano on March 01, 2015, 04:24:29 PM
It seems and sounds amazing but seems little techy
I have never used Linux and not familiar with proxies
Wonder if i would be able to use it

I can walk you through it as well.  Your just like me and I was abLe to stumble my way through it with rich's help.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: cyclops on March 01, 2015, 04:31:58 PM
So this method relies only on the funds of the mentioned Faucets... if the faucet runs out of funds there stops the magic...

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: theerachate on March 01, 2015, 05:54:28 PM
I'm interested to try this, what's your skype?

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: wagino on March 01, 2015, 06:03:46 PM
LOL, it's a imacro script really easy to do ...

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: richmoda on March 01, 2015, 06:07:58 PM
I'm interested to try this, what's your skype?

PM sent!

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: danielscena on March 01, 2015, 08:21:13 PM
I bought the bot today. I can say it works as the OP said, it's already generating me bitcoins. In terms of advanced tech, is not so difficult when you have Rich on your side. He makes thinks so much easier. Anyway, I am very satisfied and waiting to see how much will I make when I will have more accounts instaled. I will keep you updated if something important come up.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: Monnt on March 02, 2015, 05:03:13 AM
I bought the bot today. I can say it works as the OP said, it's already generating me bitcoins. In terms of advanced tech, is not so difficult when you have Rich on your side. He makes thinks so much easier. Anyway, I am very satisfied and waiting to see how much will I make when I will have more accounts instaled. I will keep you updated if something important come up.

I can say with confidence that this is one of the OP's alts.

I can say that there is a possibility that this is one of the OP's alts.

Registered on March 01, 2015, 11:24:24 AM, he posted on the thread less than 4 minutes after. Who would ever do that?

And on the same day he bought the bot. Also, what I found was that they had the same time zone.

If the OP cannot provide some sort of proof(for example Skype messages with danielscena, payment txids), then I'll assume him creating alts.

So this method relies only on the funds of the mentioned Faucets... if the faucet runs out of funds there stops the magic...

Exactly, so even the seller is legit, it'll never last long.

I'm interested to try this, what's your skype?

EDIT: I suspect that theerachate is another sock puppet of the OP's. Same time zone.

Sorry, I thought that everyone had different time zones according to their IP addresses. But the one above that is still a possibility. I'm not saying that richmoda is a scammer, since everyone does this secretly to promote their business, but it's just a possibility.[/s]

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: HolgerDansk on March 02, 2015, 06:18:21 AM

I'm interested to try this, what's your skype?

EDIT: I suspect that theerachate is another sock puppet of the OP's. Same time zone.

Just looks like default time zone, the same one you have.  I only changed my profile from the default a couple of days ago.

 If theerachate were a sock puppet, why wouldn't the OP have used that account created last July to make this thread?

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: Monnt on March 02, 2015, 06:22:53 AM

I'm interested to try this, what's your skype?

EDIT: I suspect that theerachate is another sock puppet of the OP's. Same time zone.

Just looks like default time zone, the same one you have.  I only changed my profile from the default a couple of days ago.

 If theerachate were a sock puppet, why wouldn't the OP have used that account created last July to make this thread?

Sorry about that. I thought that everyone had different time zones.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: theerachate on March 02, 2015, 06:44:10 AM
I bought the bot today. I can say it works as the OP said, it's already generating me bitcoins. In terms of advanced tech, is not so difficult when you have Rich on your side. He makes thinks so much easier. Anyway, I am very satisfied and waiting to see how much will I make when I will have more accounts instaled. I will keep you updated if something important come up.

I can say with confidence that this is one of the OP's alts.

I can say that there is a possibility that this is one of the OP's alts.

Registered on March 01, 2015, 11:24:24 AM, he posted on the thread less than 4 minutes after. Who would ever do that?

And on the same day he bought the bot. Also, what I found was that they had the same time zone.

If the OP cannot provide some sort of proof(for example Skype messages with danielscena, payment txids), then I'll assume him creating alts.

So this method relies only on the funds of the mentioned Faucets... if the faucet runs out of funds there stops the magic...

Exactly, so even the seller is legit, it'll never last long.

I'm interested to try this, what's your skype?

EDIT: I suspect that theerachate is another sock puppet of the OP's. Same time zone.

Sorry, I thought that everyone had different time zones according to their IP addresses. But the one above that is still a possibility. I'm not saying that richmoda is a scammer, since everyone does this secretly to promote their business, but it's just a possibility.[/s]

So... I need to change my timezone you mean...

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: richmoda on March 02, 2015, 07:25:40 AM
I bought the bot today. I can say it works as the OP said, it's already generating me bitcoins. In terms of advanced tech, is not so difficult when you have Rich on your side. He makes thinks so much easier. Anyway, I am very satisfied and waiting to see how much will I make when I will have more accounts instaled. I will keep you updated if something important come up.

I can say with confidence that this is one of the OP's alts.

I can say that there is a possibility that this is one of the OP's alts.

Registered on March 01, 2015, 11:24:24 AM, he posted on the thread less than 4 minutes after. Who would ever do that?

And on the same day he bought the bot. Also, what I found was that they had the same time zone.

If the OP cannot provide some sort of proof(for example Skype messages with danielscena, payment txids), then I'll assume him creating alts.

Hi. I want to clear that out. That time zone is the default one.
Registered on March 01, 2015, 11:24:24 AM, he posted on the thread less than 4 minutes after. Who would ever do that?
And on the same day he bought the bot. Also, what I found was that they had the same time zone.
Oh I don't know, maybe someone browsing for days before without an account, deciding to make an account so he can contact me and buy the bot.
And as of proof, I have sent danielscena a PM before confirming on the thread I've sent it to him. It would not have been necessary were it a puppet of mine.
Can a moderator check what I claim above, please confirm.

Sorry, I thought that everyone had different time zones according to their IP addresses. But the one above that is still a possibility. I'm not saying that richmoda is a scammer, since everyone does this secretly to promote their business, but it's just a possibility.

@Monnt, I will accept your apologies, It happens to be wrong. I thought about doing this to promote my business, but then again there are legitimate people buying the product, that's why I didn't.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: Monnt on March 02, 2015, 08:05:54 AM
I bought the bot today. I can say it works as the OP said, it's already generating me bitcoins. In terms of advanced tech, is not so difficult when you have Rich on your side. He makes thinks so much easier. Anyway, I am very satisfied and waiting to see how much will I make when I will have more accounts instaled. I will keep you updated if something important come up.

I can say with confidence that this is one of the OP's alts.

I can say that there is a possibility that this is one of the OP's alts.

Registered on March 01, 2015, 11:24:24 AM, he posted on the thread less than 4 minutes after. Who would ever do that?

And on the same day he bought the bot. Also, what I found was that they had the same time zone.

If the OP cannot provide some sort of proof(for example Skype messages with danielscena, payment txids), then I'll assume him creating alts.

Hi. I want to clear that out. That time zone is the default one.
Registered on March 01, 2015, 11:24:24 AM, he posted on the thread less than 4 minutes after. Who would ever do that?
And on the same day he bought the bot. Also, what I found was that they had the same time zone.
Oh I don't know, maybe someone browsing for days before without an account, deciding to make an account so he can contact me and buy the bot.
And as of proof, I have sent danielscena a PM before confirming on the thread I've sent it to him. It would not have been necessary were it a puppet of mine.
Can a moderator check what I claim above, please confirm.

Sorry, I thought that everyone had different time zones according to their IP addresses. But the one above that is still a possibility. I'm not saying that richmoda is a scammer, since everyone does this secretly to promote their business, but it's just a possibility.

@Monnt, I will accept your apologies, It happens to be wrong. I thought about doing this to promote my business, but then again there are legitimate people buying the product, that's why I didn't.

Hey, thanks for accepting my apologies.

Wondering how's the two lucky vouch copy getters doing? Any profit made?

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: master-P on March 02, 2015, 10:30:21 PM
I will likely be able to provide my review on this in the next 3-4 days. Rich is going to be able to help me set up the rest of the accounts so I can see the true potential of the bot. In addition, I am hoping the tutorial/instructions for setting up additional accounts on the bot will be simple and easy to follow, as I plan on reviewing that portion as well. I think it is important to the majority of you who are not so tech-savvy that this is easy to setup on your own.

A full in-depth review will come soon :)

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: HolgerDansk on March 02, 2015, 11:57:12 PM
A full in-depth review will come soon :)

Thank you in advance for your efforts in reviewing.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: theerachate on March 03, 2015, 07:41:44 AM
So, since I said I was interested with the bot. I added his skype to have a conversation with him. Me personally, as a person who are scared of being scam. Rich has proven himself to me that he's not those type, and no I'm not a puppet (going to change my timezone now).

Back to the review, before I buy the bot, I have asked him a lot of questions either how long does it take to set up the bot, or which vps should I use etc. (because I'm in Asia country and it's hard for me to contact OVH). He is a great supporter even though I'm kinda annoy to him. After I asked him questions. I decided to rent out a vps server, bought the captcha solving services, but OVH has been a totally disaster to me. After I paid them, normally I would take a few minutes to receive a login information to the server, but mine took around 12 hours approx. Rich had assist me since the beginning so I wasn't worry so much. I also was going to buy a DeathbyCaptcha (it's another captcha solving service) but the verification email doesn't come to my inbox so Rich lent me his account. After, I gave him all the information he needed. He immediately got to work on a server. It took around 2-3 hours to set up (pretty fast to me). After he finished setting up and showed me that everything works just fine. I released the payment from the escrow, and he taught me a few things before I went to sleep. Until now, I'm still in contact with him and he has been a great assistance since. Now, I will have to wait for him to teach me how to add more accounts and things. I will keep you guys update  ;D

Sorry for my bad English  :-[

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: Monnt on March 03, 2015, 07:59:18 AM
So, since I said I was interested with the bot. I added his skype to have a conversation with him. Me personally, as a person who are scared of being scam. Rich has proven himself to me that he's not those type, and no I'm not a puppet (going to change my timezone now).

Back to the review, before I buy the bot, I have asked him a lot of questions either how long does it take to set up the bot, or which vps should I use etc. (because I'm in Asia country and it's hard for me to contact OVH). He is a great supporter even though I'm kinda annoy to him. After I asked him questions. I decided to rent out a vps server, bought the captcha solving services, but OVH has been a totally disaster to me. After I paid them, normally I would take a few minutes to receive a login information to the server, but mine took around 12 hours approx. Rich had assist me since the beginning so I wasn't worry so much. I also was going to buy a DeathbyCaptcha (it's another captcha solving service) but the verification email doesn't come to my inbox so Rich lent me his account. After, I gave him all the information he needed. He immediately got to work on a server. It took around 2-3 hours to set up (pretty fast to me). After he finished setting up and showed me that everything works just fine. I released the payment from the escrow, and he taught me a few things before I went to sleep. Until now, I'm still in contact with him and he has been a great assistance since. Now, I will have to wait for him to teach me how to add more accounts and things. I will keep you guys update  ;D

Sorry for my bad English  :-[

Hey, any payment proofs?

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: theerachate on March 03, 2015, 08:36:46 AM
So, since I said I was interested with the bot. I added his skype to have a conversation with him. Me personally, as a person who are scared of being scam. Rich has proven himself to me that he's not those type, and no I'm not a puppet (going to change my timezone now).

Back to the review, before I buy the bot, I have asked him a lot of questions either how long does it take to set up the bot, or which vps should I use etc. (because I'm in Asia country and it's hard for me to contact OVH). He is a great supporter even though I'm kinda annoy to him. After I asked him questions. I decided to rent out a vps server, bought the captcha solving services, but OVH has been a totally disaster to me. After I paid them, normally I would take a few minutes to receive a login information to the server, but mine took around 12 hours approx. Rich had assist me since the beginning so I wasn't worry so much. I also was going to buy a DeathbyCaptcha (it's another captcha solving service) but the verification email doesn't come to my inbox so Rich lent me his account. After, I gave him all the information he needed. He immediately got to work on a server. It took around 2-3 hours to set up (pretty fast to me). After he finished setting up and showed me that everything works just fine. I released the payment from the escrow, and he taught me a few things before I went to sleep. Until now, I'm still in contact with him and he has been a great assistance since. Now, I will have to wait for him to teach me how to add more accounts and things. I will keep you guys update  ;D

Sorry for my bad English  :-[

Hey, any payment proofs?

Here it is, but I still owe him 0.2 though so can he install me the reboot system

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: Monnt on March 03, 2015, 08:51:43 AM
So, since I said I was interested with the bot. I added his skype to have a conversation with him. Me personally, as a person who are scared of being scam. Rich has proven himself to me that he's not those type, and no I'm not a puppet (going to change my timezone now).

Back to the review, before I buy the bot, I have asked him a lot of questions either how long does it take to set up the bot, or which vps should I use etc. (because I'm in Asia country and it's hard for me to contact OVH). He is a great supporter even though I'm kinda annoy to him. After I asked him questions. I decided to rent out a vps server, bought the captcha solving services, but OVH has been a totally disaster to me. After I paid them, normally I would take a few minutes to receive a login information to the server, but mine took around 12 hours approx. Rich had assist me since the beginning so I wasn't worry so much. I also was going to buy a DeathbyCaptcha (it's another captcha solving service) but the verification email doesn't come to my inbox so Rich lent me his account. After, I gave him all the information he needed. He immediately got to work on a server. It took around 2-3 hours to set up (pretty fast to me). After he finished setting up and showed me that everything works just fine. I released the payment from the escrow, and he taught me a few things before I went to sleep. Until now, I'm still in contact with him and he has been a great assistance since. Now, I will have to wait for him to teach me how to add more accounts and things. I will keep you guys update  ;D

Sorry for my bad English  :-[

Hey, any payment proofs?

Here it is, but I still owe him 0.2 though so can he install me the reboot system

Fair enough for me.

Any updates on the reviewers?

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: bachel on March 04, 2015, 12:25:44 PM
so any update

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: Kareem001 on March 04, 2015, 11:17:57 PM
I bought one of OP's Bots, he help me set it up. We used escrow through

The Txid of the payment is:

He knows his stuff, walked me through the purchase process, the different ideas about the bot.

He told me how to set the accounts up and helped me through everything professionally and quickly.

Im generating returns for now and everything is in order. I can view my VPS, the bot in operation, and it works.

Ill either edit this post with updates as time passes or ill just post directly on the thread.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: richmoda on March 05, 2015, 09:01:08 AM
Hi. Unfortunately the deadline for me to invest has come much earlier than I anticipated, and I will only be able to sell the script for the next 2-3 days, even though I will most probably not sell 20 copies after all. The 4'th day I will designate to the free review copy beneficiaries, I still have to provide them with the adding of new accounts guide and I will have to assist them as I promised.
So it's a last opportunity for you guys that hesitated and did not buy the bot yet to take action and get a copy while you still can at a special price.
I've been contacted by quite a few people that said they don't have all the coins to buy the bot just yet, but they said they would get the funds ready.
I was not eager to accept their offer then, but now that I don't have much time left to gather the funds, I will propose this tremendous final term offer:

1.49 0.49 BTC
and the rest of 1 BTC when you win it off of the bot!

This includes:
- The BOT
- 20 free accounts registered by me ( 10, 10 )
- The guide to add as many accounts as you wish.

This offer is LIMITED until:
- I sell 20 copies in total from the start
- The 3 days expire

So, it's your call now! Please contact me and let's get started!

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: Monnt on March 05, 2015, 09:22:23 AM
The two reviewers, any updates?

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: antonioserrano72 on March 05, 2015, 09:39:53 AM
Hi. Unfortunately the deadline for me to invest has come much earlier than I anticipated, and I will only be able to sell the script for the next 2-3 days, even though I will most probably not sell 20 copies after all. The 4'th day I will designate to the free review copy beneficiaries, I still have to provide them with the adding of new accounts guide and I will have to assist them as I promised.
So it's a last opportunity for you guys that hesitated and did not buy the bot yet to take action and get a copy while you still can at a special price.
I've been contacted by quite a few people that said they don't have all the coins to buy the bot just yet, but they said they would get the funds ready.
I was not eager to accept their offer then, but now that I don't have much time left to gather the funds, I will propose this tremendous final term offer:

1.49 0.49 BTC
and the rest of 1 BTC when you win it off of the bot!

This includes:
- The BOT
- 20 free accounts registered by me ( 10, 10 )
- The guide to add as many accounts as you wish.

This offer is LIMITED until:
- I sell 20 copies in total from the start
- The 3 days expire

So, it's your call now! Please contact me and let's get started!

i only have 0.42ish btc would u sell me a copy for it? with escrow of course

anyone u wish. ill try to pay escrow fees.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: cshelswell on March 05, 2015, 10:09:16 AM
The two reviewers, any updates?

Yeah I'd be keen to hear from them. They seem to have gone a bit quiet on the whole thing.

I feel like it's legit but would be good to hear...

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: master-P on March 05, 2015, 10:13:05 AM
The two reviewers, any updates?

Yeah I'd be keen to hear from them. They seem to have gone a bit quiet on the whole thing.

I feel like it's legit but would be good to hear...

I haven't gone quiet at all. My last post was here:

Simply put, I cannot proceed with a review until Rich follows up once he's done with the customers who already purchased.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: superiorus on March 05, 2015, 11:21:08 AM
Hi. Unfortunately the deadline for me to invest has come much earlier than I anticipated, and I will only be able to sell the script for the next 2-3 days, even though I will most probably not sell 20 copies after all. The 4'th day I will designate to the free review copy beneficiaries, I still have to provide them with the adding of new accounts guide and I will have to assist them as I promised.
So it's a last opportunity for you guys that hesitated and did not buy the bot yet to take action and get a copy while you still can at a special price.
I've been contacted by quite a few people that said they don't have all the coins to buy the bot just yet, but they said they would get the funds ready.
I was not eager to accept their offer then, but now that I don't have much time left to gather the funds, I will propose this tremendous final term offer:

1.49 0.49 BTC
and the rest of 1 BTC when you win it off of the bot!

This includes:
- The BOT
- 20 free accounts registered by me ( 10, 10 )
- The guide to add as many accounts as you wish.

This offer is LIMITED until:
- I sell 20 copies in total from the start
- The 3 days expire

So, it's your call now! Please contact me and let's get started!


The bot can run on my actual hosting (SSD vps linux, cpanel) ?

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: richmoda on March 05, 2015, 11:32:16 AM
Hi. Unfortunately the deadline for me to invest has come much earlier than I anticipated, and I will only be able to sell the script for the next 2-3 days, even though I will most probably not sell 20 copies after all. The 4'th day I will designate to the free review copy beneficiaries, I still have to provide them with the adding of new accounts guide and I will have to assist them as I promised.
So it's a last opportunity for you guys that hesitated and did not buy the bot yet to take action and get a copy while you still can at a special price.
I've been contacted by quite a few people that said they don't have all the coins to buy the bot just yet, but they said they would get the funds ready.
I was not eager to accept their offer then, but now that I don't have much time left to gather the funds, I will propose this tremendous final term offer:

1.49 0.49 BTC
and the rest of 1 BTC when you win it off of the bot!

This includes:
- The BOT
- 20 free accounts registered by me ( 10, 10 )
- The guide to add as many accounts as you wish.

This offer is LIMITED until:
- I sell 20 copies in total from the start
- The 3 days expire

So, it's your call now! Please contact me and let's get started!


The bot can run on my actual hosting (SSD vps linux, cpanel) ?

Hi superiorus. Thank you for your interest. It really depends on other features of the VPS.
I will contact you with the details!

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: Monnt on March 06, 2015, 08:51:30 AM
The OP has sent me an email, but unfortunately the reviewers still haven't got an in depth review yet.

If I purchase now without a vouch, I feel like it's going to be a likely scam.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: richmoda on March 06, 2015, 09:51:00 AM
The OP has sent me an email, but unfortunately the reviewers still haven't got an in depth review yet.

If I purchase now without a vouch, I feel like it's going to be a likely scam.

I haven't sent YOU any emails, Monnt. If you hide yourself behind another accounts, that's another thing, and that raises many questions about yourself.
You are all alone in this all day long "it's possibly a scam" thing. There is no-one sustaining even slightly your delusional allegations.
The free vouch copy receivers have stated that they do not have a tutorial on how to add new accounts yet, so without the ~100 accounts, the bot cannot be measured to its true potential, that's why the review is not complete yet, not because I'm some kind of scammer. I have understood you until now, but it's seems to me you are just a troll, and unlike you, I have your latest posts as proof for what I mean.
Today I am going to provide the free review copy beneficiaries with the tutorial, I will postpone some buyers from getting the bot earlier, to get the tutorials ready, because of you causing unnecessary suspicion. They will then be able to shut your troll ass up once in for all. It seems you are not even interested in my product, you're solely purpose seems to be bashing this thread.
Sorry you had to witness this, I mean the real people, not trolls, and sorry to those who'll be postponed because of this.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: Monnt on March 06, 2015, 09:59:21 AM
The OP has sent me an email, but unfortunately the reviewers still haven't got an in depth review yet.

If I purchase now without a vouch, I feel like it's going to be a likely scam.

I haven't sent YOU any emails, Monnt. If you hide yourself behind another accounts, that's another thing, and that raises many questions about yourself.
You are all alone in this all day long "it's possibly a scam" thing. There is no-one sustaining even slightly your delusional allegations.
The free vouch copy receivers have stated that they do not have a tutorial on how to add new accounts yet, so without the ~100 accounts, the bot cannot be measured to its true potential, that's why the review is not complete yet, not because I'm some kind of scammer. I have understood you until now, but it's seems to me you are just a troll, and unlike you, I have your latest posts as proof for what I mean.
Today I am going to provide the free review copy beneficiaries with the tutorial, I will postpone some buyers from getting the bot earlier, to get the tutorials ready, because of you causing unnecessary suspicion. They will then be able to shut your troll ass up once in for all. It seems you are not even interested in my product, you're solely purpose seems to be bashing this thread.
Sorry you had to witness this, I mean the real people, not trolls, and sorry to those who'll be postponed because of this.

True, I'm also the owner of Dorrittulx. I did intend to purchase but I was still waiting for the vouches.

I really didn't like the newbie's 360 second posting limits so I switched to this account that I found, which was created earlier. Simple enough story. I have nothing to hide.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: richmoda on March 06, 2015, 10:00:02 AM
Offer still available:

1.49 0.49
Available for approximately 2  more days.
Contact me and get hold on this amazing limited opportunity.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: premium_domainer on March 06, 2015, 10:35:52 AM
i would like to get 1 vouch copy.

if it really works, will partner with you for increase sales.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: damiano on March 06, 2015, 02:10:46 PM
The OP has sent me an email, but unfortunately the reviewers still haven't got an in depth review yet.

If I purchase now without a vouch, I feel like it's going to be a likely scam.

Master-P and I are still here.  We're both running 10/proxies equaling 20 accounts.  As Master stated in a previous post we are waiting for rich to finish with the current customers so we can be upgraded to the 50 accounts so we can see the full potential of is bot.  Until then it's difficult to post a review with the 20 accounts we have. As far as this being legit I would honestly say it is.  Rich has gone out of his way helping me out and taking hours of his own time walking me through the bot.

stop trolling

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: WaffleMaster on March 06, 2015, 02:15:48 PM
Looks very cool. I bet it is a ton of work setting up people'e bots. Very well written original posts with what appears to be good vouchers who have already received half of the amount of bots.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: theerachate on March 06, 2015, 02:16:15 PM
I'm also here watching the bot collecting coins. Don't confirm that he's a scammer until everyone says that he is. (

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: WaffleMaster on March 06, 2015, 02:22:44 PM
I'm also here watching the bot collecting coins. Don't confirm that he's a scammer until everyone says that he is. (
Is it collecting at the rate it's supposed to? Ie if his claim of 100 accounts with 9 hours of sleep do 45000 a month then half of that would do 22,500 etc. Not sure if the bot logs how many captcha's it has claimed or not.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: theerachate on March 06, 2015, 02:37:39 PM
I'm also here watching the bot collecting coins. Don't confirm that he's a scammer until everyone says that he is. (
Is it collecting at the rate it's supposed to? Ie if his claim of 100 accounts with 9 hours of sleep do 45000 a month then half of that would do 22,500 etc. Not sure if the bot logs how many captcha's it has claimed or not.

I've been watching the bot for a while and I gotta say that this is one hella intelligent bot, but there's one thing that slow down the bot is the captcha solving program. It types in wrong captcha so many times.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: WaffleMaster on March 06, 2015, 02:52:28 PM
I'm also here watching the bot collecting coins. Don't confirm that he's a scammer until everyone says that he is. (
Is it collecting at the rate it's supposed to? Ie if his claim of 100 accounts with 9 hours of sleep do 45000 a month then half of that would do 22,500 etc. Not sure if the bot logs how many captcha's it has claimed or not.

I've been watching the bot for a while and I gotta say that this is one hella intelligent bot, but there's one thing that slow down the bot is the captcha solving program. It types in wrong captcha so many times.
Interesting. If it has to do 100 an hour, it has to complete a form every ~40 seconds. So if it snags up for longer than that then it is limited.
So either you have a client problem or the bot's optomization and productivity have been overstated due to the captcha solver developer's flaw.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: master-P on March 06, 2015, 03:08:32 PM
I am currently going through the account set up process with Rich. He is being very helpful in guiding me through the entire process and have provided a fairly detailed and straight forward guide (with screenshots and all) for adding new accounts to the bot.

I'm still in the process of getting more accounts added but once I feel like everything is running smoothly with the new accounts, I will then post my finalized review. Everyone can expect the full review in the next 24-48 hours at most if all goes well today :)

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: LuckyBtc on March 06, 2015, 03:23:23 PM
I am currently going through the account set up process with Rich. He is being very helpful in guiding me through the entire process and have provided a fairly detailed and straight forward guide (with screenshots and all) for adding new accounts to the bot.

I'm still in the process of getting more accounts added but once I feel like everything is running smoothly with the new accounts, I will then post my finalized review. Everyone can expect the full review in the next 24-48 hours at most if all goes well today :)
How many accounts the bot is running/capable of running? Would love to read your review. :)

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: richmoda on March 06, 2015, 04:19:20 PM
I am currently going through the account set up process with Rich. He is being very helpful in guiding me through the entire process and have provided a fairly detailed and straight forward guide (with screenshots and all) for adding new accounts to the bot.

I'm still in the process of getting more accounts added but once I feel like everything is running smoothly with the new accounts, I will then post my finalized review. Everyone can expect the full review in the next 24-48 hours at most if all goes well today :)
How many accounts the bot is running/capable of running? Would love to read your review. :)

I recommend about 100 - 120 accounts, but it could run 150 without problems.
With 100-120, the load stays below 70% in the worst cases.
So, the maximum would be ~150.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: mtwelve on March 06, 2015, 06:54:24 PM
Offer still available:

1.49 0.49
Available for approximately 2  more days.
Contact me and get hold on this amazing limited opportunity.

I would buy if I had the BTC. Can I take a rain check lol

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: Kareem001 on March 06, 2015, 08:52:37 PM
I'm also here watching the bot collecting coins. Don't confirm that he's a scammer until everyone says that he is. (
Is it collecting at the rate it's supposed to? Ie if his claim of 100 accounts with 9 hours of sleep do 45000 a month then half of that would do 22,500 etc. Not sure if the bot logs how many captcha's it has claimed or not.

I've been watching the bot for a while and I gotta say that this is one hella intelligent bot, but there's one thing that slow down the bot is the captcha solving program. It types in wrong captcha so many times.
Interesting. If it has to do 100 an hour, it has to complete a form every ~40 seconds. So if it snags up for longer than that then it is limited.
So either you have a client problem or the bot's optomization and productivity have been overstated due to the captcha solver developer's flaw.

My Kind sir, you forget about MultiThreading. that word alone nullifies your whole paragraph.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: master-P on March 07, 2015, 02:27:13 AM
Here is my full in-depth review of Richmoda's "Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot".

Before I get started, I want to stress that the potential earnings of this bot can vary. This is because the bottom line is that this is simply based on luck, based on how many times you can hit the big prizes of $20 and $200 in a month. The more accounts you have running on your bot, the more chances you'll get at rolling for the top prize. On top of this, the potential earnings are completely based on of these sites continue to keep their current payout structure and provably fairness.

I have personally only been using the bot for about a week with only 10 accounts on each of the bitcoin and dogecoin sites, but have recently added another 10 on each thanks to the guidance and help of the tutorial provided by Rich.

The following review is based on my brief 1 week experience with the bot and the seller.

The Seller:
Rich has been very helpful and responsive since the very beginning. He had initially helped me set up the first 10 accounts on my bot for free just to demonstrate how it works, proof of concept, etc. And it does work. The bot does exactly what it claims to do, and that is to claim the faucet prize on each of these faucet sites automatically, filling in the captcha, etc.

I personally believe that Rich has went above and beyond in terms of providing customer support and service. He has made it so that even a beginner should be able to set up and maintain this bot. Even if you can't, I am sure Rich would be able to assist somewhere down the road as he did for me whenever I ran into a wall.

The Bot:
As I stated above, I've only been using the bot for about a week and not at it's maximum potential. With only 10 accounts I haven't hit any of the big prizes yet, however, I can imagine it's potential when more accounts have been added and operational. The bot will collect the prize from each faucet on each account every hour, although I am pretty sure it skips some hours where this is called "sleep time". This is probably to make it less obvious that it is a bot scraping the coins from the faucet every hour on the hour.

The bot uses a mixture of proxies and captcha solving services, as well as a imacro script + local mysql database. The bot's functions itself are pretty much entirely automated with the way Rich has set it up. When connected to the VPS via VNC viewer, I can see that the bot is solving the captchas and claiming the prizes automatically. Sometimes it may take longer due to the captcha solving services not getting it right, but it will eventually get it from the human solving service.

The bot will also require you to purchase some other services which is not included in the listing price. These are external services and are necessary for the bot to run. This includes the purchase of your own VPS (about $12 a month), dedicated proxy servers for the individual accounts ($1 per proxy, one proxy can serve one account on bitcoin facuet and one account on dogecoin faucet), and a couple captcha solving services. Once the required resources are provisioned, Rich will help set up the rest.

The approximate monthly cost for the bot will be $80 per month. This is because you need to renew the VPS, captcha services, and proxies each month. Without it, the bot cannot run.

Installation Manual:
Rich has also provided me with a instructions manual. It is quite detailed and is straight forward. I am not too tech savvy when it comes to these things but I was able to follow the manual just fine. The manual provides instructions on how to add additional accounts to the bot. With screenshots, examples, and detailed instructions, I feel confident that most people of this community will be able to follow it just fine.

However, there are some more technical key parts of getting the bot set up that is not included in the manual. Although I personally don't believe that these instructions are necessary since they only need to be done once, on every new VPS. As long as you don't delete or change anything you shouldn't by accident it should not be an issue. Even then, I am sure Rich would be able to assist if you manage to screw something up ;)

With my 10 accounts, over the course of the week I probably made about 0.10 BTC from the bot. The bot ran pretty much flawlessly for the entire week. The VPS is set up to reboot automatically every few hours in case the bot hangs or bugs up for whatever reason. It seems as though my luck isn't as good with my initial 10 accounts on each faucet.

With that being said, keep in mind that everyone's earnings will be different. There will definitely be weeks where you'll earn more and weeks where you'll earn much less. It all comes down to how many times you manage to hit one of the bigger prizes. Nobody can guarantee that the bot can make you $XXX amount.

This also depends on if these faucet sites decide to make any major changes that would directly affect the bot's effectiveness. Nothing can be guaranteed and things can change so do not in any way depend on this bot as a reliable source of revenue.

Obviously, if you have more accounts running on the bot you'll have a higher chance of hitting a top prize. Rich has stated that running 50-60 accounts (1 on each of the bitcoin and dogecoin faucet sites) on a single bot is optimal.

To conclude, I personally believe this bot has potential. Whether or not it's worth it for the price is up to you, the buyer. You can very easily make your money back within a week if you were to hit the top prize of $200 on any of your accounts just once. However, there is also a good chance that you won't hit the top prize at all. The bottom line is, this is all luck based and that nothing is guaranteed. The bot has worked fine for the seller for a few months but there is no way for us to tell if the current state of things will continue to be the same. The success of this bot highly depends on the two faucet sites it runs on. If either if these sites changes it's payout structure or the way it operates, OR if they decide to shut down then it is out of the control of the seller or anyone else, so this itself is a gamble.

If you decide to buy this bot, you can buy with confidence that Rich is a knowledgeable and very supportive seller. He seems dedicated in helping each of his customers get set up and start earning properly so I don't think this is a scam at all. Just be aware of the fact that the bot is entirely based on two faucet sites alone (although very popular, long running, and has paid a ton of money) and your earnings will differ from other users of this bot.

Good luck everyone :) Hope my review has helped. I'll be happy to answer any questions in regards to my experience with this bot and this seller.

I will be posting a short follow up in the next few weeks to update my current earnings and status with the bot. Since I now know how to add additional accounts on my own, I will be able to see more of the potential of the bot first hand.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: Skyenet on March 07, 2015, 07:17:38 AM
Nice to see someone making something like this. I am currently in development of my own. Im posting a Dev on project devs in a few.If you ever need help optimizing your program just hit me up.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: WaffleMaster on March 07, 2015, 09:40:02 PM
I am purchasing the prerequisits (vps etc.) for this and will have everything ready by tomorrow to pay Richard. So far everything is very nice and well done. The vouches and how Richard conversates on skype is comforting.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: funtotry on March 07, 2015, 10:06:04 PM
I am purchasing the prerequisits (vps etc.) for this and will have everything ready by tomorrow to pay Richard. So far everything is very nice and well done. The vouches and how Richard conversates on skype is comforting.
Let us know how it goes ok? I would be interested in either buying or investing in someone who buys this. He seems to be trusted so I do trust that this system works but I am still a bit skeptical

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: funtotry on March 07, 2015, 10:09:55 PM
I do think that the OP should keep this thing down low though, if the faucet owners realize there are programs like this, they might put in place methods to try and block it. Having a thread with more than 6 pages of replies dosn't really keep it down low....

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: Berau on March 07, 2015, 10:26:30 PM
I do think that the OP should keep this thing down low though, if the faucet owners realize there are programs like this, they might put in place methods to try and block it. Having a thread with more than 6 pages of replies dosn't really keep it down low....

Just came across this thread. When I first saw it it seemed too good to be true...

But after reading the technical part I kinda started to believe that this might work. But what funtotry just said is a big part of the problem. If and collapses, then no one can guarantee any earnings.

So the whole thing is dependant on the faucets staying up with a lot of funds in their wallets. And the owners staying legit. IMO the owners would probably reduce the payouts to something like $50 after a few months if the bot is working flawlessly.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: funtotry on March 07, 2015, 10:28:51 PM
I do think that the OP should keep this thing down low though, if the faucet owners realize there are programs like this, they might put in place methods to try and block it. Having a thread with more than 6 pages of replies dosn't really keep it down low....

Just came across this thread. When I first saw it it seemed too good to be true...

But after reading the technical part I kinda started to believe that this might work. But what funtotry just said is a big part of the problem. If and collapses, then no one can guarantee any earnings.

So the whole thing is dependant on the faucets staying up with a lot of funds in their wallets. And the owners staying legit. IMO the owners would probably reduce the payouts to something like $50 after a few months if the bot is working flawlessly. is the most legit faucet, is also owned by the same person?
If so then I doubt they would run away, millions of dollars made and paid out with their faucet. Owners might even increase payouts as the prices drop. But yes this is dependant on faucets staying up and online, and paying out.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: Berau on March 07, 2015, 11:50:34 PM
I do think that the OP should keep this thing down low though, if the faucet owners realize there are programs like this, they might put in place methods to try and block it. Having a thread with more than 6 pages of replies dosn't really keep it down low....

Just came across this thread. When I first saw it it seemed too good to be true...

But after reading the technical part I kinda started to believe that this might work. But what funtotry just said is a big part of the problem. If and collapses, then no one can guarantee any earnings.

So the whole thing is dependant on the faucets staying up with a lot of funds in their wallets. And the owners staying legit. IMO the owners would probably reduce the payouts to something like $50 after a few months if the bot is working flawlessly. is the most legit faucet, is also owned by the same person?
If so then I doubt they would run away, millions of dollars made and paid out with their faucet. Owners might even increase payouts as the prices drop. But yes this is dependant on faucets staying up and online, and paying out.

Well..20 copies of the bot(He was intending to sell)*1200 per month=$36000 per month.

How can a faucet owner afford that amount, and that is excluding every other faucet user(which is about 500,000 i think, not sure though.)

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: WaffleMaster on March 08, 2015, 12:32:20 AM
There's over a million users. They've paid out, at current price, 2 million dollars (which they've been open for long enough to see the high price of BTC). The bot generates add impressions. So really it is not hurting anything. It actually helps I'm sure. A few thousand accounts is a drop in the bucket if it even effects anything at all lol.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: Berau on March 08, 2015, 12:38:23 AM
There's over a million users. They've paid out, at current price, 2 million dollars (which they've been open for long enough to see the high price of BTC). The bot generates add impressions. So really it is not hurting anything. It actually helps I'm sure. A few thousand accounts is a drop in the bucket if it even effects anything at all lol.

$36,000 a month.
Also impressions doesn't count, only purchases does, I'm pretty sure.

2 million dollars is paid over a period of time, while just 20 people using this bot would generate more than $430,000 per year, excluding resales of the bots, and paying the other faucet users.

But it's up to anyone to decide in what they believe in, so I'm not trying to offend the seller here.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: WaffleMaster on March 08, 2015, 02:08:53 AM
You're wrong. Of course they sell ad space based on impressions. Why would you actually think somebody trying to get 2 cents of Bitcoin would buy something? I would like to add that Rich does not want to do escrow for the .5 BTC. Perhaps we can settle on a .25 BTC up front and another .5 BTC when the bot is running type of thing...or just use escrow ;D

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: Berau on March 08, 2015, 02:32:14 AM
You're wrong. Of course they sell ad space based on impressions. Why would you actually think somebody trying to get 2 cents of Bitcoin would buy something?

Lol, ok. I'm not trying to argue, just pointing out some things.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: WaffleMaster on March 08, 2015, 03:21:28 AM
You're wrong. Of course they sell ad space based on impressions. Why would you actually think somebody trying to get 2 cents of Bitcoin would buy something?

Lol, ok. I'm not trying to argue, just pointing out some things.
Yeah I mean I'm sure they do google adsense so there's all sorts of different programs for ads. I strongly believe it actually helps the faucets. I'm sure their model is sustainable based on their ad revenue. Ex: they get paid $.03 per visitor so 10,000 x .03 = $300. So they pay $200 per 10k and keep $100 profit. I bet they make more just saying. I'm trying to support this excellent programmer by showing people the dynamics of it as well as buying it myself ;D

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: Berau on March 08, 2015, 03:22:31 AM
You're wrong. Of course they sell ad space based on impressions. Why would you actually think somebody trying to get 2 cents of Bitcoin would buy something?

Lol, ok. I'm not trying to argue, just pointing out some things.
Yeah I mean I'm sure they do google adsense so there's all sorts of different programs for ads. I strongly believe it actually helps the faucets. I'm sure their model is sustainable based on their ad revenue. Ex: they get paid $.03 per visitor so 10,000 x .03 = $300. So they pay $200 per 10k and keep $100 profit. I bet they make more just saying.

So, the bot actually visits the site thousands of times to ensure the owner profit?

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: bachel on March 08, 2015, 03:26:55 AM
You're wrong. Of course they sell ad space based on impressions. Why would you actually think somebody trying to get 2 cents of Bitcoin would buy something?

Lol, ok. I'm not trying to argue, just pointing out some things.
Yeah I mean I'm sure they do google adsense so there's all sorts of different programs for ads. I strongly believe it actually helps the faucets. I'm sure their model is sustainable based on their ad revenue. Ex: they get paid $.03 per visitor so 10,000 x .03 = $300. So they pay $200 per 10k and keep $100 profit. I bet they make more just saying.

So, the bot actually visits the site thousands of times to ensure the owner profit?


Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: WaffleMaster on March 08, 2015, 03:33:55 AM
It's quite good isn't it? I think I'll send Rich a big tip once it gets running. I have to wait until monday for payment to clear on deathbycaptcha though >:(

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: Berau on March 08, 2015, 03:35:34 AM
It's quite good isn't it? I think I'll send Rich a big tip once it gets running. I have to wait until monday for payment to clear on deathbycaptcha though >:(

Wait... What is deathbycaptcha?

So you have paid 0.49 for the bot and going to pay another BTC1 once you get that profit from the bot? Sounds good.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: WaffleMaster on March 08, 2015, 03:42:48 AM
It's quite good isn't it? I think I'll send Rich a big tip once it gets running. I have to wait until monday for payment to clear on deathbycaptcha though >:(

Wait... What is deathbycaptcha?

So you have paid 0.49 for the bot and going to pay another BTC1 once you get that profit from the bot? Sounds good.
No I haven't bought anything from him yet. I have gotten all but the deathbycaptcha pre req that you need to even be able to run the bot. Which is like ~$50. I believe Rich's time as a developer is worth more than the .5 BTC that he is selling it for so if it all works out well I would gladly support him with more Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: bachel on March 08, 2015, 08:00:25 AM
It's quite good isn't it? I think I'll send Rich a big tip once it gets running. I have to wait until monday for payment to clear on deathbycaptcha though >:(

Wait... What is deathbycaptcha?

So you have paid 0.49 for the bot and going to pay another BTC1 once you get that profit from the bot? Sounds good.

Its all in his description yes you have running cost just look at the video and read the hole thing

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: cshelswell on March 08, 2015, 08:03:57 AM
There's over a million users. They've paid out, at current price, 2 million dollars (which they've been open for long enough to see the high price of BTC). The bot generates add impressions. So really it is not hurting anything. It actually helps I'm sure. A few thousand accounts is a drop in the bucket if it even effects anything at all lol.

Wow really? You think they'd have made 2million from adverts? If that's the case I can see why people might want to start up a new faucet. That's an impressive amount to make!

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: superiorus on March 08, 2015, 10:06:22 AM

Let me share my impressions about how this bot working and about the relation with Richard.

I will be very short on this review (in 4 points)

1 - Bought the bot, sent the payment in 2 steps without any escrow (because I trust Richard)

2 - The bot works as it is stated in the description and does what should do : collect the coins for you). It is a bit technical (for me) :) but here comes no 3

3 - The best support (pre sale and after sale) I ever seen for a product ! Richard is fantastic !  He gave me an honorific tile : "the most skeptical buyer" because I ask many ... many questions, but he answered to all !

4 - I have 10 accounts in the bot now (I will add more in the next days - Richard sent me a guide on how to do this - I hope I can do it :))

Conclusion :  the bot is worth the money , and the support is fantastic !  Thank you Rich :)

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: WaffleMaster on March 08, 2015, 05:01:29 PM
Sent payment without escrow per request. Am waiting for an install either today or tomorrow. Will update but as of now only good things about Rich.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: richmoda on March 08, 2015, 09:25:34 PM
1.49 0.49 BTC

Available for only 24 hours.

Read the reviews ^^^ . Only happy customers!
Get this amazing limited opportunity only today! (;sa=send;u=428038)

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: WaffleMaster on March 08, 2015, 09:58:10 PM

Purchasing and customer support: 12/10 I did not use escrow. After I bought all the things required for the installation (which he has a guide for) of the bot I sent .5 BTC over to Rich. He set up the bot really freaking quickly even though it was night time where his location is. Do not worry about the no escrow. Buy this while you can! Rich is just genuinely a great guy! It is the weekend when I bought all the stuff (vps, captcha solvers etc.) and deathbycaptcha won't accept Bitcoin until Monday morning business hours. Rich configured the bot to use his own captcha solver account until mine received payment! He will always answer your questions and is a great addition to the Bitcoin community. His time and skill are worth more than what he is allowing you to pay!!!

Level of skill required: 5/10 (easy) I only say this because to add more accounts than Rich sets you up with originally you will need to use linux command terminals. However, I have used such things before and the manual he gives is definitely easy to follow, even if you haven't before. There's bots to help set up the bot accounts, yo. How legit is that?

Bot:10/10 There are a lot of features that help it operate to extraordinary levels of stealth.

Basically, if you were interested and were on the fence for whatever reason (as I can understand), you should take this as your last big push to go ahead. There are other reviews here and I can say everything was 100% correct in them. I was a bit shaky about not using escrow but there was never a moment where I was worried. If you don't get this, well, you're missing out big time.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: 805miner on March 09, 2015, 12:59:27 AM
So I purchased this from Richard with no escrow. After reading good reviews I would give him a chance and I must say it was a good choice. Richard is very helpful and explains everything to you. He set me up and showed me what it does and explains the process to me. He has been totally helpful and I can only say great things about him and his customer service. If you have any doubts on this don't be

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: ajw7989 on March 09, 2015, 01:07:45 AM
DOes this only work with linux or can we use windows?

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: WaffleMaster on March 09, 2015, 01:36:37 AM
DOes this only work with linux or can we use windows?
You have to buy a VPS. Check the first post. You only need 10 proxys to start though so that cuts what he says the starting cost is in half.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: ajw7989 on March 09, 2015, 01:45:49 AM
DOes this only work with linux or can we use windows?
You have to buy a VPS. Check the first post. You only need 10 proxys to start though so that cuts what he says the starting cost is in half.

I did read the first post. I am asking if this can be done on windows or is linux necessary. Reason I ask is I have a few windows RDPs not linux.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: crazyearner on March 09, 2015, 02:00:37 AM
Sounds and looks good. Any picture of this bot or videos of it in working action with details covered up to hide usernames and so forth, Am interested in taking a copy but would like to see some footage or pictures of the bot in action.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: bachel on March 09, 2015, 02:14:00 AM
Sounds and looks good. Any picture of this bot or videos of it in working action with details covered up to hide usernames and so forth, Am interested in taking a copy but would like to see some footage or pictures of the bot in action.

first page

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: HolgerDansk on March 09, 2015, 04:28:06 AM
Purchasing and customer support: 12/10 I did not use escrow. After I bought all the things required for the installation (which he has a guide for) of the bot I sent .5 BTC over to Rich. He set up the bot really freaking quickly even though it was night time where his location is. Do not worry about the no escrow. Buy this while you can! Rich is just genuinely a great guy! It is the weekend when I bought all the stuff (vps, captcha solvers etc.) 

I agree with this.  I talked with Rich on Friday.  He was very good to chat with.  I felt good enough about it and him, I bought, with no escrow.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: coinmaster222 on March 09, 2015, 06:13:25 PM
did he set it up for you??

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: Skyenet on March 09, 2015, 06:30:34 PM
I would like to buy this but I want to test it out and see it working.

Also I have MSDN Azure meaning I can get free VPS. Looking forward to a reply

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: WaffleMaster on March 09, 2015, 06:37:00 PM
I would like to buy this but I want to test it out and see it working.

Also I have MSDN Azure meaning I can get free VPS. Looking forward to a reply

Don't expect to get free scripts Mr. "I'm trying to develop something like this." Rich is a very skilled and cool guy.

Nice to see someone making something like this. I am currently in development of my own. Im posting a Dev on project devs in a few.If you ever need help optimizing your program just hit me up.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: superiorus on March 09, 2015, 08:25:39 PM
@WaffleMaster :

I think is better to remove that video (I hope you understand why...)

There are enough reviews ... who want's to buy : can buy it !  It is 100% trusted.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: Kareem001 on March 10, 2015, 12:03:21 AM
Yea i agree this script and bot should not be publicized much.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: damiano on March 11, 2015, 03:14:37 PM
Small update.

I think I'm running about 25-30 accounts currently.  I've been very busy  :(. I'm waiting on rich to activate the remaining accounts.  After that is done I'm going to try and sweep all the accounts and start an accurate profit calculation for the 50 accounts.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: WaffleMaster on March 11, 2015, 03:44:19 PM
Please delete this thread moderators. Many of us buyers wish it to be gone as well as the thread creator does too.

Title: Re: Ultimate Bitcoin Generator Bot
Post by: richmoda on March 11, 2015, 05:43:00 PM
The selling period of the bot has ended.