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11101  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Health Professionals and COVID-19 - PROOF on: May 04, 2020, 02:52:10 AM
Fast-forward to the tests that have shown that like 50% or more of the population has Covid without the symptoms.

there are no tests that show 50% that have it
santa clara showed 1.5%, another california study showed 2.5%

50 out of 3300 is not 50% sorry just no
but wait. your flip flop was the virus didnt exist. now your saying it does but pretending everyone had it

you do know the purpose of the lockdown right.. to stop people getting it enmasse
yes without a lockdown 1.5% in ealy april becomes 4.5 the next week, 13.5%, ~40% by May
but the lockdown turned a r0 of 3 into an r0 of 1 or below 1
meaning 1.5%, 1.5%.1%.1% = 5%(total) by now..

hospitals were not coping and had near critical bed occupancy at 1.5% and now better coping at 1% weekly spread.
hospitals would not cope with 2%weekly nor 4%weekly nor 13% nor 40%

you do realise the purpose of the lockdown right.
to not overwhelm hospitals.. by reducing the spread and keeping it at low percentages.

here is some big revelation for you personally.
arizona only started getting impacted weeks after california.. meaning based on r0 math. and also based on numbers of actual reports. arizona's spread is way below 5% because they didnt have many weeks of r0 of 3. compared to california

so less arizonians have had it. meaning more arizonians have yet to get it. meaning arizona is at more risk of a second wave if it relaxes the lockdown too much
11102  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Health Professionals and COVID-19 - PROOF on: May 04, 2020, 02:40:57 AM
Some details on deaths .. 2 min video for the simple people that didn't understand the pdf

Guy Destroys Covid19 Death Statistics - 2:14

silly fool

the left column tallies with public numbers on worldometer
the left column is per week
the left column is lab test confirmed numbers
again the left colum is the worlometer numbers of confirmed numbers

the guy takes the right column of 13k confirmed and suspected.
and takes this WEEKLY number. and says how it doesnt compare to worldometers TOTAL number for 2020
11103  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronavirus Outbreak on: May 04, 2020, 01:58:18 AM
Here is the interview Pompeo did with ABC today -
yet he debunks himself in that video.
the reporter says that the National intelliagence agency and scientists concur that it was not man made from a lab.. and pompeo then says he agrees with their statement.

but then goes out on some racial blast about 'communist party'
seems racial hatred 'trumps' science in us government

maybe stick to science or trumpwill incite war with no evidence..

look i know trump doesnt want to take the blame for a multi trillion dollar debt caused by him letting in passengers into america and not screening them and then not preparing for 3 months. but he did.
anything that occured after january 7th is on trump. and trump alone
anything that happened within america in january is on trump

i know he wants to pass off the debt to china to pay in sanctions. but trump has no evidence. only racial hate feelings.

sorry trump. but if your the top guy of a country you have to take responsibility for what happened in your country
as for the stuff about china keeping it secret. sorry but no. december 31st-january9th there is actual evidence of information passing. and the world finding out

seeing as the first case china had was december 18th. and knowing how some tests and realisations that its not an isolated case take weeks (due to it requiring more people turning up) i can see why they were not even sure until near the end of december.
they had to make sure and rule out other causes. do tests and also contact trace if there were any connections between people as they started turning up in that fortnight starting december 18th
i can already predict america's next rhetoric/racial finger point. by saying although the december 18th case and other cases after sow transparency and not actually able to make a determined cause until december 31st. america will just say that december 18ths patient was not patient zero and how china must have been hiding it for months prior.

yet no actual evidence of that.

as for saying how america is blaming china for lack of supplies in american medical warehouses.
america should always have kept a stockpile anyway. but budget cuts made america cutback on stocks. budget cuts made america not bother responding in january/february/march
americas lack of action in january/feb/march is americas own cause

Scientists conclude people cannot get coronavirus twice

"Provisional Death Counts of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), Pneumonia, or Influenza by week, United States. Week ending 2/1/2020 to 4/11/2020."

1. what needs to be highlighted is there is a difference between 'reinfected' and 'reactivated'
reactivated is the virus attacking the body. but then also laying dormant to attack it again while patient is recovering(2 hits in small time period)

this is not the case. covid does not reactivate.
however when it comes to the antibodies. its still unsure how long antibodies remain programmed to fight it off in future. meaning antibodies can forget about covid after a few months or a year or 5 years. meaning if someone gets it the antibody wont know what to do again and will go into high immuno response of causing distress.
scientists just dont know how long immunity lasts

2. though numbers need updating. the most compelling is the week ending 4th of april which shows ~8k JUST COVID(u07.1 alone) which when checking worldometer's numbers for that week. it tallies
as does the weeks prior
week ending 11th april still need to collate data
which also funnily enough wipes out all the conspiracy theories of 'all deaths are covid' as those numbers are separate and still existent

to explain better
the worldometer numbers a close tally of for example 4/4/2020:8082(left column)
however where its 'suspected/untested' + covid which puts numbers at 4/4/2020: 13148 (right column)
worldometer/media are not reporting tallies of the 13k that week but are reporting tallys of ~8k that week

oh and all causes was 64k. which debunks the whole 'road traffic accidents are covid'
because the numbers published showed 8k not 13k not 64k

have a nice day

[moderator's note: consecutive posts merged]
11104  Other / Politics & Society / Re: When will covid-19 disappear? on: May 03, 2020, 07:19:18 PM
Yeah, it doesn't matter when because the whole virus doesn't matter at all. Some medics finally decided to do some research on the deceased (previously they were not allowed because the authorities thought that examination will spread the virus so the general rule was to burn the bodies) and it appears that all examined victims had other health problems like heart disease, diabetes, asthma, and so on.
Personally, I don't know a single person who got sick with covid-19. None of my friends, co-workers, their families and friends, there's not a single case.The "pandemic" is a joke.

actually your just an idiot.
people dont just walk into a hospital and die at the entrance and then sent traight to the morgue
they actually have doctors who see the symptoms. test bodily fluids and do scans

there is actual evidence in existance and test results

but it seems too many ignorant losers just beleive faux media like info wars/hotwire and other fake stuff that have no clue

diabetes does not cause pneumonia alone. but having covid which causes pneumonia and then gets into your blood causes even worse issues for people with diabeties by causing kidney failure aswell as the pneumonia

people with heart issues wont cope well when having pneumonia because the hypoxia causes people peoples heart rate to work harder and a damaged heart cant cope

its not people having a random heart attack for no reason and it just classified as covid. its actually having covid and their other complications not helping them cope/recover

atleast try better at doing research because these stupid scripts you ignorant people are spouting have been debunked and yet you lot seem to remain ignorant to not even realise that

people in hospitals have actual medical records, symptom lists, test results and scan results.
its not some magic story of sudden unexplained death where they just scribble a random cause
11105  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronavirus Outbreak on: May 03, 2020, 06:16:46 PM
i do know what im talking about. because i do the research

it is you that is out of date and flip flopping to one post say its fake. then next post say its real and you have some magic chemical to sell to people.

i told you this months ago now. get your story straight.
i told you months ago now. do some research.

by the way america jumped out of WHO support because WHO was telling america in january, february and march to act.
america didnt act until mid march. then started blaming china. who rebuttaled that it was america's 'repatriatin flights' and america's lack of action in january/february/march to prepare. so trump got angry that he was being blamed for not protecting america.. and had a hissy fit and said he wont fund WHO

they are actually doing autopsies on patients that died in january and they are realising how it got into america
the results when also contact tracing and studying the persons movements before their death. that cases in california mainly came from wuhan. so california's 'patient zero' was a contact trace of china

and new yorks 'patient zero' was from a flight from a european country which then contact traced back to china before that

so this alone prove that even in january america was bringing it in willfully and not at the time tracing people.
but in hindsight revealing how america's relaxed response caused america's issues

i say all this because you seem to be stuck in januarys narrative of fake news so if i atleast catch you up with the reality of january. you can then correct yourself and move on
11106  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Health Professionals and COVID-19 - PROOF on: May 03, 2020, 05:42:37 PM
Blah, blah, blah. Anybody can talk. The info I have provide in my post 2 posts up, shows that Covid-19 diagnosis in pandemic proportions has not even come close to being proven. In fact, essentially just the opposite has been proven.

badecker your scripts are stuck because you are now denying the existance because your scripts are saying there are no antibody samples.

sorry but back in december/january there were not. because people were sill sick and not recovered to get antibodies..

but guess what. fast forward 3 months and many have now recovered, many have antiboies. many samples have been submitted and infact many are being blood doners so that their plasma(containing antibodies) can be given to current people suffering form covid..

if you just catch up to the reality which everyone (but your cultish crew) sit in. you will see how things are different to the scripts you keep trying to get stuck with.

It's May 2020.. not January 2020.. catch up
11107  Other / Politics & Society / Re: ALL EYES ON SWEDEN on: May 03, 2020, 05:20:21 PM
PEOPLE. Be sure to read what tvbcof says above ^^^. In the sequencing studies franky1 talks about, there are sub-directories/sub-listings pointing to different viruses. Just because Covid-19 is listed, doesn't mean Covid-19 is the bad one.

but it is. because the people with BAD SYMPTOMS get swabbed and its found to be the sequence that has been discovered since december 2019.
not previous years sequences

previous years sequences also have linked cases of known symptoms.. and this years dont match previous years

it was precisely the fact that this years patients were not respondin to certain meds, and where their symptoms were more severe than different years is the whole point of them then realising its something new and sampling it.
this is all old news from december. and it appears badecker really cant grasp that its now MAY

heck. even chinas 'patient zero' went to a clinic on december10th and was given standard meds that help with previous varients. bu when he turned up in hospital december 18th feeling worse. where they obviously didnt work. they started to realise something was new about it.
they sampled his fluids done many tests. and when other people started turning up after that they realised it was not a small case. but a epidemic.
then when people in other countries had the same symptomology and when many tests done it showed the same seqence that has not been seen before december 2019. they knew it was a new pandemic of a new virus which they called the illness covid19

badecker. please just hurry up and catch up to reality. your not doing yourself any favours hanging around outdated myths from 3+ months ago
11108  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Health Professionals and COVID-19 - PROOF on: May 03, 2020, 05:09:59 PM
The important part about these links, and the Rivers-modified Kock postulates is this. The postulate points have been applied correctly to identify that Covid-19 exists. But they haven't been applied properly for two other things:
1. To show that there is a pandemic of Covid-19;
2. To show that even those people who prove Covid-19 positive, are sick from the Covid-19 that they are positive for.

1. by people IN DIFFERENT COUNTRIES being sampled. proves its now international. and not just in china
meaning its pandemic(international) and not epidemic(only national)

2. medical notes of patients sample. where symptoms are specific to a viral effect and not, for instance a traffic related incident


but it seems that badecker now wants to believe its real.. so he is atleast at january's part of his scripts. but denying its a pandemic. means he has not yet reached february's parts of the scripts he reads

so badecker is still 3 months out of date

11109  Other / Politics & Society / Re: ALL EYES ON SWEDEN on: May 03, 2020, 04:17:06 PM
The culture of trust and obedience is in the United States. Why? Because franky1 showed us the CDC websites - and - which are supposed to show virus sequencing that proves that people are being made sick by Covid-19.

But here is what you will find if you look at the testing. The testing shows that all kinds of viruses are shown besides Covid-19. Further, the tests show that nobody knows if it really IS Covid-19, or if it is something like SARS or MERS, both of which have been conquered years ago. IN OTHER WORDS, the test have shown that there is no conclusive proof for what is causing the people to be sick.

You have the links, above. So, check them out, and see if you can find even one test that proves Covid-19 rather than showing a whole family of Coronaviruses. I would like to see it.

what badecker has not comprehended is that the subdirectory /sars-cov-2-seq/ are the ones submitted that are JUST covid19

other sub directories have other sequences for previous viruses
and if you compare sequences from DIFFERENT subcategories you learn that the ones in /sars-cov-2/ are new and only discovered in december 2019
meaning covid19

also those sequences in /sars-cov-2-seq/ are from samples from patients suffering from certain list of symptoms that are not the same as previous viruses.
again proof

its common sense stuff (well for those that are not badecker)
which is more proof that sweden would not be at a ~1.2 r0 if they had more idiots like badecker in their population
11110  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronavirus Outbreak on: May 03, 2020, 04:11:13 PM
That's because those studies didn't use zinc with the HQ. Other studies that use zinc show that it works. However, everybody knows that you are trying to push big medical and loss of freedom, whether it works or not.

but you have to admit that there is covid.. you also have to admit there its severity is big. .. just to be able for you to suggest that any medication reduces its severity
so now your stuck in that fight against yourself of deciding if you admit covid exists or not.
11111  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Health Professionals and COVID-19 - PROOF on: May 03, 2020, 04:07:11 PM
there are many other sequences from many years that are NOT the same. but similar..
its how they can tell the difference between ebola/SARS/MERS

but all those 2050 are the same, and not seen in a human before december 2019
meaning its not ebola or mers or other.. its a new strain of corona virus and discovered in december 2019
meaning its covid19

this is common sense stuff.. stuff many people learned in january.
you always seem to be spouting outdated myths.
11112  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronavirus Outbreak on: May 03, 2020, 03:59:08 PM
studies that have finished have shown that hydrochloroquine has not really shown any big impact to health timescales

they are instead trying other medications

by the way the average recovery time is 6 days anyway.

but wait.. isnt badecker the one that thinks there is no virus. so why would he care about medications and why would he think that it reduces a recovery time if he thinks there is no virus to recover from

11113  Other / Politics & Society / Re: When will covid-19 disappear? on: May 03, 2020, 09:57:42 AM
I think at least in the next year. Because every day a large number of people become infected and this number still growing. So the global economy will be hit hard by this long-term impact on it.

without lockdowns a country starting with 50 cases(imported) would hit their ICU bed capacity in 2 months
take USA. it has 20 icu beds per 100k populous (66kbeds for 330m pop)((before rampling up bed capacity in march))

using a r0 of 2.6
50, 130, 338, 879, 2285, 5941, 15446, 40159, 104414
this is why america locked down at the 4-6 week to bring the proceeding number of infections down to not hit the ~66k number by week 9
and it worked

but the down side is that the spread is only at ~33k a day = 10000 days for full spread.
even if you do a 5x multiple of asymptomatic people not tested thats still 2000 days for full population spread while keeping numbers of symptomatic at 30k a day.

yep years under current lockdown
but by relaxing the restrictions will increase the spread above an r0 of 1. which will speed up population spread, but will also mean more people get sick at same time causing more strain on hospital resources

for instance even just 1.1 would cause 30k daily numbers to be
30000, 33000, 36300, 39930, 43923, 48315, 53147, 58462, 64308, 70738
yep overflow in 2 and a half months. meaning another full lockdown in 2 months

this is why countries want the number do come down before relaxing.
say it was only 10k
10000, 11000, 12100, 13310
14641, 16105, 17716, 19487
21436, 23579, 25937, 28531
31384, 34523, 37975, 41772
45950, 50545, 55599, 61159

which is ~5 months
so bring cases down initially by keeping full lockdown active will add another 3 months of freedom with relaxed  restrictions so people can have over 4 months of relaxation instead of 2 months

the end goal is to try and 'track and trace' infecters and their infectees to try keeping number at or below 1
because at or below 1 means its not going to increase

yep no further lockdown if it can relax restriction but keep at or below 1
which requires people to stop touching random people/things. and if they are sick stay home. and tell everyone they come into contact with in previous week to stay home too.

but this r0 of 1 would take as i said before a couple years for full spread. meaning social distancing and contact tracing for 2 years

for example. sweden does contact tracing. and they are not at a r0 of 1 or lower.
they are 1.1-1.2
meaning the numbers will rise and a few of their relaxed rules will need to be tightened.

in short. dont expect to go to music concerts in the next couple years
11114  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Health Professionals and COVID-19 - PROOF on: May 03, 2020, 09:12:43 AM
just so you know. that link was not general viruses over say the last 10 years
but just some of the sequences of just covid patients this year
yep not all samples available in the world. but that link is just ~2000 samples of just covid19

if you actually looked and had brains you would see that

you could if you were not ignorant. actually use those and then compare them to other sources.
but hey we all know your brain doesnt work like that. its stuck in ignorance

but when/if you do grow some braincells you can see that these sequences
do compare to other independant labs/countries studies of covid19

and then you can see they do differ to ones if you were to compare them to previous viruses.
meaning its a new variant and its not a few isolated cases

you will then learn that its these sequences this year are actually tied to patients who actually have medical records and actually have doctors who witness the patients symptoms and doctors that also have other info like xrays and ct scans and blood samples. heck patients even have family members that see the patient deteriorate before going to hospital.

but you are a fool if you think that the studies in that link are just random different viruses

your even more a fool to not realise how those studies then help recognise certain patterns of rna. how certain proteins and enzymes are involved which also allow other tests to be used.

so want to know how the real world works out 'the big bad bug'
its easy
have a patient with big bad symptoms and take a swab to see what that person has.. to know what is causing the big bad symptoms.. when they find out the cause
they call it (using your idiot words) 'big bad bug'

and when they start seeing many people with big bad symptoms having the same big bad bug rna. then they know its more then just a one off/variable. but an issue affecting many people badly.. so its a epidemic.
now that happened in december/january. in china. their initial epidemic

now lets speed you up a bit
then when other countries have patients with the same symptoms and they figure out that it is the same rna for the same big bad bug they call it a pandemic

yep .. that right. they can identify the bug. and they can also see its not the same as previous bugs
11115  Other / Politics & Society / Re: COVID-19 teaches all of us. on: May 03, 2020, 12:52:11 AM
But you should stay healthy, by spending more time with your family in the outdoors, right?

i know you want to blame government for excuses ffor why you stay in your basement
but self isolation does not mean your tied to a chair and only able to view 5 cultish influencer bookmarks

your door is not bolted shut by government. you can open it and go outside
you can go to the shops or have food delivered. heck we know your in arizona and you can even play golf.
you will not be shot for just being outdoors
11116  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Health Professionals and COVID-19 - PROOF on: May 03, 2020, 12:23:03 AM
But you can't even show one of those samples with the actual sequencing record.


Say. On a more personal note, is franky1 short for Francess, or Francine, or Francesca... or is it something else?

1. i told you before but your ignorance and pretend amnesia is your excuse.
anyway. incase you want to yet again need the info
oh and here is one from arizona
so not far for you to find the doctors actually involved.. .. but i know you will find an excuse not to find them

2. its
in short do your research and check your sources
11117  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Health Professionals and COVID-19 - PROOF on: May 02, 2020, 09:24:54 PM
Lol. All those words, F-1, just to say that even the funeral directors can't prove Covid-19... just as the symptoms could be from any number of things besides Covid-19.

Are you really, finally getting the idea? Or are you just playing with words, as usual? Cheesy

all that ignorance. even when your shown hundreds of places around the world sending thousands of samples to show the RNA of CV
then there is the actual families of those that died which you wil probably deny exist.
11118  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Health Professionals and COVID-19 - PROOF on: May 02, 2020, 07:31:10 PM
See? Even funeral directors are agreeing that Covid-19 exists, right?    Cheesy

"To be honest with you, all the death certificates, they're writing COVID on all the death certificates whether they had a positive test, whether they didn't, so I think, you know again this is my personal opinion, I think like the Mayor (Bill de Blasio) in our city (NYC), they're looking for federal funding and, the more they put COVID on the death certificate the more they can ask for federal funds," Funeral Director, Colonial Home Michael Lanza said. "So I think it's political."
and should badecker actually give a crap about facts
the guy then said "can i prove that, no... its just my suspicion"

badecker does like to take things out of context

badecker pretends to show proof but is just providing speculation

but as shown by ACTUAL death certification research
doctors dont just write 'covid'
they actually list what the person came into a hospital with. loads of R nmber symptoms like cough fever
they have tests done and lots of codes added to medical record. showin if done locally or not
then if its a positive test its given a U code if its suspected/pending/negative its given a Z code
other tests are done on blood and also xrays and scans
then treatments are given
and all of this goes on a death certification

but hey.. badecker will remain ignorance and only search out stories that sound like the narrative he wants. not the facts..

and this whole moth about covid deaths started off from a stupid guy that has never been taught how to fill in a death certificate before says he received a 7 page document that shows him how to fill one out..

but when inspecting the document it clearly says list all symptoms from ones closest to death backwards, includes all scans and tests and goes into further detail of which codes to use wither its CDC confirmd/local confirmed or.. suspected/negative but symptomatic

well atleast we can all see that badecker doesnt use google and source material research and just uses 'youtube suggestions'
11119  Other / Politics & Society / Re: When will covid-19 disappear? on: May 02, 2020, 04:32:38 PM
Influenza and Pneumonia: 55,672

badecker enjoys thinking covid is the same as/less than previous years flu deaths
but its already passed flu death numbers and yet since february to May is only 3 months(9 to go)

the lockdown prevented far more death than would have happened without lockdown.
yet covid has already surpassed previous YEAR of influenza/pneumonia.. and yet its only May

so imagine the numbers by december with current restrictions.. yep even higher than now
then imagine the numbers by december without there ever being a lockdown. far far far far higher

but hey badacker will be an idiot and remain an idiot.
but atleast he now quotes the full year influenza/pneumonia numbers, so now cant pretend that people died last year in larger numbers than this year.

just hope he does flip flip or declare amnesia
11120  Other / Politics & Society / Re: When will covid-19 disappear? on: May 02, 2020, 04:17:16 AM
Now that we see what Coronavirus is all about... What? You don't know? Watch the last 16 minutes. Then watch the whole thing... before Youtube takes it down.


this was funny. bigtree using Dr phil. who is not a virus doctor or a hospital emergency doctor but psychiatric based

so lets pretend we are badecker. and he believes what he hears
1. Dr phil says they cant xray anxiety.. oh well badecker should have no worries there is no panic. and he cant prove it as there is no xrays. so what panic is badecker referring to. he cant prove it using his own methodology

2. 360thousands die from swimming pools... um.. no just no. even without checking stats just that number alone sounds wrong.

which goes to show the so called 'doctors' that bigtree pretends are honourable because they are paid by broadcasters to be on the show. yet reality is they are paid to be on the show and read a script

this is why people need to actually find the source info. and not just blindly believe media.

(~3600 deaths in swimming pool related accidents. not 360k.. and thats why using a swimming pool has rules because even 3600 deaths is 3600 too many)

but badecker will believe bigtree and avoid finding source info.. because badecker is an idiot
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