~~~ NPC ajan görev başında ~~~ amishmanish my manipulated naive friend, if you were addressing DT1 and not the Turkish audience and trying to go against the mainstream, you would have been distrusted and negged by at least 10 members by now, I hope you have come to appreciate the priceless values of liberty, justice and meritocracy during your time here with the Turkish section, Now envision such an independent libertarian environment for the entire forum, and decide for yourself how much better it would be for the Crypto community in general, as opposed to the nepotistic conspiratorial swamp BTT has now become... Good Luck
... Now, the situation has become so complex that it is hard to know who to trust.Similarly, Visipilio got dropped from DT-1 after his very public statements about him not being responsible if people click on scams due to him. His image got spoiled due to some of these remarks and people in DT-1 acquired a bias against him. People do not want someone who will take such things lightly to be on DT-1.
That is when, Visipilio has started opening threads about DT-1 conspiracy, need for turkish users to unite and now he has gone a step ahead and is playing into the hands of the same trolls who want to damage BTC by saying things like "Blockstream conspiracy" etc etc. ...
just for your own education I will respond 1 time to your brainwashed indoctrination, I was actually congratulated by many people in private for my intellectual comments regarding the entire Yobit affair, go to that accusation thread and read them again, I'm almost certain you also will agree with most of my points. And yet, at least 3 defamation threads were opened against me, using Yobit as an excuse, right around the time of ChipMixer applications, because the inner circle was well aware I was short listed to be selected (or at the very least always top rival in their perception because of the outstanding quality of my messages and my independent tone in general)... So please don't try to rewrite history, when the cases of corruption and defamation have been already discussed and proven beyond a shadow of doubt multiple times.
Techshare isimli kullanıcıyı kısa bir süre eklediğim için lauk ve takımı bana negatif vermişlerdi. Geçen ay bunla alakalı dönen yoğun tartışmabın sonunda Theymos uzun bir açıklama yazmıştı. Oldukça politik, yuvarlak bir açıklama idi.
Kalemder, in that "mutual trust" incident, did you have any reason to include TECHSHARE or it was just a mutual agreement that you agreed to because of thinking that it is normal? sorry to tell you, you must be either a naive child or a zombie NPC to be asking such meaningless questions. Your heroes LoyceV and suchmoon go through every single account that doesn't obey their instructions to find the most fringe reasons to distrust them, childish frivolous things like: " you added so and so briefly to your trust list back in November 2018; therefore you must be distrusted and expelled from DT1", while in broad daylight their troll criminal buddies are robbing people of hundreds of thousands of dollars with their nasty propaganda and character assassination hit jobs, and in their case the same petty police force that hunts down every independent member suddenly becomes the most fervent libertarian and anarchist, even giving positive ratings just to keep their criminal buddies on the payroll, if you see all this disgusting hypocrisy day in day out and don't do anything about it, you my friend would fit more in a dystopian novel than in an intelligent and free human society, get better & good luck ps. your further zombie thrall whitewashing and black propaganda will be deleted from now on to save the time and sanity of innocent forum members, so contemplate hard before you start one of your childish rants again...
~~~ #triggered ~~~
I'm leaving your childish rant because obviously you put a lot of effort into it. In analyzing the corruption and nepotism ruining Bitcointalk, I assure you I did not intend to belittle any of your heroes here. Most people wouldn't be motivated enough to spend as much time and labor on an internet forum as users like LoyceV and suchmoon are putting in, it's really impressive sweat work on their part, and no doubt some of what they do brings a value added to this forum. Regardless, it does not exonerate them from trying to socially engineer the leading crypto website and bring about nepotist outcomes where their mediocre inner circle corners all the lucrative bounties; or perhaps, a company who has authority over even theymos is instructing them to keep the trolls and bad actors on the payroll and with artificially clean trust sheets on BTT, defying all reason and every sane observer's sensibilities... It's called the duality of human nature, a tremendous range of virtues and vices can coexist within the same individual , although many would agree that the vices have been far outweighing the virtues for a long time now; hence the forum's steady decline in all metrics over the recent years...
~~~ whitewashing, straw men & black propaganda galore as is typical from this NPC user... ~~~
Beyler bu troll'e cevap vermeye değmez aslında, biri emir vermiş git yolsuzlukları savun diye o da maaşlı eleman olarak görevini yapıyor, @bonesjonesreturns aşağıda cevapların nirvanasını yapıştırmış zaten bu düzenbazların avukatına, oradan takip edebilirsiniz mevzuların aslını... ps. just the fact that genuinely insightful users like bonesjonesreturns have to hide behind alternate aliases to speak the truth on this forum, while terrorists like ~lauda manage to sustain artificially net positive DT trust sheets, is all the evidence you need that this forum is broken, Meanwhile more and more people seem to believe that Blockstream just wants to keep it that way in an attempt to silence all crypto competition with its paid trolls that have taken over Bitcointalk
[Çeviri]: Giderek artan sayıda kripto sever forumun bu geldiği rezil noktanın Blockstream şirketinin kripto dünyasındaki rakiplerini susturmak için maaşlı trollerini forumda çalıştırmasından kaynaklandığını düşünüyor, bilgilerinize. son zamanların en büyük gazetecilik başarılarından biri kabul edilebilecek şu video da bence konuyla ilgili bazı gerçeklere ışık tutuyor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfcvX0P1b5g&t=2s Many of your points are clearly bogus. There is observably a merit cycling self appointing DT that colluded to maintain grasp over lucrative rev streams here
Please stop pretending it is not there for anyone to observe
Or do you expect us to believe these peoples top merit fans and recipients are all stacked with each other, they all include each other on DT and mostly exclude the same group and most are on the highest paying sig campaigns.
I don't think there is a racial motive for excluding Turkish members but simply the current colluding group fear the cohesion of the turkish community.
There is no good reason to exclude some of the better turkish posters. I certainly would not accept they are less trustworthy than the likes of marlboroza , thepharmacist or any other of these willful scammer supporters. There are some very undeniably greedy members on chipmixer.
I would suggest doing more research you are only new here young grasshopper.
Never seek to label important truths as drama. That is untrustworthy. Never seek to lecture on greed specifically if you wear a gambling sig.
Tebrikler ekiller hocam, Muğla müthiş bir yer.
Türkiye aslında bana göre bütün Avrupa'nın en güzel kıyılarına sahip, hala bakir yerler de var, internet altyapı sorununu çözseler uzaktan çalışmak için ideal ortam...
Güneydoğu Asya'nın kıytırık 3. dünya ülkelerinde bile 50 MB / s + fln artık standart hale gelmiş çoğu yerde, bizde de umarım bir altyapı düzenlemesi gelirse, "digital nomad" yaşam tarzı için ilk tercih olabilir Ege / Akdeniz sahilleri.
Ben son yazdığım post ile korkak mi oldum? Trust listemi degistirmeyecegim ya da geri bildirim yazılarımı. Bunu yapacak olsam ilk başta yapardım. Zaten şu ana kadar 3 tane bildirim bıraktım. (Diğerini niye sildigimi biliyorsunuzdur. ) Tatava yapmayıp eklesinler distrusta beni. Bunu geçen sene dedim. Her seferinde biy biy kafa sikmeleri yeter lan. Bir kere sık gec. Yok nicki ruscaymis, slavik AMK onu bile anlamıyor, yok nedir almış vermiş, yok dt de manipülasyon yapmış. Lan yeter AMK bas distrusti kes! Sizleri uzduysem affola. Satoshinin de AMK!
estağfurullah, global mafyaya 0 taviz vermiş 4-5 üye sayabilirim kafadan, bunlardan biri de sensin bro, bu arada trendcoin'in İngilizcesi iyi olsaydı Meta'yı felce uğratırdı ama dehasını konuşturamıyor henüz küresel ortamda...
kıskıskıskıs 3 gün birlik 1 gün ikilik hesabi topluluğu bölmek doğru hareketler diil. ama buradaki koca koca insanlara neyin dogru neyin yanlis oldugunu anlatmak da benim isim diil. hem dost hem de gece 12den sonra balkabagi olunmaz stabil ilerlemek lazim bu işlerde. önce şu globaldeki sorunu halledelim sonra istediin kadar takilirsin simdilik ana soruna odaklanmak lazim. Gece 12'den sonra kurt adama dönüşüyorum "korkak Türk" avına çıkıyorum , ama asıl hedef tabiiki DT'deki küresel mafya bozuntuları hayatımda gördüğüm en adi dolandırıcılardan bazılarını DT1'de buldum bu forumda onu da belirtelim.
Tom Bombadil hadisesini izah edelim, sana da gelicez merak etme , DragonDance manifesto gibi mesaj atmış senin lehine hala onu tartışıyorsun...
Hangi müthiş detay ve bu neyi ispatlıyor anlamadım. Wolwoo da 35.haftadan sonra uzun süre eklemiş onu. Aynı şekilde sende de ekliymiş uzun süre. Farklı kişilerde var. Bütün bunlar hangi müthiş şeyi ispatlar. Bende ekledim ama bugün kaldırmaya karar verdim. Bir yandan onlar pozitifi sorguluyor, bir yandan siz trustı sorguluyorsunuz. http://loyce.club/trust/2019-09-14_Sat_06.11h/1003533.htmlhttp://loyce.club/trust/2019-09-14_Sat_06.11h/982288.htmlFaydalı içeriklerinden dolayı sana destek olmak istedim. Başka zaman daha uygun şekilde bırakmayı düşünüyorum. Ona ait çeviri konusunu referans göstermem hataydı. Topluluğa faydalı pozitifler vermeye devam etmek istiyorum. Trust listemi de genişleteceğimi söylemiştim. Tom Bombadil ve diğer arkadaş, 1 yıldır "listeni genişleteceğini söylüyorsun", ne listeymiş arkadaş, sen daha fazla milleti kandırmadan ben neden listende 7 kişi olduğunu söyliim, neden biliyor musunuz, kazara 10 eklerse oylamalara girip global forumdaki abilerinin dikkatini çekmek istemiyor , bu tom bombadil'i adeta itlaf ettiler global ortamda, yalan yanlış ithamlarla yaftaladılar, sonra kovdular, yaklaşık 1500 USD / aylık bir zarar verdiler bu arkadaşa, gel gelelim tom bombadil hala globaldeki abilerinden emir geldiği zaman trust geri bildirimlerini silmeyi biliyor, bazı siyaset bilimcilerin dediği gibi zaten "bu abiler bitirdi Türkiye Cumhuriyeti"'ni... kıssa'dan hisse beyler, Tom Bombadil gibi olmayın, bana soracak olursanız cesur olun, "ben maaşıma bakarım, yolsuz düzenden gelen emirlere de uyarım" diyen arkadaşlar teker teker elimine oldular...
Üstad Tom bundan şikayet ediyor, bu mesaja bakın, aylar önce beni eklemiş Tom, sonra beni silmiş Loycev'i eklemiş, Loycev de haftalar önceki muhabbeti delil gösterip Tom'a sallamış.
Valla benim yarım yamalak translate ingilizceme dayanarak anladığım. Tom'un senin listene dahil edildiğini ve yine tom'un vispilio'ya geri bildirim bıraktığına dikkat çekiyor. Verdiği linkte de zaten senin tom'u eklediğini gösteren bir detay var. haa evet ben güvenmişim Tom'a doğru ama şu anda Tom, Loycev'e güveniyor önemli olan da bu! "işte güvendiğiniz tarafsız adamlar bunlar" demek yanlış olmaz ayrıca ben Tom için gidip küfrtmedim herife, beni her mesajlarında ekliyorlar, Gazeta, Jollybelly hepisi ...... valla burada wolwoo müthiş bir ayrıntıyı yakalamış helal olsun, tom bombadil kardeş ve o hesapla yakın ilişkisi olan asıl arkadaş , ya birader önce bari kendi listenizi 10 kişiye tamamlayın ondan sonra istiyorsanız gelin burada topluluğa tavsiye verin, inanılır gibi diil...
Şuan mesela seni diyelim trust liste aldım ben aldım diye sana ek bir puan kazandırıyor muyum
şu koşulların tamamını sağladığın takdirde evet:
* En azından member seviyesinde olmak * Son 3 günde online olmak * Trust Listenizin en azından 10 kullanıcı içermesi (~ girdiler hariç) * Seçimlerde ban ya da blacklist yememiş olmanız * Son 30 gün içinde en az 1 post atmış olmanız * En az 10 merite sahip 10 kullanıcının sizi kendi Trust listelerine almış olmaları * Başkalarından en az 250 merit almış 2 kullanıcının sizi kendi Trust listelerine eklemiş olmaları
Kavga etmeyin arkadaşlar şu forumda kaç kişi var zaten biz de birbirimize girersek ne olur
ona bakma bro o ~mindrust denilen üyenin psikolojisi çökmüş durumda, hem yabancılar hem Türkler yıllardır devamlı azarladığı için bunalıma girmiş, biraz merhametle yaklaşıp rehabilitasyona sokmak lazım böyle yitik tipleri, geçmiş olsun diyip geçiyoruz, senin soruna gelelim: ilerde ilk mesajda belirtilen koşulları tamamlayıp DT1 oylamalarına girebilirsen, listendeki isimlere ve geri bildirim bıraktığın kişilere katkın olur elbette.
This was relevant in the previous thread from which that quote arose. Context is important here.
With the gravitas focused on the lack of Turkish members in the CM campaign, one might imagine possible reasons. If it is possible for a member of non-Turk origin to post higher-quality content or perhaps content more stringent to CM's requirements/desires, then it is possible for them to be accepted over a Turkish member. You can even replace "Turk/Turkish" with any categorization you want. Hence, how is it so difficult to believe that in some specific moment in time, members of an identifiable group that are participating in the ChipMixer campaign equal zero? It's much stranger to deny the possibility of rejection and jump to outlandish conclusions. Before any accusations that involve my own account with some "gang" I would recommend looking at the lack of activity I've had over the past few months. I disagree with many DT members and have countered a variety of negative ratings from familiar names. I doubt that many people would think that I'm solely here for the campaign funds. Fair questions, and if you've been absent from the forum for a couple of months you might have missed the reasons why Turkish section and Turkic audiences are a critically strategic zone for any crypto business, especially owing to concentrated obfuscation efforts by the DT salary clique . If you just brush up on some of the independent surveys mentioned in that previous thread you were quoting along with some of my previous comments (or even intra-forum statistics like this one), you will find the answers to most of your questions regarding Turkish markets. In fact I'll take it a step further, if you ask the ChipMixer organization today: "Is it a priority for you to be visible to audiences in and around the Turkish sphere of influence?", I can bet you an unlimited amount of BTC the answer will be a resounding "YES", and they will promptly do so, if @theymos and @Darkstar_ can let this forum take a breath of fresh air outside the yoke of the band of criminals that are hell bent on ruining this place with their nepotism and little mafia games...
don't feed the troll
excellent advice, ~mindrust anavatanın önünde diz çöküp toprağı öpüp af diledikten sonra bu ülke yine seni affeder koçum, tırsma bu kadar, öz benliğine kavuş , çok daha iyi hissediceksin garanti veriyorum
What if Candidate B does tremendously better work ? and what if he also will not act like such a rebel if your company can show just a little bit of a moral and meritocratic side every once in a while ?
~~~ total hollow non sequitur as is typical of this diversionary user ~~~ oh ok, American economy should be thankful you are not running any companies then
Let's say I'm hiring for a position in my company. I have two candidates.
Candidate A will take on board any suggestions or recommendations, not cause any drama or conflict, and generally just get their head down and get the work done. Candidate B perceives every suggestion or recommendation as a personal attack, causes unending unnecessary drama and conflict, continually brings up their race/gender/sexual orientation even when no one else has, emails HR constantly, but will also get the work done.
I am picking candidate A 10 times out of 10. Even if candidate B does slightly or even fairly better work, I'm still picking candidate A because candidate B is going to soak up so much of my time, decrease my output, and decrease the output of my other team members. It's a no brainer.
What if Candidate B does tremendously better work ? and what if he also will not act like such a rebel if your company can show just a little bit of a moral and meritocratic side every once in a while ? What do you think o_e_l_e_o, and @Darkstar_, and @theymos, is it worth it to do the right thing at least sometimes to be able to attract geniuses to your organization, instead of (or at least in addition to) a hive army of mediocre "yes men" and "cronies" ?.. The scenario is as true for Chipmixer as it is for Bitcointalk in general.
Why are we on this issue of national quotas again? It's more discriminatory to categorize users based on some identifiable trait to satisfy your statistical hubris.
(Vispilio's warning: hideous strawman follows)
Do you know how horrible it would be if ChipMixer implemented a quota: "looks like we don't have enough Turkish people on the signature - time to add some more!"
That isn't equality. That's pity.
No one except some complicit "salaried employees" of the Chipmixer bounty who like to preserve their lazy milking of forum driven resources are mentioning racism, nationalism or persecution of any kind. For all the independent and intellectual observers checking this thread out, please read the arguments carefully, and identify the pattern of laughable diversionary tactics where the nepotist DT clique will trip over themselves time and again to derail the definitively proven cases of corruption and defamation surrounding Chipmixer selections. Already 2 impostor threads going on in the vain hopes of diluting the irrefutable facts presented here, it's embarrassing to see how low some veteran members who were previously thought be respectable pillars of the community can sink to stay on the Chipmixer payroll...
I came to this thread because i saw a post of yours in the Chipmixer campaign where your rhetoric question to Darkstar seems to expect a result that Darkstar would question himself, "Ohh really, they think I am a timid guy whose strings they can pull..OHH NO NO NO?" Its never a good idea to portray things as some emotional drama about identity, ego and what not. Then i read your topic history and it seems you are always making it about religion, identity, country. Even in this topic, which could otherwise have been a well-intentioned awareness post to make local members aware of Trust features, you are unable to suppress that hate about "Salaried employees", signature campaigns etc etc. From your language skills, you seem like a well read person. Yet, on seeing the way you interacted with mindrust about him praying to "pagan" gods, you seem like someone who has no control on his emotions. You keep attempting to incite the Turkish community to do things in a herd mentality rather than on basis of individual judgement and ethics. To all the Turkish members, I would just request that please do not see the forum as some sort of war ground that you have to capture or battle to get into DT1. Just work in your individual capacities and people will rally around your "Work". People rallied around Satoshi's actual work for a common, better tomorrow. Use your trust list in the most natural ways based on what you yourself feel and not based on what anybody else tells you to. There is no need to make this about nationalism. As someone explained earlier, we are all netizens here and equal people who judge each other based on what we say or how we deal. Simple as that. Not on the basis of who is Turkish or who is on DT1/ DT2. Good luck to you all. Interesting interpretation of recent events, thanks for reaching out with some original commentary. You question my motives, and the tone of speech that I use, fair enough, all this can be criticized; as a counter point, however, I have to question your judgement. Especially when you remain silent when there are mathematically proven criminal acts going on in the forum in broad daylight, and a hateful psychopathic individual spewing her shit on a daily basis for years now, and you also witness almost 70-80% of the DT clique actively work to whitewash all of it to sustain their criminal friend's parasitic existence on the leading crypto forum. Now you, as a rational man who is watching all this, tell me please, is it fair for you to follow suit, stuck in the complacency of a hive mind and herd mentality, as you so eloquently put, and remain silent to all this glaring injustice originating from provably evil and toxic actors ?.. I would expect a man of your intellect to at least come to that thread you are quoting and be brave and individualistic enough to speak out on universal virtues like truth and justice. Instead you come to the local forums, and criticize me because one time I said in a roundabout way I might "chastise" a Turkish traitor in real life. On the one hand you have a guy implicitly joking that a self hating ex-Turk might get (psychologically) roughed up in real life, on the other hand you have a terrorist (and her many alt accounts, and her enabling handlers, which by the way should be the topic of an entirely different thread) who has caused hundreds of thousands of dollars of real financial damage to multiple innocent individuals that have brought exponentially higher value added to crypto and this community than she has, and they are all gone now... You decide now where you should direct your advice and criticisms... All the Best
Bu meselenin çözümlenmesine sevindim, bu arada muslol'un finali peloso'nun lauda'ya ve kampanyaya taktığı kapakla yapması çok şık bir hareket olmuş, şu aşağıdaki söz yılın kapağı olmuş bu konular hakkında peloso büyük adam vesselam, direkt Türk vatandaşlığı önermek lazım memlekete katkılarından dolayı, @Peloso, we love you bro