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1  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: June 24, 2024, 07:22:48 PM
you may need to listen to different people in a different drinking hole.

And clown myself every time I say anything like you do?  No thanks.

News: Ukraine has destroyed (presumably) the satellite tracking facility NIP-16. This is a high as costs for Ruzzia can get on a single strike. This is the "before", I will be publishing the "after" when confirmed.

Sure.  Keep escalating and kiss pretty much all satellite communications goodbye for the foreseeable future.  Wanna guess who the main beneficiary of the military advantage ends up being when that happens?  My money is on the Rooskies, and it might be one of the few possible scenarios under which Russia actually does pose a military threat to some of the NATO dink states such as the one who thought it a good idea to blockade Kaliningrad.

2  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: June 24, 2024, 03:34:59 PM
No sign of the victorious Russian trolls, have they gone partying in the Suwałki Gap now that we're closing day 1000 of the 3 days operation?

'We' where so demoralized by NATO making it almost half way to the Surovikin Line in some areas during their 'greatest counter-offensive', and burning only 100k or so Ukriod slavs in the process, that we slunk away and are in hiding.  Just waiting for the inevitable fall Crimea and invasion of Moscow which should be right around the corner.  Just ask Zelinskii!

I heard that the Canuks went up to evaluate the defensive work on the Belarus line.  What they found was nothing had been done and ALL of the money had been stolen.  Tens of Billions with a 'B'!  No big surprise as the same thing happened pretty much everywhere else as well.  NATO has their work cut out for them to make up for lost time, and it looks like Russia is going to end up with at least half of the economic value of the former Ukraine.

NATO's (by way of the WEF installed heads of state in most of the 'Western' countries) obvious mission is to make Larry Fink's investments in the former pale of settlement pay off.  Probably by now the best they can do is to limit his losses.  At least they can burn a ton of the non-chosen souls in the process which is, apparently, one of their mitzvahs or some shit like that.  I've got my popcorn out to watch the reaction when it's no longer possible to explain away dead Westerners via the small plane accidents excuse which they are using for high ranking officers at the moment.

3  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Can Israeli Army standup against Iranian Military on: April 19, 2024, 09:31:44 PM
Five days after Israel's attack, Israel launched a counter-missile attack on Iran's Ispahan. I don't know how true this is
This was not true at all.
This was basically a big fake out using 3 tiny quadcopters to create noise and call that an "attack" for domestic use inside occupied Palestine. This is not even categorized as an attack, this is just some idiot nearby flying an object you can buy from any shop into a restricted airspace and having it shot down (hence the noise).

Last night (my time) I was about to make a new thread "Israel's mainstream media hyped attack on Iran considered Fake and Gay."   Alas, some important stuff came up and I didn't get a chance.

The funny thing is that 90% of the Western plebs who get their thoughts from mainstream media will forever remember the day when the Chosen People(tm) of Israel shamed and humbled Iran with their stunning retaliatory attack of 4/18/2024.  Indeed, days before this I had intended to propose a totally made up media-only fake attack story (a-la last night) which would be passed off as real then later quietly dropped and silently dropped from Joogle, Jootube, etc.  Works well these days.  They even invented a whole fake global pandemic and to this day most people believe it.  So, why not?  Much easier and cheaper to do it that way and won't bring Iranian missile with bad intent flying their direction.

4  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Can Israeli Army standup against Iranian Military on: April 16, 2024, 06:52:11 AM

It is rumored that the so-called 'iron dome' system is nothing more than a very expensive fireworks show where the Israelis bilked many extra billions out of U.S. taxpayers and pacified their own sheeple with straight-up gaslighting and media hype.

Why are there seemingly no obvious secondary detonations from all the munitions which were supposedly stopped?  One reason could be that there was, generally speaking, nothing real there to shoot at.  A second could be that since it was obviously not Iran's intent to hurt civilians, the warheads were empty.  Or perhaps some combination of both.

The hypothesis that the 'iron dome' is a fraud and a psyop would explain why there is no real interest on getting it in to 'defend Ukraine'.  It would be found out to be a fraud (much like the rest of the Western 'wonder weapons' which lost their luster within minutes of seeing real combat against a capable enemy's wares.)

5  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: April 09, 2024, 05:14:05 PM
"Challenger 2 tanks can penetrate Russian fortified positions." - David Axe, Forbes, 31.05.2023.
"British Challenger 2 is the wrong tank for Ukraine. Heavy, unprotected and difficult to maintain." - David Axe, Forbes, 27.03.2024.

50 F-35, 20 more patriot batteries, 1000 Taurus, 500 tanks of any modern type, 2000 IFV & APCs of any type, 10M 155MM shells and 500 artillery pieces are the "right tank" for Ukraine - paxmao

Gotta send at least twice that many in order to overcome the corruption whereby pilferage is a feature at pretty much every point in the pipeline.

It has been confirmed that another Ruzzian ship has suffered some "problems", this time it has been an Ice Breaker. To be fighting a country without a navy worth mentioning, Ruzzia is having quite a few waterways.

Your cope is actually an interesting and amusing study in psychology.  Or analysis of AI technology.  Hard to say which, and the technology is in a state of flux.

6  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: March 03, 2024, 02:21:18 PM
Meanwhile is time to start talking about a disaster for the Ruzzian aviation. Another A-50 and two more SU fighter / bomber. The free-ride to launch the gliding bombs is becoming more of a roulette game (I cannot avoid the pun: a Ruzzian Roulette game) and I so surprised that Ruzzis are actually letting the A-50 (this are those planes with a huge radar on-top like the AWACS) actually get in the danger zone. It smells of desperation.

The A-50s are soviet tek, the production lines are not there, the know how has been lost and the components will be nearly impossible to source. As said, buying Ukrainian agricultural land at Manhattan prices.
In the Ukrainian telegram segment, 2-3 Russian planes per day have been regularly shot down lately. The truth is very difficult to confirm, either there is none or they turn out to be fakes, such as the recent video with burning grass, which the commander of the Ukrainian Air Force Oleschuk hurried to post as evidence, and then had to turn on the back one. Russia has reliably lost three aircraft recently, one A50 and two Su-35, all far behind the front line and probably without Ukrainian help at all. As for the rest of the losses, these are your wet fantasies as usual.

I saw that the Ukies bagged three Imperial Battle Cruisers a couple of Death-Stars as well (to steal a joke from Dima of Military Summary Channel fame.)

7  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: March 03, 2024, 03:52:08 AM
This is worth considering because if what this lady says is true, a LOT of stuff falls neatly into place.  For instance, the funding that got the Azov fake-nazis going (Kolomoyskyi) and the extreme closeness/involvement of the American neocons (Nudelman/Nuland ilk) with the post 2014 'leadership' running the on-the-ground elements of Ukraine project.

The above is why I would and often do refer to Ukrainian power-structures as 'Ziocons'.  These fuckers would gladly sacrifice America for their pet projects, especially since the controlled demolition of the U.S. and other Western countries is on their TODO list anyway.

8  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Is Baltics next war attack target ? on: March 01, 2024, 04:15:43 AM
Seems like the Baltics (or at least the WEF installed 'leaders' of them) really really WANT to be next, but I'm dubious that Russia has much interests except maybe to un-landlock Kaliningrad.

Sweden in particular seems to be dedicated to national suicide and is pursuing that goal on a number of different fronts.  Hard to figure out, but pretty clearly the 'collective West' has gone stark raving mad.  It's almost like some neuron-eating parasitic (((entity))) has infected their decision-making apparatus or something.

9  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: March 01, 2024, 04:04:19 AM

Meanwhile Russia is blasting through the under-fortified areas West of Avdeevka which are melting like butter because that's what under-fortified places do in times of war.  A lot of money, including that earmarked for fortifications, somehow went AWOL.  The 'Monaco Battalion' is a prime suspects, as would be the 'zio' faction leading the zionazi's in charge of the depopulation element of the operation.

10  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: February 27, 2024, 06:43:40 AM

Earlier, Russian actor Ivan Okhlobystin announced an additional bonus of 10 million rubles for each damaged Abrams tank. This is a rather large amount (about $110,000), so it would be better for the 30 Abrams remaining in Ukraine not to appear near the line of combat contact in the future - they are a priority target for FPV drone operators.

I wonder how much a Ukrainian could get from the Russians for a sample of the ERA which the Americans wisely removed before sending the tanks to corruption-central?  I'd bet it would be well over $100k unless the Russians have enough samples already which is more than possible.  IIRC it was a matter of weeks before the Russians received a mint HIMARS, with a full load of rockets to boot.  All wrapped nicely in a bow.  That should have been worth at least one villa in Monaco.

11  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: February 27, 2024, 03:54:16 AM
Looks like one of the M1A1 Abrams made the mistake of getting a little to close to actual combat 'aaaand it's gone!'  Why waste a Lancet when a simple FPV drone will do the job?

I'll make a prediction that the same fate awaits the next in a long string of decades old Voonder Veepons to be sent to Ukraine which will probably be the F-16.

I'll also posit that the Russians breath a sigh of relief when they hear that the Azov zionazis are to be playing opfor since they are developing a pretty strong reputation for running away like little bitches at the first smell of powder.  Back to their natural duty as rear echelon 'barrier troops'.

12  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: February 22, 2024, 03:37:43 AM

Here in 2024, if you use inaccurate bombs and other munitions, or mis-use accurate munitions, you will run out of ammunition and have little to show for it.  And you will probably lose.

There is one side in this thing which has run out of ammunition and is losing in spite of being sent a shit-load of it and even more money.  The other side is not running out of ammunition and is winning handily.

Winning like... loosing 10.000 soldiers for a few square kilometers? A jet a day? A ship every other week? A refinery every week? Have you made a few numbers before claiming a "victory"?

But sure, keep hoping than Ukraine will run out of ammo during 2024. It looks less and less likely as Europe is realising that US is not going to be of help, but the EU certainly can ramp-up production to 2M shells a year within the year.

Surely you don't believe the 10k nonsense and this is just another 'Ghost of Kiev' class absurd fable which you've claimed is justified because it helps morale.  I'm not sure how it helps morale to be lied to repeatedly by ridiculous clowns while you are getting your balls pounded flat daily, but then I'm not a Ukroid or what currently passes for a 'liberal' either, so maybe you are right.

Ukraine is also running out of things to fire shells out of.  That's why that crazy Danish 'leader' wants to give Ukraine ALL of Denmark's artillery and apparently every other military thing that have as well as do most of the WEF plants in the various governments.  I guess not having a military _would_ limit military casualties in the exceedingly unlikely event that those bad bad Rooskies attacked them.  OTOH, with no defenses a handful of 'migrants' with some machetes (and a few other supplies) could take the entire 'entitled' native population out, and I'll bet that that's what she and her type are shooting for.  Kalergi plan jacked on steroids to make up for lost time.  AKA, 'tikkun olam' as is self-admittedly behind Dr. Peter 'Winky' Hotez's motivations to peddle the de-pop shot.

13  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: February 20, 2024, 01:02:23 AM

Kherson is not "a human shield", it is a relatively large city, populated by a lot of people.

When Russia left Kherson they took with them whichever civilians wish to leave and be under their protection.  IIRC, from the reports I heard, they were actually given land well inside of Russia if they wanted it.  At least that was the potentially untruthful propaganda the Russians put out and I have no way to verify it.  I was able to verify to my satisfaction that there were plenty of people heading East across the Dnieper as the Russians were leaving.

If you drop an inherently inaccurate bomb from 70 km away and blast a building chances are it will be 10 grannies, 10 babies, 10 women and 10 men... none of them military, the ones that die. And that is everyday.

Here in 2024, if you use inaccurate bombs and other munitions, or mis-use accurate munitions, you will run out of ammunition and have little to show for it.  And you will probably lose.

There is one side in this thing which has run out of ammunition and is losing in spite of being sent a shit-load of it and even more money.  The other side is not running out of ammunition and is winning handily.

14  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: February 19, 2024, 04:53:29 AM

I still cannot understand what has made you so narrow-minded and hateful over the years to the point where all you do is babble about exceptionally low-IQ racist conspiracy theories. If you have Bitcoin wealth as you claim, you could be doing any number of things in a country that is paradise to people who can afford to not have to work there. Its a stunningly beautiful place, filled with friendly people, cheap liquor, and opportunity for adventure. Great times await. But no, you sit there hunkered down at your computer and concoct twisted genocide fanfiction, just hoping to get a reaction like this one I guess. What made you that way? I'm truly curious.

Also, I think its worth pointing out that you did not pay $100 billion in taxes, LOL.

When Chinese ballistic missiles start taking out the caches of weapons that the U.S. is busy burying on the islands as we speak, then you might understand what I'm talking about and why I didn't just keep my mouth shut like 'normal' people would.  I actually care about the people here, to at least some reasonable degree, and am not at all looking forward to seeing them become the next Ukrainians, but it looks to me as though that's what's in the cards.  I noticed that one of them died in the tunnels under Gaza the other day to my complete lack of surprise.

The Chinese have developed a herd management system which the Technocrats and other totalitarians like so the outcome of the upcoming conflict is not hard to predict.  The only wild-card is whether the Chinese can be 'trusted' to stay on-board and in their place, or if they will attempt to take over the global machine outright and not honer God's choice of people.  If the Chinese show the same military professionalism as have the Russians in Ukraine, I'll say so, but I am very doubtful that that would be the case.  Both Russia and China (and the U.S.) are to prone to authoritarianism and I wouldn't want to live there...or in any country under their firm grip.

A fair number of Ukrainians do have the basic aptitude, education, and experience to see what is happening to them and why.  The same cannot be said for most of the people here for whatever set of reasons.  I'll have more sympathy for the islanders than I have for the Ukrainians who really should have known better and stopped their 'troubles' before things got to the point where they are today.

15  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: February 19, 2024, 12:07:29 AM
Again, you need to check your information. Airstrikes, including the use of FAB are being used daily against nearly all the localities - with civilians - along the shore of the dnipro river.  ...

The Zionazi leadership of Ukraine controls the civilians in these high activity areas.  Either they get them out (as do responsible leaderships), or they don't (as do thug states who use civilians as human shields.)

I mean it's not like the Zionazis don't have the money to hire some busses considering the $100,000,000,000.00 or so of my tax dollars that they were given.

16  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: February 18, 2024, 11:50:34 PM

You are not using the right sources of information.

True that.  As a Westerner I'm supposed to be listening to Western propaganda and believing it, but I'm not.  I didn't learn well in pubic education.  So, guilty as charged.

Since Bucha, the same style of striking civilian infrastructure has been going on during all the campaign. Not only that, but also there are quite a few videos of murderous intentional killing of civilian with drones.

Bucha where the Russians bombed the civilians with food rations (as is their obligation under international law), then when they left the Zionazi security forces summarily executed anyone who ate it.

Re munitions used... Ruzzia's favourite is the FAB 500, which is dropped from quite far away, has very low accuracy and is intended to destroy anything in a radious of 30 to 50 meters.  As you may understand, I do not respect psychopaths, which seem to be the basic requisite to be a commanding rank in the Ruzzian army.

The Russians pulverize areas at the contact area where they are about to go in.  This is a slow moving war and as such, any civilians who are collateral damage in these types of operations are either so suborn that they are begging to exit the gene pool, or are held as human shields.  Ukraine controls these areas so they are responsible for what happens to civilians who shouldn't really be there in the first place.

Pin-point strikes are not uncommon outside the front, and I would not deny that strikes can go wrong via electromagnetic or other defenses, but it doesn't seem very common.  Generally speaking the ones caught on cam seem remarkably accurate, and it's a total waste of resource for them not to be as accurate as possible.  Looks to me as though a lot of the collateral damage is attributable to anti-missile defenses.

Also if a hundred or two Western mercs and/or NATO specialists take up residence in civilian areas so as to enjoy the morning breakfast buffet, it's pretty obviously a threat to nearby civilians.  Again, the zionazi leadership of Ukraine who makes these decisions and they deserve the credit/blame for their decisions.  Everyone knows the minimum Russian capabilities by this point.

17  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: February 18, 2024, 10:43:08 PM
As tvbcof said above, "That's not really a war; it's a total ultra-violent genocide of a whole type of people." But in this instance, it's Ukrainians, and especially Ukrainian soldiers.

Some will think that this is simply a Ukrainian strategic maneuver. But I wonder if Zelensky's generals are finally forcing him into it.

Major Victory For Russian Army As Ukraine Forces Flee Eastern City
Shortly after midnight Saturday in Ukraine, the country's newly-installed top commander, General Oleksandr Syrsky, announced that he had ordered troops to evacuate the city. Surrounded in three directions by the Russian army, Ukrainian soldiers in the city found themselves in a rapidly-tightening noose.

"Based on the operational situation around Avdiivka, in order to avoid encirclement and preserve the lives and health of servicemen, I decided to withdraw our units from the city and move to defense on more favorable lines," said Syrsky in a Facebook post.


While its authenticity can't be confirmed, video circulating on social media purportedly shows Ukrainian armored vehicles executing a fiery but mostly orderly retreat:

more X

What actually seems to have happened is more that Syrsky('s handlers) had every intention of fighting the combination of hapless Slavic conscripts and tattoo'd neo-nazis to the death in Avdivka.  The ziocon 'commanders' had left the area months ago and were commanding via network communications which ended up having 'technical issues'.

The plan went awry when the highest ranking on-the-ground people (lower officers and higher NCOs) started negotiating directly with the Russians so save their and their charges' skins.  Only after seeing what was happening and being powerless to stop it did 'Syrsky' have a change of heart and ordered a retreat (in the mainstream Western media at least, and it was obviously just for PR reasons.)

The people who saved so many Ukrainian lives are already under investigation by the zioncons in 'Ukraine', and will probably find a vacation in Siberia to be much happier and healthier environment than going 'back home' I would suspect.

Anyway, a lot of innocent Ukrainian Slavic lives were (and are being) saved by on-the-ground in-charges.  Some of the spared may actually be useful in the next phase of this thing when actual Ukrainians attempt to preserve some of the Western areas of the rump-state against the Poles and NATO invasions forces.  With a fair degree of assistance from the Russians and White-Russians I would expect.

18  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: February 18, 2024, 09:24:18 AM
It certainly doesn't look like that if you read western media, but this war seems to have way less civilian deaths compared to soldier deaths than any USA war since WW2.

I read/watch a little but almost completely for entertainment value and to keep an eye on the evolution of their techniques.  It's pretty black-pill-ing to have to concede that yes, such a large number of people  actually do buy that kind of propaganda, but it is what it is.  It's caused adjustments in how and where I live my life.
19  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: February 17, 2024, 11:47:32 PM
Yeah, too bad they used all their ammo trying to kill civilians in order to win some media victories.  Win in the minds of some real degenerates at least.  Certainly not in the minds of decent people who've served in professional militaries.

Oh, here we go again with shelling Dontesk for 8 years. It's strange that after such long constant shelling this city looks better than cities attacked by Russia like Avdiivka or Bakhmut. Or probably it can't even called as cities anymore as there just ruins of city remains.
Killed civilians - I'm wondering how many Ukrainian civilians were killed during 2 years of war. But offcourse, you won't see this.

Cluster munitions and petal mines don't cause a lot of damage to core infrastructure.  They are used mostly to kill people.  It's the decision maker's choice, via targeting, whether to kill civilians or soldiers.  The Zionazis thought it made more sense in their twisted logic to kill civilians.  Then the Russian soldiers came in an mowed them over.

One of the reasons I have a great deal of respect for the Russian leadership and military is that they have been quite sensitive to civilian casualties over the course of this thing as best I can tell.  Yes, they can crater almost area at will, but when they do so it is almost always areas where the civilians are long gone.  Unless, of course, the Zionazis are holding the civilians as human shields.  Even under these conditions the Russians do seem to modify their tactics out of deference to innocent human life.

20  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: February 17, 2024, 09:25:54 PM
Missing the point totally, on purpose I assume. This person founded the Wagner Group which Putler happily uses in Africa and other places as well as during the invasion of Bakhmut. As said, Putin is ok with Nazis, as long as they are his Nazis and the invasion of Ukraine is not due to "ideological discrepancies".

I said that here several years ago.  The various deep states, including the Russian ones, will happily use 'nazis' when they are useful, and often they are.  Ukraine, under control of the Ziocons, found the nazi's in Ukraine to be numerous and useful enough to be the driving force behind the whole nation-state and with the potential to de-Slav the whole place.  I have to hand it to the ziocons in that they used this resource to great effect.

Now, if the Russians want to prove that the are not as well another group of useful idiots and tools (as they proved to be under the Bolshevik revolution), now would be the time to do it.  Putin seems to have not allowed the 'oligarchs' to totally guide the nation's policy (which is likely why he receives the treatment he does in the mainstream media.)  Hopefully the Russian people will hold his and his successor's feet to the fire and make sure that the nation doesn't experience a regression.

With China it's kind of difficult to know who is playing who.  To be sure China was built up by 'capitalist' money flowing in their direction, and probably with the intent of riding them as a horse when the West was collapsed from exhaustion and shot dead, but there are signs that the Chinese are fairly aware of how the game is played.

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