Definitely book and movie Les Miserables. The film opened my eyes, that in our society nothing has changed in the last 200 years, and that the capitalists continue to exploit ordinary workers, that the rich are becoming richer and the poor getting poorer, with no hope of ever changing. Society is still selfish and does not care for ordinary, little people.
Dramatic result for Atletico. I think we will see Bayern München - FC Barcelona final in CL.
Fantastic games in CL; specially in Tuesday. It seems that Bayern and Barcelona currently in the best shape and best play, but still has a long way to the end of the season and finals. Everything is still possible and We can not write off even Juventus, let alone Real. We've got a very exciting semifinals.
I do not believe that any neighboring country will send the army and police, or to apply any force. I think they will try to ignore it and do not give any importance to this proclamation.
Thank you guitarplinker for listening our concerns and accepting our suggestions. If I can suggest, can you allow at least 1/3 or 1/4 posts (of the total number of requested posts) in Politics and Society per month? 3 extra days will also help us to adapt to new rules, thanks for that. I understand your viewpoint about off topic and accept it.
This news was reported on national TV in my country, so this is not just another stupid joke. In fact, Liberland is my neighboring country and because there is no final agreement on borders, this territory does not belong to anyone. So, I think that this kind of news show the desire of people to get rid of the constraints of classical State and Government and live in freedom, which is not bad tendency.
From my experience, it's always much better to share your feeling than to hide it. Women are very sensitive and can feel it if their man didn't share something with her or if he hide something. If this happen to often or to long time, women can loose trust in ''her man'' and this can break relationship or family. So, yes, tell her everything!
I didn't loose hope that this will happen once in the not too distant future. It would be enough that some really ''great player in on line payment industry'' like PayPal add BTC as a payment option, and bitcoin will become mainstream in very short time. Unfortunately, this is unlikely to happen because the BTC is actually competition to PayPal. Bitcoin has a lot of opposition but sooner or later we will become mainstream, there is no doubt about it. Turning point will be when people realize the benefits of using Bitcoin compared to other on line payment option.
I'm afraid that this facts are correct. In my country, probably most people will give last answer: What's bitcoin. For average people bitcoin is very risky, virtual thing, without future, if they even know something about BTC. If will be great if paypal or some other ''big name'' accept bitcoin but it seems we are very fare from it.
If we will really have 12 million users this will be really great but I don't think so. Probably a lot less people actually using bitcoin on a daily basis. Until ''big merchants'' accept bitcoin and we become mainstream, this fact will not change.
A heads up to all participants in this campaign: Starting in 24 hours (from the time of this post), posts made in the Off-topic, Politics & Society, Games and rounds and Investor-based games sections will NOT be counted towards a user's 50 posts per month. The rules in the main post of this thread will be updated shortly to reflect this change. Why? These new restrictions people are putting in are silly and counterproductive. I can understand Games & Rounds but you're still targeting your audience with people in there but soon there'll be hardly any places to post in and it just forces users to make posts in sections where they normally wouldn't or make low quality contributions to threads just to hit their target. You should also wait till the end of the term to make changes. I agree with you. Bitcoin users are interesting in many different topics and read a lot content on this forum, so I don't see obvious reasons to limit our posting only in one part of the forum. Such request can lower quality of our posts, if we are pushed to post only in certain area. I think that quality of posts are more important than forum section.
It seems to me that this problem has been going on for too long, since 1948. That was a real political will from the Israeli and Palestinian sides, this problem could be solved long ago. Unfortunately, extremists on both sides fits this situation for political gain, popularity and to gain election. Nobody cares for ordinary people who suffer most in this situation.
Be aware, there are many SCAMS on Skype and other chats or social media right now. Spammers can type different names in search box, and try to send as many friend requests as possible. When someone accept those friend request, they can invite you in some on line scams, beg for help for their family or worst. Be careful.
In fact, this is my neighboring country, just over the river Hope to visit them soon, and maybe apply for citizenship. Why I have not come up with this idea Welcome Liberland, hopefully first country in Europe to accept bitcoin as official currency.
Hi. Serious question. I'm new to this forums and new to a few coins I'm looking into, but not new to bitcoin. Any time I make posts or comments, someone always has something really pessimistic or rude or judgmental to say. Just doesn't seem friendly to new people or those who think outside the box. How come? Unfortunately, you are right. It seems that anonymity in the virtual world gives people the courage to do what they otherwise would never do in the real world. The only way to keep this forum a friendly place are increased activity of admins and banning users who do not comply to the forum.
Im sorry im leaving this campaign, Because I dont post much, So that some one can else can join your campaign
Spreadsheet updated. Thanks for your participation!
Payment for April 18th has just been sent out. TXID: from has also let me know that this campaign will be running for another month. I'm just waiting on Rollin to top up the account balance and then everything will be ready for another month of this campaign. Great! Thank you for update.
Thank you for sharing this, great project! I just made post on your site and hopping to receive this 1 bitcoin. I know I could use it very well
If this can be reported why can't it be stopped? Stupid idiots have nothing better to do then torcher children. That poor baby.
Very good questions. It seems that our politicians know just how to talk a lot, without taking any real actions to stop this tragedy and save this people, women and children. ISIS is pure evil and I really hope that soon or later someone will stop them. Powers like USA, Russia or China can do this at any moment but it seems there is no real political will to do anything. Shame on them.
I think that this is to serious issue to discuss this matter lightly. Of course, everything in our lives, all important events, in past or in present, are parts of daily politics but politicians (and media) shouldn't lightly give some statements without checking real facts and what is actual truth (this just confuse people). Holocaust is one of the worst thing ever happened in human history and the best response to this tragedy is to pray for the victims and do everything possible that such tragedy never happen again.
I really don't think that BTC will goes to Bust. But, if such unlikely scenario ever happen I don't believe in the future of Blockchain. Starting from myself, I only use Blockchain because of bitcoin. I think most BTC users thinking the same. Maybe Blockchain technology can be used for something else, but this is completely different story.
In my opinion, If Democrats really do something so radically and choose current President for running mate, it will only show that they do not believe in his presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and in this case it would be better to find another candidate for president. Hillary already lost a lot on her reputation because of affairs with private emails and attacks in Libya, and there are also her age. I don't think she is good candidate.