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14641  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Freedom Hosting attack - why? on: August 07, 2013, 11:10:39 PM
Accessing these sites after they were taken down is not illegal, but it is probable cause to get a warrant to seize your computer and arrest you for any illegal material you might have already saved to your hard drive, assuming you were dumb enough to not use encryption.
Then again, honeypot sites attract the bees, don't they?

Here is my question.  If you or I wrote the same little code that launched through javascript to all computers accessing a website, such code constructed to report back to us the surfing behavior of ALL VISITORS TO THAT WEBSITE , we would have done something illegal.

Did the FBI do something illegal here?  If yes, why and in what circumstances would that hold?  If no, why?

For example, would they be justified in tracking all users to the "AQ BMB MAEKIN SIT"?

How about a virus to track all users to "Reddit"?

Remember, we are discussing tracking through a downloaded virus.  And this is done in an attempt to negate the design goals of the Tor browser.

Going a step further.  Would it have been legal for the NSA to target US citizens with this virus?  What about local police?  How about the Dept. of Agriculture?  The IRS?

And so the cancer metastasizes....
14642  Other / Politics & Society / Re: FBI Authorized 5600 Crimes in 2011 on: August 07, 2013, 02:06:30 AM
actually i've lived in real life and know.

Let's not go overboard now.

Point is, if they admit to about 5600, the amount is most likely twice that.

yeah, i won't dispute that either. its no doubt they lie. i'm just saying they wouldn't have no snitches if they were going to charge them for whatever crimes they commit undercover.

Be interesting to know what they reap, for what they sow.  What if convictions was 2000, and admitted and allowed crimes were 5600?
14643  Bitcoin / Group buys / Re: .10 promotion from ASICMiner distribution by CanaryInTheMine on: August 06, 2013, 01:27:36 AM

.05/unit is a bit high....
I think, like we should get them for free.  We deserve them because they have them and we don't.  Like, free, man.  Free stuff is so fine!  Look, if we all just took a vote, then we could decide about this in a civilized manner.  We'd just vote ourselves free USB Erupters, and then well, we could designate someone to take them all.  Then we could hand them out to the people who need them the most.

Smiley <<....yea I kidding....>>
14644  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Assault weapon bans on: August 06, 2013, 01:20:49 AM

...."an interesting trend given the current rhetoric about strengthening our gun laws and the presumed effect it would have on violent crime." And although he stressed that this increase in gun ownership and the corresponding decrease in violent crime do not necessarily prove people ought to reject future gun control laws, he said that the drop in violent crime "really makes you question if making it harder for law-abiding people to buy guns would have any effect on crime."
14645  Other / Politics & Society / Re: PRISM - Who else is disgusted by this? on: August 05, 2013, 07:48:23 PM
I see your points but do not believe they are inconsistent or contradict what I noted.   There has of course never been any organized group dedicated to meeting out death to providers of abortion clinics.  A comparison cannot be made between isolated cases of abortion clinic bombings, and radical Muslim bombings.

First, the current American propaganda is quite diffuse and confused.  It does not and has never indicated the Qutb spinoffs as problematic as I have done.   Even strict Wahhibi Muslims will agree with what I have said, because the Qutb teaches violence and death to Westerners.  They are your enemies by their own proclamation, whatever your opinion may be.

If some sect believes not in Islam but in Islam plus a group of 30 extensions which preach killing, this should be acknowledged for what it is.  

Clearly this is not the same subject as rationale private or public for Iraq 1/Iraq 2 etc.

My comments were and are directed more at the issue of "why did Muslim bombings/hijacking/killing of Westerners begin 30-40 years ago and why has it continued to the present day virtually unchanged."  At the same time, the risk of you or I being the victim of such terrorism is ridiculously small.

The purpose of terrorist actions is not to target you or I, but to target the world wide media system for maximum exposure by way of random brutality.

There really is no organized network of terrorism with religious group at the apex for the simple reason that 'terrorism' in the form of civilian murder is not very appealing to Muslims, Christians, or any other group of normal people.  There may be some lone wolf types and small splinter groups, but they are very rare.  This is most unfortunate for the leadership of the United States who are well served by 'terror' within our own civilian populations, and I believe that this is the basis for trying to cultivate more of them through fairly gratuitous assaults against Muslim populations world-wide......

Read exactly what I said again and do not rephrase it, mis frame or mis interpret it.

Terrorism in the form of civilian murder is quite popular with the people of whom I addressed such attributes to.  There's no reason to shrug this off, and no reason EITHER to ignore it or exaggerate it.

The bolded part above is an obvious rephrasing and misrepresentation of the issues I stated.  They might have some general relevance, but not in this context.  Similarly, whether "terror" serves the interests of US government agencies is not relevant.

14646  Other / Politics & Society / Re: NSA admits listening to U.S. phone calls without warrants on: August 05, 2013, 01:42:27 PM
I personally think it is.
I agree with you but it's not an assertion that is provable or actionable.

Pretty sad, though...

more importantly, do not fall for the red herring that we should all focus on the NSA.  Think in broad terms.  The FBI, the DEA, the IRS, Dept of Agriculture (not kidding), city police departments, commercial companies.

Your data is nothing but a ripe peach on the vine to be plucked.  Here is the general attitude of government employees for any alphabet agency regarding you.

By the way, I apologize for putting a great song in this context.  But couldn't resist.

Here's YET ANOTHER....
14647  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Socialism on: August 05, 2013, 01:38:32 PM
Just a quick clarification on the terms.  Ownership by the people of the means of production does not work for purposes of discussion as a definition.  The simple reason is that today we have many political parties who advocate something other than that under the umbrella of socialism.

Political parties lie and redefine words as a way of misleading people. I just went to a dictionary:

socialism noun
The theory, principle, or scheme of social organization which places the means of production of wealth and the distribution of that wealth in the hands of the community.

I'm pretty sure I don't understand your distinction between it being about the "givings" rather than the "takings." I'm not saying you're wrong, just that I don't know what that means.
Don't go to a dictionary, go to Wikipedia.  You'll see the entire group of definitions discussed in length. 

takings - money the government takes from me for whatever it does
givings - money the government spends on whatever it chooses to

I'm just saying that as a way around discussing the meaning of a word, which is sort of not productive, if you look at the 'givings' and/or proposed extensions or reductions of them, you can get somewhere.
14648  Other / Politics & Society / Re: PRISM - Who else is disgusted by this? on: August 05, 2013, 11:49:25 AM

And yes, I think it is pretty clear that the US government has supplied 'Al Queda' with weapons periodically since the Soviets were in Afghanistan.  Happened in the Balkans struggles under Clinton (I believe) and it is almost certainly happening now big time in Syria under Obama.

Pretty much just like I said.

Qutb has no exact English spelling by the way, and when I posted the diatribe on the radical religious underpinnings, that does not mean there are no political currents.  No, I wasn't referring to the doc, although he essentially does have the same roots.

The disciples of Qutb are our enemies, no if ands buts.  That means Al Queda, the Muslim Brotherhood.

So yeah, Obama and cronies is with our enemies.

In saying this I realize that no doubt in some complex regional conflict some local Al Queda or M. Brotherhood group might find themselves on our side temporarily under shifting conditions, that is largely irrelevant except to third rate policy hacks.

I am no expert on Middle East, but I do know the antics of amateurs and that's what I'm seeing in our flailing actions for the last several years.

The 'disciples of Qutb' are not my enemies.  I don't care for them much, but they are no different to me than people who bomb abortion clinics.  A vast majority of Muslims and Christians are just normal people and probably have a higher then average amount of morality and care for their fellow humans. surprise to me that populations rally behind groups like the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, and Hezbollah.  Considering the alternatives offered, these groups are clearly more concerned about the well-being of the average citizen and their respective countries.  The leaderships propped up by the West tend to be corrupt scum who sell-out their own countrymen.  I remember when they called me up to fight for some king in Kuwait and said that once the king is re-installed America will work toward democracy in these Arab kingdoms.  It's been several decades and the only action I've seen is sending the monarchies more weapons to oppress their populations so forgive me if I find all of the BS about 'democracy' to be a completely hollow sham.

You are not seeing the work of 'armatures' though it useful to our leaders for you to think that.  What you are seeing is a well engineered scheme to re-direct your attention.  And it's working.

I see your points but do not believe they are inconsistent or contradict what I noted.   There has of course never been any organized group dedicated to meeting out death to providers of abortion clinics.  A comparison cannot be made between isolated cases of abortion clinic bombings, and radical Muslim bombings.

First, the current American propaganda is quite diffuse and confused.  It does not and has never indicated the Qutb spinoffs as problematic as I have done.   Even strict Wahhibi Muslims will agree with what I have said, because the Qutb teaches violence and death to Westerners.  They are your enemies by their own proclamation, whatever your opinion may be.

If some sect believes not in Islam but in Islam plus a group of 30 extensions which preach killing, this should be acknowledged for what it is.  

Clearly this is not the same subject as rationale private or public for Iraq 1/Iraq 2 etc.

My comments were and are directed more at the issue of "why did Muslim bombings/hijacking/killing of Westerners begin 30-40 years ago and why has it continued to the present day virtually unchanged."  At the same time, the risk of you or I being the victim of such terrorism is ridiculously small.

The purpose of terrorist actions is not to target you or I, but to target the world wide media system for maximum exposure by way of random brutality.
14649  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Socialism on: August 05, 2013, 04:27:57 AM
Earl Warren famously said that most people consider the things that government does for them to be social progress, and those things which government does for others to be socialism.

I find it useful to use a definition of socialism based on political theory rather than just the right demonizing the left and vice versa. And the closest thing I've found is that socialism is the ownership by the people of the means of production. In practice that ends up meaning ownership by the government.
Just a quick clarification on the terms.  Ownership by the people of the means of production does not work for purposes of discussion as a definition.  The simple reason is that today we have many political parties who advocate something other than that under the umbrella of socialism.  For example, the broad trends in "Social democrats".

Take Australia.  Definitely socialistic, but ownership of the means of production for the most part is in the hands of the people.  You see, taxes average 60%, and by varying the tax percentage you can effectively own that fraction of the "means of production" while leaving the ego of the business owner intact that he "owns it".

By your definition, title would have to pass to the government before "socialism" existed.  In fact, many businesses are essentially controlled and operated by the government even though they are private businesses.  They are simply hired by the government to do jobs for it.

Thus, it might be better to view socialism not as the takings, but as the givings.  There it is much cleaner.  The givings include both those to individuals, as in welfare, and to companies, which in that role are just an extension of the state.  By looking at the outflows, we see the scope of interventions in the free society of the state, and can critically judge them.

By contrast, were one to look just at 'ownership', what we don't know is what the evil state did with the money....if there was any, in reality after inefficient collectivist management, the net is likely a loss.  Which leads one to ponder whether the truly clever and most evil socialist would prefer the capitalist state, from which he could suck the most blood, between his retiring to the crypt before the sun rose.
14650  Other / Politics & Society / Re: PRISM - Who else is disgusted by this? on: August 05, 2013, 03:53:27 AM

And yes, I think it is pretty clear that the US government has supplied 'Al Queda' with weapons periodically since the Soviets were in Afghanistan.  Happened in the Balkans struggles under Clinton (I believe) and it is almost certainly happening now big time in Syria under Obama.

Pretty much just like I said.

Qutb has no exact English spelling by the way, and when I posted the diatribe on the radical religious underpinnings, that does not mean there are no political currents.  No, I wasn't referring to the doc, although he essentially does have the same roots.

The disciples of Qutb are our enemies, no if ands buts.  That means Al Queda, the Muslim Brotherhood.

So yeah, Obama and cronies is with our enemies.

In saying this I realize that no doubt in some complex regional conflict some local Al Queda or M. Brotherhood group might find themselves on our side temporarily under shifting conditions, that is largely irrelevant except to third rate policy hacks.

I am no expert on Middle East, but I do know the antics of amateurs and that's what I'm seeing in our flailing actions for the last several years.
14651  Other / Politics & Society / Re: PRISM - Who else is disgusted by this? on: August 05, 2013, 12:13:46 AM
Wouldnt surprise me at all if they cease all operations and activities or even sponsor some radicals until the public cries for their help and thus all their secret programs. Would be just the logical consequence to justify their crimes from an institution point of view.
I'll go for that.

Stop Obama supporting Al Queda, sending them weapons under the table.

"  Al Queda " is just a puppet.

No, it would be nice if it was that simple.  But Muslims will not tell you that. 

Al Queda's leader was OBL, disciple of Sayyed Qutbe.  He was head of the Muslim Brotherhood under Nassir and was executed for treason.  Qutbe wrote a series of pamplets or "books", essentially extensions to the Koran.  Believers in that crap are the radical Muslims who started attacking the west, and it continues today.

14652  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Socialism on: August 05, 2013, 12:09:38 AM
.... There is no help or assistance.  Only Fox news telling you its your fault.
Oh come on.  If they make use all beggers then we are easier to please.

Long forgotten would be that good life you mention, just little trinkets, cigarettes, maybe a free Obama phone would do the trick.
14653  Other / Politics & Society / Re: PRISM - Who else is disgusted by this? on: August 04, 2013, 11:20:05 PM
Wouldnt surprise me at all if they cease all operations and activities or even sponsor some radicals until the public cries for their help and thus all their secret programs. Would be just the logical consequence to justify their crimes from an institution point of view.
I'll go for that.

Stop Obama supporting Al Queda, sending them weapons under the table.
14654  Bitcoin / Group buys / Re: PCI-E to USB 3.0 Port & 10-Port USB Hub Group Buy (gauging for interest) on: August 04, 2013, 09:22:31 PM
The 4 port PCI card does not look like the spacing between the ports is enough to fit the USB erupter. 

RE the 10 port thing, a better deal is the DUB7 which reliably runs six erupter plus a fan, total of seven.  (and it is much cheaper like $27 each) The 10 port unit could work nicely with the right power supply but you know they don't have it.
14655  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Government surveillance, getting too intrusive? or is it required? on: August 04, 2013, 03:36:30 PM
It's absolutely necessary.  You have to get those terrorists off your island (LOLOLOLOL) or else who knows what they might do?  They're climbing in your windows and snatching your peoples up.  And besides, if you're doing nothing wrong, you should have nothing to worry about.  Only criminals would care about surveillance; are you all criminals?

I remember when I used to think this way back in my HS days Tongue  Seems this kind of garbage is spawned only by fear, or, as American politicians like to put it, "Terrorists win!"  Anyway, remember, folks: freedom is slavery; ignorance is strength; peace is war; and Big Brother is watching you.

...seriously, what would terrorists want with a little island like NZ anyway?
Plus, hey, you know you can trust all your elected officials and regulatory and administrative people.  You know they need access to everyone's emails and personal data just in case some rightwing or leftwing nutcase accused them of some totally bizarre thing like theft or corruption.

Look, the little people need some laws to protect them, sure.  So we probably need a bunch of PR and noise and some nice sounding legislative package and then a campaign to tell them over and over how it protects them.  But <<wink wink>> you know we need to have a group of exclusions in their for the duties of our government agencies and law enforcement personnel.

What I'm indicating is that legal code is not going to really help us.  Just like with the "Can Spam" act supposedly to prevent spam, it allows it.  Just like the US Post office is your junk mail provider.  Just like the HEPA privacy act codified all the exceptions to your privacy.

You need to do it yourself.
14656  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Rise in violence 'linked to climate change' on: August 04, 2013, 03:47:48 AM

Who said global cooling?

Global High temperature chart looks like a Global erected penis  Grin

The OP's claim is an increase in rapes, but unstated is whether this follows a corresponding increase in sexual activity.  It is thus flawed in it's scientific technique, since we do not know if sexual activity increase by a factor of four, and rape by a factor of 1.5.

Obviously, more direct study of the matter is required.
14657  Other / Politics & Society / Re: PRISM - Who else is disgusted by this? on: August 04, 2013, 03:36:10 AM
BTW, it seems that tor is having some sort of "outage" and may be under attack because a great many sites are down. Some onion posters are claiming that tor sites are "updating" but that's crazy - how could some 80% of the sites that I normally visit all be updating at the same time? Plus very few sites work when random surfing.

What's your opinion of tor vs vpn?  And of vpn with the terminal node in the US, for a US user, versus choosing one overseas?
The greatest security (along with the greatest performance cost) comes from using both.

Sign up for a VPN that uses a standard OpenVPN client (like AirVPN), and configure your OpenVPN software to connect via Tor. That way the VPN provider can't know where you're accessing from, and you can access web sites that block known Tor exit nodes.

But are you asserting that under the VPN/Tor Evil Twins, the question of locus outside or inside the US does not exist?

And also, I think my prior question remains as valid, for those modes of use that can't allow the sllllooooooowwwww down that seems to plague Tor.
14658  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Portion of Bitcoin enthusiasts who are into Ayn Rand? on: August 04, 2013, 03:23:18 AM

But you do see growing resistance and critique of bitcoin amongst the fiat crowd.
Unfortunately for them, the added publicity is a positive for bitcoin.

Bitcoin is big in China, I wonder if there are similar resistance and critiques there.
14659  Other / Politics & Society / Re: PRISM - Who else is disgusted by this? on: August 04, 2013, 03:11:42 AM
Its your responsibility to not give out informations you dont want to

This cannot be realistically done by most people in today's modern society. The internet has become a necessary part of life for most of us.

BTW, it seems that tor is having some sort of "outage" and may be under attack because a great many sites are down. Some onion posters are claiming that tor sites are "updating" but that's crazy - how could some 80% of the sites that I normally visit all be updating at the same time? Plus very few sites work when random surfing.

What's your opinion of tor vs vpn?  And of vpn with the terminal node in the US, for a US user, versus choosing one overseas?
14660  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Portion of Bitcoin enthusiasts who are into Ayn Rand? on: August 04, 2013, 03:02:38 AM

...a complete separation of state and economics, in the same way and for the same reasons as the separation of state and church.

This is where I see the connection to bitcoin. I believe that bitcoin is the first meaningful step towards separation of state and economics.
I don't think the major players in the Atlas Society have actually thought this matter through at present.  That may be due to their being in large part the scholarly types.  It is inevitable that they realize this and once they get it, all hell breaks loose.  I suspect they'll grasp it faster than, say, the hard money/gold bug Austrian economist types.

It'll be fun.
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