Android S3. Waiting to January to root it!
You should buy S4
All of the Zelda advertures are amazing
Amazing yes they are, played them for a long time
Sold some BTCs at BTCe and bought some LTC Doubled my money in a Week Altcoins trading is safest than BTC trading yes trading is also a key in this. LTC gone up in 5 days from 8$ to 20$ you do the math nice job u did
Wish i had the money i would be buying a new neptune..
to much waiting for preorder
Are you serious that this $2k bike can beat a $100k+ car? Then what the heck is the point of a car if a bike is more fuel efficient + faster?! Pic related $100k fastest car in the world: SOOOOOOOOOOO SEXY [/quote] nice one
KUPUJEM BTC + LTCPozdrav svima. Kupujem Bitcoin i Litecoin - market cijena u kunama. Znaci fizicki se nadjemo negdje (Ja dodjem sa laptopom i novcima) - Vi dodjete sa laptopom (moze i svojim smartphone ili sto god vec) - ja platim, Vi prebacite. Popijemo cugu i svako na svoju stranu Lokacija ZAGREB email: Posaljite broj telefona i nazovem Vas unutar 24 sata! Hvala! Ako budeš kako u Osijeku javi se Ja prodajem,ali svi nesta oko Zagreba pa na kraju moram preko glupe banke i provizija si prebacivat lovu. Anyway, pozdrav bitstamp, bitkonan, gox??? I ja sam to pitao, najbolje da se ravna po najvećem Ali dobro je sad, bitstamp i mtgox su blizu u vrijednosti u odnosu kako je bilo prije 10-ak dana
Maybe after a mass inflation of the dollar hahaha i agree
As one man before said, Mybe that is the prison from which Arnold and Silvester escaped
Lets not forget BTC has got that ugly NSA (National Security Agency) produced closed source function sha-256 sitting right at in the heart of it. LTC has got Scrypt so its free of that burden, truly open source.
Oh my god. If you need a reason to stay away from Litecoin, it's this. Its absolutely ignorant, clueless, lol'd me too
satoshi's mined coin won't be spent, we can roughly say total supply is 20M.
One day it might be?? I agree with that, who knows
Jel ima iko trading bot?
Nemam, nesto sam se raspitivao za taj bot i mogu ti reci pravo sam skeptican sto se tice njega.
You have all of 14 shares in that session, running for a grand total of less than two minutes. i was modifying screen resolution so i stoped miners, so you can see both windows clearly. here is a new image upload if you dont belive That is definitely scam, there is no way how to squeeze this amount of HR on stock clocks. My Sapphire 7950 3G OC Flex is running stable at 610 kH/s with theese: --thread-concurrency 21712 --intensity 19 --worksize 256 --gpu-powertune 20 --gpu-engine 1075 --gpu-memclock 1650 --lookup-gap 2 I have one saphire 7950 and maximum hash i can get is 640 Mhs. As i said This MSI 690 Mhs.
How many ppl uses linux for HOME use not for servers or such stuff?!
I use it for "home use" for about 12 years now, more tech savvy crowd, like you find in this forum only use linux systems also... If u take how many are WINDOWS and MAC users, you will see that there are only few % of linux users in world. I meand ofr home use not servers Sure, there's less % of Bitcoin users, even lesser % of Litecoin users, technology is quite difficult for many people... you call linux like it is something complicated ?!?! IT is not, it is ugly and thats all
I'm sure there will be no profit in this setup. Sure there will. I can guarantee you KnC will make a very nice profit from these. loool
KUPUJEM BTC + LTCPozdrav svima. Kupujem Bitcoin i Litecoin - market cijena u kunama. Znaci fizicki se nadjemo negdje (Ja dodjem sa laptopom i novcima) - Vi dodjete sa laptopom (moze i svojim smartphone ili sto god vec) - ja platim, Vi prebacite. Popijemo cugu i svako na svoju stranu Lokacija ZAGREB email: Posaljite broj telefona i nazovem Vas unutar 24 sata! Hvala! po kojem marketu se ravnas, i koliko BTC-a mozes da ispatis. Necu dolaziti u ZG sa 2 BTC.a i btw upisi se na stranicu local bitcoins
KUPUJEM BTC + LTCPozdrav svima. Kupujem Bitcoin i Litecoin - market cijena u kunama. Znaci fizicki se nadjemo negdje (Ja dodjem sa laptopom i novcima) - Vi dodjete sa laptopom (moze i svojim smartphone ili sto god vec) - ja platim, Vi prebacite. Popijemo cugu i svako na svoju stranu Lokacija ZAGREB email: Posaljite broj telefona i nazovem Vas unutar 24 sata! Hvala! po kojem marketu se ravnas, i koliko BTC-a mozes da ispatis. Necu dolaziti u ZG sa 2 BTC.a
how many coins do you guys think it will generate overall for 1 Neptune and how long will it take to break even when it delivers
30Btc in March 15btc in April, but prices can be 1000$ or 100$ for 1BTC, now all Jupiter's owners give up their Btc back to knc unknown projects 10000$ x 1200 =12mil$ and the chips manufacturing cost only 4,3$ mil To be honest, I am a bit disappointed that KNC turned a bit greedy here. Not only they don't need all these $12 millions for next generation chips, they already have huge profits from November orders, for which they already had the chips. i tottaly agree with you man, they are greedy
That was kida expencive when shipping may be as late as june... I`ll build my own bitcoin-miner.. with blackjack.. and hookers.. in fact.. forget the miner! hahaha and some texas holdem poker