Anybody know if there is going to be a pre release of testimony for the New York hearings in two weeks, like the senate hearings?
No spoilers please. But this time, i want to be as smug and sure as the nodding oriental lady sitting in the gallery, was!
Anybody know if there is going to be a pre release of testimony for the New York hearings in two weeks, like the senate hearings?
9.17 bitcoins were hacked from my account at I am seeking an experienced investigator to help me retrieve the lost coins.
A rapidly expanding market, me thinks!
OK, you just proved that you at least controlled private keys to those addresses at some point in time. (because I have no way to know that it was signed just recently) Next time try signing more specific messages, e.g. "forum_handle + current_date + last_blockhash message for, requested by user malevolent" Now that you posted it publicly there is a (small) risk that someone may try to use it to impersonate you, remember to always sign messages that are very specific. Oh damn Have you got room for this in your sig?.... "I klee, DO NOT sign addresses using 'kLee'"
my god your saying this scumbag stole close to 400k dollars?
It looks a lot like it. Shame how lessons always have to be learnt the hard way. Thats the rub though, isnt it? Where was/is the point in this story, where you say, ''i should have noticed that, but now ive learnt"? Here you have an individual with 100's of successful interactions involving many £$1000s over a relative long period of time. I dont think im alone in thinking Projects was making some sort of (legitimate!) living, out of the daily activity he created. And that activity was built up through earned trust. So the question is, and if we are to learn from it, where and when was the point we should or could have questioned a given interaction with Projects? I dont think its so obvious in this particular case, although some of the PM's im reading seem to follow a familiar theme of some other event getting in the way of a smooth transaction, which would normally ring alarm bells, but his earned reputation over came that. Was this planned for, for over a year, or was this good-turned-bad? The former should have been picked up on, the later can only be known after the event. Also, wish people wouldnt cheapen this with the word scam. Its receiving monies by deception, and unlike most buyer-beware scams, this really should be treated as a serious crime.
So who thinks the shareholders would have been informed of a few fundamental 'issues', if Bargraphics wasn't visiting? Breif visit, me thinks.
What I see in the future is Bitcoin's exchange rate for USD going to over $10,000 in the next year. Oh, so you are willing to go on record and pull an arbitrary Bitcoin valuation out of your ass, but you cannot give us a goddamn estimate of when we will be in full production, or when we can begin trading OUR shares. What he is saying here is: "Unless bitcoin value goes to $10,000 we will not be in a very good position to make this work." No he means, dont invest in mining companies. Just buy and hold BTC and save yourself the feeling of failure.
Did I miss something... what's this sell-off? and broke Bitcoin. Not really, but that's what the headlines say right now. Hope Gavins bat phone is working.
Casascius(Mike Caldwell) received a letter from the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, or FINCEN, the arm of the Treasury Department that dictates how the nation’s anti-money-laundering and financial crime regulations are interpreted. According to FINCEN, Caldwell needs to rethink his business. “They considered my activity to be money transmitting,” Caldwell says. And if you want to transmit money, you must first jump through a lot of state and federal regulatory hoops Caldwell hasn’t jumped through. Because the process is so complicated, Caldwell has stopped taking orders.
Lol. At least you have clarified that you were quoting Mike. Maybe i should of understood your formatting better, as i initially thought you were referring to yourself.
# 136 batch is here CASASCIUS: Nov 27, 2013: For the time being, I have suspended accepting new orders, pending resolution of some concerns I have as to regulatory issues. I am anticipating a possibility of having to prequalify buyers, and am holding off taking orders until I know for sure. THANK YOU CASASCIUS! ANTANA BITCOIN #136 “THANK YOU CASASCIUS” batch explain the regulatory issues, in this context?
I don;t get the panic, all this means is that JR will own less, and masteroin is gradually being less decentralised, this is great!
Too little, too late.
Too bad honesty is so much punished in trading But he should have known that... Yep, and i appreciate that honesty and respect that, but the truth comes out and shows itself over time, anyway. This could get bumpy.
"keep calm" Looks like panic to me, and looks like JR will need to move a decimal place to 0.07 Would be great to see some meaningful delivery of the many fine words and claims of MSC made at many talks/conferences/radio shows etc, but maybe now people feel like its the time to re-value the current reality. 'Speculation' has been expended here, sadly. Considering MSC is now competing (where it had a head start), is it time to 'put up or shut up', or is the expectation that this is going to be a slow burner?
Panini cards? Actually, these were the an introduction to 'currency' for children at school to exchange with each other. Strange how children knew then, what the scarcest cards were to obtain and put a higher value to.
... to waste more of time explaining the same thing over and over again.
Do you find yourself doing that alot? Must be so frustrating, constantly explaining yourself to idiots, yes?
Looking to sell 20MSC @ 0.165. Escrow, if required.